OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, December 16, 1871, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1871-12-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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On and after "Junday, M lth, 1871, the roll
ag time-table will govern the atrlval ao-l depari
or of paetingtr trlni at Cairo i
fl,f-Mll trln. dally . I J ,,' ...
ArriM Mil,dlljr
ipr,... daily. .xcer '"X'lJJZ
Ho change of cms from 0"w ' K,;n,
bang from c ChlC,MK.'l'.1
MPI, chcl.;M'"""ort",t
Will iiimU lhre Iripi dll).
L11TII4 Clllt
it 7..... i
il II
II I 3U .
. Vm each
aiding lor pa.aengert or frefgl
til. I At 8;30 K.ii,.
...in. I At Is3ii p ni.
. ..p.m. I At .p.m.
r. no cent, i 10 tickets tot U to.
naucu, at anr gooii inionnrui.ifi
mauM' ROATK,
WHy Packet for Palucah, Krarnrllle and Lou.
It'llle, the farorite steamer,
T. O. RYMAJFt Mnttr.
eaves Cairo erery 8ATUDKAY at S o'clock p.m.
For freight or paaiage apply on board or to
The splendid eteamer
Jh Fowler, Matfr.
ass Ctlro nvir.V, (Sanity excepted) at t
a. Far (ralihtor p"ij? apply on board or
IN, Al'l.
f OK SALE, For Bale t POR SALE,
' I FcrSalel '
Faro from LiviitrooL,
Pare from Londonderry
Faro from Glasqow,
Fare frost Queenstown
TO CAIRO, ;::::::: 14 8'
Bagord, Merni A Ca , gents.
3 0
Oaf nl Hie moil attraitire dUdlaja ol
In ti e cltr.
commercial avenue, 1iktwkkn' klohth
and Ninth Streets,
ban cery available space In lilt .tore room Oiled
with New (iood. Hlaatockl.com
plete, comprising a beautiful
selection of
A splendid array of4
Among which are the
Newest Ml Moat Fashionable
;Color and Material..
lie haa a large slock of
on hand, winch he will closo out at a low figure
berore trie nouuays are otf r.
The ladlai will And a large assortment of
which wll' be sold cheaper than anjtnlng of the
aina oyer aoia in vairo.
Mr. Uargor has laid In an Immense stock of
which ha wilt stll cheaper than the ebeaptst.
Utarpool Asw.Tkahd Philadelphia
Steamship Company,
aa tOaruoT with cxitid st4Tuaid saittis
Far Carrying .the Mailt.
oa reams tsroiautiox,
II Broadway, New.York, erto
II. II o n p t ,
Waahicgton Arenue, Cairo. sots. 31
YhGommretHout.Ule rented on favor-
The lane and
Mtualed on Ktchth bflmfn U'nlnni in
salon (apposite the 1'ieabytcrlan Church) is fo
rant. For terraa, etc., anpfy to
c'Ktf Ohio Lerea, C.lro, lll.
DANIEL II CRD, Pre.ldent ;
ROBERT W. MILLER, Vica-Prssldsnt ;
C. Jf. HUGUR3, Cashier.
THXCIIANftE, coin, bank notea and United
111 States securities bought and sold.
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
lommodlou dwelling houso
l Wash.
The Illinois Central Kail Roai Compiny now
addition to the City of Cairo, li i
Lai Jt blxk 20. , Lot 24 block 2.
"81 ' l.
I " S3 .1 at i
SIDENCE-cornerNinlh .n,i ...
R. S. BRIG HAM, M. D.,
Office, 130 Commercial-av.,
Mnlh ilreet, Cairo. III. 1 decOlf.
room,, food out houses nnd other con
veniencea, will bo sold on rcaion&blo terms. Ap
ply on tho premises, corner Eighteenlh ami Wal
nut streets. ilccietf.
Iabllab(d ei-ery morning, Monday ex.
Jowott Wilcox is in St. Louis. He
expects to visit his friends in this city in o
fow days.
YJTTT T Till f.. rm. . I . . 1
ii Luuin.li iv. ojiirii. m. ii in,, iHn ,. r ri,n f , n.
TaSaayk:,rit,u.n I -
Ws crTTy' is ,n l"u clty' 8loppinB at th0 st
U1X U4 Commercial imnn ..n ai.i.. Charlpfi
Mr. S. E. Horvy, paymaster for Ih
IbKIDPNTp v I UIIU ijwuin fitiiruuUf wits iu 1110
fc,?.0TJsJ trV.i.Sd oh."W P"ylnB off tl10 employee.
oi mat roau.
Copt. Tliomns Hums, during tho war
commander of tho gunboat Bragg, was in
tho city yestnrday. Tho captain is now
engaged in railroading and inerchntidie-
ir.g in Arkansas.
H. Armitong, l'coria, Ills,; J. A.
Uodard, Cincinnati, Ohio; A..!. Branch.
