TUB MAILS. North, Tiiroiijtn., AnnlVE. MTATIT 'iiWa, in, too p.m Vi ny .. ri'ti. ll.fm ... uMu ii.m, :oo i,m " Through N. o.. M,.m. phi mid Columbus 2.30 p.m. liOOp.m, ..iiu jinrr route, (except junimy; ; p.m. 0.00 p.m iron .nouriiain It. It 3i.i0a.iiii HiWp.Ji Jim. u vcr route, Tuesday nnd Friday 0.00 p.m. 7:00 p.m uiebes, tjooso Inland ABnntn I'c, Ills., Thursday A I-rl- ly ; C:00p.m. 7;00a.tn Jlnyfleld, Illamlvitlo nnd Lovelace, Ky 11.00a.m. 4.00 p.m orricE nouns, Oenernl Delivery 7iMa.m. (Sundays 8 toll a.m.) Money Ordr dcpaalmcnt :W a.m. 6.00 Iteglater " " " 8.Wa.m. o.Wn.ni Money Older and Itcglsler departments no open on minuays. SECKETJUDElisT THE MAHON8. CAlB'i'.OiMMOiiirar, No. 1.1. Slated Assembly ri inu Asyinm -MH-ioiii j ami, first and ttur.liH.it. urdavs In each month. CaiuoO.ii.vcii., No. If I, HcgulAr Convocation at aiasonic Hall, the second Friday In each month. CAia.j Uiuma, .No. 71. K-Knlr Convocation at Masonic Hall, on tho third Tuesday of every CaIkh I)iir, .No, 2.17 Y, AA. M IteKillar Com. 'l'''mn in"oiiiu jinn, ine second and JOtl rill MoriilllVS ol each mnnlli. I.i.ta Uiir, No.&M k. A. M. Itcgtitar Corn- -""sonic nan :iril and tlilr.l i jiursuays in enen montri. T1IK ODD-lKLLOWH. AiriAmrn Ir.ir.2.!l.-Meeta In Oddfellow's. Hall, in Artrr'a IluiMlng, every Thursday even Ing, at Ho'clcik. OUR CHURCHES. ItKSIlYmtlAN-Eighlh.streel. I'ntu hlng, f-'.ibUth at ln a. m,, and "Y, r. x. I'raye r meet.ng, Wednesday at t r, . Sunday Hciwol, 3 r. m, J. M. I.anidcn, Super- Int. ndent. Iter. C. II. Foon, faster. METHODIST-Cor. Eighth and Walnut His. 1'reachlng, Hablth 10 a. w.,end 7 r. K. I'raycr meeting, Wednesday, 7i P. M. Sunday School .3 r . I W. Htllwell, Huper- tn'.endent. ltev. F. L.Thqimox, I'aator. ClltJltCIl OF THE IIEUEEM Kit-Episcopal), Morning prayers, Habbath 10JJ a. . Evening prajer7J$. Sabbath School, S a. m, Hev. Mh, Oua, Hector. IT. I'ATItlCK .1 CHUIICH-Jor. Ninth HI. and Washington Avenue, .'ubljOcervicc.Hjbbilh eJand iu; a. w. Vespers, 3 p. . Jundayp;hool,'2 r. m. ierrlec every .lay, e p. x, ltev. I J. O'll alloxan, l'rlcst. ilflHTlAN Eighteenth street. Sabbath School, Si'-, A. ., K-ibbatli. Preaching, Sabbath Wt a, x,, and 7) J p. x. Iter. J. Faitstt, l'aslor. .MION Sl'.NHAV bCHUOL In the Christian Church, Eighteenth Sireet. Sabbath Scnool 3 r. x, J. II. I!tri, Superintendent. meeting second Monday eacb month at ti e I'raysr room of the Presbyterian Church. Weekly I'ra)er ineetintf, Friday, 7J-J p. x., at .he Prayer room of the Presbyterian church. C. Pakius, Preldent. nd Cedar. cervices, Habbath, ll a.m. Sunday Sihool, yt r. x. Cla"s3p x. PreiClnu,7'5 p. x. ltev. Win. Jacifon, Paito ilXOSU r'lti:iWII.I,llAPTIsT-rifteenth Kt. between Walnut ami Cedar, cervices Hbbth, an I J r. x. ltev. A". Iticts, Pastor. IlKK-WIM, IH1TIST HJMK It PsmIoa eU.N HA V at ll'JOI-C'orner ..uut and CVd.r St. Bundty school, ! . x IRVT FlIKi: ISAPTI-T CIIURCli-Cur- ry's Ilarraeks, cervices, liabbilhlj a x., 3 p. x. and 7U r. x. ltev. Wx. Ktinr, r.i.lur. IKSTHISSIO.VAItV IIAPIlsT CIIUItCH-llet. een luth and 11th streets, nearCelar. PreAClunt .'ibbath 1"', a. x.tand "y, r. x. Prayer Meetin;. Wednesday dening, Pri'.ichine, Fr..iy evemoir. Sabbath N hool, I', p x. John Van Halter and alary Mephens superintendent. ltev. TJ. ciiuavs. I'jit'i STATE lOJTJCERS. STATK OFl'ICKItS. .vernor, John M. Palmer ; leutenant-Uovernor, John Iloui;lierl) ; cretary of .State, Edward Kummel ; Auditor of State, C. K. I.ippincott hUtoTreaurer. II. A. Ilate ; Bupt. Public Instruction, A"e ton Uateman. COXOllKSSMKN. Senators l.yman Trumbull and John A. Logan. Representative for the State at I,are Vacancy, Representative Thirteenth District John M Creb. MEMIJEKS