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TRAVKIIIVSGUIDE. TAKE NOTICE. TIMKTAI1LK OTTJUtlLtlWO" CXSTMh It. It. on and arter Bun-ay, V,b' ' 'epvU mm.nie-uM.irmo,(.l.lM'rll td depart ure of ,a.i n.r trln at Cairo t .,,.., Karros, dally - Xrrfw-.MsMStly dallr. exert Sunday S:30p.m Nothsnt;ofcara fiom Cairo to St. Louis. No ehan ofcsrs from Cairo lo Cttlcsgo. Klfftnt rawing Jtoo-n ileeping cars on niglit tram. - 1 1 L ..I t. .11 lmfftt tuilnf .. SKS.p; ciirtun. ., m.i'vi niGOH' BOAT), CAIRO AND LOUISVIW'K Weekly PmVH for Padiieali. lU !.v,tlle,lriefAVoritnmtr' T. O. BTSIAW. . , .-rrATnKT at 5 o'clock p.m. Leave. 'WfSJipply on bordor to CAIRO AND PADUCAH MAIL BOAT. ( t r Thf .plendid stenmer J of Ton lor. Mn'sjlr r. . ,r. l.M.V. JiiWys oxoeptd)t4 . v.r frjiihtur pitn !PP'J on board or IWMIOltAXT, TKJUBTSy ... IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOH SAIiK, gde FOB SALE, FOR SALE-ifolFOH BALE. c Fare from LivEitrooL, , Fare fruiii Londonderry Faro from Glasoow, v Fare from Queknrtown TO CAIRO, :!:::::: $4 82 0 SallAr.l, Moms & Ca Rents. INMAN LINE" Liverpool .New-York arid Plilladdphla Steamship Company, isira covmrr with initio btatuaxd aimiH .'ooviajmssfrs Kor.Carryinjtbe Malls'. FOR PASSAGE TICKETS or namta istoihation APl'IiY TO JOHN O. DALE, Aot. 15 Broadway, New-York, or to II. Houpt, Vhini(ton Avenue, Cairn. nola. 51 I'll YNICI ANA- WILLIAM 11. SMITH, M. D. "IJ ESIfiESCE No. 21 Thirteenth atrett, be J.V twcea Wnohinirton avenue and Walnut Ktrett. iitig-12. Commercial avenue, up .talra. U. W. DUNNING, M. I). nFICGKCK-cornerNinlh and Walnut tU. lU)Si!c-cotner sixth street nnd Ohio levee. hotira from 0 a.m.lo 12 m., and 'J li.VWVKP.S, A LI EN, MULKEY i WHEELEH ATTORNEYS JIM) COl'NjSELOltS AT LAW, ' William J. Allen, 1 1 iJolin H, JlniLey, CA1U0, II.UN01H. Samuel 1' Wheeler, j BWI'irltcular attention pniJ Hi river nnd ad. m n ty iiumeii-. "I rifi:-Orer 1'ir'l Nalioiul, Ohio t.evee. 01! KEN k GILIiEHT, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT ;i,aw, William II. een, ) , Mile!f"r (lllt'l'l" P ' c",t,'"''JK0'i aVcin attentinn"7rven lo Admiralty an "leamlKiat Imalneaa, timCE OHIO LKVF.K, ROOMS 7 AM) 8 OTKH CITY NATIONAL 1IANK. INHVIlAXCf. "TRIUM.PJI." THE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO 01 Ciiieiunuti. 0 W Bohcit. all kiml.ot rlika. 1'. HIltlSN, Axeut, Cairo. . i0 UAH I'J'ITKItS. 11. T. GKROl'LI); STEAM AND GAS FITTER im Milta i JAS MXTlltKS, ia Filter' and 1''a material, Wood I'Uinpa, glol umt atiK.e uln, flop i-ocka, chuk valve., etc. 1U3 icikt rua Tuft, llrutliera l'nlem Ury iiM Mtirn And Morehou.e, Well1 4Co' Au'lbinatic Watei Indicator auJbupply Val,e for .team boiler.. 'XTtK'H IILOCK, C0MMEKCIAL.AVE.VU1 UTCHKlUI. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEHLER "& BROTHER HaYeteopeneath,e 4. I'Ol'LAU MEAT MAHUET, " COMMKCUK.A.V, j , 'I'UItf JAMES KYN ASTON, itiilrlifr nnd Dfialfr lu un n,ndH VffHh tlent, Cotare' Nti.r.TrrNTii' Vi7ii VorLAs Ktrn cA'ui), iLbi.voiy. lil'Vi and flaunlaera only the very teat cattle. J J hOll mid a hei-ll. .ml I. r..l ! )n r.ll i..1 i'l'i'i" !".' ,r"rl' ""' f'om onf. pound to ten JAKE WALTER, at, iiraira in , Eighth Stkeet, Between Wabuisoto AN'II iVlllklKllCIAI kVt,,.-,..:, Keep ihs beat of Jlfif,1 TTork, MuU, Val i Ajaiiiv. nauiagvj'vu:.. auu mv jirepart-u 10 ai rvaj mtlKui In lloi;naejHe trjejifr , fOH HALT. JMVK A CHOICE LOTOFAPI'IiKS In .Hark's l)Ulllli1Ct Ullllf'll'll U .'in. vuii- it hlth I oiler to sell In lots to suit imrcliin ,,,, t rulnom low price. C iieiwecn ' " .. norTdlt . V.'. HfjUlll'. The undersign, d i doiioua of rcllln Ids hToni:, at Mi.i.. iiinri:, bulldlrn anil itocl:, " " u" n tuo.t reaonaMotcim ... . , ,,,... , . Tin i" o"1 "'"". rr Norfnilr. if.i. Thr Illlnoi Onlral Itn I Hon I Cniiii;iiy 111m ofTrrfor ! follnnlrifiiletcrlliw! lo x In r"ir AJilnloolo llic City of l id, 112 1 lot t: LloV . Lot 21 tfcick W, '"if u ' V0, " S7 " Si, .. i ' 82, ' V8 " fit, , Q ti, " :il 82, it 3 H-2. " S2 K2. Fur term-, He. apply 'o lAMra J0IIN40S, .l 1 1 Atfit.l'. I'OR nr..vr. The Commercial Hotel rill Iki rented on fYor lileterma. Pomeilnn xlre immediately. Ap. ply to (oclWtl) 0. WINSTON. The lira und romn o llonn ilwullinc linuae itunted 011 KlKlitli Aetaeon Walnut nmi Woali liixtnn (oppo tutlie l'reiliytt thn Churcli) la for rent. Kor tcrmi, elc. nnply tn THUHAS, (IHKKN AIjIIKN, oetMtf Ohio Cairo. Ilia. WANTED. mO KENT A PIANO