Str.Wm. H. Ilrownj W. II. Cord, Du
Bufiue.lowa; J. K. Harvey, wife and fam
ily, Trcai. C. & St. 1.. It. R- I). K0n-
ALIsEN, MULKEY & WHEELER ncJ-v' ollioi Jo,," Morgan, Memphis,
icnn.; i. vjmrk", m. d,, kcw Orloitisj
P. Peterson, Chicago; I. R. Farnum and
wife, Boston ; Joiiuh Hodgo, Puducah,
Ky.; Rob;. Mason, Waterloo, Iowa; S.
McKinxlo Urbana, Ills.; 0. W. Oillman
and lady, Chicago; woro at tho St
Ohorles hotel, ycsterilny.
Tho following wero the arrivals at
tho Delmonlco hoto', AVin. Winter, pro
prietor, for tho twenty-four hours ending
at 9 o'clock, P. M Dec. 10th, 1871. : Geo
king, Anna, 111.; H. II. Bidlomao, Evans-
CHls houra.
denes Vo,
DlllmJ.AIn, 1
aBsVhwSSJ;,. CA,U0- "'1K0'-
BIVICU1BT lIMnt nn ... i .
lnliT bunn... "ja.
. .v-v,.r firatj.a.tjonal Bank, Ohio I,t,.
C'BBBBk H. een, !
fiJKy.St&u,,!:rt' CA,no' itun-
KZ&XZ"U ilt,n 10 "I'JF ad
OFFICE S1rt...
Uantet the laUs. Situ.1".1 Td an assort-
VJB1 o one of ih. ZVLVJ"?. !
i&tSsutii sad Wast. .'fifiV ii'.
Uas r..... r-intil' ctr theroselfft.
villi), lnd. : S. Sununerflold. St. Louis,
Mo.; O oo. A. Babbitt, Chicago, 111.
James Smith, Jr., Washington, llllnoU
Joe Schlauge, C. II. Marshall, St. Louis
Mrs. Flagler and daughter, Str. Idle
wild; Wm. Palm, Cincinnati, Ohio; M
W. Owens, Kentucky; Jack Fox, New
York; J. Irwin, Anna ; J. P. Cummins
;i ik.. .k. ;S..Art, all work
7a V. -TTh" Z,.: card or
wkiekisat. wltkTSr bu.inTirrn.r n.VS'.i
"wrsaadlBf Ibalrwork to Bt. Louls w ;.x"
Cwoeajs. JNO. H. OBEBLY a, ce
Thoa. Boyle, St. Louis ; H. Levy, City
Samuel Orr, city; Mr. Phillips, St. Louis
Capt.D.F. Olden, river; John W. Trover,
Villa Rldgo.
For Christmas beef go to Kynoston'f,
corner Kincteonthand Poplar strocts. tf
The dwelling houso at tho corner of
Elghtoonth nnd Walnut streets Is offered
for sale on tho most rcasonablo terms.
Tlicro will bo religious services nt the
Christian church to-morrow, morning
nnd ovening. Rev. John Friend in the
McIIalo has put the chain gang to
work cleaning out the sewers. They w'oro
at work yesterday near the St. Charles
Tho transit steamer Illinois has gono
to Mound City for repairs. The Idowlld
takes hor placo in tho Cairo nnd Colum
bus trade.
Messrs. H. & L. Chase, of St. Louis,
lmvo opened a commission and forwarding
houso in tho "Widow's block," next door
to MathusA Uhl's.
Tho Gilbert troupo havo solcetcd
" Ten Nights in n Bar Room." ns the play
for this evening. Tho casto is a good one,
nnd wo may look for a crowded house.
A good supply of buffalo beef may
bo found at tho butcher shop of Jako
Walters, on Eighth street, between Wash
ington and Commorclnl nvonuna. Tlio
buffalo was killed in Colorado and shipped
to this city. Try it.
Tho Alexander County Blblo Society
will meet in tho Presbyterian church to
morrow. Tho nnnual sermon will bo
preached at 11 o'clock a.m., by Rov. Jo
soph Mossor, stato agent. An oloction for
oflicors and tho rcgulur nnntvorsary ser
vices will commenco nt 7 p.m.
Ilnnny, at tho corner of Eighth street
and Commercial avenue, Is having a sign,
painted on tho cast side, ncd another
painted on tho south end of his storo build
ing. Hnnny has been advertising in The
Bulletin and knows by experienco tho
valuo of prlntor's ink and paint.
Tho Pulaski Patriot Bays : "Cairo is
tho now tho head of navigation on tho
Mississippi river; consequently there aro
mnny steamers at hor wharf just now,
presenting a business nppoarunuo equal to
that of any city on tho rtvor. Cairo is yot
to be a metropolis or we aro no prophet."
Stcamboatmcn, county oflicors and
others should bear in mind that tho Bul
letin book bindery manufactures all
kinds of books, in a stylo that cannot bo
surpassed, and at very low prices. Books,
periodicals, newspapers and music bound
in any stylo desired, on short notice.