GKNKKAL ASSESIULY. ' Senators, 1st District T. A. E. Holcomb. ol Union, and S. K C.itoon.of Rallitln. llepresentatite, 1st District II. Watson Webb. col'ntvITfkickiw. (MKfPIT COUIIT. Jiiillje D. J. Hiker, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney J. K. Mit'.utni), or Massic. Circuit Clerk Jtici. q. lUrrnnu. Hberitl-A. II. Imn Win. Martin, As-essor mi'' Tieaurer. COUSTV COUUT. Judge r, llross. Associates J. I.. McCrite and H, MimdrMon. Clerk Jacob O, I.vneh. Coroner John II. (lossman. ilUNICI I'AIj "govkkn'ment Mayor John M. I.ansden. Treasurer J. H. TaIor. Comptroller E. A. Ilurnett Clerk Michael How ley. Marshal Andrew Cain, Attorney P. II. Pope. Police Magistrates K, Dross and II. Hhan. ncssy, Chief of Police I.. II. Myers. Police Constables John Bheshan, (day), and Jos. II. Velrrun and J, W. Sumner, (night.) SELECT COUNCIL. Mayor John M. I.anidcn, First Wrd-P. O.Sihuh. b'econd Ward C. It. Woodward. Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward a. Htaata Taylor. Cltyat'Largo-W. P. Halllday and D. llitrd. DOAKI) OF ALDKItMK.V. niwr WAHD-James llenrden, Leo Klub, Isaao Walden. ECO.ND WAItU It. Il.Ciinningliam, V.. Iluiler, Henry Winter, Jiinits Snayne. rillltl) WAUD-Wm. StMtton, Patrick Fitigotald OUUTH WAUD-Janies Carroll, J O.II.Sease, J.H.Mctcalf. Tme of Meeting, CITV rol'NCIL. rhn iMv Council meets In loint session on Friday evening precoaiiig the first Munday of aacn iiioaiu. BtLV.CT C0l'.CH.. TheScloct Counsil meets on Iho tlrst Wednes day and TliursiUy, alter tlio second Monday In each month. HOARD Or AILKIlMtN, The Hoard of Aldermen mods rn the flrs a,onday and Tuesday In every month. COMMITTUES OF Till! COUNCIL. On Strett$-SlcrtT. Tujlor, Wnlder, Winter, oo.l and Metciiir, An(aii Mossrs.CiiiinliigliaiiiiScliiih, Filrger aid, a'eAsu ut.it Hulliilny. C(imn SlfsHr. Wood, Cunningham and Kleb Ibiee an I Jul Mcssu. Carroll, iluder nnd Woodward 0-iiiimiice-Mossr.s. cVusu, Wnldernnd Tuylnr. Fin Dri'artmtnt Messrs, Hnirileii,BHayno ami UaiUtt Massia. H.ihuli, Winter a'l I kla h. PH'itiu t mr .V 1 1 1 v I, Wintil Huda ... '.,Lr,..r.. Ill . -i .i nl ! ite lit. ul i t- ' . 1 1 I iii' , Boa pir,Htr.i'.t').i 'i I ' " U THE BULLETIN. Plllillcntloii Ofllrr, Illilletlu Illlllilliiu;, nnisiiinKioil Avcntic. IFrom the Cairo Kvenlni? Hrm.1 Drt. J. White. "Wo nrn e-lail io Irrnrn Hint Dr. J. "Wiiilo la receiving calls for hit auvico ami rctncdfci which bid fair to re lain him In Cairo all winter. Dr. Whlto' (kill In to promptly delectlnt;, ns ho doe; ovory nlltnont and tho Into condltlonof tho ontlro body of tho ufforor Is often tho wonder of tho sufferer hlmsolf, nnd ovorv ono wno witnesses tho cures. Porsons carolcss or Indifferent U this opportunity for rctloratlon to health may, regret their negloct for tho balanco of tMr licet! Woadvlso the early call of diseased on Dr. White, with confident ex ptsctatlon of permanent relief. His rooms aro at tho Soulhorn hotel. umo levee. nov7-lm -Insure your life In tho "Life Aisci. ation f America." Do you lack t motive ? Think of tho dying words of tho lamented Oenen.1 Itawlinirs: "I know that I am to die; and rny only regret Is that I Juavo my family paupers." Slenno Koomr ron Kent. Ton well ventilated slooping rooms in City'a. tlonal Hank building. Apply to EDwAKD DKZONIA, At City National Hank. CAUL h. THOMAS, Is prepared to do all kinds of plain and orna. mental PAINTING, KALSOMININO, 1'AI'EH HANGING DION WR1TI.VO, ETC., At figorea which defy all cornpetlon, and In the nigtiest style cf the palnter'a art. SIIOl' IN THETEHItY house, COK.NER Or COMMERCIAL AVKNUK AVIi KIOIITH HTHKK T. BOAT NTOREH. BAM W ILSO N , biilii la BOAT 8TOEE8 OROCERIES. 