Newspaper Page Text
THE MAILS, . Annum, prrAiir worm, Through 2.W)n. m, :00 p.m way 2:20 n.'m. ll;uu p.m owiiiii, nny .i.MS p.m. ;w p.m " Through N. ().. M,-m. I'll h mid Columbus 2.:io p.. 4:00 tun, uiim wvcr route, (except Monday) too tun. CiOOp.m Iron Mnuntmn )t. It ifc.Wa.tii. ll:p.i. Mi. Hirer route, Tuesday nnil Friday G:Wp.m, 7:')0p,m Thebes, (loose, Inland A Bntita 1. Ilia . Tlillra.lnv tfrl. day ; wnp.m, 7:00a,tn, Jlayfleld, Illnndnlln and Lovelace, Ky, 4.wip.m, utricr. mil us. General Iielltrery - 7:30 n.m. (Hunda)8lotia.m.) Money Ordir dcpaittnent :.), cot) Register " " " ...... t.Wp.m. Money Order rind ftpgtalcr dcartmentn no open on Sunday. SECRETJHDEItsT Tils MAftONH. CAli);()imKiiriir, No. . Htalc.1 Assembly al tlie Asylum Masoni J Hall, drat and llurdvHn.. tirdara In each month. L'AiaoCoi'icli, No. 24, Hegular Conrocatiouat Masonic Hall, the second Friday Ineaeh month. C'Alao Chaktii, Md. II. :ifKulnr Convocation at Masoule Hall, oil tho third fuesdsy of etery nienth. ' Oaisu Louor, No. 237 K, a A. M Itcgular Com. mttnlcutions at Maaonlc Jlnll, the second and Toll nh Mondays ol eaeh month. Ifuta 1jiwir, No.tG. V. a A. M. (tegular Corn tnunlcstlon at Masonic llall flrst and thlnl Thursdays In each month. TIIK 0DI)-YKLL0W. Ai.tiAMma Lon.jr. Jit. Meets In OddKcllGi:'s. Hall, In Arter's Building, erery Thursday ncn lux, at o'clock. OUR CHURCHES. ltKHIIVTKi:i,N-KIhlh.atr,t. Preaching, Wabbath at 10) a. and Vt Y. x. I'raycr meeting, Wednesday at 7MJ r. . Mundjy Sciiuol, 3 r. x. J. M. I.arude.n, Huper- Inli'iidrnt. Kev. C. II, Foot, raster. MirrilODlMT-fur. Highlit and Walnut Sts. Preaching, Habhnth lo a. ., and 7 r. M, I'rayer meeting, Wednesday, 7 f r. x. hnndnyHohool ,3r., I.. W. Hlllncll, Huper. tntendent. Iter, K. L.THoatraox, Pastor. CIIUKUH OFTHK HKDKKMKIl (Kplscopal); Morning prayers, fabbath lOJ-J a. v. Krenlug, pfayr;7J.'JA, . Kir. Ms. Cms, Hector, -5T. PATRICK'. CIIUKUH-Jor. Ninth Hi. and Washington Avenue. rubllcbrlce, Sabbath faod lu,' a,. Vespers, 3 r. st. flUnday School, 2 r.u. Bertlce eery day, nr. . He v. I'.J. 0'Hali.os.s, Prltel. iIltiaTIAN-Klghlccnth street. Babbath School, S'J A, Babbath. Preaching, Hablath 10J-J 4. m., and Vt r. m. lUr, J. 'alll, i'afitor. .M1UN bl'NDAY fiCHOOI-In the Chriatlan Church, KiKhlrenth Street. Habbtlh S'nool 3 r. m, J, II. ltrro, Superintendent. OU.Nti MK.N'.iOIIUHTIAN AW4O0IATI0N K'K' liar rneellax aecond Monday each month at tr.e I'rayer room of the I'reabyterian Church tVeekljr Prayer meeting, Friday, 7J-J r. at .he Prayer room of tho !'!) ti-'rlun church. C, I'llMM, I'retldeUt, ;nd Cedar, ecrricea, Sabbath, 11 a.m. Hundiy S-'hool, yt r. . Cii.Jr. m. I'reachini;.7) r, . Iter. Win. Jlcon, I'iito KCONI) FltKINrlLMiUTIsr-riftii-nth SI. liftweeu Walnut and t eilnr. bcrricev babbath, 'A Mi l 3 r. u. Iter. N. lticaa, I'olor. HKF..WIM, IIU'I'IHT IIOMK Mli-tu. f UN HAT tx:HuOI-Mrnr''niit rrnd (Wlar :a. BundayHchool,!! a. m. IR-iT FltKK HII.I. HAITIT CHt; ItCU Cur- ry' irr k. Service, rtabbilh II a. h.,3 y. n. and VA r. a. Her, Wx. KllLi t. i'.ilr. flHST MIS.SIONAHV HAl'lUr Clll'llCII-li, t. ween loth and lltti "tro t., near Cedar. I'reachinr btth lu1, . x , arid 7', y. x. Prayer Meeting. Wi-,tin .l.iv enini. l'ra'hliiv. Krliiav rtenuiL.. faWrathSV-liool, ivj