Newspaper Page Text
THE MAILS. Asiiivr.. iJtrint North, Througn !f;Wa. m. soop.m " Way !(:20 p.m. W" p.m. Hotith, Wij 12.15 p.m. p."" " Through N.O., Mcrn. phis nnd Columbus 2.M p.m. libup.m Ohio River route, (except Mondi.y) J Iron Mountain I ' .tn. . Jlt.s. It ver route, '" nnd Friday C.'Hp.m. T. in Thebes, Oooso Island A Hsnm le, Ills., Thursdoy A Krl- tiny i C.Kip.m. 7:Ma.m, .Maylleld, lllandville, nna Lotclaoc, Ky 11:00a.m. 4 00p.m. ciricr. norm. neneral Delivery 7i3"a.m. (Hundays toll a.m.) Money Order ilepaatmtnt :W a.m. C.W Register ' 9.00 a.m. o.Wp.rn. money uraer anu iie-uter department no cpenon Hundays, SECIlETJltDEItS. Tile MASO.N8. CAlaaJComiAKDiar, No. 13. NUted Assembly l the- Avium Masoui j Mall, tint and third,..Sa.. urdavs In each month. Caiao Cornell, No.2t. RrgtiUr Convocation at Masonic Hall, the second Friday In each month. iik''J:'uV','t N'1 "-'tKUIr Convocation at Masonic, Hall, on the third f uesdsy of every rnnntb. ' 7 Caiao Iimi, No. 2.17 K. 4 a. M -Regular Com. rntmleations at Masonlo llall, the ssoond and fourth Mondays ol evh month, Ijklta Lows, bo.lM y. a A. M. Regular Com muiilratioiis at Masonic Hall-Unit and third fhiirsdays In each month. TIIK OKI-KKI.LOWK. Al.iA.l,r Loiir. fcit.-Meets In OddFellov". Hsll, In Art r's Umillng, every Thursday even lug, atHo'cio.'k. ' OUR CHURCHES. RrMHYrKI'IAN-Kighlh.strnd. I' f-abbath at 101$ a. and Vx r. . l'ra)cr meeting, Wednesday hi 1 r. v. Sunday HcImoi, 3 r. x. J. 1. Lan.den, Huper- Intcndent. Itv. C. H. Foot-, I'aattr. JIKTIIoliIsr-Cor. Kighth and Walnut fit.. l'reachlng, Habbath 10' a. M.,and 7 r. . I'rayer mi-etlng, Wednesday, 7; r. . bumUy School ,1. m. I.. W. Hlllell, Hup-r- mtendent. Tier. F. L.Tiiomi-sox, Pastor, till, HC II OKTHK ltKI)EKMKIt-r.picopl) .Morning prayer, habbath lJj a. M. Kvenmg prayers.? r. m.; Sabbklh hchool, 3 a. M. Iter. Ma. Com, R-etor. If PATRICK'S CIIUHCH-Jor. Ninth St. and Washington Avenue. I'ublls service, Sabbath e$and 10,',' a. m. Ver, 3 r, x, Sunday School, 2 r. m. Service etery day, f r. x. Rev. P.J. O'lItLLoat, I'ru.t. CIIRISTIAN-KIhl.enlh alrcet. Hatbith hchool, :'J a. x., Habbsth. Preaching, Sabbath o a. x., and 7JJ r. x. Hot. J. Kairiti, I'aator. MINION hl-NHAY bt'JIU01-!n the Chrittlan Church, Kightecnth Sireet. Habbalti Honool 3 r. x. J. 1J. Itrrb, Superintendent. meeting tecond Mondar each month at the l'raypr room of the l'ribytenan Church Weekly Prayer meeting, Friday, 7J-J r. m., i.t the Prayer room of the Prcibjtenan church. C. Pki,i, President. and Cedar. bmce, Mabbath, 11 a.m. Sunday Jyhool, r. h. C.anaSp x. Preaching, 7VJ r. . l.r. Wm. Jackson, Pasto SECOND KHKK-WII.I.DAPTlsT-Firte-nth Ht. between Walnut and Ceiar, Sernces Sabbsth, Vi and 3 r. . He. N. Hicai,i'attor. HEE.WIt.MlAPrirtTHOME Mission UN IIA V SCHUOI-Corner walnut and Cedar Su. HundaySchool, "3 a. x. FIRST FREE WILL IIAPTIST CHUnclI-Cur-ry' Ilirriscks. herrlcen.Sabbjlhlt a. m , 3 r. h. and 7H r. lt. Wx. Kr.iLir, Pastor. FIRST MIHSIONAHV IIAPl IbT CIIUKCH-uet. wren loth and 11th streets, near Cedar. Prrachinc habtiath lo; j a. x ,and 7; I-. x. Prayer Meeting. WeJneday evening. Preaching, Friday eening. Sabbath S. hool, r x. John Van Baxter and Mary Stephent