Newspaper Page Text
f lit 0 4bIM1 4 JOHN H. 01JERLY &!C0 IIOOI'I.ANU'H. To letillllttci Persons I Dyspeptics! T hullerera from Liter Com pUlntl To those having no Appetite I "o thoso with Ilrokin Down Constitutions! ff a ii People 1 Tj ClilMrtn Wailing Away To any with Debilitated Digestive Organ I I't-NiiflVrliia; wllh nuy or the I'oIIomIur NyiiiiluniH, Which indicate Disoidpisd Lives 01 Htovich t Much at Con Hllp.ltloil, lllMSril Piles, Kiilrit" or llioodlotho llrn'l, Acid Ity of the Htomach, Names, II irtburn, Digut for 1'ood, Full ness nr Weight In the t-intnach, Sour hriifiilalmns, felnklng or fluttering Hi tho I'ltnf the Stomach. Hwlmtnlnir of tho Head, Hurried or Diitleiilt llrealhlng, Fluttering at the Heart Choking or Huttocatlng Sensaliona when Id Lying Posture, Dimness ol Vision, Dots or Webs befuro tli" Wight, Fever ami Hull I'aln In lh,4)ot)i'ieuov of Perspiration, Tell'iwnessof the Mklnand Kjes, Pain Itt the hhie. Hack Chest, J.lm ), etc.. Sudden Flushes of Hint, H.iruiDrC in the Flesh, Con stant Imaginings of Kvll, mil) Ureal Depiesslon of riplrlti. HOOPLA N DS G ERM AN HITTERS A lllttrr without Alcohol or tiplrit of any kind, I H il,llei-nl fiotn nil others. It i eomioed ol I the pure Juices, or Vital Principle ol Hoot, ITr s mi l Huts, (or, hi inedlcinslly U riiii d, llx tracts,) th worthless or Inert portion of tin- In. irrcdlents not bung used. Therefore, in one hot tie if tint lhltr there I contalneil an much medicinal virtue a will bo lounil In several gal lons of ordinary mixtures. The roots, etc., uie 1 in thl Hitter are grown In Oermany, their vital pljiniplea cHra-lnt In that country by a acicn nil Chemist, nml forwarded to fie manufactory m tin city, where they are compounded and tint Ilr I. Cmium ng no spirituous Ingredients, thl. II iters l free fniiii the objections urg'il agtlnst II others, No desire for e 1 1 null D In ran lie In In e J fritin their ue , they cannot make drunk, srds.and cannot timler any circumstauces hire lit hut a lrf.nefl.cial etlect. 1 1 001" JiA N D'.S G BUM A N TONIC w' compounded for thorn r.ot inclined to ex treme billrs, and la intended for n-e In caea wlirn tomcat olwl.c stimulant Is requited In con Diction with the Tonic properties of the Hitters, i'ju.h bottle of the Tonic contain one lottle ot the Hitter, combined witn pure HINT A CltLV. HUM, and flavored in such a manner that the ex treme bitterness of the Hitter la overjom. loir"'- repantlion highly agreeable aoii 'la.. , palate, vl containing the medic inal v.rtu f the Hitter. The j.rlte ot the I'unlc I, 1 ' per bottle, which many petsons think too high. They ,n net take Into consider ation that the stimulant used Is guaranteed lo m ot pure quality A pnne article could bi lur nu.ied at n cheaper price ; but I It not better to pay h little mote and hale . geod article 1 A meillcjnal prepiratlon nhould conta n none hut the bel Ingredient i and they who expect to ob tain a cheap cotnound, and l benefitted by it, III moil certainly be cheated. GERMAN BITTERS; a II OO I' LAND'S G-iEianyr--iw toitic; WITH UUOKI.ANDsVoDOl'ilYM.IK 1'II.L WILL CUI'.K YOU. Hie J lire Iho ;riatrst llluml I'lirlll fri liiiitiiii lo th medical world, uni' will i rlieate dl.eae arUiDg from impure Uoo-I, Debility of the DigeiLteOrgin, or Ineaed Liter, In a diorier lime tlmn any other known rem edie iTie Whole Hupreme Court of I'ennjltani .peak for tnetn remedies. Who weuld aik lot mre dignified and ationger tettlmony ? Hon. George W, Vioouwarii, torment (.mat Jsa- tlceot the Muptetne Court of l'ennj Itanla, at present member oi Congren from penuiylia- Oil wrltei : Philadelphia, March It, HOT. i tin I HnoSand'a (iertnan llitlera l a Rood Ionic, uxiful in diseaea of the ciigetle organi, and of grt benetit In caret ol debility and want of nertout action In the nynem. Yuure, rult, (IKUKCE W. WOODWAltD. Hon. Jitnn Ttiompson, Chief Junllce of the Hu- plume Court of t'enn) Itanla i 1 l'hilidelphia, April 2, HOT. I conilder Hooflind' German Hitter a talua ble medicine Incane of attacks uf Indi-eitlon or Otipepnia. I can certlft thin Irom my expeil ence ot It. Your., with .rajycU TH0Mp!j0V Hon George Sharnwood, Jimtlce of the Hupreme CMlitofTenn)lnlai , , I'hiladilphla, June 1,1800. 