Newspaper Page Text
JOHN II. OBE11LY & CO. TIIOAll.S. ' Aniiim, orpinr North, Througrt 2;bun.m, :W p.m " Way 2:2i 4:ii,m "otith, Wny UMip.tu. joop.m " Through W. o Mem- pliln nnl Columbus S.Wlpin. 4:) p. Ohio Hirer route, (except Monday) il.oup.ti, Iron Mountain II. It V:i.i.m. lLuip. u nta, lurer route, Tuesday nni! Friday 7;(i..m niones, unose island AHiuun Fc, Ills., Thursday A Krl. ,lRy i CM) p.m. 7:(i.m .naynei.l, lllandnlle find tutelar, y liOiip.m urriig ii'ivun. (.eneral Delivery 7i.1Uii.iu, (HllllllVfco'ji.m.) Money Orilr depa-ilmcnl :Ut u.m. li.ou Register " ' " (t.oun.iri. o.oiip.iii. Money Order ami Heiler department u i "pen on Sundays. OUR CHUKCIIKS. I'lca-hing, hnbbatlt at I'ljj a. a., and 7J, r. u. Prater meeting, Wcdnead.iy ut 7!4 p. m. -Illl'lll)' H. Ii iol, 3 p. M. J. M. Llllf'len, Super intendent. Itt v. C. II. Fooir, Paster. JlirrlloDisr-Cor. Eighth ami Walnut flu. Preaching, Sabbath 10 a.m., nml 7 r. m. Prpycrmietlng, Wednesday, tj; p. u. Sunday rihuol .3 p. w. I.. W. bllUcll, rtiipet- mU'ii'lent. Her. F. L.Tiioxisox, Pastor. ' llljRC'H OK TilK REDEEM ER-lKpiacopxl) Mornlog prayers, Hablxith I'iJ t. u. Evening prayer ";. M. Sabbatd Sulmol, Ji. x. Per. Mk, Coax, Rector. HT. PATRICKS CHURCH-. or. Mnlh St. mid Washington Avenue. .-ublJa .-ervicc, Sabbaths and in),' a. h Vespers, Dp.. tindaySchool, - p. . service utcry flay, i p. m. Itev. P. J. O'lIlLLum, I'lliH. VjU.N(i.Mi:.NMCIIUIsT!ANAi!H(JCUTIIJ.N-U.x- nlnr meeting second Mot.dat each iiionUi .it tl e Prayer room of the I'rtiahvtcriiui Chinch tVeokly Prnyer meeting. Friday. Vi r, m at .hu Prayer tixmi of tlio Preahttcrlan church. (. Pauso., President. AFRICAN METHODIsT-Pourtcenth, between Walnut nn I Cedar. Service, Sabbath, 11 a. i. Sunday N'lmol, yt v. v. C;3 Jr. u, HIX'OSO KHKIWII.MlAPn.ST I'lfleenth St. I'eachinv, 7J J p.m. I'.ev. Win. Jackson, pHtor. between Walnut ami C'cilar. fevrriceOaltitli, and 3 p. m. Hot. .V. Kicai.l'antor. KKEK.WII.l. lUPrifiTIIOMK Mls.-ilu. tU.N UAVhCIIUDI Jurner wa'nut .iuJ feIjrSH. flumlyHcliool,9 i. h. IltST FIlKi: UILI. I1APTI-T CHIjUCII-Ciir- ry' Iijrracli Nertlco, Hnhljalli 11 1. ., 3 p. w. au j Tl-J p. u. Iter. W. Kiiliv, P.itor. FlItSTMIS-ilO.VAIlV HAPIIST CIIUHC1I 1't t Meen lutli a'ji lltli etttcti, Preachlnx Silitialli 10M a. u., nml 7,1; p. u. I'payer Meetlnit, Wnlneailayneulny. Preaulilny, Fruity evi nliiy. enhlnthS hoiil, j p. u. John V.m IlnKr ami Jlnry Sleiheii iiieriulMul 1U1, I'ev. T J. hll iutf. I'.i"to STATE OFFIUKK.S. STATK OFFIOKJW. fioternor, John M. Puliuoi ; I.leiitennni-Ooverunr, John Inuijt'ieity 1 Keijrctury of (it.ite, Kln.i-.l Itiiuuiiel ; Auditor of State, O. K. I.tripincolt , hUtoTroaiurer, K. N. Ilatea 1 Snjit. Public luttruetion, Neuton IlJtvmtn. CONUllKSSMKN. Jenatora I.ytn.m Ttumbull nnil John A. l.otjan. Kepresentatlvo for tlio hinte. ut I.irae ;. I. BererUse. Itepresentallve Tlnrlecnlli Diftnct John 31' reba. MEMHKKS OKNKKAL AS.SK.MIJLY. Senator, lt District T. A. II. Ilolcotnb. ul Union, ami ri. K. li!