Newspaper Page Text
JOHN U.ORERLY & CO., iniori.AMi'.s. To Debilitated Persons! minima irom l,ler Liirn- lami 10 uio bating no Appititel To thoso with llrolin D.,n Constitutions! rtitlviplc' TjC I lrn Waning Aviiiyl To tiny h Deb.ldiited Iilgotlie Orgin ' It II IT... 1. 1., till ...... ... . I... . . . '" 1 III- I IMMITV IIR lllplOHIS, Ii in I ate I'liooDrRi i. l.ui.n mi Stomni : ' at ''l, Inward I1 les, r nines or lllood lo tc Head, Arid. IV f r the H'm' li, Nallses, llfiril rn, i-t for food. Full- ricis l.r We llht III the Stoma.'!.. Vnnr i i mi, nkmgor Fluttering at il,e d lur Htoina. h, H rmninv of tlm Iliad, i r I" lor I) intuit llrcalhmv. I 'liiti, i i.. 't ( I' 11 nil Or Hufloi atmif Sensalinm ul,n In y nat I' l re, Dimness ol Vision, Dots or i W'jr tl.n S t.t. Feierand Dull Pain . i"'1 ii'-r ui i ers juration, lc wia -1 f lh--k.n Hit. I Iim I'lln I .H.. I-1. M. l,fiesl, 1,IIhI, ft . ( Men Flushes of Hi at. I r: g hi tii Mnii, rn. ! it 11 lltf- of I ' a:id (.rest I ('f C - "I. . f 111. I V II Wi:i. lll V- lirrnrMt'iic fi'VD without Aliohnl nr Spirit uf niii i:iiiit. 'tc r t fn r.i s!l other. i t om -t-J o! I r J r I'rinelnlr at ltor,t. i a J !ar r. as Medicinally termed, Ha iti' w rtli.issor merl portions of the In- 'inifiiii iig use I. TherHforc, inone lj. It h II Hers there ii eontained as irinefi v r' .e I ho humd in several gal. f rr r.rv in XI res llipriMiii. li. mi.,1 I'.lt-rs are nr nn m (.erniariy, llieir vital jlt-i oi'rai i m itml country by n ncieti t . s' an 1 f Mardcd in tho manufactory f 'r, :o ,iey are . ompounded and lot I n i l 1 1 i r iuou ingredients, this . sirc-ir ni in oi.jwiion-i tirii Hiriinii lirt. ilfi ro f.jr itunulinti lan l- in- If til II . tt lh..nn..l .nib.. b l .-.c7 t wt any rrutnitHU.i liate tMIII . . nltt.a . k m "Jfl t Mi' not iiM-lini-d (o -x I "t ar. I i n ld for ui in rmfi iirni1 al . - i in .mnt u ri-ijuiif-d int-mi ,nv thl i T n r- firfif ft! liim Ititlfra o ' ir f i' e T n .niain unr IkUi ol ''. ; nil vi i.ure si NT A CKr. . anittar il "f, . mnof r that tli 1 1 I I 1117)111 rf t m I'. M j r a la nvap nlnu nil a fri-.rl,on n itlily wxrri'aUr a mi .riuc" ci t.M is,".rra Ih jincc ol Hit I II ' tier lll.o. MhiPh many in-raona too Ii it'll. Tr.i-y tnunt lake into cnnli-r-lliat t - ' rn .laat un-d in cuaranfoJ to U' r ty A p-or rt.' ln could ! lur 1 at a r Viper pr bji it it not Ix-lli r lo 1 ui" inoiH ana nT- jfoo-i ariH!' ' A mal rrrpirat.n thrmid tonta n non but t inxrrilinl , and they Mho expi-rt to oli. : hap c :mpsund, n I bo bruelitted by it, cat certainly bn titated. I3LTTEUS; WOO I' I. V N ICS FLANDI'ulJul'HYKLIN VI UU van 1 1 nr. uv. y nrv llio tiri-nli-sl llliinil I'lirlll. th linim ii i md al wsrld, ani will era lieate ilineanei idk frjm impure b.ooil, Iiebdilyof the I.Ket ve.Orj;:it:. or Ii.-raed l.irer, in a it: nrr t me than any onerKnoan rem-I'die- Whole Supremi Court of I'vnnny iTknla for men remedif". Who would ak for lixn fict and "trom-fr ti'ilimony I if-orce W Moodwani, lorineny ctilet Jun oi Hie Htipremo lourt of lVnniylvania, at ent member cl (.oiijjren Irom l'turnylTii writo - I'hilvlvlphia, March 1C, IM.T. I Ilncfland -ilurman 11 tu m najjood tonic, in ! neaitu of ilio d gmtus orian, and of iciiedt in cm. cl iletiiliiy and want of H k Hon in tlm ji'lfin. Your, truly. HhultiiK W. WilOOWAIlli. ame Thoinpuii, I luef Juntuo of llin rjil ih Court cf ivnni) ivama : l'h l idelihia, April 2i, 1;T. ul ler Hnodand'-i In riiian llilterii u talu.1- ilrinu iiicantD of niiH.-k- or Indiienilon or p-i I can ceri n iiit irom my expcri I It. Y'ouri, will re-pert. JAMKITIIOMI'rfO.N. leorgc Plurfwoed, Juitn o of the iipreine t of Teun-jiin I'huad' Iphia, Juno 1, 1S09. to found by ex per. cin e HiiHail.l' n Hitter- n ft i'ry cnod tonic, relininK die hyinpiom- aimn 'iireruj ' ' ..r.nlUiK .-IlAlWWOOIi. 'in. K Uo(.