'H48ip. co-. MS '."Is r ' 1 - El wiioieaal n.frriu xh onfrj i.kvi:e. 5 1 '-, Ulinoln. OVlllT ilZ it h.arAim'Kf.T. 4 V 111 ALE R IN FURNITURE QUEENSWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 1JAR FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 0 5 & 187 ComnrercialAvcnuo CAIRO, ILLINOIS. COAL, COAL! COAL! COAL I JAMES ROSS, J QUOIN AND MOl'NT 0ARI10N GOAL! ommcrcial-av., Foot of Elevcnth-st. tl Coil carefully weighed At the yard on Fair t ks' scale. FULL WEMIIT WARRANTED. otl delivered on the stiorUsl notice in in t ol Hie d.y, either by Hie half ton, too or car eave order t Ihe offlco on Commerclal-ay. t foot of Eleventh street. novlGd-Cm. . . . .. .1 x, . - IIUTCIIrJlN. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. OEIILER & BROTHER Hive reopened Ihe ropi'i.Aii jii:at HARUirr, COM M EKCI A K-A V,4 ilwfn Xllith and TrntR NlrrrK will kern ennalmilvon hand the l-t mi-it iguiereu in in L.mro mai itlon. Hive Hutu n trial ..I.'...- .. - . . .... . - it Cairo market. They detyeoin. sepmu JAMES KV.VASTO.V, Irlirr anil Denier In all lilnil I'rcih Mm I, C.ut.S'ntrrntH tun IVi-na Htlht. CAIll ), ILLINOIS. UVdtqil l.MIlitcr onljf tlin vtrjr l,rt cattlr, lion Mil Kliecp, ami u .rtpirt-J lu fill anjr laod for frti m4ti from une pounil to W uand'founilK. lcTJOtf JAKE WALTKU, STITCH E ZR, tv ctuti is FHESH MEAT, ihtii Strkkt, Uetwke.v Washi.votos AND COMMERCIAL AVE.NUKK, (llolnlnc Illltruliotiop A llnnuy'H. P llio N't of lleef, l'ork, Mutton, Wal nb, SuaRo,tc., anil are preparnl to n-rro teat in thi tnort u'crptablo mannt-r. n39 HUSS WltlTKIt. CARL L. THOMAS, IIGKLST WBITEB nowprepaieil to rmponJ promptly to nil dr manilt,n tiu mvleen, M.Titv' (Ol'-COK. 8ril-ST. AND COMHEUCAL-AV In I ho I'rrry lloimc, CAIKO, ILLINOIS. OK'Jltf I.NSl'HAXCi:, "TRIUMPH." IE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO., Of t'liiciniinll. taacti.. MollcllH all klmlnol riilti. Y. 1IHOSN, )Cl27tf Asnt,CiIro, oln. MIIXINKIIN. MRS. M. SWANDER, )EALER IN MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, 'oiniuerclal Avoainr, uiinNlte Klllo ipu xaiiyiuoru n Oaiuo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEAR Made to order, or Itadjr-Made, 1m received full and comnlcto stock of good, be newest ami completes! in the city. An Ini nenso varity ol RIBBONS, LACES AND FRINGES ihe otTera great Inducemtti) to her patrons and til others to call on her.examln the prices, styles ma quality other goodsi f RQPiions. iiAi.W EL !)() JU- J tf.r RILLIARD SALOON; Att'AR ROOM. .iM'at.urnnii .11 baitpirn: UlirnrSJUSI BILI.IAHH mut-n fiirnl-hH w duW'; km) Urv-iir.pl, fiTiwii "FAMILY ailOOEmES, DRY-UOOiS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND 'SIIOES, hats a'nBai, etc., Hbi Jul rr-celTI tJAry ptooi.of Hool an J Urn aUo haa a fi rtook of Kurnlljr (Jrccrrio otj ("UNKIt 5CTIUS'fT AND COMMEH CIAL-AV., , .''c'AIKO, ILLINOIS . 00 TO W. W.J'JIORNTON'S. BUILdVrS' fiUIM'LY DKI'OT, irfj tenth ktuket, OA I HO, ILLINOIS, for; Doom, Knnlt, Ullntla. Monltllnco, IiT:nllrr,(noo4l) Wlmloirnml looj t'rnmrn, Floorliifr, I.atli, NhliiKlro, (ilnznl Nunli, Olnicl Nltle Mchtw, ;imvl Trimooin, Nah Hluli(. Nnli I'ullir nnd CorU( III I ml t'uNlrtiliiKN, Itoolliit I'cll, KooIIiik Omtnl, 1'laolrrlni; I'iiIxt, Cnrirt Tell, Wtillc I.ra4l, I.IiioimI Oil, Amrrlrnn Window iIiso, r.ncllxli nml I'rcnch IMnle tiluoH, illy, CInzlrrN l'olnla, Kr i r l'lioi I'ntonl i'liiiniiryi, i:ir., i:ir., KIP. AUF.NT.S tor Itook n,i Taper Companjr'a Slicathinu Kelt and tjuarla LVmont. It. V. John'it Improve.) Koollntf alwajri on ami. IIIMITN AMI MUIi:S. WIL1IAM EIILERS, Kalilonakle BOOT AND SHOE MAKE!!, Tvn.NTii:iii htui:i:t, ItttHpen Wasliinston Avenue im.l l'oplar Street, CAIKO, ILLS. t)la nml fLline Jlmli to Orler. ' Fine Werktnen Kmp'")eil, Katli-niclloii SViirrameil. TatronnEo Pulk'llf.l. CITY SHOE STOKE HOOP SIvIRT FACTORY anir. aarxcY ron "BEOLASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADE 110 0 T S A N D S II 0 E S oinmcrcliil A vvniie, t'oruvr of I'.llilli Streol, Caiiio, Illinois. PAIITICULAU ATTENTION VAIU TO ALL 0U UERH FOIt UOOrXKIKTrt AND SHOES. iainti:k.s. MOORE & MATHEWS, House, Sign nnd Ornamental Urromflvn rnprrliniiRliiK, Ktilxoiiiln 11 Inir, clc, Done lu tin' hlchekt Jtj le ol tho ait, nml rates that dely competition. sitor in I'kiiuv house, corner ok 8th STREET AND CMMKRCIAL AVENUE, FAMILY JItO'i:illR.N. LOUIS J011GENSEN, Dealer In nil kinds ol STAPLE AND FANCY GBOOBBIBS. I'nrmer's Yuril nnd NinblliiR without cu Altai:. Cor, Washiugtou-av' and Twcntiotli-st CAIRO, ILLINOIS) )27dtf ' . mi. T i. e 1 rT'" T.