Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1871. TUB BTTM.ETf JOHN u. on liar. "' Tiioh-oat Morsiso, Dec. VI, ltsli. tSuWriplloi.) wwit. r o"1"' ' Mn f IV rrlr,1n dTne Id tioBtb, by uhI1, - Thre month, S t month!. ..... 0e year, . " ,10 CO . a n tpnktt 0)1 . W)dLr nr 'Jnoi, M' )"' WKKKLY 1IULLKTIK. luCfil the ' lib- ..i. i Co. ne r jonn it. uw" ..pk1y c.lro Hull-tin lo. r,rDUbll.h In S"'hrn Illinois. The MifKouri Drnwrnt liaa iliscov-i crcd that Mr. Trumbull lias several rel atives holding office i under tlio govern ment and that paper accordingly de clares against nepotism. The consist ency of some radical paper" i beautiful to contemplate. '1'iie Oliicago J'ost, like the boy that whistled to keep his courage up, calls loudly for an investigation of the frauds charged against the city council. The Post is charged with being as deep in the mud as the aldermen arc in the mire. Ben. BtrrLEit has introduced a bill in congress of the nature of a Ucclara tory act that all females of ago have a right to vote under the fourteenth and fifteenth amendment. This is the ob ject Mrs. Woodhull has had in view and it is probable she and Butler are working in concert, and arc to share the honor if sucessful, which ia im probable, the bill having been referred to the judiciary committee, which is known to bo opposed to it. Mrs. Livermore aya it is a pity that Horace Greeley was not on hand when, the world was created. The Chi cago Republican says " it is a much greater pity that Mrs. Livermore wasn't on hand herself, for if she had been we wouldn't Vave her now." Such remarkR as these arc & little se- Tere on Mrs. Livermore, but no doubt they arc a satisfaction to that lady since they are a sign that she has acquired the right to be abused liko a roan. An exchange, remarking on Governor Palmer's position on the military occu pation of Chicago, thinks " it is a little ' funny that the state which was the first to decry tho doctrine oi Mates' 1 rights, bids fair to bo tlio first to re assert the doctrine in n substantial ' manner." It is not co funny after all, since it is fast being demonstrated that the seed of disregard of states' rights fell in ground where it has taken deep root, and liko a bad weed, promises now to overtop the doctrine of states' rights. mr Sandringbam, ;tho fountry homo of his rovnl nighties, the I'rlneo vt Is In N..rfoll.ono.f"' cn-lcrn countlo of England, and M lct ono hundred and twenty mlle frm tnelropolU ( Prince Withe mUIc -on after 1. marring nd u conl,nilcd lo bo .vor' rc'ort ovr ,lnce' (i'jict ""d f" cllJ;t, with plenty of came of every kind. ,iJ Mifr. until-1 by loyal inhabitant, It l ndclliifu' raorl fur retirement and plea- tare, Tmt I'r.nce Is lo d of tlio manor, anil lm lif tfift of t'ie rectory In hi own hnml, w!iU-!i lie recently bclmvcl upon ... . . - . .m. one ot old nun i.ivoruo rerutr.. i nu lion'e I ii splendid niiin't'iii, tlio Prlneo h v t -i lt Lit 1 out ciinrinoiM 'iiiih upon It KM) Near Nrt'tivlllo, Iiunipstcad coun ty, ArkKiinsM, n few d:iys n.;o, a MIsi while walklni in th wo.iJh, was initng.xl ami murderud by lotnu unknown no nii llcr throat was cut from car to . . I. . i In... it. oar, and inn linger ncany uiucn on ono haixl. All tho members of tlio senalo clec tlon coininittco but Morton tigncd n re port In favor of Norwood's admission from Georgia, saying the legislature which vot for Jtlodgct was unauthorized. ftarOcn. Cnrdillo has declared against tho Mexican government at Petto, nnd a largo body of troops lias marched against lilm. Tho revolution is dccrcaslag. Bay-Tlio contract for erecting water works at Kvansvillo has been cancelled by the city council for alleged neglect and In competency. ) SQJMt ii donfed that tlio Commercial L'nlon Injurancc Company of London has quit buinc3. It lot only $02,000 in Chi cago. Stay Tlio members of the republican left and tho union republicans of tho French assembly, aro trying to prevent tho admis sion to that body of tlio Orleans princes. tQ. In Milwaukee, Sunday, Henry Kcpplcr, formerly Galx & Ax' hooV kecpor, Ualtiniorc, suicided. 