Newspaper Page Text
liiIMtfL J et JOHN II. OBI311LY &.CO. HOOfXAMt'ft. To liubllitated Perrons! Iiysprpticsl To Hulltrers Irnm Liver Com. t.lnlrn ' l'u those having no Appetite! '" tho Hlth llrnkm Duwr, Constitutions! '"II l'.(lpl' To Children Wasting ,Wa Tnnnywlth Ilrbllitated lllgeatlve Organs! .irMtiirrrlnirwIllmiiy nfllie I'ollottlnit Nj-mpKiiiiK, Which indicate timoitnatD Lttr.x onStointii i Huclt as Con stipatlon, Inuartl Pilss, 1'iilnmi or Ilioo.l to tho llrsd, Acid ity if lh Htomueh, Nausea, Heartburn, HiRiit forl'dod, Full, not or Weight In Ilia Htnrnacli, 'sour hrucitatlons, (Sinking or Fluttering at Ihu hciif the .Stomach. Hwlmmlmr of the Head, Hurried or IJillk-ult llreatlilng, I'lutterlng at the Heart Clioklngorsjiirt,i.nlltigren.aiions whrn la I.rlniC Posture, Dimness ol Vision, I)ol or Weld b-fore the Mght, Fever and Imll I'jitn In the !le ml, llsflciener of Perspiration, Tell,wii.sif(hehLlDand K)es, Pain in the Snip. Murk Chest, Limbs, etc, huJilrri Hushes nf II hi, miming In Hip KIc.1i, Out tunt Iinsgininy or llvll, and (Jr"t Mpfplon of Hplrlts. HOOF LA N I 'S 0 K It M A .V 151 TT K HS A HitUrs tcitlmut Aleohol or Spirits of any kiml, IMdltlerent fiotn all others. I' i omfl ol J. the, pure Juices, or Vital Principle ai Hoots, Her'. unit llsrks, (or, as medicinally termed, Ki tracts,) the worthless or Intrt portion of the In gredient not being used. Thcrolnrc, In on tat tle, of thin Hitters there In contained as inuoh medicinal virtue as will be loiind In severs! gal lorn of ordinary minutes. The roots, etc., met In this lilttsrs sre grown In (lermsny, their vital principle, eitractei In that country ly u sclei title Chemist, and forwarded to l e iiiinuf"lory In thin city, where they are compounded nnd Un tied. Containing no spirituous ingredient, this Hitter l free from the objections urged ngilnl til oilier". No de. ire for stlmtilsois an l. In duced from their use; theyrannot mike drunk ards, and cannot under any r rouin-iiuc-s hare any hut a beneficial effect. HOOFLANIVS GKKMAN TONIO Was compounded for lhoe r.ot meline.1 to ex treme blltr, and la intend,-.! for u-e In cases when some al nhnl.c stimulant l requited Inron nectlon with the Tonic propertiei of the itlitere. Kach ootlleof the Tonic uoiita'n one bottle of the lliltr, combined wltn pure ht.MA CItb'Z RU31, and flarored In nueh a manner that the ei Ireme bllteineia of th llltler li oter-orne, forming a preparation highly agreeable anil fdeanant to the jialale, and cuutalnlug Ihe rneitlc nal virtnen of the lllttera. The price ol the Toole U 1 1 ..VJ per tiottle, which many pemom think too high. Tney mu-t take Into connder atlon that tne atimulant ued In guaranl.ed to l ol pure quality. A poor article could ! tur nia.ied at a cheaper price; but la it not Uller to pay a little more and l.afe a gnoi article A medicinal prepiratiou ahould conta n none but Ihe belt Ingredient, i and they who expect to ob. tain a cheap compound, an I te beneStted by it, 111 inott certainly b cheated. JHIOOX-'Ii.A.IfcTID'S GERMAN BITTERS; IB II OO I' I, A II 'N GEEMAW TOITIC; WITH UUUFLAN D'S l'ODOl'Ii YUA N l'l LL WILL CUKE YOU. Thoynrc lh-Jr-rlil Itlood I'urlll cm Kiiouii To the. medical world, ani will eradicate armng from Impure b;od, Iiebilily of the Iiget.Te!lfgn, or I)iea.ed Liver, In a ihorler lime than any other known rein-e-ilea i'h Whole Supreme Court of l'enn)lrania -peak for tne remediea. Who wauld aik for mare dignlSed and elrongertealimony t Hon. George W. w ooJwani, tormenv Lhiet Jut tlceoi the Hupreme Court of l'ennajlrania, at prenent member ot Congrena from l'tnn.ylia nia writeaj ,.,,,1,,,,, Mlrch jB, im. Jfm l Hoofland'atiermau llmera u a good tonic, useful in dlnenea of the digetlre, and of great l.enent In canes ol delullly and want of "' ,,0D ln 1 ''o Eo'i Iok" w) W OU I w ai I ). Hon. James Thompson, Cnief Junice of the Hu- ' preme Court of renn)lTan'Ri .,.,,. - 1 l'hiladtlphla, April U, 18C7. I conidrlloonud (ierman Bittera a alua ,D ble. ineilicine Incaeenof atiack of Indneailon or .. Uyapepma. 1 can certify thu trom my expeil- ;en ot It. Vour.. with TyffiU TI,0Mptf0J 'lion. George Slur-wood, Juntlce of the hupreine Court of J'ennylvnla : l'hiladilphla. June 1, 18C9. 