Newspaper Page Text
TUB BULLETIN JOHN II. OIlKULT, KJIIcf " 'uMIl"T SUNDAY MOW'""', Pec. 10, 1871. Til" ' "1,tr tu,,,M f5ulwri;f(0n.l (eek. by carrier...!. On. rny carrier, In advance On month, by Mall,-...- Three month, - . as ID l , 7& 12 26 8 t month, . UJ t" 4 7IU ctKtialW'o Alttaifttr county aiuf oftittvl aim: thtonlimornlnt lnlv in tomtit? lUtnoit t ivi.l!.avaktjtminall tmnit, but partite I n,Un on alf tut.Jeftt of inltrttt to fjM'f ; A(nlirffii.l(ntrtaii7 nrfWihi"!. the llaUe tm Klieiti tS' patronage vt MtUtgent rewiere and tnttrprunnj lueintu men. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY BULLETIN. John It. Oberlr Co. have reduced the aub. tcriiilion price of the Weekly Clro Hulletln to Otw Dollar p trmnum. making It the cheapeal pa. norpubllihed tnSouthern llltnoli. Attorney Genkhai. Akeiiman lias made himself offensive to the president by expressing an opinion of his own, and his head is to como off sonie time iu the near future. Mus. Myra Braiuvkms bill, giv ing women tho right to follow any trado, business or profession, was passed iu tho Illinois legislature on Wednes day, by a vote of ninety to fifty-six. The oonfusion of tongues thrcatcus to be as fatal to the International soci ety at New-York., it is said, as it was to a certain building enterprise at JJabcl. Stephen Pearl Andrews, with his utiiver sology will make it all straight. --- The apportionment bill has been re ceived with general dissatisfaction throughout the state, and it is believed that the remonstrances scut to Spring field against it, will be the means of the house making some changes iu it. Caulk dispatches ussert that Oen, Grant's message was vary favorably re ceived iu London, and that tho press of that oity are unanimous io the opinion that the condition of this country was nevermore flatteringly exhibited. Con sidering the extraordinary insight the English generally show iu regard to the affairs of this country, this opinion of theirs will no doubt vastly increase our appreciation of Grant's late message . The foolishness of tho passive policy becomes more patent every day. A late Washington dispatch reads as fol lows ; " Whatever may bo the strength ' of the lattor the anti-Grant republi- oans in the country, there does not appear at present to be a single one of ' the 139 republican members of the ' house who is willing to publicly an ' nouncc his opposition to the ronomiua ' lion of Grant. There are, novcrthe ' lcf, many who are at heart opposed ' to it, but thoy. at the same time, ad ' rait that if he is tho nominee of tho ' republican party, they will be obliged to support him." The crumb of com fort for the passirists iu this is too small to be looked for. THE Now-York Herald thiuks the grandest opportunity Gen. Graut has yet had, is to make tho annexation of Mexico the policy of his administra tion. If this is su, his grand opportu nities aro multiplying. If for our own aggrandizement, the development of a grtat Country and tho relief and pros perity of its turbulent inhabitants, we annex Mexico, how about Cuba? It is a rich and fertile island, iu cloe con tiguity to our borders, wlioeu govern niont, in tho last few years, has been as savago and barbaric as that of Mexico, and which grows worse instead of better as witness the late brutal " taking ofl of eight medical students by the Span ish authorities for a comparatively light offence. If we annex .Mexico, wo must annex Cuba for thu same reasons. Mitt the administration of Gon. Grant, which has been three years attempting to sub due tho ku-klux of the south and ac cording to its own testimony has been unsuccessful, ought to uoinjitur them before it tries its hand on Cuban assa tins or Mezicau barbarians. The