-on,of tljIlAtln. Itepreneutatlvc, lift Diktri.-t II. Wntsjn Wobb. CO UN T V"0F FIOK1W. CIKCUIT COUUT. Jitilgc I). J. Hskcr, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney 4. V, JltC.tittiey, o( Maasac Circuit Clerl. Jno. (J, llannau. 8hcrilI-A. II. Irrln. Win, Martin, Aceosor am Tieaturcr. CO It .NTT COUUT. Judge P. Ilro. Associn'.ef J. li. JlcCriteand S. Mnruli'ldon, Clerk Jacob fi. I.vneh. Coroner John II. (logman. MUN K'lI'A L CO V KHNM KNT JIayor John JI. I.innlen. Treasurer J. U. T.ivlor. Comptro.ler I'. A. lluructl ClfrU Michaei llouley. M.irahat Andrew C.iln. Attorney P. II. Pope. Police Mntr.itui V, Ilroa ami II, Hhau r.eisy, Chut ot Police I.. II. 31) ers. hKI.KCT COUKCiI. Mayor John M, Liinsdi n, Flrat Wnrd-P. O..S;huh. Second Sfnrd C. I!. Woouwanl. Third Ward Jno. Wood. ' Fourth Ward S. Slants Taj lor. Cltynt-I.are;o W. P. Ilulliday nnd I), Hill .1. 1IOAKD OF ALDIIi'.MK.V. rilHl' WAUl) Jainoa llearden, I.CQ Klfb, Walden, K(JJNI) WAI-It. ll.CiiniHiMliam, Under, ' lleiiiy Wlnler, James Bwayne, rillltU WAI!U-Wm. Stratton, I'.mlcl; FiUKCtalil OUUTII WAHO-Jauma Carroll,; fl.ll.ijrimi, .MI.Metcnir. Time of Mcctmq, crry coi'M-it.. rhu City Council meets In joint pension on Friday evening precimln tho flrat Holiday ol each month. SELECT COUNCIL. ThoSolect CouniMl meets on tho Ural Wedui day and Thursday, niter tlio second Monday lu each month. iioAiiu or .until Tho Hoard of Aldermen mceU on tho ilia "onday nnd Tuesday In every moiilli, COMStlTTKKft OV Till! C0UNU1I.. On titrtett-Netrfi, Tajlor, Wnldcr, Wlnler, ood.and Motcal. Drainage Mesj's.CuniilnjjImiiSchuh, Fitzger ald, Be mo and .f alllday. CViiwu Messrs. Wood, Cunningham nnd Kit h. lUct an I .(ul Mcsars. Carroll, Under and Woodward Onfmanccn Motsrs.Seaso, Walder nnd Taylor. Fire DeparlmM Messru. Itcnnlcn,fJnyne and ll!ly. i ilarktlt Messts, Rehun, Winter nnd i). Printing Slcssrs.Wo lward, Sunynound Hudor .Sennae ilesara. Hml, hiraltnii anil Motcalt, ol ITcalh Th M Ayor, and Jleasra. Ho Mi.felnriioa and Catroll JtOPJUETOJIS. J. J j. m J J U iJlJlli J.. I XN . iSKUUKT OJtDKHS. TllK MA80NM. Oaiuii (MiixiMitKr, .No. 1.1. Sn(e, Aoeinbly l tlio Ajlilm Manonil Hull, firAtan.l tliinlJHn.. unliivn lumen month. Caiuo Coi'.scil, No, Itl.'.'t'KiilAr Connienlionat Mnnonlc Mull, the eeoinl Krliiny Inc.icli month. (Jaiu.i C11AI7111, No. Comocation ut .Mnaouic II.ill, oil thn thlnl I'lipmliy of eterv inintli. ' Caiuo 1iikik, No.'ii? F. 4 A. J Itejjiilar Com. Iillinleiitioiii lit MAKOiiln Hull, the trcoixl nii'l fourth JlotnliijK.ol inontti. liri.TA Jiikik, Nii.iVH K, i A. !. Com munleutionfi n. Mutonn! llnll Mrxt auI third TJiurnliiy iiieneJi nioiitli. 