THEMA1LS. AtttilVE. I.rriiT Througn i-.w. m. soop.m way 2:20 pirn. ll'p.m Way 12.15 p,m, jiw p.m. Chrotliih N. ().. Mnm. tnl Colllmlill 2:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. uer route. fTri,i day) ;oop.m. coo p. m, inmin if ir o.'m..... imi n. n ivnr rnnln ' 'rlday :(), i.m. 7:p.m llnn.n laldml A Uah.m I.. '1 IttirK'Inv A IT i .:"" m, i ii i 1 . i e, Ity i i:i-i is.iii in. Delivery..., -.. nl-r depaittmnl iWl a. in, G.lsi ' " " ...... H.MI K.01. a fi.ln. Onlcr mil Heiittcr department no turnf AVft. .. . -- SKCKET OKDKIuS. T1IR 1IAHON8, IMMtaDEaV, No. 1.1. Slated AslemMy liim Mssoni i Hall, flr.t sn.t n,,.,i u. each month. H flub. JSU. zt. rririllAr I nnv.itftf.n.. .1 u'w'tf' Ko; 71 ijt'.'r Convocation .r. ..-) vii iiiv iiiiiu I iiesimy Of CVCTy ,. Kn "IT V 1. i . ... .... iliM nt MaNi.nfn Unit II. A - .. . . I .... ... . ' ,-v.iii,i biiu ndnys ol each month. simi, No. Ma K. t A. M.-Regular Com- In each month. THE ODD-FELLOWS. rtsr'a IluiMlni. mmThuiuiiv ...... rioic. OUR CHURCHES. ,a -, rsa . 0K TUK KEDBKMKIl-KplM:op4l) BctlOOlJi, Mi Ht. Mi, Coin. ltctor ir.K'H r.umtntt. c. ...... rT cr. didijii Binn inn t. w. 3 Ml. Ker. P.J. OUIiluhuk. !'rlM. VV I writs.. nth htra. V . iii'-t. a. w . . inn ; M . KlKtitffulli H.riM-t. B-hUlh Monool 3 J, 11. lUrD.HupM... Undent. llMkA mut hh rrl.litv 71 at a C. ruwM, rrrsidf nt. r. 11. u ismwmft mt m. M. iL ItiPflrtT IIDMI-! MISAllKt fits'. tHIfJ'Vrri.T trBntit n,l PjiHup ! nnrti. j a. w. L' V f I I It 4 IITI CT rtflfftll . IUv. Wm. KKtLir, 1 'ii-lor. nllllh trett, uer L'nlar. puoaiii i' At M.anau i. r. ... eting. Wedu-Kilnyerenlii;. nooi. i r. m. jotiD An uaxtf-r anu nhfiit SutM.rintnilintB. Itr T J. ( . pB"t) STATE OFFICERS. John M. Plmeri of HUtr, K-lward Itumml ; Hint-. C. E. Lido ncott : CONGKESSMEN. 1 T- . . ..11 . 1 f .. lit Dlntrlct T. A. K. Holcomb, ol H.K. fllUnn.of flillitln. imte. Ml LMtmci u. nmion nruu. CIRCUIT COUKT. J. Halter, nf AleinJrr. rrtMinn, w . iiariiiuu v i tr tin, AsieMor nd TiMUrcr. COUNTY COUKT. l R r.nri ami A. f fin-hMtlftn. .-1. I T HMAlt T.-.Kt If ritti m n .1. T .nn.lAn J. B. Taylor. cr E. A. Ilurnett r tr nn1 i7iairai!i r . dtob inn ii. oiihii I.l .- UI...1... M...1 .. 1 lull n'- v iituHHMivi, v"'n"-r SELECT COUNCIt.. olin it. Lnns.len, . T I ' . t m Tl DU.KVI l"i"ll v ... Tl ll.llt.ln ..I II lliiv.l I.eo Kleb, Ibiiao Wtil'len. niin. ti.HJiinn nun.Mi. E. DuJer, Hemy Winter, Jamti Bwnyno. nn Wm. Stratton. Patrick FltiKeuld. AnimRmii. vitiiwn,. 0. II. Sense. IJ.Jl.Metenir. Time o f Meeting, KMX C0VKCIL. Rouncll meets In joint fexsion nn ninK preOftuloK the first Momlny of ELECT COl'.NCll. t Council meeta on the tlrst We.lntn. eOiBD Or ALDIKUEN, r.l nr lli .rmnn mrntlH nn tin. flri. Tueuday in every month. Mll'lKES Kit 1 11 T. LULJILlli. jHPlirp. awjivi. .luiiici. .iiuici. i. riv, . 1 . ll'.l I 1irtM& Metctur, Ua.... Pnnn naliim Q.tnili PllviVA. Jcti Mossra. Carroll, Uuder ad i Meisra. Seaae, WnWcr nnc Taylor, U 11' I I U,. ..n s 1I...1.. 1tnJA The Mayor, and Messrs. Hear- THE BULLETIN. I'nlillcntlon OITIrp, Iliillcllii ltiillllii(r, WnililitKloii Avfiitip. BLAIH. A Kit OUT SYNOI'MJH ()F HIS I.ATi: ur..MAi(iAlii.K .SI'KKCII. HB KBCOMMKNDS TUB BXA.Ml'J.K OF VIItai.N'IA TO TUB DB.MOCUACY. Ocn. Fnttik Ulalr doing one of the Con L;rcl(initl cointiuttee ongnyed In Invtstl t'ntlni; thoHtrnlrii In Alnlmmn, witti refer ence, to ttii! peaceful ami law-aoMIn"; clinr- actcr of the people, wm recently Invited to vldroi. tb people, of Montgomery. Tho speech delivered hy him Ii reported In full in the Montgomery Mail. It It mi uhlouiid manly exposition of tho n'.alo of parties, nnd gives bold