Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1871. t i I Ir- ' THE BULLED JOHN II. ...U-l.,r.K.IIIor.mll'tHr, Ti cr t" Daiiv Hittntm i tSvtttrtptlm. O week, I'T esrrler, - ......... M One yeirl'T carrier, In advance 10 00 One month. by mall, . three ironlh - " W 0 a mn!hi """"- OJO ycal, " - inlrrpnnno buttmui men THX UOLUR WKBKLY 1IULLKTIN. .orison 'Tnr f w clro "ullt,l,n ,0 pvrpubllihed in Southern Illinois. Gen. Grant is a rcgulnr attendant nt Dr. Newman's church Methodist in Washington city. . TllERK is souio talk of doing away with woman suffrage in Wyoming. This is a shame. To snatch the cup away from lips that have barely tasted it is cruel. Singularly cnouch. in Bunker Hill, Illinois, a man who makes a vio lent attack on his mother-in-law is ad judged insane. In many places this wouldn't bo considered ns any sort of a test. Br.N. BlJTi.Kn denies that he has had anurinc to do with an anti-Grant movement. His dcna wiUbcbciicvcd, of course, sinco it is not in tho nature of the Beast to take part in anything half bo respectable. The millennium is about to com mence. Mrs. O'Leary swears that she had nothing to do with the sotting fire to Chicago. Granting this is true, it is the first mischief sinco tho fall a woman has not been at the bottom of. Tho millennium must bo about to begin The members of tho legislature have Canada thistles on the brain, and in tend to exterminate them in a peremp tory manner. To this end a new office is to be established in each county, tho incumbent to be known by the title of "thistle exterminator." He is to re ceive five dollars a day and perquisites, and will be required to labor only eight hours a day. The Ncw-Tork Herald says Bout well as a financier has proven himself a fail ure. And this after the Jonesboro Ad verttier'i unqualified praise of tho career of the secretary of the treasury 1 NYc kuow leading newspapers' of like poli tics sometimes differ, but for two such journals as tho Herald and tho Advcr lUrr to entertain different opinions on so important n subject is significant, to say the least of it. Uahiiondali: radicalism bus proven itself an apt scholar at learning tho trijks of the party. After sccuriug the location of the normal university by a generous bid, the town has gone back on ita offer, and Governor Palmer who has a brother among tho buildiug commissioners now makes tho pro posal that the state shall assumo tho debt and finish tho university. Wo don't like to be hard ou our neighbor, but it appears to us that Carboudalc, tho moral, temperate, church-goin town, is a hypocrite of tho first water. Or late years, .women have learned and appropriated to themselves, to more or less extent, many of the occupations once thought to bo the exclusive prop erty of men. Chief among theso is tho business of telegraphy, That this is so, perhaps, is owing Jto tho establish inent of the free school of telegraphy at Cooper's institute, New-York, found ed and sustained by Peter Cooper. Forty pupils are received at one timo aud no fees whatever are charged for instruction. It has been found that women aro particularly apt at learning the business, graduating iu from three to seven months. It is estimated that there is at present forty young women employed in the offices of the Western Union telegraph company, graduates of the Cooper institute echool. A couuesi'ONdent of the St. Louis litpHllitun U au admirer of Sonator Tiucher, of Vermillion, and holds him in high esteem as a great wit. Tho other day Tincher remarked in the sen ato that " no other body of men ou tho ' face of tho earth had done more talk tin tho samo length. 0f time than the ' lato constitutional convention." " This ' remark," the Republican eorrespond- ent remarku, "created some pleasnnt ' couimotiou among tho sonators, which ' was particularly noticeablo in the di. 1 rection of Mr. Puller, of Boone, where 'upon Mr. Tincher twisted his long jorin ana lengthy features bo as to com- mand a Jull view of the senator from Woouc, and added : The convention ' I repeat, did moro talking than any otuer iwuy, ..crept ,we individual bodui on Am floor!' Puller exploded 1 Tim lu.nttlA Atitntriil tliu In. ""'""J"."'" itncncr was happy, and the president rapped to order.' jt u biiuumj like 10 place s - 4l.