Newspaper Page Text
1 t I TRVVKI FR'SGUIDE. TAKE NOTIfK. TIME TA1ILE OF THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R, On and after Sunday, May 14th, 1671, the follow ing time-tablo will govern (he arrival nnd depart- II re of paasmRer trains nt Cairo i brpart Mall train, dally.... 11:4 p.m. Kxpreas, daily 2,-45 p.m. itrrii Mall, dally 3:30a.m. Express, dally, except Sunday 3:30 No change of cars from Cairo to Bt. Louis, No clians of curt from Cairo to Chicago. Klexsnt racing Room ileeping cars on night twins, agagt checked tn all Important point". HIrV lltATA, CAIRO AND LOUISVILLE Weekly Packet for Padiical., Kranavllle ana Lou Istllle, the favorite steamer, EDDTTILLE, T. O. ItVMA.V, .Waaler. I re Cairo every 8ATUPUAY at S o'clock p.m. Kor freiM or passage applr on board or to JAN. HI AON, Asj'l. CAIRO AND PADUOAH MAIL nOAT. The splendid steamer J-.A-S. FISK, Joe Tow lor. Mnator. ih i'iri Mtr.V. (-iinliyi excepted) at 4 m. Fjf ,UI.I or phjhAru immhikaxt th:ki:th. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALK, ) KorSale t FOR SALE, I KcrHalej K011 SALK.J KorlalUFOH SALE. Fnro from LiVEitrooi, Fnro from Lo.vdcndeert Fnro from Olasoow, Faro from Queen-stows" TO CAIRO, $4 8- 2 0 Harford, Morns A Ca Rents. INMAN LINE Liverpool NewToik ahd I'hlladtlphia Steamship Company, isnra i-ONTticr with vxitip ititss.iii siiimm 'UOTSaXHkXTS Kiir.Carrjind the 3Iil. FOR PASSAGE ITUKKTS on rfnmra Mfoamtiox AIM'I.Y TO JOHN 0. DALE, A or, 15 llrondwuy, New-york, or to II. Iloupt, WtthiiiKton Avenue, Cairn. nols, 51 I'llVHICIANS' WILLIAM R. SMITH, M. 1). 1KSlI)ESCE-So. SI Thirteenth street, be. i twren Washington avenue and Walnut street. iirt'lji Commercial avenue, up stairs, C. W. DUNNING, M. D. RmilJENCB corner.Nintli aad Walnut sts. J.hM corner sixth street and UI1I0 levee, tnhce hours from G a.m. to 12 m., nn.l 'J p. in I.AWYK.RH. A LI EN, MULKEY Sc WHEELER ATTORNEYS AM COL'N'.SEI.OUS AT LAW, William J. Allen, 1 I John ll.Miilkey, CA1I10, II.UN01H. imnel 1' Wlieeler.J !l,riieulr attention paid to river and ad m ri'iy Imsinf... liKKirK-Oicr J' II ink, Ohio I.evee. GREEN & GILBERT, ATTORNEYS COUNSELOISS; AT ;, William H. een, 1 William II fidbert, y CAIIIO, ILLINOIS. JlileiK.f.'ilbert, J BsT-Speeiw attention given to Admlialty and -leimboat bujlnes. iifFICE OHIO LEVEE, HO0MS 7 ASI 8 OVER CITY NATIONAL HANK. IXNl'H..Ci:. "TRIIJMPir." THE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO., Of CJiirlmiiiil. els, t.W.O'.fl 0(1 .Solicits all kinds ol ri.ks. r. it it oss, Agent, Cairo, ols. ocl.7tl JAs 11 rn:its. II 'i i'i..imiiT n I 1 1 i. wr.mji ijw; STEAM AND frASWrTV.H . , . . Auiitiua 4ias itr.s, niler ami 1''s material, Wnod i- i.un .hk k rniv.o, slop 'k,cin-ck talvea,ttc. ALSO Alj.HT lua T11 It llrollierw I'lilent liry (las Meters Ami Jlurehouse, ells A Co' Automata Watel Indicator and supply Valla for steam boilers. jiijUUK, COMSIEKCIAl-AVENUl HUTCH Kits). CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. IVUEULEII & BllOTIiEK Have reopened the 'Ori'l.AU MEAT MAHKKT, CouMEnc'lAK'-AV., eptJltf JAMV.S KYVkwim KNAbrON, Uitlcber nnd beiilcrlu rail Ktndel'r.b Mfiu, . Ooi.r.'iiTtr.?iTiiANDl',tI film 1 r 1 1 stni ' .,. ....t., .... . . . WAIH , lllliWi?e KUio biiu muKmei on J Wio Terj w. CfctUe, anil uIikkii unit lu urAnaraiil In fill . .. J drfo? fresh from I'n. pound to TA thousand pound. JAKE WALTER, BUTCH El JRj' FRESH MEAT, KiQiiTii Stiiekt, Between Wabuikoton AND COUMKItCIAL AVENVEU, AdJlUs;BUeiliuae A llauny'e. Keep the host of Dfcef, I'ork, Mutloo, Veal Lamti, llauaage, eto., aflu lire prcparett to aarve ciiliensla tho mol acceptable manner. ajjSOt, I etw.n Ninth mth uttt rOR SALE The undersigned la desirous of felling hla STol'.r.. AT VILLA KIPCi:. bulMIrR nml atock, nnd will do ' " ",0 reasonable terms . . . . ,t.