OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, November 04, 1871, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1871-11-04/ed-1/seq-4/

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; t
it ,
... .ri.r fiinilsr. Ma Hlh, H71,.tli follow-
me iinr-uWe 'U Kvf rn 'rll mid depart
ure of iDr louiis at Cairo I
.,rMll train, dally HHJn.m
Kirres-. daily - "IS p.m.
Uall.dsdy 3:30 n.m.
Kirrtst, dally, except Sunday 3:30 n.m
. thsnreof ears: from Cairo lo St. Louis. No
rlisnie of cars from t'niro In Chicago. Klrfinl
ttnt Roo-n sleeping ears on night lram.
" checked In all Important Dolnt.
W-sklilVkst for fii.lur.ili, Kransvllte. nl Lou-l-ville.
Hi' favorite steamer,
T. O. IlYJl AX, Matter.
Leaves Cairo every 8 ATU Pit AY at 5 o'clock p.m.
v.,r fruahtor rusajto apply on boardor to
JAH.1IKX1!, A n't.
The f plendnl -learner
Joe Ton Irr,. '
c.,tj HI M - in i excepted) '
f 4
iMMnmA.vr tichi:tk.
Faro from Liverpool,
Fnro from Londonderry
Faro from Glasgow,
Faro from Qukksstow.s
TO CAIRO, ; : $18-20
S!IorJ, .Morrn .1 On
l.ntrpool .NewYoik hJ 1'liila.lc Iphia
Steamship Company,
vmirR roMincT with i-mteo mir"iB irnitim
For.Curryms tlif Mfllf.
FOR 1'assaTTe tickets
ot ri'BTiua ixroKHAtiox
1J nroaclwny, New-Yotk, or to
II. II o ll)lt,
Whincton ATfnliP, Cim. nolf, 51
PKIDENCK- No. 21 Thirteenih treet, be.
At tvtcea WaaliinKton Ricnueanil W'Klnut street,
omoe-12' Commercial arenue, lip flair.
fKSIDENCF.-cornerNintli and H'uliint ttn,
lO1ii"0 corner sixth ftreot and Ohio levee,
o.tce houri from 0 a.m. to 12 m., ami tl p. in
''UilliainJ. Allen, 1
I l"hn H.Mutl;e,
inini.el I'.Wlni-'ler.J
CA1II0. M.MNnlH.
istTHrticuliir aileiitionii.ini lo rher and ad.
m r ill) 1. 11- ni'..
1 'I-1 r i:-i)er 1'iff t National Ihnk, Ohio I.i vie.
tV Hiam II. een, )
JNillimn II flilhert, CAlllU, II.M.N'OI-',
MilenF.OillK-rt, J
-.peeia attention Riven to Admiralty
-ii-inU)t buiine.-!i.
"TRTmi I'll."
(U ( Iliclllllllll.
" i'ftftw im
Soheit, t Wm.U ot ri.ki.
Ageiit, Cairo, olf.
H. T. (TeUOI'LiT;
AM. lULtll If
am rixTi nus,
1-iUerf n. l-luinUr'a nittt.-riul Wood
AU3 AurfT ru
TulUUrolherk I'lileni llr hh .tli-ter.
""'. "ill Co'n Automatic Wi...
JnaUcaioraudjjtipply Valre for .team boiler..
Utl8htrrt in tl," ( 1 i ?.Knd '. l-:t meal.
petition. Uivftli. mi "'y "Myeoiii.
IHH. Iier nii.l liniler In M u,U(l(
BO YH and flaiiKlUerf only the very In-nt r,i,u
Iiom and f heen. and 1. i,r-,.,.ri.i i ..ii '
deiuaod for frffli uie.au from ono pound to til
,v le'Wif
AMD iitl.ll.
nu3sir M EAT,
Kioiitr.Stkickt, JIktwkkk WAHiiiKrno.v
-4ll-lBff Blfleahoii-e Ilunii,,
Kp (ha lMt of )iet, Votk, Million, Veal
Lamb, Hauffge, th mil aro prcparea to -erve
cilltew Jn the moit Acceptable manner, ax,
ron NAt.K
The undersigned l def Irons cf selling Ms
stow:, at villa nnn'i:.
bulhlirj: and flock, and . II l ln6l
reftonablo lerinf ., , , ,.
Thlf stand If one of 1 JfJ- lur
firmer infor.,,;.,..,., lioe ' r -j,"
November 2. iW. iod.uiiv
Top IllinolfOnlr.il II 1 1 ' -iiiittij lion
ollo?f1.r fl lhn;''"';,r'',rl '"" ln 1 ,M
Addition lo Hie Cit) "f I'l'i". li
t or im an. l.oi -i nnoK ss,
1 Mock S".
" S " .'.
:il u,
.11 " Hi.
IAMKS J'ill.-0 ,
For lcrm",'l'
ton iti:vr.
Tiipl'oiiiinereial Hotel Kill lo rented on favor
able term- lelnn (live iintnciliiteiy. Ap.
ply lo (ocUStl) C. WINsTON.
