Newspaper Page Text
mt 'lOU'S . OVMIY & CO., IMIOJ'L.I.VII'N. To lit lul'talcd Persons ! I'yspept,. i)' To .ri!.n r from Liver Ci.rn- plaiiil To those hating no Appetite! To those Mith llrolcn lion,, Constitutions! i Ms I'm, n T.(' i,!r.nVnMinxAftV! Tonnytt li !', .tntr-l iHj-isilte Or;, u.' Siillerliii; "Mil iiii.v ( (!. l olliiu ins I S.t itiliini, I I'lC in) . I' I'M Kl.rilt ! I.Ik 1 1' ... (.Tulii. i fU' It .ii Con I Mtiiti, Ipttaiil r In. Hum or 1 ' Mot ii ll.a.l, ,,. it y f the f'omn-li, Nbii.i-h, ll I'- 'rii, li t'.i-t lor I1.1..I, Kill), ni' it Ueght n tho M..tnai h, oiir m. nan. j nr f Inn....... ... 1... f tJif f I m li. Hxiinininir 1 1 tin Head, ie r Ureal)., 0 : n.,.iJ,... ;L:.V. II. Ma 1 mining . I I l.n 1 1...! In f li.ibii.d....i... ..... ".", ' ' I.) iitf roatiirr, liimne-. ol Vision, lints or I Wrlm Urjri. Ui. M uhl, reversal llull Pain i-ai, ien icn' 01 t'.-r-p.rxl 10 ti, V mi '.'f"t k onnd r.)e., I'aln i I jc h If Ma k i i,eit. l.inib", 1 " . ."j ilfn r ii.lii-. of II- mt. V .rn ii m tlif Hh, iun. ' ' i Iiiiauiii iiv. of I i I, Mi l (irnt I'. .' .in .. '"(iirili. OFI.A.NI) SliKIt.MA.V 1HTTKHS Wiith.f v!thi,iit Alroliol tir .ViiViV of mil ihmi. II .'i ' r. n a I .th.-r. I i. i ni... , i , e ul l'nn. i... ni IIikiI., a i l!ir, t, ini i i-in.llj l.'.-iiK-d Ki. I.- -' "r ni"' irmo ol Hie in. Ill, it I,; ii. . . r irri-nrP,lliOD 101 I t I. l-r I'm. fonl.iiiii'.l h mti.'i. ii.-. X r i" i w I u louii.l in ..1'ii'ral Kl I ' ry in it -t. The l.m ,.!(., li. i l 1 I iL,--i;r km n lionnsnj-, lli.'ir i ' ' v- n ...rii .'..iinir) i.y n H'i.-i. i ..ii ir-.j i.i i inin(iii4 iorj 7 i .) in . ompun.l-.! n. li. c 11 r ; I til r lUOIIi IIUff.ll. lit., ll.ln if f in .(in i.l 'iihon-i iiru.! t.enn.1 Iiiits I,-, ic f.jf ( iriiuliDir inn in In. I' ' ' ' i i')' cannot tnaki' .Iriiril. n I : i. t ii li-.-:. .r.'uni-l.nt'. Ii.ip I ii n I- i tt i. I llOl'IiANDS fi HUMAN TONIC in . j- I ' i, r.. h" ; r i.ot iiK-lmcl to pi- I .i i.i ,r n u in fii.f. . nt i. ' i'.-ii i'i ..t 'hp Hi.' r.. i.i n onp Iwltlp ol j rp fs.NTA rilltz I .out hi ' e n; I - i K if C I I T "PS 1 n ft! I fat I r ii.nuopr Hut thpix. H i-r i .-r I I ' fj ) nly ifrf.'.iWe anil i rjt i I ti ' 1 i I ulMirituif ll. inpitlc-'f. f li 'it.. Hip i.rwr nl ii,.. II I T . W.lH'-l niHtli 1.1'fM.ll. It i Tr-v o.'.-t trtkp ii,l p.mi,l.p Ii it ti p r r ii ..'i nu tran t- pj to 1 ' A I r mi l i- ul't Op lur Ii at h Ii lur ii o l.ut ia it not Iwiiir l I tP 111 ill RCl'l lltri' i 110 I art.. 'I. 1 A nl prrnrat r.11 li..ui.l i ..nia n nonp I.111 inKrr.i " ni- . an l tiipy li ptnprt to I. ICipap piiii. mn I an I lip I'Pneattp.l ly it, pit cpna.nij opcmpiipj. VAUi AN B LITERS; iioiu'1,,1 sws TOITIC; writ 'LAN D S PODiJl'H Y I.LI N VI I.L win 1 1 .r. vol. i nn- tin-(Jrriid'il HI. in. I I'nrlll ITS lilllMtll I 'IIP I w nil. 1 .t ' I'rn'liPRla 1I1 tea. if. f " 1, Irl.ilny of Hip I r 1 l.iver, ' 1 n n 1 ni.- ilian any 1 ' rrin Cillfl I.VIicIc S -ir mp Court of r.-nn-jhann Iur 11. p.- rpiiip.iipi. 110 ('i a. a uir tin fip i an. I troni-pr lomniou) ? o...ijr 1, lorinpiiv i.n pi jui 1 llip MiiiK iiin juti of I' nniyltatnn. -I lit iiipihIkt ui cour.'-i Irom t'cnn.jliri. INIPl: !). U.lcli.lin. Mar.h ie. Illi'.ltl.lll'l Olirr.l.KIl II I 1:1" laaKOiPl triiiic, 11 iiimin. ot iiu. iii.'ini Oman, nn. 1 01 Intlil 111 'ni(. 01 iienii.iy an haiu 01 alien 111II1 .ypn mir-, iruit , f.K ilti.p W. WIKJOWAItll. hp T ioinon, Cmrf JuaIKe 01 lllo Mil L.:lltlrl -cni.I)iran at I'M I nl- l.'lim. Anril H. Im.7. Il.l-r II. oil n.t'a iii rm in llillcit. a tallia. li.'ini. inc'Pi of atiaeKa r lii'lu'i'iiiun or I can '.'ti:n lliii Irom my pjik'H- it. 1 our., vruii r "-i-t. IJAMIln I llliJiriJ. orgp tJlnir'ttocil, Ju-uc-o of Hip xiprpiiip I 1 puu)'rnia 1'i. ia I' Iptii.i Juno 1, Iw. foun.l liy px.prpi.' llootlaii.l'a Hi ipra i n ery '! tonu, rplK-iii BVIIllitOllli 11I111 "t .l.n-cllj ' ' liLOIKiK MIAlliWOOII. III. K I'OiPri", MJor ol lliu Cnj of lluf- , 1 i .Muor'aOIVp, l'i'ttilo. Juno 22, IfO. u.pil llf.iilnr. IN ii.Tiiiuii Hitlers nn.l Imy Inn iy n lti (i.-t )i'Hr, an 1 can ml ill. 11 a. nu .XLi'lli'iit loiiii, imparl- ami vi)cr to tlio MM. ni. Tl'Plr ui Iiu. Jiic.lle .if I ciipticial Pltii'ti W.M. f. ltU(ii:itri. loi .M Woo'l. rzMr.)orol Williamfport plcmurn in rrcominrnillne Hoof 1111 n Tonic t. iiny nnowlic may boat ill llvrp pi". I hall lllo ll)Cpi'p.ll 10 1111 inii.o.ilil lo kpep an) 1 1 on in) a .1 I I.PI-AI11I HI IW'tlK it. not 10 0. uIjip lialf 11 mill. Two lint loa of T011K' i f rioet cure JA.'ir.