Newspaper Page Text
flttfi IttlMl JOHN H. OBERIjY & CO. PROPRIETORS. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SUNDAY, DECEMBER J 7, 1871. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV. THE MAILS. ARRIVE. DirART Norlli, Through fiWa.m. :Wp.m " Way 2:21 pirn, 4:0) .m. South, Way 12.14 p.m. .OH p.m. " Throimh N. O., Mem phis and Columbus 2.30 p.m. foop.m, Ohio Hirer route, (except Monday) joup.m. r.. 00 p.m. Iron Mountain It. It 2:30a.m. ll:Wp. n. Miss. HI ver ronlo, Tuesday and Friday COO p.m. 7;Wp.m. Thebes, 'loose Island A Hanta Pe, Ilia., Thursday A Krl- lay ; 6.00 p.m. T;00a.m, Mayfleld, lllnndvilln and I.utelaco, Ky ILOOa.m. 4.ip.m. orrics novas, f.eneral Delivery 7:30 a. ra. (Sundays 8 lo 9 a.m.) Money Order depaatmcnt :00 a.m. C.ou Register " " " HiOOa.m. l.oo p.m. Money Order and Register (department no open on Hundaya. . - . - OUR CHURCHES. mi ho lti:SltVTKi:iAN-KIlilli-etr.el. Prc.vh njr, fabbath at Wi a. ... and Vt r. u. I'raer meeting, Wednesday at 1 r. u. Sunday Hchool, 3 r. . J. M. tuniden, Huper. Inlendcnl. Itev. C. II. Foots, Paster. METIIODIST-Cor. Eighth and Walnut Ht. Preaching, Sabbath P a.m., and 7r,, Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7,' r. x. Hunday Hchool ,3 v. . I.. W. Hlllwell, Huper intendent. Itev. F. L.Triviirsov, Pastor. CHURCH OKTIIK HKUUi:si Ell Kplscopl) Morning prayers, HabbathlOJ a. m. Evening pra)er,,7JJr. sr. Sabbath hool, 'Ji. . Rev. Ma. Cuan, Rector. 8f. PATRICK'ri CHL'RCH-.'or. Ninth Hi. and Washington Avenue, public hvn Ice, Sabbath eand 10'; a. m Vespers, 3 r. h. unday Hchool, I r. x. Service every day, 8 r. m. Itev. P.J. O'IIallora, Priest. VOUNOMr.Ny CHRISTIAN ArHOCIATloN-Rrg- lilar meeting econd Monday each month at the Prayer room of the Presbyterian Church, Weekly Prayer meeting, Friday, 7 r. at ho Prayer room of the Presbyterian church. C. Parsoss. Prealdent. AFRICAN METHODIST Fourteenth, between Walnut anl Cedir. Services, Sabbath, 11 a. . Sunday Hehool, 1J-J r. m. Class 3 p. m. . . 1EC0ND FRrcK-WILL HAPTIST Fifteenth Bl. Preaching, ; r. . Her. win. JacKson, rator. between Walnut and Cedar. Services Sbbth, 1J and 3 r. m. Itev. N. Ilicss, Pastor. FREE-WILL HAPTIHT HOME MDMIUK et'N DAY SCHOO I Corner walnut and Cedar Sis. Hunday School, a. m. URST FREE WILL UAPTI5T CHURCH-Cur- ry'a Harracks. Services, riabbath It a. m.,3 r. m. and ' r. k. Iter. W. Ktmr, Pator. -"IRST MISSIONARY HAPTIST CHOHCH H I ween loth and 11th streets, near Cedar. Preilchlni Sabbath 10.J a. M.,and 7,' r. m. Prayer Meeting. Wedneday evening. lu(uihlnv L'riil.v nlnt'. h.ibbath b. hool, , r. . John Van IS.ixter and Mary Stephens Superintendents. Itev. T J. Shorm. Pasta en tv ni'L'ini'ic STATK OFFICERS. Governor, John M. Palmer ; Lleutenant-fJoernor, John Dougherty i Secretary of Slate, E-lwazd Rummel i Auditor of State, C. K. I.ipplncoti , State Treasurer, E. N. Dates s Hupt. Public Instruction, Newton llateman. CONOliESSMEK. Jenators Lyman Trumbull and John A. Logsn. p..presentatlte for the HUte at Large-J. L evcridge. Representative Thirteenth District-John M rebs. vp.MIIEUS GENEKAL ASSKM I1LY. Senators, 1st Dlstrlct-T. A. K. Holcomb, ol