If tho person who took from the door
of the Athtneum tho frame cantaining
tho photographs of Miss Katio and M r,
Jas. Gilbort. will return tho samo
to tho office of tho Atben
eum to-day, no quostions will bo naked
Othorwiso officers will bo employed to
search for it and if found the porson having
it will bo prosecuted to fullest extent of
the law.
Tho survoyors on tho Cairo and St
Louis raUrcad havo ronchod tho range of
hill. tl.;. .!.). r !. rroic-
wood in this county. Thoy are slightly
mixed as regards the most feasible routo
to take to get around thcio bluffs, and
have survoyed three or four routes, but up
to Thursday had not settled upon any of
them as tho permanent location of tho
road bed.
Business beforo Bross yosterday was
dull. Ambrose Thatton and Roily Tonoy,
for offensive language, wero lined five dol
lars each. Paid. Two women, for
being inmates of a houso of ill-repute,
were flnod tho usual amount which they
paid. Mlko Simons, on a charge
of running for a hotol by which ho
was not employed, was, upon tho evidence
being heard, discharged.
Tho festival last night ut tho First
fcolorod) Baptist church was well nttend
ud by tho colored people, no less than two
hundred bolng prosent. Tlio coloreil dam
sels in chargo of tho tables woro attontive
to their guests, und descrvo tho thanks of
the church for tho interest thoy took in
tho affair. The proceeds of tho festival
will bo applied toward paying off tho in
debtedness of tho church.
"Thalia," under direction of tho Ger
man school committee, will give an enter
tainment on to-morrow ovening, for tho
benefit of tho German Sohool Association.
The play "Tho Marriage Proposal," Is
ono with which tho members of 'Ilialla
aro fiimlllnr, nnd which thoy will bo suro to
perform in splendid style. As tlio exhibi
tion is expressly for tho benefit of tlio
Jcrman school, it is reasonably uxpccteu
that tho houso on this occasion will bo lin
ed to overflowing.
-Tho numbor of steamboats owned by
Kvansvilla speaks well for tho cntorpris
log citizens of that city. Thoy Jiavo tlio
Kvansvillo and Cairo and tho Evnnsvillo
and Memphis packet lines; both lines
doing a good business. About ono third
of the trndo of those boats is derived from
freights recoived ' at; Cuiio. Cairo's
into rest in thorn consists in having her
name associated with those of Evansville
aud Memphis on tho wheel houso of tho
boats. This and nothing moro.
On Thursday Detective Arnold rccelv
ed a telegram from Detectlvo Harragan', of
St. Louis, statinc that n Mr. Kails, of
Logan county, in this stato, bad bcon
Tho Athoncum was crowded ngnln last'
night to witness "East Lynno" by tho
Gilbert dramatic troupo. Tho Into hour
at which wo wrlto precludes our saying
what wo wonld llko to say regarding tho
rendition of this beautiful piny. Katie
Gilbert, as "Lady Isabella," sustained
that chnrncterin n manner that won tho
hearts of every man and woman in tho
house. Indeed, wo havo seen nctrcssef
much oldor thnn Katlo Gilbert in this
character, and aro frco to admit wo havo
never soon It carried out more perfectly.
Tho play throughout was excellent.
To-night "Ten Nights In a Bar Room"
will bo tho nlav. Below wo civo u
DEsrsnATE RTiiunou: between a de
tective AND 111 ritlfO.VKIl ON 1IOAIID
It will bo remembered by our renders
that a short time sltico two of tho Hum
boldt express robborf, J. II. Clark and
William Baxter, while being transported
across tho country from Capo Glnirdeiiu
to Humboldt, escaped from tho oflicors
who had them In chnrgo, nnd that they
were subsequently ro-nrrcsted near Allcn-
vllle, Missouri, Ycstcrdny morning,
Detectlvo Pinkerton, of tho l'inkcrton
detectlvo forco of Chlcngo, arrived
In this city in chargo of tho prisoners', and
took patsngo on tho steamer Illinois for
synopo-lsofthe loading features of Hio I Columbus, rrotcto Humboldt. Shortly
Part 1. Kxlorior VIow of " Sicklo nnd
Hhenf." Interview botwecn Mr. Romalno
and tho Yankee. Sample's idea of modor
nto drinkinc. Return of tho landlord.
Scono J: Intorior of "Slcklo nnd Shcnf.'
Kx-mlllcr and nappy landlord. Tho young
snutrn. Tho landlord's wifo. " AVo shall
never ngain ho so happy ns wo wero at tho
old mill." Poor old Joo Morgan, tho ine
briate Littlo Mary in search of hor fnthor.
