Newspaper Page Text
TUB MAILS. arrive, nrrinr North, Through 2:0on,rn. -.oop,m " Way 2:20 p:m. lljCl p.m South, Wny 12.15 too p.m " Through N.O., Mom. phi and Columbus 2.30 p.-m Olno Hirer route, (except 4;00p.m, Mondavi imp.m. 0.00 p.m Iron Mountain It. It 2:30a.m. ll:p..n. Mlf, Hirer tontii, Tuesday nnd Friday " I'-'"' Thcbts, Ooonn Island A Bnntn Fe, llli., Thursday A Fri day I fcWip.m. Maytleld, Illandvillo nnd -.11.1. .nil Uveliire, Ky U-.Wn.m. I.nop.m, orricr. iioirs. General Delivery 7i.T)a.iu, (Sundays 8 to 0 a.m.) Money Order depaatmcnt :) a.m. Register " " " " fuWn.m, CO) , Mm p.m. Money Ordor nnd Iteijsler department open on Sunday. SECRET OIlDEItS. THK MAHONB CAtao Omjuxnmv, No. l.X Slnlcl Aom-mM, tl the Aiylum MaMinii Hull, (lrt and third, Hn.. urdara In each month Cairo Cockcil, No. 21, Hegular Conroralionat Mwionlc Hall, the neennd Friiliy In each monih Cairo Ciumi.b, No. 71. itegular Convocation t Masoniollall, imthcthlrdYued.y or every month. duo Ixiwr, No.2.17 F. A A. M Itcgular Com. munlcation nt Masonic Hall, the .ecoiicl and fourih Moiulnj. cl each month. iult iim, Jo.ra I . A. .n. iwKiuar wm- munlenlionn at Monlo Hall flrnt anil third Thursday! In ench month. TIIK ODI-FKI.!.OW(l AtriAiDta tOMr, Sil. Meet" In OddFello;'a. juii, in Ann iiuiuing, erery -iimriuiay in?, at 0 o'clook. OUR CHURCHES. ltEHIm:itIAN-i:ihlli.treet. I'tfAclilna, fcblmlli at Wt a. and Vt r. x I'rayer rneellng, Wednesday at 7H r. . Vundny Sell jol, 3 r. . J. M. I.aniden, Huper- IntendenU lie. v. C. II. Fooic, 1'utr. ill.TllOIUbr-Cor. KikMIi and Walnut ht. 1'rearlilox, BabLatli Vyt a. M,,and 7 r. x. I'rayer meeting, Weilneaday, 7,1;'. x. Sund.iy Hohool .3 r. . I.. V. Htllnell, rtuper intendent. Iter. K. L.Tiiommon, I'ailor. CllbliCII OK Till: ItUUEKSlEItHKplKOpAl) Horning prayer. Hahhatli V)i a. m. Krenlng pra)en.H!r. SabbkHiBchooljA. m. Her. Ma. Cua, I'.flor. . PATItlCK'd CHL'KCII-Jor. Ninth Hi. and Washington Avenue. iubll(Bnrce,imUtlifand 1U,- a. x Veipern, 3 r, M. Junday Bchool, i r. m. errlc etery day, ti y. h. Iter. P.J. O'lItLiuatx, l'rlcM. DUNfl MKN'd CHRISTIAN AtHOClAIIONKfX- 'nlar maetloR aecond Monday eacb month at tie ,1'rayer room of the. Preabytenan Church; Weekly I'rayer meeting, Friday, 7 r, ., at (he I'rayer room of the I'retbyterian church. C. I'ar.05, l'reldent. fii Cedar. twrice., Uabbath, 11 a. m. Hunday Bohool, r. x. Cuilr. m. FreachinK.7 r. m. Iter. Win. Jackion, I'aito ilECONO FltKH-WILLIlAITlbT-Fifteenth HI. .between Walnut and Ceitar. Srrice UabUth, y, and 3 r. m. Iter. N. ltira,l'utor. AF.F..WII.1. lurriSTIIOME MlSrtUJ.n hUN DAT HC!iuOl,-Corner walnut and Cedar 8t. Hunda, Hchool, 0 a. m. HIST FUEE WILIj IIAITIST CHURCII-Cur- ry Uarracki. Ser 3erTtce, rabtalh 11 a. n., 3 r. m. and ' r. M. fiaSTMHiSIOS-AUY HAI'llST ClluilCH-Het- ween linn ana 11th etrerti, uearCelar. Yref.Mnf babbatli 10'; a. ., and 7.'; Prayer Meeting. Wednemlaycrenln(. I'reachlnft, Fridar erenlnu. KabUthS-hool, 1 r. x. John Van 1 Uaxter and AJarr hlenhen. sni,erui.i,j.i. Iter. 1 J. Simti.-. STATE OFFICERS. STATE OKFICKRS. .Ttrnor, John M. Palmer ( leuUnam-Oorernor, John Dougherty t cretaryof State, Edward Hummel l AndiUirof State, C. E. I.ipplncott ; StiuTreamrer, E, N. llate i Supl. Public Intruutlon, Newten Uateman. CONGKKSSMKN. entor-l.yman Trumbull and John A.Logan. lUprejentatlre for the Flat- at Urje-Vacancy. Kenreientatlre Thirteenth Di.trkt-John it Bepresentatlre Creb. 