Newspaper Page Text
'J I I JOHN II. OJJERLY & CO., IIOOFI.AND'N. To Debilitated persons! "ii l"P"ftc 1 To Sulkrora from Liver Com plaint I I'd tlione luting no Appetite I To those with broken Down Conatltulionsl V rim I'oople' To Children Wasting A wa ! I o any HUM Debilitated Mutative Organs I irNiillfrJiicHllli liny of Ihe following N inptotiiH, VViin-li indicate Disostirart! Livra on Hrosucii I Hui'li m Con stii.atioti, Inward Kultienn or IlloifMolh IIcikI, Actil itjr or llin Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust or Food, Full Weight in tlio Shimscii, j0ur Lrur latjuns. sinking or Fluttering at lie I'll HI the Stillllach. Hurlmmln nf tli 11., I hurried or DithciiHIlrealhlng. Fluttering at Ilia 'Tt Clinking oetjtilbicatlngSen.aiiona when In l.yin I'miurn, Dimness ol Vision, Dots or .tt-ipi t-iuio inn oigin, rerrr ami null rain in Ihe 'lead, liehViener of Perspiration, Yen wnessnf lln'Skln and Eyes, Pain in tho Hide. Hack Chest, l,lmb, fl , Sudden Flushes or llial, turning In the Flesh, On. tail Imaginings or l.r I, and (!n-t Dcpifssinti or Spirits. I OOF LA N DS 0 ERM AN HITTERS I IKltm wit hunt Alcohol or Spirit of any kmtl. .. tn-ilfc n. 111 mn vtncre. il in funilio"! 01 p' :e Jn.-es,or Vital Principle ol Roots, end Harks, i.)r, a medicinally termed, Ex I he worthless or Inert portion of 1 1." In. if dil not being ue,l. Therefore, In one l-ut- hi i.i inner mere is contained a inucn ic Ii mai virtue as will be found In several gal ill f ordinary mixtures. The roots, ele, used i Hi Hitter sre grown In (ieriuany, their v Hal II rilnl ilVfrArljt I n lli.t nnilhlrv l.u n mIah. Ii.' I linn .!, and forwarded to tiui iiiauiifa'tory i Ih oitjr, whero they are compounded arid hot- 1 f 9tit-.lfljnc- nn snl-ifiinn inn -...lienl. . mi lters in free from Dm objections urg-d agilnst I others. .") dea ro for stimulants an m In 'H fd from their t,ej they cannot make drunk. hi. ami camini tinner nnr r rciimiiiBnci.. nam iV hut a beneficial tied. IJOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC 'a compounded for (hose tot inclined toex- ime outers, nii'i is micnaoi lor ue in ta-i a la ii anmci mi iini .It m nl a nl 1. I itri li....i.. I" Hittcra, comh-ned iln pure H.NTA C'HUZ I'M, and BaTcri' I in aui-ti manner that the ex- I'liiw i Dl 1110 llllirr' in uterjoine. leaiant to thfjoUle, aid nunlalnliiKthr ineiHc tai Tirtuea 01 ino intieri. I lie inice ol the "iiu m fi ti I'tr nouie, which many permna iiuk tn iiikiw niry inuai ihkv into conmuer inn llial inn kt tnlllint ui..l l rllftrantinl In lt I purr iitalttj-. A or article could l lur :iied atcheicr price i hut la it not heller to if a lutle more and ham K'"1 nrtlclet A itriiicilini piriixraiiun piioui'i conin n none out n bet InitrcJlcnti , and they who expect to oh. Ill moit certa my h cheated. iOOIiA.3rX)'S IKIoriiAMl'S G-EDR3.2nT TONIC; wiin VI.AT)'S P 1 )ll i Y . . V WILL CUItK YOU. Tucj-lire llic tirrntcit Illooil I'urlll cr Kiiimii u uie llieilivai Huriili ail" nil' ithiiii.-hi-' unrarri arum irom impure ti.otxi, iieixiuy 01 wie Ii)jrct.vcorK'an, or llnetiie I Liver, In a ahorier lime than any other Unown rem edlta The Wholo Supreme Court of Penn) Irania tnr I.e.. i,nii.:llf. Wlin wnillil ill fl.r lon.U(ort;e . iooawaru, lormenr vniei ju tlceoi the Uupieine Coutl of IVniif) Irania, at present member ol Congren from l'cniii) Ira nia, writes: ... t rniuvieipmi, .iarcn 10, iet7. 4 II n I IJlUUUl "l llll iiiiiiiiiao h UtdUlil-. YY. WtKJUWAHtl. Inn, ,'amti Thompson, Utile f Justice or the Hu prome Court of i'enna)lr.nla: I lit. .11. 1. I l.l I..II A, Una I Ilin'lCipilllt, AUII -n, ICI. I VUIllllICK IIUUIIiUU uriinii i.i.i. in .hiii-j. I- ...Jl.ln. .1 .llu..L-. .1 1 Imlia-illnn r nc ol It. Youra, wnn rtapeei. JAMi:STIIOMI'!iON. Inn. floorer Bharawood, Juatice of the Supreme Cuilit of l'enn)lwnla: I'nuaiiiiprun, jitnn i, isw. , , I... tlnil lllw)IUn.lM J HUTU lUUUil ' t'iii.'-. - - iermn Illttera l a ery wood tonic, relieving i .1. -.tinniit illrAltl-. ' t.r.OlU.K bHAUHwOOI), Trtn. w m. F. orcm. flavor oi ine uiyoj uui Major" Oniec. HutUlo, Juiin22, IWTi. nn i in tut lamnr uuiiiiu i - . 1 . " - . .aIUi , iinnirt. hctononnJ viRortotho stiitcm. lloir uie lias Ia. : J tnkH great plpBfiiro In rccommen'UnK Hoof und'ii Oinnftn Tonic tu uny one whe may bo at .Inniaali anil I I - fit I If 4 ttn WPIlU AS IUtt tO L6 HllO ...m...l.AM iliiit llnnHnmt'M fJormilli HlttrTH. i it ,li.,iJ '.Ariiinn Tnrtlc will Pllfrt H'CfV UAiiASMUS. OH WAKTINQ AWAY OK TIIK 1I0UY.J i. .....i.ilw.r tlol HnoflamrH Rennan lttlnn ni-.... k.o medicinoj von re oiliro to purify the II ood. excltii the lorpia i.iyer ic; neaiiny ncuon, and to cnahlo you to paa mdclv Ihlounh liny hirdilnpa Mid cxpomire. K. IIOOl'IiA.MI'.S PODOPHYLLIN or Siihtitiit icr Mercury rill. I WO A DOSII. Thu inokt powerful, yet Innocent, Vecetiihle Cntlinitlu unoMii. It II not ncco.awy to tal.e a hjindlul ol Ihvfe i'ilU lo produce th dekircd etloct. Tito of them i.ct nulcl;ly nnd jiowi'tfully, tleimainu tho I.ivcr, Htnniauh nd HowfU, ol nil iinpuritiej. 