11:45 p.m.
2.45 p.m.
, a:30.n.
r.xptn, UsIlyT.
. H.ll. iltllT m
Eipress. (lull, cicrpl flundsy 3:W P-m.
No thsnxe of cars from Cairo-to 8t. I.ouli.
chant, of ear. from Cairo to ChlcafO.
rawing Roan ileeping csra on night train".
ajtire cheesed to all Important twin!'.
WreUr Packet for rad-oah, Kraasvlll. ant Lou
Weekly! KT1,Iirh. fsror.te sleamer,
t. a. nYJf AX, MM(r.
I ,tc Clro every flATODKAY t 5 o'clock p.m.
K.ir fremntor passage pply on board or to
i on WALK
-r iniT i rttnirv 1.0T Or'.tl'I'I.ES In Slnrk's
T Aj?iC ?, 'nlr rapl! I.r M.tlh.l. A
lihli.i.lnirinllrrlnrpUlnloK m ui.puron.i.
ers, nt nilnoin loir t rices.
The umlerslitne't '" tl-ttoii tit sellhii, hi.
lullillr and slock, nncl II do so cm the Ino.l
"Jri?! I'lTi.lu.'rmf nf I lie lies! III I lie Inlt lr
November 2, 1ST 1. wn-waw-tv
Thm iiiinni Atiirnl n.i I II ft I Commnv now
oflerforssle th followlnsdcscribed lo's in 1'irs
Addition b iIih City of Cairo, lzi
l,ol 27 l.tix k -.1). Lot 21 btvk PJ,
It " ill,
f. re,
u " 8J,
3 w.
Kur iprmn.Hlc apply .0
V7 " 8 J,
28 " 82,
" III 81,
" at " HI,
TheCiiiiimcivtal llotrl vill bo rented on favor
able terms. Possession Kirn Mimed "''W:., Ap
ply to (oemil) tt WINS I O.N.
"M All," BOAT.
The splendid steamer
. t 1 m f
Joe fowler, Mnaler.
Cln lit UV, 111 J i- excepted) at 4
K.ir IMlihtor pif nppli onhoardor
VOll SALE, 1 jTgaif r FOR SALR,''
Fnro from Liverpool,
J'uro from Londonderry
Faro from Glasgow,
Fnro from Queenstown'
TO CAIRO, ,$4 8 2 0
Ballonl, Morrii A Ci , Rents.
ti,. 1 ...... ,.ml enmn o 1 oils riwe Iiu house
l n.lf-,1 mi Kiiihth between Wnlullt nllil
liyton (iippo.ttlio I'n'uliytniiiti Cliuro
r"r'" TlV05IA5;TlflKKNfc ALDKN,
mtti'itt Uhlii l.evea, Culrn,
rod) l fur
rnu HKNT A PIANO Knquiro at room W,
ri,t' hniKl. or nt otllce of tlio MlftlnlPPl
alley Tr.n.por.tlon Co., of & q WK(rick
Cairo, Nov. 5, 1871. dlw
A meeting of (he stockholder of the Cairo and
Vlncenne" railroad company will bo held 1 1 the
otllce of the company In Cairo, Illinois, on Sat
urday, DeremlKr l, 1871, at 10 o'clock, a.m., for
the purpose of rntlfylnR tho action of the hoard
of directors. V. lu LAHfthV,
Secretary and Treasurer.
Cairo, Not embers, H7I.
IMiblUhed every morning, MoBdnjr ti-
I.lTfrpool NeW'Totk alid Fhlladtlphla
Steamship Company,
usnra co.iact wirn i-nitkd sriiiOKD itinia
For.CarryinK'.lhe Mulls.
on rrntuca iNrcRmTios"
IS Uroadwity, New-York, or to
Vr'ahinuton Avenue, Cairn. nols. 51
RESIDENCE No. 21 .Thirtoenth "treet, be.
tween WHxliinKtnn avenue and Walnut strctt.
UH1C-U1 Commercial avenue, up stairs.
0. W. DUNNING, M. D.
RE-miENCE-cornerNinth and Walnut sts.
O.tice corner Sixdi street nod Ohio leveo.
ORicc hours from C a.m. to VI m,, ami 'J p.m
! William J.Allen, 1
itJotm H.Mulkey, S
H.iinuel I'.Wheclrr.J
Tho custom liomo, nf i'l duty bound,
poured out ll voters yeat ,i jy.
TliodcmcK-rnllogi i't .11 Cairo over tho
vntu of 1808 Is CO votes. Vory good.
Tliu republicans of this city conccdo
tlio election of Mnrtln by n hnmUome mn-
.lolm II, Robinson, Esq., ran for Jus
tice of the peace yestorday like a soured
rabbit, and all unnecessarily, as there was
nobody nfter him.
Thero was not n ripple of excitement
nt clthar of tho polls yesterday. All was
calm and sortno. People voted In a lazy
sort of way and wont about their business.
Popo was not vlslblo yesterday, much.
Sly boy tlint ho Is, he works behind the
s:unes, you know; pulls the wlros, and
makes his puppets danco black nnd wliito.
One colored voter said, flourishing his
ticket: "Hero's a roto for Martin. I
mndo martin bozos ,when I was a boy, and
I'ae goln' to stick to Martin now." And
he did. HIm vote was better than his pun.