Enquire at room so, Ht. I Charles hotel, or at olllco of tho Mlatliaippi i'ji... rr... .a . .. .i n 1 nn nn nf r .lirj iinu.jiuiiniivii uvi, ui It. C. WKIRICK. dlw Cairo, Nov. S, 1 871 . STOCKHOLUEHS' MEETING. A meotlne ofllio atocklioldera of Hie Cairo and Vlnccnnca railroad comnanr will b held at tho allien of the company In Cairo, Illlnnla, onBal iirriay, Drremliar i1, t71, at 10 o'clock, a.m., for the purpoae of rntlfying Ilia action of the board uireciora. it, 11 i.Aivir.Lf, Secretary and Treasurer. Cairo, November 3, 1871, novttd. THE BULLETIN. Publlahrtl rrery momlBi, Sfoadny (! It it important that democrats thould not forget this it election day ; and,rc' mcmbering the fact, they thould vote ! M1S0EL1AHE0US. A Catholic fair It talked about. Those French Cherries, In yrup, 10 popular with connoiseura are told by Jer gensun. tf Tho knocking ofT of tho aiilewalk lft borors will make icrip-holJers comforta bio ovon If it does rcattlt in the breaking of a neck or two. A fine black mure, a good spring wag on, and a set of new harness, for ealo choap for cash. Enquire at J. Burger's, 141 Commercial avenue. Tho whito flatboat, the one on which Myers and Arnold found tho whisky stolen from Halliday's wharfboat, has left these parts and gone no ono knows where. The ludios' benevolent society met at the residenco of Mrs. E. F. Davis last night. Thcro was u good r.ttondanco And the evening wat passed very pleantly. While the steamer Colorado was ma king a landing at our wharf yosterday, a thief or t!iicvc entered one of tho state room? nnd stole $180 from a Mr. Jones, of Missouri. Tho Jntncs E. lUnkin, mudo her first nppcarnncc at this point on Sunday lust. .She is a low wntrr packet anil will run in tin- Evanijvlllo nnd Cniro trade 'during tho low wter season. Tho body of tlto colored boy, who wai drowned by falling from Phillip's whnrf bont into the river lust week, came o tho surface Sunday. Etquiro ,MctIitle uummoncd a. jury and hold an iriguest. Tho verdict was" " accidental drowning." Tho name of tha doccassd wai " Grant,1 nothing moro nor less. A numerous band of gypsies nro en camped outside tho lovee, north-west of the city. Tliey are making their sojour- noy in our neighborhood this time linked sweetness long-drawn out. Thobusinosscs of fortune-telling, horse-trading and mis rellancontstcallngaro evidently in a flour Wmng condition hereabouts. A burglar cntored tho reildcnco of Mr. J. Schlostingci, Urn artist, and stole a watch and u, lot of clothing. On the tain night, thieves cll'uoted an cutranco into Summorwull's house, hut did not succeed in fteitling themselves rich. On 6me niglit, burglars got into Mrs. Thrift's houso and stolo a lot of clothing and vic tuals. Tuber llrothers, having oblalncd for thuir watch ileiiiirtmcnt some of the vcrv best workmen to be found, aro now pre pared to turn out work in that lino with but little delay. Thoso having flno and difficult work requiring tho most skillful workmen may now bo assured of obtaining fcutUfnctlon. Tho fluent patterns of jow elry, nx uauul, aro uudo to ordor at prices that defy competition. ocUOtf. The street comm Utco held a meeting yesterday afternoon at tho clerk's office and discharged all tho Mdowalk hands. No particular roasou for this action was given, but it is understood that lumber could not bo obtained to keep the work men employed. McIIalc, with his chain gang, will still continue to patch "bad" places, but the streets that aro almost im passable must look after themselves. The apathy prevailing among tlia uemocrnis ct Ualro and tho countrv nro cincts of Alexander mav. ("thouch wo do not believe it will), result in the success of lie republicans. Many of the democrats who wore the most peisistcnt In demand ing a party contest in Alexandor this fall uavo done absolutely nothing In tho can- vuas just ending, and somo of them will - venture to tav. neuluct to votn inJ.v Do.neuouy ought to employ n long polo and ule ' . . ii - ... vii, uji, -It W no- definitely settled that ltellly', Ktft entctrirU. ... .splendid iJeriC(J to b0 ,ncrlbct.d WU ... uunnt: tlio iir.oi I. auou. uioiu. Knough tickets Jmv .1 .... .I...O.I. " ."HIM soiu iu jusviij Jir. neilly l umklng the uruwmg, anu uu mni now remains a t) collection of tho money fur tickets sul scribed for. Ticket-holders will hxikhIIi, matters bypaying tbopneo of their tkkit to Mr. A. U, Kafford. of tho Citv National