Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO 'DAIIiV BULLETIN, SUNDAY, OOTOBER'29 1871. THE BULLETIN"., joiin it nni:iii.r, KJiir .il Stumr -Mornino, Ocionr.n 28, 1871. T or Tiir Daiit 111 tl Mill ISulteription.) O.e week, '" M m tearby carrier, In advance 10 oil t 11011111. by wall, - W Jh.-M rrnnths, ...... 12 2s n t mnilh . - UHHMIIHI'M,H"' I n mlitilt tht patrow ' MtUigtnl reaJtn ami enterpnMng burfc mm. T1IK MOLLAK WKKKI.Y 1IULLKTI.V. jihti II. oberly 4 Co, riKTO reduced the ub-..rli-ttoti price of (lie Weekly Cairo llnllelln to 0 tliiliirpmftnm, making It the cheapest pa (.r i'itt'11 lied in Southern llllnoli. STATE TICKKT. For Kri.reenlellTe In ConRres. for the State-al-Large, S. S. HAYES. For Stole Senator, WILLIAM Or. BOWMAN. COUNTV TICKET. For Treasurerjind Collector, WILLIAM MARTIN. For Surveyor, JOHN P. HELY. The latest from the "Washington Reform club is to the effect that a class of "reclaimed women" are being in structed by a female clevationist for the lecture .field. Here in reform with a vengeance. The Tilinn party movement is be ing actively agitated in Cincinnati. The prime mover is Senator Schurz, Alexander Long, Alexander Ferguson, other prominent American gentlemen and a strong German element. TheGeokoia radical politicians, it is said, contemplate ajnow departure. They propose to Bhip all carpet-baggers and put in nomination only native citi ' zens "who have individual worth and social standing." This will, virtually, bo yielding the state to the conservative party. Stokes, the celebrated radical leader of Tennessee, has been arrested for stealing. He is now supervisor of in ternal revenue for that state. He, with other officials, have pocketed at least 8G0,000 bounty money belonging to union soldiers. Gen. Bullock, of tho frcednien's bureau, has also been de clared a defaulter to the amount of SCO, 000. Are they all all thieves, thoso radical office-holders ? (Ewing was an old lino whig, i""1 ho took nil active part in 'o mcuiorauio campaign of IS "S thj8 paign ho became known as tho "Old Salt Roilcr," and tho foubriciuot went with him through life. Ho was np pointed secretary of the treasury by Ocn. Ilarrieon in 1811, and undcrl'rcs iJcnt Taylor, was tho first eccrctaey of the Tutcrior department. AT THE ANNUAL MEETING of tre American Missionary association held n HartforJ, Conn., during tho past week, one of the Hev. brethren devoted considerable time to the subject of the Chinese in America. He remarked that the field of labor among the Chi nese in California is one calling for much help. If the work of extermi nation, began by the Americans at L s Angeles, on Tuesday last is to be con tinued, the only labor Christian Anicr- cans will be called on to perform for the Chinese in California, will be to appoint sextons to go there and bury them. Nineteen Chinese wero put to death by hanging aud shooting and many others wero maltreated by an in furiated mob. The offense of the Chi nese was being Chinese. The cause of humanity would be served if the Amer ican Missionary Association were to send its missionaries to the American in California. Thorc is small hope, however, that their christianizing influ ences would have much effect on such cold-blooded monsters and assassins. Tin: Chicago papers are bnabting about their great fire, and all the peo ple of that very remarkable city are chuckling amid (he ruins of their des troyed houses over the knowledge that the conflagration which shall we My? ruined them, was greater than any form er earthly conflagration and is not like ly to be eclipsed until wraped in flames the realms of ether glow aud heavens lan thunders shake the world below. Chief Juhtice Chase, being inter viewed, informed n correspondent of the Boston Pott a few days nco, that he was of the opinon the demo crats could retain