Newspaper Page Text
BP 1 -4 ' TRAVEI I K'S GUIDE. SSBi. LTAKKOTICK. i" wnwor Tin: Illinois centual n,n, Lf.n,ri"iin.iay, . ' fo,loM" " "so'Vrn the Mrltal and depart "j ,,Kr trains MCairni " . S...I Ir.ln.dalll :' w Eipre.s.daiiy 2-'",,m- . - !MO.ri. Kipie as. dally, except Sunday p in v, mijteof nr nomi;airo a oi, .u.. . - ...... ... n 1. 1 - I, ... thmf f ears rroifU'irM iv jiv.t,". rmlng Room ileeping cirj on nig' Me checled tn all Important t;lr.' r ns CAIRO AND MOUND CITY STKA.M TUO CACHE Will make three trip' lol). U"1" 1 . ... i i m .m. At : ... At II At i S" '. "W.m. I At r ,', a.m.Ati !'" V.iewch )t " " " . w, .k-tiiiJl, ' ny k.I mienn-dlate " . 1-1 ' . ..... rKl.thf nut?!!!. nj,cj nrr""ii'""" inuaK nATh CaTH0VN1) LOUISVILLE U'ttkly I'Mkrt for r lucih, Efnlll to l-of T. O. ItYJIA.V.MiwIfr. f fM Clro TMrAiTtfOKAT l oVIock p.m. CAIHO AXJ) 1'ADUfAM WAII. llOAT. Th plfJiJ tmr JAS. FISZ, Jrowler,Mnlr. it !.V. 5nlyi excepted) at 4 Ir.iihtor pt' arplj onboardor 4 Ul. IMMIBHA5T TH:Kr.TH. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, ) for sale r FOK SALE, 1 KcrSalel FOR SALF.J i&jwSlFOR BALK. Fare from Liverpool, Fare from LoNDCNDEBrtT Fnro from Glasgow, Fare from (Jueenstowh TO CAIRO, $4820 StUorJ. Morn A Ca sent. IN MAN LINE' Lmrpool .New.Toik and Phlladflphia Steamship Company, tuna (omin wirn vsiteo sriTHano taitun .VjTttMICMI For.CarrjmR tne Main. fou ?assa"gk tickets oa ribTHiE I.vrosamnx APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Aot. liBT05y, Nen.Votk, orl" II. II nit pi , Whinjton Avenue, Calf. soli, ji I'IIV.SICIAV WILLIAM It. SMITH, M. 1). prIIiKSCE-No. "1 Thirteenih stret. !). J i twi-ei W..fhini!ion aienueand Walnut sireft. o"i J l i:iiniiierciiilnier.i)., up Hair. U. W. DUNNING, M. D. OKnlliKSl'R ornerNtnth ml W.iinul t i V i II "n nr -'xi'i ti.t n io liv-. iiili 'e hours froiiii. nut tolJm and '. p m i..ivi:N. ALL-K.V, MULIvlvi Jfc WIIKKLKR ATTOlt.VEV.-i iXII COL'.YSELOJtS AT William J.Allen. 1 LAW, John II.Mulkev, iamuel P.Wheder.J Ctlltll, II.I.INOIH. rl'snieulnr allenlion pill lo rncr and ad. imulty hutment. OFriCE-Oter First National lUnk, Ohio Lree. GREKN i GILBERT, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS ,T LAW, Willia-n H, een, ) Jf ,i,ll"r'i t t'AlllO, 1I.MN0IH. Miles r. Gilbert, 1 Bpesi. Rtlentii.n Stesmboal bu.iiieis. Iv.'M In Ailmlrally aud orncK- OIUOLEVEK.KOOMS 7 AND 8 OVKM CITV .VATIO.VAI, HANK. IXHritAXCi:. Till DM PH." THE THIUMI'H INSURANCE CO , I'Jnrliiiintl. " 1Uw,i t ohim all ritk. r. nitOMN, Ageut, Cairo, ols. wlttil UL'TUiirJisi. CENTRA L M K ATM aTuOJtT ivuiillLKil & BROTHER Hate reopened the I'OI'l'IAU MEAT MAltltKI, C0MMKI'.nAE.AV i"u.?n "'t Trtu k"P cou.umlron l..n.i ,k.i... ' .iifin a trial, sei.Ulif 'AMES KYN ASTON, Uiitcherau.1 1. Healer In all KtoiW rreab "I'M, PorlA.B... 1CA"1'. ILLINOIS. P hoi. rW '" -rs,w e.,,1,, d-iimid for ire.i, !: " ! ! trpatrd 10 tin ,..' T-SI1VM ....I .. rK";.n.,ii'n.K ""mo. p-on,ii'ov;f, TT-rrrrTr.- JAKE WmTKUT" Ull VIXlltL II FRESH MEAT, KlOIITii KmrvT Ilif-,. --v. sir. 11-niu.ium.s AND CoviMEuriAi. ivvvnn K?,l"l"l"r itllleiiliuiise A llan'siy'a. af..eif. . un.r... .....;'. v.-1 .STOCKHOLDERS' M E HTING vAl?iMte Cairo 'and olt.'u of theroiiiin i'f.,"''' V hld it the uiUar. Ilecember V. lni" ii ' ?. '""I". "Bt Ihe ,, ratlyl.ig'u,..,".!.;.. for Cairo. Nosemltf 3. Wi'.'1"' 1 '. tovlM. iSTEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M'.i.vrn. "WTANTKl) Uv a on''"' Kenm-i ", " " "," 1 ru in uni KnM. I" ' I'"''- 1 1 r iTPII "1 ' l.M 10 worn on MID ,.lil V n.i'l si. Lone niilreuil. An ly un ihe uork J7 miles form l..imr at Oottrthous.i hotel. tw miles ""l)Avi! Mi:UWIN,C'uiitr.K.IOM. st. n i7i.-ht . 1 1 riNTKD-COOI'KltS Eight Coopers wanted io so lo Tlicl -, Illinois, to work on lard mid prk barrels. .( paid for iiuik (wit. I-. mill l 50 I "lil Ajply to .,. FlKNJ. MOUKURUfr, ' Thebes, Illinois. rOR IHAI.K t... minnla tv.ntr.1 Uml Hun 1 Comii.nT now oriel lr le the following described lots In r-ira A.lillllun In tlie city or Cairo, vu : tut i' Mock 2i'. Lot 24 block Si, Is 20, 6 " M, C ' K, " " i, Fur terms, ele. apply ' .III 27 " $1, " W " Si, " SI ' Hi, ' Si ' ft!. JAMIWJOll.N-'O, Atf.' ATWO-STORV OCSK with lt C'I on ihoiilli ..ilc "f Tflfih. bttKtta WhIiiiiI .ii.i (VJiir .trfl. Thi hotnf i In coinplrln r. der, t orny "!! fianhcil n I Pln -d Iwl. nJ out i nuw om rmtn: of f 12 pr month ; will I ml I for MOc.