Conspicuously at the South Cairo pre
cinct was Hon. D. "W. Munn, mustering
his nigger. Ho. had a ring prepared for
Scott's noso, but did not uto it. Scott caruo
to time without being " porsutidod."
An enthusiastic democrat that Is,
calmly enthusiastic was very anxious
yesterday afternoon to bet a hundred dol
lars on Martin's election. He has his
money in his pocket yet.
Martin and Millor woro both very at
tentive at tho poles yesterday. They wcro
both decidedly modest, neither of the two
seeming to bo in his legilimato business.
If thoro U in tho city two mon wholly in
competent politicians they nro Miller and
Martin. Thoy know absolutely nothing
about button holing, and in tho presence
of an elector are as bashful as young girls,
Thoro is only ono other person in tho city
as modest as M. and M. It is unnecessary
to say, wo nro that man. "Wo can there
foro apprccialo tho difficulties under
which our friends labored and the embar
rassments which mot them on overv sido.
i!U-irllciiliir Htlrniiou j:iiil 10 nv.T nii.l '!
mirnlty Iiuhiiixo.
Or-TICK Over l'irst National Itank, Ohio I.cvee.
counselors; at ;law,
William 11, j feen! f) ' i !. !
11 uuu
William 11 (iilheri. 5-
Milca I', (iilburt, J
uirspeclm atteulmn bIvhi to Admiralty aud
Meainbuat biisLncii
Ol Cliitiiiiiiitl.
Notwithstanding tho great eflort mado
by tho republicans to defeat tho democrats
of Cairo notwithstanding the fact that
they bought purchasable democrats to
peddle thoir tickctfi notwithstan ling tho
fact that they resorted to the mean device
of bogus tickets, the democracy have come
out nhcud, with flying colors, triumph
Hayes carries tho city by 81 majority;
Rowman cat rics It by 64 majority;
Martin curiles by 42 majority ; and
Holey by CO majority,
liclow wo givo tho voto in dotail:
1 For- Congrtuman-al-Large.
litres, democrat 189
Ilcvcrldcu. ruimlilican 143
HayeV majority 40
For ifenalor.
Rowmiin, democrat 178
.McrU, rupubliciit '....143
llowmnn's mnjority 'M
For Counii Treasurer.
Martin, democrat 188
Miller, republican 140
Martin's majority 42
' For'County Surveyor.
Hc'oy, democrat. .'. 189
Philliircpublican 143
Hcley's majority 40
Against Now Jail 210
For New Juil 62
Clams (rjuahaugs)
hi mi
Solicit all klnd.ol rl.kt.
r. mtosN,
Axeut,Cilro, i.
uas 1 rrrr.iiH.
Majority ugatnst Jail 1&8
80UT1I CAlllO.
Jf'or Oongrestmau at Iiarge.
HaycH, democrat 202
Revcridge, republican 107
Hayes's majority 'AH
For Senator.
llowmun, democrnt 190
McrU, republican 174
isowinim A 111
Litti.k Muck
Jorgcti son's.
-Thoso French Cherries, in syrup, so
popular with connoisourk aro sold by Jor
gensen. tf
A flno black maro, a good spring wag
on, and a set of new harness, for sale cheap
for cash. Enquire at J. Rurgor's, 144
Commercial avenuo.
Michigan apples for sale, at a groat
bargain, in quantities to suit purchasers,
at the room in Clark's building formerly
occupied by Mathus and Uhl.
-There will bo a grand danco at tho
reMdenco of Mrs. P. Smith, corner Thirty-
fourth tho street and the levee, on To
morrow (Thursday) night, Uth, instant
Public invited. td.
Wanted fifty teams to work on tho
St. Louis and Cairo railroad tit Cairo.
Application must bo, mads immediately
Wages, $.150 per dny. Applv to 0. A.
Topple, Wintor's block, Cairo.
All porsutis who wish u soap to rc-
inovo ink stairs, fruit stains, greaso spots,
paint, etc., from clothing can get it by
calling on Joseph Redman, aud asking for
Crnno's prize medal clothes cleaner-warranted.
Prico 25 cents por box. It.
D. Lamport has removed his shop
from Ohio Levee to Eigth, between Com
mercial and Lovoo, and ho now invites
his friends to ono of tho best titled shops
in tho city. Everything is kept in tho
neatest and best manner possible ; snow
white towels, bright, keen razors, puro
water, fragrant soaps, clear oils and tlno
perfumery. Smooth shaves, thorough
shampoos, fashionable hair-cutting, hair
curling or dressing for gentlemen, ladle
or children, and polite attention is always
in readtneaa for those who favor him with
their patronage. oct9illm.
Ftf.VKriAt. Notice Tho members of tho
Rough mid Ready llro company nro hero
by requoitod to meet nt their engine houso
nt 12 J o'clock p.m., to-day to Httend tho
funeral of our brother llremnn, Roburt
llrilmeli, deceased.
All other ilro compnnies attending tho
funeral In body nro requested to bo
ready at there engine houso at 1 o'clock
p.m., sharp I tiy order of tho president,
II. Schuii, Sec.
I. 0. O. F. The members of Alexander
Lodge No. 224 are uotlliod to meet at tho
Lodgo room to-day at 12J o,clock, sharp,
to atlond tho funeral of out deceased
brother, Robert llrlbach.