r v. John Van Ilaxter anil Mary Stephen! !;uperintendenta. Her. T J. siinara. I'.iato ,STATB WFFICKItS. STATK OKK1CKIW. ivernor, John 31. Palmer ; leutenaui-Oorertior, John Dougherty: pcrctaryof State, KJward Hummel ; Auditor of State, C. E. I.ippincotl , State Treamrer, E. N. ltalea ; Silpt. I'ulJlc iDatruction, Newton llateman. CONUltKSSMKN'. ienatora Lyman Trumbull and John A. I.fKn. Jiepretentative for thebtate at Large Vacanry, Hepreaeniatiro Thirteenth Diilrict John M 'reba. MK Mil KItS OKNEKAL ASS KM ULY. Benatora, lit Piatrlct T. A. E. Ilolcomb, ol Inlon, and.S. K. (iitnn,of Uillatln. Repreaentatlre, lat Dlalrlct 11. Wataon Webb: COUNT yOFF I C K HS. CIltCL'IT COUKT. Judge D. J. llaker, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney J. F. McCartney, o( (aasac. Circuit Clerk Jno. t. Harinan. BheriO-A. II. Irvin. Wm. Martini Asaesaor an J Tieanircr. COUNTY COURT. Judge F. Hroas. Atsoclatea J.'.E, McCrite and S. Maroh'ldon. Clerk Jacob (). I.yncli. Coroner John II. floaaman. MUNICIPAL OOVKRNMKNT Mayor John M, Lsnaden, Treaaitrer J. 11. Taylor. Camniroller K. A.- Itlirnett Clerk Michael llouley, Uarshal Andrew Calii. Attorney P. H.Popo. Police Magiatratea K. Hroas and 0. Shan. say, Uhlci ol Pplicp U UMyorx. PqIIco Conatibloa John BheVhau, (day), and 3. II. Velrrun and J, V. Sumner, (night.) SELECT COUNCIL. Slayor-Iohn M. Lansdcn," First Ward-P. O. Uchuh. lecond Vfunl C. It. WoonwarJ. Thlnl Ward Jno, Wood, Fourth Ward S, Staata Taylor. :ityat.I.arg-e W. P. Halllday and I), lliird, BOARD or' 'ALDERMEN. vai WAHU-Jumea Uenrdcn, Leo'Kleb, laaac Wulen. 30NP WAHD-ft. H.CunnlnKham, E, Uudcr, Henry-Wlnlor", Jatnoa Swavne.. IIBD WAHD Win. Sfratton, Patrick Fitigctahl lURTII W.BU-Jma CarrpJI,;; Ui 11. ni'ftue, IJ.JI.Melculf. Time of Mtetxng, i'iv rni'Mi'ii . ,'ha City Counell ineista n omt aeaiion on iday erenlDR' ptccooinx tho first Monday of tb month, .ur.cT,ro(TOi. . , 'he Select Council meets on tho r!rt Wedaca t and ThurjfdayiattQrthaauU'Mbniifty Iti' jh month, 0Aao or AiDioxts, Die Board of Aldermou meets on tho lira inday andTutaday In erery month. COMMITTER OF TUB COUNCIL. 7n Slreeri-Mesara. Taylor, Vlder, Wluter, jod and Hetcair. 0rona-MeB8r.Ciinnlngliain,8hiih, Fltiger 1, Beaae and Halllday, Cuimj Messrs. Wood, CunnlnKliam and Klub. Met and Jul Moflsta. .Carroll, IluJor and jodward . Trdinaneet Messrs. Bcasp. W'a'ldc'r ami Taylor. Ktt Departmtnt Mcssr. ltearUen.Bwaynji and taay, I -.- 11. .... 1. H' J . . I , I'll TMlf ilIOE.n,Dni;iiuil, ,T llltur Kim IVIUU, Inii y Maajru. Woodward, Bwayuound, limit) uac iliaara. Kurd, Mtrutton anUMqlcill, MtiMrne iayiir, ani Jlimra. Hoa Iur,Htrattoa and Cairoll, THE BULLETIN. I'lll.llOfltloil OHICP, lltlllclltl lliilldln, iiniiiiiKiou AVrilttC THE PIN TItAIlL", Tliorn nrn c. ., i .1.. If I, I lY. . n'V I""" "v;v'Jl ICS III lliu United htnto, wluuo ntinurtl iiroJttctlun Is 2,000 000 pucka, cnclt mck contalnint; djCCO plus total of G,720.O0O.O0(J pltu. ....... luutmiur a ngoni 111 jiosion. MVS tllO IIU Olln. anlla nvoev air ,...i,ll.. f., 700 In I OOO ,.nlna ..f .,1... I. ---- - - ' c-, jXltD j.vji WCtJIVj i:iicii vi.ou tuiiiuiiiuig uia,uuupins. iliu factory which rin of piru pur week. Halr-pins nro Jobbed uy uio cusk. Thro is but ono factory