Departure of tho inchriuto nnd his child.
quarrel between uroon nnu line,
Timely arrival of tho Y'ankeo
after tho boat left tho landing and while
yot In sight of Cairo, William Baxter, ono
of tho prisoners, requested Detectlvo Pink
orton to accompany him to thu water
closet. Pinkerton compiled with tho wish
of his prisoner, nnd wlulo tlicy were
walking eida by eldo toward tho rear of
tho boat, Bnxtor by soma means got hold
of Pinktrton's revolver, and In less time
thnn it tnkes to tell it, II rod nt him. Pink-
orton irrntitilcd with hlin. nnd In tho des
- " " O A '
Part II. Tho Y'ankeo nnd tho phll- pcrato strugglo that ensued, Baxlor was
nnlhrnnlit. Klniln'. nroirre.. In Invorll
KocpltiL'. Tho landlord's enterprising son,
Frank. Quarrol between tho landlord
and his drunken customor. Tho bottlo
nnd tho fatal blow. Arrival of littlu
Mary. "Father I father I they have killed
mo I"
Part. III. Tho Yankee nnd thocamb
lor. Samnlo's definition of tho word
"gentleman." Tlio treat. Tho Y'ankeo s
dcslro of Green's hnpnlncss. Sccno -:
Tho drunkard's home. Tho patient wife
by tho sluo ol hor sullering cniiu. Joo
Morgan's nromlso. Morv's anxiety for
hor lather's good. Frightful delirium of tho
poor inebriate. "Uomo hero dear lather I
this is littlo Mary's room 7 nothing can
hurt you horel " Aliecting tableau.
1 art J.V. Xiio " Sicklo nnd Slical.
Tho landlord and his son. Mrs. Slado's
accountoftho interview with Mary. Sam
pie nnd tho young squlro on n tlmo. Tho
l nnkeo s story about Ilncla Josh and tho
poorhousc. Tho fight and death of Wil-
no Hammond, bccnol!: Escape otureon
Tho arrest. Sccno 3 : Joo Morgan's
wrotched home. Tho wifo and mother
watching by her suffbrlng ones. Littlo
Mary's advice to her father. l)cs
pair of the inebriate. The child's dream
drop of liquor as long as I live." The
dying child. Death of littlo Mary.
thrown overbonrd. Tho boat was stopped
at once, but no traco of Baxter could bo
found. When thrown overboard Baxter
hnd on handcuffs und mnnnclcs.
(Regular Meeting of tho. Select Council.)
Cairo, III., Dec. 13, 1871
Present : His honor, Mayor Lansdon and
Councilmcn Schuh, Taylor nnd Wood. 1.
Tho following bills, having been nllow
od by tho Select Council, wero presented
for concurrent action.
f. (JO
30 35
SI 00
We shall meet iu tlio hind where thoHprlng is
Where darkno's r.c'rcomcth nor sorrow
nor pain.
Where the flowers nerrr fade Iu that clime
ever vernal.
Wo shall meet and our parting be netcr
Part V. Tho meeting of Samplo and
Mr. Romalno, after an ubsonco of flvo
years, bamplo a tetotaller. liis quaint
description ot manors and iningt mat
tiavo transpired at cedarviiic. scene i.
Appearance of Simon Slado. Wonderful
transformation of the onco happy miller
Frank's progress in dram-drink-
in tr. Tho nuarrol between fitthor and
son. Death of fcimon Slado "Frank Sladc,
you havo murdered your father." Scene
3 : Tho happy family of Mr. Morgan
Arrival of Mr. Romalno. Tho resolution.
Tho wife's joy. Sample and his now suit
"A drunkard now no lonzer that H o'er I
Free, ill.en'.hr.Ulcl I stand a man onco moro I"
upfront". . it ir it v r.tuiH.i'riiv,
On the 16th of this month, the members
of tho German School Association will
'i, I hold a Grand Ball, for tho benefit of th
?. D, 1EXFORD Proprietor.
smi oho litss iso sscoib st.,
Cajbo, Illwoii.
7U Oity IKrtt-Clau Horn
n the Oity,
Thero will bono efforts snared to
tho occasion tho grandest of tho sea
tTA fick,,ui-00i on bo procured at
i.U.fckhuh's drug .tore and at K. & W.
uuuer a gWty g.Ubll.hmont. d t d
Notice. Tho best entertainment I
tho city is at tho St. Nicholas hotol. euloo
and restaurant. Tho best muslo that can
be bad violin and piano. Good lunch
ery morning and night. All of the
Bnest brands of cigars, and tho bc.t St
xjouii iftKfsr beer.
With s commerce that is only surpassed
by about five cities along the rivers of tho
west, Cairo owns but two or three smnll
stoamors, and thoy uro comparatively of
littlo uso in tho way of carrying freights.
Thousands of tons of freight aro shipped
from Cairo daily, during a groat portion
of the year, to all points south, and our
steamers, wo may say carry less thnn two
hundred tons of the umouut. No
ellort Is made to obtain oven u
fraction of tho southern bound freight,
which constitutes thu great bulk of
our commerce, whllo Evansvlllo insists on
owning all tho packots which run between
that city nnd Cairo. For n short tlmo Cal
ro had ono boat in that trnuo, but ovcry
otl'ort posslblo was nindo by citizens of
Evnnsvillo to keep freight nnd passengers
nwav from hr and give it to tho two
boats owned in thnt city.
