OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, November 28, 1871, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1871-11-28/ed-1/seq-4/

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1 , -.S.'V. I'll". '""'"
TAKI. is"""1"
'". ::V.S.Slll2K'ih.ril and depart-
,ra.r,r'r train, at euro i
,-.Mil Irafo. dally - i!-
' Ki,fPM.iiilr 2.p.m
vi., I. .lallr . - 3:30 n.n.
vtr.n... ,lallf. eept Hunday 3:30p.m
v. .k.n-.nf ears from Cairo lo fct. I.ouls. fo
hane ofcera from Cairo lo Chicago. Flcganl
rawing Boon sleeping cars oo night Irami.
ehecanlli all Important nolol.
hTF.n tvo,
Will mule three trips daily.
tutiiro riiao
At S:30 a.m.
At 1:30 p m.
At C p.m.
At I..
At 30
Fare eaeh 7i 3,1 cents 1 10 ticket! for I. 0.
Will laai, when hailed, at any good Intermediate
aading.'or passengers or freight, nov-ttf.
mudh' boats.,
Weekly Packet for Paducali, Evansvllle sn Lou
isville, the favorite steamer,
T. O. ItTMAX, Jfnir.
Liirr Cairo every SATUDIUY at C o'clock p.m.
For freight or passage apply on board or to
jan. maun, Ast'i.
The splendid steamar
Joe Fowler, Mnatcr.
! if HU.Y, (4inlf4 excepted) at 4
Kir tnix'itor nti appli on boar dor
JAH. 1TH1UM, Ag't.
IFcrHalel '
Faro from Liverpool,
Faro from Londonderry
Faro from Glasgow,
JFnro from Quef.nbtown
TO CAIKO, :::::::: $48-20
Uailorii, Morrla A Ca
Liverpool New-Toik and Plillad Ipliia
Steamship Company,
cmbm coiraacr with initeo ariTra"iiD asms
For Carrying tne Mulls.
ok ri'KTiira iNroaMinov
IS nrosdmiy, Xew.Tuik, rrlo
II. II O 111, I,
Whlngtnn ATfiilu., dim. mns. 51
7NThD Ilva mnzlo Konllcm.in n fiirm.hrd
.11 n m ami board, in n Mrii-tly privnlo fnml
ly. li'Hreiici'gini'niinii rcnuliocl. mlilress,
lit II.. Ikix 3n. Cnlrn. Ilia.
WT-AMrii-SS TIHMS-To work on the Ctlrr.
ntiil M. l.miiM raiintnil. Aptly nntltnuork
twii milo form town or nt (innrtlioim. holrl.
.V,r. -. ,wl,tV"K'VW.Cretor.
T NTi:t-(X)OPi:aS-ElKht Coopira wanlcil
10 un lo 'IIipIich, IlllnolK, to work on l.uil
tivrfp and i-rl; lurrelv. f 1.(5 pn'il for P'J'k
lurri-ln, Hn I 5l.:u pakl lor lnrJ tlTH'f. Apply lo
Tluilicii, llllnom.
fok nr.xT.
The Commerclnl Hotel will lo rented on f ator
aWetennn. l'oaelon alve nnmedlalely. Ap.
ply to (octJitl) J. WINsTON.
The Urge mid qominodloun ilwelling liouae
mluatrd on Eighth between Walnut anil Wash
Inxton (pppoa.tethe I'rcabytcrlun Church) l for
rent. For terini". etc.. apply to
if, etc.. apply m
octSClf Ohio l.evee, Cairo, Ilia,
i...itH..i..n.,is,i(..M !...
NO ONE ii permitted to make UIU vzulu .t the
ateaniT I' I. Ejkeit. and from thia dalu no
lulls wilt bj pniil unleim maile by uiyaelf or upon
ui ntiiirn ururr. ii. , uui
JOAN. Mauler.
."oveiniierai, 1B7I.
A meeting of the stockholder of the Cairo and
iiuwiiiicr iHiiiuiiii i-tfiiiiiau v win iti neia II llli
nftifili nf tbn finnmnnv In (ilt-. llll.ml. U ...
Ilriluv. lUimmlui. n u?l nt 111 .'. ... ...
------I."" . -, IWII 111 U II H,l UI
the purpo.o ol ratiiyinx 1 lie action or the Iward
ctt mrjki.tnri. I. I f .ni..f.
" ..-in. I', li.
, . HecreUry anil TiraiMirer
Cilro, orember3, ls7l.
ron nam:
T.ie Illinois Central I Jlo.'i I (,'uinp iiy no
ollrfiiralo lheollowiiiJ'ici.crilie(l Jo' m In Vtn
AMillon lo Hie Cliy of Cairo, vli :
l,nt s; block -t), I,ol 21 bU.ck
' is " i, 2; " a
' 4 " U, " 21 " t,
" e st m'
" 3 " f-'i " 31 ' Hi!
Forlenni.ele. apply Vo JAMK.S JOII.N'-O
aull V..