counsel to the dcinc crneyuftlio south. The following para graphs embody the substanco of his opin ion as to the organization nnd rtrntcgy which will win In tlia uppronehing I'm). dentlal campaign ! Now. mv fellow citizens, to mv view the future doct not looh gloomy, even un der the loieJ we lmvo sullered'thli sum mer mid Hiitutnn. I hnvu not h sint;liifecl inj; of despondency. AppltitiHo. It is well understood thut the republican imitv contititis in Itietf tm-iU of di. content, of blttcrncs, cf rivalry, nnd of dlsiill'cctlon, and ills tin tu ral in these prclimitinrr elec tions that tlioio who fintuKMiizu the re nomination of (Sen. Grant should attempt to hold their posi.iuri witiuii their party in order that their influence may bo used to defeat his nomination. I Know verv well that hU nomlnutlon will no', lo defeat ed at leait that Is my conviction: thut ho is now tho dictator In the republican party that he aspires to be in tho country utilise. Applause. I believe that ha will dictatu his own nomination : thut some of the most conspicuous, nble nnd courageous, men, who stand highest in the radical party, will leuvo the republican partv and bum their ships. Applause and laughter. "When they fail to defeat him for thu tho nomination they will take good pains to defeat hit ic-clcctiun. Henewcd appluue. And again: instcud of going for n New Depurturc, I would'rathcr go for a man who represents, tho New Departure; I would prefer to give that guurrantco to tho disaffected Republicans. Itatltcr than to go back upon my own principles I would prefer to muko a choiu of lie pub licans, and go for n man who ihould be nominated bv tho disaffected Republicans, or what would be better, one who might 1 nominated bv tho Democrat! In their convention, and thus draw to us by u much stronger guirantee than tho mere words of n platform thu support of those, who are elasiiUed with urantunu the rautcal party. Applauie.l In other words, I do not sea that wo go back on our principles in making a choice between candidate, neither of whom may suit us exactly we could all vote,for n republican who was in favor of universal amncty, against the Ku klux bills chcjrs, and against tho military luw prolonged and enthusiastic ap pluu'ej while tho most ancient Bourbon in Alabama could vote for such a repub lican in preference to Ulysses S. Grant, renewed apnlaue and hold all the time to his very heart nil that there would be of his itourbonism. My fellow-citizens, tho state of Virginia has adopted this policy that state which fitrniihed tho Illustrious statesmen and tho illuttrious wsrrinrs who were foremost in tho struggle for our independence that state which gave us n long line of illus trious presidents that state which in our unfortunate war, after having guided tho councils of the nation for so many years, furnished tho heroes and statesmen o'f tho .Southern Confederacy enthusiastic cheering that state which not oven rud ical reconstruction could subject tl a scalla wag or a carpet-bagger applause that state which was cleft in twain by tho radi cal congress to add to their nowor by du pi looting its representation in tho senate in order to oppress tho south, and which tho wise sons of Virginia have erected into two, fortressea for the defen-o of their .country. Loud applause. .Shall the de mocracy of tho south bcsltuto to follow tho counsel of the Old Dominion ? "Why, we have taken heed of her example in Mis souri. Trammeled with election laws and disfranchised, wo havo risen and rent tho bonds which bound us: and I believe that the stato of Mlasouri will at tho next pres idential election irivo