OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, December 19, 1871, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1871-12-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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on and eHer Bunday, May 14lh, 1871, the follow
n urne-iable will govern the arrival unrl deparl
ure of peaunner trains at Clroi
..-..rt-Mall train, dally... 4.00 a.m
Kiprese, daily S.-45 p.m.
-SrWu-Mell.dslly " 3..10 ."
Kipress, dally, except Banday 3:30 r"1'
Noehenfeotcars rramuiro to at. ivou'"
ehanie efcars from Cairo to Chlcsc".
rawing lloom sleeping can on bis"1
avut checked to all Important
fl-jHmske three trips dally.
ttT. "i.m. At StfO .m.
A J !iV:'.r- . P I At 0 p.m.
vnah y. eenl thkels for II W).
Willis-" .''' "ailed, l "n; P"0'1 Intermediate
J agio? passengers or freight, nortltf.
iiinnN' niAT.s,
Wetklr Packet for Paducah, Eranavllle anJ Lou
larllle, the favorite steamer,
T. O. IlTHA.V,.Hutr.
eavei Cairo every SATUDUAY at S o'clock p:m.
For freight or paaaago apply on board or to
j ah. maun, Ag't.
The aplendld steamer
Jae Fowler, Mauitr.
ii CUro DVtr.T, (3uadaja excepted) at 4
m. Por tralzhtor pMt apply on board or
JAB.BiaOB, Aaj't.
FOR 8ALE.1 For Sale i FOR SALE,
' I FrrHaleJ '
Fra from Livirfool,
Faro from Lo;vdindkrrt
Faro from Qlaboow,
JFaro from Qckesstowk
TO CAIRO, ;::::::: $4820
Saflord, Morris A Ca
Liverpool New-Tork ahd Philadelphia
Steamship Company,
ra eoxrtACT m cxitid statesakd sutisa
For Carrying ,the iUlls.
ok rcainia ixrotKitios
At-riii tu JUUN O. DALE, Aot.
i w r-y i . I
idiuiw,j, .lewiori, or to
II. Honpt,
Washington Avenue, Cairo. sots. 51
nJttm.lKUo,lZm f" on favor.
Itile terma. Possession give immediately. Ap.
12. UwtWtl) c. WlNiTOS.
ltie Urge and commodious dwMHn
situated on Kuhth t-..i i!.u.?l":
ng lioase
lajton(sppos'.U.tn l"rebTirlan Church) iZlu,
rsnt. For terms, ete., appfr 10
n.i wuti
ectttlf Ohio Leve, Cairo, Ills,
The Illinois Central Kail Road Comptny now
oflerfor sale the follow Ir.gdejcnheJ lots in Firs
Addition to the City of Cairo, vix t
Lot 17 block SO. Lot 24 block 2.
" t " 40, " 27 ' $2
6 ' 62, " 2 w'
" " Bi, " 81 '
" I " SI. ' si
0sSffn", PP'J' JAMES J0UN3ON,
pBSlDENCE-Xo. 21 Thirteenth street, be
XV tween Washington avenueand Walnut strett.
Olhee 123 Commercial avenue, up atairs.
RBSIDENCB-corner.Ninth and Walnut sis,
,.!rcor.ner Blxtn ,ren' ttnl Ohio levee,
omc hours from a.m. to 12 m., and p.m
R. S. BRIG HAM, M. D.,
Office, 130 Commercial-ay.,
Office hours, 8 to 10 ajn. and I to 3 u.tn. tlesl
deuce No. 14 Ninth atrnat, Cairo, III, dec'JIf.
XlllUmJ.Allen, -)
b'Mmutl P.Wheeler.J
aXsriJirllcular attention paid to river and ad
miralty business.
OFFlCE-Over First National Bank, Ohio Levee.
M illlara II, een,
fllllsmU Ollhert.
buss r.uiiberi,
jflifxxn. attentien given to Admiralty and
Mlasahoat business.
'!?s!'.,?!,l?'or.,tnr, f j
" SeV,TIi he lust received an assnn.
isr;' the "iiuii r.,u".re.oe .i??" ??
complete lobotnces
Compny, in the best i)U 01 the in sj
ll to te mammoth poaw Jnd it
at ftsv possess lMUlii' f. ..'"V""'!"
II work
card or
klsase ulih our hn.in... V. 'rl
DOSW. . .1 "
klsk Isave
u e
mo. ii.