-r. Mnjur ol Hit) City of Iluf N Mimr'i f 'IK e. llutlalo. Juui '.'i. lk(W. in lined llcotlur I - iterman Hitler nnd li my l.unily dunnj? the piLt year, and can nend thorn at mi exi i llent tome, inipjrl o and Vijpr to the mem. Their uo hns roJuclUo of decidedly I eneticial cllii'tn. W.M. V. HUiiKlW. unei I Wood. ex-Mi:)orot Mlliain-port i preat plcn-iuro m re' ommendinK Itoof Joiinan Tonie t imy onnwlic may be ill vridi I imti' im a 1 tho IivHiiemni no t huh linpo-mblo lu keep any loud on my h, and I bei-iiino no u euK iu not to be able t half ft mile Two bottle of Tonic ef i p.rfect cuje JAMES M. Wool). it'iulicr that lIootlaiHl's Herinao IIHIer.", lotlnnd'a licrman Tonic, will euro c-ery AhJIUS Oil WASTING AWAY OF 111V. 110 II Y., icinlicr that llooflnnd'H Oerman Il'mi i the tneJicine you reijuiri' lo purify the excite tho lorpul I.iver m healluy iictlon, enable you to pais mlelv throuh any pami'l exposure. IK. HOOI'IiA.MI'S JDOPHYLLIN Or Bubstituto tor Mercury I'illi. 11.19 A DOsK. The mo-t poHorful, jet inoccliti Veetablu Cuihnrtic himnn. lot noeon-nry to lake n hniiillul nt Ihece produco tho de-dred vtlcut, Tvto of them (sly and jioHcrlully, elean-iiti Hid Liter, li and 1 Inn i ln, ol nil impuiitiej. Tho l liicreillent m Podonhvlllll. or till) Aleo. Ixiraut of Mandrake, which 14 by iii.uiy lore powerful, nuting nnd earchiiij,', than ulroku itself. Il peculiar action m upon er, clramnK it ppecdlly from ull ob.truc ilh all tho poaer of Jlercury, yet Irco 1 1I10 ItiJiirluiiH results iittachcd 10 tho uao mineral. , , 1 oiaciurt in which tho iuo of n cathnitie ittd, tlit'BO pills will xlvo entiro -ulixliic-svery case, Thoy NKVhlt FAIL, ics of Liver Complaint, liiaiicpsila, nnd iiContivenctm.Dr.lIoorl.ind ' (iennnii Hit. Tome, Hhould bo used In lounectloii with 1. rhoionioeiiecioi ine niuer-i, or iontu, 111 tho nyatein. Tho ll.ttcis, or Tonic, pit '10 blood, tdrrngthenn tho nercK, trg. lie Liter, and given strength, energy mid your Howell ncllvo with tho 1'iIIh, nnd tho y-tvm with HiltoriH, or Toniu, and iso can retain tho hold, or even ticnul you. Iec that It U fir lloolLuul'ii (iennnii lli-m. hat urn so umvor-ally med uml hieluy louiicd, and do iiotullnw the druggisl to you totako anything else Unit liu may auy in good, bocatinu ho make 11 huge r prolft 1'lino remedlos will bonent by Kx press to lilt upon application to tho lTIINCIl'AL J, at the (1KII.MAN HKlMLlNh bTUKH. .(JUbTHEKT.I'lllLAIiULl'JIlA. :tlI.S. 31. KVA'S, l'roirlolir. .Former y . M. Jackson i Jo. a lm ir i'r i hy 11 dggist ml ui 01114 ia urr oorywinr PROPRIETORS. N A LOOMS. j Kli DORADO I-ILUAJU) SALOON AND HAH j ROOM. JOII.N U.KtVM, l'roirlrlur. l"i(.iiiiri.Tria Avenui-, CAIHO, II.MNOM , llent l.rnn.l of California t'ijMrJut rpOflp,l, BlU.UIill alO'in fiirnliiliiil . iln ide I, n ol u.i iillr 1 ??;' I'2r ""Pi"-'' 'lli Mlne,liiuurn MidHBHrKortliHniiPntliraiid". K I rr.( ! IC It A liTvs SAMPLE BOOMS "or. l oiii-innlti si. mill 'uin. inrrrlnl Aveniir. llTOIi:il.M,JH Mmpl Iloomn me Mrxked J. itli pun- importi-il wln-i, liquora niidcii!.ir, and 'ii'p'-n-' il from On- In lltit-clai-i '" ,e M '"fll'T MUMlilirnrnt In fcoutli. i i n lllinoin, lid mine tx-ttcr utookul, Call and lent tlir vanoiia lirandi ol winm and llriiorii. I'L'H.MTL'Iti;. 11. .S II AltllHil,, DKA LTCR J X TURN I TURE (iL'KKNSWAHE, UOU.SK rUUNISIIING (JOOI)S HAH KJXTtlKKS, (iliASSWAHK, 18") & 187 Commercial Avenue IAIHO, II.I.INOI?. ;U(X'Kltli:s AM) IIHV (iOOUS. WILLIAM Klal'OK. HlMt IS FAINI 1 LY GROCERIES, DllY-UUUDS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AVI) CAPS, KTC, lla. Juit reeelted a luavy sloe of Hoots and hhoes, Ho-irry nnd Notion', rOHSAI.i: FOH CASH VEHY CHEAP He 1I10 has a fin tock of Family (Irecerlei ol eryklnd. f'KEIi.SIXTH-ST. AND COMMER OIAI.-AV, CAII'.fl, ILLINOIS (JO TO W. W. TJI Oil ETON'S, HL'IIiDEHS' SUPPLY DEPOT, 13 TKNTII STRKKT, CAIRO ....ILLINOIS, von : Duort, 8hIi, nilnil. Monldlnga, lUitr (iutti'r,(inoli Wliiilownnd llooj Iriduci, I'loorlitKt I.atli, Slilnulc-, lilninl Nnuli, (ilnzecl Nlile l.lglitH, (iluzccl Trnnaoma, N111I1 Mi lulil'., Simli I'iiIIIp nnd Conli, llllnil I'liHtriilnKi, Itoollrikr I'cll, ItoolliiK (Vnient, Plantrriiia; I'iiht, Cnrprt Felt, Yliltr l.cml, I.limcsl oil, Aiiirriran M'lmlow tilnsi, i:iik'INh 11 ml Trench riiilo t.liiss, l'ullj, (ilmlrr'a 1'oIiiIn, h''o- IMc I'ntciit Clilmiipj-a, Ktc, :.. Etc. AOLMd lor Kock Itlyer I'aper Company'a hheaihtnir Felt and yuurli