nlon, and 8. K OI!on,of Gallatin. COUKTV 0FFI0EH8. C1BCUIT COCKT. Judge D. J. Inker, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney-J. F. McCartney, ol assao Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. Harman. HheriB-A. IL Irln. Win. Martin, Assessor and Treasurer. COUNTY COURT. Ym.Ii.aF. llross. Assoc!atea-J.:E. McCriteand fl. Marchildon. aerk Jacob O. Lynch. Coroner-John H. Oossman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Mayor John M. Ls.nsden. Treasurer J U.Taylor. Comptroller-E. A. Uuruett Clerk-Michael Howley. Marshal Andrew Cain. Attorney P. H.Popo. Ti.,i,.... Mi.M.irni.'s K. Dross ami R. Hhan- I UIUV .-.w... " Chlclol Police U II. Myeot. SELKCT COUNCIL. Mayor John M.Lansdcn, First Ward I'. CSjIiuh. Second Vfard C. It. Woodward. Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward S. Staats Taylor. Clty-nt-Largo W. P. Halllday and I. llurd. BOAKD OV ALDKHMKN. tnur u'ATtt) James Rearden. Leo Ivleb, Isaac Walden. CONDWAUD-R. II. Cunningham, K. Under, Henry Winter, James Hwayne, HIRD WAUD-Wm. Btratton, I'atrlclr Kltigciald otlRTH WAUD-Jamea Carroll,) O. U.Scase, Time of Mcetxnq. citv covscn. riie City Council meets In joint sesaion on rlday eveniug prcooulng the tlrat Monday ol .ten moaiu. ,,.. The ficloct Council meets on tho first Wednca. ay and Thursday, niter tho second Monday in ch month. Tim Board of Aldermen meets cn tho lira londay and Tuesday in every inonin. COMMITTKE3 OF THE COUNCIL ' On Sfrtr-Mc9sra. Taylor, Waller, Winter, nod and Metcalf. ': Jainv-M088r8. Cunningham, Bchuh, Fitigcr l.l Renin and Halllday. Crtimi Messrs. voou, viinningiiaiii uuu ivnu. Pulct and Jai Messrs. Carroll, Under and roodiwd OrdinnntM-Mossrs. Scasc, Waldcr mid Taylor, Firt Dtpattmtnt-yietin. Ileariton.Bwaync and illlday, jarAefi-Messrs. Bchuh, Winter and h. J-rinfliio-Mc pi eoiA TheMnyor, nd Nuasra, Bo i..iin ah, I Pa i ml I THE BULLETIN. nilOWNLOW. A Commercial correipondciit wlm lately villtt'U .Sunntor JJrownlow. nl lila liomo In Tonncsco, nys: Upon cntorlnR tho sciintor's liomo wo found him lying ution n laro aofa, h negro ruumng ins icei. lie is in wretched lionltn, lint no moro tlinit ho has been for two Vefira. His llitntlt mill fnrt. nrn printfnnnlt v Jerking and ahaking with tho palsy. He can not rciiu iuiium mo book or paper f fastened to n f raino in front of him. Ho can not speak ahovo a whisper, and soino dnys Ids strength is so far gone that ho can not do that. Indeed, ho Is ns helpless as nn infant. Nothing but constant can: and watching upon tho part or Ills tamily ana frionds and his own iron determination keeps him nlivo. Hu is n mini of tremend ous energy and forcu of character. Not ono of tho other seventv-odd senatorn could be prevailed upon to icavo homo if thoy wcro In tho prtratcd condition that is. flAJYICH, EKTERPKISE SAVINGS t'lnirlrrcl Jlnrrli 1HU0, oirirr. i! CITY NATIONAL HANK, OAIKO orrici i A. h. HAKKOHD, President; H. H. TAYLOR, Vice-President ; W. IIYHI.OP, Hecri tarr and Treasurer.) . nucc-roati P. W. lUaiLir, K. It. HwarLKTii, H. M. ClxalauiUM, J. II. Puiliii- Ciias, OiLicnra, I'At'LO. HCIIl'll, W. P. llAtLll.Al, Orpoxlfa r any Amnitiit Itrcrlt rsl Irons Ton Onlsi I'liwiirilx. INTEREST pall on depusita at the rate ol six percent, per annum, March Island b'ptem ber 1st, Interest not withdrawn Is f.ll!