bank, who will hold it until the drawing THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, tokes jiloce, or, In caso of a failure to make tho drawing, will return tho monoy lo tho llckol-lmldow. A daughter hns been born unto Judgo Uakur, n dniiglilcr nlso unto Mr. Ernst Orimller, nnd n son, of course, unto Mr. Thomas Hnllldny. Four cow babies wore baptised in tho Call) il'u church on Sun day hit, nnd n or two In the other churches. What it grand city this It? Wo havo no need of immigrant societies. We may confidently fall back upon our own resources for increase of population. The family grocery ttor of Blxby. Koohlor is bolng patronised largely by peo ple who liko flno groceries. Thoir location on tho north sido of Eighth street, be tween Commercial and Washington ay. onucs, is a central ono, and their stock has been selected with discrimination, there fore this new candidate for public patron nge meets exactly tho wanU of tho poo ple. Messrs. Koohlor 3c Bixby proposo to keep up their reputation by always selling tho best of nil sorts of groceries to their patrons nnd tho public, knowing that pco plo generally aro awaro of tho fact that really good nrticlos of any kind aro al ways tho cheapest in the end. tf A mass meeting of colored republicans was hold on Friday night, in the African Jfcthodist church, and was addressed by J. J. Bird, who earnestly urged his hoarors to turn out nnd voto the unicratchcd rad ical ticket. Bird Is a venomous fellow, nnd talks gall and wormwood. He has a smattorlngof politics, and domineers ovor his follow-cilizon of the black color, wbllo ho In turn is domineered by tho whito rad ical clique of Cairo. Itcv. Mr. Shoros don't knucklo to him, but Freeman, Scott nnd Qladney very meekly follow whero the solf-aisurod Bird leads. lie told them on Fridayjnight that they must vole to-day for Miller and Morlz, and they daro not disobey him. The morchanl tailoring shop of Messrs Lohning & Koblor, on tlx south sido of Eighth street betweon "Washington and Commercial avenues, opposite llanny's dry-goods store, has been open only n few wcoks and already these gcntlcmo are ob taining a fair sharo of the patronage of tho public. They are both practical men first-class mechanics and are will ing to guaranteo satisfactory work. Thoy keep on hand always a full Una of piece goods, to which thoy direct tho attention of all who wish to have made clothos that aro worth the money paid for them. Cleaning and repairing dona noatly at low prices. "Wo hour that certain thoughtless pco plo have urgod objection to the proposed new plan of lovee sidewalks, giving as a reason forjthoir objection that tho "plan" is in tho interest of the Illiuois Central railroad company, and that tho new-stylo walk will cost more than tho present walk. Tho Illinois Central objection Is all podge downright assishness nnd nocds no reply; and, any person who can figure, may ascertain that a walk constructed on the new plan will cost much loss than the building of ono on tho present plun would cost. Some of tho walks on the levee, nil the walks in front of an entire block, cost $375 for each lot, a most out rageous prico to requiro any property holder to pay for a sidewalk. Col. Wood a membor of tho stroet committee, has mnde nn ostimato of tho cost of u walk constructed on tho new plan, nnd says it will not exceed $250 for each lot, possibly not more than $200. It is important that democrats should not forget this it election day; and, nviemhering the. Jaet, they should vote ! TRIFLES. If any person requests yen to voto for Miller for county treasuror listen to him but voto for Martin. Work for all tho candidates on tho ticket, and bo confident of tho flection of all them but vote for Martin. Tho Ohio river has risen three inches at this point during tho twenty-four hours ending at six o'clock p.m., yesterday. Tlio boys about town say now : "I'll lit you with a tin ear," Instead of tho for merly popular phrase: 'I'll put ahead on vou. Tho election to-day will not bo nmrked by any of the excitement of for mur contests in this county but voto for Martin for treasurer. Wo aro told that thero W no danger of Minor's eloction to tho offlco of county treasurer, nnd wo bolievo our assurers but voto fur Martin. There was no police nows yostorday. Everybody was an oxcmplary ordlnanco obaycr during Sunday and Monday, which goes to prove that you should