1 ha found by experience that llooflatid'K -German lllttera is a ury -ood tonic, relieving 'dy.peptic ,y.nptom, I'iusWOOI.. ' Hon. Wm. F. Ko;era, Mayor ol tho City of lluf r falo, H, V. : Major'" Pftke, llullalo, June it, UiX 1 navo uiied HcotUnd' (ierman llltleri and - Tonlu in my family during tu" pu't )ear, ami can r - ,i .i...m .. .ti'Klbnt tonic. Iinnart- ih tone, ami Tieur lo Urn ajaW'm. '1 Melr u.o haa boer, productive of UwlJcJIeefJt3; Hun. Jamei M. Wood. ex-M)orot VtUiHiiiport I'a. t I take great rleaure in recommending Hoof laad'a Oorman Tonia t j any one whe may be al tlicted wiih I)Vp-p a. I lud the I)japepi o badly It was Impo-iible to keep any loud on my totnnch, and 1 became o wcuit a not to be able to walk half a mile. Two boiiles of Ion o ef fected a perftictcure. JAMfcrf M, WOOD. Kcmember that llooflnnd'a ficrman Hitlem, and Hootliind'a (ierman Tunic, will cure tvery caae ot AIAKASMU6, OR WASTlNd AWAY OF THK 110UY.! ititliiciiibcr that Huorland'a fleimnn Kemt joarethumcdicine you require to purify the Itlood, excite the torpid Liver m healtny action, anil to eniililo jou tu w ralelv through any hardship xnd cxpni-urn. IK. IIUOFI.AM'N PODOPHTLIIM Or Hubititute Irr Mercury I'llla. IWO PILLS A D03K. Tho moht powerful, yet Innocent, Vegetable Cidlinrtlc Known. 11 1 not necmarj' to take n linndlul ot thefe Pilla to produce tho deiicd ellect. Two of them fcctnulcltly and powerfully, Hennaing the Liter, Stomach and Howe)., of all Impurities. The principal Ingredient Is I'odophyl in, or the Alco hollo liincl or Mandrake, which in by many timeiimoro powerful, acting ainl enichlng, than the Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar action in upon h Liver, cleaning it speedily fiom all olutruc lions, with nil the power of Mercury, yet fieo from all the injurious results attached to tho una ol that mineral. , .... Kur all i. noises ln which the use of a cathartic uliullcaUd, these pills will glvo entire satisfac tion in every case, l'hoy M'A'hll KAIL. Incases of Liver Complaint, liyipepsia, and extreme Costivenoss. llr.llooil.ind a Oemian in ters, or Tonic, should bo used in connection with Ihe i'llli. Tho tonic erlect of the Hitters, orTonic, builds up the system. The il.tters, or Tonic, pu rines tho blood, strengthens tho nerves, reg ulates the Liver, and gives atrcngth, energy and V'fc ep your Dowels active with Hie I'ills, nnd lone up the system with Hitters, or Tonic, and no disease can retain tho hold, or even ussall you. Hooollcctthat it is Hr Hoolluud'e GeriiiHti ltcm. dies that are so university used, and hjiflily ecommended i nnd do nut allow Ihu druggist to nduce you to take anything else that he may say lust as goou, ueuausu o" miiarn u i'is. n it. These remedies will bei-ent by Kxpressto v locality upon application to tho VHlMCIl'AL ViOkI at the GftltMAN MEIHCINh STORE, lABUlloiliblvi, niiunur.i,i iiii C1IA8. M. KVANS, l'roiirletor, ;Formcr,y , M. Jaokioa no. PROPRIETORS. HAl.OO.MN. KJi DOltAiJO IJIU.IAHI) SALOON AN!) UAH HOO.M. JOIIX (iil'KS, I'roprletor. I H) 0 unmereikl Avenue, CAIItO, ILLINOIS Ilel brand of California Olgar ust received, BILLlAItllealr, n fiiriilied ith lli. t nt ol tabtea; and bar supplied with wines, Honor, and cigars of the fines! brands. I(OCKIIIIt AMI fiur ;ooi)N. WILLIAM KLUOti, er.nrH FAMILY GROCEJUKS, DHY-OOODS, NOTIONS, I500T.S AND KHOKS, HATH A?III CAItt, KTt.'., Has just recehed a bcswjr atoc of Hoot" and Hhoes, llo.lery and .Notions, I'OltSAI.K KOKCASH VKKV UHKAP He alio has a line .lock of I'wmlly Orccerles ot oerj kind. ("KVKIt SI.XTIUST. AND COMMKU OIAL-AV., C.MI10, 1I.1.1N0I-I IXMHIK, h AMI, KTCl on to W. W. THORNTON'S, Ht.'ILDKRS' Sfl'I'LY DKI'OT, 13J TKNTIl FTKKRT, CAIKO ILLINOIS, KOK J Honrs,, niliiils. Moulillnca, rTef;iiltrrs,(Hoo(l) Wlnilon nnI llooj I'raiiiM, l'l no rl nc, I.atli, Milnclrs, Ulnzrd Knsli, (ilrtxetl Nlile I.IrIiIw, (JlriMMl TrnnaomN, Nnah Wclclits, Snail I'ltlllri nnd Corla, llllnd rnafrnliiCN, Itnolltit; I'cll, Ilooflni; Coiiient, I'laslrrlni; I'lipcr, 'nrict I'rll, Vlilto I.eaid, I.liiscl oil, Ainprlrnn AVluilow lna, IliilUIi nnd I'rcncli 1'lnle silnsH, Putl.v, (ilnrlcr'si I'olnla, hrtrrr I'lpt-si I'atrnt (Tiininrjn, i:tr., i:ir., Ktc AOF.NTS for Hock Itivei I'sper CompanyV tiheaihing Felt and (junrli Ceinint. It W. John's Improved Hoofing alway, oc and HltOTN AMI SUOi:S. WILLIAM KIILEHS, Fahional,le BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, KTHF.ET, B. tween V.'a.hingUiu Avenue and l'oplar Street, CAIKO, ILLS. Hoots and Hhoea Made to Order. Fine Wcrkmen Employed. ' hatisfactlon Wurranted. I'atronase enlicited. OITY SHOE STORK HOOP SKIRT FACTORY soir Aorscv roa "BEOIASKI'S" CUHTOM-MADK BOO T S A X I) S II 0 K S ommrrrlal Avciiuo, Corner or Eiiclilli Nlrecl. C'Aino, Illinois. PAKT1CULAU ATTENTION l'AII) TO ALL Oil BKRU KOK HOOPSKlltTS AND SIIOKS. l'AI.MXUS. MOOHK & MAT11KWS, House, Sign unci Ornamental IF.A.XIET'riEIRS, Dofornitve riinrrliiuiKiiiir, KiilMimtn In If, clc, J)onn in tho highest :t)ln ol tho att, and a rates null uery eom)eiiuon, HHOr