Newspaper Page Text
JOHN II. OBEKLY & CO. THE MAILS. AntuvE. r.rmnr .. JiWn.rn. :Wp.m 2:2' pirn. 4:ona.m. ;oop,m. North, Throtign " Wny Soutii, Way , " ThroiiKh N. 0 Mem phis nnd Columbus J..W p.m. sV'ip.m, Ohio Illver mule, (except Monday) ',, r.iOop.m, Iron Mountain II. It 2:10 a.m. lliKip.n. Mli. Illver route, Tucnilnjr and Friday f):ot)p,m, 7:Wp.m, Thebes, (loots Island A Hantn Fc, llli., Thursday A Fri day ; Con p, tn. 7:'xin.iri, Mayflcld, lllandvillo and Lovelace, 1y ILfain.m. t.tsip.m. orricr. noim. ficneral Delivery 7i:f).ui. (Fiin'lsystf lo' Money Order ileprntmrnt a.m. o.mj L'cglster " fhws.m. D.bOp.m. Money Order and IteiUlcr department" no open oo Hundays, OUR CHURCHES. llryilYrEUIAN-r.fghlh. street. Preaching, f-abbnlh t Wi a, u., arid V, r. h. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7M r. m. Sunday ikii-iol, 3 i'. x. J. M. Lanidcn, Super Intendcnt. Hev. C. II. Foort, Palter. METIIODIST-Cor. Eighth and Walnut 8ts. Preaching, Bntjl.atli lo.'-J a. m., and 1 r. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, ; r. , tiun.layHchool ..1 r. M. I.. W. Htllirell, Huper- liitctident. It"". F. L.Thommos Parlor. l.'IIUItCIl OF Till; IlKDEEMEIt-(r:piscopl) Morning prayeri, SaUmtli a. m. Evening prayer.JJ-r. m. Sabbhth School, 'J A. M Hev. Ma. Cmak, IU-ctor. HT. PATItlCK'.S CIIUKCII-Jor. Ninth Bt. and Washington Avenue. -'ubllcf-ervlec.Subbjthf.tiand lu.'i . Veiperi", 3 r. m. undayHchool,? p. a. service every d.y, e r. h. Iter. T. J. O'IIalluiax, I'rlfl. YOUNG MENyCllllWIANAKSOOIATlON-lteg- nlar meeting icoond Monday each montli at tl.e Prayer room of the Presbyterian Church Weexly Prayer meeting, Friday, 7J-J r. at .lie I'rayer room of tlio Presbyterian church. C. 1'asmisi, President. AFIUCAN METHODIST Fourteenth, between Walnut and Cedar. (Services, Habbath, 11 a.m. Sunday tV.hool, r. . Cass Sr. x. SECOND KHEE-WILLIIAPrirtT Fifteenth HI. Preaching, 7J4 r. x. Her. Win. Jackson, I'n-tor. between Walnut and Cellar. Services, 1J and 3 r. x. Iter. N. Unas, Pastor. FIIEE-WILL IJAPTlrtTlIOME MWSlun tVS DAT BCIIOOL Corner walnut and Oodar 8t. Hunday School, 9 a. x. IRST FHEE WILL MAPTI.iT CIIUIICH-Cur- ry'a Uarracki. Herrlceii, HaMiilh 11 a. u., 3 r. m, and Vt r. x. Iter. Wx. Knurr, l'tor. PUISTMIHSIONAUV UAlTlnT CIIUItOII-Het. xeen loth and 11th -tree!-., near Cedar. Prtaehlnr HalAath loj a. x., and 7;; r. x. I'rayer Meeting, Wednenday eventni;. I'renehlnxi Friday erenlog. KHbtathH.'hool, I'J r. x. John Van llaxter and Mary ftepheni huperintndentii. Iter. T J. biiouri. I'.ito STATE OFFICERS. STATIC OFFICKUS. (oicrnur, John M. I'jlmer , Lieutenant-Gore rnor, Juhn HotiKlierty ; Secretary or State, Edward Ititmmel ( Auditor of State, C. E. Lipptneott , State Treaiurer, E. N. IUtei ; Hup!. I'ubllo Initruction, .Newton Ilateman. CONUKESSMKN. ienatora Lyman Trumbull ond John A. Loijin. llepreaenlallte for the Slate at Larje I. L Itereridge. Iteprescntatlre Thirteenth Diitrict John JM reb. MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Senator!, 1st District T. A. K. Ilolcomb. ol Union, and 8. K. Oitwon, of Gallatin. Itepresentatlre, 1st DUtrict II. Watson Webb: CO UN T Y0FF1CE RS. CIUCUIT COUHT. JudRO I). J. Ilaker, of Alexander. ProsecutinK Attorney J. F. McCartney, of Maac Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. Ilartnan. blieril!-A. II. Irviti. Win. Martin, ABfeynor ani Tieaiurer. COUNTY COUItT. Jud(;e F. llroi"s. Associates J..E. McCrite and S. Mari'lilldon. Clerk Jacob 0. Lynch. Coroner John II. Oosstnan. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Mayor John M. Linsden. Treasilter J. U, Tailor. Comptroller E. A. Ilttrnetl Clerk Michael Ilonley. Manhal Andrew C.ilu. Attorney 1'. ll.l'ojm. I'oltco .Miffistr.itcs F. llrj-i and II. Hhan nessy, Chief ot Police U H. Myers. SKLKCT COUNTil, Mayor-John M. Lansden, Flrat Ward P. G.S:hitli. Second Vfard C. It. Woodward, Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward S. Btaats Taylor. Clty-aM.aruo W. P. Halllday and P. Html. 1I0AHU OF ALDKItMKN, FIIIS 1' WAHO Jamei Ueanfen, Leo Klcb, Isiao Widdcn. EOONP WAUD-ll. II. Cunningham, E. Under, Heniy Winter, JameaBwayne. 1IIIUU WAUD-Wm. Slratlon, PiUtlcU FItSKetald OUtlTH WAUO-Jamea Carroll, J O. ll.Scase, J.II.Mctcair. Tune of Mtetmq. C'lTV fOl'KCIL. Ihe City Council meets In Joint aramon on Friday cvoninj; precoultiK the llrct Monday ol inoatn. ar.ll.CT ('uracil.. Tho select Council meets on the I'.rnt Wcdnen. day nd Thursday, niter tlio Bcootid Monday In each month. . BOAttn or AMirtt Tho Board of Aldennou meets on the firs a'onday and Tuesday In every month. COMMITTKKS OF TIIK COUNCIL. On Sfreeri-Mcsirs. Taylor, Waldcr, Winter, ood and Mctcnir. )r(i(i(ie-Mcrn.Cuniilngliain,Schiih, Fitter, ahl, Roaso and Halllday. Cuiiii Meara, wood, cimntnguam nnu ivieu. iWf ami Jiil-Mossra. Carroll, lluder and Woodward ardinnncM-Mossrs, Seaso, Wnldcr and Taylor. Kirt D(jartment Messrs. llearden, Swayne and ftlllday. larled-Messrs. Schuh, Winter and p. Jlnllna Meisrs.Wodward, Swaynoand lluder Sencine Messrs. Hud, Htratton nndMotcalf, f ealA The M aynr, ndj Messrs. Ko MfBlrlloa and .Cmroll PJIOPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. Oo to Dr. MvOauloy for Kattingcr't Fe ver Drops. Warranted to euro tlio chills lOIlUKNHO.V lint tlio belt prcsv'rvt-s'for tah chenp. Knit India tf Tiik best French niicliovlca n tlio city nl Jur";cnson'a. tf Uumsiav nHelle nt .lorcenson'i j try tliuin. tf 1'nul (1. .Selinli mjII Huttlnger'n medi. cities. U ItAII.UOAIIS. (JUIUKMST KOUTK FltOM SOUTH in ILLhNOiS CENTRAL' C it to St. i.ouii, I.ouisvii.i.k, Cincinnati, Ciii Atm, Sr.vr York, Hosto.v, All. All. AST AN I) l'OINT.S i: WK9T. l'iiiT trains arrive at and h are Cairo n fol low I mail. ixruiM. Aaairr. :ii:jil n,m .'iiflo p.m. lircAur I III." i, ii Uilrip.m. Until train eouncet a Centrall.i mIiIi train on the ivCTVIHJT LIWE roa I'alia, Decatur, HloomiiiKtcn, F.l I'n-o, L.i KaUr, lleiiilota, Frceport, Ukl'ti.i, luliuUe, and nil point In lllinol", Miriourl, ilinnerota, vviiromln hii'I Iowa. And Willi Linen running I'iit and Wet lor si. Iitiu, HpinKhelil, Louiaville, Citieiniiutl, Iiiitiinauli, l.'oluinlju. And at Chieao with Michigan C-nnal. Jtlchlnii Southern, anil l'ilt'1urj;. Fort Wayne and Chicatf'j lUilro.-4J tor Detroit, Clcrrlami, I'uiiklrl,'. Alhany, It.. .ton, I'hiUileiphla, NiaKra J'nlli, Krle, llutlalo, .New York, I'lttKlitire, llaltimore, WanhliiKton. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Monday, April Stth, 17I, Irani, tri I ruu aa lollowai .NOIirilER.V DIVISION, Taii.ii cotaq socTiiriir. Mall. Eiprets Leare Virginia C:4ia.m Vi.:v p.m. " Kpniiitllel.l 9i"0 " ........ 3.0D " " THjIorrllle 10:62 ' 4:M " Arrne at l'ana 11:40 m 0:17 " TaIM OOIXO KOaTIIVCST. Expren Mall. Learc Pans ; ' Tavlornlle .4:4 " 4:20 ' Arrire atSprineneld...0;15 " C.IO " l-are ap.iimBel.1 .:2J " :lu " Arrive nt Virginia 8:24 " ......8:1S SOUTIIEIl.N DIVISION. Tait.ia OOISO SSITUXAST. eare Edgewood. 