turn outllfty tons per month ; tho maohltio .imv win, uuu uuuui inu wire making aou -J; ' "s vr uic, rcauyior jnpnnninf,'. u jiuin uro amoio .in ncariv erory Y nv4,v( uuu wiu jiruuuuiiuil and consumption incronis each year itlout ton per cent. TllO lovill! Clavelalid llrralil onnna. nn oditorlal parcgraph thus: "Now that J resident Oram's son has Kraduntcd from est Point, dlsclpllno seems to bo rcttirn- Intr. TliCfu lust rowdv endnts nni'lit tn liavehttd thosenso tjknow that the flu otIenf.o after tho departure of young Grant irom inc icnucniy wouia bo vuttcu with lnore thnn ordlriurv sovcritv. In order to 'mnkoup' for tho hick of dutv displayed In tho elms which had :i l'reu'dent e son for a shield." MKIUl'AI,. SlaMIhlA HlMILinUS CMJHANTUK IIIIMFIIREY'N HOirEOPATIIIO HPfiOlFICS HAVK proved, from tho miiat ampin exiier If nee, an entire Micceaa t Simple Prompt t-.tticlvnt ami Utlmble. Thev urn the onlv ini-dl. clnet piTferlly iwlaHcd lo popular uac to aim. pie inai imaiuKta cunnoi 1x1 mane in wint inem; harmleaa na lo b fre from danger, and ao etlinleotaa to i alwa)a leliablo. They hate rais ed tin, hlxhoal commendation from all, and will a'waya render aatlafiw.-tlon. .oa. Centa, l.Curea rri, congestion, Inllimtnatlona.'i', 'I, " WairiilK. worm feyer, Hoirn uhe..U 'I, " S'rj I iijc .col 10 or leelhlnK'il lnfant.W i, " Illrrlioea, of children and ad,illa...'4 li, " livnrnlery, Kilpln. b'lloua collc...2.i t, " S'liolrru-inorljua, vouiltinu.... 7, " Slinlrrn. colda, bronchitua - 'ii f. " a'riiriilaTln. touthiche. faceacho-'i'i C, " IleaUaebea, ick hea-lache, ertlgo21 10, " ltyR'Klit h.lioua atornaclie. M i, niinnrriHj,or riainiui perioia....z: l, " Wliflraj, too lirofuae periwJ. ....W a.rfiiii, couicn, uinicuu ijreaiiiinir...., Nnlt Hhriim, KrTaltlaa, Kruptionat tiiriiiiiniiiain, rueumaiic r.a lii, " fever hiiiI A;iif,chlll Ieyer,aiuei) 17. " 1'llrai. blind or bledinj M 1". " Olthtlllrmr. and re or weak evtrUt l'J, " I'rtlatrrli, ai'Ute or chronic, lnBueniaCJ V). M lioonlliar-CoiiKh. ilolenlcouliaLO 21, " Aatiaanak. nppreed breathing ........W 22, Knr IllcIurKf Imrnlred heannsM 'il, " Nrrorulia.enlariredxlanda, awelhni!M 21, " (iriipral Debility, physical weak- neaa w f0 Z't, " Iroi' and wanly N-cretiona io 'f,, ' NeR NleUnraaj.alcknoaa from rldlmSo 7, l(lrtnr)-.Uear. O rait I to 'li, " rtuna liebllKy, seminal null. nna.InToluntary dlrcl.arKes .1 Of; t'ltrlluxra, wits cnel.' tial of powder err neceaaarv in serioua caaea...S to iW, " Nare Mouth, ranker !i 3, " I'rlnitrr U'fHkiickN, weltlnir bed.) il, I'nlufiil f rrliMlit, withspaaina.... V) Ui, ' MilirrltiKsi.i tchanxa of lie. Hal :o, " i:illeiN ,aiiiia,rl VlttiaManee.l lit " Itlntlie, liul i ra'ni s.ire thr al U FAMILY Ail'.i. Sir.t.'i 1 1, IIO !uri:r t IhIn, iiioroco iir rowwnuil cine, t oiitiilnliii; a Npeclllr for etrry onilluiiry ilis ease it Inllllly la hiilijret lo, mill bookat ofillrei llmm (rom 10 to iii numilrr tMiuily and Trm rliiiK ra , VI to vu! . nolo M-J to 81 p Dllif lor all I'rlaiili- llUeakfa,, i o'.li f.,r 'iirliiK iur l'r,'i'ii. Ilr Hi lini-i.t, in v el mid pficaet t !.( lo 3 i'o.M k. him i C jrea iturii', lini"ea, l,:iinp)Ha , irneiif, Sre 'I hroil, fjit .1. a, Tuocli i h-, 1. 