- I,. tT.,, ii,, i , (...iico Is to bo jt seems mat at last jtuiicc Anno In M n'T.n- and tho rcsnon- .il.ilii r ni,tn' firo laid upon M,n-.,rn.,. ... (Jhicaco is "in- ono . ' . . .. , nf ilm pmifln. ' rcstigatiiiL' 'ie origin 01 11,0 ooniia- cratinn. The course ot Uie cxninitia- tion so far, has prollt well demonstrated aontntlvus hits repealed the tax on com tho fact (hat there I'vm n fire. Hut tho mcrclnl drummers. Tlio sennto resolution n!v olhcr item of real importance that ratifying tho contact to lenso tlio itnto Jias boon revealed ii the fact that Mrs. O'Leary has been shoved into fame and has barely escaped the fate of marching down the page of history as a per son i f some moment on a false accusation. It wasu't herself atall that milked tho cow that kicked tho lamp that fired Chicago. Mrs. O'Leary is a respectable lady and the hard-working mother of five children, and long be- Opera house, ut Cincinnati, K. S. llussoll, fore tho hour at which tho fire broke whllo playing tho chnractor of Cap. Thorn out, she was in bed and fast asleep, ton, In Hob Hoy, accidentally discharged And so, although tho public arc loth i to givo up tho theory that tho firo was caused by tho bursting of a lamp aud tho lanin was kicked over by a cow and the cow was milked at nino o'clock at night, who milked it is again a mystery since Mrs. O'Leary swears on oath that she did uot. I The followinc senatorial districts have been agreed upon by the joint committee of tho general assembly on apportionment. The knowing ones Bay the bill in which this apportionment has been reported will pass " substan- .i1K. in u nf .!, . ..-.j . , . 1st to 7th. Cook county. 8th. Lako and Mcllcnry. 9th. Wanebago and IJoone. 10th. Stephenson and Ogle. ltli. 3o Daviess and Carroll. 12Ui. AVhUesldo and Loo. 13tn. DoKalu, Kendal nnd Grundy. 14lh. Kane and Dupago. 15th. Will. ICth. Kankakeo and Iroquois. 17th. Livingstone and Ford. lEth. Lasalio. 10th. Ilurcp.u, Putnam and Marshal. 20th. llonry and Stark. 21st. Kock Island and Mcrcur. i!2d. Knox and "Warren. 23d. Hancock and Henderson. 21th. McDonough and Schuyler. 25th. Fulton nnd Mason. 2Ctb. Peoria. 27th. Woodford nud Tazewell. 28th. McLean. 20th. Loan, DoWilt and Piatt. SOth. Champaign and Douglas. 31st. Vormillion nnd Edgar. S2d. Clark. Crawford and Lawrence, 33d. Coles Cumberland and Moultrit. 34th. Macon and Shelby 35th. Santrsmon. 3Cth. Christian and M 37th. Morgan, Cass and Menard. usui. rike, ifrown ana scott. 39th. Adams. 40th. Macoupin and Green. 41st. Jo scy and Madison. 42(1. St.Clalr. 4Zd. Bond, Clinton and Washington. 44th. Fayetto, Marlon nnd Jefferson. 45th. Kflingham, Clay and Jasper. tG.U. Itichlaud, Wayne, JCdwards and Wabash. ' 47th. Monroe, llnndolph and Perry. 4 Htli. .luckeon, Union and Alexander. 40th. Franklin, "Williamson nnd Saline. 60th. Hamilton, White nnd Gallatin. Oltt. I'alHikt, Alntrtt; Join, mm. P.inn And Hardin. &f" The Nuw Orloam lite In nn in teresting article ou journalism in tho Crescent city shows that thoro woro only fivu dallies thcro in 1871, tho lice, tho Tunes, the Picayune, the llulletin, and tho Republican, against nine, tho Tropic, tho Jeffcrsonian, tho Courier, tho lice, tho Bulletin, the Picayune, Whs Delta, tho Cres cent, and tho evening Mercury, in 1817, nud that the circulation nf tho prcsont jour nals is certainly not greater than of those published twenty-four years ago, and it U doubtful if It ii so lurgo. According to tho growth of population the llee says the circulation of tho dailies should have in creased in tho proportion of from 13o to 101, instead of remaining stationary "In 1817 and for many year after it was in the power ot every sober and Indtistrl ous head ot a family mechanic, clerk! uraynmn and laborer, as well as tho mer chant, tho ct'.pltalltt and tlu professional man to pay for n dally paper. Now u whole neighborhood borrow a paper from a corner grocery. Publishers are com pelled to charge twico as much as thoy did iu 184", anJ tho pjoplo huve ucarccly half tho ability to pay tint thoy had then. " Tho occasion of all thU tho lice finds in tho ruinous taxes by which " the news paper, onco deemed x neccssltr to an American citizen has becomeu luxury." t&T Tho Norfolk Virginian says ; "We wero shown yesterday a remarkably in genious pleco of work, executed by two boys iu tho country, which wo deem worthy of special notlcu. It is in tho shape of a locomotive it rid tender, niado of wood throughout, but with every pleco belong ing to a real working