'llm nrliioipal Jr.gredlont la I'odophyllm, or the Aim hollo i:x tct of Handrnke, which la by many ttincainoro pocrful, iictlna and nenrchlnif, tlmn the Mandrake Itudf. Ila pectiliur notion i upon tho l.Uer, cleaninK it apccdily from nil obatrtie lion. Willi all tl'o poff of Jlcroury, jet liee I rum all the Injurloua rciultd attached to the line ol that mineral. , For til i uenseH ill ulilcli the iho of A cnthaitlu i liijlcattd, those I'lIU will itirn entire aati'fac lion inevcry case, Thoy M.VEH FAIL, )licucs or I.lver Uuininnliu, iiytjiepaia, anu rxtrcine Coativeucaa. Ilr. llootland'H Uei iiihii Hit. trra, orTonic, Hhould ho uaed In lonucutloii with the I'll I. Thotouloctlect ol the Hitter-. orTomv, bulbil up the ) ilem. The It.tlois, . r Tonic, pn riflea dio blood. atrmiKtlu'na the nerves, reg. ulutes tlie I-lver, and kivch etrontli, enerny and "'ii ep your Howela aotlvo wltli the Villa, nnd tone iff the system with Ulltera, or Tonic, and nn can retain tlio hold, or evm ais.til you, ItecolVct that it la Hr Ilooll.iud'ii Oeriunn Km. oJlea llM aro no iiiuvor.nlly uted and liifhly reciimmeoled I and do nut ulluw llio ilrugnUt tu Induce youVo take unytlilng eUu that bo limy aay la ual ft g7)d, hecauao hu iiiakea a larger prutit on It. TheBiremedle.wllI bo.cnt by Kxprcaato any locality upon application to the I'ltlNOIl'AIi oFtOK. t roe ft KH MAN ilKDIClNh BTOilE, JtU Alldll tTKEi.T, I'lill-AI)UL,I'11IA. ,1IAM. M.VVANH. lroirletnr. Forgery , M.Jcon PKOPJUETORS. NALOOMN. KL DOK A DO HILLIAK1) SALOON AND UAH HOOM. JOII. iiA'fl'M, frprlflr. IWCmmercial AveDue, CAIKO, IM.INOIH, He-t braml of California CUara Juat received, BlI.lilAltK aalo n furnlahed itn ih bat ol tal.le and bar aupplied with Minna, louora and elgara of the lineal brands. ' iT, "57 HAltHKLL, DEALER IN FURNITURE qUKENSWATtE. ' HOUSE FUUNISU1NO (500DS HAH FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 185 & 187 Commercial Avenue CAIKO, ILLI.NOIC. fJRUC'KRIEli AND BUY UOOlll. WILLIAM KLUGK, nil tea tt FAMILY GROCERIES, DUY-OOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SHOES, IIAT8 AND CAtff, KTC, Has juil received a heavy atoc of Hoots and Khoea, Hoalery and Notions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP He alio hat a fine stock of Family Groceries ol every kind. f.RNER SIXTH-ST. AND COMMER CIAL-AV., CAIKO, ILLINOIS nOUKN, HAnif, ETC I 00 TO W. W. THORNTON'S, HUILDERS" SUPPLY DEPOT, 13J TKSTII BTIIKET, CAIRO ILLINOIS, 0K I lloora, tib, Illlud. Motildlufj, En vc Ii nl Irrn,(vaoo4l Window and looj I'ramc, I'loorlai;, Lalb, MiltiKlfit, Ulasfd Haah, Ulaifd Hide aMgHta. Ulaird Tranaona, Nnh Wf Igctt, Haah Faille aiad Corda, Blind Faale nlnff. Hoaflntr rrll. Booluc Cftnent, Plaatrrlna; Paper, Carpet rail, While lnd, Unaed Oil, Amerlran Window Cllaaa, EnajlUh and rrfnen Plate Ulaaa, Patly, Ulaaltr'a Palata, swrr PI pea Patent CBiniaf y, Ele., Kir., Etc AOKNTS lor Hock Itivel Taper Company' Hhealhlnr Felt and (juarlt Cement. 11. W. John'a Improved Hoofing always ou and. BOOTH AND HIIOER. WILLIAM KHLERS, Fashionable HOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWF.NTIF.TH hi iif.kt, Ulneen Waehinitnn Avenue and Poplar fitreel, CAIRO, II.I.H, lloola and Sknea Mad to Order, Fine Workmen Kmployed. Batiafaction warranifd. Patronage inlleited. CITY SHOE STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY , amr aorxcy loa t !, 'BEOLASKI'S" nilKTOM-MADK BOOTS AND SHOKS eiunierrlnl Avenue, Corner of nililb Nlreel. CAIKO, ILLINOIH. I'AIITICULAU ATTENTION rAUl TO jU.I. OR DF.UH FOR UOOl'SKIKTH AND KHOEN. I ADM I N ISTIl ATOH'S N0TI0K. 1 Estate uf Michael Maloney, deceased, I The undersigned having In en appointed Ad inlnialraior of the Kstale of Mich. I Malony, I late of Ihii County of Alexander, and rtitaof llll. , no,ileeeasoil, hereby gives notice he will 1 appear before the Lounty Cuiiit of Alexsniler Iiouu!y,aiifie uuuri jiuiinu a is mo unv 111 uairo at the December Term, on the thlid Monday in December next, at which time all persons having ciaiu a!-. ran mu uuillieij ruq ro quested to attend for the purpose or hatlnf the same Hdju.ted. .til persona Indebted to said Es tate are requested to make Immediata payment to the underalgned, II KHM AN BLOMV, Aiimlnlelrator. Datf d thla nth day of October, A. P.mi, oct26dll,w'Jl THE BULLETIN. VINCENTS LOTTERY SALE- TIIK TWKNTY-SIXTU OT DKCKMIIK.K riXEW Afl TIIE DAY O.V.Vf 1I1CI1 TUB DllAWINfl WILL COMK OrF. Determined to tliipoio of nil tlio tIckot In lila lottery wle.Mr. F. Vincent hu con cluded lo postpone the drawing until the 2Cth of Dccembor. Ho Ii now giving the matter Lie devoted attention, and l meet ing with the mott gratifying tucccts on every hand. During a recent trip to Grand Tower and other neighboring town lie