'MEMBEUS OENEUAL ASSEMBLY. RAn.tnr.. i.t Dlntrlct-T. A. E. Holcomb, ot ii.i.. nn,m K. ni'non.of Gallatin. Representee, 1st Wtrict-H. Watson Webb! COUNTY OFFICERS. CIUCUIT COCItT. Judge D. J. Hiker, of Alexander. F. McCartney, ol Prosecuting Attorney ... Ma-iac. Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. Harnian. Bhenfl-A. H. Irvln. Wm. Martin, Asiesaor and Treasurer. COUNTY COUKT. Judge r. Dross. Asioclatcs-J.-.K. McCriteand S. Marehlldon. Clerk-Jacob O. Lynch. Coroner John II. Ooasman. MUNICIPAL "OOVERNMENT . Mayor John M. Lmsden. Treaiurer J. U. Taylor. Comptroller-E. A. Ilurnetl Clerk-Michael Holey. Marshal Andrew Cain. Attorney-F. II. Pope. - Police Magntraloa F. Ilront and 11. Bhao nessy, Chiolot Police U 11. Mycra t.iic fionmables-JohnBhethan, (day), an Jos. II. Velrrun andJ.W. Sumner, (night.) SELECT COUNCIL. Mayor John M. Lansden, First Ward-P. O. Schuh. Hoeond Vfard C. H. Woodward. Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward S. Stoats Taylor. Clty-at-Large W. P. Hiilllday and D. Hurd. HOARD OF ALDEUMEN. FllHT WAIID-Jamcs Hearden, Leo Klob, Isano Walden. ECONOWAItK-lt. II. Cunningham, E. Under, Ilemy Winter, Jms Hwayne. rillRD WAUD-Wm. Btratton, Patrick FlUgetald OURTII WARD-Jamea Carroll,; O. H.Scaie, J.II.Motcair. Time of MeeUint. IITV COl'NCIl. rh City Council meets In Joint s;'s'V" "n, . j.. .ven Inir precejliig ino nrai ...m.., Mchmoath. mfCT i..oini rnimcil meets on tho lirst Wednex- i mi..,lav. niler tint second Monday III uny aim ach monlli. iu.ii B0AB1I Or ALPERMf.N ....... nn.r.i nf Aldermon meets en the (Its Monday atid Tuesday in every month. COMMITXKKS OV TIIK COUNCIL. On fi(rcfi Messrs, Taylor, Welder, Winter, ood' and MetcaH. DraiiKis-Messrs.Cunnlngliam.Schuli, Mtrger ld, Bcaso and nalUday, W-Mesrs. "Wood, Cunningham and Kleb. lUct ol Jni-Mossrs. Carroll, Buder and Woodward Ord(Kane-MossrB. Benso, Walder and 1 aylor. Jitn Deparlmtnt-Uttitu. Hearden, Bwayne and mday, ?A;iPMV.VrVt SS -. "i .sf"? ' . . , a.l,ith U'.nln. fTl(l I) . THE BULLETIN. I'tilillrallmt oilier, Ilnliclln llnlltllii imiiinB(oii Aicinir-. COMMERCIAL. TmnwiiAV Evknino, Nov. 23. TIia u-..,.il.. r... .. .1... . , 'vn.uwi. iui u uny or two. II ns line OtCro lor tlln anntnn nnil fill. ..aL .--..uw.., .in? UVUIIIIIi; WU lect nnd rnln. lint rmtwiiVi.1,,,,.11.,.. .i.t. Itln I I. . . .. . li,8 .uu uiiuini nmrKui ii nctivc, nnd pros pects for Increased bmlncsi nro enconr. ftfilriL'. Tho denifind for grnln, Hour nnd "inu irnuo la conirmriillvoli brisk. Countrv nrodurn I mtlvn nmi miu J. FLOUR Tho ilnimmil r.,r of favorite briinds for ililpmcnt Is. pood nt UM i" -. a no oruor una local demnnd j Miinu ntui broken loti go oil' slowly Hales were : ibo b ill. furious Crudes 7o8 00 . uun, .uiMiin iiriiue, on . orders t C08 r.o 300 Mils. Low Siincr iw iiiiij. ntipar..,., 100 MiIk. J.ow A lr.n l.i.i. i ..... v v v fi 40 u I) Ann 1.1,1 IM.r.'i- i U,U Jr'"'I'l' 1 1 AV'irvfp ui . 'f.A 1 .'shows moro nnit lut'UIon nro iiticlmnircd. Hales wr-ro II tar Hu.Sl (lirinc l 97 3 run No. a iprlng l .tju1 33 o car apring, III facks (nckf 111 viuueuucuvorL'U 1 37 UltAN. Salot wcro . 