tiupertntendirnts. Rev. T J. Siiokm . Paito STATE OFFICERS. STATE OFFICEKS. Governor, John M. Palmer ; Lleulenani-GoTernor, John Dougherty i becrenryof State, PIward Hummel , Auditor Of Slate, C. E. I.ipplnCOIt i State Treaturer, E.N. Hates; Supt. Public Instruction, Newton Ilaleman. CONUKESSMEN. Senators Lyman Trumbull and John A. I.ogan. Representallre for the State at I.are Vacancy. Repreaenutlre Thirteenth District John M Creba. MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Senator., lit District T.'' A. K. llolcomb, ol Union, and H. K. (illvon, of Gallatin. HeprescntatiTe, 1st District II. Wat.on Webb. cou'ty"officeks. CIKCVIT COVKT. Judge P. J. linker, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney I. F. McCartney, of Massac. Circuit Clcra-Jno. tj. Harman. ShenH A. II. Irvln. Wm. Martin, Asfesaor and Tieaiurer. COUNTY COURT. Judge F. Dross. Associates J, K. McCritc and S. Mnrchlldon. Clerk Jacob G. Lynch. Coroner John II. Gossman. M UN I CI PA L GOVERN M ENT. Mayor John 11. Lsnsdcn. Treasurer J. II. Taylor. Comptroller E. A. Hurnett Clerk Michael Howley. Mar.lial Andrew Cain. Attorney P. II. Pope. Police Magistntes F. Hros and H. Hhan nessy, Chlel ol Police L. II. Myers. Police Constables John Hhe.han, (day), and Jos. II. Velrrun and J. W. Sumner, (night.) SELF.CT COUNCIL. Mayor-John M, Lansden, First Wnrd-P. O. Hchiili. SiKjond Vfard C. It, W oonwnnl. Tlilrd Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward S. Staats Taylor. City.nt-Large W. P. Halllday and I). Hurd. HOARD OF ALDF.KMK.V. FIRST WARD Jame. Rearden, Leo Klub, Isaao Walden. ECOND WARD It. Il.'Ciiniilngham, K. Under, Henry Winter, Jamss Swayne. THIRD WARD Wm. Stratton, 1'utilck F(ltK:aM. OURTII WARD James Carroll. O. II. Sense. :.I.II.Metcnir. 2Vie of Muting. eitv cov.Ncit.. rim Citv Council meets in loint session on Friday evening prccojliig tho first Monday of ao n inoiun. sinci rni'M'ii. The Select Council meets on the llrnt Wednes day and Thursday, niter tho second Monday in ten month. B0AB11 Or ALbERMTN, The Board of Aldermen meets rn thn flrs Monday and Tuosday in every month, COMMITTKKS OF TnK COUNCIL. On Strtttt Mesirs. Taylor, Wnlder, Winter, ood and Sletealf. Jkainagt Messrs. Cunningham, Schuh, Filrger Kid, Souse and IUllldny. Cnimi Messrs. Wood, Cunningham aud Klcb. JVi and Jal Messrs, Carroll, Under and Woodward Ordinandi Messrs. Sease, Walder and Taylor. Fire Departmtnt Messrs. Rearden, Swayuo and Xdllday. itfnr He( Messrs. Rehuh, Winter and Kleb, jTtnlwj JlciBrB.Woo I ward, Swayoe and llude Mnnnce Msssrs. Ilurd, Mratton and Metcalf, Board uf iltath Tno Mayor, aud Messrs, Kea nWiulcr.Htrotton andC.nroll THE BULLETIN. Piihllcnlloii Oillci-, lltillelln Ilnlhlln niisniiigion Airnnr. COMMERCIAL. MoMur Kvciivo, ()rt..T), j7, Tlio tono of the market li dull through out. The ejntirnl demand It light titid quotation liuvu fiillun coniidorably, on Corn, Hay and Oats. Country Produce Is in fulr demand nt good prlcei. A little Improvement In vlt bio In tho Potato trade, which has been largely overlooked and dull for otne wccki. Weather cloudy and cool. FLOUlt.