F. D. REXFOBD Proprietor.
coaiti oato iit ahd ttcono sr.,
27ie Oily Fint.Clau Houh in the City.
frJf eSKS! ,nr,4 10 from ,h5 Jif 0
lyrOKMATION Waxtbd.
ir reward will he l'll un(1"
n-hr .!' Ji,.i lr.ll l.a,l In lha as
7'rl ol lhe whereabouts and detention of
dlaapiwarnw e of Mr. Smith, who I; a rcspeetahle
,-itlten of mm Ingloo, lr.l movitaMv to thi-con
elusion th.it he hi" heroin Insane Mr. r"mllli Is
a ui'iit e i.x" "f about w )enra of nee, nbout live
feet snen Inches In lilghl, weighs nhoul 1M
oumlt, very nign lurcuf-mi, i-it-nuiy niiuu, n,n
ho Muep.ii n ot very small aulo whlslier, wears
filns.rs wnon resiling or wnung, imu uu,
ip idi homo Mack nvorcunt, Urge, hlue oomtort
for ih'Ki lur cap, ehoil Mick undcreoit, white
Iiir home maue, collar sewru uu, nnu wuio
ro 1 1 oierehoes.
l-ifntinstlnn In regard to Mr. Smith mV he
bddrened to the undersigned, or to .lUSEPH
iiivoi.ii. ilrtecllve. Cairo. 111., who la nuthnr
t.ri i" act for Ihun, and pay llio reward above
ofli'ted, imiccrsoi rltlr.ons who .may dctiln -Mr.
Sinitli until luformntioo can be n-M M ma
lnend, are part'cularly rejuelp 1 la t enl hlin
with liindnevaanJ coiiricay, a' hia henco from
hi lioniu la allr uummic i" no rnnr.
V(!lilng(oii, 111.
IVcmilx-r 19, 1371. (31)
Fon Memphis, Vicksiiuro and Nkw
Tlio new and finepasstiger steamer,
O.P.SIiInklo, Mnttor
A. H. Iloldun Clork
wilt lavA fur ihn mlinrn amt nil Intermediate
points this day, tlio 10th Inat., on arrival of the
auernoon train, ror ireigni or r"!w;' v 'i
hoard or to JAMKS MAbl.vRY, Agt.
The elegant and swift passenger steamer,
J. W. Datcholor
S. J.Batcholor
Lcivcs on Wednesday, Decitoth, at & p.m. For
freight or passage apply on hoard or to
JAS. 11IG09, Agt.
rooms, good out houses and other con
veniences, will he sold on reasonable terms. Ap
ply on the premises, corner Eighteenth and Wal
nut streets. decictf.
Pnbllahed CTerjr morning, Monday ex-
Sunday was a cold, damp, nnd
greeablo day.
All tho churches of tlio city were well
attended on Sunday.
The two largest steamers on the west
ern rivers, the Ja?. Howard and Great Re
public, are loading at this port for New
A few moro fires and tho anti-cistern
men of tho city will come to the conclu
sion that probably It would be as well to
uuud citterns that would gtvo our fire
conipatilui a full sum.lv of water In
Late Springfield dispatches announce
that Mr. Webb, our member in the houce,
on Friday last, introduced n resolution,
asking congress to pr.ss a lnw establish
ing a United Status Circuit Court at
Cairo, which was adopted.
-Tho Paducah Kcntuchlan complains
that tho Cairo papers do"noV arrive re
gularly, at that place, nnd wants to know
whether the fault is with the mails or
at tho printing office. So for ag tho
IJUI.LKT1K is concerned, it is mailed re
gularly, and in good time for4ho I'aducah
Found, eight koys on n string. Thoy
wore found in tho ruur of Mr. Thornton's
Tenth streot building, near whoru tho
Rough and Ready nnd Hlbornian engines
wero at work Saturday evening. The own
er can havo them by describing property
I and paying for this notice.
Lost, on Saturday evoning, Hoc. lutli,
near tho cornor of Commercial nvcnuo nnd
Eighth street, a small tnumuriindtim book,
In wliich wero contained u largo pneknero
of bills. Tho finder will please leavo It nt
tho toro of Mr. C. Hanny
II. S, II aiikki.i,. H
Tho llibornian flro company did noblu
work nt tho flro yesterday. They wero
first on the ground, and throw tho first
water. Tho company has no superior In
this section of country. When once thoy
get their engines to work, there is no Met
up" with them until tho last spark has
been extinguished,
John Holmes, who has served as night
policeman In tho first polico district for tho
last six months, has resigned his position
on tho forco in order to accept a situation
In tho ofllcoof the Illinois Central railroad
depot at this place. Mr. Holmes was
good and faithful officer, and it will be
bard to fill the vacancy with a man who
will attend closor to business or glvo moro
general satisfaction.
lbo third party ot the series t bo
glvon by the Cairo Tcrpsichorcan Club
will bo held at St. Caarlcs hotel, on Fri
day evening, Dec. 22, 1871. Persons hav
ing received invitations to the series will
bo cxpectod without further notice Thoso
who will bo in attoudanco will plcaso boar
in mind that It will be necessary to present
their cards of Invitation at tho door,
Wo stated in Sunday morning's Hul
letin that tho new boll for the Church of
tho Redeemer, was from one of tho boll
manufacturing establishments of Phila
delphia. Wo wero mistaken. Tho bell
wns cast by tho widely known firm of A.
ulton, Son & Co., bell and brass founders
Pittsburg, Pa. It is n beauty, nnd will bo
quite an improvement on the old bell. It
will bo hung some tiino this wook.