-h-for house im Wnt. Apply to uoril.ln No. 97 Ohio Lerte. A GPOCEItr STAND, with full lock of Km- crrie: eligibly mmitieii on on ninnion renue, nu noingK gooo uu.ines;. Apply at t ho Bulletin Office. iotziii on nr..T. TlieCominercUl Hotel rill be rented on favor- uhletermi. Possession kItj immedlalnly. An. ply to (octMM) C. WINSTON. ine urire anil commoiiioua dwell nir situated on blghth between Walnut and Wiuth Ingtoii (opposite tho Preabytcrlan Church) la for ni. ror terms, eic. i apply to THOMAS, liftEENfc ALDEN, oclKlf Ohio Leree, Cairo, Ills, NOTICE. t l..MM.M.'S,,l,t,.,.l,...'l,,l,'l,l . TO ONE is permitted to inako hills ruln .t the Xi ateamr T. K. Eckert, and from this date no bill) will b paid ualess made by inyaeiror upon ray written orusr. it, , vuua.i, Piaster, SoTemler2l, 1ST1. nOv21dCt DISSOLUTION. aoriCE 18 HEItEBT GIVEN, That the Co. Partnership hert'.ofore existing between W. II. Thomas, E. W. Orecn and G. M. Alden, uader the firm name of Thomas, Green A Aldcn, lias thlii day been dissolted, br the mulunl consent of all the parties concerned. The buamess will hereafter be conducted by W, H. Thomas ond G. M. Alden. under the drm name of Thomas A Alden, by whom at tha hnslneas of the old firm will be settled. W. II. THOMAS, E. W. OREEN, G. M. A I. DEN. Ctuo, III., Not 20, 1871-tr. CAUL L. THOMAS, SIO-3ST WBITEB now rrTi'ed io reipanJ promptly lo all de mands for his stnlces. SHOP-COR. 6TH-ST. AXD C'OMUIKCAL-AV III the Perry llonar, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. noti5Ul FOR THE SOUTH. McmphU, VlrknbiirKiiiiil Xcn Orleiinw. The pa..erjer lemr, STUT NEAI., ..Master. 1 It. E. NEI. Clerk. ' Will leaie for the l,o, nnd all infni edmle . ,m.,l.r IV In.,.,., r.,, y f,e,E,t JA. lllfiQj. AKent CIIARLKS JlTlIOWK & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING M KRCIIANTS. No. G-l Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. novudlf THE BULLETIN. m'i."irt."wV",VS.Hl(v,Mrt.MWWi,.SA I'liblUlipd every imriiluK, Monday ex eepleil. (5EXKUAIiArFAlUS. -Ycsturduy wi balinv ami prliifr- like. -A guileful mci-ting of tho Cairo lii'ld this evening tit Cusino will 111) 8 "'c'- -Advcrtiso in the Cairo Directory for 1872, now being I'liinpilt'd. Tim edition lll be litrge. -Clmrlus M. Ilowo A; Co, linvu opened a cenerul cornm n in and lVmvurilliii' a boufo at 01 Ohio Levi.,;. A tingle gentleman itdvorlUcn tills morning for a furnished room and board in a .trictly private fumtlv. HlankenWrg takes some credit to him self for tho ingenious sign which ho dis played on tho streets last Saturday. Our proposed directory for 1872 will contain a history of tho eltv of Cairo from the 1818 to the present period, to gether with much other information of value lo tho public generally. Tuber llrotliers are preonred to man ufacture any pattern of jvwelry to order In lilt . at. 1 I a aa parties aim too purse. All kinds of rlncs. aen). chasod and nlaln. to "l i"" unger and the purse. tf. I A. .1 .. - ' ' -Mr.Wn, Huder. who I... .1 i at the south on a bu.ine,. .,,-,. six weeks returned i ' weh'i returned ytktcrday x weeks, rcturi Jno the worte . , . ned venerdni- ir 1.1-. none the wont for wear and lllZrJxtTv fiT7 ' ' ready to .unnlv all "d.An,??a I will, ih. . , , . ,,rou' g"ods lml "f ,,olidfty Major, H. Goldman, Cincinnati, Ohio; lni. J Tllom' ls 4 "'(" writer whoso Jo,m "Woods, Hannlble, -Mo., D. G. Hud ability is rccognl?,d by everybody who on, Louisville, Ky.; Hotiry G. Dix, Quin knows him. Ho now 1L.1..1 u .... in . ti... n,i.. 1 n . I lo that L-n.l. ..p -.v.iv, ni, in, imi) vj, UU,.,. .4vu6r, ..IIIUIIOUII, ill.j Cll Of thtl nnlntnrl. ... -.ll.I-tV. 1'iiwnl 1 If till ntn 11 ir t II If, .. " im painter's an and tiromnllv . j. . .. r " "i "M promntlv a. ... mado ni. , 7 . U tl,Rt uro kouse. Co; ';,, . , U ' 'ry i uicnue, -The envac for our proposed dl rectory of tho city, are meeting 'with con idornble encouragement. They . ,,.ve the canvas completed next weeW, and, if m nuTuillDora icninjim llroimiiu. hai; be ablo to distribute' .... a CbrLtmai, at the latest. THE CAIRO DAILY colvlng now goods not In tho lino of their j own manufacture, uch n optical goods of i nil kin.le, lino gold nnd silver lunttd canes, music boxcrof nil kinds', toy music . boxes for children, lomctiiing now ntul very attractive. Silvr pintc ehenpir thnn over, &c, Ac. tf. "be til oT;l'ivrk' rittnurnnt was tupped yesterday by ono of tho boarders. Ilo was n good looking young