-i .M. winil'. Imlirr llmt Ilooflniiil'a (ferinan 111 1 1 or, luutl (.ermnn T.nlo, will line tti ry IMLN "It WASTI.NO .WAV III' Till; iionv.; Inlirr tlml Hoollaii.ra Oerman llemo I iv ineilicinoi j.iii rrquirnio puruy uir I'lte til 1 rpni i.ivrr 1.1 iii-hiui) i...'iioii, ul.ln you In hhIi-Iv tlirmmli nny ll'l CJp.J-.lll'. Inn. iioori.AXirs Idophyllik Huijiilitulo lor Mercury Till. i s a liO.SI". T ie uio-t iiohpi 11 . yet I cent, Vent-table Cntlmrtio hiinmi, nnpn.mrv lo takn n liamlltil ol ir,te Ihliiuo tliculo ireii'llC't. 'IVool tlieni mnl pon't'iiuiiy,! uiu i.1.11, lillld II Ul'll, nl III. IlllpUlllleJ. Ilio iiKreilient ID ro.iopnynin, or 1110 rti.'o act nl ,M imlrike, uliivh 11 by iiiuny ,. p. Heriul. iii tiii!,' nml .ciiruliln, ilu.n .Ike llkrll'. In pt'i-lil.ur r.i'lioii 1- upon "Irani k it "pti'illiy from nil iib.uuc nil I hi. Iiu.ll' of M.'lc'lirv. Alt 11 00 1, 0 Injurioiin reult4 iiltiu'licl 10 Hie use l.T'll. ie.ieH in nlileli tlio tin. of a cmhnitlc II, t'loao i.1111 win uitii entiro aniiHiaC r tine. I'liey NI'.VI-.ll KAIIi. nl l.iver Kiiil'Hi... iv.''..n, iiiiu IiitlveiieiH, nr. tlo.ui.iuu a ue.iiu.ii ti.t. 111c, aliotilil Iiu une.l 111 uiniifCtiou ullli Iriiuioiiicelli'i-tol llic imior, or louuj I In. ay.ti'iii. -i nu 11 tieii, t 1, pit I Ulo .1, mrinKiiiHiis 1110 in ri', ri'K tiivt-r, ami give HireuBtli, tnert!) utnl ir UoHO'ti aeilto with the !'ill, nml n avalelll with Hilt -rn, r Tollll), .mil liau reinU tho I10I1I. or etui io..ill you, , It Ih lir lin.iuuu.ri iit-riiiiiu iiein uro mi till vor.iuiy iwbu nun 11 ,-iiij k.l ; nn.l no no' I'U.irt ho uruK;l-t lo 0 tako iiiiyiiiing emu 111.11 110 imiy iy .0,1. l..i-iiu8H ho uiiiKoa 11 Utuer prolft I'.e r-une It, will brttfiit by hxpiexto run 111 iipp liuiiou to 1110 i-iil-mjii-au V. j.lAtti .v ..1.111,'iv. k'rniik' III 111" I LI. '. i'.l.l'l' .- .WI., BTiu;i:r, i'jiiiiaiu.i.i-iiia. III AS. .11. S'VAXS, 1'roprlclor. K.inuer . M.Jucliton fo, rS viiiil a nr r. i n 1 M ' lur San fj . t.l. r ne 1 e'Urri t verywii'T I'KOPRIETORS. ftAI.OO.YN. ML MORA DO ! IMLLIAHJi SALOON AND IIAR , KOOM. " JOIIA i.ATi:.N. Proprietor. 1'WC.tiiirnTcinl Ati'nu, CAIRO, ILLINOI ' II1 iinl of California i-jr. u. i i,.cpip,, IV.1'.' Vl"n f""l''""l 'ltd Hi. I m ol i J.J. In,,lei i ?i'l lur sum, I i.l will, win., Ii.hi,,, nii'i cii-nr. hi We-MiMcst n'mjHHAi.n's I S -A. IjZ 3? 31 E BOOMS 'r. Iniirleeiilli Hi. nml (11111. Herein I At mi Hi'. , InZ.i;ilAl.f ' irnfl- IImoiii. an- sin..,.,! Ji. . vv'"' 1 1 im'" Mul m s. Ii'ini.r. nml piusm. j h i. nr- di-pcn-ed fiom il... i,r , nrst-chis. style. l(i-iii.ol.i..r'.iiilili.iii,.nt(MM.ulli em iiniioi., hii.I none h. ti. r slia ki.l. 11.11 1.1..I . .. . .1 . .. : . . . T"r,"u" """" " I'TI'T' i iii.Mi iiu:. l Si 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 ' ' '"A1UW.M DI'iALEK L FlTHNITrKIO it'KKN.SVr.K MOi;.S IMHtNLSHlNO OOOU.S UAH IMNTITl'.KS. OI.ASSWAKK. JO) IX iri y cni JIIOH'IJU -' VCIlUe ! i A 1 110. II.MNOIr. UKIU'KIIIIX AMI IlltV S.IIOII.H. WILLIAM KLI'dK. tk i FAMILY GROCKRIKS, DHV-iJOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SHOKS, HAT. AVIl CM", K.Tf , ta, JU,, rP.r a ,rttVV of i,,,,. ,nJ wi,... ii. I.,. i ... .,.... ' ' KOKSALK FOI.UASH VKKV CHKAP Up tlio hai a fine .tock of Kini1y l.rpcprip ot c t ry kin-l. ("UVKiiSI.Vni..ST. AND CO MM HIS CIAI.-AV . CA1I10. ILLINOIS 00 TO AV. W. TJIORXTOX'S, HI'ILDKItS" SIM'VLY DKVoT. l.T TKVTH MltF.K.T, CAIIIO ILLINOIS, rou 1 lloora, Sfisll, llllniN. .nolllilllli;., rAi'iilltrra, ,ooili WIiiiIii.i nml llooj Kriiiiiei, I'loorliiR, I.nth, Slilnuli.. 4.liixiil Nnsli, Ulniil Nlile I.ICtll!, (illlZIMl TrilllMlllla, Nnili H rlu-IH.. Nimh I'nllli-s mill Conls, , llllllil I'llstrnllic., II1111II111; Kell, lioiilllik' (Vliirut, I'lasliTlna- I'lilirr, 'nr)i l I-ol, tVliilp I.cml, l.lnsi-il Oil, AiiiitIi-iui tViurlow' ;iuss, l'.nullsli nml I'reiicli rimo IJIiim. 