Newspaper Page Text
JOHN H. 0 BURLY &:C0. IIOOtl.AND'N. a. :r,e:i:t:d:e:r,. To Debilitated Persons! Dyspeptical To fitiltsrer from Liver Com plaint I To those having no Appctitol "o lhoe with ltroken Iiown Constitution I rut M IM iln I To Children Wasting Away To uny Willi Debilitated Digestive il'gan I Ir.NllirorliiK ttllliiiliy or I lie I'ollovtliiK Nlililoiiit, Winch indicate DisoaniarD ,ivm on Stomach I Such as Con stlpalhui, Inviiiril Piles, I'ulnes or Hiood lotho Head, Aclil lljr of llii- Stfirnof h, Nausea, , Heartburn, IiK'i-t lor ro.l, I'ull- ne or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Krunllalion,hinklnor pMtlcrlng at Itio I'll of thi- Htnmaeh, Hwlrn. or tho Head, Hurried or Dillicult llri allut! iitlrlriif nt IIib Heart Choking or Siillncatlng . n.aiion when In a iymg t "'lure, Illmnes ol Viwn, Dots or Web lM-fnrth Sight, Fares and Dull Pain In the i I , rifiriicT of Perspiration, Vellownessofthei-klDand Kje, Pain In tlii Side. Uwk Chest, Limb, etc., Sudden Kl il ti - of II' al. turning In the Flesh, On. slail Iinngltiltiys of Oil, nitil llrxal Deplelnll of .Spirit.. HOOF LAND'S (JEKM AN lUTTKItS A Hitlcrt without Alcohol vr Spirit of any utiitl. 1 8 different from all others, I i i oinr--. ol I III" pure Juice, or Vital Principle ol Itooln, iiitihiii'i nam, iur, a ineuicin.liy iitiiipcI, l.t tract,) tin- worthless or Inert portion' of the in grcdlenls not lieinif used. Thert-'nr,.. in one hot tl of thin Hitters there. U contained much medicinal virtue a will be found in several gal lon of or l.nnry mixture. The room, hc., uie 1 In lli. Illttrra are grown In Ocrmany, thflr vital piiticlpli-s exlractel In that country by n sclei. iitla Chemist, and forwarded to t' o innniifiv lory in im cuy, wnere mey are compoiiuueu anil roi. tied. Coiitaimnn no smrituou iiiirr'Jif tit. Ihli Millers la If from the objection uracil ag-dnst an outers. ?a uesiro ior tiimuitni an i in duced from their use: ther cannot make drunk ard, and cannot under any cciimtancrs have anv out a oeneuciai lieci. HOOI'LAND'S GKHMAN TONIC Wat compounded for those i.ot inclined to ex treme bittrs, anil m intended for u- In cae when some alcoholic stimulant i reqtiued incuh n-ctioii with the Tonic properties of tho Hitters. Each bottle of Ihn Tonic contain one bottle ol the Hitters, comhinrij witn pure rilNTA CHUZ HUM, anl flavored in sueri a manner that the ex treme bitterns of the Ilittera I uirr.'onif, formlnK a preparation highly ai:reeahle and plcuant to thejialale, ai'l conlalninK the incilic inal rirtue of the Hitler". Tho price ol the Tonlo U 1 .V) per hottle, which many rwrfon think loo hl(?li. Tney mint take Into con. ider. ation that tue xtlmuUnt i i;uaranteJ to be t pure quality. A poor article oouhl l; lur maned at a chmprr price; but I It not better to pay a llltle mole and nre a k'I article? A medicinal preinration ahould conta n none but the Unl Ingredient J and they alio eipect to ob. tain a cheap compound, and be benefitted by it, nill moot certainly be cheated. HO02TIiA.lNri3'S GERMAN BITTERS; oa IIOOriiAMl'N GEBMA1T TOOtTIC; WITH UOOFI.AND S I'OUOI'IIYI.LIN l'ILL WILL CUKK YOU. Tlirynre the (Jrrnlrot llloml l'lirlll rrn Known To the medical world, anil will eradicate dleati laming Irom impure h.ob i, ueoiiuy 01 me IiiKett.TeUrKan, or Di.eated l.itrr, in a ahorter lime than any other known run ediea I'lie Whole Supreme Court of I'enn.jltania nealc for tnese remedie. Who would auk fur naro dlKnlfled and trons;er teitimony 1 Ion. Ueorge W. Woouwaru, lormeny tniel Jut lice 01 tne nupreme iourt oi cennajirania, ai ireent member ot Congref from Ptunijltn nla wrilea : Philadelphia, March If, IKT. , B I IT I'. I . .. llitl... I, n.iAn.l nefill in dlneaiiea of the diuettife orKaiiK, and of riat benetit In canei, ol ilebillly and want of lerrous action in the r-yMe in. Youra, truly, (iKOIKiK W. WOODWAltll. Ion. Jamen Thompon, Chief Ju.llce of the Hu. pteme Court or 'enn)irniat ' Philadelphia, April M.UCT. X contlder Hoofltnd'a German luitera a Talua le medicine lnraea of atiacka of Indiitesilon or )TlX'Pla. I can certify this Irom my ciperl. ncoot It. Vour..wl.l.reAl?cd. Tnojim) Ion. Gcorjre Sharnwood, Justlco of the Hupreme ColutofJVnnKjIunlat , Philadtlphla. Junel, 18C3. I have found by experience that llootland'a ierman Bitters la rry fcond tonic, relieylnx y.pcptlo aymptom. Vfi&YlOK '3Lll8WOOI. Ion. Wm. K. Itoiorr, Mayor ol the Clly of lluf. fulo, .N. V. s Mayor'a Oflice, lluilalo, JunoSJ, 109. 