Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1871. MKOCKKItM A"i! DltV UOT)H. WILLIAM KLUOE, IN FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-UOODS, NOTION, HOOTS AND SHOES, It ATM AMD CAVrl, ETC., Has lust received n heavy '"''' nf Il00t M' una just revive Ioj(,rJ, ,, rations, I'OKSALE FOR CASH VKKY CHEAP Ho also has a fine Mod: of Family Groceries ol every kind. CORNER SI XTH-ST. AND COMMEIt OIAL-AV., AII'.O, ILLINOIS IJ. M. IIULEN, GROCER andCONFECTION No. 131 Connncvcial-avc, CAIKO, ILLINOIS. STETTAl'ERS & WIN MM AN, iMroutrcs ami JitM or DBY GOODS N 0 T 1 0 K S , 120 MltlilKiui Asenne, llelneen Mint Imiii itml .Monroe, CHICAGO. decOdeottlm. AINTKHN. MOORE MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental PAIHTEES, llerornltte rnrrliiiiKll-'. KuIvoiujh-In).-, fit-.. Hone in the highc.t t)le ol the alt, and a rates tfiAt !ey com'tltiou. MIOI IN PKItllY HOISB, COI'.NKK OF StII .TIMET AND CMMKKCIAI. AVENUE. Oil. CANS. An assortment ol Iho ftboto cans, securely t. k?. lor shipment, for .ale at I lijcly I" ' and IrciKht. by HAItCL.U llltOS., iJrug and Paint Dealers, 71 Ohio Love. HTOVKN. TINWABK, CTC, A. II A L L K Y, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin nnd Hollow Ware, Clothp" Wringers Tollo. Ware, Coal Hods, l'liebhovt'l", Air OnKs. HAMTACTi'ntn or TIN, ZINC. COri'ER AND SHEET No. 1GG Washington-avcnuo, CAIIIO, ILLINOIS. WKoofinc. fiiitterinR, snj all kinds ofjob nvrk Joiioul Hiionen noiiuu. icuuiii IU11NITUIIK. . S. IIAHHKLL, DEALER IN FURNITURE QUEENSWAHEj HOUSH FUKNISIIING GOODS 11AII FIXTUItES, GLASSWARE, 185 & 187 Commercial Avenue CA1110, ILLINOIS. OAS FITTKItN. II. T. GEUOULD; STEAM AND G AS FITTER Asnr.:.u.i:n in has i'ix'1'uitr..'., t5 Fitter's nnd Plumber's material, Wood piinips, globo and nngio valve", stop cocks, check valves, etc. Am Aat-.sT run 'fiiitHUrollicrs rntoiit 11 ry t'at Melons And MorelioiiBo, Wells k Co'tt Automatic Watoi Indicator ami tiupi'l)' Vulu for steam boilers. THE BULLETIN. Piilflfciillon Ollhe, Iltillrlln IltilldliiK, VVitsliiiiglon Avenue. THE DETECTIVE'S STORY. Mil. riNKKHTUNN NAIIHATIVK 01 TMK TltAOIC KVllNTrf ON THE STEAM l!0 AT. Prom (lie Memphis Avntanclio. Yesterday afternoon tin Avalanche rep ri'scritutlvoluid it conversation with W. A PInkorton In reference to tliu espimo of Illllliird Knrrinyton from film, mention of which una occn tnnuo in tno Atalancht, PINKEIITON'h htohv. Mr. I'lnkcrton says Hint nftor leaving Si. Louis with Barton ami Farrington, hi; noticed that tlio hitter was working eon tlnoitsly nt his hamlcufl's. Farrincton hud nothlni! to say. nnd lnv with his head ngnintt n window, iih it in deep thought. Just beforo arriving ul Cairo .Mr. 1'inkcr- lon fastened tin farnni'tou sculls so tight ly its to hurt 1 j E 1 11 somnwhat. Farrington told him Hint they hurt, and Mr. I'inknrton saids "I can't help It if they do. I tun going to TAKK NO CHANCES On your getting uwny from mo." When about half way to Co!iiiiiI.mii on Iho boat, t ftrrini'ioti, who still Imtl on ins Imridcu Is and feet thncklcs, mid that ho wanted to talk with Mr. I'lnkcrton about the matter. They wont out on tho guards logethcraml woro standing near the bar-room door. After tukintr for sonio time. Farrinutoii said, "So you are irolni: to trouble mv motlier, aru you, after arresting both of tin bovs? "meaning himself nnd Levi Pinkcrton replied: "Yes. I am. it flic don't givo up thut money." 