ATWO-STOKV HOUHi: wilh I il, ulttl teil ou
tho.ouih mle of Taclfili, txtwern Walnut
kuij filar atreett. The Iiuii.h i. In complete
trier, roomy, well tin, ,e,l an I pAln'ed innlil
an.l out i nuir a) a reiilu- i.r ft , month i will
beaoU for 0yicah-for hoii.e and lot. Apply to
SMJMw No.7 Ohio l.evee,
AOI'OCKltV STANK, Willi lull n.K k ol kui
cenea; ellKlbly aiiuateil on on Waihlocton
i;!'"' ,lolnK BOod butlncaa. Apply at Ihe
ESIDKNCE No. 21 Triirleenili atreet. be.
,V . "inii0D arenue and Walnut ulret I.
n-li tKjmiiiercial aTeniie, up alalra.
R 1'l,.I!BNCB-"'rNinth aud Walnut at,
AhBVlI.T. Tn !,.'XU' "tr"!, 0lll
honra-fronn .,,. t0 tx m p m
William J.Allen. 1
John II Mo ke,. L CAIRO. ll.I.ISOm
Jonn 11 Mn,kH,
Samuel P.Wheeler,
aW'fslicuUr attention paid to rlrer and ail.
nmlly buameai.
omr.B-o,.r I'ii.tNaTIZnalltank, Ohio Lett.
couNSULona at law
William It, een, ") 1
William 11 (Illberl, I'Alllo liiiMnin
MileaF.OIIberl, J VA,""t U.1H018,
ripoU alUn'ion slTeu to Admlrall and
IX r.T.l .iir.M ir,.,n ihnlinp rlcra in laran con
.77. ,..... ;, 7" " " ..: 1 wonllcrnt owcji
Operetta of
llj nearly so" pcrfnncis.
Alliriiriuii Monday nail Tnntilny
.iniiug, .ov. V7iii mm a,m.
1 he al-ive will be Die mol Iwmi llnl exhibit I n
er tr i -n In Cilro. belntf pcrlnriniil In lull i ni.
(nine, with nil the nieclixnU'.i! an. I see-lueflecN.
fine collccllon of
&ilo$, Chorum and Illiuniihital Tab-
3f Kur full purtifiil. rf see pingiaiiimo.
'nlilUtml every morning, Moiulny fx
Cnpt. Sandusky Is as proud of his rc-
cwed tug, tlio Cncho, as ho is of his nm-
brosinl locks and shirt bosom.
Mayor Lansdcn found, when he re
turned to tho city, his "post of duty"
Handing and nobody holding It up with
"A. Oborly," says tho Commorco
(Mo ) DUpateh, "runs a tin storo in this
town." TJ10 Dhpatch'lt tincrammntical.
It should say An Oborly.
Tabcr lirothers aro propared to man
ufaoturo any pattern of jewelry to order
to suit tho parties and tho purse. All
kinds of rings, seal, chacd and plain, to
flt the finger and the purse. tf.
Tho Mound City Journal puffs all tho
lawyers who were engaged in tho trial of
Alfred Williams for murdor. McCartnoy
nil high up, Andorson " was highly com
plimented," Munn was "eloquent through
out," Green was " modcrato throughout,
high-toned and scholarly ; at times elo
quent, though making no effort to appear
Tho following woro tho arrivals at tho
Delmonieo hotel yesterday : P. N. Smith
and a. F. Shields, Missouri; S. M. Orr,
city; Geo. S. Tidgcon and John Car
ter, Mound City; S. "Wilson, river; 11. M
Anderson and L. Brown, Memphis; "W. A,
Whito nnd P. J. King, St. Louis; Dad
Ryan, St. Louis; R. C. Cash, Terra llauto
John Gillispio and Jack Abbie, Missouri ;
G.W. Howell, Golconda; Win. E. Gra
ham and J. Rush, Eransvlllo ; Tbos. Burns,
Ennls, Ark; "Wm. Sullivan, New Orleans;
Patrick Nealon, Cincinnati ; G.F. Bouton,
Jonc3boro; H. Cady, Michigan; Harry
Benl, I. O. R. R. ; Jnmos Kelly, St. Louis ;
John T. Guiro, steamer Eckcrt; "W. II.
Mcndcnliall, "Wheeling; J. S. Morris, Ul-
lin ; If. Lovy, city; A. E. Mason, Colum
bue, My.; A. Perkins, Mounds, III.; Jus. C.
Arick, city; "Win. A. Thornton nnd fami
ly, Pcorin; E. A. lJutris, steamer Eckert:
) in. 11. iiiunmi mm inoinns iiniiiday,
VVf... It rp 1 mm v. ....
1 ho following aro olie arrivals at tlio
St. Chnrles hotel : W. V. Crawford.
Dorchester; Frank Ober, Boston ; "W. J.
Iludd, Columbus; "W. II. "Williams Cal-
muct; Geo. II. Arnold, Keokuk : John G.
Cambell and wife, Ciucnni.ti : J. C.
Spring, N. II. Turner, St. Loeis ; F. W
Quagmire, Springfield; Jno. II. Scott.
