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TIM MAILS. Itltlttr. til-Ma North, Throtijrn 2.uon, tn. -nop.m "y 2:20 n.m. 11:00 n.m. IohIIi, Wny 1.M5 :W p.m. inrougn w. I)., Mew phis mm Columbus 2:30 i,., 4i00n,in, uiilo Illver route, (cicept -Monday) iwp.m. C.Wp.m iron Mountain It. It ll;W)p.n M .. IK.,,.. ...... rn....l... ...u. iviuu, i ursijjiT nnd Friday, 7;00p.m I'e, Ills., Thursday A Irl- ttay I O.oo p.m. TiOOa.m, Mayneld, lllandtillo and Lovelace, Ky 11:00 n.m. 4.00p.m. orricr. novas. ii.nrai imi frv t.ui ft m (HiimlaysSlo'Jn.rn.) oner uruer uenaiimeiii :uu a.m. r.m Money umer an-i itefisier departments uo SECItETJHDERS. THE MASONS. CAiao.CoKiusnar, No. 13.-Slated Assembli irdars In each month. Cairo Cock, No, ill.-krgular Conrocationat Bsonlo Hall. the second Friday In each month. ..''."m' "n. ",-"'K"lr Convocation Mawn a Ha . on tin. Hi r. i'n.,i.u r ninth. L'AIKO UiVlt, No. 2.17 y. A A. M lt1.. -. nunlHitions nt Masonic Hall, the Jicond and onrtli Mondays ol each month. IirtiA livtii. Hn.Ujt y. a a. v.f n...i.. r- iiiiiiiL'MLit.n ni aifl.r.nm Hall ... . .... . iii.(f"j..b ui eacii inoiiin. TUB OIJIJ.KKLLOWH. AitAM.ra In O JdFellov's. lull, in Artir's lluilllnu. evcrv Thurxlav even Hi!, at So'clook. OUR CHURCHES. ltKSUVTKi:i..V Kljjhlh-.trtft. I'revditnx, Habbath at 10$ a. ., ami V, r. . I'raycr meeting, Wednesday at V, r. . Sunday Hthvol, 3 r. m. J. M. Lantden, Supr inun ieni. ittv. C. II. Foot, I'utt-r. - w . i.ik inn uu i aiuut nn I'rrfbjnx, Sabbath lojj a.m., and 7 r. h. rrayer meeting, Wednesday, 7,i; r, at. Hunday School .1 p x, I.. V. btllwell, Huper mtendenL Iter. F. L.Thomhok. Pastor. JIIOIICII OK THi: ftEI)KKMF.Il-(Kplscop1) iorninjc prajcrs, Sabbath Vty, a. v. Etenlni pri)er;jr. fcabbkth School, 9 A. K. iwv. ms.Uoa, Hector. - -...v... Vll,lj,l.ur. .MUtll Zh RUU Washington Avenue. r...i.t,- , ... u.i i .. m uuuu ri.iCc,r:auuiui5jan'l iu',- a.m. Vespers, 3 p. m. bunday School, 2 r. x. Service every day, s r. a, Kev. 1.J.O'Hh.uai. Print. .IIKISTIAN-K.hletnth street. Sabbath School, !i; a. ., Sabbath. Preaching, Vy, a. at., r.nd 1', p. . Iter. J. Kan. mi. I'ilor. PMION SUNDAY t-nllOOI ln th. Church, Eighlt-vnth Sutct. Babbath .Vnool S J. II. ItrrD.SucrlntpnUnt. VOU.S'C MKNyCIIKISTIANAt'.SOCIATlON-ItfK- nlar mrttiog iKond Monday -ach month at tl.e l'rayer room of the I'mbytrrian Church Weekly Prayer meeting, Friday. 7 p. x., at the Prayer room of the I'rfsbjtHnan fhiireh. C. I'AKfOM, I'ff.l.ll'Ilt. an J Cedar. Serricet, Htbbath, 11 a.m. Sunday School, i r. x. Clara a r. x, l'rechinr,7Ji r. x. Iter. Win. JacKaon, I'.uto between Walnut and Cedar. Serricea Sabbth, and 3 r. x. Iter. N. HiCK,l'aUor. ...... ..... no. u'..'tr. .'iiT'l'i.. ri,..) DAVSCIIOOI Corner walnut and Cedar Sti. Sunday School, 'J a. u. KIItST FREE WII.I, IIAPTI-T CIILRCII-Cur- ry a llarra. Serricef, Habbith 11 a x . 3 p. m. and 7J-5 p. m. It.... VL'm I.'..... i.T.