IN fKUKY HOUSK, COUNKIt OK 8th HTItKET AND CM.MKRCIAL AVENUK. FA 31 1 1. Y OltOCrilllA. LOUTS JOHO BNSKN, Dealer In all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY G-BOOBBIBS. t'nrmor'H Ynrtl mill rsdililliili WITHOUT CltAllOE. Cor, NVdsluugton-av and Twcutietli-st. CAIRO, ILLINOIS' )y2Tdtf riTr t i?niT-vT J.XXJLI XJU JUJJJ!iJLll . THE PRETTY PRINCE. " HK 150VA L Rl'P.SI AN HKOKIVEi). ALEXIS AIRED AND ADULATED. ON TUE$L.VY tlio Grnrnl Duku Aluxi, son of tho Czar of Kuiiin, vvus formally received in New York City with an oration such as never boforo va tendered to any man. AT r.I.KVKN O'CLOCK tho Duke was received from tho Russian Ucet on the steamer " Mary Powell," and welcomed by (Jen. J)ix in a brief speech to which ho as briefly responded. tiik iiuki: landed nt thi battery nnd the military procession was immediately formed under comtiiHlul of (!cn, Shaler. TIIK l'KO("K.IO.V. The procession Jwas headed by Superin tendent Kelso, Inspector lilke, inula force of police to clear thy way. Immediately after rode .Maj. Oen. Shnlcr and stall; fol lowed by tlio Nineteenth regiment, I'oiigli keepjie. The carriatje enntainin(; the grand duke eamo next, and wa tho object of the greatest interest. Following tho carriage of the grand duke was a long line of carriages containing Admiral l'o sect, Vice Admiral Rowan, member of tho reception committee and the prince', suit. After the carriages tho Twentieth regiment mirched in column by com panies us ii rear escort, the Eleveuth, Seventh and Twenty-second regiments forming a special escort, not falling in lino until the head of the proce'sion arrived at Leonard street When the grand duke and escort had reached Leonard street, tlie Seventh regiment, preceded by a bat talion of police, fell into line nt the head of the procession, while the Twenty-second and Tenth regiment' fell in on either side of the grand duke's carriage asn. guard cf honor, when the order of the whole pro cession to move was given nnd the entire line was formed in a column of at least ten thousand. AS TIIK OltAND IlUKK l'AI-KI each band took up in its turn the Russian national anthem, beginning nt the left of the line and continuing to tho extreme right. The rido of the prince from the Knttcry to Union Square was one contin ued ovation. Cheer rose upon cheer, nnd a sea of bnndkcrchh fs fluttered from deli cate fingers. Tlio shout that was luken up at tho Hattcry was rolled in onehu.-o vol um to tho C'larcnd m, and tho repeated b wi of the prince and bis smiling face, showed that ho keenly appreciated the great honors showered on him. ir.v viertivn unruisr. As the grand duke passed the Equitable building a group of statuary recently plac ed oyer the entrance was unveiled. Trin. ity chimes began toting in his honor as the carriage containing him came in sight. The Astor home was perfectly alivo with ladies and gentlemen who waved hand kerchiefs and made a goodly show of hands ui the ducal carriage paised. This was repeated at every hotel along the route from the City Hull to Union Square. THE IIALCONIKS of the Grand Central, Metropolitan and St. Nicholas and others were thronged with people whoso shouts of hearty welcome never seemed to cease. Tho regiments, too, cumo in for their share cf applause nnd commendation. Alexis certainly re ceived such nn ovation as NO MAN ON KAftTH over received before from New Yorker., between the battery nnd Union squaro. As the processio.i arrived at the grand stand, Union square, ladies nnd gentlemen roso en masso and gavo Alexi a perfect storm of applause. To this ho responded with genuino feeling, and raising in hiscurriage took oil' his cluipcau nnd bowed right and left. Tho head of tho procession soon reached the Clarendon hotel, and spaco having been made for tho duke he alight ed and entered. X0T1CK Is herebv jiven Unit iiefault IihvIor heen made fur more thsn sixty dajs in tho puwnent of portion of Iho amount secured to be paid bv a eert.iin mintgnae executed hy Almarlne llalley to Uamiitlr-liiiitsT.ijI.'rund Run in I'srsons, trus tees of tho Cairo City proerl, dated Heriteinber Lllli, led I, end recorded in ihu Iteonrder olliee, In nnd lor Alexander county, In the Hlate rf llli Idoh, in book L, of deeds, piiue CM, Ac , we, the underpinned, said trusteec , mil nn Hutunlay, the H'c-ond ouy of Ilecember next, A. II lsTl, at 10 o'clock In Ihe toienoon of that dny, under ami by virtue of tho power ef sulo contained In wild moriKfige, xell.nt public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at Iho otllve building of said trusteed, corner of v a.lilnijlon avenuo and ldih slreet, in