-,.,. This Hand la one of the lMjn I he .1 ale. lor furtner inru, JfJJjJ-vif, Ihig,. UN. November no:HaJw The Illinois IVnlrsI Itil ll'ial Uoiiiptliy now lA';Vr 'elheroll')wli'i'le.HI.ed Iota In lira ddl.lont' otle Addition Lot r, Mock . ,1 JH " W, .. " fi, ,, a " m. .. i " n , For term", rte. spplj 9.111 Lot 21 baick hi. " 'it " l, " 1W " SJ, " 31 M, ' Jl " HI. , IAMKJ0tlNO , Xi'i' run n:xT. Tie CMiniiicrc'al Hotel 111 Im rented nn favor. aMetrllii" Possesion git ltnineillaieiy. ap. ply to IOCUTUI I. Hli'OW.ii The luxe and "Otnn 0 Hon dwelling house silliate.1 on r.iKi'in oeiween mhiqui mm Tnn liit"n (oppo.letlie IVee byterlnn Clitinili) Is tor rent. Kor term-, etc, apply to TllilIA!, ttUKK.N 4 AIitlKN, oi tJi'.tf Ohlil l.evea, Cairo. III". WASTKII. mil HKNT A I'lANO-Kiiquiie at room ao. f t. XChailea muei, or ai oi "i i""n" Valley Trantporiniion m., 01 0. WKIBICK. dlw Cslro. Nov. 6, 1871. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STOCKHOLDERS1 MEETING. A meeting of the stockholder, of the Cairo and Vlncennes railroad company will be held i t t lm olllce of the company lu Cairo, Illinois, on Sat urday, Kecembsr . 171, at 10 o'clock, a.m., for the purpose ul rnllfyiiiK the act on of the board of directors. um, Secretary and Treasurer Cairo, Novembers, 1S71. DOVttd. CENTRAL ELEVATOR. WE have re-opened the Central Klevntor, and are now prepared to handle grain with dis patch at rMtiffil rain, as follows : ,,, Kor receWini! bulk Rrnln, weighlnK In 1 ami ont, IneludlnK "ye days' s iorKe. ,'.'c pjr fcusliel. Vor Siicklbg ami tranlor onedialf cent addi tional. . ..... ... t..i Kor each ten utys niier wio orsi uio uuvumi cent per bushel. J. A K. IIUCI1N0IIAM. Cairo, III., Not. f, 1871. nov-30t. .1UST RECEIVED. A cholcelotof MICHIGAN APPLES, Which are for sale low to close consignment. Dealers apply soon novfdlw ami others wanting supplies should 11 Al. I.IDA I 1IKU3. THE BULLETIN. I'nblUhrd every mornlna;, Mandatjr ex cepted. BRIEFS. 'Wniiteil nn unfurnlihcd room for a gcntlctnnn, wife nnd child. Address, lock box, 1275, post-office, Cniro, Illinois. d.3t The official voto of Union county ns publistiuu in 1110 .loncsuoro mirrrtJfr, yivc lluye, 535 majority, nnd Uowmnn, for state senator, ii'J majority. The result of the election in this coun ty hns mado Casper Yost sore from tho crown of his head to tho soles of his feet nil tho way along his long body, ubout soven feot.M.x inches, more or less. Dr. Lnwrcnco of Goose Island, wi in tho city yesterday, right sido up with caie. Ho has of late, wo are informed, ad- dud tpirUual medicines to his worldly doc tor's stuff mid is ministering to souls dis o.iH'd as well ns to bodies out of lepoir. Tho Cheapest Hardware Store in Cairo, With the Host Assortment of Goods, Is at HnlleyV, On Washington Avenue, a doow ubovo Tenth. Mr. Finloy, formerly of Cairo, is now one of tho firm of Koberts & Finluy, shirt manufacturers, Springtlold. Mr. Finlay will be iu Cairo Wednesday nnd Thursday 16th nnd 10th Inst., and wishes nil who de sire to proctiro (.erviconblo nnd neatly fit ting shirts to hold their orders until thai time. Hill Walker, of Gooso Island, and well known to many persons in this city, was found dead on thu road noar his homo on ednefday morning. Wulkor was in Cairo tho day before and loft in tho eve ning for home. Ho is supposed by nomo to havo been foully dealt with. From the appearanco of tho body it was evident that the wagon had rolled over him. In reference to tho result ol tho lato election in this cotintv, the Sun says; " I Ills defeat, liko thu rest, is casilv nc counted for : but wo do not feel in Ihohu . . ... mor 10 nnniyzo 1110 voto. Wu are vcrv I TJ..1... f , I ... 