TIM E TA1.LB or "IX0" "L"
Eir.res. daily. 2-4pn
. .u.n.rta1lr . - - 3:30n.n,
rtnrn. dsllf. except Hunday 3:30 p.m.
,Viehsna;eofenr from Cairo to St. Lotilf.
.i.... !. from uairo 10 unicss-ci.
nrlt Boom sleeping c, o n'K'1' ,r,ln'
eljecseil ,0 " ''nporlant xlD''-
Will make three trips daily.
Liivixa moi xt nrr
At 8:30 .
At 1:30 p m,
At 0 -,
At ..
At '
v,,t eh ay. " "n'' ! 10 ticket for 2 Co.
Will Uit", whn hulled, t any good Intermediate
;Vtiolorpeii(!ror freight. nor2ltf.
WtfUjIVVH forPaluenh, KtansTille. and Lou
isville, the favorite steamer,
T. O. llYMAX,iMter.
estes Cairo erety SATUDKAY at 6 o'clock p.m.
For frenlitor tnge apply on board or to
jan.iimg, Ag'u
The splendid steamer
Jop Tun ler, Mauler.
ses Com Ht'.l', Hmliy excepted) at 4
Bi. Kir Ifauhtor pi"w annly on board or
I KcrSalel '
Faro from Liverpool,
Fare from Londonderry
Faro from Glasgow,
JFaro from Queexstown
TO CAIRO, $18'
2 0
Saftord, Morris Ca
Liverpool New-Toik and I'hlladilphla
Steamship Company,
tsa co.xraicT with oitio tiTM"D ssiiiiu
For Carrying .tiie Malls.
oa rrariita ixroaMSTio
15 Broadway, New-York, or to
II. II on lt,
Washington Avenue, Cairo.
noia. ji
aiiietenna. Possession Kive k.
roit mam;
The Illinois Central II.i l ltoa I Com,,Jny no
JflTfor sale the followinilei.crll.ed lois la rirs
n.t.,u,i .v ,tiv VII 1 (II vuiro. Till
Lot 27 blocV 'J. Lot 21 IJock
" 6 " S2 SI .. JV
" " It I, " 31 '
" " kl. at I.'
Furiitf,m,,,l! fl''Jr '" JAMrMJOHNsO.V,
DESIOESCE-Nfi -ix ti .
. " vim , Bttri,
RI?ENC':corn'rNl"t1' i'l Walnut ,u.
umcenours-from B .,. to 12 in., and a 11.111
William J. AlUt,
John 11, Mulkt-y' L
Umuel I'.Wh'-Her.J
ss'ss,uBl:..,,,,B,wu '" ""'
OfflCE-Oter rirMXalinsHlaiik, Ohio l.evee.
orncE-cmo levee, rooms 7 and 8 oyer
romp t y mTl e J'le Ll ff iUr.D,Df iul
P. D. REXFOUb , ,
coa,.ao.or,k,wo,ut f
Cairo, Illinois.
The Only Fmt-Vlan IIouk in the CilA
. sur Illume conTeytd to and from the Depot
free of charge. dectm.
It. S. BltlGHAM, M. D:,
OrricE, ISO CoMMzneuL-xv.,
Omr hours. I to and! to8p,u. Iti.
i(i.i nmui wii, vain', in. utvvu.
nTii?Ji .Rr vn' . ""mmo'llow" rtwelllng l.ou.e
f. , ?rrm J' "V ,,':ln Walmit n.T SVasl,.
t. S, i?".0-1""'? 1 "-yl'rlan Church) l lr
n ut, l ot Uruih, vli:, miJr '
w'" Ohio l.cree, Cairo, Ills.
Out ol Hie moil attractive ill ill .) nl
Id tte cllj.
ha every available apace In the store rnum Oiled
trim new uoous. ma iiecx is com
plelo, comprising' boaullful
selection of
A splendid nrray of
Among which are the
.VewMl nnd Moat Fashionable
Colora and Materials.
The ladles will find a large assortment of
which nlll be old cheaper than anything of the
ainu ever sum in lairo.
Mr. Durgor haa laid In an Immense a took of
which he will sell cheaper than the chsapsst.
PnblUned every moraine Mondny ex
Chr'uttrmi comes on Monday this
Eggt, at retail, 35 cent; butter, do.
35 cents.
County court adjourned on Tuesday,
to meet again on Friday, December 22d.
"Ten Nights in a Har Room," is the
)iliv for Saturday night at the Atho-ni-utn.