-Somowtiat inclined to bo dull, though prlcoa remain firm. Sale were 16 bbh Kyc, del llo 11 Iw Super, del $i 75 0 00 Ij 25 5 CO 100 XX .110 Various Gradci, on orden ' 00a 8 AO Various Grudca 6 COa 8 00 Choico Fatnllv, dul... 7 50 310 20 CORN. Dull with u strong downward tendency. "Within the lat fifteen day, prices have declined 10cal5c por bushel In tho southern markets, Hales were 50 sacks, Choico AVhitc. on orders fll c 1 cur " in sacks " 03 c 1 ' Whilu " C2jc 100 sacks, mixed. " CO c 3 cars, White, in hulk, on track VI c 22 " Ml..ed, " t5' c OATS. Tho murket it (lat. Tho de mand U light, and there is very littlo corn ing in. Sato- wore 2 cars. Choice Galena, on order' 12c 100 ack, on orders, del 10c .) ean, (iHlena, in bulk, on fuck..33(3lc 1 " Choice Northern, del '.33c 4 in hulk, on track 32c 2 " Northern, in bulk, on truck 32 HAY. The condition of the market is not as favorable as at our lust icvlow. Tho demand is strictly confined to choice grades thcro being no market for the poorer kinds. Kales were li car Hricoly choice, Timothy, del...'J2 00 7 " ' "del. 21 00'J2 00 5 " mixed " 18 00g,20 00 '-' " prime " " 20 00 '1 " Red Top " 18 00 DUTTER. The market is unchanged. There are fuir sales of choice, whilo oth er grades aro dull. Sales were 1 firkin, Choice 23c 3 tubs, Extra 25c lOpkgs" " 20c EGGS. Are active at quotations. Sales wero 300doz, Shippers count 25c 6 pkgs " " 'JOc POULTRY.'! hero is but a small sup- ply of chickens In the market, and the demand has improved since last report. Sales wore 10 coop, Mixed, $2 50a3 00 MEAL. Is active and firm. The sup ply is limited. Sale were. 275 bbh Kiln Dried, del 3 10a3 10 150 "City Steam" 3 00a3 25 POTATOES. Dull nt quotations, though indications, point at u littlo more stitfness in prices. Sales were i cars in bulk del C5ca70c 3tX) bbl. from store del $2 20 100 2 00a2 75 APPLES. Unchanged. Sales were 100 bbls., from store S2.753,00 PROVISIONS. "SVo quote 12 bbh, M?ss Pork 13 70 SUNDRIES. 50 bbls. Onions, $2.50; 170 bbl. Lime, ?1.25; 20 bbls Plaster, $3.50; 25 bbls. Cement, I2.C0; 10 bbls Ci der $7.00aS0OO. Tin: loM.owi.Mi aki: rin: wiioi.k ssAi.t; vHivi.H or this jiAiii.irr, I HUH 1'lllNT IIAMIN, I.V OHIIKHN, I.N' SMAM. I.UTN, llKiUKK I'ltlCKS MINT UK I'AII. Batten Choice JBc to '.'7c Ordinary. .. 15 lieaiiisji Prime White Choice Navy Common H rooms I Common House, per doi 2 25 to 2 So Cnoice to Kxtra " - -.....!! 75 to .1 V H. 11. " 5 is) to 5 W HrfsiM nx mid ThIIow Heeswax .-J5 to "c Tallow..- 7 a Caudle) t PtlcW V lb 17J-J to lis: I Fancy lb 22 to 35o (I ii in Iiro!)s...-i5toai C'UrcMC i New VorW Factory I Ohio 1U n lG!yj i'rnekrrM i Extra fine Soda V lb...7c I toda V lb Duller uc I Picnic Sugar II to 1 (ilnger ........ ..1 Rio Commcn lb.. I Kio Fair V lb.. vj ....6V..C : to l5o Java )to 33e Lnguayra 2la25 2Ja25 Uio Prlinu to Choice Golden Hlo -.. I'lour Cholee Famlly-...7 Ola8 0 XX XX 7 M XXX ' 1 W-XX- 5 75 X 5 00 Buner 4 25 Corn K. D er bbl 2 uOa'J 05 OlllOIIH IIIKl IOtlltOPNI Onion 2 S3 a 2 SO Potatoes perbbl2 J0.VJ 7 OIN: Llneedraw 1 OAtol 13 1 Linseed b'l d I 0lol In Whale 1 (J to 1 15 I L'a'uhite.... 2 to 80u Hpt Turpent 60 to Mo I Lad 1 t"Ho 1 15 MMchlne .... 45 to 7iu 1 Neatsfoot.... I lotol 20 While lead deflancoper IWlb 10 no to 11 no do Collier dn 12hoioUh; PuitV..Xv 6to7e I'o ul try: Chickens mixed per doz 2 llto3 () " " nldheUH " U W to 4 00 Nonit lid I'niMlJcM! SOAP-Palm CM to 7 Oerman motlted .. 