1 ,l " , I?',., " "V" " H, "r T0 - ml ull,lu j.el uo wu . uut) lt porhisis in not feeling in the humor, thero U no telling what may bo the result. AVo fear thn worn. TI10 court-house people submit with commondable graco, wliich tho sumo it the right word, to the decision that they shall not havo a now jail nd must oith r retire from office, or enduro if not learn to liko tho stinks of tho present county prison house, Hariuau who holds to the doctrine of vox pojiull vox DtiU anxious to see any undemocratic wretch who still in sists that a decent jail is desirable in this county Talk about tho great unwashed de mocracy, when this is a fact : The day of I lus election .Mr. aicrtz, then tho candidato 01 the radical party for senator in this let, was In a party of flvo or six gen. tlemen whon tho subject of bathing came , UII, vno j,rolcrrea Wit mm a satn n tn nt) lina 41,.. . .t J 1 nil plunge bath-all had bathed and ....u ..., , . lrcf,:rcncci wpt Mcrtz. uYou mav 1 1. iv v. ...... 1 ... J 1 uuun, - sum ho, "and lu,5 mu) uo very nice ; but I aint bathed I ainril 1 H'f ft till 1 ' i., ... 1. 1. 1 I aea Ml lit) Iim.ll.llV fit. f VAt. Hall.!.... I. . V -J I J""' IB VariltV. Uiul ft vox I . . 1 ... ' ,,, UsV "U" Ul u,0M"rit. -Among the arrival at tho St. Char lo llotol yesterday wetoihn f,n,..i 11 AUu.nberts, Kvan.vlllo, Id , lll biujiuii, icw Jiexleo Mexico j jno U Cllllngs 1 L Cavally, St Louis; I. iMrIruiainSand John 11 Kearney, l'hiVa . worth, Ht Lculi r.i.... n ir..,n.,..i lady, bt Louis j John 11 Kearney, 1'hU N L Whoelor, Chicago, 111; j. i,uvury Cln, O i A B Tronkol, Cin, O ; j t Bel. kerap, N O, La ; 0 G Uchlrcd, Chicago, 111 ; Dus J Barton, Bladwin Locomotive Works, Phll'a i Col Young and wie, Mex. THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, Ico j J A Ilrolnskl, Stioiilsj O S Hnskell, Hi Jjouls; J. M. Uradloy, Surgeon, U a , h: J Mcndger, St Louis j Thos Hnteh, Chninpnlgn. Uolliidy't fifty-third monthly drnw- ing will take pluco nt I'aducnh, Novem ber, 27 1871. Among tno prizes nro $1, 000 dollars In greenbacks building lot in Howling Green, $000 j horso, buggy nnd harness, $C00; piano, S500; gold wntch nnd chain, $250 ; fine old painting, $250 ; $100 in gold, and 403 other prixos consisting of rclvct cloaks, silk drosses, overcoat, blan kets, coverlets, sewing machines, cooking stoves, solid silver-ware, gold and silver wa'rhcs, standard books, musical Instru ment', Ac. Tickets, $1 00 or six for $5 00. For sale nt Goliad ay it Smith's Howling Green, Ky., W. Scott Glorcs's, Louisville, Ky., J. L. Powell's, Taducnh, Ky. Or ders by mall or express shouid bo address ed to J. L. Golliday, Bowling Green, Ky. Lufltn, of the post office news stand is the Cairo agent and has tickets for sale. tf. MISCELLANEOUS. A fine black mare, a good spring wag on, and a set of new harness, for sale cheap for cash. Enqulro at J. Burger's, 141 Commercial avenue. Go to Jorgenscn's for importod Dun- deo ornngo marmalade, tho celebrated London crystal vinegar, in quarts, and holco Genoese figs. tf Tuber Brothers, having obtained for tlioir wntch department somo or tho very best workmon to bo found, aro now pre pared to turn out work in that lino with but little delay. Thoso having lino nnd difficult work requiring the most skillful workmen may now bo assured of obtaining satisfaction. The llneit pattorns of jow olry, &c usual, arc made to order nt prices thnt defyjcompctitlon. octSOtf. D. Lamport has removed his shop from Ohio Lcvco to Eigth, bolwccn Com mercial and Levee, and ho now invites his friends to one of tho beat fitted shops in tho city. Everything is kept in tho neatest nnd best manner possible ; snow white towels, bright, keen razors, pure water, fragrant soaps, clear oils nnd fine perfumery. Smooth shaves, thorough shampoos, fashionable hair-cutting, hair curling or dressing for gentlemen, ladies or children, and polito attention is always in readiness for those who favor him with their patronage. octSdlm. The merchant tailoring shop of Messrs Lchning & Kobler, on tho south side of Eighth street between Washington and Commercial avenues, opposite Honny's dry-goods store, has been open only