Newspaper Page Text
i' r 1:1 TKWfii IK'S GUIDE. TAKE NOTICE. . , iianofTiiK Illinois central n.n ii. an I anr Huwlay, '." ,4". J"1. "e follow ing hn-tt'r i)r(Ji)rn Ilia arrival and depart . r nuMretr trains at Calroi ( .,, Mil irnln, dally. - 11:45 p.m. J,"!!.!", ltW. ...,.. .- '2.45 l. til . . ; 3JOn,n. Impress, dallr. except fltmday 3:30 p.m K nii.nof rr from i:iro o 81. l.oula. No 'iMire w cart from Curo In Clilcago. KIf,nl .unitig Root) tleeptiiK cars oo night trams MUX ehecXed t all imjiortDt n-'lnt. All persons who bate not T't ',,r"" i ,rnr .nllclea In the. A.otn, -"' '"If? nV..I I IT. ItKJIlS' IltlATA. CAIRO AN J) TuUISYU'l'R iviiir,ihr"K,,,',M""r' X. O. nr.n.i.t, .Tiiatiier. I eatri Cairo ereiy 9ATUIMAY t 5 o'clock p.m. Vor frlhtor pijsajio npi'i j on uuaruur 10 JAN. I1IM.. A't rrendcred their fllll, ..... pendent insurance ceniln.c; are .... . panics ;V'nf;7,;,,,,, lio,! of their pro nd tlml for frV,i.-r policies' for porty ney h ' ' . "! nr i,,, sc:lt lo'll.e vpee eanceilalhro. H'J ( ;'r , rinnliima, mid in lt n.-vr p 'Sn. wed.., If" "Old .Tllim." Hid ...V A ld" ll.Mmr... "" "hre-prooi riioenir J i minv other flfl.H! companies, are n. " "!i V 10 i Place riks l.i tho nust secure lusiirnnca cW' MgJ'5-o,,,,,, CAM.EE. no lil.1t Insurance AKents. THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1871. ion saw. TU- undersigned I" desirous of pelting Ids .toi:i:, at V11.1.A iiinrK, Luildiriz and stock, md mil do so on (lie most reasonable teitn ... . . Tlil stand In ont of the bet m the state, tor fnrinrr mioriii.ttion, Inquire of or address r. A, 1UIUII, 111,1 Hill)!.". 111". Nntemtcrit, 17I. noUiw CAIRO AND PADUCAH MAIL nOAT. ' T.le splendid steamer Jot-I-Hlrr. Mnntrr. euro U .V, tsiuliy. excepted) t 4 B. F,r IHUI.I r PiXS. -'Jn bo.rdo, IWMIflKAyr TItKKTW; t.MMlGllANT TICKETS VOW SAliE,UjJ; J SALK, FORSALKjFSfSuSlKOn SALIC. TO Faro from I.tvEitvoot, ' Fure from Lo.vdc.vukbry Pure from Glasgow, Fure from Qukesstowx OAIUO, :::::::: $48- Saffnrl, Morrit i C 2 0 cenl IN MAN LINK' I.irtrpo&l .New.Toik nJ Plilhddpliia Steamship Company, VIMIk COMUfl Willi VMTKD I1I)ID Biitun Pur Crrjing tun Malls. roH passaTTk tickets OK ItlTHFt IirOtV.TIOX APPLY TO JOHN 0. DAJ.K, Aot. l5Brondwy, New-Votk, ertn II. lloupt, Wahinston Atnue, Cairo. doi. s Th. niitinU Oi.ip.I Uu.t lt.ia.1 Coiiitunv now Oder for fule tho lollowlnKilefcrlbod loin Io r"ils Addlllonto Hie uiijr oi (.oiro, i i Lot 27 Mock 1W. Lot V OiicU M, IS " iO, - 11 H, " 31 " 8.', . j . H III ' SI. Furlerm.,le. apply to JA5IEH.I0II.NS0V adit Au'.i'. FOR RENT. The Commercial Hotel rill le rented onfaor aMetenn". Ponaeilon kIt i m m "J J P 0C124IIJ v;. p'y to The Iurb nnd comtnodloua dwelllnc houe situated on l'.lxhlli between Walnut and Wash iBKton (oppoi.totlip J'e.brterlan Church) l for rent. Kor lerm. etc.( apply to THOMAS. fiftEEN it AI.DEN, ooltdlf Ohio l.erea, Cairo, Ilia. THE BULLETIN. PablUhrd every naornlav. Mondiiy ex evpieu. THE POLITICAL POT. 1MIYHICIA.NN- WILLIAM 11. SMITH, M.l). KESUtENCK ,'o. 21 Thirteenih itrMt, be. titi-ea U'mliinsion arenueand Wnltint Mret, inhe l j-iiommercial arcnne, up atalr. U. W. DUNNING, Mr D. RE'-IDEXCE-cornerXinth ami Walnut alu. comer ?ixth street nn.l Ohio leree. urtice hour from C a.m. to M m , and 9 p.m I.AWYKItS. AL1 KN, ML'LKKY k WHKKLKR ATTOUXKYS TIip pot it simmering, but cannot bo brought to a boil. Now Orleans to Chlctgo: "Send your grain to ut through Cairo." "Wo paueo I for Ctiicugo's reply. Tho nttneks of tho Sun on Mr. Mar tin are terrible for to behold. Thoy are crushers, nnd whore's tho fellow that says they ore not ? Trot him out and let ut sco the etupid ass I Tho friends of Mcrtz in Cairo are scarcer than honest office-holders in the republican party, and thoso ho has arc athamod of themselves. The fact of be ing his political friend Is prima facta cvl denco of their meanness. Fuct. A very small vote will bo polled in tho city nnd county next Tuesday. The peo ple won't become excited. The long pol of tho politicians has no effect upon them. They oro tired. They want rest. Thoy hnvo got into their little beds nnd can't bo scared out. A great number of republicans will vote for Mr. Martin. Thoy tay