. mhiiP,.nt.ofcwfr'"'C.iroto Kl. Loul. .No
,,,.,. "?! from Cairo to Chicago. Elf (tnt
r r.f Koo-n eleep.njr eara on Bight train., cbK.ed to ll Important polnti.
Will make three trips daily.
titfin emi I .,""",0"0",DC'"
ii i t.m. At S:.T0 a.m.
5! II . - m. I At 1:30 p m.
At t w .. I At l'-m-
Heeach ay, ' "' 10 leket for 1 2 60.
Will ln, when hailed, t unr pood Intermediate
uling or passengera or freight, nortllf.
niaaft boat,
Weekly Packet for Tartacah, Eransvhle and I.ou
urine, me laroruo eie-amcr,
T. a. RYMAX.-Mrnier.
earen Cairo ereiy SATUOUAY at 8 o'clock p;m.
For freight or pasage apply on board or to
j an. mucin, ar'i.
M All, nOAT.
The splendid steamer
Joe I'an ler, MnMcr., tU.Y, Hinliy excepted) at
For Irelihtor pw npnlj on board or
FOR SALE, ) For sale t FOR SALE,
I Per Palo J
Faro from Liverpool,
Faro from Londonderry
Faro from Glasgow,
JFaro frosn Queenstown
TO CAIRO, ;::::::: $4 8'.2 0
SaHord, Morrn A C , (cents.
Lirarpeol Neir-Toik and Philadelphia
Steamship Company,
at a aoaratCT wi:i ckitid tiiiit'iiD nuuo
For Carrying .tue Malls.
ob rrarnia ixroimnox
IS Ilroadvray, New-York, or to
II. II on p(,
Washington Arenue, Cairo. noia. 51
ron ItEXT.
The Commercial Hotel will he rented on favor
able terms. PoseJon give immediately. Ap.
ply to (ocUitt) C. WINSTON.
The larce and
eommodloim dwelling home
situated on Eighth between Walnut an
d Wash.
lagtnnleppoi.tethe I'renhylerlan Church) l for
I. mr ierm?, eir.i inniy 10
TilOJIAb. fifiEE.V A- ALDE.V,
octKlf Ohio lievea, Cairo, Ills
run nam:
Th Illinois Central Hail Hoal Cora p my now
flerfor tale the following drucrlhed lota la I'irj
Addition to the City of Cairo, tIi:
Let 37 block 20. Lot 24 block F.
" 18 " 0, " 27 "
" a " f2, " 23 ' fi,
' ' tl, " 31 6.'
" 8 " IJ, " SI ' k.
Forternn.ele. apply to JAMK3 JOHNSON,
dlt Aneu.
RESIDENCE Nu. 21 Thirleenlh treet, be.
twetn Waahinion arcnunaiid Walnut Href t,
IBo liiOomnierclal arenue. up Malr.
BrJIDENCK-corner.Vmth and Walnut Ha.
Olhee-corner sixth street ami Ohio leree.
Otic houra from a.m. to 12 m,, and 9 p.m
William J. Allen,
John H.Mulkey, V CAlllO, ll.MNOIB.
bamucl l'.Whecler.)
BVPartlcular attention paid lo rivor and ad
miralty buaines.
OFFICE Orer FintNatlonal Bank, Ohio I.eree.
4 Mi
William n.
een, ")
ert, J
William 11 Oilbert
alilei r.Qllbert
WTJpecIa; attention glren to Admitally aud
Etoamboat bulneit.
ernci oiiio levee, rooms 7 and 8 over
!?J.n.Bner1'!n,d'.nrorr,",')" ' nJ
2l!f i! fcx.r.Tii, haro Jun recelred an kMurt-
S.Vi!!Jh Ut" ."r1" of Jjb ''flntinz ttiea,
6 ,11. S!J?.tw 05"tf",e """'complete lobcfhcel
at th.?11"1 W'V ,J,ht' ,et hnelre
H,iV.,,0.Ve,l' '! for lurnioR out
LW ihVm' ,r0fn ,,'e mlla card or
, for ltnd lb. 2ur bu,'n" 'nen no ood ex-
Chleaia. JNO. H. OUERLV A CO
F.D.REXFOKD Vroprletor
cci.iaono mu eo,u
Caibo, Illinohl
v Tht Only FirtUVlau Jfoute In the Ciu,,
tree cf .Li.". '"'""J" nd from the Depot
" decSif.
Officii, 180 Ooume.cul.av)
Offle i houra, I to 10 a.m. and 1 to ir, , tfinth Mre.l7b.lrp! Ill'Vc."-
charles m. l.owe a-co.,
FOiuvAJtnr.vo murciiants.;
So. 0-1 Ohio Levee,
Boy Givo them n Calll-rJa
Hmuliir m eilnir el C.ilro Lodge No. 2.17
A a. v.. Mun.lav even na Dec. lull
fimi. nt 7 ii dock elmrp. visiting
PublKlKMl every morning, Monitor w
Outno of every vurioty is plenty
yenr. tiio marxei is wen juppiicu.
