Newspaper Page Text
TUB I3TOL73TIN JOII.VH. UBnr.r, Mllorand 1'uUlsh.ri Tm niiMT, .Moiinino, Dec. 7, 1871. Tiiai or tiia Daily .H'tittm ttiuliicrtption.) 0.. wetky carrier, i.,.,. joe ifaf by" earlier, In adta'nee ''' '' In Tiooth. by Mall, ............. -. "' Th,-e rronths ' f. low S i iDOiine?,.!. ' rM, 4 M It a (' SSi, a,,! ilouiournt of this part of the district are VSffi$'. hViJi:!:?' well ulcnfcd with Crcbs and would take fartk!tfti$'" "'u!'tn' '"a,''r" plca TUB !.UM.. KKKI.r 1IULLKTI.V. J)hn H.'olnlr nn'"" rediicrd Hit ml.. .Tl.ition r"f '' Wrfkly Cairo llullelln to O'H Mlarprr bihjm. lunkirift It llio chCApct p.v Prpublllti! I" Southern llllnoi". I fllicwo has begun to dedicate her chiirclic?, resurrected inco tho fire. th i: way of the transgressor is hard, Connolly, when taken to jail, is said to have cried like a child. WUKL.n icTuiii a is rcpo ,eu uy u e Y tf 1 1 X ii . 1 court physician to be inuxcellent health, good spirits and strong iu mind. 1'hetty good authority asserts that Gen. PchcnckV fine house in Washing' ton city was given htm by certain per Eons in exchange for work done by him tn conirress. " Like master, like man. Presont-taking is not the only point of ncar t0 molest us or make us 1.1 1.-1 l1 1. llnfrnul Ml in nnnen lliii nunlrtnir I .V..X........H.W iMnvcu uiun G.t. A 81'F.JJIAI. to the Chicago, dated December second, say., : "The , 1 1 11 ori(. to-tiav. ucmaiuis tnc ltnpcaen- ' ment of Secretary Houtwell for the ' syndicate transactioii,and tho TrHninc1 ' Washington despatches state that he- is severely criticised by members of ' congress, and that there is talk of a 1 committee of investigation." o- Tin: passivo men of the democratic party are crying to tho unheeding, men ot the radical party the presumably honcAt men of that parly to como to the 'rescue of the country and save it from the thieves of tho radical party. They arc shouting : Thf hour lm come, but u h tin- nun ' The miicMef I'lalr., but 1. IiHtV tlir lilun? mho licro inut tie fount!. WhoCurtln-likenli til rlor ji iiln,, An I woolug I'mnn' IminortHl 1:Ih, (iropowi-tly unilerKrouml, To pluck drowno.l Honor by the loks. AtiJx"1" Int' much.i'rlz?'! ir-rdoni.ln i iiri .lack-Hon nnn roinu. Kl'p ue shall nil but roup (hx ilN Wliicll lo l.'iililr' oicn ii'gnl I11IN Whfn, rotten lo thernp', 'J''iey huh the anthems of thu fn , AmlHiinkin vinnnnd luxurt, Imperhil Home no morul PliOUAiii.K cabinet change are thus gossiped about lyn Viifchin;,'lou !ejtcr writer ; "The sub'litiitiuii ot llainillou I'ish for (lencral richenek at the Enclili com t, with the judicium recall of llaiicrofl I'uvU from Cenova to aid him there, n-jin-. to be very probable. I f AI r. Fish i- w.iitinf? fur anything now, It iJ to M'C thu .-uniile docs not place. .Mr. Minuter itin-w In Simon Cameron s chairmanship, is thre itened, and, also, tn tnko th soundintis of (irant's re-election. Ex-Senator "Williams, of Ore gon, has been hero souio time, and be U mid to bo backed up for Secretary Itobe son's teat in tho cabinet; wbilo Jtobeton will marrv tho widow ot a naval officer, and take Mr. llancroft's placo at Merlin, liane.rofl owes hU retention thux far to Bancroft Davis. Judge Edwards Picrre pont, nf New York, it Is thought, will re lieve Fish at tho Rtato depaltment. ThW ought to bo a tlroni; appointment ; for 1 lerrepi very ab 1 lerrepont lias proven mmett one ot tue ileit men In tho cuuntry udmini bio in decision, tact, eoolne)n, mid re :r.I for the respectabilities of tbinj: l'ltKSlDENT fiUA.N'r, ill that part nf his message touching upon civil service reform, throws the blame of all the bad appointments of the administration up on tho present loose system ctabli-hud by law or custom, by which unknown, dishonest and incompetent jior.