1 have uieil Ilcollancl'H (ierman Ilittera nnd onlc in my lamily durlnu the past year, and can ecoinmend thorn a an excellent tonic, Impart IK tone and vlRor to the avatem. Their ue haa een rroductlre of decidodly beneficial etlw'ta. WM. K HOItKICj. (on. Jamei M. Wood. exOlayorol Wlllianmport J lake iV.-nt pleaure In recommending Hoof, ind'a OeiAian Tonlu to any one who may be aN icted with Dyxpepiia. 1 had the l)yapcpln ao adly it wa linjH).lble to keep any lood on my toinach, and I became no weiilc r. not to be able j walk half a milo. Two bottlea of Tonic ef. etcd a perfect cure. JAMKrt M, WOOD. Iletncmbor that Hoofland'a German Ilittera, nd lloortand'a German Tonic, will cure every laoot AlAItAHUCB, OR WA8TIK0 AWAY OK TIIK llOUV.J itenioinlior that ltooflimd'it German Ilcmo leu are the medicine ynu require to purify the Hood, excite the torpid I.lver In heallny nciion, nd to enablo you to pain palely through nny ardtlnpa rnd exposure. IH. IIOOl bAMPN PODOPH YIiLIlT Or Hubstituto lor Mercury PIIIh. 'WO PILLS A DOSK. The moil powerful, yet Innocent, Vegetable Cathnrtlo Known. Hi" not nccenaury to take a handful ot lliese ilia to produce thu dealrcil elluct. Two of them ctnulcUly and powi'tfull, t;leanlnK tho Liver, loiinwh and Iluwela, ol all I in purl Ilea. Tho irinclpal InRredlcnt la Podophyllin, or the Alto olio Kxlract of Mandrake, which Is by many linen more powerful, noting mid enrolling, than he Mandrake itself, lis peculiar action in upon he Liver, clenuing it Bpeedily from nil olwtruc loua, with all the power of Mercury, yet freo rom all tho inJurioim results attached to the use I that mineral. For all Diseases In which tho uo of n cathartic a Indicated, tlieao pills will givo entire .itfac lon in every case. They NKVKH KAIL. incases ot tiver vuiumaiiii, I'yinepsia, and xtremeCostiveneas. Dr. llootlantl x Gemian Hit. era, or ionic, aiiuum uu uaeu in connection Willi he i'illi. Tho tonlo eltcct of the Ilittera, orTonio, 1,11.1. im the ivitcm. Tho llitlerB. or Tnnl,. nn idea the blood, atrengthena tho nerves, rcg. latea the Liver, and gives strength, energy aud 'jC p your Bowels active with tho Pills, nnd one up the system with Hitters, or Tonlo, aud o disease can retain the hold, or even assail you. Recollect that It is Dr Hoofland'a German Item dies that are so universally med and hiflily ecommended ; and do not allow Iho druggist to uce you IU winu miij itiiu$ visa lutl. no may say uat a good, bocause ho makes n larger profit t, Thoso remedies will be sent by Kxpress to Inoallty upon application to tho PIIINC1PAL ICE, at tho GEUMAN MEDlCINh bTOKK, 4 UOU BTltEET, PHILAUKLI'IIIA. ' CUA8. SC. KVANN, Proprietor. JKormer.y . M. Jackson Co, PKOPRIKTORS.- HA1.00NN. Kh DO It A DO HILLIAHJ) SALOON ANJ) JJAlt HOOM. JOIIW r.tTKH, Proprietor. IWCmmereinl Avenue, CA1II0, ILLINtllf) lle.t brand vf Cilifuriila Cigar Just received. BII.LHItlifalo n fnrnlhed villi IH Uat ol table, j anil bar nippbi'd with wlnea, liquors JIIO'i:i'.IIW AMI mir CKMIUN. WILLIAM KUVGl), iint.rH ix FAMIJiY GROCERIES, DitVeOOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND - SHOES, HATH AND CAP, ETC., II. ju.l received a lieay hUk;i ot Hoot and nii'jt-w, jiu.iit anil .iHlorif, KOItSALK FOKUASl! VKKV CIIKAI' He alo ha n fine lock of Family Occerle ol e ery kind. f'MtNKU SIXTIUST. AND COMMKK CIA L-A V., I.'AIIIO, II.I.I.VOIN iiooiin, hAsn, jrrci rio ki W. W. TIIORjX TON'S, IJUILDKHS' SLM'I'LY DKl'OT, 13 j TK.VTll hTUKKT, CAIUO ILLINOIS, Poor, Nnli, Illlnda. .MouldlnKa, riTeiittrr),(wDol) Ulntlovr nnl Oooj rramn, Flnorlni;, I.atli, Nhluglea, ;inird Naali, j lazed Mile I.lBbtn, ;inzrl Trnnaoni, Nnh WelKhtN, Nnali l'ulllr and Cartlv, Illlml liialeulnf(, Itooflni; 1'clt, ItuolItiK Ouieut, I'laaterinir l'nier, Carpet Felt, White I.eiul, I.liiHtMl oil, Amerlran Window la), i:iikIIIi "nil I'reiicti Plate tJInsa, Putty, Ulnzlrr'N Point, hewer I'lpca Pali-lit t'lilniney a. Ktr. Ktr. Ktr. AOKNTS for Rock Hivii Paper Company' hheaihing Felt and Quarli Cement. II. W. John' Improted Hoofing always on and. IIOOTM AM) SIIIICS. WILLIAM KIILKHS, Fahloualile BOOT AND SHOK -MA K Kit, TWK.NTIK I'll HUtKKT, llrtwaen Wa.h'ngtuu Avenue and Poplar .itreel, CAIUO, ILLe. Hoots and Shoes Made to Order. Fine Workmen Kmployed. Satisfaction Warranted. 