.a t .4 II 1 I .1
County Court will adjourn to-morrow
or Tuciliiy. A larj;e amount of business
bix been trnnKieteu.
The central c',ovivtor Is doing u good
business. From tlilrtv to forty car of
grain nro being unloaded dally.
The levco ycittirday morning present.
eJ a very quiet nppc"ininco, owing prob
ably to tlio coldness of tho morning.
Mr. 8. Walters Iins purchased tlio pat
ent right for n now window slide. It is
faid to bo o very con venicnt as well ns use
ful invention.
Ex-SherrilV Myers has causod a mand
amus to issuo to com pal tho County Court
to pay him the sum of SH0.00, claimed by
him ns duo on account ns Sheriff.
The Ohio river nt this point is lowor
now than it has boon nt nny tlmo during
tho soaion, and it was lowor this season
than It was over known before.
A meeting of tho stockholders of tho
Cairo nnd Vincenncs railroad was held in
this city yesterday nftornoon. We hnvo
no knowledge of what nction was taken.
The lo-co below sixth f troot, has been
lined for several day with wagons to bo
shipped South. They nro from the Kan
kakee wagon iiiiiiuiuicUiriiig establish
ments. Tho revi'cd ordiiiunrcs of tha city are
now in full force, more '.linn ton days bnv-
ing elapsed hincn their adoption by the city
cnUIICff. I'Olco .VMirsIr-iK".
Sliunncssv have commenced working un
der tl ic in .
Tho celebrated epiritunlistic magnet
ic Dr. Cherry, will bu at tha residence of
Dr. Arter, on Tenth street, on Tuesday,
and at tho residence of .Mr. it. II. Unr
rcll, on Wednesdny next, whuro thoo tie
siring his servics nro invited to cull und
consult with him.
Miiitin nnd llillingfly, niglit polic
incii for the fourlli ward, complain that
tho reiKon for their not having more cyjies
before the polico cuTt, is owing to the
fact that their lout) nro in that part of the
city whero thcru nro but few saloon nnd
other plnces of ro.-urt.
To-night Thalia will perform Carl V.
Holler's great play entitled " Leonorc," in
three acts. First net, Tho promlso; second,
tho betraval, nnd third, the wedding. Tiio
members of thuThulla have apared neithor
time nor expenso lo muko this pUv n sue
cosi, nnd it U to bo hopeil Hint the houso
will bo woU filled thnt they may nt lua'l
muko back thuir expeiurj.
On the flnt il ly of Jaiiiinry tliu lg
nal stations uhuii; thu Ohio anil .Mis
airsijipi river will recoUc, in udditlon
to tiio report of thu condition of thu
weather, n report .if the l iso and full of tho
rivers nt nil important points. This re.
port will bo of ihvaluiiblo service to
stcnmboatnicu, ami we shall publish
it regularly every d iy.
Wu have ruceivo.1 a copy of thu Young
Amattur published at Cairo by Will Chri
man t Co. Young Clirisman will be re-
inumbered ns the littlu Hhnver who had n
miniature printing ollico on exhihition nt
our Fair grounds last October. It's u gay
liltlo sheet, and its motto is " Do good und
muko money." W'e hope it may bo suc-
coiiful in both. ltducuh KcntueMan,
A couple of Nuw York sports, who
wont to Now Orlesns to witness Hie
Jlncc-Coburn mill, which came oil near
that city ltst week, werout tho St.Chnrles
last nlKht. Thin- nro en route to New
York. Maco and Coburn camo up as far
ns Memphis, by tho sumo boat, Thoy
give Cairo the cold shouldor, ns they
goby wny of Louisville. Wo nre sorry
Mr, Ji, S, Hftrroll has now on hand
ono ol tho largest nnd most comnletu
ttocks of funituro over, brought to this
city, and is prepured to sell thorn from
uvo to ten per cent cheaper than nny
other house in town. Mr. II.'s long expe
rience in the furniture trade Is n sufficient
Kuurnnteu tlmtho is ublo to furnish goods
as reasonable terms us can be purebred
nnyhuro In ihe city.
Ihe custom or tno police olllcer. al
lowing person, who aro destitute of mean,
wherewith to procure lodging,, lo sleep on
the floor at policy hwhrnarUr. ib right
enough, but tho officers thould bo careful
to eeo that tho doors lending im0 n,e ollwr
city ofllccs and oouncil chamber are to
curly closed. Ofconrso, it Is not the .in.
ty of any particular offlcor to eo that tho
i.fs aro slut nnd lockcl b'lt it wodld be
..'! for tlio ofllcew generally, nftur making
iicir rounds nnd ret irning to lioniirp . r-
tars to try the doors, nnl if found opan to
cloe nml lock them.
