on ftrundr. . ", '" '"
tat nir-aMf "ill gotr ra the arrival nd depart-
urr of panrr '' Clrol
fw.,1. Mall train. fall lliSJp.m,
KjprfSl.dailj .............. 2.-43p.m.
j, ,rllll.(lHl... - 3:30 .m.
Cii'iT'i. JHi except Sunday 3:30
x. hsni-sofcars from Cairo to St. Louis. No
. litnf of cam from Cairo t-i Cilrago. Klrfsnt
Ilwn lvp:n car oo night train
ili.'f ehkfl to nil Important' twlnls.
pirA.hlng. fcabUlh at 10)$ a. and T.'t r. .
I'rsjr-r nirrt'iiK, Wednesday at V,i r. .
-iinds) Hch'iol, 1 r. M, J. M. Lansden, Super-
.nlrndtnr. Ilvv. 0. II. Kootr, Pasttr.
MKTIIOl'Hr-Or, HiRhth and Walnut Sts.
I'rraohlnir, PaoUlh H'S A. .., and 7 r. .
l'rrjrrmnl(Ti Wednesday, r. x.
Stinda) School ,1 r. w. I.. V. HtlUrll, Hopsr-
iilerid'tit. ltv. K. L.THnvrsox, Pastor.
WltjHCIl OJ-'TMK RKI)EKME-(Eplcopl)
Morning ra)rrs, Hablwtli W)$ a. m.
Kttnlnff prajr7!r. m.
iMibbkth School, a. m.
Rev. Ma. Cuak, lUctor.
r. PATRICK'S CIlUKCHJor. Hlnth St. and
Washington Avenue.
Public Sfrrlc,Ssbl.atlitS and 10.S t. m.
Vespers, 3r. .
fcundsySchool,Z r. x.
Service every day, 8 r. it.
Iter. P.J, O'Ualloea-i, Priet.
CHRISTIAN-Elghteenth street.
Sabbath School, V a. a., Sabbath.
Preaching, Sabbath 10 a. ., nnd TJ r. v.
Rev, J. Kauxn, Pastor.
Church, Eighteenth Sirfcf. Sabbath Scnool 3
r, m,
Ji 11. Run, Superintendent.
meeting tecond Monday each month at tb
Prayr room of the Preabytenan Church
Weekly Prayer meeting, Friday, t r, at
the Prayer room of the Presbyterian church.
C. Paksoxs, President.
and Cedar.
r-erricrf , tijbbath, 11 a. m.
Sunday School, IK r. x.
Caesar, n.
Preaching, iX-"- Rer. Wm. JacKlon, Pasto
bettreen Walnut and Ceaar.
Services Sfib-th, 14 and 3 r. m.
Ret. M. Ricks, Pastor.
DAY eCKOOL Corner walnut and Cedar Su.
Sunday School, 9 a. m.
rj's Barracks.
fcervlces, Sabbath It A. x., 3 p. M. and,
Ker. Wm. l'Vstor.
loth and 11th streets, near Cellar.
Hreachint Sabbath 10K a.m., and 7 r. x.
Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evening.
Preaching, Friday evening.
Sabbath School, 1J r. m. John Van Baxter and
Mary Stephen! Superintendent.
ReT.TJ.8no.M, Pato
Governor, John M. Palmer;
LleuUnMU-Qovirnor, John Dougherty i
Secretary of Bute, Edward Hummel j
Auditor of State, C. E, Lippincott ;
SlAte TreAf ilrer, E. N. Bates ;
-upt. Public Instruction, Ke tonllateman.
Senators Lyman Trumbull and John A. Logan
Itepresentatlve for tho State at Large Vacancy
Hepre't'matlve Thirteenth District John M
Senators, 1st District T. A. E. Holcnmb, ol
Union, andS. K. Glton,of tiallatin.
Iteprescnlatie, 1st District II. Wton Webb:
Jlldt! !. J. Hiker, of Alexander.
Prosecuting Attorney.!. V. McCartney, i
Circuit Clerk Jno. I, Ilarmnu,
Hhenff-A. II. Irviii.
Wm. Martin, Assessor and Treasurer.
Judge F. Ilross.
Associates J.'.E. McCrlte and fi. Marrh'ldon.
Clerk Jacob O. Lynch.
Coroner John I. Oossmsn.
.Msvo'r John f. Lsnsden.
Trea.urer-J. B. Taylor.
Comptroller E. A. IlurnetlJ
Clerk-Michael Howley.
Marshal Andrew Cain.
Attorney P. H.Pope.
Pollen Magistrates V, Hro and II. atun
Chiel ol Pollce-L. II. Myers.
Police Constables John Bheshan, (day), and
Jos. II. Velrrun and J. W. Sumner, (night.)
Mayor John M. Lansden,
First Ward-P. 0. Schuh.
Second WArd C. It. Woodward.
Third Ward Jno. Wood.
Kourth Ward S. Staats Tsyler.
City-aULarje W. P. JIalilday and D. Hurd.
FIHSr WAKI-Jame Bearden,
Leo Kk-b,
lsaao Waldeu.
