Newspaper Page Text
a ulleftft . .. 'sps&r JOHN H. OBKRLY & CO. THE MAILS. arrive, nr.rlii North. Thrnnvh Il'JOB.m. 'Itlti tn I " wnjr z:zvp;m. f:Wa.m. South, Way U15p,m. ;00 p.m " Through N. O.. Mem. phi nnd Columbus 2.30 p.m. 4:00p,tn, uwo wver route, (except Monday)..,.. ;oop.m. C:00p.m iron .Mountain h. ii 2:30,.m. lliwp.n am, uivcr route, Tuesday nnd Friday COO p.m, T.OOp.m inenes, uooso Island A Hanta I'e. Ills., Thursday A Krl- ,lhy J C.WIp.m. TiOrJa.m, Mayfleld, tllnti'lTillo and Loelaee Ky lT;Wa.m. 4:ip.m, orriir. noi'ia. General Delivery (Sundays 8 io'j a.m.) Money Orilor department .m. 6.W Kt-Kinter " " ' :t a.m. 6.00 n.m Money Older nml Iterator ; department no "I"1!! on ounnays. OUR CHURCHES. KK.SUVTKIUAN-Klghlh.alreeU I'reaehlng, Hi.bls.ili at lo a. it., and T, r. u. i'rayer meeting, Wednesday at Vi r. at. Sunday .Scli .ol, H p. x. J, M. I. an. dun, Huper- intendent. Uev. C. II. Koou, 1'asti.r. Ml.TliODIHT-Cor. Kighth and Wiilnut Hid. Preaching, HaMsith li.JJ a. ., nml 7 r. . 1'rayer meeting, Wednesday, 7J; f. m. .3 r. M. 1,. V. Hlllel, Huper- intendent. Itv. K. L-.TiioiiraON, Pastor. UlUItCIl OK Til K ItKDKKMKIt (Kplstopal) Morning prayers, Hahlsilh Wt a. m. livening pra)eM.7Jr. x. Sabbath iioh'jol, U i. m. iter. Mi. Coax, Hector. Hr. PATRICK'S CilUKCH-Jor. Ninth Hi. ud Washington Avenue. ?utllo Service, Sabbath liand li a. m Vespers, 3 r. x. unday School, 2 p. x. service every day, p. x. iter. l'.J.O'llALUti, Prleal. VOU.NfiMK.SyCilltlsTIANASHOCIATION-HfK' ular meeting second Monday each month t tl.e l'ryer room of Ihe Presbyterian Church. Weekly Prayer meeting, t'rlday, V, p. x., at .he Prayer room of the Pre.bilerianchureti. C. I'aos, President. AFRICAN MKTHODI.iT-Fourteenlh, between Walnut Kn I Cedar. dervicm, Habbath, 11 a. m. ttund.iy hi'hool, 1 p. x. CiaaaSp. x. HKCO.Nl) KitKH-WILI-IIAI'TlsT-l'Ifteenth tit, i'reachinK,7X p. x. Uev. Win. Jackion, I'a.tor. between Walnut and Cedar. Pvrucea Sabbnth, 1 and 3 r. m. Uev. N. Hicaa.rftitor. FUKE-WILl, IHlTlriT IIO.MK JIISrtlU.1 tU.V UArflCir00IW)rner walnut and O-dar Hta. Hundayikhool, 'J a. x. in.ST KitKi: wii.i, haiti-jt ciiimcii-ctir- ry'a Ilarracki. Uervicee, Habbilli 11 a. x., 3 p. M. and Vi p. x. Iter. Wx. KtLLir, l'mtor. FilteT MIHSIONAUV IIAITIST CIIUUCil-Bet. ween 10th and llth Ktreeti, nearCedar. i'reachlni HiUalli Kij; a. x.tand '!i p. x. I'payer Meeting. Wednenday evening. I'renchiiiK, Friday evening. t-abbathH.'hool, p. x. John Van llaxler and Mary fctcphnn hupenntendenta. itev. TJ.Simau, I'.nti STATE OFFICERS. STATK OKFIOKUS. Ooyernor, John M. Palmer ; iiutenait-(iovernor, John Dougherty i Secretary of State, Kdward llutntnrl i Auditor of State, C. K. I.ippincolt i Htatc Treasurer, K. N. llatei ; Su)it. Public Inatructlon, h'ewten tlateman. CONOliESSMKN. Jenatora l.yman Trumbull and John A. Logan. Ilcpreaentatho for the Htate at Larje J. I, Ilaverldge. Ilepreaenutlvo Thirteenth Di.tnct John M Creba. MEMHER3 OKKKKAL ASSEMI1LV. Senatori, M District T. A. K. Ilolcomb, ol Union, and 8. K. (iitwon,of Gallatin, ltepreacntatlvo, 1st Di.trict II. Wntaon Wobb: L'0UNTV"0FFICEII.S. CIItCUlT COUKT. JudRO D. J. llaker, of