a few weeks and already these gentlomo arc ob taining a fair sharo of the patronage of tho public. Thoy are both practical men first-class mechanics and are will ing to guarantee satisfactory work. They keep on hand always a full lino of pieco goods, to which thoy direct tho attention of all who wish to havo made clothes that nro worth the money paid for them. Cleaning nnd repairing dono neatly at low prices. Saup has received, in anticipation of the holidays, a very largo nnd vnricd stock of tovs. Ho always is first in this depart ment, nnd is recognized ns par excelltnt, the toy mnn of Cairo. There is nothing that can bo thought of to tickle the juven ilo fancy that he has not laid in stock not a email assortment, but one large enough to mako happy all tho boys nnd girln of Alexander county, and furnish a big stock to oicli of the jobbers in all tho towns surrounding Cairo, within a radius of a hundred miles, ntSt. Louis and Cin cinnati prices. Thu attention of the gen eral public, and especially of small dealers is particularly invited to Mr. Saup's stock. The family grocery store of Bixby & Kochlcr is being patronised largely by peo ple who liko fino grocoriesJiTheir location on tho north side of Eighth street, be tween Commercial and Washington av enues, is a central one, and their stock has Leon selected with discrimination, there fore this now candidate for public pntron ngo meets exactly tho wants of tho peo ple. Messrs. Koehler & Bixby prnposo to keep up tlioir reputation bynlways selling tho beat of all sorts of grocories to their patrons nnd tho public, knowing thnt peo ple gcncrnlly nro awnro of the fact that ranlly good nrticlos of any kind nro nl wuys tho cheapest in tho end. tf Bemaiilk and Safe. Dr. Henry Boot nnd Plant Pills nro mild nnd pleasunt in their oporntion, yet throrough, producing no nausea or griping. Being entlroly vegetablo, they can bo taken without re gard to diet or business. Thoy arouse tho liver und sccrotivo organs into healthy action, throwing off dlsoaso without ex hnusting or debilitating tho system. Try them and you will bo satisfied, l'rico 2f cents a box. Sold by druggists and deal ers in medicine every whoro. Proparod by tho Grafton Medicine company, St. Louis, imssuun. mvuum Tim Saui'lk Boom. Mr. 1. Fltzgor aid's sample room, at tho corner of Four teenth street and Commercial nvonuo, is supplied with aa flno a stock of wines Scotch and Irish whiskies, cigars, etc., as was over offered for sale in this city. Mr F. is doing a wholesale business, and bo ing thoroughly acquainted with tho bus! ness in which he has embarkod, feels con fident of his ability to sell his goods as cheap, if not cheaper, than any other cs tabllshment in tho city. Ho solicits of the public patronage. octlStf. Aoenth Wanted. An, experienced agent wanted for each county in the United States. Business lucrative, pormanent and respectable, i rom $5 to $7 per day, cash guurnntccd to the right mnn. Nono need apply unless posscssod of sterling business habits, not afraid of work, nnd well rteom vitndtd. Address William W. Morkih & Co., 01 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, l' novleodlw. "Wanted to Kxciianoe For Improved uairo property, 100 acres of good land. wiimn one mile nnd a hulf of Hickman Kentucky, with good brick house nnd all necessary out buildings. Tho placo also has on It one thousand fruit trees. For further information apply to dAB. Mallory, Steamboat Agent. ocW7lf THE BRIBACH TRAGEDY. PltKMMIKART EXAMINATION OF MOiER the Homicide The Evidence-Hem! to Answeii. Motor, tho slayer of tho lato ltobort Bribach, had n preliminary examination yesterday beforo Esquires Bross nnd Mcllnle. Tho exnminntlon took plnco in tho room of tho county court, which was woll-llllcd with spectators. 