1'alronago elicited. CITY SHOE STOKK HOOP SKIRT FACTORY mir. aocsct ioa "BEOIASKI'S" CUbTOM-MADE BOOTS A N 1) S II 0 K S omiiierelnl Avenue, Corner of I'.l(;lilh Street, C'aiiio, Illinois, FAUTICULAK ATTKNT10.V PAID TO ALL Oil- BKI19 roil HOOPblvIKTS AND BIIOKH. PAI.N'tr.US. MOORK & MATIIKWH, House, Sign and Ornamental AMI Ueroratlve Piinerlniiiitlup;, Kidn in. Inir, ete.. Done in tho hlghevt Ctyle ol the nit, and a rates that dcly competition. SHOP IN I'KHHY HOUSE, COItNKK OP 8l'H 8THKKT AND CMMKKCIAL AVENUK. FA3III.T aitOCKItlEN. LOUIS JOltG UNSUN, Dealer in all ldud of STAPLE AND FANCY GBOOBEIBS. Pnrmor'H YnrU mid Htnlilluir WITHOUT CIIAIIQE, Cor, WaBliington.tiv' ami Twontieth-Bt., CAIUO, ILLINOIS! ijaTUtf ' THE BULLETIN. VIXCBXT'S LOTTERY SAL i. . TIIK IWK.NTY-HIXTII OK UKCKMllKtl FIXED AH TIIK DAY ON WHICH TIIK D It AW! NO WILL COME OFF. iMurrniriutl tt ilisjiini! of nil thu tickets in Mia lottery aalc.Mr. 1 Vincent his con cluded to poflpono tlie drnwtr.g until tho 2Clli of Ucccmlcr. Ho Is now giving tho matter his devoted attention, and Is mcct t'"H with tho tnott gratifying success on every hand. ' nro ix prizoi, the principal prize, as Is well-known, being a splendid residence, that was erected at a cost of $10, 000. Tho' remaining live prizes nro ai follows. - Lot 31, block 4, 3d addition to tho city of Cairo, valued at $500. Lot .T., block I, 3d addition to the city of Cairo, valued nt $300. Lot 30, block 1, 3d addition tho city ol Cairo, vuliicd tit $300. Lot 83, block 1,3d addition to tins city of Cairo, vuliii'd .it $300. Lot 17, block 43, in tho citv of Cairo Illinois, valued at $300. " octOdtf Who wants to buy a newly stocked grocery stole, at a bargain? Inquiro at this ollice. i .uist i:i.i,am:oln. Ti . "l i'i v v it cu. M.tLra i HIDES AND FURS, i i:atiii:ils, kto.. U'tlOI, 73 ohio leve e. Caiuo, Illinois, no l.'.tf I'.L. IIUl'HTT, & SOX, Importer., Manufacturer and Johben of M USICAL MJiRCHANDISE llriixs iiikI t.'crninn Nllver B A X D INSTI. U MEXTS, No. 'J5 S. Tmni) Strect, 0Cl3d3m. ST. I.OITIM, MO. rooKixt; ntvi:s. TIIK TWO Jfoat HureeNrnl, Popular nnd Perfect COOKHSTG- .MAOHINKS Of the period aro nur wdl-kmun 0 ' m 74. EPICURE BROILERS, Hotharenf Ihn impiet conttructlon, and ao easily managed that we uarantee tnem tonire.J KXTIKK SATISFACTION. A no article In the nouseholu ha a greater In fluence In protiiotinf the health, comfort and hap plner of the family circle than the conking tove. it i economy nell na policy to get the Tery l-eht j and In uvlni2thR CIIAUTKK OAK Voti can rely on getting the inot ucceful, ular and perfect cooKing tovo ever mado tming the KI'ICITIIK IIKOII.KR. ton are always tare of having Juicy, Tender and lleliciona Ileefatakof, Cliieken, Ham, Chops, etc. OLD ir JCxcclsior Manufacturing Company, CI2andClt .V. Main-t.,St. Loin, Mo. AND ALL LIVE STOVE D ALKRS. C. W. HENDERSON, Agent, Cairo, Illinol. IIAltllHIlH. NEW UAllUKll SHOP, George, the liarhor lately with Theolmld and Enchb'ch. lias opened a .Nr. lUuarK Knur, on Coininercliil avenue, boteen V nd 18lh alreetx, for tho accommodation of ladle and gentlenen ot tho tipiier part of tho city. Ho Invites nil hi old and new fricndi to mlt hla ahnp, and ax lire tin in ,iolitr attention and uneiiualled worL clther in liulrcutling, cutting, alutving oraham poolmr. oclU'tn .1. GKO. STK1NHOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Stli'Ht. Mini Coiiiiuercliil-nv. M'Kharp Ilasor. UJfClean Towel and uWekillfiill Wcrkmeu BarLndiiw' and clilldrcn'a hair cut nnd aham pooed, either at the ho or al their own homes. WrGenllemenV wliNker and hair dyed in a u tilic ir i nner. Satmactlon guaranteed. UAltL Ji. THOMAS, U prepared to do all Mr.iU of plain and orna mental PAINTING, KALSOMIXINO, l'APKIt HANGING BION Wit IT I NO, KT U ., At tlgures which defy all i cunpe Hon, and In the highest style tt the p.iluter'a art. shop in thkTkukv iiousk, C0UNKH OF COMMKItOIAL AVK.VUK AND K I 1 1 11' 1 1 HTItKK T, KINDLINTT SAVK TUOUULK AND KXl'MNSE. To lIoiiMkeeterHi Mlchnel Dawdwlll furnish Blum Viiemri l.'ix.l ling -nice, dry. alrovdy.cut wood in uny part of Hero is a way to siun Incilculabln tumble In your houseliol 1, Learn orders nt MrDaulcy's ding stoic, or ad dress tlieiii to Michael Dowd, through Iho pos,. olJlcc, Nov IC if r -d. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1S7L WAUOXS. WAGON MAN IJFAOTOltV. For Sale at WhoIcHale or llctail. COIINEII 32D..STHEKT AND OHIO I.KVLK, Cairo, Illinois. novlllf J. i. uamiim:. luitMri'iti:. K. S. II AHHKLL, DEALER IN FURNITURE (iUEKNSWAHK HOUSiJ FUUNLSHINO GOODS HAH KIXTUItKS, GLASS WA It i:, 18o & 187 Commercial Avenuo CAIItO. ILLINOIS. COAL. COAL! COAL! COAL! JAMES ROSS, ncALta ix OU QUOIN AND MOUNT CAKBON COAL! Commercial-av., Foot of Klevcutli-st. All Coal carefully welched at the yanl on Fair bank' tcale, FULL Wf.IOHT WAP.ItA.VTKI). Coil delivered on I lie horlet notice in any part of the tuy, either by the half ton, ton or car load. Leave order at the ollice on Commerclal.av. at the foot of Eleventh ureet. novlcd.Mn. IIUTCIIl-.H). CENTHAL MEAT MARKET. KOEHLER "& BROTHER Havcreopene I the POPULAR ItKVT MAICIiirr, COMMKIttIAK-AV., Iletwecn Mntli nnd Tentli Street. and will keep constantly on h.iud tne best meat slaughtered in the Cairo market. They defy com. petition. Ilivetheiii n trial. septSltf JAMES ICVNASTO.V, Hit teller nnd Dealer In nil ItlniU frei.Ii .'lent, Coata .S'lNciiixrii ai I'.h i.ak SnarT. CAIll), ILLINOIS. BUVd and slaughter only the very best rattle, hogs and sheep, and I prepared lo fill any demaod for fresh ineiK from one pound to ten thousand pounds. .Ici'Oif JAKE WALTEK, BTJTO ZEi IB JEl, 1VD PCALtC tx FRESH MEAT, Kiqhtii Stisket, Uetwf-kn Wasiiixoton and Commercial avknuks, Adlollllnar ItlttenlioiiMe A' llutiiiy'H. Keep Iho be.t or lleer, 'Pork, Mutton, Veal Lamb, Sausage, elc, and are prepared to servo oitlxena in the most acceptable manner. agSu NKJ.V IVItlTKK. CAUL L. TIIO.MAS, SIO-1T WBITEB uowprepa'ed to repoud promptly to nil de mands for hi services. SIIOI'-COK. 8TH-ST. AND Ct) MM EKOAI.-AV III tlie Perry lloune, CAIKO, ILLINOIS. novi-Wtl i.vsi'it.v.Noi:. ti'l TRIUMPH. THE TRIUMPH INSIJHANOE CO, til Cincinnati. issela.. rV",! ii on Solicit all klniUol rlk r, iiitttsN, Agent, Cjlru, ois. omu MII.L,IMHS. MRS. M. SWANDKH, DEALER IN MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Coinmerelal Ateinii', iiii.lle t'.lllo nud Ilitytliorn'H Caiuo, Illinois'. CLOTHING FOR LADIKS' VKAU Made to onler, or Heady-Made, Jlas received a full and cnniphdo slock of goods, the newest and eoiuplvtest in the Hly, An Im menso varily ol RIRRONS, LAOES AND l'RrN(!ES aha offer great liiiliiceuml tn her p.iliuiis uul all others toeall oiiher.uxamiue tin) prices, Htlea aad quality of her goods. MKIMC'AI., NKKVOl'S DKHILIIY, Willi 1 f M lrlnnmv i ...i.. . i !.. ,,pJ",'"Ioii,Iii volniiliiry emUsfon, !,..!.-. "V!"0,, .,l,""norrli-, Ioni ol inrfinieneii Iniprtenre mill IMIin- ' '"i liana lovereiirti euro in II inn. V.. " "meoiuiiiir rieelllc .No I ,,,',''!''"'Kl't. t'nmpo.ed of the inot vnlua , ""'n' iiratnc. tnoy strike a nn lent the rnnnl the miller, tone up the, tern, nrretthndi.chargc, and Impart vlgorsnd ni'r.-y, Me nnd vitality to the entire man. They Jivp cured thousand ofc.e. Price, fi per liackvgeiof flvebo-xe and n large ti via , which very Important , lti,te o? oid ca.e. or 1 iwr nul hi. Mn'. i.v hii .1...U..1.1. J ' H7,Jr1?'.";!i,',.Vl ',r.T''., Humplirey' Hper.1 Ho l omcopathio .Mediclno Co., ua llroid "nJ',:y , p. hciii'H. nugUhowawly Agent, Cairo, Illinol.. SIM ILIA SIM ILIHUSCUKANTUU iir.MiMini:v.s liOMKOPATIIIO SPECIFICS HAVE proved, from tho mot ampin cxper lenee, an i nllre uere: Kimpie Prompt l-.ttieif nt and Hellable. '1 Ley aro the only tni'Ji. cine perfectly Adapted to popular ue in im. Id" Hint milnki'cannnt be Hindu In uln theml fi i hurmle n lo Lo freo from danger, and so efficient ni i to (nt always reliable. They have nils ed the hlghel commendation from all, ami will a'way render satndjctlon. . Cent. 1, Cure I etera, congestion, Inflaminations.M -, W onus, wiirm lever, woim colic 2.1 3, ' fry Intr.colio or teething of infant...!! J. illrrlioen, of children and adult...!! n, " llyM-nler.v. griping. I.dious colic.'ii '. Cliolerii-iniirhu, vomltlnir.... 'il liolern. colds, bronchltii .......ii.J .Vciir..luln, lonthichp, faceache....!! lleiHliit'lie, sick hujdache, vertigo' !. H'iln' b.lion stomachc 4.1 Siiir'sMI, or painful periods...!! AVIiites, too profine period 'i Croup, cough, ditllciilt breaing,..'i1 Null Klieiini, Eryslpela, Eruption! 