Newspaper Page Text
rat IttlMitt JOHN H. OBERLY & CO. TIIEMAILS. Asairi. errlar North, Through - SiOJs.m. ;oop,m " Way 2:2") p:m. 4:00e.m. South, Wo; l! ;00p.m. " Through N. O., Mem. phis and Columbus J.30, 4:00 p. m, Ohio Itlver route, (except Monday) C:0)p.m. Iron Mountain It. It 2:30 , in. ll:OOp. n. Mln. Itlver route, Tuesday and Friday 6.00 p.m. 7:0Op.m. Thebes, Goose Inland A Bunt Fe, III., Thursday A Frl- 'T i C.OOp.m. 7:00a. m, Hayfleld, Iltandvillo tod l.ovehve, Ky ll:00.m. I.Wp.m. orric iioiBi, (leneral Delivery 7:30 a.m. (Sunday. 8 to'J a.m.) Money Order depaatmcnt :00 a.m. 8.U0 Negister " ' " S:00a.m. 5.00p.m. Mono j Order and Kefliler; departtnente do open od Hundnys. - - - OUR CHURCHES. ItBSIIYrKlliAN-Klghth.atreet. Preaching. Habbnth at 10J 1. and V, r. . Prayer meeting, Wednesday t ty r. u, Sunday Hchiol, 3 r. w. J. M. Lan.den, Super intendent. Iter. C. II. Koutc, Palter. M.TIIODlSr-Uor. llighth and Walnut kU. Preaching, Uabbalh 1U1. .,and 7 at. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7,s r. m. Sunday Hchool J r. a, I,. V. hlllcll, riuper tntendenU Iter. F. L.Tnouraoji, Pallor. l.lltlllCII OK Tiir. KKLiKKMKIMKplwoj.l); Morning prayer?, habbnth 1 0,' J 1. m, Krenlng prayer. tytr. . ttabbkth Sjhool, 1, 11, llcv. Mr. Cota, Keen r. Hf. PATWCK'3 CtlUKCII-;or. Ninth i. and Washington Avenue. .-utile Service, ttalitatlm; and 10.'; 1. Vesper, 3 r, m. JundnjrBcl.ool.i r. . service eury dnjr, i r. x. Iter. I'. J. O'ltiLUOAi, l'n.-t. YOO.NO II K.Va CIlKtaTIA.N AfeHOCIATION-Keg- ular tneetlog 1 croud Monday eh month at the Prayer room of tho Presbyterian Church IVeelly Crater meeting, Friday, 7j-J r. m., at .he Prayer room of the Preabyterianrhurck. C. I'alkjh, President. AFItlCAN MKTHODIaT Fourteenth, between Walnut an 1 Cedar. rJervicea, Sabbath, 11 A. u. Hunday rvhool, 1 r. x. c;ar. m. HKCO.ND FKF.K-WILLHAITIST-Pifteenth 81. Preaching, 7 r. m. Ilev. Win. Jackson, PaMer. between Walnut and Cedar. Services Babbath, 1J and 3 r. m. Iter. N. Itieaa, Tauter. FREE-WILL IIAITIHTIIOME Mission cUN WAT SCHOOL Corner walnut and Cedar Hta. Sunday School, tl A. u. IKST FI1KE WILL DAtTl.iT CIIURCH-Cur-rj'a Barracks. hervicea , riabbtili 11 a. 3 r. m. and 7 r. at. Iter. Wm. Knur, Faitor. FIRST MIB3IO.VAIIY UAITIST CHUItCH-Het. ween loth and 11th atreeti, near Cedar. Preachlnf Sabbath I0 a. and 7J r. at. I'eayer Meeting. Wedneaday erenlng. reaching. FriJav eTrniuv! f bUlli S-hool, l; r. m. John Van Itaittr and alary Mophent riiierintendent,. Iter.TJ.Bnoai., P.t STATE OFFICERS. STATE OFKICKUS. Gorernor, John M. I'Aliner ; Lieutenant-Governor, John Dougherty s Secretary of State, Edward ltiimmel i Auditor of State, C. K. Lipplncott , State Treaiurer, E. N. Hate ; Bupt. Public Inntructlon, Ncwten Dateman. COXGIIESSMEN. ienaton-Lyman Trumbull and John A. Logan. Uepreaentatlre for the Hiate at Larje J. L Bareridge. Repreaenutite Thirteenth District John M Creba. MEMDERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Benatori, In Diatrlct T. A. E. Holcomb. ol Union, and S. K. OiUnn, of Oallatln. Ilepreientatlre, 1st Uiatriet II. Wataon Webb. county"offioers. CIRCUIT COURT. Judge V. J. Ilaker, of Alexander, rroaecutlng Attorney J. F. McCarley, i Maaaac. Circuit Clerk Jne. Q. Harraan. Hherifl A. II. Irtin. Wm. Martin, Aae jor ani? Treaiurer. COUNTY COURT. Judge F. Ilroaa. Aaaoclatea J.'