a larger majority than any other statu for tho candidato of tho democratic party, n.ouu appinue.j IiT KNTEIt PRINK. TICK ONLY IIEL1A11LK (MKT KNTKIUT.ISK IN TIlECOUNTItYl . $60,000 IN VALUABLE OIFTS To Le distributed In IJ.'ml Ilegubr Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE, To lie ilrawn Momlny, Nov. 27, 1671. Two Grnml S'npllaU or 93,000 cnt-tilii UreeulmekH. Two prizes, Sl.liOO j Klve prlics 5i0; Tell prli . Sioo, all in tlreenbaeks. W1I0LK NUMIIEU CASH OIKTS, 1,000. Onelloisoand Iluggy, nu, silver-tl:ttel luirness, wo;th iri on One line RoseHood Piniio, wurili imi ou Ten Famll tSowing innehineH,eli worth lco ui Hre heavy cased Oohl HuntiiiK unUtheii nml heavy Gold Chnlns, uorilieuel 4twi (hi Ten Ladles' (iolu Hunting waiehea woiih eaclu. 1 1 h i o Kixhl hundred gold and silver lever hunt. ing watches (In all) worth mini l.'O to I too. Ladles' (.old i.eonilnn Chnlns, deist's Cold Vest chains, silver-pluied castors, solid silver ninldoii. ble-plated table and teaspoons, Ivory handled dinner knives, llver-platc.d dlua;r forks, silver vest chains, photograph, albums, ladles' gold breastpins, shirt studs und nleeve buttons, linger rings, gold pins (silver exleimlon,) etc. Whole niunber gins, uuou. Tickets limited to UI.WSI. Agents wanted to sell Tickets to whom liliom; Bremluins will tie paid, leglu tickets 11 i nix tickets; twelve tickets tin twenty-live tK Circulars contiilutng n full list of a de scription of tho manner of drawing, and other In formation in refereuce to tho distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them. Alll letters must be nddreued to L. U. H1NK, llnx to, .orricc, Cinolnnatl, U, let west Mh at. Uolldawlyr BAPTIST AGENTS w.A.asri'iEir) everywhere for the largest Usptlst paper In the world. Able writers, all the news, aud constant Improvemenis. tttt .Market. Report, Sunday Hcn.ol Denaitinent lesson ovcrv week. An in flexible advocate of ilaptlst principles. 0r, f rv !, only JW.UO per veif. The most astonith. ng premium and clubbing list' ever offered, or ibcral cash eommiisioDj, paid, ,f aWHpeaimen copy and partteolirs frtoal-whu will write to I.UTHS.H4 TEAMAN, The Cemai "anisT, BT. Wm'HO. oct26w2lli THE CAIRO DAILY rxnthY fjitoci:uirs). LOUIS JOltOENSKN, Dealer Inall kinds of STAI'IjK and fancy I'nriiiei-'N Yard mill rtlnlillinc WITHOUT CIIAHOK. Cor, Waxliinloii-av ami Tweiitictli-fl., CAIIIO, II.MNOIH J)27illf CO A I,. CAIRO CITY COAL COMPA1TY. la prep'ire I lo tipply enitniiier uiih thu Iml ii:i!lly n. PITTSBURG AM) ILLINOIS COAL. OrtDBItH left at Hallldny IJro. o'ltiee, 7t t)10 I.KVKK. or nt the i;:il YirU Ivlnw tin. St. Unnrleii llnlel, will receive iiiotnpt ntientloii. I IIKTUtJ " MONTAUK " will ."ngeoal .tlonif stdw tentner nt nv hour. wilir CK.VTHAL MEAT MARKET. KOEIILER & BROTHER Have teopene l the I'tll'l'l, III Mi: AT .H.llllilT, COMMKI! TAK-AV., Ilelurcn .Mnlli nml Trntli Slreelv. ami will keep ronsutitlyon hind Inn heit meats slanghlerri.t in thf Cairo tnirhel. Tiiejr ileljrenm. petition, (ilvo tliem a trial. sepl2ltf JAMES K VXASTON, sliilrlirr mid Henler In nil IiItuN l'resli e-u, devra Xiieti enih ami Poiatu Stmn. CAIIH, If.MNOH. BUVrf and slaughters only tho very bet cattle, hoes nnd sheen, and l tirenared lo till unr deinacd for freh trwii. from one pound to len thonaml nii,l. .Ii--.fiif JAKE WALTER, BUTCH IE jR ami nrAtta iv FRESH MEAT, EicniTii Sthkkt, Dktwken Wapiunutos, AND COStMKttCIAL AVENUES, '' Adjolnlnif Itlt tenliotise V- Ilnmij'si. Kel lh-5 lio.t of Ileef, l'ork, Sltitton, Veal, liinb. feausaite. etc.. olid ur nrensred to scrre citlteni in the most acceitahlo iii.ii.ner. ng.lot MKIUS'AI.. A