Wo refcrre 1 yerterdny to tho fact thnt
Mnincer hnd benn found in tho bar-room
f the So'ithern ImIoI Taborin!; tinder the
Inlluenee -if chloroform. The same man
was yesterdny ftund in n worse condition
uvor. ilis nai .1 is Il.ime, nnd hit
home is nenr Ullin, in Pulaski county.
Sometime during the forenoon ofllcor
Arnold found him on tho levee, stupid
and ulinos't unnblc to stand from thecllest?
of tho same diug. I1W pockets wero
senreheJ nml a two ounco vial nbout linlf
full ofchloroform'.tuken from him. Later in
thoilay ollher John Holmes Jcamo ncros
him nnd searching his pockets, found nnolh
er bottle of tho same description, which ho
took 'from "him nnd destroyed. At nbout
tlvo o'clock in tlio evening ho wns found
silting on tho front stepi of ths St. Charles
hotl, stupid almoit dumb from the
effect of thoUdcuth-dealing poUon. Ills
pojkets woro so.irchu l nnd n third bottle
takon from him. Sumy friends tookchargo
of him nnd wore endeavoring jto get him
on board the train for the purpose of tn.
king him homo to lit family, who nro of
rjspcctablo standing in tho community
whero thoy reside.,;
Tho Jackson (Tcnn.) Whig nnd Trl
tunc, of December 2d, contiins tlio follow
Ing concerning the robbing of Mr. Jacob
Orconbcrg, ii cltion of Juckion, on board
tho transfer steamer Illinois, on the night
ol November '.'oth:
"Mr. Jacob Urcenbcrc, ol this city, on
tho ninht of tho Will of November, whilst
on board the transfer steamer, which runs
between Columbus,Kentucky,nnd Cniro,ll
linois, wns rohbed or $2,050. Tho follow
ing is Mr. Orecnbcrg's stntcment of tho
robbery : IiiWt on tlio train going to uo
lumbus, u mnuclulmcd ncquulntunco with
him. J his man mauo nimeelt very ngrce
nblc, nnd succeeded in gaining Mr. O.'s
confidence. Mr. O. told ltis fascinating
acquaintance whero ho was going nnd for
wlinl niirnnsn. On nrrlvlnif at Columbus
both went nuonrd the steamer, nnu nr. u .
sat down bv the stove, and belnu weary
fell asleep. AVhon ho uwoko bo found the
situ nt tue lnnding, unaulo to
lenvo on account of n heavy fog, and on
examining n secret pocket in his vest, that
he had been relieved of nil his money, nnd
thnt his mend hud leu fur parts unknown
Tolciirnini wero promptly sent in ovory dl.
rcetlon describing tho supposed robber,
but up to thK writing he lias not been nr
rotcd Mr. Grcenberg wns on routo to
New-York city, on business of importuncn,
nnd tho nioncv stolun from him wns all ho
had. Tho robLor, Mr. O. thinks, followed
him from this cltv."
Judga Pidgcon, of Pulaski county,
wns in town yesterday.
I'- Almon, U. S. Assessor for this dis
trict, wni nt tlio Delmonico yesterday.
Mr. (J. A. Debaun, of tho Ullin limo
r.nd rock company, wnsjat tlio St. Cliarles
J. V. Pierce, of Vienna, was in tho
cily yesterday to nttond tho mooting of
the stockholder! of the Cairo nnd Vin
cenncs ruilroad.
Mr.. Fred. Ii. Thomson, of this city,
read nn usay on ''church music " before
the coiivtni'on of tho Method!.! church
m..,i(Jv i'.oI.I ,,t. (Joleondii.
Jim Ariek left the city on Friday for
(ireal Sail Ltiko City. Wo hear it whis
pered that when lie returns he will bring
with him n lady Mrs. James Ariel;.
Col. II. M. Uurnsido, of Indianapo
lis, nnd brother of Gen. Iturnsme, nnd Mr.
C. O. Miller, of N. Y., were in the city yes
terday, on business in connection willi the
Cairo and Vinconnes railroad.
Tlio gucsti nt the St. Charles hotel
yesterday wero : S. K. lloy, St. Louis j
James Morris, II. M. Sanders, M. Ilinos,
nnd family, St. Louis j dpt. A. lb
Jones, family nnd nirse, steamer Dexter j
C. 0. (Jrccnly, Chicago ; A. Lamont,
steamer Arkansas ; J. II. Poarce, Vienna,
111. ; John Gow, Chicago ; II. A. Calip,
St. Louis ; Alex. Gardner, Chicago ; S
A. Price, S. E. Ray, Charleston ; II. M
llumsldii, IiidlannpolUj W. E. Oghorn,
Cincinnati; Coswnll Miller, New York I
S. R- llundy, Torro Haute, Jnd; A.
W'heolor and lady, Hufl'alo, X. Y. ; Timo
thy O llrien, Now York ; J. P. Sobie, Cin
cinnati; E. W. Iliggina, Hullulo, X. Y.;
CO Alford, Pnducaii ; S. 0. Menill, Ilos
ton ; C. Randall nnd Indy, New York.