.K. McCrite and 8. Marehlldoa. Clerk Jacob 0. Lynch. Coroner John II. Goaaman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Mayor John M. Lunden. Treasurer J. B. Taylor. Comptroller E. A. Ilurnetl Clerk Michael Howley. Marihal Androvr Cain. Attorney P. 11.1'opo. 1'ollco Magistrates F. Dross and B. Bhan. nessy, Chlelot Police L. II. Myers, SELECT COUNCIL. Mayor John M. I.ansden, Firat Ward-1. 0. Sihtih. Becond Vfard C. It. Wooaward. Third Ward Jno. Wood, Fourth Ward 3. Slant Taylor. Cltyat-Lftrge-W. P. Halllday and D. Hard. HOARD or ALDKRUEN. Fliwr WAUU-Jamea Rearden, Leo Kleb, Isaao Wolden. BCONDWAltD It. II. Cunningham, K. Under, Henry Winter, James Swayne. iniUD WARD Wm. Btratton, l'iililclc Fittgotald OURTU WARU-Jamea Carroll.; G.II.Beasc, J, II.Metcalf. Time of MfcUng, CITT COl'NCIl. Tho City Council meets In Joint seseion on Friday evening preceulng tho first Monday el ach inoath. KllCT COUNCIL. The Select Council meets on the Erst Wednes day and Thursday, alter the accond Monday in each month. conn or ildii The Board of Aldormen meota cn tho Hrs Monday and Tuesday la every month, COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL. (M Btrtett Messrs. Taylor, Walder, Winter, ood and Metcair. Drainaii Messrs. Cunningham, Schuh, Fitter aid, Beaso and llallUlny. Coimi Messrs, Wood, Cunningham anal Kleb. IXrici and Jai Messrs. Carroll, Iluder and Woodward OrdirtanM Messrs. Bease, Walder nnd Taylor. Jtft Department Messrs. Rearrteu, Swayne and lafariJ Messrs. Bchuh, Winter and b, Mug. Messrs.Wodward. Swayne and Iluder StniM Messrs, Hud, Ntratton and Meteall. JftM The Mayor, and Messrs, Ke Mi,fttartton and lOairoll PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. VINCENT'S LOTTERY SALL- THE TWENTT-HIXTH Or DECEMBER FIXED A8 THE DAT ON WIIICI1 TIIK DRAWINO WILL COME OFF. Determined to dlipoie of all the tickets In his lottery sale.Mr. P. Vincent haa con cluded to postpone the drswlig until the 26th of December. Ho Is now gWlng the matter till devoted attention, and Is meet ing with the most gratifying success on "Tar hand. Thorn tire six prizw, the principal prize, as it well-known, being a splendid residence, that was erected nt a cost of $10, 000. The remaining five prizes aro a follows : Lot 31, Mock 4, 3d addition to the city of Cairo, valued nl $500. Lot 3'2. block 4. .Id addition !).. of Cairo, valued at $800. Lot 30, block 4, 3d addition the city ol Cairo, valued nt $305. j.oi uj, uiock- -i.du audition to the city of Cairo, valued t ?300. Lot IT. block 4A. in llm ritr t Pulrn Illinois, valued at S300. octOdtf REMOVAL Jlr. Anna Lnii" has removed her large and ulfgunt stock of millinery gexd, toys and fancy article, to the toro room recently occupied by Mrs. Harbor, on Eighth stree'., three dors from Commer cial avenue. She u added largely to her htock of toys nnd fancy articles , und is receiving new goods of every variety, of tho latest fashions, every day, Her stock is full and complete, and is offered to the public at the lowest living prices. deeStf Notice. The best entertainment in tho city i at the St. Nicholas hotel, saloon und restaurant. The best music that can bo had