THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1871. .mim'i:ixam:ovn. hides! runs 1 1 pelts 1 1 1 13 XT H 2T ETT Ss C O . Hare opened a Hide Hloro In Thornton's lllock Tenth rdrret, hero the highest cash price will lx paid for Hide., Sheep Pells, Kurd and Tnl. low. u in w h,shcr ,,nccl (h(u WM cytr b) fore paid for Ihe same articles In this city, Coins nJ nee ti", ciiUtf BURNETT A CO" THE BULLETIN. JOHN II. OHEHLf, Editor and VaUltber. EllIUAY, MoRNINO, OV. 10, 1871. 1 ( Traxa or thk luiti lUttrm: Subrertption. ' tr-ii week, by furrier One, .year by furrier, In adrance n month, lr mall - Th mnnlhl.u.HMHtwiiMMiiitiil 10 (O . . 78 .......12 25 4 25 8 00 I I S t inonlhi, i our, tti cfieial piper o) Alexander county ami of the city 0) vairoi :nt owymoraiiur iiauvin.-xmriern jMlnou; ntrit.iiral journal; tmnlt, but fearlettl out tpnlen on ntt tubjtett oj interett to the public ; with atnrre at't increaiina ciretiLition. the Untie. tin nolicitttne patronage ot intelligent TcaJeri nnd rnirjii innj vu.ificji men. HIE 110LI.AU WKKKI.Y 1IULLKTIN. John II. Oberly Co. havo reduced the .ill) pcrlption pnre of the Weekly Cairo llulletln to One IMIar per nan Jin. mulling It the chrjc?t perpnbliihed In Southern Illinois. CrxT Kdwnrd II. Church, n prominent dry goods invrchant of Xow York, wns killed on the Krio Friday night. to? Can anybody lull how old Ollvo Logan is' Albany Argus. Certainly; fho is as well ns usual, tlntnk you Chicago I'oit. fProof poilUtvc. Good young lody "l.UUo boy, lmvc you ever been bnp lisod?'' Small beatben "Oh yes, mum I'vo tho marks hero on my arml" Judy. tQy-"Hero goes, fatbor," is what young Striker said to his father in Lexing- tn, Ky.,, beforo bio wing hit own brains out. Ho had been reproved for drunkenc". CoT" A Hartford editor, having twitted an editor In a neighboring city of being bald, subequeiitly apologized, and explained that, "a long in can fold his cars over tho tcp of his head, ho doesn't need nny lmirnnvhow." C2fThc constancy oflovo is beautifully illustrated in tho caso of an aged couple In WUconsIn, who have been ongaged to bo married thirty ycaw, and during that tima have never been out of jail together lung enough to have the ceremony solemn ized. tSSPIn Texas, tho other day, Kobert J.ayton, noolorodjuror, was rudly snatched from the Jury-box merely because ho had stolen a fifty-dollar trunk, "Will eotnoono bo kind enough to inquire through tho me dium of the prei?, "Whither nro we drift 1 ng ' 'Courier Journal. K-ai i tie Auattor ot atnto ot Illinois has ver tilled that tho rntu of taxes t.n llio us- Een.nont for 1S71, including ull purposes will bo nine nii.'N on tliu ilollur, or l0 t ents on uu-ii 5100 of valuation. Tho dotiiiH of tho levy are: Vor rcveiiuo puriiose, live mid a half millsj for school", two mllli: for canal redemption fund, one and n half mill. EST A steamer at Houston, Texas, is hjing loaded with old bones, which arc to bo ry, hipped at Galveston for !omo North ern port. There aro all sorts of bonos skull bone?, jaw bones, leg, ribs, otcii und also old horns which look unlit for combi or handloi. On their arrival Nortli t'icy nro to hi ground into powder fur gu ano purpose. ftdyCoIeny, the new Governor of Geor gia, lias revoked all of Uullock's nu meruus proolamatlotn, offering rcw'urdi fur tiio apprehension of criminals, Tho Atlanta Constitution calls thii move ' ablnv at IJulloeks extravagant and, illegal proclamation system," and hopes that tho Governor protein, will continue," hi' policy of economy and reform. C" Onu of our vicinity deacons nearly" captured live boys who hud been devastat ing h chi'Utiut