Metropolis; Calob Hoagland, J. H. Pat
rick, Chicago; Don C. McKinzle, Steamer
Eckert ; Frank 0. Llclko, St. Louis ; Wal
tor M. Fhillis, 1). L. St. Johns, Memphis ;
Cnarles A. "Walker, Steamer St. Marv :
Jno. B. Lyon, Miss Nellio "WalUor, CLi
cugo; Harry Ileal, 1. C. 11. R,; James 11.
Massuy, Blue Iilund ; Stlmson, Chicsgo ;
J. R. Parder, Salt Laku ; J. Brokers Cin.;
Mort McRoberts, Mcw-York; T. M. Guf-
lleli, Cin.; AV. II. Rising Sun ; It. A. Camp-
oen, m. J.ouu ; 11. v. Ilryant, City
1 Judge Bros eoverely reprimanded a
party of inebrmto gentlemen, who a week
ago last Sunday mado considerable noleo
at Fhllharmonl. hall nnd knocked tlio
money box out of (ho treasurer's IihiuI,
seatlerJiiff tlio fractional currency about
tho II001; as thick a the leaves that strew
tlio valo nf Vahimbrotn, " as it were."
Tlio Judgesaid Hint Ini'briety that departed
from the path of quiot ami InpfTenslvo
stupidity was exciucuble in a verv ycung
man or editor, but could not bo excused
In men of advanced years. Ho truthfully
remarked, that tlio conduct of tho party
In question had compelled tlio Thalias to
build a ticket ofllce, so that tlio treasurer
might bo protected from buch attrcks, and
that therefore the party were, in dutr
bound to pay for tho cost of the ofllce. "If
I stood In your boots, gentlonion " said
tho judge sharply, "should do so without
a momont's hesitation." And wo boliovo
him. And if we stood in tho boots of tho
men leclurod by the judge, ho would
fino us (5 and costs. Ho always does.
Notick, Tlio best entertainment in
tho city is at the St. Nicholas hotel, saloon
and restaurant. Tlio best music that can
bo had violin and piano. Good lunch
every morning and night. All of tho
finest brands of cigars, and tho best St.
Louis lager beor, always fresh nnd nice.
Give us a call.
Harry "Walker, Proprietor.
Brick Stojv i for Rent. Tho brie
store, No. 78 Ohio Lovce, now occupied
by F. M tockfleth, Esq., is offered foi
rent, an II be vacant on tlio 18th Inst
APPly to Jno. B. Phillib.
Slkkpisq Rooms yon Rent. Ton
well ventilated sleeping rooms in CityNa.
tlonal Bunk building. Apply to
E1VWABD dezonia,
M ultinational Bank
Juht ReceivedW. -W. Thornton
Tenth street botweon Comincrciul avenue
and Poplar streot, has just received and in
tore 1,000 doors and 1,000 windows and
Fresu Beguln mackerel on hand at Jor-
The oporoltaof tho Fairy 'Queen, to
witness which lull night tho Alhoncum
was packed and jnnuncd, will bo ropontcd
this evening.
Persons who wish to have hair nnd
olhor kind' of Jowclry manufactured for
holiday gifts, aro requested to hand in
their orders a soon as possiblo to Buder
Brothers, corner ol "Washington avonuo
and Eighth streot.
Where aro you going? To tho place
number 63, Ohio levee, whero they keep
the best fresh oysters, fish and game, anJ
tho finest wines, liquors and cigars to bt
ounu in tlio city. Open at nil hours. dy
or night. J. E. Parks
During all of Sunday tho dny was
"balmy" nnd closed witlt 11 magniflcont
sunset. After the display of the sunset
the wind got up out of bed, wo suppose
and made things howl nnd pooplo shiver.
V e want no moro of tho same kind In our
ten, us the slangy boys say.
Holiday goods for tho million. Tha
best assortment of Fancy Goods, Toys and
Notions in tho city can bo found at the
Whcolor nnd Wilson nnd Piano Acency
of C. C. Carson, Commercial nvenue, be
tween Ninth nnd Tonth streets, Cairo, 111.
Our city directory, now being com
piled, is receiving liberal patronage from
tho citizens. Every business man who
has n high appreciation of the Importance
of n good thing when he has it thrust un
der his nose, is advertising in it taking
from a third to a whole page.
Tho rivor oditor of The Bulletin
was not on duty yestorday, and wo aro con
sequently without our usual river report.
Ho was sick, laid up in bed and bcinc
dosed by doctor's stuff. If marringo af
fects him thus how unfortunate it is that
ho ovor left tho Benedictine wnra f,f
bachelorhood I
Great inducements to any ono wish
ing to buy a llrst-class piano or organ.
E. & W. Buder offet their entire stock In
tho piano nnd organ lino at the netual
cost of tho instruments. Thoy nre desir
ous of closing out tho stock so that they
may uso tlio room for jewelry manufactur
ing purposes.
The little boy whose namo we didn't
know, who broke his arm in the country,
is tho son of James Reeves, who lives on
the Dickey place. Thollttlobov fell from
tho door stop and broko tho arm in such n
manner that it can only bo mended to bo
passably good. Dr. "Wnrdner dressed it.