problem of Gen. Grant's indif ference to tho reports of .Minister Scheuck's connection with the Knima Silver Mining company is solved m a late edition of the New-York lloston correspondent of that paper is sponsible for the statement that Graut himself is a stockholder in tho Kmma Mine, and was instrumental in interest ing Minister Schenck in its speculations and in having him uso his position as minister to Kngland to further tho ope rations of tho company. From the well-known characttr of Gen. Grant iu mattors relating to mou.y anil its ac. quibitiou, all this is more veiy to )C hue than false, and tho public-u,e ru. publican party especially will ceau. to wonder at Grant's implied acquiescence in Gen. Schonck's course, much less to expect tho president to condemn its questionable propriety. To radicals, whatever Graut does, is right. Ho may uio his position to enhanco his own pri vate enterprises ho may assume pow ere undreamed of by any former pros ident ho may quarter his entire fami ly, near and distant relatives, on the gorernmont his whole administration hu teen au exhibition of bad taste, lias been illegal, unconstitutional ond altogether opposed to the .pin' of olir institutions jet his party look on with admiration at hi.i boldne sand " glory in his fmunk-" The idol of Ainorionn - i.. ., ur.i.iL' iinln liko ! luuiimism ran '" Gov. Palmar, ho hUmter a ! rcnipmbrancc of coiiftitutio.i ol hi. country. This would dinpo-c ot him an eff-ctu illy as it li:n fhelvwd l'almur in tlio r.itlieal hoii.'ohold. A reference to ilii; v iii-ititutioa, a faint xhuwiug of reipuet lor t lie law, a unit as to the propriety of thair ulnci'V- ante, would ciiecK tno ciioiih 01 ...... i i. pntWc now being sung to (Jen. Grant, and change the fawning adulation showered ou him into execration. It is the unpardonable sin in radical uyci and is punished with political death from which there is no resurrection, and Grant, who is wise in hi genera tion, will never commit it. rsix. Tho Troy HViif, In commenting upon Montgomery Illalr's nomination of William Cullen Ilrvant for president, re murks that " If a post i to bo chosen and hit popularity considered it is evident that Hryant or Longfellow would ttand no chanco by the sldo of Walt. Whitman or llrct llarte." In tho midst of this di vcrslty of opinion why does not some ono nronoso a theatrical ticket, with, say, Ned Forrest for president and John llroughatn for Vice, or Lester Wallack and l-.dwin Uooth; or, taking a minstrelsy turn, select Jolly am Tony Pastor .Vcir Yorh Herald. EST Congressman Kocsevclt, it is worth noting, is out in his paper, tho Citizen, against tho proposed passive policy for tho democratic party, lie says ho has no faith in it, and that it was tho " passive nesH ' of the party that ruined it during the war. What Uio Ci(i:en demands now is a good, vigorous, actlvo policy, adding, if wo can only elect a republican at bet, we had better dissolve at once. Sfiy Wondoll riiiMips in a tcmpcr anco lecture at Worcester, last Friday night, said wo have now no political party that dares to enforce the liquor law, but tho children of tho present generation would wagoa successful war upon rum, or thoir children would II vo in an empire. Bffi. A boy in Salem, Massachusetts, was curious to know how long ho could stand on his head, and tried tho cxpori mont n day or two miico. Ho dropped dead, however, boforo ho fully satislled himself iu regard to tho matter. COy-Twcnty-sevcn membors of tho Mis sissippi legislature are colored two in tho senate, twenty-live in the house. Tho rc poits of the proceedings may, therefore, be expected to bo highly colored. B?IU Tho (hand Duke patronized tho Now York press to tho extent of sending llvo hundred