Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN. JOHN II OIIKI1LT, Editor and Publisher! Sl.VHAY MoilSINO, NOV. f', 1871. Tiawa or Tin !ur Uritrrioi ISnhtcriptim,) o week, by carrier, 25 one year by carrier, In advance 10 On month. by mall, - W Three months, ........... t2 26 S month - - O.M yer 8 00 7 tMtinl pnptt o) AluamW ecmnty mmi oflhttilu oj I , . 1 . : !-.(.. 1 L TM. -J,.'. . (i irHf-flirmej-airniu iniu, oui jenrunt out' tlnltn on ail mbjrtti of interest to the jwW lunu , trie vmy invt n rt uui. w ' iwwin.i r. . .....v... . kits aiirean.1 incrraiirar cimuarian, rfl vhw lin mlmlt f A. palroni o.' tnteltfjsnt wlft tnttrpnnng umrnei mm. T1IK DOLLAR WEEKLY DULtTlX. John II. Olrly A Co. have reJJ 'u'" ecription price, of the Weekly Cairo imlletln l Om WJarrtrmium, making It the cheapen ! per published In Southern Illlnol. STATE TICKKT. "or Representative in Congress for the State-nl-1 Large, S. S. HAYES. For SUle;Sentor, WILLIAM Gr. BOWMAN. COt'NTY TICKET. For Treasurer'and Trestin r. WILLIAM- MARTIN. 'ForSuneror, JOHN P. HELY. Vote, democrats. Ti'Eiiay next is election day. Democrats, vote on Tuesday next Pont neoi.uct to vorE for Helov for county surveyor. Vote eoii William Martin for eouuty treasurer. He lias been and will be a faithful officer. Mektz was a know-nothing, and is a hater of all foreign-bom citizens ex cept during a political canvas?. Ti esday, next, is election day, which fact let all deuio:rats be careful to not forget ; and, remembering it, on Tuesday do not forget to vote. Mertz i an inciter of riotH, a dis turbing clement in his community, and just the inau of all others who should not have a seat in tho Illinois senate. The Wasih.vcitox woman's reform clitli have formally resoltited that in tho political enfranchisement of women lies the chief and radical remedy for the ocial evil. Vote fok William (!. Rowman, democratic candidate for the Mate sen ate. He will make an honest, intelli gent and diligent representative of his ciiftitucnts, Do.nt von: you Heveiuooe. radi cal candidate for emigres. He is a free love advocate, a woman's suffrage champion, a ort of a he-woman. Ho will never do. Vote ion Hayes for representative in congress from the stale at large. Ho is tin man to represent Illinois in the lower houe of congress at this particu lar juncture in our affairs. It is sam a five-year-old girl of ( ambriuge, Mass., sent her three dolls to Chicago. She should have done like her Morton neighbors and teltgraphed fir.-t to ask iu what maimer she could aid the sufferer. Father Young, a venerable priest of Wushingtou City, 1). C, who per formed the marriage ceremony of the Hou. Thomas Kwiug in the year eigh teen hundred and twenty, atteuded him in his dying liourf, and assisted at his funeral. It would he a shame to ask .Mr, Miller to give up the commission and forwarding business to do the duties of treasurer and asMssor of Aloxandor eouuty It would bo a great bhamo to make this request Vote for Martin aud allow Miller to continue on in tho fvfii tenor of his business way. By doing so you will oblige him. Don't vote for Old'. He would be a senator that nobody would be satisfied with that everybody in the first district would be ashamed of. He is distinguished only by a plentiful lack of ability aud as the possessor of a wonderful amount of personal aud po litical malice. Old Mertz senator! Heaven and tho voters of the first sen atot ial district forbid ! Mr. Miller, republican candidate for treasurer doti't want to be elected, and cannot utteud to the duties of the i office if he should be, Ho was nomi nated by men who wish to get con trol of the county's moucy not for dishoneef purposes, we admit, but as an aid to their business. That is all Mil ler's nomination meant, . Don't vote for him Mil Ukveiuikik, radical candidate for congressman for the state at large, is a very earnest advocate of woman's suffrage, is a correspondent of Wood hull and Claflin's lewd paper and en loes tho free love doctrines uf those jestifcrous strumpets. Hu is, at best, rcry little of a man, poscsse uo man incss and is out 6? his proper fellow ship when lie is not among tho woman- rigiii suursgisis women who waiic with long stops, and men who part tlicir liair in the middle. Mil. Hayes, democratic'lidnlo for congressman from tlic attic nt largo, is nn nblc man, with n reputation not restricted hv slate Hues while Mr. Hov cridgc is generally known us n very weak m.