HOOK FOIl TUB MILLION. MAKIUAGK GUIDE. A i'rivate Coun'clot to the Married or tlnse aboutto inirr) i.n the nhtsioloirlcHl mysleiiesnnd reelstlons mysieiies nml reelstlons of the sexual system with the UteKtditeoverles in producing and pre venting orNprtng, ireservlnir tneeoinp.exion,c. Thin is an iuterotlng wml i.f tuohiinilreddtid twenty Icur pages, hiiii 'iui:.erim cnitrnvings, and contains valuable inf tttistion fur thoehc are married or cnnteiii ,Uto niurrmgr; -till It ia book that might to Ik muter li- W ninT key, ,ind not laid Carelessly ubouttliu house. Bent to any car ifree of hiMui.i.) furfsi i-n; Addrcsa Dr. Units' Iisieiinrv, No. VJ, Eighth street, St. Louis, Mo, fioilcoto the AlUlcttil and L'ufort miate. Before applying to tho notonoun CJaaekwho B.l CA PI I .A 1., ,,,a ,,,,1.11. np.,ul... nu flnn.l. remedies, periuo I)r. ItuttH' work, no matter U....I .'... ,u nH l.n.f I. - "MB, J WUI ID I. . ,V.n UGIU.UI; J UUI UUI, riltiou. nr. inula unn iki consuiieu, personalty or a mil, on mentioned in hl works flee. No. 12 N. Kighth street, bet. Market am: tiesttint St I.011I3 .Mo, m!i,lwl' otrlc Ch 4UC North lii tilth St. '"il .. VECETABLEfMlit A color and dressing tlmt will not burn tho lntir or injure tho head. It dooa not produce a eolo. mechanically, as tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho lu. to its original color and lustre;, by supplying new life and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, fino hair. Tho beat and safest article over offered. Clean and Puro. Ho Bediraeui. Sold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate cf Augusta Weil, deceased. The underalgnod having been appo'nted nd mialstrator of tho estate of Augusta Well, lite ol thecountyof Alexandor nnd stnte of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice he 111 appear he lore the county court of Alexander county, nt the court housu in Cairo, at tint November term, ou the 3d Monday in November, next, nt which tune all persons having claims against snld estate tut notlfled and requested to attend for the purpose of having tho same adjusted, All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment to tho undHraignod. LOUIri III.ATTAU, Adtn'r. Dato.l this 10th day or September, 1H71 sept2ld I tun SIIE1UFFS SALE. By virturoofnn execution to mo directed by the clerk of the circuit court ol Jackson canity In tho state of Illinois, in favor of Jacob w Gregory and aHins( Lewis Lincoln, Catharine Lincoln and Ellatbethb, Lee, I have levied upon the following described proper')' to witi Lota No. twenty thrco(2:) ami twenty tour (21) Id block No. thirty otto (ail In tho city ot Cairo, county of Alexander and'stato of Illinois us tho property of the said Lewi Lincoln ami O.tha. rine Lincoln which I shall oiler at public sale nt tho Muth west door of tho court lmusa in said city on the 27th day of October A.D., 1871, bo tween the hoi.r of nine, o'clock, A. M,, and son net ot said day, forcath, to satisfy said execution. ' ' . ALEX. H.UIVIN. Sheriff nf Alexander County, Illinois, Oiito, 111, WM1, BULLETIN, PIRDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1871. nnrtiN, PAUL 0 SCIIUH, ! iti;.Movi:n. I NO. 108 COMMBHCIAL AVBNUB, Wlillliilter'N Old Stnml. Oi'pomtk Atiiknkum, - Uaiiio, 111. I'ayspnrtleular Attention to filling all plijieUn and f.imlly prescription. Tjrx oil?, asria-na?' xr.rr oa nisn ALL PATENT MEDICINES worth having. Agent for liltKHV i:VK.R TOXIC, Warranted the l-e't Fever Killer known In this climate. NO CUltB MONKY UKFl'NDED. ALSO, irAMiirox RUCHU AND DANDELION, Anexrellent remedy in all diseases of the Kid ney., equally, as (nod or IMIer than heinbold's. nnd lor less money. Also Atir.ST ior lliiiiiiliie.t N IIoiiiiiiI-iiiIiI' Nperlllra. ill- well seleeted slockof I'niiry ilooilx, Of evety desoriptinti cannot l surpaed by any tjb-li-htnent ol the kind in tho city. HANKS. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS SA.3STIC.I S'linrlertil .sinrrli :tl, 1M19. orricr. is CITV NATIONAL J1ANK, ;CA1U0 orrirccei A. II. SAKKOHI), President; . TAYI.olt, Vlce.preiiileut; XV. IIX'nLOl', heeretarv and Treasurer. J Dtcr.cToKd: P. XV. II.IUCLAV, C'ltAS. flH.ll.MI a, K. 5f.STIX-kH.ETII, I 'Aft ('. f'l III II, It. M. Ct'MMNUIIAM, XV. 1', II tLLIIIAT, J. )l. PiiiLLirs. leMNitH of nny Amount Iterclvcil from Ten t'enlH l'tuiirlsi. iNTKUET paid on deposits at the ratuol six percent, per annum", March Island epteiii ber 1st, Interest not withdrawn is r.dded inline d lately to the principal of the deposits, thettby gtvmg them compound interest. MAKIUKD XVOMEN AND CHILI KEN MAY DEl'OSIT MONEY S0 THAT J.OOS.E ILBLCA!. DUAW IT. Open every business day from U a.m. lo a p in. nuu Saturday evening lor tiAVIMi llErOsI'I'S ou'.y, from in 8 o'clock. auiiif XV. UYSLOl', Treasurer. THE CITY NATIONAL IIAIItO 1 1, 1. 1 X St 1 N . CAPITAL, 3100 00 oirtrras : XV. P. llAI.LII'AY. President: A. II.HAPFOIll), Cashier; XV.XLTIIK IIYSI.OI'. AsIH"lit CHhn r. niureinitsi Staits Ttli-ftH, ttnsruT II, Ci'sninoiiam, Scott Wiiiti', XV. V. Haiiihai, lidJ. II. Wn t.iAMsns, STrntiA Itlitli, A, . K.tlToiin. i:elimiKe, Colli Hiitl ITiilltHl SlalL'N lloutl Ho II gilt mill Sold. D KI'i'HITH reeelted, and a general banking liililin s dons. FIRST NATIONAL BANK nr caiuo. IHMUL lll'ltlf, President; Itf)li:UT W' MILLER, Vlee.Piel.lei.t C. N. IIIK1HF.S, Cashier. COI.LBOTION.S PKOMl'TI.V MADK EXCHANGE, coin, batik poles nud United States tectultles bought and sold. Interest Allow cd on Time licpoaUs). rsmximiKs, I. & E. GREENWALD HAM'r.ttTVKEas or earn Ivngine., Hollers, , Flour nnd (IriBi Mills, Saw Mills, I"" t The "Tupper' Patent firhte'ittr UAOUINKit Y k'JH UKKIt.Vt l-Ullt'OSKS, CINCINNATI OHIO. oudett Kinxrji. ti.wark, irrc, A. HAL LEY, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Wate, Clothes Wringers Voile; Warp, Coal Hods, FlreHhovels, Air (lats. suscrACTiatu or TIN, ZINC, COPl'EH AND SHEET IKON "WAUK. No. 1GG Wnghington-avcnuo, UAIIIO, ILLINOIS. OWKoofing fJultering, and all kinds ofjnb ork dnnnat shnttent nollce. le 1,1 Hi r IIOIIKN. sfcssSslBBSil' " "V BBBBBHBlaSJBST9f l-'w ihssbESBsIBSmI7' J . ut, 3 " ti X a C - vi a a - 'i s " - u S .2 c i t 2 - fc - a c S .. a 2: li r a 3 '' 5 6 s S g - V. u 5 'i 'ii 'A V. o M V. o E-i n Pi ) ri cs A o H t3 w o KAII.KSAIN. yUICKBST KOUTE fltOM SOUTH VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TO St. Loul-s Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi cago, Nexv Yoiik, Uoston, AM) All. POINTS EAST AND AVBST. pHs-enger Iralus arrive at and leave Cairo ns fol lows i 1ltL. r.xt'iuss, asit. lniAar ,. uil.lpm. Until trains eonncet at Centralis with train on the jyTIItT XiI3STDE3 ro .anil, Iiecalur, llloomingtcn, El l'ao, Lit Halle. .Men, lulu, Froeport, fialetu, liiibuiUe, and all points In Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, A'ueonsln and Iowa. And with Linet running Kat and XX'est for -I. Lotus. eipemghelJ, Louisville, Cinemtuti, Inttnitiapolis, Columbus. Xnd at Chleigo with Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, and Pittsburg. Fort Wavne rud Chicago Ituilroiids lor Uetrolt, Cleveland, Iiutiklrk., linsion, Philadelphia, .Magr t l ull', Erie, llutl.ilo, .New York, 1'itlshurg, Ilaltlmore, Washington. AND ALL POINTS BAST. SPltlNOFIBLD AND ILLINOIS SOUTH EASTERN It. i.. On nud after Monday. April Sltli, Is; I, trains wll ruu ns ioi, own : .NOItniEKN DIVISION. tbains aoiaa soitiieast. Mail. Express Leave Virginia 0:10 a. in l'Jtls p.m " Bpriiigtield !:) " a;0il " " Tn)lorille. 