the oily of Cairo, in Alexander county and Suite of Illiuoi,lot numbered u (twenty-twoi in bloik numbered 'i itMcniysevcn) lu the l'irst Additloi to Hjiit city of Cairo, accord lug to the re'iordcd thereat, with the appurtenances to Hatisfy.the purposes and conditions (d said mort gage. tutted Cairo. Ills., NovinilierOIti, IP71. H bTAATd TAVLOIt, EDWIN I'AHSONi, Trustees of tno Cairo City 1'roperly. tiovllilld MlNt I'.I.I, AXKOl'H. II. LEVY & CO., issisrts IK HIDES AND FURS, worn,, rKATiir.itn, etc., 73 OHIO XjEVEE. Caiho, Illinois, linvlSIf P.L. 1IUVETT, & HON, Importers, Manttfa 'turors nnd .lobbers of USICAL MERCHANDISE Urns nml (iernuiu Nllver BAND INSTRUMENTS, No. 20 S. Third Stkkkt, ocVM?m. T, I.OVII, MO. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER WAJOJf8. WAG OX MA X U F AUTOK V. For Sale at Wholesale or Retail. CORKER 32II.STHKET AKI OHIO f.KVKK, Cairo, Illinois. novlltf i- i. fiAMiti.i:. IfJH.MTL'lu:, IL S. HAUUKisL, DEALER JA FUKN JTUKE (jUKENSWARK IIOUS2 KURNISIIINO (500DS II AR FIXTURKS. GLASSWARK, 18o & 187 Couitncrcinl Avenue CAIKO, ILLINOIS. COAL. COAL I COAL! COAL! JAMES ROSS, unrsa iv DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CAR HON CO.A.L! Commercial-av., Foot of Klcvcnth-!t All Coal earefutly vielghed at Ihe yrd on Klr banks' scale-. rULL TTElnllT WARRANTED. Cosl deltversd on the shortest notice in an) part ol the cl,y, either by the half ton, ton or car iVm I. Leave ordsr at the office on Commercial-av. al the foot of Eleventh street. novl&l-i.m. UUTCIIrJUf. CKXTHAL M K AT MARKHT. KOEIILER & IiROTlIER Have fopene.ithe i'opi:mr mi:at .iiAititivr. COXtM EltlTAE-A V., net H ceil Nliilli mill Tenth Street-., and will krep consumly on h ind tno bo-t ttieals rd.tii2htercd lu tlio Cur intrUet. Tlie) del) com petition. Olve them a tr nl. i-eptiltf JAMKS KVXASTOX. nnlrlier mid Drnler in nil Iilmls I'rrtli ileal, Coasra .VtMirrsrH ap Pun r. Sraki.T. CAtllJ, ILLINOIS, B UVS and sUuithters only the very W-.t cattle, hoas and sheep, and Is rreiured to till any demand for freh ml- from one uound to ten thousand pounns. ''e'ntf JAKK WALT 1-3 II, BUTCHER ' asn DC urn v FRESH MEAT, Eighth Street, Uetwken Wasiiinoton and Commercial avenueh, Adlnlna; lllltenlioiisip A llnimy'is. Keep the best of lleef, l'nrk. Mutton, Veal Lamb, Saiiage.ete., and are prepared to serve ntlcens In the mot eeetiiablK manner. aniiU NKJ.V M ItlTI.It. CAHL L. THO.MAS. SIG-UST "WRITER Is now rrepa.ed to ieipon.1 pruniptlj to all de mands tor nis services, yilOl'-Coit. 8111-SI'. ASH Comvikrcai.-av III Ibi' Perry House, CAIItO, ILLINOIS. novtSJIt IXNVHAXCi:. "T R I L1 MR II." TIIK TRIUMPH IXSUHANCI'3 CO , Ol Cincinnati. iel S-svii (Si Holieits all kinds ol rl-l: '. HltOSN. oclt Agent, Cilro, ols. HI LI. INK KM. MRS. M. SWAXDEH, DEALER IN MILLINERY LADIES FUHNISHING GOODS, Coniiiierclnl Avctuir. I csln I'.lllo nil IIylborir OAUtO, ILLINOIH. OLOTHING FOlt LADIES' WEAK Mads to order, or liendy-Made. Has received a lull and complete, stock of good, tho newest t.nd completest in Ihu clly. An Im memo viirity ol RIBBOXS, LACES AXD FUINUES . . , . A i H.l.A..a .HJ LuVtoiuU on hor,exuinln tUo irlcos( styles ItU i SM, ISTl. MEIIICAI,, XI3HV0r.S DEHILITY, Willi iin Klootny ntlrnilnnlN, Ion rsiilr lis' ilriir rsxlitii, I volmitiiry eniMsim, 1 lossor keineii, kcriimtorrlian. lows or lioHer' illat.y li.n.l, oh or memory, 1 "''I lliroiileiii'il liniirleiiee nml in bo ellllM, mill n loverelun cure In Hum-iiliri-y h llniiicopiillili- Hpeellle o I UCnly -elylll. Omipo.ed ol the must va'tin b,e mlhi iitin .eilent .uratlies, they strike a nn le at the rott ot the milter, tone up the t tern, arrest ihe dbohnrges, Mind Imp irt vigor nd ' anerjy, lllennd vilallt) lo Ihe entire mm. Tney lule cured thousands, Price, $.", perl I I.i .....) . . ( . r. n ... ...v l.r,M . . MllC fm , IHI , W II II' 11 is ,erj iiiiporiaiu in nostmnie or otii eases ery or old fft.i',. or St P'rsiriKl I'-rmiKi ira, aj;n ny an iirnsgisn, ami sent it mini oil K" I i fii orii'f. A.liirss II ilm,.li,,.vT Hptcllie llomenpath.c Medlclno Co., Ml llroad wny, K. V. p. hUllL'll, nugl.ld, ownvtly Agent, Cnlrn, Illinois. SI.MIL1A SI.MILIRUS CURAXTUR j UOlPItllKT'N I HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAT proved, from Iho most ample e.vper-letie,-, up t iiilre success! tfitnp.e l'roui I Kthcient and Reliable. Thev are ilie only m--J. nines perfectly adapted to popular use o s m pie that mistakes cannot Is made In using them; so harmless as 10 bo free from danger, and so lllclehtas lo bo n!nya reliable They have riis eii Ihe htghesl cornrrienilatlons from all, and ulll n'wais render satisfaction. No. Cents. I, Cures I i-ters, congestion, Inflammations.'