-d Imme diately to the principal of the deoiti, thereby giring Ihem compound interest. MARK! CD WOMKJT AND ClllLDItEN MAY DEPOSIT MONKY to that so oat tux cak uaA it. ffpen every businet a day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and baturday evening lor HA VINO DKPO-jITSj only, from Cms o'clock. tuJir W. HTHI.OP, Treasurer. THE CITY NATIONAL BAKTC. !AlltO' II.I.I.NOIN. CAPITAL, 8100,000 W. P. II ALL! DAY, President A. H. HAFFOKD, (iishler; WALTER IIY.SLOP, A'tisUnt Chier. UlkKCTOkSI W.-..IT wimr, W. P. llsiiiriAV, Oio. 1 1. WlltlAMSOs, Sunns Hub A. ii. narioap. llsrlimisr, 'olu and l'nilr.1 Slnlrs lontl IIoiikIiI nnl Nolil. DEPOSITS reoelred, and a general banking business done. MlSC:i.I,AXi:oVr(. DEXTER EXCHANGE, lao Oliln f.rsco, nrnr Stone lli'ol, J. D. ZANON E, l'UOl'Itl ETOIt, presli gicji OystCM Itcccivcd Daily. t.'o.n nlw.vH on hnd llAltiiiioro nn 1 Oysters, which he will be glad to serve to Ins cus tomers in tho beat st) le. ilecatl COAL. COAL ! COAL! COAL t TAMES ROSS, rr.Air.n is 1)U QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON COAL! Commcrcial-nv., Foot of Elcvcnth-st. All Coal carefully weighed at tho yard on'Fnlr nanks' scales. FULL WEIGHT WAHUANTKD. rn.l on ihp hliortest notice in an) nart ol the cl.y, cither by the half ton, ton or car iOM. . ... , ,., Lcavo order at me oince on ioniiiifinii'. he foot of Eleventh street. novlCI-Om. WATCIIMAKLII. l'RACTIOAL WATCHMAKER. H. IIOUPT, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Huh on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, ;CLOUKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular attention glvon to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. The largest aiock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES IN Tilt CITV, LEGAL NOTICE. LEOAL NOTICE is hereby given that E. W. Klttrldgp, pUlntltl, has comnimced an ac tion to perfect n distress lor rent against Joseph Bay lis., iiclcmiaiu, in m tircini i-m i. u, niu. nnder county, In the atute of Illinois, and that tho time and place of the return of aummons In ,1B 0a,e H the third Monday In January, law, ,t ,ho cou.t hoilte In Cairo l llnois. JOHN O,, HARMAN, Cleik. DOTtCd25t. 1'IANOS. 8IXTY-F1VK Fill ST I'ltIZE MEDALS AWAUDED THE OREAT IJALTIMOltE MANCrACTOBY WM. KNAHE tc CO., Manufacturer of OltANI), fQUAUK AND UI'IIKIIIT FOBTBS 1IALTIMORE, MARYLAND. These. Instruments havo keen before the, publlo for nearly thirty years, and upon their excellence, nlon.i attained un unirciased prteinintncr, which pronounces them mieiiiali-d in TONE, TOUCH, WOKKMANSH1T And DUllAHILITY or All our STinrt Vmfll have our new New Im prore.l Ove:strung hcalearil the Agrttftt TrMe air We would enll special atlc ntion to ourlale Patented Improrementa lu Obam Pianos ami r-4t'Ar. tlnsxi s, found In no oilier Piano, which brings the piano nearer perfection than lias yet been attained, KVKHV PIANO POI.I.Y WAItllANTKD KOIt F1VK YKAItS, lllutrated