The lir!" and "ommodloiis d tlll.U hoii"e
ituated .in Kinhlli between Walnut nn
ii nsii'
;nn (oppo.tellie rresnyirrinti riiiircni if
rent. For icrm-, etc., nnply t
THOMAS, nilf.l-; - Al.lll'...
octVMf Ohio I eve. (,'nlro. Ill
ATf KM ION. !"IK KNKill TS !-A if'Jlr
VV poiiclnruf CIM I'omniflnJdT No. U "I
KnlKli'" Ti'inplur will ! liflJ ft llu' Bi-y.
lumlnthe oily of Cllo llilf (."iiturJf)) etenlnB
Nofrtnirr 4lh, 18Tl,t 7''a oVhck. Moiirnlnj!
Sir Kmlil fNTOiutPoiHy Invitcl to attend.
.ias. .. ki:aiiii:n,
Itcconlf r.
A nifctlnx of the tocklioIJer of the Cairo and
Yincennef rallroaJ company will to lirM at the
ollici' of the company in Cairo, llllnolf, on Hat-
urilfr, Hecetnlier 9, 1671, at 10 o'clock, a.m., for
the purpose, nl ratifying llio action of the lioard
of director". A. 11. l.AHNKH,
Secretary and Tteaurcr.
Cairo, November 3, 1871.
I'ubllkhnl every inornlna;, Motulnjr ex-
Tho Ohio is riling nt this point.
.wcllt'J n full lmlf inch yesterday.
-Hardy will twirl hit gracoful too hj
instructor in the art of dancing to-day.
Holmes is back on tho police fnrco.
The mayor would not accept his resigna
tion. TI10 tug, Cache, Ii hnving new guts
put into her a full outfit of now mu
ch! ncry.
MorU men everywhere. Sun.
All tho Mcrtz men you have seen
Cniro are in vour eve.
l'at Mockler wn robbed of $7 a fuw
nights ago. If thi is a libelous abortion
wo wish to take it back.
A lino double barreled bhot gun will
bo rallied at tho Dclmonico, Commercial
aventto, this evening. A nplendid oyster
luncli will bo spread at II o'clock.
Oyster lunch and radio, this (Satur
day; evening, at the Old Delmonico. A
lino double barreled shot gun, nt ! o'clock
sharp. .Sportsmen attend. 1-t
Sherlirirvin has .-ecured information
which lend him to the belief that ho will
recapture Murry, the burglur who escaped
from tho county jail a short time "incc.
The man who objected to tho woather
ye-terday refused to be pleiisod with any
excellent thing, and actually wont back
mi Strnttou A- Bird's inaekoreN the boat
in the market.
The Sun has refrained from making
war 011 Hilly JIartin because it wanted the
pop!., to ettlo thu light between Hillv,
and Robert. "What a coniderato cus tlio
Sun editor U ! .
IicvuriJL'0 men wido-nwuko ami 1I11K-
sjber. Sit1.
If they aro sober it is because they can
neither beg nor gobble whisky enough to
make them drunk.
Associate Jttstico Msrchlldon. of tho
ounty court, is in tho city. Ho don't
like the proposed route of .tho Cairo and
St. LouU railroad. It does not no as cloo
a? ho thinks it ought to Thcbe.
Comings declnrej his intention to
1 mull the street committee for some heni-
ous neglect of duty upon which his obscr
ration 1ms fattened itself liku u cocklo bur
In a niggers wool. If this himilo in uf-
fensire to thu sensitivoneis of our rcpub
liciin friundf allow ih to b("r imrdun.
A young man of more than ordinary
ability wishes to obtain a situation in soniu
olllce, -tnro or inercantilo house. As In.
has never yet been engaged In business,
tho question of tnlnry will be left to tho
opinion of his employer. Sub-tniitliil rec
oinciidatlon ns to eharaclnr run I
given if dexired. AddroM, .1 . V. p p )
llox 'jr.3, city. nov.(3l
Mr. Rexford, of the St. Clinrlw, called
ut Tiik ltui.LKTlN office vchterdav to con.
Braiumvu us on Having induced the tiro-
,..ii..r i vnu iiyini; Iiorgo concern .,...
in opernUim on th Delta grounds, to put
un his "lliom" un.l
, niuuilWf, SO unit
c uiigui enjoy tlic noLcs mmle bv
L11UI1SIII II lull's (i.wl
u K'fi'. ror a moment
we Were temntr.il tn .
: i ii nngei ot our
TiMtnr, but we didn't.
-Thotna., of thu Winter hardware
tore, can't shoot with offlcor Robertson
who killed 50 blackbird, at otl0 ,hot the
other day, but ho is also some on a fhot
Ycterday ho killed 27 rice blackbirds and
0 quails t one shot, and, Aloxandur-like
almost went becam.0 th ere wern nn :..
the flock to kill. On being cross questioned,
he admitted that it was nonible. nn ..!
mall bird of the flock might hare escaped,
HI.- I' 1.1 '
i Hisnes to know why Martin
i. a better man than .Miller. Ilecause ho
win givu ins attention to the tHe i
Miller will not. Ho
hi time to tlm .ir,t. i ,..., b
a.- i Z -.....I im jinrtin can.
mil... ,. "'"" -V.V.VA L' t
tlrx e,; ,nen' b,u m" --t
cert last night v, ,V0ll
preset. The perfortnance,
1 bo Signer nna Mr. . Schle.llg,r ,,,..
on uic nonori, but Jlcssri. SchU.,,!,,.