--JL"f 1. Arm DOOIIH, SAMI, ETCl v ,w- - ' .COMMfa OBTAIN A.W LEASE 3J1IALL Xli-fttJKltENDEirTO WIN . ;v!'?lIByiCTORY? y ' mihe'JHUr of the Chicago Timet : A n 'jiQjno.crntoL tlio old icliool nnu ol lioitrjctOt cet; I venture, with your pop mlinn1o prrsont through tlie'coltimnscf you' .jrilidly-oirculiitlnf nndscnllyhtonrxl pub jp Jmirnal, n fcyv tuggRStions for tlio lapSTocrntie ' iricndt. I ilcifro to rcflion '-jltUjtJicfl In tin) fiilrlt of truth nnd bcr. J"tlr)'oti n grnvo multer ol pcrsonul duty lafijsfnitiUIy mid freely, yet reipcctfully. ptfUflfjt; minor to convince tlmn to ollund Vofflury opiiiion. Scnsonnblu and court- 'toutyiK-ussioM employed to tliii end will, non'm' t, in it ouylit to be, rccoivo a fair 'nnu Unprejudiced hearini,'. In IhU faith, I pr'nee d to the tusk I Imve undortnken, vi.i-l'irst, to expose whnt I bellevo to bo liftrt fill tinlitlpnt rlolimlnfi Knntiil tn In. culL-lit" v. hut I deem tobon snvirii' no littenY MTlilll. 3 I --- The hi -lory of tho country, lu u certain lcn4, mtiv be reduced to thref principal n(.trj 1. Tho revolution ; 'J. The action of tile democratic party ; 3. Tho nction of thO 'republican party. Tho revolution, In Itself, was simply political, eventuating In the nstlontil independence, and tho consti tution. of the Ignited States embodying the federal Jpnn of government. This" form of government was founded upon pro-oxtsting !ttttcs rctHiniug their municipal inst'tu tlnnl slavery and property was one of them. Tlii limitation Win one of the polit lel'liecesiitlesof tho tituo Without it. nj nti existing fact understood, tlio revolution rould not hnvo been cllectcd. "Without it, as n fact to bo heeded, tho constitu-. tpiu 'ould not have been framed. With out it, the net of nationality, itself, would Imvu been cancelled as soon as accomplish-' cd. Indeed, in the circumstances, it, was itidispcnsablo and unavoidable. Vrhc democratic party, hot n of the revolu tiontnrv jpirit, found itself bound by this limitation, and as tho party of strict con struction, obeyed its authority in common ' with that of tile whole constitution. They could not hnvo done otherwise, nnd yet have been faithful to their Inspirations and sense of duty. Hence, the political pro gramme marked out by them for execu tion was exclusive; of any interference with tho local institution of slavery. They left that, n 11 pre-existing fact, to tho operation of opinion and circumstances, bulieving, as did nil tho great men of the day, that in tho ripeness of timo it would gradually and peacefully pass away. In all other rcipccf, they guve themselves up, in the molt liberal spirit, to tho work of reform, Innovation nnd rc-organlzation. They became tho party of progress, and combining nnd directing their ctlbrts to that end, developed nnd utilized tho fruits of the revolution to tho fullest extent com patible with tho fundamental law. This was tholr voluntary mission. Tho proofs of its fulfillment I shall now proceed very briefly to detnil. They placed a curb up on the encroachments of power, as cstcnlial to liberty and tho equilibrium of the fed oral system, by giving authority to tho rule of strict construction. Avowing tho right of self-expatriation, it stripped tho president of an arbitrary and dangerous censorship over tlio motives nnd conduct of Immigrants 'from foreign lands, by re pealing tho alien law, nnd extended to foreigners tho rights of American citizen ship upon just nnd liboral terms. It wit ncrscd its devotion to thu freedom of speech and of tholpress, by repealing tho sedition law. It opposed monopolies, und put an end to tho arrogance, corruptions, una ox Utonco of tho United States bank. It re claimed tho public revomioi from tho cus tody of irresponsible private corporations, and committed them to tho safe keoptng of sworn nnu rcsponsiulo oineers ot law. It restored gold nnd silver to its just pro eminence, as tin immemorial und universal fct.mdardof vnluu. It husbanded tho pub lic tronsurv !v putting an end to tho schomo of dissipating