their organization. He believed they would never give up, and yet select as candidates for presi dent and vice-president men who, from their past history, would invite and secure the votes of the entire con servative elements of all parties. He had heard expressed doubts in the minds of conservative republicans 'as to what would be their status should they co-operate with the democrats in electing the president, and they asked whether, in case of such co-operation, they would not bo overslaughed in this new organization by the old -time democrats and fossil leaders who gov ern that party in some localities, as, for example, lu Ohio and Indiana. Such doubts certainly exist to a largo o.x tent among republicans inclined to support a candidate, but he (Chief Justice Chase) did not share them, though he admitted that there were grounds to warrant distrust in tho minds of some others. Judge Chase regret ted that the Ohio democrats had got ten themselves into such an error upon nancial matters as wai found embod ied in a resolution in their stato plat form. He regarded the platform of the democrats in Wisconsin, upon which the canvass is now progressing, as entirely unexceptionable, and bucIi a one as should receive the approval of members of any party. The Missouri Democrat, comment ing on the part Carl Schurz is taking in the formation of a third, or new po litical party, says ''tho blood of every ' republican in tho state will tingle with ' indignation at the news," Doubtless, Carl Schurz was one of the idols of the radical party and it is not blind to the fact that the earnestness anil talent which exerted such an influence in its ranks, will be just as powerful when they flow in a different direction St. liOt'is has been very open-hand We know that Mr. George Mertz, radical caudidate for senator in this district, knows us to be his best friend ; that we would burn the midnii'ht oil to serve him ; that he has but to command aud we obev : that with the affection of Damon for Pythias and Jonathan for David, and vie? vena, we regard him. Wo know, as we have said, that (Jeorgo knows these facts, and we can therefore venture to advise him with the freedom of a brother or a young man. Ho had just arrived nt his twentieth year, but was already fimous among his friends for his learn ing aud ability. After the war ho on. tcrcd Princctou college, and nt a einglo bjtinJ placed himself in the foremost ranks of the school. From that time, siys tho New York Standard, his ca reer at college was a phenomenon, and may be regarded as almost historical. He passed at once to the head of his class. As one of his class mates who ranked next to him in honors said, " I 'had competitors Pryor had none. 1 No one thought of disputing his lead 1 ership.' He lead the class in every study, although one of its youngest mo m be rs. His favorite studies were mathematics and metaphysics. He loved to dwell in the highest ranges of mathematical problems, and concern his rninii with questions that tho ripest of our scholars had not ventured to reach. All metaphysical subjects had a deep interest for him, especially what we may call tho metaphysics of theolo gy. Jlo had strong religious tenden cies, and the impression was, when at Princeton, that he would enter the min istry. When he came to graduate, it was hard to find a parallel for his standing. For a hundred years no student has stood so high, and the one who came nearest to him a Btudent whose college life is also historic was Aaron Burr, who graduated just a hun- j drcd years ago. The highest average mark in the collogo is 100. Young Pryor's average was 99.9. Shortly be fore his death signs of mental weariness were seen ; many symptoms of an over taxed mind. The physicians believe that at the time of his death he was suffering from congestion of