violin and piano. Good lunch every morning and night. All of the finest brands of cigars, and the bet St. Louis lager beer, always fresh and nice. Give us a call. Karkt Walker. Proprietor. Tabcr lirothcrs are constantly re ceiving new goods not in the line of their own manufacture, such as optical goods of all kinds, lino gold and ailvor bcadod canes, music boxe of all kinds, toy music boxes for children, something new and very attractive. Silver plate cheaper tban over, Ac, &c. tf. Great inducements to any one wish ing to buy a first-clasi piano or organ. E. A- W. Iluder offer their entire stock in llm piano nnd organ line at the actual cost of the Imtruments. They are desir. ou of doting out tho stock so that they may uio the room for jowclry mnnufactur Ing purposes. Ho I for 11 ally I New tttorot Ifew doodif Rest assortment of Cooking and Heating Stove, ever brought to Cairo, on Washington avenue, three doors above Tenth strcot. dccCtf C. C. Cat son, Has a Fine Stock of Holiday Goods, Fancy Goods, Toys, Notions, Commercial Avenue, Uctween Ninth and Tenth streets. Brick Sto tor Rent. The brick store, No. "ft )hio Levee, now occupied by F. M. Stcikfleth, Esq., Is offered fol rent, and will be vacant on the 18th Inst Apply to Jno, B. Piiillis. oct3tf Marriaoe Guide. Interesting work, numerous engravings, 224 pages. Price 60 cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis Mo. Seo Advertisement. tf Sleepinq Itoous for Kent. Ten well ventilated sleeping rooms in City Na tional Bank building. Apply to EDWARD DEZONIA, At City National Bank. Crthtal vinegar from London at Jor gcnion'a, corner of Twentieth street and "Washington avonuo. tf imported Mulaga grapes at Jorgcn son's, corner of Twentloth strcot nnd Washington avenue. tf . New French prunes, currants and raisins always on hand at .Torgcnson's grocory store. tf Peck, Fiiean, & Co's London biscuits always on hand, corner Twcntiotli anil Washington avenue tf WRiaiiT'a no .plus ultra minced mca prepared oxprcasly for family use, at Jor genscn's. Joroenbox has the linen supply of Spanish olives In tho city. Try tho in If Otsters. Louis Herbert has alwas on hand a fresh supply of Snddlo Rock oys or. tl For Rent. A good Piano., Address P. O. Drawer. No. 1224 Cairo. dee03t Found. That tho choicest butter Is at Jorgenson's Staplo and Fancy Grocery store Go to Dr. McOauloy for llattinger't F ver Drops. Warranted to cure the chills Paul G. Schuh soils Rattingor's inedl clner. tf Tue best French anchovies a the city at Jorgonson'e. tf Russian sardellci at Jorgeuson'i ; try them. tf I CAIRO, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1871. t'OMMIHUIOM AND rOBWARDIWO. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.. (fluc-iessors to K, B, Uendrieka A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS aApLlberal Advance! tt.i II 7-c consignments. Are prepared to receive, .lore an orward frulg hu to all point and buy axij aell on cotnmlnaioo. EBusiness attended to erompUr 0. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 7(1 Ohio I. ve. C A 1 It O, ILLINOIS. arripeeJal attention given ! ewiulfusneata and fi ling order. JOHN II. PIIILLIS, (tjucve.nor to Parker ft I'bi'.he,) GENERAL COMMISSION AX FORWARDING MERCHANT, DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Cor. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CA1KO. ILL. Z. D. MATIIUM. E. C. CHL MATHUSS & UHL, FOB-WAEDIN,& AMD UENERAt. Commission Merchants, DEALERS IX HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE, So. 01 OHIO . I.KVKK, Bttute ftiurfA SurtA ."?(,., CAIRO, ILU W.Stratton. T. Bird STRATTON Si BIRD, (Sueceaaora toBtra'.ton, Undsoq A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, N COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. EV Agents of American Powder Co., and man. ufactuters agents for octton vara WOOD RITTENHOUSE, FLOUR ax General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois CLOSE k VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AMU DBALEEa lOST LIMB Cement, Plaster Paris, ami PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Eighth Ntreet nsid Ohio l.ef CAIRO, ILL. MILLER !i PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION aa FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS tor FAIRBANKS SCALES 68 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. INMVHAXCK. "TRIUMPH." THE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO. Ol Clnilunall. t.sets 1Mft li Uolioita all kinds ol rlska. r. BBOfM, 0U7II Aget,Clro. XJ1 Duron. BARCLAY BROS., erne lever. Caiae, lixt DBTJO-O-ISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS- la rctL suit AT IIAHCLATS' DRUO STORE. Kaua Hrrrtv, Diiir. MOCKING BIRD POOD am. iv roa ci wnaovv vaoviu At Barclats'. KLH BOLIJ'g GRAPE I cataw da 1 "; I orai-e ) PILLS CATAWBA VL J ORAPK GRAPE (.CATAW1IA ) I (RAFR ) PILLS AND Atl or It EL MB OLD 'N MKUIC'IXEM FRISU FROM FIRST HANDS, Alwaya in atock In large supply, and for aal ly CBatrelajr Brai, PBE8H T3XiTT33 XjXCIC JUST RECEIVE AXP rllalekr tballlaaa BvllU eriallia AT BARCLAYS'. sWEztra Fine Coloonb; Genuine luroRTi Extracts; Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes "India Rubber Nukaery Goo" at PURE WHITE LEAD- PURE FRENCH ZINC. Bast gradea In large stock aad va riety, very cheap; auo: Full Like or Colors, at ai is. oil.; Paint Brnshei, Ltaseed Oil, YfhltewaitP aaliM Torpentloe, Varn'ahts Ele. etc., ail aians a vicia Qrimira At Barclats'. MAGAZI5I8. SCRIBNER'S MOITTHLT, An Illustrated Magazine, KDITKD BT J. O. HOLLAND, Author of Bitttr Stent." " Kathrina," " 7Viou ntcomb'i tttttrt," Ele. This nagatine, which has rlaen ao rapidly tn popular lavor, haa now been GREATLY ENLARGED, and will be still further Improved during the com lng year. A. aariea ol papers by Mr. Gladstone, prima minlater of England, will shortly anpearj i also, an Able Dlseuaiton ot the National tianklug Bva tem of this country; a new story by Mrs. Oll Phnt..,.,.Pro,mi,ed' 9U., etc. whilst every num. ber will be rich In shorter storiee, UUMraUd arti cles of popular science, poems, essays, editorials and reviews, etc. The aubacrlptlon .price Is jls.00 per year, p tya ble in advance. r '"'"'- To enable all parties to eommenn with the eeries, which we ar sure will be worthy ofeare ful preservation, we will aend to any dealer or new suberriber, the It numbere ot volumea I. and II. for It.oo, or the 14 numbers prior to Jaima-y. 1S72. for S1.W. ' Ilia whole will contain MORE THAN 3,000 PAGES, more than SCO