Alexander. I'roieciitlng Attorncy-I. K. McCartueyt o( Masaac Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. llarinan. Hlierifl A. II. Irvln. Wm. .Martin, Aaaeaaor and Troaaurer. COUNTY COUItT. Judge F. Ilross. AsHociatea J.;K. McCrite and S. Mnrvhlldon. Clerk Jacob (J. I.vnch. Coroner John II. (loasman. MUNICIPAL OOVEUNMENT llayor John M. I.tnden. Treasurer J. 11. Taylor. Ontnplroller n. A. Iluruett Clerk Michael llowley. Marthal Andrew Cain. Attorney I'. H.l'opo. l'olico Magistrate K, Uroi. anl II, Hhan necay, Chlctol Pol loo I.. It. Myern. BKI.KCT COUNCIL. Mayor John M. I.anaden, Kirat Word-I'. O.Sehuh. .Second Vfard C. It, WooUHnrd. Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward-S. Staats Taylor. City-at-Urgo W. P. ilalllday and V. llurd. HOARD OV ALDERMEN. FIIWl' WAUD Jamea Rearden, Leo Ulvb, Isaac Walden. EOJND WAUD H. H.Cunninghaiii, E. Iludcr, Heniy Winter, James Bwaync. rillilD WAD-Wm. 8trtton, Patrick Fltigetald OURTII WAItD-Jamea Carroll.J O.U.Sease, Tme of Mcetxnq. fitr roi'Ncn. Die City Council meets In Joint aeaaion on Friday evening preceulng the first Monday ot each inoatli. BtltCT I'Ol'KClt. The Select Council meets on tho llrat Wedno- day and Thursday, nttcr tho second Monday lu each month. board or Atrr.u The Hoard of Aldermon meets on tho lira Monday and Tuesday In every iionth. COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL. On 5(r(i-Me8irs. Taylor, Walder, Winter, ood and Metcalf. Z)rnfnnjr-i'C89rH,c"nn'llS,mlni8o'lul,i Fllrger. aid, Heuso and Halltdny. Cnimj-Mocara. Wood, Cunninghatn and Kleb, n,in ami Jai Messrs; Carroll, Iludcr and Woodward OrdinnnMJ Mews. Scase, Walder and Taylor a iirparfmwf Messrs. Kenrdcn, Bwayne nd i!rll. rn.ra. Hehtih. Winter and n. IVirtdnj Honrs. Woilwtird. Bwnyne and Duller Sennit Messra. Jlud, fjtralton and Metcalf, till Mr, UcalK The Mayor, and Messrs, lto Bliiruon ami uairou PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. I.VNUHANCF. ' "TRIUMPH" TIIK TiUUMI'II INSURAaNCK CO, Ol Cliicliinnli. "' J.VX,0"0 00 Kolicila nil kindaol rlika. F. IlltONN, ovl'tlll Agent, Clm, la. HIUS WHITl'.It. CAUL h. THOMAS, SIC3-1T WRITER n now prppftjnl lo roiponj promptly tonlMr- 1'iinn'n kii ii in urn n'tnt aHOl'-Coit. Stii-ht. and CoMM:iiCAi.-w In Ihi' I'cpry lloimp, CAIUO, ILLINOIS. liotvlillt m:vsim ii:it. TIIK aVKW YOKK EVENING POST l'OH 17 J. pkici:s Ki:iL'i:n-. I'e will aupply the i:wnmg Pot aa follows! DAILY. One year .... Vi l ....I rer month ror unorier periola WEEKLY. .Single Copy one jear 1 50 Five Copie 7 u Ten 12I0 Twenty -jo w KEH7- WEEKLY. Single Copy one year J3 00 rue ipiea " w 12 W Ten Copiea " " -jo ui ur we uiii aenil ttie tollowing periodical, to utncnbera.-in connection with the Etnwi b-f. t the price, named : With With Weekly Semi. Weekly Kventtii. Pn.f. T'. P,.. Harper' Weekly. ..