1 have found by experience that lloortaiid' Gemma Illttcr-t i ft ury tood tonic, reliuting "y,,,,',0m" V.TwHUKm'AIWWOOD. Hon. Wm. V. Uoier, Mayor ol the City of Huf Ulo, N. Y. t Mayor' (MUce, Hutlalo, June 22, W. 1 have uci llr.otliir.d'" Gernuu Hitter" and Tonlu in my family during the pint ear, and can recommend them ai an excellent tonic, impart ing tone nnd vigor to the, Mstem. Their tint him been productive of decidedly t enehcial etlwU. Hon. Jame M. Wood. ex-Sleyorot Williaiimport 1'n. 1 take great ptcumre In recommending Hoof land'" German Tonic In any onewhcinay heal Hicteil whh Ivpp n. 1 had the D)pepla no badly It wiin Imjiomlliln to keep any luod on my tomii"h, nd I liecnme an wenic at not to be able to walk half n mile. Two boilles of Tnnie ef. lectcd a perlectcure. JAMKSM. WOOD. Kcmrmber that lloofland'a German Hitter, nd lloolland'a (icrman Tonic, will cure otery cnao ol Al.VHASHUS, OK WASTI.NQ AWAY OK THK HOI)Y. IXriiiriiilier that Hoodand'H German Heme' die are tho medicine you requiro to purify the Wood, excite the torpid l.lver In healthy action, and to enable you to pa -hIi'Iv through any htrUtlups tnd exposure. lilt. HOOri.AM'N PODOPHYLLIK" Or Hub.Uiliito lor Mercury Pills. IWO PILLS A DOSK. The motl powerful, yet i l .I.Ul'Hliurlln bnn-n lllliuvt'm, irurin'iig, nv n.iwnii 11 is not necessary to take n iiamllul ol these Pills lo produco the ilcslied ellect. Two of them tct quickly and powerfully, lcainlng the Luer, Btomach und Howell, ot all liupurillej. The ,i,.lnal Innredient Is l'odonhv 111. or tho Alco hol lo Kxlra.-t of Mandrake, which in by many times more poweriiu, nciuig huh scuiciuhk, uu tho Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar action in upon i iu .,lA.,,,in II uiirwutlli' trnni nil nlitrllr- tin illicit - Hr"-7,; , Hons, with all the power of Mercury, )et freo from all the iiiliirloiii rcmilts attached to the use of that nilneial. For all diseases In which the tuo of a cathartic is indicated, tnesepiiis win give eiuue suusiac ifmt in Averv ease. Thev NKVKU KAIL. lncaies of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, and xtreine Costiveness. Dr. Uoollimd German Hit i.r. nr Tonic, should bo used ill connection with the i'llli- The tonlu ellect ol the Hitters, orTonlo, bulldi up the system. The Hilteis, or Tonic, pu rities tho blood, strengthen tho nerves, res ulatea the Liver, and gives strength, energy aud V'ir'en vnnr Dowels aclit-a with the Pills, nncl lone up the system wilji Hitters, or Tonic, aud no uiseasocau reiiuu me uuiu, oi cicii i,nrtu ,uu iinKnlleetihut it Is llr lloorl.uid'u German Kem .iiA ilmt am an universally used und hlrtilv recommended; and do not allow tho druggist to induce you to take anything else that In) may say mat as eood. because hu makes a larger profit nn It. Theso remedies will be sent by Kxpress to . y locality upon application to the Vltl.NCIPAL KflUE, at tlie Gl'wIMAN MKDIClNb bTOBE, CIIAS.H. EVANN, Proprietor. JI'ormtrT.y ,M.JQUeonCo, PROPRIETORS. MAIjOUMN. Kh DOHA DO IJII.LIA1U) SALOON AND HAH I100M. JOHX OATIM, lrwirietor. IWCuntnercial Avenue, CAIHO, ILLINOIS, Ilet brand of California Clgart Just received, BILLIAHD salom furnished ith the b ut el table j and bar sunplied with wines, liquors and elgsra of the finest brands. UKOCKRIKrt AMJ I.HV .OOI)N. WILLIAM KLUGK, ariLra t FAMILY GROCERIES, Dia'-GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SUCKS, HATH A XI) CAI'H, KTC, Has Just receive! a heavy a toe s of Hoot and Duoea, Hosiery anu motions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP He alio has a fine ttock of Family Grccerlet ot eery ainu. (VM.NER SIXTH-ST. AND COM.MER CIAI-AV., CAIRO, It.LINOI DOUIIN, NANII, ETOl 00 TO W. W. THORNTOK'S, IHJILDKHS' Sl'PIM.Y DKI'OT. 13 J TKM II