10:S2 " 4:20 " Arrive at I'ana U:4U m Ml " taiixiooiso aoaTUWEST. Express Mall. Leave Pans 4:O0a,m 3:3ot.m. " Taylorville 1:47 " 4:2 " trr ve atslprlngtield...t;;15 " O.tiO " Leate Spsingfltld 0:2.1 " C:10 " Arrive at Virginia b:23 " 8:15 ' SOUTHERN DIVISION. TRAINS OOIN0 SOl'TUEAST. Letve Edgenood J:aJa.m 10:10 a.m. " Flora 8:25 ' 11:10 " Arrite at fehawneetnwn3:Mp m A:I5 p.m 1UAIXS UOI.NO aOBTIIWEST. Leave Hlmwneetown S:1.X a.m 8.20p.m " Florj- 2:M " 7U0 " Arrive at i.igewooii 4:iiu 8;2u " The0::J a m. Iraln from Kdgewood, rune only Mondays, XX'tduesilaysand Fridays, anil Ail', train from Bhawneetown on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, Connects al Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alton ltiilroad. for Jacksonville, Petersburg, Mason City, a ml all points west. Al Spriugtleld, with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, XValinsh nnd Western Ilallroad, lor lllonmltigti n, Clileagi., nud all points north, north west nnd nest. At I'ana with Ind. and Si. Louis, and Illinois Central ICkIIio.hI lor all points east, south and sotitl east. At Edgeaood with Chicago Division Illinois vtitral li.illnmil. At Flora, with Ohio aid Mississippi Itailroad, AtShauneetiKii, with ste.iinUi.ils fur Cinclli tl, I'.i, Cairo mid St. I.onis. OlSLANIihJIITH, Oen'ISup't. John Fo.uitt, tlen'l Fr'gt and Ticket Ag'l. CAIXT.i, (II.v,.f , . I-1 ,1, I. ULtkE I'ARKEIt & ULAKE,- HI A I I IIS IN WALL PAPER, PAINTS, I'utly, lleiialne, UunoIIiip, "W" X 3ST 3D O "W GLASS. WINDOW SHADES, And the celebrated illuminating AURORA OIL. IIKOSS IIUILDINO, COll. llTII-ST. 4 COM-MEKCIAL-AV., Caiko, Illinois. alg20tf KKAIs KJ4TAT1". AOKKT. C. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AUCTIONB1JS, 71 (SKCONII KLOOlt) OHIO LEVEK, CAIKO, ILLS., JJuv and Sell Heal Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF' TITLE At I prepsre Conveyances, of Kluds, PIAXOM. SIXTY-FIVE Flit ST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE OHEAT UALTIMOltE MAXIIFACTOBY WM. KNAIJE !c CO., Mannfatt.ttcrs of OIIANK, .O.UAItE AND UPKI0I1T PI AUNTO FOBTES UALTIMOltE, MARYLAND. These Instruments have been before the publlo for nearly thirty ytara, and upon their excellence alone attained an npuitAiuAl prr(nthwier,whlch pronounces them uneipialeil in TON B, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY. s?- All our S'limre Xaaoj hare our new New Im proved Overstrung Hcale acd the Agreffe TrAle CB We would roll special attention to our late Patented Improvements In Uxanu I'll mis nnd Hoi'Atir. (iraiis, found in no other Piano, which brings the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained, KVEKY PIANO VULLY WAItRANTU) FOU FIVE YKAIt.i, Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists (romptly furnished on application to MM, KXAIIK A-CO., . RiLtiMoar, Mi. Or any of our regular established agencies. ocl'JfodtwOm . IXMCHAXCr, XV. II. MOKItia, Notary Piiblle, It. II. CAN UHS No, Pub. and t'.H. Ctio.' HULL..C.ARGO, LIVE STOCK, CCIDENT, LIFE, ijrstrKiAira e'i .ETNA, HAItTKOltl), Assets !r'M 97 NOIlTH AM EHICA, l'A., Assets a 2,7KI,(WI (Jt 1 1. VIST Foil 1 1, CONN., As-ets.- '....14,210 It I'lltF.NIX, IIAIlTFOItlt, Assets.. 