Jnller Fitzgcruld hat now under his
watchful euro no less than thirty-flvo per
sons. They nro of nil sizes, agci and col
on. Tho chain gang nro at work on Tenth
btruet, between Commercial tttonue and
Loveo street, tnuking much needed rc
An ctvort is on foot among aoino of
Oio younc men of Uio cltv to not un
dunce to como otV ut tho St. Charles, to-
murtttw (Pi Uiuv) vvt'iilntf.
Let it be borne in mind that there i
to bo n sociable held nt tho pareo.iago o
Presbyterian church thi evening. It i
hoped that all friends of the churcb nil)
bo pwent.
The new German Catholic church it
now ready for tho roof. The edifice is
tine one, and will bo un ornament to that
portion of the city whoro it is located,
when completed.
UmihossVjn tho landing Improve with
every day. Tho amount of freight arriv
ing is wonderful. There is no lack of
transportation, iiowover, mid it all finds
ready shipment
There, was no business of importance
transacted by tho sohict council last night.
Tim allowance of n number of billi and
some r.himpottant matters was all that
camo before the meeting.
The Cairo market is over stocked
with potatoes. They wero otforod on tho
street', yesterday, at from sovonty to
eighty cunts por bushel, nnd woro hard to
soli nt that price.
Tho .Mound City Journal says " tho
Cairo postollk-u is about being removed
to tho now custom house." Not yet awhile.
Uy the first of April will bo time
Thollttlo tug,
Cache, continues to
innko bur throe trlpx daily, botwoon Cairo
and Mound City. She Is a tidv littlo brut
of a boat and lust sultnil f,,r it,,. t,,i
Long may she wave.
A lot of movers, tnuipped with ovorv.
thing necessary fur u long journoy, passed
through tho city yesterday mornlne.
lhoy were from Missouri, but their dosti
nation wo did not learn.
Tbo.o persons who received invitations
to tho first danceof the Terpsichorcan club,
will remember that they aro expocted to
attend tho ball to bo given on tho ovonlng
of tho 22d Inst., without further notice.
Hardly a day passes that ono or moro
droves of horses and mules do not arrlvo
In Cairo for shipment south. Yesterday
largo drovo or mules from St. Clair coun
ty arrived to bo shipped to New Orleans.
The Delmonlco hotel becomes moro
popular every day. Jack Wlntor Bpnros
neither trouble nor expense to make tho
guests of.tho houso comfortable nnd fool
at homo. In other words, Jack knows
bow to run n hotel.
I The oGlccrs andmombors of tho Cairo
Casslno aro hereby nntifliwl t
uit-ir hall, this (Thursdnvl
f,ar'; for u,u lrpoio of attend-
".nun ui mo oiucorsoloct,
Carl L. Thomas, Scc'y
rially, making l SLor ,,0,r "T'
rooms In a cow pasture.
A lot of Chinamen, about thirty in
number, en route from Now Orleans to Bt
Louis, arrived in this city yestorday
morning. 8om of them applied for work
on tho Cairo and St. Louis railroad, but
whether they wero employed or not we
did notlenrn.
Geo. fcinlth, tho young man who
had his arm crushed butween to cars on
the Illinois Central railroad nt this place,
sonio days ago, is doing as well as could
bo expected under the circumstances. The
arm was amputated at tho elbow, and is
healing up rapidly.
Capt. II. Andrews has been "going for"
some of the timber thioves in the neigh
borhood of Mounds Junction, who hare
bcon extracting logs from tho land of Mr.
W. Wiilard. Ho gobbled one car load of
staves nnd was in possession of 10,000
more mado from tho stolen llmbor.
From tho Springfield news published
in the St. Louis Democrat of Wcdnesdny,
we clip tho following cottornlng tho C.
JsV. railroad: "The deed of consolida
tion between tho Vinconncs nnd Cairo
Railroad Company of Indiana nnd tho
Cairo and Vinccnnes Railroad Company
of Illinois, undor tho tltlo of tho Cairo
nnd Vinccnnes Itallroail Company, with a
capital stock of $4,000,000, was filed in tho
socretary of state's offico, lo-day."
Tho new Fourth ward firo company
is prospering, nnd many new names nro
being addod to the roll. It has been do
cldcd to christen tho new organization,
tho Delta City Firo Company, No. 0."
A meeting of tho company will be hold at
the usual placo of assembly.' on next Mon
day night, when business of Importance
will como up fordiscussion and final action.
An election for new officors will be held
at tho first regular meeting in January.
Tho Paducah Kentuekian, of Tuesday
morning, contains tho following:
Wo are informed that on flntnnlnv nlcrht
last about two o'clock, flflvorairlv mount.
od men. comoletolr dlstniisod. entered tho
qulottown of Msyfleld, and shajshoyod"
around the placo about an hour. They
woro asked by soma of tho citizens what
they wanted, but cavo n deflnito ronlv.