voto for Billy Martin. Wo do not believe that the Ohio river will flow towards ita fountain, nor do we kollovo the as equally Improbable assertion that Miller can by any possibility be elec ted county treasurer to-day but vote for Martin. The Flying Dutchman swing always going under the windows of Tb Bulle tin office, is a nuisance that may be toler ated for a month or so, but as steady diet would not bo very palatable. This fact bos been forcibly impressed upon our mind during the past few days, and we had concluded to ask for relief, but we be lieve wo will be as well satisfied if you voto for Billy Martin. Saup has received, In anticipation of tho holidays, a very largo nnd varied stock of toys. Ho always is first in this depart ment, and is rocogniacd as par excellent, the toy man of Culro. Thcro is nothing that can bo thought of to tickle the juvon ilo fancy that ho has not laid in stock not n small assortment, but one largo enough to mako happy nil tho boys and girls of Aloxandur county, and furnish K.blg stock to oich of tho Jobbers In all tho towns surrounding Cairo, within a radius of a hundred miles, at St. Louis and Cin cinnati prices. Tho attention of tho gen eral Vlllt.tln ufwl A.rvnitli. II.. ,.r...U .1 1 i particularly litvltodto Mr. Saup'a stock. PEOPLE, Mr. Moris, radical cnndldnto for tho etnlo senator, was In tho city yesterday, crying unto his radical friends for holp. "lIotpmo,Casslus-Lltiogar or I sink, like n sick girl. " -Mrs. Fiy, wlfuofMr. Alox. Fry, n citizen of tlio fourth ward, died on Sun day morning and was hurried nt VlUn Kldgo yoUorday. Tlio deceased was n very estimable Indy. Tho Gallatin Count 0aff,of tho 4tli, instant, has tho following : The Missouri Democrat of tho 2nd contains an address dellvorcd by Capt. W. A. Bryson before tho merchants of St. Louis in favor of an Iron Itivcr Marino. Capt. Bryson was stationed at Cairo in 18C7 as a Methodist preacher, and in our opinion at a small salary. During that your n river im provement coHventioit was held at St. Louis at which n delegation of Cairo mer chants, and nmoiig tho number Capt. "NVi P. Ilalliday was present. The Cairo del egation was destitute of n upcnkor. It composed men of talent but no ono to pre scnt their claims to thoconventlon, Capt. Halliday not to bo out dono in tho matter, started in search of somo ono to express his views to tho convention. Tlio first person that he met was Itcv. W. A. Bryson then nt SI. Louis on business. Tho Captain know ing that Methodist preachers wero well adnptod for offhand speaking insisted that Bryson should go to tho convention and represent upon tho floor the intorcsts of Cniro. Tho Captain told him what to say, nnd Bryson performed his part so well, hisargumonts making an impression ; such an impression upon tho convention that tho leading mon of St. Louis mado him an offer of $2,000 n year to labor in tho interests of the Itivcr Improvement Association. Ho at onco gavo up tho caiiio of tho Master for river im provements, and wo understand is to-day getting $16,000 a year and stands as tho authorized man of the nation upon the subject of the river improvements. Cir cumstances makomen. It i important that democrats thould not forget this h election day ; and, remembering the fact, they thould vote t MARTIN. A LIE OF THE RADICALS FUTED. RE- MARTIN'S ASSESSMENT IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. FIGURES THAT TELL THE TRUTH. Tho radicals of Cairo, in order to secure tho votes of citizens of Cairo in opposi lieu to William Martin, tho democratic candiduto for tho county treasurer nnd as sessor, havo been nstcrtlng that ho has discriminated in his assessments ngalnst the city nnd in favor of the coun try. This is a faWhood manufactured out of whole cloth. There is not a semblance, of tho truth in it, as tho figures given be low will prove. Tho following lablo shows tho reduction in tho assessments of personal property, and towns lots in Cairo, and th'o increase on" lands, "during Mr. Martin's term of office 1870-71': ON PERSONAL l'lWI'KnTY. ltedman's Assessment lor 1M3 was 1031,179 Martin's lor 1870 has., ItEDUCTION J)Y MAKTIN 3S.OS7 ON TOWN LOTS. Hodman's assessment tit Wi was fr2,10C,03S Martin's lor JS70, was 2,011,145 KEDUCTION BT MARTIN tt,80 ON LANDS. Martin's assessment for 1870, was ...