Cement. II W. John's Improved Kooflns alwayi on and. STKA31UOATN. MOUND CITY AND CAIRO THE STEAjM TUG, CACHE Gait. AVii.i.iam II. Sandusky. Mill MAKK FOUR TRIPS EVERY DAY iir.Twr.rv CAIEO 2ST3D IMIID. CITY J.KAVK CAIHO, loor 01 1 iuiitii sTinrr. At 7 A.M. At 10 A.M. At 1 P.M. At & I'.M. Lkavk JId. City-, WIIAKIHOAT, At 8.30 A.M. At 11,30 a.m. At "30 I'.M. At C.30 P.M. WILL LAND. WHEN HAILED, at Tim HOX FACTORY, HAWF.'a LANIIINO, KY. MOUTH OF CAUHK, MARINE WAYS, AND NAVY YARD. (ian rirn:its. II. T. 11ER0ULD; STEAE AND GAS FITTER AMI I'Ht.l.ll IN .as rix ri'iti.s, (im Fittci'H ntnl rittinbei's mnterUl, W00J pumps, gloho and aiigiii valvus, stop cocks, check villus, etc. Alio aui:nt rmi TiilHii IlrollicrN I'alcnt Iry Con Strlcraj And Morehouse, Wells A Co's Automatic) Wate) Indicator mid Supply Valve for steam hollers, WINTER1! flLOCK, COMilEUCIAL-AYENUt HOOKS, h ASH, f.TCl OAlliq THE BULLETIN. AFTER THE FIRE. MILITARY PATROLS IS PARTS OP THE CITY. ALL Ot'TRA'JES HY CRAZY DRI'NKEN POLICEMEN. OR TWENT Y..VINE CJI L'RCII Ks STROYED. MILLIONAIRES REDUCED HANKRl'l'TCY. DE- TO WHAT IS LEFT OF THE CITY. THE (M'TLOOK (IF TI'RE. THE IT- ClIICAOO. Octiilior 12 ":;!!) p. M. TI10 irociiii)Htion of Mnyor .Mn-on, surreiidur ififj; the t'litirc contro'l f tin- city to Onner al Slieridmii, linn lunl tho t-llect of produc ing ft Unto of riioru perfect ecurity tlinn IiHi Iierutoforo prcvuilcd. .MiIiturymtrol may now be icon in ull prt of tho city, lonely icnlinels ninong nillc. of niine. of wlint win but u fow dnys 11150 11 proud mid bebutiful city. TIIK SI'KI I A I. PoI.K'B F"K( f.. Tho spcciul pi lice -flfti'i'ii linnilred In number wen- utterly powerlen to pre vent the hundred- ol' thieves and robbers -a ho II vo here, mid nt onco fwnrmcd from hll lr-,'e cltb", from plundurinn ufc nnd residence. Allen Pinkcrton, chief of po lice, hoping to exert a snlurtury check up on theno outrages' isuod n ch'tiracteristic proclamation, forbidding strangers from congregutirm at street corner nnd other places, nnd instructing tho police to shoot down all tnch us might bo caught stealing or burning, or who rofii'o to obey orders when commanded to move nlon-;. SPOTTINO TriK I'l.l-NDEREP.l. When the extra police wero -worn in Detectivo Duckworth, of St. Louis, spotted not less than forty well known thieves, who were, of course, promptly ejected. Others, however, not so well known, wero sworn in, nnd to them must be attributed most of tho excesses. l.KOALIZKD r.XVKK-. Ono instance Is reported of u young and well-dressed man who wus ordered to move on, nnd not obeying as promptly as the ofllccr thought he should, he wr.s shot down and afterward'' roblied. Since the occu pation of tho city by this force over thirtv pcrtons have been shot or had their brains knocked out, and two, caught in the act of spreading kerosene oil and setting it on fire, were hung without n moment's warn ing. TIIK OP.IIII.V OF TIIK GREAT FIRE. Tho lire on Saturday evening, as has been already stated, occurred in tho plan ing mill 011 tho corner of Van Huron nnd Canal street". It spread with alarming rapidity, and beforo It was subdued tmd swept away 11 lurgo portion of South Chicago. Tho damage, however, was com paratively within bounds, most of tho buildings destroyed being framo and of small bi'zc. TIIK ORKAT FIRE. Tho origin of the Sunday night lire has already been stated. It was occa-ioned by the explosion of a kereoseno lamp in it barn near DcKovcn street. Tho flames at once enveloped the 'table and spread to ad joining wooden buildings, which wero soon in a blaze. A strong wind prevailed ut the time, and all eHorts to subduo the flro were unavailing. In a few minutes it had reached a large rooting eUabli-hment, where over l.OOU barrels ol tar were stored and this it was which t;uve it in fearful velocity. The contliigration became uen- ernl nnd roared like a vast furnace. Iron buildintrs, which wero Minno-ed to be lire prooi, mciicu noun in niuw minutes, nnd solid stono churohe- ank before it as if blown up by powder. I counted TWENTY-NINE RUINS OF CHVltCHES many of them as lino structures ns any in uiu country, aim