-i... Vi II ST II tutn' . t. V I. .'l.'lf it!. Hcenllttlianl 11th "ttoeti, ne.irCe.lar. IVaohinr Sabbath 10-, . x.,and7'; p. x. I'ra)er Meeting. Weiini-day etenin. Preai-hlng, Friday erening. KtMjnthS'hooi, 1', p x. John Van Ilaxter and ilary Stephena Superintendent. Iter. TJ.SiMart. I'aito STATE OFFICERS. STATK OFFICERS. Oorernor, John M. Palmer i I.leutenant.(ortnior, John Dougherty i Secretary of State, Filward Hummel ; Auditor of State, C. E. I.ipplncolt ; Stale Treasurer, E. N. Hates ; Supt. Public Inntructlon, Newton Hat ennui. CONOItESSMKN. Senatora l.yman Trumbull and John A. Logan, Keprenentatlre for the State at Iirfe Vacancy, Representative Thirteenth D.itrict John M Creba. MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Senatort, lit District T. A. E. Holcomb, ot Cnlon, and S. K. OlUon, of Gallatin. lleproentatlre, 1st District II. Watson Webb; CO U K T V"0FF ICERS. CIItCUIT COURT. JuJgC I). J. Ilaker, of Alexander. I'roeculiug Attorney J, F McC.irtiiey, of i(aac. Circuit Clerk Jut), tj. Hariuan. 8lienlI-A. II. Irvin. Wm. Martin, Areor and Treamirer. COUNTY COURT. Judge F. llrosa. Asiodates J.;E. McCrlteand S. March'Idon. Clerk Jacob G. I.vncli. ,0'orojer Jolin II. Gosnman. "m ''municipal government. Mayor John M. Lanmlen. Treasurer J. II. Taylor. Comitroller E. A. lluruetl Clerk Michael Hoviley. Maralial Andrew Cain. Attorney P. II. Pope. Pollco Jtagiitratcs K. Ilrosi and H. Shan nesy, Chletol Police I.. II, Myer. Police Constables John Bhethnn, (day), nnd Joi. II. Vclrrun ami J.W. Sumner, (night.) SELECT COUNCIL. Mayor John M. I.nnsJen, Firat WarJ-P. O. Sshuh. Socond Vfard C. It. Woodward. Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward S. SUata Taylor. City-at-Large W. P. ll&lllday and I). Ilurd. VOARI) OF ALDERUEK. FIRST WARD Jamoa Rearden, Leo Kleb, Isano Wfililen. ECO.ND WARD-Il. II.Cunningliam, K. Under, Henry Winter, Jnmas Hwayne. 1HIRD WAllD-Wm. Strutton, Puttlck Fittgotald. OURTII WARD-Jaiuca Carroll.j (i. II. Sense, JJ.H.Metcalf. Time of Meeting. tirr roi'M'ii. The City Council inccta in Joint amnion on FrMay evening proceulng tho tirat Monday of act) month, met coi'.ncu. The Select Council meets on the lirat Wednes day ami Thuraday, niter tho second Monday in ach month. noAiiu or AininuiK. The Ilonrd of Aldormcu meets cn tho IWh Monday nnd Tiicmhiy In every innntli. COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL. On Street) ileitte. Taylor, Walder, Winter, "ooil nnd Metcalr, i)mlini-Mc8nis, Cunningham, Schuli, Fitiger al.l, Sense nnd Hallidny. Caimi Messrs. Wood, Ciinnlngliain ami Kiel), JUce an I Jut Mosrs. Carroll, Ruder mid Woodward Ordinance Messrs. Sense, Walder mill Taylor. Firt Department Messrs. ItcnrUen, Bwayno and Ualliday. Uvkett Messrs. Rchuh, Winter nnd Kleb. Vlnliij Mosrs,Wooilwnrd, Swuynotind llttde B iii - I iiri. Kurd, Strutton nndMetcalt, a'rl i i - 1 1 I ty )r, ii I d iiirs. Kea i t roll. THE BULLETIN. I'lilillciitlmi Oilier, lltillrlln I III J I1 J it tr, vvilMllllUMdll Atl lllic. CO.M.MMRCIAL Thiirsdiy Evening, Nov. 2, IB7I. Tlio market i.i uticliangud from tho oven tonor of its way ninco our Mondn re view. Grnln continues dullnml (juotntiotis still tend downward. Tho timrkeU below aro full, eonscquontly there is no demand