$! to cl) Ilarprr'ailaur 4 So r, (O Harper' Magailne K to i; w Kvery Saturdav J, ut r, ui Atlantic Monthly .t m iut Our Young Folk .3 U) 4 to Scribner' Jloiitlily ...... to I, it) The (ialazy 4 UO & to The Agrieultiiriat .; to & in Hearth wt Home Chri.tian Union .a W r, J To each subscr uer to the i'.iening Jb.and C7.ri.. run Uiun for one year will ! sent two exquMtu rrencn unromo., entme.l "Wide Awake" and FatA!cp," which are worth at retail 510 for the oair. TKY IT I THY IT! I For 2" cent wo will aend tho Weekly Evening I'O't from new until January 1, or for Mcenta we will rend the em. Weekly Pot during the aame tune. Huecimen ni'inber of the Evemni; I'n.i eni free. Ad drea WM. C.liltrA.NT, i CO. ew York. .W.MJAZIXLN. SCIUHNKU'S MONTHLY, An Illustrated Mtignzini; K.DITF.I) BY J. (I. HOLLAND, Author of " Hitter Kirtrt," " Kathrinn," Timothy Thia mak'atine. which liti riaen to ramdlv In popular laior, haa now been GKEATI.Y ENLARGED, and will beatlll further imnroved dtinngthecom Ing year. a aerie tu papers ny .nr. itianaione, prime nlnlater of England, will shortly aopear., al.o, n Able i!cuaion ol the National ilanklug by- U,nrH,l. nAXMl.., nA. . ...... I, f . . pliant i promlied, etu., etc. I whflat every num ber will bo rich In ahorter rtoriea, llluitrated mil l's UI UIUI( ..K'UVV, iiuiii9, iinaj s, vuiicrmia vl reviews, etc. Tho Hlibi.erlntion tirico I. Jtl.lMI rter mva. - i - Ue in advance. lu ru.uiu mi ititiiwn w i ijiiiiiu'iil-l 1.1,11 tiiu aerie, which wo are ure will be worthy of care r.,t ..uVBlnn U trill I , new aiib.rriber, the li number of volume 1. anil It f.. .!., 1 ...1... ... I n . I, IUI f Id", '11 IIIU 1IUIIIUVI B J'l 1UI III .1 MMIIUI 1 , ST.', for The whole will contain MOKE THAN 3,000 PAGES, more than SCO Brilliantly Written Aiticlea, anil nearly loo Completed Stories, Tnlea ol Adventure, Wit and Humor, Poems, Sc., combining with these the ablest editorials nnd the moat beautiful illustrations, aomo of them said by the critics to be fully equal to tho work of liu.lave Hoie. We quote, as falrlv representing the general sentiment o: the newspaper press In ivgarmn the Monthly, tho .following from tlio Iluttabi Com mercial Adrcrtmcr: HCllIll.NKIl'.i MONTHLY I a spleudh) Ml!. cess. It hat taken its i.laeci in the front rank of the periodicals of tho world. In the beauty of it. typographical appearance, tho perfection of lis Illustrations, the variety of Its reading matter, and tho vigor of Its editorials, ami, in general, good ana moral influence, it is a publication nl w hlch America should feel proud." itemit in uiiecks or r. u. money uruers. For sa!o by all dealers, SC1UI1NEH&CO., 05-1 llrotulway, Now-Yrk. 1872. ECLECTIC MAGAZINE or Foreiifti Literature, Science and Art. Established In IBM, the KCI.ECTIC enters with the January numlxir upon the twenty. eighth year of its existence. This fact alone sneaks much for the character ol the publication, for no maKailuo could have lived so long nmld the tierce rivalry and competition to which It has been subjected without posscaslng high degree of merit and meeting .a well.dctined want; but it la not too much to say that, during all these years, tho EC LECTIC has been recognited ns thoablest expo nent in America of thai vast Intellectual activity which finds expression In tlieporlo, Ileal literature of Europe. The plan of the ECLECTIC is to so leot from the field thus outlined, nil those arti .... o n.t..a rrAl..u 1 inn. Clef, r.Bsa.n, iioti..., ahivd, uwmc-b, nut, jiu