Catalogues and Price I.isla promptly furnished on application to W JI, HXAIU: A CO., IlALTiuonr, Mo, Or any of our regular established agencies, oolffoda Cm 1) It Y J O O l N. 71. FALL-WINTER. C. II A N NY. 72 LARGE STOCK. IliiOWN SHEETINGS, IMUNTri, Uil ECKS, AMI S T It I 1 E S, KKNTUCKY JKANl, KX'TItA, fJASSIMEUS, ItLACK ALVACAS AND I.USTEUS, (MtO.S OJIAIN PU.KS, l-OI'I.I.NN. jAIIUE stock ok carpetixo OIL CLOTHS, MATT1NO, Wlmluw NlintleN, Oll.T HANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMASK!. I IN KiiliroNtork o (ioslue Out AT VEIIY LOW FIGUUES. CO UN Kit SHI (T., AND COMMKUCIAL-AV,, Cairo, Illlnolsi. setitllf COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL COMPA1TY.' Is prepared to supply customer with tin' host quality o. PITTSBURG AND IILLIN01S GOAL. ORDERS left at Halli.lny Bros, olllce, 70 OHIO LEVEK, or at tlm Coal Yard below the til. Charles Hotel, will receive prompt attention, Til K TtMi " JIUKTAl'K "will I'"'!!: coal along slile steamers nt any hour. ociiM f F. M. WARD, WOOD AND COAL MERCHANT. T7 M. WARD is prepared to deliver tho best A. , 1'lro wood aua oione v-om IN ANY l'AKT OF THK CITY, And In any quantity desired, on short notice COAL DELIVERED at $1.60 pf.r ton (iPKinF. Over lleerwart. Orlli & Co. '8 stove twodoora abovo the coruor of Klghth street and Unmnierr avenue. innuhaxci:, "TRIUMVII." THE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO. Ol Clndiiunll. ,ssels S.'-ki.ismi no Bollcils all Mndsol rlska, 1'. UllOSN, oc!2Ttf Agont, Cairo, U. J? iH O w 9 M it W -t 7 X e. E CD CD CD CD OS r-H 01 O Xfl CD 00 I I P s o i i E3 ksH O Q CO O w CD CD Xfl O o o i I Pi o i i-i R o CD O Xfl xn 3 xn CD Pi iH CD CD niti'ON. BARCLAY BROS.. OHIO I.F.VF.F., C'Aiao, Ins DETJ Q-GISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS IX rftl. BLAST AT HAKCI.AYS' DRUO BTOKK. Fatsn crrtr, Pailt. MOCIvIN(5 RIR1) FOOD Alt annr roa nr. withovt Taorstt At Haiicla vs'. JJ K L M R 0 L D ' Q GRAPE t catawiia 1 r ( ortAi'r. ) PILLS j CATAWIIA I J ORAI'F. GRAPE (.CATAWIIA ) (.OIIATK ) PILLS AND A LI or IIKLMIIOLD'H .tl i: I I CI. KN Fr.KMI FROM FIRST HANDS, Always in stock in large supply, and for aal by Lltnrclnjr II roa. PEESH BXjTJ-E XjXCZ just kkckivkd am riilebjr lhr4.Inasi Ilnltlo orRnllon AT BARCLAYS'. ?ExTr.A Fine Uoloone; JQTGknuine Imtouted Extracts; tH air, Tooth and Nail Bruhhks tfiylNDiA RuniiER Nursery Goo at BAECuAY BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD' PURE FRENCH ZINC. Rest grades in largo stock and va riety, very cheap i also: Full Link of Colors, bBV AND l OIL', Paint Brushes, Linseed Oil, Whitewash 1' aa Turpentine, Varnlsbes Etc, etc., all nans ad STAynAan Qiiiirui At Barclays'. I A Ml I. V (llttKEKlI.S. LOUIS J 0 II G E N S E N , Dealer is all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY G-BOCEBIES. Farmer's) Yard and Htnbliuic WITHOUT CHAItnE. Cor. Washingtoii-av. and Twcullctli-st. CAIltO, ILLS. Jy27dtf. HEAL I'.STA IE AOKMT, C. WINSTON & CO., REAL "ESTATE -AGEN T AND AUCTIONERS, 71 (SECOND FLOOR) OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, ILLS., Huv and. Sell Rkai. Estate, FAY TAXES, r'UUNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLE A' I prejara Conveyances of Kinds. M 1 1. LINK It Y. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE MRS.C.McGEE, KKlllTIl STREET, 11KTWEEN WASH1N0T0N AND COMMERCIAL AVENUES, Has just received n full and splendid line ol NEW GOODS Dreta trimmings, silk gimps, allk galoon, gui. puru laces, moss triliimings, ciocket buttons, silk and velvet buttons, plush and trimming Ncl- I.o. ...! Si n bi.l 1.1.1... I...ll..u' o.iJ ehiidrens'ahiii's, mid n full luiduninpieto stock ol Millinory and Eanoy Goods, All of which she proposes to sell at VERY LOWEST LIVI.NO CASH PRICES. II. M. IIULEN, GROCER and CON FECTION No. 134 Commcroial-nve., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. nuTCiieiui. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEIILER & BROTHER Hare reopened the POIVI,AIl MEAT MAI-Kirr, Co M M F. KC I A E-A '.t Dpttveen Ninth nnil Tenth Nlrrplsi, and will keep constantly on hand tho best meals slaughtered in the Cairo market. They defy com petition. Cllvo tHem a trial. septHtr. JAKE WALTER, BUTCH 3D IR, AND IIClLr.R II FRESH MEAT, EiaiiTii Street, Between Washington and Commercial avenues, Adjoining Itlttrnlioiisc A Ilntmy'si, Keep the best of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal Lamb, Hausage.etc, and are prepared to serv, citizens in tho most acceptable manner. auSO JAMES KYNASTON, nnlclicr and Denier In all Kind I'rcsib Mcnf, Coa.ra .Vixsrn.srii am I'orLAB 'jTattr. CAIR'J, ILLINOIS. BUY.S and slaughters only tho very best catile, lions and sheep, and la prepared to All any demand for fresh meats from one pound to ten thousand pounds. slev.'Otf UAK riTTEKN. II. T. GEROULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER ANDPAlin la f JAM riXTUIlEN, (las Fitter's and I'lumber'a material, Wood pump", Kloiie ami angle valvs, stop cocks, check valves, etc. also Aur.T roa riillsi IlrutlierM Patent Ilry Clasi Jlctens And Morehouse, Wells A Co'a Automatic Watel Indlcaior and fcupply Valve lor steam boilers. WINTKIl'8 IlLOCK, C0MMERCIAL-AVENU1 WINES ANI MO.0O1U. F. M. STOCKFLKT1L srccissoa roiiLi a siocirLini Iteolllj'er and Wholeaiilc Ilenler lu . I'orvl;n mid IIoiiipnIIo WINES AND LIQUORS. No. C2 Ohio Levee, CVlIll, ILLINOW. TK keeps on hand constantly a full stock o M.OId Kentucky ltourbon, Rio and Mononga iiela Whiskies, French llrandies, Holland din, Rhine and California Wines. J inKJtf WM. II. SCIIUTTER, Importer and Wholesale Itcnlcr in WINES, LIQUORS, AND TOBACCO fie OiaAE3. Agent for tho best brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AND Imparled Ale or IIIITcreiit Ultidsi. 75 Ohio Lkvee, II CAIRO, ILLINOIS. l'ARKER ic RLAKE, DI'ALrUS IX WALL PAPER, PAINTS, Putly, IteiiiliM', GuhoIIiic, wx3rx)0"w o-lass. WINDOW SHADES, And the celebrated illuminating AURORA OIL. HROSS'lllJILDINll, COIl. llTH-HT. 1 COM- meiicial-av., Cairo, Illinois. aug'Jttif NI'IX'IAL. NOTICKS. IIATUIIKI.OU'N IIAIK DYE, This superb Hair D)e is the sr.sT in tu b Woain IVrlcollv llariulesa, lleliablu and liislliauteous, No disappointment. No Ridiculous Tints or Un pleasant Odor. The geuulno V. A. Ilachelor'. Hair D) produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid lllaik or unliiral IIiouu. Does not rliuiu the Hkiu, but leavealhe Hair Clean, rloft and lleautl. till, t nu oniy sale inn rerirci nye Huld iiy alluriiggisiN Faciei y HI ll.uid Strett, New Yoik, laioxturoiuwiy ON iMARRIAQE. llappv relief tor) uting men Irom Hie nrleylao error and abuses in early lilo. Manhood re stored. Nervous lUdilllty cured, luipedlments to marrlagu removed. New method of treat. Ilieiit. New and romarkablo renudles. Hooka and Clreularasentlree, In sea e,l envelopes. Ad dress HOWA1VD ASSOCIATION, NO. 1! 8011II1 NinlhBt.. Philadelphia., Pa. oclsdswtt NEWNPAPEn. THE NEW YORK EVENING POST FOR 1HTJ. PniCEfl REDUCED'. Wo will supply the Kiening Tost as loltowsl DAILY. One year .... Kor. shorter periods WEEKLY. MnRle Copy one year I'lve Copies " " .. Ten " ' , Twenty " ' , SEMI-WEEKLY. ...... ....m $12 Otf ...ft per inontU ..II M T CO ...12 CO W -Sinnle Copy one year , Five Copies " " Ten Conies " " W 00 ,. 60 20 00 Ten Copies ur wo w: aubscrlben Or wo till send thn Inll nurlrttf twrlnrlirsls tn subscribers, In connection with the tenlnf Jbrr, at the prices named t With With fleml-Weeklr Kvcnlaf Post. COO a no on 6 ea ISO 4 40 n un B 60 s on 6 Weekly Evening l'ost. Harper's Weekly- SI 60 Harjier'a llatar .4 M Harper's Mncszine 4 M Kvery Hatuniay S () Atlantic Monthly 4 W Our Voiinn Folks :i CO Hribner'a Monthly 4 to The (ialaxy 4 0(1 The Agriculturist :1 U) Hearth and Home t "S Christian Union :i tn 8 00 To each subacr.bcrtothe Kitntnj fbiand CTru lian Union tot one year trill bo sent two tiquiille French Oil Chromos, entitled "Wide Awake" and "Fast Asleep," which are worth at retail f 10 for the oair. TRY IT I TRY IT II For 2i cents we will send tho Weekly Evening Post from new until January 1, or fur 60 cents will send the semh Weekly Post during the samo time. Specimen nrmbera of the Evening Post sent free. Address WM.C.llRTANT, A CO. New Vork. .HAJ.4ZIE.S. SCRIRNER'S MOUTHL IT, An Illustrated Magazine, EDITED ItV J. (J. HOLLAND, Autior of " Dilltr Sictet," ' Knthrina," ' Ttmolhj TWeomVt LtUtrt," Etc. This mairarlnc. which has risen so ramdlv In popular favor, has now been GREATLY ENLARGED, and will be atlll further improved during the com nig year. A sories of pipers by Mr. Gladstone, prime minister of Knjil.ind, will shortly anpeir; also, an Aide Discussion ol tho National Hanking Sys tem of this country, a new story by Mrs. 011 phant is promised, etu.,etc. I whilst every num ber will bo rich In shorter stories, Illustrated arti cles of popular science, poems, essays, editorial and reviews, etc. Tho subscription price Is yi.OO per year, paya ble in advance. To enable all p.irtiea to commence with tho series, which wo are sure will be worthy of care ful preservation, wo will aend to any dealer or new subscriber, the Vi numbers of volumes I. and II. for f l.oo, or the It numbers prior to January, IS72. for 11.60. The whole will contain MORE THAN aooo PAGES, more than SOO Brilliantly Written Articles, and nearly 100 Completed Stories, Tales ot Adveulure, Wit and Humor, Poems, tc, combining with theso