here. Transaction in flour arc limited, owing to alight supply of medium grades Freights urn stiff and show an upward tendency. Country produce, generally, is In fair demand and quotations on most articles aro unchanged. Tho weather is cold for tho season FLOUR.Tho tnnrket Ik quiet, hut tho deniaud is n llttlo improved, nnd prices aro linn. If tlioru wro nny medium grades In tho market, thoy would find ready sulo nt quotations. Snles were 300 bbls- Various Grades 5 00a H 00 300 11 " n or ders S oUn 8 CO CORN. l'riees still tend downward- Snlcs were cars, Mixed, in Juck, on or ders, del bOcnClc " Wlillc, in sucks, on orders, del f,2c 80 nicks, .Mixed, del 68oaC0c 1 car, " in new gunnic ? " White, In bulk 1 " " -'on track 2 " .Mixed " del t " " " on track.. 10'1 " " W 1 1 E AT Wo quo to cars, AVinter Red 1 car Spring , ...Mcasric SOc I Be .... 18c ... 4 To ...SI 37Jc ... 1 80 c OATS The market is dull. Price have declined until holders are unwilling to mnko further concessions. Sales were 4 cars, Choico Gulcnn, in sacks, del 3'Jc " Mixed, " " li'Jc " " " 38c HAY The demand is fuir for 'choice grades. Common are dull and uninleublc. ?alos were 5 curs, Choico Timothy, del...$2l.00'J2.00 " Good ' " 10.00 " Mixed ' " 18.00 " Choico Mixed " 18.00 u Common " ' ..18.00 IJUTTKK.-Quiet, with a liberal supply in tho market nnd quotations unchanged. Sales were 10 pkg, Kair 20ca 'J5c 10 " Choice 20c " Strictly Choice 27ca 28c KGGS. Arc in good demand nt quo tation!!. Sales were I boxes Shippers count 20c Gpkgs " " J5c " 25c POULTKY. Dull, nnd prices range n previously quoted. Sales C do?. Turkey- U 00 0 coops chickens ;i 00 " mixed " 2 60a 3 00 MKAL. Scareo und sales arc few. AVe quote. 100 bbl, City Steam Dried S3 00 POTATOES. Tho market is slightly improved over Inst week. The demand U fuir and receipts uro small. Sales were. car, in sac'!, per bushel, Toe 000 bbls from store, 2 20a3 00 APPLES. Quiet and unchanged. Sales were. 200 bbls Choice 3 00s3 50 CO " according to iiualitv 2 00.i3 25 PROVISIONS. AVo quote. 000 lbs. Clear Sides, 0c 300 "Shoulders, 81c Tin: 1'oi.i.owixu Aitr.T iik whom: NAI.K I'ltlCFJi OI' THIS .ItAltUKr, ft'HOH 'IUNT II AM US, ON OKOKItN, IIUNHAM. LOTH, 1IIU1IKK IMIICCN Mt'NTIlt: PAID. Ilutlcn Choice ..23c to '.'7e Onlinary. IS IICUUNt Prime White- Choico Nuvv Common - IlroomNt Common Home, per dot 2 2.. to 2 M Choico to Extra " '.' 75 to :i M ti. 1). " -.5 W to 5 ,'si IliHNwnx nutl ThIImv i Heeswax J3 to 4no Tallow...... 7 a 7Ji Caiidlt'Hi ' Htlck V lb 173-S to lc I Fancy lb to 3V Gum Uron...J-MoW i New York Kuctor)l!jtol7 I Uluolo cholcetCj- nt7 Extra line Soda 11 lb...7o I Boda lb 3 Hutter I'iciilo Wfi bWfflX II to l.lo I (IlliK'T ...,12tolao coirt'c t Itio Commcn V lb. I Itio Kair V lb. Java 33cto s: I.hkuhj ra Rio Prime to Choico I.12S 1.125 Golden Itio flour Chnloo Fmlly....7 00u8 oO XXXX WV al F.fl VV 7 M r, 7S 4 21 I flO.tJ Itt x;..r..!!.'!!!!!'.!'.'.V.'.!!!!!!.V.'.'.'.a oi 1 Hu per I!'.'.'.'.'