1. he, N, i: r tj ;n llheiiinstuiii, l.innlsi'), 1'Li.a. I..iN, hUnj, fow Kye, III, iilini;..! ih" l.i.n-. N se, stum ai'h, or of Piles-, Corn", t't'-era, l i rorea. Pi ice, I.OI., W cta.i Plots, il V: lilna, 1 75 afTtue remedi, ex.epi P ip! s K.tracl, by the on or single li.x, are si n i( any part oi the country, by mall or express, .ice ot charite, on receipt ol the price. AiMrcia IIL'JlPIIHM.VsPKCIFlC homkopatiiic mi:dicini: CO. Office and le riot. .So. Ci llroadvray, New -York. Foil rtLK IIY I'. hCIIL'li, CAIitO, Ills, aiiKliueowawly A HOOK FOR TIIK MILLION. MAKKIAGK OUIDK. A PiIvaip Cotintelor to the Married or those ahoutto lairrv on the phsiolot:icnl mysteries nnd revelations of the sexual sjstim with the Ulestdiscoierles In producing and pie TcntiuitortapriiiK, prveerrlnir trie complexion, ac. Thla Is an InlereatlnK work of twohnndrviland twenty leur pajrea, witn numerous emtrnvinra, and contains taluaMo information for those who are married or contemplate marriage; still it la, book that oiiiht to be. under lock and key, and not laid carelessly alKiit the bouse, bent to any one (free of postage) for AO cent Address Dr. Ililtts' llisieiiaarv, No, li, KlKhth street, lit. Louis, Mo. notlreCo the Ataictedaml L'nrortuuale. Uefore aDIlWInir to Itie notorious Quark's vhn adrerllse in tne)Hibllo papers orusinii any (Juack remedies, perue Dr. Ililtts' work, no matter what your disease is or how denioraMe vour eoiu dition. Dr. Hulls can bo consulted, xcrannallv or al m.ll nn ill...... M.n.l.,.,0 . 1.1. otlice, No. VI N, Kijihth street, bet. Market aud Cnestunt S-t Ix)uls Mn. m'.dwlv NEWNI'AI'KU TIIK NEW YORK EVENING POST I'tllt 1HTJ. vhices Tti:ni't'i:it We will supply tho Ktemng Post as follows t DAILY. Ono year SI2 on ror snorter periods i icr tuoniii WKKKLY. BinRlo Copv ono yenr t S" Kivo Copies " " 7 tJ I en " " , U tu Twenty " ..20 oo hKMI-WKKKLY, HlnRle Copy onnyear 'I 00 Kivo Copies " ' 1 50 Ten Copiea " " jo 00 Or wo Mill send the following perlod"icala to ubjcnberi, in connection with the Kvtnlmj I br, at itie prices named : With With Weekly Setnl-WeoUly Evening Post, I'tenlnir Post, Harper's Weekly.. ...,.m Hi ini Harper's llaiiirM.u. ..l.iU, - W Harper's Mairaiinu 4 u r. ihi Evory Baturday j n u 60 Atlantic Monthly I... it (hi ,,0 uur Younx f olks 3 on Boribuar'a Monthly 4 W The tialiwy..,..; ,;,......J.4 00 4 M II laj The AUrlcullurlst w ;, m iieartn ami itome 70 a .,, Christian Union 'J to s tsj To each ilibscr.ber to tliu Krtnimj fbiaud C'Arit. lian Ui.iontot ono year will bo sent two exquisite 'French Oil Chro-noi, entitled " Wldo Awake" and "Fast Asleep," which ro,worth at rolnll 810 for the oulr. THY IT I THY IT 1 1 Kor 25 cents we will send tho Weekly Evening Post from new until January 1, or for uiiceuts uo will tend the semi' Weekly Post during tho same time.- Specimen numbers of the Evening post ent free. Address WM. C.UHYANT, A CO. ew Yorlt. BAPTIST aoi:nt. everywhere for t lies, lnrgot I'aptlst jjipir lu Hie world. Able wri)t (s, nil tho news, and conslnut imprnveinenls, hilt Maikrt lit poll, buiiilay Hcliaol Uenuttiiient lesson evei v week. An in. flexible novocain of llii)tisl ptlncipleH, O.Yi: nrire ; only pur Year. Iho tr.o.l nloni,. inn premium uml cliiblilng list ever nllored, or liberal cash cnmmlssioiia paid. 0Hpecimen cony and