locomotive. Tho most Mngular part of it is that the model was made after an inspection of an cngiuu usting not more than tun minutes. Tho whole thing shows that tho makers exhib ited not only patient Ingenuity, but real mechanical gonitis. It was made by two brothers, Samuel Augustus Hart and Thomas Henry Hart, living naer Wake Held, on tho Norfork ami Petersburg rail road, and was presented to Jlr. J. A. Akers, engineer, of whoso engine, No. 10, ho says it is on exact model." lOTTho Petersburg, (Va.) Progress has from a reliable gentleman this extraordi nary oyster story : -'Ho fays that an oys- tr In a houso down by tho market, which happened to lmvo its vitality unimpaired by Its removal from tho briny dcop, did, nigra or two since, catch a rat by his wot ami iiom j,im until roornlnp, when im'l'neior despatched him with a big suck, it Is supposed that tho ovstor had lis moutii open whon tlio rat camo Jng around nnd Inserted his foot between tho shell in order to romovo the moat witiiln, nut was suut aown ,on the Irato oyster with the direful result related above." HOT The sawdust swindlers turn up in most unexpected places. Here, for In- tance; la an advertisement that they havo insortca in tho dnlly Times of Houston, Tatm i ' wllhoutlnlerferlngtvilholhcr business. Addrm confidentially, tiiomah.mohoan a Co., New York. Hy sending inonoy to tlicso rmrtloi any cn.i obtain n rnckngc of sawdust pro- portioned In slzo to tho nmount remitted. . cay Tlio Tcnncssco Houso of Rcnrc- prlion labor for flvo years at $35,000 per annum, waj adopted. Tho House fixed tho stnto tax at forty cents on StOO. 8-Thomas J. Durnnt, formerly of Louisiana, hos been appointed advocato on tho part of tho United Slates beforotho arbitrators nppointcd to scltlo tho claims of cllir.ons of the United States ngalnit Spain, In place of Caleb Cashing, resigned. )nntlncovcstorday at Piko'i ..... . . ., i . pHtoi, tlio contents pawing tnrougn two u"bc' &r Klght miners wcro killed on Fri- dny by a colliery explosion at Jlromwlch, England, and by a similar accident at Hwrrford est twenty men wore injured . 85&.alullaly is tho luiiuana or .Lisa I Wobor, and the Lnulsrlllo Courier-Journ- Ll asks "who is tho fathor of Liso?" Tho editor of tho C-J. it tho father of a good mnny "ci "ot "c ' jjgyCoahoma county, Mississippi, has voted 5350.000 subscription to tho Jiouuo and Northwestern railroad, terminating Friar's Point. Tho vote was almost ta ItlUlllltMUll ItSy Gov. Snracuo Intends holding a running meeting at Norrngunsett Park next summer, when it is rumored, $20,000 will bo given in purses. VSF The corner stonoof tho First MctU odlst church Imlldlng In Salt Lako city was laid last week. K. K- K. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE MY TE1UOUS OIIDKH. OHL1GATION AND DUTY OF TH MEMliEHS. ALL A1JOUT THE " BLASTED THING. A correspondent of the Now Yo Evening Post furnishes that paper with what ho calls a copy of the original const! tutlon nnd obligation of tho ku-klux-klnn. which, ho mysteriously adds, nn officer tho United States army was enabled trace through the hands of various chiefs of tho order directly to tho "Grand Chiof of tho Sovcnly," In whoso handwriting is. Tho document is us follows : OllLIOATION' TAKEN IIV THE KU-KLU.V. "I (name), before tho immaculate Judge of Heaven nnd Earth, nnd t'pon tho Holy EvnngolisU of Almighty God, do, of my own freo will and accord, subscribo to tho following sacredly-binding obligations : "First Wo nro on the side of justice, humanity nnd constitutional liberty as be- ;iiaittiiii to u in its jiiii'ity iy our iorc futhcrs. "Second Wo oppose nnd reject tlio principles ol tho radical party. "Third Wo plcdeo mutual aid to each other in sickness, distress and pocunlary embarrassment. "Fourth Females, friends, widows and their households shull over bo special ob- joctsof our regard and protection. "ruin Any memoer uivuiging or caus ing to bo divulged any of tho lorcgoing obligations shall moot tho luariui penalty and traitor's doom, which is death, death, death. " C0X&TITU1T0.V. "Art. I. This organization shall be known as tho Order, No. , ol tho Ku- Klux Klan of tho stnto of South Carolina " Aiit. 11. Thoofllcers shall consist ot a cyclops nnd scribo, both of whom shall bo olectcd by a majority vote of tho order, nnd to hold their ofllco during good behavior. " Aut. III. Sec. 1. It shall be tho duty