they know Mr. Miller docs not want the office nnd would not attend to it if ho wcro elected, and they know Martin needs it and would givo to tho performance of itn duties all his tim: and attention. Sensi ble mon I Mr. Ward, the wood man, who was facriflced by SVood and the infalliable Pope of radicalism, has not boon heard of lor several days. If ho had been a Fisher man he would Imvo caught tho of ficial whulo he throw his line for; but he hni been ground between tho upper and nclhur mill stone of disappointment by Munn'e Miller. Sehuh shoo fly. Mr. Miller' friomU nro averting that Mr. Martin discriminated against Cairo in his assessments : but. "f course they aro stretching tho long bow, which is a polite way of saying, they aro lying, lted- mntrb assessment of town lots in lSti'J 1 was two millions one hundred and six thousand thirty-fivo dollars : Martin'.s, in 1870, wat two millions cloven thousand one hundred and forty-ilvo dollars, being a reduction by Martin of ninety-four thouinnd eight hundred and ninety dol lar on the assessment of Cairo. On per- tonal property, thu same yenr, li'm atiess ment wa thirty-nine thousand and flfty fceven dollar less than Redman's for the THE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO ytlir bcfo,'- 1,1 1871 Mr- Martin's assess 'i , . , . . nieiii oi iiiwn 101 was ono mintireu nnu tovcnty-clght thousand llvo hundred and flrty.six dollari less than his amen- ment of 1870. Thin wo ce, that in two yt-ars .Mr. .Mnrlin reduced the assessment on Cairo property iivo humlrttl .icecnty thrtr thousand four hundred forlU'six dol lars . "While this is true, it is also truo that the assessment ouUide of Cairo wut, not reduced ; but, more land having beeu put under cultivation than formerly, win increased in the two Venn- several thous- And yet the rudicals hum the ell'rontcry to suy that Murtin hat not toted fair with the eltv ! COl'XSEI.OP.S AT LAW, ' William.1. AlUn, ") I .lolm II. MiilUy, I CAIUO. II.I.INOIH. 'imii. I ! Wtieelcr.J i:t INtiMilar illenlion iafI In rivtr and ad it nlit i u ne. L" 1 11 f ret Nalmiitil Hunk. Olnu l.etee. illKKN k OILDEKT, ATTOI-.NKY.S COUNSELOIW" AT ;LAW, tf ilium U. een, ) 1 V lliain H fiilbtn, CAIHO. IM.lNolH. t. J M.ies JM.dberl, lr?peeim attention fclTen to AdmUalty MemlK(iit biHinen. nd urriCK OHIO l.KVKK, KOOMS 7 AND 8 OVKR CITY NATIONAL HANK. iNNritAxci:. 4lT PRIDMPH." OI t'ltiuliiuntl. 4t .imjj0 W Holleiis all kinds ol rliks. t'. IIKONH, Mli7ll Aitent, Cairo. lolf. HAS I'll'I'KIIN. H.riTERoT'IJ); " SI HAM AND GAS FITTER ""' asi mim i UAH lIXTUltrJi, ; T. "umter'a material, Wuoi - ""- " "UK lallo, slop iua AOLtiT loa TnlU Itrolliem faltul Itrj Uiu Jlrlt-r. I Ji0. '.tl. ' .Co ? Autoinalic Wat,.. .... .., cu,,,,, ,KI,e ior steam boilna. w 151 KB a Tat tick VYoNiiKupcr. J APANKsn Oiiekn Tka Pile Cubk It lma llftVt'P failed in the moil stubborn casos. It cures by absorption. No pain. No in jurious substances. $5.00 itlven for every authenticated failure. Sent by mail to I'LQCK, eot mkucul-aye-sue, any address on receipt of price (11.00) mm -.ijc oxira to ui,y liustllL'P. Orderi iiiuh le uddretred William W. Monnis & Co., Hole proprietors for United States and Hritlsh Province. CI Fourth Avonuu LOCAL MELANGE. All nattiro smiled yesterday. It wn n bully delightful day. Under tho head of crimes should bo placed tho folly of voting tho republican ticket. "Old truths aro nlwnys now to us," says Uunyan. Any kind of truths would be now to tho Sun. It would bo n crimo to remain away from Farini't concert at tho Athenteum to-night it would, indeed. Herman Meyer, tho well-known to bacconist, will open Lit stock, (which is unexcelled), In his new business house to day. itailroad matters aro becoming very encouraging If Durnsldc should turn right side up with care, Cairo will bo "big Injun I " Tho thermometer, at 0.40 a. in., .stood at 40, and at 8.40 p. m. at 67. In tho morning tho weather was cloudy, in the evening hazy. Tho pollco forco aro resting on their oars. Thoy havo quieted the city by their vigilance, and should gobbled tho few romaining house brcakors who aro working tho town. Mrs. Aurelia Schlesslnger,tho talent ed vocalist, nnd her husband, who