Newspaper Page Text
flf Bullet m.Mm I " 1 aSxeaaxeWaaraSxeal eH7sC3?. JOHN II, OBBRLY & CO. THE MAILS. ARRIVE. tiTPART North, Througn sfiWis.rn. :Wp,m " Wy 2:20 p.m. 4:00 a.m. uotit!i, Way 1i.1t p.m. jOOp.m. " Through N.O., Mem. phis nn.l Columbus S;:xi i.iu, t. 00 p. in, Ohio River roulo, (except Monday) ;p.m. MM p.m. iron Mountain K, It 2:.'XJ.iii. ll:Wp. n. Hl. H'vi-r route, Tuck) Bin! Friday 7.ip.m. Thebes, Goose tlniil A Hanta Pe, Ills., Thursday 1 Krl. ''T i 6:0" p.m. 7:Wa.m, Mayfield, lllsndvil,., and lovelsi-e, Ky IliOUa.m., orrtcr. iiqiii. Oneral tlehvery f'lmlaysSto'Ja.m.) .Money OrJr department 00 a.m. wj Register " ' ' s:00a.m. aoop.m. .Money Order and Heilstcr, departments no open on fundays. OUR CHURCHES. itKtflirmMAN-Kighlli.atrrel. Preaching, Pabbalh at 10 i. ., and ?. . Prater meeting, Wednesday nt J4 r. m, Sunday Sc!i iol, 3 p. x. J. M. Lan.den, Super intendent. Her. C. II. Four, Past.r. Highth .nil Walnut Preorh iig, Sabbath . .,and 7 r. . Prayer meeting, Wrdnesilsy, lj; p. x, Sunday ri honl ,:t p h. L, W. .-til ell, ptnpn. mtendent. Iter. F. L.Thoxpsos, Psstor. nutni ot'Tiii: iti:i)KKiiKit-(r:ri-or.ii. Morning pra)f, Sabbath I0J4 a. . Kvenlng prater. 7JV.P. Sabbath School, 9i, a. tier. Ma. On, ltivtw. sr. PATItll K H CJirKCII-.or. .Ninth hi. an-l Washington Avenue. -'ublic -ervice, .-jl,l,ulip;;n l lu'i . w Vespers, 3 p. i. Jundav School, i p. m. service eiery ilay, a p. . ltev. I'. J. O'lltLLoasa, PrleM. YDUNOMK.ViUIRKriANASbOCIATION-llfg- nlar meeting .eciind Mmlav eeb month at tl e I'rayer room of the Presbyterian Church (Veekly Prayer meeting, Friday, "J; p. ., at he Prayer roiin of the Pre.bjtenanchurck. ('. P.a.os., President. AFRICAN MF.TIIODIsT-lourteeuth, betaem Walnut an 1 Cedar. service., Sabbath, 11 i. x. Sunday tvhool, I p. x. Cats 3 r. h, HF.COND FRKK-WII.I, IIAPTIsr Fifleenth HI. Preaching, ? p.m. Her. Win. JicK.on, Tutor. between Walnut ami Cellar. Service. Sabbath, 1J aii'l 3 p. . Her. .V. I'.in., I'H-lor. ritKK.WlI.l. IHITIHT IIOMK HlMltl. tUN IIAI KCIIUOI-Oirner wa'nut an 1 CVlar St.. Hunday School, 0 a. u. IftST KIIEE HIM. HAI'TliT CIIUKCII-Cur-ry'a Ilarrark.. Serrlce,Hl,l,iihll t. n.,3 p. m. and T'.J r. . Iter. Wk. KiLLri, l'a.lor. niUiTMrnilOSAUY IIAlTtiT CHUItCII-llpt. wen 10th anil 11th .tree!., nearCeilar. I'rticlnnj Habbatli 10" ; i. u.,anil 7; p. t. t'nytr Meeting. W4nelay erening. I'reachlne, Jr. lay crnnojr. raUiatliBi litcl, 1', p. h. John Van Ilaxter anJ Hary Stephen. fciieriiitniJeiit4. Iter. T J. HiiotM. I'l-l'i STATE OFFICERS. STATK OFFICEIW. iorern.r. J lin M. Palmer ; Lleutenant-Goternur, John Dnuxhrrty t r'ecretury of Sutr, Kln:ii Itumtiiel ; Auditor of SUte, U I:. I.ipjiinoott , SUt Treasurer, V.. N. Daten ; Snpt. I'uhllc Inntructlon, Newton Ilateman. cokoiIkssmkn. Senators I.yman Trumbull and John A. I.OR.n. KepreaentallTe for the Hiatr at Irje J. I. Ilaterldjte. Repre.ematne Thirteenth Di.tnct John St Creba. MEMBKHS GENEUAL ASSEMBLY. Senator., lt Dl.trlct T. A. K. Ilolcomb, ol Union, and 3. K. r.l!on,of (itllatin. Heprccentatire, lt Iii.trlet II. Waton Webb. COUNT YOFF ICEBS. CIKUVIT COUKT. jujgeI). J. linker, of Alemnder. I'ro.ecutlnR