E. Uuder,
Henry Winter,
Jamts Swayne.
THIRD WARD Wm. Stratton,
Patrick Pitzgetald.
OUKTCI WARD-Jaines Carroll,)
Time of Mttting,
I'he City Council meets In Joint eession on
Fr"Uy eteniDR precsuinic, the first Monday of
Theelect Council meets on the tlrst Wednts.
day and Thursday, alter the second Monday iu
ach month.
soasd or AiBtana,
The Board of AUermen meets on tht. firs
Monday and Tuesday la every month,
On Struli-UtutB, Taylor, Walder, Winter,
Wood and Metcalf.
Jhnlnatt-iUttt: Cunningham, Bchuh, Fitzger
ald, Hea.e and Halllday.
Crmis-Messrs. Wood, Cunningham and Kleb.
lUct and Jm-Mesrs. Carroll, Buder and
Ordfnanjfi-Miisrs. beaae, Walder and Taylor.
tr mi T",r,'"','-Me('f- Rrden,Bwayne and
AfqrAefi-Messia. Bchuh. Winter and Ki.i, Hurd. ,.11 '..."",''
1, Winter, Btrattoa and Cairoll,
ron hauvi:
The Illinois Central Rail Road Company tn,w
oner lor saieineioiiowinguescriutiu ioib mrirs
Addition 10 me uiiy 01 uiro, vis 1
, tT block 20. Iot 24 bfeck f2,
ja su,
" C 'I fi,
4rms,elr.. apply to
ex " vt.
" W " H.
" 31 ' M.
" 32 tt
BOOtCB, pasphla, bneli, catalogUM, newst
papers, Ux Md every variety ot tttn
irinllM,contrMt4 for. aod prtnjrlyud
d'ly extwuted, in the Bu letln lo, ob;
newspaper bindlaf eslahllihBsnl
SI, 250,000 OO .
01 ilarlford, Con.
Ktjual to the Great Emergency.
Wrror.Nnrreiidrrs t
Teated by the lorm of Sixty-one years
Pay from her mrpliiaof
Her Loaf by the
Learlng her magnificent capital of
ouste MiLXiionsr
Untouched and Quarter of a Million Surplus to
"Jet the Uui,"
SnCTord, Morris & Candoe, agents,
Caiko, Illinois.
Memphis, Vickshurg and New Orleans.
The fine itesmor
B. Neal, Master. U. E. Neal,...CTerk
sates Cairn Saturday, 2Sth Inst., at S o'clock p.
. For freight or passage apply on board or to
(ctJOdtt Passerger Agent.
The large and commodious dwelling house
situated on Eighth between Walnut and Waah
lagyinieppos.ieme l'restiyterlan Church) Is for
rent. For term, etc., apply to
Ohio Lores, Cairo, Ills.
Notice is hereby i?lrn. tint nn ani-.ia h.
28lhIsy ol October. 1871. a 10 o'clock a.m.. I
111 sell at rjublieaucllnn. tnth hlhBt t.M.t..
for insh, theho-tses 3 In number situated on
IjOI jo. 8 in Block No. 37, in the cltv of Cairo,
being on 13th si, between Poplar it and Washing
ton avenue Cairo Illinois October atth 1811.
Oct2Sdtd 3, W1NBT0H
Ueorne. the barber lately with Thittil n,l
Eschb-cli. has opened a Ni ItABata 8 nor, on
Commercial avenue, between 1' and 18th streets,
for the accommodation ot ladies and gentlemen
ui .un j.Fr mn ui me cut. no invites an ni
nlit anil niw frtna In vf.l, l.t. .. i
sures them ,olite attention and unequalled work
eiiner in nair curling, cutting, snaring or sham
puumg. oci.-mi
FablUliMl every morale, Momdmy x
S.iul Aliout Various Lo:al iitairs.
G minarobolntj extonded nlong
Washington avnriiio, norlhof Tuk Bullk-
tln office.
IMn. Harttiian wislio to sell the
agency for Howe's sowing mnchino. Ho
lmsn't tinrn to attond to it.
The number of babies about to be
born in Cairo U well, wonderful.
There Is not a mort- prolific cltv in tho
Tho motto of our Victoria "Woodhull
pologiiti Is : ' What U it first lovo worth
except'to prcjiaro for 11 second ?" "Wont
the erudite Turnay, of Metropolis, ans
A horrible stink miailod tho olfac
tories of all pedestrians who passed along
Eighth stroet, letwoen Commercial nnd
"Washington fivenuos yosterday afternoon.
i Here U tho'liealth offlcur ?
The Arabs feel good becauso thoy cot
first wuter on Tuesday night. Jack Win
ter when he was Informed of the fact.
went into tho soutbcait corner of tho en
gine hall and stood on his head.
The alarm of fire last nlcht was oc-
cattonetl by the hunting of a Iterosena
amp in the residence of Dvas T. Parker.
The bureau on which tho lamp stood was
scorcnou, but no other damage was dene.
The Bulletin mado Judee Broas
rft'surj justice yesterday. We were mis
t&kcn. The Judce thinks too much of lus-
tlce to treat her in that way. When iho
i"Uifpursed"it will be by somebody
else than Ilross.