of tho C. to preside in tho ordor, enforce a duo obsorvanco of tho Constitution and JJy and an exact compllanco to tho rules and usages of tho order; to sec that all thn members porform their respectivo duties; nnnol'it all committees before thoordcrtin- snect tho am s n id dress nf each member on special occasions; to ca I meetings when necessary; uraw upon members tor an sums needed to carry on tho order. " Sec. 2. Tho S. shall koon a record ol tho proceedings of tho ordor; write com munications; notify other Klans when their assistance is ncoded; glvo notice when any member has to sutler tlio penalty for violating his oath; sco that all books, papers or other p operty belong ing to nis ofllco nro placed beyond tlio reach ol any ono nut memoers oi me oruor. ... - . .1 !... - ho shall perioral sucu otuer tiuues ns may bo required of him by tho O. " Art. IV.. Sec. 1. No person shall bo initiated into this order under eighteen years ot ngc. bo admitted iuto this order. ''Sec. fl. No person shall bo admitted in to the order who does not sustain a good morul chnractor, and who is any way in capacitated to discharge tho duties of a Ku Klux. "Sec. 4, Tho nume of a person offered for membership must bo pronosod by tho comtrdtto appointed by tho chief verbally, stating age, resldenco, and occupation, state, if he was a soldior in tho late war, his rank, whether in tho federal or Con federate service, and his command. " Art. V. Sec. 1. Any meinbor who shall offrnd against thcio articles or tho bylaws, shall bo subject to ba lined and reprimanded by tho C, as two-thirds of tho members present at any regular moot ing may determine. "Sec. 2, Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial for any olfonco involving reprimand or criminal punishment. "jiy-laws. "Art. I. Sec. l-Thls order shall meet at- "S9C 2. Flvo membors shall constitute a quorum provided tlio 0. or S, bo prc sont. " Sec. 3. The 0. shall have power to ap point such mombcrs of tho order to attend to the sickly, tho needy and those dis tressed, n nil inose suuering lrom radical misrule, ns the enso may rciiuiro. "fjec, 4. jmo person shall bo appointod on a committee unlets the person is p ret urn at ice tuno oi appointment, Mem bers of co.nmltteea uegleetlng to report shall ha fined 30 cents. "Aut. II. Hue, 1, Every member on being admitted ahull sign the constitution nnd bylawB and pny the Initiation fee, "Sec. 2. A brother of tho Klan wish- inc to bocomo n mombor of this ordor snail nrotcnt ms application with tho pro- admitted to tho ordor onlv bv a un- nlmous vote of tho members prcsont. . T .... ... . j. Am, in. dcc. j. x no initiation ico all bo "Art. n .Sec. 1, Evorv member who shall refuso or neglect to pay his fines or uucs snail uo ucait with ns tho unlet thinks proper "Soc. 2. Sickness or nbsenco from tho country or being encaged In any Im portant business shall bo n valid oxcuso for any neglect of duty. " Art. V. Sec. 1. Each meinbor shall provld e himself with a pistol, Ku-Klux grown and signal Instruments. "acc. a. w non charges navo necn preferred against a member in propor manner, or nny matters of grievancobo twecn brother Klux aro brought boforo tho ordor, they shall bo roforred to a spec ial committee of thrco or moro members, ho shall cxamino tho parties and deter mine tho mntters in question, reporting their decision to tho order. If tho parties interested desire, tho two-thirds of the members prcsont voting in favor of the re port, it snail bo carried. "Art. VI. Sec. L It is the dutv of t cry mombor who has cvldcnco that another bas violated Article it., to prcter tno charges anu tpccity tho otronco to tno or ier. " Sec. 2. Tho chargo for vlolatlne Art iclo II. shall bo reforrcd ton committee of ve or moro members, who shall as soon as practicanio summon the parties and in estimate tno matter. "Sec. 3. If the committee rnrrco that the charges nro sustalnod, that member on trial lias intentionally violated his oath. Articlo II., thev (ball rcnort tho fact to tno oracr. "Soc. 4. It tho committee acrco that tbo chargoi nro not sustained, that tho member is not culltv of violating nil oath or Articlo II., thoy shall report to that cilec to the order anu tbo charges shall bo distn sscd. "Sec. 6. When tho commltte report that tbo charccs aro sustained, and the un animous voto ot tbo members is given tbcrcor, the oiienulng person shnii