Newspaper Page Text
JOII N H. OJiERLY & CO., PROPRIETORS. IHtOfXAND'M. To ftebllltated I'ersonsl Dyspeptical To Hiitltrers from Liver Com plaint I To those having no Appetite I To thoe vrllli Ilrokrn Down Constitution t rvo u People I To Clilllrn Wasting Awyl To any with Debilitated Dlgeatlve Organs! llrNiirnriiiKMlllinuy orilir follow Iiik Hyintlii), Winch indicate Diaoatirarn Livkr oa Stomach I Hueh as Con stlpatlon, Inward 1'iles, Fulness or liloodlothe Head, Arid- 117 ui mn mniniH'll, iNIIIPH Heartburn, Di.gusl for Food, Full, nesa or Welilit In the Htmnaeli, Sour hrueltatlona, Kinking or Fluttering at ih I'll of the Htomai'h, Hwiminlmr of Urn I leu. I, Hurried or Dithcult llreathliig, Fluttering l the II earl Choking or Hutlocnllng Senaaiion when In A Lying filature, Dimness ul Vision, Dots or Wet before tin. Hlght, Ferer and Dull I'alu In the Jlead, Dcflrienur of Perspiration, Yellowness of the nklo and Kye, I'nln in tlit) hide. Bivk Cheat, l.lrnlis, etc. Sudden FlU'het of Hut, Hurtling In the Kli-ali, ftn. staql Imagiuing-a of Kvll, and Ureal Depression of .Spirit.. HOOF LA N D'S G E KM AN Ml TTEHS A Hittrrt icithuut A Icohol or Spirit of any kind. I ttdiltureiit from nil other. It composed of JL the pure Jiilfe", or VIUI Principle of ItooH, llerlei and Hark-, (or, iw medicinally termed, Kx tracts,) the worthless or Inert porliona of the In. itredlenta not being ued, Therelorc, In one but. lie nf thin Kilters there la contained aa much medlciiul vlrtuii as will be found in set eial gal Join of ordinary mixture. The room, etc., used In till" Hitter are grown In Germany, their vital principle, uxlractvj In that country hy a ecien lino Uliernlst. kml forwarded to the inanuiitrtirv in thin city, where they are compounded and lot- tied. Containing no spirituous ingredlenta. tbia Hitter I free from the objections urged against all other. No dealre for stimulants tan lie In. dticed from their ue; they cannot make drunk ard, and cannot under any circumstances hate any but a beneficial ettect. IIOOFLAND'S German tonic Was compounded for Ihoae not inclined to ex. Ireuie bitter, and I Intended for u.e In case when aomr alcoholic atimulant Is required In con. tiectton with the Tonic propertie of the Hitter. Kach bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle ot the Ultter. combined with pure HiNTA CUUZ KUM, and Matured in such a manner that the ex treme bitterness of the Hitter la overcome, forming a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant to tliepaUle, and containing the medic. Inal virtues of the Hitlers. The price ol the Tonlo la per bottle, which many persona think too high. Tney must take Into cunalder. atlon that tne stimulant ued I guarant.ed to m Ot pure iiiahty. A poor article eould lei lur mtued at a cheaper price; bull It not better in pay a llitle more and ham good article? A medicinal preparation should contain none but the beat Ingredlenta ; and they who expect to olw tain a cheap rouiound, and Im-benentted by it, ill most certainly be cheated, . HOOFLAITD'S GERMAN BITTERS; 01 UOOri.A.Ms'N G-E2n3ST TOITIC; WITH HOOKLAN D'S I'UDOI'IIYLLI.N l'ILL WILL CUHK VOL. Tbrjr are I lie- O rente I llloml nrlll era linouu To the medical world, and will eradicate il.ea.ea arising from Impure Uoo-1, Debility of the DigeatieOrgnn, or Diseased Liver, In a shorter time than any other known rem odlea The Whole Supreme Court of i'enns)lrania peak for Inese remedies. Who would aaa for mare dignified and stronger testimony t Hon. George W. Vtooowaru, tormeriy cruel Jus lice 01 the Hupreme Court of lVnn) Irani, at present member ot Congress from Itnns)lra- nla writes t Philadelphia, March 1, IM. J find Hnofland'a Merman Hitlers is a good tonic, useful In disease of the digestive organs, and of great twiiafit In cases ol debility and want of nervous action In Hie system. Your, trial r. GEillUi K W. WOODWARD. Hon. James Thompson, Chief Justice of the Bu. nreme Court of I'eniisvlvanlai 1 Philadelphia, April 2, 1M7. 1 conshlcr Ilaoflsnd's Uerman Hitter u valua ble medicine Incases of attack of Inditeslion or Dyspepsia. I can certify llila Iroin my experi ence ot It. Yours, with iesec't. , j.isirW THOMPSON. Hon, fleorge Sbarswood, Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania! ... , , l'hilo.lilphln.Junel.lSCO. I have found by experience timt Hootlaud'a Uerman Hitter i ft very good tonic, relieving Uyapeptic symptom, almost .Ijre.flj,. Hon. Wm. K. HoAer, Mayor ot the City of lluf. falo, Pi, 1.1 Mayor' t'ltice. Ilutlalo, June lKfi. nrd llr.orlanil' (ierman Hitler nnd t nave Tonlo in tnr family during the put enr, and nui recommend them as nn excellent tonic, Impart ing tone uml vigor to the ytem. Their use