1IIK ODIi-KKI.I.OWK. AtpXAMll I.OIMII! .'il. Menu in II I.M."..tlf Hall, hi Art t'r llilii llnv. overt 'riniriluv . IIK, II. I V l-MUIt. ADS. ()UICRKST ItOUTK KltO.M MOlfTlI m ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TO .Sr. i.oL'i.0, l.uuisvn.i.t:, Ci.vcinnaii, (Jim ....... V . .... i.. ' AMI All. I'OINT.S HAST AND WY.Si'. P.i ner Irntn. rnre nt ami leave Cairo na fol lUWf I xaii.. i.xpnrj. :ii:in n in yi.'io i,.m, 1 1 US ll.lil l!l IT. I, in 4 ULlt I.. lniAi.r.. Until train cunucet .1 Cenlrali.i utili train on the roa P1111, liecatttr, lllonnilnglrn, 111 l'nn, ,, J-jl;,., "i i" ' i'"!., .1.111.1, .miuuiiiii, anil all I'lilnta In lllnjola, .Minoutl, linneota, Vi.eiinnii ami Iok-ii. Ami itii Line riinnnu Fn.t no 1 Wett lor 'I. l.llll.N. lltf...ultbt I I 1.11 II.. C'lllUlllll Iti, I.nC.IOHIUlll.f, CoiuillbllH,' Ami hi Clnengo miIIi Mwliijan (Vnnnl, Mlcliltnn ...nil...... .....I,.v.. La... l.... ...''M., I Ul IMIIl lion litlllMXU liaiiruaiJM lor Clevelan.l, Iiunklrk. Ili-lrnll Allxiny, .N'laru Fall , St r.tL. "ton, I'tiiUileiiilila, i.rle. Ittjtt tl, PittKiur, linltiiiinre, Anliinuton. A L I. POINTS KAIST. AND S1M1INOFIKM) AND ILLINOIS SOUTH KASTKHN It. It. On and after Monday. Atiril 'Jtth, 171, trainaull ruu a lol.'oirat NOItrilKItN IilVIdlO.V. TBAIM COIaU or.TIII.llT. Mail. F.xprei UAi p.m . 3.U1 . t:2 " .. 6:17 " Mali. I.enrc Virulnli VMUa.m ."iiriuxneiii Tailorrllle -lo-.w ' Arrive at Pana 11:15 rn TUAUa UOIMl MltlllfUT, Kit. rtnn I.eAVi: Pna HI.OUa,1il J:S.',o.iii i-M " 0;l) " C:M " " Tnilorrille lit " Vrr ve at.i,ririini'ld...C;15 " I.imvi- .piiiEfi i.....(.:i; " Arrive ul irgini.i fc:M " SOUTH KUN DIVISION. TKAISa (.OINO tUCIUKAar. LeAie Kdgeaood 6:30a tn " Flora - toil Arrive at bhanecton3:5.lp tn ... TUAI.a OfJIMI 'iSTimiT. Leave Mia wne( to'. n Jb.K " Flora i-M " Arrive at IMsevtooil in " . ...t:U " .lfr.Hi n.111 .llslu " . 6:16 p.m S.2Vp.m ....7;) " :. " n in. train rrom i.igewobil, run only Momlaj. Wtitiunlajaanil Frnlaja, and .'.:l' tram trom p.'i.mneetovin on Tuendaja, Thuri. lava ami Saturday. CoiiiK-et t Aalil.iml with Jai '.:aonvlle divtaiou of Chicago ami Alton U.ilruail. f..r J.,.iwivtif Jf trrbur, M.ic!iCit),nndu.l liouit weat. At Spruulield. with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Western Hailroad, tor Hloomingtcn, Chicago, and all points north, north. vut ami ea. At Pans uith Ind. and Si. I.ouis, and Iliiaola Central l!.i.lro.d for till potati ciut, soinli and sollthenat. At IMgewood Chicago Division Illinois Central Uailroad. At Flora, with Ohio 11 id Miaatasippi Hailroad. AtShawneetoan, with ateainboais for Cincin nati, Paducah,C.uroanilSt. I.hiii. OH LAND SMITH, Gen'ISup't Joii.h FoojtTr.fleu'l I'r'cl and Ticket Ag'i. iicrciii.iis. CKNTItAL .M1-3AT MAliKKT. KOEHLKlt & BROTHER Ha;e reopened tho I' jiii.iT .M.vitii:r, COMMEUUIAK-AV., HrltttTii .M11II1 nml 'Ifiilli Hlri'i'lH, nnd Hill keep constantly on hand the heat mcnta slaughtered in tho Cjiro market. They defy com pftition. (iivo them n trial. pept'JIir. JAKE WA JJ'KPi, BUTCH E AMI HI Altll IN FRESH MKAT, Kiairni Sthkkt, J1ktwi:i:n Wasiukotox and Commercial avunuks, Ailioltiln Ultloiilioiisc .V IIiiiiiij'n. Keep Iho be.t of Hcef, Pork, Mutton, Veul Lamb, Suusngo.ele., mid aro prepnred to serv, citltcns in tho moat ucceptablu mai tier. ng'OOo I'OIINDIUDS. I. & E. GREEN WALD. uANfrAitciitiia or Stenm Kiginea Hoikr, Flour mid,(iril Mill i, Saw Mllla, Tho'Tupint' Pult nt (italetitr MA01IINKHY KOItlOKXKKAL l'UIll'OSKs, CINCINNATI OHIO owde27 V VUAUTKJAL WATU1IMAKKU. ii. iiourr, NO. 1D0 "WASHINGTON AYKNUK C A IHO, I I, 1. 1 N O I H , Una tin hand A FINK STOCK OF WATCHES, JOLOUKS, JFAViailY, ETC). Piiriiculur Attention given to ItKl'AllUNO FINK "WATCHES. Tho largest stoclt of 001.1) AND SILVER WATCHES IK TUB CITV. .mst i:m,a.m:oi;.. (JHAN1) NEW VKAHS HALL or tiir. JKJUGJ! AND READY IFIlE CO. ox MoihIiij' i: t out iilt. .fiuiiinry 1, isri. AT WASHINGTON HALL. A this eoiriainy h.ia blen ever renly hIisii il colleil toaavolifo nnd properly from tho ilevoiirmg clemetit, It la hoped that er y 11)1111 uuo!uU ! buy u ticket II do so, audi Iiusiat ine coiniainr. Tho coinin tteo of arranertnenla hive, Mir.rcd iifiilhr tltiio tier exjentu to mako thla Lull the star of the reason. Put run tli Hoiith.. COM Ml ITKF, OF A H HA NO KM II.NTH. I Jl I DES A NJ) EUKS, wool, i i:ai units, inc., 93 OHIOLBVBB. C'aiho, Illinois. i. r.i i:t 1 I'.L. 1IUVETT, k SOX, iiinirler, Minufa 'turera nml Jobbers ot Al USICAL IERCH ANDLSE llis.s mill rrinnn Sliver 15 A N 13 INS'lT ORIENTS, No. 'J 5 S. Tn 1 nn Stiikkt, ovHhnni. SI1. I.OS1S, .11(1, KINDLING. SAVE TJtOUIiLE AND ESPENSK. 'I lloilsellfl'liel M Mlciiael IljHdwill liirnlah siavo Fectnrv Kind ling nice, dry, alread)-cut ood, in uny part of tile city, for .U) n Hupnn load. ;iero I a way to save incalculable ttouMe In jour houtehol f. Leave ordora ut MeOuiiIev's duly: store, or nil- dreas them to Mi'.h'ic l l'od, thioiicli the pos,. olHce. Nov 10 If tiii: Ai.oiNt:, PROSPECTUS FOR 1S72 riPTII v k a it. 1 JUjirctcntatire and Champion of Ameri can Art. n Illustrated Monthly Journal claimed t World. . . . . . 1 . . . . 1 , i r w r ' t iilli HIT into iuiiiu unisfc M'ii hi titr AI DIM! itio are striving to maka their proles- lonMoriuj o; aniiiiiiiiiiiu iui ui'.uii, us ,ius Uaja been for Ufclulnca"," Henry Ward Heeeltci TIIR .l.fl.VK. hilb Issued with nil tho ipj. ul.intv. baa none of tho temnorary or fiwirfv inter- tat characteristic of ordinary K'rioilicala, Hit nnolegant mlscillauey of pine, light, and grace- till lltertiute, aim n csueeiion 01 pictures, me rarest specimens ot artistic sk'll, in black