1 enr. In lacks $20 00 200 hxqU, dolivortd 20 00 COUN. The market 1. irnod. nnd nrieot a ... a . s aru iirm. .-saic wero 1 car .Mixed, in bulk, from itoro lie 3 " "White. " on trmk lOe.ilOn 300 tackl del 68tnC0e 180 " " on orderii. from ulurn f.On OAT.S. Tho mnrU'et I. pnnter. holdnri nro unwilling to mnko nnv (.onp!ii- ilon in price, und buyer to-d.iv nro hold- i"K oaiei were 135 socks (second btnd. dul 10c lie I 2c 42c 12c tiro j J0 " "... 1 car, In inckf. " .... 4 " from itoro In iki CO lacki " " HA V. 1 nctlvo. (looil minlltlen in demnnd nt qtiotntlon. Sn lei wero 3 car lied Ton.del. S18 00al8 CO 3 .Mixed 10 00 n 20 00 l'J CO n 21 00 20 00 " Choico Allied del... " Timothv "... " Choico Timothy "... " j'rimo " "... " Choico " 20 00 20 00u2l 00 23 00 23 CO demand und JlUTTKK.-(;oo.J is In pricci arc firm. Sak-1 were 10 pkiji, Oimmoii V " Northern 10 tubs, " 100 lb., Gilt Edge, Nor. Itoll rOUJritY. Chlekom nr., .lull. Tur- kcyi in demand. Sales were 1 doz.cluckcni ?3 00 30 doz. mixed do 1 GOa 3 00 Odoz. turkoyi 13 00al6 00 MKAL Is in active demand, at mints. tioni. Salei wore 100 bbli. itcam dried, delivered 2 85 100 do. kiln dried, do 1 DO CO do. green meal, do 2 75 lOOdo. kiln dried, on orders, do. 1 00 200 do. city steam dried 2 00a 3 00 Al'I'LES. Firm Arnuiet. Snlei worn 100 bbli. in small lots, on orders, $3 S0u4 POTATOES. Salos wers- 10 bbli to 7C 1000 lbs Clear Side &Jc COO " Shoulders c 1 cask Clear Sides 81c CIDKlt.-Eindi rcudv sale at 13 00a 8 CO per bbl. Sals wero 10 bbli a i,u GAME. The market is well supplied. .Sales wero 1 deer, per lb 10c C doz Quails SI Kabb U J ou SUNDIUKS. 1 bale of cotton, weight COO lbs o lGc; COO lbs. I)rv hides, JSc; 2 cars of Vinegar, 25c ; 1100 Dundee?, 23c; 5000 Hurlap, (corn), uuvicis, iojc; fr .. . unlon' u-i men uuriaps, -ojc; ou uui. m THE KOI.I.OWIXU AIIKTIIK W "'.'' NAI.I. l-lll; ia aai. ji.iiiin.ii t'HIIH FIKNT 1IAMIS. OST OltllliltS, 1KNMAI.I. I.OTN, HIUIIKlt I'lUCKrl Ml'NTIIK l'AIII. lllllirr i Choice .-2-Tc to 27c i uruinary .. jo lien .I'll Prime While UaoiceNsry Common itrnom. I Common Home, per doi .2 2Sto 2 60 .i.. In .-.J 75 to 3 25 u II " 5 ID to 6 60 liefritx mm biiiiu.ti Heeswax JSi to 4 I Tallow.... 7 a .Jj a iiiiuii1.! UicU V lb 17J1 to 1M I Fancy V H.-...2J to 3. lum liroiis....-to:ii 'lie'o: New Vork FactorylC!-,tot7 I Uluolc cliolcelCJ , al. Extra tine Soda V lb...7 I Eola ib llutter VAv nc y; riirHrrM i ... oo ..GUc Mugar.. ....11 10 l.w uinger M.M.,,.. t'OlTi'I't to 15 Java JlVto35 Lnguayra..., . 2U25 2la25 Ulo Prime to utioico I'luur Choice Family...? 00a w) XXNX 7 SO . li a tii vr i.ii muz f,u ""' 'Jl'." ... ' 'l'iMtn'1 111 Corn Mta. K.,iipcr uiu......-.........."... - - ' Oiilnim nul ltnlocJ Onions 2i5 a 250 I'otatoe.perliblS MjJ 07 I'rovlnlona t IiAItl In tierces per Hi refined.. I. kn. d 0i to 1 12Kio 1 I ....... " i.. 1-iUt.i lu '""'7.,rv .. Oto 10 Hhouldera bacon r.? Clar sides " J'i Kibbeu citnin V.,ur lirlonn. TirlmHtochuICO UV.t0 1K3 .. . . . . ... oiniAii- : ....-. I'nrto woo, euuice 'Tft Extra i: MX ' " 11 . fllrtA A. I'ni.lip.l and Powdered..... to 15 ,r....,i,i....l lt!ti RVUUP.4 Common.. IAIIUVJ 71 Ii ew uiieuua Golden Iliirilwiiri-t ron Common Harty- Mule " " " " llnw Hlevl U 111 3LC 7 60 I Spring Hteel, Kngliih V lb..... 11 toiao White No 1 h'f bb!...7 60 'J'nilllNo 1 li'flit 1... f.0c Herring l.aK n-i oui Herr'L' " tlbxtu touoc atacf etei ;o ., an . I 75 to 2 25 , 1 60 to 1 75 ,. .. 