it as largesses among tho stntes. It anticipated, successfully, tho nolicv of reducing tho prico and granting tho public lands, as homesteads, to settlers. it niano the nrsi great step toworu ino realization of tho doctrino of free trado by initating tho restriction of Imports to tho legitimato ends of revenue nnd wants of govomment. And last, but not least, it encourages tho extonslon of tho elective franchise in tho states. In tho meantime, It proved itself as great and courageous in war, ns wise and etllcient In peace. Thus, it punished and repressed thu piracies of the Algerines upon our commerce, in a diitant son. It counseled the second war of cur independence iigntnst Great Britain, and unaweil uy tlio nans, uravoiy, neroic nllv contributed to crown it with success. It demnnded nnd obtained from tho king of tho French tho Inn j; delayed indemnity for spoliations, upon our commerce, it nerved tho arm that carried our (implor ing banner to tho dUtant halls of tho Mon tezumns, and at tho same timo our public finances wcro never better sustained j and n though its cnorgios wero exhnustless, it milled to all tins tne acquisition oi ino pro vince of Louisiana und Florida nnd tho annexation of Texas, extending tho bound aries of tho union to tho natural limits of sea and river. Teeming, noblo record, compressed within thu brief spaco of soma liall a century ; uiimi wormy nnu com memorative of tho ".tntorrilioil," "tho lion lioartom democracy," and of tho gonitis and statesmanship of their Illustrious and intre pid leader i lor in loose unys great men thronged tho councils of tho nation. Jef ferson, tho father of tho democratic purty, thought and planned for It ; Olay thunder ed his eloquonco und Invective In support nnd ueienso ot itj daemon uautmoisiy strove nnd wrestled for It ; Folic faithful, lv rofloctcd and nhoved its impulses ; und lienton, ns Its avenging spirit, liungniorci Iossly upon the Hanks of its onomlos, nol ther giving nor nsking quarter. Truly, . . Y ... I . in tuoso days tuo conuicts oi stutesinen wore tho conflicts of giants : not for tho tinsol of plnco nor tho spoils of oilier, but for tho meed of noblo prc-emlnonco. Tho ago took its character from theso mon, nnd, with their oxit, it closed in tho full fruition of tho first doniocratlu programme, "l'uusing to rolled for a moment upon this programme, it will bo icon that, so far m it was simply domestic nnd administra tive in its character, it was based upon and limited by tho constitution, having for tho particular object tho promotion of tho social and political well being of the wnltomnn. It assumed that the govern oairq; Illinois, Sunday, November ment belonged to whlto men, and wits to bo administered In their interests. In practice, it insured to tho benefit of whlto mon as n privileged and dominant class. Still, it was otnlnently successful, and con ductod tho country "with unprecedented rapidly to n climax of prosperity and pow cr. Still, tho democratic parly might havo mainte'ned its uscetideticy but for the lack of a competent leader. Its first pro gramme closed in the ecoud net of our na tional history, now progrMtnmo becamo necessary to engage its cnorgieTand am bition. That progrntntno was Wanting. Tho raco of statesmen hud boon succeeded by n raco of trimming politicians, Incap able to concclvo or discreetly to c.xeculo n -wlso und far-reaching system of policy. Tho necessity of progress ns tho condition "toj party discipline, success nnd prestige, wn n condition unknown tn their philos ophy. So, too, thrtlossott that d'scjntent, discussion und disaffection are tho evil pro geny of innctlvo parties us well as idlo camps. Of course, tho part oflhcsu pre tenders was but n stereotype apl rehearsal of tho immemorial record of their legion iryjrototypc. For thertiLiioi, tiihuvo been busy, bustling uml me'ddling de clamatory, short-sighted nnd hiundorlng prodigal of promises nnd protestations of self-acrillcing devotion, would hnve been for them not to bo themselves. They wero all these. Tho story of their shifting ex pedients und time-serving devices Is writ ten in tho disupKinttnent und disasters which pointed them. Superiority was of fensive, candor dliUnlcTill to them, both to bo treated us n crime and punished by O'tracisin from tho party ; hence, nblcr men than themselves, when not discredited by them, wero bduitlied from its fold. Theirs wns the region otflfio demagogues. They nteof the forbidden fruit and ontifod their followers to do otherwise. They unsealed the Wmtitaln of Miter waters and strife, nnd hatred dctngtd ti c land. Tlio slavery question wus Opcnud Jiy the repeal of th'o .Missouri compromise und tho substitution of tho ICansas-Nobratkn uct. Thu slave ry and freedom, slnc lnb(5r nnd frco labor, Avcro brought face to fucu ns mortal com batants. This was thu gauntlet of buttle whicn nil tho great statesmen then parsed nnd passing away had warned, against. Jctl'crion deprecated it with gloomy fore bodings. Clay hud sought to avert it by trying to lead tho people of Kentucky to initiate by examplo n' scheme of gradual emancipation. Alus, however, tho dem ocratic party was placed In h false posi tion. Its pr.testat'on us n body availed nothing. It was mnde rcsponsiblo for tho removal of a legal barrier to tho spreaj of slavery. Opportunity thus Hiid now tempt ing, tho opponents of that party, incited and led by exiles from its runks, caught tho step of progress lost by It, and pressing into their service the literature, and, lu large part, tho schools and churches of the country ns auxiliaries, directed their ad vance to tile ultimatum of universal free dom. The position of tho democratic party was exposed to many disadvantages. l"t deprived them of tho external sympathy always accorded by nn enlightened uge as the duo of a liberal purty. It isolated them as a reactionary element opposing tho march and order of civilization. It put them or. tho defense lor undoing what had been wisely nnd well dono. It left to them no other part than to hold fast to the past and to resist tho inevitable In conformity with their interpretation of tho federal polity, moy claimed lor the whlto man thu right t m:il;e freedom or slavery tho law of the now territories. They insisted that slavery us a municipal institution of individual states was extra constitutional nnd inviolable by tho na tional authority. They pleaded tho ex scrinta as the character and limitation of their authority. They predicted und pointed to anurchy and vlolenco as tho alternative to obedience to tlio constitu tion. Tho republicans, on the other hand, taking tholr stand upon tho Declaration of Independence, argued that all men, ab stractly, aro created freo and equal, and that they she ild, in fact, be so; that this was a law, univorsal und peremptory, ad mitting of no lawful exceptions. Tlio con test was long nnd dubious, but eventually, nature nnd nature's law tho higher Inw assorted its supremacy, and finished by tho sword what hud been begun bv polemics. SUvery fell here, sharing ihe fate that had overtaken It In Franco und Englnnd nnd thus history repeated Itself. Consid ering tho disparity of thu oppoUni; forces. tho result could hardly hnvo been other wise, nor tho logical seiiueneo of tho udun- tntion of tlio national co'i-titutinns to tho now order of tilings. Tho third act ot tho public h'story Uc complishedj what is tuo duty devolved by it upon tlio democratic patty? Is it to ignore, tlio stupendous fact, tho noiso oj which still fills tho world? Is it to go backwnrd to slavery? Is it to stand sullon nnd captiously nhjo;t? Or is it to hasten forward to tho go tl of freedom ? To state tho question is to tituwcr it. There is hut one rational cmirso for us tntmmio; that is. tonctlvoly and ener getically givo our inlluciien and co-operation for the purpose of develop ing and consolidating tho now order of things in harmony with the constitution ns it is. Tills is "tho dletnto of proprie ty nnd patriotism. Any other courso would bo ns sensolcss ns criminal, must ngtrrnvnto thojlleonso of usurpation, thu evils of misrule, must b n unjust to tho blackmail u3 unworthy nf tho white man, No other course is a1 nil tnlorublo or ndmlssiblo. This settled, tho next queulon i, what policy may bo inndo must ollectual to this ond by tho democracy? Should it ho n dictatorial nnd leading one, ornsccundary ond conciliatory one? Thl, ns u practi cal question, muit bo ducidid in the light of existing circumstances. If our powor as n party was unbroken ; if it was equal to tho new tank devolved, 1 should