6:30a.m. .. 10:10 a,rn flora : " - ii:4 " Arrive at Shawneetown-1:Mp m ... 6:15 p.m TI1A1M IIOIMt aoaTHWXAT. eave fihawneetown 5;IS aTm ...... ......6. JOp.m " FlorJ 2:.M " 7:00 " Arrlre at Edgewix.d 1.50 " ...,.....l.-20 " Tiieo:jj a.m. train irotn uiKfwoo.i, runs only Mondai b. Wft.lneilavMind Fridays, and train from hhawneetoan on Tuesdays. Thura. days and Saturday. (connects ai Asuian.j whii jarKsonvino uiriBion of Chicago and Alton Itiilroad, for Jicksonvillc, 1 etersi.urg, jn-on uity.n nd all tiointB west. . rpringneiu, win, umctfo n-. .-,,, do. wat.ah end Western Hulroad, lor lloornington, Chtcigo, and all point north, north- Ht-it and w.-bI. At Pana with Ind. and HI. Louis, and Illinois Central Itailroad for all points eiut, south and soilthennt. At KiJirewood wit i Cnicsuo Division Illinois Central lUllroml. At Flora, with Ohio aid M.islppi Itailroad. AtShawneeto-in. with teamlKiats for Cinein. natl, Paducuh, Cairo and t. Iui. uiii.A..u sjii i ii, wen mup i John FooiiTT.flen'l Fr'gt and Ticket Ag't. WATCH.MAKMl. I' 11 A U'l'l C AlV ATCH M R . II. IiOUPT, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AY EN UK CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Has on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCH KS, CLOUKS, JEWELRY, ETC. I'.trticulur atteullon given to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. Tho largest stock of GOLD AND SILVEll WATCHES IN Tlir. CITY . ISUTOIIr.US. CENTHAL MEAT MA11KHT. KOEIILER & BROTHER Have reopened the 1'OI'I'I.AK MI'.AT .1IAI(Hi:T, COMMKI'.C'IAK-AV., Dt'tncrii Mil Hi anil Tviitli Slrcrlw, ar.d will keep constantly on hand Iho hest menli Haiigliiercd in inu uairo mnrKei, i ney unj ruin- petition. Olvo them n trial. sepUltl'. JAKE WALTER, BUTCH E AMI 1'I Al.Klt N ERE Sit MEAT, EiQiiTH Stiikkt, Bktwhk.v Wabhincitok AND COMMKUCIAL AVKNUESJ, AiUoliilnif lUiU'iilioimo A- JIiuiiij'h. Keop Ihe heat of Ileef, Pork, Mutton, Veal t.umii. H.,iiH!iL'n.lp.. and are nrenared to sorv. citUcni In tho most ncceplable manner. a80o roiiMmir.s. I. & E. GREENWALD. NtMTICTl'RrilH or Slenm Engines Boilers, Flour ond;arist Mills, Saw Mills, Thej"Tupper Patent Oralebtt MAOUINKIIY KOIt'OUNEIlAL l'URl'OSES, CINCINNATI OHIO owdeW'k. (511 AND NEW VEAItS BALL KOUGH AND HEADY CO. .tloiiiln.V i;'llliiK. .Inimiir.V I. I7I, WASHINGTON HALL. ,.rt Jtifflfat .Aanlrls fcsmmny l7 ir-en-erer Jreajy wiicn dnner called toKiriillfa end property Iroin the devouring lintit. it If hoped tllht eyery llinri whoffii te Imy nttrketwll ilo bo, unit insist Tlomin tteenf arrafi peine nl havo inlreil neither lime ncr i-xjn.e to make lhl liall Ih star of Ihe season. I'atrnniM the ll-illpn COMMUTE!-. (jF AIIIIANOEMHNT"'. II. LEW k CO., i i Ai r. i: in HIDES AND FURS, WOOL, I'llATIIEltS, I.H ., S3 OHIO LEVEE. Caiho, Illinois, novl ll 1'. L. HUVETT, k SON, mpoiterB, Manttfa'lurers and Joblen of MUSICAL M ERCI I ANDISE llrns nml (icriimii Mlyrr BAND INSTRUMENTS, No. L'5 S. TnntD Stkiikt, oc!5.Hm. ST. IMVl-i. .MO. KIN1)LIN(5. SAYE TROUBLE AND EXPENSE. 'I'o llllseIu IiTs; Michael Dnwdwill lurnlsh Mave I'aclory Kind, ling nice, dry, already-cut wood, in an) pnrt of the city, for J 1.60 n waeon load. Here is a vay to save inealculable troiihlo in your hou'ehol 1. Leave orders at McGnule) V drug store, or od dre them to Michael Dowd, through Hie pop,. othee. Nov 10 If tiii: ai.ium:. PROSPECTUS FOR 1872 FirTII YEA!'