A special to the Miuauri Republican"
dated at Memphis. 24th instant, aavs:
"Tbo Little Kock papers this inorninc
state that the rennsylvanla Central rail
road will complelo the construction of tho
Cairo and Fulton railroad, with h viow of
making that their through lino to tho Pa
cific by the thirty-second parallel."
Thu lady managers of the late Ornhan
Asylum will meet this evcnlne
Uia residence of Mn. Dsniol
"urd. No person in the ouUlde world
&m been aware of the character of
tho business to be transacted ; but we pro-umo-at
least wegue.. we presume-that
the resurrection t the asyUn i, t0 be at
tempted. Our new gas post and sidewalk have
attracted much attention ; and we desire
to Inform that largo class of grumblra,
wbn hare Thk BULLETIN on the brain, It
tncy naro any brain, that wo havo prm-
lcd to pay for both. The City did not,
wo leg learo to, Iflform tho lntoretcd
world, pay for our aldowalk. If anybody
lost anything by its hnp put down, ho it
tho unforiunnto mnn who gave u credit
for tlio lumbrir.
Thoro wai connldcrahlo cxcltomont on
Commorclal avenue yeitcrdayi' A man.
npparentlj In great distress, was keen gos
tloulMtlng In front of Alba'ajbarbcr shop
and otherwise acting in a strange maunor.
When quMtionod, be said he was incon
solable; tnai the thought he had not al
ways been a patron of Alba had driven him
to distraction, lie declared that Alba
was the best shaver in the city had
cleaner towels, sharper razors, and was
most attentive to his patrons. Go and as
certain for yourself that he spoke the
( V Word or Two About the People Wc Know.
Col. Winston and 'Squire Jorgcnatn
are absent at Chicago on Masonic business.
Mr. J. B. Fulton, who was ou tho
sick list for some time, Is, wo aro glad to
sco, himself again.
Hon. John H. Mulkcy is in Shawnee
town, and in tho only Catro lawyer attend
ing tho Gallatin Circuit Court.
Gen. Raum, hopoful as Burnsidc con
fident that the U. and V. road In which ho
has takon such a lively interest will turn
up all right is at Shawncotown on pro
fessional business.
Whllo at Metropolis last Saturday we
mat Charles Carroll, of Gallatin mot him
for tho first time, and bog leave to say that
wo arc very anxious to go our whole pile
on him cs a hlgh-tonod and very clever
Chief Myers and detective Arnold re
turned from tho St. Louis police conven
tion yestorday morning. They came by
the Iron Mountain road, and look as fresh
as could bo expected after so protracted a
Capt. Scott, the steamboat man
who Is circulating tho petition which we
publish this morning, is a veteran. Ho
has labored all his lifo to elevate tho social
standing of the class to which he belongs
and Is the author of several Important Im
provements in river navigation. Ho in
vented tho system of stoamboat signals
now in use on the Mississippi, Missouri
and Ohio, and ws first to uso a compass
in running from point to point on foggy
or very dark nights.
Capt. Wm. P. Halllday has been ap
pointed by tho governor a director of the
Cairo and St. Louis railroad, and so has
Judge Crawford, ofUnlon county. Wo hope
these gontlcmen and tho other directors
may be ablo to stop the clamor of tho men
about Cairo who mil tomplain about this
road and denounce the men who have been
engaged to build it.
Col. Charles E. Furlong, of Vlcksburg
Miss., sheriff of Warren eoanty, called on
us yesterday. The colonol is a carpet bag
olhce-holder, nut seems to be a very cloV'
or gentleman. Ho has neither a split hoof
nor horns, and to all appearances would
bo ill adapted to clthor " treason, stratC'
gem or spoils. " If tin cobnel is r, spo
ctmen carpet-uaggor, a good average
wo must take issue with H. Greeley in hts
opinion of tho class. The colonel informs
us that tho fcoling betwoen tho radicals
and democrats is very Intense, and that
pooplc of his kind walk In fear and trem
bling. If this is so, tho colonel without
doubts Injoys the dangers he lives among,
and has grown fat and gay a Bacchus all
In despite of the terrors of the horrible
The arrivals at the St. Charles hotel
yoaterday wero : 1). C. Wilcox, Paducah ;
1). L. Sanders, Paducah ; Mrs. A. M. War
ner, quincy; 2i. E. Way, Irvington, 111
W. L. Corbett and wife, Louisville; S. A.
Jones, St. Louis; Henry W. Allen, Chica
go ; J. Robertson, St. Louis; D. G. Morey,
Jackson, Tenn.j F. S. Van Ahtinc, Louis
ville ; Chas. E. Furlong, Vicksburg ; Jno.
Emory, Pennsylvania; John F. Barbour,
M.D., St. Louis; T. Wardin Bowman,
Monroe, La.; J. B. Drury, New Orleans;
Phnnton, Now Orleans ; I). D. Kobort-
son, Calhoun, Ky.; J. S. Neal, steamer In
diana; IN. Ohloneyer, New York; N. A.