mnn", with auburn locks, nnd tho ono nmong ten thou sand you would pick out ns honest. Hut ho went for $12.10 of Park's money, "and also," as our Informant states tho crtie, "a few days bonrd unpnid."" Tho firm of Thomas, Green & Aldcn was dissolved last Mondays Mr. Green re tiring. Tho business will, herenfter, bo conducted by Thomas A: Aldcn. Mr. Green will Immediately go into business on his own hook." Tho Arm lust dis solved was one of tho most enterprising in Southern Illinois, and by industry nnd business skill nnd probity built up n largo nnd proutnblo business. Tho new firms will, of course, meet with nil the public favor Hint was extended to tho old one. Luck bo with both. A poet asks, " YVhoro d .veil the dend ?' nnd replies to his own question in theso touching verses : Wheredothoy dwell J 'Neath Krny mounds, by daisies, Lilies, and yellow-cups of fairest gold J Near gray.grown walls, where In wild, tortuous OU clustering ivy wr allies In many a fold : Where In ted summer noons Fresh leaves nro rustling, Where 'ncath large autumn mopns Voung birds arc nestling Do they dwell there I Where do Ihey dwell f In sullen waters, lying On bods of purple eea-flowers newly sprung ; Where tho mad whirlpool's wild and ceaseless sighiDK Frets sloping banks, by dark gre eg reeds o'er. hui:g I Wheie by the torren;'s an ell. Chryslnl stones glitter, While Bounds tho heavy bell Over the river 1)0 they dwell there No ; for in these days they slumber to decay, And their remembrance with I heir llto departs; They haven home not dark, nor larnway Their proper home within our f.tithful hearts s There happy sp'rilswcf, Loving fnrcycr i There with us, the dead, Parting ah, nc-Tir- Thcre do Ihey dwell ' PEHSONAL A1-TA1RS. Thu genial countenance of Hnrrl', of Mound City, beamed in our sanctum yes terday, . " Effulgent Davis, of tho i'un, Vjth his littlo carpet bng in his littlo hnnd, left the city yesterday on tho p.m. train. Carloton, who has been doing .tho Irish commcdlan at the Athcncum, is n fino actor. His personntions of Irish character nre splendid, Stockfleth is up tho rond on business. He is ono of the most enterprising of our business men always on thu go, driving his trade with never-ceasing industry, Hon, John ll.trton nrrivod in Cairo Monday afternoon. Ho was with us twenty-four hours, and during nil that tiino was as sober ns nn owl, Notwithstanding tho fact that his residence is in Carbon dulo, ho hits learned t "touch not, tnste not" tho flowing bowl. Why havo we no long forgot len to re member llntt Tom Pur 1 itr, In lliu old ttiuu ono of us of C.uro hero, has been in tho city for several days with rnco horses on which be is nnxious lo pluco it tlake or two ? Tom now puts p at Carlinvllle, nnd is tho snmo old boy, with tho yonng!h look, ho ever was. Robbins, who is rehearsing "Tho Operetta" for exhibition ut the Atheneum on Monday and Tuesdny evenings next, is u brother of llobbiuuho lends our i-jlvrr cornet bond. Dolh upc yVry" lino mui ciuns, but the Operetta Rabbins is tho King I) of tho two. Hi. binine-i was to tally destroyed by the Chicago lire. Our old friend, Jcvyctt VIJcoj, culled on us lust Saturday morning In u Aiell-per-erved condition; and tho Item in which we announcod tho fact was not knocked into a cocked hat but into pi. Wilcox, who ought to return o Cairo, and who will ono of lhco days, proposes to go to tho bleak hills of New Hampshire and bo.'omo a manufacturer, of uewtpriut. The business won't suit him tho peoplo won't plcaso him tho climato, nine months in tho year, will iiltllct lilui tlie recoil ec tion of Cairo will dwv'll withhlm continu ally, nnd he'll oonio bnck to us, sure. Arrivals at thu St. Charles hotel weie ns follows- Wm. .lonos, St Louis; E. T lludges, Washington, 1). C. ; 1 Levailn gen and wife, IMuburg ; C. M. VulsoyJ- New-York; L. (I. Willlums, Chicago; Wm. Allen, Detroit; S. A. llondrlckson Philadelphia; K. McGce, St. J,ouisj Far men, New-York; 0. F. -Meyers nnd son Alton, HI,; T. O. Doss nnd wife, St. Louis M. Fitts, Frankford 111. 