8, ,C in, II, 1-. 11, i: Yi' 1. PI, ), !1. -1 -, 2, I'eterimtl Ani, chill lever, agues.' Pile, blind or bleeding ... ) Oplitlili'iiiy, and sore or weak eyesUi Ciiiiireli, a'iiin or chronic, InriiienrjilV. . . ... . . . ..ii'iiniiiiiKi, rueiun.uc itains 'o ."-. ..!., IUi)IUCUIItfUS.J I Astlllna. minressed breathing ui I i:nr IHscliarue. Iiumilreil hearing.' Nerolnlii. enlarged glands, swclliugtM) tlenernl Itelillit-, physlcnl weak ne Ml iiromyand scanty Secretions to fm'ii nienness.sicKness rrom ridln So Iililno)'.)leae, Oravel 50 Aerioii IXhlllly, tinls- ona.lntoluntarr discharge.. .1 iio J it elloxi", wit one.' vial of powder very ne. earyr In serious cilies...i Sore Jlonlli, rinker SO I'rliinrv' M eiiKiiiks, wetting bcd.O l'n I ii I ii I I'crioilH, withspa.m AO !7 i. an, 31, 31, nn change of life.... 1 is) I.!illei.v,p.nin,.-t Vltus'dance.l no iiiiHiicriiitiic, eraieit ,oro llir at 50 FAMILY AHKS. tlfa.l tn tlo large vials, iniiriioni or rutcnnoil ease, eonliiliilnu; it Nteeilic lor ctery oiiillunr)- lls ensi'ii Ihinlly lstilijcet to, and liooks orillrecf Ion .....from MO lo S!J Smaller ninlly and Trn cIIiik c,. es, SO to 8stial irom Hii to Ht Specific fur all Private IHscasrs, loth for Cnrliii; and ror 'reten tive Ireuliiient, in vialsand pocnet eie lo 3 PUMl'S EXTRA CT Cure Burn, llruises, Lamcne., Soreness, Pore Throat, Sprala. Toochachc, Eirache, Neuralgia. Ilheumatism, Lumbago. 1'iles, Doll, Stings, Soro Eyes, Illecdlngof tlio Lungs, Nose, Stum, och, or of Piles! Corn, I'lcers, Oil Sores. Puce, 0 oi., 40 cts.j Pint. SLMij CJ iarls, JI TS. O0'The0 remedies, except Pond s Entract, by the case or single box, are sunt to any part nf thecouhlry, by mall or express, tieo ot charge, on receipt ol tho price. Aildres IIU.MPIIHh.Ys'Bi'ECIFlO HOMEOPATHIC MEUICINE CO. Office and Depot, .No. o.J llroadwav, New-Ynrk, FOIt SXLE I1V P. fcClll'H, CAIltO, Ills, auglitieowawlv A BOOK. FOIt TUB MILLION'. MAlUtlAOK A Private Coiinscloi lo thu Married or KUiiu.. i on tlio physiologica those ahpiillo luarrv I 'I mysterlcsund revelations of the sexual svslem with tiielatestdfscoierie in nroducinir nmf nre venting offspring, preserving tnecomplexion.Ac. Tlilv isiin interesting work of two hundred and twenty Icur pages, wltn uiiinerous engravings, and contain valuable information for those who am married or contemplate marriage; still it isn ill It isn and not tMiua unit uiiKlii lu lie uuuer iock nun hey laldcarelesslyaboiitthn house. tent to any one (free of postage) forM cent Address Dr. Hulls' Dispensary, No. p.', Eighth stle, I, SI. Louis, Mo. Noileeto the Allllcttil nml Unfortunate. before applying to tho notorious Quacks who advertise in tne public paper oruslng any (Juuck remedies, peruso Dr. Hint' work, no nmtler wfiat your disease is or how deplorable yuur con dltion. Dr. llutt can bo consulted, personally or at mall, on mentioned in hi works, office, No. Vi N. Eighth street, bet. Market and Chestnut St Louis Mo, imtidwlv LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. TIIK 0 It UAT SOOTUIN'O KEMKDY. 5Ir. I Cures colio and griping Price. Will I ( OMIPSJ In the bowels, and fa. I Sjrup, ) ciluales tho process of (Ceut l teeiniiig, j 'Subdues oonviilsltn i Prlre. and jvercomes nil ills- I 2,-, eases inefilrnt to In- f Cents. . funis and children, ) ' Cure diarrhea, dlsen. j Prlrr. tery and summer com. I i pUlntluelillilien ol nil f Cents. Mr. Willi ('O)I IPS S) rup, 31 rs. II 111! CO Jl IPS Syrup. V "g. J III theorem Infant's and Children's soothing lleinedy In all disorder brought mi by Tccllnng ornny other cause. Prepared by the flUAFTON MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. Sold by Druggists nn ealer In Mediemo everywhere. T.v7ili;m DR. RICIIAIJ'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Use theso only, and save time, health nnd money. $I,'mi reward lor nny case of disease, in any stase whn h they tail to cure. Dlt. R1CHAU S DOLDKN I1ALSAM, No. 1 and .', nro ,hn greatest nlter.itives kuou Dlt. HI()ll.l"SiiOLDEN EL1X1U D'AMOl'lt is the greatest tnnlo and astringent ir theined cnl list. nit's iiolden antidote Is the mil) reliable il.iiraiiu. These rrinedie mo not advcrllscd to ultra nl coiniilaliits, mm i beuelit noun; but ure guaranteed to tiled a uidieal nnd spredd eiiiu Inall eases for