is n singer of rnre merit, have consented to nssist Signor Fnrini nt his grand concert to-night. Weaver, late mato of tho Octavia, died yesterday morning of the wounds re ceived by him in a difficulty with ono of tho cookt of tho steamor. Dr. Dunning mado a yioi mortem examination of tho body. Tho .S'iiii pronounces Signor Farini "the best baritono that over trod tho boards of a stage," which flxos tho thing. We thought as much beforo, but now, tho Sim having spoken, wc know our musical judgment is sound. A young man ot our city, led into tho character-destroying business by n de praved tnste, was detected yesterday in tho aet of writing a poom on tho Chicago lire, and was very properly and instantly hung to a lamp post, as a lesson nnd a warning to other thoughtless youths. Tiekota to tho Farini concert to-night aro only fifty centt reserved seats, seven-ty-flve cents. Cheap. Any lover of good music the music which only tho hand of of a muster can bring out of a piano would willingly give much more than tho price of admission to hear Farini play the "Mocking Biri," a arranged by himself It is delicious. It is the intention of tho contractor of tho Cairo and St. Louis railroad to grade the road through Alexander county dur ing tho prciont fall nnd coming winter to grade it, mark you, gentlemen of tho ordinary high water mark grumbling hob by above tho highest water mark Wherefore, wo feel encouraged, and U licvo our hopes nro becoming certainties. On Suudav night thu tteamer Com monwealth lauded at Dogtooth, in this county to put off horses. Three of the drovo cot loose and trotted off. Sheriff Irvin, being informed of the escape, pur sued tho runnwuvs and cnino up with them near thu Jackson county lino of Union county. Ho arrived in the city with his horso prisoners yesterday evening. A Chicago sutl'erer, rejoicing in a no-e thut would servo as a torch in tho darkest corner of thu lowct collar of Hades, was arrested yesterday for drunk enness, but no convinced the officer that ho was as sobur as Miller, the radical can didate for treasuior, will be, after ho hears the result of next Tuesdav's election. " Drunk I" he exclaimed, " I'm not that kindofaman. I'vo been sorrvever since thcQru, me boy, and sorrow has a pecu liar effect on my constitution. Drunk ? Never. Its saduoss. Let's smile. " "With his own proper eyes City Attor ney Pope, yesterday, haw tho luborcrs working on the Cairo nnd St. Louis rail- road, rotir teams were running, and thu foreman, Jim Kyan, informed Mr. Pope that ho would, in n day or two, havo as many men ami teams at work as he could oversee. 'I lie embankment is being mado thirty-two foot at the base, sloping tocight feet ut the top from nine to twelve foot in bight, abort the highest water mark How about the ordinary high water grado? A merchant of this city while being shaved at Alba's barber shop lately, lost his pocket book containing $300. It dropped on the floor and was found by tho proprietor, who it to tho ownor ufter he was satisfied thnt tho careless gentleman did not know what had bo-come- of it. This shows how important it is to bo slmvud in thu shop of an honest ABOUT MEN, Mr. Win. II, Morris will donbnrltono Bolo tc-nlght nt Fnrinl's concert. Mr. Willlnnt .Martin has taken n short journey into tho country precinct of the county. Lioutonniit-Oovernor Dougherty Was in the city yestorduy looking nftcr mat tors private nnd political. Mr. Paul O.SjIiuIi Wd J Is m gool a vocalist as druggist, will do the Magic Flute Cavitlna n. tho Fnrlnl concert to night. Farini, whoso grand concert nt tho Anthoncum to-night, will attract a very largo audience, is ono of tho famous musi cians of the day. Phil Howard denies that ho has had a chango of heatt, but ho docs insist, and very strongly, too, that ho has tho best meat that steamboats over used and knowt how to sell It at figures away down. Everybody in tho city knows Her man Meyers to be a house builder of good tasto. Ho throws all olhor Cairn builders completely into tho hade, as ov cry ono who will look at his now build ing, with its really handsomo front, must admit. Mr. Ilolmos shook hands with tho po lice forco yestordny and