1'iill.v, (iliiilrr'N 1'oIiiIn. Noucr llii' I'nli'iil lilninra. t:tr., i:te. Kir. AC.FXT- lor Itnck IPrcl I'aper Company's Sheaihinir Kelt nml iunrlj Cement. , ... uu.ii, n iiu.iruiru IV....I1H11 ai.vny, on anil sti:..hiioats. MOl'NI) CITY AND CAIIIO THE STEAM TUG, CACHE ('APT. AVll.MAM II. SaNIU:KY. WIIL Hkt VOVIX TRIPS KVKRY DAY nriwriN CAIEO VITID CITY J.kavk. Cairo, ioov nr IK.Illll RllillT, At 7 A.M. At 10 A.M. At 1 P.M. At r. p.m. Leavk Mii City, WHAM 'HUT, At 8.30 A.M. Al 11, SO A.M. At '2.30 p.m. At fi.30 P.M. WILL LAND. AVIIKN HAILED, it Tiir IIOX r.U'TOUV, llAAVK'fc LAN1I1N0, KY. MOUTH OKCACIIK, MARINK. W.VYr, AN1I NAVY YAIIII. IAN I'l'I'I'lUIS. II. T. (IKIU)riiD; STEA1M AND GAS FITTER AMUiCAMIl IV HAS rt.VTL'ltl'.S, (isi l-'iltci'H nml PlumlierN material, Wood pumps, nun uni; it vulv.i, mop coe;,eliiel valves, etc. Alio AUCKT rou TiiIIh Hi-ollirrN l'atciit lry laa Meier Ami JlnrchoiiHe, Wel'a k Co'a Automatic Waloi Indicator and supply Val u for fleam boilers. .....irvii'd ... nnv n.i( ..i..ii.jn ...i,uii., . yjilii.iii,au-ji".v.. iiomis, sa.sii, r.rci w THE BULLETIN. TUB RUTH TRAGEDY. A FELLOW PRISONER TESTIFIES. .MKW.KJOTTS LETTER TO RUTH. .MKS. Tfmlh.St. l.oul DcmocrttO C.Mt.VKTT, Kan., Oct. Kith. Tho Mcdll colt irliil va rvtumcd thl aftoruoon, The KXA.MI.VATIO.V OK JOIIKpON win concluded, and hottood a (cvprocroM I'tiiiniimtion without ihrlnklnK Nothlnc now of it mutt-rial character was elicited from him. The t''tlmony in relation to tlio k'tters wn corrooorKtcd in the tnot tnHterial :irtn hy that of .Samuel Camp hull to the jailor at Lawrence. TIIKI.KriKU. OK ilBULICOTT to .Mr. Roll' nml tin Wuton were timA In eviij.-n'i', tho ohji'ctliin 'of tho defcn . Im-Ihij nvirruled hy the court. They pro diici'd a ili-oji si'ii in lion amrng the Jp'.-cla- , ior., ami evu-.umiv iiijir."c(i inojury, ' The following U tho I I.K.TTKKTo TIIK WATi'JSh: HitoTiinhAMi MpTkr. I icurci; know w hat to my to you. .My head iwims and rny ncrvou tysteni I nt-nrlv unstrung. I am bcsiniiiL' to fear what mav he the re mlt ol this nervous jirotratin. I can- nut illitniMtny troubles for one moment. I think of them during tho day und at niL'iil. I irrciy discuss tlietn in mv ileen. -My cidl mute is truo to me ; or, indeed, I w"u" h oan(,erous pliant. Now, my der brothers and lst(.rf. I hardly know what to tuy shout tho proba bio remit of my trial. 'I fear the matter Is tliickenitii: nbout mo to an alarming ex lnt. My lawyer" suy not, but I fear I am num. Now, my deur brother'. I have deter mined to prepare myself for an escape 1 mm una pmcQ in case inn case goes upturn me. You will haven visit in a few days from a person he will sutify you of his iden tity who will tnlk to "you freely about jirociiring tho necofury" articles." Vlcae spenk freely und irU c tiny aid you can. It will bo 11 dernier resort." Abrolutu silence ii required. If I n-ort to tin; plan I will npprire you of the iHtiils not now. Your brother. ,J. NOTKTO IIIS fl'TKK. .Si.TKii An nik The wagoner conveys a tiote to Mrs. It. I nk as a favor of you lo me it delivered. It must not go out of your hands until ymi deliver it. Bring the book with you to her. I put this in the light of 11 tiiattir ol honor between us. I count ri-k goim; to triul without know ing some thing- that I cannot find out any other way. I will tnko the risk of her if you arc prudent in delivering it. Tie thu book up in paper, ho us to deceive any mind. Tear thii off of tho abovo bef.ini you show it to Mr. W. I mean the fitiiil part of tho letter--for I do not wish .Mr. "at.n to know it. V. S.-lf uni think bt to box up any b"okt and other traps, so its lo be ready, do 10. It might excite wonder, and thus defeat the mutter. Lc your own judg ment. Till: I.KTTKH 10 MR-. HUTU i addrei'ud to "My prct'y, pretty baby, ' and is follow. My Vbktty, I'kktiy Baiiy God bless you, darling I Oh heavuns! how much longer shull wo be parted ! It is a torture beyond meaure ; hut why complain? Time, I doubt not, will acquit, although . uil- tmriMiusi is .iiieHi.-iiiii mure ana more ; 'till tlio darkest hour with mo may be Oil, I pray it i jun before dawn. " Still, ! a happy future awaits its. If it be hut an ; hour, will it not ho a grand triumph ' . 1111 now, my ciiuu, now do youdo? Oh, how often 1 know you are in need of sjinpathy 11 loving word and no one to comfort you. (ir i grant it max not long hew. Uli, thi i- what nearly distracts me the idle reports and false tati-iuent8 which have been o systematically kept iillout. 