dipocd of nearly ono thousand ticket?, and the demand ! rapjdly increasing, the drawirjij will sot tall to com otT'ontke 'day named. Thorc ' are" six prize, the principal prize, a I well-known, being n splendid realdencc, thnt was erected at a cot of $10, 000. The remaining fire prizei are n folio wi : Ixit 34, hlock 4, 3d addition to the city of Cairo, valued at $500. Lot b'2, block 4, 3d addition tn. thp. city of Cairo, valued nt $300. Lot 30, block 4, 3d addition tlio city of Cairo, valued at $300. Lot 83, block 1,3d addition to tlio city of Cairo, valued At $300. . Lot 17, block 40, In tlio titv of Cairo Illinois, valued nt 5300. " octdltf Fhemi Oyhtkiih. I am now receiving daily, tha cclebratal C. S. Maltby'i II. and M. brand of fresh oytterf, whlcti nre unri valled, and for alo by the can or cae on the most rcaonablo terms, try them, al ways warranted rjood and fresh. tf Wm. WlNTKR. Hi.EEi-io Rooms rou Rkxt. Ten well ventilated ilcopingoorns in City Na tional Hank building. Apply to EDWARD DE.ONIA, At City National Hnnk. Hkick Stoke you Rest. The brick (lore, No. 78, Ohio Lever, now occupied by F. M. Stockflcth,'Eq., Is offered for rent, and will bo vacant no the J8th In.'t. Apply to Jso. H. Piiillis. oct3lf Makriaoe GoiiiR. Intcrcttlng work numerous engravings, - 2124 pages. Price CO cents. Add rest Dr. OutU' Dispensary No. 12 North Eighth Street', St. IjouIi. Ma. See Advertisetnr nt. tf Jcst Receivkd. W. W. Thornton Tenth street between Commercial avenue and Poplar street, lias juit received and In tors 1,000 doon and 1,000 window and inouldingi. Economy. Hy uning Mrs. "Whitcomb's Syrup for children many a doctor's bill can be fnved and much sutTering averted. Rend the advertisements in another col umn. Wantkii At the Dolrnonico Hotel one hundred weekly boarder. Five meals each day, price $G por week. aug29tf Wm. Winter. For Sale. A Grover Jc Baker sewing machine, in perfect order nnd but little used. Any ono wishing to purchato may make a good bargain by application at this office. , tf. For goodi photographs, porcelain, pic tures, or old pictures to bo copied, call on Thomas, No. 124 Commercial aveuue. Ila t a good workman. Givo him a trial. ' cptlOtf.. Vok Sale. A cottage on 12th street containing 7 rooms, cistern and out housoi complete. Apply to "W. W. Thornton. Go to Dr. McGauloy for Rattinger's Fe ver Drops. Warranted to cure the chills. tl Tkt the American club flub, put up n oil, to bo found at Jorgensen's. The finest vanilla chocolato pasta in glass, nt Jorgcnson's. tf. The bent Eait India dry preserved gin gor at Jorgensen's. tf. NPEC'IAI. KOTICKH. BATCH EEOIlfi HAIR DYE. This auperb Hair lye ia the srar mmr. Woam I'erlecllv llarmleis, Kebabte and Instliantoniis. No disappointment. No Itidlculoua Tmta or Un pleasant Odor. The genuine W. A. tlachclor's llalr Dye produces IMMKUUTEI.Y a aplendld Illark or natural llrown. Does not Slum Ih Hkin, but leaves the llalr Clean, Soft nnd lleautl. fill. Tlmniilv Hafe Ind Perfect lire. Hold byalldruuglsta. r actoi y in noun ntreei, Naw York. lanylldeodAwlv ON MARRlAOE Happy relief lor young men Irom the etlemaof riora and abusei In early lile. Manhood re. eriora atored. Nervoiia Heblllty cured, In mnrriufit removed. Now It Impedimenta method of treat. ment. New ani jemarkatlo reniwdies. &.Ilook and eiretilaraaent tree, in eealed envelope. Ad dress HUWAK1I AH80CIAT10.V. NO. 2 Kouth Ninth St., Philadelphia., I'a. oenaa.ii UAH ITTEN. F. S. MU1UIAY, GAS AND STEAI FITTER IIA'8 KKMOVKIl FUUVI PKRUT UOUHK l.i.l a . A . " TO 1IIK - - ' ' a . i e . I1RICK HU1LDINO on SEVENTH KT 'I 1 Ol'I'OSITK WINTKIt'R Itl.OCK, (Hir.H. II.I.INIU. 1 11 E has vrently improved ills sttu-k,.ai.d hu now on hand a. I kind" of CHANDELIKRrt l'ENUKNTH, OLOUKH, I1RACKKTH, HALL LIU 1111, 81IAIJKH, KTC. HE HAS MARKED DOWN PRI0E8 o the lowwt Hf In; niure. and he Invite Ih ptdioaasw ot the rnbllc. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SUNDAY, OCTOBER RA1LMAM. ; QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TO St. Lovia, Loumville, Cincinnati, Chi caoo, New York, Boston, ALL POINTS XAST. AMD' WEST. r'saatertrilaairrtfaalasa leava Clr. as fob jiiv;.. Mm.XL.Stp.m. UstMi lliijn...... i3 p.m. Until lMlacoMC,filjliQtrallwlttf (rain on Ine wo I'atu. lieeatBr, Bloomlnglcn, Kl I'aao, l Halle. , MendoU, Frcaport, Oalenn, Inihiinnr, and all pnlhts in Illinois, Miaiouri, Minnesota, Wlpconaln and Iowa. And with Lin running Ka.t and Wet for Ji.l.oina. Kpitnghebl, Iulaville, Cincinnati, ImUanapolls, Columbua. And at Chicago with Michigan Central, Mlchlgnn Soulhorn, and Pittsburg, Fort Wavne and Chicago Hnilroads lor Uetrolt, Cleveland, Albany, llnston, .Viagra r'all., Krle, ew Ynrk, I'lltshurg, rmiiklrk. Philadelphia, Hulfilo, riuKiJnorf , yi namngton, AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS. SOUTHEASTERN R. R. Oa and aner Monday, April Kith, ls"l, trains wil run as .ol'ows I NOIirilKHN DIVISION. Tanas noiao ot'Tnr.a-r. .. , Mail. F.tpresa l.ave Virgini C:4Ua.m I irk, p.m " fprmgtli-ld .'