Newspaper Page Text
m JOHN H. OBERLY & CO. THEMAILS. liaiTi. si-Aav North, Througn .. 7:0)s.m. tCOp.m " Way 2:20 plm. 11;00 p.m. "on(h, Way p.m. ,( p.m " Through N. 0 Mern. phis and Columbus ..,. p.m. 4:0Qp.m, hiiio iuver rouie, (eicept Monday) ;Wp.m. 6:00 p.m, (ron Mountain R. K IMa-in. ll:W)p.ji Mix. ltlvcr route, Tuesday . nnd Friday .......... :00 p.m. 7.0op.n Thebes, (loose. Mind k Santa Fe, Ilia., Thursday A Kri "J 5 e:00p.m. T:00a.m, aieyneia, wandville and lovehve, Ky 11:00 a,m. t.nop.m. orrica Horae. liencral Delnery .. 7iJOa.iu. (Sundays eio 'J a.m.) t Hon 17 (Jrdsr depaatmcnt :00 a.m. .00 na;itr ' " " ...... 1.00a.m. t.COp.w. Mime Older and Register .departments no open on bundays, OUR CHURCHES. I'reachlng, fiabbath at 10j a. ., and tyt r. a. I'rayer meeting, Wednt-aday at TK r. w. Sunday tktmol, 3 p. at. J, M. tansdea, Supar. intcndent. Iter. C. II. Foots, taur. JICTHOWST-Cor.KiKhth and Vtelnut fit. I'reaehlnjr, Babtnlh 1I a. ., and 7 p. H. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, T.r. . Hunday rfehool ,1 p. m, I.. W. Hlltsrall, fluper- intcndrnt. Iter. K. L.Timkisuj, i'aslor. i.f IDttCII UFTHK ltKUKKMEIM:piopal Morning prayers, Habbath yt A. a. Krenlng prajor.7Jp. x. Sabbath School, 9 a. at. Ker. Ma.Oah, Rector. 'T, .ATltlCK'H CHt'ilCH-.or. Ninth Mi. arid Washington Avenue. Public iervlce, halibatlt ! And l'tij 1. Vespers, 3 r. m. .Sunday rkhool, 2 p. a. Service otery day, H p. a. Itev. V.J. O'llaLLoaiii, Hrl..l. ODNOMKN'dCIIKlSTIANAr-lATION-llet;- ular meeting second Monday eacb month at the I'rayer room of the, Presbyterian Church, Weekly i'rayer meeting, Friday, T, p. a., at he I'rayer room of the I'reiby terian churrk. (!. Pabsoss, President. ad Cedar. cervices, Habbath, 11 a. . Hunday M!hool, Vi p. a. Ciaaa 3 p. m. Preaching, t p. a. Iter. Win. Jacksvu, Paato .SECOND MtEE-WILLUAPllST-Kifleeath Hi. between Walnut and Cedar. Verne, IJf and 3 p. a. Iter. N. iticaa, Pastor. UEE-WILL HAPrirSTHOME MISalU. fcUN DAT SCHOOL Corner walnut and Cedar Hta. Hunday Reboot, S a. a. IH&T FREE WILL HAPTLST CHURCH-Cur- ry'a llarracka, Services, Sabbath II a. a,, 3 p. a. and T)i p. a. lief. Wa. Kiuir, I'aator. riRbT MIHSIONAKY IIAITIST CIIUKCII-Uet-ween 10th and 11th itrecti, near Cedar. Prearhlnt SnU.lh 10; a. a., and 7S' p. a. Prayer Meeting. Wednesday erenlng. I'rvanhing, l'riday etcnlog. rabbathb hool, 1 J-J p. a. John Van llailer and Mary htepheni hiierintendenta. Key. TJ.Biioih. Panto STATE .'OFFICERS. STATE OFFICERS. vernor, John M. Palmer ; leutcnini-Governor, John t'ouglierly i cielaryof feuic, llward Hummel ; Auditor of State, C. K. I.ipplucott i State Treasurer, E. N. Itle , Mtipt. Public Ioittructlon, Newton Bateman. CONGItESSMEN. Jenatora Lyman Trumbull and John A. Logan. Uepreientatlfe for the State at Larie Vacancy. Ilpreniatie Thirteenth Dutrict John M reba. MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMULY. Benatora, lt District T. A. E. Hokctnb, ol 'nlon, andH. K. Uibeon.of Gal'.atin. ItepreientatlTe, lt Di.trict II. Wataoa Wekb. COUNTY OFFICERS. CIRCUIT COURT. Judgo I). J. Dakar, of Aleiander. n . . ... , v w . r1 . . t . . . . aitac. Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. Harroan. Shend-A. II. Irtln. Wm. Martin, Airesaor and Treaaurar. COUXTT COURT. Judge F. UroM. ISSUVIMtV ' Tlerk Jacob 0. Lynch, kroner John II. GolVraan. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT rrcaiurer J. H. Taylor. 'omptroller-E. A. Uurnatt lerk Michael Ilowley. lanhal Andrew Cain, ttorney V. II. Pope. .. . r . i. ML ay, hielol rollce-L. II. Myera. olice Conataolea Jonn Hnnhan, (aayj, ana . II. Velrrun and J. w. Sumner, (nignt.) SELECT COUNCIL. layor John M.Lanadtn, Irat Ward-P. O.Shuh. ocond Vfard C. It. Woodward'. hlrd Ward Jno. Wood. ourth Ward-8. Staata Taylor. W. P. Halllday and 1). HuraU HOARD OF ALDKRVIKH. 3T WAKU Jamei Brarden, Leo Kleb, Iiaaa WaUen. )NP WAItD K. II. Cunningham, E. Iluder, ilenry Winter, Jamaa Swayne. iRD WAUD Wm. Btratton, Paltlck Fittgerald JllTH WAUD-Jamea Carroll, J G.H.Beaae, J.JI.Metcalf. Ttme of MetUnq. CITT COCMCIL. ie City Council meeta In Joint aeanon on .v enine DreseuinK the Brit Monday ot IIIUMtll. Select Council meeta on the flrit Wainaa. and Thuraday, alter the second Monday iu month. BOAUD op iLsiaaax, Board of Alderman' meeta on tbe Sri day and Tuesday lo'erery monlh. COMMITTKKS OP THE COUNCIL. i'(rf-Meir. Taylor, Walder, Winter, i and Metcair. liiiafe-Measra. Cunningham, Bchuh, Flttger ijeate and Ilallldny. itnj-Meaara. Wood, Cunningham ana Kleb t aixl Jai Meaara. Carroll, liuder ana Iward VnanMt-Meiara. Sense, Waldor and Taylor Dtpnrtmtntuewi, vearaen, owayne ana a-l...t. K inlino-Mmra.Wodward.Hwaynnand iludr iv.c-Mesr. Hud, btratton AndWetealt, ml ;ri!i-TrinMynr. and Mtsin. K Mt.Btraltou sad kCai roll PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. BUCCKS.l BASKD UrON MERIT. It It a iiibjoct of general remark, among both wholeale antf retail drugKit, that no medlclnai Introduced to the American public bat erer gained tuch n popularity and mot with io largo a aale In all part of the land, in the lame length of tinio, at haa i;r. l'ierce'i Golden Medical Discovery. This cannot depend upon it' having been more largely advertised than any other medicine, as tuch ii not tho case. Tho correct etplanalion, vro think, is found in tho fact that this medicine produces the mutt wonderful and perfect cures of very bad case of broncbinl, thront and lung dliea'ef, is undoubtedly the most per fect and olllcient remedy lor nil kinds of coughs that has ever been introduced to tho public, and at the tame timo poiiem't tbe greatest blood purifying and strengthening proportir that medical science haa been able to produce, thut ren dering it n tovcrelgn remedy not only In the cure of Consumption, lironchltis, Hoarseness and Coughs, but alto for nil tllsoaies of the liver and blood, At scrofu lous diseases, skin diseases, blotches, rough skin, pimples, black speckn nnd discolora tion. It has tbureforn a wide rnngu ol application and usefulness, nnd It onlv give the most perfect satisfaction to nfl who fa it, but far exceeds the expecta tions of the most sanguine, thus eliciting tho loudcut pralso and making permanent living advertlting mediums out of nil who uto it. For these reatont it It thut then: it not perhaps a druggist in all tho vaft do main ot this continent, who triet to plenso hit customers and suntilv their wants, thnt does not keep and sell largo quantities of thit moat