1 earn nothing for it; only in lha mind 01 11 lew it may ojiprt i my charac ter; hut they cannot ii)l mlluonce the main Hriie. My counsel assures mo thero 1- no danger with regard to the result. 1..11 duiibtlers know of tho second charge that will bo brought against mo This will not, on'y so far as it may influ ence privnto opinion, complicate my pres ent triul. If an indictment on this sec ond charge he made, it will keep me con i 1 .. 1 - .1 iiiii-u tor 11 iijiiu; nine. My health U pretty com!, except indi gestion. I 6 11 flu r wllli headache, no doubt due to impure nir. I keen in cood heart. all but this terrible separation from you. I 11111 .-till tlrni in my faith. I cannot think, Oh, I will not, until you say so thai tho slightest sliuJow of cluinge has taken placu in our love. I speak, ai I would iinwer to tho first account, that I would rather spend tho rcmniridor of my days without you, ulthougli it may bo in poverty and disgrace, and will d'ouhtlo's lie at tlio sacrifice of all our relative und friends, than in 11 inan'ion alenp. Nay, nny; may I bo forgiven if 1 err, but sooner would I go to perdition with you than to glory ah lie. Oh, my love fur you, child, i' keeping pace with the tcarim. It Inn but jtnt commenced to grow. If my sister calls on you bo prudent, for flio might bo put upon thu stand to teftify what was said, Ask lo see her privately, Do not exchango too many visits, or tile public might remark it. I expect to have 11 friend who will visit you, nnd if ho does, ho will carry u pai-sword. I am pretty suro of his friendship. You form your own opinion. Now, my lovoly child, goodbye) Dei-pair nut; be of good cheer. You know not how important ii is to bo prudont In whutjoiiMiy und no. Yi.ti arc cloiuly watched. If you write me, bo careful how you do It, unit by whom you send it. If I could but deliver thesn kisses in parson I Hut I fend them on paper. A ki to each of your little one, nnd Mizpah. tin, happy uw, mint drum Diir liure ol, khnni of pain, llli, happy in, la-lot (il of lienven, lo 111 tlio mint-led cup la ell en, tlur lenient Horruwa ti in I relief. Our Joya nre chastened by our ri,,r. Your own, .I. MOKMONnOM, Tin: iiiial or iiawkinscommknckh. Salt Lakk, October 10.- In ho case of IltuvMiH, lliu iiolvniimlst. ehtirired bv his tlrst wifo with udultry, thu Jury was finally ciiijiunnullod this iiftcruoon nnd tlio trial i-oiiiineiiced, Tom J-'itrh, for tho dolvnd nut, iiccnpliil nil the nioruinir. In his iii'giii'ineiii ni'siiu nun no mm tlio right uiiiL'i tho United Sutes law to ienerai rhullongo while tho prosecution hndonly tho right to cliiillengo two, Judge Mi: Kcan, on tin- ground that this wns a mut ter of tho pcoplo of tho United ttttts, in tho Territory of Utah, nnd not tho Uulted binie ilccidctl against the defense, in llio opening ot the trial tho OAIKa ILLINOIS SUNDAY. OOTOBER neas called w, the truo wife. Sho testified tlOSltlvelV of thu mh.l, f I,., t.... ( bond with two other women In her home i To-: Trow the daUKhtor, now married, w'll Uko tho Witness manil. The Indictment in thin case ! hrout-ht under tho Utah statute in relation to ' crimes and punishment, approved March ; 'J, 1852. ' 1 Everything peaceable. "Weather1 dp. ! lightfu). Milk mav be kent awect l.v havln. It constantly In" tho presence of fresh wmiT. n a miiK-room provided with tube, in which the water Is changed twice st day, milk will not bo soured oten hr lightning. ( Hkick Stork kor Hunt. The brick ! store, So. "8, Ohio Levee, now occupied by F. Mi Stockfletb, Ksq., is offered or rent.'arid "will be cnt 011 the 18th lnt, I app5 to, jao, n. piiillip.' ll ,Ct3lf - iv. - . n iMi,r. iu AZCIIArUK iOH UAtKU Pmos-krtt. I have Onk Hcshrbd and Sixty acres of firtl-chu unimproved land in Johnson county, which-r will .ell on reaso.iblo tprrns, or elchmnga fur Cairo city property, dim P. H. Voi e. t. ... . . THK HTOc-Kof retich calf . in the city may he found at "Win. Killers' j shop on Twentieth street, opto?ite th Court Houso hotel. If you want a good, Bent-fitting pair of boots shoei, slippers, . .1 , " I made on short notice, and vinrrnnttti. call I on Klileri. Dancing ScuooL.