1,781,148 81 INTEltNATIONAL, N. Y., Assets.. ...t,isJ,S98 1 PUTNAM, HAnfFOIt'l), Assets 7(;,'J17 Ot CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND. Aiscts. .Xlo.O HOME, COLUM1IUS, Assets MA.27I 43 AMEHICAN CENTIIAL, MO., Asset '.') ffl CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Assets ni,(it,MK) OU TltAVELEItV, It AKTI'OIU), LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Assets l,rSt,tMl u n.MI.XVAY I'ASHKNUEIU' ASSUIt.XNCE CO., HAKTFOBD, Assets oUl.OOUl. INDEPENDENT, 1I0STON, Acls i:i,S2 W SAFFORD, MORRIS k CANDEE, 71 Ohio I.oee, City National Hank, CAIRO. ILL. FIRE AND MARINE COM l'A XI IX 1 NIAQARA, N. Y., Assets ll,4.1i;,21C 'I OEKMANIA, N. Y., Assets 1,008,721 78 HANOVER, N. T., Assets ,720,802 00 IlEl'UllLIC, N. Y"., Aesel .711,92.1 Comprising the Underwriters' Agency. YONKEHS, N. Y'., Assets 878,164 It AI.1IANY CITY, Assets ..4W,1!M W Kill K MKN's FUND, S. set C78,0J O fiECUItlTV, N. Y. MARINE, - l.SW.Blit M. Srorth, Duellings, Puriilliire, Hulls and CiT noes, insured nl rate.i na favoialde as auuml permanent security wPI warrant. I reSlioetlllttV anil Ol Itwi ItlrAna nf r-ulsn u shaieol their patronaie. ' .. 1. IIUUIIK (lffle-M First NaTinnnl' COOKIXSi NTOVl'S. THE TWO Host Sureemrnl, Piiimltir mid I'erfeel COOKING MACHINES Ol the period mil wi ll-l; n.wn Ilolhnroof the liii iel construction, and' easily uinnaged that we guarantee them to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. As no si tide In the household has a greater In-lliii-iK'o In promoting Hut health, comfort and hap- i plness of the family cncle than the cooking stove, it is economy as well ns pulley lo get the1 tery best; nnd in Wiylngthe CHARTER OAK You van tely on gelling the most successful, nhir and perfiut conning slate evil tin do using S lie Kl'ICL'IU: IIKOII.KH, ion me always sure, of having Juicy, Tender and mis llecfntaUes, Chicken, Ham, Chops, etc, SOLU UT Kxculsior Manufucturing Coiiinauy, OI2"ndOM N. Main.sL.StJxiurslP AND ALL LIVE STOVE D ALE1W. C. W. HENDERSON; AfefcHt; Cairo, Illinois. Heptsdawlm EPICURE BROILERS, MEDICAL, DR. RATTINQER'S EAIMILY iMEDICINES. Dr. Ralllnger, sole proprietor and manufacturer 1410 SOUTH "Tlt-ST NT. OVID, MlflHOVRI, DR. RATTINOER'S FEVER DROPS Are the champion medicine lor the cure ol Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague and all other kinds ot malarial fevers. They are purely vegetable, enre quietly and permanently. No person need have the lever a second lime, when these drop can be MhUlnl T). tl i . i q: Ask (a. Il - ' " " '.'" ,,v. ii., U,,,. ,1'... I,.- w. Rattlnger's Fever Drops. DR. RATTINOER'S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS Are excellent In all esses of costiveness, billons- anil Imiutnl. nf ih. t.lnA.I . fltau Artnlnln jVaelther calomel nor any other mercurial prepara ih.iip i iuichij aou proiiuce no gripiug. Prlcaperliox2icnts. Ask for Dr. Iintilnger Vegetable Liver Pills. DR. RATTINOER'S DIARRHOEA AND DISENTKHY POWDERS. Are a pleasant, quick and sjfe remedy for all kinds ol Diarrhoea and Dlsentery afflicting adults. Price per box M cents. Ask for Dr. Hat tipger'a Diarrhoea and Dysentery Powders. DR. RATTINOER'S TONIC HERBS AND ROOTS, Hake a superior stomach bitter ; very Useful aa a preventive against malarial fevers nnd especial ly as alonlo in eases of general debility. Price uer pocbaie, 'ilrents.. AsklorKattlngerV Herbs. For sale hjr nil first. class druggists and dealers in medicine Iy2"dlf CELEBRATED BITTERCORDIAL tvVl HOLESAI.E DEPOT! HC1IEETZ H NATURE'S ORE AT RESTORATIVE. N. W. CORNER FIFTH AND RACE STS Plillmlelphln, JOHN rCIIKET. 