graphical Sketches, which arc likely lo prove en. teitalnlng, Instructive and p rmanemly valuable! and it commends itscll especially to that great body of Intelligent yreadera who seek profit as well as amusement in solid and hoalthfui literature Ilcsides the longer articles, which themselves represent every variety of subjects, the Eclectic has live editorial departments Literary Notices, Foreign Literary noies, ocicnce, an, nan vane tier. The volumes for 1872 will not bo leas attractive than thoso which preceded them. With increas ing facilities and increasing patronage, tho com Ini, volumes will be more thorounhlv renretenta tivo than ever before, ol the test Intellectual progress of the limes. TERMS Sluglocopies, 41 cents one copy, ono year, I5i",I"'o copioi, one year, J'Ji Hto conies, ono year, 8-(. Agents wauled t. get up clubs. Address It. E. l'ELTON, PuWUhor, 108 Fulton Streot, NowYork. .misci:m,am:oin. II. liKVY & CO., DtALtRS IN HIDES AiD FURS, WOOL, FKATIIEHft, f:T'., 93 OHIO XjEVEE. . Caiuo. Illinois, ti novl l'.L. IIUYKTT, & SOU, mporter, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE liriiKH nml Orrninn Nllver 13 A 1NT D INST ft UMENTS, No. 'J5 S. Tiiniij Street, oclWIm. NT. I.OUIH, JIO, KINDLING. SAVE TitOUlILE AND EXPENSE. Tu lloitscl. e.'iirr; Michflel iMwil will Hlnvn VnMnrv tv in. I. ling nice, dry, alrcadyut wood, In any part of Hero la a way to save Incalculable trouble In your nou'iliol I. i.eave oriiers at .Mci.atiley mug store, or nd lres I hern to Michael liouil. thriuiuli ilm m... otficp. Norlfi If I'KTK SMITH, Mar be found nt Heed Mann', from ward. Any work in tho IILAC'KSMITHING LINE will receive prompt attention. JIorse-Hhdtinn. and a ger eral blackamlthlng Linlneas carried on. nun u iiij.1 novisu. wim.M niaiy. co sr li la iiAtiMtiat BAUMAN & IIAUENSTINE C.VIL ANI MECHANICAL ENGINKKKS AND ARCHITECTS, llrooia' liiilliliiic. corner i:ievriitli Htr nml 4'oiiuiK'rrlal nv Cairo, Ills. F.AN.S AND hPECIFICATIONSfor all tranche, of Civil Engineering nnd Architecture, such a. Maps lor Counties, Itistnct or Corporations, Plans and Calculations for Steam and Water Power, for Industrial Establi.liments, for Iron, stone or Wooden llndg.a, for Churches, Cour Houses aad other 1'uMic llullding., Business and Dwelling Houses, Cottages, etc. etc., lumi'hed bhortt notice tfse tiii: ai.ium:, PKOSI'KCTUS FOK 1S72 riVTH YEAP.. A Jirprcsrntatiec and Uhatnjtion (if Ameri can Art. THE -A.x73DinSTE: An Illustrated Monthly Journal claimed t World. "fiivemy love tothe artiat workmen of THE ALM.NE who are striving to make their profes lon worthy of admiration lor beautv, n tt has lw)s been for usefulne.," Jrary Ward Betther THE AI.DIXE, while Issued with nil the reg ularity, has none of the temporary or (ftnefy inter. eatchsracterlstic of ordinary periodicals, It It ftttnifirunt tnl.ef llnnev of mire, liirht. and crace- lul literature, and n cslluctlon of pictures, the rarest specimens o! artistio slc'll, in black and Willie. eocn succeeuiiiK iiuuiuit nuuiu. lite. eocn succeeuing numoer nnorua resh plea.iiro to il friends, tho real value nnd auty of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated :er it has becnleund at theclo.e of tho year a frei beai nltnr while other publications may claim superior cheapness ns compared with rivals of of a similar cla, THE ALD1NE is a unlquo nJd original con coption alone and unapproached absolutely without competition In price or character. The iK)8sesi.or oltho volume just completed cannot duplicate tho quantity ol line paper and engrav ings in any other ehapo or number of volumes for ten tunes Its cost. Tho labor of getting THE AI.DIN E ready on the press is so great that reprinting Is ut of tho ques tion, With tho excel lion ot a email number apeclally reserved lor binding, tho editlonn ol jbTI, is already exnausled, and it is now a scaiie Is well al valuablo book, NEW FEAT UltKS FOU 1872. Art Ile.iirliuciil. The rnthnsla.ilc stiiinort so readily accorded to their enterprise, wherever it has been intro duced, has convinced the publishers of THE ALUINEof tho soundness of their theory that the American public would recogniie nnd heartily support any sincere elhirt to elevate iho tone and standard of illustrated publications. That so many weakly wicked sheets exist and thrive is not evidence that there is no imnkct lor nm thing better indeed theMicoesofTIIE ALDINEfrom the start is direct proof of tho contrary. Willi a populatlou so vat, and of such varfed taste, n publisher can choose his patrons, nml hlspopi ris rather Indicative of lilt own than of ihe tnne of the country. As n guaranteo of the excellence ol this department, tho publishers would beg to an nounce during the coming year, specimens Irom tho lollOHtng eminent Aineiienn amsis i W. T, IllCIIABUS, (ilUWILUK I'l'IIKlSS, Wu.iUrsT, F. O. C, IIauley, Wm. Hcauii, Victou Niimo, ai:oi!cir.Hiiti.r, W. U. Wilcox, AlO. Will, JaWIS II. llKAUl), Jamis uh.i.i It. E. 1'iuiET, Hi Aun, Pact Dixon, J. Huw, These pictures are being reproduced without regard to eipen.o by the very best engravera in the country, nml will bear the severest critical comparison with the best lorelgn work, II being the determination of the publishers that TH It AI.Dl.Ni: shall bo n successful vindication ol American taste in competition with any existing publication in Iho world, Literary Ilinrliiipiil. Where so much attention Is paid to illustration nnd get upof tho work, too much dependence on nppcaraiufs may very iinturallv bo feared. To an ticipate such misgivings, It is only neeerrary to state, that tho edltornil management i.l THE ALUlNEhns been entrusted to tin. HICHAHD I1ENKY BTODDAIID, who has received assur ances of assistance trom a hott of tho most popu ar writers and poets nf iho country. The Volume lop 172 will contain neatly toO pages, und about 'i',0 lino engiavmg. Commencing uitli tho number for January, avcry third number will contain a beau tiful tinted piituro on plate bnper, inserted its a frontispiece. The Christmas uhmber for 1672, will bo a splen did voliimo in Itseir, containing tlfiy engravings, (four In tint) and, although retailed a HI will bo sent without extra charge to nil yearly sub scribers. A 'iromo lo Iltorj- Nnlis.rllicr was n very popular leattllo Inst J car, und will bo repeated with the present volume, Thopub iisnera have purchased nil 1 reproduced, nt great expense, the beenting by Heis, enillleii "iunie Mature s buiiooi.