3. Sunday night eight men attacked the Now Brunswick (N. J.) jailer, to re lease a bank robbor, but woro beaten. m.Tho Czar has furloughcd fifty thousand of his army, affairs with Austria assuming a pacific shape. (.The Currency Controller ordered the National banks to make a showing of their business on the ICth. The senators on this list all voted nilnst tho investlgitlon In Its strongest irm, nnd I understood thnt every sonati- in favor of tlie Investlu'iiti'in in Iw stroi nl form oxcert one, tho democratic sotntor, Is excluded from this committee. Ii l for tho Sonnto to dcturmliie, after t'tis debate that has occurred, whether a comi- mltteo ergnnized in that way can satHfr the country. Pcrhap, also, it would 1 wortu wniio to consider wlietacr it Is i- cji.formity with parliamentary law, ns It I resolution of Inquiry on snmo particular cne ho Implies that no other cato shuuld lo inve'tlgnted. Mr. Howe desired Mr. Bayard to under sl-md that ho would go as fur as ho (llav nrd In Investigating nny branch of tlio putiHo service, and voto lor the most radi cal sweeping and searching investigation ho knows how to contrive. " Mr. Ikyard accepted Mr. Howo's nlcdce. and would offer ns n substltuto Mr. Truin- otH propoitlon, Ixiltuvliii that although laid down in. Jefferson's Manual, that th" i ' Mt. i onkllng voted against It before, lio To romovo grease from floors, ap ply a paste of wood ashes kcop it on sovc ral dayi,'and then wash off. .Monday, In New York, Maurlco Daly beat Cyrillo Dion at billiarrtf, mak ing ivcrage runs of 125. I Tho grand jury will look into the charges of alleged bribery of members of tho Chicago council. BiT Saturday, at Grand Vlow, Indinnn, jealousy caused Lnrkin l.amar to kill Dr. F. Mason. J" A Ijonilan report snyi tho Allen Ktpamhin lino linn Ijoon old. Itrin to Norfolk, Vn. tiyA loan for tlio Mexican Govern ment is to bo negotiated, if possible, in'tho United States. CS? General Itricc, paymaster, ha been put on tho retired list with present rank. A Washington dispatch dated the 18th says: "George Q. Cannon, edi ' tor of the Salt Lako Xew and elder ' in the Morman church, was on tho ' floor of tho houso to-day, and waB in ' troduced by delegate Hooper to nu merous members. Although Mr. C. ' did not state it, it is quite ovidont that ' the Mormons arc gradually acquiescing in tho proposed policy to admit Utah 'as a state, and in future to abolish ' polygamy. Ho returns this week with 1 delegate Hooper, to confer with lead 1 ing Mormons. A bill to admit Utah ' as a state was introduced to-day in the 1 house." In n lateissuo of her II 'tchly Mrs. Woodhull informs clergymen that hav ing had many letters from that class of tho reading public inquiring terui3 etc. of the Weekly, since Iter speech in Sleinway Hall, New-York, bhe will heroafter on application supply the pa per to ministers " without money and BftjU Horace Greeley's gift to tho New York woman suffragn fair was a cradle. tSf Miscegenation has boen declared illegal by the supreme court of Indiana. HairTho Wyoming logislaturo adjourn ed Saturday. who lako executions to sumo n.irtlcul.irj aro to bo of tho committee, but none who tpe.ik directly against tho boJy of tho bill for a child is not to bo put to a nurse that care not for It. You smile, Mr. President. You naturally smllo when you eo that process going on In this chamber. L-iughlcr. Jefferson proceed to say, it thoreforo n constant rule that no man is to bo employed In any iimttcr who has declared himself against it, and when, nny monibcr who Is against tho bill hears himself named on