bo sen todced to death by tho Chief. "cc. o. Tho person, through tno Cylops of tho order of which lis is a mem ber, can mako application for pardon to tho Great Grand Cyclops of Nashville, xenn., in which case execution oi tno sent- onco can bo stayed until pardoning power is henru lrom. "Art. VII. Sec. 1. Any member who shall betray or divulge nny of the matters ot tno oruer than suitor death. "Art. VIII. Bee. 1. Tho following sua'.i bo tho rules of nny order lo any mat tor herein not provided for ; shall beman aged in strict accordance with tho Ku T 1 A.iux rules. "Sec 2 When the Chiof takes his pot tion on tbo right, tho Scribo with tho mom bcrs forming n half-circlo around them ana nttbo sounaortho signal instrume there shall bo profound silonco. " Sec. 3. Iteforo proceeding to business the Scribo shall call the roll and note tho absentees. Sec. 4 . Business shall bo taken up the following order: "1 Ilcadinc tho minutes. "2. Excuse of members nt preceding meeting. "3. Hcport of Commltte) one andidat ror membership. "Collection of dues. "C. Aro any of tho order sick or suffe ing i " 7. Iieport of Committees. "8. New Business." DRY ii O O D H. 71. FALL-WINTER. 72 0. II AN NY. LARGE STOCK. lUKOWN WHKKTINUH, PRINTS, CHECKS, AND STKI P E S, KENTUCKY JEANB, KXTItJ, OASSIMERS, BLACK ALPACAS LUSTERS, OROS GRAIN SILKS, POPMXH. LARGE STOCK OF CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, Window Nliadea, 01 LT HANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMASK.1. Ilia KnllrnNtoek Xaw Uoalna; Out; AT VERY LOW FIGURES. C'OltN'EK 8tH HT., AND COMMEKCIAI.-AV., Cairo. Illinois. aeptllf. SI I I.I.I ; VKKY. MRS. ANNA LANG, EinilTII-hT., 1IKT. WASIMNOTO.V ANII COM SI KIIC'IAL-A VENUES, In mm receiving a bcnutll'il ansorlment of Fall Millinery Goods, Including llata and Miapes of tlie latest stylu limner, riowttr mini rentherw. Mm. l.anK will alio abow cuatomars (lie Urges election or Woolen Yarna To b founil In the city. 11 LEACHING AND 1'BKSBINO ORDER. DONE 10 CENTRAL ELEVATOR. are now prepared to handle grain wita dis- patch at reluroi rata, aa lollowi 1 I, MB IUIIUWI I i grain, weiKhlnx In an atoraee, J.'o per bushel, trunsler oue-linlf cent ror receiving bulk grain, weighlnK In and out, For aitcklne and cent addl. tlnual. For each ten days nfler the flrnt fire one-hull cent per bushel. .... . " ' "UUIVinUIIAM. Cairo, III., Nov. 8, W71. noTB-30t. DISSOLUTION. NOriCE IB IIEItEnY OIVBS, That the Co. I'artnerthip heretofore eiistiiiK betwoen V. II, Thomas, K. W Green and U. M, Alden. under thu hrm name of Thomaa, t!nn Alden, haa lhl'lv baen dlnoUert, by the mutual consent ol all the parties cancerned. Tho business wilt hereafter b conducted by W. II. Thomaa and U, M, Alden. tiuder the Arm nim of Tliomn At Alden, by whnmal1 the ljulnn ol tho old hrm will be aetlled. W. II. T1IOMIH. COMMISSION AND rOILWAHDlNCl. ciiAitiiKs "jiriiijwEl'car GENERAL COMMISSION 1X1) FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. 64 Ohio Lovco, CAIIIO. ILLINOIS. not22dtr Slratton. t. lllid 8TRATTON & BIRD, (8ucceasor to Btratlon, Hudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. y Agent of American fonder Co., and man facturera agent for crlton yarn. J)"1" WOOD RITTENHOUSE, FLOUR aan General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, CAino, Illinois. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.. (Huccesfor.i to K, II. Hendricks t Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WHARF-110 AT PROPRIETORS CAIhC, ...- Liberal Adraneei rr.r i upon Conslgnmenti.. Are prepared to receive, itorn am oraard frelghta to all points and buy azil ell on commission. Business attended to promptly. II. M. IIULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION MEECHAITT. No. 134 Commcrcial-avc, CAIRO, ILLINOIi. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS kor FAIRHANK'S SCALES 68 Ohio Lkvxk, CAIRO, ILLS. Z. D. UAT1IUB8. K. C. tJHL, MATIIUSS & UIIL, FOEWAEDIITQ- AND (JOERAL Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE, o. 01 OHIO I.KVKK, Dititeen Fourth d Sielh Stt., CAIHO, IM augM diwtf JOHN Ii. PIIILLIS, (Succemior to Parker & I'hl'.lis,) GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, AMI DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAMO, ILL. CLOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AM Oeuknt, Plaster Paris, AND PLASTERER'S HAIR, Coracr Elghtb Street and Ohio I.evcc CAIRO, ILL. OAN FITTEIIN. F. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAM FITTER HAS REMOVED VROM rERRY HOUSE TO TUB BRICK BUILDING on SEVENTH ST orrosiTE vriNTKit's iilock, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. HE has greatly improved bia stock, and haa no on hand all binds of CHANDELIERS, rXNDKNTB, GL01IEH, I1UACKET8, HALL LIOHT8, SHADED, ETC. AttKKD DOWN VRIOES COOKING NTOVEft. TIIK TWO 3Init KticcrNirnI, Popnlnr nmt rcrfect C OOK1ITG MACHINES 01 the period nr our wdl-kniwn EPICURE BROILERS, IlAlliarenf (he ulirnlril construction. And to cully manage u inai wo guarantee mem to giio ENTIRE SATISFACTION. An no article In the household has a greater in fluenrn In tiromotlni the health, comfort and hMi pineM of the family circle than the cooking atore, it In wonomy m well as policy to get the very bout: nnd In Olivine the CHARTER OAK You can rely on getting the moit iiucceM nil, Hlar and perfect cooalng Move ctr m ad using the BPICVHR RKOII.KR. fou are always euro of daring Juicy, Temldr and Delicious Iit'cffttnkeF, Chieken, Ham, Chops etc. Excelsior Manufacturing Company, 012 an JOHN. Min-M.,Bt. Louin, Mo. AND ALL LIVE HTOVE I) AIiKllM. C. V. HENDERSON, Agent, Cairo, Illlnol. tltii tin' It.tII.ROAI. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. 10 St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi cago, r BW 1 ORE, iioston, AND ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST. Pa.ngertratu arrive at and leave Culro aa fol. 10l! mail. irau. Aaatvi 3l3lla.m 3130 DrrAxr 2i4.1p.rn both trnlne connect at Centratia with train on tne roa Patia, Decatur, IlloomlnRtcn, El Pao, I.a Salle llendota, r reeport.itni'na, I'uouiue, mnn all iKilntu In illmoln, Missouri, Hinnenota, M'itconaln and Iowa. And with Line running Ea.t and Wept tor t. Louiii, HponRheld, I.ounville, Cincinnati, InXaiiapolia, Columbus. And at Chicago llh Michigan Central, Michigan Bouthern, and Pitlsbure. Fort Wajna ana cnicago iianroaun lor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. Albany, Honton, I'hiUdeiphla, Magra Fall", Krle, lluttalo, .New York, l'lttuburg, llalllmore, Washington. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On nnd nfler Monday, April 21th, l7l, tram wll ruu a loiiows i NOItniKIt.N DIVISION. Tail.l (iniMO fcllt'THEl.T. Mail. Eipren Leave Virginia 12 34 p.m " Hpringneld - 9J a.'" " Tnylorvllle.. M'M ' M Arrive at l'aiin 11:11 m Ml TAAIJStf OOlN't aOkTlfWMT. Kxtire Mall Leave Pana .....4:Wa,m , " 'j'H)irvui ...1:1 " :2u " Arrivo atriprlnglled...iiilS " wi " Leave Spmiigtleld r.:i', r,:lo " Arrivoat Virginia : " ....S:I4 " SOUTH KltN DIVISION. TBAI.1H 001X0 IDVTIIKiar. Leavo Rdgcwood fi::iOn.m 10.10 a.m Flora f:IS " ll:l't Arrive at bhaneetown-1:S.lp m &:1S p.m TBAIM 001 SO MUSTIIWL.T. Leave Khawncetown All n.m ... S.20p.m " Mora- " .;ou " Arrlro nt Kdanwood 4:10 S:'M The 6:30 n.m. train from Kdgewood, runa only Mondava, WtdnesiiajaHtid J-nuayr, anu oitia.m train from Shawneeton on Tucsdajs, Tliurs dmTm and SnturdaVH. ConnecU at AHliland with Jackxonvllle dlvlalon of Chicago and Alton Itillrnad, for Jicksonville, IVtprnlmrir. Mnaon Cltv. a nd all nointa weft. At Kpringfleld, with Chicago and Alton, and Teledo, Wabah and Wentern Railroad, Inr uioomington, viiicagn, ana an poinia norin,norin Hf'lt Hml UfMl. At Tana with Ind. and St. I.oula, and Illinois Central Hall rood for ull points eiut, souih and aoutheaet. At Kdgewood with Chicago Division Illinola entrni itauronu. At Flora, with Ohio and Mlssiaslppt Railroad, Ainnawneeiotin, wiui ateamuoaia tor uinuin II, i'uducttli,lairnani&t. i.oun. OltLANDSJIITII, Oen'lSnp't, John Foititt. Oen'l Fr'at and Ticket Ag'l. NKWNI'AI'KIl THE NEW YORK EVENING POST run 1873. i'ui r.H iti:ir Ki- We will supply the Ktening Post as follows! DAILY. One year For shorter periods WKKKLY Single Copy ono year Flvo Copies " " Ten " " " 812 on ..