unhesitatingly say, apply It di rectly under democratic auspices to tho performance of it. 1 would, lu thut case, do bo, because, then, our trust would bo In oursolvcs, nnd wo would bo freo to chooso own iiiitruiuouU und means, lint as tlio case is otherwito; us wo aro but a minority party, our courto, to bo ctlectual, must he dlll'oront. Wo must strive to accomplish by tho aid of tho liberal republicans what wo tiro uniiblu to c licet by oursolvcs. Wo must encourugo nnd support tho incipient rovoll of thu liboral republicans. Wu should, oven, co-opo-rato vrith them in tho olection of nn hon est nnd capable man of their number to thu presidency, and in thu olection of till of their candidates for office from tho highest to tho lowest, In all the re publican states and districts, asking only in return tho reciprocal support by them, of tho democratic candidates In tho demo cratic states and districts. Thus would nmlcublo nnd trustful relations ho ctab llshed between them and us. Thus would union and strongth succeed to discord und weakness ninom? tho friends of L'ood gov ernment. Thus would tlio exiTiitivu l" restored to worthy hands, suppoited by n constitution-abiding majority In congress, Thus would tho ruigu ol iiespoiisin, nn 20. isn. Lccility nnd shameless corruption bo . brought to an ond, nnd the deoth knoll of 1 Imperialism nnd Imperialists struck. I Ah i but it may bo answered by somo honest, but porhnps ovcr-zcalous demo crat, that this would be nn tin worthy com promise of party prido nnd consistency j that it would prevent that rally of tho de mocracy ns a distinct nnd independent organization, with tlio colors flying nnd drums beatingipon tlio field of political ghtdlKtlon j that it would prccludo their nppearnnco In tlio political arena ns tho nuspecntors of their own cnttso, nnd W on by thulr own selected chiefs. Orant it. Yet, 1 reply that pnrtlcs as public Instrttmcntaltics nrir"'only legiti mate when they uro capable capablo of maintaining tho right nnd repressing tho wrcng. When thoy ccaso to bo cflectual for that purpose, they cease to bo useful. That, us shown by its successive nnd mul tiplied defeat", is tinfortunnloly thu prei ent condition of tho democratic party. Hence, It follows that, whnt of good its members cannot do collectively, ns u pnr ty, they, ns individuals, should assist oth-fVilil11"- They tnny do this without nbrtmJnnlng their organization or their principles. Nnyl for nil this they tnny preserve their organization to net independently for tho public good in moro favorable times. i'ro vlding for the present, the future will probably provide for Itself. Suf ficient unto the day is evil thereof. If we can save -Iho country bv nn net to party ubaegarioyhu. result would ho uviii' mo icasTipiuiEiuiosiU us or Valuable ninl Btfitlmatoq.JbeU. Whatever the' means to tho crttl--wTiethcr jajiiivoior ncchlive. nclivd nr nnasivK ifjilu.v nr.. pormly1Mu In political warfa'rtf, they are justifiaTjlo nrid eonYhicndatld. If "divide nno. conquer, - or "a masterly inactivity," or both, nro or shonld'Hbcomo necessary expedients in order tq'succcss, they should bo promptly embraced. Tho transcend ent inngnltttdo of tho stnUo demanded it. liven ad in it ting that onu of tho conse- quences would bo tho ro-corganizatio"n of the democratic; party with its traditional nnd characteristic devotion to constitu tional government, quickened by the bet ter impulses of republican energy nnd progress or, oven, that n new party thouid bo called into existence possessing thiso virtues, would tho prico bo too dear for the return? I think not. To say so would bo to place the tirldu nf imrtv above tho lovo of country: the means. permissible in politics ns "in wnr. nhovo tho end. Dkmus. .IISCi:i.I,AXtOI'H. TnrETvTca,' KALr.as .iv, i. HIDES AND FURS, WOOl, FI.ATlll'.ltS, r.vv 7 3 OHIO Xi 33 V.E 33. Caiuo, Illinois. novL'lf l'.L. IIUYKTT, & SON, Importer. Manufajturera nnd Jobber of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE llrnss nml Uermnn Silt or ;V ?sT D IXSTJ. UAIEN-J'S, No. 25 S. Third Strkkt, J3 oel'Jd-'m. NT. i.oriH, MO. I.I'M UK II. S. WALTERS, I CALI II IN HARD and SOFT LUMBER ol every di'-erlplimi, LATH, SHINGLES, OKI) All POSTS, DOORS, SASH, RLINDS. ORDERS SOLICITED. S T K A M 11 0 A T L U M 11 E R, Furnished on nhortvst notice. Coiniiicrciiil-av, bet. 10th and llth-sta., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. J.v7d ak l'i rriiitJi. II. T. GEROULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER AM I'RU.Cll 11 US IIXTUItlLN, (!.in Fitter's nnd I'ltimher'a mnterhd, Wood pumps, Kin'" "ml anxa uiIv-h, atop cock, check vidve,rte. ami Aiir.vv run lulls IlrotlierH I'll lent Ilry Jus .He lei Ami MnrehiuiKe, Well A CoN Automatic VVntot liiLiii'iiii.riiiniBiiiiiy uite lurMtuin Mnier. WINTKRS IILOL'K, COMMKItCIAI.