the brain ; that this brought with it temporary in sanity, and that he committed suicide. t&Tha Sun FrancUco Bulletin thus describes the now Japanese silver coinage . "Tho standard of fineness and weight ii that of tho American coinage, the unit being 'Yen,' which corresponds with tho American dollar in ska and value, though in its general appearance, style and finish, it more resombles tho New Mexican coin age. Tho yen, half yen and quarter yen (all round coins) are alike in everythir butsizo and value, tho design on all being identical. Tho obverso has a sun and halo in the ccntor, with a wreath below and three flowers above. The reverse has the Imperial dragon curiously coiled up in the center, surrounded with Japanese char acters. The milling is tho earns as that on the American coinage. Hitherto, it has been found Impossible to get any coin ex cept tho dollar of tho Republic of Mexi co to pass current in China ; but our Jap eneso advices state that the Chinese mer chants in Japan aro exporting the now Jap uncso coin to China by the cart-load, as fubt as it is issued from the mint, which would indicate thnt they expect it to go Into general circulation in the Central Flowery Empire." 8ta5 In Ooorgia recently a whito man and a colored woman, who had been-- mar ried under n licence duly issued by tho Or dinary, were In a Stato court convicted of adultery and son to need to imprisonment, on the ground that marriages between tho whito and the black races aro forbidden by tho State statute, and are thoreforo illegal and void. They sued out a writ of habeas corpus, and had tbeir case taken before Judge Erskine of tho United States Dis trict Court, claiming that the law under which they had been convicted was in con travention of the first section of the Four teenth Amendment, which provides that no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privilege or im munltles of any citizens of the United States. Judge Ersklno decided that tho validity of the statuto in question had not bcon effected by thn adoption of the amend ment, und that tho pretended marrlago of tho parties was illegal, and thuir convic tion just and proper under tho laws. Ac Louis Muhlbach has sited a Merlin journalist for I,000, the fellow being cowardly enough to slander her beeatisa no thought ho could not bo detected. Oil. C'A.Nh. COMMINMION AHDKIUWAHIIINU, WOOD lUTTKNUOUSK, 18 ..or ul A) ere A Co.! FLOUll AMI Commission Merchant lil.l OHIO l.EVLK, uhvuh. CRAWFORD HOUSK, CORNER BIXTH and WALNUT-ST., (Entrance on,,) PAUL (J SCIIUH, ID JE&TJ go-ist, K. J; Jk.'l-, I' , 1 II"! 1 , K. II. u )., J (ilMIIN.NA'll, OH Kl. OAKK-. CAI'V 1 Ci I'n.i.flrl . . Caiiio, Illinois. .). m iTfriji7iis,r'cu. -ii -.. in r. ii. Ilrn.lrl k. i ('., Forwarding and Commission MKHCIIANTS Wll W'.F.IIUA IMtOl'I'.IKTolLS, C.Wf.. . COMMKHCIAL HOTKI., t'OMMKRCIAI.-AYKNUK 0ll'Oll'K V. OAIV.P. ll.I.H. ; it i: m v r. n, i I NO. I0H COMMKKCIAIj AVKNI'K, Whlltnkfr'N (Mil Nlnii'l. Ol'I'OSITK Atiiknkum, t' lll.O, I I.I. JOSK.fll HAYI.I.'Mt. riioriiiKiuh. The House is Newly I'i'iimsiikp lhl li !iti lu III pil'tir 111., tt - I'ttitKcr ii ii- i r hmi.i' rt I'MtKii 1'AUKIIS Aa MFortmtnt of the dIxito cd, pecurtljr pekil ler hlrmint, for ln nt Clnummll prlcM uu irviKni, iit iiAftwi..! i i.i.tsTO., Jjnm und I'mnl Lie alert, 74 Ohio Lie. Lilwtal AIviuk n . C"Elgnnu'tit- i a wn, NMOHOI.AS KKITII, ft KX Kit AIj UNDKHTAKKH, INNOHANt'E. $1,250,000 OO. rtARTToRD FIRE INSURANCE CO.. 01 IUrlfor.1, Con (MIARTKItKD 1.S10. Kqual to the ftrcat Kmergency. THK IltOX CLAD OLD "HARTFORD" XvcrSMarrBdrra I TMUdhIhe storms ol Hi it) -on yen AXD STILL IS SOUND. Pkyafrom hcrinrplu of SI, 800,000 liar Lotsts Ity the 0 RRAT CHICAGO KIRK lmlni! I'tr in".Dlticent caplul of OUSTS MiiLniiioisr Ar praril lo tfcfiic, ttur oi uiwitrd freights lo ill point od iaij fcl HI on commiwlon. rButlomt tltiud to promptly. g . 