Somo supposed that their object was tho
release of Ryan, who ii sentenced to bo
hung on the 26th proximo, and others bo-
novo mat iney intended to lynch McHatt,
wro is connnca in tne iiayfleld jail for
murder. They created cousternation
among the villagers and wont awav with
out committing any depredation.
Mr. Samuel Waltors, the lumber deal-
or, is tho owner of tho right for Aloxander
county, Illinois, and of Mississippi county,
Missouri, for a now patent window slido.
This arrangement is, without doubt, tho
most convenient articlo of tho kind now
In uso. By it the top sash may bo lowered
without interfering with tho lowor sash,
or tho lower can bo raised without molest
ing the upper sash ; or both can be adjust
ed at tho same time. Mr. Walters has ft
window in working order, at his offico at
tho lumber yard for inspection by
those who wish to examine it.
Tho following were the guests at tho
St. Charles hotel yesterday: Wm. A. Elon-
uorl, Chicago, III.; Louis Swaurtz, New
York; Mrs. D. Sawyer, Now Liberty,
Ind. ; Felix Cross, Mobile, Ala. ; G. W.
Uaussman, Sen., Vicksburg; Alex. Gard
ner, Chicago; W. Frank and wife, Davon-
port ; j. a. McKindley, Chicago ; F. TJ.
Ludington, Jacob Kaiser, St. Louis. Mo.:
urantc-ihnyer and mothor, Indianapolis;
.Ulia. jsnosa, "J,aba J';L.n...i , O.i.
inraster, Mr. h.ato Robinson; Miss Case.
New Orleans, La. , E. W. Hyde, E. O,
Newberry, Mrs. Andorson, Chicago; Cant.
O. W. Davis, Str. John Lumsdon: V. V
Scnour, St. Louis, Mo. ; Frank C. Stone'
Chicago, 111.
Tho following were tho arrai vals at tho
Dclmonico hotel, Wm. Winter. proDriotor
for the twonty-four hours ondinc Dec. 13th
at 9 o'clock, P. M. : C. M. Williams, City ;
J. H. Uidloman, F. Haferlin; Evansvillo,
ind. ; U. Bowd, Paducah. Kr. . Ham.
Hamlin, RIvor ; James Kcniston. A. Eva-
lynand lady, Mrs. Roeors. St. Louis. Mo. :
I). Klmmoll and niece, Jonesboro; Goo.
Matteson, Rivor; Henry Rosonham. Now
York ; J. C. Martin, Cincinnati. O.: M.F.
Fhlllips, Missouri; John R. Miller, St
ouli, Jlo. ; IJ. S. Surman, Str. Loulsvillo
Colo Uoren, 8tr. Lady Lee ; William Bran
wich, St. Louis; L. P. Contice, Chicago
111.; Uscar ChaDtnan. Littlo Rock. Ark
S. B. Roland, Now Orleans.
-A fight occurred nt a dance civeu nt
uoose island a fow days since, resulting in
tho shooting and soveroly, though not dan
gorously woundmgono man, and tho torri-
blo beatingof another. Tho fight seems
to havo boon a badly mixed up affair
overy body prosont was in tho fight, but
none of them know what thoy woro fighting
bout. Tho wounded man, whoso namo is
George ,W. Powell, was brought to
town last night and incarcoralod in tho
county Jail. IIo was arrcstod for an
assault, but whether it was an assault to
murder, to do bodily injury, or n regular
rough nnd tumblo assault, wo could not
learn. Ho received a pistol ball in tho
right thigh, but, however painful tho
wound may bo it is not dangorous. A
young man by the name of Bishop is re
ported to havo done tho sboetlnc. He
left the country and has not bcon
heard from sinco tho occurrence.
A certain amount of competition is a
great help to mon in buslnoss. Kilos riso
against and not with tho wind. Even a
ead wind is bettor than nono. No man
over worked his passage anywhoro In n
dead calm. Let no man wax palo there-
lore, but on tho contrary let every man,
wowan and child In Alexandor county rc-
oice mat j . iiurger, commercial avenue.
between Eighth and Ninth streets has re
eelved tho largest and cheapest assorted
stock of general nterchandlso In tho city,
consisting in pari or dry goods, wollen
shawls, roady mado clothing, cloaks, hats,
caps, boots, and shoes, Including a genoral
lino of notions. Wo will not stop to
enumerate, but will say that ho is offering every dopartraont. Mr. Bur
ger bought his goodsat low figures t,nd will
givo his customers tho bonofit of them.
Everybody Is Invited to call nnd examine
his stock and soo that he has mado no
misrepresentations. Soo advertisements
In another column.