-- Tiiocnriiro is iui.i ineiies, and is tin exact facsimile. Inslzonnd nnpearnnce. of tho origins! Picture. r'o Aliieilcau cliromo, which will at nil compare with II, has yet been ottered at retail for less than Ihe price diked for ,1 hlWl'an.l I. ..,.,. I. ..Ml l..l. .11.. All I. ..i'..".. nil' , i, ijHviT. it will iieueiiv- ered free, with Iho January number, to every subscriber who payafor ono year In advance. TcrniN for 1N7U. One Vupy, nn Wi ii'ifl Oil Chromo,..., ii 00 te CtyiW, " " " SO 00 Any person sending 10 names ami tin will re. ceivu an extra copy of gratis, making 11 copies ,'or lh moiioy. Any person wishing to work for iprcn'ui, can have our premium ciicular en application, We f;ivemnny beaillllul unu desirable articles ottered ly mi other paper, Anv person w I.IiIiil' In act, permanently, as on iiSont,vvlllniDly, uifn iitinte, unclusiiig SI fr oil I til . j.vMi-s NU'rrit.v ., IVIll.lSIIEHS, l.lbvrly Ntr.'ct, N.nv York. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, DECEMRER 23, 1871. rH O -.a S 1 0 3 9 M zi s us 5s . it 3 's u Is r C. s e CD : 9 s m i ; - ! o t - si S3 CO w X O n o H VI c5 0) pi b o i ffl O m w 3 m I 1 d w O o CO 3 K w O H O S25 hi H 09 Q o o 13 i C5 ft Hi o t5 P O 3 rH O m w 3 Xil CD rH O ) P.a si m ii. :vt u te nni'GN. BARCLAY BROS., OHIO LKTEC, Cairo, Uis DRUGO-ISTS SAKATOOA SPRINGS IX ri'LU BtAIT AT IlAttCLAYs' DRUG 8T0IIK. ;StrrLr, Uaiiv. MOCKING IJIIID FOOD ail ream roa rat wimorr taovaii At. Barclays'. JJ K I. M B O L D g GRAPE ( catawua 5 r orapk 1 PILLS ?5f: CATAW1IA Ui GRAPE GRAPE Icatawha ) t Iorapk ) PILLS and All or IIELMBOI, IN MKDIVI.XEH FRESH IROM FIRST HANDS, Always in stock In large supply, and far sale by (tlnrclnjr II r o . PEESH -BXiTTE XjXCJC JUST RKCKIVKI) A.n orNnleby lliefJIitkH Ilolllp ar Cnllou AT BARCLAYS'. W"Extra Fine Cologne; 86irGK.Nui.VK Imported Extracts; JtayilAiR, Tooth and Nail Brusiies I69I.vdia RuiinER Nursery Goo.' AT JBA.IiCjjA.Y BBOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCn ZINC. Ileal grades in large stock and va riety, very cheap i also: Full Link ok Colors, our ku ix oil.; Taint llruihej, I.mseed Oil, Whitewash P .uti Turpentine, Varnlslisa Etc. etc., ALL KINDS ASD STANDARD QUALITIES At Barclays'. GKNKIMI, AGKNTH. HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS FOltWARUING and UOJIMISSION HKltCIIANTH DEALERS Ii FLOUR ; And A ents ot Olilo Iliver nml Kauawba 70 Ohio Lkvee, f . CAIRO, ILLINOIS WOOD ! WOOD ! ! WOOD ! ! Th untlcrnnol will furnluli HARD AND DRY WOOD An I'lieup, II not 'hrnirr Than any wood dealer lu Cairo. Leave orders An ...A Jnlm. nt fl... ll...lnAl... - n . n. II ....I w.l lliu riitirn i. hid iiii,uii i,w . l.i.n. iv.l yard, on Commercial avenue, betvreen Tenth aud Twelllli streets, Cairo. Illiiiola, I give good neasiiie and will cord Ifio wood up if desired. ...... III.? IIL-Ulk 111 II II Htf auglu-tf 1IKNM8 II ALKY. DKXTKH EXCHANGE, 1311 Ohio l.evee, ut'nr Stone I)tt, J. D..ANONK, l'ROPRIKTOR, Frcsli Shell Oystcra Uuccivctl