-On Monday even ing, October 23d, Mr. Charles Hardy will open a dancing school in Winter"? "block, in the room next door to tho gas cotnpa ny's office. There will two olaasM. TIip gentlcmens' class will meet on Monday and Thurpday evening-, and the'chlldren-' on Saturdays, from S u 4 p. m. I'l.OSI'ECTUS FOR 1872. TlfTlI TXAH. A ItepronMivt and Champion of Avert. can Art. THE 3L.3DI3STE: An lUuttraUi Monthly Journal clalmtd to bt tht handtoniett Paper in thr. World. .i",'I.ilJDJ,.'0V ,""'a a,,1,t "orkmen of THK AI l'IE who are ftlriw ni In m im iKa,. ion worthy of ndmlratlnn Inr le.uty, r.i it ha Iwaya bppn for u.efiilnes.,'-nrv HnH Htethtr TIIK ALDIVr I....-.I .11 .. .3Mn,, a,, vn ira- Ulanty, hai 11. tip of tin- temporary or imu inier eatcluirH teriitio of ordinary r-r.otlici.i, 111. t . ft. """"J "l puro, iiRnt, ana stace. ful lltpra uip, and a collection of picturp. the r.r,c."t 'ffime? ani'tic skill, in Uiickaad while. Althoiuh pacli auceppding numU-r nrtoidi a fresh pleamre tc its fnenda, the rl yhJup an J braUl of Tlin ALDINK w.ll 1. mn.l.nn.L.I....t altPi it Iibi leen la.und at theclo-a of the year. nu. ..iiirr pui.iica.ion. may claim .uper.or chpapnps.ascomp red with riral. of of .-1 nmunr .--, .111. a uniquoajii criminal con- I eoption-al ne and unapproachPd al.aoiutplr without competition In price or character The 1 poi.eaor 0 the .volume Juit completed cannot I lupiicate the quantity ol floe paper and ingi in any other ahape or number of tolump. ! fftf fsn timtad Ifa anal 1 Thelanri.frettinTHEALniNETpadTon ih. nreus u aoareatlhat renrinfinc la..., r.t (,. . lion, With tho excel tion of a small numierl pei-iaUy rereried tor tinding, the edlilonnof I IS7I, already exoauated, and it Ie now a fear. aa well at valuablp book, NKW FEATUKKS FOR 187 ! the Art BeBMltaeaS. I i.i w.jir enterprise, wnprever it hat baon mlro. r.'r-'J1" '"O'lnced tlx publishers of TIIK ALlll.lKof th eoundness of their theory that the A 111 ti icao public would recoguize and heartily support any sincere eflurt ta al- Hie tonn and standard of Illustrated piiblieaiioaa. That ao many weakly wicaed sheets axist and thriio 11 not evidenca that thera ia no market tor snvininc bPtter-indeed th success of TIIK AI.WNf: irom the start ta direct proof 01 the contrary. Witn n populatiou ao rast, and of aueW varied la. te a publinher can 1 hoose his pationp, and his uapi r ( rather Indicatue of lusoan than of ihe taste of the country. Is a guarantee or the excellence of Una debariment, Ihe publishers would bea to an- rr . """""a cumin year, specimens Irom the following amlnem Amein an atlistn 1 W T. KiCHiaca, Wa.lUar, W, IlBlBO, lisoaaaUaiiat, Ai o. Will, JaSJIS bWUIT (iaaNviiia PxaaiMa, F.U.I. 11. star, Victor Nauuo, Ws tl.Wiicox, Jaaaa 11, Ilaasc, n. r iinfrr, Pill llixo.-i, rum J. How. Those nicluirs are heine renrodupp.l wiiimni regard to expense by the t-ery best cnarareiu in Ihn eouniry. and will bear the severeat eriiipai comparison with the beitiorolgi work, it beitiii the determinotion of the publialiere that THK ALPINE shall Pa a nucce-uliil undieaili.n ol American lasle in competition with any flxiatiint puMloallonlnthe woild, Literary Oppartsnpnt . Where S3 much attention ia nat.l tn,..,, ! and en up of the work, too much dependence on uppri"'tctp may fery naiutallv bo feared. To sr.- 1 ia only necerrarv to ! Vi i'v.'".1 'dilprial manai;emeut cl TIIK 1 U I it.', . . ...nuwkv .... M. .III-. .lllN!hai la... n ,n.t.. 1.. 11- flii'lli.i.. IIKNltY HTODIJAUU. wha baa r.,.iva.l I ancea ofassUtancelfomahoitnllhen. lar wrltrra and poets of the country The Voluaue for Ia7sl will contain nearly SW pages, and ah .ul i- Una enffratinrs. Commencing -a-lth th ,...mi.a. r... January, ntrry third number will contain a l-eau-tlful tinted pitture on pUfe taper, Inserted us a frontisaiece, The Christmas nhmber fonls:2. will a .i.n. did volume in itie If, containing, fifiy enuraviniii. (four In tint) and, although retaile I a $1 will!... .