Newspaper Page Text
THE CAI110 DAILY BULLETIN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1871, TRAVBI IMS GUIDE. MWWVM jii;TAKE NOTICE. "ST!? rTnV or THE ILtl.VOIS CENTRAL. H. II. On and .nerfunday, M.y Mlh. WI, the- follow er tifp-uMr will kW "fi"1 ftnJ TMt- ii rr of pnft-ORr r trains at Cairo t iaif-.VaII train, dally 11:1S p.m Kjp'eee, daily - .(rrfw-Mall.dally 3:30 a.m Eitirett.riallr. except Hunday 3:30 p.m v. I nriri fi nm riro In HI. Loul.. N h'.iitf cfcars froir (Mro to Chlcaio. K!ef" rawing Ilnon -Irrpuin cars on night two, nuiot' clucked t nil important tolnt. HHiUS IIOAT!. CA1 IU)"AN iT 1,0 1 W 1'' K wkiy P.k,i for .ir-h.n-;';; Lo"- T. o. BYMAN.Mnilcr. , ,,,. Cairo etety HATUflltAY at o'clock p.m. fc!;7.-VMor Da-iaiw anply on board. r to you SAi.r. JAN. 1IIUUM, Ast'l. oficrforealolhefollnwinHe''' Addition to t ic Clly of (.mr". ': Lot 2 btocl 20. I-"' J l"??k K' " t " .; cj; ' " W. . ai " 0 H. ,. Si I or terms.eie. , ... 8.IH III It JIIIM'. ..i lf..i ,l.(tl Ka rnlifftil fitl f'l Of ly l -1'" I linn, ilwel Mill' IIPll.P on Hightli' between Walnut and Wash. iI1ilr.ii(ipp.tellie ri'uieru.ii uiunu is rrnl. l-r lem... o r., ... v y . . fjf.if Ohio l.cvro, Cairn, U, KINDLING. SAYE TKOUHLE AND EXPENSE. ra. ""CAIHO AND J'ADUCAII MAIL ItOAT. The splendid Meamer Jorowlrr, JInlr. -,r. ntur, Hi.ity excepted ) a H """,Jf J" as? tWMinitAXT Tit:nr.T.s. IMMIGRANT TICKETS VOIl SALE, For P.WF0K SALE, FOE SALE.) feel!. SALE. Faro from Liverpool, Fnro from Londonderry Faro from Glasoow, Fare from Queenbtown TO CA1K0, : : $4 8-2 0 'l IloilNrkroirr tii........ h.-.i iti furhtiliVrdr. Itipinr. Kind lii -Hie.-, ilrv. Blrcid).ciit iod. Iii uiij part ol thr city, fur Bi:oii load. aero I. a way to m Incalculable lloiibla In Tour ourhol 1. .... 3 . ..-I .1 Mr a nr. rtr nil- ilro tlipin to Jllclnrl Doifri, tiiruiljtli tl po. oilier. 'Sov 1C ,f SlIord, ilorrn .t Ca Kent INMAN LINE' Inrtrpool cw.Tolk ahd Phlladflphu Steamship Company, I'.ci. coxraicr witb r.viriD TAIIO'", "'' "O0TISVtTI For.CarrywK.tur Mll. FOlt PASSAGE TICKETS or ri'RTiira lNroaunioN APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Aqt. lSHroadway, New-Tork, or to II. II oil i t , Wa'htncton Atcnue, Cairn. oi. 5' COAL! COAL I COAL I JAMES HOSS, UFA! IB IN DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CAEI10N O O Jk. L ! Cominurctal-av., Eoot of Elcvcntli-st. All Cj1 cnref.llly wclzlif J at Die yard on Fair- tmiikn' jcalc. rtr:. i. ueioiit wariiintek. Coal .lflitcrd on ilio sl.ort"t notice In anj part ol Ihc cl.y, cither by tliu half ton, ton or car load. l.tarc ordar nt thcofllco on Commercial-nv. nt Hit foot of Klorcnth ilrcct. novlCd-Cm. THE BULLETIN. rutillklit'il every iiioriilnii, Jlomlny ex rciilrd. lMIVKlCIANS- WILLIAM 11. SMITH, M. 1). RnSIDENCK-No. 11 Thirtetnth fctrcft. br-. twrea Waelungion avenue and Walnut atrett. ii!ic 121 Commercial avenn-, up Ktalra. C V. DUNNING, M. I). RR-!It.EXCE-cornr::mth and UMnut atf. Jh'p o tier -uili irei't mi l vlliio levee . oilice hour. from 0 a.m. to Vi m , and u p.m I.AWYRIIS. ALLEN, MULKEV k WIIEKLEK ATTORNEYS AMI COUNSELOP.S V.'iUUm J. Allen, John 11. MnlUey samuei I'.v, ne AT LAW, O.MUO, ILLINOIS. MISCELLANEOUS. The Gorman Catholic church is ap proaching completion. The wall will within another week ho ready for the roof. An engine and two cars woro thrown from tho Illinois Central track yesterday morning, a short distance below Bucking ham's elevator. Nobody hurt. "Wo havo boon told that u boy, living sortewlioro in tho country n lew miles above Cairo, hud hi arm broken in two places yesterday. "Who tho boy is or jut where hoHve, wo could not learn. Tuber Urothcrs are prepared to man ufacture any pattern of jewelry to order lo suit the partic and tho purse. All kinds of rings e-":il, chased and plain, to lit tiio linger ai.d the purse. tf. It is said that tho man who was put under arrest bv Summurwull, and after ward" handed over to Cliiwf Myer, is, among thoio who know liim, considered an lioni-l and upright mini. Hi con duct on Friday n'lM, howevur, i not in keeping with this ttutement. I riicr and ad' ctrl'giiiculnr attention t.ilJ iiiru iiiiiniey.i. OFKIB-Orcr I'mt .Vaimnal, Ohio I,eee. GKKKN & GILliKItT, ATTOliNEVb COUNSELOUS AT I U'dHa-n II. een William 11 fiilbert Mile. P. Gilbert er,, ,VAV, tUIHO, II.MNOW. attention filreu to Admiralty aud t-teninlioat Ijmine OFFICE. -OHIO LEVEE, UOOMS 7 AND 8 OVER CITY NATIONAL HANK., "TRIUMPH." THE T1UUM1MI INSURANCE CO , Ol riticlniintl. Pt m SV,lK. IKI h'lliciu l kind.ol ri.kx. r. iiuosN. OCH7II Allenl.Curn, nl. OAS ITn'X.'ItS. II. T. GKUOl'Ll); " STIC AM AND GAS FITTER AMI liLALKU IN is nxn iti.s. L. Kilter'a and l'lutnLer'a material, Woo I pumpi, Klob and am; u Vilv,, nop L'Ouka,click Y.iie,rtc. 