Schuh and Morris tilled their part on th
,-.wb.,.uJmu , n miim,or tj,(,i eecur,.a
mo appiauso of thu uudlonce. Farlni'
piano playing was Knl.ndld-rnnslerl
and his "Mocking Ulrd" and "Home,
Sweet Home," secured hearty npplauso
from nn audicnco very dilficult to please.
Tho chief feature of the perform
ance was tho duo from the third net of
II Tra'-ortorc, which was sung by tho Slg
nor and Jlrs. Sohlcssinger. it was oicor
nl enthusiastically, and deterred nil the
applause It rccoivod.
The asseor reports 740 dogs In tho
There Is little interost felt thtougliotit
tho I'ounty in tho pending election,
Wo bonst of but four towns Jn Alexnn
der county all very small, except Cairo.
Tho new Jail proposition is not very
popular among tho farmers so wo aro
A now bridge Is to bo erected over n
creek at a p'neo known ns tho "old or
chnrd," near Thebej.
In Alexander county there aro ucres
in cultivation as follows: wheat, 3,!C0;
corn, 10,322; other field products, 1,011.
Pauper, lunatics and coroner's in
quest during twelve months, from Sep
tember 18iO to September 1871, cost the
county $3,200 00. Cheap.
Tho number of improved town nnd
city lots In the county i3 1,301, of tho as
sessed value of $130,055. Tho improve
ment on theso lots aro osses'cd nt $053,
055, Tho number of unimproved lots is
0,800, acsed at $742,7-10.
There arc, according to the assessor's
return, only 1,001 horses in Alexander
county, of thu nvorngo value of $39 57 j
2,070 neat cattle, average value, $12 34;
402 mules and asses, nverago vnlne, $40 02;
1,021 sheep, average valnc, $1 30; 7,114
hogs, nrerago value, $27 82; C55 clocks
and watches, arorago value, $1 1 80, and
72 pianoi, nverago value, $121 60.
Lumber for tho sidewalks cannot bo
be obtained ns rapidly as it can be used,
and, as a conHoquencc, the work of repar
ation does not go on ns rapidly as it
might. Mcllale, who was working on
Sixth street, used up all tho topping he
could obtain and was compellod to giro
hit "jail birds'' rest nnd recreation bohind
tho bars, wharo they ore now lounging "in
idleness umi piny.'"
From September 11th to October 24th,
Mcllule, the keeper of the keys of tho city
prison house called, for short, tho cala
booso had under his tender ctro nnd
keoping twenty-eight unfortunate men
eight WillUm', thrco Jameses, thrco
Michaels, one Patrick, and so on. He has
also had in his charire oloven women.
neither fat, fair nor forty four Marys,
two Janes, an Ann,u Lena, a Martha, and
so on. Marshal Cain tnado thirteen of tho
arrests, Holmes nine, Shcehnn thirteen,
and f 9 on.
Thero is n fuss brewing in tho city
council about tho reparation of tho side
walks on .Seventh street. We're glnd of
it. A right good fair stnnd up
give and tnKe liglit in tlic coun
cil a retrular hair-pullinir, scratchini;
and trouirinc muss would do our
soul good. Thcru lin- been too
much ponco in that body lately. It U be
coming monotonous. A row is nbiolutely
necessary. If wo have any friends in the
city legislaturo wu hopo they will attend
to this matter without unv unnecc-sary dc-
Mr, Fletcher, editor of tho Centralla
Sentinel, called on us yesterday. He is on
a recreating trip, and left for St Louis ht-t
II. M. Munn, F.iq., formerly of this
city, is candidato for senator on the sore-hcad-scallnwag-ofllce-K'ekers'
ticket in
Thu Cairo people, finding that the
common council will not supply them
with water, havegono to drinking whiskey
again hard as ever, Kentucky l'aducahan.
The toothless wretch of the Oolcon
dtv Herald which tho tamo is a very ap
propriate namo for hint says Viik
Huli.ktin " chaws both ends" of the
string." So help u graciout, wo are not
guilty ,of this Imputed shortcoming!
We appeal to .Munn to sustain us in this
denial wo invoke l'opo to rally to our
oidii wo cry unto Llnegar, and Fisher,
ami iiiru to crowd n round us and renel
this attack upon our character.
Sincuthu tuddu:. chntiL'u In tin,
weather thu Cuiro editor lmvo gone to
Chicago to pats themselves oil' as sull'orors
by tliu lire, in thu expectation of receiving
u, niuiur ciowiiug. J'utlucah
of winter
If the local editor of the luntuMun
continues much longer tho lave of tho
bowl he now is, nnd dies tho mean cuss ho
Hlwayswas, hu will soon llnd himself
where winter clothing is not needed, or
else thero ih no truth in thu orthodox de
scription of hull.