AttorneyI. Y. McCartuey, ot Mniac. Circuit Clerk Jn. H- llarman. aherifl-A.H. Irrln. Win. Hartln, A.eor and Tieaiurer. COUSTT COUKT. Judge P. Hroi. A.ociatc ),y.. JlcCrite and rt. Hareli'ldon, Clerk Jacob G. Lynch. Coroner John II. (!oman. M U K I C IP A 1 1 GOVERNMENT Mayor John 3I. Treasurer J. U. Taylor. Comptroller K. A. Ilurnett Clerk Michael Howley. Mr.hal Andrew C.ln. Attorney-P. II. Pop. Police MagHtralei K. Hro and B, Hhau. nfy, Chletol Police I.. II. 31r. SELECT COUNCIL. Mayor John M., Klr.t W'nrd-P. O.Hshuh. Second Vfard C. H. Woouward. Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward-S. StaaU Taylor. Cltyat-Urac W. V. Hnllldny and I). Ilurd. 1IOAIID or ALDKKMEX. rill-JT WAHD-Jame. Rearden, Leo Kleb, Ihiio Walden. KCOND WAItU It. It. Cunningham. K. Under, lleniy Winter, Jninea Pwnyne, THirtD WAItO Win. Stratton, l'jlilck Kitrgetald OUIITH WAItU Janiei Carroll, J 0.1I,Hcse, J.II.Metvair. Time of MeeUnq. iirr loi'Mii.. 1'ho City Council meets In Joint aepateu on Friday evening precxuliiK lb "rl Monday ot aoh inoatli. sncT rai'xciL. The Belocl Council tnee t on Iho fir.t Wednta day and Tliuraday, alter the aecond Monday In each month. hoaku or ALDIU The Board of Aldermen meets on the lira Monday and Tuesday in every month. COMMITTKKH OF TIIF. COUNCIL, tin Strteti, Taylor, Walder, Winter, ood and Metcnir. DrnlniVe-Mcasrs.CiinnlngliiiinjSchuh, Fitiger al J, Eeao iiml Halllday. Caiiu Mesnrs. Wood, Cunningham and Kleb. IiitA ami Jni Mensrs, Carroll, Under and Woodward OrdnnnfM Messrs. Sense, Walder and Taylor. Firt Department Messrs. lUnnlen, Bwnyne and liflrai Messts, Hehtlh, Winter and b, Printing Mc.irs.Woilward. Kwoyno ami lluiler Htnnne Measrs. Hud, Ktrnttnirmid Metcall. ,1 Utalh ThoMaynr, and Messrs, Ke Mi.bturltoa nml .Oitiroll PROPRIETORS. rn i.i i? i) tt r t thi-ht at NILSSON'S AOED LOVER. K1MKU INSI'ITF. OF1IEMKLF THE gL'EKN OF SO.VO IN A 1'OLICF. COUttT. (From the New York Stin.) luitico Scott was yesterday callud upon to ailjuillcnto In n tingulnr cap, tho mem ory of which will remain with him ns long ni ho liven. Tho complainant Is none oth er than Chriitinn NiN.on, tin; renowned songHrcsj, and the (k-fendant ono Charles Theodore Bumh, n Gorman musician of thrco .core, whose heart hud been pierced with Cupid'.. hafts liatil hl nuel hi-ad had turned. Mile Nilsaon complaint ngainst the ti'iillu lover was preferr.'d In low, sweet tones that thrilled the blushing Jus tiee, and filled thii Essex .Mnrkl court room with music. 'lie annoys me much, otir honor, ' raid tho .ilviT-vniceil iuecn of nong, "He fol lows mo everywhere. Il l walk in tho street, he is at my side: If I enter it door ho is with me. lie foolishly balicvcs that h loves mo, atld that I him eiicntlal to his happiness. I'leiiso tell him to givo mo pi-aco.' Whilii .Mile. Nilsjou wasllni" pleading, poor love-lorn Bu-ch'i' eyes followed every movement nf tu-r lips, and hl-eura drank In every e.iunil or her mellifluous voice. Edging nearer mid nearer to his fair en slaver he si-i.'td tlio corner of her fur cape, and bearing It hurriedly to his lips, kissed it repeatedly In theccstusyof his adoration. "Ho says, your Honor!' continued tno fair