3 .. 1 115 to Oq TOUIICCO! Virginia bright ptr Ib till tWIMl do do half bright per lb do black pur lb Flue cut chewing perlb Virginia smoking do Common do do .iii.i do 1 oo 1 CO 70 to H'e M) to G5C IKI to 1 25 05 to I 11) nu to ic ! 110 to 10 80 " TttHN I mtierial , lutoliu I (iunpowder 1 10 to 1 ion to 1 3U I Japan unc'l'd .Infnntf hlHCk Vnnnu llvu'n 1 111 to 1 401 ' uiiii.. nini l.liiiiorsi IIRANDY-Ilennessy per gal best 7 10 M.i.iinlln 11 U) wiNE-i'ort .i:;r,"r, riierry - ; n.itnwtii. 2 Ml Ciaret per cases JO' WHISKY Uectilled 85 to l it) jiouruuu 3 10 live . 2 75 I to Wkeat new , High Wlnis. nni flllltl liirlans. Ounnies Twine Twine Flax Twite Iletnp...2sto ..GOo Twine, Paper. carriage Dpi ingacnmiiiuu Viu ',; iliP. 13th. 1801, and recorded III Hie lleconier'B omce, . . ...... ....... " Warranteil " 18(4loUiO f''l tor Alexander countv. in tho Htatecfllli- Kanawha Per bbl....2?;. 'airy pr LU 3 Wto UO !.n0ir,.kIl',Sf,St'. the PRACTICAL am TinViiinVl triin. loan Second .lay of December next, A. 1. 1S71, at 10 'f'n lb I M lBt r,cu o'clock In tho lorenoou n f that day. under and by Cured " "t.0.lll I''1''11':: :,Vi iVi virtue of tlm power nf 8 o contained In said (Ireei. Calf V l.l2Ka I Sheep pelts oa 21 (ol 00 J rlu j; Jlt limo ml,,nn, to the hlgheet Cured ' " lul,U, , bidder, for cash, at the nllici. building of; said I THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nt 1871. WHOLESALE CROCEItfl. R. SMYTH & CO., WHOLESALE OIIOCEKS, OHIO L E V K K OAIIIO, II. blNOIS, A'sn, kiep constantly on hand a moil com plete stock of iiio,Tj-o:es- BCOTCH AND iniSIt W1I1SKIKS -(i I N 8,- Port, Madcrln, Sherry and Catnwba Wines RHHVT1I A CO. sell excluslrely for cash, to which fact they Inrltn the especial atlen. Special attention given to Filling Order rtmxiTVRE. SAVK TWKNTY PKIt CKNT II y Imylog your IF1 TJ 3ST I T TJ E3 EICHHOFF BROS., PUllNITUItK fautoky,: M'likliliiRfoii-iiv., .Vrnr ('oliim llone CAII'.O, II.I.I.VOI81 Me... ElChhotI In Inrnrm Ik itlzena of Ctlro that Kiev fin (niiiiilnniitplnis all kinds or " "' LAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE And hare now on baud and for sale, at Wlinlmnl nnil Itclxlt II klnk, and wll continue tc keep at their 8ALKA P.OOM.s, IN THKII. NEW HUILDXNO, Ererr dlscriptlon of cheap nnd costly turnliure, luchas njfarred Bediteals, WJIarUe Topped Hurram, r3ldctinrd, Washstanils. J-W.irdroU", Sol Chairs, nj.-iofa. and Malraaes, S-Loungf'.eto , etc., Which they will guarantee to sell TWENTY PER CENT. LOWER Than they can be liought from any other dealer in me city, une mem cu uu ru"ij f y 1 en. I'AIXTH, OILfs.rtr- tRKllt. a. r. SLAKE PARKER & BLAKE, t WALL PAPER, PAINTS, IMitty-, lteiiilno, fliiNollne, WI3STDO"W &LASS. WINDOW SHADES, And the celebrated illuminating AURORA OIL. llllOSS' UUII.DINU, COIl. llTII-ST. 4 COM MF.nCIAT.