5 0. O.Lawrence, Chicago; Geo. A. Freer, wife and child, Ann Arbor, Miuli.; A. MuCreuvy, Du Quoin; ,ln.T. Mllligaii, Du Quoin; A.M Putnam, Centrulia; S. A, Kooken, St, Louis ; Chas. V. Roberts, Chicago; II. 1). Cleveland nnd Lcwi, St. Louis; Miss Hall, Rosa Clare. The following worn tho nrrivnls at tho Dolmonico hotel, YVni. AVintor, pro prietor, yestorduy ; Thomas "W. Gilllland, St. Louis, Mo Cant. M. .). Harman, N,hvllle, Ten,,.; F. E. Albright, : Mur- K"Jt"T' V, at. i.ou.., 1lo. Ai Wi foru, isnngnmon uo.. II ; ' ... . .. ' . ' Miss.; Newton it, Rates, Chicago, III; G- I'ink, G. M. Sanders, F. Kdel, H. - v.. , . ...Bu. ,on und wlf0 Newport, Ohio ; J. It. Kink. r-trlck, river. Notice. TI10 best entertuiniiicnt in tho city is ut tho St. Nicholas hotel, saloon and restaurant. The belt music that can no had violin and piano. Good lunch, evcrv mornlnif and nb.lii A 1 1 ,,r u... ... , , n -. .... ... iiili finest brunds of cigars, and the beu St. lait lager beer, ulways fresh nnd nice. I ,1. . ..nil BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1871, RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS. The Methodist church, tindor tho enro of Rov. Vrcd. 1,, Tliomson, jogs nlcng In the lonr oi Uoil. doing good nulotlv nnd shoing ilmoso into llio business of nc body. Rector Coan has succeeded In nwakon ing groat Interest In rellglnus matters among tho members of his Hook. Ho grows in the affection of ills congiegntion every day. Doing the great rollglnus organ of Southern Illinois, it is our duty to keep n shnrp eye on tho "goings out nnd comings in" of tho churches of Cairo, which wo hug closer to our breast thnn any of tho churches of tho cities which nro nround about us. "Wo have been requested by Mr. Yo cum, of tho City National bank, to say tlintn gcntlemnn of this city, hitherto con sidcrcd n good nnd faithful steward in ono of tho evnngolical denominations, has been converted to the Jewish faith, Mr. Yo cum says tho convert U rather soro on tho subject. Father O'Halloran's sovcro discipline is working good results. His congregn tion is becoming moro zealous, nnd its membership is increasing. If ho wcro to indulge soniowhnt in the chenp morlt of a libcrnllty that does not frown on cvory one who does not bellovo ns ho does, be would be more popular than ho is witli "tho barbnrinns of tho outsido world." Tho Presbyterian congregation, slnco tho going henco of tho Rov. -Mr. Foote, 1ms been doing without nn ollicinl ebene- zo r, nnd nro noxiously seeking to 11 nd out tho minister who, in accordance with tho wishes of the Lord, is to be "called" by them, Tho Rov. H. 11. Thyaer, who preached to the congregation on Sunday last, Is spokenof by good judges of(prcach ing gentlemen who linvo had opportuni ties to becorus very fnmllinr with this nr ticloof religious commerce as well up in his business, an eloquent orator, n sound logician and a thoughtful and very inlor- eiting oxpounucr oi tne word, ilo is u large, good looking gentleman, and has tho appearance of a man who has become very proficient hi the difficult art of minding ono's own business. Tlie ufl'alrs of tho Christian church have not yet been induced to How in the channel of christian fellowship. They nro yet in nn uncertain condition. The storm which the Rev. Mr. Friend nnd Col Hay succeeded in invoking in that eon. gregntion yet rages, and threaten to break out in n new place evcrv few days. Hrother Carpenter nnd his friends, who nro the friends of Friend, arc not satisfied with the decision of tlie council, nnd pro pose to ho'd the church in their lutiids, all In desplto of Col. Hay. Td-mbrrow night, nt tho prayer-meeting, Brother Carpenter will lead tho service", or know the reason whv. Ho will not restrain Col. Hav from attending tlie church, but he will diputi- the colonel's right to exerci'e in the church any authority. Peace, therefore, depends upon the conduct of Col. Hay MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. No quorum could bo squeezed i.ut hy the board of nldermcn last night. Ten prisoners all forlorn nino in the ei'y jnil, and mourn boenmo tho day of de liverance cometh not. A number of impounded hogs wcro sold yesterday. If tho snlo had been pla carded, we 'might have secured our winter purl; cheap lor cash. Mcllalo is working one gang of Padti call jail birds on tho sidewalk cm Eighth street, nnd nnothergangon Twenty-eighth street. Tho.gaugs nre not largo only three in each. Juck Shcppard. a youag man ambi tious of n certuin kln'3'of distinction, was arrested for knocking down3tat Parker, thu proprietress of n house of 111 fume, nnd taken before Judge Iiross. lloWks fined und cu)boosed, ' From the Cairn Evening Sua. Dn.iJ. White. Wo are glad to learn thnt Dr. J. "Whito it receiving pulls for his udvlco and romcdies