copies of each leading paper to his father the day after his reception. t!Qi.ll-'am D.Wood, superintendent o( thu public schools ut Niihua, N. 11., whllo m it ni nt intimity tun in iin-mil tv'UJj n pockctunifu and jumped from his chamber window, breaking his le. Crjy-Tho anti-dram shop party in New Ynik polled 1,701 vote-, fur their ticket ut tho recent election a gain ot' 200 vo'.es sineu I it.'t your. I?3f The supply el coal in thu vicinity of Omali-j havlni; been nearlv exhausted, tunny are uiingcoru for fuel. CSSr Almost tho enliro State of Kansas is sulleriug from a coal famine. o- romiioN NOTES. I-'athor llyaeinthu Intends preaching ttfories of sermons in l'ar'u. l'opo l'ius will uotlcavu Homo on tho opening of tho Italian Parliament. Tho Queen of thu ltelgiaus has been summoned by a dressmaker to pay hor bill, amounting to 07,000 franc. Her Majesty refusos to dUehargo it en the ground that tno price aro exorbitant. Tennyi-oii liu cjuit tlio h!o of Wight In difgiitt and ivmuved to a secluded sjiot in Nm III Walce. He is tired of being hiiiiuted hi liteiurv Ihm hunters, not the least porsi-tent aiihnying cf whom, aro American!-. The London Thnc. -ays of tho late ro liginiu coiivetitliiii in Iowa, that after a lung debate it has not neeu able to dccldo whether crmpiot Is iniil ur not ; but it has sjttlod the fact quietly, that clergymen iiuj be great fouls. Tlio Kill!' of Sweden litis lnunlliccnU I ly awurded a young Spanish composer, who has set n number of the King's poems of music. One of theo fongs bids fair to become the SwcdUh Marseillaise. U is sung everywhere, in city and village, pal ace and cottage. Tlio following is tho recommendation given an Kugllsh servant : " Tho bearer has been in my house a year minus ele ven months. During this llmo she has shown herelf dlllgont at the houso door; frugal In work ; mindful of herself; prompt in excuses j friendly toward men j faithful to her lovers j and honest when everything had vanished." CHICAGO FHEE.LlIMAltY. KNOLIS1I LI1IKIIAI.ITV. (From Hie Iloaton Advertiser, Dec. '!.) Chlcai-olias suirerod a great niisfortuno. bvinpiithy, generosity and help aro only nam. a public librnrvU nguod thing, and Phoenix city should havo ono, to uso te expression of the litigating landlord in mo Antwuury " quaiiiprimiiu, and that peromtort,- And Mr. Thomas Hughes n extremu W il0 fulow AllaBlho dental diaguosi f eleemosynary Heed is proverbially ungruelous. And yet it is certain that Jlr. HuKhes ha. blundered. I lie Idea of taxing Urn living uulhors or J-.ngland, oach iu a sei (,r lU Wurlts best edition, library stylo, va i, t , happy one, and it mado the said uuv.iors moro or le.s unhappy accordingly, Ms appears from tho vinegary rescripts in which ono or two of uiem itn sour, reluctant, acrimonious THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1871. dolay, signify if tbey must I hoy will. Mr. Stn.illev. t-i 7VA"-' T' c rripii Mit, illful though ho ro In thai art of ) llimns, must liavo rmlloil or frowned n little, wo fancy, a bo wrote smooth tlilngi about tho trans uetl"ii, Hut li falls In conceal at oil the emirl of pro-lavory old Carlylc. or tho Mieor ot .Mr. jJisriU'ii. ucau incir iiitc : No. 5 OlIKYXI. HOW, CllLLSEA, 1 Nov. 10, 1871. kau Hi-otnw: 1'orelvo mo that 1 have not soonur answered your friendly, cheery, and altogether pleasant llltlo note. I riipposcu Hurgoss wonia liavo lobl you my objections to the project; tbnt it aoemcd to me supvriiuouf, not practica ble by the methods lie proposed (lor Uio hooka or all the i villi authors will go vi-rv llltlo in such an entoriiriso) ; and third and wont, that it wore on the fneo of it a visible pick-thank kind of character a tiling greatly to uo'nvoiucu ootn at u tn