1 i - I vifc ii g ii ! I i A 1 & i Cor. M'hlogtii-HV.iiit Illli-iil., OA I IK) Il.l.INOIH. W. O. CAltY, PItlXCII'AL UNDKHTAKKH, H. M. HULKN, n-wnrT?n . v,nrkATT?T,vvrTn- U1IUUU1V AflUVUiU JUVUVil MERCHANT. No. 134 Commercinl-ave., CAIRO, 1L1.IX0IS. MILLKIt tc PARKKIt, GENERAL COMMISSION FORWAUDINO MKKCHANTS, AMD DEALERS IN FLOUR. CORN o Oats, Hay, etc. 58 Onto Livxk, CAIRO, IIJ.S. Z. D. U ATHUM. K. C. UUL. MATHUSS & UHL, roRWA-BDirra A OKMKKAI. Commission Merchants, UKALRIM IN HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE, SALES ROOM, No. 13SIXTII STUK l'Jiiprlloiitr utmllon to Hllinu til phiirl, " i lamnr rr c r 1 1 'l ion . OB STia-H'T ALL PATENT MEDICINE worth htrlug. At tt KBKM' t'BVr.K TONIC, Wrrnlr.l II, f Ul KrirKIIUr v...n I. i, OilBll. NO CURK MONKY RKFUNDK ilto, HAMILTOSffl HUCHU AND DANDELION AnVxc-llfiil trmnij In nil dlfiiof Ui l) nrjF, njuiui, loon or iiier thko lleinbold'ii. tad lor ln mane;. ilta intir rot llumiilirrj'ii IIatwtBi4atlilc Hmt I v' i!H Hit writ Mrctd stock of PEEFUMEBY fmrnty U4; Of Ttjf dMrlptlon cuuMt bo mirpMitd Ij uij Ub. Ilihmrnl ol tkt kind lo tht cilr. BANK!. h i i H ' I S h. SAV i ;ChnrlrrnI Mnrrb SI. IM. H: OHIO I.EVKR, CAIRO, II.I- CAIKCILMSOIC. IJnlouclird nnd Qutrtrr of a Million Hurplu lo iptrt. "Grt.lhe Beit," ft KT HARTFORD POLICIES. .Safl'onl, Morri & Candee, agents, CAino, Illinois. U'Uun fourth SW .SVj., augn-dAtrlf rrr city national bank, :c ri'HMTiBi:. MIIJilNBKN. confidential friend. Wo may, we think, say to him that he should withdraw his mr.Hn., tii ,i.iinn n.. ,n,ria,.n ,r . .1 :.. i.. n- .. ..... " " " n- " cu in regaru 10 mci. nicago sinicrera, out name irom me canvass ; tnat lie lias no whito man to a Muck womanis neither a ,-he can't claim that her charities are of chance of success ; that he is extremely jirivilcgo iwr a riht. that wt which does'nt let the right unpopular i" every local! tv where he is hand know what the left hand docth. known, and is unknown" where he is -Tl.e people of Cl.tcaSo don't seem to Her newsnaner have blown her trumn. not known to he disked. Thk. of f letiori M promptly now as . ' tney uiu a lew wkcks ago. tiki t.tenxng ets constantly since the fire and now course, is very plnn language, but, Voili cont,inh ii8t of tlu lettors uncalled they have hired t-omc poetasters to I then, as friend to friend, wu think we I for lu the post-otllie there, and it is some " do " her muiiificonec in rhymes. Rut may venture to use it. Georire, you thing o( a curiosity in its wav. It fills tho nnle the muses are invoked with bet- fcc, is a reasonable man, and admires whole of the third page of tho Pott and ter success than has been shown thus frankness. Me will not, therefore, be one column on the second page. In the far, the newspapers would do well to offended when we tell him the people ""on'sllst Uifre aro thri-i-rows of names to .fill- . . i i . v.- i . i . . , . ' ' column j in the ludici, list stick to big head lines, exclamation detest political tricksters of Ins stamp, lmt tW0( mvng in . all points and plain prose. who, to accomplish Fcllisli ends, culti- twenty-throp names, In small typo, (1 vatc the triendship ot the worst class ot tho full length of the imgo. If printed in wsb. nuiin, (.alienor oi custom at norQCj, and kcep ieir ,niluj8 5nflamcd U handsomoly-bound volume that pile of ucqj., u o.u.ume pro- hh fulrtcuoods and mcan appeals to , , curios ana inter. v.Svu, m xWB ..u uj.pomieu 10 their prejudices; that the people know J J Ilia r.r. .!! .1. J, !H .f .. ' ' 11 I -. . .... , iwiiuu imuuK iuu iuiiuuiivu i 1 fiim In ho r. Pent Piimn nf vrv liilln ir- A.,)! i nii..i the latter, is about to be removed ior ability, tmperfieial in everything but for 187. were In the Jvcar, 10,000 irregularities in office. The precise