For good photographs, porcelain nlo
lures, or old pictures to bo coplod, call ot
Thomas, No, 121 Commercial avenue. Hr
a Kood workman, Givo him a trial.
Business was not very brisk in police
circles yesterday.
Timothy Kelly, for a plain drunk, was
fined J'J and sent to jail to work It out.
llBttl King, for being an iiiniii'.o of
a houso of ill-fame, was arrested, but tho
evidenco agninstjher was not concltttivo,
and sho was discharged.
Hell Taylor, a colored lady, who puis
in an oppcaranco bofore tho pollco courts
with astonishing regularity onco a month,
on the samo charge, was fined $13 nnd tho
trimmings. Paid.
Thomas Green, a negro, was nrrcstod
on n clmrgo of gaming for money. A
number of witnesses wcro called in tho
case, and as all of them testified that when
arrested, Green was only " playing for the
drinks," ho was discharged.
Tho officers nnd cvory body clso In
nnd around Jmlgo Bross' court, yesterday,
woro on the qui vive, believing thoy wero
to bo troatcd to a rich, raro and racy ttinl,
in tho shape of n suit for bastardy. But
they wero disappointed. Ono Filmore
Caldwell, a colored gcntlcmad of respecta
bio appearance, was arrested on n warrant
sworn out by ono Bolty Forguson, a rath
er good looking colored girl, for seduc
tion and bnstnrdy. Tho parties
wero all in court, nnd tho opening of tho
Cfiso was eagerly looked for. Tho judgo
anil tho mttornnym woro nil oil IiatlU nnU
ready to proceed to business. In tho
mcantlmo Betty nnd Caldwell wcro ar
ranging matters to suit themselves. When
tho case was called, nnd Caldwoll
was asked whether he was ready for
trial, ho oroso and informed tho court
that, ho bolicvcd Betty nnd htmsolf
could settle their littlo difficulty without
tho aid of tho court; nnd turning to his
attorney informed that gentleman that
his sorvlccs wero no longor needed.
Caldwoll paid nit tho costs there wns in
tho case, and with tho baby on ono arm
and Betty on tho other, gracefully bowed
bimsolf out of the presonce of tho court,
which by this limohad becomo thoroughly
disgusted with the proceedings and wns
glad to get rid of him.
a tine stock or EVERY VARIETY Of HOL
Mr. O. Carson, Commercial avenuj, be
tween ninin nnu xentu strcots lias re
ceived his stock of holiday goods ; and
when we say that it is ono of tho largest
and best selected over brought to the city,
wo aro not saying too much. Ho has ev
erything that should bo kept in n first-class
toy or fancy goods store. In the way of
work boxes, ho has them of every shape
and form, ranging in prico from fifty
cents upwards ; and of gloro nnd hand
kerchief boxes, ho has them of every style,
in endless quantity, nnd at all prices
pictures, of the handsomest design!
and picture frames of nil sizes and shapes
at prices within the reach of all. Knives,
forks, spoons and plated waro uro among
the attractions of Mr. Carsun's stock. He
has dolls of overy size, from tho most dl
mlnutlvo to that4of a year old child In slzo
in enuiess variety, anu at nil priccsj- vaces,
music covers, and In fact, anything nnd
everything mentionablc aro to bo found
there. Mr.C. is determined not bo under
sold by any other dealer in tho city, nnd
has consequently marked his goods down
to tho lowest living prices. Ho respect
fully asks a companion of goods nnd
prices. Givohim a call. dcclOtf
will coue orr.
Detormlnod to dispose of all tho tickets
in his lottory snle.Mr. F. Vincent has con
cluded to postpone the drawing until tho
26th of December. IIo Is now idvini; tho
matter his devoted attention, and is meet
ing with tho most gratifying success on
ovory hand.
Thoro nre six prizes, tho principal
prize, as is well-known, being r splendid
residence, that was erected at n cost of $10,-
000. The remaining five prizes ure ns
follows :
Lot 31, block 4, 3d addition to the city
of Cairo, valued nt SC00.
Lot 3-., block !, 3d nddition to tho city
of Cairo, valued tit $300.
Lot 30, block -J, 3d addition the city
Cairo, valued at $300,
Lot 83, block 4.3d addition to tho citv of
Cairo, vii hi od at $300.
Lot 17, block 45, in tho city of Cairo
Illinois, vaiucu at suuu. octuuit
Mrs. Anna Lang has removed her
largo nnd elegant stock of millinery goods,
toys 'and fancy articles, to tho storo room
recently occupied by Mrs. Barber, on
Eighth street, tlirco doors from Commer
cial nvonuo. Sho lias ndded largely to hor
htock of toys nnd fancy nrtlcles ; nnd Is
rocoiving now goods of ovory variety, of
tho latest fashions, ovory day, Hor stock
is full nnd complete, and is offered to tho
public at tho lowest living prices.