Tho following wero tho arrivals at tho
Delmonico hotel, 'Win. Winter, proprietor,
lor tlio iwenty-iour Hours endinc at
iio.eloek, p. m., December On, 1871 : John
P. Coll, St. Louis, Mo.; C. White, Toledo,
HI.; John A. Nash, St. Louis, Mo. ; T. M.
Atnell, Milton, 111.; S. J. 0. Norman,
Frank Omnis, Chicago, III. ; lion, llous
ton, Poplar lllufl', Mo.; Fred. Houston,
Calhoun, Ivy. ; It. F. Echols, City ; T. II
Morton, Montazuma, ill. ; Clias. J, King,
IJthuea, N. Y. ; Geo. A. Iliibbltt, Chicago,
G. A. D'ilaun nnd wife, Ullin, 111.; T. It
15. Golie, X. O. La. ; Fred. R. Houston,
Evniuvllle, I ml. ; (ico, W. Cartor, Mound
Cily, John K. Thrashed, Str. Kntu Robin
on ; Geo. S, Pidgoon, Mound City; M. L,
Dimming. City; Jnmes Trover, St. Louis;
Daniel Weaver, River; E. S. Wilkins,
Fred. Thorn, Cincinnati.
Mr. Annn Lnng has removed her
large nnd elegant stock of millinery goodi,
toys and fancy nrtlclcs, to tho store room
rccontly occupied by Mrs. Ilurber, on
Eighth street, throo doors from Couimor-
ololnvcnue. Sho has added largely to bur
stock of toys nnd fancy nrtlclos, and is
receiving now goods of ovory variety, of
tho latest fashions, ovory dny, Her stock
is full nnd complete, nnd is offered to tho
public nt the lowest living prices.
Notice. Tho best entertainment in
tlio city is at thu St. Nicholas hotel, saloon
ami restaurant. Tho best muiic that can
bo lmij violin nnd piano. Good lunch
ovcry morning ttnd night. All of tho
finest brands of cigars, and tlio bet St,
Louis lugur beer, always froth nnd nice.
Give us n cnll.
Kahuv AValkkii, Propriolor.
EmiAN Knrdolles at ,lorpcnon's; try
them jr
-Cairo lodge No. 237, A. F. nnd A. M.
Masons will meet nt Mnionio Hnll to-mor
row cvonin;.
M the Dclmonleo jiolel, n gold
chain, vnluednt one hundred dollars Is of-
ired to bu rut.U'd for.
A rnflle for n good silver watch will
como off n' l'-iankenbu:?' Excelsior sa-
loon, sonie ii ;lit this week.
Tim third ball of tho scries to bo
given under tho management of tho
Cairo Torpslchorean Club, will come of!
sonic tlmo this week. .
Vincent's gift lottery sale Is adver
tised to como off on the 20th ol tho pros
cDt month.
Tbo property to bo drawn
for is among tho best In tho city.
Tho ltoue-1. end Iteadv fire eomtinnv
urn mnU-lMir rr,il r,rnarllr.n for Ibelr
aa 11 I
Nuw Ycar'd Uvo ball. It
graudestutfair of tho season
will tin llin 1
Gollidny'a next monthly drawing will
taku place ut Rowling Orccu, Kentucky,
on Christmas day, December 24th. Lnf
flin, nt tho post ofllce, is thu agent for tho
sale of tickets in this city.
Tlicro will bo n ball and supper nt
School's Wnshington llall Garden on tho
night of December 20th, tho procoods to
bo used In buying fuel and defrnylng the
cxponsos generally of thoJcrman School.
Tho object is n worthy ono nnd tho bnll
should ho well patronized.
To-ni;:ht Thalia will porform Carl V.
Holtcr'a great play entillod "Lcnoro," In
three nets. First act, Tho promlso ; second,
tho betrayal, nnd thirJ, tho wedding. Tho
members of Thnlia havo spared nolthor
tlmo nor oxpense to mako this piny n sue
coi?, nnd it is ilto bo hoped thnt the
houso will bo well filled ; that they may nt
least mako back their cxpeiisos.
An ovster festival for the bonollt of
tho church will be held ut tho First (col
orcd) Uaplist church, corner Tenth and
Ccdor stroets, commencing on Tuesday
evening 12th Inst. Tlio tab
les will bo spread with the
choicest delicacies of tho season. It Is tt o
purposs of those interested In getting this
festival, to make it the fetlval of the, sen-
son. Supper CO cents.
lint or holiday ooods.