Durham, Du Quoin; A. Eddy, Jackson,
Mich.; Wm. F. Anderson, Memphis ; J.
31. Carothcrs, Daily Times, Helena Ark.;
Stephen A. Mills, Cincinnati ; B. F. Bond,
Jackson, Tcnn.; J. C. Johnson, Evansvillo.
Tho following were tho nrrivnls at tho
Dclmonlco hotel, Wm. Winter, proprietor,
for tho twenty-four hours endine at 10
'clock, p.m., October 25th, 1871 : Charles
Sloan, river; Orson Morgan, Champaign,
111.; h. Herwlck and lady, Kinmundy; T.
B. Schollcld, Cincinnati; H. Warwood,
Martin's Ferry, O.; J. C. Crow, Chicago;
James O. Nicholson, Harrison, Ark.; Jno.
Stafford, Pittsburg; Geo. Burrltt, Louis
ville; Wm. A. Wells, Now Albany; Jno.
T. Goodrich, Now Albany; W. II. Patter
son nnd lady, Texas; E. K. Grayvllle,
Evansvillo; John T. Taylor, Louisville;
Henry M. Allen, Chicago; M. Wait and
A. C. Kussoll, steamer Mohawk; A. W.
Bonedict, St. Louis ; H. A. Sttagald, l)o
coturville, Tcnn.; Joe Schlango, St. Louis;
Geo. A. Babbitt, I.C.K.K; A.J.Jordan,
Now York; Goo. W. Waters, Glendalo;
W. K. Brown, Metropolis ; M. K. Groth
wohl and family, Columbus, Ky.; J. N.
Poll, Louisvillo; Jacob Dobler, St.
Charles hotel; F. M. Stock flcth, city;
W. H. Kellogg, Elmwood IU; Lowis
Blotouc, Chicago; It. B. Timnor, St. Lou-
is ; H. 11. Browster, I. 0. R. lt John An-
dorson, Bivcr ; E. W. Stowfcr, Metropolis;
-Mrs. Ji. Hurt, l'aducali; Miss Annie Ev
ans, Jonesboro; Martin McGinty Cincin
nati; Daniel Toal, Louisvillo; F. J. Par
ker, Texas ; W. C. Hohuan, Z. T. Baggetto
and S. Fuijua, Springfield, Tenn.
Auency ron Howx's 8wiko Macuixk
ronSALK.To parties wishing to enter into
a good paying business, with a small capi
tal, I will ejll the agency of tho Howe
sewing machine. It Is a standard ma
chine, and all tho Machines I havo sold
glvo entire satisfaction. The reason for
selling is, my other business will not allow
m to glvo It all the attention It needs
Persons wishing to purchaso will apply to
tho Howe machine sales room or at my
auction room, i85 Commorclal atenue.
x-m-lw D.IlAWMATf.
JWhat is llelng Done and What Should bo Done
uj ine Auinoruies.)
Tho police, as at present organized, is
wiuu-awnh-o ana omclont.
Tho council should provldo for tho
immeumie construction of n number of
public cisterns.
Tho laborious work of reading tho ro-
vlsed ordlnunces is progressing slowly.
They havo Icon read twlco, and must be
read twice In tho select council and twice.
i .1 t 1 . -1 . "
111 mi: uvnru ui aiaermen.
Tho sidewalks on tho cross streets,
between Washington and Comraorclab
bolow Tenth street, are bolng repaired.
A gang is now at work on Eighth street
In front of Webb's residence.
-Thero Is a very dangerous hole In
tho sidowalk on Eighth street, opposite the
rerry liouso. un i uoaday evening a lady,
carrying an Infant, foil through this hole,
and was considerably Injurred, and a few
hours before Mr. Beerwart went through
it like a thousand of brick. A spike or
two, driven In time, might savo tho city
theexponscof a law suit and n verdict of
Wo are gratified to observe that The
Paper has taken up the matter of a sup
ply of water for our tiro engines, and Is
rapping over tho fingers those Impracti
cable asses who will not accept anything
that does not sou aro with their Ideas.
Cairo has greater demand for water sup
ply than any city within the range of our
knowledge ; And, at The Paper remarks, a
storm of fire will sweep over her some
day destroying evory thing, and then the
asses will cry : Why was there no water
at hand ?" Wo suggested a plan to supply
his city with water that was both cheap
and practicable, but toeing In the coun
cil a disposition to go down on it, wo did
not pross it. Now, however is tho time
for action, and In tho name of tho proper
ty holders of the city we ak the council
to tako this matter into serious considera
tion. The season of fires is at hand, and
water should bo placed conveniently with
in tho reach of tho firemen. If tho coun
cil cannot build tho conncctod cisterns
suggested by us, let ten or twelve addi
tional cisterns be built of wood (brick
cisterns aro humbugs) and filled by tho
steamer, " Jack Winter," which might
in this way, be made useful as well as or
(How the City and County Political Pot is
Mr. Martin, democratic candidate for
treasurer and assessor, is gaining friends
every day. He will leavo Miller a long
distance in the rear.
F. M. Ward, who was not nominated
for county treasurer by his radical friends,
has retired disgusted from tho political
field. Ho is nrw devoting his time to wood
and coal.