which co-i not ic-s oil an average than $75,000 each. A few baro walls only are left to tell the storv of their former grandeur. Leaving tho corner of Congress street ami .Michigan avenue, ami driving along tho luko nnd through tho up per portion of tho city to Lincoln park, for livo miles, the eyo rests upon nothing but a shapeless mnss of wreck nnd ruin. ' Tho great cathedral, the bishop's mansion, Pot ter Palmer's hotel palace, hundreds of elegant nnd expensive stores nnd dwel lings nil full beforo the tlumc storm, which consumed in twenty-four lionrs 11 vo hun dred millions of dul'ltirs worth of property. A SINdFI.AR ClKlTMSTANl't: is the entiro absence of iubbi-h -initio from tho walls left standim Scarcely a stono or brick or scrap ol iron can bo seen on iho ground. It is all reduced to powder. 1 Lo lira pa-sea by anil iirounil the water tower fronting tho avenue, without oven shattering a pane of glass, tmd attacked tho rear building, burning out all the wood works and injuring ilio engines so as to render them powerless. This cut oil' tho supply of water, and left tho great city entirely nt tho mercy of tho merciless lloud. THE HEAVIEST SUFFERERS. I had a lencthv conversation with .M. I), Ogden, Kn-ij., tho largest lumber dealer in tho West. His residence alono escaped, and now stands solitnry and alono in it wilderness of desolation, coverinc an area three miles long by 0110 111 ilu wide. It is n double framo structure, two stories high, with a Alansnrd root, ami escaped without being even scorched. Tho linmes cnine sweopiiiK down Dearborn street, leavini: scarcely on stono upon another, and was caught by a counter current of wind just at his house, and changing its course, shot in anoiuer uireetion, loaving nothing in its wako but wreck nnd ruin. In other portions of tho city itr. Ogden was less fortunate. His vast lumber yards wero swept nway, including thrco and a half million feet of pino and other lumber, nnd entailing upon him a loss of fully two mil lions 01 ttoiiars, A SAD SCENE. Ills nephew, AVm. Jones, is ainunir thu many victims who wero dovoured by tho names, no romoveu iih lamiiy irom 111s residence, and had parted with his wife but iv few moments, when his horse nnd buggy wero seon dashing nlong tho strecU, and It Is presumed that thu young mini wus thrown cut and burnt boforo ho could oseupu, To ndd to his losses, Mr, Ogdeu received a telegram yesterday announcing that his lumbor mills at Pestigo, on Urcon Hay, Wisconsin, lmd been destroyed, to ILLINOIS, SATURDAY OCTOBER M gether with tho town, burning alivo thirty , souIk, Including hii partner, wife nnd three .iuil-ii, ins nepnew nnci wifo rum iih u- perlntcndcnt and family of thice. Tho uispatch ndded: "Tho woods aro all ablaze, and vo fear your plnorv will bo de stroyed." .Mr. Ogden boro up'brnvcly tin der this scries of upnlling disaster?, merely remarking : " If this bo true, I shall lose 'iw.wj more ana be a ruincu man. This is hut ono of tho many terriblo storic I henr hourly. POTTER PALMER'S LOSSES iuo Immense. Two miles of mngiilflcent store on Stato street nro In ruins uni his grand hotel, tho Pacific House, Is gon. Ho had invested million a of dollars in building up Chicago, and to do this had mortgaged heavily the larger part of his improved property. It was but a short time boforo tho flro that ho had secured a loan of SU;0,000 nt 7 3.10 per cent., nnd ho hns nothing left to meet his heavy loans but barren lots and what little improved property may lmvo been spared in the southern part of tho city, entirely inade quate to iniiko him whole. He was largely insured in home companies, most of which are bankrupt and unablo to meet their loses. THE OltKAT IIONFIItK. Tho elevators, which completely envi roned thu city, and which contributed largely to the trade of Chicago, wore swept nwuy in a few moments. Thero nro but four left standlmr, two owned by Munri !fc Scott, ono by Flint A- Thompson, and thu Central elevator on tho Iiikc. Three mil lion bushels of grain urc still burning, mak ing monstrous bonfires, which, with tho ncres of coal on lire, cast a dismal glnro over tho ruins