particulars fire to all who will write In LUTlll'.Ki YEAMAN, Tiik C'KNTUit. IWrTisT, HT. jMIE CAT110 DAILY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1871. !NNIT,,NT. Sl,2GO.OOO OO. IIAIITPOIU) KJHB INSURANCE CO.. Ol llarlford, Con. ' UIIAltTKlUM) 1810. K(tial to the Great Kmcrgeticy. TIIK IKON CLAD OLD 'HARTFORD' .Vrvcr NurroiKlrrMl Tested by l,e storms of Hixtyone yers AND STILL IS SOUND. Pays nomlhirnirplus. o $1,800,00.0 ft . OIUiAT CIIICACO Fl"lt I. Leaving her rnainlticcnt capital ol OUSTS EILLIOISr Untouched and Quarter of a Million ."orpins to spare. "CJpt.llH- lleail," KT IIAUTFOIU) I'OLK'IKS. SttlTord, MorrU & Cnndcc ttf;f:tit, Cairo, Illinois. 4HI. t.t.NS. An assortment of tho nbovo cans, securely packed lor shipment, for ulo at Cincinnati prices i.uu iiuiki.i, ttj l,.i;i.l..M OIIIID., lirug and Paint Iiealers, 7t Ohio Levee, iri.r.s ami ijucoiih. WM. II. SCIIUTTPaK, Importer nml Wlioleanlr Denier la WINES, LIQUORS, ASP TOBACCO & CIGAES. Arnt fur the U'-t brands of UUKAM AND STOCK ALE, ' AMI Imported Alesi or 1 I ire re lit Kind. 75 Ohio Lkvuk, tl CAIRO, ILLINSl. F. M. STOCKFLKTII, acccrsson roiiir: 1 stockiinn Itecllfjer nml iVIiwIeonlo Ienler foreign nml llomesitlc WINES AND LIQUORS. No. 02 Ohio Levee, ; CMI10, ILLINOIS. SE keeps on hand constantly a full slock o Old Kentucky llourlion, Kye and Mononea. , Whiskies, French llrandics, Holland Uio. lthtnonud California Wiues. JinSotf n Mi:UIOAl.. NKUVOUS DKUILITY, With ItH ifloomy ultvutlmilM, low uplr. IIh' denrcNNlnii, lit voluntary riuNilou, loan of heiiieii, speriiuitorrlKrn, loan of Iiuwcr' ilUzy lieiul, Iosh of meiuory. ami Ibrouteiioil Imprlenrn anil l.nbe rllllH, nul n luverciirn cure In Hum. ltlirey'H ilomeoiiitlilc Npeclllc No Tneuty.elKlit. Couipo.rul o tho most ralua Lie mild and potent curatives, llioy strike a onde at tho roots ot tho matter, ton up the ays tern, nrresi iiiciii.cuargea, anil iuiuri vigor ami snerjy, liloimd vitality to the entire mau. They havocured thbnsands of cases. Price, (3 per pnuktgMol lite boxes and large U vial, which is very important tu nbstlnntu or old cases, or II per single b ix, Bold by all itnijglsN, and sent by mail on loucipt ol price. Address Humphrey' Hpecilla Homuoiiathlu Medicine Co., Ai;2 Uroad way, P. Y. P. bOIIUH, augtfsUownwly Agent, Cairo, Illinois. LOOK TO YOUlt CHILDREN. THE GRKAT SOOTHING ItKMEDY. Mrs. Wlimtoi Nyrup, ..'Si Cures colic nnd griping ) I'rlre, lit III,' (M1, -, fill. I I -J cililalcs Hi" prouoas cf f Cents teithliig, J Mrs Mibduen oonvnlsiens Prlrn, ii Cents. Prlrr, Cents. WHITKDI Syrup. Mrs. IPS and overcomes nil dis eases Incident to in faiitsandchildieii, Cures diarrhea, ilisen. tery und siiiiuner com. pla:utliichildien ol nil tigs. wiumni IPS njruti It la tlm Oreal Infant's and Children's Hoolhlng ltemcily in all disorders brought 011 by Teething or any other cause. Prepared by tho QHAPT0N MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo, Bold by DrimglhtH im eaters In Medicine t my7dwiim M ..afassssssssssssssBBV. mw alllllllllllllllsll BssVraEatl1aBEsalKflH 1IALL1DAY BROTHERS, GBNBRAL. AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION HKKOIIAMN DEALERS IN FLOUR; And A ents of Ohio Rim and UsmawhB I 70 Ohio Levee, CAIKO, ILLINOIS If It Y U O O It H. Tl. FALL-WINTER. ;'72. C. HAN NY. LARCH STOCK, HHOWX yilEETINGS, 1'ItINT.S, O HECK S, 1SI H Till V K s, KKNTUCKY JKANS, EXTRA, CASSIMKRS, I) LACK ALPACAS. AMI LUiSTKIW, GKOS GJ5A1N SILKS, I'Ol'I.IXS. I. AROH STOCK OF CARPKTI.N'G, OI L CLOTHS, MATTINO, Window NIimiIch, fllLT 1IAKDS, NOTTIN'OHAiT LACE DAMASKf. Ill KnllrrNlorkXow Cloalng- nt AT VEKY LOW FIGUltKS. COUXER8TH hT., AND COMMERCIAI.