C. K. Slack, N. O.
Attention, Aiiaiis. Tho mombors of
tho Arab tiro company uro horoby
notified to meet ut tlu company's ongino
homo to-day at lli.J o'clock, sharp, to
attend tho funeral of our brother tlreninn
Robt. Dribiicli, deceased.
Ry order of the Pkesident.
Attention, Hiiieiinians. The mem
bcrs of tho Hibornlnn lire company aro re
quested to meet to-day nt lL'J o'clock
sharp, with full uniform, at their engine
house, to attend tho fuucrnl of our deceased
brother firemen, Robt. llrlbach.
Ry order of tho president,
T. M. Lovktt, Sec.
Tho following named persons wcro at
tho St. Charles hotel yesterday: J. M.
Wobb, Du Quoin; M. Kontand wife, Ohio;
MaJ. O'Dugan, "of tho submarines ; " C.
Mcrvin and wife, contrnctorC.&St. R.R.;
O. L. Davis and wife, contractor C. &c St.
L. R. R.; Mrs. Bell, Centruliu; J. C. Bow
en, Osceola, Ark.; Robt.L. Parry and Jno.
Rucklngbam, Chicago; J. H. Unloy,
Springfield; C. II. Marshall, St. Louis; 1).
C. Carter, Mound City; M. Ettingcr, Cin-cinnait.
The following woro tho arrivals at
tho Dolmonico Hotel, Wm. Winter, pro
prietor, for tho twonty.four hours ending
at 9 o'clock, I. M., Novcmbor, 7th : C. S
Leodor, Thobes, III. ; John Andorson
Mound City, III.; John W. Trover, Villa
Ridge, 111.; Wm. Colby, Ohio; J. P. Oam-
on, Now York ; J. M, Lcnnard, Roston,
Mass.; Cant. "W. H. Troy. Pittsburch
Pa. ; F. A. Halliday, Metropolis, 111. ; F.
A. Victor, Villa Ridge, HI.; J. W. Wrl
ght, Mounds Junction ; S. S. Momun, Ash
ley, III. ; George Harbor, Madison, Ind.
George B. McKinnoy, Chicago, HI. ; II. C
Garner, Evansville, Ind. ; J. Pollgaman
Now York, James H. Whltnoy, New Or
an indlscroot look or nn Incautious word,
and, with hand on pistol, tlonmnd nn npol-
ogy or f atlilactlon. Tlio only wotfder I
t ho was not killed lone; ago.
Robort llribuch was nn Odd-Fellow,
nnd n member of tho Turner association
and tho Rough nnd Ready lire company,
Go to Jorgonscn's for imported Dun-
eo ornngo marmalado, tho eolobrnted
London crystnl vinegar, in quarts, nnd
holco Gonocso figs, tf
-Tho now Cairo nnd Evansvillo pack
et, James E. Rankin, arrived horo last
Sunday on her mnldcn trip, and was vis
ited by a groat number of our cltlzons,
who wero not slow In pronouncing her to
be tho finest boat of her slzo over in tho
trade. Her cabin Is furnished throughout
with the latest stylo of furnlluro, and as
flno as can bo mado. In tho ladies' cabin
Is a splendid velvot carpet, tho finest that
was over put on tho floor of a steamboat.
In tho gentlemen' cabin, tho furnltttro is
very line, nnd n handsomo Brusaols carpot
is on tho floor. Her Btato rooms havo
been furnished with an oyo for tho con-
cnlenco nnd comlort of hor pnssongors
nd nro large and roomy. Sho is very
light, druwinulcss than sixteen Inches and
will carry about 350 tons. Sho will plv
between here nnd Evansvillo during the
low wntcr season, and will leave this port
next Thursday, nt five, p. m. Hor com.
mandor is Cash R. Thomas, as fine a gen
tleman as cvor trod the decks of a steamer.
Ed. R. Thomas, forinor clerk on tho Idlo-
wild, and n great favorite with tho travel
ling public, presides in tho ofllcc. Jas.
Mallory Is her panscngcr agent nt thl
Houort 1 Bllllngsby, salary m Thy the Woniikiii'UI.
wnsinoio 70 W OltKEN TEA Plt.B OU!tK-lt
ij. 11. iiyers, expenses nltcndlng
E? . , PL10" cmvontloii t
St. Lotlls.lnfull Of bill fnrRilH .
25 00
16 00
II. Fnrrln, lumber. In full nri.tii
Mooro & Mnthows, iinlnllni' lii
.w. y n V1111V.W 111111 umiiuii Clllim-
bor, in full of bill for 10 60 )0 00
Aid. Winter moved to allow tho fore
going bills ns recomended by tho commit-
teoon claims. Curried as follows: Avcs
Cunningham, Klob, Rcarden, Seaso,
Stratton, Swaynoatul Wintor 7.
Aid. Seaso from tho ordlnanco commlt-
toe, Introduced tho following ordinance
whidi on motion of Aid, Winter, was ro.
forred to tho commlttoo on strocts, viz:
An urdinanco to provldo for cisterns and
wells in cortaln localities.