nt night, 11 11 1 present n sickening spectacle. THE LOS- OF LIFE cannot nt present bo computed, but it has doubtles been fearful. Already over 11 hundred charred bodies have been dug from tho ruin, nnd hundred of frantic persons scouring thocitv in search of their loved ones, who havo been missing sinco fcunduy. An old French womnn, who baroly escaped with her, told mo to-day that alio counted no less than forty person-, men, women and children, ih tho river at ono time, all of whom mot 11 watery iirnve. A FKARFCL REPORT. Tho servants nt tho Tremont houso wero in the top story of tho hotel at the time of its conflagration, nnd as none of them have been seen since, it is feared that they were burned to death. Tiiere wero about fortv of them. WHAT li LEFT OF TIIK CITY. Theontiro business portion of the city Is de-troyed. The paido of Chicago, Sl'nto street, with its largo stono row, Jtundolph, 11.1! r 1 ..... . . ' jinui-on, jionroo nmi v nsiiingion street, with their grand hotel, massive insurance and banking establishments and wholesale houses, are laid in nhe-. The Wet side stands as before, but. with few exceptions, contains nothing but frame building-. Portions of 'WaUa-h and Michigan nve-nue- nnd the North end remain, with nomo handsome residence, but the valua ble ami ulegnnt portion of the city aro a tuns- of smouldering ruins. Tin p"'.oIlice nnd custom houo sutl'ercd less from tho continuation, perhaps, than most of tho building. Everything of nn intlammu blo naturo was consumed, but tho walla aro intact and tho cdillccs can easily bo rebuilt. Tho sumo is truo in part of the Tribune building. Its exterior i- nearly intact, but it is otherwise in ruins. It is stated to-day that tho four and six eylln der pre-ses'aro but slightly injuredund can be put in running order in a few day-. Tho Tremont house, Revero house, Pacflic hou-e, Dunlap house. Mns3uoitliouentnl other hotels destroyed, and board of trado building were literally razed to thu ground. Tho only prominent building remaining are tho Michigan Avenue hotel, Laclede hotel, Denison house, lUenev ic Campbell's planing mill, tho Vulcan Iron works, Kehoo's blocks, Hocrber's block, tho convent, St. John's Congregational church, Turner hall, Salem Oerman Lutheran Church, Jesuit cathedral, col lege and sohool house, three elevator, the railroad machine shops and car works nnd Htiriington hall. A HEART RENDING fcCENE. 1 went out yesterday to the jiruirie where tho houseless sutl'ercr took shelter, and I never beforo witnessed such a heart rending spectacle. Spread out upon the ground wero fomo seveniy-uvo tiiosuami persons', most of thorn without a blanket to cover them, nnd all Mill'ering from cold nnd neglect. They informed me that their siitla-11 had been Intense, and that dur ing thu night thnt over it dozen of their number nail uieii. uno poor woman was vainly trying to givo nourishment to 1111 infant about four weoks old, whilo by her nidolnv tho dead body of a littlo girl of tliroo vear. J nev nru bo iil' conveyed to tho city nnd atlbriled shelter, raiment and nnd food as rapidly ns po-sible. U AS AND WATER. A portion of tho citv has been in dark ness thrco days, owing to tho destruction of gas work in tho cast nnd soutli portion of the city. Tho western works are tho property of C. K. Garrison, Esq., o( Now York, and n brother of tho St. Louis funi ily of Garrisons. Pipes aro now being luid through the tunnel to connect the east end, and gas will bo turned on in a few days. Thero being but ono residunce on tho South side, It is not probablothat these worn win no reuunt lor somo timo to come. Labor will bo npeedilv commenced on tho waterworks, and it i expected that the engines will be in running order in a fow weeks. .Meantime, tho I ro ciiir ncs nro being employed in forcing water' into thu pipes for daily consumption, and fuelde streams nro running in most parts uf tho l 1 .11 .!.. CT 1 unmet uisirici. Till: NEWSPAPERS TO (10 ON. Tho Journal, Mail and Tribune havo ap peared, in nbrovlated form. They are bo ng publlshod at Edwards' printing hotiau until now buildings can be erected. The 7Vmc.v