became a private citizen. The business was not to his taste. He did not lake to it kindly. While- on duty, howovcr, ho vr very vigilant in tho discharge of his duties, and gavo satisfac tion to tho city officers and citizens. Arthur IJoylo, whoso prosenro ucd to bo fumiliar to our streets and whose musical voico was nlways tlnutlng tho battle cry of freedom, or something of tho kind, docs not linger with us now. Hois giving all his time and attention 1" tho Southern Illinois Normal University, and i doing a splondid job, rapidly. Work does not linger under Arthur's hand. Ho knows how to crowd it through. CHIMES." John Gockol'a residence on Sixth street was burglarized Wednesday night, nnd about 30 worth of jewelry nnd cloth ing carried off. Lnno's residence, in tho Fourth wavd . was entered on Wednesday night by n robber, who secured an overcoat to keep from bis dclicato person the winds of tho coming winter. He entered like daylight through the window. On Wednesday evening, two thieves engaged passage from hero to New Mud rid on tho steamer Capital City, paid their fares and retired to bed. Tho boat laid at the wharf nil night. In the morning yesterday tho thieves wcro missing as alsowcietho pocket books of six pas sengers, containing nbout 1.00. No ar rest yet. Arnold is on tho scent. Night beforo last n barrel of whisky was stolen oil' the Cairo city wharfbout. Tho thieves threw it oil' thu stern into the river nnd then picked it up with a skill' and took it over to tho white lint boat on tho opposite side of thu river. After day light they came back nnd told Mr. Wright that if he would givo them fifteen dollars thoy would toll him whero Iho whisky was. While they wcro making n bargain Mar shal Cain and policeman Sheehau came down and their arrest was ordered. At tho time they were in n skill", and when in formed that they wero wanted on the wharf boat, tried to shove out into tho river. A couplo of pistols wero brought to bear on them, and they camo to port. Chief Myers procured a, skiff and went over to their boat, where the whisky was found. HOTEL PERSONALS. intern Dulmonico is becoming a popular institution with the public. Jack knows how to keep hotel, nnd is rushing tilings. Tho following wore tho arrivals utthe St. Charles yesterduy; lit. -Gov. Jno' Dougherty, Jonesboro; Hiram Calvin, Caledonia; F. II. Vallcttc, St. Louis; K.O. iligelow, Georgetown ; C. Frank Liebke, St. Louis; II. J. Crane, St. Louis; Major A. Ilium, Contralin; F. II. Aldon, Cincin nati ; Capt. K. W. Dugun and family, Cin cinnati; II. 11. O. Mill, Mound City; A. F. Turner, Henderson, Ky.j A. K.Trabuc, Hannibal, Mo.; H. Young, Charlotte Holl Md.; 11. H. Newlun, New Orleans. Tho following wero tho arrivals nt tho Delnionico hotel, Win. Winter, pro prietor, for the twenty-four hours ending at 9 o'clock last night: J. M, Williams, Jonesboro; D. Gibbs, Sonthoru express company; John St. Leger, I)u (noiii; Capt. II. Scott, F.vansvillej K. Hussey, Kichviow, 111.; J. M. Tliroop, (icorgo Tliroop, Hen. F. Kgan, Turn Ktter, .lacl BUSINESS MATTERS. Thoio French Cherries, in oyrup, so populnr with connolscur nro sold by Jor gonscn. tf Go to Jorgeiison's for Imported Dun dco orango marmalade, tho eolobrated London crystal vinegar, in quarts, nnd h oico Genocso figs. tf Whero nro you going? To tho place number C3, Ohio lovcc, whero they keep tho best frpsh oysters, fish nnd game, nnd tho finest wines, liquors and cigars to bo found in tho city. Open nt alt hours, day or "lCht. J. E. I'aiiks. ' Whatever may bo said about flno beef, nnd however thick pralso of tho beef of othor bdtchcM may bo spread, tho fact remains that Nick AVilliamt will not ad mit that any other butchor in tho city keeps for snlo as lino beof ns that which ho sells at his popular meot market at tho corner of Poplar and Twentieth street. Givo him n call. tf Tabor Brothers, bavine obtained for tnoir watch department some of the very best workmen to bo found, nro now pre pared to turn out work in that lino with but littlo delay. Those having flno nnd difficult work requiring tho most skillful workmen may now bo assured of obtaining satisfaction. Tho finest patterns of jew elry, ns