tho committee ho should nsk to bo excused. Luughtcr.l Now, ns 1 understand, this inquiry was first presented by tho Sonator from Illi nois (Mr. Trumbull), nnd urged by him in nn olaborato nnd nblo speech, which has already awakened chocs throughout tho country. I miss his name from the coin inittco. In tho debate on till subject that oenntor was sustained oy the Senator trom Missouri (.Mr. Schurz.) I miss his name. Thcro were other Senator., I think, who spoko on that side, certainly there woro others who voted for that side. 1 miss all their names, and I think tho countrv will miss tlicm. lor flvo years past incro uas been a lomnmleo on Retrenchment, joint in character, but still representative of tho Setinto. I know not whether any of the members of that committee appear on tho list. Schurz: none. 3Iy friend before me says none. Neither the chairman of that committee (Patterson), who had gained much ex perience in ferreting out abuses, nor ono of his associates llnd n place on this com mittee. Whv, sir, to mo it is simply in explicable. 1 nm at a loss to understand how my friend from Ithodo Islntul (Mr. Anthony), in whom I bcllovo reigns a spirit of Jutice, can bring forward a prop osition for si'ch n committee. Hut I lmvo no desiro to go into any opposition, I am only one. 1 simply make this statement that it may bo of record, nnd that hereafter should this committco fall in its inquiries, tbo country may know that tho Senato was at least warned with regard to its charac ter. 1 desiro it to be understood that 1 havo not ono word, excrpt of kindness, for ti'o much respected senators who aro n.imed In thl committee. I simnW call intention to tho fact thnt thov took no nnrt cither by speech or voto in urging this in quiry, nnd that thoro appears upon this list no (senators who did. Jty purpose is HCcomplishcd if I cnll tho attention of my Irlond from Itnodo Island (Anthony) to t ohrnetnr of the committco he proposes. Laughter. Mr. Anthony. I beliovc thnt the appointment of this commiUco is strictly parliamentary. 'I no commiuco was votcu for unanimously. Tho Sonator from Illi nois (Mr. Trumbull) moved n joint com mittee, and had that committoo been ogrcod upon ho would hnvo been entitled to tho chairmanship of it, hut tho resolu tion under which this committoo is ap pointed was moved by mo, and if the com mittee wcro to bo appointed by tho chair I would probably liavo to ask to bo ex cused as chairman. I don't know what my friend from Massachusetts (Mr Sum ner) moans, when ho speaks of Senators horn who nro opposed to this inquiry. I don't know of i single Senator who is op posed to tlio most searching and thorough nnuirv into anvenargos oi corruption, oy whomsoever mane, in tins cnninoor. Kvcrv Senator who has spoken on this uMect has declared in fn"or of a thor ough investigation, nnu l nm my irienu to read the name, of tlio men on Mils coin- i. -'j . ....... ...... that ho boliuvpii would cover up corrup tion ? I consider this committco nn em inently judicious ono. This is tho first tlino in my experience in tho Senato that I havo over hoard a coininittco objected to on account of tho character of its member. I am glad tho first experiment has linen tried upon .Senator against whom so little can bo said. Mr. Thurinar. Tho Senator from Rhode IMiurl wholly evades tho ipiotinn. No Senator will say a word in disparage ment of tbn character of cither of tho Senators pioposed as members of this committee, nnd no such issuoenr. bo forced on tho Sennto. Wo aro not hero to i' ves tigato tho character of Sonators. "Wo aro would -tipport It now. BfiyThe duke's hall at Uoslon involved S5000 loss. Efty Tho French cx-ompress ha sailed for England. BQu Jo Coburn says ho ha fought his last mill. WASHINGTON SIM id' TALK IN TIIK SKNATK. THK R KTI K N 0 1 1 M K N T QUESTION. LOGAN