will be out in its usual dress and size as noon as the type can be shipped from tho east. now eiiicAiioANs treat the mattkii. Rents have udvnnced enormously on nil empty and teuiiutiiblo house., tho owners uoing quid; to luko advantage of thu ter rible situation. I was shown a small six room dwolllng to-dnv for which seventy- five dollars u month I demanded, that could havo been rented at twelve dollars tlx days ago. Thu snmu spirit is mani fested by dealers genurallv, exorbitant prices being demanded for all the necessa ries ol lite. I ho fuw hotels luft standing nro asking elgnt dollars a day, nnd inlirior accommodation i ut that. Tills Is nil wrong, and is loudly condoiuned by tho bolter class of citizens, who Justly think that "cliatity should begin at home." THE WORK OF UECONS1 111 I HON. Dusplto thu terriblo condition of n Hairs, which has swept away in a few brief hours tho fortunes of 1ml 1' tho community, thero ? a fixed determination on tho part ol 1.871. most of them to light over tho battle of! no on uio old stamping ground. Spaco has been obtained on tho Michigan nvenue commons for business linns, who nro busy erecting smalt framo offices, nnd from nlmoit every private rcldcncc may bo seen tho signs of well known whole-alo and retail denlers. A fow of the muro enthusiastic talk of making Chicago moro formidablothan over in flvo years. Tho railroad innnngcrs have agreed to furnish their full share of means, and Hoiton nnd New York capital ists havo telegraphed that thev will ad vance live million dollars If "ncccarv. This will go greatly towards repairing tfio 'J,u,fy. Lut Is far short of flvo hundred million., the aggregate lo-'. Repoil of thu CoikIIHoii of Tin: CITY NATIONAL OF CAIRO, HANK. At Cairo, in iho itntn of Illinois, at the c!oo of bilsines-, October;!'!, is, I. HKsot;i:ciy t lnn and discounts f. f. Honds to secure clrcu- lion I.'. Si. bonds on hand Olhtr Hock-, bond and mortcaces fi-,0.M a 100,01.1 oi, IC,2.V) 03 s.'os r.r l,sTu 57 Oierdrft'ts I MHi from redeeming and re- serre agents 852.J10 18 Due from other National Hanks f.T.i'.ll p; Due from banks and bankers ll,slI 122,11 Harking house i'l.'Miio Other real estate 1S.1TO ! 10,1 ;u 1.-, .1,30 2'. 50J 2S Current expenses 2,1:11; v. Taxes paid 1 j , Premium. Checks and other cash items B.MS 50 Mils orother National banks :),t:'i on Fractional currency and Dlckeli 1,TU so Soecle.ooln 7 111 si Leal tender notes.. 'I- I2.CI7 t,l !l:'.7l II LiA HILITIHS Capital stock Jl(),oiu ts) Surplus "its.) 14 lircnlation outstanding ....... ssj'ti 10 Kxchanac 2,77. 23 Inlere.t ,3, si Profit and loss li!,sr !i7 31, 1.! 02 Indivlilml deposits 2"" is.1 " Due to fciatobinks an 1 bunk- ' 22,372 II il.),7s t State of Illinois, Alexander county, . I, V. Ilvnlop, asmiant cos.'ucr of tho City Na tional, ol Cairo, do udeinuly swear Hull thu avove statement Is true to the best of my knowl odneand belief, W.HYdLOI', Asst. Culnir. Subscribed aud sworn 10 before mo, this 7th day of Cctober, 17I, II. II. CAN JiF.K. correct Attest ; Notary Public. W. Ilalllday, 1 It. Il.Cunninsham, -Idrcctors. II. I- ll.illl.lsy. J THIRTY-FOCRTH REPORT ! Of tho Conilition of the NATIONAL FIRST BANK OF CAIRO, ILL. At Ihe clou' of business, Octol-r 2.1, U72. ItKiUritCES. L"an and discounts ..'j7I 20 ller dratls t, t3l 13 I . S. bonds to secure circula tion i,'Sm (i V, S. bonds and securitl. a on Imii'l 3,:n u. Other siocks, bonds, uud inort- l-'ii!es W Duo from redeemiiiir and re- nervo okciiIs 19,12 it! Duo from oilier National banks 3.1127 21 Dun Irom banks and binkers... l,n-i '.is lted p-tnt,. ill rurnuure ami nxiiircs 3,7m ul Current expenses 2,2iil !U Tsies paid 1 002 3S C.ish Itcmi, including stamps lsu 01 C.11I1 on hand, in coin t 2,uS3 II Currercy UT.mci Il-2.,0Stl s' 2ol,121 HI 0 isi LIAniLITIF.S: CapilM stock i.xcnaiii;c j.7r.i ts Interest U,iy.'.Y C7 Profit and loss ids l"i Circulation outstanding Duo to National back Individual deposits I,'i7.1 111 73,00o (si 3(1 17 S0,(i.