usual, nro mnde to order at prices that uoty competition. oct20tf. Tho Chicago Beer Saloon, Wm. Schick, proprietor, Noi. 20 and 28 Eighth aticct, is a fnvorito placo of resort with all lovers of Weiss Beer, Liquors of every description, nnd nU kinds of foreign nnd homo Wines. No ordinary liquors nro dispensed at tho bar of tho saloon only tho very best, nnd guests llnd in attend- anco polite nnd accomodating waltors. A freo lunch is spread ovcrv dny nt 10 o'clock a.m. ntinlTtf. Peter Snup has opened ubrannow oys tor saloon, 102 Commercial avenue, whero ho will keep on hand constantly fresh oysters, the largest nnd most delicious in thocity,which he will sell tho by case, can or dozen. Tho saloon has been fitted up with thu express view of supplying gentlemen and ladies with a placo where they may enjoy it meal of these toothsome bivalves quiotly, without boing disturbed by the bustlo nnd noises incidental to tho commonplace restaurant oyster room. tf. D. Lamport has romoved his shop from Ohio Levee to Eigth, between Com mcrcial and Levee, and ho now invites his friends to one of thu best titled shops in tho city. Everything is kept in the neatest and best manner possible ; snow white towels, bright, keen razors, puro water, fracrant soaiis, clear oils and Unu perfumery. Smooth shaves, thorough shampoos, fashionable hair-cutting, hair- curling or dressing for gentlemen, ladies or children, and polite attention is always in readiness for those who favor him with their patronage. octOdlm. Hchuh Paul O. cinog. Littlk Muck Jorgeiison's. sells Bnttlngcr's medl. tf Clams (qunhnugs) nt tf Titr. best East India dry ureservod iriii- gor at JorgonscnV. tf Tub finest vanilla chocolate unsto in glass, nt Jorgeiison's. tf. Tnv tho American club fish, put un n oil, to bo found nt Jorgonsen's. Jowiknso.v lias just received n largo sup. ply of Portland bltio berrlos. Try them, tf Go to Dr. MeOauloy for Kattlngcr's Fe ver Drops. Warranted to euro tho chills tl Oystkjis. Louis Herbert hns nlwns on hand a fresh supply of Saddle Kock oys ors. tl Mamuaok Ouidk. Interesting work numerous engravings, 221 pages. Price 60 cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis. Mo. Sec Advcrtisctnf nt. tf Economy. By uing Mrs. Whitcomb's Syrup for children manv n doctor's bill can bo saved and much suffering averted Bead thu advertisements In another col urn n. Si.r.Ki' Booms ron Bent. Ten well ventilated sleeping rooms in City Na tlonal Bank building. Apply to EDWABD DEZONIA, At City National Bank. Fon Salk. AGrovcrtA: Baker sewing machine, in perfect order nnd but littl used. Any ono wishing to purchase may make n good bargain by application nt thi office. tf. Foil good photographs, porcelain pic. lures, or old pictures to bo copied, call on Thomas, No. l'J t Commercial avenue. He s a good workman. Givo him n trial. icptlotf. Hiiick Stork ion Bkxt. Tho brick store, No. 78, Ohio Levee, now occupied by F. M. Stocklloth, Esq., is offered for rent, and will bo vacant on tho 18th int Apply to Jno. B. Piiillis octStf PHIL HOWARD, STEAMJJOAT JUTCJIER, III) Nnlloiml Ilnnk lliillillnir. Dftjpecl d attention paid to orders from ttosra- boats nlcht or dny.'Su IIAttllKHS. NEW UAllHKllSHOP. Oenrirt.. Il.n uilli Tli nltnl, I nnd V., 1,1. i: ,.' .'" V.. i...... L...... ... Commcrci.l aveii'ie, between I' nd lath atrecte, ror thuM'roiiimndalioii ol Udle Mi l Kentleoiea Olllio Upper nail ol llm eitv lla lnlle all Im old and new Iriemla in v.-li l,u kl.nn. and aa- C.'iC" U,",P ol'toallenlioiiiuid uno'iuali' (1 work either In liair curling, cutting, fthavitiK orolm- J.GEO. STEINHOUSE, FASIIIONARLE RARBER, Cor. stlh-Hl. mid 'ouiuerelnl-nv. Hliarp ltators. Lii'in ioki'Ii and tttrtJklllfull Wcrkmao OVLftdlea' nd children' hull ent an. I .l..m. ttooed, either at the ehup or at lliuir own home. "Tf.eiitletnen'r wbl.kera and hair dyad in a entitle manner. sni(atetien tfuaranteed. WJNKf. AND l.ltlUOIU. W.m!""h. Scil UTTER," Tiik nr.sT stock of gciuinu French calf in tho city may be found at Wm. Ehlers shop on Twentieth street, opjiosito the Court House hotel. It you want a good, neat-fitting pair of boots, shoes, slippers made on short notice, and tearranl'd, call on Ehlers. Stcimcr ii IUVERNEWS. POBT LIST. Anmvr.ii. A. Baker, Capo Glrardaeu. T. F. Eckcrt, Wreck Virginia. Bcu A- Barges, bt. liuls. Importer hmsI Wholruile Dealvr im WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO Ac CIf3-JV.ES. I A Kiit for the iM.