SPEAKS. AVasiunoto.v, 1). ('., Docombor 10. Mr. Conkling offurcd tho following: Whereas, it has beun declared in tho Senate thut at New York thoro exists and Is maintained by govcrmout ofllccrs, under tho naino of General Order Husiues, a ...... r !.. i.. .1 . -,1 . ml , IHWMBIIMIIB MUlinU, 1 1 lUlU II I Ull i, III 11) UllllT Hiiuoui price. iiicru ib noway prou- i ttcl(!r. umi who-eas, tho following state ably for the clergy to obtain redress for the scandal cast on them by this state ment of Mrs. Woodhull's. They might pray for her as good christians pray or their enem'te, but if they did she would publish it ns an evidence of her good standing with the pious portion of the community. incut has been miido bv u Senator (horo is set forth Schurz s statement about Mr. Leet, head of tho General Order business, and tho mysterious power sustaining him ugnlnst thu protests of the merchants nnd wish of tlio Secretary of tho Treasury,) therefore, Resolved, That tho Committee on In vestigation and Retrenchment be instruct ed to inquire into the matter fully, und particularly wnoiucr any couusion or im Joiim A. Looan'h speech in the senato agaiust putting the names of the very men who were opposed to an investigation committee, on such a com tnittcp,was neither very long.very studi a nor very evqueut, but tho Illinois enator did not nAuce matters liko rough surgeon who understands his' business but does not vtoj to inquire whether the knife burt or nov, hc wcnt traight to the bottom of tbo nwional ore. But Logau, whose honest 'm- Unets appear to outweigh party disci pline just now, should not cripple his efforts in the direction of reform hv making excuses for Grant. John's boulders are broad but they aro not broad enough to carry water on both of them, and this the man attempts to do, who declares for investigating tho abuses of Grant's administration and till tries to exonerate the head of it from all blame. proper connection with such business ex ists on the part of any officer of tho United States, and further to inquiro whether any tins been or Is known by his superior of ficers to be guilty of bribery, taking bribes or other crimes or misdemeanors, and tho committee is authorized to send for per sons and papers. Consideration postponed till the commllteo Is appointed. Mr. Anthony offered a resolution for the appointment of the following Commit- teon investigation anu itetrcnclimont: Messrs. uucklnghnm, mtt, Howe, Harlan, Stowart, Pool uud llayard. air.bumncr. 1 ask tho Sjmitor who offered thut resoluion to statu whether thcro aro named u. members of this com mittco any ot tlio Senators who brought forwurd this Inquiry, und especially urged U on tho .Senator 7 Mr. Anthony. Tho Senator knows that -nun i uo. I think tho gentlmnon nniiicu uro oxceeuingly Judicious, sonnible, modorato wm, who command tho con fidence of associates, although I do not know that they lmvo mado the very conspicuous In connection with tho chirgCB that havo buen mado hero. Sumner. When I heard tho IWt I was astonished at tho nbsencoof cortaln nainoi. I find nn 'his list not tho name of a slnglo enator who urged this Investigation, or who votodjfor the investigation In lis strongest form, unloss it bo tho demo catlc Senator from Delawarn (Hayard) hero to inquiro whether this proposed com- mittco will ho in nccordanco wills par liamentary usngo and good eenso. The question is whether, having rosolvod to invrstigato tho investigation shall bo committed to n committoe, tho majority or whom aro earnestly in favor of tho Investigation, or to men who aro opposed to it. To say that thoso who favor investigation ought to bo upon tho committco implies no im put'itiou on the motives of thoso who would bo excluded from it. Thcro is a difleronco in opinion In tho Sennto ns to the existence of frauds nnd tho necessity for