$1 per month Jl 60 , 7 (x) .12 10 Twenty " " 20 00 HKMMVKKKLY. Single Copy one year f.'i 00 Five Copies " " 12 60 Ten Copies " 11 20 00 Or wo Mill send the following periodicals to subscribers, In connection with the Kicnlng iiti, at the prices named i With Weeklv With SemUWeekly Kvenlng Post, Kvenlrife Post. Itarner'a Weeklv, l 0 0 00 Harper's liatnr Harper's Magailne Every Saturday Atlantic Monthly Our Young Folks Scribner'a Monthly..., Tho Ualaxy , The Acriculturlst .4 DO ti U) 4 60 C 00 6 00 I) 60 .4 00 CM) 3 00 4 60 4 60 6 00 ....4 00 S 60 .1 60 6 00 -J 76 fi IU Hearth and Home Christian Union a 60 a oo TO each aubscr.bcr to tbo Evening Wand Chris linn Union toe one year will bo sent two exqulslto French Oil Chromos, entitled "Wldo Awake" and "Fast Asleep," which aro worth at retail JlOfor thooair. TRY IT I TRY IT 1 1 For 25 cents wo will send the Weekly Evening Post from now until January 1, or for 60 cents we will send the semi. Weekly Post during tho same time. Specimen ni'mbcra of the Evening Post Bent free. Address WM, 0. BKYANT, A CO. rew York; every ht-rtfor the largcafaptjjt pupor m the world. Able writers, all the news, aud conatant improvement, toll .Market Ueport. Sunday Bchaol Department lesson every week. Air inr Hexlblo ndvecate nf baptist principles. OlTS prkt i only tU.QO per rear. The most aatontah. log premium and clubbing list ever offered, or liberal cusli commissions paid. sW Specimen CO A I,. CAIRO CITY COAL Is prepared to nupply CUsKiliier with 111" l.eil quality o. PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS COAL. OtyJSRSJ'f1 l l,lldar "rot. omee, 70 OHIO I.KVEK, or at the Coal Tird below the St. wmrirv iinici, win rpcoirn pre Til K TUO " MONTAl'K" w elile steamera at any hour. ng coat along ocMlf MRDIC'AI.. NKRVOUS DKBILITY, With IU gloomy nllrnilnnla, low nl in- urnrain,i louiniarr em h ai om of awniVB. antprmnlorrlirria. loa at k power' llaay, Iim r memory, mill lhronlptiI Imiirli-nre) nnit I5fb. rllltn, nuil n liiTerrlirn cure In Hum. ii ti ' llonicintlilc Nirrllle .lo TMrnly-4lRlit. Compoted nt the moat valua me mixi anu potcm Liirativea, trier atruei a nnd at the root. l thn matter, tone up the it tern, nrret thmllcharg, ami Impart vigor ond nrrK7. mi. nni tiibui 10 umrnilie mill. I liey hav cured thouoandu of ca.ea. Price, $. per tweKigetor tKeiKjxea and a large 12 rial, which a ter; important iu nnstinate or old rase, or 11 perslugli box. Bold br all druSgiiti. and sent tT mall on toce lit ol Drier. Aibirvsa lliimnliir' Hiecltla llomeopathlu Mediclnt Co., U,t broad way, r 1 . i bCIIUII, augitiowawiy Agent, Cairo, Illinois, SIMILIA SIMILLUUS CURANTUR iiimiMinr.Y'N HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVn proved, from the most ample exper ience, so entire success: Simple Prompt htbclent and Hellable. Thev are the onlr medi cines perfectly Adapted to opular use so pim ple that mistakes cannot be made In using them; an harmless as to be fren from danger, and so efficient as to be always reliable. They have rals ed the highest commendations from alt, and will always render aatisiaction. Nos. Cent. I, Cures t rtrrft.congestlon, Inflammation.. 2S 2, 3 4, 6, C. 7, , 6. w o rtn a, woriii rever, worm conc...z3 4'rylnarollc or teething ot tnfants.25 Illrrhora, of children and adults.-U llyariilery, griping, bdlous colicM liolpri'inorlu, vomiting...... .,M rholeris. colds, hronchltm......M .rnrlxla, toothache, faoencha..2. llonilnrnrs, slek headache, vertlgoit liyaprpalM bilious stomaclic.....2i Nnpiir-rl,or palnrul period2f Si IS: 16, 17. n iiiiris9ioo proiuse prriousH.HM.u i'rnllti. fnllifh. difficult hratlilnr23 Nnlt Hhruui, Kryslpelas, Krupllonsli iiiriiinatiiam, rneiimttic tami..ii vrr and AKiir, chill lever, agueM IMIr. blind or bleeding Ophthlrmy, and sore or weak eyt.W 'ntirrh, acute or chronic, inrluentatS WhooplnK-Couaxh, vlole ntcoughsV) Aathmrn, oppreed breathing ....60 Enr IHnrhsirsira, liniilrel hraringSO Nrrofalai.enlarKed glands, swelhng60 Clrurml Drblllly, physical weak ness .M..60 liropny and scanty Secretions .60 NritNlrkntMsN. sickness from rldlni6o Hlilney-Ularaaei. Oravel. .C0 Krrvoiia) Iteblllty, seminal mlw ona.InvoduntarT discharges .1 00 I'lveUoxr., wits one ti vial of powder very nercssnry In serious cBses.6 W More Mnulli, canker......... .....60 L'rlnnry Wnsknrnsj, welting bed.60 Pnlnful frrlotlai, wilhsnasms.60 Nn llrrlllKKt change of life.... 1 00 Kpllrpsiy .spasms, ot Vltus'dant'e.l 00 Itlpllirrlnulc, erated sore threat 60 VI. 21. 2-. 