Between Saturday evening andycstcr
day noon, at tho least calculation, not luss
than $16,000 worth of property was des
troyed In this city by flro. And all
for tho want of what? AVatcrl Had
thcro boon public cisterns, built iiccordiing
to tho plan some lime sinco suggested by
Tub HuLisriN, one at the corner of Tenth
S&it M T ImVoon iho mm ol ,iycmr. In
.Jjl lor Chicago on business, and from lhatclly
ienl I i "aim, '"fo 110 ','rlv,,', 10 9lh
JhJrVal it rare of him w.s lost. The peculiar
V'. ..?..... ....... .iirronnil l ip niVstCrlull
nnd nnollier nt tho corner of Twolftl
slrccls nnd Comir.crclnl nvonuc, Mr. llnr
roll'g bulUIng nnd It ftoro of svntunblo
furnlturo would In nil pob
nllllly Imvo been tnved. Tlio
llro compimlcs wero nil promptly on tlia
ground, but for tlio wnnt of water, It was
nt lonst twenty minutes from tlio time the
bells rung until tlio first stream was
thrown. Had tlioro been well filled sis
terns nt each of tho abovo mentioned
streets, fivo minutes nftor tlio bells rang
ovcry company In tho city would havo
been nt work, nnd tlioro can bo no doubt
that, proporly managed, thoy could linvo
subdued tho lire. Tlio property destroyed
by llro In tho fourty-olgbt
hours ending yesterday noon, If
converted Into monoy would havo built a
cistern, such ns Is doslred by tho firemen
of tho city, nt every crossing betwoon
AVnlnut street nnd Ohio lovco nnd from
St. Charles hotel to Twentieth street.
And theio fires not only demonstrnto tho
fact that ono of tho great wants of tho
city Is a good supply of water; thoy also
provotho wisdom of tho effort that is now
being mndo to equip n firo company
in tho Fourth ward n company that
will havo their cngino houso located somo
wherointhomost populous portion of that
ward, and bo ready for notion at nil times.
Tlio flro that robbed two poor, but honest
nnd good citizens of their homes in that
neighborhood yesterday, will glvo tho cotn
pany recently organized, n new claim up
on tho cltaonaof thnt Wlird, mitt WO may
expect soon to sco them in posicssion of an
engino nnd tho necessary outfit thnt will
bo second to nono in tlio city.
Sheriff lrvin is confined to liU homo
by u sprained nnklo.
L. O. Harris, of Mound City, wns nt
tho St. Charles yesterday.
S. O. Flagler, of Carbondalo, was in
town yesterday, stopping at tho St. j
Tho following wero the arrivals nt
tho Dclmonlco hotel, Wm. Winter, pro
prietor, since last reported to 9 o'clock
p.m. Doc. 18th : Thos. Shepherd, Str.,
Beaver : W. II. Reeves, St. Louis, Mo.;
CM. Parsons, Str., City of Vicksburg;
Tom Jefferson, Louisville, Ky.j J. Hughes,
Caledonlu, 111.; Leo Justus, St. Louis,
Mo.; J. L. Allord, Qolconda, III.; Wm.
fcchlotterbeck, Sir., Illinois; W. L.
Wiodeman, Eldorado, 111. ; P. D. Rale-
man and II. .D. Salman, Eldorado, 111 ;
T. H.McDonougb, St. Louis, Mo.; Joseph
Tucker, Evnnsville, Ind.; H. Levy, City;
W. W. Ingram, St. Louis, JIo.; b. b.
Wcstbrook. Tiftonville. Tcnn.; Mrs.
Dewelly, St. Louis, Mo.; C.C. Wilkes,
Now Madrid; Jnmes Dougherty, River;
John S. Garmhouscn, Indianapolis, Ind
Simcoo Leo, Cannndn ; J. L. Daugherty,
Mound City; O. Greenly, Gooso Island;
Joseph Finchor, Sir., Illinois; A. B. Ev
ans, Louisville Ky. H. Rivers, Flcmming
county, Ky.; Amo3 James, Henry county,
Kv.; J. S. Kitchcll, Cincinnati, Ohio
P.N. Smith, Missouri; Rose Sherman
Paducah, Ky. ; Fred Sheafer, St. Louis,
Mo.; Jack Anderson, Mound City.
The following wero tho arrivals nt
the St. Charles hotel vesterdav : N. W
Cnrter, Tcnn. ; T. G. Kcphart, Chicago1
K. V. Hyde, Chicago; Fred. R. Huston,
Kvansville, Win. M. Casey, Lebanon, O.;
Geo. Douglas, Cedar Rapids, Iowa ; M.
Brown, Dubuque ; L. G. Harris, Mound
City, Illinois; Win. Hainan, St. Louis;
J. Anderson, St. Louis; W. J. Hicks,
Nashville, Tenn.; T. W. Comlcpas &
llro., Kloiso do arc, France ; F. H. Sunch,
St. Louis ; Ed. T. Collctt, Newport, Ind. ;
S. Wnltcrs, Cincinnati; E. P. Howoll,
Chicago; W. W. Ingram, St. Louis; Mr
Denier, St. Louis; Alox. Gurdner, Chica
go ; Hilly Blanker, Harry Matson, Ilenj.