.!! Corn K. I) per bbl Onions nnd I'otnlocMt Onions '.'ij i 2 to I Potatoes porbb!2 ,'u.u 7j ollm Linseed rnw 1 ostol 13 I Linseed b'l d 1 otol lo Whaie 1 l to 1 15 Carwhlle 2S to Ma SptTurpent Mto(Vl.iul 1 u-itol 15 Machine .... 45 to 7c Neatsfoot...- 1 10 to 1 20 White, lead defiance per lOOlu 1U uitoll 00 do Collier do 12 TO to 13 HO Putty &to7i! Poultry t Chickens mixed per dot 2 00 to:! tui niii nens " J w to i ou Nonu nnd C'nudlriti BOAP-I'alm ok to 7 dtirman mottled 7tnl9 Castile American 12 to 23 lmnorte.l 18 tn f,2 CANPLEa Star Hot. 12o full welsh Slto.'jo 1'rovlailntiH t LAKD In ticrcca K;r lb retlnod. lO'l to 13 In kegs 12Jtoll HAMS Sugar cured" 1 cml Country " u toto Hhotilders bacon " kij Cl'ar aides " ... lOca I Klbued " , flraliii ' COItN Mixed per bu 48a Wnlto per bu .50 to 52o OATS Choice ' .31 to 3:iu HA Choico Timothy baled on truck.... 21 uo Medium ' 17 to SO UO Mixed Choice, " " lbloin NUKiirH nnd NyrupN, 8UGAK New Orleans prime to choice 12V5 to Via l'orto Hlco, choice 12U tn 13io Kxlrn i: VJ'Alo Wl3 ' II 13S to 12itt ColIeoA l Jii to llu Crushed nnd rowdered IV iiritnuiaien SVnUI'ri-Coinmon New Orleans linldett Sil ver Drips Ilnrtlwnros Nulla into cn, 175 rates Iron Common tl Mulo " " " " Plow Hieel lb WA to Un M to 75c 7.'. E5 to'JU Snrinir Steel. Kimlith 'el lb 11 to 1:10 Carriage Spi urns coininon tl lb toi to UJio " ' Warrauted " 18 J to l'JJe Knit 1 Kanawha per bbl..,. 2 Ml flialry pr bbl 3 M)to4 00 1 indent Green lb. I to Vi I Hry Flint 10nl7 Cured " UtooVJ Dry Salt 12eull GreenCalfllb..l2Kui3!rheeii'eltseA to 1 uo vureu " 11 to HE CAIRO DAILY Mull! JV hlte .Vo I h'f J.M.. 7 Ji. j Tiom No 1 ,'ru,l rfc ernng Lake Iff U,I J!,.f,V ?. ',' HJ? i" 2 Mackerel No I i'S I f, I.i 2 V. ,..1 Ml to I 7 1 35 to Do i'obncroi Virginia bright per lb do twist .la o mt 'bright per lb. do blaok per lb. I' me eiit fli,iu ttt, ..... it. 1 00 1 00 70 to Wl! W to vi.i...v. . M i ,l y to i !S)(o I ii5 ...Riuii.pinoKing no wto 1 10 iinmon do do Sototou u" do M 2 00 to 10 to Ten i Imperial .....J lotol l(i (iunpowder 1 lotol SO Oofong biackl i.i to I wj Jap,'n unoTu YoiinJt Hys'n I lotol in) ' iimvi.v ."'""ontlMquoMl lilt A. in llennessy per gal belt 7 to ,,,m, H Kiette ' " 2 M Wl.Nh Port o An . 3 (jn pherry ., 2 sc.'. to 3 l Hiarun Caret per cnies IinKV-ltectined ilourbon 2 W C 00 S3 to 1 SO 3 00 2 74 1 to I O0 Jiyo High ,,,, " Wlnc UftaTRlllfJI ..-17J! I llllrlap Ounmes Twino Twins Flax goo Tw ine, Pa,er.., 11 who neirip.z to auc Wrapping Itnfca ori'rcla;ht. To New Tork. Flrtl Class tl 31 1 Fourth Cla 1 Oi Weosnd Class 1 vi Hpcclnl Clas 7S ThlrJ Class 1 to I Cotton I To New Vork To Iloston. 1 00 ...... 1 10 Compressed . ttV Uncompressed 1 no .. rionrt To New Tor per bbl To Ilostoti ir bbl ..It 1 1 t , 3 I'rom Cairo to-1 5 3 I'rom Cairo to ' I lojr, p.'rbbl . Coal Oil per b.l 00 2 00 7 w ny, per Inn ... ryxi iukii per h o rn, prrcwl... 