1). T. Lincgar, Esq., nppenred for the accused. At about half-past two o'clock the prisoner was brought into tho room. Ho is heavy set, about fivo feet ten Inches In Light, full whiskers, blue eyes, a German enst of fea tures, and anything but a dangerous look ing man. During tho examination ho was visibly affected, and whon tho justices au nounccd their determination to hold him over he shed tears. Wo heard him say, in an undertone to his lawyer, that ho would rather ho in Bribnch's coffin than in his own unfortunate- position. Stephen Swatiltz testified Whs In our saloon between 8 and 0. Bribach wns in with u, and drank sovcral glasses of beer. Then this mnn came in and took a glass of beer. Tho bar kcoper proposed to piny n gnmo of sixty-six. Bribach said he would piny tho pris oner for $10. Prisoner ngrccd j but then said ho would not, thnt ho would piny for tho beer. Bribach would not do that, and began talking to him about the old country. Bribach asked him whero ho was from. Prisoner said ho wns from Baden. Bribach said he was a linr, that he must bo from Saxony, and doubled up his fist to strike prisoner. Pruess caught Bribach nnd told him not to strike, that prisoner didn't want to havo any difficulty. Brlbnch then treated tho crowd nnd prisoner. While prisoner was drinking, Swnntiz Introduced him to Bribach, saying ho is a butcher and so- loon keeper. I'risoner said in conver sation that, now thoy woro acquainted, Bribach might say what he pleased to him and he wouldn't mind ; but, ho nddod that ho wns glad Brlbnch had not struck, becauso if "you had jumped on mo the way you intended you might have been n dead man." Bribach throw off his coat and hat and struck prisoner with his hand right and left and then caught him and was trying to press him down. They got twistod around and prisoner shored Bribach towards the corner, whon witness caught prisoner around tho arms. Saw blood then. First witness knew of the r-tabbinc. Bribach staggered, and witness helped him to sit down ; then got a cot and laid him in the hall. Ho died in about half a hour or so after he wns stabbed. Jno. Prouss testified Wns In the city bewery in Cairo night of tho killing. Bribach camo in and called tho crowd up to drink. Prisoner camo in afterwards, nnd spoke; passed his snuff box nround; somo took f miff. Prisoner then snt down at table on which cards woro; asked some ono to play with him; Bribach said he would for $10; prisoner did not say much; secmod to think Bribach was ban tering ; said ho would play for the beer. Bribach talked to him ; told him he was n d d liar; mado n (1st nt him ; witness told him ho must not do so; that ho (Bribach) had insulted tho prisoner first. Bribach said they woro all friends; nsked all up to drink; asked prisoner; nsked him thrco times. Prisoner ncceptod the invitation. "While drinking Bribach and prisoner be gan talking about tho old country. Bri bach asked him about distances between places. Prisoner answorcd. Bribach told him ho was a d d liar. Prisoner told him if he knew so well himself he should not have asked tho questions. Then thoy got to be frionds again. Swunitz intro duced tho two. Bribach invited thn pris oner to come to his house ; prisoner said iio would; that, now he knew Bribach, ho would take almost anything from him that ho saw he liked a good deal of fun; hut that if ho (Bribach) had rushed on him beforo he might havo been a dend man. This soemed to nngcr Bribach. Ho threw oil' his hat and coat; struck prisoner throe or four times; caught him nnd was trying to crush him down. Paw prisoner put his hand in his pocket; prisoner thought ho might bo drawing a piitol and got out tho back door, but camo in ngaln ; saw prisoner hold up his hand and heard him ay saveral times : " Don't strike mo ngnin or I'll stick you. haw bwanitz catch him. Henry Wnlbnum testified that he wont into tho brewery on night of trngedy, and saw a party playing cards; they got up; the barkooper didn't havo