.! i, " Worm, worm fever, norm colic "il a, " Cry iiiK-enlic or teething ot infants...8!i 4, " IHrrlioea, of children and adults...'i', 5, " IsyM'iilery, gilplng, b'lious collc.'-'J ; " 'liolern-miirbu, vomiting. .. -IS T, " I'liolern. colds, lironcliHiis 'i', s, " .cnr..ltln. toollitche, f.iceai'he...,J.'i 6, Ilemliielies. stek heid.iche. vertlgo'ii in, " lyp-plii b.llous atoiriaehe M 11, " Snppr-sil, or palnltil periods 'ii 12, " lilli'N, too profuse periods ,,..'ii l'l, " I'ronp. cough, ilitlleiill breitinrig,.,'i'i II, " Snll Itlieimi, Erysipelas, Eruptloiif ja 11 " Itlieiiniiitlsiii, rlieumstie pains l'l, " l evoriinil Anne, chill 17 " I'IIi-m. blind or bleeding M) is, " Slpln lilrmy, and sore er weak ejeeTiO l'l. " Ca urrll. ncuio or chronic, intluenuit.. V), s Iiooiik-CoiirIi, vlolcutuuughs.V) j i .Hiiiimt. ,(,prefeu oreaiiuu ou if.', ' i;ar ItlM'hurKea, Irn'iilred hearing.' i, " Serolulii enliimi'd glands, suellingU) 21, " ;enernl llrlillll)-, physical weak- ncs - ') " llropsiy and sciinly Secretions iO !, " Sen Sii'kiii'ss elcltness frotn riillu.Ao " Hldney-lllsenwe. (Jravel M If, ' Aervoim lclilif)-, seminal euils- Kiis.Inioltintarr illscharge-.. .1 HC ITtelloxi-.s, uits cno Si of powder very neiessiiry In serious cuscs,..s (si : More yionlli, canker .VI I'Jt I I'.liina.' U'nnlf i.ri.1. .. M Ml, " I'liliimi itIimN, Hithsp.isms.....M J iA " MIIU'rlllKs,btchiiiigoridu. lis III, " Hplli'iiHy ,Si.isir)s, At Vitus'danee I (10 31, " Dlpllierlii.ilc, eroted sore thr at a. KaMILY CAI. Or:t5 lo (10 liiriio InlN, imirorrn or roseuoml ease, roiilniiilnu u rspei'llle for every omliiiary lin cnsi' n riimlly Isrstibjecl to, mill liookn ofillrei-llon-. ....from Jlotojij rimalltr rVninlly and 'IratelliiRc.i' ., 'jo to Ks vial mini us to 81 r-peoitic lor nil I'rlvale IINenseH, loth for I'lirlni; and mr I'reien live treatment, us viali.und pocset casts R'2 lo 5 lUMl'a EXTHACT Cires Hurn, lliuies, Lameiies,, Sorenes;, S-ore 'I hro it, !rprnl j-, Tuoch.iche, Ilirache, Neurulgni. Rlieiimatuih, l.utulMgo, Piles, lliul, .Sling-, orv IIjcs, lllrciiiogol the Lungs, N m., fctnni neh, or of l'ile; (.'urns, I'b'ers, Ol 1 Mores. Puce, 0 uz., .Vi uia.; Pljl- SI..'-"; C; i iris, $1'T. KU'Tl.e-o r-menus, t V'cpl Ponds I'xtrui't, by the case or sing e box. n. nt to any pint o! the country, I.) m.ulor iapr-, ,ire nt .-lii.ige, on receipt ot f c t.r e,-. A.i lrc-s Ill'jlPtllltA -1 i.i IMC 1, I.'. n' TIllCJIKIilCINElil. orac and lep. , N.. R -' llroadwav, Ne-Ti I.. KOK .Lt. i. p. tull'li, o.Mlm, 111-, a.'gt&teoiiaii A IiOOls. FOR Till'. MILLION. M A 11 It I AO K A Private Counsvtoi to the Married or r'TTrTlP I u3so aixinuo in ury uul1"'" I on the nliisloioirieal I li.J-'l I"-, in... ...m. r ..m ... . . . . . . n with the lati-tdlscovcrles in )iroducitig and pre venting oltpring, presort Ing thccoinplexion,Ac. This is nn Interesting work of two hundred and twenty Itur pages, wltn numerous engravings, and contains valuable information for (hose who ar married or contemplate marriage still it is a book that ouithtlo be under lock and key, and not laid carelessly about tho house, fcent to any one (ftie of pnMiige) for 5" ceo. Address Dr. Hutts' lii.snetis.iry, No. i, Kighth slte.t, St. Louis, JIo. rsoilceto the Aflllct nl mill L'nfiirtimnte. tlefore applying to the notorious Quacks .o adverlii-e lu trie public papers or using any Quack remedies, peru-o Hr. Ifutts' work, no iiiiiUit w tut your uisease is or ho deplorsble ) n dition. Hr. Hutts can be consulted, personally or at mall, on thedisaetes mentioned in his works, otllce, No. i N. Kighth street, bet. Market and Che, tunt SI Louis Mo, mtudwlv LOOK TO YOUll CIULI)I(13N. THE Git EAT SOOTHING HEMEDY, Jtrs. I Cures colic and griping tY II III OMR'S ) in the l)i Is, un.l fa- Wkcitx t rsilit til I l.n litTWosw fif Prlre, 1. Cents Price. 2. ", Cents. I'rlrr, t teething. J Jlrs. fMlbdlles oonvillslrns IVIIIK OMII'S J and jvercomea iilldis Sjrup. 1 easea inuident to In I. fieita and children. Mrs. f Cures diarrhea, illM'ti. i IVIIIK (DIIl'S I lery indsitmmercoiii. Sjrup. 