Be it ordained by the City Council the
City of Cairo :
section I. That wolls Mmular to tho
ono now existing on tho west sido of
hits never
fnlled in tho most stubborn eases. It
cures by absorption. No pain. No In
jurious substances, $5.00 given for every
nutlientlcnled failure. Sent by 11111II to
nny nddrc'i on receipt of prlco ($1.00)
nnd HOc extra to pay puttngo. Orders
must bo addressed
William W. Mounts fc Co.,
Solo proprietors for United Stntcs and
British Province.', 01 Fourth Avenue
Pittsburg, Pa, novlcodlm.
Hoi for Hnlly!
Now Slorol Now Goods!
Boit osiorlment of
Cooking and Heating Stoves
ovor brought to Cairo,
on Washington nvonue, throe doors nl)V0
Tonth street
The Sample Room. Mr. 1 Fllr-irer-
Commorclal nvcnuo near to tho corner of aid's samplo room, at tho corner of Four-
vacant teonth street nnd Commercial avenue, ii
Elevonth slroot bo sunk in tho
......... ... ...i.tt. .1.- 1 . 1 . . .
m ulu until, wiiiitii lull mi linn mirvni nn nn ... . .
- 1 . . .1 SUnn W ill Ann a ),.!. ..r
whs lonnoriy jocaieu, on uommercinl u' , T - ,T .
avenuo nenr the corner of Twentieth street. P-'010'1 Irish whlsklc, cigars, etc- as
iinuuii .Tntuiiigiun arcnuo noar 1110 cor- was over oucrcu lor snio in this city, Mrl
nor of Diviiion stroct. F. Is do!m n wli,.le.l i..,.tn.. ....11-.
fi liA Anil. t .1 . . '
wis- imp ff linrnilrPlllW nnniie nil ...11. a I. - .....(
Seutiok 2, Thnt cUtcrni
structcd of cypreas or lino lumber nnd to
noiu not icss man ibu barrols or 40 gal
lons each bo located on Commercial ave
nuo near tliu comer of Twcntioth street
and on Washington nvonue near tho cor
ner 01 jJivmon street.
Section 3. That tho said wolls bo 10
located that ths public citterns now ex
isting or to bo lierbafter constructed can
m... In tulilf.li fin I.,. .....1. t.
- . iiu nua uiiiuiiijiuu, loom con-
fldcnt of his ability to sell his goods as
cheap, If not cheaper, than any other eo
tablisliment in tho city. Hu solicits
linro of tho public patronage. octlBtf.
hAnniivnn nnllii llllml r...... .1. ..... ....1 I.. ...... ...... .. ...ie . l ...... ..
. ............ ........ ..w... kiiviil Uliu fcll. .tvm nilllti.-ll IUI CilVil LUUI1LV 111 Llll! HUE
sola wells shall be sunk and located and .m,,in. n,,.in.... i. ,.! .
.. t. . I ''.' n iuli u li s i ki ill nil u ill nil
mo Bam cisterns so constructcil una ur- .i.n. v . . V . .
rancod under tho direction of tho ,-om- rc4reclou,- rom $5 to $7 per day, casl
Tho family grocery store of Bixby &
Kochlcr is bolng patronized largely by peo
ple who llko flno groceries. Their location
on tho north sido of Eighth stroct, be
tweon Commercial and Washington av
enues, is a central one, and thoir stock has
been selected with discrimination, thoro
foro this now candidate for public patron-
. a ...
ujotity 10 ago meets exactly tno wants or tho pco.
Mi utti ra in
.... i i.ut. an. nuintr' material. Wood
I'Ockn.ch.cU aht,,k
aiaq aoKHT rua
TnllH Urothrnt.I'aaeMSiUry Unit Meter
Aud Morehouse, W ells A- Co'a Automatic Wate
niuicaior ana supply van lor steam boilers,
wintkks block, commkkcial-avenui.
For Cuuiity Teamrer
Mnrtln, dumocrut 184
Miller, republican -184
For County Surreuor.
Holey, democrat 191
Vhllliij-ropubllcan 170
Heluy's majority
Agalfi.t Nw Jail
For New Jail
Have reopened thb k
BreM Hlalsl and Tentb Hlrawta.
and ill'keep constantroii hatVnttii brt (eat
ufri. 111 uii.(.iru pijrjit. inmrjiejyroin
petition. Ulvo them a trial, seplJllf
Uulrlierand rnlr In nil litudH t'mh
Co!j( Jd.y.Txfji JfdfK SruriT.
bUYrJ and slaughters only thS ."my JjMt cattle,
j si
thousand pouifj
. 24
pic. Messrs. Kouhler & Bixby propoao to
keep up their reputation by always selling
tho bout of nil sorts of groceries to their
puiroim ana tlio public, knowing that pco-
plu generally aro aware of tho fuct that
really good artlclos of any kind nro al-
wuys mo cneapesi in tno onu. ti
Tho merchant tailoring shop of Messrs
Lelmlng & Kobler, on tho eouth sido of
I Eighth stroet betwocn Washington and
1 , . . . .