hu boon productive of decidedly tenehclal elleel. Hon. James M. Wood. cx-Mnyorot Willinmsport J lake great pleasure In recommending Hoof land' German Toniu to uny one who may beiil tlicted whli Dyspepsia. I lid the Dypepsla so badly It wui lmj)osible to keep any tood on my ilomach, and I became no weak as not to be alio to walk half ft mile. Two botile of Tonlo ef. lected u perfect cure. JAMES M, WOOD. Itemeiiilier tlud Hootland' (ierman Hitler, and Hoollua' Oer'man Ionic, will cure every CftMOl MAHASMUS, Oft AVASTINO AWAV OF Till! HOUV.; llciiieuibcr that Hnofland'a German Heme die are the medicinei you requiro lo purify tin Blood, excite the torpid Liver u; healthy action, ind to enablo yon to, s wdelv through auy iiirJsliip" anUiiXpof urn. Ult. HOri,AM'N PODOPH YLLIK Or HubAtitiito ler Mercury 1MII. I WO FILLS A DOSE. The most powerful, yet Innocent, Vegetable Cathartic Known. 11 is not necessary to take a handlul ot thece P1II1 to produce the tlosiied eirect. Two of them ictflulclily ftnd powerfully, cleansing thu Liter, Bloi iach nd itiweU, of nil linpurilleJ. 'IIih nrluclpal Ingredient la l'odopliyl in, or the Alco ISRt Bxirwt of Mandrake which la by many times more powenui, Iannis ."iii the Mandrake liself. IU peculiar action I upon the Liver, cleaning It upeedlly from all obstruc tlonii wltii U the power of Mercury, yet free Horn all the InjiirloiiB results attached t') the use 'Vor!! uia'ealiM In which tho me of a cuthartlc i.lndicale.1, these pjlU will give , enlira Hatlsfao llon in every caie. They N1ALH JAIL. In cases of Ur Complaint, lysi.epla, nnU extreme Costtvenoss. Dr. lloollandra Gcrninn Hit ter or Tonic, ahould bo used in connection with the I'M. ThotonloetlectoftheHlttora.or Touiu, buildi up the system, 'f ho Hitters, or Toulc, pit rifles the Wood, atrcngthens tlio nerves, reg ulates the Liver, and Bivcs elrengtli, energy nud Ti5ce'p your HowoU active with tho Pills, nnd tone up the Hyatem with Hlttera, or 'Ionic, and no disease cu retain tho hold, or even assail you. llecollect lh'tt It Is Dr llnoHitiid'nOermnii Kein. ariles Hut are so universally used nnd h ill y recommcndeJi and do notiilU llie druggist to ISauce you totako anything ele that he may aay fsiuM ai good, because lit? makes larger pro tit ll" " relncdc will be sent by F.xpresa to 1 JrlUCH BTBEET, PHILADELPHIA. Ptiiu. tCHAJS. M. EVANS. Proprietor. ni 131' 'Kotm.y a MsJKKion x Co. HALOONN. KL DOltADO JHLLIAH1) SALOON AND HAIt KOOM. JOlt.N fiATKN, Proprietor. t'Waunmercial Avenue, CAIKO, ILLINOIrt Ilet brand of California Cigar just recoiled, BILLIAItD saloon furnished ith the b at ol table ; ami br siitiplied with wine', liquors nud cigar nf the finest brands. rUIlMITUUK. K. 8. 1IAHKKLL, DEALER IN FURNITURE (iUKENSWAKK 110US2 FUUNKSII1N0 (I00D8 HAH KIXTUIIKS, OliASSWAKK, 185 & 187 Commercial Avenue CAIHO, ILLINOIS. UROCKRIKS AM) IlllV MOODN. WILLIAM KLUGK, ntsLta IS FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SIIOKS, HATH AND CAP!, KTC, Has Just received a heavy atocc of Hoot and Shoe, Hosiery nud Notions, FOHSALKPOKCASH VKUY U1IKAP He also has a fine stock of Family firocerles ol etcry kind. fVJHNKIl SIXTHST. AND COMMEK OIAJAV., CAIKO, ILLI.VODi flOOHN, NAHM. ITTCl OO TO W. W. THORNTON'S, nin ldkhs' sriM'i.Y dki'ot. 13J TKNTH hTKK.KT, OAIH ILLINOIS, lioorn, Snsli, ISlInd. .Muiililliic;, lieiiittrrN,lHixl) U'lmlon mill llonj nnir-, I'loorlnir, I.alli, MiliiRlet, tilninl Snsli, ilnzrtl Mile I.lglita, tJInxe! TriinNOinsj, Knah WelglitH, Saali i'ullle mill Cords, lllliul I'nalpulriKN, Itoollni; t'elt, Ilootliiic ('ciiient, I'laatfrlue l'iier, C'nrpet 1H, Mlilte Lend, I.luaeit Oil, Ainerlrnii YVIndon UIrhsi, KngllNli mid French I'lale UlitNM, I'ntlj, C.lncler'N I'oIiiIm, Hewer 11 pen I'ntrnt lilmneji. Ktr., :-, Ktr. AOKNTri lor Hock Itivei Paper Company' Sheathing Fi-lt and IJuiirlr. Cement, tl. W. John' Improvrd Hooting nlnay on and. ItOOTN ANI NIIOi:8. WILLIAM KHLKItS, Fahlon:ilile HOOT AND SIIOK MAKKK, TWENTIETH HTHEET, HilHten Wiishiiiuluii Avenue and l' alreet, CAIHO, 1I.I.S. Hool nnd Shnea Made to Order. Fine Workmen Emplojed. Satisf.u'tiou Warranted. Patronage bollclled. CITY SIIOK STOltK HOOP SIQRT FACTORY SIIIK Aiir.sov I0U "BEOLASKI'S" CUHTOM-MAIIK 1100 T S A N 1) S II 0 K S atiiinirrrlal Avi-iiik', Corner of t'.lglitli Nlrerl. Caii'.o, Illinois. i'articulak attention paid to all oil i) kh8 foh ilool'skihtk and siioks. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTION. Estate of Michael Maloncy, decenwed. The undcrslgneil having been appointed Ad ministrator of the Estate ol Michail Maloney, late of the County of Alexander, and State of Illi nois, dceeaied, hereby gives notice that ho will npiicar before the County Court of Alexander County, at the Court House in tho City of Ciro at the December Term, on the tlilnl Monday In December next, at which tuna nil persons having nuested to attend for tho purpose o having the I .It..... .11 -M.vun.iu tn ualil li'u. aainoaujinicn. .in p,u ,n..ri-. tatoare reniisled (u mako Immediate payment to the undersigned. 1IEHMAN lllfUHS, Admlulsirilor, Dated this 17th day of October, A, D. U71. oct'Wdat.viia mcj fc. i CAIRO, ILLINOIS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1871. rniJT? DTTrtwiinkT XJ-lJJi JJUJUJUJX11. J3Y TELEGJiAPH. ELEOTIONR ETURNS. Nr.w Y'oiik, November 7. Tlio demo crntic mnjority In tho cltv Is cttimntcd at 30,000. In tho lowor vnrdl of tho cilv thu dcmo-.Tuts hold their own, but In tho upper pnrt tlicir losses nro considerable Ledwith was tjciiuritlly abandoned by Tammany, Ho Is badly beaten. In one district Hitrrct has 409, Ledwith none. Tho democratic majority In Hrooklynis cstlmntil at 6,000. Ncnrly tho wholo of tho dcmocrntiu city nnd county ticket is i-'lected in Hrooklyn. Tioga county " gives Mo republican mnjority. In this city tho fourth ward gives !i,088 mnjnrity fur democratic ticket, but irivei 3.1B.'! against Ledwith. Ono hundred forty-two towns give ".CI- republican guin. Kcpublicun mnjor ity in the Mule can hardly go below 5,00. Among itiu republican gains arc rough kepsie, 00( Yonken, C34 ; Flushing, r,8; Home, 'Jo; and among this democratic gulin aro Hoeriellvllle, 104, and lJIng hamptou, -II, A few scattering returns from Now Jerey indicate tho election of Parker, democrat, for governor by n reduced maj ority compared with 186b. Nkw i'oitK, November ".Two hund red and twenty-six towns outtido of tho cities of New York and Hrooklyn, show a tepublican gain of 10,oG3. Otiego county gives 200 republican maj ority. Saratoga county gives 1G0 democratic mnjority. ueneseo county give 100 democratic majority. Nonius county gives 1000 democratic umjoritv. Vlnd"orn, republican, it elected senator from the 18th district. Tho 13th ward of Now York city, gives 1.814 majority for tho democratic atatc ticket, lal for Ludwlth and 1,237 for Shandlcy. Nkw Yokk, NovetnU-r 7. The seventh ward irives 4.200 muloritv fur thn ilnnu crntic fctato ticket, nnd nearlv 4,000 for i.euwitn. Tho llrst ward civet 1.810 innlnritv f,,r the democratic stato ticket, 1,040 for Led with and i,aau ror Hlinndlev. The third ward f-tvea O filtl Iilulnrltv f.ip the democratic state ticket and 18; against J.fJWItll. Nkw YoitK, -.nidnlglit, November 7. Heturns to midnight indicate clearly that Kings county has gonu democratic by sev eral thousand mnjority for the stnte ticket. In Hrooklyn, Itnwell, regular democrat, is certainly elected, and probably the on tiro ticket is elected. The reform ticket received a few vote?. Tho democrats elect their tisscinbivmcn in tho 3, 4th and Oih ditriet. Nkw Yokk, November 7. -Dwpatches from Newark, N. J. announco democratic gain everywhere throughout tho state. Tho chango in tho city of Newark nlono would elect i'nrkcr, oven if the democrats gained tn no other ili'tricts., Kssex county probablv gives Parker 1.S00 mnjority. LATKIS. Newark, New Jersey, give' Parker, democrat, for governor," 828 majority, a gain of nearly -,000 over charter election lust month. Kcattering returns from Kast Jersvy fa vor Parker, prospect-. Nothing decisive ha been heard from .South Jersey. LATKK STILL, Parker is probably eb-cteil bv from 3,000 to 5,000 majority, "lioth branches of tho legislature will b- republican. Mii.w.vfKKK, November 7. Stoughton, Dane county, Wahbtime, 47 mnjority; rcnuoncan iu, v. llartforil, a-hitmton county. Dool ttle. 120 majority. Cirnndvllle, lllwaukeo county, demo cratic majority. 00. Jtipo:i, lln(lu l-ac county, Washmirne, 118 majority; radical gain 00. Mcrrimac, Jackson chuntv, Wni-hbtirne. 55 majority ; gnid o. nymotitn, hock county, nMiburne, IC majority ; gain, 2. Haraboo, Sauk conntv, AVnshbtirne. 109: republican loss, 130. Vienna, Uitno county, Wiishlmrne, 72: republican gain, 2. uencsce, uukcslia conntv, Yashburni. 11 majority; radical gain, 1:. bhoDoygaii county, Duolittle, 007 ma jority; Sheboygan cltv; Doollttle, 188 iiiii JrAl'' ... . l'ort iisliington, Uzanki'ii county, Doollttle, 22; republic-lit loss, 60. Jladison city, democratic ninloritv 118: democratic gaiit"-1, Hlooming Grove, Daolittle, 09 ; demo cratic gain, 0. bclilloscngonvillc, Washington county, Doollttle, fiO ; democrotlo gain, il. Clinton, Hock county, AVashbtirne, 51 ; republican, 0. Alonroo, (Jrecn county. Washburne. 124: republican loss, 132. Usliuosli, inneha-ro eountv. nli- burno, liWj republican los, 58. 1-on'Iulnc, citv nnd county, Wnshhuriie. 