'Ui Aoisr rua T.llta Itrott.era Patent Itry tin Mtrr And Sl.irehoune, Well. A Co's Aulountic Watc IndlcaioraiidBiipply Yali for ateam hoiler.. WI.STEIt'8 11L0CK, COJIMEItCUL-AVENUL HUTCH r.nn. CENTHAL MEAT MAHKET. KOEIILEIl & BROTHER Hate reopened the l'ITI,AIt MKAT MAHUKT, COMUEnCIAE-AV., Tubur Jirullicrs nro constin. -ly re ceiving new goods not in tho line of their own manufacture, eucl: as optical goods of till kinds gold aud silver headed cane", music boxes of nil kinds, toy music boxes for children, something new and very attractive. Silver pluto chenpir than ever, Vc., Ac. tf. Tho second dunce of tho tcrios to bo given under the auspices of tho Cairo Tcrpslchurcun club, camu til' at the St. Charles hotel on lat Friday evening. As was tho first dance, so was the second a success in every Tho attend ance wa, large, aud tho occasion ono that will long be remembered by those who participated. AVo havo no hesitation in recommend ing William Elders, boot and shoo maker, as worthy of moft liberal patronage. We know whereof we apeak when we say his work is done in u maUerly manner at the lowest pricci. Ho wes nothing but tho best of stock, and he cannot bo exeolled in the lb-Heat.) tak of making an exact lit. Givo him n cull at his shop on Twentieth street, betueen Washington nvenuo and Poplar stroot, nearly opposite tho court house, and wo will guarantee satisfaction. Thu Under HrutlioK, corner cf Eighth street and Washington avenue, have re ceived and had placed in their manufac turing rooms several pieces of new and valuable jeweler's machinery, and are now propared having the machinery and skilled workmen to manufacture rirgs, watch chains, breast pins, ear rings, and all otlier kinds of jewelry, in anv manner ordered, on short notice and at nrieet so ery low they will mako the price of other e.tnbliihrntuts of the kind actually ashamed of theui-elvcs. Their en- graver and cmuwlcr, who has Just nrrived irum ine oast lioru he livs be d in the most extensive jowelry manufacturing c- luuimiuiieiiis me most resnons b u nnsi 1 . ---. nuii, is prepared to do any work in his line nnd to guarantee satisfaction. Per sons wlshinc hair lewclrv liianufaL'tnri'il for holiday presents, aro requested to hand in their lavors at as etrly a day as possible PERSONAL Evr. nnl oat meal nt .I..rj5nf)n, Ihh. !?. Mofrii, if WM 11,8 c'ty et. nlny. Jli.yor I.nnad.'ii i alrtent from the ellv. IIo will return about the iniddlo tf the wc. I.'. Judge Allen returned from Jlur pbysboro on Friday evening, llorepnrls everything .n that section moving along smoothly. I wish the man who borrowed tho wheel-barrow from the city Jail sometime ngn, would return It. Immediately. Wu. McII.u.E, City Jailer. A clerk of a loveo hotel and inmate of tho housa had a llsliculV yesterday. Tho clerk come oft" llrst best. " Let us havo pence." Jun'ge Green lias been retained lo assist in prosecuting tho negro who killed a whlto man at Mound City somo months ago. A young tntiti of tnoro than ordinary iiulllt v. wMioa lo obtain a situation in sonic ollice, store or morcantilo house. An ho lias never vet been engaged in buincssi tho question of salary will bo left to tho opinion of Ills employer. Substantial recommendation ns to character can bo given if desired. Address, J. P. P., P. 0, box ana, city. Tho Under Ilrothora, corner Eighth street nnd Washington nvenue, havo re ceived a bran-now lot of tho latest-styled breast-pins, ear-rings, finger rings, brae lets, watches, clocks, etc., mid, ln',ito tho public to call nnd inspect tho stock. Thoy aro also agents for tho Davis' sewing mn chinc, Uurdctt organs and St. Louis pianos, nnd odor to tho public the best bargains to bo obtained ut any placo in Southern Ill inois. Dr. Mary Satl'ord, known personally to many of our townspeople nnd by repu tation to nil of them, has concluded to lo cate in Chicago, whero sho will begin at onco the practice of her profession. Sho has taken rooms nt No. 81", " av enue. Sho will make tho diseases of wo men nnd children a specialty. MiJs Saf ford propared herself for tho practice of medicine by arduous and unremitting study for years past and we predict for her nn ltonor.tblo and Micecssful career. The merchant tailoring shop of Messrs Lelinincr & Kobler. on the south i-ice of . , Eighth street between "Washington and Commercial avenues, opposite Hanny's dry-goods store, has been open only a few weeks nnd nlready theso gcntlemo aro ob taining n fair share of tho patronage of tho public. They are both