-nt brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AM, luilH.rlrtl Alt- of Different Kindt. J 7o Ohio'Lkvkk, II CAirtO. 11,I.I.NS. F. M . STOCKFLETH, incuMi evtiLi . iiooiut. Beeliryer untl Wholesale Dealer foreign and Dotnewtle WINES AND LIQUORS. No. C2 Ohio Lkvf.e, ; CtiUO, ILLINOIS. nE keens on hand on.tanlly JllOld Kentucky I o libon, Itje a full tock ci 1 o Itbon, 10 e ana JionooKai hela Whlskiee. French Hrandtei, Holland Gin I Khineanl California wines. j.ojjii i VINCENT'S LOTTERY SALE- TIIK TWKNTY-SIXT1I OF DKCKMIIKll KIXKD AS TIIK DAY ON WHICH Til K MIAWINO WILL COMK OFF. Determined to dispose of all the tickets in his lottery sale.Mr. F. Vincent has con cluded to postpone thu drawing until the 'JGth of December. Ho Is now giving the matter his devoted attention, nnd is meet ing with tho most gratifying success on every hand. During a recent trip to Grand Tower and other neighboring towns hu disposed of nearly one thousand tickets, and tho demnnd Is rapidly increasing, the drawing will not fail to come off on the dav named. . . . . ... Tlmrij aro six prizes, tne principal prize, as is well-known, being a splendid residenco, that was erected at a cost of $10,- 000. The remaining live prizes aro ns follows : Lot 34, block 4, 3d addition to the city of Cairo, valued at $500. Lot 32, block 4, 3d addition to the city of Cairo, valued nt $300. Lot 30. block 4. 3d nddilion tho city of Cuiro, valued nt $300. Lot 83, block 4,3d addition to the city of Cairo, valued at juo. Lot 17. block 45. in tho citv of Cairo Illinois, valued nt $300. octCdtf Ahams' dry corned fish, a most delicious nrticlc, in nbundanco at Jorgenson s gro- eery store. Stiiaybo $5. hkwaho. Strayed awoy about two months ago, from the Academy of Loretto, ono red cow, about 0 years old, end of tail whlto and white under her belly. 1 will pay tho nbovo rownrd for her roturn to the neademy. When she left Cairo she was on the point of calving. MOTHKK Soi'HItONIA, Loretto Acadoiny oct201w HUTCH i-JlK. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET AUttllLEU & BROTHER Hate reopened the 1'OPII.AII Mi: AT MAHUKT, COMUK1U.-UE-AV, neililon GIvm iln.7? '"I'"1' 'I bey del; eon , . -' septJltf JA.MJ-.& KYN ASTON, Pittsburg, Pa. novloodSm. The family grocery store of Blxbv & Koehlcr Is being patronized largely by peo ple who like fine groceries. Their location on tho north side of Eighth itroet. 1. j twoen Commercial and Washington av enues, is a central one, und their ttock has been selected with discrimination (V,.r. anl uenit-r I., .a. ,,, rrf- fore thi. new candidate for public patron- hs-iii, "8 ee" exnetly the wauts of tho pco- Coa,ra .Vim im mii am Punau bia.iT --. ivoeuicr dc Hlxby prnposo to AOAIR . I M, now. l'l UP ")ir reputation by always teliw RUYis and aUiiglitvra only the very Lett raiiu, 1 1 " bw r 'ort. of groceries to their .ItTnarJ for frsli meal, from ,VJ und to ten Z " " U,t) mWlc. knowing that poo Heard, Thoodoro Beard nnd James How- man whose towels aro clean, razors sharp ord, steamer Mallio ilagon; 0. F. Hnseu and hand skillful at his business. Pat- Louisville : Oswald Irvintr. Milwaukee ronlze Alba. Suup has received, in anticipation of the holidays, a very largo and varied stock of toys. Hu always is first in this depart ment, and is recognized ns par excellent, the toy man of Cairo. Thcro it nothing that can bo thought of to tickle the juven ile fancy that hu has not laid in stock not a tmall assortment, but one largo onough to make happy all tho boys and girls of Alexander county, and furnish a big stock to etch of tho Jobbers in all the' townt surrounding Cairo, within a radius of a hundred miles, at St. Louis and Cin cinnati prices. Tho attention of the gen eral public, and especially of small dcalcrt is particularly invited to Mr. Saup't ttock. The merchant tailoring shop of Messrs John F. Clulery, t'apo Girardeau, D. II Waters, wife nnd daughter, Pittsburg; Ed