I ns tend of bundling nt least n smnll por
tion of the freight which pnsses through
Cairo southwardly, wo glvo tho wholo of
It to steamers which do not lonvo ono
cent of money in Cairo, if it is in
their power to provent It. Thoy
buy all their stores at other points
havo all their repairs dono nl othor cities
In no way do thoy contribute to tho sup
port und .trndo of our inorchnnts, while
Cairo contributes to them, in tho wny of
freights, many thousands of dollars every
year. And this is not nil. When freights
aro plentiful nt St. Louis, nnd thoro Is u
good stngo of wulor, thoy refuse to rcsorvo
room for Cairo freight, oven whon we off
er, ut the samo rates as thoy obtain In St.
Is It imposiiblo for our forwarding
merchants and business men to dovlso
means whereby theo evils can bo over
come, nnd reap at least it small
portion of tho bonouts of
robbed of a valuablo cold watch, and
about thirty-five dollars in monoy, while
in his room at ono of tho hotels in that
Ity, and that the thief was supposed to
be one Jas. Murphy. Arnold und Myers
immodlately sot about " working up tho
case," and traced Murphy from place to
place until they found him on board tho
steamer Paulino Carroll, whore ho was ur-
rosted. Ho was searched but no oluo to
tho stolon property was obtained. Not
dlipalring, however, thoy concluded
to "sot up" with Murphy,
and after nearly four hours
talking prevailed upon hiiu to nek now
edge uie theft. Ho had secreted tho watch
and monoy In a mattress In ono of tho
stale rooms of tho Carroll. Ho was placed
In irons end sont to St. Louis last night.
roit bale. A cottngo on lL'th street
Chas. Fctcr, repairing jail $
uccrwart, urin iV Co., stovo lor
clerk's olllco and elbows, pipe,
etc., for council chamber, clerk's
olllco and police headquarters. ..
Thos. Mcclian, hauling lumber...
U. It. Woodwurd, nails nnd other
T. J. Eut, lumber
R. II. Cunningham, rent of coun
cil chamber for November 40 00
Stratton & Bird. 1 kog nails 5 00
II. 11. Williams, lumber -iw ,o
F.M.Wnrd. 2 tons Pittsburg coal.. V2 00
N. A. Devoro, -1 days' labor on
sidewalks in ov., ns foreman..
Frauk Bemis, ! days' labor on
sidewalks in November
W. Minard, 4 davs' labor on sido-
walks in November
Jno. Roche, 4duys' labor on side-
WhUs in November
W. Quinn, 1 days' lubor on side
walks in November
M. Mahonev, f days' labor on
sidewalks in Novcmbor
Thos. Naughton, 0 days' labor on
sidewalks In November
Thos. Fitzgerald. 25 days' labor
on sulo wiu us in ovemoor ou w
Peter Conlan, 25 days' labor on
sidewalks in -November
Wm. Mcllalc, 18 days labor on
sidewalks in -November
M. Jenkins, 5 days' labor on side
walks in .Nov. as lorcman
Honrv Itrvnnt. r. iluy-' IhI.op hi
sidewalks in November
A. King, 6 days' labor on side
walks in November
Geo. Ellis, 5 days' labor on sh'o-
wnlks in -November
Geo. Britton,5dnys' labor wn side
walks in -November
Close & Vincent, 2 bbls. li.no at
J-l.SOand balance duo on 5 bbls.
deducted from provious bills....
Wm. McIIalo. dieting prisoners
during November 288 00
t.. A. llurnctt. November salary
us comptroller 75 00
A. Cain, iNovember salary as
marshal 50
J. B. Taylor, November salary in
treasure! 100 00
M. J. Howlcy, November tolary
ns clerk
Jno. M. Lnnsdcn, halury us mayor
for quarter ending Dec. 9, 1871..
L. 11. .Myers, November salury ns
chief of police
John D. Holmce, November sal
ary us police constable
C. Mehner, November salary n
pnlico constable
R. F. BiUingsly, November salary
as liolico constable
W. 11. Robertson. Novcmbor sal
ary ns polico constable 75 00
itcnry x. .Martin, -November Hil
ary ns polico constable, 27 days,
B. Slinnnessv. P. M.. salary fur ii
months, ending Nov. 30th 50 00
L. 11. -Myurs, chief of police, unit,
paid St. Louis liolico conven-
Tlmv ' t'" 10 d-'1"1-"' printing ex
J I riL'iiaoa
, - - -
John Shochan, polico constable,
salary for November, full of
TiifnsnAT Kvr.M!, Dec, II, 1871.