-AVKNUE, llAItEIICItS. .NEW RARllERSIlOP, (iemve. Ihe barber Intel v with Theobald nml Km hh eh. has uiiened n Nil ItAitiirit Hum, on Comnuircld hviiiui , between l'n.l 1st It Htreeti, ol Iho upiiei p'irt ot Iho clt). He lntiic nil hi old and lu-tv lricn.li to vn-lt III pimp, nml n iire them ..ulitniittentioiiiind iiiieuimli d umk lor in ni'ciiu uiuiiniio 1 111 itiiuu. 1111 1 ceniniiieii either in linlri'tiiliiij', enttiii),', dliavmi; nrMiiini poulne. oulim J. (5 ICO. STEINH0US1C, FASHIONABLE BARBER, (.'or. Mil-st. nml Coiiiuicrcliil-nv. oiJ'ftiiiirp li-r. irn. l-x)Cleati Towtila uml OWfliilllfiill VVcikinen o-l.:i.lii.' nml i hlliilcu'H hair out nml Hlm'.ii pooed, either t tho "hop or at llieirovrn home. trtMMitleiiieii'i' w linker nad hair d)ed lu a u tl lie 11 liner, tUtintnctlGu KH"ruiiti'i,.l. CARL L. THOMAS, I prcp;irn.l to do all I.I111I ol plain and ornn 1 n 11 1 it I PAINTINU,' KALSOMININO, PAPER HANGING SION WHITtNO, KTO., At f i g 1 1 1 which di'f nil rniupi Hon, nnd in the hiKliesi stylo lI tne pil tor i,ri, SHOP HI THlcTlCRUY ilOUSE, COItNKR OV COMMKItlHAl. AVKSUK AND KHlllTIl H't'RKK T. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AY. uirr r..fTi,iti'iii.Ni: Principal Olllco 101 W. Fifth St., Cin. O. THE ONLY ItELIAIILE OIFT ENTERPRISE IN THE COUNTRY I Xi. 3D. SIITE'S Klf.htccnth Gr ind ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION To lj drawn Monday. January 1st, 1ST2. $200,000 OO I N V A LlTA 11 L E GIFTS Tuo Orand Capital I'rliei $10,000 NA.iir.iiicANHtt.vKit: Tie prizes of 1,000: Ten Prizes .: each In Orcanlijckj. On ii mn of Matched llnrr , ttltli I'.unily i"irriirn amiT Hirer mounted larness ?rln -....... jco live Hore4 Hiiitnuu, with Silver-mounted HnrneM, north coo r ive Klno-toned Iioeood Pianos, worth, e''h tno 2.i Pnmllr Hewing Machine, worth, each boo 'iiUMiold amlHilver Lever lluntlnir Watch- r (In all), worth, each, from 20lo30 Ladlea' (iold l.eomlnn Chnin. Cent's (lold Vet Uiialn, Holid ami DouUt-l'lated Silver Table and Ttapoons, Photograph Almiin, Jeweliy.etc, Whole nnmlier nn.Vi.u"). Tlcketa limited to luo.oui. Agenta wanted to aeli Tickets tn whom 'hera; premium will lx paid, Sir kIo ticket tt; nx ticket $10 s twelve, nekefi 520; twentv-tive HO. , Circular ronlalninK n full llt of rrlie,n de scription of the manti'i of dranlOR, nnd other in Icrnntmn In reference to tho distribution, wllllm "cnttoany one ordering them. AMI letter must head lrec id to I,. . HI.VK, Ilox Ml,- . , . , . Cincinnati. O. 11 wettfcth t. novwdawrnv - PIANOS. SIXTY-F1VE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE (IIIEAT HAL TIMOR E jiAXW.urroKY WM. KNAHK & CO., Manufacturers of ORAM), SQUAltK ANIl UPRIOIIT ZPZ-AJSTO FOBTBS llALTlMOlti:, MARY LAN II. Theso instrument h.no teen before thn public for nearly thirty year, nnd upon llielr excellence pronounce them uiiequaled 111 TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY. Oi)' All our Smnre fmim hnvo our new New Im proved Overstrung Seulonrd tho Agraffe TnUe KD- e woui.i ran peeini niiennon 10 our line Patented Improvement in linM Pianhh and u'..t. a,-f . d r.......l 1.. ..n n:..n ijrlriK" the l liiuo nearer perfection tlian has yet oven niiiiiucii, KVKRY PIANO ITLLY WAP.UANTEI) VI VK A K A RS, llliistrnted C.itnlnKuenml Price List romptly iiiruiniieu un iiipiiL'iiiiou 10 v.ir. KXAitr. .vt'o., Haltiuokh, Jill. Or any of our regular established agencies. oep.ifndAwr.m .MiNcr.i.i.Axr.oi'.s. HIDES! FURS ! ! PELTS 1 ! ! 