-AV., Cairo, Illlnela. septltf PAINTS, OILN,rlr . r. l AUWin. a. 1. si Aai PARKER k BLAKE, IIFALIKS IN WALL TAPER, PAINTS, Fully. Ileuzlnr, GaNellnv, WI3ST3DO-W GLASS. WINDOW SHADEf, And the celebrated illuminating AURORA OIL. imoss' liuiLDiNo, con. 11th-st. a com- JIKKCIAL.AV., Cairo, Ili.ixoib. aug'JCtf 1AINTK11N. MOORE & JfATIIEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental IF-A.XIiTTIEjIE&S, asu leorallvi PnuertiaiiKliiar, Kulaouiiu. lMaT, fir., Pone in the highest style ol the ait, aud a incn uiiiiueiy cuiilieuiloil. SHOP IS PERRY HOUSE, CORNER OF BtH NT II NET XHU CMJIKRCJAI. A.YKKUK. CARL L. THOMAS, Is ptepared to do all kind of plain and orna mental PAINTING, KALSOMINING, lAlER 1IAN0INQ Siatf WRITING, KTC, At figures which defy all cnmpetlon, and in the highest Mtyle tf the paiuter's art, BIIOl' IN THETKHHY HOUSE, CORNER OP COMMERCIAL AVENUE ANU EIGHTH STRKK T. J. GEO. Sl'EINHOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Nlli.Nl. und t'omiue ri'lnl-itv, aTHharp Harors, -clean Towels and "Wr-rikillfull Wotltmen aW Lubes' and children's iia'lr cut und sham pooed, ulther at the shop or at their own homes, arGentremeu'i. whiskers and hair dyed lu cntiQQ oiauuer, BaUlctlou guaraateed. ntovks. tixwaiik, irro, A. HALLE Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothes Wringcri Voile. Ware, Coal Hods, KlreHhovels, Air Dates, MAMTACTtrtFR or TIN, ZIN'C. COPPER AND SHEET IKON AVARE. No. 16G "SVaahington-avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. arrtooflng. fluttering, nnd all kinds of Job siOrk done t shoitest notice. Ishldif IIOOKM. (A W 'A 'A . O O 'it . h 3 Sp. e t-i H u a U a v. o tl 73 H 73 tn 3 C u CI c fe ci o W V. a 0 J A tfi" ps W o SH H C 5 1 s 'A Ot W. A O as u m S BOAT (STORE!. SAM WILSON, mini in BOAT STOKES O R O C K It I K 8 , PROVISIONS, ETC., No. 1IO Ohio Levkk : : : : : Cairo, III. omniis ritourriv rtttm. O. D. WILLIA5ISON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio I.evce. CAIRO, I I, I, I N C 1 S. t.irr THE ONLY RELIARLK GIFT ENTERPRISE IN THE COUNTRY I $60,000 IN VALUABLE GIFTS To be distributed in I.. X). SiaSTE'S 152nd Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE, To bo drawn Monday, Nor. 87, 1071. Two Rrnnil Capital ol 9.1,000 rack In Clreeiibaeka. Twoprmes, J1.0O0; Fire prlies J.W0; Ten prlies, atl.l al, In ' V1W, U . ,,( UICCUUHIKB. WHOLK NUMTIGR CASH OIKTS, 1,000. Ono Hotse and BiiKRy, with silver-plated harness, worth Jiao 00 One tlno Rosewood I'lano, worth fioo OU ten family sowinR machines, each worth 1W 00 Kivo heavy cased Oold HuntlnK watches and heavvdolil Chains, woriheu-h ro an Ten Ladles' (iola Hunting watches worth eaciu Itmo H.Khl hundred gold and silver lever Intnl. inn nineties o ail) worm trotii iju to li mui 1-ndios' tiold Leonilne Chains, fienl's (Inld Vest eliaius, silver-plated castorB, solid silver