tree, Sunday afternoon. Slmking his flu after their retreating, forms, ho angrilly shouted : 11 Tho sneak-! int; little devils ! If I had hold of'em onoi minute, l d '' and then suddenly espying his pafctor on the scone, ho iinprcHlvely! udd'd," 1 d pray for'eml"-DuHli(rj AVua ttayThe Umctte dc I'arh announces that Carlotta, widow of Maximllllanof Auitrlu, will ahoitly pass through Varlson her way to u watering-jiluco In tuu l'yrcnocr, which her physicians havo recommended to lior ntteiidnut. Sho Is still in her usual feeble health. Her attacks of sickness ara less frripirnt In number, but her melancholy remains unchanged, und hor reason will never bo restoredlo ber. i ly It is remarked -umhi as singular that onu of th;N1' York" papers. is actual ly, at this moment, without a libel suit, The Cincinnati Enquirer thinks till does not arguo well for tho paper. ssys- " A paper that hasn't a libel suit or two constantly on hand- is not doing Its duty toward rascals. Libql suitsr ui a gencrul thing, nro fli-st-class 'testimonial! " . 1ST Sam Cox lu hU kpt-jcll last .night,. at Abingdon square, at Mm Northern rut IQeatlun meeting, tuld thut u republican friend counted upand confessed to rcpubv llcan Healings 18C0of 400 inUUous Samuel's frloud evidently lupposes that they havo no better or bolder robbers than Tweed on tho Federal deck. Mr. Cox It nearer right in thinking that tho clear downright Healings ttf tha. Jiulkal' .party, havo been not a cent less jhau 1.000 mil lons, ono-haU of which sum lias" been stolen undor tho, due fbjtd of itafljl', daw, Nor does this sum Include the 21 millions loit by tho oyndicato and It operation s within a fow months, nor yd tho 10,01 1," HI robbed from the South by fho carnet- bagulog thlovci, aided and butUd-by4 wraut and the tJongroji. n. 1, Worli. COUNTY COURT VHOKCKMXOS. SKPTKM11E11 ADJOURNED TKKM. Tuesday inornlns. fcidfnibcr 17', 1'rfHOflt. llAlln.nlilfl .IjltllCS MeCrlto. nntl Scvcro Marchil'loii, ''"?t,,u,,oi.,.J"c,uJ) O. liyncli, Clork, and A. i" in, puoriii. louumol tmntiiint m n ,) ........... OwlnjMo tho nbirtini of Jilt go Hros, llio court atljounif d until 0 unlock, n. in, to-morroiv- Wednesdivmurnlny, teplcralicrST.-al.iUy. Hon. E. luilgo, .McCrlto nml Mar cblMon. n'foclntf, pron-nt. Th., fiiimiv Juilire and c-l;rk went nu. thorizcJ lo advertise mi l nw.uid contractu i .......tlnn fnrrnrtnlrlllir In1d tTCL'lc foridcf) nml llio flrt hridgo thii sitlo of I.uko crock. A nrv liriJL'o was ordnroJ to Im (.'reeled over n crock tit n plnco known in tliu "Old Orchard, near Tinsiic, un.i inu county ludi'o itud clerk were authorised tu adver tise for mid uwiird contracts for llio building or bridgo in vacation. TMirsdny tnnrnlnxi Uii'clovK t'elember "s. 3d uav. Tho clerk nrecntud tliu following state ment of nsMjismenl for 1871, which was approvod nnd ordered of record. State or Illinois Alexander County. I horebv ccrtilly -that tho ifollowlng is a true correct statement of tno proporty aMC.'sed for Stato taxation in tho County of Alexander, for tho year 1871, and of number of acres cultivated in said County in 1870. as appears from tho Assessor's re turn?, filed In my olllco, viz. : to l 1 J s i a a . I if.l 57 4I,USS 11 :ll 32,943 4 11 I'i.V'O 1 SO 1..120 i ot T.yji V HJ li,JI" 14 SO 9,733 lVrfonnl Property. a llor - l.inil .No.t entile; Miilfniid 11,070 402 l.ttl 7,111 11 Hheep Hoc drrmfes nnd wanons... Clockn mid Uiitclies nation TilAl ItJil.W) (loo, pi nnd nicrciiindlKP W,i& ManufACtureil nrllcle IB, WO Moneys nnd credit 19,520 Viiluo of iimnoTH Id vented in bonds, tnckii. lolnt ntock comnnnles. etc 6.1(0 Value of shares in the capital stock of mio Hnn nauonni uhokh i,,uw UncnmnerAicd property - 13J.M1 M-'KicKaie u,v,iiu Deductions 120 TotM nsciiod va'uc ot personftl pro petty M0, Ileal EdlnleLnndt, feS . '- & " Imtiroved landr 2.474 3 :1 S171.C34 ImpoTeni'la on lands 164 81,010 Total f I HI 2J2.48 Unlmprove-I landx... M,Ue4 3 40 lvo.Vii ir.i.l stirr Ala mun Mm lotal Hsaetxed Tuliir of lcds and Im. prorementa yn same....