timo to play ; asked Swunit' to plnv. Bribach said ho would play for ten dollars ; prisonor said all right ; Brlbnch said "put up your mon ey;" prisoner said ho had not socn IiIh money yet. Bribach throw n roll of bills out on the table; prisoner said ho could not toll whether tho money was ten dol lurs or not. Tho 5barkeeper told thorn there could bo no playing for money. The prisoner proposed to play for tho boor. Bribach said ho didn't havo timo and he would rather treat tho crowd. Prisoner said something I didn't understand; it socmea to arouse Bribach and he wanted him to tako it back, and shook his fist Preuss interfered. Bribach treated, and they got Into conversation about tho old eountry. Bribach asked whero ho was from ; prisonor said Baden. Bribach asked the distances; prisonor answerod; Bribach said ho was a liar. Prouss again inter fered. They drank again, and tho pris onor saiu ne intgni say anything he pleased to him. Don't know whothor Bribaph was drunk or sobor; can not say he was drunk, but he had been drinking and was talkatlvo, and merry, Dr. "VVadgymar testified that tho prisonor called on him at about 0 o'clock on the night of tho tragody nnd said: "Como with me, quick, Doctor, 1 havo stabbod a man at tho brewery 5" that ho bad drossed tho wound and that it oc casioned the death of deceasod. Goo. Wcldon testified "Was sitting in at Gates', A young man ran down street aftsr an officer, Asked him what wasitho oatter. Said a man was hurt at tho brew ery; went up to the brewery; met pris oner coming out of Schonemoyor's and told him be wa my prisonor. lie nikcd NOVEMBER 10, 1871. what for. I told him for hurting a man nt tho browery. Ho snid all right. Wanted Brlbnch to identify him. Said: "No uso ; I did it, nnd hero is tho knife." Mr. Linegar addressed tin court at con tldornblo length, nrgulng thnt tho prison er had acted in solf-dofonso. Tho court hold tho prisoner In tho sum of $2,000 to nnswer nt tho iiexl term of the circuit court. RIVERNEWS. POUT LIST. AltniVALS. Steamer Dexter, Now Orleans. " John Kyle, Now Orleans. " A. Baker, Capo Girardeau. " St. Luke, Memphis. " S. H. Long, Mbn'd City. " Columbia, Arkansas Blver. " Silver Bow, St. Louis. " Louisville, Now Orleans. " Adn Heilman, Memphis. " Jas. Fisk, Jr., Paducah. " Illinois, Col. " St. Josoph, St. Louis, DEPARTED. Btoamcr Dextor, St. Louis. .Inlin Kvln HI T.nnl. 11 11 11 St. Luke, St. Louis. S. 11. Long, unknown. Columbia, St. Louis. Stvcr Bow, Bed River. Jas. Fisk, Jr., Pnducnh. Illinois, Col. St. Joseph, Memphis. Mary Millar, New Orleans. Boh Boy, NoW Orleans. Tho Ohio is still rising and has risen 4 inches during last 24 hours. Tho Missis sippi is falling with lars than flvo feet in tho channel. Reports from Bed rivor says that it is rising yet. At Littlo Rock the river Its still falling. At Dubuque tho river is stationary and falling at St. Paul. At Cincinnati tho Ohio still continues swolllng with an improved channel to Louisville. At Evansvillo tho river is stationary. "Weather yesterday was clear nnd pleasant nnd business on tho land ing was very active. Hems of cargo. The John Kylo put off here 120 halo cotton. Dexter discharged 92 bnds green hides, 15 bbl pecans, 12 pkg wool. St. Luke had 12 bales cotton. Ill inois brought 3 car loads lumber for I. C. R. R. Co. Tho Fisk had 175 bnds iron, 110 pkg wagon stuff, 30 bundle handlos and 39 pkg dried fruit. Louisvillo had 38 bnds green hides, 00 bnds. gunnies, 64 crates and 1 cask quoonswaro. Tho Baker had for tho South 612 bbl flour, 100 bbl lime and 160 sacks bran. Miscellaneous. Tho Ada Heilman, from Memphis, came up rather light. She is now loading for a return trip nnd will get away to-day Tho Atlantic is still hero receiving freight on her barges ; how evar, she will get awny to-dny sometime with a full tow. Tho Louisville, from Now Orleans, had but little freight. Sin will