valuable medicine. oOO decCdAwlt For Sals. A cottage on 12th street containing 7 roomt, cittern and out ouaaa complete. Apply to w. W. Thornton. Imfortsii Malaga grapes at Jorgen- son's, corner of Twentieth street and Washington avenue. tf Crtstal vinegar from London at Jor genson's, corn;r of Twentieth street and Washington avenue. tf I'kck, Freak, & Co's London biscuits always on hand, corner Twentieth and "Washington avenue. tf Niw French prunes, currantt and raisin always , on hand at Jorgenton's grocery store. tf Vocnu. That the choicost butter is at Jorgenstn's Staple and Fanoy Grocery store. OraTKRS. Louis Herbert has alwas on hand a fresh supply of Saddle Rock oys er. U Jorqexson hat the flnet supply of Spanish olivet in the city. Try them. tf "WmoHT'H ne plus ultra minced mea prepared expressly for family ute, at Jor gentcn't. Oo to Dr. -McGauley for Rattinger's Fe ver Drops. Warranted to cure the chills A will stocked grocery storo it adver- tited fur tale, at a bargain. 3t. See advertitement of groccrv stand for talc. 3t. I'aul G. Scbub tolls Rattinger's medi cines, tf YiRMorTit bloatcn at Jorgenson'. tf OENEKAL. AOBNTH. HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS! FORWARDING and COMMISSION MERC1I A.NTN DEALERS IN FLOUR; And A enla f Obi Btvar ttsstl Uaustvatiat SALT COMffAHIBSi 70 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS STETTAUERS & WINEMAN, mroiraus ass jositaa or uttiz: o-oods NOTIONS, IS Mlekican Aveune, Between Ma, laoss sb4 Meuree, OHICAQO. dscWspuls SECRET ORDERS, THE MAHONS. Caiao, CoMMANnaar, No. 13. Slated Aoembly at the Asylum Maaonll Hall, first and thirdJ.H:. urdats Ineach month. Caiao Cotscit, No. SI. Regular Convocationat Masonic Hall. tho second Friday Ineach month. Ciao Ciuprra, No. 71. Regular Convocation at Masonic Hall, on the third Tuesday of every tnanth. ' Ciiao Lorxia, No. 237 F. A A. M Itegular Com. munication at Manonie Hall, the second and found Monday olaeh month. I)f ita Ionoi, No. WD F. t A. M .Itegular Com municntiona at SInonlc Hall flmt and third Thursdays In each month. THE OMi-FELLOWS. Al.txAXDrn I)iur. 2-21, Meet In OJdFclle. Hell, In Art r' Iluililnir, every Thuridny even Ing, at 7o'clojk. FUIlJIITfllK. H. S. HAUHKLL, DEALER IN FURNITURE (lUKESiiVWHE HOUS3 FURNISHING GOODS HAH FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 18o & 187 Commercial Avenue CAIRO, ILLIX01B. iiAittir.iiH. .). (5KO. STKINHOUSK, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Hlli-Mt. nnd 4'oiniurrclnl-nv. Hliarp Ilaiorf. tftfClean Towel nod Bir.-ikillfull Werkinan sttrLadlea' and children's hair cut and nhatn pooed, elthrrat the thop or at their own humea. a"Gentlemen'r whlker and hair dyed In a tlfic ir nner. batmlactlon RUrkntred. oir.MKirs. I. & E. GREENWALD. MixrriCTcacas or c'tram Ergmo, Boilers, Flour ond Grist Mills, Saw Mills, The "Tupper' l'atent Grat bar MAOHI5ERT FOR GENERAL rCnr0SE, CINCINNATI OHIO. OK Ue77 NEW.SI'AI'lUt . THE NEW YORK E VEXING POST I'OIt 187U. VHIVIM IlEIl'4't:if We will snpply the EeniDgToit as lollow: DAILY. One year - $12 00 For nhurter period l per month WEEKLY. Single Copy one year .'. 