.. A Jlejircicnlatirc ami Chuuipitm of Ameri can Art. THE ALDIUE: An ffturrurctr Montniy Suit, mir rtrrrmrrt t be the handaomett l'aper in the World. "(iivemv lovo tothe nitist workmen of THE II MM! who ore striving to make their profes ion worthy of admiration lor beauty, it lias lw) been for uitfulncs"," Henry Ward Ueecher Till'. AWISR, while lsued with nil the leg tilanty, has none of ihe temporary or fund' inter est characteristic of ordinnry periodical, It it anolegant miscellaney of pure, light, and grace till literature, and n culk-c-tion of pieture-., the rarct si.ecimeni ot artistic sk II, in black nnd white. AlthoURh each succeeding number nlloids a freh pien-.iire tc Its friend, tho real value nnd iB-auty ofTIIEALMNEwdlbemost npireclatcd ntter it has been l.nund at the close ol the ear While other publications tuny claim superior cheapne as eomnired with rivals of of annular cl, Till: ALUlNEis a uniqitoaJd original con-coption-alor.e and unapproached absolutely without competition in price or character. The pos.essor ol the volume Juit completed cannot duiillcatc the quantity ol fine paper and engrav ings in any othi r shape or number of lolumes Tho lahornfRettinK THE ALDINF. ready on the press is so great that reprinting is out of thc rmes ion, With tho exect lion ot n imall nuinter n..-ially reserved lor binding, the edlllonn ol 1b7I, Is already exnausted, and It Is now a "Cairo ns well ill valuable hook, NEW FEATURES FOR 1S72. Art leinrliiiciil. Tho entliiisiatie siippoit so resdi.y accorded to their enterprise, hereyer u nas oecu irniu; du.'ed, has loimnced the pulilil.ers or Jill. Al. DINE of the souiulnesB of their theory that tho American puijlie woiiureroguir.enim iini.nj i-iiport any sincere ellurt loe evnte iho lone nnd standard of Illustrated publications. I hat so ninny weakly wicked sheets exist and tin no w not evidence that there is no market lor miMhiDg better indeed the success of Till. A I. DIM-. Itom the start ts direct proof ot tlio contrary, ith n nnptil tlinu co vtt, and of such vuileil tnte, a publishiT can choose his patrons, and his pnp r In rather indicative of Ins own than ot ilie taste of Ihceountry. As n guaiantce ol the exec l' ol this department, the. piibli-hcrs would loan nouneo dtiring ihtoinineiir,epeeiineii Irotn the loliowing eminent Aineiienn aitl-ts i W. T. llll'lUltt'S, iHUNMLIi: 1'HIKINS Wh. Hakt, F.O. C. Daiiii.v, Wji. IIi.aui., atoll Miiun, (iioiicirHMiiiv, W. "'"" Aio. Win, .lijiis II. Hum., .Hmis Sitiiri ll. 1,. 'tour, 1-UVNK lllAlll., Paii. Dixo.n, J. How. I,i-iiil' iciiio luceil w.thout to cApeii.e by the very best cnerJVern in IhS country, and will hear the soverei,t critical comparison with tho best toreigo work, I' being tho ileteriuinotion ot uiupiiiinnoi-. ii.iu inn it iun'i' ui.oli Imi n successful vindication ol American taste in compel. lion with any existing plthliciilion in tlio wotid. I.llcrnry Di'iinrtiiieiit tt'.m.j mi much intention is paid to illustration and get upof tho work, too much dependence on mipiimiiiMJ ma very naiiiriillv Lo feared. To nil .:..',..... M,,,. i, i. n.i'iiiin-M. it in onlr neccirarv to state, that tho editorial management (.1 TUB ALDlNEhas Peen enuusic.i 10 mil. mi.11,11.1 1IENHY oTUDI'AHl', w uu lias ii-et.-i.vii uur nnces of assistance Irom n host of the most popti 11 r writers and poets of tho country. a 1111 .,. ....1 .... .. in (nl., n.virl v foil naucs. and nlnut tine Mill-" . " .,. encravings. uoniinencuiK "a i"11""1 ; b. ... ..... fhliil mini nu-.ll I-Otllfl I. a ttlOlll jauuary, u..