1 plaint In I'hllilien ot nil f Cents. I gs. J H Is the Oreat Inlanl's and Children's soothlnK Itemeily In nil disorders brought on bv Teething orany other cause. Prepared by the OUArTON MEDICINE CO., bt. Louis, Mo. Sold by Druggists nil calcrs in Medicine everywhere, -e.)7dwiim J)K. RICIIAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Use these only, and save tunc, health and ni'iney l,(i riwurd lor any case of disease, In an) stajc. Inch the) lull tn cure. Dll. ltUUIAU S DO LI) EN HALS AM, Nos I and i, are .hn gralot iillernttves kiioiin DIL"SIOI,Di;.N El.lXIlt H'AMOl'lt is tne grcniest tunic and ustiingcnt ir the tiiej cal list. Hit 11ICI1 l"H liOLIU' N ANTIDOTE is the only reliable d.uraiic 'I hese teiin nies urn nut udvcrtiscd lo curenl cnniplalnts, mi i benefit none ; but aiegnsraiileed tu elicit a i wheal and speed.! cine In nil cases for which they aro iccuiuiiif mli'il, when all it her tiealiiient has tailed, 'lens id thousands ye.uly reeoxT by their use, uho hale lost all hope, und bu n pronounced n uicuisbl" b) th bet of nur medical f.icultv. Dlt. ItlCHAU'.S GOLDEN 1IALSAM No. 1, cures niters, ulcerated sore thn at ind nn. ulh, sore eyes, cutu'iti.m- er'.lptlons, coiper cul'ir, d blotches, t-oroncis uf the scalp, scrnlitla, etc. It Is I In. gientest renetator. alterative mid blood purifier liiinuu. removes all mercui) from the sistem, and leans tho blood pure and heal thy. DR. ItlCIIAU'H flOLHEN 1IAI.SAJI, No, 2, cures mercurial aflections, rheumatism in all it h forms, and gives immediate relief in u CJSCS. Dlt. UK'HAU'rf fiOLUEN ANTIDOTE, A radical euro for all urinary derangement Price. 'l per botlle, Dlt. ItlCHAirrt OOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOUR, A ridlcal cure lor nervous orijcneral debility, In old or young, Impaillng energy with wouderfit eflect, Prico S pt r bottle, or two fur 53. On receipt ol price, these remedies will bo ship ped to am Prompt attention paid to all eorrespon' cuts. Nouo renulne without Iho name of ' Hit. ltlCIIAU'SOOLDEN 11E.M EIUES, II. II. IticiuHt's, solo proprietor," blown In guss of bottles, O ruulars srni, Trade supplied as a liberal ills- COAddVess, Dr. D 11. nichnds.'.'-JS Varlck-st., N.Y. sPsfetid iiieney by express or older goods through vour Druggist, und you will meet with liiiiii.s lelTilaw PETE SMITH. M.iy be foun I nt llce l .V Mnnti's fiom Ill's fur ward. An) work In the. IlLAOlvSMITIlINO LINK wil recelnipiO'iiit attulitiuii, ilorK'Shctbiy, antl ft Kr.nul .UekimUhlDg luAnv cftrriml on, ... - - i BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV. JIIT K.siTKItl'ItlSi:. THE ONLY RELIArtLE CJIKT ENTEIlfl THE COUNTRY ' ;1E IN S60,000 VA I.CAHL 1-3 G I FT To be distributed In Xi. ID. SIISTE'S 152ml IleguUr .Monthly t N S GIFT ENTERPRISE, To be drawn Monday, Nov. 2T, lsTl. Two firniul Capllnlu ol K.l.ootl rneli In (ire CIlllHCltN. Tiro prues, ji.onu j rive ptltes S.'S); Ten prize s. Ml"), all In (ireenbnek-. WHOLE NUMRER CASH (IIKT!, 1,000. One Ifoiseand lluggy, tth silver-plated harness, wo.-ih f,) on One line Itcsiuood Piano, .irtli fsi On Ten Kamll) ecirliig miichliies,rnli-h worth loo oj Hie cased rtohl Iluuiiiig at"ies nnd heavy (iold Chains, wuriheacli tOI po Ten Ladles' Hold Hunting watches iturlli each. loo o i:.ght hundred gold and silver Icier hum- ing tr.itches (in all) worth Imm J.-u to ft". Ladies' (,'otd Leomlne Chains, fient's (told Vest chain", silver-pliled castors, solid silver and double-plated Utile, and tensooons, Ivosy handled dinner knives, -llver-nlatcd dinner turk. sitter vest enams, photograph albums, ladlea' gobl biuastilns, ehirt studs und sleevo buttons, finger rings, gold pins (ller extension,) etc. Wholo number gHts, (iissi. Tickets limited lo Agents wanted lo sell litketilo whou. -bern, premiums will be paid, sirglo tickets 1 i mx tickets; incite tickets 310 teiitv-tive JiV). Circulars containing .1 full list of prizes, .1 de scription of the mantlet of drawing, nnd other In formation in reference to tho distribution, will he sen I to any one ordering them. AMI letter, must ua win ret, cu to I,. I. WINK, llox sO, ""icr, Cincinnati, O. lul wetita M. Uctldsnlyr PIANOS. SIXTY-F1VK FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED Til E OltEAT HALT I MORE .IIAMTACTOITY WM. KNAHE & CO., Manufacturers of MIAMI. ' QCAUE ANII I'l'ltlQIIT FX JsJSTO FOBTES 11 A t ,T 1 M 1 1 11 K , M A U Y I .A N U Tiese Iristriirnelils hni.e.lieen before Ihe niil.Jie a., nearly irifrt.vyf.irs, and upon tnelr excellence alone attained nn njiirtA(tr.l prtemtntnet, which pronounces them tit.eqtinled in TON K, TOUCH, WOHK-MANSIUI' Ami DI.'ltAniLlTY. ca All our .S'inr iiinoj have our new New Im proveil Ove-strung hcale nril the .tyrne Tnlle We would rail special attention to our lain Patented Improvements In (iuMi Pianos and Sqviiii. Oium s.fDiind In no oilier Piano, which brings the Plauo nearer perfection than has yet been attained, EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, Illustrated Catalogues nnd Price Lists promptly furnished on application to V.1f.KAIin A-CO., lUlTIUOUS, Mt. Or any of our regular established agencies, oetOendiwem