cimo and here. These oh taction do not vanish on ro tleetion. but. on tho contrary trathur weight. Nevertheless If you and tho literary world feel nothlnc ot tho like, and the project do tako far and go on, it continues certain mat my poor contrtuu Hon oi a copy of my hooks shall not, by anv means bu wanting. Uellevu mo al ways yours, Willi many regards. T. Oaulvlk. IIuoiiEXur.N Manok, Nov. 10, 1871. Draii Mu. IIuoiiks : Our friends at Chicago, so far as Knglish authors are con corned havo n freo library which no con tiiu-nilinn enn dnstrnv. I fenr thev mav smile when they rccelvo our offerings in this fashion; but mine, if you wish it, snail no tnaue. l-aiiuiuuy yours, H. Disiiaki.i ilr. Carlylo'i nolo, Mr. .Smiilley observes, it "characteristic, ' and .nr. jJisracns contain-) a " irood-iiaturcd hint." Wo con fess it seems to us a great deal moro llko " Tako It. and be to yen ! '' Wo can not imagine that the recipients of benefactions givon In iiicli a sjunt need expect great good therefrom. No such ." f.Unl nnd accursed Imrk, limit In thu ecllpaonnd ried with curses drl(,' can prosperously bear tho reader along the sea of literature. In cuso Mr. Hughes should consent to receivo theso gifts, wo earnestly recommend tho authorities of tho now library to romit to Messrs. Disraoli and Carlylo tfiu full retail jirice of thoir works rcipeelively, and thus avert the evil evo. It is true that some of the gentlemen who wtro applied to answered, apparently with hearty kindness. Mr. Carlyle's im putation of pick-thaiikcry, it is true, is as ubsurd and ill-natured us nil his iihilosonhv of mankind. Jlut iu tho present mutually piratical statooftho relations between the publisher and authors ol J-.uglam! and America, this particular form of uilts could with great safety havo been avoided. ALEXIS. THK IIAI.I. IX HIS HONOR. (From tlio N. V. Krenltix I'ont.) Tho Academy of .Music is well-adantcd to ball purposes, and on festive, occasions always oilers an appearance more or less brilliant. (;n eanesuay niL'lit it pre sented an elegant scene. Tho decorations were tastctui anil not cauuy, anu the two paintings of Alexander II., as tho liber ator ot tno sons, anu Abraham .Lincoln, as the emancipator of tho blacks, were at onco appropriate and significant, and pos sessed a much higher meaning than is usually suggested by moro festal decora tions. Tho'usual array of cadiirhts at tho back of tho statto was replaced by a pris matic fountain of real water, which changed its colors at frequent inter- va.s. Thero was much display of dross and elegance on the part oi thu attendants at tho ball; and there, too, wore symptoms of tho rudeness of scmi-avai:o curiosity. Everybody was anxiiiiii to sco tho Prince. in. j.t Ijuitjj Difai iirti mi. iiiufijiuti in a manner more immiu.ikablo than polite, 'l'lllt llnill'ill!' liei'iin nliiinl 1 1 o'clock, 11110 the l'rinco'a set in which Governor llotl'maii, General Mc- JJowoll and .Mauamo Uataea.y took part. attracted much attention. Mrs. Hoffman was the Prince's partner, and to hor grace ful direction of tho little party, it seoined that the happy result of the dance was nw. ilia; for otherwiio thero was much con fusion among the distinguished dancers, and that general sensation of buiug lout iu tho wilderness, which all timid devotees of Terpsichore must fool. supper wasservou in tlio now ' Mlnon Hull," which was reached from the stage of tlio Academy by a suitable passage way Thero wore two "bands in the amphltheatro i no arrangements lor Hats and coats were better than usual, and tho ball was well managed as tar as tho guests could tell, thouirh tho committee of man agement were at timos reduced to the vergo ol despair by unlorcsecn coillli uoncics. It is