nnddou. blcplatod table and teaspoons, ivory handled dinner Itulves, aiWer-plated dlnuer forks, silver vest chains, photoirraph albums, ladles' gold breastpins, shirt studs and sleeve buttons, Bnccr ritiRs, gold pins (silver exlenslnn,) etc. Whole (lumber Kills, U.oou. Tickets limited to AifcnU wanfeil to tll Tickrti lo tireinliims will bo natd. fJiriilo tickets (1 1 six tickets : Initio ticket f 10 meniVMive 31, I! rc.tllsrs nnnlnlnim, a rull 11.1 rt - .in scription of tlio umnnn of drawing, nnd other In formation in reference tn tho diatrilmtion, will be sent to any one ordering them. Alii letters inust beaddres.eil to I,. II. WINK, llox 80. 0,.r.'i-'. ..... . Cincinnati. O. tot west 0111 st. Oclldawlyr REAL ESTATE All ENT. U. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTA'IE AGENT AUCTIONERS, 1 t. ' (second floor) ohio i.kvkk, .cairo, huh., Buy and Seix Rkaf. L'statk, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OP TITLE A' I prersro Conveyances of KHeis II A It 11 KKN. NKW RARHKR SHOP, Georne. tho barber latelv with nn.1 Ksehbsch. has opened a IIaiiiii'h t-noi, ou Cutiuiierclsl avenue, between 17 and ittth streets, iur mo bw:i:iiiiiiiiuuiiiiuii ui lames nul ut'lllls llelt ol.tlie upier part ot tho city. He intltes all hi um mm uew menus iu visit ills Sliois UUU us. sures I tie 111 oolite attention and unequal! d work either iu hair ctitlina, culling, shftvltiu orslmui poolug. INMJIlABft'Ei Notnry Public, No. Pub. and u!8. c0lt7." HULL, CAROO, LIVE STOCK, CCIDENT, LIFE, JETNA. ir a BTrnnn A",cl 5,J4!,!l W NORTH AMERICA, PA., A",,"- 2,73,0bO CI TtARTrORD, CONN A,ftt ,MI,210 7 PHCKN1X, HARTFORD, AwetL- ...,1,7II,HI K INTERNATIONAL, N. YM Aasels.. l.V.I.SSI 17, PUTNAM, HARTFORD, Assets 706,9X7 . CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Acts- S1S.73 B HOME, COLUMIIUS, Asacls 415,271 i3 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Assets. . 800,000 00 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LITX, Aetl 30,000,00. ou TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, A"et"" - 1,M0,000 01 RAILWAY PASSENOERb' ASSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, Assets. M),CO0 INDEPENDENT, 1IOSTO.V, Assets C30,tS3C SAFPORD, MORRIS & CANDEB, 71 Ohio Levee, City National Bank, CAIRO, ILL. FIRE AND MARINE X 3ST S TJ JL 1ST C.1E3 ntMPANIEHi NIAQARA. N. T- As-ts . .................Il.tM.JU M tIKHVANIA. N. Y.. Assets l,0t8,T21 71 HANOVER, N. Y.. Asset 726.IC2 00 N. Y.. Assets .'.lit; .714.925 00 Comprising the Underwriters.' Agency. YONKKR.H. v. Y.. Asaets 878.4M 1J AL1IANY CITY. As'ets 4.53,10.1 2a KIREMKN H FUND. S. i. Asaets 678,000 00 BKCUR1TY, X. Y. MARINE. Asssts. 1.4J2.M5 00 Srotih, Daellines, Furniture, Hulls and Car itoes, instireil at ni'.es us favorable as sound, permanent security wl'l warrant. I resneetiully as'k 01 the citizens of Cairo, a still eol their patronaie. c. n. Otfice-at Kirst National t'4OKINU NTOVEN. THE TNYO MomI i u ret m fill, Popular and rerfeel COOKIITQ- MACHINES Ol tho uerlodare our welbknswn EPICURE BROILERS, Roth are of the simplest conitruotion, and many iiiuunKeu inai wo Ruarantee mem togtva ENTIRE SATISFACTION. As no article in tho household has a greater la fltlencn in tirmmilina ll.a l.u.ltl. .....r... ..l plness of