1'ROVISIO.VS, E T C. A'o. 110 Omo Levee : : : : : Cairo, III oaniai paoxerLv iiuid, G. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, I'KODUCE AND COMM ISSIOX MERCHANT, .No. 70 Ohio 1 vrr, CAIRO, I I, I. I A' C 1 B. "Speeial attention vlten to conslirnmenta and lllllriL- orders. lL'ltMTLIti:. SAVE TWKNTV I'Elt CENT Hy bii)lrigyour EICIIHOFF BROS., FUHNITUllE FACTOltV,; WmaliliiRloii-iiv., Xonr Costiitu House CAIRO, ILLINOIS' Messrs. Eichlioil Hrnthersdeilre to Inform tho cltiiens of Cairo that they aro manufacturing all kinui or PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE And have now on hand and for sale, at Wtioleftale hiiU Kclnll, II kinds, and wil continue to keep nt their SALES ROOMH, IN THEIR NEW JIUILDINCI, Every dltcription of cheap and cosily lurnlture, juuuua lS.Carved Bedsteads, MTMarble Topped Ilureuiis, 0ridel)iiardH, Wiil-lunils. S-W.irilri)lies, Sola Chairs, aa.Hofu and Malratacs, 4S'I.ouiigrs,etu , etc, Which tlioy will guarnnteo to Hell TWENTY PKIt CENT. LOWElt Than thoy can bo bought from uny other denier In the city. Clivo thorn a cull und catlsly your. sir. iy25dtt THg:OAIIlO BAIT Y I.NSIJItA.VCj:. $1,250,000 OO . HAitTroni) FJKE JiXSUJiANOE CO., 01 llnrlford, Con. CHARTERED 1810. E(iial to tlio Ureat Emergency. TIIK IKON CLAD OLD 'HARTFORD' .Vi'l rr'Sii rrcniliTH ! .Tested iiy il.e storms i,t Hixty-ono years AND STILL IS SOUND. Iiys fioinjlier'atirplus o $i,8oo;oo:o Her I.'js.es by the OK HAT CHICAGO FIRE It.eatniK ber magnificent capital nit .'ntouched and Quarter ol a Million .Surplus to spare. "SlCl.tllP Hoist," OET HARTFORD POLICIES. Satrord, MorrN & Cundee nijcnt", Cairo, Illinois'. I'OtlMtUIIW. I. & E. GREENWALD. UANrrACrrarks or earn Kuj nci, Rollers, Flour on l (lnt Mill, Hi Mills, The "Tupper" Patent Grat bar its-snrroi'. okn'erai. pcki-oses, CINCINNATI OHIO. o dW I'L'Il.MTL'Iti:. R. S. HARRELL, )EALER IN FURNITURE (JUEENSWAUE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS HAH FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 85 & 187 Commercial Avenue CAIIIO, ILLI.VOId. II. CANS. An assortment of tho nbnve cans, securely packed lor shipment, for sain nt Cincinnati rirlcta and freight, by HAUCI.AY IlltOS., Airuu nou I'.iini scalers, it uiuo i.uvee. NKWKI'AI'l'.K THE NEW YORK EVENING POST I'OII lH7ii. mucus iti:ii'4'i:iv. Wc will supply the i:oning I'ost as follows i DAILY. Ono year VI 00 For shorter periods fl pnr month WEEKLY. Single Copy one year St SO Five Copies " " 7 tl Ten " " " U to Twenty ' iiO iw HEMl-WKKKI.Y. Single Copy one year M 0 Five Copies " " Vi 6U Ten Copies " " 0 00 Or we will send the fallowing perlodieala to subscribers, in connection with the Kicniwj lur, at the prices named I With Weekly Evening l'ost, llnrper's Weekly. Jl &" llarptr'nliaiar 4 M llaiper'a Magatino 4 W Kvery Haturday 5 no Atlantic Monthly t W Our Young Folks a t) Hcnlmer'a Slonthly 4 Ml The (ialaiy 4 UU Tho Agriculturist mi Hearth und Home .:i ":, Christlnu U'llou a Mi With Semi-Weekly K cnlng Tost. iC is) tl w a oo u M 4 &n li 10 b M A 111 To each subscr ber to Iho f.renimj bsand ("Arm. Han Vhion for ono ) ear will bo sent two cxiiiiisilc French Od Chromes, untitled "Wldo Awako" and "Fust Asleep," which aro worth nt retail 810 for the oulr. TRY IT I Tit Y I'l l 1 For 2J cents wo will send thu Weekly Evening l'ost from now until January 1, or for Wcents we will rend the semi-Weekly l'ost during tho same tune. Specimen numbers of tho Evening l'ost sent iree. Address VM, CUKYANT, CO. Itew York, HMaKSat HSi(sy BULLETIN, SUNDAY. NOVE3IJ3ER J9, 1871, HAL LID AY BROTHERS, GENERAL- AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION n i: it ; ii a s'vh DEALERS IN FLOUR; And A ents of Ohio llltor nnil Knnnnlin