Davis of tho Sun, is getting into con
dition for a mix in the municipal canvass
next spring. He has his caglo eye In the
cltv marshalship. Will tho Hev. Mr.
Shores support him?
Mr. Miller does not mnko a very live
lv radical candidate. Ho intonds to trot
his colored friends up to tho polls on clcc
tion day and voto them, but, wo vonture
to say, will not solicit the vote of any of
them. He belioves ho owns them.
Tho blessed little Sun professes to be-
Hove that tho domocrats of Cairo will not
support Bowman. Will they snpport Old
Nabblcr Mcrtz ? Banish the thought!
Charge them with all kinds of iniquities
falshood, treachery, robbery, but don't
we beg, good .Vim, ever intimate that tbo
meanest among them has over thonght
that under any circumstance, he could bo
induced to vote for Mertzl
(Before Police Magistrate Shannesy.
Stephen Powers indulged in blue
lick water until ho becamo drunk, and
was required to pay f 1 and cost.
John Killlgan had been drunk during
two weeks drunk and harmless. He was
fined $1 and costs, which ho could not
pay. During the next seven days ho will
labor for tho city under tho paternal caro
of Jailer Mc Hale.
Bob Jone, a nogro, was arrested
yesterday for carrying concealed weapons.
Ho had on his person a largo revolver and
nbout a pound of powder. While on trial
ho was Insolent nnd threatened all kinds
of vengeance against tho officer who nr
rested him. ThoSquIro fined him 5 nnd
costs, which he paid.
Kkliaiilk and Satis. Dr. Henry Boot
nnd Plant Pills aro mild and pleasant in
thoir operation, yet throrough, producing
no nausea or griping. Being entirely
vcgctablo, thoy can bo taken without re
gard to diet or business. They arouso tho
livor and secretlvo organs into healthy
action, throwing on" disoaso without ex
hausting or debilitating tho system. Try
them and you will be satiaflod. Price 20
conts a box. Sold by druggists and deal
ers in medicine overy whero. Prepared by
tho Grafton Medicine company, St. Louis,
Missouri. myOdm
Auction Salk ok Furhitubk. I will
offer for salo at public auction on Friday,
Oct. 'it, at 9 o'clock a. m., at tho resi
dence of Mr. Ithoutan, on Walnut street,
between Ninth and Tenth streets, a large
assortment of household and kitchen fur
11 Hurt, consisting of bedsteads, bureaus,
chairs, sofas, looking glasses, fino stool
pluto ongravlngs, stovos, crockory, niat
trusses, pillows, etc., etc.
d-t-d D. H. Hautman, Auctioneer.
Fkkhii Otstxrh. I am now receiving
dally, tho celebratod C. S.Maltby'sfl. and
M. brand of fresh oysters, which ar unri
valled, and for salo by tho can or case on
the most reasonable terms, try them, al
ways warranted Rood and fresh.
tf Wm. Wintiw.
Tiik best stock or goBuino French calf
In tho city may be found at Win. Ehlers'
shop on Twentieth street, opposlto tho
Court Houso hotel. If you want a good,
neat-fitting pair of boots, shoes, slippers
mado on short notice, and tcrranr'ea call
on Ehlers.
A Word or Two About the Business olthoCKy.
Alba docs not proposo to bo out dono
by any barber in tho city.
0 crn beat tho world In or out of
arms doing job work, chenp.
Thomas Green Ja Alden dcilro to rout
a dwelling houso opptslto the presbyterian
church, 011 Eighth street.
Those French Chorrles, in syrup, so
popular with connoiscur aro sold by Jor
genscn. if
As a sign-writer and monoy collector
and Insurance agent Carl L. Thomas has
tew superiors and no equal. Fact.
Mr. Joseph Mondcll has purchasod
half the building formerly known as tho
"Pilot House," from County Clerk Lynch.
Goto Jorgonsen's for Imported Dun
doe orango marmalade, tho colobrated
London crystal vinegar, In quarts, nnd
holco Genoeso figs. tf
Tho business prespocts or our iner
chants aro gilt edged. Their good time
coming is Just ahead, and thoy arc patient
ly" waiting a little longor.
Wo see by tho Now York reports that
tho nctt Incrcaso of insurnnco In tho Lifo
Association during the year 1870 exceeded
the net Incrcaso of any other Company In
tho world, by ovor $0,000,000.
Col. Winston advertises for sale, to
tbo hlghost bidder, thrco bulldlnes on
Thlrtoonth street, between Washington
avenuo and Poplar street. Tho day, Sat
urday; the time, 10 o'clock, a.m.
Mr. Halloy, In his new storo room, tho
lato council chamber, Is ns snug ns a bug
in a rug. Ho has cook stoves, hooting
stoves and tlnwaro of all kinds on hand,
and sells at the lowest notch.
Where aro you going? To tho place
number 63, Ohio lovce, whero thoy keep
tho best fresh oysters, fish and game, nnd
tho flnctt wines, liquors nnd cigars to bo
found in the city. Open at all hours, day
or night. J. E. Parks.