COOK I Ml STOVI'.S. THE TWO .Mosji HueceHsrul, Piiuliii- nml Perfccl o o o'ic z nsr a- .MACIIINK.S Ol (lie period ore our will-knwri ...A W 1 . :0AiCJ K1MCURE BROILERS, Until are nf Ihe sinipinsl coil. (ruction, Mi so esi) inatiaged that we giniranlee them logtve J ENTIHI'. SATISFACTION. As no article, in the household has a greater In fluence In promotion Hie health, comfort and hap piness ,i the family circle lliau the cooking stnie, it is economy as well us policy In get the very best ; and In III) lug the OlIAHTEK OAK You can lely ongetltng the most successful, lllar and pcrlcct eooniug slovn ever made, using (hu r.pirriti: i nit are h!.)s sure of having Juicy, Temli r and Helic oils llci.fstaUvs, CliieUi n, limn, Chops, etc, SOLII HI Excelsior Muiiuiucturin I'oiiijiaiiy, 01- ml 611 N. M.iin-st.,St. I.ouis, .Mo. AND ALL 1.1 VK STOVE D ALER. C. W. 11ENDERS0N, Agent, Cnlrn, Illinois, rovMitititM. I. & E. GREENWALD. MNcrACTi'rK or earn E Mines, Boilers, Flour ond Grist Mills, Haw Mills, The "Tupper Patent Crt tit MAOllIKKIlYlfOllJaBNBJlAL PURP0SBJ , CINCINNATI, OUIQ. owde27 jestmosme jffSfi WITC1AI, NOTIOKW. "TWHIIMUl'SIIAIKniFE; -PerlVori,u,!llJ,r "I? ",n " tn WoatB . .r .,, L'L?'' h'l Inslhsnteom. rleassn f 'ii tV So "''bculous Tints or Un pleasant Odor. Theg. nulno W. A. Ilaehelor'a Sdd byallilriiBglsU. Kauto.y tr.Rnnd Street. Neworl isnvH.t o.l.Vulr OX JIAIIHIAGH. IIsppV relief loryottng men from the eftecrso erro-s and In early Irlc. 3Ianh..od re stored. Nervous .'oliillty etrred. Iniiieillments to marriage removed. New method of treat ment. New and remarkable remedies. Hooka and circulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION', .NO. 2 South Ninth st.. Philadelphia., I'.i ocUdiwtf a void quacks; A vlttun of early indiscretion, causing nervous, debility, premature decay, etc., hnvlug tried In vun overy adicrtised r'lnety, has discovered sltnplo mems nf self-iuro, which ho will (end free to Ins fellow-sttllerers. J. II. Iteeves, No. 78 Nassau street. Now York. augZlwlyJlj CONSmiPTION. ITS CURE AND ITS PItfiVKNTIVK B V DR. J. II. SCIIEXCK, M. I). t-TIIE CAUSE AND CCItE OP CON SUMPTION. Tha primary causo of Coninmp tion is derangement of tho digestive orpaus. Thli derangement produces dcflrictit nutrition and as. slmllatlo-.i. tty nsslml'iatloa, I mean tint process by hLIc.i t'.'.o nutriment ol l!i f..,,J lstonvertcd Into blood, and thcnc! ln'o t"io so,.dsof the body. Persons ivltlidlresilnn thu- hnj.a:rcil, hatlnj the slightest prwlls position to ptiliiiomry disease, or If they tako cold, will be very liable to have Con sumption of tlio I.ini? In some of Its forms; nnd I hold that It will he impossible 1 1 cum any cao of Consumption without f.r-t restoring & good digestion and healthy a. Iml'.atlum Tho very firt thing to bo ilono Is to cleat ru Iho stomach and bowel from nil dlsca-ed mttctis atn' silme which oro c!og;ln these oryjru sa that they cannot per. furni their functions, end then rouso tip and re. storo the liver to a healthy action, l-'or this pur pose, tho mrcst nnd best remedy Is Schcnck's .Mandrako Pills. Thcso I'ills clean tho stomach and bowels of all the dead and riorhld sllmo that Is causing disease and decay In tlio uliolo ryslcni. They will clear oat Hie liver of all diseased bllo that has accumulated there, and r.roaso It up to a new and healthy nctiou, by which natural and healthy bllu Is rccrcted. . The stomach, bowels, and llvcraro thug cleansed by the use of Schcnck's Jlandrake Pills j but thcru remains In tho stomach an excess of acid, the, or gin Is torpid and tho appetite poor. In the bow els, ho lacteals aro weak, nnd requiring strength nndsnpport. It Is ln a condition llko this that Schcnck's Seaweed Tonle proves to be the most valuable remedy ever discovered. It Is alkaline, nnd Its uio w 111 neutralize all excess of acid, mak ing tho stomach sweet and frc(h; It will give permanent tono to this Important orjan, nnd cre ate a good, hearty appetite, and prep iro (!) a sys tem for tho first process nf ngood il'gcstlon, anfl ultlmitcly malic good, healthy, living blood. Af ter tl.Is preparatory treatment, what remains tc euro most cases of Consumption 1' tho free and pcr-cvcrlng mo of Pchcnc'.'s Pulmonis Syrup. The Pulmonic Syrup nourishes tho system, puri fies the blood, and la readily nb-orbed Into tlio circulation, nnd thence distributed to the diseased lungs. There It ripens til morbid matters, wheth rr ln the form of abscesses or tubercles, nnd then astlsts Nature to expel all the diseased matter Is tha form of free expectoration, when once It ri pens. It Is then, by tho grfst lieallna nnd