-AV., Cairo, Illinois. aug26tf NOTICE i i.nrAl.v -iven thut i efAult havini- been mail fur more tnsii sixiy unjs in inn pujruin i nnrtion of the amount secured to be paid by ,rtuin innrtnaca executed by Alinarine Halli to BatnuelBtaats Taj Inraud Edwin Parsons, trus trustees, corner or Washington avenuo aim mm street. In thecily of Cairo, in Alexander county and Stale id lllluols.lnt nuiiib?rc.l (twenty.twoi in blink Iii the r rst Additlot, tos.ld city ol Ciuui, accoru lug iu uie ri-orded therein, with the appurtenance to satisfy the puri an' and condltliiu ol said molt. K""': .... v uti ,.,,.eU a, r"-""."'"VA.KTAYl.Olt, EDWIN I'AHHON', Tiulees urilieO.ilinCIIV Property. I I'OllMUCIEN. I. & E. GREENWALD. m.mta Ti'i'.i a or earn E ignis., Holler-., Flour oud llrisl Mill', Saw Mills, Tho"Tuppei' Palnilt.iat lai I to sou MA01IINKItYlfOU OKNERAL I'UUl'OSKl, CINCINNATI OHIO. IV UENEItAI. AQKNTH. IIALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS FOHWAllDINU and COMMISSION M E It t! II A NTH DEALERS IIS FLOUR; And A enls of Hil Itlter mill Kminnlin SIjO? COMFA1TIESI 70 Ohio Lf.vke, CAIHO, lLI.INOIb" ) I.NVnAN'E, . II. VIORKIf , Nutary Public, 11. II. CANUKK No. Pub. pu.l r.H. Ccui." HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK, CCIDENT, LIFE, .ETNA, IIAHTFOKD, Aset . l.M .,50! 07 NORTH AMERICA, l'A., Assets,. 2,783,000 0C llARTl'ORD, CONNn 2.MI.210 li I'HCKNIX, HAKTFOItl), - l,78l,U8 80 INTERNATIONAL, N. V., 1,333,398 17 , IW.MI W Assets,. Assets.. Assets.. Assets., CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND, Assets. 51i,73 88 HOME, COLUMUUi", Assets . ..&15.278 t) AMinlOAM CSUTIUl, II O, rjft m VI suets v,vw w CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Assets JO.tsju.ouow. TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Assets i.nw.wijw, RAILWAY PA8HENOERS ASSURANCE CO. HARTFORD, Assets 400,000 1. INDEPENDENT, HOhTON, ssets. l,8C2 C8 S AFFORD, MORRIS & CAN DEE, 71 Ohio I.SMH", City National Hank. CAIRO, 11.1.. FIRE AXD MARINE COMl'ANIKSi XIAOARA. N. V.. Asse tl,r.0,21C2r, (1ERMANIA, N. Y., HANOVER, N. Y., Axsef. ... .1,088,721 73 ,.72H,8C2 00 Aets - IiKl'UllI.IC. N. Y.. Assets 711,9-25 0.- Comprising the Underw nfera' Agency. YONKKRK, N. Y., Assets oip.ii.i i- AL1IANY CITY. Asset .isi 2) firemen's FUND, t. '., Assets 'I78, mnmilTY. V. Y. MARINE. Asseta. '.1-K." 00 rs-rnuv T),nff.. Knriiltiire. Hull, nnd Cat J5 goea, 'insured at rales as faioiable a sound. permanent sccuritv win warrani. 1 respectlully ask ot the cltir.ens of Cairn, Bhateol theh patronage. ,. OtTlee-at First National WATCHMAKER. II. IIOUPT, 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Ha un liniid A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS .lEWKI.RY, ETC. pur ii'iilm .K' i'" ' ' t"v " "' REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. The lrg-el l'-k ' GOLD AND SILVElt WATCH hi? IN Till I 11' PET H SMITH. May bo found nt Heed A iHmii's f H r ward. Any work lu the 11LAOHSMITH1NG LINE will receive prompt attention, llortt-Shotiiig, and a general l.laek-nilthlnK business carried ntovi:.s. ti.wvaiu:, ETf, A. HAL L K V, DEALER IX STOVES, ,Tln and Hollow Ware. Clothes Wringers Tolle. re, vom noqii, r ire snoreis, Airuaiei. MAMTACTtxra or TIN, ZINC. COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. Xo. 1GG "Waaliington-avenuo, CM 110, 1LI.I.NU1S. Wllooflnir (liitlerinir. and all kinds oflnb teblrlif fOtk done nl .Imtte.l notice. IIOIUCN. w o 3 7 'A o as w a S a y. H J) v 72 -3 C jt o o u 2 'A 'A v3 m 'A 'A O 'A O A IS tmvus. BARCLAY BROS.. 74: OHIO LEV EE, CI60, Ili.h DBTJGG-ISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS IN I I LL UHkt at haiiclayV iiuuh sioiti FRru Ft ri Lv, IM11.1. ALL RrAtlV lull l(E WirilUlT IBOl'ILE AT ItAUOLAYh' II i: i. m ii o 1. 