Schoncmeycr & Co. aro fitting up
Lontrgan's store room on the northwest
corner of Washington nvenue and Tonth
street as a furniture storo and mattress
manufactory. The Co. of tho firm is an
experienced mattress maker, and Charlio
is a practical cabinet maker.
Tabor Brothers, having obtained for
their watch department somo or tho very
best workmen to be found, aro now pre
pared to turn out work In that lino with
but little delay. Those having fino and
dlfiBcult work requiring tho most skillful
workmen may now bo assured of obtaining
satisfaction. Tho finest pattorns of jew
elry, as usual, are mado to ordor nt prices
that defy competition. oct20tf.
'Whatever may be said about fine
beef, and however thick praise of tbo beef
of othor butchers may bo spread, tho fact
remains that Nick Williams will not ad
mit that any other butcher In the city
keeps for sale as fine beef as that which
ho sells at his popular meet market at tho
corner of Poplar and Twentieth streets.
Givohim a call. tf
PcterSauphasoponedabrannew oys
ter saloon, 102 Commercial avenue, whero
ho will keep on hand constantly fresh
oysters, the largest and most deliclouB in
tbo city, which ho will sell tho by case, can
or dozen, iho saloon nas been lilted up
with the express viow of supplying
gentlomon and ladios with a placo whero
they may enjoy a meal of these toothsome
bivalves quietly, without bolng disturbed
by tho bustlo and noises incidental to the
commnnplnco restaurant oyster room.
The city beot and shoo store, .is now
being stocked with its fall supply of boots
and shoes, from tho renowned manufac
tury of lirolaski & Co., St. Louis, Mo.,
and presonts attractions in the line of
hand work never boforo presented in this
The goods, embracing all styles, and
made of tho best imported stock, of
French and Curraccy kid, Tnmpeno peb
ble and B. grain Goat, French tnorroco,
Gloro kid, Calf serge and velvet serging.
Every pair of boots and shoes bearing
the guarranty, are warranted to bo in ev
ery particular as represented, and if pre
ferable the customer may learn his or hor
measure and havo made to order, at a
small advance over retail price
Tho general stock of boots and shoes
now being daily opened nt tho city boot
and shoe storo is tho most varied In
tho city. Tho attention of our patrons is
especially called to this fact, as tho
want of n good nnd non ripping boot and
shoo has been long felt in our city; and to
tho other fact that nowhero in tho city will
the ladles find a moro complcto and fash
ionable supply of ladies' fancy goods, jew
elry, ribbons, hosiory, etc., etc.
An inspection of tho same is respect
fully solicited by tho public genornlly,
beforo purchasing elsewhere. For
Fisherman and Hunter's n lot of rubber
hip boots havo just bocn opened out nt
tho city boot and shoo store. 1-t
D. Lamport has removed his shop
from Ohio Lovoo to Eigth, between Com
mercial and Levee, and ho now invites
his friends to one of tho best fitted shops
in tho city. Everything is kopt in tho
neatest and best manner possible ; snow
white towols, bright, kocn razors, puro
water, fragrant soaps, clear oils and fine
porfumory. Smooth shaves, thorough
shampoos, fashionable hair-cutting, hair
curling or dressing for gentlemen, ladies
or children, and polito attention is always
in reudlness for those who favor him with
their patronage. octOdlm.
The Chicago Beer Saloon, Wm.
Schick, proprietor, Nos. 20 and 28 Eighth
street, is a favorite place of resort with all
lovers of wolss' JJocr, Jjlquors of every
description, and all kinds of foreign and
homo Wines. Jo ordinary liquors aro
dlsperasod nt tho bar of tho saloon only
tho very host, and guests find in attend
ance polito and accomodating waitors. A
freo lunch is spread overy day at 10
o'clock a.m. aual7tf.
Juot Ukceivxo. W. W. Thornton
Tenth street botween Commorclal avenue
and Poplar street, has just received and in
tore 1,000 doors and 1,000 windows and
Tho following Is the text of 11 tietltlon
being circulated by tho author, 01ms. M.
Scott, un old pilot and boatman, now in
this city. Mr. Soott claims In favor f the
petition that It Is bused on tho laws uf
niivlgutlon In cxlstcnco nil ovor tho civil
ized world, that require all navigators to
keepn log in which all dangerous obsta
cles and nil changes of channel nro accu
rately noted down, nnd whon tho navigator
nrrlves at any port, to glvo to tho proper
officer a transcript from his log, by which
means dangers aro Immediately mado
known to all Interested. Scott also claims
that tho navigation of our rivers Is of as
much importance as Iho navigation of the
ocean, nnd that all those Interested In river
navigation should be required, as by his
plan they would be, to furnish to each oth
er all tho information thoy may linvo or
obtain that will contribute to making tho
navigation of rivers less dangerous if not
safe. Tho petition is as follows:
To the Board of Untied States Supervising Inspec
tors :
Wo, you petitioners, steamboat owners,
captains, pilots nnd others, nil deeply in
terested In tho navigation of tho western
and southern rivers of tho United States,
would respectfully ask of your honorable
body to amend tho rules governing pilots
by nddlng tho ac:ompanliig rules.