5c CO Have opened a Hldo Btoru In Thornton' piock Tenth street, where the hlflhest enh pnoo will bo paid for Hides, Sheep Polls, Fur. nml Tnl low. u'owi pay hlRhcr price thnu wna ever be fore paid for tho snmo article m thin city. Como and see u, oelCtf lltIIt.Nr.TT A COS ItOOlCS, 2 2 a J w o o P. 1 f-l -a a u o in o o p, V. s 3 C a 3 C c 5 6 1-. - 11 fl 52 W "A O O H H tV3 'A 13 i-ouxmur..s. I. & E. GREENWALD. MAM'VACTt'RKILH or earn Baines, Holler, Flour ond.anst Mills, Saw Mills, Tha "Ttipper' Piitsal first MA01UNV.IlYfOlt OENKRAI. I'URl'OSKS, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Ul gigs NiT.n.w, xotic:ks. IlATOIIi:i,K'.HHAIKIYr. This superb Hair Dye i the ir.T tvncWoain Perfectly llnrmlcs, ItcliaUe and lnlhtiteous, .No illaappolnlment. No ItldlculouaTInt or lln Pleannt Odor. The irenultm W, A. Ilachelor'a llnir Dyn produce! I.Vl.MKIH ATI'.I.Y a .lemlld lllark or naluril Drown. Doe not Hinin it,n Hktn, hut leave the llnlr Clean, Soft ami lleautl- nil. Tlio only Hani mil rerrfct live. Hold by all ilriiKulfH. Factory in ltond Street, New York ianv2ldod.twlT ""on marriage. Happy relief Inryounjt men Irom Iho cfloctao err i-i nnl alme In early lilo. Manhood re- 1 r. . I . Vrvnn. '.llity cured. Iainedfmcnti to ni irn.ix renumd. New method of treat ment. New nnd rcmiirkaUii remedie. Hooks and c r nl 1-4 ont free. In eled envelope. Ail 'l'". '',JWAUI) ASSOCIATION. NO. 2 South Mirth St.. Philadelphia.. Pa. ocUd.wlf AVOID QUACKSJ A victim of early in l.i-reiion, cautng nervous debility, prciaaluro deej), etc., havln tried In v.nn every advertised remedy, hai discovered Implo mean of self-cure, which ho will send free to hi fellow utlerer. J. It. Ueevcs, No, 78 Naait treel, New York. nujrilwly CONSUMPTIOjNV its cure and its preventive 11 V DR. J. II. SCIIEXCK, M. D. tSTTIIE CAVSr. AND Cl'Itr. OK C01U PUMlTION. Tho prlmlfV causa of Coninmp lion lsilcranBCmcntt(f tholl -.'stlvorsaii9. This (Ji-rangcmcnt pni.ci 9ile'i.li ntiintrltloni;nilas- Iml!utln.i. p.y -lir,ll.tici.i. Ii.v.i that proems by which Iho niitrimout ol Hi foo.l s couv.rtwl Into blood, nml thenco in'o tlio rol.dsof Ibo tiody. Persons u Itli ill -cslloii thus toipalrcd, having Iho slightest predisposition to pnlmonary dlsce, or If they taka cold, will bo very HaVto.toJiivo Con stimptlon of tho I.tinja In somo of Us forms ; and 1 hold that It will Im lmpnl(ilo,ttciiro nny caio of Con.umpttou wltliontJlrsFrcstorlns n Rood rtljostlon and healthy ttsslinnStlon, Tho very Crst thin; to bj rtono Is lo.tliSfjL) tlio etomach and bowels fwm'all dlsensctl'triucns and .llnio which nro clojcdiig theso ortrm-i so'that they cannot pcrr form their functlous.nnd then rouso np and re storo tho liver lorrliphlthy anion. For this put pose, tho rarest and best remedy Is SchcncfS -Maudrako Pills. T!ie-io Pills clean Iho 'stomach t and bowels of nil ti.u dead and morbid sllma that isrnuslniftllscasoand decay In tho wholo system. They . will clsar oat tlio liver of all diseased bilo that has accuniul.tlnl there, and nroco It up ton new and healthy action, by which natural and healthy bllu Is secreted. The stomach, bowels, and liver aro thus cleansed by the use of Schenck's Jtaiulrako Pills j luttlp?ro remains In tho etomach nn excess oftcld, the or pin Is torpid and the nppctlto poor, lit tho bow els, the lacteals aro weak, and icqnlrln strcsstli and support, it Is lu n condition Uko Jbts that Schonck's Seaweed Tonic proves to Jiojfhe t valaablo remedy ever discovered, 'it f alkaline, nnd Its use will neutralize all excess of acid, mak ing tho stomach ewect and fr sh; It will rjlro piirmancnt tone to this Important orjan, and cre nto a Rood, hearty eppet t , and prvpara tho sys-, tcm for tho nrst pnici of a !ood tlipesMon, nfifl ultimately rajket.. '.!, heal. by, llvljvj Uood. Af tcr this prcp.uatory tr ati.i . nt, west remains tr cure most cases of Consumptloni tho frco an.l persovcrln; nso of Schenck's llnionle Syrup. Tha rulmonte Syrup nourishes tlio system, purl Ccs tho blood, and Is readily absorbed Into thn circulation, and thence dlstrlbntcd to tlio-tllscased "J1 lunja. There It ripens all morbid matters, nhcth- " cr In tho form of abscesses or tubercles, and then Assists Nature to expel all tho diseased matter la tho form of frco expectoration, when onco It ri pens. It Is then, by tho, great hcalln and purify lnj properties nf Schenck's Pulmonis Syrup, i .. that all ulcer and cavltlca nro healed up souud, V t and my patient Is cured, Jr Tho rrutlal thtii to lio done la tti.t-n Qon-' snmptlon Is to cet up n boihI nppctlto nnd ft cm 7 J. .