practical men first-class mechanics nnd arc will ing to guarantee satisfactory work. They keep on band always a full line of piece goods, to which they direct tho nttcntion of nil who wisli to have made clothes that are worth the money paid for them. Cleaning and repairing dono neatly at low prices. Tho following wcro tho arrivaU at the Delmonico hotel, Win. Winter, propriet or, for tho but twenty-four hour ending Nov. mil 11471, nt y o'clock, P. !.: N.C. Pettit, l'ichview, 111. ; Louis Pricbard, Koche-ler, N. Y. ; K. W. llheutan, City ; John 0. Crow, Chhngo, 111. ; Geo. .1. bit, St Louis. Mo. j It. Ilea, Cin'ti, O. ; G. A. D. Itaan, I'llin. III.; John Stringer, MadUon, Ind.; John Mullen, N. O. ; Jas. S. MorrisUllin, 111. ; W. CV.Iones, Tenn,; James Gurnerod. James Itowen, Sir. .Mary E. Forsy the; Michael Sharp, St. LouU, Mo. Ii". L.Wiley, Mukitndii, III.; (juins lleekwith, ;AVolf I-land, .Mo. j John Lc dour, Martin Fishburn, Memphis, Tenn. ; John Heard, St. Loui, Mo, j James Clark son, Henderson, Ivy ;Tuumn Fitziiuarice ; Kontuckv. AMUSEMENTS. THE CHURCH I'S. "ftV0 Mother Hay, nnd thoy were not sus- 'm tlmo 1,111 woc,(' sll l,iJ l,IOS0 ' tnlnod. Tho council havo noi been nb'.c who liavosoenlior lo bo a splendid boat. Let It bo remembered that on Mon day to-morrow night, Mr. Win. Carlotoii tho well-known Irish comedian, will hold forth nt tho Atlienum. .Mr. Carleton Is well rccommendi 1, mid wo feal justified In untiring our render, that, If they wish nu hour's real enjoyment, thoy should not fall t" ",i and htnr him, Tho Ilerger Family will entertain our people in ono of their bell-ringing performance, on next Saturday night. From a recent Nsue of thu HiiUiinoro llittttlin, wo copy tho following compli mentary notice of tho Ilerger family: "For genuine unalloyed enjoyment and recreation, thuro has not been in Unltlmore for n decado past such nn entertainment ns that now olTurcd ut tho Concordia Opera House Tho Ilerger family, with their Important auxiliaries, get up what may bo truthfully and emphatically termed it "gala night" every evening. Mis Maud Stuiiluv, who assists tho Her' gcrs, Is n voting I address, and gifted with a clear, beautiful soprano voice. Sol Smith Itusscll, n u humorist and facial contortionist, stands at tho head of his profession ; tho Misses llorger perform on half a dozen different instruments, aud whether using string or brass, nro nliko au ait In tho west and south thoy havo nlwnys been received by overwhelming audiences, and in Now Or leans thoy succeeded In crowding to ex cess for thrco consecutive weeks tho largest hall in that city. "Without ex ception, press nnd people speak of them in terms of tho highest praise, and after witnessing tho performance ut the Opera House last night, wo must emphatically endorse the good opinion wo see expressed of them in nearly every exebnngo which comes to our editorial table.'' Elder J. N.Mulkoy will preach In tho Christian church to-day, at 11 o'clock. Hector C an will conduct services nt tho Church ol tho Itcdeemer ns imial tc- dnv. Friends of thu chur.di Invited. Huv. If. II. Thayer, of Wiitien, III., will preach in the Pnbylcrian church to-day, morning nnd ovening, at tho usual hourri. Tho public nro Invited. llev. Fred. L. Thorns--'! will preach in tho Methodist Church to-day, nt 10, and In tho ovening at 7J o'clock. All friends of tho congregation respectfully requested to nttenil. to discover in tho conduct of hrntlinr O (' Talbott, to fnr as the ovidenco goes, ought worthy of censure, xcopt tho Implication rolatlvu to the action of tho trustees of your congregnMon, contained In tho third artlcl. of this report. Thin vlnw nf vmir council does not, however, exclude fur ther investigation of tho church, If thoro shall exist cause for such investigation t nor doss it excludo tho propor scriptural proceeding being Instituted against any brothor or sister, who shall full to tnnku proper acknowledgements when It la defi nitely known that he. or sho has boon ovortaken in n fault. Sh" Is named Crescent City. .Mrs. Jano O'Connor is greatly dMrjssod about her son Michael, nged twenty yearn, who left St. Louis about six wooks ngo on tho Columbia a watchman. Any ono knowing anything of thu whr.renbouU of him will confur it favor upon her by lot ling It bo known. A p tition li In circulation nt Pittsburg asking thu general government for an ap propriation to construct a dam norms tho Ohio below Hrunot's Island with sufficient" FUNERAL NOTICE. Tho funeral services of Lilv, daugh' tcrof Williim P. and Eliza W. llalllday, will bo performed ut tho Church of tho lie- dectner nt two o'clock