Ilarnniek, str. Hello Memphis; E. I-itz-
geruld, St. Louis; Benj. Stoner, Muscn-
tine, lowu; S. A. Thorns, str. Mohawk;
II. A. Hannon, City ; Capt. W. A. Davis,
str. John Lumsden, O. L. Htovcn
son, St. Louis; Cupt. W. II. Thor
wegnn, str. Grout Republic; Cluis. Benton,
Kow-OrU'tina; L.L.St. John, Now-York;
Charles S. Hudson, U. S. A; W. Slmrkoy
ami wife, Now York ; H. V. Scailergood,
Albany, N. Y.; Jrs. Monks, Peru, III.;
1'. II. Bolcn, Memphis; Jno. llcnton, Texas
John Itrown, Chicago ; E. Ilaldichcr and
W.H. Gillnoy, Now Orleans; Mrs. Geo.
Pct;snni, Miss Ida lVgsam, Miss Mollio
Bryan and Wm. Hull, New Orleans ; C.
E. Ewttlt, and A. II. Covert, Chicago , N.
H. Hateluir, St. Louis ; W. H. PobbaLi
Now Orleans; E. -MeCnrty, Tuscola, III.;
S, C. Klanigiin, Carbondalo, 111.; E. Son,
New York.
Tlio second parlor concert of tho sories
will bo held at tho residonco of Mr. H. L.
Halliday, this (Tuesday) evening, Hulow
wo publish tho
Piano Forto Duo, " I.ovo at slsht..'
Vocal Pun, I.' Ainlcilila M.sk Hodges.
doio, " ineo only I love.",., ,,)
Bong, I'm a merry Zlngara." llalfe.
Hoi-K ; Mr. ltobbins.
I'Aar siisnd,
Cornet and Piano
Ilallad, " Friar of the Olden Times," llust.
Duo, " When I know that thou art
nvar me," ji,
Song. "Hlng,Bcel, and Slumber." Millard!
Adinhslon 21 cents. Enterlalnment to com
mence at 8 o'clock.
Notice, Tho best entertainment In
tho city is at tho St. Nicholas hotel, saloon
ana restaurant. Tho best music that can
bo had violin nnd piano. Good lunch
every morning nnd night. All of the
finest brands of cigars, and tho bunt St.
Louis lager boor, nlways fresh -nnd nlco.
Givo us a call.
Harry Wai.kkr, Proprietor.
Piano Ti.vino, Parties wishing thoir
pianos tuned will please address 0.
Bobbins nt poslotllco, or leave word with
his brother. Prlco 3,00 or S3,00 a year, In
cluding at loast two 'linings, and ordinary
rrpairing, wrings e.
About tlio first of December Mr. Jas
Smith, Sen., nn old nnd highly respectable
citizen of Washington, Illinois, left his
homo in that city logo to Chicago to trntis-
ntt important bulsness, nnd slnco which
time nothing has been henrd from him.
At tho time of Mr. Smith's depart
ure from Jiomo ho hud in
his poisoulou about on hundred dollars
In monoy. Not returning to his homo nf
tor a reasonable timo, his family boenmo
alarmed for his safety, nnd ono of his sons
went to Chicago to look for him. Arriv
ing In that city ho repaired to tho hotel nt
which It wns customary for his fathor to
stop, an J ascertained tlio following facts.
Tho old gcntlcmnn had caino to Chicago,
nnd ns on former occasions put up nt this
hetol. He had supper, lodging, and
breakfast nt tho house. At tho break
fast table, however, ho complained of feel
ing unwell, and left tlio houso. After leaving
tho hotel no one in nil thnt vast city could
bo found who lind seen or heard of him.
Falling in his efforts to gain nny further
information and filled with despair, Mr.
Smith, Jr. returned to his home nt Wash
ington. A dny or two nftcr nrrivlng nt
homo from Chicago, however, ho received
nn express pnekngo from tho old gentle-
,.rkj vwm tins city, mo pack
age contained $55, although tho marks on
indicnted thnt It should contain but
$10. Anotlior of tho sons of tho old gen
tleman, took tho first trnin south nnd
nrrivod hero on Friday morning last,
nnd nt onco bognn a through sovcrul of tho
city, but failed to gain nny knowledge
whatever of his father. He, too, failing
n his effotts to find tho old man, becomo
discouraged, nnd returned to his home.
On Saturday or Sundav, Mr. Ross, of
Washington, arrived in town, nnd hns, In
company with detective Arnold, been
endeavoring to work up tho case, but up
to this time hns met with nothing tonding
to give thorn nny cluo to tho old man's
M.T. Smith was ono of tho most
highly respoctod citizens of tho
community in which ho lived. He
was a heavy contracting builder, nnd at
tho tlmo of leaving homo was engaged
in tho erection of a thirty -thousand dollar
building at El Paso, and several other
buildings of less value in other localities
Ho was a mombor of the Presbvterian
church in good standing, and was looked
upon by all the community ns nn honest
and honorable gentleman. In ono of his
letters which ho enclosed in the express
package he spoko of it being better for his
family thnt ho should bo nwny from thorn,
although thoy were to nil appearances n,
happy and.contcntcd housohold. This fact,
taken in connection with the fact that
ho placed in the express packago
$53, and marked on the envelope, $10 has
lrl his friends to the belief that ho has
became deranged. Thero U no doubt that
he was in Cairo, but what has, becomo of
him, or where he has gone, is a hard qucs
tion to answer.