Sometime ago wu published from th0
Mah.ac Journal thu peculiar plan adopted
by Mrs. l)u Gcer to Induco .husbands to
sign uic tempetanco pledge, and a report
that she had bribed an oldish man with a
kiss to sign. Who kissed tlm madame? is
a question tho answer to which wo lone
have sought and mourned because w
found it not. Hut here comes a prominent
citizen of Mound City-, doctor-and outs
ho can enllghted us; that tho kisser was an
oldish man, rather heavy set, an inveterate
smoker and joker, and the doctor's very
fiar. font i -
,.-...v,... ,..,ru.mi inunu aim near neigh
bor; that tho kissing was done at Carbon
dalu; that, notwithstanding ho did tho
kissing and took the pledge a stated, ho
fell early In tho action and is in a flno eon
dltlon to kiss and take tho pledge ngain.
Thu above information is contained in a
letter which lies boforo us, under the well-
krown sii-naturo of Dnrlrir I"' I....
. . " - v imu
oy tliu way, he requests us to not trlve, hi.
namo and wo arc. us a matter ,if
. v 4 VIIJU(
bound to respect his request. It is not,"
tlm doctor writes, "mv wish i llRVA lint'
unpieasantnesf uUout this thing ; but, If
you should seo proper to refer to the facts
I Civo you, and the captain mould deslro
to know who gave you the Information,
JUU CBn SHOW llllll tills tlOln." Th.nrnr.un r.
longer be any doubt that the kisser of Mrs.
I'CU lias been unefirtlieil
who auf, ouncioou hoys n.vd otnt.s nr.
pout of tiik monthly k.xaminatio.v
foii octoi1kk.
At tho rcgulnr monthly oxamlnallon of
clafsclii tho high school, Monday, Oct.
BOth, the A class nvornged 09 per cent, of
questions nsked with thrco pupil nbovo
class average, as follows : Lizzo Steele,
88 per cent.; Wllllo Chrlstinan, 85 per
cent.; Kmtna Redman, 71 per cont.
11 cln nvornged 81 per cent, of ques
tions nkcd with 10 pupils ubovo class nr
erago, as follow : Molllo Reilly, PC per
cent.; George Hendricks, 1)5 per cent.;
Jessie I'hlllU, J'l per cent.; John Wood,
94 per cent.; Josio l'hlllls, 88 per cent.;
Ocorgo Torrence, 83 per cent.; Kllen
Walbridgp, 87 per cent.; Lizzlo McKcag,
87 percent.; Henry Heard, 87 per cent.!
and Clara Hnrrcl, 80 jor cent.;
O class averaged 70 por cent, of ques
tions nsked with 11 pupils nbovo class nv
erago, as follows' r.mmn Itcilly, 01 per
cent,; Lucy Hawklti', 83 per cent.; Klla
Armstrong, 88 por c;ut.i Wnviic Whit-
lock, 80 per cent. ; Lucy Wilson, 85 per
cent.; Cnlllo Coons, 85 per cent.; Wllllo
Smith, 81 per cent. ; F.va Ventres, 81 per
cent.; Cathorino JIacklo. 81 tier cent.!
, i
Leslie Kinnear, 80 por cent.; and Charles
niter.', 77 per cent.
Miss Lucy Wilson of this chus was last
month above class averago with a standing
of 81 perjeent., but her name did not so ap
pear in tho report.
At tho Thirteenth street grammar school
examination, snmodatc, Miss Frank lice
bee, principal, tho A clnss avornced 71
per cent, of questions asked with 3 pu
pils above cluss average, as follows :
Alice WintW", 70 per cent. ; Ruby Yo-
cum, iU per cent.; Jlngijio ijotltn, il
jier cent.
II clnis averaged 87 jicr cent, of ques
tions asked, with 7 pupils above class
average, as follows : llella Winter, 100
per cent.; Kiln Rice, 100 por cent.; Laura
Ronnie, 00 per cent.; Kmtna Jamo'j:! per
cent.; Kfflo Close, '.12 por cent.; A. Wil
liamson, 00 por cent.; Luolla Fracr, 00
per cent.
C class averaged 70 per cent, of ques
tions n-keil with I pupils nbovo
class average, as follows : Willio
Ayre, 07 per cent.; Laura Hendriek, 77
per cent.; 1'aul Crawley, 77 per cent.;
Sarah Cttndiir, 72 pur cent.
Dclttss averaged 75 per cent, of questions
asked with 12 pupils above clas averago
us follows: Lena Coming', 88 per cent.,
Webster White, 87 per cent.; Laura
Moore, 80 per cent.; Norman Rexford, 80
per cent.; Robt, Woodward, 85 per cent.;
Willie Winans, 82 per cctil.; May Har
inan, 80 per cent.; Chas. Thrupp, 80 per
cent.; Lewis Hagoy, 78 per cent.; Nelson
Hurd, 78 per cent.; Kddie Pink, 70 per
cent.; Augut Winter 70 per cent.
At thu 20th street grammar school ex
amination, san.o date, Mis.s Abbio
Hatch, teacher, thu A cla-s avoraged
87 per cent, of question nked with 7
pupils above clas-i average, as follows !
Nettie Litnbcrt, 90 per cent. ; Roiu Wins
ton, 07 per cent.; Frank Motcalf, 0!l per
cent.; AVilliu Snider, 00 per cent.; John
Lane, 00 pee cent. ; Li-sie Newell, 80 per
cent.; Julia Hunsaker, 87 percent.