.d " :w " " Taylorvllle llhlU i-M " Arrive at i'aua llilti m r:i; laii.vsaoiao aoarawaar. Express Laav Pans .t:UJa,in " Tavlorville 4:47 ' Mall. tun. .:ia " ...ri.ixi ' R.lll Arr v at Hprincfield...6.16 Lears 8piDgtiold.....C:'il Arrive at Virginia Jt-M " :!.' SOOTJIBHN. DIVISION, raiiaa oii socrnxasT, Leave K.Jgewood... S:) a.m. 10il()a.ln. ' Flora.... B:iS l!:4o " Arrive al hhawneetowh3&'!p'o, . J: 1 1, p.m vaAixa ooixa aoarnwiwr. Leave Hhawnectown S:ISa.m .. 8.20p.m " Flora. .....'.':S5 " 7;lj" Arrive at Kdgeood...4:iJ ' 0:20" Tha S:3) a.m'. train from Rdgewood, runs only Mondaya, Wsdnesdaysand Fridays, arid train Xtom filiawuectown oil Tiieedavs, Thur.a days and Saturday. ' ' Connects al Ashland with Jacksonville dlvlnoh f Chicago and Alton Rillroad. far J ackaoRTirltf: Pelersbofg, HMoaCity.and all rmlnta wv-st; At HpriBetleld, with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabaah and Wotern Railroad, lr Bloo tnlnelm, Chicago, and all pnnlsnorth,north. west and west. AtPana with Ind. and Hi. l.nuls, and Illlaola Central Railroad for all point- ea.t, aviuh and sontheaat. At Kdnaeod with Chicago Division Illinol entral Railroad. At Flora, with Ohio aid Mississippi Railroad. AtShawneetoan, with staamboats for Cinelo. tl, l'aducah, Cairo and Ht.lxiun. ORLANU SMITH, Gen'lHtip't. JM F0JiTT,0en'l Fr'gt and Tickel Ag'l. MEWHPAPEHH. THE NKW YORK EVENING FOST FOR 1873. PBICEH KEni-'KI' We will supply the El ening Post as follows : DAILY. One year . 12 do ror anerier penoaa WEEKLT. ..SI per in.inlh Single Copy one year fl 50 7 Ml li 10 .20 OT i-ive uopirs Ten " " " Twenty ' NEUI-WEEKLY. Single Copy one year Five Capiea " ..I J la) ..12 to ..'0 W Ten copies Or we will send the lollowlnc nerlod eals to suoaerioers, in conneciion wiin mi t the prices named : With Weekly Evening Post. Harper' Weekly M Haipir'aBaiar . ..A fto Harper'a Hagaxia 4 P Every Saturday- uu Atlantic Monthly........ t 00 Our Toung Folks .....'J in Scribner'a Monthly .........4 Ui The Galaxy t 00 The Agriculturist :i f Hearth and Home -J "! Christian Union i !' With hembWeekly Evening Post, A ou 6 OT U V) b M 6 60 4 U Ii 00 .'. Hi 5 HI TO each subscr.ber to tlio y.iiinj ibiind Chri tian Union tor one year wltl bo sent two exquisite French Oil Chronoi, entitled "Wide Awake" and "Fast Asleep," which aro worth nt retail fbifor I ho oair. TRY IT I TRY IT 1 1 For 25 cent ,we will send the Weekly Evening Post from now until January I, or forSQcents we will tend the semi Weekly Post during th samo tune. t'pecimen number of the Evening Post sent free. Addreaa WM C. IIIIYANT. A CO. frw York. CO A I. AND WOOD. " wooi) V"' wobi) i f "woof) u V The undersignei will furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD Aa Cheap, II not Cheaper Than any wood dealer in Cairo. Leave orders on the slates nt the Poatoflice an 1 at Itoss in.l yard, ou Cumniercial avenue, between Tenth and Twelfth streets, Cairo, Illinol.. 1 give good measure and will cent 'he wood up if ileaimi. augiu-tf DENNIS ll.U.Hf. V. M. WARD, WOOD AND COAL MERCHANT. FM. WAltl) i prepared to deliver lliehe. . Firs Wood and atone "Coal IN ANY PART UK TIIK CITY, And' In any quantity desired, ou short untie. COAL DELIVERED at SJ.f.o per ton OFFICE-Over Heerwart, Orth A Co.'e stuv , two dour e almve the corner -t Eighth atieel aim dimmer. I lavvnne. l'-eil MII.EINKIIV. MRS. ANNA LANi, .XlflllTH-XTi, MKT. WAhHINOTOS AND COM , , M KliCI AL-A V KN ItKH, : ' lnow leeelvlnga bnunilul .-irtnn lit r Full Millinoi'V CinrtdH, liieludillg Hats sil l -h q..p i.' ll.e I. lie. l ' J Is Ulbbera, f'lowerr. mill I'eitlhera. Mrs. I.utig will klmi show uii miner thelirge aelH'tlon of Woolen Varna To be found in the eity. BLKACillNII AND FRKHHINQ OVvir.R. DORK TO 29, 1871. IIAKIIims. NKW JSAKHHll SHOP, !iM'' '"''".'""Ivwllh TheoUld nnd J' opined a Nr. llAoiirn Siior, on i.ommercl.1 avenue, l-tween H nd lHth atreele, for the accommodation ot l.dln and irentletieii .l ine ipperpaitoltho city. He Invlu-a nil his I old and new Irienda lo viall hla shop, ami a surea them ,ioliloaleniion and iinequalbd work, i i either In hair curling, cutting, shaving orsham-, i J'oolng. oci;ml I J.GEO. STEINHOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cr. Hllit. nnd I'ssmmerelHl-nv. "Sharp Uatora, ""CIeaii Tom-la and -skillfull Weikni.n Mrl.ailli-k' an. I .l,'. I.. - pooed, the shoporal theirown homea. ' Ca-tlentlemen'', whi.kera and hair dyed in a rntillc manner. gtlMclfu guaranteed. M'ATl'lIMAKi:il. PRACTICAL WATCIIMAKKK. U. H0UPT, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE, I'AIRO, ILLINOIS, Haa ii a hand A FINK STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, KTC. i Particular ntlentiiin giten to KEt'AlltINO KINK WATCHES. The largeat stock of UOLD AND SILVER WATCHES ' ii titr. ritv. IlCTCIIr.HS. CENTItAL .MEAT .MAItKKT. JvOEIILER '& BROTHER Have reopened Hie I'oi'i iiiit jiii.vt .tiaiiki:t, COMMIUlOIAU-AV., Bctuocn Ninth mill Ten Hi Nlrt-i-lH, and will keep eonstsnllvon hand Ine best meats slaughtered in theCalrj Tliey defy com. petition riive ihem n trial. -opt.lif JAMES KYXASTOX, Biilrlier nml llenlcp In nil IiIiuIn I'l-eali Mm I, Omsrn .Vinltixmii an Port ns:tarn OAIR , ILLINOIS, BL'Ydand slnitgliler only the verv liest entile, Iioks nnd sheep, and la prepared lo lilt any deiiiaed for frch mc.ils from one pound to ten thnu:,nd oiinds. .le-2iif JAKE WALTER, BTJTOH E JEl xsn is FRESH MEAT, Eighth Stiikkt, Hktwkk.v Washinoton and c'osimekuial avenuk.h, Adjolnlni; RlltenliotiKc A- l'nun)'a, Koep th3 best of lleef, Pork, Multnn, Veal Lamb, Sausage, etc., and are to serve citizens in the most acceptable mat nor. ag!)"f, HEAL. ENTA II'. At J EXT. 0. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT ASP AUCTION ERS,, "I (second ri.oon) oiuo lkvke, CAIKO, II,L., Hirv and Sell Real Kstate, PAY TAXj;S, FURNISH AHSTKACTS OF TITLE A I prccsre Conveyancea of Klmls. CELE URATE D HITTER COR DIA L Vl0.,r. DEPOT t SCIIEET.'S .t'ATUIJES GREAT RESTORATIVE. N. W. COnNEIl FIFTH AND RACE ST8 I'llillU'illllllllI, 111. JOHN m-iikiiz,.... .(OLE I'KOI'RIKTOR, Ii i a lellablu IVmily .Medicine, and i an ni iUi-ii i' .-iiiior inrmii or n- nil u ilh the mine l . oi n ti-ull". II is Hi eitalu, proiiipliiud spei dl ei i) lur iliiillii'ii,dyseiiti'iy, Imwels complied lt.pi'pih, Inwnoe i.i' l'iii'ila, fiilutiiigs, r,i-k It, lieadaehe. etc. I'm olilllHlid fever ol II l.iiid-, It is fai beiiei hoc iler ili.m itiiu;ti eiihuiu ituy tif ns pcriilciiilis ellea ts. It otlccli ,11 apHlil., plnvi a II 1'ir.wi III ili.l'elnr III lnoi, ud will lOiiiileini't the i ttii t nt liquor Ilia' u niiulites. Aa indlsputuMe evidence oliti In cal iiupcitiCH, weapjietid b-w n the many llli'-ilti. lu our poasiaalilll l lidili-oii'a Deint, Eat Tinu., and Vh. It, I tun. Jacob Sciittn, Esq. DiarHir: 1 nsveused In Hitters 1 have oh aiued Irom you, and End .hem ,o be all they are recommended to he. I found .'no bottle 10 attord nieconsiderable relief, I leel aslhouin I cannot do vrry well withuut them.iu lay present state of health. D. iMENKIE, LUrlouthClh at., Phllr. Pastor Raptlst Paasyunk Churcri, Hold by W. P. Allen, ;w Main street Dubuque oollOdlv I NOTICE Is heribv ;lvcn that eefaiilt having beeu made for more than sixty dnys in Hie payment of a portion of the amount secured to bo paid by a certain mortgage executed by Erusl Weber to SamutlHtaataTayicrand Edwin I'araons, trustees or Ih Cairo City properly, dated Match l'JIli, lsUU, recorded in the Itrcnider'a ollice, in and lor Al 'lander county, in the Ntato 1 1 Illinois, In taiok P, Of deeds, page I.V1, Ac , Wh the under- lunnil. said iiniee. will on Siitiinliiv. Ihe till I ilav ofNuveruber next, A. D. Ih7l,nt lUiiVlnck In i ihe forenoon ol nay, under and hi virtue of the power fal contained in said iiiiir'guge, aell: at piiMIe auolliin, to the h'gh jst bidder, lor h, at Ihe nltlce bunding of said tilialro, e. rner of M aai'ingion avenue nun in. ii a reel, in ine pit of Cairo, In Alexander eouiily .ind Kiate of Illinois,!!!! iiiimii-ri'il to (lurly,) uibliik num. tred 1 ,one,l In tha Third Adoitlot. ti ihe city of Cairo, accord lug to the ri-ionld plat theieof, with the auptirteuancea to atlsfy the purpose and conditions ot said inortga e. Dated Cairo, Ills,, October 2.1,1871. H. KTAA'IH TAYLOR, EDWIN PAlLiONH. 'fruitre ofthe Cairo City Property, BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV IIRV I.OOUN. IiUROKR'S NEW STOCK. MORE NEW GOODS. Mnallni, Print, Nhowla, ele, One ol Ih moat attractive displays of DRY GOODS brought lo the blly this season, may bo seen t the store of J". BTJOEK,, ('oramrrrlaUvenae, between Klsxhlh and Mlatls-aireeia, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Evry avu labie space in the store room is filled with New lioods. Tneir stock of lotion I'abrlek U i-ouiDlele, compris ing A lienutifiil selection of l'IUNTi, llLKACI.KI) AND CN11LEACIIED XV' LINM, COTTON FLANNELS, KTC. A aplendln array of DRESS G-OOIDS Among which are the .Veaesl nndMoit i'natiloiinble Cnor and Material. 1l,eiI.aflles Mill Hud a hne flxoilment of CI.OAUH AND WOOLEK SHAWLS. which will be sold cheaper than anything of the kind ever soldlaCilro. Mr. burger haa laid In an Immente stock of HOOTH, SIIOKS, Xollonk, Ribbon, N'eekllea, ele., which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest TIIK AI.m.VK. PKOSPECWS FOR 1872. FIFTH YEAR. A lltprrMtntire and Champion of Anieri' can Art. THE JtJlZjlDXlSr E : An Illustrated Monthly Journal claimtd to be the handsomest Paper in the 'orld. ".'live my love lolhe aitist workmen of TIIK ALPINE who are striving to niak their prorea ion worthy of nlmlrallou Inr teaulv, a. it Has lwy been for liaefnlneaa," yrnrj ironl Utechtr TIIK .ttl.V.', while Issued with all the leg. lllantv. baa nolle ol lh teintinnirv or timtlu inter- eat characteristic ol ordinary periodicals, It is nnnlegnnt niiact llnney of pm'e. liyni, "J grace, fill literatim-. - eii.