7'atol.f ... 1. 10 25 .. 18 to ft! 12o ...21 tn2ao Castile American..., " Imported CANDLE9-S(arl2or l ull neigh I'rovlilonii t LARD In tierces er lb retlued. ... 10!ltol3 .... 12U to 11 WA 10 1 Otul licnlO .... local I 1U KCS HAMS Sugar cured" Country " Hhouldera bacon " Cl nr sides " Ribbed Ornln 1 CORN Mixed per bu 6O0 Wnito per bu .52 lo 53o OATS Choice " .31 to 33i HAY Choice Timothy baled on truck,,.. 21 uo .Medium ' " " " 17 to 20 10 Mined Choice, " " lb to 20 Nil en rn anil NyrupN, SCCAR New Orleans prime to choice 12 to VJo Porto Rico, choice 12 m l.'IViJo ICxtra 1) u'A to 13!u ' H 131$ to a CnlleoA idiotic Crushed ami 1'owJered 11V.; 10 1,') Griiuulaiing 15!, in lOKo BYUUPS Common MtoCOo New Orleans 75c (loUlen 75 SiUer Drips 85 foMl UnrUwurei Nails 10 to 00,4,3 rates iron common inir vi Mule " " PlowHtcel 1 lb HnrlneBteel. Enulish'H lb 11 tolllo CarrlageSpimg onniinou lb 1611 to Ityia " Warranted " 18Jtol9c Haiti Kanawha per bbl....2 ui Dairy pr bbl 3 50tot 00 ' Illilem Oreen 1 lb I lo 7K I Dry Flint 10al7 UreenCalf tb..l2Ka3 Sheep pelts ea 2.5 to 1 00 Cured " " UloWAl I'ltJU 1 White No 1 h'f bhl.,,7 Ml TmulNo 1 h'fbbl... 50c Herring Lake h'f bbl ilerr'g " VI''0"C0c Mac.tiOl No 1, kits 1 75 to 2 25 ' " 2 1 SOlol 75 " " 3 " 1 33 lo O9 THE CAIRO DAILY Tolinccois Virginia brhfhl ntr lb 10 do . twiai do 1 ihj on hair blight per II, 70 to 6oe do black ,r lb CO to f.5e MnonutohoHlngperlb W to 1 25 Mrglnlaamoking do 05 to 1 10 Common do On SOtoooo (ilKiis do 2 00 to 10 to Ini'Tia! 1 loioUomunpowder 1 lOlol 40 Oolong Maekl outo l ,'v) Japm unc'I'd Young llya'n I lotol 10 ) ........... Wiliest iiimI Miiior.i 11IIAMM Henncs-y per knl beat 7 l .. e'''ett " " 2 m UIMv Inrt 2 MioSW hherry v 25 to 3 m Calaolm 2 U) .......Ciarel J""' ec 0 W H13K-RectiHed.... MtoliO Hourbon 3 00 . J'J a 75 ...... wkcatnew l m High Wines l tj IlrMtRliiKI nunme.s 1T0 I liurlaps 75c Twine I Tsrii e Uemp..24 to 30a Twine Flax .eoe Twine, Paper........ Manilla paper bag per bdl Wmioli Wrapping " " " " " nalen of Freight To New Tork. FlratClaf 12 31 1 Fourth Class 11 02 Hc4tid Class 1 92 Wpoclal ClaiB 71 ThlrjClas 1 Ml Cottou I To .w York To Iloston. .... l oo ...... l it Compressed .$ n5,..M... unoornpresseu 1 Hi I'liinri To rxw Tor per bbl., tl 2 . I 3 to iiosion ir Dm., From Cairo to.. 'mm Cairo to i u -.lojr,mrhM - .15 7v Coal Oil r U (-j 2 CO 7 ID 2 O 1203 37 ,,n7 I1' ,on "w l'MH 1 I OnSCCO HST Il i .. r rtA t 1 H, i . C.iif n e I, I 'lata, per cm... w 35 Lumbr ner ,M ' lO: I'utatoi s. i er h ao (,.. , Lumbr loose. 7 vj At.ples, per bbl 30 l.'J Heavy frUiwI' 22 rota, per O'.i ... o 1 Ligu in jiv 1 so, Whisky, per b. 75 I r;i:vi:it.u, ac; HAL LI DAY BROTHERS, GKNEHAI. AGBNTS FORWAKDTXG and CO.MMIS.SION si i:itcn A.VTS DEALERS IX FLOUR; And A ents ol Ohio Ithcr mid Knnnnlm t 70 Ohio Levee, tf CAIRO, ILLINOIS IIARIIKItS. NKW IIAKHEK SHOP, fleorge, the Ixirber lately with Theobald and Ekchb'ch, ba opened a Nr. lUiuta Shop, 00 Commerclsl avenue, between 1' nd lbth etreet, (or the accommodation ol ladles and gentlenen ol the upper part ol the cily He Invliea all Ins old and new