to-day. At tho con- elusion, Ihe remains will bo convoyed to u. inis council can not too strongly ioci.n ,, t, .,., nr thr, consurotlio spirit that Induces tho children . ? "i""-v of tho Lord to lav tholr Grievances in tho r,vcr 111 connection with the chutes WHICH Uhurcii oi jurist ucioro tho world by win let coal lows pass outduring tt irosfiot. means of tho newspapers nnd public prints Tho II, M. Shrove was unround a few of tho day, or by conversation with thoso iimlr, , i,iw... t.i . i outside of tho church. The council nro " " W. ."" I.,lnml' firmly of the opinion that such conduct Is 1,10 urro" unloaded hor barge hero contrnry to tho spirit of Christianity, nnd nnd cavo it to tho Aruonaut. detrimental to tho Kcdccmor's Klnedom Tho Forsvth will rn.n,,, i..,iin.. on earth. 7. This council find Hint Hrother Geo. Carpentor has committed n grave error in rccoi'nizinr' Hrother John Friend nsnn v, win. assists mo nor. tho famjiy residence, in tho grounds of older of your congregation, nnd in act- motives for tho Memphis nnd Little Kock ady o( most pleasing wll!cll 1)CV wj ho interred. If g ofllcially with him ns such that ns nn rfttir,,i 1 ollicor of your body, no lias manifested n , ..... wimtot iiationce nnd loriioaranco: that ho " vl " " umsucu ;no r-uin- thls week carl v. Th Ike left for Hotiefleld with two coul Hoots containing four locc- dcrsigned, members of tho lack of the spirit of Christ in seeking to tla'ro Cairo tho croJIt of giving her rch of Cairo, Illinois, anx- ovado n fair and full investigation of your the trip. This Is about tho first Instance HOARD OF ALDERMEN. Adjourned Meeting of tlm Hoard ot Allvrmea. Coi'.mii. Ciumiicu, Ciiko, III , 1 .Sovcinljer 17, lb.1. f Tho board met pursuant tondjotirnment. Prcsont Cunninghum, Fitzgerald, Wal tier, Itcardcn, Stratton, Swnyno and Win ter 7. second r.nAniNfi ok the newly keviseu OltDI.VANCKf. Tho clerk jirocccded with tho second rending .of ordiuancn No. 1, of tho newly revised ordinances, entitled "In reforenco to the proceedings of tho city council nnd of the two branches thereof." On motion of Alderman Cunningham, suid ordinance was adopted, tho voto being as follows : Ayes -Cunningham, Fitzgerald, Hear den, Stratton, Swayno, Wnlder and Win ter-7. Nay 0. oruinan'ci: NO. 2. The clerk then read at length ordinnticc No. 'J, entitled " Of city officers Aldermtn Cunningham moved to adopt. Carried as follows: Ayes Cunninghntm Fitzgerald, Heardon, Stratton, Swayne, Wnlder nnd Winter. Nay 0. OltUIN.KNCK no. fJ. Ordinance No. :i, entitled "compeiisn Hon of citv otlicers," wn next rt-id at length, and on motion of AldcruiNn Win ter adopted, the ayes being Cunningham, Fit.gerald, ltearden, Stratton, Swayne, Walder and Winter 7. Nays 0. OlilllSTANC'E NO. t. Onlinunco No. I entitled "in referonco to olico regulations," was next read at length, and on motion of Alderman Cun ningham adopted, the voto being Ayes THAT DIFFICULTY. HOW TIIK VltlEND-IIAV IIIITICIJI.TY WAH FETTLED IIOW TIIK "COUNCIL OK ItUETIIltKN" WAH CONVOKED ITS DECISION. houietiitio ngo, the following petition was circulated among tho members of the Christian church of this citv Wo. tho tin Christian church iously desiring nn nmicablo settlement of the uniumnv uimcuitics wnicli liavo ex istcd in tho church forsovoral months past, and believing mat such n ectticmcnt can not bo etiectcd liy llio mcmuors tliem selves, herein" nsk that n council of breth ren from neighboring sister churches be called to meet at this placo to aid tho church in bringing about that penco nnd linrmonv ninoni; Its members which should characterize the followers of tho Lord Jesus. We also hereby plcdirc ourselves that wo will, cacli of us, do nil wo can to cive n full, fair and impartial lionrinir of all our church dillicultic to said council of breth ren, nnd nureo to nbldo tho decision nnd carry out tho advice of said council. M. I). Guntor. Nollie Miles, Eugtnio E. Stubbs, Ella Wortham, has ncted imprudently in closing, or suf fering to bo closed, the dotrs of your church building ngnlnst thoso brothori who sought n henrine: bol'oro tho church : that ho has greatly erred in acquiescing in tho demand for tho arrest of Hrothor Aiden, nnd in concurr ntr c. or submitting to tho introduction of police men into tno congregation, we also nnd Hint uroiner carpenter lias manilcttcd n burg will rcsumo tho Hed river trade from Cincinnati. Thoro is a genornl stir among tho stcart bontmcn ntCln'nnti, LoulsTllloand Pitts burg gtttlng crows and their boats ready to leave on slioit notice. The Lucy Hertrum has arrived at Now Orleans, and for a great wonder tho papers