A very sudden death was that of Jno.
Fall, at ihe houso of of Wm. Quinn yes
tcrday. Ho had Just finishod eating a
hearty dlnnor and was yet nt tablo, when
suddonly ho gasped onco or twice, fell
from his chair and died. Heart dlsoaso
probably. Tho deceased learos behind
him neither frionds nor money.
Twenty-two rats wcro caught in n
bascmont on tho leveo last Snnday. They
were long-tailcd fellows, bright-oyed and
saucy all, savo one, who looked sleepy
and moan, a perfect picturo of good-for-no-
iningncas, nnd was branded " Paducah."
Any person could hnvo told at a glanco
()l l,nl r- . li,.,, J J,j
been born and bred there.
All kinds
Jewolry Manufactured
tlio Under Brothers.
Tho manufacture of
Hair Jowelry for Holiday Gifts
made a specialty.
All porsons desiring to become mem
bers of a class to bo instructed in piano
nnd vocal music by Signor Fnrinf, who
projwos to establish in this city n conser
vatory of music, will please give notice of
1110 iuct at Morman Meyers' clear store.
Ohio leveo, to Paul Sehuh, druggist, Com
morcll avenue, or J. Schleslngcr, artist
corner Eighth street and tho levee,
If Gov. Palmer does not commuto tho
sontenceof the nogro convicted of mur
der at .Mound City last week, ho will bo
hanged about Christmas time. Tlio Pu
laski peoplo liko amusomonts durlni: the
holidays, but tho ghastliness of tho fun of
nhnnging, oven nt Christmas timo, can
not bo appreciated by any person well
vorsed in tlio art cf joviality.
A considerable number of citizens
met nt tlio court houso last night to per
fect the organization of n fourth ward flro
company; but in tho hope of obtaining a
rullcr meetings a motion to adjourn unti1
Wednesday night was made and carried.
I ho adjourned mooting will bo hold at tho
tin shop of F. & M. Wnrron, corner of
18th nnd Commercial. Let there bo n full
The Paducah paper says : "A Cairo
pnpersays that Miss nannah Virtue, a
spinster of correct deportment, residing in
that place, has rccclvod and declined no
less thnn thlrty-three offers of marriage."
This is n falsehood. Hannah has never ro
fused nny offer ef mnrriago, nnd that's
what's tho mattor with Hannah. Our
girls nre not of tho foolish kind who go
back on an offor of marriage, except when
made by a Paducah man.
Tho Buder Brothers, corner Eighth
stroot nnd Washington nvonue, have re
ceived 11 brnn-now lot of tho lntcst-stylcd
breast-pins, ear-rings, finger rings, brae
lets, wntches, clocks, etc., nnd, invito tho
public to call nnd inspect tho stock. Thoy
nro also ngonti for tho Duvls' sewing ma
chine, Burdcttorgansand St. Louis pianos,
and offer to tho public the best bargains to
bo obtained lit nny placo in Southorn III
inois, Il Is true that Blnnkonbcrg's Excol
slor saloon is now ono of tbo institutions
of tho city. All drinkers who liko roally
excellent liquors whiskies, wines, beer,
etc. goto tho Excelsior saloon, which is
fitted up in splendid stylo. Blankonborg,
who knows how to kcop a saloon, spreads
n flno freeu Inch ovory morning nnd ovo
ning, nnd, as ho forcibly oxpressos It,
"Sweetens the lunch with music." Ho
has employed tho sorvlcos of a tlrst-rato
which stands In ono end of tho saloon
speak out in musical tones. Everybody
is invited. Tho best order is maintained,
nnd nil improper characters suppressed
with nentnoss, cheapness nnd dispatch. Ev
erybody knows that tho Excolslor saloon
is at tbo corner of Washington nvenue nnd
FourJcontli street.
AVo have no hesitation In recommend
Ing Wlliinm Ehlere, boot and shoo maker,
as worthy of most libernl patronage. Wo
know whereof wo speak whon we say his
work is dono In a masterly mnnnor nt tho
loweat prices. Ho uses nothing but tho
best of stock, nnd ho cannot bo excelled in
tbo dellcato task of making nn exact flt.
Glvo him n call at his shop on Twentieth
troct, between Washington nvonuo and
Poplnr stroet, nearly opposito tho court
house, and wo will guarnnteo satisfaction.
The merchant tailoring shop of Messrs
Lchnlng & Kobler, on tho south side of
Eighth street between Washington and
Commercial avenues, opposito Hanny's
dry-goods store, has boon open only n fow
weeks nnd already these gcntlcmo nro ob
taining a fair sharo of tho pntronngo
of tho public. They nro both practical
mon first-class mechanics nnd aro will
ing to guarnnteo satisfactory work. They
keep on hand always n full lino of picco
goods, to which thoy direct tho ntlcnlion
of nil who wish to havo mndo clothes
that nro worth the money paid for them.
Cleaning nnd repairing dono neatly nt
low price.
Mr. Friend, tho late pastor of tho
Christian church in this citv, is now nt
Lcnvonworth, Kansas.