$rj5,H3 Keilman's lor 180V, wa 307,172 INCREASE 11Y MARTIN J37.C71 Hero wo seo that on pcrsonnl property und town lots, in which Culro is partial larly interested, Mr. Martin reduced the assessment over A HUNDRED THIR TY-.TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS DURING THE FIltST YEAR OF HIS TERM, and increased tho nssessment on Innds, in which the country precincts aro particularly interested, over thirty-seven thousand dollars. And yet Mr. Mlllor's friends assert that Mr. Martin discrim inated against tho city in his assessments' ON PERSONAL TROPEUTV. Martin'n aaaesament for 1870 was $V)J,15J UU amcsaiiieiit for 1871 wa 670,'2'Jfl Reduction for 1S71 sst.SM ON LOTS. Martin's assessment for 1870 was' 12,011, H5 His assessment for 1871 was l,au,oS'2 Deduction for 1871 S178,5M ON LANDS). Martin's aaseasmenl in 1871 was .... U2 ,'J76 Ilia assessment In 1810 was 8)5,til3 Inureiue for 1871 was 117,333 Hero wo soo that in tho second year of Mr. Martin's term of office .tho reduction on personal property and town lots, in which the people of tho city are interested particularly, was TWO HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND THREE HUN DRED EIGHTr-TWO DOLLARS, while the increase on lands was over forty seven thousand threo hundred thirty-three dollars. To recapitulate: During two years Mr. Martin has decreased tho assessment on personal proporty and Cairo lots, over THREE HUNDREDTHIETY-3EVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, nnd increased the assessment on the lands of tho county over EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. And yet tho friends ol Mr. Miller albert that Mr. Martin hns favored tho county at tho oxponso of Cairo I To the attention of all citizens of Cairo who havo been influenced by this nrgumont against Mr. Murtlu wo call the nbovo tig ures, Little Muck Clams (quahaugi) at Jorgcnson's. tf NOVEMBER 7, 1871. STABBED. MORTAL WOUNDING OF ROBERT BlilBAOH. PARTICULARS OF THE TRAGEDY. Tho city was startled last night by tho report that Robert Bribach, n well-known citizen, had boon killed In n porsonal ren contre, In tho saloon of the city brewery, with a stranger by tho namo of George Moscr. The particulars of tho tragedy wero sub stantially as follows: Moser was in tho saloon when Bribach entered and was talking to somo person about playing cards. Aftor listening for a few moments, Bribach get into tho con versation nnd challenged Mossor to play for n wager. Moscr accepted tho chal lenge, but after ho wns tented said he would not play for inonoy but would lot tho result of thcgitmodccido which should buy tho beer fcr tho company. Bribach took oll'ence nt this conduct, nnd began to uso toward Moscr dccldodly uncompli mentary language, nnd would havo struck him If tho bystanders had not Interfered. After the oxclloment hud cooled down, Bribach invited Mosor to drink a glass of beer with him, nnd tho invitntion wns nC' copied. "While tho company wero statid ing at tho bar Mosor said to Bribach : "You can say what you please to mo, but it would not linve boon well with you if you had struck me; you vould havo been a dead man." This remark seemed to frenzy Bribuch, who Immediately threw off his coat nnd struck Mosor threo or four times. "If you strike mo again I will stab you," cried Moscr. Bribach did strlkn npaln and sprang toward Moser, who mado good" his threat by stabbing his assailant under tho left arm, sovering nn artory. As Moscr wns in tho net of striking another blow with his knife, Mr. Swnnitz caught him around the nrms. Bribach snnk down on the floor, nnd feebly snid : "I um stub bed; help inc." Moscr immediately loft tho saloon and went in search of Dr Wudgymar, and finding him said : "Come quick, doctor; I hnvo stabbed a man nt tho browory." And ho returned to the scene of tho tragedy with the doctor,whorc ho was arrested by constable Wcldon, who lodged him in tho connty Jail. Dr. Wad gymar could do nothing for tho unfortu nate Bribach, who died within an hour af ter he was wounded. The affray occurred at 10 minutes before 9 o'clock. Coroner Gossman summoned a jury and held an inquisition on the body. Tho verdict was, we are informod, in accordance with the ubovo facts. The friends of Mr. John II. llobinson have determined to run him for justice of tlio peace, to-day, in the North Cairo precinct. Mr. Itobinsou will make a capa ble and faithful officer, and he merits tho support of the voters of the precinct in which he is a candidate. HOTEL