- I412.S7S ill i m til city loin. Iinnrnved town nnil city lota -m 1.S0O 335 43 436,055 I in pr oviiincnln on Total 3 35 1.080.849 U n improved town nml elty loti . 5.NXI 123 06 712,719 Total 7,100 1,33,589- Totid nlcrtM'd vultie of to mi and eltv lota and linproine nta ou cniiie fl,6J2,WJ Total value ot nil tnxnlue property 2,845,841 Acres in cultivation : whent.3 ,'M: corn. 10.52-2: other Held prod' cts, 1,011. miinuvrtu iuiib in inu cuiiiiii . t. iiiiiui'ci iu cluiledin tlilantntract, I. Number not included, uunu. Nuinbet of iIolm in the countv. M0. , , In li.timony wherint, I licriuntii sub 'l . V vvribo my naino iinU utlix the prill of ' olllpe, this '28lh iljy of fceptPmbcr, A. H, is;i. JACOU U. I.Y.ViJJI, County Clerk. Alexander H. Irvin, collector of tho ri'Venuo of tiio year, 1870. filed his nbatO' nicnl lists, und list ot lorieiteii iroporty. which wcro sovcrallv improved, and said collector credited with tho several taxes thcron. Alexander II. Irvin, collector of tho rovonuo for tho year, 1870, inado full set tlement with tho county court for tho county, pauper special, and court house taxes lor said year, irom which settlement it appeared to the court that ho had paid tho countv tho sum of $180.57 nioro than tho county was entitled to, whereupon it wasordorcd that said sum ho refunded and that an order bo drawn in his favor, on tho county treasury accordingly. Alexander II. Irvin, collector of thii revenue for 1870, filed n list of proporty upon which tliu tuxc, amounting to i'd'J.lil had been" twice paid by different claimants, which was approved and saidi collector charged with the umouut. it was ordered that tno slierltl proceed to collect tho sum of tweuty-tlvo dollars from tho Cairo City ferry company, tliu valley terry company, ana urccnueias ferry, each, said umount having bcon heretofore ussosscil as a tax against thorn for keeping and running said ferries. It Was further ordorod, that said ferry com panies and James Greenfield, owner of Greenfield's ferry, each lilt) bond in tho pcnnl miiii ol sfQQ, as the law Uorects. '. Uros, was allowed tho sum ofSlSO. fur money advanced by him for repairing Cucho river bridgu between Cairo and .Hound VJity, und an order ordered, lo uo drawn on tho county treasury according- Friday mortiliiK, September '."Jlh, 4llu day. "William Hunrv. Jr.. was allowed tho sum of $20 for spades for road supervisors ot uistrlcu 4 and 7, und James Jvenncdv tuu sum oi $k.uu ior carpenter worK on court uouso anujau, anu orders were oru oreu to uo urawn on county treasury ac- coruiiii;iy. 11 was orderod that all contracts which cxplro on llrsl Mondav of Docember and first day of January, next, be severally ad vertiser ior "reletting, upon tho same cuiiumons as uereioioru oxcopt tue con- iracis ior meaicai treatmont Dy a phy, slelan and tho contract for keeping pair pers in Cairo. , On petition of John White, county mperintendant of schools, tho sum of $50, was appropriated to aid in dofraying the expenses of holdim; a countv ltiitit.titv and it was ordered that an order tt ,tirawn on tho county treasury in favor of John C. White, to bo by him paid out for such purpose. said White being ordered to account to tuo court lortiie manner In which the tamo U oxpended. B. JIarcbildon was authorir.ed to take Hollcn E. Johnson, doaf and dumb pauper child, of this county, to tho deaf and dumb asylum at Jacksonville, and to procure sultablo clothing for said child at tho ox penso of tho county. Licemo lo keep and run a forry across the Mlisisilppl river, opposite Cape Girar deau, wero grantee lo King and Campbell, provided, they shall pay into the county Irtiuiri' II,. I.. !...:.' 