2 S 3s Oali. t,or owl ... ii .1. ICollon per bl 2 JO i.umnr per .11 l.umbr. loose. Heavy frU-owl LI k ti ifrt ow S O0 laou 37 s, ter b :so ii 7 CJ Applet, per bbl W) . I'ork. trrbbl M 1 i Whisky, per b. 7&H U au It HAL. i:ST,irKAE.T. C. WINSTON k CO., HEAL ESTATE AG EXT AM. AUCTION KUS, Tl (SKCONI) FLOOIt) OHIO I.EVKK, CAIItO, ILLS., JJuv and Sei.i. IIeai. Kstatk, PAY TAXES, FUHNISII ABSTItACTS OK TITLK A I tirecaro r.inTersneew nf ICin.N. im.mii.v ;itoci:icii-s. louis Juun kns i:n, I'ealer III nil kind of STAPLK AND FANCY O-ROCEBIBS. I'liriiicr'H Vttril mill SinliliiiK iviiimt'T t'HAKui:. Cor. W.iliinloii-av anil 'I'wcntictli-ft., CAIkO, ILLINOIS 27dtf I'AI.VI'KUK. MOORE ,c MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental Iecornlii' I'niMTliiiiiKinir. KnUoimn-Int.-, etc., Done In the Inflict .t)lcs ot the art, and u rates thutdcly competition. SHOP IN 1'KltHY HOUbK, COItNEH Of 8TM rTIIKKT AND CMMKUCIAL AVKNUE. CAlUi L. TII03IAS, Is prepaied to lo nil kinds of plain and orna mental PAIXTIXG, KALSsOMININO, PAPEIt HANGING m a a witiTi.vo, etc., At fik'iires uhich defy nil tntnpetlon, and In tho hlgbesi Mlo Lftlie painter's urt. .SHOP IN THE PEItKY HOUSE, COHXEK OF COMMERCIAL AVENUE AND KIOIITII hTUKK T. HAItllHItS. NEW DAUHKIl SHOP, Oeorge, the barber lately with Theobald and Eschb'ch, has opened n fin v IUiuii.k Siior, on Commerclsl avenue, betueen 1' nd Isth streets, for tho accommodation ot ladles nnd centlnnen ol 1I10 upper part ol the city. Ho invites all hi old nnd new Iriends to visit Ins shop, and as sures them ,olito attention und unequalled wurk eltlier in hair curling, cutting, sliiivlni; or sham poolng. oc12-m J. GEO. STEINHOUSK, FASHIONABLE BARBER, for. Hlli-sl. mill 'oiiiinerciiil-nv. WShnrp llar-ois. "Cleiiii Towels und tfO'Skillfull Woikinen K8I.adies' and children's hnlr cut nnd ham pooed, either ut tho shop or nt their own homes, MtrGentleinen'r whiskers nnd hnlr dyod In a entitle maimer. Satislsellon miaranteed. HlI.IiINKItV. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE I MRS. C. McGEE, KIOIITII STREET, HKTWKK.V WASIUNOTON AND COJIMKItCIAL AVENUES, lint just received 11 full nnd splendid hue of NEW GOODS Drefs trimmings, silk gimps, sill; galoon, gub puro laces, moss trimmings, crocket buttons, slllc nnd velvet buttons, plinh nnd tilmniing vel vet, hats ami bonnets, tine Id. I gloves, ladles' und clnldions' shoes, und u full nnd couiictc stock ol Millinory and Fancy Goods, All of which the proposes to sell at THK VX.RY LOWEST CAR1I THICKS BULLETIN SATURDAY, OKMIItAI. AGKXTN. UALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION M EKVIIANTN DEALERS IX FLOUR; And A ents of olilo Itlver mill Uniinnlui SALT G03vnJL2riES I 70 Ohio Levee, tf CAIItO, ILLINOIS WIMJV A.1I) MUCOIU. WM. II. SCH UTTER, Inipurter nnl Wtaolpaale llcnlcr In WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIG-AE3. Agent fur the lieit brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AND Imiiorlifl Ale or lUtTerent Klud. 75 Ohio Levee, tl CAIRO, lLI.INb. V . M. STOCKFLETII, UTi-in.ou iMiai: t ftiKkri nil Itocllfyrr mill Wliolesnli- ltcnlrr t'rrlK mid KoiiicnIIc W1XES AXD LIQUORS. No. 02 Ohio Lkvkk, ; (niao, ii.Li.NOiij. TJF. kfppson hand constantly a full stock o XXOId Kentucky Ilourbon, Kjc and Mononga hela Whiskies, French llrandies, Holland Din, Hhlneand California Wines. Jiniotf OAS