A reward of $100 Is offered for him
Hut, should he be taken up by any officer
or citizen, it U especially requested that
he be treated kindly, us his nbsenco from
homo i attributable to no crime. In
nnother place wo publish nn advertisement
giving n full description of the man.
he will lecture i.v cairo some evk
nino iiuitino the holidays.
As will bo seen by tho following corres
pondence, Miss Dr. Mary J. Saflord will
lecturo in Cairo somo evening during tho
coming holidays, tho ditto of tho lecturo to
bo arranged after her arrival in this city.
It Is needless for us to say that this in-
toHigonco will bo hulled with delight by
every man and woman in Cairo who has
nny knowledge of tlio life mid history of
Miss Saflord. But rend the correspond
enee. It explains itself:
Ciiko, I iu., Dcci.Msr.li 13, u;i,
Dear.Mlsf t-allbrdi
We, members of the Ladies' Benevolent
society of this city havo boon informed
that you vontomplato visiting Cairo soon
and knowing tlio interest you feel in nil
ciiaritablo and benevolent undertakinirs
do mest earnestly request that if consistent
with tlio timo you remain hero, vou will
favor us with u lecture for tho benefit of
oursocioty (whoso mime indicates its object)
louring j uu mat a uesire lor it is tinlver
sal uuioni; our citizens, who havo watched
your caroor slnco you left us with inter
est nnd dulight. Hoping for u favorable
response, naming t Ii o timo most conven
lent, wo nre,
Your Friends,
Mrs.E.F. Daviu,
Miss Jennie Horn,
-Mrs P. H. Howaiu.,
-Miss Kate Carson,
Mrs. Arthur Ho ylk,
Mrs. W. B. Brimoi.,
and many others.
To Dr. Mary Suflbrd, 798 Wnbnsh avenue,
Chicago, Ills.
"as Wauahi Avsni'e, Ciiicauo., )
loMre. E. P. Davis and others, Oilro, Illinois
-iiy hear LAMED i-Y'our kind note of
un nation lor mo to spoak beforo your So.
ciovy, is jusi received. I thank you for tho
expressions of kindnoss It contains. You
hnow l am not u talktr, but n worker. Tlio
few times 1 have spoken boforo nn nudi
enee, duty only prompted; but ns tho cause
for which you nsk mo to speak is so good
a one, I will endeavor to pomnlv ti.it l.
--rj Mini
your request, if you will pardon nil lack of
oratorical and oloeutlonnry skill,
I shall remain In Cairo till nfter NW
Years, so that thoro will bo tlmo to ur
ruugo tho evening nftor I nrrivo, Inhnstci
lours, Very Truly,
Mary J.'sakiori..
To Mrs. E. F. Davis, Kalo Carson, and
Maruiaoe Guide. Interesting work.
numorous engravings, 2'JI pages. Prico
CO cents. Address Dr. Butts' Disnon sarv
No. 12 North Eighth Btr.oot, St. Louis
Mo. See Advertisement. tf
-For Christmas boof go to Kynaston's.
coi ner Nineteenth and Poplar streets, tf.
Cairo, Dkc. 18th 1871.
Kdltov Cdh'o llitllcfini
I sco in your Sunday morning's Issue
an Item purporting to como from the
city authorities, requesting mo to state
whatbecanio of tho man I committed to
tlio city jnll on tho night of tho 14th Inst.,
which 1 will do.
I picked tip a man on tho cornor of
Twelfth stroot nnd Washington nvcnuo
nnd committed him to tho city jail. On
triday morning nt 0 o'clock, I went to tho
all for him, nnd when ho wnsbroucht out
I looked nt him nnd found that ho was
nfllcted with runture. anil wonrlnr.
a truss. His rlcht hand was badlv burned.
ndood so badly, that his fincors wero nil
drawn up. 1 lookod nt him, nnd asked
Mrs. McIIalo what tho charges on hint
wero, intending to pay thorn myself. Mrs.
-ncHalo looked nt tho poor ctipplo nnd snld,
n effect, it would not brnko nnv ono tin to
lei him go. bo I told him to leave nnd to
not bo caught in thnt condition again.
Jir. Jiollalo searched tho man at tho iail
as he can testify, nnd ns ho docs every man
i commit, i uo not soarch nny man until
I nrrivo at tho jail, for tho truth of which
1 nm willing to hnvo Mr. McIIalo
sworn. If tho gontlcmnn who jumped into
HIE Ul'LLKTls', supposing himself tho city
nutlioritios, had asked mo ho could have
nnrnotl Iho wholu history of tlio afl'uir.