1 ,i i ... ,ia iiiiwusuu noun iiieiu uy tllO COHrt. for kllC'll nnr..n ' ' was approved Hatturday morning, 9 o'clock, Beptemberau, 5tli. The road lately located by ih0 yoftj Tluwers from the Dickey farm to u point on tho Cairo nnd Joncsboro road, y,u or derud to be cut out as follows, viz; All Unes rnd ttumpsof tonincliou and under lu diftmeUr Rtho groual to lo cut down The bond of King and Campbell for tho '5fi.v.i.nfriruni,,n8 !k ferry ncross 1)18 Mlsgissippl river onnoiltn f,,i,n cvon with tho ground, all trees and stumps over ion inclies in illametor ai mu gruinm to bo cut down Inwonoiieh for nn ordlnarv horse wagon to pass over tho stump, n 1 trcos, nrusn nnu stump iu uu iuihuvuu lods from tho confer of said road; all oak timber sultablo for rails to bo cut Into bIx tean feet lengths, and placed on tho sldo ot said roait tno wnoio rouu to oo rous wide. Tho county judgo nnd clork wcro authorized to ndvcrtlso fur proposals and award mo contrnct lor doing tno work, in vacation. It was ordered that tho county of Pulas ki, bo allowed the sum of one hundred and sixty-five dollars and twenty conts, lor repairs on Uacuo river bridge tho tamo beiubalanco duo by this county for said work", and auvnnccu ny l'uinskt county. Jacob G. "Lynch, was allowod the sum of tlilrty-flvo dollars' for preparing tho annual statemontof tho financial condition of Alotandor county. Tho clerk presented to tno court a state ment of tho financial condition of Alexan der county, which being examinod was npproved and ordered to bo recorded in tho words and figures following, viz. To the Honorable County Court of Ale h antler County, Illinois. Gk.ntlkmkn : In nursuanco of Instruc tions, I hereby submit a statement of tho financial condition of Alexander County from Scptombcr 1-Kh, 1870 to September Cth, 1871. I havo tho ploasurso of show ing tho Countv cntirolv frco from debt of any description, eithor bonded or outstand ing county orders with n surplus of SI I103.C0 fn hor Treasury. Tho State tax es, for 1870, which have not yet boon rccol- vou uy llio county will awcu mo Treas ury to nearly or qulto 120,000,00. To this statement 1 annend a list of all Countv ordors drawn upon tho Treasury during said period. vory iieipociimiy, J. G. Lynch, Clerk. To nmoutit of County Indebtedness at Uatalatetnenlof Sent. 13th. 1S70 IS.71I.93 To amount of oulera and Jury cerllll- caicsarawu onuiuniy treasury .u,j.,eo $.10071,78 11X18.97 007,90 To amount A Collector's commission, abatements, of foileituics for the year, 18, 0. .,,..,................. ...... To nmoiint of County Treasurer'!- com missions (33319, 112,050,89 17,57 a By nniount of cash on hand In Ihe spe cial fund at lait statement ainco plac ed to the credit of the general fund by order cf the Court and Court Houue taxes levied for 1170 and forfeited tax for mo -. Dy account of County, l'auper, Special nnd Court House taxes twice paid by different claimants.,..- By amount of County, Pauper, Hpecial and Court Houia taxes overpaid br Collector....'. 17,7i 180,57 il8,7i,iT fly amount received from Grocery, rerrr, ana i-eauiera' ncenae Dy account received from N Hunaaker, J rain axe commissioner, 'from pro. coeds of sties of awanip loads ... lly amount received from W. A. Kail man, lato Comity Treasurer balance due caunly ...... ,,, By amount due Irom Ixiula U, Myera, lato Collector on attlement. 