Their stock of books embraces the
itandard poets, history, book of travel,
biography, bibles, prayer books, hymn
books, novols, music books, and n Urge
and very attractive assortment of juve
nile books. All of which aro in rich and
handsome binding, making them vory
suitable for holiday presents.
A full lino of nil tho best manufactor
rics, ranging in price from fifty cent to
twenty dollars each.
A largo assortment made of tho finest
mntcrin), such ns paper rnachn, rosewood,
mahogany, walnut nnd cherry in inlaid
polished nnd plain finish nnd of various
sizes. Prices ranging from one dollar to
Pearl and t-hcll.
fll.OVE 110XES,
Handkerchief boxes nnd jewel eases a
good assortment nnd very handsome.
Cignr stnmK, watch stnnd?, stereoscopes,
stereoscopic views, ivory tablets, ivory
nnd penrl paper knives, nnd fancy ink
stands. OOLD l'ENB,
Gold pencils, gold tooth picks r.nd gold
earspoons of M. AV. Falrchild's make, nnd
nil warranted to be of the vory best nunl
itv. '
Tho largest ond best stock ever broucht
lo Cairo, made of best material nnd of tho
latest styles.
A good assortment and cheap.
Tho most popular of tho day.
Engravings and photograph picturos
all tho lending publications.
Wall poekots and clock shelves of beau
tiful designs.
Guitars, violins, aecordconi, flutes, fifes,
imrmonicns and jews harps all of the ben
mnko nnd nt low figures.
for 1872, of varions stylos nnd sizes, toned
paper nnd viry cheap.
To the Afflicted. Tho celobrated
spirltunlistic nnd magnetic Dr. Chorry,
may be consulted at tho house of Dr.
Arter, No. 37 Tenth street, on Tue'day,
12th Inst,, between tho hours of 0 a.m. nnd
.1 p.m., and on AVednesday, 1.1th nt tho res
idence of Mr. M. U. Harroll, on Wash
Ington avenue, botwoon Eighteenth and
Nineteenth strcots, from 0 o'olock a.m. to
3 o'clock p.m.
RnicK Stop- for Rent. The brio
storo, No. 7ft )hio Levee, now occunled
by F. M tookflcth, Esq., is offered foi
rent, an 11 bo vacant on tho 18th Inst
APP'y Jno.JJ. Phillis.
For. good photographs, porcelain tile.
lures, or old pictures to bo copied, call or
Tliomns, No. 124 Commercial avenue. Hr
s a good workman. Givo him a trial.
Fou Sale. A cottago on 12th street
containing 7 rooms, cistorn and out
housos complete. Apply to
WVW. Thornton.
Fort now. citron, orange nnd lemon
peel, go to Jorgonsdn's corner of Twen
tieth Btreot and Wnshinglon avenuo, tf
Pf-ck, Fit e an, & Co'd London biscuits
nlwsys on hnnd, corner Twontioth nnd
Washlnglon ftvonuo. if
Tarhocth bloaters at Jorfenion's.
a usual
iisv. l red. L. Thomson will nre.ieli
bi mo Jietiiodlst churrli to-day nt the usu
al hours.
At thj church of tho Redeemer. Rect
or uoan will conduct eorvicoi nt the usual
hour, mornii.g and ovenliig.
Mr. O. Carson, Commercial avenuj, be
tween Ninth and Tenth street has ro-
ceived his stock of holiday goods ; nnd
whon wo say that It ii ono of tho largest
nnd bc5t "looted over brought lo the city,
W0 aro not 8a'InB tnMCh. Ho has CV.
nriflt.ltiir l,n .lw.,.1.1 l. I n..i .1
b .. nwvu.v ivuifc .u u iiafc-iB
ioy or mncy goous sioro. in mo way 01
work boxes, ho has thorn of every shnpo
and form, rane-inc in prlco from fifty
cents upwards ; nnd of glovo nnd hand
kerchief boxes, helms them of every style,
In endless quantity, und nt all prices
pictures, .of the handsomest designs,
and plcturo frames of all sizes nnd shapes
nt pricos within tho reach of nil. Knives,
forks, spoons nnd plated wnro nro among
the attractions of Mr, Carson's stock. I to
has dolls of every size, from tho most Ul
minutivo to thatof a year old child in sizo
In endIos Trlcty, nml nt nil prices!, vnces,
music covers, and in fact, anything and
everything mentionnble nro to bo found
there. Mr.C. is determined not bo under
sold by nny other dealer In tho city, and
has consequently marked his goods down
to tho lowest living prices. He respect
fully asks n comparison of
prices. Givchlm n cnll.
goods nnd
Rillingsly arrested n gentleman by
tho name of Fitzpatrick for disorderly
conduct. Ho was sent up for seven
George Miller and Isaac James wero
arrested by Marshall Cain for fighting
nnd disorderly conduct. Thoy wero taken
beforo Uross, who fined them five dollars
nnd costs each. Rcing unnble to pay
they wero sent to tho calnbooso for elovon
days each.