tnend to visit his ahop, and a. sure them ,iolite attention and uneaualli-d work. either In hair curling, cutting, shaving or sham pooing, oci-.mi J. GEO.Sl'EINHOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, for. Ntli.sit. unci roiiimrrcial-iiT. stTSharp Rasors, "sfClean Towel and ms-dkillfull Wcikinen OtTI,idiea' nnd childr, h'h hair out 11ml ham. poocd, cilliernt the shop or at their onu homes, etritenlletnen'r whiskers ami hair tljed in entdie manner. Kat'slHciinn cuarflnteed. HL TClllUfs. CKNTHAIi MEAT MAHKET. KOE1ILER & BROTJiER Have reopened the rorri.vit mv.xt .haiiki.t, COMMK!lC'I.U:-AV., Ilottiorii .Mn III mill Tciilli .Streets, anil will keep constantly on hand tno best mn!s slaughtered in the Cum market. They dely eom. petition. (,ne tliem a trial. cpt21tf JAMES KYNASTOX, llntrlicr mill Denier in nil Ulmls I'resli Meal, CoUVEB NlST.Ttr.MII ANO I'OPLAIl SrKI IT. CAIIl ), ILLINOIS. BUYS and slaughters only tho very best rattle, hogs and sheep, ami is prepared lo till any demard for fresh imuts from one pound to ten thousand pound". .lev.'Otf JAKE WALTER, BUTCH IE JEZi ami tir.Air.ii in FRESH MEAT, EiaiiTH Rktwkrn Wahhinoton and Commercial ayunuf.h, Adjoining Itlttenlioiiso V IIiiiiii.v'h, Keep lh best of Henf, 1'ntk, Mutton, Veul Lamb, Bausnge, etc., and nt i) propuruii to kcrve cilltena in thn most ucoeplnble 111.11 ner. ngSui, hi:ai. i'.sta ii; au i;xt, C. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AMI AUCTION KRS, 71 (second floor) 01110 lev kg, .CAIRO, ILl.fl Buy and Sf.ll Hbaj. Khtatk, PAY TAXES, FURNISn ABSTRACTS OF TITLE At I ptepre Conveyance of Kinds. BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, HWOHs 13AROLAY BROS., OHIO I.IJVKK, Ciiro, Ills SAltATOOA SPRINGS ix mi. ii.Ait AT UARCLAYii' llllUO STORE.'J Farm icrrLi, Dailt. MOCKING BIRD FOOD al.i artDt roa fur. wiTHorr tMt'itr At Bakclayb'. J B L- M B O li D'Q GRAPE f CATAW11A ) j f ORATK 1 PILLS CATAW11A I.-! QltAPF. S GRAPE (.Catawba ) (.aitArr. ) TILLS AKU ALI Or IlKLMnOLD'H MKDIC'INKN rnr.Hii from first hands, Alwaja In slock In large upply, and for ssle b llnrelny II r o s, . ops-ESia: siiXJE liicsc JUST It K O E I Y K 1) AMI. I'o r Niile liy llielilnas llottle orflallon AT HARCLAY8'. ttaSTExTRA Kink Coloonk; cstgf.nuine imi'oktku extracts j EpIIaik, Tooth ami Nail Urcciiks CT?I.VIIA KuilllKIl Nukskrv Goo' ir BAECojAY BEOS. PURE "WHITE LEAD AM, PURE FRENCH ZINC. Best grades in large stock and va riety, vrry clieap! also: Full Line of Colors, tnr akd in oil; Paint Hrushea, Linseed Oil, Whitewash P ashe Turpentine, Varn.shos Etc. etc., ALL tlMS AND BTAM'ARI, QfALlTIH AT UARCLAYh'. WI.NKS AMI l.IUCOIlH. WM. H. SsCIIUTTER, Importer mid Wliolesmlei Dealer Mi WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIG-AE3, Agent for the best brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AND Imported Alex or Dim-rent Klmlsj. 