Tho general market (during tho week
has been nctlvo. Tho simply of groin fulls
short of tho demnnd Prices lmvo nd-
vnncul In Now Orleans, but shipping f.
cllltle.4 arc scarce and rates of freight high,
which operates to keep prlcos down ut this
The weather Is clear und cold
FLOUR. Tho market is stondv und
(Inn nt quotations. Sales aro limited by
tho small supply In tho market. Snles
500 bbls. various grades $5 00n8 75
200- " " " on orders C 00n8 50
GS0 " " 5 50a8 hi)
100 "Winter Super, on track 5 85
IlItA. bales wore
7 tons, Buckwlicut Bran $13 00
100 sacks, AVhcnt " '22 00
500 11 del t2 00
CORN. Is in nctlvo demand. It is
very icurco and prices nro steady. Hales
3 cars White, in bulk, on track 51c
10 10 rnckslMlxcd, del. 5Pc
2 cats Yellow, in sacks 50c
1 " Whlto " " uoc
loO sacks " on orders 01c
TO " .lllXt'U " " DOC
100 " " 00c
720 " " In lots OCc
0500 " nt point, below, on 1. T
1DU0U Dun, -Mixed in bulk on truck
on J', x i
OATS. In vorv good demand, but tho
supply u smair.. l'riccs nro llrm us quot
ed. bales were
1 car, in bulk, on track 3
l " w into, in bulk, on track wjo
1 " In second hand sacks 43c
1150 sacks, In lots 15c
I car In sucks, del 45c
200 sacks on orders -IjC
HAY. Thotono of tho market shows a
decided improvement ever lust week
Dealers quote prices at an ndvunce. bales
2 cars Prairie, del., $1C 05,
1 cur Choieo Timothy f25 00
2 curs Prime, " .. S23 00
2 cars Mixed, $21 00a$22 00
IJUTTKK Tho market is dull for Iho
season, nnd prices weak und unsettled
Sulcs wero
10 pkgi Choico Roll 24u25c
1,000 lbs. " " 21c
Klfjiner. wheru fioin. wnere
Kntu Kearney Uelmont..
Gient Repuiltc....N. O
(Jinn, lli'i' miihll ... i . U
Idluwlld hviinsvillc....t;oiun
Potomac N, ()
Doxtur St. Louis.
Illinois Columbus M'd (
Arhann.il. (lunch
.Ins. Flsk, Jr Paducal Pnduc
l'uulitio Cnrrol on
12 00
8 00
8 00
8 00
8 00
10 00
10 00
50 00
30 00
15 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
4 25
10 pkgs Common, 10o
EGGS. Firm nnd in good demand but
thu murKot Is bare, bales were
i pkgs hhltiper's count 32c
zuuduz " " .r.c
MEAL. Drisk and llrm ut quotations,
bales wero
200 bbli Kiln Dried .T..?2 00
100 " Steam " del 3 00
150 " City " " 3 00
iuu " " " on orders i io.w a
POULTRY. Chickens nro quiet, with
plenty In tho market. Live Turkeys uro
scarce and in good demand, bales wero
4 coops, Ducks and Chicken, mixed, 2 50
0 do....;. " 2 00
20 coons " 2 00a2 7o
au doz dressed " i vm- io
8 " Gee.e, largo und fat .8 00
800 lbs Turkeys, tier lb 13 c
5 coops llvo " 12 OOalo 00
14001b.idrcsMd " per lb 10ca!2J
600 " " "not drawn 0c
APPLES. Thoto is littlo doing. Sales
30 bbls $2 75u3 2o
POTATOES Arc now soiling from
first hands ut OOeaM 00 in bulk. Sales
50 bbls Nor. Peach Blows on order.", $3 25
30 bbls " " : 2"
10 bbl Choice Pink Kyos OO.
(J A M E. Tho market is good at nil times
wnen mo weatuer is mvoriibie. 'i nouo
mand was uctfvo to-dav. Siles were
25 doz. .Squirrels ?1 00.
50 do. Quails 1 OOul
25 do. Rabbit? 1 OOal
3000 lbs Clear sides, dry stilt, c
3550 " " Rib." " " Ctc
1250 " shoulders " " fic
100 bbs Mess pork $13 60
mndn tint ntinfittilinrn mutn rnrnfor
x uu jiiguin uiu vvrf com ituu biivi
Business on tho landings wan e pit
i tin tiFiTisap inniiiFiir ia rntf ariui utiiri b
moliiFeo?, collcc, Ball, liiucs ccc.t botim
1 1. .!.!!- si.-. 1. 1 it t
HIV UUe-tllf " iinv 1 1 J IV "VI mitlltf s
crcd with freights of all kinds des
nro made dully from each one; still
Micro is again lulling nnu win pro
bo down ns low ns It has beon any
this season.
il Pittsburg tho Monongahela It t
fulling after being on it stand for
At Cincinnati tho fall continues an
channel is in n bad condition. Tin
3 feet 8 Inhccs iu tho canal and fallln
a. if . -.tii.-1. .tin r..n. ..i ,t...