begin loading for tho south the first of noxt week. Tho passenger list of the linker from Capo Girardeau was not very hugh being only ono docker. Mr. Foun tain Hngy woll-known in tho city is her clerk. Tho Bob Roy filled up with all the freight she wanted, nnd loft at day light. She had a good lot of passengers. Capt. Dugnn returned from St. Louis yesterday, whero ho was on a business trip. Tho Miller laid hero all day yesterdny, trnns fcrring and receiving freight. Sho left sometimo during the nfternoon with a fair trip. Tho Suint Joseph for Memphis re ceived considerable freight. Honry Pnrtce is back on her again. Owen G. Gates is back ngnin in tho office of tho Doxtor. He was or tho Lucy Ilortram ono trip. John Huudloy deck sweeper on the Tom Jaspor was drownod whilo in tho act of drawing a bucket of wator. John Laughlais, 2nd clerk of tho Richmond last season, is at bis home in Capo Girardeau. Ellis Harris was wailed on by n couple of ladies for a donation to somo kind of a fair, and just at that particular time ho had business on tho other wharfboat. Tho Argonaut laid down in tho Kentucky bend all day yesterday taking on lumber. It is probablothnt tho Eckert will go down to tho assistance of tho Hamilton. Ho I for Hnllyl Now Store I Now Goods I Best assortment of Cooking nnd Heating Stoves over brought to Cairo, on Washington avenue, three doors above Tenth street. Try the Wonderful Japanese Gkeen Tea Pile Cure It hns never failed iu tho most stubborn cases. It cures by absorption. No pain. No in jurious substunces. $6.00 given for every authenticated failure. Sent by mnil to nny address on receipt of price ($1.00) and 20c extra to pay postage Orders must bo nddrosscd William W. Morris & Co., Solo proprietors for Unitod States nnd HritUli Provinces, 01 Fourth Avonuo Pittsburg, Pa. novlcod3m. Whero nro you going? To tho placo number 63, Ohio lovce, whoro thoy keep tho host fresh oystors, fish and gamo, and tho finest wines, liquors and cigars to be found in tho city. Open at all hours, day er night. J. E. Parks Brick Stork yon Rent. Tho brie storo, No. 78, Ohio Loveo, now occupied by P. M. Stockfloth, Esq., is offorcd foi ronl, and will bo vacant on tho 18th inst Apply to Jno. B. Piiillis. oct3tf Truth. Tho powers of Mts. Whit comb's Syrup for children aro as positivt as the mihlight from Heaven, and gontl and soothing as an angel's whispor. Foil good photographs, porcelain pic lures, or old pictures to bo copied, call ot ThomaB, No. 124 Commercial avenue. Ilr s a good workmnn. Givo him a trial. scptl6tf. If you dosiro rosy cheeks and a com ploxlon fair and free from Pimples Blotchci and Eruptions, purify your blood by taking Dr. Pjorco'a Golden Medical Discovery It hits no equal for this purpose 683 For Sale. A Grovor ii Baker sowing machine, in porfoat order nnd but littlo used. Any ono wishing to purchaso may mako a good bargain by application at this office. tf. Joroknson has Just received a largo sup ply of Portland bll'.o berries. Try themt. Slkepino Booms For. Rent. Ton wollvontllntcd slcoplng rooms in City Na tional Bank building. Apply to EDWARD DEZONIA, At City Nntlonnl Bank. Fon Sale. A cottneo on 12th street containing 7 rooms, cistern nnd out houses complete. Apply to "W. "W. Thornton. Adams' dry corned fish, n most delicious nrtlclo, in nbundnnco nt Jorgonson'a gro cery storo. tf. Oysters. Louis Horbort has alwas on hand a fresh supply of Saddlo Rock oys ors. ti Go to Dr. McUauley for Rattingor's Fe ver Drops. Warranted to cure tho chills tf Those French Cherries, in syrup, so popular with connolscurt. are sold by Jor gonson. tf Try tho Amorican club fish, put up n oil, to bo found nt Jorgonscn's. The finest vanilla chocolato paste in glass, nt Jorgonson's. tf. The best East India dry preserved glii gor at Jorgenscn's. tf. Paul G. Schuh sells Battingcr's modi cines. tf Litti.k Muck Clams (quahnugs) ai