-on inursdny cvcninc: nbout nine
o'clock, John Thomas, n negro man, enter
ed tho house of Carollno Williams, a col
ored woman living on Fourth street, be
tween Wnshington nnd Commercial ave
nues, nnd carried off u bearskin cloak and
a scarf, in nil vnlucd at 317. Thomas elu
ded the officers until yesterdny nftcrnoon,
when officer Shcchnn arrested him nt a
house on Third strcot. He was taken be
foro 'Squire Shannessy and after n prclimi
nnry hearing, was sent to tlio county jail
to nwnit trial nt the coming term of the
Circuit Court.
Tnbcr Hrothcrs nro prepared to man
ufacture any pattern of jewelry to order
to suit tho parties and tho purse. All
kinds of ring, seal, chacd and plain, to
fit tho finger ond the purse. tf.
To have magazine, periodicals, news
papers, or books rebound, try The Rui.i.k
tin bindery. A"o nro prepared to turn
out work in first-clnss stylo nt prices ns
low r.J enn bo obtained in St. Louis, Chica
go or Cincinnati.
Tho Sample Rooms of Alderman
Fitxgcrnld nro n plnco of popular resort.
Ho dispenses from hisjbar only tho choic
est of liquors. Drop in, ns you pass tho
corner of Commercial nvcnuo and
Fourteenth strcot.
Where are you going? To the place
number 53, Ohio levee, where they keep
the best fresh oysters, fish nnd name. n:i J
tno unost wines, liquors nnd cigars to b
lound in tho city. Open nt all hours, ds.y
or n'Knt. J. E. Parks
C. C. Carson,
Has n Fino Stock of Holiday Goods,
Fancy Good,
Commercial Avenue,
Iletwccn Ninth and Tenth streets.
Alderman Fitzgerald hns just received
from Ireland, n lot of tho finest Irish
whisky. Tho samplo rooms aro becoming
quite a popular pluce of resort, and it i.iii
fact well known that ut no other plnco in
the city is there to bo fouud better whis
kie, wines and cigars.
Hoi for Holly I
New Storo! New Goods I
Host assortment of
Cooking and Heating Stoves
ever brought to Cni.o.
on Wnshington nvcnuo, three doors nhovo
Tenth stroet,
Tnber Brothers nro constantly re
ceiving new goods not in tho lino of their
own manufacture, such us optical goods of
all kinds, flno gold and silver headed
canes, music boxes of nil kinds, toy music
ooxes lor children, somothing new nnd
very nttrnctive. Silver plato chonper than
over, Ac, Ac. tf.
The Eullkt! job ofllco Is supplied
with nil tho latest styles of now type of
ovcry charactor, nnd having a full force
of first-class printers, wo are prepared to
turn out work of everv description on tho
shortest notice Send in your orders.
Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati prices
Groat Inducements to any ono wish
ing to buy ri first-class piano or organ.
E. & W. Ruder offoi their cntiro stock in
tlio piano nnd organ lino nt the actual
cost of the instruments. They aro desir
ous of closing out tho stock so thnt thoy
may uso tho room for jowolry manufactur
ing purposes.
-Niok "William, nt the corner of
Twentieth and Foplnr street, has ono of
tho best meat markets in tho city, Nick
understands tho butcher business to per
fection, and has Always on hand the best
of meats of every kind. Of pork, he has
ns good ns can bo fourul nt any othov shop '
" dty, and sell, It three pounds for
twonty.flvc cents. .loeian,..
"".wciiiiig ucyonu nxpectntlon. Ilisbusl
ncss has increased so rnnldlv ihnt
been compelled to employ nn nsilstant,
. a
which no has found In ono of the mo 1
skilful barbers In Cairo. E
therefore, can now patronize George's
snon, (inured that thev wi bo st-.e.l
promptly, politely, nnd In tho highest m !o
of ihe tonsorlal nrt. Shop, .-orner of com-
- ' ......... ,,,. nv vn It, 11 bli Sb.iut
dec2-l w
All kinds
Jewelry Mnmifucturcd
tho Ruder Ilrolhcrs.
Tho manufacture of
Hair Jowelry for Holiday Gifts
inndo n specialty.