which lliey mo rt'coiuincmli'il, when all other treatment lias failed. Tens of llioii'iuuU yearly rccmer by their use, who bine lnt all hope, and been ppmuuuecil ns Incllikblu by the lu st of our medical faoultv, DU. IUCIIAU'SGOLDKN HAI.SA.M No. I, I'lircH ill ers, ulcerated soro threat and mmith.kore eye., cutaneous eruptions, lopper cnlor-d bhdehes. soreieis of the scalp, scrofula, etc. It la the greatest reiievalur. alterative and blood purifier known, reiinves all meicury Irom the ststeni, and leaves tho ldood pure and healthy. Dlt. ItlOHAU'.S GOLDEN IIAI.SAM, No. '1, cures mercurial allectious, rheiininlisin in all Its forms, nul gives, limiiod'nte reliefln it cites. Dlt. F.tOII.UJ'rl liOI.IIEN' ANTIDOTE, A radlcitl cure for ul urlaary der.ingeineiita Price, fl per bottle. Dlt. ltlOHAirs GOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOUH. A ridleal euie lor nervous or general debility, In old or young, iinp.utlng energy vtllli wonderfu ellrct. Pricn $5 pi r bottle, or two for 53. On receipt ol price, these remedie w ill he ship ped to nut place. Prompt attention paid to all coirespoti' i nt. Nouei'euuliie without ihn name of lilt. IIICII.VU'SOOLDE.N ItE.M EH1EH, I). II. IliciuiiKJ, sole proprietor," blown in gliss of bottles. Circular sent. Trade led as n liberal dis count. Addles. Dr. D, II, Itleharil, Vnrick-st., N.Y. WSend money by expris or order goods through yn(ir Druggist, utul you will meet with liiooss el?daw i PETE SMITH, j May be found at Heed A Muiiii'a from thu for I ward, Any wurli In tho i RLAOICSMITIUNG LINK will rwelve prompt nlleiitloii, Jhrte-MiCitinti, ' ami a gecsral Uacksiullliliig hutiuta carried on i (ilvo him u trial, -joyUlf. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASIIINGTON-AY. JIT K.fTKRPHINR. LlSHED Principal Ollleo 101 VT. Flftli St., Cln. O. TIIK ONLY IIELIAHLK OIFT KNTKKPitlSE IN THE COtiNTltVl Xj. ID. SIITE'S Eighteenth Grand ANNUAL DISTJUBUTION To be drawn Monday, January lt, 18T2. $200,000 OO IN VALUAHL E GI FTS Tao Grand Capital Prize l.p,ppp V AMI-.HICAN tlOI.Dl Five prize of l,(Jj Ten Prlnea ; each In fireanback. One span of Matched ltorr, with Family v.....i.ti uiiu .ii.rr'iniiunieii names l-ivn Horsea A Iluggui., with Silver-mount. ed llarni", worih ) Five Fine-toned IIoewood Piano, worth, each ! Family Sewing Machine, worthl'e.ieh''" m.i immiiold and silver Lever Hunting Watch- e tin ail), woilh, each, from Jtsitosoo Ladjea'tiold Leomlnn Chains, (lenl'a (lotd Vest Chain, Solid slid Double. Plated SMvnr Table ni tea.poon, rncuotrnpli Alliums, Jcweliy,etc. Hiioin niiiuner gins, si.tusi. Ticket limited to Agent wanleil lo aell Tickets to whom hern; premiums will be paid. SiErlotlckets t.'i six tickets!. 0: iwclvo ucko tlv, Iwentv-tlve !0 Circular containing a full lit of nrlze, n de jcrfpiionof the manner of drawing, and oilier in. feriinillon in reference lo tho distribution, will lie sent to any one ordering them. AMI Idler mut bonddres ed to i. pjini:. lu, sa. ur'e. Cincinnati. O. et 3'h st. novl-OilanSw PIAON. SIXTY-E1VE EI 11 ST 11UZE MEDALS AWARDED THE (I II EAT AL T I MORE 31 A X V FACTO It Y W.M. KNARE & CO., Manufacturers of nitANtl, SyUAItK AND UPItKIHT TPTJtJlXO FOBTBS IIALTIMOni:, MAUYLASD. These instrument lino been lieforo the publlo for nearly i)iiriyxrm mi ,if,n inir racefence alone attained nn NniurrAoial pntmincnet, which I'luuuumTi iiirill lllll'ipillieu IU TOXK, TOUCH, WOItKMAKSUll' And DUKAUIL1TY. W All our S'inare hnno have our new Now Jm proved Oveistrung Scale ntd the Agraffe Treble S- o would rail special attention to our lain Patented Improvement In Huano Pmnos and Syciiii: (iutsrs, found In no other- Piano, which brings tho Piano nearer perfection than ha yet been attained. KVEUY PIANO FULLY WAP.UANTED FIVE YEARS, Illustrated Catalogue and Prico Lists promptly furnished on application to tV.M. H.v.vm: a co., lUi.TiMfiur, Mn, Or any or our regular established agencies, oelOf odswCm mikci:m,axi:oin. HIDES! EURS I! PELTS! II 33 "U IB 2ST BIT &c CO. Have opened a Hide Storo In Thornton's Itloek Tenth street, whern the highest cash prico will bo paid for Hides, Sheep Pells, Furs and Tal low. w0Hi ,y higher price than wa eter bo- foropald fur tho samu articles n this city. Coiuo and see us, oclCtf HUIINETT A CO' 1IOOICS. J KLarJBBS. afTak-. T -V..VTIII I III ii - u A ti V w i; i" c ? . -a g 2 c (t wi u it 2 -2 3 s C K 2 S 5 55 S 3 B 7. " a g 3 o f- H S 3 73 V tn c o P5 o o y, y, n w 'A O S-4 H w y, o eH H H (ft 3 rtniviitii's. I. & E. GREENWALD. MiNvrACTi'uttH nr earn Knines, Boilers, ' ' Flour ood Onsl Mills, Baw Milts, Tlio "Tuppet" Patent 0il MA0UlNEHYr'Oll QKNEUAL PUItl'OiE, OINOINNATIIOUIO. L owdear HITA'IAI, NOTICES. "ATCIIEI.OKHIIAIRDYE. -Perfectly lrmle KellaM, nl lnth.ntou. No dlsappolnliiiorit. No Itldlculous Tlnta or t)n pleaant Odor. The genuine W. A. Ilachelor'a jMir Dye produce. IMMEDIATELY a spUndid Illnrk or natursl nrown. Doe not 8min tho Skin, but leave the Hair Clean, Soft and Ueautl. fill. Tho only Safe ind Prrfrct Dye. Sold by all druggist. Factory in Uond Street, ?ew Vrrk lanvtbleodAwly ON MARRIAGE. llappyrelierioryoiingmen from tho etlcctao erro' and abuse In early lifn. Jlanhood re. stored. Nervous .'(I illly curod. Impediment to marriage, removed. New method of lri. ment. New and icmnrkablo wnedle. Hooka and clrrularsent free. In sealed envelopes. Ad dre. ItoW.MlD ASSOCIATION", NO. 2 .South MnlhSt., Philadelphia., Pa ocLliUvrlf AVOID QUACKSJ A victim of early indiseretion, cniisingncrvoua ilebillly, ireruaiure decay, etc., having tried In ovcry advertised remedy, ha discovered slmplo mean of self-sure, whleli ho wilt send freoto III fcllow-sullerer. J. II. Uecvcs, No 7rt Naaii street, New York. aug2lwly CONSUMPTION". ITSCiritK AND ITS PREVENTIVE RY DR. J. H. SCIIENCK, M. D. r37-TIIE CAUSE AND CCUE OF CON-bU-MITION. Tho primary causo of Consump tion 1 derangement of the digestive organs. This derangement produces doUclcnt itntrltlon and as. Imllalloii, Ily nsslmllitlun, Hist proccs by which tho mslrfrnent of l!io food l converted Into blood, and Ihcnco llilo tho solid of llio body. Persons with dl 'esllon thus lniialrcd, having' tho lightest predisposition to ptilmomry illfcarc, or If tlicy take cold, wilt bo very liab'.o to liavo Con tiimptlon of tho Lungs In somo of It forms ; and I hold that It will lo Impossllito to cttra any casa of Consumption without rift restoring a pood itlgcjtlon and hcaIlliyn.lniilatlori, Tho very fint thing to bo ilono I to clcnnso Iho stomach and bowels from all diseased mucus and sllmo which aro clogging these organs so that they cannot per. form their functions, anil then ronso up and ro itoro tho liver to a healthy action. For this pnr poie, tlio surest nnd best remedy Is Schcnck'a Mandrake Pill.. Theso Pills clean tho stomach and bowels nt nil tlio dead and morbid (lima that I causing dlic.iso nnd decay In tho wholo system. They will clear out the liver of all diseased bllo that has accumulated there, and nronso It up to a new and healthy nctlon, by ulilcU natural and healthy bllu Is secreted. Tho stomach, bowels, and Uvcraro thus cleansed by the uso of Schcnck'a Mamlrako Pill ; but thero remains In tho stomach an excess of acid, tbo or gan Is torpid and tho appetite poor. In tho bow els, tho lacteal aro weak, and icrmlrlng strcagth and support. It 1 In .1 condition Ilka this that Schonck'a Seaweed Tonla provca to ba tho most valuabla remedy ever discovered. It Is alkaline, and Its usa w IU ncutrallzo all excess of acid, mak ing tho stomach awect and fresh; It will glvo permanent tons to this Important organ, and cre ate n good, hearty appetite, and prepare tho sy tern for tho first process of it good digestion, onrl ultimately nuko good, healthy, living blood. Af tor this preparatory treatment, what remains tc euro most caics of Consumption I tho frco and pcrscverlnj uso of Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup. Tho Pulmonic Syrup nourishes tho system, puri fies tho blood, and Is readily absorbed Into tho circulation, and thenco dlitrllmtcd to tho diseased lungs. Thero It ripens all morbid matters, w hcth c r In tho form of abscesses or tubercles, and then atilsts Nature to expel all tho diseased matter la the form of frco expectoration, when onco It ri pens. It Is then, by tho great healing aud purify ing proportlc of Schcnck'a Pulmonic Syrup, that all ulcers anil cavities aro healed up sound, and my patient Is cured. Tho essential thlnjtobe dono In coring Con 'l"i I' i" re n fm( nppetfto and n good dlge-tlon, eo that tho body will grow In flesh and rcisirong. nn person nas diseased lung, n car- liy ity or abscess thero, tho