-.., unfit i.r ny office which ro quires ability .hove Hie 'load level of mcdiocriM. ! Idge in congress would he lo-l to view, hut il Hayes were rotnnicd, he would make his mark aml exercNe nn influence which . . i .r.-i ...ndl twimiftt wiiulil ne enecinc uiiu i.i git"' ."..... to the country. Mn. William Martin, democratic candidate for county treasurer, is a gen tleman well-known in Alexander coun ty, where ho has lived many years, and in the prosperity of which all his Hopes arc centered. His life has been pure, and his honesty is above reproach. He has many warm friends nud is respect ed by all his acquaintances. In the office of assessor he has been impartial, and has performed its duties faithfully. There is no good reason that can be urged against his re-election. We hope his friends will turn out and vote for him on Tuesday next. If they do, his majority will astonish tho radical ring who have nominated Mr. Miller for the purpose of getting control of the revenues of the county. lit- ah tlio ttilnvM of the radical party, it has been reserved for Secretary Houinell to carry off the palm. Oth er stealings, though called pretty good things, yet all come under the head of what has been denominated " trash " by the immortal bard. But Boutwcll stole the product of another man's brains, and for two years has been sail ing under false colors as the man whose financial genius placed gold on a par with greenbacks. Two million dollars is rather a high price to pay for the theft, hut this is the amount of damages claimed by Mr. Galin, the man who proclaims himself the origi nator of Boutwell's scheme. He will scarcely recover the amount, but if he learns from this bit of experience never to " dicker " with a radical of fice holder and tho more prominent he is the more danger the knowlodge will he worth a million or so to him during life. We earnestly urge the democrats of Cairo and the country precincts of Alexander county to go to the polls on Tuesday next and vote the democratic ticket. If there could ho secured a gen eral rally of the democratic party nt tho polls the state would give to Hayes, tho democratic candidate for congressman from the state at large, n very largo ma jority ; but the danger is, that apathy may keep too many from casting their ballots. This fact should be borne in mind : that it is the duty of every voter who believes the country unsafe in radical hands to cast his ballot at every election in the direction of his be lief. The faithful performance of this duty will inevitably result iu the defeat of tho radical party ; but if each con servative, discouraged by defeat, shall say ; " Let others save the country, 1 1 am tired of making effort," tho battle is surely lost to the friends of good government. Turn out, then, conser vative friends, on next Tuosday, and vote the entire deinociatic t:cket. The anti-women women of Wash ington City have determined on a move ment by which they hope to knock the pins from under the plans of the "Woodhull and Claflin faction. Mrs. Admiral Dahlgron, .Mrs. General Slier man, and other prominent ladies, have tho matter iu charge. They propose to appropriate tho sixteenth amend ment to themselves, but instead of mak ing it one giving the right of suffrage to women, they intend that it shall em body u provision fur an uniform system of divorce throughout the United States. They argue that since the ! courts in all other states are compelled to recognize the legality of Indiana di vorces, fraudulent though tho most of them arc known to he, that state uow enjoys a monopoly of the divorce busi ness to the peril of the rights and hap piness of every married womau in the couutry. The agitators avow that their measure will give to Amcricau women all the rights they care to possess and save them from many of tho wrongs they now suffer. Tho ladies intond to have the matter introduced into the senate first aud will get Senator Trum bull to engineer