I'lTTKltN. F. S. MURRAY, GAS AXD STEAM FITTER HAS REMOVED FKUM rEItUY HOUSE TO TIIS CHICK BUILDING o.v SEVENTH ST OPPOSITE WINTKIl'.S 1ILOCK, CAIItO, ILLINOIS. HK has greatly improved his stock, nnd has now ou hand all kmds of CHANIIELIEIIS, IIIIACKETS, PENDENTS, HALL LIOIITS, OLOIIKS, SHADES, ETC. HE HAS MAIUCED DOWN PltlCES o the lovrest living figures, and ke Invites the patrnmiffi. of the public. UOAT NTOREM. SAM WILSON, DEALER IN BOAT STOEES OROCKItlKH. PKOVISIONS, ETC., So. 110 Ohio Lkvkk : : : : : Caiho, III. ouukus laoMi'TLr riLiiw G. I). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PUODUOE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio Lever. CAIHO, I 1. 1, I N C 1 H. dpeclal attention given to Consl gnmeiils 1 ling orders. l'.L. HUYKTT, & SON, Importers, Maiiulaoliirers nud .lubbers of M USICAL MERCHANDISE IlniNM nud (Irrniun Nllvor BAND INSTRUMENTS, No. 25 S. Third Street, oeVidJm. NT. I.OHH. H O KOVEMBRK 4, J871. htovt.s. tixwaiii:, irn:, A. II A L h K Y, DEALER IX STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothes Wringers Volte Ware, Coal Hods, KireHhotels, Air f Intel. MiMrAritarn or TIN, ZINC. COPPKP. AND SHEET IKON WARE. Xo. 1GG Washington-nvcnuc, CAII'.O, ILLINOIS. aWItooflnu. 'iullerini!, nnd all kinds ofjob work .Inneat shnttet nntlen. let.l.lif IIOOKN. V. 2 72 r. a a u o OT - c 'A V, u us - 11 "Si o 75 o v. r. n it v u o it s. 'H. FALLWINTER. 112. C. II A NNY. LAKCE STOCK. IJKOWN SHEETINGS, PP.1NTS, U II E C K S, AND S T 11 I P E S, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTRA, CASSIMEHS, 1ILAC1C A L PA OAS AMI LUSTEIIS, OP.OS GJ'.AIN SILKS, I l'OI'l.INS. LARUE STOCK OK CARPETING, O I L. U LOTUS, MATTINO, M'ilitliiH' Nlllllles, (11 LT HAND?, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMASKS. IIIh F.ullroStoekXoH CIohIuk Out AT VERY LOW FIGUKES. CORNER 8TH ST., AND COMMERCIAL-AV., Cairo, Illinois). septllf tjirr i:.ti:hi'hink. THK ONLY IIEI.IA1ILE (IIKT ENTERPRISE IN THE COUNTRY ! $60,000 I N V ALl'ARL E G I V T S To be distributed in Xj. X). SIDE'S tUnd Kcfjuljr Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Momlay, Nov, 27, 1 7l . Two Urnud I'lipllaU ol H5,0()ll enrhlu llrt'eiilmeUs). Two prues, JI.(KJ ; Five prliea JKlj Ten prizes, SU), all In Uteentmcks. WHOLE NUMIIEIl CASH (lin, 1,000. One lloise and llugyy, with silver-plutcil , harness, worth ium on One tine ltosettood 1'iuno. mirth !'J 00 Ten Family HetiiiiR maclilues.euch worth Its) 00 Fire heavy cased Gold lluiitlliK Hutches and heavy Hold Chains, worlheuch 40) Oil Ten Ladles' (join Hunting watches worth eacb Phi 0 hundred unlit and silver lever hunt. inn watches (in all) worth Iroiu 2U to I.WO; Ladles' Gold l.eonilnn Chains, GenlN Gobi Vest chains, nllvtir-pluted custom, solid siIht auddoii. ble.pluted lablu und teaspoons, ivory bundled dinner kulves, silver-plated dinner folks, sliver Test enmns, photograph ulbuiiis, laities' koIU breastpins, shirt studs und sleeve bullous, rlnip'r rln". K"'d pins (silver e.tenslou,l etc, Wholo number k'IO. uouu, Ticltets limited In 00,0110. Attents wanted to sell