-, Umt th bttjr . Ill .'ni- III ftCtll All 0' cet strong. If a person has dlseated liuii:, .1 ca ity or aosccss mere, ino cavity cannot ileal, tlio matter cannot ripen, 10 lone as tho system Is be low par. vt nat n necessary to euro is a new or der of tliln-H. a cood appetite, n pood nutrition, tho l).lv to crow In lkh ami ectfat! then Ni. turo Is helped, tho cavities will heal, tho matter will ripen and bo thrown oft" In laipo quantities and tho person repalu health and strength. Thli is tne iruo onu ouiy piau to euro Ciinntimptlcn. and If a person Is very had. If tl.o limp aro not entirely destroyed, or even If oiui hitiir Is entirely cone. If thcro fs non;li ilallly lel ill tho other to heal un. thcro is hone. 1 havo seen many person cured, with only sonnd U1112. Hvo and eulnv llfo ton mioil olil 1 ono This Is what Schenck's .Medicine will do to euro ago. Consumption, 'lliey win clean out Iho stomach, sweeten and streiiKtlien It, pet up n pood diges tion, and plvo Naturo tlio nr-.Wlniicc she need to clear tlio system of all tho dlmnso that Is lu tho luiitpi.whstuvcr tho form maybe. U Is Important that, vthilu ulnr; r-chenck' Medicines, care should bo cxercbedliot to taku cold; keep ill-doors In cool mid damp weather: nvohl uU'ht-nlr, nnd tuko nunlour exercise old In a genial and warm sunshine. I wish it distinctly understood that when I rc Tommi'iid n mtivnt to be enteral tn tccird to tak In? coldwhllo usltitf my inedi mo. I do so lorn special reuoni. A man whu l.as but partially re overed fnim tho UTocts i.f n had cold Is f-vr moro ll.iblo to a reUpsn tli m one who has been entirely cured, and It U precisely tho Fnnio In repard to Consumption. Sj Ioii a tho hire nro not per fectly healed, )u-t so htva Is thcro imminent dan per nf a f.111 n tiirn of tho (license. Hence It is that I so btreaiioinly caution pulmonary patients azalutt cxposln ' tlienisc'lvcs to nn ntmu'phcru that Is not pcnUl and pleasant. ("niUlimcd Con siiinpllvcs' luii-'S n.o a mass of sores, which tho least chanpo f nimnrphcro will luilame. Tho praml secret of my mu'ess with my medicines consists lu my anility to sHimno inuammaticn in stead of provol,in ft. ns many ot thu (acuity do. An Inilaineil lunir raniiot with safety to the na- tlent l exposed to tho bltlnp blasts of w Inter 01 thu eliniliur 11I111U nf sprlnp or nuliinin. It Should bO CircfilllV sllhM. ,1 f, ,,m nil IrHlilbi- lu. Iliieucc. Tim 11I1110.L raniliiii liould I o observed lu this 11.1rllc11l.1r. ns without Itmm.i hi.,i.ti. mnstnuy clrcumstniices I4 nil luipos.lblllty. Tho person should bo kept sun holenunoand nutritious diet, and all tho mullcluc rnutlniied until tho body has rest mil to It thu natural quantity nf ilesli nnd slrviipili. I was myself cured by this treatment of thu worst kind of f.'onsiimplloii, nnd lmu lived In :ct fit 11ml liearty tlu so iiitiny jears, with nnu iinir mostly cone. I li.no rtirul thousand since. and very many havo liccit cuuu h Un. triatuient wiiom 1 navo never seen. About tho 1st of October. I exuect to take r-os. session of my new liulldlnp nt thu iiorthcnst cm. tier of Sixth and Arch Streets, where 1 shall bj pleascit to plvo advlco to all who may rcqtilio It Full dlrecllnna nccoinpjny all my reuiedie, s that a iersnn in any part of tlio world ran bo read Uvcurcd by u ttrlU uhservnnra of thu ame, .1. II. SCIIKXCK, M.l.. l'hIUdvIphlt. IIUJIX-IIITT A- EDSALL1 32 Lake-street, Chicago, Wholesale Agents .IIII.LI.VKItY. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE I MRS. cTMcCrEE, E10.HTH STRKKT, UKTWEKN WAS111NQT0N AND COMMERCIAL AVENUES, lias just received a full and splendid line ol NEW GOODS Dress trlmmlna. silk altnps, silk caloon, iiUl ultra lnces, moss trliniiilnK, crocket butli.ns, silk nnd velvet buttons, plush and Iriinuilnn vel vet, hat nml bonnets, lino Uld plove. lailita' ami chlldreus' shoos, and u full nnd eoni Icte sleek ul Millinovy and Fnnoy Goods, All of which heprnpcetoacllnt VERY LOWesT I.IV1N0 CASH I'RII'ES, ' 'kind'lTxq. SAVE TK0U11L1C AND EXPENSE. To IloiiNvkvept'rHi Michael Powd will furnish Stave Factory Kind ling nice, dry. nlrcdy-cut wood, lu nny pirt of th city, for ll.M) ft wvKon load. Here la u way to avo iuculculablo troubU In your bouseliol J. litave orders at McQauley'. drutt atore, or a4 drosA them to Mlclisel Uowd.lhiuuhiho po. otUce. NoTlt-if