147; republican Iojj, 17. Oaklleld, Fon dtt Lac county. Wash- burns 100 majority ; gain 20. Milton, Itock county, Wiishburno 100 majority; republican gain, 22. uecutur, tircrne county, Waslibtirno 121 ; republican lo, 3. JntH'svillo city, AVashburno 150; repub lican loi-, 108. Keshkong, nshburne 172; reviiblicau loss 27. Metamora, Fon du Lac county, Wasli btirno 130; republican gain, 37. White- Wator, Walworth county, AYash burno 237; republican gain, 0. raimyra, deilerson county, v, uDiiiiurno 108 ; republican loss, 30. Hoston, November 7, Koturna from lOt tnwm i-lvn AVnalilmpim M flfMl vnto. Adams. 31,000, and Cliombcrlniu nnd Pitt- .., Mlfin nnl. AV'ul.l... l, ..I. ....111.. 11,111, tjfvvv 11 iinijiiuiiiuQ IHUIillllS will oxceed Clallln'f, of last year, which was a llllio less innii v,iaiii. Tho votoiu tho Stato is uuuiiually small. Thoro is little Popular interest manifested to-night in this city in regard to tho re turns, Legislature will bo largely republican, lloaton, with exception of llfth ward, gives Wiishburno 8,140 ; Adnnu, 7,112. Lntt year, including the llfth ward, tho vote stood Olaflin, 10,053; Adams, !,735. Detuoit, November 8, 1:40 Mof- Piilt'ia innlnritv la R93 n remihllniiTi trnti, of n limit 1 iflfi rPliA dntmlnriita plntin tn Iiiiva elected tho city surveyor raid, ono jiutioo of tho peace. Tho council lands 14 rcpublij camt to 0 democrats. Henry Snapp, ropubllcnn candidato for congress in Cth district, to nil vacancy oc casioned by resignation of Cook, is elected by 4,000 majority. Wisconsin elects Washh urno by an in creased majority over 1800, nnd both branches of tho legislature aro republican. Detkoit, November 8, 1:30 n.m. For tho llrst timo iu 12 yearn the republicans hnvo carried this cltv. Tho majority Is 700. J Nkw Yokk, Novombor7, l:4un.m.-300 towns give republican gains of 13,300. Haltimoiit, Md., Novomber 7. Balti more, omitting oleven wards, gives Whito, democratic candldato for governor, 21,703 ; Tme, republican, 13,00'J ; White's major ity, 7,704. Frederick county is reported clofo nnd uncertain. Annapolis cives While, demoernt. for governor, 4,881. Lkavk.vwoutii,, November 7. Heturns from tho various wards in this city. Fori f -mirnnuwislli r,t.isil,n nn.1 V..... Tonifaiioke and Deluwaru townshljis fore shadow n comploto republican victory. Tho nvorni'n rntinLIfpnn tnatAtt-. t- inn . . " - -j " 1 iimjini(l It 'fUW. The democrats carried tho county last year ueiiii.ii mnpriiy. inuicaiions arothat tho renubliran lieknta tn li All I f A as I nl a - " - .. ,.v..a,4 aaa MIU Vll.tli; IVUtU hav been clucted by increased majorities. tUrnH from nlintit tu-n-l UXrA cinctn of this city give Medill nnd bii ai- pwiuB wii iuu union urc-prooi iickci y.uuu tnnlnrltV. This rstlin-hj 4Vx - . .. ! " lUkllllin 4 1 Will IIIU I CJIIIIIII dor of tiin nrfflnnlc will rncpi tik Jorlty to 12,000. Soventeen, if not cigh- iceu, oui ui mo iwoniy canuKiuies lor al dermen ou tho tamo ticket and thn county iicnei oi tame party aro elected by fully as largo a majority. Hevcridge, republican candidate for con-grcssman-at-largc, is elected by probablv 25,000 to 30,000 majjrity. HAItllUUS. NKW UAHDRK SHOP, 0orx", Hie luirlcr lalWv with Tli'oImM and hsclili-cli. Ims ojM-nnl n N lUKiira Siior, on Coininerclsl avfnup, tvtnern 1' ni Istri street, for tho accommoJntion ol Uilios uml ncntl iieii olihoupirHrtoftliccitv. lie invites all Iu old and new Incnils to visit Ins simp, and ns-sur- tlii-m ,ioliteulleDlionnnd uuiuallnt wiirV eltln-r in lialr ctirlinx. cutting, "havinir or sham foolng. ool2-m J. OKO. STEINHOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Mli-i. nuil 'ouinifrclnl-nv. vntinrp Itators, KiTCIcan TowN iind UO-okillfiill WciLmcn rlii' and chllUrrn's hair out and sham-liout-il, fillicrat Hie shop or at lli"ir own homes. "TGontlfrnf n'r whiskrr and hair djf. in f on I'll c manner. Satislsctun i;iinrantt-e.. l'AI.Vr.N. OlI.N.clc. . I. nen K. B. I. UlkC I'AltKHU ,t UIjAKK, urui.i.. is WALL TAPER, PAINTS, I'll My, llpiixlur, f.'nsollnp, WHTDOW GLASS. WINDOW S1IADKS, And the cekl.rnte.l illuminating AUROUA OIL. HltO.s' HUlLllINtl, COH. llTH-ST. A COM-MIUtCIAL-AV., Caiko, ..... Illinois. aiiK"0tf l.l'.MHKIt. S. WAIiTKRS, iirAi.rK in HARD and SOFT LUMBER ;il evi'ry drsorljillon, LATH, SIIINGLKS, OKDAIJ POSTS, OOOliS, SASH, WJ-VIhS. - OKDEHS SOLIOITKI). ST KAMI! OAT LU Mil Kit, Fiiinishcd ou sliurlcst nntlop, Coiniiioroial-av, Lot. 10th and llth-Ms., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. l7d MI I.I.I KItY. LAD1KS, TAKK NOTICE! MRS. C. McGEE, KIGUTII HTIIKKT, 1IKTWKKN WASHINOTON AND COHMKllCl.U. AVKNUK8, Has just received a full and splendid tine ol NEW GOODS lima trlmmlnKs, silk rIiii jim, Bill; gnlonh, kuI Uiro luces, inoia