said that four thousand people woro at the ball ; mid as many of theso woro uniforms and thuro was scarce an ilj-dresied lady in tho whole room, tho scene was most brilliant. -Prince Alo.xi-s whoso appearance and man ner were praised Ly everybody, woro a naval uniform of a' peculiar kind and u black ncchtic. Kixuri.AK ococmtKNon. ll'rom the Coinineiee IMipftteli. It is well known to iiulto a number of our citizens that tho wife of Mathias Hold er is at times completely demented, and wanders ana,- from homo under cir cumstances and iu a condition that would convince any one ul'thoabsciico of a prop erly balanced mind having frequently been met on tlio highway entirely desti tute of clothing. On Friday night, in tho severe snow storm that was then prevailing, she stole .iwny from humo in her bare feet. Sho ivcnt to her brothers and applied for ad mission, lining familiar with hor insane excursions, and notdre iming that sho was barefooted he refused hor adinittancu and told tier to go homo. Sho remained out in thu pelting storm for four hours and continued her pleading to bo admitted. Her brother, finding that ho could not pre vail on hor to return homo, was llnnlly compelled to tako hor in. In less than llvo minutes after she entered tho house, sho gavo birth to twins. This incident produced considerable coiistornaliou in tho family, and her brothor started in a hard ran for her husband. Tho husband had already missed hor and was oil' in some olhor direction looking for her. Ho then run to Hamburg for a doctor, who found tho woman and twins doing as well as could bo wished for. N. 11. Sinco tho nbovo was in typo wo learn that tho brother of Mrs. Holder died on the Tuesday night following tho nbovo ovent. In hi chase after hor huf band and the doctor he becamo so over heated as to tako a sevorocold, wnich re sulted In his death by pneumonia, into wx LOW, A Commercial correspondent wholatoly visited Senator Urownlow, at his home In TonnOhsee, says : Upon entering tho senator's houso wo found him lying upon a largo sofa, a negro rubbing his feet, lie Is in wretched health, hut no moro than ho has been for two years. His humW and feet are continually jerking and shaking with tho palsy. Ho vuh nui reaii unless mo boon or papor is fastened to a framo In front of him. Ho can not speak aliovu a whisper, and somo days his strength is so far gone that ho can not do that. Indeed, ho is as helpless as an infant. Nothing but constant caru and watching upon tho part of his family and friends and his own Iron determination kio,H him alive. Ho is a man of tromond otis energy and force of character. Not one of tho olhor aoventy-odd senators could bo provallod upon to leave homo If .oy woro in 1110 prostratod condition mat I'O.nail.VMON AMI i'OUWAKDimi. .). M. PHILLIPS k CO., fuel-error to K, It. Hcndriokn A Co.,) Forwarding and !Commission MERCHANTS W11AUF-110AT PItorniETOHS l.tlieral Advanced m upon UonalKOtnenu, Ate propnred to receive, atore.ani orward rrulithta to nil polaisaml buy u.U sell on eoaimlsiilon. 'lluslness nttenaca to promptlr JOHN B. P1IILLIS, (rtucces'or to Parker & I'hl'.llf ,) GENERAL COMMISSION FOKWAIIDING MKKUHANT, DKALKlt IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TKN'TII-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIKO, ll.b. I. 1). MATIIUS8. K. 0. UIIL MATIIUSS & UHL, AND GF.NEtlAl. Commission Mekchants, DKAtEKS IN HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE, So, 01 OHIO I.EVHK, CAino, IM- Between Fourth Sixth .'