pnrlfy- lng properties of Schcnck's Pulmonic fynip, that all ulcets and cavities are healed up sound, nnd my patient U cured. Tho essential thing to tie dono In coring Con tnmptton Is to get up a good ntipctlto and a good digestion, so that tl. body will grow ln flesh and pot rri,iff. Un riersou has diseased taiw A dr ily or abscess there, tho cavity cannot hial, the matter cannot llpcn, so long ns the syftcm Is be low pir. What Is necessary to enrols a new or rier of things, a good appetite, a good nutrition, tho bwly to grow In flesh and get fat: then Na ture Is helped, tho cavities will heal, tho matter will ripen and be thrown i IV In large quantities, and tho person regain health and strength. This Is tho true nnd only plait tu euro Consumption, and If n ticrson Is crr bad. If Hie 1nn nru ,.nt entirely destroyed, or even if ono lung Is entirely gone. If thcru Is enough vitality let' lit the other to heal up, there Is hope, I havo seen mitiy persons cnrcil, with only ens sound lung, live and enjoy Ufa to a good olil ge. This Is what Schcnck's Medicines will do to euro Consumption. They will clean out the stomach, sweeten and strengthen It, pet up a good dlgcs. tlon, nml give Nuluru the assistance sl.o needs tn clear the system of all the dlnato tLat Is in thi lungs, whatever the form maybe. It is Important that, while using Schcnck'a Medicines, caro should bo exercised net (o take cold: keep In-doors In cool ('.amp viathcr ; avoid nl.'lit-alr, aud tako ent-daur exercise onlj lu a genial and warm sunshine. I wish It distinctly understood that when 1 re commend a patient to bo carcfulln regard to tak ing culd whllo using my mcdluncs, lilo so lor special reason. A man wl.o has but partially rs overed from tho effects cf a bad cold Is fir mora liable to a relapse than ono w ho his been entirely cured, nn 1 It I precisely the same In regard to Consumption. Sj long as tho lungs aro not per fectly tienlcd, Jnt so lorg Is there Imminent dan ger nf a full return of tho i! Hence It If that I so strenuously caution pulmonary patients nialnst cxposln llieinselvis to nn atmosphere that Is not genl.ll nnd pleasant. Cot flinied Con sumptives' lungs nro n mass of tore, which the least chingo nf atmosphere will itillamc. The grand secret of my stttcesa with my medicines consists In my ability to subdue lufluinniatlcn In stead of provoking It. as many of the laculty do. An Inttiuied lung cnntiot with rafety to the pa tient b exposed to tho biting bla.ts of w Inter oi tho chilling winds ef spring or autumn. It should bo c.ircfully shb Ideil fiom nil Irritating In llueuces. Tho uliuo-t c.i'iilnn should lu observed In this pnrllcuLir. as without Itnitiro under al most any clrcniustinces la an Impossibility, Tho person vlioiilil I n Kept rn n wholesome and nutritious diet, aud all tho mullcluca cutitiriMcd until the body has icstnrcd to It tho natural quantity of llt'rlt and strength. I was myself cured by this treatment of tho worst kind of Consumption, nml luvo lived to get fit and hearty these ninny jerire, with one lung mostly gone, hao cured thiiiisjiiids since, and very many havo been cuiim by this treatment whom I hive neter seen. About the 1st of October, I expect tn take pos. session of my now building nt the northeast cor tier of Sixth and Arclt Stieets, v, hero I shall be pleised to glvo ndvlco to all who may require It. Pull directions accompany all my remedies, su that n person In any part of I'm world can bo read ily cured by u strict of Iho same, J. II. StilENCIC, M.D., li.l!adepUU. UUItLllUTA EDS ALL 32 Lako-streot, Chicmjo, "Wholcealo Agenti .MIl.LINKKY. LA OIKS, TAKK NOTICE I LRS.O. McGEE, KIOHTH hTUKKT, UETWKEN WASIIINOTON AKD COMMERCIAL AYKNUKS, Hits jtikt received a full and splendid lineol NEW GOODS Dreis trimmings, allk gimps, silk galoon, gnl. pure laces, moss trimmings, cioekel bultnna, silk and velvet buttens. plii.h and trimming vel vet, hats and bonnets. litiH kid gloves, ladles' and childrens' slices, snd a lull and complete stock ot Millinery and Fancy Goods, All of winch she prolines to sell at VEHY LOWEST LIVING CASH V1UUE9. JOB PRIXTING. T)i undersigned, proprietors of lb Din.? and Wikkli lliiLsnsi, havo Just received on assort ment ot tho latest styles of Job Printing lytea, ard have now one of the most complete obcmcia In Ihe Houtb and Wst, They BstUr thsiDMliM irat they possess Uclilllia for lurniBg oat piotnptly, m the best stjle oi th Art. all worst t irusted to tlietn, from ihe srnalUst card f label to the mupmoth potter, sad t pri , vi lilch leave with ourbusmssa mn to jotd ta il (et tending th"l tMifc Uf-jii CU. JNU. BsUsM.VaVC