hTUKET, CAIKO, r. ILLINOIS, FOR I Ivors, ainab, Bllnda. Moiildlntji, litutlrr,(tool'H'lndowsuid lioej I'rnmei, IToorluff, Lalh, hhlnxsle-a, Ulnard Hnah, UUced Hide I.I (lit a, Ulnsrd Tranioiai, Hnah Weight, Kakb allies and Cortla, llllnd rnatenluc, Itooflna; til, noaflnc; Omtnt, riaatrrlna; I'nper, Carpet Cell, While Lend, I.iiiaecl oil, American Window lm, i:nc;llli mid French lata Ulnm, I'uttj-, Ulnsler's lolata, hewer t'l !. I'uDiit (Tiliiuie) , i:ie., i:ir., Kit- AOENTS lor Itock Kiret Pap'r Company's hhrathing Kelt and Ijuarlt Cemsnt. It " John s Improved Hoofing alway, on and. UUIITN AMI MIOi:S. WILLIAM KIILKHS, Kahlunalile UOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWKMTKIII HIHKKT, Uclwcen Waib'nfiton Avenue and Poplar Street, CAIRO, n.Le. Hoota and Shoes Made to Order. Fine Wrrkmen Kinployed. tiatisfactlou SS'arraiued. Patronage eoliciled. CITY SHOE STORE HOOP. SKIRT FACTORY sol r iui.Ncv tos "BEOLASKI'S" CUhTOU-MAIlR HOOTS AND SIIOKS ornmvrcinl Avrmir, Corner of i:l(lilu Mreel, Cairo, Illinois. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ALL OR- TJKUA VOK HOOr.-KIUTS AND allOKS. II. LEVY k CO., rill in IN HIDES AND FURS, wool, t i:ATiii:it.s, i:tc 73 OHIO XjEVEE. Caiho, Illinois, uovlMf t'AHII.V tiKOCKItltA. LOUIS J 0 II G E N S E N, Dealer Insll kluilsol STAPLE AND FANCY Fitrmer'a Vurd mill MlnbliiiK without ciiAitae. Cor, Wauhiugtou-av' and Twcutieth-st, CAIRO, 1LLIM0U' lyJTJif CAIRO, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1871, THE BULLETIN. COLONKL JACK ALLEN'. THK NOTORIOUS ANK ADVKNTL'KOL'H KEN TUUKIAN ON IIIH IlKATIt-IIKU IN TKXAH. From the Louisville Courier. A letter !itinouticc tlieltnpcndin; ilcnth f Colonel Jack Allen, at Rrlt'iit Star, Hopkln. county, Tuxn. Hu win wldoly known In tlie South writ. In his young manhood hu had tho lolsforttio to alny u itmn in Sholhy county, but tho jury nd judged It n clear cao ol nclf-tltfi-ncc, and liu wms iu'iuittvd. Shortly tifterward hu left for -Mlsfourl, and, with n 'Ingle coin pntilon, timdu his way through thu Itidhin Territory, and thenco into Te.vii". That people were then ut war with tho Mexi cnii". Ho was with Snm Holl'tori nt tho battle of .lacinto, which ended the war. Ho returned homo and engaged in farming; but when the war broke out on tlie Kin. (irnndo Allen ralcd n calvary rniiipntiy, mid was with Oeticrul Hum phroy Mnrahair- rfglmentat Jlucna Vista. The condtulon of tho Mexican wax let Inoio n set of rettlcs men, cngnr for nny warlike in'crpriie. Tho acquisition o'f Cub.i attracted their attention a it did indeed many loiding men in the South, lack Allen of coarso atnon the number, Hu ruiscd n band of men in Kentucky, and wa jiroinlncnt among thoe who ompocd what tuny bo called the "lint Cuban expedition, ' Sailing from a Southern port in a mini I ves sel, by orders lo act in concert with the oreoloi of Cub), who wcro aid to bo ready to revolt, tho ' lllibuitori.' ai limy weru termed roceeded to the ijlnnd ol Con to', ticur the coast of Yucatan. A ifjourn of three weeks, with cxosnro diiguetcd tho men until otdcri weru given to leave, when their fpirlt revived. Tho vtel made iti wny to Cnrdenuf, on the northern part of thu Islnnil, where they weru landed. Their rebel friend?, to their chagrin, informed them that their force was too small to throw the isluml in to revolution, anil declined to give any as titancc. The nuthoritie had'Lccu titjvi (d ofthp p'niis uf the lilibinteri, and had H force clou ut hand to meet them. They charged on thy IlibuMiTJ, who gallnlitly reptllied the ntsu.ilt, and, knowing dUcre tion ti bu the better part of valor, retired to their little vcstcl. Allen fought brnvu ly in thli light. The filibusters then head td for Key Wctt, and, when, within a few miles . dace, discovered the Spanish man-of-war l'izurro bearing down on them under a full head nf itentii. She approached near enough to fire a few shots at tho vesiel, but the boys escaped und scattered over the place. The year following (1801), the