1 SO Five Copies " ' 7 UO Ten 12 to Twenty " - 20 to BEM I-WEEKLY. Single Copy one year 1 3 00 Five Copie ' 12 to Ten Copies " " 20 00 Or wo Mill send tho following penodicaU to suWriberi", In connection with the Evtning Itt, st the price named : With With Weekly Seml-Weokly KTening l'ot. i;eniiig I'oat. Harper' Weekly- S 40 0 tJ Harper's Ilatar 0(0 llnrpvr'a Magxzine 4 Cu c 00 Kty Saturuuy S WJ 0 40 Atlantic Monthly i w M Our Voung Folki 3 to 4 Ml .Nribner'N Monthly 4 so o (0 Tho (ialaxy 4 00 5 iu The Agriculturi-t 2 W 5 i Hearth -inil Home .-I 75 A 2.1 Christian Union 3 Ul b () To each subiicr bcr to the Kiemng toand Chrw tian Union for ono year will Lie edit two exquisite French Oil ChroTio, entitled "Wide Awake" and "Fast A"lep," which nro worth at relall ilOfor the oair. TRY IT I TRY IT 1 1 For SJ cents wo will send the Weekly Evening Tost from new until January 1, or for M cent wo will fond the ff ml-Weekly l'ost duriug the iame tunc. Specimen nl'mber of the Evening l'ost ent free. Address WM. C. I1UYANT, A CO. ."cw York. winM.r.N vi.i: cuoceiis. R. SMYTH & CO., WnOLF.SALK GROOKRS, onto lev i: E C A I It O . ILLINOIS. Also, ketp constantly on hand a nwil itum plute slock of I,IQ,TJOES. aCOTCH AND Ililflt WIUSKIKI -ti I N S,- Fort, Mndorln, Sherry and Cntnwba Wines R8MYTH 4 CO. sell exelmlvcly for cash, to , which fact they invite tko fxpuoUl alln. lion of close bargain buyera. Special attention given to Filling Orders LEGAL NOTIOE. f LF.flAL NOTICi: is lurohy given Hint K, W. Ulttridge, plalniill', lm commniced an ac- I tion to perlevt n diatrvs lor rein ntlnt Joxepli I Biiyllss, delcndnnt, In Hie circuit coiutol Alex, auilar county, in the Mate of Illinois, and lint the time and place of the return of mnnimnu Iu ; the oast la the third Monday Iu January, UTi, ' at the couit house in Cairo, Illinois. , JOHN H. UAltU AN, Clerk. 1 aovlM?. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1S7J. m aM HANKS. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS BANK. t'hnrtrrnl .Mnrcls 31, ISOtf. orricr i.x CITY NATIONAL HANK, CAIRO orncmsi A. II. HAFFOHI). President! H. S. TAYI.Oli, Vlccl-resident; W. IIYSLOI', (Jecretarr and Treatirer.) tHRrcToact P. W. llARCttT, ClIAS.nAUIlltSS, I , M. HTiicarttTil. I'llld. Hruiii, It. M.ClNMMIIIA);, w. I'. HAUIDAr, J. M. I'llllLIM. KeposltH oriiii.vAiiiiiiinl Itrrrliiil Irons 'lii ontt I iiviiinlt. 1NTKUK4T paid on depniit at tho rnteot n 1'orcent. per annum, March 1st ami Hepfcm l;er lt. Inletctt lint withdrawn l rldel linme il attly to tho principal of the depolti. thettliv giving them compound Interfi-t. ' MAKMED WOMEN A.NU CIIILDKK.V MAY DEPOSIT MONEY SO Til IT NO OXr. TUT. CIS BIIAW tr. Open every business d.iy from o a.m. to .1 anu Saliirday evening lor MA VINO DKPO-flTS only, from 0 to o'clock. auwtf W.HTriLoP, Treasurer. THE CITY NATONAlT tWItto. I i, i. ix o II H. CAPITAL, sio(,oiio W. I HALLWAY, President A. II.8AFFOKI, Cashier; WALTER HYSLOP, AssM.nnl Ci.hier. ttinrcToRst Staats Tailor, itoarnr II. Cinmmjiiih, Scorr UmtE, W. P. II tiinr, Oro. Ii. ii lianson, fcirriitx Iltr.u A. II. Stiroi.ii. ExclmilKC 'lll IIIKl I'll it i Mutt Horn! KoiiBlii nml Solil. DEP01-IT3 received, nnd a general bniiklim liinlne done. , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAIIIII. DAN1CL HL'Itl), President; ROBEIIT W. MILLEU, Vlce.Prcl.ient ; C. N. HUGHES, Cn.hler. COLLKCTIONS I'l-OJIl'TLV MADE. EXCHANGE, coin, bank notes and I'nited Htates securities bought and sold. Interest AIIosspiI on Time IirpokltN. .MII.LINKKV. LADIKS, TAKK NOTICK1 MRS. CMcGEE, EI011TH RTHEET, IlKTWEEN WASHINGTON AND COMMERCIAL AVENUES, Hat just received a full nnd splendid line id NEW GOODS Dress (rimming-, silk gimps, sill: galoon, cut. fi'iLoJ"i0.o'f.m?"