complainant, blu.hiiig, "that I must marry him.' "You shall not Imj troubled by him again, Mademoiselle, ' niil the jii'tice. with a tunic. "Mr. Buscli, 1 shall reitiru you to give bonds in $:iU0 to keep tho pence toward this lady (or six months.' It ii said that the ardent Butch not only followed Mile. Nilsson and nnnoved her with silly speeches, but that on one occa sion In. actually stole a kiss from her rosy Hps. Ho hail tireviou-ly gone so far as to intrude hlm'Hf Into her private apart ments, from which the servants promptly fjected him. The kiss was taken yester day morning. Mile. Nilsson lost no time In securing the services of Officer Uoran, who took Utuch into custody, and carried him before the justice. VINCENTS LOTTERY SALi,- Tilt TWENTT-SIXT1I OF UKCEMHKR FIXED AS THE DAT ON WHICH THE IlKAWINQ WILL COME OFF. Determined to dispos of all the tickets in his lottery sale.Mr. V. Vincent has con cluded to postpone the drawing until the 2Cth of December. Ho is now giving the matter his devoted attention, and is meet ing with the most gratifying succe'i on every hand. There nru fit prizes, the principal prize, as Is well-known, being a splendid rt-lilcncc, that was erected nt a co-t of $10, 000. The remaining five prize are M followe : Lot 3 1, block 1, 8.1 addition to the citv of Cairo, valued at $500. Iil 3J, block 4, 3d addition to the city of Cairo, valued at $300. Lot 30, block 4. :U addition the city of Cairo, viliied at $300. Lot 83, block 1,3d addition to the city of Cairo, valued at $300. Lot 1 7, block 45, In tho citv of Cairo Illinois, valued at $300. " octCdtf To the Afflicted. Tne celebrated .spiritualistic and magnetic Dr. Cherry, may be consulted at tho house of Dr. Arter. No. 37 Tenth street, on Tuesday 1-th in-t., between tho hours of 0 a.m. and : p.m., and on Wednesday, 13th at tho res idence cf Mr. M. H. Ha'rrell, on Wash Ington avenue, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, from 0 o'clock a.m. to 3 o'clock p.m. -Taber Brothers are constantly re ceiving new goods not in tho lino of their own manufacture, such as optical goods of nil kinds, lino gold and silver beaded canes, musio boxes of all kinds, toy music boxes for children, something new and very attractive. Silver plate cheaper than over, Ac, Ac. tf. Great inducements to any ono wish ing to buy a first-class piano or organ. E. & W. Budcr ofl'et their entire ttock In the piano and organ lino at the actual cost of tho instruments. They arc desir ous of closing out tho stock so that they may use the room for jowelry manufactur ing purposes. Ho I for Hally ! Now Store! New Goods! Best assortment of Cooking and Heating Stovee over brought to Cairo, on Washington avenue, tlireo doors abovo Tenth street. decOtf C. O. Carson, Has a Fino Stock of Holiday Goods, Fancy Goods, Toys, Notions, Commercial Avenue, Between Ninth and Tenth itrceU, Brick Stof for Kent. The brick storo, No. 78 Jhio Lovce, now occupied by F. M tockflcth, Esq., is ottered foi rent, an 11 bo vacant on tho 18th Inst Apply to Jno. B. Piiillis. octStf Peck, Frkan, A- Go's London biscuits always on hand, corner Twentieth and Washington uvenue, tf Wriuht's