-ni. nuuoiii nu. cnsrijB to an yearly stiO- ... .11.. r " ' A 4'liroruo to r.vrry Hnbrtcrlbrr was a very popular feature last jear, and will t repeated wltn the prestnt toliitne, The pub lishera hayv purcliAsed aul rvproduvaii, at great . xpeiiae. the byeuting by Hats, entitled -Iiame tue's School." Tneeiiriiro Is 11x13 Inches, and Is an exact fao-slmlle, In aiu and appearance of the original i.tctura. So Ameilcau chromo which vtiir at all compare wllh II. has yet been S'.Yr5J?t"Ki lf'";l"lbaull pne asked foi TIIK ALU1NK and II tjgetiier It will bodellv ere.l free, wi;h the January number, lo every subscriber who pays lor one year In advance. Terrna for 1H7U. Oie Vmi, on- Vr. trff CW CJirvno ,, W , J-Vy Cojilt!, " " t to 0 Any persoa sending 10 names and $V will re ceiTeancxtiauopy of gralii, making II ,opl Any psrson wishing to work lor mpumlum. cau have our preiuitim circular ou upulieallou He Rifmanybeauiliulaiiadea!rali)p arlli'lea otlerp-l by no other paper, Any person wlshim to act, p-rnianenlly, ai ou" ge, ir,(, rifirinee, uncloslul tl lo' otuni. jasikn a urrox a ., I'VBtlSllMlS, t r tw-ww aur-M AVOID QUACKS A vlttim of early indiscretion) imi'ing deblllly, piemaiurp 'lHa, ( havltjtt tried In vain nttry advertised remedy, lias discovtred a simple means of at If-oure, wnu'h he will ae ad re to bla fallow, suffsrais. J. it. Huavie, No. 7t 22, 137L 1 coukiu ntovi-h IWIHI.HU KTO LN. THK TWO Wurul, Popular and IVrfrt i OOOKI1TG- MACHINKS 01 Hip DPricUro our wrll-htiiiin UHsVV: EVIQURK liROlLERS, Hotharporihe aimpiPit coimtriictlon. anJ 1 paiilvinaniBi-il that we Buniantep in pin In iir ( KN'TIKH SATISFACTION. . , , , ' xTT: '1""'' ,.,f. J?'"11 ,rl? lhl", th? "'! top. ( 1! l" economy ai well ni poller toaMtli (jptj an.l In niylnn tin- nrv CIIAKTKK OAK Voucanr.-lyont.PtUnRthpmo.,.ocP..ful, p ihS ?!ip '',ct COOKir"? ,"e 'v,r xmii"- KPlCfBE hiioii.i:k. nrhpVoV.1ii.r'ofr.,.'4V,iDJV,,c'' Tn,1'' "' Ui'liciou" Heifrtake", Cluckpn, Ham, Chop.. etc. lOLt. Y Kxcelnior Maimfacturinj: Company, 612ndtl N. Maint.,St. Louts, Mo. ASt ALL LIVB STOVi: It ALEKS. C. V. HENDERSOX, A-ent, Cairo, Illiunla. I 1 P. L. IIUVKTT, k SON liiifi.rpr, Manufaotiirpri and Jobber, or I MUSICAL MERCHANDISE j nra.i ana l.Prnilin 1Mer BAND INST I UMENTS ! ! No. 25 S. Tmnn Stiikkt. ' ftclSdJm. st. is. no. HIDKS! FURS !! PKF.TS ! !! IBTJENETT fic CO., Hate opened a Hide Store In 1 hornton t lll-K-U, Tenth atreet, where the hlghe.t cash price whl be paid for Hnic, fehepp llt. Inn an.l Tal low. WW will pay higtiPr prices th.ui . ever ' p forepald for th nin art.clp. in tlila ell). '"otne and. ree u, o'ttf KUIINETT i CO. HAUL L. TJIO.MA.S. I prppnrpd to do all klndiof plnln and nrnn mental PAINTING-, KALPOMININO, VAVEK HAN(!IN(3 nlON WRIT I NCI, ETC A 'I'lrct which defy nil eompption, and In Hie highPit ftyle tf thp painter-i i.rt. . SHOP IN TIIK VKKRY HOUSK, corn ok cohhkrciai. avknuk. and KIOHTII hTRKK T. WMOI.KHA1.K CUOCF.IIS. 11. SMYTH & CO., AVHOI.KSALK OUOCKUS, o 11 1 o 1. r. v 1: k ' A I II . I I, I. l.MIIS, A'.K; keep coustuntly on hand ft inon eoni. plele "lock of XiIQ,TJTOKS- IKMTtll AND IHI4H WIIInKIf -C. I N H,- Vort, Maderin, Sherry and Catawba "Wines KHMYT1I A Cti. soil iAilulvely lor ea-h.lo . wlnoh fact they invito tho especial ali-n- 11011 01 cio.e niirf.iin liuyeri. Special attention ut'rrii to Filling Orders WIN EN AM II MUliUUn. WM. II. SCIUJTTKr". ... ..... "r"'rT WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO &c CIG-AES, Afi nt for the best branili nl' CRKAM AND STOPK ALK, M liutsMrlrit Air or lllltrrenl Klnili. 7f Ohio Ijhvkk, t! CAIIIO, II.LI.MU. V. M . STOCK i'L MTU, rccass a roai t smcKri ktm Kfclirjrr and Wliolcaule Ilenler 'reign aud llintieallr WINES AND LI QUO US. No. ) Ohio I.kviii', OURO, ll.l.l.NOlri. . H Kkeetiscn Mind omlantlt a full stock lid Kentucky li.'iiiii.iu, aim itononia licla Whiskies, Fremh llrm.pi, Holland UI BULLETIN CAIRO AND LOUISVILLK Wfpklyl'Ackct for raJucali, KranThla tai l.ou. Ntlllp, thp ftoriip itmpr, j T. G. IlY.nAN, Mailer. j f.cavp Cairo crery HATU0I1AY at 5 o'clopk P.m Kor frpij-hl or pnnvro apply onbonl..r to I af AS. RIC1USS, A't. CAIIK) AND I'ADUCAH MA II, BOAT. Th. splpaJnl itaamar Jot- raw ler. Maaiter. m"" rW.L'W1 'I1-' Pppled)t4 m. r..r Iriijlitor pit-mr a poly on board or JAH. MUilH, Al. VAUW AXI) KV.VNSVILLK o 1 V. N.XAII. rACKKT. Thpfi.t.runnlni. Iitht .Iimht ilpiimpr, MALLIB RAGON, I.pnve. Cairo KVERY SUNhATand TIIt.'IU!I)AT 'in placeot ntpamcr MIpwIIiJ), at j p.m. JAN. IHfidW, Ag't. PADrCAH AND EVANHNILhK, (In place of the AtU. rtelt-), tiik t.ioiiT iinAVnitT tkamkk DICK JOHNSOX, I.KK IIOHfcl.I., .siaafpr. Will I,., rp Cairo for Ktnnmllp pp.v WKIiM-y. t.l. nod SATflllMY at 3 o'clock-; p.m. Kor frelKlit orp.iin" npplyon boiinl or to , jaw. nmuH. Aa;t. 1'IAMIN. SIXTY-l'IVK Fill. ST PKIZK