tho family circle than the cosklnr .. wwuuiii, H wen ns puuey 10 s;e inv CHARTER OAK Villi Pin nw, . " . . . , 1 . . . . fi'.HUK au niosr sncecssrul. ular and perfect cooaing stove erar made. uslni; tho KFICVBE BBOILEI, You are always sure of having Juicy, Tender and Delicious lleefstakes, Chieken, Ilnm, Chops, elii. soin 11 r Excelsior Manufacturing Company, CIS and 014 N. Main-st.,8t. Louis, Mo. AND AM, LIVE STOVE I) ALER3. C. W. HENDERSON, Agent, Cairo, Illlnola. ptJdawlm l'lAXoa. SIXTY-riVE FIRST l'RIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE URKAT RAIiTIMORE MAXUrAtrroar WM, KNABK i CO., Manufacturers of UK AND, KQUARK AND Ul'RItlllT JPTA.2STO FOBTBS HAI.TIMOHE, MAHYI.A.MI. These instruments have. Lesn ts.fiirai thu Diihtlc for nearly thirty years, and upon their excellence alone attained an njiurrAaml fWi'wfiicr, which pronounces thetti ttueipialed lu TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY. ttSV" All Our Smitlie IVflsoa lmvii nnr una N'natf Tin proved Oietstrung t-calearil the AocerTe Trtblt tt)" We u mild rait np-c'ial attention to our tale 'atented liiinrovements in Ouamii ii.u... un.i rnuAaMinAsis.tounn m no other Piano, which brings thu I'lano nearer perfection than has yet EVERY PIANO FULLY WAHKA.'i'TtD FOR VlYK YEARS, Illustrated OatalninlB an, I V.!n r.fats tjroraiitlv furnished on application to WX. KSfAHE atfi, llAiTtiteai, Up, Or any of our regular UblllieJ ngenclta, ocigcodswCm vVVsVsmBa7aWAWj.-..' fro DKCOS, BA11CLY BROS ., olfio i.r.vr.r., ,Cauo, Itu DBTJ-GO-ISTS HARATOOA SPRINGS IK ICtt. SLAST AT BARCLAYS DRCO STORK.! Faun crnv, DAit.r. i t I MOCKINO BIRD FOOD ail biadi mb rti witsdvt vaotais . At Barclayh', J K h M B OL nQ QRA.PE,f,CAfTAJVBA 1 Tt t OHAPK 1 PILLS GRAPE I catawba K I ham ) PILLS ' "as. a Atl or MRIaHBttLB MED I VI IV KM FEKSU TXOM FIRhT HAND", Always In stock In largs supply, and fr sal Ly Barla7 lri, FEE8H DBXiTJE XaXG3C JUST 1I0IIT1S asp AT BARCLAYS'. JMsVKxtra Pinb Cologne; BbtHsenuinx Imported Extkacti; BtHaib, Tooth and Xail Brushis BSVIndia Rudder Nursery Goof AT BABCuA-Y BBOB:' PURE WHITE LEADf PURE FRENCH ZI'C. Best grades in large stock and va riety, very cheap) Aiaoi Full Line or Colorf, bar asd in oil; Taint Bruihet, I.iuaeed Oil, Whitewash P Jahse Turpentlna, Varnishes Etc. etc., an. 11 art am itaidab hvaiiiih At Barclays'. COAIm CAIRO CITY COAL It prepared to supply custamer with tlm best quality 0, PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS COAL. OKHF.KH left at Halllday Bros, office, 70 OHIO LEVKK, or at tksj CosfYtrd below them. CnarUa Holel, will raawlya prarapt attention. TUKTUO " MONTAUK ''will brln coal along side steamers at any honr. ocialf MAYNARD'S STAR BITTHBS THE BEST TONI0 IN USE I riiM MALE Bfj E. F. MAYNARD, PROP'R .1 ! , I . 'HPXTTS231TUC3- P.A.JZ vmm u . SOlSOn, ! J"' l" U.sL k . Aaa North Eighth SC, Phllada. Vegetable A color aud dresaing that will not burn the hair or injure the head. It does not produce a color mechanically, as the poisonous preparatipnr? do. It gradually restores the hsvj to its original color and lust., by supplying new Hfo and vigor. It causes a luxuriant" growth of soft, fine .hair. The belt and safest article eyer otR ' Cloand.fore. KoaediaemS. Bold ey.erywhere, TTXa ma