no plus ultra minced men prepared oxprnssly for family use, at Jor genson's, Joroenhon has tho finest supply of Spanisli olives in tho city. Try them tf Oysters. Louis Herbert has alwas on hand n fresh supply of Saddlo Bock oys ers. tf Joitor.NHON has tho best East India preserve for salo cheap. tf Yarmouth Montcr at Jorgenson's. Paul O. Schuh sells llattinger'a medU cinc. tf The best French anchovies n the city nt Jorgenson'i. tf Bim-ian sardcllcs at Jorgonson's ; try them. tf Go to Dr. McOauloy for Rattinger'a Fe ver Drops. Warranted to cure the chill. imported Malaga grapos at Jorgen soii's, corner of Twentioth street and Washington avenue. tf Ckyktal vinegar from London at Jor genson's, corner of Twentieth struct and "Washington avenue. tf New French prunes, currants and rnisltu always on hand at Jorgenson's grocery store. if Fon Kent. A good Piano., Address P. O. Drawer. No. 1224 Cairo. dec93t .Maiiiiiaok Guide. Interesting work, numerous engravings, 2!M pages, lviw M cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis Mo. See Advertiseinr nt if Slkki'INii Kooua for Kknt. Ton well sleeping rooms in City Na tional Batik building, Applv lo EDWABD DEZONIA, At City National Bunk The Bulletin Job office is supplied witli all the latest styles of new type of every character, and having a full force ! of tlrsl-class printers, we are prepared to turn out work of cvory dtscripllon on the shortest notice. Send In your orders. Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati price duplicated. I'AJIII.Y aHOCFKlEft. LOUIS JORCKXSKN, Dealer in all kind- of STAPLE AND FANCY GBOCEBIBS'. 'ariurr' Yard siBtl ntmblluK WITHOUT CUXT.CH:. Cor. Washington-ay. and Twcntieth-Bt. CAIRO, ills. jywdir. (WSSIDY. WOLFK Jt CO. MA i tat IS PltODUCT. AND GHOCKI.IKS VTAMIINOTON AVENUE, I1ETWEEN EIUHTII AND NINTH hTS., CA 1 HO, - ILLINOIS. lay-Give them a Calll-t&J deol0d3m. 4'OAI. AND WOOD. WOOD ! WOOD ! ! WOOD I ! I The underdunel will furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD An ('strap, II not Ctiraper Than any wood dealer In Cairo. Leave order on the slates at the Po.tofflce ana at Ross' coal iard, on Commercial avenue, between Tenth and 'welfth meet. Cairo. Illinois. I give good roeasuie and will cord the wood up if desired. DENNIS HALEY. F . 31. WARD, WOOD AND COAL MERCHANT. F. M. WAHO is prepared to deliver the be. I Fire Wood and otone Coal IN ANY TART OF THE CITY, Aud In any quantity desired, on short uutioe. COAL DELIVERED at fl.SO per ton oFKICK Over Meerwart, Orth A Co.'a stove, twodoora above the corner ofKighth street and CominiH laenue. leciiil IlUTCIIs-.llS. CKXTRAIi MKAT MAHKKT. KOEHLER cS: BROTHER Have reopened the I'OPI'I.AIt MKAT MAKKKT, COMMERCIAE-AV., Bel ween Ninth unit Tenth Ntreela, and will keep constantly on hand the best meal slaughtered in tho Cairo market. They defy cam. petition. Give them a trial. aept21tl'. IXMUKANCi:. "TRIUMPH." TIIK TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO., 01 'iiieliiiuiii. tasels tifOnin utl Solicits all kinds of risks, r. IIRONN, oci'i7tl Agent, Cairo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER i i IS m 9 fa 9 S s b 'i Z s h ; it