Majority uKln.t Utl no r'T 'T ' 0PP8' P Anv!Ue, in a wagon, ho mado his cSe.pe
B 1 iM 130 drgtwd. toro, ha. been open only a few will, handcuffs on. A reward of $ 000 is
A very light votu was polled. If the ud already thoso gentleroo aro ob- offered for hl arron. This is ono of tho
leans, La ; Thomas R. Whitney, N. O.
La.; Frank Ware, Chlcogo. III.; John
W. Trover, St. Charles ; William II
Michaels, Memphis, Tcnn. ; George R
McNulty, Memphis, Ten.i.
Pollco business wiib dull yesterday.
Moaer, tliu homleidu whoso knifi
let out tho life of Brib.'tcli, was taken be.
foroJudgo Brois yesterday for prelim I
miry examination. Ho was remanded
until to-day at 10 o'clock.
Bribach's death was the themo of con
versation in uvory part of tho city yester
day. A jioat mortem examination disclosed
tho fact that tho second rib on tho left side
had been severed by tho knife blade which
had penetrated the heart.
Tlio room of n boardor at tho Gall'noy
house, named Taylor, was robbed on Mon
day night of an overcootand a lot of cloth
ing. TayUr, under tho instructions of n
well-known policeman of this city, spotted
his men threo thlovcs and accompanied
them, yestorday morning, to Columbus on
tho steamer Illinois. Ho thero procured
their arrest, and brought them back to
this city yesterday afternoon. Marshal
Cain received them, and in irons marched
the boys to tho lock-up.
George Moscr, tho slayer of Robort
Bribach, was born In Poitsheim in Baden,
40 years ago. Ho has been livo yoars in
America, has no family, excopt a sistor,
n resident of this city. By trade, ho is a
tinsmith, and lms been in Cairo only livo
days. Robert Brlbucb, who was killed by
Moser, was nn Austrian. Ho was born
in tho city of Llepsig, tho capital city of
Saxony. At tho time of his death ho was
41 years of ago. Ho lived flvo years in St.
Louis, and cumo to Cairo in 1800. Ho
leaves a wife nnd two children.
Pinkorton, whom overybody known,
Is from Chicago, and Conly, of Memphis,
notorious thlef-catchors, captured J. A.
Clark, ono of tliu Union City express rob
ben, at Cape Girardeau, tho other dav.
MM.tl. it ...l.f .. ..
i.iuiu mujr Hcru uiKiiig tucir prisoner to
uemocrau haj pollcU u full voto their
majority would hav boon at least 160,
IKrom tlio Cairo Kveaing buu.)
'Ur.J Whitx. Wo aro glad to learn
that Dr. J. White is receiving calls for his
novice ana remedies which bid fair to re
tain him in Cairo all wintor. Dr. White's
skill in so promptly detecting, as lie does,
ovory ailment aud tho truo condition of
the entlro body of tho sutTeror is often tho
Jj licit" and sheep, and la .prepared to DU ahy
uewaau lor ireaii.ineaui iiusneus,
pound (o ten
.. . JAKE WAIrjBR, ,
other IHtiveVv wSsiiiK
tf.f.ffi, 4l... ...
to tliu conclusion Oi vxl, 'Muftouj Veal,
Milieu, early this year, tiieTim!0
talnlng a fair share of tho patronage
of tho public. They are both practical
men flrst-class mechanics and are will
ing to guarantee satisfactory work. They
koep on hand always a full line of pleco
goods, to which thoy direct the attention
of all who wish to havo made clothes
that are worth the money paid for them.
Cleaning and repairing done neatly at
low price.
Saup has roceived, in anticipation of
wonucr 01 tno suneror iiimsoir, and ovory i" noiiuays, a very larzo and varied stock
ono who witnesses tho cures. of toys. Ho always Is first In this denart.
Persons careless or Indifferent to this I ment, and Is recognized a par txctlltnt
opportunity for restoration to health may, the toy man of Cairo. There Is nothlne
rogrct their nogloct for tho balatico of that can bo thought of to tickle the Juvon
Mfir licet I Wo advlso tho early call of lie fancy that ho has not laid in stock m
diseased on Dr. White, with confident ox- a small assortment, but ono largo onouch
poctatlon of permanent relief. I to mako happy all tho boys nnd
Ills rooms are at tbo Southern hotel, I girl of Alexander county, and furnish
Ohio levee. nov7-ltn I big stock to otch of the lobbors In all thn
towns surrounding Cairo, within a radius
Tabor Brothers, having obtained for f hundred miles, at St. Louis aud Cin.
thoir watch department somo of the very cinnatl prices. Tho attention of the iron.
best workmen to bo found, aro now pre- oral public, aud especially of small dealers
pared to turn out work In that lino with Is particularly invltod to Mr. Saup's stock.
tut 111110 ueiay. xnoso naving nno ana
most mysterious escapes on record. How
an manacled man could slip away from
detectives llko Pinkerton and Couley will
iways remain a profound mystery to tlio
u-.uttt.au uuismo world who aro not post.
ouui nv Hint aro uarK and tricks that
aro vain."
difficult work requiring tbo most skillful
worktijtyi may now b assured of obtaining
satisfaction, Tho finest patterns of jow-
clry, at usual, aro mado to order at prices
it.... .i.e.. ...niiiin iinir
v"it."'. k 7.v ."iv.v,..i. ..I.,.. Marv.iu.j
Hconouy. By using Mrs. Whitcomb'a
Syrup for children many a doctor's bill
can be faved nnd much suffering averted.