11 clics averaged 81 per cent, of qtics
tioif afked with 0 pujiils above clnss aver
age, as follows : Sallio Cuvender, 03 per
cent.; Hello Suwins, 07 per cent.; Julln
Sawins, 00 per cent.; Louis Koehler, 04
percent.; Frank Kendall, 01 per cent.;
Kato .Snidur, 81 percent.
C class nvornged 71 per cent, of ques
tions asked with 10 pupils nbovu class av
erage, as follows : May Leslie, 07 per cent.;
Molllo Cavender, 80 per cent. ; Kate Will
iams, 81 per cent.; Louisa Kobler, 83 per
cent.; Minnio Testier, 83 percent.; Ktta
McKwcn, 83 per cent.; John Gush, 82 per
cent.; Franklin Ward, 75 per cent. ; Cora
Arick, 7:1 por cent.; Carson Martin, 71
per cent. W. H. V. Raymond.
Louis Gray, colored, was lined $2 and
costs for being drunk. Paid.
Anna Dickinson wns arrested for abu
sive and fl'ensive language. Shopaid lire
and trimmings,
Put Corbet was arrested by Shcehan
for ragrancy. llros- lined him $25. Ho
went up for thirty days.
Thomas Batters, for drunkenness, was
arrested by Marshal Cain. Ho was lined
live and the trimmings nnd sent to jail for
eleven dnys
F.dward Shea stole seven dollars from
Pat Mockler, was arrested, and in default
of one hundred dollars bail was committed
for trial befor tho circuit court
Klliott Dodgu and Charles Rover, tho
parties who stolo tint whisky from Hnlll
day' wharfboatou Wednesday night, had
a hearing boforo Hross yesterday. Thoy
wero hold for trial at tho next term of the
circuit court
Rkijaiilk and Safk. Dr. Hunry Root
and Plant Pills nro mild nnd pleasant in
their oporation, yot throrougli, producing
no nausea or griping. Uolng entlroly
vegetable, thoy can bo taken without re
gard to diet or business. Thoy arouse tho
liver and secretive organs into healthy
action, throwing oft disouse without ex
hausting or debilitating tho system. Try
them and you will bo satisflod. Prico 25
cents u box. Sold by drtiRKlsts nnd deal
ers in medicino everywhere. Prepared by
tho Urolton Medleino company, St. Louis,
-Mietouri. nivOdm
1 UK Sami'I.f, Room Mr. P. Kitztror-
ald s sample room, at tho corner of Four
toonth street und Commercial nvcnuo. Is
supplied with us lino a stock of wines
.jt-iju-ii nun iiisu ins Hies, cigars, etc., us
1 1-t.l. ...l.t..l.t.. . ,
was ever otiercd lor sale in this city. Mr
V. is doing a wholcsulo business, and bo-
ing thoroughly acquainted with the bus!
noss In which ho hurt embarked, funk eim
lident of hi ability to sell his Koods as
t. ...... if ..... i ... ,i .
niv-iip, u nuv L-in.-ini.il, mim nny other cs
lauiiaiimcni in tno city, llu solicits
shnro of tho public patronage. octl8tf,
Mauiuauk Guide, Interesting work
numerous engravings, 224 pages. Price
00 cents. Address Dr. Hulls' Din
o. r-rortn Klguth Htroot. Hu Louis,
No news In rcforeiico to tho probabil
ity of work being commenced on tho
"Junction road ' has leaked out lately.
The probabilities now nrn that both
the Cairo and St. Louis and the Cairo nnd
Vlnccnnes roads will bo completed within
eighteen months from this date.
The contractors of the Cairo and St.
Louis road proposo to haro thu road con g
ploted nnd cars running from Cairo lo
Joncsboro by the In of May, next.
What an air of mystory can bo llung
about railroad mattors by skillful shaking
of tho head, nnd suggotlro hints. Theso
build roads crowd, em right through.
Tho rnllroadfroniGrconflold' landing,
opposite this city, to Charleston, Is not be
ing very rapidly pushed forward. Tho
enuo of the dolay has not yet been ascer
tained by nny ono on thistido of the rlrer.
A meeting of tho sloe kholdors of tho
Cairo and Vinccnncs railroad company
ha been called to meet nt the olllce of tho
company in this city on December 0th, for
tho purpose of ratifying the uction of tho
board of directors in rcfcrcnco to certain
matters which haro not yet been made
public. Wo do not know, but presume,
this meeting will haro somj effect upon
tho question of "Road or no road!" and
that, If the notion of tho board Is ratlllcd,
work will bo immediately commenced.
We don't know, though. Wo nro out
guessing. "We llnd tho following paragraphs in
tho Joncsboro Oazetle of tho 4th, Inst. :
Tho contract for t-radinc six miles of
tho Cairo and St. Louis R. R.. between
Cairo nnd Jonesboro, wns let tho first of
tho week. Thero nro somo eight or ten
miles of the road on the St. Louis end nl-
ready grnded, and n largo force nt work.