a L X a a o V e S L M H A 5 MS t H 2 1 w 8 (II i i i 0 PI ffl Ps PI i o5 h B Hi t3 CD U CD o CD o Ph fH CD r I rH CO ; w m n i t : i H i 09 i Km o 3 eg 3 m CD rH m 5: t it s i 1 i ii II n at st Ml sal 9 I I 3 12, 1871. DRf M, BARCLAYBROS?.' HIO IiITIC, C.iae, Ins DRUGGISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS l Till H IT AT BARCLAYS' DRUO BTORE, Farn Sipplt, Diii.v. MOCKING BIRD FOOD al4. iaaT 'i.a witaal i iu.ih4 At Basclats'. H I. ii lOMI'g GRAPH (CATAWJIA CATAWUA GRAPE ( CATAWBA URAfK ) PILU PILLS RAl'K RAPB as ait 1 KLHN, IKtll'1511 raxsu jrou first hands, Always in ilk In larg aupply, and far aal Ij 'SSbwIkw m . - t Mrvai. PEEBH "BIj-CJE XiICIC JUST I I V I 1 T I Ii rMaJebjr ikaUUaa Bottle r !! AT BARCLAYS'. 9xtra Fink Coloonij ISirGiNUiNi IatroRTSD Extrasjts; I9Hair, Tooth and Nail Bbcsmks MVIndia Rubbir Ncssiit Goo" ar JBJs.HCj.JLT BROS. PURE WHITE LEAD.' ais PURE FRENCH ZINC. Best gradea la larg stock aad va riety, vary cheap; L.o: Full Link or Colors, st til. is oil; ratal Brnalie., l.iaaaed Oil, Whttewaekf ash.. Turpentine, Varn.h. Kte. ato., I ALL stsas am mini, trumu 1 J At Barclays'. i i r SIOW WHITES. CARL L. THOMAS, SIO-3ST WBITEB a now frepaieS so ra.panS promptly to all dr inands for his servk'.s. 8IIOP-C0R. HTH-ST. ASID CoMallKCAL-AY In ska rerry Haataa, CAIRO. ILLINOIS. moraSdlt WHOLEAALE CROCUI, R. SMYTH & CO., I WHOLESALE GROCERS, j I OUItl LBVEB CAIR4S. II.L.IBI4Sia. A'a, keep oonttaatly on baud a most com plete stock of IiIQ,TJTOHS SCOTCH AND I SUII WHISK! 0 I N B, Port, Maderis, Sherry and Catawba Wines RHMYTI1 A CO. sell for rash, to , which fai t the v invite thw especial atna lion f clo.t barrain buyers. Special attention firm to filling Qrdtr G, I). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, it: 7iokltU(M, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. AVHpecial altsntioa given t eoMlgnmeal. and filling ordeia. HMCEI.I.ANEei-N. HIDES! FURS ! ! PELTS ! ! I bitbm-jutt &c c o . Have opaned a Hid rilure In Thoi utoa's Hloak Tenth street, where the highest ea.h p.icewn be paid for Hides, rlhei Pells, I'urs aud Tal low, wewill pay h'gher pik'e.s et.r be fore paid for Ih saiaa tt alas 10 this city, Come ana us, ocieif W!WVXf CO BULLETIN BUILDING. WASHINGT0N-AV rCKNITURK. I as 02 1 M 2 I (B n SEHERAX AOKKTH, HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION IKK CII A N T N DEALERS IK FLOUR; AuS A ants et ! Stiver. Ma SiaiHavtk SALT C Olwl PA 3ST I S S 70 Ohio Levke, tf CAIRO, ILLINOlc; CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION sat. FORWARDING MERCHANTS., No. 64 Ohio Loveo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MtlMtf NEWHPAPKIt. TIIE NEW YORK EVENING POST FOR 1S7. PRICES REDUCED- We will supply tha Etening Post at tnllowsi DAILT. One year , Kor shorter periods. .. 