Read tho advertisements in another col-
Wm. Mullins, a printer, formerly of
v.i.-uuicu nuiie in me city for his
quarrelsome disposition was stahl.e.i .,,.1
It is bolUved, mortally wounded, on Mon
day ovonlng last, at Memphis. The knlf.i
enterod his left side, immediately ovor
the kldnoys twice, and onco under tho left
arm in tno region or tlio heart. When ho
was stabbed he said i "I will dlo to-mor-row;
I wont dio to-night," Whllo In Cairo
Mullins fought a bowio knlfo duel lth an
omcr prinior wounuing nit opponent. Ho
.1.-1 r...... r.. 1 . . -w . .
ifum v,iro to iuempiiis and was shot
wiuiin a woon alter reaching that city.
...iiirmwiYi-iMji aeatn at that time,
110 aftorwards shot two or throo men
nolthor of them soriously. From Mom
pbis ho went to St. Louis whore he stab
bod a fellow-printer and brushed closo to
the door of the Missouri ncnltentlnrv,
Ho has not been in Memphis longer than
a month, and now. we bollevo, be is finish
..1 11 . . . . 1 .
en. iiu was a good Hearted man but was
liisnno on what the southern men call
their personal honor. Ho would recent
UUguUr Meeting of the Hoard of Aldermen.)
CorMCiLCniMsii.Ciiao, III ,
November C, 1871. )
Alderman Bcardcn in the chair.
Present Cunningham, Klob, Rcarden,
Seasc, Stratton, Swayno and Winter 7
Tho clork presented tho bill of John H
Oberly & Co., for 649 extra copies of The
Bulletin, nt flvo cents a copy, which was
allowed by this bonrd on the 3d tilt, at 3
cents a copy, and by tho select council on
the 1 lib ult. at 5 cents a copy. On motion
of Alderman Wintor, the bill was referred
back to the solcct council.
Tho clerk read tho bill of tho Hibernian
fire company, amounting to $108.00, which
was reforrcd back to said company by this
board on tho 3d ult. On motion of Alder
man Winter, (aid bill was allowed by tho
following vote: Ayes Cunningham,
Kleb, Rcarden, .Sense, Stratton, Swayne
and Winter 7.
Tho following resolution concerning a pe
titicn of II. AVnrdner asking an abatement
of taxes on lot 31 in block 80 in tho fint
addition to the city of Cairo and which
was referred to this board, was read and
on motion of Alderman Winter adopted,
" Resolved, That tho city clerk be In
structed to draw an order upon tho city
treasurer for tho sum of SO, 10 payable to
Horace Wnrdner, upon tliu said ardner's
presenting to him tin treasurer's receipt
ahnwinir thn nitviuent bv him of tho rltv
taxes for 1871 upon (aid lot 31 in block 80
t addition, as the same as now as-esed
The following bilhjwhlch wcro referred
to the committee on claims wero reported
back bv said committee recommending
payment of tho same:
Wm. Henry, hardware $ 4 70
Win. .tlcilulo, dieting prisoners in
Uctobcr 20U dU
Thos. lloylo, hauling 15 loads
brick-bats to till hole on Eicb-
teunth street, near Poplar 11 25
Valentine Reiser 10 blankets for
C. R. Woodward, nails, etc
Morris, Hood & Co., lumber
N. Cantwell, removing garbage
in September ,
Cairo City gas company, gas con
sumed in 74 street lamps in Oc
tober, nt $3.60 per lami 259 00
, A. JJCVore, 24 days labor on
sidewalks in October us foreman
Frank Bomis, 23 days' labor on
(idownlks in October
W. Minard, "24 dnys' labor on
s'.dcwnlks in October
John Roche, 22) days' labor on
sidewalks in Uctobcr 45 00
W . Qulnn, 21 dnys' work on side
walks in Uctobcr
M. Jonkins, 23 days' work on
sidewalks in Uctobor, as foreman
Honrv Brvniil, 23 davs's work on
sldownlks in October 4G
Alfred King, 23 days' labor on
sidewalks in uctober
Gen. Ellis. 231 dnvs' labor on side.
walks in October 47
Geo. JJritton, 23 dajs' labor on
sidewalks in October
Thos. Naughton, 25 days' labor
on sidewalks 111 uctouor
Fetor Conlnn, 26) days' labor on
sidewalks in Uctober 01
M. Mahoney, 25 days' Iubor on
sidownlks in Oclobor
Tlio". Fitzgarald, 25 days labor on
sidewalks In Uctobcr
Wm. McIIale, work on sidewalk
17 dnys 'M 00
I'ursons, lJavis a uo., u spittoons
u. J.yncti, rent 01 old council
chamber, from Sep. 9th, to tbo
29th, inclusive
Henry Martin, 8 nights as spocial
policomnn, in Oct
James Bices. 8 nirhts ns special
policeman, in uct "u
R. W. Rheutan. 8 nhrhts as special
policomnn, In Oct -1 uu
J. T. Ward, 7 nights as spocial
policeman, in Uct.
mittco on strooU, provided tho cot of
each well shall not exceed $126 and the
cost f each cistern shall not oxceed $100.