. , . I .... a . . . . w . ....... m..u
nnlv fnur font Iti llii. nltntinpl rnnnr!
tho Inst arrival from that place.
Cumberland continues on its down
course nnd thero Is 10 inches on un
Tho Arkansas river ts reported
stand with 4 fvet In tho channel.
Red river is falling with scant 5 fe
tho Huts and 3 feet tlx inches in the c
tho lake.
Thu Mississippi remains about tho
ut St. Louis. The several ice gorge
hold fust, and tho probabilities for
sticking llko shoemaker's wax aro
of Cairo being thu head of navlgalioi
IH1LI1 I II II WIllM UIIU ...AllllPailJIll iltCI
that fact is clearly proven now. St. 1
Is frozen up, aud Louisville and Cinci
nro dried up, und neither placo cat
reached except by land, AVo know
, - i
tho fact.
... . . . . . i ... .i.i ..
at. i.ouis naii now out ouu ming u
and that is to tako a back scat nnd
tleiilK- nu-It linr timn for business W
is generally dono in nbout three moi
tlmo in each year.
Tho Missouri Jlrpubliean wants to k
...1... I. 11 !. ...Ill ..... Itn will I
- - O
tt nt I inn It nlnlin If It A u'fltlt. to COI11U d
" ' . -WW-... , '
,111. ! . 1... ...11 .... tit.
Sliouiu vv no ilo iiu tun ivn .,. ...
tin n n ..ai n i r.i r , iii.
100 oo
250 00
83 33
6 00
75 00
5 00
07 50
Mr. C. Carson, Commercial avcniu, be
tween Ninth and lentil streets lias re
ceived his stock of holiday gooiU j and
when wo say that it is ono of tho largest
and bcit solcetcd over brought to tho city,
wo aro not saying too much. Ho has ev
erything that tlioulJ bo kept in a llrst.clnss
toy or fancy goods storo. In the way of
work boxes, he has them of every shape
and form, ranging In prico from fifty
cents upward ; and of glovo und hand'
kerchief boxe, holms them of ovcry ftyle,
in endless quantity, nnd nt nil prices
picture.'', of the handtomest deMgns,
rivin ill inn iji'xirr ill .il. i.iiuii. ur iu
lit., ii'koii llm tifn tilnnr., mii WHt fir.rr.
nt Dog Tooth nbout 1 1 days nnd mo
t.inT Minn ,rr PAnift linn inrnrrv ivniL'
cook with. Seowns not damaged any
V.lll lUUaLllJ .v. v -
in... llli..t. .n.r. I.. Mnnn.l fit.- VOI
.in. ... itt tn 1 tin t-nv. wrtnn inn wil
J ' D
.t rn ir.iiTnnr.fi un nnu iiiivh Liin iiirwtiu i
of her hull covered with sheet iron.
will bo out of her trado about 2 weeks.
Tho ldlewild went up as fur us
then returned hereto tnko tho plnco of
llllinois, while tho latter boat is being
paired. Tho Tyrone takes tho Idlewi
nlaco in tho Kvansvillo trado.
Tho Great I.epubiic arrivca irom
Orleans and will lood In hor turn for
" - -o-
Cliuscnus nur trip iiuuuLju u,, ...i. ..
load for Now Orleans.
The Potomac fiends her way freight
10 00
nnd picture frames of nil sizes and shapes
at prlce3 within thu reach of nil. Knives, t10 packet, and her Cincinnati freight
lorks, spoons and piaicu waro nro nmong rai ,uuj jn,.3 p for n,0 present.
.1... ... .!..-- ..f If - fl 1 I I , -it
.... . .. .. .i I --.- j
lias dollh ol every size, irom uio most ui- mont nnd u now ioaai,,g for the south.
. a . . 1. . a .. a ..I I ..l.ll 1 .1... -
IIIIIII1WIU VW llllll.ui iviii wtvawaKv-taasuaMwi ri'lin i PlnlUdt it l1 faUMlV lilr i 11 111! UI
I x iiu .t nmiouo vt "
in endless variety, und nt nil price;; vuco, . n iottae,i.
vyouiiciimaii i ayior iiiuvuu to coueur in music covers, nnu iu iiici, iiiiyiiuiig nnu l'hll Howard tho steamboat bulchc
tho action of tho bonrd of aldermen ami I nvnrvlliini. nientioiiiiblo nro to bo found! . .i... ....1..1.
llUnw Mir. 1 .11 1 a fnrrlml li llifi fullnu'tnir I ,l,nrn Mr H la.lnlnrnilnr.il lint lift llllfl.ir- I - . - ..
vote: Ayes bcnuii, xuyiur, nnu oou sold nv nny otner ucaier in tuo city, nnu
37 60
3. Nay 0.
Tho bill for n:i ordinance entitled " An
ordinance to provide for cisterns nnd wells
In cortnln localities, " which was ndoptcd
by tho board of aldermen, was taken up.