There are two companies of engineers on
ino route, .vir jiaroer lias charge of the
north division from St. Louis to Mur
phy'boro, and Mr. McOrcgory from that
point to Cairo. Tho engineers nro ca
pable, nnd n oon as thoy can complete
the survey, tlio wholo line, we nre in
formed, will bo immediately placed under
contract. Iho guago of this road I three
feet, and a it is tho llrt railway con
structed upon this narrow une 'in the
state, no pains will bo spared to mako it
complete in every respect, nnd a pattern
ior tno many roods that will bo soon con
ducted on this gunu'o all over tho country.
Mr, Fercu'on, Chief oninocr of the
Cairo and St. Louis R. R., was in town on
Thursday, and gives n favorablo report of
the work on the whole line. The work of
construction will bo prosecutod from St.
iiouls to Cairo as last as It can be got ready.
Davis & Merwin have tho contract u't
Cairo for cradine four miles and Mr. Don-
ally for two miles ; tho remainder of the
line nine miles to i. nity is now open
for bids from contractors.
-Iho following persons wero nt the St
Charles hotel yesterday: John Martin,
St. Louis; Mrs. Pierce, Lapotte, Ind.; Mis
Picric, Laporto; John J. Harton, Phila
delphia; N. J. Unney, St. Louis ; Charles
Charlton, New Orleans ; John Hctrich,
Chicago; James Harrington, Pnducnh; C.
1). Fletcher, Centralia ; f. F. Fletcher,
Jamestown, X. Y.; .. S. Ynrnall, Walter
Aldon nnd 1). C. Heebe, St. Louis; "W. W.
Fowler, Jackson, Mich.; R. (). Moorfurt,
Paducah; Mrs. A, C. Mayer, Cincinnati .
C. Gaunt, Paducah.
-Tho following wero the nrrivals at
tho Delmonico hotel, Win. Winter, pro
prietor, for tho twenty-four hours ending
0 o'clock last night: .1. C. Herndon
and '.. C. Herndon, Colnmbus, Ky.j A. A,
MeadcM, Kentucky; H, Crafton, San
Francisco, Oil.; J. C. Hussey, Richviow;
H. Watts, .Memphis; John McGraw,
Kvansvillo; James Hogan, Cincinnati;
Thomas Ulun, Cincinnati ; Richard Met-
half, Loulsvillo; Capt. Gaul, steamer Ileo;
James Conly, steamer Hue; J. Halleut,
Galveston, Texas; T. H, Howvus, steamer
Mallio Rngon ; R. R. Hcnham, Indiana!
S. Nies3baum, Chicago; W. R. Guptown,
Louisrlllo; Alex. Smiley, James Smiley
and R. S. Herr, Hallard county; Jonn An
derson, Meund City; Frank Ware, Goose
Island; Capt. Reebo, Metropolis; James
Tomloson, -Metropolis; F. il, Lathropp,
K. L. Curtiss and Gcorgo Cttrtiss, Carbori-
Try tiik Wonhkhkui. Jafanksk
Gukk.v Tka Pii.f. Cciik It has never
failed in thu most stubborn cases. It
cures by nb'orption. No pain. No in
jurious substances. $5.00 given for every
authenticated failure. Sent by mail to
anv address on receipt of prico ($1.00)
and 20c extra to pnv postage. Orders
must be addressed
William W. Moitius A; Co.,
Solo proprietors for L'nited States nnd
Hritish Province?, 01 Fourth Avenuo
Pittsburg, Pa. novleodMm,
Aoknts Wantku. An, experienced
ogont wanted for each county In tho United
States. Husiness lucrative, permanent and
resrectable. From $5 to $7 per day, cash,
guaranteed to the right man. None need
apply utiles possessed of sterling business
habits, not afraid of work, and well recom
mended. Address
William W. Momua & Co.,
01 Fourth n venue, Pittsburg, Pn,
novleodl w.
Tiik hkht stock or goHuinu French cal
In tho city tuny bo found nt Win. Fhlors'
shop on Twentieth street, opposite the
Court Hoiiso hotel. If you want a good,
neat-flttlng pair of boots, shoes, slippers
mado on short notice, and warranted, call
on Khlor.
UniCK Stouk you Kent. Tho brick
tore, No. 78, Ohio Lovoc, now occupied
by F. M. Stockfloth, Ksq,, is offered for
rent, and will bo vacant on tho 18th Inst.
Apply to Jno. It, Piullis.
Foil good photographs, porcolaln pic-
lures, or old pictures to bo copied, cull on
Thomas, No. 124 Commercial avenuo. Ho
s a good workmnii. Givo him a trial.
Fon Sale, A Grovor A: Raker sowing
machine, in porfeit ordor and but little
used. Any ono wishing to purchase may
make a good bargain by application at this
olllce, tf.