triliiinirigi, crocket buttons, uilk and velvet Imttons, plu.h und trlmininK vcl vet, lints and bonnets, tine kid Kloveit. Indies' and childreui' allocs, and u full and complete alockot Millinery and Fancy Gopds, All of which she proposes to sell at WILLIAM BAVMAN, COIMlll'S 1UVIMTIMI. BAUMAN & IIAUENSTINE, OiVlIi AND JII.CIIAN1CAI. RNQINEERS AND ARCHITECTS, llroNH lliillilluir, ooritiT i:ievt'iitli Htr uml Coiiiiiierciul iv' Cairo, Ills, "1)1. ANH AND SI'IX'IKIOATIONH fur all branches 1 of Civil KniHiirvriiiu and Archlteotiire, such as MupK lor Counties, llislncts or Corporations, Tinas nnd Ciilculatluna for Steam an-t lUter I unci) ,ui iuiua, lint f.aiuii.iiiiiBii mi ,tu, alono or Wooden llnduta, fur Churches, Cnur Houses a"d oilier I'ublio lluildinns, BuslnesH and Dwelling, lloue, Collages, etc. etc., Iiirmvlied niivrii Mviiur, UAH t'lTTEHM. F. S. MUBRAY, GAS AND STEAM FITTER HAS KKMOVKI) VIIOM PKltltY 110U8B TO TIIR UIIIOK IIUII.DINO on SEVENTH ST orroim: wintkh'h iilock, I.'AIIIO, II.MNOIH. II nn uii ll.tJI'l Klllil" fl CHANDKUEIt l'RNIlKNTH, OL01IK8, HKACKKTS, HALL LtaitTH, BHAliKS, KTC. II K HAS MAHKKI) DOWN PRICKS o HiHowwt living flgurea, and ke Invites Hie piilromwn of tlm juililio. miS. 3r. SWANDKlt, DEALER IN MILLINERY AND LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, C'oinmerrlnl Ateuiir, iiuallp Klllo and Ustrlliurti'N Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' "WEAR Made to order, or Ileady.Jfade. Hila r,.,.ril a full on. I .nmi.Uu.lnAt. . e 1 . the newest and cnmpleteat in the city. An lin menro srity ol KIBliONS, LACKS AND F1UNUKS she ntfera crent InJucpintls to tier nilrnn. n.t all others tocill onlicr.cxauilas the prites, atjlea and quality of her Roods. MEDICAL. SLMIL1A SIMILIBUS CUBANTUK iii;miiiiu:y'n HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAE proved, from the most ample exper ience, an entire success: Simple Prompt l.llioii nt and aUliable. 'l'hcv nro llie nnlv im-,11. eine pirfeclly ndnptrd n populat llc so aim. pio iiuii misuKesfannni ne iii.iuo In Using menu so hnrinless ni in bo fun from ilannvr, nud so etllcieatas to bo always reliable They have rais ed thu highest commendation from all, and will n'ways render fatlf.u.uon. ios. Cents. 1, Cures I ovprH.eongcstion, inll.immatioiis.vl !i, " Worms, wnrni fever, oiiu colic U U, " 'rylnuolio orteetliingot infants, "ji 4, Mlrriiut'Aiur eliUdren unit adults. ..'ij 5, " Jsyhfiilvry, gilping, bdlous coliv...U i, " 4'liolrri.iiiirbiis, oinltinu........'i5 ., - iinirrii. coms, nronciiitus....... z-i srnr.Mttin. loollMcoe, laieACOA....j i'; " lloiMliiclica, sick headache, vertlgn'il Iu, 11 Il.vnM'.la' bilious stoiiiiiclie- -M II, " NuipreHl,orpalnllil periods ai 1'.', " M'liflcaj. too profuse penod...,..l!i 1:1, ' 4'riii, cough, ditlicult breatliing...-J.' 11, " Null Itheiiiu. Kryslpela, EruptlonsU 15, UlicumnllHiu, rheumatic paiua...-..43 Hi, " J'everunil AKiie.clull lever, agueaio 17. " l'llesi, blind or bleeding "..60 1H, 11 (Iplitlilriuy, and soro or weak eyei-W l'.i, " Cntarcli, acuio or ehroulc. IntlueniaCS S), WliooplnK-t'ouich, violcntcoughsM '-!1, " Aatliuist, oppret-sed breathing ...-..60 'tl, " tUir IllMt'linrKca, liu-iilrcil hearingM " Ncrornln. enlarged glands, BnellingvMJ 21, 11 Cieuerul llcklllty, physical weak nraa m ..V) ', " llronmyanU scanty Secretions M ' Noil Nlrkni'HN. sickness from rldlnnSo 87, " Hldiiry-llliaeskHO, tlravel W iw, " Aervoui lteblllty, aemlnal emls. oni.lnvoluntarv discharges 1 110 I'lt'eUoaTMwltHonoSjialor powdir very necessary in serious cusea...5 10 29, " No re Muulb, canker Cut 30, " I'rlnary WrakuctiN, wetting bed.-'O 31, 11 Viilnfiil ferludM, with spasms.-...60 :i-', " HniierliiKwt change of life loo W, Knllepay .Spasms, t.Vltui'daace.l 00 '14, " llliillierinuli', erated sore threat Ul KAMII.Y CASKl. Or 3.1 lo 60 IarK vials), morocco orrosewuod cuac, coiitnliiliiirn lpclllc for every oadluary Ul eitsie n rniully la Miibject lo, anil llOOltM ordlreclloilH ... rrnm 910 tn i .nialler rniully und TravclliiK oa ps, Hpeoido lor nil I'rlvale IllncnM-is, Imth for Curing and rnr Preven llv Ireatiuent, in vialaiind uocaet VHses.,,.. .8vi lo S I'ONir.s EXTiucr , n -J I,, .1, in,-. , ..iiuiciirn., l)U I'lIC,., Hiriml, Hpriilns, Toochaclie, Karmdie, Neuralgia. Ilheumatism, Luiiibago. i'lles, Hulls, Htiugs, Soro l.yes, llleedingol' tlio Lung, Nese, Stom ach, or of Tiles; Corn, Ulcers, ol i Horea, II... I n.nnu. U . U.n.u i nee, u oz., mi cts., rints. ttt.