(., augtt diwtf W.Slrntlon. T. Hlid STKATTON & JJI11D, (Successor toSlratton, Hudson k Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MEIIOIIANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. Ce.tgents of American Powder Co., mid man. ufActiiiers Agents for cctton larn. WOOD KITTEN HOUSE, FLOUR General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO i.evei:, Oaiiio, Illinoih OLOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMI deaijEbs ires- lime Ckment, Plaster Paris, PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Klchtti Nlrcct nnd Ohio Lovee OAIKO, ILL,. JIII.L,I.KItT. hADIES, TAKE NOTICE I MRS.OMcGEE, KI01ITII HTKKKT, 1IKTWKEN WASHINGTON AND L'OMMKItCIAL AVENUKH, Has jUHt received a full and nplondid lln ol NEW GOODS Iirets trimmings, allk clmjin, illk galoon, fu. pure luei-n. iiiojh trimming, crocket button, mlk mid velvet buttons, plain and trlmmiDR vel vet. liatH and bonnels, tlno kid cloves, Indies' and cliililrcua' shot., and a fullandcomplote stock ot Millinery and Fancy Goods, All of which ho pruposea to sell at VEIIY LOWEST LIVINd CASH HUCES. MRS. ANNA LANG, EIQIITII-8T., BET. WASIIINQT0N ANB COM. UEUCIAI.-AVUNUEH, It now leeelvinga benutllul asitrlmeat of Fall Millinery Goods, liieliidlnR Hati and Hhapci of th latest style Itlbbcm, FlowcrH and Feather. Mrs. l.nnj; will also show ouitomert tlia lirsei aelectioa of Woolen Yarn To be found la thecltv, BI.HACIII.NO AND rilESSINU OntlER. done ro I'AINTFJtfi. MOORE & 3IATHHWS, House, Sign and Ornamontal Ilevoriillve FnnerliniiKiriKi linlaomln. I n If, vie, Done In tho highest ctvle ol the art, and a rates that dely competition, SIlOl1 IN VKHHY HOUSE, C0RNJCR OF 8TU TIIKET AND CMMEMUl AVENUE. IMlOItN. NASH, F.TCl 00 TO W. W. THORNTON'S. BUILDERS' SUPPLY DEPOT, 13J TKKTH BTnriT, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, FOR Doors, Hath, Blind, Moulding", EiiYeJnttrra,(woo4l) Wlnitownnl Dooj Frsmes, Flooring, I.ntli, NblnKlcs, nmod Nosli, Ulnznl Nlric I.lKlitn, tilnscl Trnnnonin, NMh WclgtiH, Knvli Pnlllva nnd Cord, Illlnd I'aatcnlngn, Itnollntf Felt, Hoofing; Onient, 1'Untrrlne Pnprr, Cnrprt Fell, White Lend, I.IiixhI oil, Amcrlcnn Wlndoir ilia, Kntrllsli nudFrpncli Plate J Inni, IMitty, (ilnzlcr'a I'olnl Newer Pipes I'atent tlilmiiej , Etc., Etc., Klc. AGENTS lor Iloclc ItlTef Paper Compnjri Hheallilnn Kelt anil (Jiinrtz Cement. 11. W. Jolin'a ImiiroTed Hoofing alvrayi on and. DRY UOOIIK, '71. FALL-WINTER. ' 0. HANKY. LARGE STOCK. BKOWN SHEETIXtJS, PKINTS, CHECKS, AXD STRIPE 3, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTRA, OASSIMEKS, BLACK ALPACAS LUSTERS, GROS GRAIN SILKS, roi'i.ixN. LARGE STOCK OP CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, Window Simile, OILT HAND!, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMABCh, Uli F.utlreNtoek!fow C'IosIiik Uul AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8TU BT., AND COMM ERCI AL-AV., Cairo. UHiiol. t?plttf UAS FITTKICS. H. T. GEROL'LD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER ANU ! ILEU IN UAH FIXTVIIKS. CJa Kitter'a nnd I'lnmber'n mnterlnl, Wood pump", Kloho nnd nui;!,, valv, atop cocks, check vulven,etc. ALSO AOr.M.IOH Tult IlrolherN I'atont Dry io Mcteny And Mnrehoine, Wella Co'k Automatic Wntoi Indicator and bupply Valve for attain holler. winter's IILOCK, COHMKRCIAL-AVENUE HUTCIIKUH. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEHLER & BROTHER Have reopened Ilia I'OI'!I,U MF.AT MARKET, COUMERCIAE-AV., Belwrcu Ninth nod Tenth Ntrrela, and will keep constantly on hand the best menti Biaugaicrrii in ne uairo maruet, i ney defy coin pttltion, Give them a trial. aepKltr. JAKE WALTER, BTJTOH IE ZR, AND DEALKR la FRESH MEAT, EiaitTii Street, Uetwken "Washington and Commercial avenues, Adjolnlna; lllllcnlioiifto A IIiiiuiy'H, Keep the beat of llcef, l'ork, Mutton, Veal, Lamb. bunaire.etc. aud nm urenared to mtyo citltena in tho moul accoptublo manner. ns80 JAMES KYNASTON, ilntcber Mud ilcnlcr In