-on- get into office on tlio loo-caiele-sly-givun recommendations of icsponsib!epeions, and accompanies the declaration with the argument that " in mercantile' pur 1 suits, the business man who gives a lct 1 ter of rccqniniciidatiou to a friend to ctiablc him to obtain credit fVom a 'stranger, is regarded us morally iu ' iponsible for the integrity of his friend ' and his ability to meet hi uhliga- tions." This is a very p!auil!e nnd convonieut way tho president to escape the blame of much of t lie pecu lation carried on in all parts of the gov ernment service in the last few vcan. Hut tho people will scarcely look on this part of the mcssago with as much favor as Eome pther portions, perhaps, or regard the argument ns apropos. A man generally knows the character of 'his friends and relatives, and CI rant has appoiuted many of these to office, who, if-not mShonest, are at least incompe tent aud Wundering. Of these atid many other woj, appointments, he will liavo to shoulder thu responsibility him belf. When the Mount G'aruicl lhmuirut bays : " We fear hoilc of the democratic 1 politician! in tho sonthern part of the ' district are not actuated wholly by a ' desire to btreogthen the party in their ' efforts to supplant Col. Crcbs as tho next democratic candidate for eou ' gress," we don't know whut the .Mount Caruicl VrmotnH means. If thero is any effort being made in .this part of the district to supplaut Col. Crebs we lumi ,bccn juaJc aware of the fact. " Their' paper," Siys (he Democrat, mf - v ; .1 I jt. part of the rfi-trict lias Pkc ".bout oucli claim.? Wo 'Ion'1 b8licvc c,ll,or ha, the vnm' ,ho contrary not withtnfiif?. The Democrat has been .lrMniwr. It i oil its ogg.. It i nt- nul fipfcimrn indinill not in csi'tonce It tho ' velt'ws up a man of straw o that it irav have the pleasure of tt:c 1 1 I i Jciiuckiii!; down tlie liarnlc.-s fcl- with it. imistant lanco. i- crj-intr Stop thief! ' before any- lliiiii! lia been stolen. The fact i, the ell pleaded with Urcbs and would take - ure in voting for him again. They " l.,..n nn nn.uli,lnln .linl.rn A Hull 5a lint i.,,l,a,l..i,ui!i ,nr ""J " ' T , , ' ....i. j , ..... .... ,,..3 u..v ju.-i about the po.'sihility ot cucii a tiling as a scat ill comrrc." : and oxecpt Allen, ...... . ... I.....1 1 .. n l ... .1 (Meet, and Wall and, po-Mbly, .Mr. Wheeler, who would bo williii'j to ae- ' I i-pt the state scnator.hip ll.o congressional nomination tho deinoe- rCy of this part nf the ditrict have no available material out of which to mail- a democratic candidate for H "'" , 1)CsidM Col Ctebll and his friends need not fear tho fell designs of lite democrats of this part of the district. Ho will nrobably he reapportioned out of this con gressional district before the election in IS"-, and thin we can have our little "mill" down here all t- our.-olve with 1 . . ii 1 , - 4" 01 demoerata of '-the lower part of the I thirteenth district." may grovel among ttUum,veS and naV,ami hit o, and fi .jlu, if wo wish, in a family wa -, over tho ... ,. "'... pnn..roj!tfnnl lmi.r. Kn .mn.t Trln...! pl .vM.tvu.v..H. hW" it...v4 vj I the Democrat, endeavor to compose your mind and reconcile yourself in tho knowledge that wo'tins nro not ilnugcr- ott-j to you'n?. CQyTlie Louisville Courier Journul says Fcr tho life of in, wo can not sco where Mr. John Qtiincy Adams gets lm figures and the St. I.ouI Republican its facts Tho Sehnrz-lllair-Ilrown programme for tho pa$Ive-p5endo-7iY;)iJiieaH scheme Is n (riplo emanation of tho Illalrs and OratE llrnwn and Carl Schur. was a very good thing for .Missouri j nnd indeed it may work olsowhcrc. I!ut fo far it develops poorly. If Lyman Trumbull will none of it, no moro will Charles Sum ner and Horace Greeley, nnd as for tho Cincinnati Cinnmcrcial and tho Chicago Tribune, thev aro more "oil''' than ever they wcro "on." It doe strike u that. after all tho fits? tlmy hnvo made, the old democratic carryall is our host reliance. LETTER FKOM ST. LOUIS. Tits: ORKAT IIUUllll: IMIl.nil'S UAII.HOAII C'lNSOI.IIIATIOV i:IlU UATlON 00lf. tfT. fWI'l-, i... .r. (Jl l!il Corrrnpoiiilrneeortho Iliilletln.) J have another argument in favo'- ol the eapitol removal to St. J.uiiU in anticipa tion ot that event, and lliat the legUlntnrs may be completely iolaled. W01U has been stopped on tho great liridgo which wn to itpati the river at this plrnc. A nowtpaper man told mo ye.