On motion of Aldorman Winter tho
board then adjourned to meet to-morrow
ovcnlng nt 7 o'clock, for tho purpose of
rending ordinances and fur other business.
M.J. Howley, City Clerk.
nnnranlniwl In 11.. . XT
linlilt. nn .f-:.i ,.f ...1. ,,
, .., ..,. ,,.,, , ,v.
mended. Addrc'l
William W. Mohkis Sc Co.,
01 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
10 00
.73 48
7C 2C
60 00
72 00
10 00
48 00
45 00
48 00
70 60
17 00
47 00
01 00
Gl 00
50 00
34 00
4 60
10 00
24 00
Wm. Eichhofl' ic Bros., 2 dozen
office chairs
A. Hulley, repairing guttering on
1ail. and for hardware 14
Stratton & Bird, nails, brooms and
brushes 101
R. A. Cunningham, rent of coun
cil chamber and clorks otllco for
T. J. Ent, lumbor , 470
E. A, Burnett, salary as comptrol
lor for Oct. ,.
Thos. Moohan, hauling lumbor.
I'l 00
40 00
40 00
75 00
33 00
300 00
100 00
A. Cain, salary as marshal 50 00
ai. !, tiowiey, salary as clerk,..
Jos. B. Taylor, " treasurer
L. U. Myers, salary ns chief of
police 83 33
ino, . iioimos, salary as polico
constablo 75 00
Jno, Shuehan, salary as pollco
constable 76 00
(J. Mohnor, salary as polico cons
tablo 75 00
Win. II, itobortson, salary ns po-
llon eonalsliln . tr, no
Steamer Lady Loe, Now Orleans.
" Illinois, Columbus.
" James Fisk, Jr., Paducah.
Steamer Lady Lee, St. Louis.
" A. Baker, Cape Girardeau.
" Burksville, Evansville.
" Illinois, Columbus.
" Jas. Fik, Jr., Paducah.
" Shannon, Now Orleans.
r ........ .
iiA.ii.u kv nAi.iiAiiiii.--r ur luiiiru.
f.A . . . - ,
i.ii 1 1 ii i luiH'riv. in hit fii i.fifi.1 i ii n
within ono milo and a half of Hickman
ivenmcKV. witn 'noil nrmic linnm huh i
....... . i .. n .i , . i . . . . i .
o r
l.ni .... It 1 e...l. ... V,.
further information apply to
J a. Mallory, Steamboat Agent.
Where aro you going? To tho plac
iiuuiijvr uo, vii, io icycv, wncru uiry six
.1 t ... ..... n l ,
the flnett wines, liquors and cigars to
found in tho citv. Open at all hours, da
or night. J. E. Parks.
hiui I lunar iirpi'L. iihs uil rccvivm kuii I
r nit f'fifid iiiiuLui-rMiuii. iiun:uiAiii ill
D , a i i r
turcs, or old pictures to bo copied, call
Thomas. No. 124 Commercial avenue. H
s a good workman. Give htm a trial.
Vim itii.y .A Grnvor.t linker snwln
. i t ... it...
maciune. in ncrie.'i orucr ana oui iiiii
ii-iui . vii lint, iviBiiiiiir .u iiuiuiia.u mi.
- ii i
ofllee. tf.
.TI.KKI'I.MI IilHl.in tlJIL liL.tl. ID
Uonftl Iknk building. Apply to
At City National Hank.
lAituiAOK uuiuk. intorofiinp wor
rn . a .1 1 ti. f..s . Tl
uv i:t:iii,s. auuiiai Art. iiUek ii"ikiimi
.- n i-r .-nftrin f.titnin nirnfti. ni. lniii
Mo. .Soo Advurtlseinr nt. tf
Here tho Ohio still continues riling and
... l . n I 1 .1 ! at... .
24 hour, news from all other places are of TenU Ucet bclween Commore,.l avenu
mo most discouraging cnaracicr nnu toe
Indications are that deal low water will
again provnil all over the country. Tho
late littlo rues havo improved tho various
channels a little but thev bid fair to become
as bad as ever. If wo had the power of
tho surnpromo lieing wc would cause the
rivers to run in a contrary manner so that
we could get ii little benefit of tho big riso
that is taking place in Red and Arkansas
Tbo MitaUsippi is on n stand at St. Louis
nnd steamers loading there will be n lit
tlo cautions how deep they load for an In
ch is a good deal when tho water U so shnl
low, Rid River Is Mill rising and a fair
atnge is in the run now.
To Evansvillo tho channel U very rag.
ged und the packets have to bring lighters
m far down ns Faducuh. Cairo is and has
boon tho head of navigation for several
months nnd will continue so nil winter, nil
ctrly freeze up is looked for nnd then such
places ns St. Loui(, Louisville, Cincinnati
and Pnducah will be left out in tho coll.
From the upper Ohio wo gain no favorable
news. It has been cuuomary ior tue steam
boatmen to "tako a sugar in theirs" but
now thoy aro willing to take a little moro
wnter nnd less sugar. " variety is tlio
Bplco of life."
Tho Lady Lee, from New Orleans, had
about two hundred tons up-stream freight-
Tho Burksville laid ovor until yesterday,
and left with her cabin well filled.