nnd uhlte. Althoush each sucecedmg number nlloids n fresh pleasure tc its Irienda, tl.c real value nnd beauty of Till: AI.IM.M: w.ll be tmt appreciated niter it ha iK'en Ikiuii'1 at theclo.e of the year While other publications may claim superior cheapness ns comtiired uith rit all of of a similar cU, TllK ALDlNLis uunniuonJd original con. coption ulono and iinnipioached absolutely without competition In price or character. Tlio possessor 01 1110 volume juii coiupieiea eaiiuoi iluplicato thomiantity ol tiao paper and engrav ing in any other ahapo or number of volumes lor ten times its cost. Tho labor or getting TllK Al.Ul.M-; ready on the urea is so creut that renriutlui; iselit of the ones- tion, With the excel tinn of n email numt er fpecially reserved lor binding, tho editionn ot ls7l, I nlready exr.austed, nnd it is note 11 scan 0 as well a I valuable book, NEW FEATUltES FOlt 1S72. Art Iteiiirliiiont. '1 ho enthuala.tic support so readi.y accorded in tr.eir enternrise. w tierever it lias oeen intro. diii'eil, ha convinced thu publishers of 'J IIK AI.DIMior tho sounitnes 01 ineir theory mat the American public would recognize nnd heartily support any sincere rllort to elevuto tho tone nml standard of illustrated publications. That so many weakly wicked sheet exist nnd thrive I not evidence that Ihero la no market lor any tiling better indeed the meets of TDK ALDINK fiom tho start ts ilirtcl proof of tlio contrary. Willi u population so vast, and of such vailed tn'te, n iiuidisher can choose his patron, and hi papi r 1 rather indicative of his own than of ihc true of the coiuilrj . A 11 guarantee of the eei llei icol tliis Ui nartment.tho publishers would leg to 1111. iiounce dining the coming year, specimens Loin the tollowirg eminent Ahum, nn at lists ; W. T. HllllAl:i), tlUANVIIIK Plllkls, Wu.I1ai;t, I'. O. C, W)i. IIlauh, Vmou Nliiliu, tiroiiui. piiiiLtv, W11. II. Wilcox, Am. Win, Jaiiis II. Hi'.Aiui, J nn a Sjim.r H.'i:. Pint ct, I UANK DtAllli, l'AVI. DlM'H, J. Huh. Time piutur-s ure being rcpio luced w.tliout teg.ud to expeiitc by tho very heat entr.ivotn lu tho eoiiniry, and will bear thu scercst ctitiual eoiui arisoii w ilh tho liest torelgD work, i beliuf the ili'teriiiiuiitioii of tho tuiLliaheia that 'I'll K ALDINH lliull be it stlceessfill tindlcalloii ol Amcrlenn tAsto In coinnt tdiou with any existing I itblicaiioii in tho win Id. Literary Dfimrliiicnt. Where hi much attention ik paid to illuatratlon nnd get iipol'the work, loomiich depeiiiience on niieuriNKCf ma) very iintumllv ho feaied. To nn tiuipaleHoclnnisijmiigs, It is only ncccrrury to state, tlial tlio editorial management i.l TllK ALIliNKha liern eutiiistcd to Mil. HIC1IAKD IIKNHY STODDAHD, who ha reeincd usanr niiccs of naiistanco trom a host "I tho moat popu- U I w IlieiH inn I ioeis til