'You nro, arc you," responded Fur riiicton, and with n" sudden movement lie thrutt both hands, manacled, into -Mr. l'inkcrton a riunt hand overcoat pocket and MIASI'ED A PISTOL, which ho drew out. With ono hand Mr. l'inkerton grained Farrington by the throat nnd with the other eutiirlit hit liandi. Dutcctlvu Council was at tho time cornlnc out of tho wiuh-room, u fuw feet distant, and l'inkerton teeing htm hallooed fur him to como to his aid. He did so, and grasped hi pistol, which exploded ft the time, the bullet carrying away sumo of M r. l'inkerton huir. All this timo KAJllllNinON AND PINKKIlTON WKKK bircooLivu, Tho former having his hack to tho guurd railing and river. When tho pistol II red Farrington dropped it, and Pinkerton, half stunned by the report, loosened his grnip, and Farrington threw his hands above his head and yr.u. iiA-KW.uiih in tiii: hivkk, Sinking directly in front of and not more than tun lect instant irom the wind, which mutt have struck lili.'i. As toon t.t he saw him falling. Council drew his re volver and llred at Farrington. CKItTAINLT DEAD. The bout did top; a ynwl wan lowered nd search innde for tho" miisini; prisoner. At the time it win not yet fairly daylight, nnd there was n thin crust of ice on tho river. Farrlncton's hands nnd feet wcro mitnaccd, and ho wore n very heavy over coat, of Itself almost suthclcnt to prevent him from swimming ushorp, had hi hands nnd feet been free. They nscrt that tho boat nt the time wns 100 yards from shore. In tins connection it is due the detectives to statu that the otheer of tho express company hero au satmieU that holli l'inkerton ami Council tliu llieir ilutv, nnu have full confidence in their statement. XKltVOl'S 1)EI1I LITY, Ullli lis Kloiimy itllt'iiiliiiilH, Ion fciilr Us' .Irjir sslon. In olllilliirj I'liilsklon. litHior Mcim-n, i'riimlorrlnr, loss ol loiter illxrr In ml. loss r lucniorv. mill UireiiK'iKil linorli'iir.- nnl mix clllls, inula linrrrl-li run- In lllllll ihrcH lluiii'oinllilc Slicflilr o lcoO -rlclll. I'umpo.ed ol ilie innul Tnlua (. Illll'l SIM p'lli llt I llratirca, till'' strike H on i' nt ilie rnt (il the in tiler, lone up the f tern, it r i nt Hi .Ii.cIkiii;'''. mid unp.trt tior nd nerty. hie nnd tilulit) tn llieenlire man. Tliey Hit.- eureil iiiiiiis-iiiu ii rrice, i y'r (mcku ol Hie Ihjxu iiii I it arr ii vial, tthirh Ii rty iiiilionitiit in ullitrtto oi old e:ies, or II lsrini(l I fix. Bo' 1 hi ul, ilrut'isl., nd sent liv until on i.ceinl ol urue Ad,ire llnmiihirv' Hpecitic lloint'Op.tthie Medicine Co., M llro.i I way, K. V. I . .-CIIIMI, BUKlMcowiiHly A Ufa I, Cairo, Illinois. COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL COIMI.F.A.IfcTX". Ii prepared to supply ciKtomer wllh the liesl qiiallly o. PITTSBURG AND (ILLINOIS CO-A-Xj. OHDEHS left nt Ilalllday Ilros. oniee, 70 OHIO I.KVKK.or nt tho Coal Yard helow the bt. Clinrles Hotel, will receive prompt atlontlon. TH K TUG " JIO.NTAl'K'' III tiring coal nlona aide atenmera nt any hour. oci'lf F. M. WA11D, WOOD AND COAL MERCHANT. FM. WAIID i prejiared to deliver tho best , Fire Wood and atone Coal IN ANY VAHT OK THE CITY, Aud In any quantity dexired, on short notice. COAL DELIVERED at 51.50 iku ton oKKICK 0cr Heeriirt, Ortli A Co.'a store, twodoors above the corner of Eighth street and Cumin eie avenue. dtcOil IIIDKfi! FURS II FKIiTS! 