Brilliantly Written Article, aad nearly 100 Completed Btorlea, ol Adventure, Wit and Humor, Poems, Ac, combining with these the ablest editorial, and the most beantiful illustrations, some of them said by the critics to be fully equal to the wor- of On. tare Uore, We quote, as fairlv repreaenilng the general sentiment ot the newspaper press In regard to the Monthly, tho .following from tne llutlalt Com mercial Advertiser: "MCKIBNKK'd MONTHLY is a splendid ui. cess. It haa tnkm its place in the front rank f the periodicals of the world. In the beauty otlr typographical appearance, l!io pel feci Ion of lie illuniraiiuua, the variety of its reading matter, and the vigor of Its editorial), and, in general, good ana moral Influence, it is a publication ol which America should feel proud." Remit in Check or I'. O. money orders. p'or sa'e by all dealers, SCKIIiNKK&CO, 054 Brontlway, New-York. 1872. ECLECTICMAGAZINE er Foreign Literature, Science ami Art, Kutabliahed in ls4, ihoKCLECTIC enters with the January number upon the twenty. eighth year of its eziatence. This fact alone speaks much for the character of the publication, for no macula could have lived so long amid the fierce rivalry and competition to whluh it has been subjected without po.sessing t high degree of merit and meeting a wolMerlncd want; built la aot too much to say that, during all Ihene yars, the KC LKCTIC haa been reaognlsed as the ablest expo nent in Ainar.ce of ihafvaat Intellectual activity which finds iprsaion in theperiodlcal literatui of Europe. The plan of the ECLECTIC la to ae. lect from the field thus outlined, all those arti. clea, Kaaays, Ilevlews, Talca, Stories, and bio graphical BkeUhsa, which are llkaly to prove en Urtaluing, luatructlveand permanently v.luable; and it eurnmenda tlsell especially to that great body of lntelllgent,raders who sek profit a. well as amua.ment In solid and healthful literature. Bsids IU longer article., which thainselves represent every variety of auhjects, the Kolectlc haa live editorial diiartmenta Literary Notlcea, Foreign Lllsr.ry Noiea, Bclenee, Art, aid Varie. ties. Th volume fer 1ST J will n t be leaa attractive than tho. which preceded II. i in. With intreaa ug raoilitlra and inoreanliig ,mtrn age, the com ing vol mes will be mure thoi,iuglily represents, live thau v-r b-fore ol tho ist Intellectual progreasnf Iheilinen. 'I'EHMi -Ingle copii , 4.i cmta t line 'opy, ona tesr.ta, two copie., one year, 'J; fly copies, one year, S;o, Agents wanted I. get up club. Address R. E. PELTON, Publisher, 108 Fulton Street, Nevs-Ygrk. rvBifiTcmE. 'A 0 CO a 0 09 S ITU. HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION EH CM ANTS DEALERS IN FLOUR; And A nta of Ksusawk salt co2wtyjv.2srisei 70 Ohio Lf.vee, tf caiiio, Illinois; rAMIa.y ClBtCKHlEJt. LOUIS JORGENSEN, Dealer In all kind, of STAPLE AND FANCY O-BOOBBIBS. rstraaer'a Yard sms sstahllsisT WITHOUT CIIAKQE. Cor, Wishington-Rv. sod Twenttcth-t. CAISO, ILIA. BULLETIN BUILDING, V7ASHINGT0N-AV IfRWKPAPEK. THE NEW YORK EVENING POST rOR 1172. PBICEfl HEDCCKD: We will supply the Etainf Post as lotlowst DAILY. One year tn oo p4r month ror snorter periods , WEEKLT. Single Copy one year Five Copies " ' . Ten " Twenty " 6t T 00 ,-12 10 ...isoe SKMMVEEKLT, Single Cipy ono year Five Copies " ,,. Ten Conies ' " .... .13 00 Ten Copies " " mm Or wo will send the tollnwing periodicals to sub.cnbcra, In connection with the iVenM? rtaf, at the pneca named t With With Weekly Semi-Weekly Evening Post. Eveolag Post. Harper's Weekly. .