filibusters weru ugaiu ut work under Lupez, aud Jack Allen wai with them. Ho rai'ed several hundred men in Kentucky, and took them to Saw Orluutn. Lope., with tho lamented Major AVm, Crittenden, had al.o left for thu iland. Their fatu is known. Crittenden's little band of fifty men weru cuptured, und himself shot, and Lopez garrolid. In tho meanwhile thu Kcnttickhms in New Orleans bcscechcd the Cuban Aid Society for transportation, but in vain. AVIien tho fatu of the cxp dltiun whs known, thu filibusters in New Orleans disbanded, and Allen and othirs returned to- Kentucky. Several expedi tion of n similar character were projected between that time and ISoG by General (iolotiria, with Colonel Allen as one of the leaders, but all of them fniled. General Wnlkor and his fili busters, however, hud mot with more suc cess in Nicaragua, and Jack Allen deter mined to join him. Hu chartered tho steamer Sultutia, and left the Portland wharf -Mny 'Jl, 1650, wltn nearly two hun dred men," for his expedition. Vow, alas I were destined to return. Half of the num ber reuched Grenada, where Allen was appointed Colonel uf thu regiment. He subsequently returned to Kentucky on tho plea of ill-l'caUli. Hu believed tho cause of Walker was lost ; and whilo here he ar ranged with (ioieouria for another Cuban oxpedition, embracing thu enlistment of his own men in Nicaragua, us well m oth ers who desired to leave Nicaragua, but who were rctrainea therefrom lv lorco. (ioieouria wai to send a vessel to tun Joan del Nortu to bring away thu men. Gen eral I.ockriugc, who wa suusiucntly tho commander on San Juan river. win in tho secrot. Allen returned to Nica ragua; but a successful operation of tho Costa liiciins, in ctipturlni: from Walker tho steamships on Lako Nicaragua, dc- itmicu i no Aiicu-iioicoiirm descent on Cuba. Colonel Allen left Nicuragun in October, 1850, and camo homo, lie lived in quiet on his farm in Shelby county from that timu until thu inau"uration of thu late civil war, when liu espoused tho cause of tho confederates. Ho wi.s tlie leader of tho several hundred men, who left Kentucky in September, .Mil. He served in the confederate armv lor a short time nud then retired, remaining south, however, until hostilities ceased, Wutu ho iipnln returned homo and resumed his ag ricultural pursuit, lie went to Texas some months since, but will) what particu lar object wu nro not advised. iiAi;ni:its. NHW HAHHEKSII01 Ororjp. the barlier Intel v with Theolml I anil Ksehh-ch, lias oieneil n Ni: lUiuim Hiiur, on Coiiimercinl avenue, letnceii 7 nd isili streets, lor tlie ai'coiiiinouiitioii oi i.nue an l gentioiien ol tho tipier l'art ot tho eily. lie invlie-t till hi old and new trieliils to visit his shop, and as sures them ,iolite attention ami unciiualt d unric ellher in huir culling, cutting, shaving orsh.un I'oolne. ocVi in J.tiEO.SrElNlIOUSE, FASHIONABLE RAR13ER, Cor. Nlli-Mt. mill Coiuniercinl-nv. CiTHIinrp Itar.nrs, Url'Clean Towels and ua-rikillfull Workmen 'Lniliea' and children' hair cut and sham pooed, eKIicrut tho shop or at their own homes, rcentleiiieii'r whiskers and hair dyed In h e tltio m nner. Hatistaetlon guaranteed. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. A meetlnc of tho supkhnlder of Hie Cairo mid Ylneeiiiies railroad company will he held it tho ofllco of tho coinnanv in Cairo. Illinois, on Hat- urdar, Decemtier u, IMl, nt 10 o'elock, a.m., for the purpose oi raiuying uio nuiinii oi ine nonru Ul lllll'WIUIS, 41, II. IIAIIllUI'i Secretary and Treasurer, Culro, Noveinhor II, 1D71, novltd. ,IUST REOEIVED. A choice lot of MICHIGAN APPLES, Which are for sale low to close consignment. Dniloin and others wanting surplleu should apply soon. UALLIPAY liltoa, noySillw BARCLAY BROS.. OHIO LRVGE, Ciitw, liu DRTJO-O-ISTS SAKATOOA SPKINGS ix rut tun AT IIARCLATS' JJRUO HTOnit. ,Ktrri.v, Daiiv. MOCKING MUD FOOD, ii. trinv tea car. wivvott vteviit At Bahclavh'. J K L M fl O L I) g OKA l'K ( CATAwnA 1 r r op.ArE ) FILLS i