it for them. The conduct of a drunken despera do on a passenger train on the Mobile aud Ohio railroad on Monday laBt, au account of which wo find in tho Mem- phis Avalaneh, calls for more than a passing notice. It is a fair specimen of the rule of the ruffians, wliohe swav. for the good of ,-ociety, it is high timo should be cut short. The epoctaclo on a puolic railroad car, of an iufuri ated drunkard flourishing a loaded ru volvcr iu n daugcrous manner, and end ing up tho exhibition of his cuntempt for law and order by wouudiug, with u double-barreled Bhot gun, severely and perhaps fatally, two iuuocent persons, Is one of u species of outvages that THE CAIRO DAILY ought not to bo tolerated much longer by n long-suffering public. Thoy oc cur too frequently for the peace and comfort 6f society. The law has no terrors for the offenders. They hold themselves beyond law, n sentiment in which the public has tacitly ngrccd. The fact that the most of these out races are committed when the offenders are under tho influence of liquor is gen erally regarded as the palliating cir cumstance, when, in truth, it should be regarded as a crime and punished ac cordingly. The man whom liquor makes a madman has no right to in dulge his propensity at the risk of the lives and limbs of the indiscriminate public. We ask the Sun to answer : Did not Mertz, while the Orange riot? in New York city was threatened, say that every Irish Catholic, priests and all, ought to be hanged or driven out of the country at the point of the bay onet V Has not Mertz frequently declared that a negro was a better citizen and had more right to enjoy political pre ferment in America than Irish Catholics and German beer guzzlers ? Did not Mertz, during the Munn Crebs canvass for congress, muster a company of negroes before the post office in Mound City, aud did not those negroes, with Mertz at tho head of the column, march to the polls, while they were cheering and crying, " Death to tho man that scratches the republican ticket?" Is Mertz a fit man to represent an intelligent constituency anywhere? Is not Mertz a bitter, tricky and un derhanded wire-pulling politician of the meanest kind ? Has not Mertz frequently declared that he would make the south a desert if necessary, to get rid of the people of that tection that, if he had his way, ho would drive all the southern whites into the sea at the point of tho bayo net, and give their lands and other property to members of the republican party ? Aiut he, on general principles, a rath er small potato man ? The Sun favored us with a few questions about Bowman the other day, which we courteously replied to Will the Sun now return the compli ment ? H2fA strange enso of madness lias ap pearcd in Yonkcrs. Two young men, In separable companions, have been attacked with what seems to bo hydrophobia, but which k physician mvs i not. Ono of them was bitten by a man with whom ho had quarreled somo weeks ago, and in ono of his paroxysms bit his friend, who is now nmtctcu like lilmscir. 1 ho case is n remarkable one, and notwithstanding the declaration of the physician, it hardly teems probnlilo that It is might eIo than hydrophobia. t&" It Is said that a considerable num ber of Communist prisoners on tho hulks t Lorient died of dysontery and typhus fovcr last month, the average mortality being seven per week out of 1,200 priso ners. Much fear in entertained that the llrst cold weather will cause many deaths from Inflammation of tho luniis. tGlF Kadical conspirators and explo sive bombs and firearms concealed In liar- celona must tend to rondcr Amadous un easy in Madrid. Tho Spani-h officers blame tho mombcrs of tho International. Tho conspiracy may be national notwith standing. iSTlii Europo tho recurrence of sum mer weather lu lato autumn is styled St. Martin's Summer, from Martinmas, or St. Martin's Day, which falls on tho 11th of November, and which is marked by eatine; roast goose in England, whilo in France it is kept as a kind of carnival. 