the ablest editorials and the most boautlful illustrations, some of them said by tho critics to u. iuiijt tu,uui tu iiiu Hurn 01 iiusiave uoro. We nuote. as fairlv representing thn wnr&l sentiment of the newspaper press in regard to the mommy, mo .loiiotving from the Dutialo Com- men'iHi Auvrriiser: "aCItlHNKK'H MONTHLY la u anlendl.l .nt. cess. It has taken its place in tho front rank of ine periodicals 01 ;no worm, in tne beauty or It typographical appearance, the perfection of it illustrations, the variety of Its reading matter. nnu me vigor ot 11s editorials, ana, in general. goou ana moral innuence, it is a publication 01 which America should feel proud." Remit in Checks or P. O. money orders. For sale by all dealers. SCUIIJNER&CO., 034 Broadway, Now-Yrk. 1872. ECLECTI0"3lAGAZINE Foreign Literature, Science and Art, 1, the upor is fat nubl of its existence, litis factalonospei the character of the publication, for no magazine could hato lived so long amid the tierce rivalry an'l competition to vrhlen It has been subjected without possessing 1 high degree of merit and meeting a wcll-demied want; but It is not too much In say that, during all these years, the EC LECTIO has teen recognized a the ablest expo nent in America of lhal vast Intellectual activity which llmls expression in theperlodlcal literature of Kuropo. The plan of the ECLECTIC is 10 se lect fruni the field thus outlined, all those artl cles, Lssgys, Heriewa, Tales, Stories, and Bio graphical Sketches, which are likely 10 prove en teilalnlng, Instructive ami permanently valuable ; and it cummendH itaell especially to that great body of Intelligent, readers who seek profit a well as amusement in solid and healthful literature. Resides the longer articles, which themselves represent every variety of subjects, the Kclectla has tlvo editorial departments Literary Notices, Foreign Literary Notes, Science, Art, and Varie ties. The volumes for 1672 will not be less attractlvo than those which preceded them. With increas ing facilities and increasing patronage, tho com ing volumes will be more thoroughly representa tive than ever before ol tho Lest Intellectual progress of the limes, TERMS Single copies, 15 cents; one copy, one yenr, 13, two contei, one ycar,"J; live copies, one year, ii. Agents wanted ts get up clubs, Addrrsa R. E. I'ELTON, l'ublislior, IOS Kulton Stroct, Now-York. COAI. AND WOOD. WOOD I WOOD I! WOOD II I The undersigned will furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD Am Cheap, II not Cuvitper I Than any wood dealer In Cairo. Leave ordari 1 on the slates at the Postoftlce and at Rosa; coal V!ir.l. nn (.timnierelfil STunue. tttlween Tenin ana Twelfth streets. Cairo. Illinois. I give good goc el. measure and will cord tho o' "P." d?"''''. auitiu-lf i'r..i.ii.i u.M.r.i. j,,sii:i.ti,AM:otH. IIIDKS! FUUS 1 1 PELTS 1 1 1 BTTBITIITT &c CO. Have opened a Hide Store In Thornton's Block Tenth street, where the highest cash price wil be paid for Hides, Sheep Pelts, Fun a-4 Tal low. We w 111 pay higher pness thau wu (TK b k fore paid for the same articles In this cltfi Come and Metis, ocKtl BUHUBTJIiCO.