wnrd S. Jones, Nashville; Mrs. J.W. Lin cy, Littlo Bock; Mrs. B. B. Hurdon, Co ltiiubuB; J. A. Fullcrtoii, lady and child, Huyspolnt, Mo.; Dr. B.M.Shclton, Bland vlllo; John Tliroop, steamer Mallle Ba gon; J. Anderson, Mound City; James Muring, Dayton, O.; F. W. Down, steam er Ada Ilollman ; John Sanders, Colum bus; Wm. F. Scott, La Salle, 111.; F. Mol chcr, St. Louis. thousand ponndn. Ici'jotf I .TAK'K W.tlrHK BUTCHER avo Mitm in JFRE8H MEAT, Eighth Stkket, Betwjjen Wahui.noto.v and commeucul aybnuks, AU(tttff KlltnboHe at llauu'K. Kaen the heal of JJeaf, Pork, Mijllcu, Veul l.amb, Hauage, etc , hUd are prepaied to erro ciureoi id mo input Hccei.ia.Jia nwarn-r rgvi. . -- ?-v.Hi0 urouwuro of thu fuel -") koou art cles of unv kind ways tl,, cheapen In th0Uo,. that ara ul-If W U'TVI, a,. 11. Cairo property, ICO aero, of ,,,, wimiii onu iiuiu una a im)f of Hickman, ""i "" rw" nousu and nil - ....ii.,, ,,,i . uKs.vmif out uuiiuinga. i lit) j,)M n)0 hat on it onu thousand fruit trees. For uirther Information apply to Jas. Mallokt, Steamboat Agent. oct27tf Aoknth Wantkd. An experienced agent wanted for each county in the United States. Business lucrative, permanent and resroctublo. From $5 to $7 per day, cash, guaranteed to the right man. Nono ncod apply unless possessed of sterling business Lehning & Kobler, on the south side of habits, not afraid of work, and well recom- Eighth street bolwcen Washlncton nnd mended. Address Commercial avenues, opposite Hunny't dry-goods ttorc, has boon open only n few weens ana already theso gontlemo aro oh talnlng a fair tharo of tho patronage of the public. They aro both practical moil flrat-cluis mechanics and aro will ing to guarantee antiafactory work. Tlicv koep on hand always a full line of piece goons, io wnicu uioy direct tlio uttentlon of all who to have made clothes that are worth the money paid for them. Cleaning and repairing dono neatly at William W. Momua & Co., 01 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. novleodlw. Just Bkcisivkd. W. W. Thornton Tenth street between Commercial avenue and Poplar ttrcet, has just received and in tore 1,000 doors and 1,000 windows and mouldings. For Salk. A cottage on l'Jth ttroet containing l rooms, clstorn and out houses complete. Apply to Stkaykd $15 itKWAKP. A black, heavy-set in are mule, about 11 hands high, 8 years old, yellow nose, shod nil around, tail nnd main very busliy. When Inst scon had ft hultcr on. Strayed from Cairo on or nbout October 4th, 1871. I will pay tho above to any person or per sons who will return or givo nny infornia tlou ot nor wnorcauouis. John W. MunniY, OctI92wd. Twolfth stroet, Cairo, Ills Bkliaiilk anii Safk. Dr. Honry Boot and Plant Pills aro mild and pleasant In their operation, yet throrough, producing no nausea or griping. Being entirely vogotable, thoy can bo taken without re gard to diet or business. Thoy arouso tho liver and secretivo organs into hoalthy action, throwing ofl dlsoaso without ex hausllng or debilitating the uystom, Try them and you will bo sutisflod. Prico 25 conta a box. Sold by druggists and deal era in medicine everywhere. Prepared by tho Grafton Medicino company, St. Louis, Missouri. myOdm Thk Samplk Boom, Mr. P. Fitzger ald sample room, at tho corner of Four Illinois. Col. James Fisk, Jr., Paducah. J. J. Abert, Lower MI'S. Ada Hellmen, .Memphis. DCI'AKTKll. Steamer Capital City, N. O. " t.. A. Uiirlee, -.u. ' Jas. Fisk, Jr., Paducah. Illinois, Col. Since our last report the river has been stationery at this jilucc. At Cincinnati tho river is still swelling a little, nnd navi gation is improved to n a until extent be tween Cincinnati nnd Louivillo. The channel to St. Loui- is getting better, and packets aro bringing down very good trip. Thorn is now about 43 feet to St. Louis. Boats leaving hero for bilow can load to tlx feet without danger of grounding. He- low hero tho river is in a very Huge. Beeves' bar, below Memphis, has been giving steamers n great deal of trouble. Thcro it six feet of water thcro now. At Ouincv tho river is uiraiu stationary. The river is falling again nt Pittsburg, with dl inches in the channel. The wcathor, yesterday, was