-terday that the director of thii bridge company had ordered work to cense till warm weather, ticeaue a man could not do a full day's work in winW, hence thu com pany didn't want to be robbed by a mud sill. Hut otic of the ub-coulrnctors told tnu latt week that work was stopped be cause tho brldgu company hud no money. I Anyhow, the seenu around the bridgo plat is a very dull one; the sound of tho nvr It not hcird, and tho only noise that breaks mi tho car i tho grinding of tlio if" ngaitift thu ab'iltnonts and piers. H is rumored lu railroad circles thnt tho MliMiurt rouili c.'iitompbitu tho .jiee(ly conhlructioii of a railway bridge at (.'a.-un- dulul, tliroe below the bridgo already coinincm'e l'U hot underlnli dig Imve no d 'liht uill he siiece-ful, nnd ft l the only pliieo where u bridge ought to be built. T..11 folly of rolling through tho heart of tho ci'y the liuineiim freights iu transit butuatu tran-.Mlsl-slppi ami tho seiibcard. I too pitent to any one who will Mop mid think about It. tiii: roi.nn-Ai. cAui.imo.N 'till Imlil.le- at ,.'I3W, Tlio Irtitli If, St LoitU politiclatoaro iioiIiIiil' withmit being egotiilic and uuro.oonable. Nor has tho new ulaia been any improvement on thu old. During uml prior to the rebulllon, St. LiuL ioliiieian of all grade? anil aetinilly imagined that thu duitinlvi, the weal or tho woe, uf all wet of Chicago at.d niulivct of LouUville de pended on their management ami dicta tion uf affairs. Hence, in 18i;u, Frank llbilr ami McKee and Fohbjck on tho one haul, and Dick Iburclt and thu Knnipi on the other openly proclaimed that thny carried -Missouri and tho southwest iu their breeches pockeH. in fact, they did carry St. LotiU there for awhile, but the dark tiny s of 'ii'.' camy upon thu city, and It Is a memorable fact that thesu. tamo lordly jirojirictors weru glad tospout their possci-sloiis for a nominal sum. They don't own St. Louis tiny more, no matter how much they may try l make tho distant pjbllc believe they do. KAII.ItOAll CONSOLIDATION. The telegraph to-day will Inform you that there has been a conolidatioii of ilia wotking forces of tho Missouri Pacific and the Atlantic and Pacific railroads, giving to tho latter company a control of about uight hundred mile, of road. Tliit consolidation has created considerable ex citement tlnongliout tlio Wo-l. Now I am no friend to railway consolidating en terprises, biiliuvlni: thorn to bo fraught with mlschict to .tocUh dders and of evil i .1.1. .....i .r..i. ...... . . 1 .o Biiijijiuis ioiu iv.i'.uiiv aioug tue cjii tolidated lines JJ tit there nru two ld" to tills cutuolldatlou. It sliou1 1 1 ... tu. mcmbcred th-it thto roads ami tl North 1 An Knglldiman of twenty-two, son of Missouri were built by donulicns of hind a general lu tho Jlriti.h army, has como bo from tho genua', anl d iMitiuis of I jnds fare the court of bankruptcy, with a lUt of THE CAIRO DAILY iIicjo rem!?. Let it nljo be romombercd for thai wlieicvir and wfaanevcr a etate hn ,lx undertikiii toinnB the detail of Inter- "m Itnprovamwitii, that thou and tliero tbu rite hn Ml oHn llio 1oor r,f ita Iron?- ury for !mtnr-no urn! clarlnif teMs rule Now York and Erie Cnniil. the Kentucky Hiver Imnrovom cut Comnanv. ''''"oi Inlirnnl Improvemnt Scheme .i. . . .1 i own Jiomestoau company, ctl I injtniimn A largo proportion of the in- dividual ..look of then mnanlMnif..! rnn.i. win IibM lv purlieu in Now York and Ilof- " ton. Thocomlltion of nffiiln ri-solved It- elf into thU ,taim. Urder oxhtlne of clrcti:iti.noM their stock wn worthier, hr Mock hel.l by the stale. One Pnr,.v 't Wn certain WOlllll liaVO to ""l "" J-'Vcry eon slderation demanded that the otnto .hould gctoumriho railroad biisines m .pilck ami in chui-ply n possible. And now what utiect will this consolidation bavo on - u.o ei.oc; . . " " " ",,u Plllpflf Ml I ItlttlMilJ lift in !