On Friday tho 16th Inst, nt 10 o'clock,
in., for the benefit of whom it may con
cern, I will soli to tho highest bidder, for
cash nt tho Eckcrt Landing In this city,
300 barrels or flour.
Salo positive nnd without rosorvo,
D. IIartuan, Auctioneer.
Ilea. H,d-2t,
H. Lovy & Co., nt No. 03 Ohio loveo.
have on hand and for sale in quantities to
suit purchasers, ono thousand pounds of
good leathers. Thoy will bo sold nt prices
within tho reach of tho poorest. Families
suppled nt reasonable rates. dec 12-tf
Brick Stop von Rent. Tho brick
storo, No. 7S Ohio Loveo, now occuplod
uy i . ju. biocuuotli, Esq,, Is offered foi
rent, and will bo vacant on tho 18th Inst
Apply to Jno. B. Phillw.
Thf rendition of Tennyson's great poem
of "Dora, or tho Fanner's Wile," by
the Gilbert troupe lust night, wos highly
appreciated by thu largo mid select audi
ence present. Tho oltondimcu, though not
so larijo us on the prevl nis evening, wns a
most soK't and intelligent msoiiiblngo.
Tho play was ono of tho best over put up
on tho stago In this city, and was so ad
milled last night. Tho characters wore
all well sustained nnd gave tho most per
fect satisfaction,
To-night will bej presentod Tobin's ele
gant comedy of tho " Honoy Moon, or
How to RulonWIfo," with Katlo Gil
bert ns "Jullanna." Tho ontertalnment
will concludo with the laughnblo farce
of" Tho Bewitching Laundress.'"
Wnnled by Mr. F. D. Roxforil, pro
prietor St. Charles Hotel, two good milch
cows. Apply at tho ofllcn of tho St.
Charles Hotel. dec 10 3t
Tabcr Brothers aro prepared to man
ufacture nny pattern of Jewelry to order
to suit tho parties nnd tho purse. All
kinds of rings, seal, chnod and plain, to
fit the finger nnd the purse. tf.
To have mogazlnos, periodicals, news
papers, or books rebound, try Tin: IIui.i.k
tin bindery. Wo nro prepared to turn
out work in first-class stylo nt prices ns
low as can bo obtained in St. Louis, Chica
go or Cincinnati.
Tho Maniple Rooms of Alderman
Fitzgerald nro a placo of popular rc.ort.
Ho dispenses from hlsjbar only tho choic
est of liquors. Drop in, as you pass tho
corner of Commercial nvcnuo nnd
Fourteenth strcot.
Where nro you going? To tho placo
number C3, Ohio lovee, whero they keep
the best fresh oysters, fish nnd game, n:iJ
tho finest wines, liquors and cignrs to bt
found in tho city. Open nt all hours, dsv
or night. J. v. iAIv
Alderman Fitzgerald has just received
irom Ireland, n lot of the finest Irish
whisky. The samplo rooms nro becoming
quito a popular placu of resort, nnd it isn
lact won known that nt no other placo in
the city is there to bo found better whis
kies, wines nnd cignrs.
Ureal inducements to nny ono wish
ing to buy n llrst-clnsss piano or organ.
ft. cv: v . Uudor offer their cntiro stock in
tho piano and organ lino at tho actual
cost of tho instruments. They nro desir
ous of closilic out tho stock so that tlu.v
may uso mo room lor jewelry manufactur
ing purposes.
C. C. Cntson,
Hits n Fino Stock of Holiday Goods,
Fancy Goods,
Commercial Avenue,
Between Ninth and Tenth streets.
Tuber Brothers are constantly i
coiving new goods not in tho lino of their
own manufacture, such tis optical goods of
an Kinds, lino gold nnd silver beaded
canes, music boxes of nil kinds, toy music
boxes for children, somntliin nw i.n.l
very attractive. Silver pinto cheaper than
over, ccc, ccc. tf.
Hoi for Hnlly I
New Storo I New Goods!