-, j in,-. ..... ....... tllul tinted picture on pUle b.iper, itnerted as 11 fCThe'c'hi0tnms nhmber for l7i, will bo 11 splen did volume III llscit, coniaining liny ui, (four In tint) uuu, aniioogu iiuuii w n. sent without extra chargo to nil yearly sub scribers. A 'liroi" l.vory NiiliscrHicr was iiyery popular Icaluiu nut jear, and will to ....... it. n vi. nmn 'I'll. ,.. 1 1 1 reiiemt-.i ivn in" - . ... , Ushers liavo purchA"ed nil 1 reprodiieei,. at great expense, tho hei-uting by, emltled "liamii Naturo'n Soliool." Tneeiiii irn Is llxlll inches and Is an exact rua.ainie,inlonnd nppenrnncu niipennincu. of theoriginsl picluro. An Ainoilcaii c'hroiiio. wlncli will nt all ci coiiii.are with II. has yet been r.iti.rn.1 at letall forless than II nnca n.keil for TIIK ALII1NE and It together, liwill biidellv- cred free, wiih the January number, to eveiy subicrlber wnupajsioi umij. in uuvaucu, TiirniN lor 1H72. On (X)!, one year, t(fi Oil CViomo,, $.5 00 IS,,, In. ' " " ) () Any person sending 10 names and Sin will re- cello an exltn copy ot gmtis, miihinij n copies for Iho money. Any person wishing lo work for nprtmimi, can Invo our premium circnlar on application, yye. glvoniony beniitllul ami desirable nrllclos ollertd by noolhcr paper. Any person w ishing to act, permanently, ns nil agent, will apply, irifi rejerenrt, unclosing 1 fc oillllt. JAMIM HU'l'I'ON A- .., vunusiiRus, as IiHirlyHlrol. Now VorU. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, KJUDAY. DECEMBER WINKN AKD MUUOH. P. M. STOOKFLETII, t'rccssoK eon I. r a srocarLrTti llvcllryrr mill Wliolcanlf. Drnler In 1'orelnn mid Doinratlc wines ;and liquors. No. G2 Ohio Levee, Cl ), ILMNOt). HE keeps on hand constantly a full slock o Old Kentucky Bourbon. Ityo and Mononra heUjWhuklca,. French ltiirivlUa, Holland Oin, WM. II. EGIIUTTKK, Iiiijiii i-lrr ami Wliolennlc Denier In WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO. &c CiaABS. Agent for tho beat brands of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AXD Import Air nr IMflnrreut Klad. 75 Onio Lfvee, r-t tf CAIHO. ILLINOIS, .lfAHAZI.VEa). SCRIRNEH'S MOITTHLY, li Illustrated Magazine, EDITED 11 Y J. O. HOLLAND, Author of Hitter Sictrt." " Kathrina," " TnnOthi Titeoml't Jsttert," Ete. This magatine, which hta risen so rapidly lo popular lav or, has now been GREATLY ENLARGED, and will I still further Improved during the com dig j ear. A Beries of papers by Mr. Gladstone, prime minister of England, will shortly apeir ; alio, an Able Discus. Ion ot tho National tlanklag Sys tem of this country ; a new tory by Mrs. 011 Phaut Is promised, etc., etc. i whilst every num. ber will be rich In shorter stories, Illustrated arti cles of popular silence, poems, es-nys, editorials and reviews, etc. The subscription price i. f 1.00 per year, pij ble in advance. To ensble nil p rt'ts to eommence with the series, which wo nr.- huv.- w.ll be worthy of care ful pivservalion. v.k will muJ to any dealer or new auh.iriber, tin U u imh -is o! v - liiines I. anil II. for, or the II tinmbi i s prior to Janliaiv, ls7i, for 1.6o. 