CATAWIIA iJ OftAl'K GHAI'K Icatawiia ) i (orapk ) PILLS Ati All nr HKl-JIIIOl.D'H MIMMCIM-.fl IT. KM I FROM VIIIST IIAhllS, Aluays :i sto:k in large supply, and fur saUly (llnrclny II r o o . FRESH BliTJE XilCIC just r. r. c k i v r. asp r.Snlclj ; lam Kolile crf.hllcn AT IJAKCLAVS'. HSrKxTitA I-' Colooxk; $3TGzsvisr. Imi-orted Extracts j 8"Hair, Tootii and Nail Brushes SfiyikuiA Kuiiiikr Nursery Goo." r AECjjAY BROS. TURK WHITE lead; XII l'UUK FltENCH ZINC. Hest grades in large stotk and va riety, very cheap i ALSO! Full Link or Colors, ccv nil is oil; a I'alnt llrutbe,. Linseed Oil, Whltewuhr.4,Ju. Turentln, VArnshsi Lie, etc., all unlit a.r srM'Aan driitvirs AT flARCLAYb'. VlIOI.KSAL,r CUOl'EIIS. R. SMYTH & CO., WHOLESALE GKOCEUS, OHIO 1.IVKK CAIUO. I I. I.I K O I U . A'so, keep constantly on hand a must com plete nock of IiIOTORS- HC'OTCH AND IKIMI WUlSKIkb - i I N H. ?ort, JIadcria, Shorry and Catnwbu Wines R8JIVTH A CO. feTTeiclusively for cash, to . nhleh fact ther invite the especial atl-n-tiou uf close liarain buyers. Special attention yisen to Filling Orders -III.LI.VKIIM. MUS. M. SWAXDKH, DEALER IIS MILLINERY Ml LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, CoiiimerclHl Avenue, e :tlle i:illo mm iinyiiiorn si Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEAR Made to order, or Iteady-Jl.ide, Hai received a full and complete stm'k of gool, the newest and completes! in the elly. An Im mense rnnty ol 1U1.I50NS, LACES AND FRINGES she otters, great Induce mat, ti her patrons and all clhers toeall nn her.eiaiiiln? the prices, styles nud quality of her goods. MII.I.IMKnV. MRS. ANNA LAN(i, EiailTH-T., rtKT. WA8IIINQT0N AND COM" M BRCI ALAVBNUXH, Is now i ouelvlng a beaatilul assortment of Fall Millinery Goods, Including Hula and Hhapee of the latest style Itlbberai, fltwers anil Feather. Mia. Luig will also ehow customers tho target election of Woolen, Ynrisii Tube founlln the city. BLKACItlNa AND PHFB81NU DONE TO ORUK1U PAI.tTEUN. MOOHE & MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental PAI1TTBBS, Decarallv rotrhaiiirtltiK, KaUouilu. bone In tho highest ttyle of'tFie art, ami n i that defy competition. lates I SHOP in perry house, corner or 8th HTRKET AND CJIMEROIAL AVENUE. INM'IlAKC't;, W. II. M0RRI., Nntary I'uhlic, II. It, CANUKK No. Pub. and I'. H. Ccna. HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK, CO I DENT, LIFE, IITS'O-RAN-CEI iETNA, HARTKORl), Assets . ..U.M.V'Ot 97 NORTH AMERICA, PA., Assets...... ..2,7M,K Or. 11 ARTKORI), CONN, Asset. 2,MI,liiO 7 rilOSNIX, HARTFORD. Assets.. 1.7M.14S 8 J INTERNATIONAL, N. Y., Assets.. ...I,3SJ,1M 17 PUTNAM, HARTFORD, Aseeta 7W,9J7 O CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, SIJ.C3 6 Aiects. HOME, COLUMUU", Aseta . ....815.27S 41 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Assets WO.tVin o CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIKE, ...30,Oi',(si ' Assets. TRAVELER H, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Assets. l,Vfl,0U) (A RAILWAY I'AhhENOERS A.-CHANCK CO., HARTFORD, Asiete 600,0001 INDEPENDENT, IIOsTON, Aseta... ..WU.M2 M SAFl'ORD, MORRIS k CANDEE, 71 Olilo I.evce, City National llank. CAIHO. ILU FIRE AND MARINE'AXiEHi NIAGARA, X. Y., OERMANIA, X. Y., HANOVER, X. , Assets .... ..l,4Sfl,.lt !f. Assets . ...l.OCe.iil 76 Assets.., 720,602 00 REI'UllLlC, X. Y., Asset ,714.2i 01. CtmprisinK the Underwriters' Ajeney. YONKERS, X. Y., Assets S78.1M II AL1IAXY CITY, Assets 4U,VJJ SS FIREMEN'S FUND, S. F., As.etn OTo.WJ Oil SECURITY, X. Y'. MARIXE, As lets ;,432,si!l 00 STORK, Duellings, rurniture, Hulls and Car noes, insured at rates as favoiablo ns sound, permanent security will warrant. 