Chas. Armstrong, M. H. Armstrong, William Horry. ' Jano S. Holden, Sarah Ward, James T. Wnrd, Annie Curmmock, Hello Peabody, Jcminn Talbott, I- rauklin ard, P.. J. Cundill, H. It. Hnv. John C. Talbott, llelMtcu Mull, H),d IrntU Htrtels-, and will keep conmnilyon hand the be.tmea! " nil ',. (n'D .1 marllf,t. Tliey dely pom r " " '. liepllltl JAMES KYN ASTON, lintrlirr mid Itriilvr lu nil UlndN I resU Stent, Oiiui .isntfrii lVi'iin brmti. CAIK ), IMilNOfJi. pi'YH and alaii2litera only the rery bet cattli lj noa. auil Kliip.i. bml im rirat.ared it) nil lieuiand for fro.h moat, from one pound to iu tl.oukand Kjuri(t. io'.'iW Tho following were guests at tho St. Charles hotel yesterday: "Lewis, St. Louis ; J. Fouthgatc Hamilton, John A. Kelly, Dan'l Hogan and Duko II. Carter, -Mound City, III.; M. DoForrcst, St. Louis; W. II. Morris City; PliM. S Ilisey, Hird ville. Mo.; Leo Elliott, Hallurd county, Ivy.; S. T. Crosley, Hallurd county, Ky. j Geo. W. Dugan, Holivar, Tonn.; Geo. Fox, Cincinnati, Ohio; E.M. Dudley, Syracuse, N Y.; Thomas Orrall, Iloston;"w. K. Ilainhart, St. Louis; T. K. Wnggoncr, Mound City, A. 11. Hundoll, Chicago; I "tine Farnemnn and Wife, Delphi, Ind. ; Frank H Van Yalkcuberg, Milwaukee: A. L. Sword, New Orleans; C. E. Merrill, I. C. It. It.; S. N. Keer, Mo; N. E. Gray, New York; W. II. Heeves, Missouri ; Win. Jones, Chicago; J. II. Finlay,Springfiold, 111., W. II. .McCora, Chicago; S. G. Hob- inson, Kimkukcc; .Ino. .1. Harton, Phlln- diOphin. The Sample Koom. .Mr. P. Fitzger ald's tnniplo room, at tho corner of Four toenth street und Coinmetclal avenuo, is supplied with ns flno a stock of wines Scotch nnd Itish whiskies, cigars, etc., as was ever ollcred for i-alo in this citv. Mr, F. is doing a wholesale business, nnd be ing thoroughly ucquuintcd with the bind ncis in which ho lias embarked, feels con- ndent of his abilitv lo sell i.n,,,l m ull,'aP if not cheaper, tlian any other es- iiiuiiiHi.icni iii i o c tv. tin Edmonia AVnlker, Norah Ward, Annio Northnm, Carolino E. Osborn, Almorn M. Osborn, Nannie T. Alden, Martha F. Hay, Minnie Peabody, Sallio H. Clark, C. it. Nowland, J. L. jlorris, G. M. Alden. Mrs. Marv E. Clark- It. C. Wcirick and wife, membership nt St. Lotii'. but spendin'' most of their time in Cairo and worshiping ut tho church hero. Hy authority which they thought they found in tho above memorial, petition or request, Mcsrs. Hay, Alden and Tnllott addresed tho following circular to several of the Cliri-lian churches in the vicinil of Cairo: Oaiko, Iil., Clct.OO, 1TI. To the Church nt . Dkak HltETllItEN : It is porhnp known to vou that u verv unplea;iitit dithculty has existed in tho church nt this placo for some months past. It seeming to be im tinssiblu that said ditllcultv can bo arnica- tly nnd honorably adjusted by tho church, a mnloritv of tho "members ot tho church havo united in u can lor nn auviscry coun cil from our neighboring sister churches to come to this placo to i.ld us in the set tlement of our unhannv troubles. The brothers nnd sisters uniting in tins tn In, vn wit rnt.fl i,i u'ritintr t n in. crn rnr n.'d " a ,IU.V.,V.. ft ' - t "- Cunningliam, Fitzgerald, Reunion, Strat- I by tho advice of said council after it bus tjn.Swavnound Walder-O. Nays Win- "d u nnd flllr loaring of all matters tor 1. On motion of Alderman Winter the board then adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening next at o o'clock. M. J. Howlet, Citv Clerk THE CITY. Pope continues to " rako in " his "Iwo-flfly a case" before tho police court, with a calmness becoming a city pros ecutor. There arc twelve persons in the city jail. Four women and eight men. Tho moil aro boini; used to good ndvnutngo on the streets and sidewalks. McIIale, with tho chain gang, is doing good work on tho sidewalks. A supply of lumber having boon procured, work is Koine ahead as rapidly as could bo ex pected. Henrv .Martin, nlirht policeman, to fill tho vacancy occasioned by tho resig nation of F. M. Sumnor, so far has shown of difference atnone: us. This is thereforo to notify you that said council is culled to meet in tills placo at 1 o clock p.m. ot rriday, tho JUtu day oi November, and to request that you will nppoint delegate, ono or more, to repre sont vour cont'reeration nt said mcctini;. As tho oxistinguimcuiucs nro uoing mo eauso wo all lovo great injury in this com munity, wo trust that you will not fail to respond to tills call. o. n. HAT, G. M. Alden, J. C. Taliiott. In compliance with this request, elders Harmun, Mulkoy, Uritton, Ferrill.P.hodcs nnd Jones wore appointed tho council, which convened in this city a few days .... . , ., ! 