-i2 37 2DI 12-. t, State of Illinois, County of Alexander, s. 1,',N Hughe, cash er f tho Firt Nition il Hunk ot Cairo, do oleumlv swear that the aboio statemei't is true lo tho bct o! mv knowledge and belief. C. N. HVallH-. Ca-hier Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th day ol October. 1-71. CHAS. Cl-.NNl.M.HAM. Correct sttest ; Notary Public. I). Hurd, ) Itobt. W. Miller, -Ibreetor II, -Meyers. J j.i.ti:h. MOORE A- MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental PAIWTEES, Decorallse I'aiierliaiiln, Itiilsomiii liilf, !., Done in tho highest . tyle oi tho ait. and n rates that ilcly compctltton. SHOP IN PERRY llOUSi:, CORN Kit OF Sill STREET AND I'MMKRi IAL AVENUE. CARL L. THOMAS, pii p.ired to do all kinds of plain andorna ui'iiial PAINT AT.;, KAI.SO.MINING, PAPER HANGING SIGN WRITING, KTC., Al tlBuies nlnoh defy all eninpetion, and in the lushest stylo cl tlio painter's art. SHOP IN TllirPEP.RY HOUSE, t'ouNKit or commercial avenue and EIGHTH hi IIKl: T. )l' ICR EST ROUTE FROM SOUTH IliLIiNOlS CENTRAL R. R. Sr. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi cago, nkw t (IRK, Ho.vroN, POINTS EAST AND WEST. Pusscuger trains arrive at ntnl leave Cairo as fol lows: MAIL. IXI'IILSS. Abhivi' :ii:io .'lido p.m. In 1 Aiir 1 111;, p. 111 ui 15 ji.iii. Until train conncet at Centraha with train 011 Ine roB I'aiia, Decatur, llloiiiniiigti u, III Paso, I.hshIv, Meuilotu, 1 1'oi'porl.O ib 11 1, 1'iibu.pie, and (III pillIIIS III III lll'in, ! ih nuri, Mlni.i'-ni.i, i isi'ousla and loiiii. And with Lines iiinnlng Kmt and West for st, Lotus. tpr,uigiicil, Louisville, Cini'itiiuti, linliaiiiipotis, Coliimhus, Aii'l id Clnciigii it 1II1 Jltcliigan Central, Mielug lu Mimliciii, mid Pittsbiug, Fort v)ii nnd lintcago ItailriutH tor Dcttull, Clevelatul, Dunkirk AHmii)', lliision, Plilliulciphiii, Magru l ull,, Hrle. IliiUato, New Yolk, I'ltlsburg, ll.Utlliiore, Washington. AND ALL POINTS EAST TIIK MAILS. arrive utrinr. .. S.OOa. in. :W p.m . 2i2n p;m. 11,00 p.m. North, Throtign " Way South, Way l..l)p.m. ;(io p.m. " Through N. O., Mem phis and Columbus 2.30 p.m. Ohio Itlter route, (except Monday) ;oop.m. Iron Mountain It. It 2:30 a.m. MIm. Itiver route, Tuesday and Friday 0:00 p.m. Thebc, Oooe Island A SantA I'e, Ills., Thursday A Fri day ; 0:0.1 p.m. MaylleM, lllan.lvillc and loielre-o, Ky 11.00a.m. omcr. iiiiirs. rlencral Delivery 7iS0a.m. (.Sundays s 10 9 a.m.) Money Onlr ilepaitmcnt CO a.m. 1.00 p.m, 6.00 p.m. lt.)p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m, 1.00 p.m. 6.00 Itegister ' " 8.00a.m. S.00 p.m. Money Onler and Heglater department no open on Sun'lay. WitFrjTtDERs. THE MASONS. Ciiro JOom w iDr rt, No, 13. Staled Assembly at the Asylum Masonu U.11I, first and thud. Sat urdays In each month. Cairo Coc.m it, No. 21, Hegular Convocatlonat Masonic Hall, tho second Friday In each month. Csiro CiiAPTra, No. 71. Kegular Convocation at Masonic Hall, on the third Tuesday of every nuntli. C.siR'i Loiwr, No. 237 F. A A. M Itexnlar Com. muniealioiis nt Masonic Hall, tho second and fourth .Momlais o each month. Drill l,oiiii:, No.Ms F. 1 A. M. Regular Com munications at Masonic llall nrt 11 nd third Thurilays m each month the odii-fki.i.ows. Alr.XAMT.11 Lonur. 221. Meets In OldFellow's. Hnll, In Art-r's Hull linn, every Thursday even ing, ai so C10.1K. CAIRO AND LOCISVILLE WViVly Packet for I'adiicah, Kvansville and Lou i-vllle, the favorite steamer, T. O. UV.MA.V. .Mnsler. Lsnios Cuiro every SATl'DHA Y nt ." o'clo:k p.m For freifthl or pi-acapply on boardur to JAN. IIMiliH, Ak'I, CAIRO AND PADITAH 31 A 1 1. I tO. IT, T'ic "plendul steamer Joe S un lor, JInslrr. aes Olio Hll ,V, n. For Irelzht "r (Sin'lty excepted) at 4 tii'sies a npli nnboardor JAN. IN, Att'l. CAIRO AND EVANS VI LLE v. s. .11 a 1 1. im-hi:t. The f.isi. running, light liimght steamer, MAIjUE UAGON, Ot'ri FOWI.F.K Master WILL FUWLKIt Clerlt Leaves Cairo i:Vi:itY "L'NDAYand THUIMDAr (in puce nr tieiimer Idlew ili:i, at o p.m. JAN. IIH.I.S. Aii't PADCCAH AND EVAXSXILLE, (In place or ihe Ark. Ilcll), TIIK SPLENDID I.IHIIT DRAUGHT STEAMER DICK JOHNSON, 1IOYVKM,, MitHlcr. Will lento Cairn for Kvanvtllc cte.