11 BXJE1TBTT & C O ' Have opened a Hide atoro in Thornlon's lllock Tenth street, w here tho highest cash pricowu bo paid for Hides, Sheep Pelts, Kurs and Tat. low. evtill pay higher pricea thnu was over bo foropald for tho same articles In tluscltv. Como and see us, CiclOtf I!!KNETT& CO, ltt'.AL. IWTATK AOKNT. 0. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT Ann AUCTION ERS, 71 (SKCONH KLOOIt) OHIO LKVKK, caiho, ms., Uuv and Sell Heai. Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH AHSTRACTH OF TITLE dry uoons. 71. 'FALL-WINTER. '72 0. HAN NY. LARGE STOCK. IIIUOWN SHEETINGS, I'RINTS, TICKINGS. CH ECKS, AM) S T R I 1' E S, KKNTUCKY JKANH, KXTIIA, OASSIMERS, IlLACKALl'ACAS AND LUSTERS, OROS GRAIN SILKS, I'OI'M.VN. LAHUti STOCK OK CAltlM:TINO OIL O LOTH S, MATTINO, Window MiiiiIch, (II LT HANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE IlAJIAHKH. UN i;nllreSloeh Son ( losing (Mil At VERY LOW FIGURES. COKNElt&TH hT., A.NIt COMM Kit CI A L-A V., S nlro, Illinois. septllf WACOM). WAGON MANUFACTORY. Wholesale COHNKIl :i2l)-HTIlEKT AND Oil 10 I.KVKK, Cairo, Illinois. novlltf j. i. :A3iiti.r. riiitMTtiiti:. SAVKTWHNTY I'KUCIONT lit i,Uj In v. o. r El Oil H OFF BHOS., FIJHNITUHK FACTORY, WhxIiIiicIom-iiv., Svar t'osliiiii IIoiinp CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Jlessrs. Eiehliott llr.ithersdeilro to inform tho eltltou" ofCalio that lhe are manufacturing all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY FURNITURE And hate now on hand and fot sale, at Wholesale nml llelall, All kinds, nnd wll contluiin Ic keep at their BALKS I100MS, IN TIIKIlt N KW 1IUII.H1NO, Every dlseription 01 chejip and cosily iiirnliure, tucnas S-Carved Ded.tcads, MTMarblK Topped Iluri nus, VtrriiilebuardH, WaliHlainl. SWarilrobes, Bula Chairs, rajfc.Sofa-t and Matnuars, Wl.niiiiK.rH, fin 1 ''Ic.. For Sale at Winch they will guarnnlce to si II TWENTY I'ER CENT. LOWER Than llioy ciu bu houaht from any other dealer lu the city, tlive them it call and satlsly your. .., If 'VI 1 III MF.DTCAT.. A HOOK FOIl THE MILLION. M ARMAGH OUIDK. A I'rlrato Counselor to tho Married or those aboulto msrry on the physiological mysteries nnd revelations of the sexual MBtetn llh tho latestdlscoverie.i In nroduclni! anil lire- renting oll.prlnff, pre.nrvlng tnecomplexlon.Ac. ThW l an Interesting work of twohundrnUnd twenty Itur psKes, wltn numerous enernvliu'., and rontnins ilunMo Information for thoo ho aro married or contemplate mnrriacei itlll l( l"a book that ought to hn under lock and key, nnd not laid carelessly about the house. Hent to any one (free of postage) forf0 cent Address Dr. Hulls' Dispensary, Ho, U, KlKhtlftreet, ;jt. Louis, Mo. Notice to the Antlcttil and Unfortunate. Heforo opplyln)? to tho notorious Quaeks who advertise iu tue publle papers oruslni; any t'uack remedies, peruse Dr. Iliilts' work, no mailer what your dlseae Is or how deplorable your con dition. Dr. Hulls can bo consulted, personally or at mall, on the.lisnetes