8"Ynu can't do too much for your employers, man," said somebody to a big fisted, strong backed man tf all work, on tho wharf one day. "Arrah," replied l'at with emphasis, ''neither will I.' Ra?"The Scandinavian club of Houston, Texas, has issued an appeal to tholr coun trymen in Chicago to como there, and is making arrangements to providu them with labor. Thcro are lu i'aris i!,300 streets, 113 avenues, 84 boulovards, l(J quays, 1!50 places, 25 principal churches, 22 theatres, 38 hospitale, 8 railway termini, and 27 bridges. t&"A liostou mothor-in-law, who spite fully persisted In living to tho age of 108 years, was turned out of doors by her long suffering daughter's husband. Hifln Sierra county; California, the fruit troos ara breaking beneath tho weight ot trult. Tho yield is larger than ever known before. Mf General Sherman Is going to Europe on the United Steamer Wabash next week THE FASHIONS IN BRIEF, Tho new round hat Is called tho Alexis. The basquo waist Is now qulto In tho ascendant. The short apron front for over-skuti is still the fashionable stylo. Heaver cloth sacks, trimemd with A ti ki sublo aud velvet, aro fashionable Ulack is tho prevailing color for dres ses In Paris, dark bluo for the fastidious. The prices of Md glove in tho New York market, rangii according to tho number of buttons, tho more buttonK the morn greenbacks. The favorlto design iu new mtyitles presents two largu round capes and con Uts of two circle. BULLETIN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER C,1871. "TRIFLES LIGHT AS AIK." Autumn hues cutting wood for win ter. After Alexis, the next sensational arrival from Kussia may be tho cholera. The ball season has begun In Vermont boys wcresnow-balling there, last week. Measures nro on foot for stocking tho open plains and prairies of the West with trees. Very noturally tho National Polleo Convention in St. Louis arrested General Attention. When a Culifornlan has a hundred thousand so Invested iu a good mine, ho rests on his ores. It Is not tmo of trouble, and somo other things, that "tho moro you hove, tho mnro'you want. " Hercules was n model husband; rath er than stay out lato at night, ho invariably carried his club homo with him. Mr. McCormlck lost $750,000 in Chi cago, and is ready to admit, no doubt, that tho great is tho champion reaper. A sergeant or a corporal asleep on post might claim cxcmpUhn from punish ment on tho ground that ho was a retired ofllcor. It is reported that Eugcnlo is about to toll her Spanish property ; Louis Napoleon, however, still clings to his "castles In Spain." Every cat in l'arls is to bo taxed three francs n year. From which it may bo sur mised that thoro will be fewer cats in tho housos and moro rabbits in tbo restaurants. -1'ooplo laugh at tho "New-York cen tral woman's suffcrago organization" for making n man chairman of the "standing committee." That's all right; every whom especially In ferry-boat cabins and street care, men form the standing committoe' whilo the women sit. After all, the day may not be so very distant when Macaulay's Now Xialandor shall sit on London Ilrldgo to look at what is left of St. Paul's. A Paris jour- nal announces that two hundred Lap landers are on tho way to that city to"doM the ruins. Gustavo Tonnetz, long celebrated in Paris as tho "iwaliower of sabres," has died of a throat disease. A natural se quence, ono would say and bo mistaken. For Gustavc was cquallly celebrated ns a swallowcr of whisky, and whilo he sur vived tbo sabres, to tho whisky ho suc comcd. Ono swallow does not mako n summer; but a good many swallows made a summary ond of Tonnetz. MIXED. The color o' morbus apple green. "Pa do Deux" Tho father of twins. Georgia has a town named " Cousin .John." The cup after the cup that cheers the hic-cup. An Indiana chestnut tree U in bio som for the third time this year. Female highwaymen tire said to have appeared on the streets of Charleston. A deaf mute beggar in Detroit recent ly got drunk and suddenly recovered his speech. It is citiinated thut one burning gos jot will consumo us much nirnslvo per sons Kussla-leatbcr photographic albums in tho shape of a travelling bng are an nounced. Imincnso numbers of fur-bearing ani mals have perished in the northwostcrn conflagrations. -Mutual admiration A tho season of parties approaches boys begin to feel gal lant and "gals" bouyant. The torch of Hymen