75 Ohio Levee,' tl CAIRO, ILLINOIS. F. M. STOOKFLETII, srccEssoa roiar. a aiocanr.iu Hetlfyer mud Wholeanle Deitler 11 I'orelRn and Douiestle WINES AND LIQUORS. No. 02 Ohio Levee, CURO, ILLINOIS. HE keeps on hand constantly a full stock o Old Kentucky Hourbon, Rye and Mononga heU Whiskies, French llrandies, Holland (i in, Rhine and Calllornia Wines. ,n3uif I'AINTi:llS. MOOHE & MATHEWS, House, Sign ami Ornamental PAINTERS, Doi'oriillvp I'npprlimiKliitr, Kiilaomln Dono in tho higliest ttyle ol tho nit, H.un lutes that duly competition. SHOP IN PKItltY HOUbK, CORN Kit OF 8tH hTKKKT AND C.MMKRCIAL AVKNUK. CARL L. THOMAS, Is prepared to do nil kinds of plain and orna. mental PAINTING, KALSOM1NINO, PAPER HANGING BION WRITING, F.TC, At figures w Inch defy all competlon, and in the highest style cl the painter's art. SHOP IN TIIeTeRRY HOUBK, CORNER OF COMMERCIAL AVKNUK AND KKIHTII KTHKK T. IMI.NTM, Dll.S.etr. , i'. I'AUM'it. k, 1 , tint PARK Kit K HLAKK, llt'Allllsl1. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, I'ully, Ileiixlne, l.nsollue, windo-w aiiAsa. WINDOW bHAI'FH, And the celobrated illiiminutiiiK j AURORA OIL. I imOSB' BUILUINO, COR. llTH-ST. k COM- MERCIAL-AV, Cairo, aiii'.utf Illinois. NOVEMBER J, 1871. ,stovi:n. tiwaim:, r.Tt A. IJ A L Jj E V, DEALER IN STOVES, 9 Tin snd Hollow Ware, Clothes Wringers Voile; Ware, Coal Hods, Fire Shovels, Air dates. MAMTACTrarn or TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET IRON "WARE. No. 166 Washington-avcnuo, CAIRO, ILLIKOIS. aWHoonng. fluttering, and all kinds of job work ilonent shortest notice. leMH'f HOOKN. i 3 y. v. j F T2lBUiWsTap)ssjaaTBr 1. c V. -3 die s " a c 'S. i H . .. i r. P o c o o a a ) I . 1 I C5 r o 'Ii Hi v, c o ; r- 73 'A 1. " to It It Y tl O D H. 'J. FALL-WrXTER. :T2. C. II AN NY. LARGE STOCK. SHROWN SHEETINGS, I PRINTS, ETICKIN-GS. C1I ECK.S, 5 P 1 vn STRIP E a, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTRA, CASSIMERS, DijasrivrEiiS. BLACK ALPAOA.S AM. LUSTERS, EGROS OJ'.AIN SILKS, I I'D I'M. VS. LARGE STOCK OF CARPETING, Ol L. CLOTH S, MATTING, Wlntluw Nlindesj, GILT HANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMA8KN. IIli KMtlreNlock Now CIooIuk Out AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNF.R 8tU ST., AND C0MMF.RCUI.-AV., Cairo, Illinois). eptttf THE ONLY Ri:i.IAIlI.F. (UFT ENTERPRISE IN THE COUNTRY ! $60,000 I X VAU'AULK GIFTS To bedistrihuted 111 Xj. X). SINE'S lWn.t ll.-ul-.r .Monthly CnVT ENTER JR IS E, To be drawn Monday, Nov. 27, U71. Two ; rami t'lipllalH of (,T,OOt eiicliiu liicenliiicliH. Two, JI.iksi ; Five prizes Hsl; Ten priif s, SIUO, all 111 (iteeiibacks. WHOLE NUM HER CASH (IIFIS, 1,000. One Hoisoand HiiKity, with silver-plated harness, wo.'lli mo 00 One tino Rosewood I'liuio, wnrtli Hl W Ten Famll) rJow iii machines, each worth 11") 00 Flvo heavy cased Gold HuiitlnK vtatchos ;iud heavy (lulil Chaips, uonhcauh 4X) 00 Tcnrl.adies' Gold liuntlim watches worth each inn 0 hundred itold and sliver leer hunt. ink watches (in all) wortli Iroiii f:u to liui. LadleB fiold Leonilnn Chains, flent's Gold Vest chains, siher.plalcd castors, solid silver anddou ble.plated table and teasouons, mcy bandied dinner knives, llver-plaied dinnr forks, silver vest chains, photograph altuims, ladles' Kold bieustplns, shllt studs anil sleevn buttons, linger rlns, goiil plus (silver extension,) etc. Wholo number oouo. Tickuts limited to ll.