560 25 032 CO liOjOO SVi,505'.OG To amount brot down M,3i 65 II County orders deitroyed by order ol Court 254,70 uy tiouniy oruera uopieaenea for redemption 1,087,99 lly Jury certificates unpreaent en ior reuwmpiiou. miv vi ia, vj (13.077 CO lly error in last year's statement.. W. OK Balance In County Treasury this day fl4,I63 ui Pnuperv, I.unntlrH nnd toroncr's In- linen N Keith 2 50 W Htniley 404 59 J O IlolwiiiK 5 a'i do V U) J Arnold 1H uo tit Mnry'H Iutiriuary 176 82 John Wood '22 Eh Ucerwnrt, Orth A Co '21 lu K llrom....... 4 OO J Henfrow 75 on W Wood 75 Oil John Wooil . 10 00 Ht Murv'n lutlrmury 175 Ol II (I Waeoner oo '.' on It Kilijjoruld V Minder H Jifnrehfldon Htratlon A lllrd I' (J Solmh MurL'iirot Jlodcov M Iteed J mi 2 oi 14 so 6 75 40 HI) li U 1' Corcoran 17 .' I' Corcoran 18 75 W Wood 75 uu J Orlck 2 ill Illinois btnto Uoapital for Inaiino 50 K5 Drown V 50 Will Hmllev..... 462 60 John Wallace... 5 10 22 60 N ve,th W G Caroy J Arnold 6 2 60 18 10 r Bros 2 00 J Knnfrow 25 04 II C Uarkhauscn a no do 48 34 OO 40 188 21 77 7 Cairo wharf boa! Haony .Vt Mary's Infirmary, M J McGaulv .' 0 2.1 A Karrell...... 18 7,t Airirvin o ,a J II Ooimau..... 18 73 J II Oofsman. 18 75 J II Gosiman 18 73 WHmlley 0 0U WHmlley Slo 6'J J Wlllla.. 6 w 8 Marchildou , n tU ii u iiirKiisusen 72 J5 Wm Wood 75 on P llurko y rtt. Mary's Infirmary 2S0 67 N Feitli 13 fl w ijicnoti an no, i ii liosaman IS 7i II (loasman, II Oossman 8 75, 8 75 El) IS 15 75 18 00 A II Irvin II (ioHiimin,, Arnold 3,290 Ut I'rluiliinli, Jn(I nml Jnller. I Sower JO 10 ti 01 301 50 613 00 2 60 IZi 1U W 2 no 41(1 60 2 no 25 00 J T ltviinie it ntijteraM . II KiUiterAl.t Tho A Green (lyriM'lripp J Arnold It KlUgerald It Fltrtjorald J Arnod J M Lanaileu 1,6U 5U 7 no ,. 100 00 ,. 38 00 10 00 .. 13 00 . 13 10 2 6U 4 no ,. 13 UO 6 00 .. is to 4 60 .. m 20 1 60 .. 1,326 00 ,. 3 00 4 00 ,. 11 OU 4 00 .. lo no 3 ou 2 ou 6 uu t no .. 16 00 . 18 00 - 38 II 4 00 ,. lso 00' . 00 . IS 00 ,. 30 01) 11 to e ou no 0 00 .. coo IImmIii aiud Hrldsie. J G IUIwIdk W U Whilakar ..: W (S I'avliiaoi John Major... ' FAbhoit Wm I'etlll II Duunini; Thomaa Cuatelia "" UDCIIaria John A Morris ' ' " John PinUall Jamca K McCnte m ' "'" MJlIolman K Dross . LV... " . .. ,B h lluntir Pool A Willis . " Z M W Parker O Greenley W KThompion.... ' Ed No Don. Id ,' ' " laaao V Vick LZZH. Z George R llerrlck " Jamta T Hudson I' Callahan ZT....,, llenjamla Long John Wood..." John Willis .,. W Pool J P Helay ......,..,Vr V JHUyal.. ., 1 KUAtheiton " Jonh Hoksu ' "' John Craig Harvey Geer JN'f Irvlu .....";....,' K G Graves Conoty KM r era' re. I. II Myers L P Under ." 1 " Z JO Lynch L II 5Iyera ..Z....ZZ. . f Urosi .ii ... " t so no 570 no 155 50 t() Oil 140 no su 00 617 16 u ou , 115 no 8 OU 51 no J Lvnch ....V.3!.'h'!.3.'.'.'.'.','.'.'.';.'.'.' J K MlCrite J ii l.yncli , A II livlu I. II Myeia AOHoduea j u wiiito " ".. A II Irm do j KMccnt. y Uroia Hro H Maieblldoii ; ' 0 Lyiul , . 35 00 45 OU . W 76 . 3D 00 . 87 Ml .. 20 OJ . 1(10 00 18 00 , liO OU 78 W Alt Irvin 28 00 J (J Harman 23 00 H Marchlldon 37 bo J f I.vnch 173 o j w iiarinan 17 f,i J n llitrninn 4 ro A II Iryln n to A II livln..... 1 ft, JO Lynch 25 to J(II,JI10ll nQ w J I, liyncli uu 07 J h JItUrlte a) 00 Fltross , is,-, 00 A II Irvin 34 00 V llro's.... 27 r A 11 irvin si no J Q Hiirinnn.. i;, (ft J O White m mi J U Whit 110O0 J n hlte M 00 JM ynch 1 10 J U Lynch ft on 3,tr29 50 ... 17 60 ... 17 60 ... 17 60 ... 15 U) . 17 60 15 00 ,.. 