S-A-IiT COMPAlTIBS 70 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS WI.NT.S AMI l.KlCOIlx. "Vi"sTocKpiri:T"ii7' tlccrssns routs a m irirTH ltrllfjrr hikI WIkiIohhIo Dealer foreign nntl Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS. No. 02 Omo Lr.vi:r, CURO, ILI.I.NOIS. HK keeps on hand constantly a full stock o Old Kentuckv llourbon, 11) e and Monona liel.t Whl-kie, French IlrJti.iif, Holland (iio, Hhinennd Caliiornh Wlne. imiif WM. II. SCH UTTER, Importer mul W liulcalc llealrr In WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO & CIGARS. Agent for the best brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AMI Iniiortetl A lot or IlltTerenl Kluttn. 75 Ohio Levee, tl CAIIIO, lI.I.l.NSl. til IT KNTI'.ltPItlSi:. '(A irirsripn ,iin THE ONLY RELIAIILK OIKT KNTKRI'RIHK IX THE COUNTRY I $60,000 IN VALUARLE filFTS To be distributed In Xj. 3D. QIITE'S Mini Itegubr Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday, Nov. 27, lttfl. Two Grnnil CnplluN ol K.T,00t) eiclilu UrvenbuekH, Two prir.es, fl.ooo j Five prlics JMVij Ton prlies, ' m.. .hi., ,....,.i J ' WHOLE NUMBER CASH QIITS, 1,000. One llotseand lluggy, with sllverplated , harness, woth oo One fine Rosewood 1'iano, worth Mi U) I en Family fccwing machines, each worth 100 OJ Five heavy cased Gold Hunting watches and heavy Gold Chains, worth each.... (OO 00 Tell Ladies' (iolu Hunting watches worth eacli. li' U E.ghl hundred gold and sliver lecr hunt ing watches (In all) worth Irmu 1-0 to I tun, Ladles' Oold Leonllnn Chains, dent's Oold Vest chains, siiver-plaied castors, solid silver und uou ble.nlated table and tcasooons. ivorv handled il uinuer Knives, r knives, silver-plated dinner lorks, silver chains, photograph nlbiims, ladies' gold Ipins. shirt studs and sleeve buttons, linger vesi cnains breaslpl rings, gold plna (silver extension,) etc Whole number gifi", uihsi. Tickets limited to ui.wm. Agents wanted to sell Tickets to wIioia benii E miliums will be pud, mile tickets tl ; six tickets; twelve tickets S10 twentvtlve ."'. Circulars containing n full list of prizes, a de scription of the mannrr of drawing, nnd other in. formation In reference to tho distribution, wlllhn sent to any one ordering them. Alll letters must beaddresied to L. U. WINK, llox Mi, oriicc, Cincinnati, O, 101 west Mh t. Octldawlyr WILLIAM BAl'HAM, COBSrlll'S nAVKXStlNE, BAUMAN & 1IAUBNSTINB, CiVlI. AMI M1.C1UMCAI. KNOlNEEItS AND AKCIUTECTS, llrosH IliilliliiiLT, eorner r.lewiitli htr ami Coiiuiicrcliil me,, Ciilro, UN. AND SI'KCIPinATIONafnrall brancher nl Civil Knulnccrint? and Aruhitectlirn. Mich as Mans lor Counties. lMslricts or Corporations, l'lnns nnd Culciilntlons for Steam and Water I unci, lur luiiunirini r.siiiuiiwiiincmw, mi .iuii, stono or,. Wooden llridgts. for Churches, Cour Houses n"d other 1'ubliu lliilldings, lluslnesa and Dwelling Houses. Collages, otc, etc, turulshtd Ul.n.ll t,,.ll,,A I.Vltruu HTOVKS. TIXU Anr, KTC, A. HAL L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothes Wringers Yolle nare, vaai nous, r iresiiovels, Air dates, MAMTACTiarn or TIN, ZINC. COIM'EK AND SHEET IKON WARE. No. 1GG Washington-avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. "U'ltoollll (illtlerinif. nnd alt Lin. I. nr I, I. M-ork donnst lmrtir notice. tebldir IIOOKN. Vi Vi 'A O O J3 , x a C O r3 a a o o v. c S 1 e - 'A 'A ri 'ft W 'A O A O H 73 MKDicAi,, NERVOUS DEDILITV, lVltli 114 clnomv nl feiiilniiiH. Intr Mtiii.. Its' ilrjiriNslon, in voliiiilary oiuissfon, IiiHHiir f.riiieii, Niierinntorrliirn, Ioih or IIOHCr' lllZZV limit. il lil.mnrv. mill llirentenril Imiirlenro nnil IVIIm eilllH, anil u lotcrelun euro, in lliini. iilirey'M Ilnmeomllile Siiecllic . rrn.ii,'j.li.l.l .... ....... I r . m ... ... T-i .taa". Vrwinjiu.ru ui UIU IliUSl aillU hie mil. I and potent Curatives, they striko a on. Ic nt tho roots ot the matter, tone up the ays tern, arrest the discharges, and itnpirt lgornd anersy, lllo and vitality to thnentire man. Tney riaTocureu inoiisaniis ot cnes. rrlce. Ii r.er lacksgesot live boxes and a large ii vial, which s verv imtiortant In obstinate or old nt... nr tl br single bix. So' 1 by all ilrtigiits, and sint Iiy mall on iscelut o nnre Addres Hnninhrev' Hptcitic Homeopathic Mediclno Co., it a llroad way, r. . i". hCHCII, nugianeowawiy Agent, Cairo, Illinois. SIM ILIA SIMILIIJUS CURANTUR IlL'.tirilllllY'N HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVK proved, from tho mot ample exper ience, an entire succes" : i-imple Prompt hthcient nnd Reliable. Thev nrn tho onlv medi. Lines perfectly adapted to popular use so sim ple uiai misiaKes cannon oo maao in using tnem; so Harmless as io tie iree rrom uanger, and so etllcloQt&s to 1 alwn,s reliable They tiave rats- eu mo uignesi cornmenuaiions uom all, ana will always render satisfaction. Nos. Cents. 1, Cnrei Kevort, congestion, inflammations.".1! 2, " M orin.. wuriu fe.er, woirn colic.... 3, 11 4'r.s lllir.eollu orteellillixo llifaiits... 4, " lllrrlifiert, of children and adults. .ia 5, " llyM'iilor.v. griping, bdious colic. ..23 r., " Cliolerii-iunrbus, vomiting...- IS iioierii. coins, nronciiiius .......zt "eiiralKi, tootluche, fucenchc...2S llriiln'lM, sick he vtnehe. vcrtigo'JJ 1U, 11. aij mieiiMii unions sioniacne- iri'ssiil, or jialnful periods 2i 12 Whiles, too nrofiise nenods ('roll n. couirU. dllticult breatlnne...2i H. is. !' is', 19. 1.11. Null lilieiiiii, Eryslpela, Kruptions25 iiiciiiiiiinxiu, riieiimiiic pains lever mill Anno, chill lever, aguesSO I'lles), blind or bleeding 60 0ilitlilmiy, and sore or weak eyesUi t'atorrli, ncum or chronic, InrluenuiU Mlioopinir-CoiiKli. violentcoughsM AHtlimn, niprosed tireathln Ml Kur llini'liiirRei.tmniilred hearingM Nrrol'iiln. enlarged glands swellmgi&O 21, I, 2. aciierl Iicrillll)-, pnysical weak ness Iiroimynnil scanty Secretions. 60 ,60 noil nicKiipm.sicKness irnm riumsso liidiiey-llliieBHe, Crnrel 60 XervuiiH llelilllty, seminal emls- uni. Involuntary dicl.argea. 1 UO l'ltelloxes.wits oneSvialof powder very necessary In serious cuses,.,5 on More .Mouth, canker - 60 Urinary WeakncHM, wetting bed.JO I'll I il I ill I'eriodn, withspasms.....6u NullrlnirN.st change of life 1 (l js 31, i:iillcii(y,Spasms,Bt.Vltus'dance.l HO lililliorinulc, eriiled soro threat IC 31. FAMILY CASK'S (II' .'1.1 ( (10 Inrirn vIiiIm. mnrnppfi or rosewood rase, ronlaliiliiir a sm rlllr lor every onilluarv u7a- s'axe it rmully lnHiiliJcvl to, null bookN orillreetloiiM ....from 810 to tii .Smaller I'ainlly and TrelliiKeaes, to ns viais - iroin is so ft 9 Speolfie tor all 1'rlialit niNenkOH, loth for Ciirluir and ror rrcveu llo treatment, 111 vials und pocket cases,..,. 8- to 5 l'(JNI)S EXTRACT Cures Hums, llruises, Lameness, Boreness, Sore Throat, Sprains, Toochache, Karache. Neuralgia. Itheumutism, Lumbago, riles, Rolls, Htiugs, bore Kyes, llleedlngof tho Lungs, Nose, Stnm ach, or of 1'ilcsi Conn, Ulcers, Ul 1 Mores. I'rice, not., oo CIS.