I was really ashamed to bo seen conduct
ing such a Bpccimon of humanity along
tlio strcots to tho polico court. After
heard of tho great blow nnd btig-n-boo that
was being mndo out of the transaction, 1
visited tho mayor, city attorney, and n
number of aldermen, (all of whom I con
slder tho city authorities), nnd laid tho
case boforo them, nnd they wero satisfied.
I nm willing to have nny person sco Mr
McUalc, in regard to tho searching
of tho prisonor. Ho will stato that
tho man did not havo n cent
Tho poor dovll told us that ho hud hut
forty-live conts when ho camo to town
nnd that ho got "grub nnd whiskv" with
Yours, Itcspoctfully,
Tho Item thnt hns stirred up officer
Robertson's bilo wns simply an inquiry as
to what had been done with tho man above
referred to. So far ns tho enso of this poor
cripple is concerned, it is probably ns well
that ho wns turnod loose nnd tho city saved
tho expenso of feeding hint ; but tho manner
in which it wns dono is what is objected to
It is n bad precedent, and ono which should
not bo permitted to occur a secend timo,
If officer Robertson had taken his pris
onor beforo n magistrato nnd ho had
thcro been liberated, thcro would hav
been no necessity for this statement, nnd
tho unpleasant feeling that has grown out
of the affair would hnvo been avoided
At about ten o'clock yesterday morning
a firo broko outjn n small cottage houso
on Twenty-r irst between Poplar 6troet
nnd nshington nvcnuo, occupied by Mr
juun aullivan, an employer nt the Illinois
Central railroad depot. Tho firo compa
nies arrived nt tho scene of tho
firo ns soon ns tho bad condition of tho
roads would permit. Tho Hibernians
wero on tho ground first and immediately
wont to work, doing good service. Tlio
little Arab, and tho Rough nnd Ready's
with their largo inachino soon followed,
nnd commenced plnylr.g on tho fire.
Howcvor, tho flames made great headway,
and in a few minutes communicated to the
residonco of Mr. Long, which stood
close nlongsidc.
The firo seems to havo originated from
n iJotVctlon lluo in tho kitchen of Mr. Sul
livnn's houso.
-Mr, Sullivan's houso was completely
uosiroyeci, while that ownod by Mr. Long
wns saved, though in a badly damaged
condition. Mr. S.( wo are told, had insur
nnco on his house in tho sum of $.500,
which will about cover his loss on tho
building. Mr. Long, wo believe, lind no
insurance whatever, nnd his loss will not
fall short of $ 100.
2TI'o undersigned committee, on behalf
of tho Gorman School Society, desiro to re
turn thnnks to the members of the Timlin,
for their liberality in tendering tho free
use ot thoir hall, stage, sconeries nnd ward
robo for the purpose of giving n perform-
nnco for the benefit of the children of tho
Gcrmnn School, who will bo tho recipients
oi preonts on Christmas evening. For
tins purposo, tho performance was uivon
and tho monoy collected at tho door wilj
uo cxponueil tu puroliRsin" presents for
tho children, nnd not as horotoforo
reported to puy tho toucher, ctcrTs
peclttlly do wo wish to thank Mrs. Clins.
Mehner nnd Miss Ebort ; and
Messrs. Kuchonbocker, Decker,
Albn, Huder Bros., Ncwhous, Thomas,
Herbert, U'ruess, and last thouch not loast.
Prof. Eisenborg, and his oxcollent string
band who gavo thoir servlcos on tho oc-
cassion free of charge.
II. Meier,
School Committee.
Cairo, Doc, 10. 1871.
Sugar Toyn, Firo Works
Sugar Fruits, Toy Wagons,
Boys' nml Ladies' Skates, in varioty,
Toy Carts nnd Sleighs,
Atmoro's Minco Meat, Clover Honoy,
Groat vnrioty of Dried Fruits,
Soedless, Basket and London layor Raisins,
Canuod una bottled Goods, in variety.
Poultry and Game,
Choice mixed Candies,
At Biihtot & Stilwkll's, No, 32, 8th-st.
deol'J lw.
For good photogrnpbs, porcoluin plo
lures, or old pictures to bo copied, call or.
Thomas, No, l'Jl Commercial nveuuo. Ur
as good workman. Glvo lilm u trial.
Thoro was nrory rQsnoctablnti.li.nr.nr.t
tho Athonoum, to see tho norformf,.,,., i...
tho Ollbort dramatic troupe, last night.
That tho houso was not lnruor. wo feol sur,,'
wns owing to tho threatening aspect of tho
weather. The piny, "Tho Mnld of Crolssy,
or tho Cross of Gold," was good, ouch
character being oxcellontly represented.
J. no recitation of Edgar A. Poo's great
poem, "The Ravon," by Mr. Simcoo Leo.
elicited tho prnlso of every one present.
Ao-nignt will be presented, with
RH tlio necessary scchory,
nppolntmonts, etc., tho ccl-
obrnted drnma of" Stroets of Now-York."