an investi gation. .Mr. Conkling. What difference ? Mr. Thiirmaii. Tho Senator from Nevada said tho other day that thoro was no necessity for an investigation at nl, j that this administration and its ofllcials woro so puro there was nothing to Investi gate Mr. Krolingliiiyisen asked Mr Thur man whether "tho parliamentary rulo was not that tho senators who voted for the measure should bo upon tho coininittco Mr. Tliuriuaii. You cannot ovado tho rulo by taking six or seven gentlemen that voted for tho resolution. Thcro is n law that tho senator who moves for an in quiry is to bo placed nt tho head ot the com mllteo, it no is oi too dominant party ; but thn sonator fiom Illinois (Trumbull) it not put at tho hoad of this committco. Mr. Buckingham. Tho Senator from Illinois (Trumbull) distinctly deol!nod : not nubile! v. but nrlvatolv. to bo either chairman of tho committoo or on tho committco. Mr. Trumbull. Tho only conversation ovor had upon tho subject, according to my rcconociion, was with tho sonnlor from Connecticut after tho sonato voted down tho proposition to raise tho commit tco and rorur to it tho subject specified, and proposed simply to raise a committco and give it no powers except such as thn senato should afterwards confer upon it. I did say to tin sonator that I could not consent to sorvo upon a committco ralsol in that way. Mr Thurmaii resumod : Another par liamentary usngo, ho said, had been viol- ntod in tills caso. It was usual to pormit the minority to scloct their own roprnsout ntivos upon a committoe, but this commit tee had been cooked up in a republican caucus, and tho namoof the domncrnt that was to bo allowed on tho committco was selected without consulting tho minority j and further, it was romarkablo that tho'ro was only cno dmncrnt to bo put on tho committee which was to outer Into nn In vcsti'jatlpn as broad as tho Union. Dem ocratic sonators woro satisfied with tho selection of him, but thoir complaint was that tho majority had undertaken to select lor mom nu, mm also that oun momlior could not fairly represent tho democratic party on tho committco. Mr. Howo piotestod ngalnst bolng class ed ns an opponent of Investigation, bo eauio ho had not thought fit to voto for Mr, Trumbull's resolution. Mr. llayard thought Mr. Bumnor's critic ism lust. Ho believed tho dcslcn In inak. ing up tho committee with only ono dom- orrai was mm wnen tno tc-nator otlnri Mr'. onkllng said I voted ncalnst bodying .Mr. Trumbull's proposition on tho rules of tho senate, but nm ready to voto for tho most swccnlnir Investigation Tho country should understand thcro was no monopoly ot public virtue ly tho gen iicmnn on tno otner aide, nnd Jir. Uayuri know him i Conkling) well enough to know no earnestly desired to discover nnd pun ish frauds. Mr. Uayard was still under tho ImprcS' sion thnt there wn nn inconsistency be iwoon tho poMlion of Mr. Conkling On Thursday and to-dav. Tho senator had undoubtedly voted against Trumbull': iiropu'iiion, ii . . . ... -ur. vyonKiing. If wo add it now ns nn instruction to tho committee, won't it bo Just ns well? Mr. Raynrd Will tho senator voto for it l I r.. ... - ... .. ur. i-UIlKlinr wnv. I until in I in vnrv debato wo nro speaking of, that I would voto for it. Mr. Hayard. " Yes, but thosonator voted against it. fljauQ-htur.l It was a alnifiilar thing that notwithstanding tho earnest proic-iations 01 n desire for reforms, every man who uiicmpted to inltiato any reform ur uvun 10 poiru mil mIhio in i.u ..uuini Islratlon, had been attacked, and !f tioisi bio. crushed. David A. Wells, n gonuino nnd vnluablo reformer, had been treated that way and thcro was n vcr' manifest disposition on tho part of tho administra tion champions to treat later reformers in tno samo way. Another singular fact was that whenever anv ono on thn n'hnr sido of