1 . 1 , niro. Tins is uic uccisioit arrivcu t.t oy the " council: To tho members of tho Church of Christ, worshimiine: ut Cairo, greeting: Your council, nfter due deliberation, in which nil tho circumstances connected with the history of your unhappy troubles, so far as thov have been presented to us, havo been duly and impartially consid ered, beg leavo to submit this as our unan imous report: 1. Wo Illld lliai, to a very great oxieut, vour troubles havo grown out of the im- lim - , f , , t ... . uiiiic'tiiics, anu tit ucciartng inai it a decision was rendered ngnin.t him, hn, with twenty others, would leave llio church nil of which, wo trust, it "an error oi tno head and not or the heart. of which wo hopo ho may duly repent, ana make proper coniession to the congregation. 8. '1 ho council deculv regret that in coming into your midst, as your brethren, duly authorized by your sister congrega tions to mediate in your dillcrcnccs tho doors of your houso of worship or, we should say, the J.ord houso liavo been closed nguinst us. While wo do this, wo must, in Justice, commend tho spirit that finally induced the brethren in charge to open tho houso to the council; wo further desiro to commend the christian spirit that marked tho cotirso ol this investigation, manifested alike bv brother Carpenter and thoso ncting with him, nnd brother liny and thoio acting with nun. 'J. The council ngrcc, at far as the evi dence appears beforo us, that tho election of now trtiit.'cs was equally as imprudent as tno conduct o: the old ones, nnd that of a right tho new trustees should not olaitn to exorcise tho functions of that of fice. Wo find no impropriety in the elec tion of tho additional elder and tho two ndditionnl deacons, nnd do most earnestly ..... . . . . recommend that thev, in conjunction with tho old otlicers, devote themselves, in tho spirit of christian charity, to tho advance ment of tho iutcrcHs of the cause of Christ in your place. 10. The council desire that the trustees of the congregation take immediate, steps to havo tho deed to their churcn property connected in form to the satisfaction of nil tho brethren, so that peace and harmony my prevail, nnd every occnsion of etienso moved from vour midst. 11. Tho council submit the foregoing nil of which wo trust will bo nccepted and approved by the brethren to tho end that God mny bo glorified, nnd Christ's king dom iidv'unoed upon earth. A. II A KM AN, Elder and Evangelist, Anna, Ills., .Mod. H. O. Jo.vr.s Elder Congregation, Metrop olis, hceretary. " Ei.n. J. N. .Mlm.kev. Eld. D. llr.irro.v, Eld. W.m. Hiiodk-. Cairo, Illinois Nov. l'Jth, 1871. IUVERKEWS. POET LIST. ARM V KD AND DEPARTED. Btoamer. When. from. Where lo. Mnrbio Citv St. Louis Memphis. Argonaut hi. Louis ictin. nr. St. Joseph St. Lou'n Memphis. S. S. .Merrill . wrlcans si. ijoui. Paulino Carroll. ..St. Louis Mary Alico St. Louis. Illinois Columbus Columbus. Hello of Pike Memphis St. Louis. Cipitol City N. Orleans... .St. Louis. AKU lliltUlllllt- IlOl'CUUIU. Low Water Smithlaud St. Luke St. Louis Vicksburg. Grand Lake Grmul Tower Jas. Fisk, jr Paducah Pnducah. n. Jl. bhrove St. J.ouis Ken river. of tho kind that w have heard of, although there has been bout ufter bout loaded htro this aeason in preferonco so going to St. Louis for their trips ""d not ono has been credited with having come from this city Tho St. Luke was aground three hours on tho point. Sho had tho trip of tho Wm. J. Lewis, which boat was dUiblod by a collision with the Great Itepublic, in St. Louis harbor, n fow days ngo. The Grand Lako came down from Grand Ttwcr, light. Sho il bound for Pittsburg. The Low Water camo In from Smith land, with a largo containing 3.&00 empty barrels. The Capital City had n big up-jtrcam trip. 'Ihc St. Luke was tilled with passengers IMIIL HOWAItl), STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, City Xntlonal flunk Itiilldliia;. .Special attention paid to order. Irom Meam boats ulclit or dar.fu Call on Jorgensen for choice London laver raisins. Ji.t received and to arrive, which wo will sell at very low prices boxes choico cheese, 09 tubs wetern recrvo butter (very choice i, &0 barrels coal oil, 1!S0 kits mackerel, 600 case" can goods such as Duckwall it Cook's favorito tomatoes, ken suts pcachos Yarmouth corn, blueberries, mincemeat, Shaker it Kempt s and Day it Co.'s pre-crves -'i boxes 25 half boxes and CO quarter boxes new layer raisins, new prunes and currant", half million " W. P.," " O.' and " D." cans, 10 barrels New Orleans molasses. Stuatton it IliitD, Ohio Loveo. novlStf. Where aro you going? To tho plat( number 03, Ohio