!.,r""",!,,'' e'oct button-, Ilk nnd veliei button- plu.i, on, trimming vcl ve . hot. nnd bonnet,,, d,, gloves, bi.lle? HnJ chlldrvua'ahoea, and a full and complete stock ed Millinery and Fancy Goods, All of nhich she proposes to sell at VKUY LOWEST I.IVIXU CASH PKllIK. MRS. ANNA LAN(i, EIOIITH-ST., 1IET. WAhlltNOTON AND COM-Mr.IlL'UL-AVENl'EM, Is noir icceivinsa benulilnl assirlmcnt of Fall Millinery Goods, Including Hals and Hhapes of the Litest stylo Itlliliem, I'lonoi-s nml I'rnllirra. Mrs. I.a.ig lll also show customers the Isrges selection of Woolen Yarn To be found In (he city. II LEACH INO AND PUEXINU DONE 10 OltliElt. COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL Is prepareil to supply ciuiniiicr Willi tho lesl quulliy Hi PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS GOAL. OHDKIH lelt i,t llsllldu) Urns, oltice, TO OHIO LKVHK, or at tho Coal Yard brluw tho Si. Clinrlea llnlil, will receive prompt Attention. THH'flJU "MUNl'AUK'' wlllnrlng coal along side itcaiuera at tuy hour ocUtf BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV. I.VSl'nAXCE. "TRIUMPH." THE TRIUMPH 1NSU11ANCE CO., Ol Clncinnntl. -..jO0,0ftO 00 Solicits all kinds ot risks. V. BROAH, ot27ir Agent, Cairo. U, H ISC EM.AXEOIH. CARL L. THOMAS, SIC3-IST WBITBB now prepated to respond promptly lo all de mands for his services. ailOl'-Con. 8th-st. and Commkhcai.-av In li Perry Home, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. nortj.lll yCLtVvY'&'vo.', citAisas HIDES AND FURS, wool., ri:.VTiii:ii, etc., 93 OHIOIEVBB. Caiiio. Illinois, novlJIf P.L. 1IUYKTT, k SON, Importer.-, Manufacturers and Jobbers of M DSICAL MERCHANDISE llrnxs nnd Cerman Silver B A N" D INSTR UMENTS, No. 25 S. Tnmn Street, oclJdJro. Six. LOUIS, MO. WIILIAW BAIMAS. cotMLivs ailSNiTiaa BAUMAN & HAUENSTINE CiVIL ANIl MECHANICAL ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS, tiro' nnlldlntr, corner Eleventh air nnd I'oiumrrrlal vc Cairo, Ills. F.ANS AND SPECIFICATIONS for all branches of Civil F.nglneenng nnd Architecture, such as Maps lor Countlei, InstricU or Corporations, Plans and Calculations for Steam and Water Power, for Industrial Establishment, for Iron, tone or Wooden Ilrnlge s, fur Churches, Cour Houses a Mother Public liuildings, Business and Dwelling Houses, Cottages, eto. etc, furnished bhortt notlee. -Wlfia KINDLING. SAVK TltOl'llLK AND KXPKNSE. To IItunfUr-erai Michael Dowil will furnish hiavo Fnclort Kind ling nice, dry, already -cut wood, In any part of tlio city, for tl.CiO nwBBon load. hero In a uay to aavo incalculabla troubl la your riouienoij. . . . , i - fofomiiry's drug store, or ad dress tham to Michael Dowd, through the pos. ollice. -0v Hsl-rT IIIDKS! FUKS I ! PELTS ! ! ! BTJElirETT & CO. Have opened a Hide Storo In Thornton's Hlock Tenth street, where (ho highest cash price wil be paid for