was not put out umid the general wreck at Chicago. Twenty marriago licenses were issuod thoro last week. Orders lmvo bcon glvon to replant tho Hois de Jioulogne and Mondon with trees fifteen or twenty years of age. At a Memphis show two bruisers ap peared in n set-to between tho scenes of tho panorama, "A journoy to the Holy Land." PERSONAL. Cardinal Antonolli, the papal minis ter of state, is very sick. -llochefort, it Is said, intends to busy himself while In banishment by writing a history of Louis Napoleon. Charles Spruguc, of Huston, who is known among his friends as tho banker poet, celebrated his eighteenth birthday last Friday. It was fifty years ago that ho delivered his prize ode at the opening of tho Park Theatre in Now York city. Tho theater was destroyed by tiro somo twenty-eight years ago. Count Pallkao, the last minister of state under tho French empire, has pub lished a pamphlet to justify his conduct during the crisis which resulted in tho downfall of Louis Naploon. To deliver themselves from tho chargo of being knaves or fools seems to bo the chief bus! ncss of prominent Frenchmen now-a-days. Louis Napoleon is said to have recent ly answered a letter from a little boy of Winilngton, Dol., who in some strange way has conceived great admiration and sympathy for tho French Ciezar, thank ing him for his friendly words, and ex pressing tho hopo that his llttlo friend might live more quiotly and happily than himself. MEDICAL, NKUVOUS DEBILITY, Willi ItM Kloomv fittrmliMiU. low ilr. IU' dvpri lou, l voluntary einliwloii. lokwor Ht'iuen, NirriualorrhuH, Iomm or power fussy iiruu, lun m mnuury, nuil llireulviifMl Imprlcnre and IMbo. clllu, nuil it loverrlKU euro In Hum. plirt-y'N lluiuvoiHlliic Ni-clllv No Twviily-rlKlit. cumpoieu ui win iiium viutm lilt, inllil unit potent ciirauven, mey mrue a iioito lit tho roou ot the inattur, tono up the lent. urret I mil l.clinruei. una iinnart v nor ami nty, lllii and vitality to tlieenllie man. Tnry litvu cured thousand! of ro. Price, 5 par packiKoot liveboien and alnrKC vial, wlilc-Ii in very Important iu nlntlnutu or old cases, or (I ptrsin-tW Ij'ii. Bold jv all druSKlata, and at-nt bf mall on lacolpl ot prim. Adilreaa llumplirry' Hpeelno llomeopatlitu Heillclna Co., uvi Uroud way. K.V. I. BlIllUll, aiiglMmiwawly Agent, Cairo, lllinoln. COMMINSION AND rOUWAItniNO. WOOD llTTTKNIIOUSli, FLOUR IKK General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Caiko, Illinois. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO., (Succc-sors to n, II. Hendricks .4 Co.,) Forwarding anil Commission MERCHANTS WHARF.HOAT PKOPUIETOItS CAtM. ... i upon, Con-lgntntnu. Are prepared to rtccive, (tore an orwurJ h-rlghti to nil points and liiijr HI on conunlMlon. "Dulii-i ttt-mleu to promptly. II. M. IIULKN, GROCER and CONFECTION MEECHANT. No. 134 Commercial-ave., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MILLKll & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AID FOUWAHDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS kok PAIHUANK'S SCALES 68 Ohio Lkvkk, CAIRO, ILLS. Z. V. MAT MUCH. K. C. UIII.. MATHUSS & UIIL, FOR-WAEDIK-Q-ASD UENERAI Commission Merchants, DKALZItS IS HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE, Xo. 04 OHIO I.KVKR, Deluftn fourth ,t Silh Sli., CAIHO, II,! auR22 diwtf CLOSE k VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AUD DEALBES I IT LIIMIE Ckment, Plaster Takih, AND PLASTERER'S HAIR, Cornrr Rlsblh Htrect and Ohio lvr CAIRO, ILL. JOIIN B. PIIILLIS, (HucceMor to Parker ft PM'.lia,) GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS,; Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE. CAIKO, I I.I,. W.SIratton. T. UliJ STRATTON k BIRD, (Successor toBtratton, Hudson k Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. Agent a of American Powder Co., and man faulurers agenta for cotton yarn. jyTdt WHOXKNALE CROCEBR. R. SMYTH & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, OHIO LKVKK OA I HO. ILL. I NO IS. ' A'so, keen constantly on hand a most com plete Mock of XjIO,"cto:rs- BCOTCH AND IHIKH WHI8KIKS -O I N Port, Madorla, Sherry and Catawha Wines KHMYTH A CO. nelToxelualvcly lor , winch fact they Invito tho eapevial