Jorgcnson's. tf PHIL HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, CItjr Mallounl Hank nulldlatr. taswBpecUl attention paid to orders trout steam boata nliiht or dar." FAMILY UlttXJEltlM. LOUIS JORGENSEN, Dealer In all kladaol STAPLE AND FANCY O-BOOERIES. Farmer' Yard aad Ntablipaj without cuaroc. Cor. WAshington-av and Twentieth-st. U CAIRO, ILLINOIS y27dtf UlTLTiytitir MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY A St) LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, t'otninrrrlnl Air-iiiir, oipkllr F.lllo anu Jlity lliorli'n Cairo, Illinoih. CLOTHING FOB LADIES' WEAR Made to order, or Ready. Made. Has received a full and complete stock of goods the newest and couiplelest lu ttiu city. An nn raenie varity ot RIBBONS, LACES AND FRINGE he ofTara great inducemats to her patrons and airothera tocall on her.examtn the prices, ntylea and quality o; ner goous. PAINTERS). MOORE & MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamenta PAINTEES, asp DecorHtlvr Fnperhaiiifliitc, Knlhoiiiin IIIK-, etc.. Done in tho highest ttyle ot the art, and a niton mat ueiy cuiiipeiiuun. SHOP IN rERRY HOUSE, CORNER OF 8t STREET AND CMMERCIAL AVENUE. CARL L. THOMAS, la prepared to do all kinds of plain and oroa mental PAINTING, KALSOMINING, PAPER HANGING SIGN WRITING, ETC., At figures which defy all couipetlon, and in the hlgheei atyle cT the painters art. SHOP IN THE PERRY nOUSE, COnMXK OF COMMERCIAL AYXNUB AND XIOHTH STHKE T. 4BOAL. CAIRO CITY COAL COMPA1TY. la prepared to aupply customer with tho bast quality o. PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS COAL. -ORDERS least HallWoy Broi. office, 70 OHIO J LEVKK, or at theAcoal Yard below the tit, Cnarlea Hotol, will receive prompt attention. TUBTUd i'montauK" vrlllbilnir coal alone ldo suiuiwi at an j hour, ociJtf 1HIY OOO DM. 71. FALL-WINTER. t C. IL AN NY. A UGH STOCK. BUOWN SHF.KTINGM, HUNTS, Ticn:i2ra-s. CHECKS, AM. S T R I P E S, KENTUCKY JEANS, KJCTItA, OASSIMKRS, BLACK ALPACAS AMU LUSTERS, GROS GRAIN SILKS, POPI.INH. OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, Window Hhadea, GILT HANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMASKS. HI EatlreHtock Now Cloning Oat' AT VERY LOW FIGURES. f'nuyitu Htii ht . ivn rnuii nrir a f -a v Cairo, llllnola. aeptllf WIN FX AND UtlCURe. w3rYi""i7iuTTEii Inaparlvr and Wholroalf Dealer WINES, LIQUORS, Agent fur the best brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, aso 75 Ohio Levee, II CAIRO. ILLINHl F. M. STOCKFLETH, tt'ccsMoa romi a srorariarii Rrs-llryer and Wholesale. Dralor Foreign aad Donteatle WINES AND LIQUOR No. f2 Ohio Lkvke, J CllRO 1 I.MMIIH. aK keepai Old Kent Whlskii Kkeepaon hand constantly a full stork niucsT iioiirbon, me ana jionou . 1... .. ... imtii'i ..w. ....... ... MOAT HTOBEft. SAM WILSON, mun t x BOAT STORES OROCERIKB, PROVISIONS, No. IIO E T C, Ohio Levee : : Cairo, III oicisi roMLv riLiio; Q. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 7OhloIvc, 0 A I n 0, I LI, INC lfl, REAL ENTATE AGENT. 0. WINSTON & CO., tiuat TFarn Afrits A firVT AND AUCTIONER8, 7J (second FLOOR) OHIO LKVM, CAIltO, ILLB., Buy and Skm. Rkal Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Ai I ureter Conveyances of Kinds. PAINTB, Oim, ete- PARKER & BLAKE, DBALiaim WALL PAPER, PAINT3, Putty, Ilmalne, Oaaollav, WIKTTJOW O-IiASB; WINDOW SHADES, And tha calibrated illumlnatlog AURORA OIL. nuoss' BUII.DINO, COR. IIth-st, a com-mircial-av., Cairo, Illinois. aug?0tf UAHBKKM. NEW BARBERSHOP, George, the barber lately with Theobald and Eschbsch, has opened a New lUasia Buor, oa Commercial avenue, between IT wd lth street., for the accommodation ot ladles and gentle-neu or the upper part of the city. Ha Invites all hi old and new Inenda to visit his shop, and as sures them polite attention and unequalled work , either la hair curling, cutting', shaving orshaiu PCOlSK. 0(U