-etloii of pictuies, the iKit-i e,.eeiiiietis ol aru-tio ek It, III Mack and white. Although enehati"Cieitmg number nttorda nlren pleamire ic Ita trx-mis, tlie rim Milne nml Uiuil) nf'I IIK ALDINE w.ll beinni-t appreciated niter it hn, been Imiuid at tlnicbi.e or the year, While other piihlicntinna may claim superior eheapnea n- i-ompred with rivaUof of a similar cijs, i in. .viiui.i. ia n iiniquo ajii criginai con eoption alone and imapiroached absolutely wiiiioui vompeiiiinn in price or citaracicr. Hie fiossessor oi ine volume juti i-uiupieicit cannoi iiiipucato ineipiamuy 01 line initer nn engrav ings in any oilier slmpo or number of volumes for ten times Its tost. The laliernfgettlngTHEALDINE ready nn the press Is so grent that reprinting la out of the ques tion, With the etcei Hon or a small nil inter specially reserved lor binding, the edillonn of lh71. la already emanated, and it is uow a scan o a well at valuable book, NEW FEATURES FOR 1872. Art Department. The euthuiiatin support so readl r accorded to their enterprise, wherever it has been Intro duced, has lonvinced tha publishers of THE ALDINEof the soitndnesa of their theory that the Ameiican public would reoogulro and heartily auppor. any sincere ciiuri iu n.evate ine lono nna stundnrd of illustrated ptiblit-ations. That so many weakly wlcaed sheets exist and thrive is not evidence that there ia no mnrket lor anything better indeed theaiiece-sof THE Al. DINK from the start ti direct proof of the contrary. Witn a popiuaiiou so vail, nnu ni aucii varien tasie, a publisher can choose his patrons, and his paper is rather indicative of his own than of llie taste of the country. Aa a guarantee of tho excellence of this department, the publishers would beg to an. nounrn dining I he coming year, specimens from the lollowing eminent Ameiican aitista i W. T. lliciunus, Wm.IUkt, Wm. llrtuti, ( Hmili.v, Al'u. Will i James Smh.ii 1'rank llrtuu, ClKANVUtE 1'lSKlV", K. O. C. Dakliv, ViCTott Nriiua, Wm. II. WiLtoi, James II, lltilf, II. E. 1'IUI'XT, l'Al l. IIHOS, How. Those piclnr, a are being repio iuced without regard tu expeme by the very best cngraveia in Ihe con til ry, and will bear the aeveieat critical comparison with the beat toreiga work, ll being the determination of the pullisliera that THE ALD1M. shall he a allccessfill vindication ol American taste In compel. lion with nnr exl'ting (ii i.i i, i mi in 1 1 in n uiiii I.llerury Department. Where so much attention la paid to illustration and gel upof the wink, loomuch dependence on opjimraiua may very naiurallv In feared. To an ticipate anch misgivinga. It Is only neeerrary to slate, thnt tho editorial management i.l THE lieen entrusted to Mx. KlCIl.tRD IIENRV STODDARD, who hai received assur ances of assistance Irom a host ofthe mot Kipu lar writers and poets of the oounlry. The Volnme lor ls7a will ciuilaln nearly "0 pages, and ah ut 250 line eniravings, Cumitieiicing with the number lor January, amy thlid number will contain a lieati tlful tinted piilure on plite hujier, inserted as a froutlsniece. Ihe Cliiiittiiu nlimber for Wil, will bo n splen did volume in ileelf, cnuiiilitiiig liny engraving., (four In tint) and, although rcl.ille I a' HI will bo neat without extm charge to all yearly etili. scribe rs. A Chromo to r.veory StubMrrllier was a very popular feature tat )oar, and will te repeated with the resent volume, The pub lishers have purchased an 1 lej lodiu ei,. at great exiieiise.the beeutiug by Sals, emitled "Ii.ime Nature.' School." Tneeini ir is 11 a I.l Inches, ii "id Is an exact fai). simile, lniiennd nppearunce, of trio oi'iguc-l picture. An Ante ichii i liiomo, which will at all inmpsre "ilh II, ha yet lei II offered al itiall lur less than tl e pre. ked for THE ALDINE mi l ll tjgvt. er ll s. Ill ldelii eredfiee, wiih the January lunula r, in every subscriber who pnyslor one year In ..iiv.inoe Tenua lor IH7 J. One tt;, one yi; iii'a " Ciow... , ii ) t'ne (hi'oM, " " " fl VH Any person sending h names and tl'i whl re. , ceive an extra cop "I gratis, ma.i.g 1 1 copies 'or the money, I Any person wllili.g t" wnrk lor tpreunnn, can have our premium eireiilar nn upj.l.i mi e . givoinsny beuiililul aim de-!rahl, i.nlclea utletiil By no other paper. ' Anv peron uiehlng lo act, wiiu lueiillt, as our agent, will apply, irii. itjeeentt, in losing ll fur oultll. JAMI'J Stli'TTOV A Co., runusiiKHs, !!3 Liberty Nltfel, e York. .v:lill'AI.. "NERVOUS D1HHLITY, , With Ita arloomv tttl"i'". low anlr- ila' oepreiou, an voluntary emiaasost, loaa or e men, apermatorrhsa, loaa of power' ttlasy heaal, loaa of metnory, and throateued ItstBrtessee and IXbe