Every roliglous business man in tho
city, as well as every sinner, will adrer-
tlso In our elty directory. Refusal to do
so will bo regarded as concluslvo proof of
tho truth of the doctrino of total de
pravity. The Rev. D. B. Tumey, tho eccentric
Methodist preacher, continues to sling
about him poetry and prose In n mannor
which is fearful to bohold. His poetry is
worso than Tupper's and his prose would
do no credit to tho column' of tho
Jonesboro Adtertiitr.
Tho most religious person in tho city
is The Bulletin. We beg that tho Sun
will not retort that The Bulletin Is not
n person but n "thing." A cruel rcmnrk
or this kind would wound our sensitive
spirit beyond the nbllty of even Timo to
heal It, nnd wo doubt if Elder, with all his
ehoc-mendlng ability, could heel It.
It is very important thatevcry person
who attends church should do so promptly
fct tho nppointcd hour, so that fellow-wor.
hlpers may cot be disturbed at their do
votions. Any ono who is the owner of
one of Buder Brothers' watches, warranted
to keep correct time, will, havo tho means
of informing himself to a cortaintv ccn
corning tho hour of tho day, and can havo
no excuse for being "behind time" at any
placo or on any occasion.
We wcro instructed to inform tlio
public that Rev. 31r. Mulkoy would preach
in the Christian church Sunday beforo
last, and he did not; that ho would assured
ly preach there last Sunday, morning
nnd evoninjr, and ho did not. Wo deiiro
to jo very precise In the roligious informa
tion wo give to tlio public, so that our
reputation as n religiousjournal mar bo
maintained, but wo fear that mistakes of
this kind will lead tho public to bclievo
wo aro not to bo believed. This would
bo sad. But tlio Mulkoy information was
drawn from n Christian source, and wo
must not bo held responsible for its in
correctness. On Sunday night tho friends of Mr.
Friend held prayer meeting at tho Chris
tian church, tho anti-Friend portion
of the congregation remaining
nbscnt. They hold their prayer meet
ing on Wednesday niirht. If thcro is any
efficacy in prayer, a joint prayer meet
ing, held after tho manner of joint meet-
lugs of tho city council, might do n "power
of good." The burden of tho prayers of
each cf theso belllgoront parties should
bo: "Lord, enable us, miserable sinners,
to forgive as wo would bo forgiven and
to forget m wo should bo forgotten by
Theo.If wo don't quit using our littlo hands
to tear out each others eyes."
Rev. II. B. Thayer preached twlco
on Sunday In the Presbyterian church, a.m.
and p.m. After tho p.m. discourse, which
was able but not up to the ability of tho a.m.
sermon, tho reverond gentleman retired
and the question whs put: "Shall Mr.
Thayer bo called ? " Eighty-eight of tho
congregation voted "aye," nnd two voted
"no. 1 wo other persons, ono a Baptist,
who had no right to vote cither way. and
n sinner voted "no,"nlso. But tho vote
was substantially unanimous. So, wo pre
sume, mis settles tlio mattor. W al.nll
now havoMr.Thayer as ono of our retrular
clorgy, called in tho regular manner to the
ministrations in our midst of tho duties of
tho Christian shephord. Ho will find here
a community which is not bound up in tho
strnight-Jackct of puritanical belief and
practlco, but somowhat givon to tho habit
of courting tho bright side of life with its
smiles and laughter and jovialities ; a little
loose, maybo, in Its religious practices; too
busy to bo very devout, but orderly, sober,
(now let Paducah bowl), nnd liberal with
tlioir means as nny people on tho face of
tho earth. Ho will nlso find in hh own
.congregation some of tho bost men nnd
women of Cairo, and out of it how many
wandering sheep I but nil good fellows
There in ono sheep this is molaphoricnl
of courso which or who has wandered
many miles from the Presbyterian fold
and which or who is making a terriblo ado
In tho religious pastures hereabouts. Tbo
expostulations of this journal, powerful
though thoy have bucn, havo had no effect
upon him. Uo is wnywnrd in his por
vorslty, and wo shall bo willing to accopt
Mr. Thnyor's aid in tho work of tearing
the scales from his oyos, Wo aro sure Mr,
Thayer nnd The Bulletin can "fetch"
bim. If they can't, may tho Lord hnvo
mercy on his soul I
Marriaok Guide. Interesting work,
numerous engravings, 221 pages. Price
60 cents. Address Dr. ButU' Dispensary
No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis
to he and have jike.v pun ron
million, Mor.r. on less.