(KIO, Agents wanted lo sell Titketsto whom libera; premiums will ho paid, Sinjlo tickets 1 1 six tickets: twelve tickets (10 twentv-liiu 8-11. Circulars containing a full list of, n de scription of tho maaii' 1 of drawing, and oilier In formation In reference to tho distribution, will be sent to any one ordering them, Alii letters must beaddres.ed to L. U. HINK, ll.ix hi, orrics, Cincinnati, 0, 101 west 8th st. Octldawlyr BAPTIST evervvi hern for the largest llaptlst purer in the world. Able writers, uil tho nes, nnd constant imnrovemenis, mu Diaraei uenort. m nuav bchaol Detmttinent lesson every week, An In. neiimo ativi cam 01 napiisi irincipies, u.u, urus 1 only KlI.SO ner veur. The most astonlkh. inn nremtum and clubbing list over ottered, or liberal cash cnminlssiona paid. Soeelmen copy and pariinulars frei to all who will write to LUI HtR4 YKAM AN, ThK CkntuAL IUvtut, BT. i.uui-?, mv. cs-i.Bwini taiT i:. imiisi:. 0 flQKSwtB INSfKANCK, W. II. MORRIS, Notary I'ttbllc, II. II. CANDBK No. Fub. and U. 8. Com.. HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK, CCIDKNT, LIFE, IKSU'BAWCEI AITNA, HARTFORD, Assets NORTH AMERICA, FA., Assets.. 2,7M,W0 "l. TIAItTFORD, CONN. Asieta.. .2,M 1,210 7s PHtt'NlX, HARTFORD, Assets l.TM.m SC INTERNATIONAL, N. Y., Assets.. ,va,mi u PUTNAM, HARTFORD, Ajcts TOrt,037 0 CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Aisels- 515,073 81 HOME. COLU.MIICI". Aiisels 5I,27. I.I AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Assets OMyiooa CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Assets 311,000,000 W. TRAVELER'), HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Asset l.Vio.OOi) (s. RAILWAY l'ASSESOKIlK' AbHURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Assets. W,rx) INDEPENDENT, ROSTOV, Assets ,,0,SC2 OS SAFFORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 Ohio I.orr, City National Hank, CAIRO. ILL. EIRE AND MARINE X 1ST S TJ IR J HT O E COMI'AMUSl NIAGARA, N. Y., Assets tl,nn,21C?f OERMANIA, N. V., Assets 1,,721 7S HANOVER, K. Y., Assets 72C.W2 00 REl'URLIC, N. V., Assets 711,925 Ot' Comprising the Underwriters' Agency. YONKER.i, .V. T., Assets 878,ti',l 13 AI.1IANY CITY. Assets 4M.1S3 la FIREMEN'S FUND, S. P., Asset (178,000 00 hECURlTY, N. V. MARINE, Assets 1,132,110 00 STORK, DnelliiiKs, Furniture, nulla and Car. soes, insured at rates as favorable as sound, permanent securitvvilll warrant, I respecllully as'le ot dm cltircn9 of Cairo, n sharttol their patronase. t. x. iivnr. OHlee-at First National I'lANON. SIXTY.FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED TIIK CIREAT RALTI.AIORE MAMIFACTOnV W.M. KNAHE & CO., Manufacturers of ORANI), SQUARE AND UPRIOHT FIOSTO FOBTES BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. These Instruments have been before tho public for nearly thirty years, and upon their excellence alone attained an unjmrehiutd prcemwrncf, which pronounces them unetialed in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY. 06 All our .S'fwirr Ansos have our now New I111 proved Oieistruiig tcalent'il tho AyraiU TnhU UB Wo would rail special attention to our lain 'stented linnriiveiiifnts 111 (iiivin Fuses and Mm. . .. 