which bid fair to re tain him in Cairo nil c inter. Dr. White's skill In so promptly delecting, us ho does, every ailment nnd tho truo condltion'of the, entlro body .of the sufferer s often tho wonder of tho sufferer himself, und every ono who witnesses tho cures. t Poisons curoless or lndifferont 'to this opportunity for restoration to health' may, 'regret their uoglect for tho balanco of their Uveal Wo udvlso tho early cnll of diseased on Dr. White, with confident ex pectation of permanent relief. His rooms nro at tlie Southern hotel, Ohio levee. nov7-lm Thu Ruder Jlrothers, corner or Eighth street und Washington avonuo, havo re ceived nnd had placed in their manufac turing rooms several pieces of now and valuable jowclcr's machinery, nnd uro now prepared having tho machinery nnd skilled workmen to manufacture rirg, watch chnins, breast pins, ear rings, and all other kinds of jewelry, in any manner ordered, on short notico and at pricoi so very low they will ninko tho prices of other establishments of the kind actunlly nshnmed of thcmsolvcs. Their cn gi nver and cnnineler, who has just arrived Irom tho east whore he has held In the most extensive jowolry manufacturing es tablishments tho most responsible posi tions, prepared to ilo any work In his line nnd to guarantee satisfaction, Per sons wishing hair jewelry manufactured fur holiday prcsor.ts, nro requested to hnnd In their favors nt us cf,rly a day as possible. The Sample Room Mr. P. Fitzger ald's sample room, nt tho corner of Four teenth street und Commercial avenue, is supplied with as fine a stock of wines Scotch and Irish whiskies, cigars, etc., ns was ever o tiered for tale in this city. Mr. F. Is doing n wholesale business, and be ing thoroughly -acquainted with tho busi ness In which ho has embnrked, feels con fident of his ability to sell his goods ns cheap, if not' cheaper, than nny other es tablishment in thu city. Ho solicits n rharo of the public patronage, octlSlt', Found. That (the choicest buttor is at Jorgon-cn's Staple nnd Fnucy Grocery THE CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS R. R. THE I'lOXEKIl NAIinoW-OAfOE AOAI). 1 P.A.M9 WAITED, WOIIK 1'I10GKF.HNU. Davis & Morwln, contractors, advur- tlsc this morning for twentvilvo teams to work on tho Cairo and St. Louis rail road. Applications must bo made on thu work, two miles from the cilv, or nt tho i couit-house hotel. The Si. Louis llrnulliran. snvs : Tho Cnlro nnd St. Louis railroad, running through the river counties of Illinois, hns n gauge of thrco feet, nnd is tho ploncor nnrrow-gaugoroad running from St. Louis, ine work or construction is progressing rapidly. Tho grading from opposite Cnrondelot to Columbia has been com pleted, and a largo force is now at work from Columbia to tho Randolph countv lino. A similar force is nlso nt work from Cairo north. About twolvo miles are now ready for tho superstructure. Tho engin eers nro busy locating tho line, nnd the work or grading Is put under contract ns rapidly ns ready. Mr. Payson, ono of tho contractors, is now in Europo purchasing tho iron. This is to be hero by February, nnd it is expected that tho cars will bo running to Spartn, in Randolph county fifty miles from St. Louis by tho first of Mny, nnd to Murphysboro, in Juckson county, thirty miles further, by tho llrst of July; after which time St. Louis will be supplied Ly it with Dig Muddy coal ntcolledgato nnd door spring. Asagatennd twonty-llTu por cent, less cost than nt pros cnt. Tho work of construction will pro cecd from Cairo north, and St. Louis south, simultaneously ; nnd the road will be com pletcd throughout its wholo length by- next fall. Messrs. Payson, Canda & Co., the contractors of tho rond, nro nlso cm ployed on tho Northern Pacific, having been engngtd this year in the construction of flvo hundred miles of that road. .MUSICAL AFFAIRS. "Ihe Operetta," a beautiful fairy spectnele, now in course of preparation bv nearly two hundred young ludlc, misses, etc., under the direction of Mr. Robbins, will be performed ut tho Athcncum, on Monday and Tuesdny evening', next. It will be produced, Professor Robbins tnyt, " in tho most perfect manner, ollering the citizens of Cnlro a treat seldom eritnved. ' j . Tho array of beauty which this prcscutn tion will bring into requisition, independ- ent of tho splendid costumes, scenic ctlocts,' ctc., snoiiui oesuiiicieni to nil the Athc ncum to