tho house asked for an invcs'.lgn .t.. ,.e r. i ... . i . n mi ... iiiiuu ur uorruiiiion, lie was ill onco accused of aiming at tho president. Why should tho friends of tho administration identify their chief with Its abuses? Nov orthelcss tho country would insist on nn investigation; tho country would liko to know whether it was true, as stated by tho New-York Tribune, that tho Executive power has ever cast its shadow into this chamber nnd attempted to influenco tho action of sonntors, cither by tho dulcet tono of promises of reward o"r by the threatening tono of vengeance to bo taker, upon those who had the. misfortune. to bo offenders. All theso were fit subject P ! . . . . . I . I " ui iii . i'sfciimori. Till- investigation, to nfleet nnvlliln,. must bo mado by men who wcro willing to mvcaugtuu. n was not n question oi char acter, but of opinion. Tho senator from Indiana (Morton), for instance, would bo unfit to bo n member of this committee, be causo ho had declined tho other day that ours was tho best civil service in tho world Mr. Morton reiterated his belief that our civil service is better than that of nny Europenn country; more free from nbtnes, equal In integrity nnd moro cfilciont than 'any other. Undid not think our civil sor- vico porlcct, but no did think it grossly un just lo denounco it ns tho worst in tho world, when it was in tact tho best. Mr. Conkling said ho thought it but right that tho desiro of tho democrats to have nn additional member on tho com mittoo should bo grntilled, and ho would voto for giving them one, nnd select him themselves. Ho had undcr.-tood thn Hum. 'lor from Delaware to nsk him for informa tion in regard to cortaln transactions con nected with tho recent state convention in Nnw-York. Mr. llayard said his inquiry, so fur ns hn had mudu one, was to tho senior senntor from Now-York. Mi- l,n-ilirii Miiiil Iim lh. i ..... ntor. .Mr. linyard. I meant tlio other sena tor. I lmvo been so nccustomcd to iiso uinlo tho Men of youth and beauty with tho senn'or who lias just spoken that it never iicorrcu in uiu iiiui no wit- tlio sen ior cnntor. f Laughter.! l'elitoii. 1 quite agrcj with my col league, that it is better not to bring this matter on to tho floor of tho seii.iti'7 Hut if it should cocin proper nt any time, I shall attempt to show, and I think lean nmkonich 11 caso as will satUfv aniost nvery sei.ator present, that tho inquiry of the senator from Delawnrn was justified by tho facts of the caso. Mr. Frolinghuytcn argued tnat tho com milteo, as proposed, wus in nccordanco with tho requirements of parliamentary law. Ho believed that Mr. Trumbull s proposition was contrary to tho constitu tion. Mr. Sumner said thosonator from Con nccticut (Uucklnghnm), beforo taking tho place of chairman, soothed his parliament ary conscicnco by ascertaining that tlio senator from Illinois (Trumbull), would not accept tho place; but his consuinnm did not require him to ascertain whothor Schurz, or Patterson, or any otliorsenator who had been prosing tbis inquiry would tnko tho place Mr. Patterson protested that lie would not lmvo ncceptcd tho chairmanship of tho committed as ho had had enough of that kind of work. Ho was perfectly satisfied with tho organization of tho committee, nnd ho was confident that if thoy had suf ficient powers giventhem they could not, being honest men, como to any diHurcnt conclu-ion from that arrived at by tho old committoo on retrenchment. Thcro wns uo doubt of thn cxistenco of theso nbusc, but they wero tho result, not of this or thut administration, but of tho war and Its attendant circumstance, and thoy would hnvoinvaribly nppenred tindcrnny administration. Mr. Scott moved to add Mr. Cnsserlv (democrat) to tho committco. Carried. 