1 It. . r. 1 ... . t) hrln(f tho I'lano nearer perfection than hnw yet EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists promptly furnished on application to W.M. kx.iiii: A o., lULTIMOiir, Ml. Or any of our regular established agencies. ool'JfodiwCin cookims srovi:s. TIIK TWO .IIonI Hiirrrsmritl, I'opiilur anil t'erfect COOKING- MACHINES Ol the periodnrc our wII-I;iishii .MtV.-f ssr m nu r EPICURE BROILERS, llotlt are of the sinuiii.t eonttrnction, and so easily managed that ue giiiunutee Inini tojjive ENTIRE SATISFACTION. As no article. In the household lias a greater in. tlurnco lu promiitilultlie health, eiuitfui laud hap piness in inn lUlllll eni-,., r.inii, in" vuukiuk stove, it is economy us well in pulley to get the very hest ; ami in 1U) uig the, CHARTER OAK You can H'ly on getting tho mnt suoeessful,; ular and peifeet eniiKing stove ever made. Using the Ki'iciuu: iiuuii.t'it. 1011 are nlwavs sine of havlligJulcY. Tender aud DelieiniH lleefstnkes, Chicken, Ham, Chops, etc. sum 11 v Excelsior Manufacturing Coiiijiauy, till and 01 1 N. Main-st.,St. Louis, Mo. AND ALL I.1VK BTOVK D AI.ERS. O. W. HENDERSON, Agent, i'nlro, IlUnot. (sptSdaBlui'1 no vt NTonr.i. SAM YlLSOKi o r a 1. 1 n m BOAT STORE3 GROCERIES, I'ROV ISIONS, ETC., Xo. llo Ohio Levee . : . . Cairo, III. oaorss isUMptty riuiaj G. 1). WlIiLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GHOCER, PRODUCE AND COMJIISSION MERCHANT, Xn. 76 Ohio I.ctcc, CAIRO, I I, L t .N C I S, rSpocini sitention given to Consignments 1 hint orders. I.I'.lIHKIt. S. WALTERS, rir.Air.niM HARD and SOET LUMBER si evcry.dwriplion, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH, RLINDS. orders solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Furnished on shortest notice C0111111crcinL.1v, bet. 10th and llth-std., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Iv7d I'.L. HUTETT, & SON, Importers, Manufacturers ami Jobbers of 31 USICAL MERCJ TANDISE llrnss ami f.'erniHii Nllsi-r 13 A N D INSTH UMENTS, No. 25 S. Third Street, oeli..'m. ST. I.OIIIS. MO. WATTIIH AKKR. R ACTICA L WATCHMAKER. II. IIOUPT, NO. 153 WASHINGTON AVENUE, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Has on hand A PINE STOCK OP WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular attention g ven to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. Tho largest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES IV Tilt CITY. A.S FlTTEItN. II. T. GEROULI); STEAM AND GAS FITTER AND DEALER IX UAH II.XTlItKS, Oas Fitter's and Plumber's material, Wood pumps, globe, and nng, valvas, stop cocks, check valves, etc. Atso Aatsr roa Tun: II rot he rx I'h tent llry Clan Meters) And Morehouse, Wells Jt Co' Automatic Watei Indicator and Supply Vuhe for steam boilers. WINTER'S I1LOCK, COMMERCIAL-AVENUE. MAYNARD'S STAB BITTERS THE REST TONIC IN USE I FOR nam: 11 y E. P. MAYNARD, PROP'R PITTSBTJEG umco ci i. 3. E0BBIN3, 12U Nortll Eighth St., HhilMd s. VECETABLEfefK A color ami ..reding that will not burn tlio lmir or injuro tho head. It docs not produce a colo mechanically, s tho poisonou preparations do. It gradually restores tho h-:s to its original color and lustra, by supplying new life and vigor It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, lino hair. Tho hest and safest urticb evot oll'crcd. Clean aud Pure. i-To sediment Sold every whoio. ASK FOR