overflowing. Farini, in u letter to a friend in this city, nssurcs him thnt he intends to return to Cairo at n very early day and " settle." Y'o hope so, for several reasons. Fnrini, as all who have heard him piny nnd sing can testify, is no slouch ut any kind of music. Ho can make n piano talk as few others enn, nnd ns n singer, be is nwny up in tho pictures ono of tho big ones of tho country. AMUSEMENT AFFAIRS Tho Rergers will delight our people on Saturday night next. Tills family are favorites with tho Cairo public and will drnw n crowded houc. Robbins, on Monday night next, will present his fniry spectacle, "The Operetta. ' ut the Athcncum, useistcd by nil thu good looking good vocalists in the citv. Of course the houso will not hold the crowd that will rush to see nnd hear. Tho lecture of Rev. II. R. Thayer, at tho Prcsbytoriun church to-morrow even. ing, may not corno properly under this head, but all who enn tnko In u combination of amusement, entertainment and instruc tion will not fail to hear the rovcrend gen tleman's lecture. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Adjourn J Mevting of the Hoard of Alder men. 1 CotsciL CiuMsta, Csino, III., 1 November 21, 1b71. A quorum not being present, on motion of Alderman Ruder the board adjourned to meet on Thursdny evening next nt "J o'clock. M. J. How ley, City Clerk, Poi'Ci.Ait Lectuisi:. Rev. II. R. Thayer, who Is spending a few days in our city, will, at tho request of many citizens, de liver his popular lecture entitled tho "Triumph of Mind,1' in tho Presbyterian church, on Thursdny evening, Novumber 2ild, nt 1 J o'clock. I n every city wlicro this lecturo was delivered the press spoko of it in tho highest terms of npprovnl. The Chicago Kvcning Journal, especially, gives it 11 most flattering notice. Mr. Thayer delivers tills lecture for tho bene. fit of tho Prosbytorinn church, nnd it is nopeu mat 1110 ciiurcn society, congrega tion and tho public generally, will bear this fnct in mind nnd giv.i him a crowded house. Admittance, 5 conU. 2d3t i-u.Twr.n. a.-wi nujcii.-iiemcmoor, .,.... i 11 ... that hero is a free concert every night ut If In n L d-h hArrr'. l vAAlaiAH - 1 , . a t,,. I..., Jilnnkcnberg s Excelsior saloon, tho best fitted, most comfortable cosy saloon in tho city. A lunch is sproad nightly, nnd tho public Invited tonttend. 21dlm. Attention, Casino I Tho member of tho Cnlro Casino nro requested to nttencl n general meeting this (Wednesday) even ing, Nov. 'J'Jd, nt 8 o'clock. Reinhold V. Relzneh, 0. ih Sleepinii Rooms fou Kent. Ten well vontilntod sleeping rooms in CityNn tionnl Rank building. Apply to EDWARD DK.ONIA, At City Nntionnl Rank. Ton good photographs, porcelain pio Iutos, or old pictures to bo copied, call ot T'.ionins, No. 1-4 Commorclnl nvoiiuo. H' a a good workman. Givo him a trial. i soptictr. Just Received. W. W. Thornton Tenth street between Commercial nvonue unci Poplar street, has just received and ir. toro l,00u doors and 1,000 windows nnd mouldings. Foit Sale, A cottage on 12th stroet containing 7 rooms, cistern nnd out housos complete. Apply to W. W. TllOllNTON. Edam nnd Sap Gago clime nt Jorgcn- Will's. Paul G. Schuh sells Rattinger's raodlj VINCENT'S LOTTERY SAM. THE TWENTY-SIXTII OK HKCEMI1EP. FIXEfi ah the day o.v which the miawino WILL.CO.ME OFF. Dotorminod to dlsposo of nil tho tlukets ! in Ills lottery sale.Mr. V. Vincent has con- eluded lo postpone tho drnwlng until the 2Cth of December. Ho Is now giving the matter his devolcd attention, nnd Is moot ing with tho most grntifying success on every hand. Thoro nro six prizes, the principal prize, ns Is well-known, being a splendid residence, that wascrccledntacostof Urs ouu. 'i no remaining live prizes nro at follows : Lot 31. block I, 3d addition to the eltv oi uairo, vaiuea ni tuiio. J.ot o'A block I, 3d addition to the city oi uniro, valuta ni juu. Lot 30, block I, ltd nddilion the eltv of Cnlro, valued at $juo, Lot 83, blcsk 1.3d nddition to tho city ol v.n ru, yi... jurtwy. I Lot 17, block 43, 1 1 tho city of Cairo Illinois, valued at $300. octCdlf A fino black marc, n good spring wag on nnJ 11 ,ct of now llIirncs. fr "lo choP for cn,h' Knaulro nl J. ,'Hurgeri, 141 Commercial avenue. Adams' Dry Corned Fish for sale nt Jorgcnscn s. Hnlloy has something now at his tin slnrn. It Is tlin Diiillev .V Ln colubrated door shutter this sprint; Is about three length's ahead of'any other spring