3lr. Logan said it was almost Imposslblo to ajt an independent part in tho senato. ow theso tnrcoorionr men, perhaps five, who undertake to manago tho party, call a caucus on any man who is disposed to bo independent, and threaten to read him out. For ono ho would net up to his convictions, nnd run tho risk of bolng read out. I do not boliovc, said Mr. Logan, thnt tho president of tho United States fiiars nn Investigation, but you havo mado tho country boliovo lie does. I do not bcllovo that tno sccrotnry oi mo treasury icars an invcsticatlon. but you havo mado tho country bsliovo ho docs. I do not boliovo that anv of tho departments of tho govern mont tear an investigation, uui you nnvo mado tho countrv boliovo they do. As to tho organization of this commit tee, it is peculiar. V hon tho senato dlvi dod on this question of investigating tho public service, sonniors voicu lor tlio nronositton nnd 35 ngalnst It, but when It comes to tho appointment of this commit tco, seven mcmbors of it aro taken from tho parly oi uo, aim ouiy uuu irom mo j. ui courso thoro was uo uesign in this. Laughter. Hut I Tear that tho making up of tho committoo in this way does not reflect much credit on us twenty-four. Laughter. Hero tho houso bill in relation to steam boilers used on tho Mississippi river, was taken up and read. Mr. Trumbull moved, as an amendment to tho ponding resolution, his proposition to instruct tho committco to inquire into all tho subjects enumerated in his original resolution. M r. Anthony's amendment was adopted by a voto of 2'J yeas to Hi navsi Messrs, Logan, Fenton, Patterson, Schura, Sum ner, Tipton ana Trumbull voting in tho negative. Tho amended proposition is as follows i ueioivcd. i not tne committee on in vestlgatlon nnd rclrcnchmentbo Instructed to inquire Into tho expenditures of nil branches of tlio scrvlco of tho united Stntos, and to report whither nny or what niccs should bo abolished; whether any nd what salaries or allowances ought to bo reduced; what nro tho methods of pro- cur nir tho nccountnbllitv of nubile 0111- ccrs oV agents In tho disbursements of pub lic moiiev: wnctner mnnevs nnvo ucun paid out illegally; whether nny officers, or nirents. or other persons have been or . . . ... ... . l.i. aro cmt) oven in tlio null c sc. ice whii out authority oflnw, or unnecessarily, nnd generally, now, and to what extent mo ex penses of tho sorvleo of tho country may and ought to bo curtailed. 3Ir. Wilson moved to nmond this by pre vidlng thnt tho committoo should lmvo power loscnl for persons nnd pnpors Dili; in. i.vsuiiajici:, W, II, M0IIK1S, Jiowr S'uuitc, II, II. CAKtlEI. No. Tub. and U, H, Ccm. v. iv,i;iii .ill JmQUUC llliu iriiiuir appoint n clerk, nnd to report by bill otuorwisc, witnout providing lor us sit ing uuring tno recess. Mho nmendment was adopted yeas, liT nays, 17; Messrs. Conk Ing. Uowo nnd Unrinn did not voto. Mr. Vickcrs offered an amondmcnt to tbo original resolution, substituting othc senators as members of tho commi tee. Lost. Tho original resolution, naming tlio members of tho committee, was then adopted yeas 42, nays 1 ; Mr. Blair alone, voting In tho nega'tlvo. -Mr. Pool stated that ho could not serve on the committee. Mr. Conkling moved to tnko up his res olution, introduced and laid asido this morning. Mr. Trumbull objected nnd tho resolu tion went over. At ten o'clock tho sennto adjourned. coji.iiinsio.i and ronwAitniKu. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO., (Huccoisorstoi:. H, IpQtlrlcka A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WUAI.F-UOAT FKOPKIETOKS flSl.lberiil Advances in i-3 Connl)!nin-nth. iion Are prepared to reccue, ttore n orwtrJ frulghu to all point, and buy ell on conunlnlon. rHuliirm atleodea lo promptlr V. Strait on. T. Bird STRATTON & BIRD, (Successor toBlratton, Hudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Lcvce, Cairo, Illinois. ttBAjient of American Powder Co., and man uractmcr ngents forccllon Trn JOHN II. PHILLLS, (Siicceor to Parker & I'lnMln,) GENERAL COMMISSION IMI t Ull W A Kill A'O JI r.liUU A Si TT, Ml DKALKlt IX HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TKNTH-ST. and OHIO LKVKK evino. i i.i.. FIltE, UULL, OAltOO, MVK STOCK CCIDKNT, UFK, lUTSTO'BA.NOEI ACTNA, IIAUTKOKU, Assets tt.Mr.CO! VI NOHTI1 AMERICA, l'A., Ansels,. 