'l'he whole will contain MORE THAN 3,000 PAGES, MrfyWdmPftlcVWorYcViH. Wit and Humor, Poems, Ac, combining with these the ablest editorials and the most beautiful Illustrations, some of them said by the critics to be fully equal tothe work of tiuitave More. Wo quote, ns f.urlr rt-prescniing Iho general sentiment o: the newspaper pres In regard to the Monthly, the following from tno llutlalo Com mercial Advertiser: "SCHIHNEK'd MONTHLY Is a splendid sill eets. It lias tak.n its place In the front rank of the periodicals of the world. In the beauty of Its typographical appearance, tho perfection of its !ilutrations, tho variety of Its reading matter, nnd the vigor of Its editorials, ami, la general, good ana moral influence, It is a publication ol which America should feel proud." lieuilt in Checks or P. O. money orders. For a'e by all dealers. SCR1BNER&CO., list Broadway, Novv-York 1872. ECLECTICMAG AZINE Ul 1'urr'njn Lihraturc, Science and Art. lMnl.tlBhed in 1844. the KCLECTICenters with the January number upon the twenty-eighth year of its existence. This fact alone speaks much for the character of the publication, lor no magazine couhlhivo lived so longntnld the llerce uralry and competition In which it has been sublected Willioill po-l.c-i-miK lllllillinniio ui iiivit, ui.i, meeting n well-ilelined want- but it Ii not too much lu say thai, during all these years, the EC LECTIC ban been reeognlied as tho ablest expo nent in America of that yakt intellectual activity which tlmU expression In the neilodkiil litemtuie of Europe. Tlio plan of the ECLECTIC is to se lect Irom tho Held thus outlined, all lhoo arti cles, Ea)s, Ileviews, Tales, Stories, and Hio- grapiucai dkckiicb, which ere invciy in i'iow .-u-teiiaining. instructlio and permanently valuables mid ll commends itsell especially to that great body of intelligent, renders who seek protit as well h) amusi'liienl in solid and healthful literature. Ili-xnlfH Ilie lon.'er artielei. which themselves reirfient ryery variety of subjects, the Eclectic lint tive editorial depaitiiients Litetary Notices, l ore un Literary Notes, Science, Art, and V arie- lle. The yolttmes for ls.i will not be less nltractlve than llioo which jueci-ded them. With increas ing facilities and incrcnslng patronHge, tho com ing volumes will be more thoroughly representa tive than cvr before ol Ihe test Intellectual progress of the times. TEHMS single copies, 4"i cents ; one copy, one year.J.'i, two copioi, one year, '; live copies, one jear, SJO. Agents wanted ti get up clubs, Addrcts R. E. PULTON. Publisher. 108 Fulton Street, New-Y'ork. INNl'llANCi:. "TRIUMIMI." THE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO. Ol MllClllllllil. yssels f .'1,0"0 00 Solicits all kinds ol risks, '. 1IIIOKN, iclJitf Agent, Cairo, Is. IIAIllIKHH. .1, GEO. STEIN HOUSE, FASHIONABLE T3ARBER , I . Cor, Ntli.Ml. nml Coiiiiiicrcliil-nv. CiTHIinrp llarors, UB-Clean Towels and BO-Hlilllfiill Wcrkmen ttirl.iiilics' and children's h.tir cut and sham pooed, either at the shop or at their own homes, aWOonllcmen'r. whiskers And h Ir dyed In nttitticDrrniKr. Hatlstnctioii gna anteed. 20. 1871. JIII.MXKIIY. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE MRS.C. McGEE, XIOIITU STItHKT, BKT1VEKN WASIIINOTON AKD COMMERCIAL AVF.NUKS, Has just received a full and aptendid line of NEW GOODS? Drcis trimmings, silk gimps, Bk galoon, gin pure laces, tnos trimmings, crocket buttons, allk and velvet buttons, plush nnd trimming vel vet, hats and bonnets, fino kid gloves, ladles' and children' shoes, and a full ami complete stock ol Millinery and Fancy Goods, All of which ihe proposes to sell at VKIIY L0WK.ST 1.IVINO CASH TltlCES. nuvas. JiAIlCLAY J3ROS. onio i,, CvtRO, II.I.S DBUG-G-ISTS SARATOGA SPRINGS in rn.L oi.isT AT BARCLAYS' DB.UO HTOItB. Faun .Bt rrir, Dailv. MOCKING DIKD FOOD ail arinv roa nr. witiioct Taooi.r. At Bauolayr'. H E L M II 0 I. D S - QRArE f CATAWBA 1 CATAWHA ORAPE (.CATAWBA ORAl'F. OltAVK ORAI'K PILLS ! PILLS AND All Or UKLHSOIiD'N Ml', DICIM.S TRE3II FROM FIRST HANDS, Always In stock In large supply, and for sole by Barclay nro'a, PEESH EXiTTE lick: JUST r k c r. i v r. ii ANP orKnleiJij- IlieO'lnsM Ilolllp orCiillmt AT BARCLAYS'. CSTExtra Fink Coloonkj 6Gknuink Impoktkd Extuacts; JBCT-HAIK, luorii Ann nAii, nrtutttt kn SgylNDIA RUIIIIER NURKF.RY GOO. AT E-A-E-Oxj-LT BEOS. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. llest grades In large stock and va riety, very cheap; auo: Full Link of Colors, PUT AND IN Oil', Paint Urmhcs, Linseed Oil, Whitewash P ashex Turpentine, Varnlshei Etc, etc., Alb aiNPt AUO ITAMIAUU QVAllTtrS At BARL1.A.YS'. I1T KKTEIIIMIINt:. Principal OlUeo 101 AY. Fifth SI., Cin. O TIIK ONLY RELIABLE OIHT ENTEHPIIISK IN THE COUNTRY I Ii. X. SINE'S Eighteenth drand ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION To bedrawn Monday, January 1st, 17.!. $200,000 OO IN VALUABLE GIFTS Two Grand Capital Prlies AIO OOO AMi:ilIOAN JOI.Il lOjOOO INASIKnit'ANNII.VKIl Ktvo prizes of jU.oooi Ion l5,uo; ea In (Ireanbaeks. One span of Matched Horses, with Family Carriage and fcilve,r.mounted Harness wortn ?' 1 Five Horses A lluggies, with bllvcr-mount- ed Harness, worth M Five Fine-toned Itosewood Pianos, woith, each 2-1 Family Hewing Machines, woith, each WKi 2800 Oold aiulHIIver Lever Hunting Watch es (in all), worth, each, from -.".,?,3"( Ladles' Gold Leoniliin Chains, dent's (iold Vest Chains, Solid and Doubht.plntod Hllver Table and Teaspoons, Photograph Alnuins, Jeweliy,elc, Wholo number KiftH, iS.Os.O. Tickets limited la llM.MOO. Agents wanted to sell Tickets to whoia 'born, grcmlinns will be paid, iDsle tickets i six tickets fjll) i twelve tlckcl1, J'iUjtwentv-tlvefjlo. Circulars containing n full list of prlrcs. a de scription of the manner of drawing, and oilier in formation Inreforencoto the distribution, wlllbi sentto any one ordi ring them. Alll letter must benddres.ed to L. U. HlNK.llox bO, urricr, Cincinnati, O 101 west 6th at. novJOdawSw PETE SMITH, May bo found nt Heed A Muiiii's from ward. Any wotk In tho BLACK SMITHING LINK will receive prompt attention, lforM'Shoeing, nnd a general blacksmlthlng business carried on, (liv Mm a trial' . novlstf. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV. IIOOTN AND NIIOKS. WILLIAM EHLERS, Fashionable BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWENTIF.TII STREET, lletween Washington avenue and Poplar .Street CAIRO, ILL. Hoots and Shoes Made to Order. Fine Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Warranted. Patronage Hnllclled. CITY SHOE STORE HOOP SKIRT .FACTORY snir. AirNcr roa "BEOLASKI'S" CUSTOM-MADK. iiOOTS AND S II 0 E S Coinnirrriiil Avciiup, Corner or I'.lRlitfa Mrerf. Cairo, Illinois. PARTICULAR ATTENTION 1'AID TO ALL Olt DERSFpil IIOOl'BKIRTS AND SHOES. HAl.OO.HN. EL DORADO niLlilAKD SALOON AND BAR ROOM. JOHN OATEN, I'roprlrtor. HK1 Ctmmercial Avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIBJ llest brand of California Clgarijuit received, B1LL1AKD saloon furnished with the Ixat ol tables; kid bar Bupplled with wines, llnuora and cigars of the finest brands. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor MA'GNOLIA SALOON ,v ' And Dealer In Foreign and Domestic WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, .. li j 97 Onto Levee, lletween Ninth nnilTenth Streets, Cairo, 111. dccKlf OA1.. COAL! COAL! COAL! JAMES ROSS, urAitu IN DU QUOIN AND MOUNT CARBON COAL! Coiiimcrcial-av., Foot of Elcvcnth-st. All Coal carefully weighed at the yard on Fair minks' scales. FULL WEIU11T WARRANTED. Coal delivered on the shortest notlco in any part ol the cl.y, cither by the half ton, ton or car load. Leave order at thcofllce on Commercial-av. a he foot of Klcveath street. novlCd-Om. COOKING NTOVKN. THE TWO MohI Hiii'reNNliil, Popiilnr nml l'crfocl COOKING MACHINES 01 the'perioil nra our well-knsirn EPTOTTEE BROILERS, Ilothareoflhn slmpieil construction, and so esslly managed that we guarantee tnem to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. i.iiii uriiMn in tlm household has a greater In fluence in promotion the health, comfort and hap piness of the family Cltele than the cooking stove, it Is economy as well ns policy lo get tho very best; mid in buying uiu CHARTER OAK Vnn .-un relv oniretling the most suecesslhl, pop ular ami perfect coonlng stove ever niade for "'"""""Kl'ICUBBIIIMlll.KII. i'oii are always sure of having Juicy, Tender and Delicious lleefslakes, Clnekeii, Ham, Chops, etc soiu nv Excolsior ManufucturiiiK Company, tili and till N. Main-st.,St, Louis, Mo. AND ALL LIVE STOVE I ALEHH. C. W. HENDERSON, Agent, t'nlro, llllnolM. dee7il.twline. JAMES KYN ASTON, liilclici' nml Ilriili'r in all HIuUm Fr Slenl, Coaxtu iSiNintNTil aNU T-''"" Btiiet. CAIRO. 1LLI013. OUYB and ala.t(!hteri '"Ij ' "'L'Vlf'al'y tbouaund nounds. CIOIMISMIOX A2VD FORWAKDIHQ. STRATTON & BIRD CJttccCisors toStralton, Hudon Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AHB COMMISSION MiSR0IIAT9, 57 Ohio Lovoc, Cairo, Blinoin. (jyAgenls of American Powder Co., and mas tifacturcrs agents for cotton Ttm JOHN B. PHILLIS. (Hucccssor lo Parker A Phltlla,, GENERAL COMMISSION AMI FORWARDING MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN HAY, COBN, OATS, Elour, Meal, Bran, Cor. TENTII-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIRO. ILL. G. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio ITM, I i CAinO, ILLINOIS. ardpeelsl attention given la consignment and filling orders. WOOD RITTENHOUSE, vr FLOUR AND General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, ' Cairo, Illinois CLOSE &-VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALEES IlsT XiX3WCE Cement, Plaster Paris, PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Efirhth Street and ;ohIo Ire CAIRO, ILL. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.. (Huccfssors to E. B. Uendrlcki A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission. MERCHANTS AND WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS! Liberal Advances nir upon, Consignments. Are prepared to receive, store anc orwari freights to all points and buy aid sell on commission. riiinnps attended lo promptly 3IILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR. CORN Oats, Hay, etc, AGENTS vor FAIRBANKS SCALES 68 Ohio Lkveb, CAIRO, ILLS. 7.. V, MAT1IUS.S. C. O. DHL, MATHUSS & UHL, POEWAEDIlira AM (IENUIAIi Commission Mbrohants, DEALERS IN exiOtje, a-E-rxasr. HAY AND WESTEB-V PRODUCE, Ko. Ul OI' JLEVKR, B(icii i-VurfA J at" SI- CA1KO, U.1 augl-i diwtf CJ7aRLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION ANU FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. (U Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS uov'Mlf