mentioned in his works, otllce, No. 12 N. Kijihth Mieet, liet. Mnrknt and Chestunt HI Imls Mo. mv'Jdwlv SIMILIA SIMIIilliUS CU11ANTUH Hl'.fll'IlItKY'H HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVK proved, from tho most ample cxper lenee, an entlro success t Hirnple Prompt Klliolentnnd Kellnble. They are tho only medi cines perfectly ndnpted to popular use so sltn plo that mistakes cannot bo made la uslnitthemi si harmless as to bo freo from danger, and so elllcleotas to bo always reliable They horn rais ed the highest commendations from' all, and w ill always render satisfaction. No.. Cents, 1, Cures Fosers,coneslion,'i 2. " Worms, worm fever, w oi in colic 2J Ii t N ii. VI, It. IS. "), 1". lx. 1!'. S'r.t liiK-eollc or teeltilngiit infants...' Itlrrlio. n, of children and Hdillls...' I-Mnler.v, itrlpliiK.b'llous colle'M C'lioli'rji. morbus, t orni(fntf...H Cliolcrn. colds, bronchltus 2!i .NCuriilulii, tooth.iche, faceavhe....'JJ lleniliu'lii'i. sick hoadnche, vettlgo'i'i l.VSK islit bilious slomaelie. .:!' NiililirosM-il.orpalnflil periods 2 Whiles, too profiise periods ....'J 4'roiii), eouitn, dltllcult breatliing.2 Soil Itheuiii, Erysipelas, Eruptiuns2-'i Klieiiiiiiillsin, rheiimstic pains... .M l'-l'r:illil AK.ehlll li".er,nKUes) Piles. Mind or bleeding SO 0ilillilrni.v, and sore or weak cyos.Vi S'lilarch, ni'ine or ehronlc, Innne ni.iii.'i W IiooiiIiik-I'oiikIi. violentcoiighiSO Asthma, oppressed brctthiiu !U Ilur lllscliiirKrs, Impaired henring.VJ Scrollllll enbtriied glands, suellingf.'XI (ieiicral llelilllty, physical weak 20, -1. I. ness no Dropsy anil scanty Hecretions SO Men McUiK'ss.sii'kni'ss (inm rldlnt.Vi Klilney-lllseiiso, (irnvel .S0 erous IKbllll)-, seminal cinls- nns.InvolHntttrv dlcl.iirges .1 00 l'l'lto', wits cneSJtiiilof powder try netessary in scrum. cuses.3 (Si Sore .Month, ranker So -1, I'rlllltry WeitkiKss, wetting bed.,S0 S'lilllllll I'eri.Mis, wiiii snasins....w of 1 1 ft- 1 00 lUilleiis v.siM-m-. nt. Vilu.'ilance.l W al, " IMpllK'i limit', erated sore tits, nt .V; FAMILY tAlEs. (ir:i.1 In no larsc vlnls, inoroceo or l osctt oml ense, eonliiliiliiir a sieellle for pry oiiilliuiry iIIh ra k liuiilly I.Milii t l lo.niid lioulis ofUlrei-lloiis Irom SlutoSi". Sihill. r 1 11111II3 nnd I i ii. ling hi rs, 'JJ to M tails Hum H'-i to Sp.oifli' lor Hil rrlalo Klseasi's, iKith lor t'urlliK aiid mr I'rctt'li lite litatiiK'1,1, in v iil-itiid pocket cases . 6i to 3 lUNH'a KXTUACT Cures Burns. Ilruie. I.amenes.. f oreness. Bore 1, liprnlas, Toochaehi. E.irnche. Neuralgia. Rheiimatiitn, Lumbago. I'lle. Hnlls, Htint". bore Eyes, llleedlugol the Lungs, New, stom ach, or of I'lles; Cnrus, Ulcer", (Jl I (ores. I'nce, u 01., i tts.i riots. si.w;; yisns, 11 .... oThese remedies, except Pond a Extract, by tho easa or single Isix, are sent to any part ol the country, by mall or express, 1'iee of . hsrge, on receipt ol the price. Address IIUMI'IIItt.Y.VBl'i:cil-lC HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE O). Olllee nnd Depf.l, No. Si.J llro.idwai, New-Vutk. KOI! bU.K HY P. bCill'll, CAIIIO, Ills, aiigtSiteowawtv LOOK TO YOUU Ullll.DltKN. THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY Jlrs. 1 Cures enlie 11ml griping w urn innrs hi the 1 t Prlre, Si