Just Rkcf.ivkii.wT w7 Thornton
Tenth stroot betwoen Commercial ayonuo
and Poplar street, has Just rocolved and in
tore 1,000 door and 1,000 windows and
Thoso Fronoh Cliorrios, in syrup, fo
popular with connolscurs nro sold by Jor
gciifon. lf
Go to Jorgcnsoii's for Imported Dun
deo orntigu marmalade, th0 relubrntcd
London crystnl vincgnr, in quarts, nnd
holco Gonocso figs. if
-Where nro you going? To tho plneo
number 5.1, Ohio lover, where they keep
the best fresh oyster, fish and game, and
the flnost wines, liquors nnd clgnr to bo
'mmd In tho city. Open nt nlf hours, dav
r lB"L J. H. Pahks. '
Tuber Hrothcrs, having obtnlned for
their watch department Homo of tlm very
best workmen lo bo found, nro now pre
pared to turn out work In that lino with
but little delay. Thoso having flno nnd
difficult work requiring tho most skillful
workmen may now bo nssured of obtaining
sntisfnctlon. The finest pattern of jew
elry, ns tiual, aro made to order nt prices
that defy competition. oct20tf.
A merchant of this city while bolng
shaved ut Alba'.s barber shop lately, ot
hi pocket book containing $:!00. It
dropped on the floor nnd wns found by tho
proprietor, who returned it to tlio owner
after ho wns satisfied that the careless
gentleman did not know what had be
come of it. This shows how important it
Is to bo shaved in tho shop of an honest
man whoso towels uro clean, razors sharp
and hnnd skillful at his business, l'.u-
ronizo Alba.
D. Lamport has removed his sho
from Ohio Levee to Kigth, between Com
mcrclal and Luvee, and ho now invites
his friendf to one of the bct lilted shops
In tho city. Everything is kept in thu
neatest and best tiiunuer pu-siblo ; snow
wiuie iowcis, origin, Keen razors, puro
water, fragrant soap', c(ur oils nnd fine
perfumery. Smooth shaves, thorough
shampoos, fashionable hair-cutting, hair
curling or dressing for gentlemen, Indies
or children, and polite nttontiou is always
in readiness for those who favor him with
their patronage. nctOdlm.
Suup has received, in anticipation of
tho holidays, n very luro and varied stock
of toys. He always is first in this depart
ment, and is recognized ns far excellent.
the toy man of Cairo. Thero is nothing
that can be thought of to tickle the Juven
iiu fancy that he ha not laid tn stock not
n small assortment, but one large enough
to make happy nil thu boys und
girls of Alexander county, and furnish
n big tock to each of tho jobbers in all the
towns surrounding Cairo, within a rudiu
of a hundred miles, i(J St. Louis nnd Cin
cinnnti price. Tho attention of tin1 gen
crul public, nnd especially of small dealers
i particularly invited to Mr. Saup's stock.
Tho family grocery storo of Hixby
Koehler is being patronized largely by peo
ple who liko flno groceries. Their locution
on the north sido of Kighth street,
tween Commercial and Washington av
enue, is n central one, and their stock has
been select"! with discrimination, there-
fore this new candidato for public patron
ngo meets exactly the wants of the poo
pic. Mosrs. Koehler & Hixby projw.so to
keep up their reputation byt.lways selling
tho best of nil sorts of groceries to their
patrons and the public, knowing tliut peo
ple generally nro nwaru of tlio fact that
really good articles of any kind aro nl-
way tno cheapen in inocmi. tt
Tho merchant tailoring shop of Mcs-rs
Lehning fc Kobler, on thu south -Ice of
Kighth street between Washington nnd
Commercial avenue', oppo-ite Hannv's
dry-goods store, has been open only a few
weeks and already these gentleme are oh
taining n fair share of the patronage
of tho public. They aro both practical
mon flrst-chiss mechanic and aru will
ing to guarniitco sati-fuctory work. They
keep on hand always a full lino of piece
goods, to which thoy direct tho attention
of nil who wi-h to lmvo made clothes
that arc worth the money paid fur them
Cleaning and repairing done neatly nt
low prices.
Determined to dispose of nil tlio tickets
in his lottery snle.Mr. F. Vincent has con
eluded to potpono thu drawing until tho
20th of December. Ho Is now giving the
matter his devoted attention, and is meet
ing with tho most gratifying success on
every hand. During a recent trip to Grand
Tower nnd other neighboring towns ho
disposed of nearly ono thousand tickets,
nnd the demand i rapidly increasing, tho
drnwini: will not fail to come oil' on tho
day named.
There uro six prizes, the principal
prize, ns is well-known, being n splendid
residence, that was erected at a co-t of $10,
000. The remaining five prizes uro as
follows :
Lot 31, block 4, itd addition to tlic cily
of Cairo, valued at $500.
Lot !)2, block 4, 3d addition to tlio city
of Cuiro, valued at $1)00.
Lot 30, block I, !ld addition tho city of
Cairo, valued at $300.
Lot 83, block 4,3d addition to tlio city of
Uuiro, ruiucd at
Lot 17. block 45, in tho city of Cain
Illinois, valued ut $300. octOdtf
Adavh' dry corned fish, u most doliclous
article, In iibundunco at Jorgonson's gro
eory store. tf.
Stiiaykd $5 liKWAiiD. Strayed away
about two month ago, from tho Academy
of Lorotto, ono red cow, about 0 years old
end of tall whlto and whito undor her
belly. 1 will pay tho nbovo rownrd for her
rotum to tho aeadomy. Whon sho left
Cairo sho wns on the point of calving.