Best assortment of
Cooking and Heating Stoves
ever brought to Cairo,
on Washington avenue, thrco doors nbovo
Tenth street.
n ick William, at tho corner of
Twentieth and Poplar street, has ono of
tho bcH moat markets in tho city. Nick
iimlii.,1. ..!. .1... 1 ... . . .
uuuuiBtuiius mo ouicnor business to per
fection, nnd lias always on hand tho best
of meats of every kind. Of pork, ho has
as good ns can bo found at any other shop
in the city, nnd soils it thrco pounds for
iwcnty-uvo cents. dcclOdlw
George, tho fourth ward barber, i
succeeding beyond expectation. His busi
ness lias increased ho rapidly that ho ling
been compelled to employ an osiisttint,
which ho hns found in one of tho most
skilful barbers in Cairo. Everybody,
therefore, can now patronize Georco's
shop, nssured that they will bo served
promptly, politely, nnd in thu highest stylo
oi mo tonsorini art. Shop, corner of com
morciul nvcnuo nnd seventeenth street.
dccU-1 w
All kinds
Jewelry Manufactured
tho Under Brothers.
Tho manufiicturo of
Hair Jewelry for Holiday Gifts
mado n specialty.
Tho Budor Brothors, cornor Eighth
street and Washington nvonuo,thavo ro
eclved n bran-now lot of tho latest-styled
brcnst-plns, car-rings, flngor rings, brnc
lots, watches, clocks, etc., mid, invito tho
public to cull and inspect tho stock. Thoy
aro ulso agents for thu Davis' sowing ma
chine, Burdettorgansand St. Louis pianos,
and oiler to tho public tho best bargains to
bo obtained ut tiny placo in Soutliorn HI-
The Bulletin printing establish.
mentis now prepared to rcccivo ordors for
blank books of nil kinds, largo and small.
Merchants, bankers, ofllcors and business
mon generally who desiru now sets of
books, should hand in tholr ordors. Our
facllitios cnablo us to compcto with tho
first blank book mnnufatories in tho West,
both in quality of work and prico. Pur-
tlcs desiring any description of blank
book work nro invited to call nnd oxuuiiiio
books and prices.
Mrs. McGeo having a Inrgt, stock 'of
millinery goods of fall and wlntor styles,
has determined to soli them oft'nt tho low-
oH prices. Huts from sovonty.llvo eonts
and upwards, among which may bo found
fino French felt worth two dollurs npioco,
which will bo sold for ono dolhu- mid
twcnty-llvo cents. All sorts of ribbon,
trimmings, good velvets, flowers, etc,, nil
of which ; nro offered nt extremely low
prices. doclOtf
Wo lmvo no hobllntlon In recommend-
lug Wllllnm Klilers, boot and shoo maker,
nS worthy of most liberal patronage. We
know whorcof wo spe.ik when we say bis
work is done In u imi.-terlv Hill tilt n r nl t Ii..
lowust prices, Hu nothing but thu
best of stock, nnd ho cannot bo excolM In
the delicate task of making nn cxuM (It.
Give him u cull nt his shop on Twentieth
ttreet, botwoon Washington aventio and
Poplar street, nearly opposite tho court
house, nnd wo will guariinteo satisfaction.
On Saturday, tho 30lh day of Decem
ber, I will sell nt public miction tho fol
lowing proporty, left on my wharfooat
uncalled for :
12 baskets,
3 boxes glass,
1 gas machine,
1 box tinware,
0 boxos merchandise,
1 box glasswnre,
7 biindlcs saddle-trees,
1 lot beer kegs,
1 lot felloes.
dU. J. M. PniLLii-s.
11 Is truo Unit Blnnkeiiburg's Excel
sior saloon is now ono of tho Institutions
of thu city. All drinkers who liko really
excellent liquors whiskies, wines, beer,
etc. go to tho Excelsior saloon.'whlch is
fitted up In splendid style. Blankcnburg
who knows how to keep a saloon, spreads
a fine free lunch every morning and eve
ning, and, as ho forcibly expresses it,
'.Sweetens tho lunch with music." Ho
has otnployod tho services of a flrst-rntu
pianist, who makes' tho grand piano
which stands in ono end of tho saloon
speak out In musical tones. Everybody
is invited. 1 he best order Is maintained,
and all improper characters suppressed
witu nentnoss, cheapness nnd dispatch. Kv
crybody knows that the Excelsior saloon
Is at tbo cornor of Washington nvcnuo and
fourteenth street.
Wedykidit Kri.iixn, Do j. 11, U71.
Tho market is reported active for Corn
Oats and Hour. Receipts of Corn nnd
Oats arc light. Hay which has been ac
live nnd firm, is now unsettled nnd irreg
ular, prices having fallen $4 00$5 00
on tho ton. 'I he weather is cold and tho
river is still closed tlicro being no ship
ping facilities botween St. Louis nnd this
point except by rail. Freights nro firm nt
an ndvnncc.