levee, where they keep tho best fresh oysters, fiih and game, and tho flnc.t wines, liquors and cigars to It found in the city. Open at all hours, daj or night. J. E. Parks Fresh Seguiu mackerel on hand at Jor gensen s. Dit. Price's Golden Medical Dia rnVKitr tvI1I nnl mitt, tlm .lend, lint it will benefit and euro tho living, For all sever. Coughs, Throat and Bronchial diseasoa i bn. nnrer liofii (viiiaIpiI. fiSO Select Lleme figs in layers, can b found nt Jorgenten's, the rivers and their condition.. Hero th Ohio hns begun to fall and du ring ho past 21 hours has fallen about ono inch. A typographical error yestorday made tho amount of water at Pittsburg 2 foot 0 Inches when it should havo road 9 feat C inclioj. Our authority for reporting a ten feet nso at 1'ittsburg cumo, ns wo thought, from n good sourco, and wo did not lioe- Markiaok Guide. Interesting worl numerous engravings, 221 pages. Trie GO cents. Address Dr. Hutts' DIsponHnrj .no, 12 ortn J-.igntn ftircot, i. ajouu Mo. Seo Advertisement. tf New nlmonds, at Jorgcnson's. cocoanuts and himself a good ofiico. May ho never grow prudc,nco of brother John Friend, in acj Unto to mnko it known. shnro of the public patronage. solicits oetlBtf. weary in well doing The revised ordinances will havo to be read onco more in tho board of aldir men, nnd then go into tho bunds of the printers for public ation in book form. The members of tho council will not, regret it when "this infernal crJinnnco reading business' is off their hands. It has been a tedious job. POLICE COURT. JAKE WALTEH, BUTCHER "B MALM u FRESH MEAT, Eighth Stkbkt, Uetwrek Washington and Commercial avenues, A4JImIbst KMteiilioiue a llnuuy'a. Kp III beat of Ilttcf, 1'otk, Mutlbn. Veal Lamb, Haunage.atc., aud arc proiatei) Itl rr r citlstna In thn rnM acceptable min&ei; HXylHmVl.j.Mt'tVi , . Hki.iaiile and S.srE. Dr. Honry Hoot and Plant PilH aro mild nnd pleasant In their operation, jet throrough, producing no nausea or griping. HoW cntlrcl v vegetable, they can bo taken without re gard to diet or buelne. They urouso the liver nnd secretive organs into healthy action, throwing cfl disease without ex hnuitlng or debilitating the system. Try them and you will bo satisfied. Price !, cents u box. Sold by druggWts and deal ersln medicine every where. Prepared by the. (Irufton M liclno company, St. Louis, M.uouri. " myOdn. tr . " , amu. to iAciiANor.-Fur Improved V.I.IIU j....p.:riy, Ul-rui of Kd wiuiui u.iu ... wim ii j,uir of llickinati Kentucky, with good brick hoiuo and nil nccei;.ry out uunuingt. Thu pl co nho bus on it ono uiousnmi iruit trees For further Informntlon apply to Jah. Mallorv, Steamboat A-cwt, oct'J7lf . ....I -t!i i it i Ids OXClusion jiuiu juiii uu.iiuui , ni.u 1140 wcuiiier was inn, uuuui. -. ,.. .... piumc, generally, an rnienainwcut u. .",' -. "r fM' 00 ,lk'ul your council agree in tho opinion that the it hegan to rain and ns we close this it is former for ofl,,18ve and proceedings, tinder thoso c.rcumsu, h AIT"" Tut the Wonderful Japanusk Grkbn Tea Pii.k Cuhi:-U has never failed In tlm mo.,t stubborn cases. It cures by iibsorptlon. No pain. No In jurlous substances. $5.00 Ki Vtr for every nuthentlcnttd failure. Sent by mail to mi nuuress on receipt of price (ll.Oin aim .ue exira lo pay postage. Orders must bo addressed William W. .Mouhim a- r. Solo proprietors for Fnited States'' am) iiritisu irovinces, 01 l ourth Avenue Pittsburg, Pa. novleodyin. A member of tho Now York com mittee ol seventy pas.ed through tho city yesterday, and was shaved at William Al- ba's shop, Commercial avenue, near tho corner of Eighth street, Ho savs it was thu smoothest shave ho has received for years. Alba haa a new and experienced barber to lend him a helping lmn.l und can accommoduto nil liL patron, prompt- ly- WuiuiiT'h nu plun ultra minced mc t prejiared expressly for family use, at J..r-yenscn's. Michael Duller wore arrested, tho threatening language, and the latter for langungo considered olfensive, and taken before his honor, SqulroShannessy, yostor day; but 111 the opinion of tho venerablo justlco, tho ovidenco ngulntt them was "too thin,'1 and thoy woro discharged m.i e . I .11. .11.1 . ino lorociotis iiiuiviiiuai wno gave Ohiuf .Myors a "bolt over the oyo, on Fri day evening was beforo Judgo llross yes centine the position of ovangellst, or pas tor ot your congregation, ufter having boon notified of tho protest of nn cldor, two dencons und other members of your body ; and in further assuming to act ns your elder oy viriue 01 111s position us ovangellst. Tho ovidenco that has been presented to this council docs not sustain tlto charges and sncciilcatlons iigainst brother S. H. .... " .! 