ua- nn,itinnl mMnM.. ,nn i.L n. ... H"y qualified medical practitioners in ture of the offenses is not stated. The vengeful heart of . Brownlow but dei. i W,'T ,C'113 he,d PM P- radical party treats its erring officials ,;., nf nn snrV. n( ,., P ntmonts, and 4.C8C were engaged In ith a tenderness truly touching. It l Fp prtcUce' Thoro "' onu "tains theu in office gLg them ev- dc'aKogue s ability. Mr. Mertx medical man to each 7,182 of the popula- erv chm. i,. : , . . t a good enough man when he is aloue, on. Among tho lower classes, ths value hour bv PT g but ho is not the man tho people of Clonal professional assistance i, quite reach ludT ihy wltWn their this district needs in the senate. They unrtC0nI i nd hence infectious dUea- reacn anaiu wUculh(jrc . abil'itv a man whose U'9 w.mmlt hihlM rVft8, the that long-suffermj; publie opinion may i . " ,M " W''0S" "orta1lty among children is greater than .i, n-u...i: i "un may pregouce. boarinit. abilitv' and moral i ' iiuibi, hh uutnuvjn ure (luietlv iH - missed, happy in the possesion of the r W0'th wU1 roflcct CrcJit uPon KSypt i booty and untroubled by worryinK Ul. 10 Judg Bowwan' the Jonocratio gestions of an "investigation" candidate, they .have such u man. Chercforc. n n frinni) wn in w ' ' -M-rrA' ""(5b'-"- Tn H,a ..!,.. 1, ..... J , , The Hon, Thomas Kwo diedb that he '.d get off the mZXZZ Z'Z Lancaster, Ohio, on st Thuwday af- k ',cr?rc 1,0 ls crushed. A word to platform of tho car to look at the moon. ternoon. Mr. Kwmg was born in Ohio ' Bun'cicilt' Tl:o door closed with a spring lock, and in , ., 1 the portor of the car was asleep. Ho says w-auiot lueodorio R. Pryor, son ho never cnloyod a tlfty mllo rldo an ho did MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Catasaarrlnl Arnnr, oppokll Bill anu iiajristora-B Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEAR Made to ordrr, or Read.M da. 11. mi'rlvMl k full and fiomDieU stock of eocdi. the nwoat uml compKlFul in me cuy. ab iw rotate rarity ol RIBBONS, LACES AND FKINUEa nir.r. Inrfiirometi to her DttroBa ant all others to call on her.examiae the prices, tjle ann quaniy or ner gooei CLOSE k VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MKRCnANTS AN DBALEBS LIME Crubmt, I'i.astkb Takis, t PLASTERER'S HAIR, Ctsr Kisklk Hirt mm4 kl CAIRO, ILL. JOHN B. PHILLIS, (Huccaaeor to Parker A yiil'.llt,) GENERAL COMMISSION AID FORWARDING MERCHANT, ass DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS,; Flour, Meal, Bran, Cob. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIRO, ILL. SAVE TWENTY PERCENT A. II. SAFFORP, President: H. s. TAYLOR. VIce.i'ri-tiJeDt: U' HVHI.IIP. Mwrrlarv anil Treulir lilttCTOtit P. W. IUacLAT, F. M.Hiocarimi. It. M. CriiiiuM, J. 31. I HIL1 11 Chii. On I'.t'L li. . Uf l.ujlDg)fcUr It. M.Cril.iuM, W. !. Ilr i stvm.alia ufanv Anioiinl llerelvt' INTKKKjT paid on depoIU at the rrt I t m lurnh 1.1 and! . 1 1 n , L . . j-i aut. ...., , ' I t v Inl.r..! nn wlthilrftWIl IB UUlf -. . --r- -r- r-T-i -r-r -i i -m '.'.l' "Ii 7 .i..... -Ct O.N O- J- - J-x-'-i-J glrlng them compound Interest. MARRIID WOMRH AXD CIIILDRS1 . . . n w w I to TR1T VO Oil XLIt cm BliW it' tlrwt ...r, HftV from ft a.m. ana Matumay eyenmx ior nju.i" m only, from t to s o'clock. auiotf W. HT8L0P. Tr. THE CITY NATI01 EIGHHOFF BROS., CAIRO ILLINttllU CAPITAL, FURNITURE FACTORY,; MIIXIWKHY. W.BIratlon. T. H!id IiADIES, TAKE NOTICE I MRS. C. McGEE, KI01ITU STKKET. HKTWSKN WABIIINOTOV AND COMMKRCIAL AYINUKS, iliu juat recelred a full and aplendid lino ef NEW-GOODS Pr trlmmlnsH. allk Elmna. silk saloon. aul pure lacea, mots trimming, crocket button, yet, hats and bonneta, fine kid ulorea, ladlas' anS I K'J Ollifl TjPVPft (lAlPn IllinOlH children.' shoes, and a full anifcompiete alock ol ' AiLVcc, VUIM), illlUUl. Millinery and Fancy Goods, All of which he proones to