This play will not fnll to draw n full house,
ss it is ono of the greatest dramns on the
American stnge.
To-morrow night, Mrs. Bctlio Gilbert
Gray, ono of tho most chnrmlng actresses on
tho stago, will make her first appearance In
this city, in thogrcat Irishdra'mn of "The
Colloon Bawn." Mrs. Gray has just fin
ished nn engngement with tho Nnshville,
Tennessee, thentro, and will spend n few
week! with tho troupe now playing In this
city. Sho is widely known ns a most fns
einntlng nnd nccompllshed nctress, nnd
has hosts of admirers wherever sho has
hud engagements.
$10 REWARD 1
I will pay ton dollars for tho return of
a lady's FUR MUFF which was lost in
this city about noon on Saturday.
Dr. H. AVardner.
Kynnston, tho popular fourth ward
butcher, will kill somo splendid beef for
Christmas." tf.
John Foloy's
Celebrated Gold pens and ponclls
Cnn only bo fjund at
E.A- W. Budors. dccl"dlw
-To have magazines, periodicals, nows-
papcri, or books rebound, try The Bulle
tin bindery. Wo arc prepared to turn
out won; in urst-ciass stylo at prices ns
low ns cnn bo obtained in St. Louis, Chica
go or Cincinnati.
Tho nicest stock of
Solid Silver nnd Plntcd Ware
Cnn be found at Buder's.
Thoy sell goods cheaper than any
One else. decl'dlw.
Whcro nro you going? To tho placo
number C3, Ohio lovce, where thoy keep
tlio best fresh oysters, fish and game, and
tho finest wines, liquors and cigars to bo
found in tho city. Open at nil hours, ds.y
or nlgbt. J. E. Parks
If you ,Wnnt
to get a
Good nnd fino Watch or Clock,
Go to Buder's.
They Guarantco them.
dcc.l"-d-l w.
Alderman Fitzgerald has just received
from Ireland, n lot of the finest Irish
whisky. The sample rooms are becoming
quite a popular placo of resort, and it isu
luct well known that at no other plnco
tho city is there to bo found better whis
kies, wines nnd cigars.
Huvojuit received u nico lot of
Gold and Ivory
decl7 dlw.
Great Inducements to nny ono wish
ing to buy u tlrst-clnss piano or organ.
E. ii W. Buder offer their entire stock in
tlio piano and organ lino nt tho actual
cost of tho instruments. Thoy nro desir
ous of closing out the stock so thnt they
may use mo room lor jewelry manuractur
ing purposes.
Ho I for Holly !
NowStorol Now Goods!
Best assortment of
Cooking nnd Heating Stovus
over brought to Cairo,
on Washington avenue, tlireo doors. nbovo
Tenth street.
Mck illinm, nt tho corner of
Twentieth and Poplar street, has ono of
tho best meat markets in tho city. Nick
understands tho butcher business to per
foction, nnd has always on hand tlio host
ol meats of every kind. Or pork, lie hu3
ns good ns can bo found nt nny other shop
in the city, nnd sells it thrco pounds for
twonty-flvo cents. deolOdlw
Largest stock
Christmas presents in town
nt E. & W. Budors,
corner Eighth street nnd Wnshington nvo
nuc. decl7dlw.
Jas. Kynaston tho popular Fourth
ward butcher, nt tho cornor of Nine
teenth nnd Poplar streets, is acknowl
edged to keop tho best meats to bo found
in tho city. On his recent trip to St.
Tho finest assortment of
sets of Jewelry, Rings, Pins, and SIcovc-
Buttons, can bo found nt Buder's.
docl7 dlw.
Tub Bulletin printing establish
ment is now prepared to rcceivo ordors for
blank books of all kinds, largo and small.
Merchants, bankors, oillcors nnd business
mon generally who desiro now sots of
books, should hand in thoir ordors. Our
facilities enable us to compoto with tho
first blank book mnnufutories in tho West,
both In quality of work nnd prlco. Par
ties desiring any description of blank-
book work nro invited to call and oxamino
books and pricos.
J. 0. Catson,
Has a Fino Stock of Holiday Goods,
Fancy Goods,
Commercial Avonuo,
Bctwcou Ninth and Tenth streets.
-Mrs. McGco having a.largb stock of
millinery goods of fall and wintor stylos,
has determined to sell thorn oil' at tho low
est prices. Hats from sovonty-llvo cents
and upwardj, among which may bo found
lino French fel 'u-ortli two dollars nplcco
which will bo sold for ono dollar anq
twentr-flvo cents. All sorts of ribbon
trimmings, good velvets, flowers, etc., nl
of which nro offered nt cxtrcmoly low
E. & W. Bttdor
Manufacture everything thatcnnbocallo
l-'or In tho jowerly line.