21, "7 21 rAJlll.l uxatr,. Of3.1lo 00 larnr vlnla, marorro orrosewtiiKl case, ctinlnliilnic aprrlllr Tor rery oiwlluairy tliii rHornlnmlly Isaubjtcl to, mill book ordlreelloiiia ......from HOtotU bnialirr frnmlly, 20 to f s vial. ..irom HU lo ft Hpeolliclor all I'rltnlc DUrnaoo, liitli for 4'urliiK and tor 1'rrsen llo treatment, in vlalsand pocket ciucs lo 3 POND'S EXTIUCT Cures Burn. Ilruises, l.atnenesi, Borentss, Bora Throat, Hpralos, Toochache, Earache. Neuralgia. Rheumntiim, I.umbsgo. Piles, bolls, Htuis, boro Kyes, llleedlngof the Lung, Nose, Stom ach, or of Piles; Corns, Ulcers, Oil Sores. Puce, 6oi., 60 cts.J Plots. J 1.60; (Jqartr, tl'75. al'These remedies, excetd Pond's Extract. br the case or single box, are sent to any part oi tliocouhtrr. by mall or express, free o i cm large, on receipt oi ine price. Auureis HUMPIIKhYo'' HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO. Office and Depot. No. 6T.J llroadway, New. Turk. FOIt SALE IIV P. faCHUll, CAlltO, Ills, aiiglideowawly A HOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A Private Counselor to the Married or those aboulto marry on tho physiological mysteries nnd revelations of the sexual system wiui tno latest discoveries in producing and pre venting oll.prlng, preserving tne complexion, sc. Thin Is an Interesting worknf two hundred snd twenty uitr pages, wun numerous engravings, and contains valuahlo information for those who aro married or contemplate marriage; still it isa book that ought to be under lock and key, and not laid carelessly about the bouse. Sent lo any one (free of txistace) for 60 cent Address Dr. Hulls' Dispensnry, No, 12, Eighth sired, Ut. Louis, Mo. notice to the Afflicted and Unfortunate. llefore applying to tho notorious Quacks wha advertise It) tne public papers or using any (juack remedies, peruse Dr. Hints' work, no matter what your disease is or how deplorable your con dition. Dr. Hulls can be consulted, personally or at mail, on thodlsaeios mentioned in hia works. olllce. No. 12 N. Eighth stteet, bet. Market and Chestnut St Louis Mo. mv'-Mwlv LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. Mrs. I Cures colic nnd griping ) Price, it iHTtunu nj in ine oowris, anu in. t zo Syrup, 1 cilltates the process of Cents. I teething. Mrs. f Subdues convulsions WIIITCOMD'S nndvercomea nil dls Syrun. ' easoa incident to In- l fonts and children. Mrs. ( Cures diarrhea, dlscn. ' n'HITCOMU'S tery and summer com. Syrup. ' plaint In chlldi en ol all scrag. rrtce, Cent. Prlrr, 25 Cents. It Is thn Great Infant's and Children's Hoothing Itemedy in all disorders brought on by Teething or any oilier cause Prepared by tho GItArTON MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. Sold by Druggists nn everywhere. ealora In Medicine my7dw0m DR. RIUIIAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Use these only, and save time, health and money, reward lor any case of disease, la any ataie which they tall to euro. DR. RICHAU'S DOLDEN BALSAM, Nos. 1 and 2, are .he greatest alteratives known DR. ltlCH AU'S GOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOUH la the greatest tonlo and astringent la the med cal list. DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE U the only reliable diuralic. Thsso remedies are not advertised to cureal complaints, and benefit none t but are guaranteed toeliecta radical and speeddcine in all cases for which they are recommended, when all other treatment has fulled. Tens of thousands yearly recover by their use, who have lost all hope, and been pronounced ns Incuiable by tho best of our medical faculty. DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 1, cures ulcers, ulcerated aore throat and rooutb.nore eyes, cutaneoua eruptions, copper colored blotches, sorenesa of the scalp, aorolula. eto. It la the greatest renevator. alterative and blood purifier known, removes all mercury from the Biatein, und loaves tho blood pure and healthy. DR. ItlCHAU'S GOLDEN IIALHAM, No. S, curea mercurial nlleclinna, rheumalism In, all Ita forma, and gives' Immediate relief Iu cases. DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, . A radical euro for all urinary deiaiigemtnts Price, 1.1 per bottle, Dll. IlioilXu'B GULDEN HMXIH D' AMOUR, Artdlcal cure lur nervous ur aauntal debility, In old or young, Impaitlng eiieigy wllh woudsrfil e fleet. Price fS per bottle, or two for l. , , . t On receipt of price, these remedies will N ihlp ped to any place, l'rtibipl allelitlon pa d to all correspondents, Ntiuaveliilliie wi of ' UB. IHOIIAU'S OOIiDKNItK HicaAKtii, aole p,'opristur," blow ..'.ilv"..'i-':i-.iiv.... . . llllilil. .tin itKaiHuiin. Ai.ii. blown In glass of Circulars sent. Trade supplied as a liberal dl. count. . . Address. Dr. 1). B. itlcbards, 229 varicic-it., .y J.