Tho Iludcr Hrothcrs, cornor Eighth
street nnd Wnshington nvoiiue,'4hnvo re.
ceived n brnn-now lot of tha lntcst-stylcd
breast-pins, car-rings, finger rings, brae
lets, watches, clocks, etc., vnii invito tho
public to call nnd inspect tho stock. Thoy
nro ulso ngents for tho D.ivls' sowing ma
chine, Rurdcttorgnnsnnd St. Louis pianos,
nnd offer to tho public tho best bargains to
be obtnlncd ut any plnco in Southern III
The .IJullf.tin printing establish
mcnt is now prepared to receive orders for
blank bii'iks of n'l kind, largo nnd small
Merchants, banker, otllcors and business
men cencrnlly who deslro now sets of
books, should hand in their -orders. Our
facilities enable ut lo compete witli tho
first blank book manufutories in the Weit,
both in 'quality of work und price. Pur
tics desiring any description of blank
bnok work arc Invited to call and examine
books and prices.
Mrs. McGco having a large stock of
millincrv coods of fall and winter style,
has determined to tell them off at tho low
est pricos. Hat from cvcnty-llvo cents
and upwards, amung which may bo found
fine French felt worth two dollars uplcco
which will be sold for one dollar nnd
twenty-flvo cents. All sorts of ribbon,
trimming, irood volvets, flower, etc , all
of which nre offered at extremely low
prices. dcclOt
Wo have no hesitation In recommend
ing William Ehlers, boot nnd shoe maker,
as worthy of most libcrnl patronage. Wo
know whereof wo speak when we say his
work is done in n mn'lcrly manner nt the
lowest prices. He utes nothing but tlio
best of stock, and ho cannot bo uxccllwl in
the delicate task of making nn exact C.
Givo him a call nt his shop on Twentieth
street, betweon Washington avenue nnd
Poplar stroet, nearly opposito tho court
house, nnd wo willuarantce satisfaction
On Saturday, tho 30ih day of Decern
bcr, I will sell at public auction tho fol
lowinc propcrtv, left on my wharfoont
uncalled for
12 baskets,
3 boxes glass,
1 gas machine,
1 box tinware,
0 boxes incrchaiidhe,
1 box glassware,
7 bundles nddlc-tree,
1 lot beer kegs,
1 Kit AllloOD,
I. M. 1'iiii.Lirs
. 11 is true Hint lilankenbura's Excel
sior saloon is now one of tho institutions
of the city. All drinkers who liko really
excellent liquors whiskies, wines, beer,
etc. go to tho Excolsior saloon, which is
fitted up in splendid Hyle. Illunkonburg,
who knows how to keep n saloon, spreads
n fine free-lunch every morning nnd eve
ning, nnd, ns he forcibly expresses it,
'Sweetens tlio lunch with music." Ho
has cmployod tho services of a first-rate
pianist, who mnkci the grand piano
which stands in one end of tlio saloon
speak out in musical tone.. Everybody
is invited. Tho best order in maintained,
nml all improper characters suppressed
with neatness, cheapness and dispatch. Ev-
orybody knows thnt the Excelsior t.iloon
is at the corner of Washington avenue and
Fourteenth street.
Determined to dispose of ull the tickets
in his lottory tale.Mr. F. Vincent has con
eluded to postpone the drawiRg until the
20th of December. Ho is now giving the
matter his devoted attention, and is meet
ing with tho moH gratifying tucccis on
every bund.
There ura six prizes, the principal
prize, as is well-known, being a splendid
rcsidonce, that was erected at a cost of $10,
000. The remaining five prizes nre s
follows ;
Lot 31, block -I, 3d nddition to the city
of Cairo, valued ul $500.
Lot 32, block -I, 3d addition to tho city
of Cairo, valued nt $300.
Lot 30, block -1, 3d udditlon the city of
Cairo, valued nt $300.
Lot 83, block -1,3d nddition to the cily of
Cniro, valued at $300.
Lot 17, block 45, in tho city of Cniro
Illinois, vnluod at S300. octCdtf
Maruiaoe Guide. Interesting work,
niimorous engravings, 221 pages. Price
50 cents. Address Dr. Jlutts' Dispensary'
No, 12 North Eighth Strcot, St. Louis
Mo. Sco Advortlsemrnt. tf
Sleeping Rooms for Rent. Ton
well ventilated sleeping rooms in City Na
tional Rank building. Apply to
At City Nntionnl Rank.
imported .Malaga grapes nt Jorgcn
son's, corner of Twcntloth stroet and
Washington nvcnuo. tf
Cutntal viuognr from Loudon tt Jor
genson's, corner of Twentieth street nnd
Wnshington nvonuo. tf
New Fronch prunes, currnnts nnd
rnisins always Jon hnnd at Jorgonson's
grocory store. If
Fou Rent, A good Piano., Address
P. O, Drawor. No. 1224 Cniro.
liter mer. Where from. Where lo
Jss. Fisk Jr Piidaciih J 'ad i' cab,
Illinois Columbus Columbus,
Kdlnu,-gli ('.' liniiatl Red Elicr.
jioikikk A urieah" Jaui up.
Hollo $L Loub N. ()-leatis,"oiJ,,H,f J'v
mmJIo Ifib" " "
.l-.vunsvilc Lvniisville.
ei.iphis I.vansvlllu
vim. villi. Mem til.!'.