&o: y uris, i'7s. aWTlie remedies, except l'ond'a Extract. by the ease or single box, ure sunt to any part ot tfiecoulilrv. bv mall or express, lice or charge. ou receipt ol the price. Address IIU.lirilllE.lS 51'tLll'IU HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO. Olllce and Depot, No, !?! HroadHay, Now. Toil, Kilt S.M.K IIV 1', f-Ulll tl, UAIKU, IIIH, nuglfWeowanly A HOOK FOR TIIK MILLION. MARRIAOK OUIDK. A 1'ilinte Counselor to tho Married or those alioulto liurrv on thu phyelologlcnl mvslerle nnd revelallona of the sexual system Willi tho latest discoveries In producing ig and pre venting nltsnrliig. nreservlng tiieeomplexion.Ac, Tilly is an. iutel eating work of In o hundred and twenty Icur pages, wltn uuir.erous engravings. and uoutalns valuable information for those who aro married nrcuiitemplato marriage! still It isa book that oiifchl lo bo under losk and key, and not lam carelessly iiihhhiiio iiouso. ee nt to any one (ft ee of postage) for 60 cent Iddress Dr. Hutlx' Dispensary, No. VI, A' Kiglilh htiei-l, '.It. I.oills , aiu. Notice lo the Atnicted and L'lifortuaalti. Uefore atiplving to the notorious- Quacks who advertise Iu tlie publla papers orlislng any (Juaak reuivdies, peruse Dr, liiitt-' wpik, no matter what your dlseaso Is or how deplorable your con dit ion . Dr, llutU can bo consulted, x'isonally or at until, on ineiiiioneii in n lis noras, olllce, No. 12 iN. Eighlli street, bet Market and CfiestuntSt IahiU Mo. mvl'dwlv LOOK TO YOUH CM1LDKKN. TUK GRKAT SOOTHING RKMKDY. Mrs. IVIIlIXOllll'S Sj rup, Mrs. wiuiniMirs N)rup. Mrs. IVIIlTtlOUl'S Sjrup. Cures eolio and griping Iu the liotl., and la vilitates the process of teething. riubdtiea o o n vtil-li lis mid jvereonies nil ills, eases iiiuldinl to in fails uml cli'lilreii. Cure diarrhea, ilisen tery und summer com. plaiutlnvhlldieu ot nil i'K". I'rlre, S5 Cents I'rlie. Cents, I' rlii, SJ I'eutH. It la the Or eat Infant' nnd Children's Soothing Itemody in all disorders brought on by Teething or any other cause, Prepared by the GRAFTON MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo, Bold bv DruiriiliW and Dealers in Median i everywuere. ibiiuwhh DHV OOODN. MUllGKIt'S NKW STOCK. MORE NEW GOODS. Mulltt, 1-rlota, HhowU, ir, Out of tho most attractive display", of DllY GOODS Drought to tho hlly thla aeason, may be seen n the store of J". BUEGBE, 4'oinniprrlnl.venap, belwrpBi KUhth nnd Klnvh-Klrpplau CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Kvery available apaco in the store room la filled with New Hood". Tneir Block of Cotton l-abrluks Is complete, compris ing a beautiful selection of PltlNTH, 11L1.ACLK1J AND UN11LKAC1IRD UUK I.IN, COTTON KLANNKLH, KTC. A splendlu array of IDKESS GOODS Among which are the -Vowrnl Hd XsMtt raakloiiiiblr Colore and Materials. Die. Ladles will flud a tins assortment of IXOAKN AXD "WOOLElir SHAWia. wliicli will tie soldelisaper than anything of the klod ever sol J lofjlro. Mr. rturgcr hat laid In an Immense stock of HOOTS, H1IOKS, NolloHK, Rlkbona, NerkllM, ftr., which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest. RAILHOAUN. QUIOKKST ROUTE FR03I SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL II. R. TO St. Louis, Louisvillk, Cincinnati, Chi cago, Nkw Yoiik, Uosto.v, AXO ALL POINTS KAST AND WKST. I'as-euger trains arrive at and leave Cairo ai fol lows i mail. axraui. Arum 3illiia.m 3i30 p.m. IHraar 1 llt.l p.n 2(45 p.m. Holh trains conncet at Centralla with train on tne rot I'aua, lsecatur, lllooinlngtcn, El Paso, I.a Salle, Mendota, Free port, t.alena, UubU'Ue, and nil Hilnis in Illinois, Jlissouri, Jtlnnesota, A'lsconsin and Iowa. And with Lines running Eat and West for ?t, I.ouis, MpangticM, Louisville, Cincliiuali, linUaiiapolis, Columbus, And at Chicago tilth Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, and 1'ittsburg, Fort waym ami Chicago ltuilroada lor Detroit, UleeUnd, Dunkirk. Albany, ll.ii.ton, Philadelphia, Nlagra ralla, Erie, Ilutlalo, New Tork, Pittsburg, llaltimore, WasJiinjxton. AND ALL POINTS KAST. SPRINGFIKLD AND ILLINOIS SOUTIIKASTKRN R. R. On and after Monday, April '-Mill, 1H7I, trains wil ruu as follows i NOItrilEltN DIVISION. Tauss ooino aucTHiisT. Mail. Expreas Leave Virginia - VIM p.m. " Sjinuglleld t)i20 " 3.00 " " Tavlorvlllu 10:SJ 4:1 ' Arrive at I'aua 11:40 m 6:17 11 tai.nuoiao aoamwasr. Express Mall. Leave Puna 4:Oua,m " Tailorville 4:4 . 4:20 " Arrive at Springlleld.U;13 o.oo 11 iieavo apsingneiu o:za ' c:io " Arrive at Virginia UM ' 8:14 HOUTHEIiN DIVISION. thiish uoisa sauruiisr. Leave Edgewood &:30n.m 10:10 a-ra. " Flora 8:25 " 11:40 " Arrive at B)iawueetown'.l:l.-p.m ... 5:15 n.m TBAINS UUINO KOBTUWIIT. Leave Shawneetown S:45 n.m ... 8:10p.ui " riora. " i;uu" Arrive at Edirewood 4:J0 " 8:20 ' The 5:30 n.m. train from Edirewood. runa only Mondays, Wadnesdays and Fridays, and 5:43 a.m. train from Shawnoetown ou Tuesdays, Thura- oays anu naiuruiiye. Oonnecta at Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alton Iliilroad, for Jacksonville, Petersburg. &IasollCltv. and all oolnta west. Al Hlirillirllelil. Willi I'lilenirn uml Altn. anil Toledo. Wlmli ami IL'.