rlllt. and ss lovarelsn cure In Hum- pbrey'a Iloraeopathie Mneclsle No Tweuty-eDovbt. Composed of Ihe most valua , ble mild and potent Curative, they striae a onde at the roots ot the matter, (one up the ays tern, ni.uhuige., uuu Hi..u .igor.iu anerty, lite and vitalltv to theenlire mai.. . they have cured liiiuisand of eases, Price, per liackigesot live boxes and a large U vial, which iVry Important tu obstinate or old cases, or SI ptrlngD bvi. BM by all drue'glat;, and aeut 1 by mall on lacelpt ot prire. , Adore liimii lirey' Biaolflo Homothlo Medicine Co., 5t Broad Vty, F. Y. P. SCIIU11. , anulSrkewawly Afjenl, Cairo, lllmola. I SLMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR lIVytPIIREY') HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVE proved, from tho most ample expr lence.nn entire success i SimplePrompt Efficient and Rellahlf. They are the only meilU clnes perfectly adapted to popular use so slm plo mistakes can not bo made In using them; so harmless as to be free from danger, nnd so efficient as to bo nlway reliable. Tliey have rais ed the highest commendations from all, and will always render satisfaction. YV, Cents. 1, Cures Feters.pnnirp.flnn. fnftammntfnna.'JA 2, " Wonna. worm fovcr. wotrn colic 25 Crylniocolla or teething o( infant ...a Dlrrhoea, of children nnd adults. ..25 Dyaenlery, gilplng, bdlotia colio.M Cliolera.mnrbus, vomiting.... ..25 Cliolern. colds, hronchltu .......2-5 enr..lrln. toothache, f,iceaclie....25 lleiulitelies, slnlt hevdnche, vertlgo25 '.Viliepaln bilious stornaelie m.2.5 ffiilijirevieil, or Jialnful perlods......2i X lilies, too profile periods.....M..2S i roup, cough, dittlcult breatlung...2.5 Nnlt llliemii, Kryslpelaa, Eruptloiis25 ItlieiiiiiiilNin, rheum .lie pains -IT, l'eT mill Amie, chill lever, agues.V) Pile), blind or bleeding '........&) Opht III rm j', and sore or weak eye.Vl Cntrirrli, ncuto orehronio, InHueniaM M'liooplntr-Conirh, Tiolcntcotighs.V) AHllmtn, oppressed breathing ........ M DNrlinrire, Imnnlreil heartngfn Nrrornfii enlarged glands, anelling50 tlriirrnl Debility, physical weak ness Ad Dropsy and scanty Secretions M Hen Mli,kmis,alclnis from rldlnsfto l(liliiey.lsene, (travel 50 .erviiim isclilllty, seminal emls- in.lnvoluntarv discharge- .1 no t'lvelloxe-i vrlts cue S2 vial of powder very necesiary In serious cases...5 00 Store .Month, canker 50 rrlmiry Wenldiram, wetting bed.,50 Pnliirul I'erloiN, with spnsms.....50 lilIerlnrN,i.t change nf life 1 (1 EnlleiNy,Spnsms, St. Vltus'dance.l 00 Dlplherlauli'i crated sore throat 0 4. 5, Ik Ik I?: in, 20, Jl. 2V, : XI, M, FAMILY CAHr.S. Of 3.1 lo 110 liiree vliilH, moroeeo or rosewood enae, coiitnliilnK u apeellle for every omllnnry illa eaate n family la milijcct to, nnl books ordlreetloiiH ....from 510 lo 25 Smaller I-niiilly and Trnt ellntr ca es, 20 to 88 vials nom 8a to 8.N Speolfic lor all Prltnlo Disease-., both for Curing and mr Preven tive treatment, in vials and poem I cases..... .....82 lo Ii POND'S EXTRACT Cures Hums. DrUiscs, Lamenes., Koreness, Sore Throat, Spraln, Toochache, Uiraclie. Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Lumbago. 1'ilea, Holts, Htiiigs, Soro Eyes, lllecdingof tho Lungs, Nuae, Stem, ach, or of Piles; Coma, I'lccrs, Ol I Sores. Puce, Cot., 50 cts.; Plots. tll.Wi Qnarls, (l-TS. oe)"Theo remedies, except Pond's Extract, by the eae or single box, aro sent to any part ol theeouhtry, by mall or express, tree ot charge, ou receipt oi tho price. Address Hl'MI'HRhYS'Sl'ECIFIU HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO. Ottlce and Depot, No. 5fiJ Ilroadway, New-York FOR SALE HY P. bCHl'H, CAIRO, Ills, aiigl.'aieownwly CONSUMPTION. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE BY DR. J. II. SCHKNCK, M. D. tar THE CAUSE AND CURE OP COK. HUMITION. Tho primary canio of Coniump tlon ladcrancemeni nt tho tll;cstlvo orjans. This derangement produces deficient nutrition and as (Imllatlon. lly assimilation, I mom that process by which tha nutriment of tlio food la convcrtod Into blood, nnd thence Into the solid of tho body. Person with direction thus impaired, having tha slightest predisposition to pulmonary disease, or if they take cold, will bo very liable to havo Con sumption of the Lungs In sorao of Its forms ; and I hold that It vt 111 bo lmpos slblo to euro any case, of Consumption without first restoring a good digestion and healthy assimilation. The very first thins to be Cone Is to clcanio tho stomach and. bowels from all diseased mucus and sllmo which are dogging theso organs to that they cannot per. form their functions, and then rouso tip and ro (toro tho liver to a healthy action. For thla pur pose, tlio surest and best remedy Is Schcnck's Mandrake Pills. Thcsa Pills clean tho stomach and bowels of all the dead and morbid sllmo that la canting disease and decay In tho whole system. They will clear out tho liver of all diseased