run. I eihtate-the proee- 1 I eihtate- the teething .Mrs. lllliniDlirs Sjrup Mrs. I III T( (1.1 IPs .sjrup. rsilhdties eotiviilsi ii- t Prlre, .Lin nil. II tf.i eases ini-ident ti. in- I I'euts, L f.ints and . b nil i n. I Cure" ilniirliea, ilisi'ii- 1 PrhT, lery 'ind siiiimiereoiii. I 23 plaint iiiehildien ol nil t i nts. g"s. J It Is the (ireat Inf-iiu's mm Chiidr. ns coothlnn. Itemed)' in nil disorders brought 011 hj Teething nrany mher eausc. Prepareil lij tlie (1 11 A h T 'N MEDICINE CO., St. l.oui, Mo. Sold bj Driiggnt" an ecr) where. rulers in Medicine i.7dttUm DR. niCllAU'ij GOLDEN REMEDIES. l'se these only, and save time, heal Ii and money. Sl.ono icwnrd lor any case of disease, In any stage which they tail to cure. Nos. 1 nnd nre .he greatest nlteratives known 1)11. K1L'IIAU'H(.UI.I)K. I.U.NIK D A.MUUU is the greatest tonic and astringent ic the med cal list. DIt. ItlCHAIl'.SOOI.DEN ANTIDOTE is the only reliable diiiratic. Tbeso remedies aro not advertised to curenl ('Oinjiluliils, nml benefit noun i but nre guaranteed toelfecta radical and speedd cine in all eases for which they nro recommended, when nil other treatment has lulled. Tens ot thuiis.inds j early recover liv their use. who hato ot Mil limn', and been pronounced us inctnhble by the test ul our medical faculty. I)1C. RICHAU'S GOLDEN JJALSA.u No. 1. cures ulcers, ulcerated sore throat and mnulh.sore eyes, cutaneous eruptions, topper colored blotches, soreuets of the scalp, sciolula, i'tc. It Is tho greatest renerator. alterative uud blood purifier known, rcmatca all mercury from the stsicm, nnu icnvcs inn uionu pure aim healthy. DIt. 11II'II.1''.S 11AI.MJI. No. 'J. cures meiciirlal ntleetions. ihenmumm In all its (onus, nni gives iuiincd'ate relief In a cases. Hit. HICHAU'.-i GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, A radical euro lor nil urinary derangements price, i por uoiue. DIt. HICHAird (10LDE.N EI.IXIll D'AMOUIt. A ridlcal euro for nervous orRcnernl debility, in old or young, Imp.iitlug energy wilh wnnderfu eltect. Pnco t5 tier bottle, or two for S'J. On receipt ol price, these remedies w III be ship ped to any place. Prompt attention paid to all correspondents. None I'euiilue without the name of "lilt. lllCHAlPSilUI.DEN KEMEI'IEH, D. II. Kiciubus, aole propnetiir,'' blow it la gliss o bottles. Circulars sent. Trado supplied ns a liberid ills, count. Address, Dr. D-11. Itlchards.S-js N. iMTriend money by express or outer goods tlirniigli your Druggist, and you will meet wllh no lo, y 1'AHKEll t-v HLAKE, mul l lis in WALL RARER, PAINTS, 1'nlly, llenxiiie, (.'asollnc, WINDOW GLASS. WINDOW SHADES, And tho celcbtated illiimiuatiiig AURORA OIL. huoss' uuii.Di.Na, coit, IItm-mt. i com- MEIICIAI.-AV., Uaiiio, Illinois imgaiif OASSIDY, WOI-FK k CO., RllODUOI': AND GltOf'ERlF.S WASHINGTON AVKNl'K, HKTWIIKN KKIIITIl ANH NINTH NTS,, CAIRO, ILLINOIS efiyGlvi them it Call I "a WI.r.S AND MUCOHs. F. M. KTOUKFLKTH, st rcrnn rout r. sfueKll rtil Itrcllryrr ami Wholesale licalor In , l ori'lgii mill IIoiiipmIIc WINES AND LIQUORS. No. 02 Ohio Levee, mia ), it.t.i nois. HEkeepson hand constantly a fall stock o Old Kentucky ltonrbnn, Hc and Mononija heln Whiskies, French Hrsndie", Holland din, lihincand Calllorna Wines. inWtf WM. II. SCIIUTTKH, Iiiiporlrr niiil WIhIohiIp Dealer In WINES, LIQUORS, axb TOBACCO Jc Agent for the bet brand" of CItKAM AND STOCK ALE, An luitnrlel A let ol lliirorenl lilinls. 