2,713,000 D. HAIlTyolUI, CONN- AnKets.. 1,644,210 11 IMKKNIX, IIAltTKOnU, Aseln 1,7(1,111 S4 INTERNATIONAL, H. Y Ansel. 1,3,30l 17 PUTNAM, IIARTrOKD, Ael , 70C..J7 00 CLRVr.LANU, CLEVKLANI). Ain't. 615,073 89 I IIOMK, COI.UMHUS, Asela M5.27S 41 AHEniCAN CENTKAL, MO- Amot WJ.OOUOJ CONNKCTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, Asset JO.OOO.OOO 00 TRAVELKHV, HAKTrOHtl, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, A'Kf 1 1J0,0") 0 RAILWAY I'ASSENOERS ASSURANCE CO., 1IAHTF0RI), A'l't - JJM.WH INDEPENDENT, 110ST0N, Assets C3O,S0i SAFFORD, MORRIS k CANDEK, 71 Ohio I.evee, City National Hank, CAIRO, ILL. FIRE AND MARINE 1 1 IDT S TJ IR, J 1ST a A ' ! . Ai-fl . I Am1 NIAGARA, N. V., .l,iSC,U If (1EKMANIA, N. V., - .1,7SI 7i 72i-,fC- o HANOVER, N. V., As ItEPUIII.IC, N. V., el - 7ll.iM WAflON'N. 0. I). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PP.ODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, So. 70OliloI.vrei, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. W AC 0 N MAN U FACTO R Y Comprising the Uoderwritera' Agenfy. YONKEHM, N. V., Anil - B,IM I' AL1IANY CITY, AHel ft3,m FIllKMKN'a rUNI), l. P., Al-e fiTl.ono l BECUIUTV, N. Y. MARINE, Anol. .. ;,1T.',U IX ST-Jl K, l).-llinj. Kumilurr, Hull ami Car mi.-, iii-iircil m r'' an ftointjlc at aouml perinnnenl ciinly vt l xnrrunt, I r ( t tut I y aok oi I he clliiena of CaWo, liiem lliit pairoimre. . .i. m uni. ltr Sale nt Wholesale or Retail Lit .VJD-BTIIKKT AND OHIO LKVKK, B-5pcclal attention and filling order. Klven lo consignments CHARLKS M. HOWE k CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. G4 Ohio Lovco, no22dlf CAIRO, ILLINOIS. WOOD RITTENIIOUSE, FLOUR AND G cnornl Commission Merchant 133 onio LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois CLOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND Okuknt, Plastr Parib, AND PLASTERER'S II A I R, Corner i:iirlilli Hired and Ohio I.cvre CAIRO, ILL. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS voit FAIRUANK'S SCALES 68 Oum Lkvek. CAIRO, ILLS Cairo, Illinoi.". novlllf j. p. i.A'ini.E ar.Nr.itAL, aoentn. IIALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION HER CII A N T N DEALERS IN FLOUR; And A nlaf Ohio RlTCk' null linuimlift 70 Ohio Levef, CAIRO, ILLINOIS; MIHCEM.ANF.OVS. FOR RENT. THE OLIVE BRANCH SALOON Near Stone Depot. KENT LOW, AND FIXTURES AT A BARGAIN Rooms for rent at 3 permonth, And Saiementa lur fiv, 1). 0. hAWRENCE. oeciiw DOORS, hAHII. ETOl 00 TO W. W. THORNTON'S. BUILDERS' SUPPLY DEPOT, 13J TENTH iTBEKT, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, POR Doom, 8nh, Bllad. MonlUlor, EnvCluiterai(vood)Wladowanil II004 Pramn, Floorln, Latli, HbliiRlpit, Glnirrt Haiti, Olaced Hide I.lEbU, Glased Tranumi, Nnah WelRhtu, Naab Pnlllt and Cord, mind I'aatnlBr, Rooting t'tlt, Itooflna; Cement, Plaaterlna; Pnitrr, Carpet Felt, Wliile Lend, Umml oil, American Window OUkr, Eag-IUli aadFrenck Plato Glaan, Pnttjr, Glriaier Polafi Hewer Plpea, Patent Catmitcyi, Ete., Etc., Etc. AOENTS lor Rock Rlrer Vnftt Compiny'n .. ?.le.n ni(FUnil Quarts Cerricnl. U, IV. John's ImproTeU IIooOdk ahrajs on BARBERS J. GEO. STEINHOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Sths)t nnd Cowinerelal-aT.' JTShorp JUtors, MTCIn Towels and JTSklllluIl Workmen VLsdiea' and children's hair cut and sham, pooed, either at the shop or at their own homoe. aWOentlemen' whiskers and h tr djed In a tide manner. 8Mttioo. gtisrsnteed.