112 OH ..l per month WK1SKLT. HlnRl Copy one year Klve Copies " " Ten " " " Twent lYKKKLI . )1 5 T 00 10 SKMI-WKKKLY. Single Copy one) ear Ho Five Copies " " i to Ten Copies " " 20 00 Or wo will send the lollowlna periodicals to subscriber., In connection with the Eienma to.', at the prices named 1 With With Weekly Heml. Weekly Erening 1'o.t. Kveiilng Post. Harper's Weekly- J4 Jo $U Harper's llsur .4 AO tt OU Harper's 2laKzine 4 W s 00 Kvery a(iiruay 00 6 Atlantic Monthly 4 oil SAO Our Youdr Kolk 3 ft) (M IWibner'a 3Ionthly Ml 9 OU Tho (ialaxy ..4 00 S to The Agriculturist . i Ml i ci Hearth nd Home -1 H A f Christian Union t uj To each aubacr.bei tothe y.ttnwq to.and Ctin (inn Union for one year wilt be sent two exquisite French Oil ChroTios, entitled "Wide Awake" and "Fast Aalep," which are worth at retail 110 for the oair. TRY IT! TRY IT 11 For 2S cents we will send the Weekly Evening l'ost from mw until January 1, or for SOrents w will .end the semi' Weekly Tost durinR the same time. Specimen ni'mbers of the Kvenli g Tost sent free. Addrt.s Wit. C. BRYANT, A CO. rew York. COAL.. COAL! COAL! COAL I JAMES ROSS, puna i DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON GOAL! Commorcial-av., Foot of Elevcnth-st. All Coal carefully weighed at the yard on Fair oankV scale.. FULL WEIQ11T WARRANTED. '". Coal delivered on the shortest notice in an) part ol the cl.y, either by the half ton, ton or car load. Learo order at thoofflce on Commercial. av. at the foot of Eleventh street. novied-Gm. MIL1.INKRT. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE! mrs.cTmcgee, KIOIIT1I STREET, 1IKTWEEN WASIII.VOTON AND COMMERCIAL AVENUES, Has just received a full and splendid line of NEW GOODS Dreis trimmings, silk gimps, silk galoon, gui. pure laces, moss trimmings, crocket buttons, Ilk and velvet buttons, plu.h and trimming vel vet, hats and bonnets, fine kid gloves, ladles' anal children.' shoes, and a full and complete stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, All of which she proposes to sell at VERY LOWEST LIVINO CASH PRICES. MRS. ANNA LANG, KIOIITII-ST., RET. WASHINGTON AND COMMERCIAL-AVENUES, Is now tecelvlnga beautilul asssrlmeut of Fall Millinery Goods, Including Hats and Uhapes of the latest atyle Rlhbere, Flower nnd Feather. .Mrs. Lang will also show customers the Urges selection of Woolen Yarns To be found In the city. RLEAC1IINO AND TRESSINO DONE ro ORDER. KEALi ENTATE AOEJIT. 0. WINSTON k CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AUCTIONEER 74 (SECOND YLOOR) OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, ILLS., Huv and Sell Rkal Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLE A I prepare. Conveyances of hVads. Hf EC1AI. NOTICEN. BATCH KI.O R'i IIAIUDYE. This superb Ifalr Dye la the sist UTiiaWoaiu I'erlectlr llsnnless. Reliable and InSthaoteoii.. No dlsappoinlment. No Kldlculoua Tint or Uf plvasini Odor. Tho genuine W. A. llachuloi'. Ilalr ))0 produces IMMKDUTELY a aplendi.l HUfk or natursl Brown. Doea not Biam thJ Hkiu, but leaveathe Hair Clean, Soft and Ueauli. Ail. The only 8af nd Perfect Dye. u",u"' Holdby alldrugglsts. Factoiy IS Bond Street, New York. iande.lwly ON MARRIAGE. Heppv relief lor young men from the electee errors and abuses In early lile. Haohood re stored. Nervous riebllltv cured. IaipedlLa to marriage removed. New method of trees. mnt. New sod remaikabla remud)a. BsMtka and sirtularssent free, in sealed eavelefces. A4 drese HOWARD ASSOCIATION, NU.7tssutli Natl.t)l.,thiUdclphla.,P.. Mttateatt