Lorctto Academy
Stiiayud $15 liKWAiiu. A black,
heavy-set in uro mule, about 14 hands
high, 8 years old, yellow noso, shod nil
around, tall and main vory bushy. When
last seen had a haltor on. Strayed from
Cuiro on or about October 4th, 1871. 1
will pay thu nbovo to nny person or per
sons who will return or givo nny informa
tion of hor whereabouts.
John W.Mirni'iiv,
Paul G. Schuh sells Haiti m.nr'a mrt.lt-
c " ...v...-
Little -Muck Claim (quahnui's) nt
Jorijenson's. if
Tin: het Last India dry preserved gin
ger ut JorgensenV. (f.
I'm: fines', vunilh chocohitu nnsl In
glass, at Jorgeiiaori'f. tf.
Thy tlm Aineiicnii club fish, nut un n
oil, to bo found nl .1
S'NOV lin In. I in,.,, it. ..I .i li.r.r.i aim-
J ' ' "' S '"!'-
ply of Portland bltio berries. Trv them, tf
Go to Dr. Med iinliit' Tut- I!fitttnfffii'fl Pfu
ver Drops. Warranted to cure the chilli.
OVStTHIlS. Lollls Il..r l.. ..I...... An
- - v. i t im- uinan vis
hand a fresh supply 0f Saddle Rock oy-
Fon Sale. A COllllL'l) (in l'illi .Irnat
containing 7 room., cistern nnd out
houses complete. Applvto
Kconom v. Hy usln Mrs.Wlilie,,t,.L'i
Syrup for children mnny n doctor' bill
"in no saved and much stitlcring uvcrted.
Rend tlm ndvcrtieinents in another col
umn. Si.EEi-iNii Rooms ion Rent. Ton
well ventilated sleeping rooms in Cityla-
tionnl Hank building. Apply to
At City National Hank.
Wanted to Kximianuk For improved
Cairo proimrty, 100 ncres of good land,
within one mile nnd u linir of Hickman,
Kentucky, with good brick homo and all
neees..ry out buildings. Thu phice alio
lias on it ono tliou-und fruit trcei. For
further Information apply to
Jas. Mai.loiiy, Steamboat Agen..
Stcmaor Hertram, New Orlcan.
" Hullo of Pike, St. Louis.
" Kddyvllle, Kvansville.
" Illinois, Columbus.
" Jas. Fisk, Jr Paducah.
Steamer Hello St. Louis, St. Louis.
" A. Haker. Cnpu Giradeau
Hello of Pike, Memphis.
" Hee nnd Hnrges, St. Louis,
Kddyvlllp, Kvansville.
" Illinois, Columbus.
" Jas. Fisk, Jr., Prtducah,
" Ada Heilmnn, Memphis,
Thu river Ins risen ubout J an Inch dur
ing the past 2 1 hours. At this xrt tho
river does not remain it. one position long
inough to make nny changu In the chan
nel. To-day il is rising, nnd piobably to
morrow it will be falling, thu it Is day by
day. Thu Mississippi is still n-ing with
about 5 feet 8 inches out and moro ex
pected every day. lf the rise continue
any length of time the St. Louis it Mem
phi packet Co. will put their own boats
in their old places. How natural it would
be to hear the familiar wluttes of tho Hullo
Memphis. Chester, Grand Tower etc, it
would mako a person feel almost good
enough to cause him t nrike his grand
mother. The Arkansas is ruing very
fast with a gnol 'tage to Little Rock. Tho
Carter Line uro going to send out u boat
from Si. Louis to Red river in a few dys.
Thnt river h.u risen CJ feet, and is still
rising at tho into of 0 inches every day.
From Kvensville down thero is about 25
The Helle of Pike, came in with n good
trip of freight and people, and mode largo
additions bore.
Tlio Kddyvllle, from Kvansville had A
liglit trip of freight, but had u cabin full
of leojilc. Sho brought down a lot of
Gypsie.', who go south from here.
Tlm Fisk, had n slim trip both ways.
Tho Illinoi-, had 25 laics cotton, and
130 sacks dried fruit.
The Indiana, is reported aground at
Reovi bar, below Memphis.
Tho tug Cache is now receiving her
now machinery and when sho has it com
pleted sho will bo as fast as any of them.
Capt. Auryl Phillips of St. Loui w4
in town yesterday looking after the in
terests of tho Lucy Ilurtram.
Tlm weather yestorday was cloudy with
fair indication of rain or snow. HuVine
remains good among our shipper. 'I
leveo had tho look of a rainbow yesterday
it bolng coveted with wagons of all color,
awaiting shipment south.
The Lucy Uortrum camo up from Now
Orleans ycstcrduy morning and began
loading on hor nrrival for a return trip
and will Icavo to-dny.
Tho Hello St, Louis waited for tho Jlor
tram and took her St. Louis freight and
Tim Haker got away for Capo Girar
deau where sho will tako on a load of lliuo
and cement for hero.
I'ily Nnllounl llnnk Hullillnr.
.Spccial attention paid to order lromstro-
boats nlulit or d.iy.tfo
TO Till'.
Hi: has Rrenlly improved .lis stock, and hiw
now on hand nil kinds or

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