Hides, Sheep Pelts, Furs and Tal. low. u'owill pay higher prices thau waa ever be fore paid for the same articles In this city. Come and soo us, oclCtf nUMNETT a CO FOR KENT. THE OLIVE BRANCH SALOON Near Slono Depot. R SNT LOW, AND FIXTURES AT A I1AKC1AIN ltonms for rental J) per'month, and Ilasements lor Iftu. , , , I). C. LAWHENCE. DEXTJJIl EXCIIANGK, IHO Ohio f.ctt'e, near Hlouc Ilepol, J. D.ZANONE, PROPRIETOR, Fresh Shell Oystow Received Daily. Keeps always on hand llaltiaiorn anl Mobiln Oysters, which lio will teglad to serve to his cus tomers in tho bestslylo, doo'.'tf. IIOAT NTUKEN. G. I). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio I.evee, C A I II O, ILLINOIS. Attrdpeclal attention given la consignments and filling orders. S A M W I L S O N , miin in BOAT STOEES OROCERIEH, PROVISIONS, ETC. No. 110 Ohio Levek : : : : : Cairo, Ii.i. ounta rnom'TLY riiLru. 1'A1NTIU18. MOORE & MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamontal PAI1TTBBS, llt'i'urulle ruierliiuiKlnir, Haltouiius Hif, etc., Dono iu tho highest style ot the art, and a rates thatdely competition, SHOP IN FERRY HOUSE, CORNKU OF STU 6T11KEV AMI) CMMEKC1AL AVXKVX. BitcetL BARCLAY BROS., 74 HIO LEVII, Caiio, Itu DBTJO-O-ISTS! SARATOGA SPRINGS IX rttL SLASt AT BARCLAT9' DKUO ITOSI. Faisn .8CFM.Y, Daily. MOCKING- BIRD FOOD all skast roa cts wiiioct ttevua At Bakclats'. J- ELM D 0 L D ' Q GRAPE f CATAWBA 5 fORAPK 1 FILLS J CATAWIIA ui ORAFX GRAPE I catawiia K ( ouapx ) PILLS Ann all ar ' IIELH BOIjD'N MEDICI ITS FRESH FROM FIRST HANDS, Always tn stock in large supply, and for sal by (Bartlay Bros. JUST RRCIIVXD AXO ordnlebjr the Ulna IItll tr aHtai AT BARCLAYS'. sWExtka Fink Cologne; IsStGenuink Imtortkd Extracts; bITair, Tootu and Nail Brushes sWIndia Rubber Nuraw Goot AT BAECxiAY BHiOt3. PURE 'WHITE LEAD AND PURE FRENCH ZINC. Heat grades in largo stock and va riety, very cheap auo: Full Line of Colors, ..DAT, AD III OIL', Paint Brushes, Liossed oil, rmtewasti PMshM Turpentlaa, Varnishes Etc. sic, all ausci tan iTAXDAan scamtiu At Barclays'. REAI ESTATE AGENT. C. WINSTON & CO.. REAL ESTATE AGENT AUCTIONERS, 74 (SECOND FLOOR) OHIO LITXI, ICAIUO, ILL9., Iiur and Sell Real Kstati, PAT TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLX Ai I prepare Conveyances of Klsds. COAL. ' COAL COAL I COAL ! JAMES ROSS, siAisa ii DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON COAL! Connnetcial-av., Foot of Eleventh-it. All Coal carefully weighed at (ha yard on 7alr oauka' tcaleH, FULL WEIOHT WARRANTED. Coal delivered on the shortest notice in any part ol the ci.y, either by tho half ton, ton or car load. Leave order at the office on Commerdal-ar. si the foot ol Eleventh street. novltd-tm. GROGBRIEH AND DRY OOODS. WILLIAM KLUGE, SIALSS 111 FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOBd, HATS AND CATS, XTC, Has Inst received a heavy stoek of Boots u4 Uhoes, Hosiery and Notions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAT He also has a line stock pf Fsmlly Groceries) ot every kind. CORNER SIXTH-ST. AND COMMKB OIAL-AV., CAIRO, ILLINOIS PETE SMITH, May be found at Reed A Mann's ttvm ward. Any work In the RLACKSMITHING LINK will receive prompt stttnllon. tr di.Jm. j i or (.anoCTny.