H.OLR. lirmnnd unchanged. Low
and medium grades in good demand. Suios
100 bbls Fine $t 60
bill " various tirades, on or
dcrs $5.008
-OV UUIS ., 5
(00 " various grades.... $'
o 76oy8
000 " iXJ.,
inn it ii
vv 4 nwiiiv i
SOO " "U Ill's'. Triumpl C
WHEAT. Sales wero
3 cars No. 2 Spring, Jl
CORN. Continues scarce and Is firm at
good pricei. Sales wcro
00 sacks Mixed, del .'. fiOc
COO " White " fiOc
"00 " in the Elevator on P. T.
2100 bus. Mixed " " P. T.
OATS. Receipts are small. Prices
firm nnd demand good. Sales wcro
8.'0 sacks, del 44ea -I."
2 ears " in sacks,' . 44c
HAY Tim liny timrUol oiillniHoil with
in tlio lust fow days. Qualities
wnicu sold lor 25.00 last
week will not brine moro than $20.00 to
day. No'sales wcro reported of to-day. Lato
ias; wcck .' enrs oi unoico .Mixed lirougli
$23.00, del., and .Tears of Clioico Timotb
wero sold for S25.0027.00
BUTTE It. There is n fair demand for
choice. Lower grndes somewhat dull
bales woro
20 pkgi: Choico Roll 24c25c
6 11 " ,25c
3 jars Solid Packed 2
4 boxes Choice Rcll .. 2Gc
-Scarce and unchanged . Sales
o bbls. Shipper's count
5 pkgs. "
PUOLTRY. Tho market is dull and
well supplied. Sales were
30 doz dressed Chickens....
10 coops livo " ,
.J1 50a2 75
.1 60a2 CO
OUO lbs dressed Turkovs tier lb 1
MEA L. Tho marke'd is good. Dealors
. T -: I .. ii.- l , V , .
moult nun urivu ineni nciu ai fj,uo.
WHICH IS .1 SI " it nuvaiico over Inst w.w.k
bales wore
150 bills Kiln Dried M:i 00
APPLES. Unchnne-od. Hales worn
bu bbls $2 ooali 2
M . " on orders .1 COat 00
POTATOES Tho demand has lm
proved and prices nro firm. Sales wero
2SbblsNorthcni Poach ltlows...$:.00(;3.2i
liAJlh I ho sunnlv exceeds thu ile
mand. bales woro
18 doz Rabbits SI OOrfail 9f,
CU doz Quails 1 00l 25
PROVISIONS-Activo-Sales Jwcro
2 Tierces Lard Oc
GOO lbs .Shoulder., bacon 7c
1,500 " Jowls, drv salt, in bulk 4o
o.uuu rjiiouiucrs, 5o
0,000 " Clear ribbed sides, dry salt...Clc
6,t;00 " " ' fc
1 bbl bacon 8Jc
liAub bales woro
600 Resowcd Gunnies 18
COO 04-incli Burlaps 2H
SUNDRIES. 10 bbls Buckwheat flour
$8,00; 10 bbls Cider. tS.OOaB.GO: 20drcssod
noes, oc per lb; 'JO Urossoi Mutton, nor
in, jenac; ju bbis (larL'e) lirout, siu.oo:
20 drosscd hogs, In small lots, 5c por lb;
iibisporK, ?u,ou,
Notice. Tho best entertainment in
tho city Is ut tho St. Nicholas hotel, saloon
and restaurant. 1 lio host music that cun
bo had violin nnd piano. Good lunch
ovory morning nnd night. All of the
flnost brands of cigars, nnd tho host St.
Louis lager bcor, always fresh and nice.
Givo us a call.
Harry Walker. Propriotor.
Marriaoe Guide. Interesting work,
ntiinorous engravings, 221 pages. Prico
CO cents. Address Dr. Butts' Disponsary
No. 12 North Eighth Strcot, St. Louis
Mo. See Advertisement. tf
Sleehnci Rooms for Rent. Ton
woll ventilated sleeping rooms in City na
tional Bank building. Apply to
At City National Bank.
Crystal vinogar from London nt Jor-
gonson's, corner of Twentieth street nnd
Washington nvcnuo. tf
imported Malaga grapes at Jorgon-
sou'u, cornor of Twentieth strcot nnd
Washington avenue tf
Yarmoutu Wontora at Jorgcnton's,
Steamer. Wlii-ru from, Wheie lo,
Jas. l'i l, ,lr l'ntlucnh Pitdccnh.
Illlno Columbus Columbus.
Quick-.- .. Evansvillo . . .Evutisvlllo.
City ol ickuburir, Vicksburg.
Indiana New Orleans.
II. M. Plirovc,...ltcd river laid up.
St Joseph, Memphis.