-lnrn llail.rt .1 f... IllnnmlniFfm, ll.(..n.... .. u i . . i. : i.uu uu uffiuii, iiuriu,uurin west anil weal. r ' Ai rana with Ind. ami HI. Louis, and Illinois ii-niit imiuonu iut an points euat. aouili and southeast. At Edvewood with Chicago Division Illinois eutrnl Itailroad. At Flora, with Ohio aid Mississippi Railroad, AtHhawneetoan, with steamboats for Clncin- II, radiican,iairoamisi, i.ouis. OIILAND SMITH, Gen'ISup'l. .Oen'l Fr'gt and Ticket Ag't. John Foojitt, CO A I. ANU WOOD. " WOOD 1 WOOD 1 ! WOOD 1 1 1 ! The undersigned will furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD Aa C'lienp, II uot I'ltrupcr Thau any wood dealer In Cairo, Leave ordera on llie slates at the Poslolllce un.l at Hosa' coal yaid, ou Commercial Hveuue, between Tenth and Tuellth streets, Cairo, Illinois. 1 give good measure and will enru 'lie woou up 11 uesireo. auitlil-tr nr.nrtin iiai.kt. V. M. WAltD, WOOD AND COAL MKRCHANT. 1 M. YVAKD is prepared to deliver the beat ; . Fire Wood nnd rttonii Coal IN ANY PAltT OV TIIK CITY, And in any quautlly desired, on short notice, COAL DKLIVKRKD at S4.50 run ton OFFICK-Ovr Ileerwart, Orlh Co.'s stove, Iwodours kbovv the corner of Eighth street and Cummi n i laveiuiH. Ieeil MII.I.IMKUV. MHS. ANNA LA NO, KltlllTII-tT., IIKT. WASHINOTON AND COM-MKU01AL-AVENUES, Is now lccelving a brnutllul assortment of Fall Millinovy Goods, Including Data and Shapes of the latest style Klbbers, I'lowera and Feather. Mrs. Lang wilt also show customer lha largai election of Woolen Tartu To bo found la tb city. UUSACHINQ AMP PaEfBINU DONK 1ft ;OftXa. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AV f EC1AI. NOTICBM. , TC"te-HAIBBT. vr','c,lr.Hf,rm,e,,'.K,ll'l nd Insthaateoaa. ni0..d.l."iPP,.n,me!rt No RldiculoniTlntVor Un pleasant Odor. Thegsnu ne W. A. Dachelor'a jfalr Dye produce. iAmEDUTELY . splJndld lll"k ,0T. ,B,U" B.r.',nL, " nol Btam the HLrin . hit fata was a Ida If at I as flaa. U.a a . . a w in.,ii,,ii avanii viv-ivii OVJl I tUU fiCBIlIla ful. The onlr Safe md ferfeet Dye. onto ny an arucgiau. ractoiy la Bond Street. New ork. ianv4dndwlv ON MARRIAGE. Happvrellerioryoung men from the effects of errors and abuse In early 1 1 In. Manhood re stored. Nervous debility cured. Impedimenta lo marriage removed. New method of treat, ment. New and remarkablo remedies. Ilook and circulars sent free, In sealed envelope. Ad HOWARD ASSOCIATION, WO. 3 South M'athHt., Philadelphia., Pa. ocHdawtf CONSUMPTION. ITSCURK AND ITS I'REVKNTIVK HY DU. J. II. SUIIKNCK, M. D. tar TIIK CAUSE AND CUIIE OP COM. SUMPTION. The primary came of Coniump tlon li derangement of the digestive orgim. This derangement produces deficient nntritlon and a almllatlon. lly aislmllitlon, I mean that process by which the nutriment of tho food li convene! Into blood, and thence Into the solids of the body. Persona with dlrcitlon tlios Impaired, having thn tllghteit predlspoiltlon to pnlmonary disease, or If they take cold, w ill be very liable to havo Con sumption of tho Lunga In some, of Iti forma ; and I hold that It will be lmposslhlo to euro any caao of Consumption wlthnnt first restoring a good digestion and healthy assimilation, Tho very first thing to bo done la to cleanse tho stomach and bowcla from all diseased mucus and sllmo which aro clogging theso organs so that they cannot per. form their functions, and then rouie up and re store tho liver to a healthy action. Forthlt pur pose, the surest and best remedy 1 Sthenck't Mandrake Pills. Theio Pill clean the itomach and bowel) of all the dead and morbid illmo that Is causing disease and decay Iu the whole ryitem. They will clear out tho liver of til diseased bile that luu accumulated there, and arouse It np to a tew and healthy actloa, by which natural and healthy bllu la tecrcted. .The itomach, bowels, and llrerare thai cleansed by the use of Scbenck'a Mandrake Pill ; bnt there renulni in the itomach an ezcesa of acid, the or gia fa torpid and theappclllcpoor. la tho bow cl, the lactetli are weak, and requiring itrcngth andiapport. It Is In acoudltlon like this that tkhenck'f Seaweed Tonic proves to be tho most valuable remedy ever discovered. It'll alkaline, and Hi uie will neatrallxo all excel! of acid, mak ing the itomach iwcet and fresh; It will give permanent ton to thli Important organ, and cre ate a tood, hearty appetite, and prepare the sjv tern for tb first process of a good digestion, an ultimately make good, healthy, living blood. Af ter toll preparatory treatment, what remalsi t cure most cues of Consumption