sell at Tills VKKT L0WX8T CAHU PRICM STRATTON & BIRD, (9uccaaaora toHtrattoa, lludaon t Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, W. P. IIALLIPAY, Preaidenti A. II. 8AFF0RP, Cashier: WAI.TF.R HYHI.OP, Asilitant Cal Miiaoni Wabliis;lou-HV., Nenr I'okHiiii IIoiinp UA1K0, H.I.INOIa Ua... ivinhliAH nrfilKfrililre to inform the citiiens of Cairo Hint Ihev are maniilHcliirlntt all klndi or r-Agents of American Powder Co., and roan- it,atv AND FANCY FURNITURE . . ... i j j i - - - HCimvri goBM lur i:o.Hia jbiu. J7'ui MTAA1K 1 ATLOB, nvaaaT u. v, Hcott Wintr, W. P. Haiii Ul.0. U. IL1.IA0S, Biri; uiu, A. ii. DArroas. Bond Bonvht mm4l DEPOSITS received, ana a gt". buslnem done. FIRST NATIONAL or cairo. UAN riTTERIt. In any of the countries of Western Europe. A citizen ot Janesvlllo, Wisconsin. on a recent trip to St. Louis, took a sloep- mg ear ocrin on a tnrougU expross train. H. T. GEROULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER axu Dnira Oil FIXTURE), (la Fitter's and Plumber's material, Wood pumps, giooe anu angle vaivea, atop cocks, check TeT?es,etc. also Aaur roa Taifta Brother ratten t Dry Uaus Metena county, Virginia, in 1789, and was at tbo timo of his death about eighty-two years of ago. He wao one of tho early BOttlorw of Ohio where lin commenced tho practice of law in the year 181 C. He became a member of tbo United 'M'.mnafr.uiJrWP. Iii polities. Mr. of Geu. Roger A. Pryor, baa occasioned "'"t one univcraal sorrow in Now w.rtr ,,.! ),. called attention to hla rotnarkablo abil- DoK10,,v' ,n '" . . JUt0UUJ muni-i uy ur, supposed to havo boon kindled by "Kv iicwiiiinr was a reraarnauie i runKticiu inter of thn Hebrew race. And aforehouee, Wells A Co'a Automatic WaUl luaicaur audbuppljr vauo for steam boilers. WlHTkfc'B BLOCK,. COMUKECIAL-AVKWOa. WIILIAM SAVM AN. coamuva havikstiii. BAUMAN & HAUENSTINE, CIVIL AND MhCH ANICAI. ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS, Bstom llulldtua;, comer Klcvasstk itr aa f'omnscrcUl mt Cairo, III.. TlliANB ANU Hl'KClKICATIONHfor allWraoch.i J. of ClTll ICnglnecrinK and Archiuwlure, such ai" ir uuunrH, inairioi or liorporauont, Plans and Calculatlnni for Steam anl Water Power,- for Indimtrjal KatuMnhmenta. for Iron, I atone or Wuoden Uridaf i, fur Churohea, Cour HuUBfiu ".l lllllr llll.lln ltlltl.linuu UllBtn.. mm bwoujng liouaea,, etc. etc., turolibed WMHW ALK CB0CKR. R. SMYTH & CO., WHOLESALE OROOKRS, outo LKVXX CAIRO. ILI.IMII. A'so, keep ronstaatly on hand a uioet can). pieie Bloc vi XjXQ,trOE,S- HC0TCI1 ANU IIIIBH WHIBKIK8 -G I N H, Port, Maderia, Sherry and Catawba Wines RBMVT1I A CO. selTexclualTely 'or cash, to , whloh fact they lnite the especial attan- tiou ei close Darf am uujrere. SMtai atttntion given io Filling Order BINBIlfU. OOKfl, pauiphlets, brieti, cataloaues, newa papers, Uz Hats, and every Tariely t eiten And hare now on Iwnil and for mile, at Wlitleale nud Retail, II kiBiU, and wll continue tt keep nt their DANIEL HUIID. President l IIOBEBT W. MILLER, Vlc-Pi 0. N. HUOHES, Cashier. I BALKH BOOHS, I TUKIK IIUII.Hinu, COLLECTIONS PROMrlL Beery discretion of cheap and cosily inrnliure, lugil aa .raried Uedateads, tWMarble Topped Onreaus, VBIdeboarda, Waahttand. y-Wardrobes, Sola Chairs, j.8ofai and Matratnes, 49-Loungrs, etc , etc., Whltb they will guarantee to soil TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER EXCHANGE, coin, bank nolea Btatea aeourlllea bought and so! inierwi auowea on iiaiai FOUNDRIES. printla'a coniraited for. and prootytlyand Than they can be boughtfrom any otlior dealer in dily eaeooleJ, in the Bulletin beok, job,- the city, flue them call and satisfy your. I7"illl newspaper binding entabll!iiant I. & E. GREENW HANvrACTtana or earn Engines, lloilers, Flour ond Grlit Mills, Raw Mlllr, The "Tupp ei' 1 MAoniN tvr ro t okkkhai. p OINOINNATI OH!