cavlly cannot heal, tho matter cannot ripen, so long as too system Is he low par. What Is necessary to euro Is a new or der of things, n good appetite, a good nutrition, tho bdy to grow In flesh nnd get fat: then Na tnro Is helped, tho cavities will heal, tho matter will ripen aud bo thrown on" In largo quantities, nnd thu parson regain health and strength. This Isthotruo and only plan to euro Consumption, and If a person Is very bad, If Iho lung are not entirely destroyed, or even Ifono lung Is entirely gone, If thero Is enough vitality lei' fii tho other to heal up, thero Is hope. I liavo seen many persons enred, with only ono sound lung, nvo ami epjny lire to n good old age. This Is what SchencU's Medicines will do to euro Consumption. They will clean out tho stomach, sweeten and strengthen It, get up a good diges tion, and glvo Nature tho assistance slio needs to clear tho system of all tho dlseao that Is lu tha lungs, whatever tho form may be. It la Important that, whllo using Bchcnck's Medicines, earn should ha exercised not to Into cold; keep In-door In cool and (tamp weather; avoid nlght-alr, and taku out-door exercise only Inn genial and warm sunshine. I wish It distinctly understood that when 1 re commend rt indent tn ho careful In icgnrd In tak ing cold whllo Using my medicines, 1 do so fur a special reason. A man who has but partially ro sovered front tho i llVct of a bad cold Is r mora liable to A relapse than one who has been entirely cured, mid It I precisely tho samo In regard to Consumption. So long ns Iho lungs are not per fectly healed, Jnt so long Is there imminent dan ger of a full return of tho disease. Ilenrottls tint I so strenuously caution pulmonary patlcnta ngaln't evposln themselves to nn atmosphere that Is not genial and pleasant. Confiimed Con sumptives' lung nro n mass of sore, which tha least chiugo of atmosphere will tnilame. Tha grand secret of my success with my medicines couslit 111 my ability to shIhIuo Inflammation In stead of provoking It, n many of tho (acuity do. An Inil.imed lung cannot wllh safety to the pa t lent b. exposed in tho biting blasts of winter oi t ho chfllln,' lipid of firlng or autumn. It should ho carefully shielded from all Irritating in fluences. 'Ihn utmost caution should lo observed 111 this particular, ns without It n ruin under ef. most uny cliciimslaiircs Is nu Impossibility, The person should bo kept en a tvholooinoand nutritious diet, and all tho mullclnes continued until thu body hn restored to It tha uaiuraj quantity of flesh nnd strength. I wa myself cured by this treatment of tha worst kind of CoiiMimpllnii, nnd liavo lived tn pet fit and hearty theso ninny jenrs, with ono lung mostly gone. 1 cuied Ihnnsjii'ils since, and very many havo been ctuvil by this treatment whnnt I h ivo net er seen. About tlio Ut of October, I expect to take pos rcsslon of my new building nt tlio northeast cor ner of Sixth aud Arch Stucts, whcralshall bo pleased to glvo ndvico to all who may require It. Full directions accompany all my remedies, ri that a person lu any pari ef iho world can bo read t,' cured by n strict observance of I hu same, J- II. S('Hi:NCK M.D.. Phlljdcluhhv llUltLUUT&EDSALL 32 Lttko-stroot, Chicago, 'Wholesale Aguuts .MII.1.IXKHV. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE I MKS. 0. McG-EE, KlClllTH STRKKT, I1KTWEF.N WASHINGTON -AND COMMKUCIAL AYKNUK8, lias just received a full and tplundtd line oi . NEW GOODS Dress trimming, llk gimps, silk galoon, gu. pure laces, moss trimming', crocket button, sill; aud velvet buttons, and trimming vel vet, hat and bonnets, tine kid gloves, ladles' aud clilldrena' shoes, and a urn im uompieie ii Millinery mid Taney Goods, All of which tho proposes to sell at VKKV LOWEhT MY1M1 CASH PIllCIB. JOB PHINTINO. Til undersigned, proprietors ol the Utitv sad Wits it IH'iiirm. liavo Just received an assort ment ot tho latest styles of Job Printing tyres, and bava now one of the most complete lobomcri In the South and West, They ttaitsr themselves that thsy possess laclllllea for turning out tuotntitly. in tha best stvle ol the Arr. all work entrusted to them, from iho smallest card or label lo th mammoth pottsr, and at pri which leavo wllh our business no good fi ll sefor sanding their oik to St. Louis, Cih Cblaato. J.NO. It. OBEtttlf 4. 0