nil Klnrta Freah Stent, CoaNia Nineteenth and l'orun Btieet, OAIH'J, ILLINOIS. TJUVH and alaufthtera only thu very beat cattle, Fj hon and ahuep, and la prepared to 1111 any demand for fresh meata from on pound to ten tUouvand pounda. de:291f imuusi. WAUoyn. WAGON MAN L' FACTOR Y For Sale nt Wholesale or Retail COUNKR 32l)-KTltr.KT AND OHIO I.KVKK, Cairo, Illinois. novlltf J. V. iAMHI.K JIII.I.l.EItN. MRS. M. SWANDKR, DEALER IN MILLINERY AND LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, 'iliiiii-r'lnl Avpiiui', iiicihIIi- i:ilo mill lIiiytliurii'H Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' "WEAR Mudo to order, or itcndy.Hade. lln recoived n full nnd romplolo "loci; of noo'li, inn newest ami ciimpieiext in uio city. An tm- menao vnrltj- ol RIUBONS, LACES AND FRTNGHS Mio offcra great lmlucemela In herpatrona and all othera tocall on her.examlne the priccn, atylea and quality of her Kooda; Mrs. Swander, lmving aold her proinrly, will aell tho whole of thene Kooda nt nnd below-coil, Wow la the time to purchaie Cnristmas (jooils at tho very lowext pricea. FAMILY HOCKICir.K. LOUIS JORGENSEN, Dealer In atl klnda of STAPLE AND FANCY O-BOOBBIES. Fnrnier'n Yard and HtrtblliiK WITHOUT CIIAROE. Cor, Waslungtou-av. and Twcutiotli-st. CAIRO, ILLS. J)-27dtf. 1IOTUTJH. CRAWFORD HOUSE, ORNER SIXTH and "WALNUT-ST (Entianco ou blxth-st.,) II. O.Uady,' I CINCINNATI, OHIO K. 13. Lodwlck, J OAKE8. CAUX CO. I'ro'riclo. II, II. CA.MJKK No, I'ub. nnd II. H. Ccui. I1TSUBB1 FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK, CCIIJENT, LIFE, i3srscri?,.2sraDBi XTUX, HARTFORD, NOHTll AMERICA, TA., Ael.- 2,713,000 V. HAIlTfORD, CONN, .Ui-t 2,M4,210 7 riKUNIX, HARTFORD, 1,781,141 14 INTERNATIONAL, N. T l.iM.TJI 17 I'UTNAM, HARTFORD, Aaeta 71K.9J7 V. CLKVtLAND, CLEVELAND, Amtta,c:3 1 HOME, COLUM1IUS, Ael 1I5.-7. 41 AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., Ami! . ...SOP.OUO 11 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Lire, Aet jrj,Uj(i,0(Ai j TRAVELEK'K, HARTFOKD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Aett. I.VO.WW A RAILWAY I'ASftENUEH AMIURANCE CO HARTFORD, A KW.OOOI. INDEPENDENT, nOKTON, Ameta . C30,ICt M SAFFORD, MORRIS & CANDEK, 71 Ohio Uvea, City .National Rank, CAIRO, ILL. FIRE AND MARINE (OHPA.MI.Ml NIAGARA, N. Y., Ante! ...1,4,1C It OEHMANIA, N. Y., Aateti - l,06,7il 7 HANOVER, N. V., Amet 7JC.W2 OU IlETUULIO, N. Y., AMeta - .7II,W3 Ui CompnlnK the Underwritera' Agency. YOKKEKJi, N. Y., Atet t7,4H U ALIIANY CITY, Amu ..4M,1M SI FIREMEN'S FUND, a. Fn A et ...07,X) ' SECURITY, N. Y. MARINE, Aneta.. ,Vtl,'t uu STORK, Duelling, I'urnlllire, llulli and Cai tine, iu.ure.l hi rate,, (amiable at aound Inrrmanent i'-urlty v.111 warrant. I reip-ctlnlly a.'k ol the ciliteoa of Calio hIimhoI their putrunae. ('. lll'UHE FOR RENT. THE OLIVE IJRAXCH SALOON Near Stone Depot. IIKNT LOW, AND FIXTURES AT A 1IAK0AIN Items for rent at $i per'month, and Baietnent for ?W. , , D. C. LAWRENCE. Icci.l2w. IIOAT NTOREff. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AID FORWARDING M ERCHANTS, AkD DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIRHANK'S SCALES 68 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. SAM WILSON, DEALER I M JL BOAT STOBES OROCXRIES. PROVISIONS, ETC. No. 110 Ohio Levkk : : : : : Cairo, III oaoaai raoMPTLY iiiled, H. M. IIULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION TVHEHGH.ITI'. No. 134 Cominorcial-avo., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. FUUNITCRE. B. S. IIARRELL, DEALER IN FURNITURE QUEENSWAREJ HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS BAR FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 185 & 187 Commercial Avonuo CAIRO, ILLINOie. II, MOIIIIIS, Notary I'iiHip,