PERSONALS. Tho following wero tho arrivals nt tho Delmonlco hotel, Wm. Winter, pro prietor, for tho twenty-four hours ending nt 0 o'clock last night: A. D. Dnughcr ty, Smithland, Ky.; S. French, Michigan I.U.R.K.; Oswald Irving, Milwaukoo; E. Handlon, Covington, Ky.; John Mc Cunc, Paducah ; Miss Joscpino Winter, city; Georgo T. Adams, Ullin; George Carson and W. M. Million, Commerce, Mo.; W. A. Stone, Batte county, Cal.; F. D. Atherton, Gooso Island; Lent. II. Hill, city; Charles Clark and Win. Clark, Tren ton, N. J.; Thomas Sullivan, Indiana; II. "Watson, Cincinnati ; John Coleman, Co lumbus, Ohio; Chas. Bodinan, St. Louis; C. AV. Homstiger, Now York; Charles Kranor, Phlladclphlo; E. Miller 'and W A. Fletchor, Chicago; Jumcs E. Scantlin, Evnnsvillo; S. II. Wutson, Ashley, III P. J. Ferris, Evnnsvillo; F. Phillips, Ar kansas; D. D. Moroy, St. Louis; Thomas McCIurc, Clenrcrcck, III.; Frank M. Zuck, St. Lonis; Jesso Ware, Joncsboro, Illinois; J. C. Hess and mother, Vicuna, III. RichardS. Herr, Ballard county Ky.; Robert Cochran, J. !' Pidgeon, Duvid Stallard, Wm. Pidgeon, Ballard county Ky.; G. W. Hines, Thomas W. Gilllland, St. Louis; John Scherwln, Homy Cull nnd Christ Blesi, Str. Shannon; It it important that democrats should not forget this is election day; and, re- numbering the fact, they should vote ! I From the Cairo Evening Sou. Dr. J. White. Wo nro glad to learn that Dr. J. Whito is receiving calls for his advlco und remedies which bid fair to re tain him in Cairo nil wlntor. Dr. White's skill in so promptly detecting, us ho doc?, every ailmont nnd tho true condition of the ontiro body of tho sufferer is ofton tho wondor of tho eufforor hlmsolf, and overy one who witnesses tho cures. Persons careless or indifferent to this opportunity for rcstoratlon'to health may, regret their ncgloct for tho balance of their lives J Wo adriso thooarly cnll of diseased on Dr. White, with confident ex pectation of pormanont relief. His rooms aro at tho Southern hotel, Ohio levee. nov7-lm The Sample Room. Mr. P. Fitzger ald's eamplo room, at tho corner or Four teenth street and Commercial nvenuo, is supplied with as flno n stock of wines Scotch and Irish whiekios, cigars, etc., as was over offered for snlo In this city, Mr. F. is doing a wholcsalo business, and bo ing thoroughly acquainted with tho busi ness in which ho has embarked, feels con fident of Ids ability to sell Ills goods us cheap, if not cheaper, than nny other es tablishment in tho city. Ho solicits u shnro of tho public patronago. octlStf. Economy. By using Mrs. Whitcomb'a Syrup for children many u doctor's bill cau he savod nnd much sulTorlng averted, Rend tho udvortisemeuts in another col umn. Jorqenron has just received u largo sup ply of Portland bluo berries. Try them, tf RIVERNEWS. PORT LIST. AllllIVKi) SUNDAY. Steamer Minnie., St. Louis. tv ",! Now Orleans. L.S. Iurnor, NowOrlcnns. 'lorn Jospor, Now Orleans. " Colorado, St. Louis. " Ht. Joseph, Memphis. " A. Baker, Capo Girardeau. " Florence. St. Louis. " Ja. E. Rankin, Evansvillo. " City of Qui noy, St. Louis. " St. Luke, St. Louis. " Motintalnoor, St. Louis. " Atlantic, Now Orleans. DEPARTED SUNDAY. Stean.or Minnie, Arkansas River. " Belfast, St. Louis. " H. S. Tumor, St. Louis. " Tom Jasper, St. Louis. " Colorado, VIcksburg, " St. Joseph, St. Louis. " Jas. E. Rankin, Evansvllle. " City of Qulncy, Now Orleans. " St. Luke, Memphis. " Mountaineer, Memphis, ARRIVED .MONDAY. .Steamer Burksville, Evatuvlllc. " Jus. Fisk, Jr., Paducah. " Illinois, Columbus. " Glasgow, St. Louis. " Shannon, St. Louis. DEPARTED MONDAY. Steamer J. .1. Abort, South. " Floronco, St. Louis, " Burksville, Evansvllle. " Atlantic, Mississippi Rivor. " James Fisk, Jr., l'adticiih. " Illinois, Columbus. " Glasgow, VIcksburg. " Shannon, Ni-w Orleun. During tho pat 48 (fours the Ohio has rison about five inches nnd still rising. At Louisville tho Ohio is rising slowly. Tlio river Is falling again nt Evnnsvillo. At Quincy tho river Is still stationary. Fall ing nt Pittsburg and rising ul Cincinnati Tho Mississippi is riling every day at St. Louis and tho pilots report about S j foot in tho channel. Tho wreatlicr yesterday was very pleasant. Business remains good on tho levee. Ycstcrdny was "Bluo Monday" with tho James Fisk, tho had a very light trip down und back. Tho Illinois had GO bales of cotton for tho east. Tlio body of tho littlo colored iwy who was