(. tl.urol.y Bivln- of earning that can bo used in'iinnrovin" road-beds . red- ling stock and in building substantial and comfortable - freight and iiauengcr stations. 'olldatlon will not increase the j tariff in any repect. Travelers and sblp. per arojtist a well off. and stockholders a great deal LcKor, n ilnal ) nii. I K.MlOItATIO.V AND WILD LANDS, It occurs to mo that thero is anotbor good fualtirn about tho consolidation of the Missouri and tho Atlantic & Pacific rail roads: and It Is. thnt tlin Inerennnil mlrnn. ..n-....i.i !.. ... 1....1 - ....1 . u,B,,u,u ui t'lngmin passage anu Irciglit ratei will servo to speedily fill up ono of tho most sparsely tnllloil vol rnnlti iJm mml nllr..rlt..n 1 f a - - - ... . " " ' "on of Missouri. The Atlantic & Pacific c",nPnnJ ,um lor f!,lc ovf a mil- ,io", ncrc' of n,nc "grlcultuMl, mineral rlrtS ," anaontlio easiest of turms. The poor , .'. . 1 , lllltll cull uii v n lurm IFnin II1I4 ii t. . within sight of it railroad for loss than ho " ........ . can preempt a government tract fortv .,.!t..4 f.. .. i ... , 3 " "ouwm.c a oirgo proportion of thee lands aro prairie of tho cuaracier oi jiiiiiois, yet tlioro is not a township that doe-, not afford timber In abttndatico for all u'e. The character of emigration finding its way into this region is of tho very best. Solid old farmers from tho south aro sandwiched in between tho rctleis yankco and tho pushing men from Indiana or Illino:?. If tho emigrant wish cs to go into the stock btuincss, ho locates iii quarters or half section nlor.g the banks of the Oacoiiade, "White, or spring rivers; if the emigrant desires to go Into thegraln business, he will find soil of tho richest kind in tho beautiful vallics and splendid uplands of La wrcnce,.Xcwton and Greene; if tho emigrant is a fruit grower, ho can locate anywhoro fnm Franklin to Spring field, for it N tho llncft fruit region in the world, but if ho bo a vineyard man, then let him enmo nnd set his littlu hut down among tho glorious foot-hills of tho Ozark mountains. This region lias been well styled tho Switzerland of America. Mr. A. L. Dean, chief clerk of the land depart- .. . . tjnntin A I,.iI, ,ril pufl.Y. tells mo that tho cah sales amount to thousands of dollars daily of theso cheap lands. Mr. Dean is located at 521! AVal nut street, and takes plctouro in showing tho maps, pints and analysis ol minerals belonging to tho land department, so that if any of your old citizens feel cramped up in tho old home, let them como here to St. Louis, kco Mr. Dean and then go out in southwest Missouri. i.v Tin: WAY OK (lOS-IP St. Louis U fearfully dull just now. The only thing I hnvo heard lately which is worth reproducing, is tho story told at the expense of Frank Schurz and Carl Blair. For somo time theie two worthies have been plavlng wet nurses to thu ku klux orphans and tho ulianilonccl brats or the administration family. 1-or a while genorous contributions of soothing syrup enabled the nurcs lo keep t'own srjuallt but as is nlwayg tho cn'e, jtit about tlie time tho orphans aud the brats began to thrive and a happy family was in prospect, tho boss wet nurse ( Frjnkv) wroto his brother .Monty of thu condition of nll'airs, Thereupon Monty ( Blair) constituted him self resident physician and began to pre scribe for tho orphans and tha brats. The story i that tho following conversation occurred lu the olllco of tho Wtltcho Post : Schur, l'Vanky, your brother Monty I a dd infernal fool I What business has liu to give his opinion on national politics? Blair--By right of descent ! would have you know Montgomery Blair is tho solo remaining link between the glorious patt and tho pro-cut ad age. Seiirt. mtte rucc iu (ionium.) A sausage-gut link ! The halt orphans and tho brats are now throw n on the cold charity of tho