1' GRAPE 1APE ( CATAWUA ) f GRAPE ) PILLS J CATAWUA l.-l OIlAl'F. I APE l CATAWUA ) J t GRAPE ) PILLS OR AND All OT MEi..ttBoi. n'H Mi:int:ixi:s FRESH FROM FIRST HANDS, Always In stock In large supply, and for salaty (llarclny Brow. JUST RECEIVED ASP urSitloliy tlitIliiNN Eotllo orC'nllou AT BARCLAYS'. IoTExtua Fine Coloonej 8yGKNUiNE Imported Extracts; figyllAiu, Tooth and Nail Brush ks figylNDIA RUUIIKU NURSERY' Ooa AT BAECxiAY BROS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Hot grade lu large stock and va riety, very cheap! Full Link of Color, IIBV ANO IN OIL i Paint llrildies, Whllewath P .lsh ?h Varnishes Liiihi'.d Oil, Tuipeiitine, Etc, etc., ALL KINl'A AM) STANHARII 0.1'AIITirS At Bakolayh'. Oil. UA.N. In assortment ol pai kid lor shipment, on. and freight, by jj rug and Taint I. . : WI.VEN AND I.iaCOIU. 'l"."3r."s"TO"0KTl,KT si'ccxssoa rontr. a STocurmn nrcflrjrr nnil WlioIfHnIi Drnlrr 1'orvlKii nutj DontrNtlc W1XES AXD LIQUORS. No. C2 Ohio Levee, CURO, ILLINOIS. TT?.k''P,0n.hand constantly a full stock o iuM.?r,!.",cV. Ito"on. Ilyo and Mononga ; e, French llrandlcs, llollan.l oTn, llhlnn find f Tallrnrn Wltt ' . . . ' lAUSOlf WM. II. SCIIUTTEIl, Importer ntul Wliolrnnlr Drnlrr In WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO &c CIO-AES. Agent fur the bet brand" of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AND Imported Aim of niirprrnt KIiuIn.", 75 Ohio Lkvke, " CAIItO, ILLINOIS INSURANCE. Sl,250.000 OO. 1I.VUTFOH1) FIRE INSURANCE CO., Ot Hartford, Con. CHARTERED 1S10. Equal to tliu'Great Emergency. THE IRON CLAD OLD lHAETPOBD'- Nrvrr;NiirreinlerH! JTested by tl.e clonus ol Hixty-one years AND STILL IS SOUND. Pays fromlier;iurplui o Her I.osci! by the GREAT CHICAGO F1UE Leaving her magnificent capital oitb nyciU'Lioisr Untouched and Quarter cf a Million Surplus to spare. -t;iIlC HCHt." GET HARTFORD POLICIES. Suflord, Morris A: Cundco agents, Cairo, Illinod. NEWNIAlr.K THE NEW YORK I'. J'i 1 I 11 U J v a. I'OK IHT'J ritit r.s iti:ii''i:n- We will miiply thu Klcning Pont a follow i DAILY. One )er.. 12 on jil per month rnr siiorti-r icriod-. WEEKLY. Single Copy one jear ' SJ1 Fhe dines " " - y7, -,. . . ' .12 10 Tuent) SKM l-WKKKLY. Siuglo Copy onej.-ar Fne Cupie " " Tell Conic" " " ....S3 00 12 to ,..,.20 l) Or ' will send th fnllnwiiiK periodical to suberiher. In e.ilini-i-lioii with th Virndi! b(, si the price named I Will. Weekly Evening Post. .7. $1 Ml With Seinl.Weekly Evening Post. 0 IHI il 00 Ii OU 0 Ml AMI 4 Ml II HO r w n mi f. f. A ll llnnier'a Weekly. Harp. r'allAMr Harper's Magsslne.. Kieiy Satur.lay Allanliu Miuithly Our Young Folks..... Soribncr' Jlotiilily Tho tiuliixy The Asriciilluri-t... ...4 M , 4 60 . .1 Ul ...4 IS' ... ti' ,. 