Thoy havo procured tho bct machlnorj
For the purposo. dcol7dlv
Tho Buder Hrothors, cornor Elghtl
street and Washington nvonuc, havo rc
coivod a bran-now lot of tho Intcst-stylci
breast-pins, cnr-rlngs, finger rings, brae
lots, watches, clocks, etc., nnd, ln Ho th-
public to call nnd Insnecltho stock. Tho
nro also ngonts for tho Davis' sowing mn
chine, Burdcttorgnnsnnd St Louis pianos
1 M.I nT.. iH ll.n It. ll 1 . . 1 - I
bo obtained ut nny plnco In Southern III
All kinds
Jowolry Manufactured
tho Huder Brothers.
Tho manufacture of
Hair Jewelry for Holiday Gifts
mndo a specialty.
Louis, lie purchased as flnon lot of youii)
lilt hr?et fMittln til wns over lirntlr.ht tn 111
market, two of which, weighing 3,00
l.f,n,1. lw. Im 1 ........ ...AAlHlt.. r.
, o
, , ... v
f Tlirlst f .1 n s . Tin anil. I tin vnru lm. ..f l.n.
nl from flvo to twelve nnd n half cents pt
i.uuiii.. uu iins muLLfin. vpni. nrid Tinr
coiiul to any louml in tlio citv, and It wi
bo sold as low ns tho lowest. Kcmcmbc
.1... ..1 V- I . - 1 1 , . 1 I
streets. dlCdlf
ARRIVED and departed.
Steamer. Where from. Where lo.
Jas. Fisk. tr. Paducah Pnducnl
.name uagon, .Memphis.-... r-vansvlih
Hello Vernon N.O Cincinnnt
i r..,i,i. c, T...1. r i.t
r- i .. i I t .1 .. .1 u, t :
..A..H..LU...... ...... ......... .J . . A.UM,
i- l. -.. . c. r
Mnry Alice N. O.
Bee Evnnsville
Falls Pilot Miss, river
Dextor N
St. Louis.
Tyrone Kvansville... .Kvansville.
Valid and bg's St. Louis.
Lawrcnco Cin Memphis.
Idlowlld Columbus Columbus.
R. J. Lock wood... St. Louis.
Henry Ames... St. Louis.
Burksvillo ... Nashville Nashville.
Robt. Mltchcll..N. O
The river is falling again nl this port.
liicro is now ucuoubtabiy a clear cnan
ncl in tho Mississippi to St. Louis. Dls
nn f l nvnrv nmrn is nitiir. nuvurui uu
nnnrm v(mninv ior dl. iauu i iihu mu
" w o a
that nlace. There is about threo fact in
tho channel.
... ....! ...
r-..v i.t-...l l...- t..... i . . ... f...
phis there is six nnd a half feet, and below
there, six feet on Rcoves' bar.
Thcro was considerable activity among
thoso steamers that have been ico bound
for tho past weeks, getting ready to leave
for St. Louis. Among thoso that depart
ed were the Exchange, Colorado, Alice,
Validanco barges nnd R. J. Lockwood.
Thoro aro a number of other boats await
ing tho arrivals of their respective crews.
The Bolle Memphis arrived from Pow
ers' Island Sunday whero sho had been
aground forsoino time, sho got off the bar
nil right and commenced receiving for
Memphis on arrival nnd elenred lost even
with n modcrntotrlp.
Tho Colorado concluded not to load for
Vicksburg, therefore sho cleared for St.
Louis with the freight of tho City of
Tho City of Vicksburg camo to tho land,
ing yesterday morning nnd is no w loading
for Vicksburg.
Tho Tyrono camo in from Evansvilio
with a fair trip. She reported tho Arkan
sas Hello as having turned back from
Tlio Doxtor cleared for Now Orleans
loaded to tho water.
Tho Burksvillo nrrivod from Nnshvillo
and roportcd tho Cumberland river ns
being In a very bad condition.
Thcro is nn immenso quantity of cedar
logs ready to como out of tho Tcnnesseo
river on tho first rise.
Tho C. B. Church has laid up at Mem
phis until thoro is moro wator in tho Ohio.
Tho Robt. Mitcholl arrived from New
Orleans with about COO tons which sho
will probably send by rail nnd tlion load
Tho forry-boat Cairo wont up to Groen-
flolds Sunday after corn and got aground,
Tho tug Cacho wont up to her night bo
foro last but did sho no good ; finally u
light was procurod and sho was light
ened off. Sho brought down 1000 tacks
Tho Honry Amos nrrivod from Pastors'
Island, whero sho was ico bound. Sho re
ported tho rivor cloar of ico from thoro
Piissoneors going south should bear in
mind that tho groat stcamor Charles Bod
mann leaves this evoning. Sho is com
manded by Capt. 0. I'. Shinklo who is a
caroful and compotont officer, and tho pol-
Ito A. B. Holdon hns charge of tho office.
Sho loaves at 5, p. m. Mullory Is hor
Tho fino stcamor Potomac is now load
ing for Now Orloans and will leavo on ar
rival of tho train Wednesday ovoning-
Jas. Biggs is hor passonger agont.
City Nailosinl nnnk Untitling-.
Hneelal attention paid to orders Irom stenni
boats nlRht or dav."W
Yarmouth bloaters nt Jorgonson's-

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