-, Tints, ci.rsi; inaris, jiwa. "Theso remedies, except l'ond s Extract, by tho case or single box, nro sent to any part ol tboi'oiihtry, by mall or express, fico ot charge, on receipt ol the price. Addres nu.Mi'iiKfcY.y ai'Lcinu HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO. Oltice and Depot, No, 6HJ Rroadway, New. York, FOR SU. ;.k 11 v V, SCHUlt, CAIRO, Ills, niigl6deomiw ty A HOOK FOH THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A I'rltate Counselor to the Married or those aboullo msrry on tho physiological mysteries nnd revelations of the sexual system wiih the I.itestdlscovcries In producing and pre venting ollspnng, preserving lriecomplexion,dtc. Thin is an Interesting work of two hundred and twenty Icur pages, wltn numerous engravings, and contains valuable information for those wno are married orconlemplato marriage; still It isa book that ought to bo under lock and key, mid not laid cureless jy about the house Sent to any one (free of postage) forWl cent Address Dr. Hints' IMspciisury, No, 12, Eighth stieet, '.it. Louis, lo. . Noilvo to tlio . 1 fillet cil anil L'uf.n liuiiito. Hcforo applying to tho notorious Qiacksviho advertie in t no public papers orusing 1111) ijuack remedies, peruso Dr. ilutts' wink, no nmltcr what your disease Is or how deplorable your con dition. Dr. llutts can be consulted, personally or al mall, 011 thodisaeaea mentioned In his works, olllce, No. 12 N, Eighth street, bet. Market and Chestnut St Louis Mo. mVJ.Ulv LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT S00TIIINO REMEDY. Mrs, r Cures coho and gni iiig 1 I'rlfr, WlllltlDlirs J In tho bowel-, and ... , 2,i rsiruu. I'lhtali's thu proccs. 1 1 Cents t teething. ) Mrs. fhubdue oonvuUi i. I'rlre IVIintOMII'S nnd jvercomes nil dii- , 25 Sirup, ' eases incident to .11 Cents, i. funis and children. Mrs. r Cures diarrhea, iliren I'rlrr, TVIMTCOUU'8 tery ind summer coin. i.1 Sjrup. ' pUtntlnchlldtenul nil ' Cents. ages, N J Ilia tho (treat Infant's andChildri it's n ulliing Remedy In all disorders brought (.11 1 ) Tei tiling or nny other cause, l'repnred by II e GRAFTON MEDICINE CO., ht Louis, Mo. Sold by Druggist an calar in Medlciue eysrywlmm. u.7dwum Jii'CE, W. II. MORRIP, Notary Public, o.I,uh. andU.H.Cow. IltTSTTIRIE!! HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK, CO I DENT, LIFE, .KTNA, HARTFORD, Assets . NORTH AHMtcl til A",el" 2,763,000 Ot TIAIlTVftnri rnvu A",(ta '......'. 2.MI.2I0 72 I'llrXXIX, IIARTFOKD, Assets.. 731,143 81 INTERNATIONAL. N. Y.. Assets., I,V.3,MJ 17 PUTNAM. IIAHTFOnt). Aels 7oc917 ot. CLKVF.LAND, CLEVELAND, "- SIJ.C73 88 HOME, COLUMRUO, Assets . ...J1IJ.27 U AMERICAN CENTRAL. MO.. Assela ryc,000 00 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Assets ... J0,oufi,0W , TRAVELER'S, IIARTFOKD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Asets 1,.WO,000 Ot RAILWAY VASRENdr.Rli' ASKURANCE CO., IIARTFOKD, A1'""" fjOn.OOOl! INDEPENDENT, HOSTON, Assets. ,...0.10,6i;2 C8 SAI-TORD, MORRIS & CANDEE, 71 Ohio Levee, City National Rank. CAIRO, ILL. TIRE AND MARINE i it s tj :r, a. nsr;a;E MIA.MEJSt NIAGARA, K. V., OEKMANIA, N. T., HANOVER, N. T., REl'UIILIC, N. Y., 1 '1. ..I1.43C.216 26 ...,l,OC8,721 78 . . ..720,802 00 Assets . Assets,, Assets,. Assets ,7M,2i 00 Comprising tho Underwriters' Agency. Y0NKER.1, N. V., 878.4M I! ALI1ANY CITY, 463,193 23 FIREMEN'S FUND, S. F., 678,000 00 SECURITY, N. Y. MARINE, 1.432.M9 00 Assets. Assets , Asel. Asset., ClUKk, Dwellings, Kiirnlture, Hulls and Car IO goes, Insured at rates us fuvomblo as sound, Jiermanent security will warrant. I respwtlully ask ot tho citlnena of Cairo, a share ot their iialronate. C. X. 1IUC1ITK Oltice-at First National 1'IANOK. SIXTY-1-1VK 1?1HST VllIZB MEDALS AWARDED THE (IKK AT RAL TIMOR E MANVFACTORV WM. KNARE & CO., Manufacturers of (IRANI), SQUARE AND UritlQHT ZFI-AJSTO POBTES IIAI.TIMORK, MARYLAND. Th.Mt, i!lHlPltinnla linun Kaah Ur.. .1.. I for nearly thirty years, and upon their excellence alone attained an nniirrAnl irremijf.which pronounces them uneipialed In TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DU11A1IILITY. All our Smart ioso have our new New Im