1 respectfully ask ot the cltlten of Cairo a hare ol their patronage. v. x. iiruiir. Offlee-al First National sVAUOXS. WAGON MANUFACTORY. For Sulc at Wholesale or Rebil. COK.NLIl HL'D-iTitr.Kr ASH OHIO LKVKK, Cairo, Illiiioi!1. novlllf J. I'. UAMlILt'.. roUNDKIt'.S. I. & E. GREEfsTVALD. mvinmaras or earn rtjm-.., Boilers, Flour und (Jnsl Mills, Naw Mills, The "Tupper' I'nlenl (irat fc-r Ut) UNKlYjFOR OENERAI. rUltfOhEr, CINCINNATI Oil 10. oivdi''JT rviiNiTuiti:. R. S. IIARRELL, DEALER IN FURNITUKE QUEENSWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS'. BAR FIXTURES, GL ASSWAR K, 185 & 187 Commcrtual Avenao CA1R0V ILLINOIS. BULLETIN BUILDING, YASHINGTON-A'. COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL COMPANY. Is prepared to supply ctiitomer wllh thu best quality d PITTSBUBG AND ILLINOIS 'COAL. OKtlKIH left nt Hallldny llro. otlioe, 70 OHIO 'LLh, or at the Coal Yrd below the Mt. OU.VSVil?1'1 wl" receive prompt attention, THETL'0''MONTAlIK,rv.llli.rine coal along shin steamera at any hour. octf WATII1MAUKR. l'K ACTICA h WATCHMAKER. H. HOUPT, NO. 1 60 WASHINGTON A'ENUE CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Has on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC Particular attention given to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. The largest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES is. run civr. I'.L. HUVETT, k SON, Importers, Manufauturers and Jobbers of M USICAL MERCHANDISE Rrass and German HIlTCr 13 A N I) INSTR UMENTS, No. 25 S. Third Street, oi'19d.)in. hT. LOUIS, MO. O It Y J O O I H. 71. FALL-WINTER. C. HAN NY. '72 nUOWN SHKKTISOS, PRINTS, CHECKS, S T R I P E H, KENTUCKY J F.AXtf, EXrtti, OASS1MERS, RLACK ALPACAS. LUSTERS, OROS GRAIN SILKS, I'OVLINN. LARGE STOCK OF CARPETING, O I L CLOTHS, MATTING, Window Hlmclesj, GILT HANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMAHKN. Hi Ksillrt-Slork o Clo-slsii; Oiil r VERY LOW FIGURES. 'CORNER 8 r It hi'., AND COM M ERCI A I.-AV., t'nlro, IlllnoU. septllf DR. RICUAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. uW ihese only, and save time, heallli ami mi'U'7 fl,1"! reiiurd lor any ciiseof disease, In .aiiytse which they mil to cure, DR. KICHAU S DOLDEN 1IALSA.M, .'Nos. I iiitil are .he greatest alteratives known '1)11. KrCllAl"rtliOLHKN IM.lXIlt D'AMOUIt lis tlie fluu.'sl tnnio and astringent it the rne t -eul iist. ;illt .KU'UAI 'rf liOLI'KN A.NTllHJTK 1. !. rA1.3.l.. .I,lirlni (These remedies are nut advertised to cure a) r tn plaints, ami ticncfH none ; but are gnaiunteed . ... .lu. I ,. anil soeeilil Oil I e in all case a for w'liieti tliey are teeoinni-niliil, wheu all ether treatment lias uueu, leu oi iiiousnns yearly recover by llieir use, n no niivu ios, uu nuie, aim been prnnouiii'ed a lucuiabln by the best of our iiiedieal fueullV. DR. RIOHAU'S GOLDEN RALSAM No. 1. .Mire ulcers, ulcerated sore threat a'ld tuiillth. "ie eyes, eulaiieous ernptli'lis, copper f(ii,r il Lloti'hes, aoroiem nf the sculp, sunlula. eld, H is tlm gre.itest renevator. alleiative and blood tJirilier known, leiu ies all mercury Hum lh sVHtem, und leares Hie hli'o t pure and lienlt1 J. UK. HIUIIAU'H (J'JLDLN HAI.HAM, No 'i cures meieiirlal allcctioii, ilieiimatism in nil Its f"i ms', an i gives Immediate relief In a cases, UK. HICIIAU'rl llOLDKN ANTIDOTE, luilli'iil cure for all urinary derangements Price, l pei bottle. lilt. HlCHAirS flOLUF.N KLIXIU D'AMOUH, r illicit' cine (ovneivnus or general debility, In old or youuja, impanitig energy vttn wonueriu etitci. Price to pi r but 1, or two fur to. ...J Ti J, ,i.A.. ... it... in i.a shin. ifu irvrijii wi iin-r,iin-'n-iiitniri.nii,' , . , pedtii any place. Prompt attention paid to all cotrespnn' i tits. None Pennine wlllioiii "if ninj' iif'lUl lllUIIAU'KOtll.DKN niir.i'iw, w. . Itiensucs, sole propnetur," blon lu glass of bottloa. , ,.. , ,, Ihrculara sent. Trade supplied as a liberal dls- CAddress, Dr. D, fl. Uichvrd-i,'i2S Varlok-st , N.T. sjrn.n,i ,n,i bv exnresa or order uoods ihrou-jh your Druglst, aud you wiU wllh moosv i ni-KtlAL, NOTIVKM. DATC II ELOIt'M II AIK DYE. A'1'. ,.1J1,'.,,b "lrDrttheiiT iKtMiWoaxss Perlectlv UarmUss, Reliable and InsthanteoM. p illsappolntmenu No Ridiculous Tints or Un pleasant Odor. The tf-nulne W. A. Baeh.ioVs) llalr Uje produce IMMKUUTKLY a splendid Ulack or natural brown. Does not Htam tli Mkin, but leaves the Hair Clean, Hoft and Ueaatl ful. The only Safe lnd Tsrfeci Dye. Hold hy all drugKls". Factoi y 1(1 Bond Rlre.t, New York. isn,HiodAwlr ON MARRIAGE. Happrrtllef foryounKtnen from the eBealao errors and abuses In early life. Manhood re stored, Nervous I'eblllty cured, InipedirasnU to marriage removed. Nevr method of treat ment. New and lemarkablo remedies. Hooka and elrularssnt fre., in sealed envelopes. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, HO. 3 South Ninth St., Philadelphia., Pa. ocMd.Wtf AVOID quacks; A vidua f early indiscretion, causing nervoun debility, premature ilec, etc., having tried D v.un every advertised remedy, lias discovered simple means of self-cure, which ho will send free to his fellow.sutlerers. .1, II. Iteeves, No. 1--Nastatl street, New Turk. aliK.lwly CONSUMPTION. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE BY DR. J. H. SCIIENCK, 31. D. tJ7-TIin CAUSE AND CUTtE OF" CON (SUMPTION. Tho primary caaso of Consump tion Is derangement of tlicillgcsllvaorsans. This ilran Rtment prewlnccs deficient nutrition and as lmllitlon. Uy assimilation, I mean that process hy which the nutriment ol tin fooj I convertol IntoMnod, and thence Into tho solUNnf Ilia bcsly. Persons wltlidlfCJlloii thus Impaired, liailnj tlm elishtest prt'lispoltlon to pulmonary disease, or If they take cold, III be very liablo to havo Con snraptlon of the Lnns In snmo of Its forms ; and I hold that It will bo impoltilo to enra any casu cf Consumption without flrt rclorln' a sood illRCstlou and healthy assimilation, The very first thin? to bo done Is to clcanso tho stomach and bowels from all diseased mucus And sllmc which aro eloj'le'i theso orjans so that tliey cannot per. form their functions, cr.J then rouse up and re store the liver to a hoalihy action. For this pur poc, tho rnrejt and best remedy Is Schcnck's Msndnke Pills. These Pills dean tho rtomicli and bowels of all tho dead and morbid ellrno that Is cans In; disease and decay In tho whole system. They will clear ont tho liver of all diseased bllo that has accumulated there, and arouse It up to a nevr and kraltby actios, by wklch natural and healthy bllu Is secreted. Tlie stomach, bowels, and liver aro thus cleansed by the use of Bcbenck's Mandrake Pills ; but thcra rsmalas la the stomach an excess of acid, tho or gan Is torpid and the appetite poor. In the b.iv els, tke lacteals are weak, and icqulrin; ttrca;;!i and support. It Is In a condition like this that Schsnck's Seaweed Tonic proves to be tho moH valaabla remedy ever discovered. It Is alkaline, and Its use will neutralise all excess of acid, mak In; tho stomach sweet and fresh; It will clvo permanent tone to this Important orjin, and cre ate a Rood, hearty appetite, and prepare tho s tcm fir tho first process nf a joml digestion, nn4 cltimatcly make good, healthy, l.vln blood. .f ter this prejiaratory treatment, what remains tc cure most cases of Consumption Is tho free and pcNCverln; use of Schencli's 1'ulmoLls fcyn.p. The Tulmonlc Syrup nourishes the system, puri fies the blood, and Is readily absorbed Into I'm circulation, anil thence distributed to tho dli cased luns. There it ripens sll morbid matters, wheth er la the form of abscesses or tubercles, and then assists Nature to expel all the diseased matter In the form of free expectoration, when onca It ri pens. It Is then, by the. groat hcalln; and purlo in; properties of Schenck'a Pulmonic Sjrurs that all ulcers and cavities are healed up sound, tad say paltint Is cured. Th. essential tUln( to bo done In curlnj; Co: i . t, uattor cannot ripen, so lone as tbu system Is be low nar. What is necessary to cure la n new or?' dsr of things, a good appetite, a food nutrition. tko b.dy to grow In flesh aid get fat: then Na ture Is helped, tho cavities will heal, the matter will ripen and be thrown off in large quantities, aad the person retrain health uni strength. This Is the true