drowned n few days ago nt the head of Phillips, whurfbont, camo to tho surface Sunday afternoon. An Inquest was held and the body was turned over to the parents. Tho following largo amount of freigh wns discharged from tho R. E. Lee by the contractor Mr. Tom Hastings in six nnd a half hours a few days ago at New Or leans, 3,'JOl bales of cotton, 6274 sacks o cotton seed, 378 sacks of oil cake, 03 sack cotton teed, 108 empty barrels und lOSbbls cotton seed oil. R. Clinker, a St. Louis stenmboatman wns accidentally shot in tho face witl small bird shot n fow days ago, while out hunting. Tho wouns nro qulto sore. Tho Belfast, from Now Orleans, came ui) towing a couplo of empty barge. She reported parsing tho Juper under way. Tho II. S. Tumor had but little freight for 'any place. She discharged sevcra sacks coflco here. Tho Lucv Bertram cleared for Now Or leans with ull tho freight the wanted an a cabin wcll-llllcd witli passengers. Tlio Tom Jasper was running very light for St. Louis. The Colorado camo down Sunday morn Ing with n fair trip, and left during tho af ternoon niter receiving conslderabl freight hero. Tho St. : Joseph put off 225 bdl. hides and had a fair trip of freight for St. Loui Tho A. Baker, from Cope Girardeau had a medium load of rcahlpment. The H. C. Yurger cloured for the south about half-loaded. The Minnio had a tough timo getliug out from St. Louis. Sho was agroun several times. When making the turn at tho mouth of the Ohio rivor she got too high up and stuck about an hour. Sho re ceived considernblo freicht hero fo.' Ar kansns river, nnd had u good trip who sho left. Tho Florence camo down after the hull of Lowrv's now towbont. Sho also took up '.the cnul lints Unit tho Bella Leo hnd under horgunrds to nslt her out. The Jns. E. Rankin is n now boat nnd mndo her first nppoarnuco boforo tho public yestordnv with n moderate trip. Tlio City of Qulncy camo down with bargo in tow, nnd had n good trip on hor self and barge. Tlio St. Luke enmo in drnwing 4 fet; Sho rubbed very hard ut Dogtooth. Tho Mountaineer, for Memphis, hnd fair trip of freight and people. Sho lost soveral hours in tlio upper part of tho river. Tho Atlnntio arrived from Now Orlciin with n tow of barges. Sho goes up until sho mcots tho Boo with a tow nnd then roturns to this port for Now Orleuus. Tlio J. J. Abert nftor lnylng hero a fow days repairing her machinery raised steam and put out for tlio south yesterday. Tho Glasgow for VIcksburg cumo down with n good trip. Hor pilot reported foot at Dogtooth. Capt. Dix's lato purchnse, tho City Cairo, Is now on tho docks nt Ht. Louis being thoroughly repaired boforo enter Ing tho Now Orleans trade. Tho Rob Rny will bo up to-day from New OrlcaiiB, nnd will load hero instoad of going to St. Louis- The Shannon came down without nny trouble. Sho reported tho P. W. Strader aground ut Turkey Island. River Ed. Bulletin: Bolow find manifest and memoranda of str. Burks villo from Evnnsvillo to Cniro, November Oth, 1871 : Wo loft Evnnsvillo Saturday, 0 p.m Found 20 inches on Henderson bar, 30 nt Shnwneotown; met Eddyvillo at Bhawncotown Sunday morning; found30 inchos on Casoyvillo bar. Met tho Koon that "Summer Koon, " tho Pnducah and Shawnoetown packet, commandod by Capt Tucker, with our young friond Billy Wil iams ns clork, Wash Phillip, Pilot nnd John Mooro engineer, nt Bosn Clare. Thnt " Koon " is doing n good- business, and the boys say they live well, which wo do not doubt, us tho prlco.of chickens hnd advanced twonty-flvo "'out per dozen this morning nt the mouth of Curricnno; mot Umplro two miles nbove, nnd Mnlliu Kngon snmo distances below Golcondn ; p.issed Mary Miller nt lilrdsvlllo where sho hnd started Into ood nnd ln ovor for tho night. In attempting to do so, tlio rnu on ti log, nnd Was spurring, hut hnl not succeeded in getting oil when wo left her, fjho trnns- ferrcd hor Pnducah pnsiengers lo nt. 