clear and a littlo cool. Business on the landing was fair. During thu month of October there was 271 steamboat arrivals at this port being 7.ri tnnrn nrriv als then was renortod by the hrnbor mastor nt St. Louis. Tho Capital Citv departed for Now Or leans with a good trip of freight and peo ple. She had on board n company of "black boys in blue "who aro going to Texas. Dr. Tims. J. Grfliths, surgeon in chargo of the United States inarino hospital at Louisville, retiorts the following as tho condition of tho hospital during tho month of October, 1871 : Numborof patients re maining tho last dny of Soptombor, 133 ; number of patients admitted during tho month of October, 12 ; treated, lio; dis charged. 'J8 ; dtud, 2; remaining, .5; pri vate patients treated, 8. Tho Bakor came in from Capo (jirar- doau with 272 bbls. flour ; 485 empty bhls; 100 sacks bran and 50 bbls. Lime. Tho Eckcrt came up from tho wreck of tho Virginia with the doctor, shafts nnd n lot of freight. Sho has got everything out of thu wreck except the englno nnd boil ors. Thu littlo Sampson will tako them out. Tho .Ttachinory will bo shipped to St. Louis whero It will bo sold. Tho Beo arrived yesterday willi il loaded barges. Tho DurlVo cleared for Now Orlcuns, with hor guards on tho water. The Illinois brought up 28 bales of col ton for tho cast. ThcJ.S. Abort came up for stores nnd coal, When sho will go to work, wo uro not informed, Tho Ada Heilmati from Memphis had 30 bales cotton. Sho will load bore again for Memphis. She roportcd no boats acruund bolow horu. Tho Lucy Bortram will bohoro to-day fenm New Orleans lllld will load hero for a roturn trip. Mr. Weaver mato of the Octavia, died yesterday from tho stubs ho received u low days ngo. His body will bo tnken to in MII.I.INKKY. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE! MRS.C. McGEE, r.lOIITH STHKKT, 1IETWEKN WASIIINOTO AND COMMERCIAL AYENU1, lla. put reeeired a fllll and splendid t ne uf J NEW GOODS fire.s trimmings, nlk Rlnip-s silk galoon, an pure lacee, tno". irnnmlns, ciocKei ouuon ..ii,! i.tittan. itlu.h and trimming ve ! hni. mi'i Imnnrt.. tine kid slotes, ladies' ai childrens'ahi', Mid a full and complete stock h linovv Mini Pancv L00U1 1 v All of which ahe to sell at TIIK VERY I.OWEHT CASH PRICK UAH 1'ITTEltM. F. S. MURRAY, i GAS AND STEAM FITTED HAS REMOVED 1'ltOM PKnilY HOUSE teonth street and' Commcicinl avenue, it dianapolu to-day whoro it will bo interred. supplied with as flno n stock of wines Scotch and Irish whiskies, cignrs, cto., as was evor offered for salo in tills city. Mr F, is doing n wholesale business, and bo ing thoroughly acquainted with tho busl ncss in which ho bus embarked, fcols con Tho Bollo St., Louis after a few days spent in idloncjs.raised steam last evening and loft for St. Louis to-day. Dispatchos fram Now Orleans sayt tho steamer Loulsvillo loft that port for Louis- vlllo. Few over hen rd ot thu like of Uont of his nbilitv to sail his coods as that, n boat of her aizo rrolnir to Loulsvillo cheap, If not cheaper, than nnv othor cs- when thero Is onlv nbout two feet wator in . i.. . ',, .. . . i . . . . r, in ..vuouuiuiii. in inu city, jut solicits a tno river. That iciiow win icei sorry ior I1KICK BUILDING on SEVENTH 8 OPPOSITE winter's liLOCK, CAIHO, ILLINOIS. i; has greatly improted Ida stock, and now on nana an itin'ia in CHANPELIERS, 1IRACKETS, PENDENT!1, HALL LIO HI OLOIIES, SHADES, ETC.I HE HAS MABKED DOWN PBIC1, o the loyest livliiK flKUrea, and ke InTitea I.J ..i,nn.i..nrih. rill lil le. M 1IOAT HTOBEJ. SAM WILSON, BOAT STORES U HOCKRIKS, PROVISIONS, ETC., No. 110 Ohio Levke Cairo, Ill.1 obdebb raourTir ruitp; O. I). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER PBODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio Levee, 0 A I II 0, I I, I. I N C I B. given to Const gnmtu i T;3 pedal attention i liui: orders. .MIHflXI.AM:oi. if HIDES! FURS 1 1 PELTS ! 1 1 S XT OR IsT S "T T fie C Ol Have opened a Hide Hloro in Thoruton'a Illo Tenth street, where the highest caali price bo paid for Hides, Sheep Pelts, Kara and ti low. WchiII pay higher pncea than vria em K fore paid for the same articles in thla city, ! Come and see us, D