60I.K I'hOI'RIKTOK. Ii Is a reliable Family Medicine, and . nn Ik aken by either infant or ai ult with the same beet tidal results. It is a certain, prompt and speedy emedy lor diarrhea. dysentery, bowels complied dyspepsia, lawneis i spirits, lulntlngs, atek slotiiaili.lieadacliti.ek.. for chills and fever ol all kinds, it is far better and safer .lian ipitnisi eilhout any of lis pernicious etlrets. It etleeli .n appeuie, prnTes a poweinu uiaeaior ot ioo.i tnd will counteract the etteeta of llouor loaf w oiiiiules. As indisputable evidence olltt t:i cal Properties, we append a few of the many tlflcates In our possession t lohnson't Depot, East Tenn., and Va. K. Ten n. Jacob Sen tint. Esn. Dear Bin I nve used in Bitters I have obalnediiom.VDii.aud f.od VI.em to be all thev are recommended to he. I found one bottle to altord me considerable relief, 1 teel as though I cannot do very well without them, m ray present state of health. , UL'MMlV IYIUahIViHIVi at tlMI. Paator Baptist 1'aasyunk Church, Sold bv W. p. Allen, 3D Main street Dubuque OCtlOdlT LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. Cures colic and griping 1 Prlre, tVlllTCOMII'S Syrup. In Urn Imwts. unil ia- i cllllates the process cf Cents teeming. j riulHlues c o n v ulslens 1 and jvercomes all dis- I eases incident to In- I Mrs. WlintOMIl'S Sjrup. Mrs. WIIITCOHU'K Sjrup. I'rlee, 45 Cents. Prlrc, 2.1 Cents. I fails ainlclilldrcii. I auj Cures diarrhea, dtsen terv nnd summer com pkv.ntliichllilieuot nil ,g". his the Great Infant's and Children's Ucothlng Remedy in all disorders brought on by Teething uratiy oilier cause. Prepared by tho flllArTON MEDICINE CO., fit. Louis, Mo. old by Druggists and Dealers In Medicine everywhere. rr.y7dwCm MAYNARD'S STAR BITTEBS THE REST TONIC IN USE! llllt NAI.K BY E. F. MAYNARD, PROP'R PITTSBTJBG A.. DR. RICIIAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Us these ruly, and save time, heal.h and tnonej x fl,tl reward lor any ease of disease, in ny slnje which ihey lall to cure. DR. RICIIAU'S DOLDEN HA USA M, Nos. 1 and.2, are Jiu greatest allrralivei known DIlllCHAU'sttiOLDKN ELIXIR D'AMODIt l ll. ...... Im. ....I I . Cel list .""it niii nsiriugeiii ir toe iiiei DR. RICIIAU'S flOl'.DEN ANTIDOTE Is the old) ri liable d.iirntio 'Ihesn ii nicilles are lint adveilised lo cure si coipjilatiil., i. i heiielit none; but aiegnainntei d toetle.'la la.lual and spi mid cine ill all easea ft r ahieh,! hit ai,. iicnniinri.diil, whfn.all tthtr trestiiK.j.t Inis ta(lil. 'I ens pMhousaniU yearly reciiO'l I.) Ihelr use, hIio hate lost all hopo. aud been pronounced iiieun.l.le by the best of our medical facullt. DR. BICHAU'.S (iOI.DEN IIALSAM No, I, i; uhers, uleerateil aorwthn ai "ind ninlilli. sete ije., ciinne.,u ruptlri.', copier' color d Midi he., sun "cik of the scalp, j,croliila, elo, Hi s the giem. st renovator, allvrative nnd hi. mil purihti kt.i. wn, itnnvesall mercury from ih- siati in, and leu its the blond pure and licult, , r DR. RICIIAU'S OOLDEN DAI-SAM, .No- .'L'Ure ineicurlal Ktlectlons, rheumatism In ,.n .,.,, s, n Ki,f nnmeunie reitenn a canes. DU. RICIIAU'S GOLDEN A.YIIDOTF, A nidfcat cute for nil urinary derangen enti I'rlee, pi pet Utile. PR. HlCllAU-S GOLDEN EUXlirMQUB Aridka' cure fornervoua oritcherat dehnttVln ivmurjoting, inip.ii uiig energy wnn wonuerm eucci. PrKnfS per bot le.or two fbrlK. Ourtceipl ol price, 1hce lelnt dles will be ship, bed tu any. place. Prompt 'attention t,l,i i,. .n eorres ppntents. None eenulue without the name f 4 I t ItlUIIAU'onill.DKS 1VM?.Vleu 1? ti tRKiiAaps, sole proprietor;" blown In gls'as' oi I Uilouli Uiroulsratieiit. Trade supollad aa a lltLcr.l ,li.. 0.llt. j Address, Ur.O D. l'.iohard,2 Varlck-it .N.T. W"enil ttiopey by express or "order goods throuKhyour tiruggut, and jo will m..t wills Inooai lelTOaw 0 n