Wu bcllove that the constnnt changes in
our western rivers require that vhoo
navigating thorn should be Informed of all
such changes as much as possible, aii'i, that,
If a rulo of this kind is adopted and rigid
ly enforced, it will do moro to sccuro life
and proporty than anything
elso that could bo done. A rulo
of this kind has nlrcady been
adopted by several niociatious, but it has
worked Injury to commerce by enabling
tho members to combine and extort from
owners exorbitant salaries, which exorbi
tant rates have a direct tendency to de
stroy comtnerco ; nnd tho llcenso system
serves only to protect their monopoly but
does not make better pilots. Wo believe
this rulo will remove all objectionably fea
tures in the law as farjas pilots aro concerned
and mako it as perfect ns human foresight
can make It :
It shall bo the duty of tho local inspec
tors of all districts on tho interior water
of tho United State to caue boxe of n
sultablo size, with locks on them, to bo
put up nt convenient places nlong the
river for tho uso of nil pilots ; say
On the Mississippi, beginning at New
Orleans, mouth of Bed river, Vlcksburg,
mouth of Whito river, Memphis, Cairo,
St. Louis, Keokuk, Dunlcilb, La Cross and
St. Paul;
On the Arkansas, nt Litllo Bock ;
On White river, at Jacksonport;
On tho Ohio, at Paducah, Evansville,
Louisville, Cincinnati, Wheeling and Pittt
burg; On the Missouri, nt Jetl'urson City, Lex
ington, Kansas City and Sioux City;
Also, at such other point- ns may be
found convenient.
Tho keys of said boxes shall only be
given to those who possess a license to
pilot, and shall b(i surrendered to the in
spector if the holder shnll, ut any time,
be suspended or havo his liceii-e revoked.
Itshallbotho duty of uvory pilot to
keep a correct log or memorandum of each
trip from port to port, noting down nil
changes In tho channol with marks to run
such changes ; ho shnll also give tho depths
of water on thu bars, or where ho has
had tho lead hove ; ho shall also note down
the situation of alt snugs nnd breaks that
would bo dangerous to a boat passing
them In tho night; ho shall write, or cause
to be written, a transcript from bis log
and place it in each box as ho p.tssr-.
(Tho trunicript shall only bo from box to
When tho boat arrives iu port, it shall
bo thu duty of tho pilot to hand to the
Inspector hi log, who shall post it in n
convenient place in his olllco for the iiiu
of those interested in navigation.
Any pilot refusing to keep n log, cr re
fusing to put a correct transcript in the
way boxes, or refusing to furnish his log
to tho Inspectors, or for giving false infor
mation, shnll havo his license, revoked for
not less than six month, and n second
revocation shall bu porpotual. Nothing
in this shall be so constructed so as to hold
tho pilot guilty of violating ; it if ho docs
not land at n box; but nt tho first ho does
land at, ho shall put in a rnonornndum
embracing nil tho river from whoro ho
last put a communication in a box. All
logs and transcripts shall be signed by tho
pilots who mnko them.
Slekpi.vo Booms roit Kent. Ton
well ventilated sleeping rooms in CityNa
tionnl Bank building. Apply to
At City Niitlonal Bank.
Economy. By using Mrs. Whitcomb's
Syrup for children many a doctor's bill
can bo saved and much Kiilt'arlng nvorted.
Bead tho advertisements in another col
umn. For Sale. A Grovertfc Baker Bowing
machine, lit pcrfest order nnd but little
used. Any one wishing to purchaso may
make a good bargain by application nt tbU
office. tf.
For good photographs, porcoluln pic
lures, or old pictures to bo copied, call on
Thomas, No. 124 Commercial avenue. Ho
s a good workman. Glvo him a trial.
For Sale. A cottago on 12th stroet
containing 7 rooms, cistern and out
houses complete
Apply to
AV. W. Thornton.
Adaus' drv corned fish, u most delicious
article, In nbundanco nt Jorgonsen's gro
cery storo. tf.
Jorqknson lias just received, lnrgo sup
ply of Portland bluo berrlos. Try them, tf
Tux best East India dry prcservod gin
ger nt Jorgonsen's. tf,
Little Muck Clams (quabaugs) at
Jorgcnson'c. - tf
Government has just mado another largo
sniooi surplus Ann v CloUiing nnd Blank
ets, nnd Tlcknoi-A: Co. (I Si. Louis can
now fill orders foi Overcoats. Punts. .lack-
tits, Shirts, mouses, mi . illniikels, either
... r j
by tho case or For price list od-
dres, J K'KNoit & Co., St. Louis Mo.
The family grocery storo of Blxby &
Itoolilcr is being patronized largely by peo
iiln ivlm hue film uroturli's. Their lur.illnii
on tho north side of Eighth street, be
tween Commercial nnd Washington av
enues, Is n central one, and their stock has
been selected with discrimination, thoro-
forothls new candidate for nubile DatroQ-
4 i
ago meets exactly tho wants of tho peo
ple. Mossrs. Kooblor & Bixby propose to
keep up thoir reputation by always solllsg
tho best of nil sorts of groceries to their
patrons nnd tho public, knowing that peo
ple generally aro sworn nf thn frt that
reaiiy good articles of any kind are al-
Brick Stouk s Aim UtIWSSi
torc, So. 78. Ohio Lover, now occupied
.. 11 tr a .a ' . . -
oy r. .n. aiocKtictii, Ksq., is offered for
rent, nnd will be vacant on tho 18th Inst.