-y WKDNF-S. DAY nnd ATFItHAY nt 5 o'clock, p.m. For freight or passage, apply on board or to JAN. IIII(IN, AK't. IIO AT NTOHI. a m" wT17son7 n 1: .1 1, 1 11 in BOAT STOEES QKOCKRIKS. PROVISIONS, ETC., u. IIO Ohio Lkvke, Caiuo, III. oroirs rnoMi-Ti.r riiirn. (J. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GKOCEH, PRODUCE AND COMM ISSION MERCHANT, No. Til Ohio l.esee. c a 1 it o, 1 1,1,1 n 0 1 ' m 1 rial mtcutioti I nt orders. given lo Consignment. MILIUM llll MIS oartii's iiitiNSTiNf. JJAUiMAN & IIAL'ENSTINE, Cill, AND M1.CIIAN1CAL i:ni!inki:iis and akimiitkcts, llross lluililliiu, corner llletriiili air Mini S'liiiiiiieiclul use,, Cu'ro, tilt. 1)1. AN" Nt M'i:(Tl-'lc'iT'"Sf..r,i I brain die. 1. of ( ivn l-'iigiin eruig and A rein lectin .. such a. M ip lur Counties, Districts 01 t urpnrations. Plans und Ciilcululiuiis lur Meniii an I afi I'oiicr, tor In LstsM'slu , b.r lr..n, hl'iiui or W"oden Pridg s, bo 1 hiireliss, Court lloiiesaniloih-r I'Mblic Pud ( ngs, liu- n-.- uml Dwlllllg llnllses, Colliiges, etc o'c, llirni-he.l at short notice, set 2Jtf i..tvvi:its. ALLEN, Ml'LKEY - WHEELKR ATTORNEYS AMI COUNSELORS AT LAW, William J. Allen, am J, Allen, 1 II. Jfiiikci, y lei P.Whecler.J jiiiiu 11, Siiinuel I CAIUO, ILLINOIS. liO'PHriiciilar aiteulloii paid 10 rlvir nnd ad. mtr.ilty business. Ol-'riCi: llier Flint NKtlmisI llauk, Ohio Levee. " (JREEN - C,ILHEin ATTORNEYS AMI COUNSELORS AT ;LAW. Willi un II. ecu mi, "I er,, William II (iilbert I'Alllo, ILLINOIS. .Miles t , (.iiltjcrt 8"Speclai attention glren to Admiinlty aud Ste.tmbvat business, 0FF10K- -01IIO LKVKK, ROOMS. 7 AND 8 OVER t ITV NATIONAL HANK. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV O.M .MISSION AND FOIlH AUniXU. WOOD RITTEN'HOUSE, (S sior ol Ayers A Co FLOUR General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, . Cairo, Illinois. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.. (Successors to l n. Hendricks Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WHARF-110 AT PROPRIETORS caiiu. fSix,''i,'eral Advances mi WSl Consignments. upon, Are prepared to receive, store am orward freights to all points and buy am sell on commission. WHuslness attended lo promptly. H. M. IIULEN, GKOCER and CONFECTION MTBRCiarAasra?. No. 134 Commercial-avc., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MILLER Sc PARKER, COMMISSION GENERAL FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AMI DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. 58 Ohio Lf.vke, CAIRO, 1I.1.S. Z. I. MATHUSS. E. C. UHL. MATHUSS & UHL, ami .i:m:iial, Comm ission Merchants, DEALERS IN HAY AND WKSTKKX PKODUOE, Xo. 01 OIIKt I.KVKK, Itttueecn Fourth J Sucth Sis., nug22 diwtf CAIKO, ILL. CLOSE & VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMI Cement, Plaster Paris, AND PLASTERER'S HAIR, I'nrner t'.lclilli Street nnd Ohio I.fveo CAIRO, ILL. JOHN li. PIIILLIS, (Successor to Purker & Phi'.lis,) GENERAL COMMISSION AMI FORWARDING MERCHANT, AMI DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS,' Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TENTII-ST. and OHIO LEVEEJ CAIHO, ILL. W.SIralloii. T. U'ld STRATTON A; HIRD, tfilccessnrs tnHtralton, HiidioaA Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, f7 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. Hf"iguta af American Powder Co., and man. facluiars agents for crllon yarn. J)7dl NERVOl'S DEBILITY, M'llli Iln irloomj- nlli'iiilniilnj, lost anlr- iih- ueiir, asiiiu, sniiiiiiury emission, I lonsol kciiicn, nperiiiiilorrliii-n. Ions ul' liiiiicr' ilUsy hris.l, loss or lus-iiiury, uml llirciileiieil liiiiirlenre mot 111 be. ) elllls, iiikI 11 loer.'lKU euro lu lltiui. lrT lluilllllllUlllll- HICCIIIC o I II l lll) -ellil. Composed ot thu itioHt valua b.i mild i.ti.i potent 1 urntlvea, Ihey strike a ou.lii at the roots ol tha matter, tone up th svs tern, arrest Iho discharges, and Impart sigor nd jiiemy.llluiiiidvluiitj to thotutue man. Tney love cured thouii'id of eases, Price, $1 pur packtgesol tlvcboxoa and a Urge li tial, utiich is very IniiiortULt lu obstinato or old case, or i persmglsbox, Hold by all drusgisU, and oi by mail on uoelpt ot price, Addresi Uumohwy ttpeclhc lloinsopathlu -Medium Co., til Broil .b P HCItUII. 'I apiiwsw I