piiiveil Oveistrung r-culearil the Aqrttgt TrMt ite- e would r nil special attention to our late i iuenie i improvements in (irasiu riANOs and r-uCAUi. (Iuanis, found In no other I'inno, which brings the 1'lano nearer perfection than has yet HI at.Hlllirtla. '"' riA.M) FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVK YEARS, n.lf.KXA UK A'0., IlALTmoii. Mn. Or any orour regular established agendo. ociveoiiAwtim .MI I.I.I. EllY. MRS. ANNA LANG, KIO.IITH-8T., RET. WASHINGTON AND COMMERCIAL-A VENUES, Is now tecclvlng a beautllul assorlmenl of Full Millinery Goods, Including Hats end Shapes of the latest style lllbbem, Mowers mid Feu I hens. Mrs. Lang will ulso show customers the Itrges selection of Woolen Ynrnx To be found in the city. llLEAClll.su AND I'REKSINII ORDER. DONE TO llAUIIKItH. NEW RARRER SHOP, Grorge, the barber latelv with Theobald and Kschb'ch. lias opened a Nr.. Haiibiii bimr, on Coiniiieri'l.il avenue, between I' ud lsih streets, for the accommodation ot ladles and gcntleiicn 01 thu itppei part ol the city. He invites all lu old and new Iricuds to visit his shop, nnd as. sures them polite attention mid tineiiiialli d work cither in liuir culling, cutting, shuviiiB or sham poolug. ocli-m J. GEO. STEIN HOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Hth-iit. mid 4'oiiiiiicrclnl-HT. "Sharp Itninra, "Aj-Clean Towels and ou-killfiill Wcrkinrn BirLadies' and chililn:n's hair cut and sham pooed, either at thu shop or at their own homes. (lentleiuen'r whiskers and hair dyed la e title in uuer, butlslarttau gustanU'nd, MIHsJEI.r.AXr.Ol'N. HIDES 1 VljRS 1 1 PELTS I ! I Have opened a Hide Store In Thornton', nioek Tenth street, where the highest cash price vrlrl bo paid for Hides, Sheep Tells, Fur and Tal. low. will pa7 higher prices than km eytr be fore paid for the aamoarlicletln (till city. Come and see ui, oeletf RURNETTACO TUE ALDIML PROSPECTUS FOR 1872. FIFTH TIAB. A RepretenUlive and Champion of Amen' can Art. THCZE3 JLZ,f-OlisrE: An Illustrated Monthly "tlaxmttl t be the handiomett taper in the Wtrld. "filve niv Iava fnthn o.nat wsrllmss of TIIR ALI'I.NE who are striving to make Ihelr profee- luu noriny 01 aumiraiiftn ior oeauir, as is dm Iways been for usefulness," Henry Wfrd Xhtr THE ALMXE, while Issued with all the ref Ulanty, has none of the temporary or Hmsfu inter est characteristic of ordinary periodicals, Ilia an .elegant mlscellaney of pure, llgnt, and raee ful literature, and collection o7 plotures, the rarest l.ecltnns et artistic sk'll, in black and white. Although each succeeding number aflordu a fresh pleasure to Its friends, tho real value and beautT of THE ALDINK will be most annreclated utter it has been bound at the close of the year. While other Publications msv elalm aunerior cheapness as compared with rivals of of a similar class, THE ALDINK is aunlquo aJd original eon coptlon alone and unapproached absolutely without competition In price or character. The DOssessor ol the volume lust completed cannot duplicate thequantity of fine paper and engrav ings In any other shape or number of volumes ior ten limes us cost. ThelaborofcftttlnaTHKALDINErcadr en the press Is so great that reprinting Is out of the ques tion, With tho excej lion or a small number specialty reservou tor oinaing, me eauionn 01 is,i, is Rireany exnauaieu, anu 11 laoow a scerre aa well at valuable book, NEW FEATURES FOR 1872, Art Department. The enthusiastic auonort so rcadllv aecoriled to tr.elr enternrise. wherever it has been intra duced, has ronvinced the publishers of THE ALDINK of the soundness of their theory that the American public would recognlte and heartily support any sincere etlurt to e.'evate (he tone ami