15 00 ... 17 60 ... 15 00 ... 6 00 ... 26S 16 ... 7 60 .. 97 60 .. 78 09 ... 70 00 ... 90 00 ,.. ano ... 21 00 ... 24 00 ... 62 50 ... 62 60 ... 42 00 ... 41 W ... 66 60 ... 12 00 Dnlllfln Jnrera. R. Fltterald 1 I. )ollin L' H, M vora..., . Geo. Welilnn J Arnold ....:'.'.'.! William John Cain John U Koater Ht Clllrlo. Ilnl.l John caln::::::::::::::::::::::.:;::::::: ueo weldon..... 1'. Collins Charles Mthnerlir DOHtewart.... Jno 1, 1 John Call, (1 Weldon r colilna...... BFilrgerald . W HoTden EG Hill It fll. I . (NIU - MZ W John Cain 15 00 Amount of Jury Certificates issued 3,675 lis Goo Weld in 15 00 It 00 11.115 20 Htntlonory, Frlntlnsr, Booka nad Ex press sjnarst. I O Lynch n m M Hilvcriiarir 91 im Culver. I'aire A noma M 01 J O llnrman 1 .n J (J Lynch 1 61) M Hllven orK 00 J II Oberly A Co loj 00 Mnureiuerg 20 00 M BllverberK - M on M Sllverberg 21 on II A Ilannon....... 20 75 H A Hannnn . 0 85 K A Hannon II 60 II A Hannon 7 60 II Ober v A Co 1.17 1.1 J II Oberly A Co 37 So J O Lynch 1 lo J It Oberly Co... 27 UJ J II Oberly A Co 12 00 CIO HI W do 37 50 do 17 (0 do 30 (U do 26 60 It A Hannon . 7 10 do 9 15 do 4 25 A It Irvin 75 11 A Hannon 12 80 do 15 00 do 13 tA i UOborly A Co 25 00 u A uanuon 10 uo do 7 15 do 7 in J II Oberly A Co 33 40 American r.ipreia ihi 2 ,Z3 1,835 60 IraprorraeaUai oat County BaUdlnga Cowrl Hom, J tall aascl soor Maaar. S MarahlMon. on 25 W U Koater 48 00 J W Daxter 41 00 H Ilelev 10 00 3 60 60 00 4 60 87 30 20 00 6 10 8 26 4 60 20 00 William Lnnargan James Burke William Umler Jamas Burks 8 It Jones , 8 Marshilden Ileerwart, Orth A Co Wm Browder Win timlley E Grindler 6 25 J T Reanle 40 05 M Tesaltr 8 00 Ileerwart. Orth A Co 10 20 Illtgins A Burke 17 5n Heeiwnrt, Ortn A Co 12 00 Wm Glover l 00 469 01 Fuel, I.ltcht nnd Ire far Court Hollar nad Jatll. lticlmrd Kilzgeratd Cairo Cily Uas Company Cairo City Uaa Company Iluse, Loouila A Co llu-e, l.oomla A Co CuuoClty QaiCu Ir Win Wood 177 to Flerlioiix. S Marchlldon H 00 do 1 30 ilo 1 80 J G Lynch. 4 44 Snmmerwell & Co 8 00 J u Hnrtrmn 12 00 II Pitrjgorald 12 oo J Martin 4 W J c wnite 4 00 NHmallenburg 4 00 A Kschbach 12 W) Wm Iluder . 12 oo Tlioa Wilson 4 ou I) C McKenne i no S K Hay 4 OU II rainier it to ilurk 1'rovo 0 W) P T Hicliardaou 2 Oo W K (ihurlock 2 00 HT Putnam 2011 J W Martin ti 00 Mark Piovo 1 -25 J II Foster .-. ti 00 J W Martin 6 00 Jf 8 BlodKet..... 6 ou Victor Trusell 2 00 J. S. Ilyal 2 00 J H Fouler 80 w J Miliord 0 ou J II Ilarcia C no O V Krwin e 00 l) l V Haritis 2 ou A MeMurray 2 00 W J Milford Bo ; Mcl'heterj 2 no J Glai-o C 00 w j) Garner ii 00 Wm Ireland 2 fo J II Mci'heters. 2 no v 11 Garner 1 05 It Thompson G 00 U McCulluiii. . li (0 II C lluikuaunen . 2 00 , 2 no , li Ol) , 4 00 . 4 no . ti no , 2 no . 2 (HI HI , c no . 6 nu . G () , 2 no 2 00 . 4 no i ou 249 34 ThosA llrown Tho. Martin 51 DOuntcr K iJickemon John lllfcliop J llankaton , u I) wicker Thou Martin J lj Handera N Katun J C Mnrcan 1. ii nelly (I ltOKxnu , I) G McKenile I V UluhardKon MlNcellasieoui. Orphan Aa)lum N llnriM.Wap. ... 800 no ... 1 6U ... 1 60 ... 7 60 ... 141 30 ... 28 OU ... 200 (0 ... ISO ti ,. 2 (10 ,.. 0 00 ,.. 1 75 ... 2 60 .... so no ... t 73 ... 2 45 ,.. 3 35 ... 1000 ... 28 no ... e oo 6 no 1433 26 J ! II. I. (I H'Fisher.Z'.'.'.V.'.'.'.M r Jlrois J O Lyrch Green A Gilbert J O Lynch w Marun K V Uutlcr . Ileerwart, Of lit A Co., A II lriln J W Hlraliaul J 11 Phlllia P llurk i- 'A II Irvin II Harlraan V W Ifrnder.ou II II Uaudeo LM Myers Conrt House Huda. Fred Pfatr. . , 2,160 00 l.ttt CS 1,318 60 2,113 01 1,02V 30 4,815 20 833 0) 4(il 01 177 05 270 oe 248 31 1,402 25 2,160 UO ecaplluUtUu. :aupttra, Luollc,.tc..,.., riiniuam, jail ana Jailer oada and liridaea ountv Officera' Fee. iaililli and Jurors Ilatiouerv. Printlliff. Uauka. tn Improvements...... Fuel, etc Janitor Elections Miacellaneoiia..... Court llouso Donda ,. 