world. Who wants to tan an asylum 7 PIIOCION. rKHSONAL. Mrs. Sarah .l.llale, cdilrcss of Gutley's Lmiy llool., is 81 years old, and still la bors constantly at tho work which Iuih em ployed her for thu last forty-four yii .Mrs. Alice Andrews, a young woman of about 18, married but four months, com mitted suieldo a few days sinco at Kalama zoo. The dissolute habits of her husband aro said to bo tho camo of the rssh deed, The London Examiner fays of Miss Brnddon's latest work of fiction : " It has not been our mlstortiino to read all .Miss Brnddon's novels, but of all that wo have read, 'The Lovers of Arden' is tho nasti est." If long hair bo tlio glory of women, then thero is a glorious young lady iu llos tou. She was pcrsuado l tho other day lo give a prlvato oxhlbitioii of her beautiful head of long and heavy black hair. Her height Is llvu feet six inchc-i, nne' whensl.u is sUndlng erect her hair fall to her feet, and trails a quarter of a yard on tho Hour. It Is miventy-llvo Inches In length. BULLETIN, THURSDAY, eut flower supplied in the courso of 1110""i and umong tlio items in th! Mlcl1 entries nru to bo found in "early li,lc' of ,,,c valley, 10 10 "n moisrose, ' I?nnt7. ltatzbr, convicted of the tntir- dcr, in IcOl, of Sicismund Fcllucr. n illn- niond mcrehnnt, ha bean released from 100 wwy penitentiary by rcaton or tho a.n'..t; ... ..r i.i. r ......... " i.u u eu cm. "u "ow 11,0 pupo compensate mm in ful1 for the trifllnir. Inconvenience that be bcc" s"ujfiptct t" by tho aMtirnneo l"Ht "the heliof that ho inentirely Innocent 1,10 mnrdor has, meantime, boon well uMabllshci'. and he goet forth Into tho w'ld with nit the i-tifma ot crimo upon him." CRiis. TIIK OOI.ONKIi'S FKIKKDS ON "CLAIMS?." TIIK KFFOHTS TO SUPPLANT THE COLONEL HKHUKED. It'rotn Iho Mount Cirnul, NoTtmtcr Wo fear some of the democratic poli ticians In tho southern part ot tue district aro not nctuatcu wiioiiy oy a uosire to strengthen that party In their effort to 'upplant Col. Crub ns tho next democrat lo 1'nnil idato for conro. 'Uiolr pnjor speak of their "claim': upon the party us tlioucn sucii tninus nau existence, as i...iP.m...i .1-...?. .... i. an individual democrat wo rccognlo no man s "clalnn" to our vote: anu u tncro is no claim upon one vote there is none to u tuouau'J. Ulio Idea or claims is in separable from that of corruption of bar- cam ana saio 01 iranie in omen - d .iieeosts traffic in Idea. votes. Awav with such an v uirn, i.wi niki ouiu ii Tho democratic party, how. " claims " UDon its ttronceSt. Its however, has its best men. Will. .... J . . .... ..,t., J' ?." . Xuer rcVn 7ta oniy that ho is the peer of any mun Iu tho di.v I . district in ability nnd Iu (what is mora lortant nowl hone.ty and sii:le-hcart' devotion to democratic principles and I to the welfare of thu country ; our obcrv- 1 .1 nn nnnvinnm .14 .tint li it 14 .lift Li.nni.. 1 1 - est candidato that wo could offer. So fur ns tm? cna 01 llns l"r' concern cu, wo icci iiuiy wurrmiivu in env fng ,,,, wol,( commnnJ hundreds of votes moro than any imtn who could bo presonted. AVhilo theso trontlemon aro "staking off" their "claims," wc bono tho democratic party will assert in tho most cmpnattc manner its moro tangible claim to Joi. urcDV turtner services in congress. NERVOUS DEBILITY, With list Klooiny nllrnilnntsi, Iov tiplr- uriirtHniiiii, i iinuinr,r riaiviiun. loos of Hemeii, Niorinnlorrli(cn( Ion at ioner' illscy lienil, Iohsi of nieinory, uml ItirciiteuiMl iniiirlcnce anil I Jibe- rililsi. uml n loverelKii cure In Hum- nlircv'M llonieoiuillilr Niipcllir o Ttveiily.rlKlil. ot Ui- mu.t ralu uie mini im'i iiouni uurnuvei, iner mrino (I ni uoten omle nt the roots ol the mutter, tone up the ) torn, nrret thdl.cliarKP, anil Import vigor n't ncr?y, me hb'i tiiriiij io uiec nine man. inpj luvocurej thoasanils oreae. Trice, per pnckiRc.of tlteboxcn nnl ft Inrse H vial, which u very linnortsnt lu nlistlnste or old cases, or f 1 ixrtlnel' on. by