over cn vented. Fkksii Scguln mnckorclon hand at Jor gcnscn s. -The rnlllc for the Hibernian fire company's old engine house will come oil without fail on Saturday evening, ovem ber 'JGth. The rattle will be held in the new engine houo on Thirteenth street. Tickets CO cents. dot Invest ono dollar in llarr's Pectoral Eliier. nnd stop that troublcsotno cough. A member of tlioew lork com. mittee of seventy passed through thu city yesterday, and was shaved at William Al- ba's shop, Commercial nvenue, near tho corner of Eighth street. Ho says it was tho smoothest shave he has receive! for years. Alba has n new and experienced barber to lend him a helping hand and Cftn accommodate all hi patrons prompt- WniniiT.'. no plus ultra minced men prepared expressly for fomlly ue, nt Jor gsnscn s. The Ruder llrotliers, corner Eighth street and Washington nvenue, have re ceived u bran-new lot of tho Intcst-styled breast-pins, ear-ring, finger rings, brae lets, watches, clocks, etc., nnd, intite the public to call and inspect the stock. They nro nlso agents for the Davis' sowing ma chine, Rurdctt organ sand St. Louis pianos, nnd offer to tho public the best bargains lo be obtaircd U any place in Southern 111 inois. Wo have no hesitation in recommend ing William Killers, boot and shoo maker, as worthy of most liberal pittronatre. We know whereof wo speak when we say his work is done in a iiiaitcrly manner nt the 1 nvest prices. Houses nothing but the b'st of stock, ami ho cannot bo excelled in tho dellcato task of making an exact fit Give him a call at his shop on Twentieth street, between Washington avenue nnd Poplar street, nearly opposito tho court house, and wo will guarantee tntiefuclion Oystehs. Louis Herbert has alwas on hand 11 fresh supply of Saddlo Rock oys ors. U The merchant tailoring shop of Messrs Lehning & Kobler, on tho south side ol Eighth street between Washington nnd Commercial avenues, opposito llannys dry-goods store, has been open only a fow wccjs and already these gentlcme aro ob taining a fair sharo of the patronage of the public. They nro both practical men firut-olass mechanics und aro will ing to guarantee satisfactory work. They keep on hand always k full lino of pleco goods, to which they direct tho attention of nil who wish to havo mudo clothes that are worth the money paid for them. Clcanin-' nnd lennlrine: donu neatly at low prices. Go to Dr. McGnuley for Itattlngor'. Fo vor Drops. Wurranted to cure tho chills tf Reliahle and Safe. Dr. Honry Root nnd Plnnt Pills nre mild nnd pleasant in their operation, yot throroiigh, producing no nausea or griping. Doing entirely vcgotnble, thoy can bo taken without re card to diet or businoss. Thoy arouso the liver and sccrctivo organs into healthy nHlnn tlirmvinir ntV disease without CX- .-.v....... - - - t,. -,i..i,im.Inf. Um avatom. Try th d ,.0l wlll l)0 satisfied. Prico 36 I ..... cents a box. Sold by druggists und deal ors in mcdicinoevory whore. Prepared by the Grafton Medicine company, St. Louis, Missouri. myuum Thv the Wonderful Japanese Gheen Tea Pile Cuke It has nevor fulled in tho most stubborn cases. It cures by absorption. No pain. No in jurious substances. $5.00 given for ovory authenticated failure. Sont by mall to nnv mlilress on receipt of prico ($1.00) and 20c extra to pay postage Orders must bo nddrossod William W. Monnis & Co.. Koi nrnnricton for United States nnd itritlsh Provinces, 01 Fourth Avonuo l'lttsburir. Pa. novlood3m. Hoi for Hnlly! Now Store I Now Goods I Rcit nssorlmcnt of Cooking nnd Heating Stovoi over brought to Cairo, on Washington nvonue, thrco doors abovo Tenth street. UtticK Stow" fou Hent. Tho brie storo, No. 7 Ohio Lovcc, now occupied by F. M toekflcth, Esq., is offered for rent, nn 11 bo vacant on tho 18th inst Apply to Jno, R. Piiillis. oct3tf Call on Jorgeuson for cliplsa Loadort RIVER NEWS. PORT LIST. ARRIVED AND DEPAUTRI). Hlwrncr. where from. wheie Id. Indiana New Orleans.. It,.,. .St. IiOUll...., ...St. Louis .. .Pnducnh ..Columbus Jus. Fisk, jr Pnducnh Illinois uoiumuus.... . i Florence at. ''" TO LEAVE TO-DAY. The flno nnd fast passenger steamer I Indlnnn will leave this evening, on thol arrival of tho train, for the southern port. Tho splendid passenger stoamer Greatl Republic will leave for Memphis, Vicks.1 burg nnd Now Orleans this afternoon. Tho neat littlo Fisk is the regular patkttl for Paducah tivdny, at 4 p.m. IlIVERS AND THEIR