la tho frea ani persevering oie of Schenck'i Pulmonic Syrup. The Pulmonic Syrnp nonrlihea tho system, pari fll the blood, and la readily absorbed Into tho circulation, and thence distributed to the diseased lungs. There It ripens all morbid matter, whoth er In the form of abiccisci or tubercles, and then asiifti Nature to expel all the diseased matter la tho form of freo expectoration, when once It ri pens. It 1 then, by tho great healing and purify ing properties of Schenck'i Pulmonic 8yrnp, that all ulcer and cavltlei aro healed np tound, and my patient ia cured. The eneutlal thing to be done In curing Con. sumption Is to get up a good appetite and a good digestion, io that the body will grow In flesh and ?:et strong. If a person has diseased lanes, a ear ly or abscess there, the cavity cannot heal, the matter cannot ripen, so long aa the system is be low par. What la necessary lo cure la anew or. der of things, a good appetite, a good nutrition, the body to grow in flesh and get fat : then Na ture la helped, tho cavltlea will heal, the matter will ripen and bo thrown off In large quantities, and the person regain health and strength. This la (ha true and onlr plan to euro Consumption, and If a person la very bad, If the Innga are not entirely destroyed, or even If one lungla entirely gone, If there Is enough vitality leP- Ct the other tu ui-ai up, vucro is nope. I havo seen many persons cured, with only ono sound Inng, live and enjoy liro to a good old age. Thle la what Scbenrk'a Medicines will do to curu Consumption. They will clean out tho stomach, sweeten and strengthen It, get npagood dlgei' t Ion, and give Nature the assistance site needs to clear the system of all the dlseaso that la ia tho lungs, whatever tho form may be. Ii : U Important that, whllo using Schetck'a Madlclues, cars should bo exercised sot lo take cold: keep In-door In cool and damp weather: avoid nlght-alr, and tako out-deor exercise onlj in a genial and warm sunshine. 1 wish It distinctly understood that when J re commend a patient to be careful In regard to tak ing cold while, using my medicines, I do so ror a special reasou. A man who lias but partially re. covered from Ihs effects of a bail cold la hr mora liable to a relapse than one who hai been entirely cured, and It I precisely tho same in regard to Consumption. So long aa the longs are not per fectly boated, Jnst so long Is there Imminent dan ger of a full return of tho disease. Hence It li that I so strenuously cautlou pulmonary patients sgalmt ixposlng themselves to sn atmospbero that ia not genial and pleasant. Confirmed Con sumptives' lungs aro a mass of sores, which tho least change of atmosphere will Inflame. Tho grand secret of my success with ray medicines consists In my ability to sibdue Inflammation in stead of provoking it, as many of llie (acuity do. All Inflamed lung cannot with safety lo the pa tient be exposed to tlio biting blasts of winter oi the entiling wind of sprlug or autumn. It should be carefully shielded from all Irritating In fluences. Tho utmost caution should bo observed In this particular, as without It a cure under al most any circumstances Is au impossibility. Tho person should be kept en a wholesome and nutritious diet, and all the nudlclncs continued until the body has restored to it tho natural quantity of lieu, and strength. I was myself cured by this treatment of the worst kind of Consumption, and havo lived to get rat and hearty tlicsj many 5 ears, with ona lung nioetly gono. I have cured tlimi.amls since, and very many havo been cured by this treatment whom I havo never seen. "m-m About the 1st of October, I expect to tako pos sesslon of my new building at tho northeast cor nerof blxth and Arch Btrects, wherolshall bii l'1!1,?'1,:0 K',T" dvlce ," "ho may require it. Full dlrectlous accompany all my remetlles, so that a person In any part of the world can be kV ly cured by a strict observance of tho same J. II. aCHKN'CK, M.d!, Philadelphia. hurluut&kdsall; 32 Lakc-Jtroot, Chicago, WholoinlojABOtiU WATClIMAttEH. PR AUTIOA h WATCHMAKER. H. HOUPT, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE CAIRO, ILLINOIS, II a on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCH KS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, KTO. Particular attention given to REPAIRING FINK WATCHES. The largest stock of GOLD AND MLVER WATCHES IN TKS CltV. MIMCELLAXKOU'fl. HIDES! FURS I ! PELTS 1 1 1 BUB1TETT &c CO'. Have opened allldebtore tn Thornton' Block Tenth (treat, where th highest cash pric will' be laid (or llides, 8ht Pells, Far and Tal low. We will pay btfnar pne tbau wa vr b. for paid for th (an article la lot elty. Com vd M us, . oeMtf RUR&KT CCA