$4 M IS 00 llarptr's SO OU Harper's Magatlnc 4 SO S CO Every Saturday 5 00 IU Atlantic .Monthly 4 Cxi SW Our Toung Folks ..,3 m 4 60 Hcribner'a Monthly ....4 t o . e 00 Tho tialnzy .4 00 S to The Agriculturist .1 M i 00 Hearth and Home j;5 si Christian Union 3 M S vo To each aubaor.ber to the frenlnj biand CVu Han Uniontor one year will bo aenttwo exquisite French Oil ChroTos, entitled "Wide Awak" aad "Fast Asleep," which are worth nt retail tlOfor the oatr. TRY IT I TRY IT 1 1 For 25 cents we will aend tho Weekly Evening Tost from avw until Jnnuary 1, or for 50 cents we will tend the semi' Weekly Post during the same time. Specimen ni-mbera of the Evening Post sent free. AJdresa WM. C.BRTANT, aVCO. Iew York. COAL. COAL! COAL I COAL I JAMES ROSS, DIALBa IX DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON COAL! Commcrcial-av., Foot of Elovcnth-st. All Coal carefully weighed at the yard on Fair panks' scale-. FULL WEIGHT WARRANTED. Coal delivered on tho shortest notice in any part ol the cl.y, cither by the half ton, ton or car load. I.eftvo order at the olllco on Commerclal-av. at the foot of Eleventh street. novlCd-Cn. HIIXI?JKHY. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE! MRS.CMcGEE, XIOUTII STREET, BETWEEN WASniNaTON AND COMMERCIAL ATENUES, Has just received a full and splendid line of NEW GOODS Dren trlmmlnffa. .Ilv -in. -m. , pur laces, moas trlmmlng crocket buttSns, silk and velvet buttons, pluah and IrimminiTtl- childrens' shoes, and a full and complete atock ol Millinery and Fancy Goods, All of which she proposes to sell at YERT LOWEST L1YIXQ CASH PRICES. MRS. ANNA LANG, EIOHTII-ST., BET. WASHINGTON ANB COM" MERCIAL-AYENUES, Is now tecelvlnga benulilul asssrltnsnt of Fall Millinery Goods, Including lints and Shapes of th latest style lUbbcra, riowcrw and I'eathera. Mra. Lang srlll also show customers the larges election of Woolen Yaraa To bo found In th city. 11LEAC1IINO AND TRESSINO DONE ro ORDER. HEAL ESTATE AG EST. C. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AUCTIONERS, 74 (SECOND YLOOR) OHIO LXTEE, CAIIIO, ILLS., Bur and Sell Real Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF T1TLK At I proper Conveyance of Kiad. NtT.CIAL NOTICKK. batciielok'niiaikdyk: This superb Ulriye lathe siit tsvMaWoais Perfectly llarmleaa, Itellable and IntthHoteoas. Mo disappointment, o Itidiculous Tints or Un pleasant Odor. 'Ihegenillno W. A. Ilauhelor'a Hair l'y produces IMMEDIATELY k splendhl or natural ilrown. Uoea not btuiu thu Skin, but leaves the Hair Clean, Soft and lleautl. ful. The only Hafo nd Perfect Dye. 'i '""""" raciory 10 Bond Hlrt. New York. lautldeadA.i. ' ON MARRIAGE. Uappv relief tor young men Irom the s)ua rrors and abuses In early III. Maahood r. stored. Nervous cttblllty cured. IaMdlSBMU to marrlag removed. Mew metboj if Sreat ment. Maw and rtmarlublo rm4lsw Bvok and circular sent Ire, In JJ HTsVsase- Ad drtas IIUWARD A8OCIATI0Ni H). 'ttStK Ntl..fhlld!i.h!A..r. 4 iusiaV