bile that has accumulated there, and aronse It up to a now anil healthy action, by which natural and healthy bile Is secreted. iThc stomach, bowels, and liver are thns cleansed by the nse of Schenck's Mandrake Pills j bat there remains in tho stomach an excess of acid, the or gan Is torpid and the appetite poor. In the bow els, tho lacteals arc weak, and requiring strength and support It is In a condition like this that Schenck's Pcaivccd Tonic proves to bo tho most valtiablo roraedy ever discovered. It Is alkaline, and its uso will neutralize all excess of add, mak ing tho stomach sivect and fresh; It will give, permanent tone to this Important organ, and cre ate a good, hearty appetite, and prepare tho sys tem for tlio first process of a good digestion, ana ultimately luaku good, healthy, living blood. Af ter this preparatory treatment, what remains t euro mot cares of Consumption ia tho freo ant persevering use of SchcncU's Pulmonic Syrup. The Pulmonic Syrnp nourishes tho system, puri fies tho blood, and Is readily absorbed Into tha circulation, and thoncu distributed to tho diseased lungs. There It ripens all morbid matters, wheth er In the form of abscesses or tubercles, and then assists Nature to expel all tho diseased matter In tho form of free expectoration, when once it ri pens. It Is thou, by tha great healing and purify ing properties of Schcnck's Pulmonic Bynip, that all ulcers unil cavities aro healed up sound, nnd my patient Is cured. The essential thing to be done In coring Con sumption Is to get upngoodnppctltp and a good digestion, so that tho body will grow In flesh and get strong. Ifn person has diseased lung, a car lly or abscess there, tho ravlly cannat heal, tho natter cannot ilpcn, so long aa tho system Is be low par. What Is necessary to enrol a new or der of things, n good appetite, a good nntritlon, tho body to grim- in flesh ami get fat; then Na ture I helped, tho ratifies will heal, tho matter will ripen mid be thrown otT lu largo quantities, and tho pcrnm regain health mid strength. This Is the true and only plan to euro Consumption, and If a person Is very bad, tf tho lungs are not intlrely destroyed, or even ifouo lung Is entirely gone. If thcro a enough vitality left In tho other to heal up, thcro la hope. I havo seen many persons cured, vt Ith only one sound lung, live and enjoy llfo to a good oldge. This I what Schenck's Medicines will do to euro Consumption. They will clean ont the stomach, sweeten and strengthen It, get up a good diges tion, and glvo Nature tho arslstanro she needs to clear tho system of all tlio disease that is In tha lungs, whatever tho form may bo. It 1 Important that, whllo using Fchenck' Medicines, cam should bo exercised not to taka cold; keep In-door In cool and damp weather; avoid nlght-alr, and tako oat-door exercise only In a genial and warm sunshine. I wish It distinctly understood that when I re rommend a laillent to bo careful In regard to tak ing cold while using my medicines, 1 do so lor a special reason. A man w ho ha but partially re covered from tho eiTocts of a bad cold Is far mora liable to a relapse than one who has been entirely enred, and It Is precisely tho same In regard to Consumption. So long as tho lung aro not per fectly bcalcd, just so long Is there Imminent dan. per of a full return of the disease. Henco tt 1 that I to strenuously caution pulmonary patients tgaiust exposing themselves, to an atmosphere, that 1 not genial and pleasant. Confirmed Con sumptives' lungs aro a mas of sore, which tha least change of atmosphere will Inflame. Tha grand sectet of my success with, my medicines consists In my ability to subdue luflammatlon In stead of provoking It, as many of tbe faculty do. An Inflamed lung cannot with safety to the pa tient bo exposed to tbe biting blasts of winter ot tho chnllng winds of srring or autumn. It should bo carefully shielded from all Irritating In fluences. Tho utmost caution should bo observed in this particular, as without it a care under al most any circumstances Is au Impossibility, The person should he kept on a wholeiomusiid nutritious diet, and all the medicine continued until tte body has restored to II tho natural quantity or rich and ilreiigth. I was myself cured by treatment of th worst kind of Consumption, and l.avu lived to L-el fat and hearty the so msny years, with on lung mostly gone. I hat o cured thousands since, and very many have been cured by this treatment whom I nave never seen. About the 1st of October, I expect to take pos session of my new building at the northeast cor ner of Sixth and Arch Street, when I shall b pleased to give advice to all who may require It. Full direction accompany all my rtrntdlr, so misv a ptmia iu but pari oi to voriu can D I ay curcu vy a unci uoservsnc oi in . J. U. IsCHXNCK. M.D., mm HUllLBUT sis KDSAI.L Hi Ljkktv-toMt, Chicago, Wholesale Aff'Ms.