A linker. Dogtooth Laid up.
Atln'Hic Kvna vllle
The river continues to Mno,llU full t
this point.
Thoro is now five feet from hero
to Evnnsvllle.
M Pittsburg the river is still funin- anA
navigation is still suspondod.
Tho river is falling very fast at Cincln-
nali, and there Is now less than eight feet
in' the channel.
At Louisville the decllno continues wlih
less than flvo feet in tho channel.
Red River Is on a stand with rood
stage of water.
Tho Cumberland is. raising ilowlv with
27 Inehos on Horpcth Shoals.
1 ho Arkansas river is falling slowly.
Tho Mississippi Is falling dally, and
there is now but llirco feet In tha than.
Dogtooth is the shoulcst place in the
The Ico is repotted gorged nt Grand
No ico lm pined down during the pun
two da.
Tho sky wn cloudless during tho dav
and tho wind was very cold. During the
niirht it was hazv und tnuikv. llmlm-n
remains splendid. Thcru is an nbundnnco
of freight awaiting shipment, but as thero
will bo Severn! steamers loading this week,
it will soon be cleared out nnd new con
signments tako its place.
items or CAnno.
The (Quickstep had 101 bbl whisky,
1388 pieces meat, 32 hhd tobacco, 200
sacks corn, C3 bbl potatoes, nnd Hi bbl
Tho Fisk came down with n very slim
trip, consisting of 10 pkgs.
Tho Ada Hailman discharged 38 bales
cotton for the cast.
The Pnulino Carroll rcshlpped 2J0 tons
St. Louis frel-ht via I. C. R. R.
Tho Atlantic camo down from Evncs
vllle with thrco barge partly loaded She
was aground several hours nt Cottonwood
The Pauline Curroll is rcshipping
her St. Louis freight by rail; there is
about 250 tons of it. Sho will lenve the
tnrly part of this week for Now Orleans.
The Glencoe begins loading for New Or
leans Monday morning.
The Louisville has reached Shuwncetown
all right aud is discharging her trip,
TheMallio Rsgon with' Capt. J. V
'I'll root) in command, camo in from Kvnns
villo with a good trip for Memphis, and
made so mo addition here.
Mr. Stove Cochrnn who lately held the
2d clerk's jxuition on the Dexter has
sccred his connection with thu river for
thu winter nnd has accepted thu position
of receiving cleric on tho I. C. R. R.
wharfbont. Stovo is n " bully boy, ' and
wonroglad to havo him with us.
Whllo testing tho boiler of the tug
Cacho yesterday, a couplo of rivets let go,
thednmago was quickly repaired.
Tho Edinburg has returned lo tho
Cincinnati nnd Red river trade. She
passed down witn n fair load.
Rob Castle nn old " Cniro wharfooat
boy" is now cashier of tho railroad
wharfbont nt Evansvillc.
The Hello St. Louts cleared for the
south early ycterdny morning. She
could have loaded fiat down, but she had
engagements bolow here.
There has not been nn hour for the
past week but that somo kind of A flat
boat has pased down tho rivor loaded
with produce of all kinds.
It was expected that tho Great Repub
lic would lenve thU port for New Orlern
to-day. Ry departuros from bolow wo
learn that she is hard aground nt Roeves'
bar nnd has wont to Memphis for a lighter.
Tho Fannie Rroudie, on routo from
.Memphis witli 200 bales cotton on board,
struck a snag at the head of island No. 40
ond sunk in ton feet water. The Submn
rino No, 14 has gone to try and raise her.
She was valuod at $16,000 and insured for
510,000. No lives wero lost by tho acci
dent. Capt. Dick Llghtburneis the democratic
nominee for wharfmastorat Momphis.
Capt. J. M. Phillips is having a stage
built to reach from tho levee to tho upper
floor of his wharfbont. It will bo TO feet
in length by 7 feet In width.
Tho Sallie is hnrd aground at Island
No. 21.
The A, linker camo down from Dog
tooth yesterday, and reported tho Dexter
nnd Arkansas doing ns well as can bo ex
pected. Capt. Jones, of tho Dextor, and Capt,
Lamont, of the Arkansas, were in town
Tho Colorado is still lying nt tho bank
above Dogtooth.
C'lly Nnllossal Dank Dnlldlns;.
K3.Speclat attention paid t orders Irons aleam
boats nlrhtor dav."CT
Found. That the cbolcost butter Is
nt Jorgonson's Staplo and Fancy Grocery
Go to Dr. McGauloy for Rttlnger' Fe
ver Drops. Warranted to cure tho chills.
Jorqenson has the
preserves for salo cheap.
best East India
The best French anchovies n the city
at Jorgonson's. tf
Paul O. Schuh sells Kattlnger's