all ilrtisglsti, nnd ent by mull on taeclpt ol price A'Iares lliimplirry' apeguic iiomeup.iwiiu jiemeine o.. orua-j way, F. V. !' SUI1UII, ausl&l owaivly Aro nt, Cairo, Illinois. COOKI.VO STOVF.H. THE TWO Uotl Miret-Hirnl, Populiir mill 1'erfocl o o o hps: x nsr o- MACHINKS Ol tli" period are our mli-kn.wn t. to' OAK EPICURE BROILERS, llotliareof lh slmpii'it construction, nnd no eamiy iniingen ini we guarantee tnem tOEivo ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Ax no nrtlcle In the household has n greater In fluence, in promoting Hie health, comfort sad hap piness or the family eiiele than the cooking kioip. ii im i-cuaoiay as hpii ns policy in pel me nn ui'i-t, nii'i in -iiiiiiuiiih UIIAKTEU OAK You can rrlv on coltine thn inont acrp.iii1. nnn uhir and perfret eooKinf; stove cier inadi- for imiiik iiiv Ki'iciuti: iiitoii.nt. foil are nla) mireof havuiR Juicy, TendBr snj Del.e an Hecfi-lnkc", Cliukni, Ham, Chop", etc. hold tr Excelsior -Manufacturing Company, UlliiindCll .V. JInin-st ,St. I.ouis. .Mo, AND AM. LIVE STOVK I) AI.ER.S. C. W. HENDERSON, Agent, Cairo, Illlnolsi. out Otlleo 101 AV. Fifth St., Cin. O. TIIK ONI.T ItKLIARLK GIFT KVTr.liriUSK IX THE COUNTRY! Ij. ID. SI3STB'S Klp.hleenth Grand NNUAL DISTRIBUTION To he drawn Monday, January lit, H72, S200,000 OO I N V A LVJi B j E G I KTS Two Grand Capital Prliea $18;888S5AKay?,.?KI rue irlxi or fi.ouuj 'ten I'rltra 5,oo i each la urcannaeka. Onenpan of Matched IIore, lth I'nmily n-oitn tl fivi I'an llor.ea A lllUMlna, uih Hllier-uiount- eil llarne, ivorih coo I'no I'lno-tnncU ItoHBwiiud I'lnnot, wurth, -i;ii ceo 2.1 Knnilly Keln Maehlnn, worth, each hoo Sli fluid andhilior I.nvvr Kunllnx Watch- en (In all), w orin, e.wli, from j -o to 3or, Ladles' fioM l.eonilan Chninn, Oeiit'a Oold Vent t.'lialnn. Holld nnd lloiiLla.l'Imiul Kllv,.r 'ri.u nnd Teakpoons, I'liotoy rtiph AlDiuaa, Jewfliy.ctc, ivnois niimncr Km. -'."J. llckcta limlled to Auenti wanteil to nil Tlclicta lo whuia brra: nreinlimis uill ho paid. hictlo tickets fi; kix lickctu S10 ; twclre ncknl BJ', IHl'lllV.UVf BlU. Clrclllnra roiitninini? h (all liHt of 'nrtiea. a do- crituion of thu niRim-i of ilrnwlatc. and other in. icrinauoii m rcu-mii'iuo mo uiiirioiiiion, will i aunt to nay one ordurliu, llu-m. Alll letter rnunt DECEMBER 7, 1871. DOOItH, hAMII, r.TC; W. W. THORNTON'S. nUILDERS SUPPLY DKPOT, 13J TENTH STREET, CAIRO ILLINOIS, -for Doom, Hniti,Itllnil. Moulding, rjvrJn(crn,(nool) Wlmlownnil Oooj I'rnnic, I'loorltifr, I.nth, MiliiKlr. 2lnzrl Nnli. Olninl Nl.le I.IrIiIn, fllncnl Trannoiim, snnh Wrlslitw, SnOi I'mIIIm nnd CortU IIIIikI l-nloiiln(t, IlnoHnsr Fell, I too line Cement, l'lnnlrrln I'niior, Cnrprt I'clt, While I.cnil, I,lnsel Oil, Amerlrnii Window (.Ins, KukINIi nndFrencli IMnlc (ilnsi, I'utlj-, (ilnzlcr'n I'olnln Noxver 11 pen Inlcnt 'lilmnej, Kir., Elc, Klc A (3S:NTS lor Hock KItm !'.er Compuny'i XX. nneainine fell .inn ijuaril ueinsni. II. W. John' IiniroTFl itooflrtic nlwnyt unci. I) II Y 1 O S. Tl. FALL WINTER. C. HAN NY. LARGE STOCK. IJItOWX SUEETINOS, PJtlNTS, TIC2CI2TC3-S. CHECKS, STKIPE S, KK.VTUCKV JEANH, E.TTK.I, CASSIMEKS, BLACK ALPACAS AMI LUSTKUS, GItOS GJIAIN SILKS, I'OI'I.I.NH. LARGE STOCK OF CARPf:TIXG, 0 1 L CLOTHS, MATTINO, M lmlntv MinilcN, niLT II ANU), NOTTINGHAM LACE UAMASKH. II U EntlreNtockXow t'loalna;Oot AT VERY LOW FIOUItES. CORNER 8tH BT., AND COMMEUCIAL-AV., C'nlro, Illliiola. acptllf TRUSTEE'S SALE. "trflKHKtS, hy vlrluo of a certain trust ilecd, tv ueuriiiK 1 1 it i u iiio mcniy-iiiirii tiny oi Janu ary, ,. ii. ini), anu uaiy recomen in uo ik " .M ' of Ueeiln. pace 151. etc.. ol tlie rrcord of Alfian il-r eountv. htatenl H'.lnoin. Hiram Walkpr ili.l convey to John Q. llarman.truater, the followiOK oe-criuii'i rein cHiuie, id-wii: numoercu aix (0) in Mock numbered thirty-two 3J In the city of Cairo, Alexander count), llllnili. In Inmt, howover, that In cane ol ilrrault in Iiio jiayment of the aum of thirteen hundred nnd etEhty-keven M-l'XliloIlar due from aald Hirnm Walker to John N. A. (iilmiold, pnyail u" in mi r .