atlen. tiuu of cloie liartuiu huyera. Special attention given to Filling Orders. UINDINQ, Ouks, piuiphlelH, Uriels, catalog uaa, nevrai pipera, t,. uait, nn1, "vary Tariet y oi eicen prmtluj oontriiito 1 for, and promyilyand fly oiii iio I, in tho liullotln h ook, job: t-wipipur Hading etatillhiB(inl IIOTKU. CRAWFORD HOUSE, CORNER SIXTH and WALNUT-ST., (Entrance nn,) F. J. OakM, ) fcMifcwJ 'K'NNATI,m. OAKI. CADV i CO. IVntirletorn. UNDKKTAKKIIN. NICHOLAS PEITII, GENERAL UNDERTAKER, W m " o o a O 5 f ti is u u u T3TJ c a m a m 5 Eh 'or. Waaliltisjtun-nv.aiitl Ulli-M., CAIKO ILLI.VOIH. aSrftd.lm W. (. GARY, PRINCIPAL UNDERTAKER, SALES ROOM, No. 13 SIXTH ST RE CAIHO, ILLINOIS. rVRNITCRK. SAVE TWENTY PER CENT My MiyinK )uur FTJ "EL OST X T TJ E EICHHOFF B'ROS., FURNITURE FACTORY,; Wnntilngf ou-uv.,' NrnrCiihliim lloime CAIKO, ILLINOIS Mcisr'. Elchholl llrntlierileiire to Inform the cltlienn of Cairo that thev arc innnnMrturlnR all kinds of f PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE And hare now nn hand mid for ale, at Wliulrnale asiil Itrlull, II klnU, and wll contlnun tc keep nl lliclr SAI.KS nOOM, IS TIIKlIt .VKW IIIMLIIINO, Every dlwnptlnn of cheap and coiily liuiilliire, such ai tvCarved UedateailK, ".Marblo Topped Ilitreana, aWSIdehoardo, Wnslislnmlii,, Rota Chairs, ML.Hofa and Matraraea, -I.0UD(;rs,eli' , tic, Which they will Kiiarantee to sell TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER Than they can be bought from any other dealer la the city. Ole them call and atlnly your, self. iyAa.ur P. L. IIUYETT, & SON, Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE B ratal ami (Jeraian Hllvrr BAND INSTRUMENTS, No. 25 S. Tin no Street, oct-Mim, NT. I.OMtf, .HO SL niu;jN. PAUL 0 SCIIUIt, DBUGG-ist, j it i: m o v i: it. i j NO. 108 COMMERCIAL AVENUE Wlilttnlu-r'ft Olil Ntntiil, Ol'POSITK Atiiknkum, . - C.Wltn, li.t. OB ITIQ-HT rrr ni vand ALL PATENT MEDICINES worth having, Agent for UK IMS' FEVER TONIC, Varrante.Hle .t yeyfr K,r knows In this climate, NO CURE-MONEY REFUNDED 4L0. ll.t.HII.TO.VN RUCIIU AND DANDELION, An excellent remedy In all disease-, of the. Kid ney., equally, tood or Mter than lleiiibold'fl. and tor lekt money. Also A'mxr toa Humphrey' IIoni-oplMir NlMxIMra. HI- well .elerted alo-k of PERPUMEEY Ar" I'aaey ioMl, Of eery de-crlption cannol be urpaed by any ealati. li.hmeni til the kind In the eily. IIAWKH. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS BA1TK.I S'hnrlrriil Mnrrh 31, I HOB. nrm r l CITY NATIONAL RANK, .CAIRO oiriri aa A. It, SAFKOKI), 1're.i.l. nti n. TAYI.OK, Vlce-Preiideuti W. II Y-I.OI', rk-retary and Treaurer.i uiacrruas! I. W. Haiki av, Cilia, (iilloiira, K. t. Hiu-am til, I'aii (). hem h, It. M. CrMMiiuyj, W. I'. lliuiUAr,! J. M. i'uiLiirs. Ileiioiltx of any Aniuiiiil Itrcelvrdlrosa) 'leu 4 rutn I'pvianU. iNTKHKST paid on depoaltn at the rate ol all percent, per annum, March 1st and 8 pi am ler In. Inlereat not withdrawn la raided Imtin ((lately to the principal of the deoaitf, thereby giving them compound inlereat. MAIUIIED WOMEN AND CIIILUKEK MAX DKl'OSIT MONEY 0 THAT 0 MI lUt CAN DHW IT. Open every bualnea day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturday eyemnjt tor HAV1M1 DKI'OdtTiJ only, from S to s o'clock. auiuif VV. HrSI.Ol', Treasurer. THE CITY NATIONAL CAIRO I M. I N O I . CAPITAL, MOOOOi orrirraa t W. I. IIAM.irAY,rreal,lenli A. II. HAFFOIII), Cashier; WALTER HYHI.OP, Asltanl Caahirr,! nmrcToaii Stiats Tivioa, itoasar II. Ci-nnikoiah, Kciitt tt'iurr, W. 1'. IIallipav, Oro. I). WuiMMsnx, HrrrnrN tliin A. II. HuroRii. KsrhnsiKf, Colts and Visile! Nlalrs) ; Ilonil ItiiiiKht ntiil Hold. DEPOSITS received, and a general bank la. blialnesa done. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAIRO. DANIEL HllltU, l'realdentj ItOBEIlT W. MILLER, Vlce-Prealde nt I C. N. HUflHEH, Caihler. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADH EXCHANGE, coin, bank notea and Unitod Htatea aecurlliea bought and sold, Interest Allowed osi Time) Pepoalt. FOCNIIUim I. & E. GREENWALD. MANCrACTVXEBS Of earn Engiues, Boilers, Flour ond Grist Mills, Saw Mills, The "Tupper' I'ateot Qratetur MAOIIINERY VOH OENKRAL I'UHI'OBKS, CINCINNATI OHIO. ewile27