4 f-u ..I Oil ,..2 fsi ,JI ...I ilearlli iii'l Jloiuc. CbrMliHl Union Hicm-li Hiilisir beitothe l.itulivj lniiiul t.ii i, i.i f. iu.i bir I'lie ) ear w HI bo m-iu two eniulslle rinuli O I Cluir. ii, entitled "Wide iwske" and Fa.t Aaleiui,'' which ainwiilllinl rriftll smmr tho oair. TRY li t tl!V If! I Fur 2Seentav.n will send the Weekly Eeliln l...t irom nnv i.iitilJaiuiury I, or lurWci-nU wo will rend the semi Weekly Pol during the same tunc. at. Cp. . -linen iil'inbers of tlm rnn g foil sem fm. A-I.ln t VI M C lU'.VlM' A CO. ew Voi It, BAPTIST everywhere for' world. Ablewr Improremenis. AllKNTH the larueel bantist Miner m.'"' tM Market Itepoit. Siiuday acliol DepatlmeM-!eson every ,f'l- Aan LV,. Hoxlbla advecato oT Pll r'l'ltoniVh. . nnlv ner rear. TliO ir.O.t astonuil- , l log premium and clubbing "Vi iiiman tlio nlMivr. cans, securely 1 c,u commissions If'JurStS" fora In at u itvnimll prices I ceny anj particujarsrctoall ht will write 10 , 1IAUCLAY 11UOB.. WtS&fl YBAMAN. T.I. '"P.'Il, ntPtalers.74 OhloLeisf. I j)Ui8, MO ocUJra v, . ... . . I . -. . . i MISC'r.I.I.AXEOlH. HIDES I FURS HL'ELTSIII BTTElTETa? & CO . Have opened a Hldo Store In Thornton's Block Tenth street, whero tho highest cilh pries wld 'mpaid for Hides, Sheep Pelts, Furs and low. wow,n ,,ly ,)gl)Cr pficf (hiu wm eTcr fore paid fof ,Rmo articles In this city. Come and see m, ocUtf IlUrtNETT CO Till', A MUM;. PROSPECTUS FOR 1S72. FIFTH YEAR. A Representative and Champion of Ameri can Art, THE .A-LZDIILSriEJ: An Illustrated Monthly Journal claimed t be the handsomest Paper in the World. (lite IllV torn Inll n.. ifA.ttm.n Till. AtilMNh who nro striving to maks their prores lonHorthy of admiration tor btuuty, a it liaa Ivvajf. been for usefulness" Ittnry li'itrd Beechtr ..,T"fA ,'ltf"'V;:, wlnlolssilod with all the leg. Illanty, lias none of the t-mporary or Hindu inter est character sim of ordmarv periodical', It i an elegant inlacelliner of pure, llgnt, and grace (111 lltiTtllire, and a collection n? picture., the rarest specimen ol arti.tio sk II, in black nr.d H mtc. Although each sue eeding niimU'r R!!ohl a plcn-uro tc Ita friend., thr- real value nn.l lieniily ;i)f TIIK AI.D1NK will be mot appreclited nttcr It has been bound at the clo.e of the year, Wliiln other publication" may eiaitn superior ehcapnei. as compired with rival, of of a Kimi dmiiar els- Tin, .ii. lij.m-,;i auniqiioa.iii crtgtnal eon- coption nloncj and unapproactied absolutely uithoiit cumr-etitioii In price or chnracter. The l"isessor ol the volume jmt completed cannot duplicate tlicntiantity of fluo paper and cngrnv-Ing-i In any other sh.ipo or number of volumes for ten times Its cost. The labor of getting TIIK A I.DI NE ready on the pre.s l so great that reprinting Is out oflhorptca. lion, With thooxecttton of n small number specially re.orvcd tor binding, tho edltlonn of 171, la already exhausted, nnd it Is now a scann as well at valuable book, NEW FEATURES FOR 1872. Art Depnrlineiit. Tho enthusfa.tio sunnort ao re.ilifv acnnrtled In tr.elr enterprise, wherever it lias been intro duced, has lonvinced the nubll.her. nf Tllfl ALUIM'.of the soundne. of their theory thtt the Ameilcan public would recognize and heartily support any sincere ellurt to nlevato the tone and standard of llluntratf d liuljlU-iUlon.. That so many weakly wieke.t sheets ext.t and thrivo la not evblenco that thorn I no market tor nnv thing better indeed Hie success of Til U AI.DINK from tho start ta direct proof of the contrary. Wmi