MKDALfS AWAKDF.D TIIK OltKAT HA I. TIMOItK JIAM'FACrORT U'M. KNARK A- CO.. Manufacturers of niiANii, sqi aiii: anii urmoui JXJxJSTO POBTES IIALTIMOIIK, MAll YI.ANH. Then. Inatriiinenta hnvo been before tho public for nearly thirl) yearn, and upon their excellence, alone nttaine.l nn ynpnrfAdf d prtenin"t', which p onoim.'P tin 'ii iiiii .ii!ilr'.l In TON K. toi;ch. workmanship And DTRAHILITY. at All Ollr iiaaoi bare our new New Im profe.l Oip itrui.K C1leurlI tho Agmfe Trtblt U'p would mil npecisl attention to our late 1 'leiiipn iiiiproiemenii ill l.Kiil. i-uni.d and pgt tar. iikani , loiind In no otliei- I'iai.o. which brui?4 tho Piano nearer perfection than lim yet bceu attained, EVERY PIANO III.I.Y KOR riVK YKAI!, Illu.traU'd Cilftbsiie. and Price I.m, prnmptly furniilieil nn -application to Wn. K.VAIIK 4 CO.. lUlTiaoai., Mt. Or any o' our regular estaMiihed OKencles. oeI9odsnum niMiiMcnr. LADIES, TAKK NOTICE? MRS.C. McGEE, EIGHTH STHKF.T, lll'T WKK.N WASIIINOTON AMI COMMKllCIAL ATKNVKH, Hn jn-t raeeived a full and splendid line f SEW GOOD f'rcFi trinunlii'.i. allk irllitn.. .ill .,..!, .m. .,.1 rni "-" "y"' .ii.niii UK'. croi-KPi uuilona, illkiiiid veliel buttons, pluth and trimnnag vel- .... ...... nu., (MMuir.s, nu- Kin giovps, lame,- and -im.., biiu a i in i ami couiplPte stock ol Millinery nnd Fancy Goods, All of uliti'h she propoies to aril at Til K VKUY LOWEST CASH 1'KICKa I.AWVKHH. ALI KN, MULKKY fc WHKKI.KR 'ATTORNEYS nt. KI.ORS COl'N AT LAW. William J. Allen, i John II. Mullet, eainiiel I'.Wtie.'ler.J CAir.O. II I I.Ml.-i. afl'iirlli'tilar attention paid o iniriilly i.iinneis. iid ad UKFICK-Qter First National Hani., Oht. I eve- (JRKI'.N fc (ilLRKRT. ATTORNKY.s- AM' COUNSELORS AT :i.AW. CAlltll, II.LI.NOI Wil' II, ni II, ten, ) in II fnlt'irt, r.l.llbell. J tt uiu. in Ml.ea Dlf'.snpcia, SttelltlOU uil ii I.) Arltnli.Hv and bteiiniboat Lu. tines OfflCE 0II1I) LET EE, KOOM. 7 AM' fi OTKR CITY NATIONAL HANK. SPECIAL NOTICES. HATCH l'l.O K'N IIAIH UVE. This superb llnir liye is tho bmt tatiir. WualB I'erleclly Hiuuiloii Reliable and Instil tnleuui. .1.1 nis.ipi iiiiitmeiit. Mi ittillctllnus Tints or Un pleasant Odor. Theg nulnii W. A's In r Dye pioduccs IMMKDUTKLY a splendid Illaik or natiir.l UroHii, Does not Slum the km, but lenv.wthe Hair Clean, Bolt and Iteium. S"l'tby4lldrtiimit. Picto y in lloiid Street, fcewinik. lantHdeod'tnlv ,. ..t.iif,,. ,, -ruci'l IIVIl. ON MAKRIAOK lofforynting men from 1 ibusei In earlv life. 1 HM'PI I'llofforvntinninei, fro,,, .he efle.'.a..r r itaand abusci In early life. Alanhood n- iatO'..!. Nervou. I'ehlllty cuiihI. I enecll: j lo tirrhige removed. New molho.l uf me t. New and remarkable remedies. I...IKHI1 . u"i' I and irriiinrs sent tree, In eaU.lene.lnn... .ri,,.i.. a. "r r' r I BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV -MKS. ANNA LANG, KIOHlll-ftT., MKT. WASIIINOTON AND COM- mkrcial-avunues, lnow r-cpislnjca teautllul anortmpnt of Fall Millinery Goods, IncliKiliiR II. t. ,nd 8h.ipi of the laleM styl. Rlbbrna, I'lowm and Frathcra. Mn. I.anr .i a .how cuntompri th larie" 9elx'tln of Woolea Yarn T. !. found In the city. m.r. t. His., Asu pREMf(1N0 ORHKR. HONK TK THR ONLY IIKLIAIILX OIKT ENTKRrRIBK I.V THE COUNTRY 1 ' $60,000 IN" VALUABLE GIFTS To l-edlstriba'edln Ii. 13. SIKE'S IJInd Roul.r Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday, Nov.XT, UTI. Tarts Grand rapllal, or ,009 ear h lB Ureenbaeha. Twoprtzen, ll.nooi Fire piljci f.voo. Ten nriie.' f IW. all In Greenbacks. P ' AVII0LE NUMIIER CASH 0IKT.4, 1,000. One Hoiso and Duggy, with sllverplatpil harness, worth 0,1 One fine Kosewoo.l 1'iauo, w..rth .. no Ten ramil. tjcwinR machines. pach worth loo oj Use hjaty cased Gold Hunting tratehc" t...i .1 .V.lj,oIlA Chains, wortheach...- 400 l Teu Li '.i (Join tluntin-r waichei worth .. cn 1M00 L.-iht inin.,ir.i gold an . siitt lever hunt iw" " 1 ' MOrth ,r"m t0 Ladles' Hold LaonilnA rhat. n.n... nu i. . 