Low Wnrron is nil tho go nt Scolt't
linll to night. i;t
Go nnd sco M. Jordan, tho pooplo's
favorite, nt Scott's hnll, to-night. 2t
Why don't you go nnd seo Brown
and Johnson ten minutes In
their doublo song mid dnnce, at Scott's
hall to-night? 'jt
Before 0 o'clock yesterday every rc
lervcd scat in tho Athciicum was taken,
nnd Inst night tho ball wns crowded
packed jammed. Tho oporetta of tho
"Fairy Quoon" was presented In Ann
style, and fairly glittered with fcmalo and
scenic beauty. Thouslc, too, was all we
oxpoctcd it would be. The nudlonce wero
pleased with thcmsolvos nnd tho oporotta
peoplo, nnd secmod to enjoy thu occasion
hugoly. The Fniry Queen will bo pro
senlcd ngain to-night, nnd thcro will, no
doubt, bo another overflowing heuso pres
ent to testify to their appreciation of the
efforts made by Mr. Bobbins to furnish to
tho public nn ontortninment of tho most
interesting nnd nt tho same time most tin-
objoctlonnblo kind.
It is truo that that tbo best whisky,
wine, nnd such liquids, in tho
city nro to bo obtained nt Fitzger
nld'i snrnplu room, corner of Commercial
nvonuo and Fourteenth street. Lnwvcrs
who drink Pat's whisky always obtain n
retainer within Ilvo minutes nfter each
drink, nnd become virtuous ; ministers
who drink his wino nnd whisky, crow in
grnco nnd becomo happy; doctors who
sample his liquors "nil round," nro ccr.
tain to procuro n patient who has monoy
and tho dlspocition to pay for prescrip
tions, nnd becomo good citizens; nnd
editors who tnko n drop or two procuro
patrons who pay cash, and becomo drunk
editors and patrons. Tcmpcrnnco men
nro especially urged to patronize Pat. Ho
lias u pecullnr kind of whisky that makes
n man feci good, drunk and nil Hint, but it
leaves no odor on tho breath, nnd the man
who drinks it can get out of tho saloon
without being visible to mortal vision.
White on our way to church on Sun
day night, a sudden impulso solzed us.
Wo would hero remark that such Impulses
oftec seizo us. The ono that enptured us
on Sunday evening took us up into Phil-
harmonic hall and held us thcro miser
able sinner that we aro until we had wit
nessed tho Thalias play tho "roaring farce"
entitled "English." A largo company of
other sinnors wcro also prosent, and seemed
to enjoy tho noting ns much as wo would
havo onjsycd it if wo bad understood n
word that tho actors said. The hall Is
cozy, tho stago not very commodious but
well arranged, tho music of tho orchestra
most excellent, nnd tho acting, n good
Judgo hns assurod us, is fully up tho stan
dard of most of the regulnr theatrical com
panics of tho larger cilic. Wo know that
Jacckel, who did the Jow, acted his part
cxcellontly; that Captain Decker dished
up tho coffin splendid style; that Prof.
Baueman wns n fino young Eng'lsh gen
tleman in pursuit of ngcod-lookiog young
German widow, who wns personaied to
the life by Mrs. Mohner; that Mr. IVetus
was "iiifnu host" to tho life, and .Mrs
Prucss all that cou'd bo dcslrod ns tho
Jew's wife. A good-looking young lady,
whose namo wo do not know, penonnted
the widow's rnnid finely, and, in fact, every
one in tho casto was up in Ids or her part,
nnd had the words of tho play trippingly
on tho tongue. Wo aro betting high on
tho Timlin!.
Lost nbout noon on Saturday, No
vember astu, within two blocks of the
post oflico, a LADY'S FUR MUFF,
1 ho under will bo well rewarded by lcnv-
ing tho inmo with Lofiin, at tho post office,
oa ut Ur. U ardner s.
(From the Cairo Evening Sun.
Dr. J. White. Wn nro glad to learn
that Dr. J. Whito is receiving calls for his
advico and remedies which bid fair to r&
tain him in Cairo nil wintor. Dr. White's
skill in so promptly detecting, ns ho docs,
every nilment and tho truo condition of
tlio entiro body nf the sufferer I often tho
wonder of tho sufferer himself, nnd ovcry
ono who witnesses tbo cures.
Porsons ciiroloss or indifferent to this
opportunity for restoration to health may,
regret their noglect for tho balance of
their Ureal AVo udviso the early cnll of
diseased on Dr. White, with confident ex-
pectation of permanent relief.
His rooms nro at tho Southern hotel,
Ohio levee. nov7-lm
On Saturday, tho 30th dny of Decem
ber, I will sell nt public nuction tho fol
lowing proporty, left on my whnrfewt
uncalled for :
12 baskets,
15 boxes glass,
1 gas machine,
1 box tinware,
0 boxes merchandise,
1 box glassware,
7 bundles saddlo-lrees,
1 lot beer kegs,
1 lot felloes.
dlt- J. M. Phillips.
Otsters. Louis Herbert hasnlwn&e
hand n fresh supply of Snddlo Rock oyi-
Plain directions In German nnd Eng.
lish nro givon with Bnrr's Pectoral Elixir
Select Elemo figs, In layors, can bo
found nt Jorgcnson's.
A well stocked grocery storo is ndvor
tlsotl for sale, nt n bargain. 3t.
New ninionds, cocoanuts and pocans
nt Jorgcnson's.
Call on Jorgonson for choico London
layer raisins.