a popuiatiou so vast, ami nrsticfi varleil tate, n publl.her can thoonohis patrons, and hlspaperi rather Indlcativn of his own than of ibo taste of Ihocoiintry. As n guarantee, of the cxi-ellcnco nf Ihia Uepnrtment.thu publishers Mould beg to nn nouncn during tho coming year, specimen, from tho lollnwiog eminent Alneiicnn aitf.ta t W. T. Itii-iiAnn., (Ibanviue 1'ruKi.v, Wm. Hinr, -'. O. C. IIirlcv, Wm. llrAnu, Victoii NtiiLio, (.'coRiir. Hsiillt, Wm. H.Wilcox, Am. Will, Jamcs II. IIxaru, Jamis SMILr.Y It. K. 1'lOltT, FmsK lli.Aiui, Pii-l Dixon, j. now. These pictures nro being reproduced without -irard to l-xtienin bv the vervlie.t enor-irera Iti thacoiiniry, nnd will bear the severest critical compurlon with tho best foreign work, it being,l.ilnn,l..n ..t .l.n m.l.l.l.n.. .1... H-lllV .... ... i itiiiui.iiiii, u, Itlu lll.ll,tl3 lli. 111,1 Al.DIMl slmll Ihi n successful vindication ot American la.l.i in coiniict.liun with nnv exl.tim: publication In tho world. I.lti-riiry Ilciiitrtmeiit. Wlicre so much attention Is nnld to illustration nnd get upof tho work, too much dependence on appearance may very naturally ho feared. To an- in:ipnin uncn miKivioK1., l( 1.1 only nccerrnry 10 slate, that tho editorial management i.t TIIK ,I.I NKhn. Iieen entrusted to Ma. 111C IAItU HENltY STODDAKD. who has received assur- ancea of a.-dstunco from a host of tho most popu ar writers and poi-tnof the country. Tin; Voluiin" lor 147'-! will contain nearly SCO page-., and about 2.0 tlno engraving.. Commencing with tho number for Jauuary. nvcry third niimherwill contain a lieau tiful tinted puturo on pUto bapcr, inserted as a frontlDiece, The ChrUtmas nlimber for 1872, will bo a splen did volume in itself, containing tiflv rncravinirs. Vas'fcVrft' Vdailiro tast ychr, ali-l will to at tho oriKiusl plcturo. No Amctlcau cUromo, which wUr al ftA tomparo with It, has jet been ottered at retail furiosi, than tho asked for Til j:lJ.DiNK and it together. It will bo deliv ered free, with (he Jnmiary number, lo every subscriber who pays for one year In advance. Terms for 1H72. One Own, ant year, inl Oil Oiromo,. Fm Cimcs, " " " Si 00 W 00 lu nAr.An BAmllnf 111 n.iniC. ATlll SI') Will TO- eivo an oxtra copy of grutls, nuking 11 copies 'or tho money. Inv n.rann wl.lllnir to Work for a BrflIIUIll. Can have our premium circular on application. Wo give many bonutltul anil desirable articles ottered by no other paper. Anv neraon wishing to act, permanently, as ou agent, will apply, tcH'i nftrtnet, unclosing !1 !0 outfit. . . PUBLISHERS, ill Llliertyfitreet. Xnv York. lAYXARD'S. STAB BITTBBS THJiJ-IMCSTi TONIC IN USE run by E. P. 1MAYNARD, PROP'R jtoo ci J. 3. 50EBKS, 4vJl Nortli KLllitli St., r iilludu. VegetablI1 A color ami ilrossir.g that will not burn tho httir or injure the head. It docs not produce it colo inoflumicully, ns tho poise r;oU ni'opuri'.tions do- It gradually rcstoica tho hi.s to its oriijinal color ;.nd lusirs-, bv supplying now; jifo u,,(1 vigor. - i It cuusoa a luxurmm grown, of soft, lino hair. Tlio host and oafost nrticlo evoo ollorod. Clean andPnvo. j?o sodimor.i. Sold everywhew, ABK FOR DOBBINS 1 1 7 Manilla paper hags P bdl MXi esch Wrannlng " " " " He wile27 (live nun a trial. . pi j.Blratlon f-ndCauoll