1 !,l,n.l,,,l''erl''l,d castors, solid silver anddou- w... .v., an.l leasuoons, itoy bandied dinner knlies, llver-plated dinnir forks, allier I-!!. .HH""19'. .'h,llPh1 nlbuins, ladles' gold breastpins, shirt studs and sleeve buttons, fibre r ring., Ro.d pins (silver extension,! etc. Whole number k!,h. Tickets limited lo 60,010. PrA.Srium"vi.Ti!o,p0.'L1 ',,CkP,M nhm 1,bt"' SiDile tickets JI ; mx ticket: twelve ticket 110; twpntv.flve il. ' Circular-) containin-; n full list of, a de ;cr pi ion of the m.inn 1 of draiving. and older lu formation Inroforencelothodlstribuiion. wMlbe aeut to any one ordering them. AIII lettera must o..,r' H t0 MI'NE. "ox 83, in! f a! . .i . Cincinnati, O. 1"! west athst. Oclldswlyr Sl'RlNOFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On aadltpr Monday, April Sttb. lsTI, trains wW ruu as follows: JIORrFIER.V DIVISION, rasiis ooiio aoriaaisr. , ,. . Mail. Lpuv.i irinta C;4U.m " Springfield 9;iO " .... , " Taylortllle lo:Si Arrive at l'aua usiq m isitv. aotao aoarawasr. , ,. Kxpresa Leave Pans 4 i0a.m . Tayiorviii;:::r.::rMT.m;.v.:;""' Kxprrsa ' l'-'l p.m. ,. 3.0U " ,. M ... 5:17 " Mall. ....S.iSo.m. jrr'Td at&prlngtleld...Cil5 6od i Leave Spsuigfleld 6:24 ' alio Arrive at Virginia y.ts j-'is SOUTHERN DIVISION. . ... "SI"' OOM SOCIUKiSTt ""tf1""1 si ,-m 10:10 -" Arrive nt Shawneetown3:Mp m."'.'.'."..'.l f.-j p.m xaaias uoiaa ostmwi.t. Leave fihawneetown S:IS a.m 8.IOp.m Arrive nt Kdgewood 4:'i0 ' .V.'Z.V".,.,."8''M The 6::w train from Edgewood, run only Mondavi. Utdnea.asa nn.l I.-. ,)... train from HnawneetOHn on Tuesdays, Tbura. days and baturdavs. ' """" co-inecta at Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alton R ilroad. for Jackaonrille. I'etersbu.g. Mason City, r. nd all roints west. ' At HprlngOeld. with C hlcigo and Alton, and Toledo, V. abash and Western Railroad. I,.r uioomtngtc n, Chicago, and all point, north.north west and weii. At r.ina w th Ind. and ?! Louis, and Illinois Central lUilro ul lor all points east, souili and soutrenst. At Kdtjevi out with Chicago Iliviiion Illinois entral lUilro.ul. AtKlora.witli Ohio aid Mlsnsslppt Railroad. AtHlmwneeton. with ate.itnboata for Clncln tl, IMducuh.C.tlronn.ll-t. Louis. Oltl.ANi, SMITH. fien'ISup't. Joni Fo.uiTT.Hpn'1 Kr'gtanil Ticket Ag'l. HKIIItlAI,, DR. Rlt'IIAIJ'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. L'ae these onlr. and Hn.a h.i t. ...I meney Sl.oi.! rpward tor anv i-aa. of .itaa.. i.. any staio which they tail to euro. ' DR. RICHAU S DOLDEN BALSAM, Nei. land '.'.are .ho greatest alteratives known I)K. lllCHAU'SCOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOtlR la tha a-realeit tnntp ami n,l..r..t i. i.. ... Pdl list. DR. HICHAU'H (iOLDEN ANTIDOTK la the only rellahlo dmratic. Theso reiuedfea me not aHvarii.a t.-a.i com plaints, and benefit nono s but at, gnaianteed loctfectu radical and apeodd cute Inail easpj for Which ItlpV ara ri mmiti.n.t.1 u.,.n .11 ..I... trpiitmentliaa failed. Tens of ihou-ands yearly recover by their use, who have lost all hope, and been pronounced a incuiable by the best of our medical faculty. DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN HALS AM No. I, cures ulcers, ulcerated sore threat and ...'-...ii, uir eyes, ciuanruus eruptions, copper . mim muii-ni's, suiit-.e ui ii.o scaip, aurotuia. pt. It la tlio greatest renevator. alterative and l.leo.l purifier luioitn. rein hps all mercury from u. nis.riii, w.i'i ir-..r. in, uinoii pure and healthy. DR. i:iCll.U'i 0LI)KN HAIJAM, No '.', cures iiiereurial allectlons, rheumatism In ail in lerms, hu i gives immediatt. relief In a ease?. UK. HU'tl,L".S fiOLDEN ANTIDOTE, ' yc,erATUure.,',, uria,,ry !' Ml. RICI1ACT (IOLDEN EI.IXlH D'AMOUR. A ridlcil ..nre nrtmrvoui or Renerol debility, In j'B",r yw Impartlnn energy vtlih wonderfu Hncu'U.i.rttAolor J. Ou reeel pi ol price, these remedl's will b ship, ped tn any plsce. Prompt atlenlion paid to all eorrPspoiK.eiila. NnnMpniulne without the name of UK. UKillAU'rttiOLHEN RK.Ml-:ilKH, b. II. Kii-hi.kis, sole prnprinor," blown In glass ol bottler., Circulara Mi nt. Trade supplied as a liberal dis co int. Address, lir. H. 11. RIchards.KS Varlck-at , N.Y. artfend money by express or order goods through your Druggist, and you will meet will, lnoo JOB PltINTIN. Thauuds'ngned, prrpnetoraol tho Dtrit and Atkcauv BcnaTi.i, have lust rscalved an auar meal ol the latest alvln of Job .'riming tyres, K it VT.w ."a5P.Wi"5!? that they possess lacilltl-V for iura "a ttui ii umniiY. in mo oesi attie ol tha art. ui n,v r"!l'lr' lo IhtM, from ! saiall-st card r L i, ..l. I .... .T.V....Cl" ''. t W nillWil I1 a"J WJSU ui uuiiuhr iiin