-uill,, uiftittiiiii-iiit oi lour minure and nxty-tifo fio-K) dollars eacn. In one, tiro and three yenrn from aald ltl.1 dav of January. lfc. Willi lnle:et nt tho rate of ten IUJ per cent, per annum Irom anal 23.1 day of January, lfcCi, or ant part Ihcreol, nccordlnt; to thn tenor nnd cllect of threocerlain promlmury noteaexeciiti-d ihcretor, and (ally ilPicrlhnd In faid tt itwt deed; that then me ki iiarinan.irilxtee, nhoutd proceed to cell eld real rtute na In rani need of trust provided, and execute lo the niirchaiier n prim! and aattlclentdced eoavevlns nil the rieht, title and Interest of thn uaid lliiam Walker by the Maid ilecdof trust convnjed to the aald John ii. mi iiinii. And. uhereaa. nart ol anid doht. rir- l)iiihnl ui iii-iiii-iiicaiioiien nnu iieacnneu note, togeth er nitli Iho intcre.t thereon, rim ulna wholly due, and unpild, default hiiins len inado theieini now, 'tncrefore, niruant lo the pro tl.loniof aiild trilM deed, anil at tho request of ..... vim... HU.., , w,1.W1l, iki,ii;u in IMTtllT Klventhat the cald John (, .lliirnna, trimteeta aforenahl, will,,on Saturday, theaoth day of Dr. cemhir, A. D. IbTI. Iictwen tho lioura of ten o'clork a.m. nnd live o'clock p.m.. nt the front door of the eniirt-houiii in tho city of Cairo, Alexander county, Illinois, proceed to aell at pill lie auction to the hiKheai bidder, for cash, tho real rotate, hereinbefore described, to aatlafy the debt now due anil unnaid ami tlicnm n.i cliarKei of rani trust, nnd will execute to tho pur chaser n deed lor said real esiatel hereinbefore described, JOHN Q. HAHMA.N, Trustee. C. W insto.v, aent lor J. Jf. A. Grisvrold. Dated lit C.llro. llllnnla. tins 'Ttl. ,1.. i,IVn..u. ber, A. D. 171. UlllttU. MII.1.INBRN. MRS. 31. SWANDER, DEALER IN ULLINERY AND LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, t'oninicrclnl Aveiiuv, oiiiinkltr Klllo mill lliiylliurn'ii Caiuo, Illinoih. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' "WEAR Made to onlor, or ltcady.Made. Hat recetred a full and complete stock of HOOdd, the newest and completes! la Hie city. An lin- llivuno T.l 11 ui IURRONS, J.ACES AND FRINGES she olfi-ra (Treat iiiitauoiiits tn her patrons and w 00 TO HfeiLs- INHVllANCK, vr. ii, Monnu, It.' It. CAMUKK notary ruuue, ISO. Ful). find U. 8. Ccm. FIRE, UULL, OAKGO, LIVF. STOCK, CCIDENT, LIFE, nsrsxrie-isrcEi J5TNA, HARTFORD, Asset. .tA,l4J,J0i 07 NORTH AMKRICA. PA., Aiitn.. i,i,VA HARTFORD, CONN, Asset!- ,.J,MI,.10 7.' PIKXNIX. HARTf 0RTJ, Alts-. 1.7I1.HS ' INTERNATIONAL, 2. T-, Astttt.. ...1,S1.1,S 17 PCTWAM, HARTFORD, A'Stts.. , 7M.117 O CI.lVXLANb, CLIVILAND, AiscO. .41J,C73 St IIOUS, COLUMBUS, Anett ... ..J15.27. 4. AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Ae.eti. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIKE, Assets HMMywu TBAVKLKK'n, IIARTFORI), LlfB AXU ACCIDENT, Assets. - I.MVWI K RAILWAY PAKSENOErtH AfcHURANCK CO., II AHTKOKP, Assets - rO.POOI. INDEPENDENT BOhTON, Assets Wl,"3 M S AFFORD, 3I0RRIS & CANDEK, 71 Ohio I.T, City National Bank, CAIRO, ILL. FIRE AND MARINE IIISUIRy-A-ILSrCE rOlfPAMIEAl NIAGARA, N. T., OERMANIA, N. T., HANOVER, N. Y., KEI'UIILIC, N. T., Assets.... ,..n,43,.ie v Assets. Asset',.., .. ..72,CS 00 Asset - -..TH.M4 Ot. Comprising the Underwriters' Agency. YONKEP.S N. Y Assets,, ,.8TI,4M 1! ALBANY CITY, Assets .tl3,lW SI firkmxn'k TUND, tf. v., A-iets .... .. irra,oiO Of KECUU1TY, .V. Y. MARINE, Assets.. ,,I1?,s'j OU CTORK. DwrllinKs. Kurniture. Hulls and Car. O coes, Insured at raU- as farorable as sound, permanent security will warrant. I respectliilly ask 01 the emtio of Cairo, a snare 01 ineir paironas e. V. 9T. Ilt'OIIK MEWNl'AI'KK THE NEW YORK EVENING POST TOR IS7S. PUIt'ES IlEUCCKU' We will snpply the Kiening I'ost as lollowsi DAILY. One year ...Sli 00 ror shorter periods $1 per month WEEKLY. Nnxle Copy one year tl 00 KlVn Copies " " 7 ou Ten " " ' u to Twenty " ' " ;ij 00 SEMI-WEEKLY. hlngle Copy one year :i Ou Kle Cojnea " ' y 10 Ten Copies ' " ..