and ouij plan to euro Consumptlcu. and If a person Is very bad. If the lungs aro not entlraly destroyed, or even If one inns Is entirely gone, if thera Is enough vitality lei' in the other tu heal up. there Is hope. 1 have see many persons enred, with only ono oaud lanr, live and enjoy life to a good old age. This Is what Schcnck's Medicines will du to euro Consumptloi. They will clean ont the stomach, aweetcn ami strengthen It, get up a good diges tion, and glv Natum the assistance she needs to dear the system of all the ls ca.o that Is lu ttio lungs, whatever the form may be. It Is Important that, while using Behenck't Medicines, tare should be exercised not to tak cold; keep ln-doora In cool and damp weather; avoid night-air, and take out-detr exercise onli In a genial anal warm sunshine. I wish It distinctly understood that when 1 re commend a patient to be careful In regard to tak lug cold while using my medicines, I do so lorn special reason. A man ho has but partially re. euvcrcd from tho effects of a bad cold Is fir nions ihilil.i tn a rvlansii than one who has been entirely cured, and It Is precisely tho same In regard to Consumption, so long as the lungs nro uot per fectly healed, Just so long Is there Imminent i full return of tho dlfease, Ilenco: llilTC llliniuiciu uan illrcin'. Hence It Is that I so strenuously caution pulmonary patients niiln.t cvnoslnir themselves to an ulinoihen that Is not guulal and pleasant. Confltmid Con sumptives' Tuugi nro n mats of sores, which the least cliango ot mmnspnero win iniiamc. inn grand secret of my success with my medicines consists In my ability to subduo Inflammation In stead of provoking It, as many of thclaciillydo. An lull lined lung cannot with lafcty to the pa tient hu exposed tn tho biting blasts uf winter n tho clifllln winds of spring or autumn, It should ho e.irrfiilly shielded fiom nil Irritating In Alienees. 'I'io iitmu.t caiiliiin thnulil le tibreivtit In this particular, s without Itnrmo luuier al most any circumstances Is nn Impossibility Tho person should bo kept inn HhcilcfOinuniiit nutritious diet, and all thu nutllclucs ronllnsct until tho body has restored to it tho natural quantity of flesh, and strength, I was myself cured by this treatment of tho worst kind of Consumption, and have Hied to get fit and hearty theso irany sears, with omi lung mostly gone. I hava cured thousands since, and very many hare been curvdbythlstrtntincut whom I Invo never seen. About the 1st of October, I expect to take pos. session of my new building at the northeu.t cor ner of Sixth and Arch Streets, where I shnll bj pleased to glvo advice to all who may reqnlro it Full directions accompany all my remedies, su that a person lu any pari of the world can bu read II' cured by a strict observance nl tho same, 1 ' J. II. bCUCNCK, M.D., Philadelphia. UURLBUT &, EDS ALL 32 Lttke-stroct, Chicago, "NVholesato Agouti M1IXIXKKY. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE I EIOHTH HTRKET, BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND COUMXRCIAL XV EN U IS, Has just received a full and splendid line ol NEW GOODS rren trimmings, silk gimps, silk guloon, uu-. pure luces, moss trimtiiiiigs, ciocket buttons, silk nnd velvet bullous, pin. ti and trimming vi 1 vet, hats and b nn-t. rlne kid gloves, ladles' and childrous' slices, and a full and complete stock ol isiiilincry and Fancy Goods, All of which she proposes to sell at VEItr LOW EST LIVINO CASH l'lllCES. JOB rRINTLNO. Tn undersigned, proprietors ol th IMmofid VasaLv llVLLirm, have Just rec.lved an art mentet the latest atylia of Job Printing trsss, aad hava now one of th tnoateompl.t. lobeMeat in the South and West. They flatter thmsel that thr possess lacllitlri for turni out promptly, tu the beat styl. ol I ha Art. oil work entrust! to the in, from the small.! cart or lsbel to th mammoth poster, and at prw which Uav. wllh our men no flood ax il to for ssoding th'lr woik to Mt. Louis, Clis CklctioT i0. M.O.EaM ft