75 Ohio Lkvkk, tl CAIIIO, ll.t.l.NOW. nirrciirJiM. CHNTHAIj m hat market. KOEIILER & RR0T11ER Have reopened the I'OI'ltl.AU Jllltl' .IIAItKKT, COMSIKIICIAK-AY., Uelwern Ninth ami Tenth NtreelH, and will keei eonstantly on hand tho best meats td.tughtf red in the Cairo market. They defy com panion, (live them n trial. septiltl. JAKE WALTER, BUTCHEB ami nr it 1 a is FRESH M EAT, Eioimi Stiikkt, IIkiwkkn 'Wasiiinoton AND COMMKIK'IAI. AVKNUKS, m..f....s f.nn.j-"'". Keep Iho best of lleer, Polk, Mutton, Veul Lamb, baiisnge.ele., and ale prep ireil to serv, eiilntis In Hie most eeceplnblc uiai.tier. ng'ii'e JAM ES KYNASTON, Sliilelier nml lleuler In nil Klnils fresh .tleul, CoiiNrn .Vivr.ti r.vrii ami Pon.ti: Siarrr. OAtll ), ILLINOIS. BUYS and slaughters only the very best cattle, hogs mid sheep, and is prepared to till mi) demand for fresh meats from one pound to ten thousand pounds. loviutf MII.l.l.NKItT. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE MRS. 0. McGEE, KtnllTII STltKKT, 1IKTWKKN W ASltl,VQTrtN AND COM MKHCIAL AVKNUKS, Has just received n full and splendid llneol NEW GOODS Drcts trimming", k gimps, silk galoon, gui pure laces, moss trimmings, crocket buttons, silk nnd veitet buttons, plush and trimming vel vet, hats nud honni'ts, line kid gloves, ladles' and childreus' slices, and a lull ami complete stock ol Millinery and Fancy Goods, All of which sho proposes to sell at VKHY LOWEST LIV1NO CAHH PltlDES. l.l'.MIIKlt. S. WALTERS, nrinu in HARD and SOFT LUMBER .-.I every di'scriplixn, (,ATH, SHINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. ORDERS SOLICITED. STUA M R 0 A T L U M 11 E R, Furnished on shortest not Ice. Coiiiiiioroiiil-iiv, but. 10th and Uth-stn., CAIIIO, ILLINOIS. v7. WATC'llHAKKII. PR ACTICA L WATUHM AK ER. II. HOUPT, NO. 1.VJ WASHINGTON AVKNUE UAIIIO, ILLINOIS, Has mi hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, OLOU'tS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular nttcullun given to RKPAIRING FINK WATCHES. Tho largest mock of COLD AND SUiVKtt WATCHES hooks. VI PS w o w 'A O -s H n 3 P, w K Is y, -4 a o X! 72 U c 2 C5 M o o .a 0 1, o s s a s u to - 11 'A A A 73 as w A O H 50 as W 'A O 1-1 O o 'fl a 5? H 73 (HIT KKTF.RI'ltlNt:. Principal Ollico 101 "W. Fifth St., Ciu. O THE ONLY IlKLIAIILK (1IVT KNTKIU'llISE IN TIIK COUNTUYl Xi. id. sinsnE's Klghteenth firand ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION To bodrawn Monday, January 1st, H72. S200.000 OO IN VALUABLE GIFTS Two Grand Capital Prlics (ilO OOO ' AMKUICAW (IOMI 9IOJOOO INAMKUICANHIlsVKIt Kite prlies of; Ten Prises J,00;ea In Clreauliacks. One "pan of Matched Horses, with Family Carnage and bllter.tnnunted Harness wortn ..1 1 Five Horses Haggles, with Sllver.iuount- ed Hume", wonh CO Five Finctoned Itos.wood Pianos, worth, each ton Z'i Fumllv Sewing Miudilnss, worth, each.... AUO 'JiKMiobi 1111.I Sllter I.evrr Hunting Watch- i s (In all), wonh, each, from J.iltu3i. Ladies' Hold LeoiiUue Chains, (ient's Hold Vest :hsins, Hohd and Doubla.plated Hllver Table and 'IVa'poons, I'hiitoyraph