Tho rivor at this point is now on n stand.
tho Into rlso amounting to about ono foot.
mo Jionongabolu river Is on a stand.
with 34 Indies In thb chnnncl und closed
with Ico. Tho fall nt Cincinnati contln
ties nnd the upper trade packets nre with
drawing on account of low water. At
Louisville tho river is falling, with about
four feet in thocannl nnd flvo feet to Ev
ansvillo. At Evansvillo It continues
fnlling with less than flvo fectin Ihechnn
nol. Tho fall In tho Cumberland contin
ues, nnd there Is only 17 Inches on Har
poth Shoals.
Arkansas river Is falling steady.
At Alton the rivor is rising nnd frco of
At St. Louis the river remains un
changed. There wns considerable excite
ment there by the gorgo nbovo the bridge
moving down a short dlstanco until It was
atoppod by the plurs. From hero to Mom
phis tlicro l sevon feet water. At Roves
and Shoo Fly C feet is rcporrcd.
Business continues getting better overy
day. Our landing presented n busy ap
pcaranco yesterday although tho number
of nrrlvals w;os smaller than hns been for
scvoral days. All tho boats arriving and
departing had fair trips.
Tho weather was quito pleasant during
tho forenoon, but in tho afternoon tho wind
changed to tho north nnd blew quite cold,
with indications of snow.
Tho Indiaiiniiriived from New Orleans
nnd will load hero for a return trip. She
has 250 tons Ohio rivor freight which she
will rcshlp from here.
Tho barge Florence, towed out of tbo
Ohio river by tho Potomac, broke looso
night before last and when lastheard from
it was at Island No. 1.
Tho City of Vicksburg and Shrovo
havo added their names to the list of boats
that hare laid up.
Tho Mississippi rover at this point is
322 feet above tho level of the Gulf at its
utmost source.
The steamer Celeste, running from Mem
phis lo Littlo Rock, struck n snng below
Pino Bluff and sunk and It is thought
will be a total loss.
Tho Great Republic has left Memphis
drawing seven feet. She will probably
load here.
The report about the officers of tho J.
E. Rankin charging tho passengers and
officers of the sunken Fannie Brandies five
dollars passage from tho wreck to Mem
phis a distant of thirty-eight miles is un
true. Being well acquainted with all tho
crew we know them to bo as kind hearted
a set of fellows us can bo found on any
steamboat and who would not be guilty
of tho act of which thoy nro falsly ac
cused. The Anna is loading at Cincinnati for
Red river.
Capt. Georgo Bausman of Vicksburg,
was in town yestorday.
Tho Silver Bow will lcavo for Red river
on Saturday next.
At Keokuk the river is lower than it
was ever known.
Tho Pat Cleburne struck n snag in Ar
kansas river, n fow days ago, and broke 4c
bull tlmbors. Sho Is on tho dock at Mem
phis Icing repaired.
Mr. W. F. Tuley, river editor of the
New Albany Ledger, has been presented n
fine gold watch und chain.
Capt. Willis Daniels of Troy, Ind., has
purchased the Glasgow (sturnwheol) for
C,000. Ho will put her in the Cincinnati
Capt. Townsond recently of thu Julia
nnd Red river trudo.
has gone lo Tcxus on a visit.
Freight on cotton from Memphis to
New Orleans is $1 per bale.
Tho river is thought to bo lower be
tween here and St. Louis than it has ever
boon known. A well-imformed pilot says
that 2 fact 10 inches is nil tho water that
can bo found with tho stick.
City JVnlloiml Bank liiilltllusr.
B&peclal attention paid to orders from a team
boats night or dav.'bu
For Sale. A cottago on 12th street
containing 7 rooms, clstorn and out
houses complete. Apply to
W. W. Thornton.
For now citron, orango nnd lemon
pool, go to Jorgonson's cornor of Twen
tieth btrcet nnd Washington nvonuo. tf
New French prunes, currants and
raisins nlways on hand at Jorgonson's
grocery storoj tf
Peck, Freak, & Go's London biscuits
always on hand, corner Twentieth nnd
Washington avenue. tf
Wriqht's no plus ultra minced men
prepared oxprcssly for family use, at Jor
gensen's. Joruenson bus tho finest supply of
Spanish o lives In tho city. Try them
Oysters. Louis Herbert has nlwas on
hand u fresh supply of Saddlo Rock oys
or?. tf
Found. That tho cholcost butter Is
at Jorgonson's Stnplo and Fancy Grocery
Go to Dr. McGauloy for Rattlngor's Fc
vor Drops. Warranted to euro tuo cniut-
Paul G. Schuh soils Rattlngor's medi
cines. 11
Tub best French anchovies n tho city
at Jorgonson's. tf
Joroknbon has tho best
preserver for salo cheap.
East India
Russian sardollos nt Jorgonson's ; try
them. tr