APl1y to Jno. B. Piiilus.
MARittAfir Ouidk. Interesting work
numerous ongravlngs VI t paces. Prico
CO cents. Address Dr. llutU' Dlsncnaarv
No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis,
Mo. See Advertisement. "tf
TwKNTY-riVK cents. This amount
will bllV a bottla nf Mrs. Whltrnmb'a
Syrup, tho great soothing remedy fur all
diseases incident to Infants nnd children.
Oct. 18, 1871. dawlw
Wantko At tho Dolmonlco Hotel ono
hundred weakly boarders. Fivo meals
each dny, price f 6 per week.
augsotf "Wm. Wintsk.
Oymtkhs. Louis Herbert hasalwason
hand n fresh supply of Saddlu Bock oys
ers. tt
(Jo to Dr. McOnuloy for Battinger's F
ver Drops. Warranted to cure the chills.
Paul (S. Schuh sells Battinger's medi
cine!, tf
Tin: finest vanilla chocolate paste In
gluss, at Jorgcnson's. tf.
Tkt the American club fish, put up la
oil, to be found nt Jorgonsen's.
For Bent. Five rooms over the city
council chamber. Enqtilro of Jacob O.
Lynch. scptUtf
Steamer Bella of Pike, St. Louii.
" Jos. Fik, Jr., Paducah.
' Argonaut, St. Louis.
" Illiiioi", Columbus.
" Capitol City, Now Orleans.
" Henry Ames, New Orleans.
" Shannon, New Orleans.
" I'.ob Bov,. St. Louis.
" lice and" barges Sl.LouU.
Steamer Belle of Piku, Memphis
" .In. Kisk, Jr., I'ndilcnh
Illinois, Columbus.
" Argonaut, St. Iritis.
" Capitol City. St. Louis,
" Henry Ami-, St. Louis.
' Shannon, St. Louis.
" Bob Boy, New Orleans,
Colutiib'in, Whito -iver
" .Mallie Bngon, Memphis,
According to Hundley's gauge the river
Is now about stationary at this point, A
slight riso l.t taking placo at Louisville, but
at Cincinnati the river is still on the de
cline At St. Louis the Mississippi Is try
ing to put on airs and make a little swell
out of itself. The Arkansas Is falling at
Little Bock, but n ri'e is reported abovo
there. The lato rains havo been general
throughout the country, nnd tho prospects
for a riiid in thu rivers aro bettor than thoy
havo been lor sometime. At Memphis
tho Mississippi is reported to be rising.
Business on tho landing was very fair.
A heavy rain visited this locality last night.
Tho fog Tuesday night was so denso that
boats woru compelled to lay by until It
blew away. Wo have had several very
foggy nights during tho last coupio ot
weeks, and boats havo been detained con
siderably by tbetn.
Tho Belle of Pike, for Memphis, got.
down with a fnir trip. Among hor passen
gers was the noted Irish " puncher," Ned
0' Baldwin.
Tho Fisk camo down lat evening with
a light trip.
Tho Argonaut put in an appearance af
ter having several days' trouble at Pow
ers' Island. Sho brought down a load for
tho Columbia. Tho lattor boat started to
her n'slitance, but met hor on tho way
Tho Capitol City, from Now Orleans,
had but little freight. Sho discharged a
fuw packages of sundries for tho north.
Tlio Illinois did not succocd in getting
into port, night boforo last, beforo tho fog
let down on hor. Sho laid up opposlto
Bird's point.
The Henry Ames discharged 1G bales of
hides and TO bales of rugs. Ilcr froigbt
for St. Louis was rathor small.
Tho Columbia cleared for Whito river
with n good cargo.
Tho Shannon, from Now Orleans, bad
but little freight fur any place Cairo in
cluded, Tho Hob Boy camo in well loaded for
tho south. She was detained a fow hours
at Dog Tooth by grounding.
Tho Malllo Bngon skipped out for Mem
phis with a good trip of passongors and
Tho big Indiana, (Hooslcr) will bo hero
to-day from Now Orleans nnd leaves for
that port again Saturday. Seo hor adver
tisement in nuothcr placo.
Tho Boo brought. out a tow ot fYolghted
barges fostho Mohawk and roturned to St.
Louis with n lot of empty barges.
Tho Argonaut laid down near tho Ken
tucky landing all day yesterday taking on
n lot of ttoves.
Tho big wharfboat belonging to the I, 0.
B. B. camo olf tho Mound City ways yes
terday in comploto condition, nnd will bo
put back In her old placo to-day, Wo
supposa that tho bo'hoys will shod many
tours as largo as marble whon thoy havo
to glvo up tho bargo that thoy havo been
doing business ou slnco tho wharfboat ht
IKCU gone.