'ootid 21 inches wntor nt Hnmlottsburg io incites on Cottonwood; mot Dick Jolin- ton nt Pnducnh, out of Tciincsseo river for Evntsvllle, with u splendid trip; met ins. E. Rnnkln two mlloi below Pnducah at In in.; find 30 Inches on Grand Chain nnd I feot at Mound City ; business nt a stuiui still; nil nlong tho river the cry Is wntor I moro water 1 1 It scorns as tho report was icnnrnllv cir- cuiaicu uiong mo river lu tho Inst duv or two, tnni tno uurktvillo hnd cono to .oulsvlllo on her lust trip up. Wo had no sucn tiiougut us going to Louisville. V o have been currying tho United States iiinii mm Auiuiis express, mnkini;. wo n i . i ... think, very good time. Wo endeavor to satisfy tho hungry .with tho best that can io hud, and satisfy tho thirsty with tho contonts of our "safe"' Institution, and wo win continue to run in the Cu n ami llvniisvillo packet trudu during tho low wuler season 1 our-! etc.. Ikh. Tlio Burksville hud tho following: 0. I). Williamson, 3 bbls, npples; W. H. Sculler, lot household goods ; St. Louis. 3 boxes household gcods; Hickman, Ky., 1 boxes saddelry; Memphis, 200 bdls (60 M) shingles; MewUrleans,40 bbls whisky, 01 pkgs furniture; 6 do potatoes; 1 do onion sets; 1 keg bitters. D. Lamport has removed his shop from Ohio Lcvco to Eigth, between Com mercial nnd Levee, and ho now invites his friends to one of the best fitted shops in tho city. Everything is kept in the neatest nnd best manner posiblo ; snow whito towels, bright, keen rnzors, pure water, fragrant soups, clear oils and lino perfumery. Smooth shaves, thorough shampoos, fashionable hair-cutting, hair- eurling or dressing for gentlemen, ladles or children, nnd polite attention is always in readiness for thoso who favor him with their patronage. octOdlm. Rkliaiile and Safe. Dr. Henry Root and Plant Pills aro mild and pleasant in their operation, yet thro.-ough, producing no nausea or griping. Being entirely vcgotable, thoy can bo taken without re gard to diet or business. They arouse tho liver and secretive organs into healthy action, throwing off disease without ex hausting or debilitating tho system. Try them and you will be satisfied. Prico 25 cents n box. Sold by druggists nnd deal ers in medicine everywhere. Prepared by tho Grafton Mollcino company, St. Louis, Missouri. myOdm Try the Wo.npeiikcl jArANXSS Green Tea Pile Cure It has never failed in tho mo't stubborn caes. It cures by absorption. No pain. No In jurious ftibitonces. S0.00 given for every nuthcntlcnti-d failure. Sent by mall to anynddrcsson receipt of prico ($1.00) nnd 20c extra to pay postage. Ordcra mutt be addressed William AV. Morris - Co., Solo proprietors for United Stales and liritiih Provinces, CI Fourth Avcnuo Pittsburg, Pa. novleodSm, Aoents Wanted. An experienced agent wanted for oach county in the United States. Business lucrative, permanent nnd respectable. From $0 to $7 per day, cath, guaranteed to the right man. Nono nood upply unless possessed of sterling bttsines habits, not nfraid of work, and well reeovt' mended. Address AVilliam AV. Morris & Co., CI Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pu. novloodl w. AVantkd to Exchange For improved Cairo property, ICO acres of good land, within ono mile und a half of Hicktnui, Kentucky, with good brick house and all necessary out buildings. Tho place alia tins on it ono thousand fruit trees. For further information npply to Jas. Mai.i.ory, Steamboat Agent. oct27lf AVhero nro you going? To tho pl.tco number C3, Ohio lovco, whero they keep tho best fresh oysters, flsh nnd gamo, nnd tho llno.t wines, liquors and cigars to bo found in tho city. Open at nil hours, day or night. J. E. Pares. Brick Stork yon Rent. The brick atoro, No. "8, Ohio Lovee, now occupied by F. M. Stockflcth, Esq., is offered Jot rent, nnd will bo vncnnt on tho 18th i Apply to J.vo. B. Pnittis. oct3tf ' Just Received. AV. AV. Thornton Tenth street betweon Commcrclnl ayonuo und Poplar street, hns just received and in toro 1,000 doors nnd 1,000 windows nnd mouldings. For good photographs, porcelain pic tures, or old pictures lo bo copied, cnll on Thomas, No, 124 Commercial avenue. Ho s a good workman. Giva him a trial. soptlCtf. For Sale. A Grovor & Baker sowing machine, in pcrfost ordor nnd but littlo used. Any ono wishing to purchuso may mako n good bargain by application nt tbid olllco. tf. Sleei'ino Rooms ion Rent. Ten well ventilated sleeping rooms in CityNft tionnl Bank building. Apply to EDAVARD DEZONIA, At City National Bank. Marriaqk Guide. Interesting work numerous engravings, 221 pages, Prico DO cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dlsponsary No. 12 North Eighth Stroet, St. Louis, Mo. Sco Advertisement. tf Paul G, Sch uh soils Rattingor's cinos. modi, tf PHIL HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, Cily Xntlotuil ItniiklliiiliUBK s.Spiclai attention paid tc orders IroulfittSSft bnft'.s nlKht or dav.'Su