Tlikelstu whom libera, premiums will bo paid, Bmglu tickets 1 ; six tickets s twelve tickets 10 twrnlv-llve .ii. Circulars coiitnlniiiK n full list of n de scription of the immnri ofdiun Iiik. und oilier in. formation in reference to tho dWti ibullau, will be sent to uuy one oidcriut; llieiu. All! It-Item must benddres ed tn I.. I. MlMl, llu Ml, on let, in li 1 1 ii l . tl. 101 west Slh si. it lilawljr BAPTIST At.l'.NTt everywhere fur the l irgest Huplist ii cr in the world. Alio miters, ml the ileus, und cnuslniit Imnrnvcmenis full Msikit Itetmit. Httiiduv Hchol Iiepiiituieiit lesson eti'iy ei .- An in Hexlbla Advocatn of llaptlsl prliu-iples, OSK prue ; only H'J.nt por veur. 1bu u u.t nstunuh. i.i; premium and clubbing list ever olb-red, or liberal cash commissions paid, Kfc Speriinen copy and particulars lice to all w ho ti ll write to I.lJVIIhHA YKAMAN.Tiii'.Cimiui IUitist. ST. I.OU1H, MO. : isC2u I.trriL'HANCR, W. H. MORUL", Notary I'ubllf, II. CANDKK Ao. Pub, and U.S. Cow. HULL, UAUUO, LIVE STOCK, COIDENT, LIFE, HTStTEA3rCEI .KTNA, HARTFORD, Ali 97 NORTH AMERICA, PA., Assets,- 2,783,000 .' TIARTFORD, CONN., Asset 2,M4,210 7 PHtKNIX, HARTFORD, Assets.. 1,781, HI INTERNATIONAL, N. Y., Assets.. l,a,M 17 PUTNAM, HARTFORD, Assets 705,937 . CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Aiscts. JI5,C3 8 HOME, COLUM1IUH, Assets SIS.27I IS AMERICAN CENTRAL, M0., Assets 100,000 00 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL L1FR, Aset jn.OiX',000 00 TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFR AND ACCIDENT, Asset li00,oro ot RAILWAY PAHSENOERS' ASSURANCR CO., HARTFORD, Assets. SOO.OOOtl INDEPENDENT, BOSTON, Assets n30,IG3CS SAKFORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 Ohio Letee, City National Hank, CAIRO. 11,1.. EIRE AND MARINE i nsr s tj .a. 3sr o h COHI'AXIEW I XIAOARA, N. T-, Assets .l,4.-fi,2IC IV OKRMANIA, N. TH Assets .l,Ot,r21 71 HANOVER, N. Y., Asset TK.NS 00 RKPU11L1C, N. Y., Asset 71I.S2J . Comprising the Underwriters Agency. YONKKIW, N. Y Assets 878.IM IJ AL1IANY CITY, ' Assets 4M.193 Zi FIREMEN'S FUND, 8. Km Assets 678,000 00 SECURITY, N. Y. MARINE. Assets.. .,4.T.M'J 00 STOUK, DwelhtiKs, Furniture, Hulls nnd Car-Koi-s, insureil nt rates us favorable as sound, permanent security will warrant. I respectlully ask ot tho citizen of Cairo, a share ol their patronate. c. n. iicum: OfTice-at Kirst National COOUINU NTOVKN. THK TWO Jloit Nurrrsiriil, Populnr nnd Ferftoi cooKiisra- -MACHINEiJ Ul tho period aru oar wtll-knswn 7" m i w EHCURE j3R0ILERS, Both aro of the simplest cooitrtiotion, and a easily inauaged that wo guarantee tnem to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. As no artlclo In the household has a greater In lluenco in promotins the health, comfort and hap piness of tho family circle than the cooking stove, it is economy us well as policy to get the very best j and In allying the CHARTER OAK Vpu can rely on getlin tho most successful.! Illar and perfect cookIhk stove ever made, using tho KlIC'l!ItK HItOII.EB, ion are alwavs sure of bavins Jufcv. Tender ud Delicious lleefstakes, Chicken, Ham, Chops, etc. om nr Kxcclsior ManulttcturiDg Compauy, Ul'iandCll N. Mnin-st.,t. Louis, Mo. AND ALL I.IVK STOVK I) ALKIW. C. W. HENDERSON, Agent, t'nlro, Illinois. 