111. ll... Hnv: and ins. in connection wuii mu fact that brother Friend, without tho au thority of holy writ, ussumcd to act ns vour elder, whon ho had not been regularly chosenland stt apart to that work in your congregation nullifies nnd renders void liih exclusion irom your iitimoer uuu Mononguhcla is 8 feet 5 Inches and fall ing. As Louisville the river is rising slowly. Tho Ohio is swelling nt Evnnsvillo nnd stationary at Cincinnati. Ouchita is still rising and boats aro having no troublo running. Ucd river is still rising and heavy rains havo fallen for tho past U days. Tho Mississippi is jig tun rising with n C feet stago in tho chnnnol. weather and iiusiness. During tho greater part of yesterday tho weather was fair, and about p. m. pecntt, 1 Just Heceiyed. W. W. Thornloi . fTst. .AA.A l.niti .nnn rVitnta'.nVitt'll 1 DlWinM ' and Poplar street, has just received and i irtro 1 ..Hill finnr. ,111(1 i.inrtf winuuvto uui , mouldings. Adams' Dry Corned Fish for sale) Jorgcnson's. 1 1 tr sen's t 1 NEW advertisements; ATIIENEUaM. i Motulity unil Tuesday r.senliica, seinlier UlNl anil i!2l, 1H71. CARD. At tho sobclt ition of numerous Cairo friends. ,li'ii rnnried on nre.entlnic them and II . public, generally, an pniertalnment ot n Tana urn contrary to tho teachings of tho serin turcs. nnd tho practico of tho christiun church In conlorniity tnorowitii. t "is uounc i sironer v censuro 1110 spirit nnd nits of your Trustees; first in delliauuillg, persoimiiy, still raining. very good. MISCELLANEOUS AND OENERAI. NEWS. Twonty'threo tow boats with tows of und afterwards coal amounting to 2,135,000 bushols havo through n tioliceman, tho koys 01 ino church; tecum, In instituting acivu sun cing ail iinpro i. .trn"c(lnto tiie'church taming 2,211,000 busl iiii,iin.ri und rottrCA. in acting upon tho M.070,000. This Is tho grave matter 01 uiihiiub . j-.tunccnav, torday morning. His name is McCltllan, tltlin. 1 1 ho consent of, nt least, 11 fair ma aud tho evidence Against him beiuL' vorv nf tho congregation : for nil of ltroni'. he was ou nu over n tin. , r I llmso uruiureu siioum maK.i five hundre o.lars to iiwnit tho ncthm of VWZr T Aide,,, J "'" i Ku when tempted by considerablo provociv anu was given npurununis m the county tion, has yielded to tho inlluenco ot a sweat box to await tho ttim nf tlm n.,vi lm.t v nnd violent tnmtior. litis, no lias tunn of tho circuit court. admitted publicly 10 tno council, aim . 1011I1I inako thu samo open coinossiou 10 IliA iwinrrroi'lltion. a. 'Ph.. council find that tho proceedings ni.atnat. and withdiitwal from, brothers loft Pittsburg for Cincinnati, nnd the sumo number of boats loft for Louisvlllo con- bushols. Grand total, first start this sea- ... . .... . , .titi.... son. xnoro win uo minions mm iiiiuiunn of bushels run down if the wator will per mit. Tho Marblo City camu down drawing C foot 11 inches nnd rubbed but littlo. dipt, lion. Klilrlov.'ono of hor pilots, informed us fl.r,t tl.nin la L'Ood 0 feet (if Wator ill tllO chnnnol. Tho Argon-nit laid hero waiting for tho S, S. Morrill to arrive with' her barge; Kim loft vesini-.lnv for Tonnossoe river GEMS OF EUIN, and In tho perlormanco of which I shall be a aiato 1 by Mrw. Wllllnni Cnrlettin. ' I rcapoctfudy solicit tho patronage of the H ions, and pronilao thorn faithfully togneane: joyanlo evening to on. and all CAET0.V. novlS-St. f FOlt THE SOUTH. 'Ihe mammoth nnd fine passenger steamer, j TIlOltWEOAN Master. i p.i.. Hun.lov. l'Jth Inst., at 10 n'c-lof n.m .lor tlm above pons. For Irolght or pass.i. apply on board or to Hiiick Store rou Hent. The brlc store, .No. iB, Uhio I.ovec. now occuolod by F. M. Stockfletb, Esq., is, offered foi Hay, Alden irndTulbott and sister Clark : lown hargos which will bo loaded rent, and will bo vacant on thu 18th Inst ro , ,a'corJ","..0,wU.U..!l'? I ?, with lumber. Al'l'ly to Jno. It. Piiillis. tZ itlon of eldership by brother Tho Morrill had but ft littlo trip lor octlltf Friend: tecund. from the fact tlmt these anv nort brothers and this sibtor worn not proporly . towboat belonginc to tho PETE SMITH, May be found at rteod A Itutm'a from this foi rraru. Any woik hi u.o HLA.0ESMIT1IING LINE Mill receive prompt attention. HorstShocing, LIIU I . . ... I . nt Jorgensen's Staple nnd Fancy Grocery ovd.nco, no specified chnrges wero jiro- Missusijipl "S ulloy transportation tompa- , a nX ufvk,wmnh business carried 01 Kiore I furred auainst nny ol thoio meutiencd, I uy Will leavo uiiiciniuui wr'""lim Found. That tho choicest butter is labored with inpriuto; fAt'rrt, from the