-u 00 Or we 11III send the tollowini? periodicals lo subscribers, in eonnectlon with 1 thn l.ttning at tne prices named : With Weekly Kreninc I'ost. Harper'a Weekly. I 60 Harptr'a Ilatar .1 :j Harper's Magazine 4 fto Kvery Saturday A Ou Atlantic Monthly 4 no Our Youne Folks 3 is) With Semi-Weekly Kriming i'ost, 10 ui 11 10 w HU) 4 60 4 W b to fxiribner'a Monthly .,.,l W . IIU Ull.4. - UI) The Agriculturist a so Hearth md Home a 7S Christian Union 3 W .1 &u on ft 2S i ou TO each aubacr ber to the r.Kninq lutuud Chrit tian Union for one year will be sent two exquisite French Oil Chro-nos, entitled "Wide Awake" and "Fast Asleep," which aro worth nt retail JlOfor the oair. TRTITl TRY IT II Kor 15 cents wo will aend the Weekly Evening I'ost from new until January 1, or for Mounts we. will send the semi-Weekly I'ost durin the same lime. Bnecimen nembera af lh irnl. u.. .... free. " Address WM.C.IIKTA.NT, A CO. ew Vork. W1IOI.FJIAL.E CROCEM, R. SMYTH & CO., j WHOLESALE GROCERS, - - on 10 lxvki - (IAIBO. ILLINOm. Also, keep constantly on hand a most eom plete atock of XilQ.TTO.R.B 8C0TC1I AND IKIBU WUISKIX81 -a 1 n s,- Fort, Madorin, Sbgrrjr and Catawba Wlnoi K8MYTU CO. sell exclusively for . which fact ther Invite the especial atlin tion ef close bargain buyers. t'OMMINSIO AJin I OIUVAIIIH.M.. j. WrvuuAAva sV co. (.Successors to H. D. IlfiDlrlekt t Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WUAIIF-I10AT PHOPUIKTOHS yifsLIWeral Adtantes tin , uporsrff Consignments. CZJV Are prPrel Jo reeeiTe, store am orwarJ iiiiKina iu an points aod huy slu ell on commission. rBuslaeas attended to premptlr II. M. HULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION No. 13 Cominercial-avc, CAIKO, 1LLINOM. JOHN B. l'HILLIS, (fluiyessor lo Paiker ft I'hr.lis,) GENERAL COMMISSION isa 10 KAV A H IT N G M ERC II A N T, 1S DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, CorTENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIKO. ILL. Z. D. MAT1IUM. T.. C. CHI. MATHUSS & UIIL, POBWABDIITO AND UENEIlAIs COMMISSION .MERCHANTS' HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE1 Ke. 04 OHIO I.r.TEE, CAino, 11.1J Bttitun Fourth i SulK Fit., auK'i OAsrtf W.Btratton. T. It's 8TRATTON & BIRD, (Haecessors toRtratten, Hudsoa k Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCERS 1SS COMMISSION MERCHANT, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinoi?; rAjenla of American Powder Co., and ,. ai ufacturers agents for cctton Jan.- WOOD RITTENIIOUSE, FLOUR General Commission Merchai, 11 ii 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois CH.iRLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS No. G4 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. t EOTSidtf CJ.OSE A; VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSIOj jir,ntiiia.iio t 41 1. I ... I I 4 ' I ' I . . iSD ! Cement, Tlaster Taris, 4X0 PLASTERER'S 'II AIR,! Corner Elghtta Nlrret and Ohio I.v 1 MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSIO AMI FORWARDINO MERCHANTS,, ana DEALERS IN FLOUR, COR) Oats, Hay, etc. j AGENTS for FAIRBANKS SCALi 88 Ohio Leyee, CAIRO, ILLS, j. WATC1THAKEK. 'PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERl ji .H. HOUPT, NO. 150 "WASHINGTON AVENU CAIKO, ILLINOIS, Uas on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES ;CL00KS, JEWELRY, ETC. . J'arllcular attention given to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. The largest atock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHf im tui ciry, LEGAL NOTICE. T EOAL NDTinir. .4 h...t,. .1... .k... f JU Klttrldge, plalntlir, baa commenced an al nf?ii? f.'1?"? diatress far rent against Josei Bayllss, defendant. In the e rcult court n( 11.' ounty, In the state of Illinois, and tlj ..... .m.. mi. v. .ns return or summons the case la the third Monday iu Jaouarr. i!J