Alliums, Jewchy, etc. Whole number gif-s.'i' Tickets limitod to loi.iso. Agents wanted to sell Titkets to whom 'bora, premiums will be paid, Sicjle tickets ti i six tickets J 10; twelve tickets1 t'A); twentv-tive 10. Circulars containing .1 full list of a de scription of the mannM of drawing, and other In formation in reference to tho distribution, willbs sent to any one ordering them. AID letters must beaddres.ed to L. t). MINE, llox HI, ontcr, Cincinnati, O mi west Stli st. novtfMawSw HOtSTS AMI NIIOKN. WILLIAM EHLEUS, I'ashionablo HOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWKNTIKTII STIIKKT, llulwerii Washington avenue aud Poplir Street CAIKO, ILL. Hunts ami Klines Made to Older. Film Wcrknien Employed. SalNI ii'lion Warrauied. Patronage t'olieited. CITY SHOE STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY s.ii.r. Aiirxcr ma "BEOLASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADK HOOTS AND SHOES Coinnierelnl Avenne, Corner of KIkIiIIi Ntreel, Cairo, Illinois. AHT1CUI.AH ATTENTION PAID TO ALL OH DKHH V'OU HOOl'hKIUTS AND SHOES, MAI.OONN. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR ROOM. JOHN (iATi:, l'roprlelor. too Cunmercial Avenue, CAIKO, ILLINOIS Ilest brand of California Cigars Just received, RILLIAHD saloon furnished with tho teht ol tables: and bar suiinlied wllh wines, tumors and cigars of the finest brands. A. SUSANKA, Propiletor MAGNOLIA SALOON And Dealer In Foreign nnd Domestic W I N ES, LIQU OHS AN I) CIU A RS, !)7 Ohio Lovce, llelweeii Ninth and Tenth streets, Uaiiio, III. declJtf C4IAI.. COAL! COAL! COAL! JAMES ROSS, lOUIIUIS DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON GOAL! Comuiorclal-av., Foot of Eluvcntli-st. All Coal curf fully weighed st thn yard on Fair omiks' scales, VVU. WEIOIIT WAUUANTKD, Coal deliv.ird on the shortest collco tn ant part nl the cl.y, either by tliu half lou, tan or car load, Leave order at the olllee on Cominerctal-av. l SIXTY-FIVE FIKST PlilZE MEDALS AWAHDED tiirokeat BALTIMORE MASrCFACTOItY WM. KNABE tc CO., Manufacturer of GRAND, SqUAtlE AND UTRIOHT FXJJSTO FOBTBS HALTIJIORE, MAtlYLAND. Theso Instruments havo been Iiefore tho nubile for nearly thirty years, and upon their excellene nlonn attained nil Hnnirefiaml preeminent', hleh pronounces them unqitaled in TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP And DURABILITY All our. Square risot have our new Now Iiu proved Oveistrung fcnlenrd the Agraffe TrMt Itt)' We would tall special attention to our late Patented Improvements In Oatsii Pianos and SQCtntdnAHDs, found In no other Piano, which brings the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained, E Y PIANO FULLY tVAItUANTBD FOR riVE YKAU8, Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists promptly furnished on application to WJI. K.VARF. A CO., UAtTtMoat, Mrs Or any of our regular established agencies, oi:I9(odw(lm IIAII.BUAN. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOU TH ILLINOIS CENTRAL E. R. TO St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi caoo, New Y'ork, Uoston, ASD AIL POINTS EAST AND WEST. Passenger trains arrive at and leave Cairo as fol lows t MtiL. rxratss. Ansivr 3i3l n.m 3i30 p.m. Dli-aut litis i.m Jil5p.m. Uoth trains connect at Contralla with train on the roa t'n n n, Decatur, Hloumlngtcn, El Pnso, I.a Salle, Mcndota, Freeport, C.iilenn, Dubunue, and all points In Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. And with Lines running East and West tor St. Louis, Hpringhelil, Louisville, Cincinnati, Iiutiauapolis, Columbus. And at Chicago with Michigan Centra), Michigan .Southern, nnd Pittsburg. Fort Wayue and Chicago Huilrouds lor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk, Albany, Hot-ton, Philadelphia, Magra Falls, Erie, llutlalo, New York, Pittsburg, Ualtimore, Washington. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Monday, April 21th, 1871, trains wll rui as ioiiows : NOItritEltN DIVISION. TIHISS COISO SOCTIICAST. Mail. Leave Virginia - C:4U.m " aiiruiglleld S-.20 " Taylortillo......-lu:W ' Arrive at Paun 11:1(1 m THAtNS O01NO X0BT1IWUT. Ei press Leave Pana 4 .i si n.m Express 12::i4 p.m. . 3:00 " . 4:28 " .. 6:17 ' Mall. ,J:J5li.m ..4:2 " ,...6:(itl ' ,...0:10 " ...8:13 s;t Arrivo atsJprlngtleld...i;lS " Leavo Spsiiigtleid (1:2.5 " Arrivcnt Virginia 8:25 " HOUTHEItN DIVISION. TUtlNS (10 1 Ml SSCTIISAST. Leavo Edgewood 5:30 a.m 10:10 n.m " Flora 8:25 " 11:4(1 " Arrive at tjiawueetown:i:5.1p.m 5:15 p. in tuains uoixo soatuwi.sT. Leave Shavneetown 5:15 n.m 8:S0p.m " Flors.... m 2:5.i " 7:00" Arrive at Edgewoo.1 4:50 " :20 " Tlio5::t0 n.m. train from Edgewood, runs only Mondays, Wtdnesilaysnnd Fridays, and 0:45 a.m train from Shnwneetown on Tuesdays, Thurs. days and Saturdays. Connects at Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alton Itiilroad. for Jacksonville, Petersburg, Mason City, and all points west, At Hpringfield, with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Western Hatlroad, tor Hloominglon, Chicago, and all paints north, north west and weal. At Tana wllh Ind. and St. Louis, and Illinois Central Itnllroad for nil points east, south and southeast. , At Edgewood with Chicago Division Illinois entrnl llallroad. At Flora, with Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. At Hhawneelown, with steamboata for Cinciu (I, r.i'l ticuii,jairann(ist. i.nuis. Oltl.AN'D HMIT1I, Oen'lHup't. FooaiTT.Oen'l Fr'gt nnd Ticket Ag't. Juiin F4II)NnniKN. I. & E. GREEN WALD. mamtactcbeus or Hteam Engines Boilers, Flour ond.'Orlst .Mills, Saw Mills, Tho."Tupper Talent Gratebit MAOIIINKIIY KOll OENKItAL l'Ultl'OSES, CINCINNATI, OHIO. owde27 t'OOHINil NT4IVKS. THE TWO Mont KurccHMtttl, Poimliir nud Perfect COOKING- MACHINES 01 Ihe.perlodara our wtll-knswn EPICURE JBROILERS, Hoihareof tho almplest construction, and so easily managed that w u guarantee them to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. As no article in the household has a greater In fluenco Inpromotlnf tho health, comfort and hap piness of tho family cuclo than the cooking ntove, it Is economy as well as policy to get the very best! and in buying tho I0HARTER OAK t'.tn tti. v nn trttt Int. Ill t, ran.. biimi...SI . s. ;-xi :5?lrBIKr''j2, ular and perfect coonlng slovo ever nisjo fi.,. using the ) f' ion are always sura or havlngJulcy, Tender Delicious Heefslakes, Chicken, Ham, Chor ' IOID ST Excelsior Mauulucturinir f' QI'JapileUN. Mam-st.,Bt,7 , AND AfilH.IVB JBTOV ,01A M3.W KENJi t virvi.TJ im riir eitv .