120,322 83 Tho following ofllcors of the court were allowed the sums Hot oppomto thoir respective names for attending courts to dato, viz: F. Bross, Judge, four days, at $8 12 CO H. Marchildou, associate, 0 days at $lu 00 James E. Mo Crite, nsssciate, C days at $i& 00 Jacob G. Lynch, clerk, C days at 300 I 15 00 A. II. Irvin, sheriff, fi days 6 00 Whereupon court adjourned until court III cturso. lly oader of tho county court, Jatoh O. Lynch, Cletk. COMMISSION AND KORWAliniNO. WOOD ltlTTENHOUSK, FLOUll AND General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVKK, Caiho, Illixoib. J. M. PHILLIPS ft -CO., (Huceeisors to K, II. Uendrloks A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS 1 VVnARF-llOAT PROPHIKTORS, CAIhl. .... Liberal Advances mi 1 tipon Conslgnmentk, " Are prepared to receive, ituro ant orward frelKhta to all points and buy mil sell on cominltiion. "Ilu.lnfm attendea to promptly. II. M. IIULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION d:EICII:J.3s'I,. No. 134 Commcrcial-ave., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MILLER ft PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION 1Kb FOItAVAKDlNG MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS vou FAIUIIANK'S SCALES 68 Ohio Lkvke, CAIKO, ILl.' Z. D. MATI1USS. K. C. UIIL. MATIIUSS & UHL, FOEWAEDING- AND UEKKHAI Commission Merchants, UKAI.EIW IN HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE, No. Us OIII I.EVKK, llttieeen tjurth J Nuth St:, CAIUO, ILI aii(!22 diwlf CLOSE & VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DEALEES X2T LIME Cement, Plaster Farih, AND PLASTERER'S HAIR, Crner Eighth Afreet sad Ohio Ivee CAIRO, ILL. JOHN B. PHILLIS, (Succesaor to Parker t Phi'.lis,) GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS,; Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE; CAIUO, ILL. W.Htrntton. T. lllrd STRATTON & BIRD, (Successora toBtratton, Hudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A . 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. y Agents of American Powder Co., and man. focturera afenta for cotton yarn. JvTdt LVKssKH. S. WALTERS, PSALlttlX HARD and SOFT LUMBER ol every description, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. orders solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Furnished on shortest notlco. Coramerciol-av, let. 10th and lltU-Bls., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. v7. JOB PRINTING. rri... nMnnaln.. nf ill 11.11.. ailll Waaaur IIulisvin, Imvu Jual received u aasurl mentot the latest atylea of Job Printing, types, and havo now one of the moat complete lobortleea I. U....... I It,..., ! ll.m..l... IU IIIV C7IIUHI ll' TV.".. .IIP unite, milll-vi,"" thai they poaaeaa lacillllea for turning out l(UUIll, III HIV IHJmi niii, UI UIO All, pii nw.. entrusted ta them, from Ilia amalleat card or label to tho mammoth poster, and at prices which leave with our bnaineaa men ,no ood Bi ll ae for lendles Unlr woik to bt. Louia. Clm Chic.o" JNtl, U.OBISUJ.V A CO IIOTKIJ. CRAWFORD HOUSE, CORNER 8IXTII and WALNUT-ST., (Knlranco on Hlxth-st.,) V. J. Oakea, l i!:f:lck, CINCINNATI, OHIO, OAKK9, CAtiy A CO. Pronrlelorn. VNBKIITAKKRSl. NICHOLAS FEITH, OENERAIi UNDERTAKER, a V. M h t a I k X a S " A c a 0-3 W 5 U u a a 'A o 3 r-1 "3 rl i 5 EH 5 Cor. WMhlattav,u4 lllh-nl. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. a8r22d3m W. 0. GARY, PRINCIPAL UNDERTAKER, SALES ROOM, No, 13 SIXTH ST RE CAl UO, ILLINOIS. rcairrrvKK. savb;twenty per CENT Dy bujriBa! J'ur EICHHOFF BROS., FURNITURE FACTORY,; WsMhlutrtoit-nv., Near Coalnru limine CAIRO, ILLINOIS slesrs. EichhotI llrolhernleiire to inform the cltlteoa of C.iiro that they aro. manulncliiriii),' nil Kinui or PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE And have now on hand and for sale, at Wlittlfuale tuid Keloll, II kind, and wll continue to keep at their BALES ROOMH, IN T1IEIK NKW 1IUII.IHNO, Everj dlscrlpllou of cheap and cosily Itirnlmre, such as M-Carred Bedateails, WMarble Topped Uureain, aWSIdeboarda, Waahstanda, J9-Warilrohs, 8uta Chairs, sts.8ofas and Uatrssaes, -Ix)ungcs,etc , etc,, Which Iher will KiiuoBtee to sell TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER Thaa they can be bought from any other dealer In the city. (Jive them a coil awl sllaly yoor. aelf. UNtVltr i m i? U m i co -5 y aHfl 3 m P 3 v f 4sbbbbbbTb1 " EO '" B b n a X M K M k ? Ms a? tM S 4 M lissssssssffB i g 1 1 fi i IHE P. L. IIUYETT, k SON, Importer", Manufacturers and Jobbers of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE BrtMM smd Ueraasui BIlTCr BAND INSTRUMENTS, No.25.TailtDSrBEST, oclVd-m, IT. ftOVIVr O nnufiN. PAUL 0 SCIIUH, DBTJGQ-IST, it i: m v i: i). NO. 103 COMMERCIAL AVENUE ' Whlltnker'a Old Ntnnil, Oppositk Atuknkum, - Cairo, Im. !'tft tlrl trtlllovr atUa.l!n. 1. a 1 . .11 . i 3Djt.Y ODE?, irid-HT ISSM 01 I1KD A I, I, I' A T K N T At VTllil M oo worm bavlnf . Ajjent for urrmm rcvKm TOXIC, Warrauled the best Hover Killer known la IM. climate. NO CURE-MONEY REFUNDED ALSO, AMii.-reN'M BUCHU AND DANDELION, An eicellent remedy in all dlaeaveaof the Kld n'J'i equally, aa food or better than II emboli!', and lor leu money. sua roa HNasalirey's MoaaroKhslhle Noveeile. Hl-wellaelictedateckor PEEFUMEBY AX I'auaejr SBooeU, Of every description carmot U urpie" by any esuo ' llshmeni ol tkt kind In the city. BANKS. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS 4'harlerrl Matrrh SI, IMS. orncr li CITY NATIONAL HANK, CAIKO orruiam A. II. SAKKORfi, Preaidenti H. H. TA YI.OK, Vlce-Prr.idnit ; W. IIVriLUP, rk-creurr and Treasurer.! Maii-rosM P. W, lUariAV, CH, n.ilOHia, V. ILKTmaiLMii, Pai'I. O.rkMiH, 11. M.Cvxvuuiia, W. P.llMiiBAr, J. M. PmtLirs. DetxMlla or okaijr Anotsast BeeeUeet freeaa Tea Cesil Vajwasrals. iNTKKKMT paid en deposits at the rate ol all percent, per annum, March Island tteptem tier I.I, Inlerett not withdrawn la f.dded imme diately lo the principal of Ihe deposit!, thereby giving them compound interest. MARRIED WOMEN AND CIULDREN MAT rrrosiT money to THAT bo"urs CA"kAW IT. Open every buslneas day from 9 lo 1 p.m. and Uaturdar yeninK lor BAVI.Nli DEPOHITU only, from t to I o'eVock. auioif W.HT8IX)P,Treaaurer. THE CITY NATIONAL BANK. (1AIBO ILLINOIS. CAPITAL, 1100 00 W. P. IIALLIDAT, Treildent A. II. BAKKOKU, O.hicr; WALTER UYHLOP, AsslsUnt Cashier.! DlatCTOIit STAATS TATLOS, KOStST II, Cl'INI.VOlUM, Bcott Wiitrs, W. P. IIallidav, Uco. V. WUlUnson, tirirui.t Biau A. I). SarrotD, KxehaBSe, Colas ousel tTaltoa MtMIca ; Bosiol Bought Sola. D EPOS ITS weired, mU a gorl UnklaR FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or VAIB4J, DANIEL UUKIJ, President! ROBERT W. MILLER, Vice-President C. N. HUanES, Cashier. COLLECTIONS PBOMPTLY MADE EXCIIANOK, coin, bank notes and United States securities boufht and aold; ItrIAMoTreo'oTlaaveolu: VOVHDRirs. I. & E. GREENWALD. AavrACTCSiss or ram Engines, Boilers, Flour ondUrlst Mills, Haw Mills, The"Tuppsr' Patent Oral bar. MA0UIirXBYs'OR OBNIRAL PURPOSES, CINCINNATI; OHIO. owdeW