Adams' Dry Corned Fish for salo nt
See advertisement of grocery stand for
sale. 3t,
Paul G. Schuh soils 'RkUlnger'lj medl-
Tho Rov. M.. Jackson, of tho African
Methodist church, ltt,t Sudy
prenched n very Imprcssivo ser
mon on tho "Evils of Stealing
Bacon." Tho oloquont discourse wnscnlled
out by tho publication in The Bulletin
of tho fact that Henry Bovd. 11 memlinr nf
Jackson's godly flock, had nttcmptcd to
sicni irom 1110 steamer -Jaspor n ennoo full
of bacon. Tho olooucnt dlvlno tnnk r...
bis text " Thou shall not steal.'' He said
this was the command of tho Lord, nnd
should bo obeyed. If an ordinary human
being had said "thou shall steal," ,ho was
of the opinion il would not bo out of order
in a member of his church to lay his hand
on another man's proporty, but no good
Methodist would steal after being told by
tho Lord to let things be. If a mombcrof
tho church should got into nn oflico bo
might stcnl, becauso it wus a question in
serious dispute whothcr it wns bettor to bo
n Christian or n republican, nnd slnco n
porson could not bo tho lntlcr without go
ing for things while In officcj robbing,
whon discreetly done nnd cnrefully con
ceded, might bo tolerated In nn ofllcc-hold-ing
church membor. But, ho added, there
can be no excuso for n hungry nigger who
steals bacon and is caught in tho act. Ho
ought to suffer the consequences and should
not bo allowed to remain In good standing
in tlio church. "Do tho nngels steal 7"
queried tho minister. " No. They nro too
smart. Do tho sornphlm nnd chorublm
nnd sornphs and other celestial human be
ings do thoy steal 7 No. And if they
did, do you think, beloved hearers, they
would steal bnconl Ah, no; they would
go for something else, something liner and
worth more something not mado with
hands eternally in tho heavens." And then
ho prayed that, if Boyd was guilty of tak
ing the bacon, tho lnw should deal with him
relentlessly; but, be added, " blessed Fa
ther, if Hen. Boyd nln't guilty if, good
Mnstcr, Henry didn't take that bacon the
Lord bo with him, and get him out of jail
as He did Peter of old, as UogotDanielout
of tho den of lions and tho three children
out of the fiory furnace. Hire him a law
yer, oh, kind Father, and let me add, that
nil tho black men say Llnegar Is as good n
ono ns can be employed to keep a nigger
out of tho penitentiary. If, howevir, You
havo heard anything egainst Dave tako
Munn. Ono of tho two is necessary to
Henry's good, and both are well posted on
bacon, and Thlno be tho glory, and we
shall wear a golden crown and walk on tho
golden pavchicnt of tho New Jerusalem,
where peoplo or angels don't cat and there
is no bacon to steal, and no jails and no
penitentiaries, and glory hallelujah.
Every person in Cairo knows John Cor
caran, now n citizen of Friar's Point,
Mississippi. He, win born in this city, and Is
tho soiuof tho Into Judgo Corcoran. Somo
vnarn njo, lio atnrtml out Into the world in
search of n fortune and settled at Friar's
Point, whoro ho soon Ingratiated him
self with tho negro population and becamo
a prominent and very activo radical politi
cian. He became an office-seeker, and at
the radical convention held in Coabomn
county, just previous to tho late election
in Mississippi, ho nnd n Mnjor Thomas
Meanoy were both candidates for tho office
of sheriff. Both gcntlemon ran well, and
it was found necessary to tako up a third
man, Mr. Fred. Alcorn, who recoiled the
nomination. Mr. Corcoran then offered
his name for the legislature, nnd, receiv
ing tho nomination, was elected to that
body. This action engendered ill feeling
between Corcoran nnd Major Mennoy, the
latter asserting that n coinpromiso had
beon effected between Corcoran and Alcorn
by which thu former had been elected.
Saturday night, 18th inst,, the two gen
tlemen, Corcoran and Meanoy, met at
Friar's Point, und in n fight which ensued
Mr. Corcoran, tho Memphis Avalanche
says, was severely whipped. Tlio next
morning Major Mcaney hunted up Mr.
Cuicoran fur tho nvowed purpose of again
whipping him. This.timo Mr. Corcoran
was prepared, nnd upon tlio Mnjor mak
ing u bcllgerent demonstration ho drew a
navy-slx and fired three times, ovcry ball
striking tho Major. After boing shot tho
Major walked n short distnnco when ho
foil to tho ground. Ho wai carriol to a
neighboring point and surgeons sum
moned. Tho wounds proved mortul, as he
diedtho following morning. Mr. Corcoran
immediately nfter tlio shooting wont beforo
n maglstrato nnd gavo bonds for his ap
pearance tho next morning. Upon a pre
liminary examination, aftor tho doath of
Major Mcaney, ho was discharged, tho
evidence showing that the shooting was
dono in self defense
Taber Brotbors nre constantly re
ceiving now goods not in tho line of their
own manufacture, such ns optical goods of
all kinds, fino gold nnd silver headed
canes, music boxes of nil kinds, toy music
boxos for children, something now and
very nttrnctivc. Silver plate cheaper than
ever, &c, &c. tf.