CONDITIONS. The river at this point is again rillou and hns risen two inches during tho put 21 hours. Tho news from all othor plac it discourfliflnff The Monongaheln Is Hill falling, tsd o " O has only OJ feet of water In it. At Cincinnati tho river has risen aboul two fect M u IxuisYille the river Is still falllef. Tho Mississippi river is again falling 1 St. Louis. The upper Mississippi is rillni a very littlo at St. Paul, but that will col help it as far down as St. Louis. Thoro is 3 feet 3 inches in tho Missoar Rclow hero tho Mississippi is itaLionar with about seven feet to Memphis. At Cincinnati there it six feet In th channel, and some of the tow boats mil be able to roach there. It would be rotun on them if they cannot get out, and a coll snap closes the river up. The Arkansas it falling again. To St. Louis there it about 6 fit water, and boats loading to that depth 1 comu out without delay. WKATHBH AND Dl'BtNIU. The weather yesterday was cleat M quite cool all day. All indications of I storm havo vanished, and fair wealhl maybe looked for. The nights are coll and a heavy frost can be seen early in tlj morning. Rusinos on the landing was the dull! that wo have had to record for A lo time. Thcro was but little froieht mtrfli forward, on account of there being not nago. X no Indiana was tne only boat rt Ing freight during the day. River newt as scarce as hen'i ttb, items op caaoo. The Indiana had 6G Wis. bide, 62 VI molasses. The Fisk had a light trip, consisting! 52 ball, hides, '.' boxet handles, and! bell Iron. The Illinois brought up 23 bales Cott 100 pkgs. hides, nnd 20 baft of feather! Tho Reo took one of the Mitt. V. Co. barges to St. Louis. miscellaneous and oeneual nkwiI The towboal Fair Play sunk one of 1 barge, of coal at the Sleubeiiville brldJ The 1 udiuna reported some boat agrou at No. 20, and us it was dar' whn patted she did not know what boat it ' Morris Wiley returned Monday his fair bride. We with him much bapl nets and welcome him into our ranks. Tim tmats loading at Cincinnati New Orleans each advertises as being 1 fir.t boat of thu season' John Lmglnls will come out again! second clerk of tho Richmond. Stanley Ryland has severed hit conol lion with the Journal of Oommtree goes 011 the Illinois as second clerk. is loading nt St. Louis for Ouachita rit While on the docks tho Mary McDei will have new wheclhousea, fUnges, tt Passenger and freight steamers are 1 required to havo fire extinguisher! 'as : Iowa: Steamers of 600 tons, 2; 500 I under 1,500, 3; 1,600 and under 2,W0J 2.C00 and over, G. The local insr are to designate tho locality on boar4.! steamers. Thu iron propeller built at KtUfc for Drown & Jones, of Memphis, is onty-flvo fect long, with twenty-six beam. She will be used to tow coal la harbor nt Memphis. Red river at Shrevesport was eight and a half fect above thu lowest wattfl this season on the 14th. The crew of .the James Howard jural her at Memphis detaining hor'toma til That is ne new thing to happen da thoro. Roats expect to always have ttpl lc of toino kind when tbey arrive thir Thu Potomac was the first depart! from Now Albany for NcwOrleant. left there on tho 19th init. Tho Peninah is lying above the mol of Sioux river in a disabled condition ' both her hog chains and her rudder kon. Thu Florence reported the Great Bpi lie over Devil's Island and at the head Power's Island with her yawl out ton ing. Tho ilee came down in seventttn ban which it the fastest time of theieuon. Tho Floronce came down after colli of barges of coal for the St. Loult Gat ( pany. PHIL HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHE1 Clly KntlostAl Btusk llaila. mvBpecial attention paid to orders ir boats nlcht or dr."t Wanted toKxciianok For ImprofJ Cairo nronortv. 100 acret of eood lM within one mile and a half of llickma Kentucky, with good brick house and.i necessary out buildings. The place All has on it ono thousand fruit trees. Fl further information apply to Jas. Mallort, Steamboat Agent. octm Insuro vour Ufa In tho "Life Ata atlon of America." Do you lack motive ? Think of tho dying wordt of til lamented General Rawllngs; "I kno that I m to die; and my only regret that I leave my family paupers.1' Where aro you going 7 To the pUJ number 63, Ohio lovce, whero they kod tho best fresh oysters, fish and game, an the finest wines, liquors and cigars to found In tho city. Opon nt all hours, d or nlcht. J. K. Pa1c4.