standard of Illustrated publications. That so many weakly wicked sheets exist and thrive ts not evidence that there Is no market lor anylhlnc better indeed the success of Tit r. ALDUS r, from the start ts direct proof of the contrary. Wltn a populatlou so vast, and of such varied taste, a publisher can choose his patrons, and his paper is rather Indicative of his own than of ihe taste of the country. As n guarantee of the excellence of this department, tho publishers would beg te aa. nounce during the coming year, specimens from the following eminent Ameuran artists 1 W. T. Ricirtnos, (Jusviur Pisxiss, , JIabt, F. O. C. IiAaicr, IV . Rcarp, Victor Niiilio, (Jrosor. Hmtir, Wu, II. Wilcox, Ala. Will, Jahis H, Biaud, Jauis Suilkt It. E. Pioi'ar, Fain llf.AaD, I'acl Dixosr, J. now. These Pictures are heinir reproduced without regard to expense by the very best engravera la the country, and will bear the severest critical comparison with tho best foreign work. It being the iletermlnotlon of the publishers that TUB ALDINK shsll bo a successful vindication ot American tasle In competition with any existing publication In tho world. IJIerary Department. Where so much attention la raid to illustration and get up of the work, too much dependence on appcaranut may very naiurauv ue icareu. 1 u an ticipate anch misgivings, It Is only necerrary to Slltli.', 111m inn v.li.uiini iiinuairiiicu. t .tr. ALDlNEIias been entrusted to Ma. RICHARD HENRY bTUDDARD, who liai received assur ances of asslstnnco from a host of tho most popu n r rltcrs and poets of the country. ine voiunie lorisj- u ill enn lain ncarlv tiOO nases. and about 2M fine encravlngs. Commencing with tho number for January, nvcry third numher will contain a beau tiful tinted picture on pbto baper, Inserted as a frontispiece. The Christmas nhmber for 1872, will bo a splen did volumo in Itself, containing fifty engravings, (four in tint) and, although retailed a. 1 will bo sent without extra chargo to all yearly sub scribers. . A Chromo te Every Hobaerlber was a very popular feature tast year, and will be repeaiea wim ins jjtescu. luiuiu-;, 1 no pub lishers have purchased an 1 reproduced, al great expense, the beeuting by litis, ontttled "Dame rvituro's icnooi." lnecnri.rro is uiu incnes, and lsanexactfaC'Simlle, inaltoand appearance, of the original picture. No American chromo, which will al all compare with it, has yet been offered at retail fnr less than the price asked for THE ALDINK and It together. It will bo deliv ered free, wiih the January number, to every subscriber who pays for one year in advance. Terra for 1873. One Vnpy, (me year, infA Oil Chrme,. S CO to 00 tve CbpiM, Anr person sending 10 names and SIO will re ceive an extra copy of gratis, making II copies :or me money. Anv person w shim to work for nsrenwM. can have our premium circular on application. We give many beautllul and desirable articles oflered by no other paper. Any person winning to act, permanently, as on agent, will apply, ttilA reference, unclosing tl fo outfit. J AM FX HL'TTON A Co., rVUUSIIKRS, ja Liberty Ntrret, Xevr York. MAYNARD'S STAB BITTEBS THE BEST TONIO IiV USE rtlU HALE BY E. F. MAYNARD, PROFR PITTSBUEG T?.A..- U31C3 01 J, 3. DOSBIiJS, 4Ut3 North Eighth St., I'lillulu, Dobbins Vegetable A color and tlrcssitig that will not burn tho huir or injuro the head. It dooa not produce a coloi mocliunically, as tho poisonoiif preparations do. It gradually restored tho hat to its original color and lustra, by supplying now life and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soil, lino hair. Tho, beat and safeBt articlo avoc offered. Clean and Pure, tfo sediment Sold every whe-ie. . ask for loBBn