For irood photocraphs, porcelain tile
lures, or old pictures to bo coplod, cnll or
T.homas, No. 124 Commercial nvonuo. ID
s si good workman. Givo him n trial.
A flno black mnre, n good spring wag
on, nnd n sot of now hsrnoss, for salo cheap
for cash. Enquiro nt J. Burgors, 144
Commorcinl nvonue.
For S ale. A cottago on 12th stroet
containing 7 rooms, cistorn and out
houses con lplote. Apply to
W. W. Thornton.
WRrattT''s ne plus ultrn minced mon
prepared expressly for family use, at Jor
Found, That tbo choicest butter Is
at Jorgeasen'i fcUaple and Funoy Grocery
Mr. A. Sloo, not to bo ouinfilia rat
ion, hns becomo 11 father. Tho boy wolghs
runny pounds, nnd is nil .Its fond pnront
could wish-just the porlcst baby In tho
Tho Gallatin Oaicllc says that
Charles A. Culdwell, of Slmwncetown, Las
been presented with a fino son, and dnros
tho editor of The Taper to say Hint Shnw
nectown is nn old burg without ba
bies. Hard up, you see. Proud of tn
bnby, and It a small one.
City Marshal Cnln Is tho well-plunied
father of a boy baby two days old. Uo
will namo him Abol, slnco ho was able to
got n boy. Tho nam.) will do. Abel Cain
will sound well notwithstanding that story
about tho Cain and Abel who lived in nn
early day of the world's history.
The Commerce (Mo.) Di,paUh says
that Cairo has "the babl Cl" anil. l.-n I.
ever lind tho seven-yenr locusts, nnd thon
auus :
"A. follow-feollng makes us wondrous
1 w ja aumuuouy anilaltheuchws)
feel for our Cairn nnlotbl.nr. w T. i
our present condition, reach them. We,
.u Biarnii.ig prospects ahead, and mU
though our druggists havo shown great
fore.,ght in laying in their supplies, wo
Will not b able to marn a anllt.-t. !....,
pump. AVo always thought that Illinois
....... va nv.u out .crs, mm can 1 oui wonuor
at your alarm. A purp or two is all wejl
.... -,,, uiiuur our jircciH necessities,
Oo lo Dr. McOnuley for Rattlnircr's Fn.
vor Drops. AVurrunted to euro tho chills.
Edam nnd Snp Gngo cheese nt Jorgen-I
Rtf. nnd oat meal at Jorgcnson's
Clly Xftllonnl Bank IitilMliia;.
special attention paid lo ordera Irom attam
boat nlrhtor dar.C
miita. la
wooi, rr.ATiir.Raj, ktc,
Cairo, Ii.i.inoih,
Importers, Manufacturers and JabUra cf
llrmaa nl Ormita Nllver
No. 25 S. Third Street,
ocI9.1Jm. NT. LOUIi, NO.
ol etery (lencrlplln,
orders solicited.
Steamboat Lumber,
Furnished on ahorteat notice.
Commcrcial-av, bet. 10th and llth-sts.,
AXDiiiuta ix !
a Filler'! and Plumber's material. Wood
pumps, globe, and anjr.e Talras, stop
vuvHi.,viivvK TaiTea,eic.
auo aoiar roa
Tnlfsj Ilrollier Pntent DrydaaHeten
And Mnrehoune, Wells A Co'a Automatic Water
Indicator and Supply Valte for steam bollera.
(JeorRe, the barber lately with Theobald and
Eiclib'di. has opened a .N Uaaata b'lior, on
Commercial avenue, between V -nil lsth alreeta,
for Ihe accommodation ol ladle, and gentlenen
ol tho tipper part or the city. He Invites all hi
old and new Irienda to vieit his ahop, and ai
surea them polite attention and iinequallrd work
either In hair curling, cutting, shaving or sham
pooing. oclZ-in
Cor. Slbnt. and Conuiierclal-nr.
tar-Sharp Itatora,
sClean Towels aid
w-Uklllfull Wcrkrain
aTI.adica' and children's hair cut and sham
pooed, either at the shop or at (heir own hoinea.
aWGentlemen'r whiskers and hair dyed la
tific rrrnner. Batialactlon guaranteed.
Is prepared to do all kinds of plain and orna
mental PAINTING,
At figures which defy all competlon, and In Ihe
highest style of the painter's art.
May be found at Reed A Munn's from thll for,
ward. Any work In the
will receive prompt attention,
and a general blncksmlthlng bualneaa oarrled on.
Give him a trial. Snovlltf.
LEGAL NOTICE la hereby given IbatE. W.
Klttridse, plaintiff, has com'nmccd an ao
.ion to perfect a d aire', far rem agalnat Joseph
4ayll8aj 'defendant, in the circuit court ol Alex
inder eounty, In the state of Illinois, and that
he time and place of the return or summons fa
the ease la the third Mcuday la January, Utt.
at ihe court house In Cal'o.Illlnoia. ' '
ivun h- tiAiuiAtt, clerk.

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