Tho Baker jumped out for Capo Girard
eau yesterday forenoon.
Tho Shannon did not depart as was re
ported, having met with engagements licit
detained her until Inst evening, when she
cleared with a good trip.
Tho Fisk cumo down with n light trip.
Shu towed down from Mound City u small
bnrgc loaded with empty barrols for this
Captain Diigiiu nnd his steamer Eckcrt
nro nt this port awaiting for something to
turn up (o that thoy may have something
to keep
and will have her engines nnd boilers out
in a fow days, when sho will roturn to this
Tho bargo Hettio, belonging to tho M.
V. T. Co., is on tho dock undergoing ro
pairs. Tho Mary Millor bus been duo hero for
sovcral days, and had not arrived at a late
. . . i ...
CUIlLlllIllIlir I 1UUIII1. IISLKI 11 Bill. 11 II
houses complete. Apply to
W. W. Thornton.
J . iiu' .! naml Hull ,l .IaIMIi,
. a 1
cerv storo.
T ..!. II - 1
v as I ay hu .m i tiirik(ri ii urn is I ay i( ii
n ii mi irrtfin sunr.it ni utiiiin 1 1 ir w riv
ft - r
or?. tl
.. . . ...a i. ....t I. T.
tin to lr. .iicuuu cv ior iiaiiinucr a r
ver 1 Irons. Wiirriilitetl to euro II o COIN
Tut tho American club fish, put up
oil, to bo found nt Jorgonsen's.
The finest vanilla chocolate paste i
glass, ut Jorgonson's. tf.
'rut' linal Kn.t imiiniirv nreservcu 171
gor nt Jorgcnsen's. tf.
rrios. Tr
them busy. Tlio Samson tho of Fortland bluo bcrrlos. Try thomt.
1M...I..." Ij l!ll ( ll, Vlr..l,.li. 1
UIIU, 13 BVIII tt. .111. , 1.1111111, 1 ......... ,1
, , ... ..... ... PnulO. Schuh soils Rattinger's medl
An I Hr i A vj.-j ti iiiwii iui ti
will come orr.
, f M 11.. tt . t I11
'" " J'--- W- H.. ...W
f.. 1.1 1 ..a 1 11 - tt a. An
iii ins lubiury Buiu,iir. r . uicuub iiim vuh
hour last oveninu. Sho is probauly agrouna cluacu to postpono tno drawing untu im
1. I flill. ..I T.n.l.A1. Il I,. nn... n Ilia
,t 1 t I ... a... a
Business remains good on tno tanaing l matter His dovotod attention, ana is meet
..... i 1.1.1. ...A,n lii.iuihl ni l.i.t ..a . h a.v I 1. ...111. 11.. ... . n 1 .....II f..I .iwinnil it
UltU .lUljtl.i. IIWIM " ..... MS ,MVJ I ll -.I.II .IIU lltWil. Ijl t..llj ttltj OMVVV.w
arrive. Thero Is a great many wagons be
ing shipped from this port south nnd tho
lovee is no sooner cleaned of ono lot than
anothor consignment takos their placo
. .1 . I J. At 4,. 1 .nn
nvprv mind imrinfr n rfirimL inn lu uiaiu
inw 'r niui ninnr nnifriiDoriui; luwn. t.
.... a
disposed of nearly ono thousand tickets
and tho demand Is rapidly increasing, tlu
xiio wuniuur jcsicruuy wm uay uuu urawing Will nut inn w cuuiu ut.
imoky, mak nc the nltrhti very bad for dav named.
steamors to run. Tho indications aro that Thoro are six prlacs, tho principal
a conoral rain will set In soon. "Barkis prize, as Is well-known, being a spienmu
llmt wnanrnntefl nt a cost of $10.-
in mum, I iiiBiMviiKv, ...... .. . - ,
n(Vl Tim rnmnllllntr livo nrlZCS aro ns
1 ......... u n ti tl.j ' "
j.s.uiAiii.t. Anv oAr.-ut, uuury vu. i r.ii.-,. .
anu riant rills aro mild and pleasant in T nin l.wki s.1 addition to thn llv
nioir oporation, yot throrougu, producing ot ca,to, valued at $600.
no nausea or griping. Being entlroly
vegetable, they can bo taken without ro-
gard to diet or business. Thoy arouso the
liver and socrotlvo organs Into healthy
action, throwing off disoase without ex
hausting or debilitating tho systom. Try
thorn and you will bo satlsllod. Prlco 26
conts a box. Sold by druggists and deal
ers in medicine everywhere, l'reparod by
tho Grafton Modicino company, St. Louis,
Missouri. myOdm
Buick Store ron Rent. The brick
storo, No. 78, Ohio Levee, now occupied
by F, M. Stocklleth, Esq., Is offered for
rent, and will bo vacant ou tho 18th Inst.
Apply to Jno. B. Piiili.is,
T.ot 32. block 4. 3d addition to tho citv
of Cairo, valued nt $300,
Lot 30, block 4, 8d addition the city of
Cairo, valued at $300.
Lot 83, block 4,3d uddltion to tho city of
Cairo, valued at $300,
Lot 17, block 45, in tho city of Cairo
Illinois, valued at ocludti
City National 8auk Hiillillaar.
.Special attention laid to orders Irnm r-