On motion of Councilman AYood said bill
was laid'upon tho tublc
has consequently marked his goods down
to tho lowest living prices. Ho respect
fully asks n comparison of goods nnd
prices. Give him a call. dcclOtr
'I'lm un fi I .ni. rHil irniiirn nnr hi li riiniir
n.iiiii, ur nniir iHiniifi .in. .11 ami nrnKii 1
nil to Hinders.
tho large nnd rapidly increasing commerce council adjourned.
On Friday tho 16th Inst, nt 10 o'clock,
On motion of Counlilmun AVood, tho n. m., for tlio benefit of whom it may Con
or their own city ( Tills is u matter of
great importonco to our community, and
deserves their most attontive consider
Mrs. Anna Lang has removed her
largo and elegant stock of millinery goods,
toys "and fancy articles, to tho storo room
recently occupied by Mrs. Barber, on
Eighth street, throo doors from Commer
cial avenue. Sho has ndded largely to hor
stock of toys nnd fancy artlclos ; nnd is
receiving now goods of cvory variety, of
tho latest fashions, evory day, Her stock
is full nnd comploto, nnd Is offered to tho
public at tho lowest living prices.
Piano Tuning. Parties wishing their
pianos tuned will plenso uddrcss O.
Robblns at poslofUco, or leave word with
his brother. Price $3,00 or 55,00 n yc,nr, In
cluding at least two tunings and ordlnnry
repairing, strings, &c.
For good photographs, porcelain plo
tures, or old pictures to bo coplod, call or
M. J. Howley, City Clerk.
ISpcclal Joint Su-sion ol Iho City Council cnllcil
by tho Mnyor.
Council Chamber, Cairo, I IK. 1
Dccoinber, 16, 1871,
Present His Honor Mayor Lnnsdcn
nnd Ruder, Fitzgerald, Schuh, Sense, Strut
ton, Taylor, Wulder, "Winter nnd AYood
ward 10.
Tho mayor stnted the object of tho meot
ing to bo for tho appointing of a trustco or
trusted) to take churgo of tho bonds to be
issued to the Cairo & St. Louis railroad
company, ns provldod for by ordinanco
No. l2o) npproved July 22, 1871.
Alderman AVintor moved that hut ono
trustee bo appointed. Curried.
Tho mayor then prosented tho nnmo of
A. B, Snllord to net ns such trustee nnd
directed u ballot to bo taken. Tho bullotb
bolng spread -Mr. Snllord received ten
vetesand was thoroupon declared to bo tho
authorized trustoo to hold tho bonds horo
luboforo specified,
No furthor business appearing tho coun
cil on motion of Aldcrmnn Buder, nil-
corn, 1 win sou to too uigiicsi muuor, lor
cash ut tho Eckcrt Landing In tills city,
AUo sovcrnl hogsheads of bacon and oth
er perlshablo article?,- saved from tho
steamer Tom Jasper.
Salo positive und without resorvo.
D. IIartjian, Auctioneer.
Deo. H.d-2t.
II. Levy & Co., nt No. 93 Ohio lovco,
havo on hand mid for salo In quantities to
suit purchasers, ono thousnnd pounds of
good feathers. Thoy will bo sold nt prices
within tho reach of tho poorest. Families
suppled nt rcasonablo rutes. doo 12-tf
Marriaou Guide. Interesting work,
numorous engravings, 221 pages. Price
60 conts. Addross Dr. Butts' Dlsponsary
No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis
Mo. Sco Advertisement. tf
For now citron, onuign und lonion
pool, go to Jorgonson's comer of Twen
tieth street and AViuhlngton nvonuo. tf
ri'1. Til ill .1 ...til. 1 i r ..I.
jiiu iuiqwmu cumu HOWIl Willi ilU JK
rti-i .fi-litf A T.l nrr nirnfnnJ f? rhir til OH t
i i r onnt'ii nnrti 1.111 itiii iirinaLr "ii nnnii si
is lock. CI &ks onts, 8 ceopa chickens nnd
big lut of sundries.
tons 8UL'iir. Hilt, molusscs, cofToc, &c.
X 1IU lIlMlIJUlItU 1 UDI11II3 UVW l-VIiO VHtv i
or freight, and tho Potomac 150 tons.
City Xnllounl Ilank niillillut;.
BS.Hpoclal attention paid to orders Irom steam
hosts night or d.iv.UU
Brick Stov- for Rent. Tho brick
storo, No. 7ft Ohio Lovco, now occupied
by F. M. Stocklloth, Esq., is oll'erod foi
rent, nnd will bo vacant on tho 18th inst
Apply to Jno. B. Puillib.
Kynaston, cornor Nineteenth nnd
Poplar streets, will kill, tho day boforo
Christinas, tho finest hoof in tho city. tf-
Crystal vinegar from London at Jor
gonson's, corner of Twentieth street nnd
Washington nvonuo. tf
New French prunes, currants nnd
rnlblns always on hand nt Jorgousou's

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