0spt5duwlni 1'IAXON. SIXTY-l-lVK FIRST PRIZE MKDALS AWARDED THE OIIEAT HALTIMORE MANVrACl'ORY WM. KXAHE k CO., Miintifacturcra of UltAND, MJUARK AND UPRIOHT FI-A.2STO FOBTES IIAl.TIMOItK, MAItVLANH. These Instruments hate been before tho nubile for nearly thirty years, und upon their eieellence, ulono Hlluiued mi JnjiuirAawi jirifnfiirf,hlcli pronounces them iiiifiuulvd in TOXK, touch, workmanship And DURABILITY, iltr All our S'lumt IViu4 have our now New Im pioM-d OM-istiuiig l-cule aril the A'jmlle Trtble DC Wh uiiuld rail special tittentlun to our 11' rmrutcfi improveiiicuts in i.uami i'ianos iiihi rui iii.iiiuNis,iouiiii in no otnei- riano. Hrincn brings tlio I'htiio neurer perfection than li yi iieeu iiiiiiiueii, EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED FOR VIVE YEARS, Illustrated Catalogues aud Price Lists promptly furnished on application to sC., IUitikut, Mb, Or nny o! our regtlUr estubllthtd agencies. (icl'.uod'l.n v'N micas barclay'bro's.; OHIO LBVKK, Caiio, lu't BTJO-GISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS y m itiiT AT BARCLATS' B-tlo T0I4R. Ft4 ,ScrrLT, Uiiit. MOCKING BIRD FOODJ irx itiDT ro tsit witiovt tm'viu At Barclats'. jj e l m b o l d'q GRAPE f CATAWBA ) f ORAM ) FILLS I CATAWDA I.i ORAPK GRAPE I. catawda ) i (.ORArr) PILLS ist itt or UELKBOLiD'N MEDICI2VEH FRESH FROM FIRST HANDS, Always In stock la large supply, and for aaj b nin i s j H F V I yjaESII BXiTTE X.IC3C JUST IICIITID ASI rrHlkr tkotaiM ttle rdallaa AT BARCLAYS'. VExtka Pin Coloonx; Ginuini IaroRTiD Kxtbacti; Hair, Tooth and Nail Drushis 'India Kuuber Nubsibt Goo AT BAECxiA.Y BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD AXD PURS FRENCH ZINC. Best grades hi large stock and TA rlety, Tery cheap; also I Full Link of Colors, bet Attn in oil; Paint Brushes, Linseed Oil, Whitewash P. JihM Turpentine, Varnishe Etc etc., ALL I1KDI ADD BTAMDAED OCAUTIti At Barclays'. COAL. CAIItO CITY COAL COlwEFA.lisfX-. Is prepared to supply customer with tho .best quality o. PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS OO A T i. ORDERS UIX at lUlllday Bros, office, 70 OHIO LKVKK, or at the Coal Ttrd Ulow th St. Cbnrles Hotel, will receive prompt atleolloi. THKTUO "MONTAUK'rwillbtlmoal aloag aide steamers at any hour. oeiitf MAYNARD'S ST-AJR BITTERS THE BEST TONIC IN USE I rOH BALE BT E. F. MAYNARD, PROP'R Eia?TSBTrORC3- 1?-aV. vmtt oi J. 3. DOBBINS, Aaa North Eighth St., Pliltodn. Dolijiiis Vegetable' A color and drcsBlug that will not burn tbo hair or injure tho head. It doea not produce a color mechanically, oa tho poiaonoui preparations do. It gradually restores tho hik to iU original color and luBtre, by supplying new life and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth mm of soft, fine hair. The best aud safest article 7cr offered. Clean and Pure. No Mdimtni. Sold everywhere. ' ASK lOR DOBBINS.