Daily. Keeps nlwsvs on hand ilalllmorn and Mobile Uysiers, which he will be glsd lo servt to hlu cus tomers lu tho best style. deceit BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AY. M o S O e1 O o 5 E-i PS o FAMII.T OROCEK1EI. LOUIS JOEQENSEN, Dealer in all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY aBOCBRIES. Vnrmcr'a Yard aad Stabling WITHOUT ClIAItOf. Cor. WjuiUington-av. and Twenlicth-st. CAIRO, ILL8. jy27dtf. MIUUINKIM. JIIIS. M. SWANDBJl, DEALER IN MILLINERY AND LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Comiuerrlal Avenue, iptDNllc Klllo aud Ili.ylhorn'a) Cairo, Illinoih. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' "WEAR Made to order, or Heady-Made. Has received a full and complete stock of good.., iu neHesi ami coiupieiesi in me cny. An Ini- mense varil) ol ItlimOiNS, LACES AND FllINGES aha otrers great iuducemets to her patrons and all others tocall on her.eiamlue the prices, styles and quality of her goods. Mrs. wander, having sold her props rly, will sell the whole of these gooils at aud below coil, How is the time to purchase Christmas goods at the very lowest prices. MIKCEI.I.ANF.OITN. i-'ouhent! w THE OLIVE BRANCH SALOON Near Stone Depot, RENT LOW, AND VIXTURKH AT A IIARGAIN Konma for rent at f pertnonth, and llasementa for flu. P. O. IJiWltENCK. ilecMtw LEGAL NOTICE. LEO A I. NOTICK is hreby given that K- W. Kittrldge, plalntltr, has commenced an ac tion to perfect a distress far rent agslo.l Joseph llayllss, delendant, in the circuit court ol Alex, under county, in the state of Illinois, and that Iho time nud place of the return of summons In thu oase is the third Mondsy In January, 1872, at thu court house In Cairo. Illinois. In La n, i""i"i. JOIlN- HAKMAN, CUlk, nnvIM2. WMH8IOW AH D roawARpfg. J- M. PHILLIPS & CO.. OCO,,0,,toD.n,ndrlck.Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS A WHARF-BOAT PROPRISTORSt " on commlaalon. WUuslnesa attended (o promptly D. MAT HUSH. 1. CUHL MATHUSS & UHL, FOBWAEDIlsrCr AI GENEHAIi Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE, Wo. 04 oniO I.EVEE, CAIRO, IUm MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS tor FAIRBANKS SCALES B8 Ohio Letee, CAIRO, ILLS. CLOSE tc VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS LIMB Ckmknt, Plaster Paris, AKD PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Eighth Htret aBd :obl LYm CAIRO, ILL. WOOD RITTENHOUSE, FLOUR AMD General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. 64 Ohio Loveo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. novttdtf G. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Pf o. 76 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. aTSpeoUl attention given lo eonilgntriMts ,nd filling orders. JOHN B. PHILLIS, (Successor to 1'ftrker ft Phillia,) GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Moal, Bran, Cor. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LKVEit CAIRO. ILL. W.Slratton. T. STRATTON & BIRD, (Successors to titration, Hudson A Clark,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Lovee, Cairo, HlinoIf. gyAgenta of AccrtcanPowdar Co.,l ufacluters sgeuta for cotton tn