itiu vim ill, jl. Till! Vollllllll lot IS7'J will contain neatly bOU pages, and nb Hit !Wi lino rnernvmR. Commencing with tho number lor Jauuiiry.'uvcry tliird numlier will contain nbeau tlful tinted puttito on plato bapor, Imerledosa frontlsniecc. Tim Clulstma tihinbor for lb72, will bo a splen did volitmo luitseir, cotitiiltilng lifiy engravlngj, (four In tint) uud, although' fcl Hill bo sent wltUuut extra elurgo to nil yeutly sub seribf Ti1. A Clii'oiiiii to i:ory Muliscrllier was very popular lealuio mt jcar, and will to lepeatcd with the present volume, The ptile lisiiers liuvo purchased 1111 1 repiodnoeii, ut great expense, tho beeuting by Suia, cmlileii "Iiaiiio Naturo'a School," Tnociiniro la llxlll Inches, nnd Ih nil exact luo. simile, liisizuand nppnaraneo, of tlio oricinnl tuctuie. o Amcilouu chroino, which will ut all lompaio willi It, has vet been oltered at retail for less limn (he priO a. lied lor Till! ALD1NI! and It tagetker. itwlll lm deliv ered Iree, wiUi the January number, to evciy niluctiber who payslor oniijvnr in ailv.uu'e. Tc'viiki for 1ST1S. One tyJ, ant year, with OJ t hiomu iS 00 l-ce tbpiw, " " ' so 00 Auy person seinunij 10 names ami 310 u'lil in celvo 1111 extia copy of gritt -, nialig II eopiea ,'or tho monoy. Any person wishing to wt rk tor npicmhii.1, can have our premium cncnliii in'ou lln glNotniiny hcaiitilul iiiiiliKs.iabU urtulei utlcicd hy no other paper. Anv periou w lhlnc to act, pi'imuneiilly, hk 1,11 iiviuit, will aptly, iii'i ii'.t'.iiY, mielosliig I Ir o'ullll. j.vr.s mjti'ox .v ., IVliMillliltS, till l.lhcrly SlM'cl, Xi-xv York. ---tf CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SATUJIDAY, DKOEMBEll 30." I8TJ. :ommismo. a.i rouwAiiniNo. OIIAULES M. HOWE ,"t CO., GENERAL C0M1MISS10N I'OKWAHDIN'd MEItCIIAXTS. No. 04 Ohio Lcvcc, CAIltO, ILLINOIS tiovidlf STIIATTON At Hlltl) (Huceesaora loSlrnl'.on, Hudson A Clatk.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION 31 EltOH ANTS, SL919. Levcc, Cairo, Illinois, Ur-Agtnta or American roaer r;uamj man. ilfaelui,.r agent for ct Hon am JOHN H. PIIILLIS (Siiecefsor to Putker it Phr.lia,, GENERAL COMMISSION AM) FOllWAItniNO 31 Ell CHANT, AMP DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Cor. TENTH-ST. a.vd OHIO LEVEE Cairo, ill. WOOD RITTENHOUSE, FLOUIt A. M General Gjhi mission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois 0. 1). WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, I'ltODUCE AND COM M I SS 1 0 N MEP.CII A N 'I', No. 7(K!llli Lev Of. c a 1 ii 0, 1 i. l 1 :; ( 1 n. KfJ-Spielfil iiHrniicn i.vm to iita " lid flilirgnldei. CLlOST: X VINCEN T. GENERAL COMMISSION 3IEHCHANTS AND Ckment, l'LAt.Ti:rt Paris, AND PLASTERER'S II A 1 R, Corner I'.Iclilli Street nml tllilo I.ovee CAIUO, ILL. .). M. PHILLIPS & CO., (Successor to K, II. Hondrlcka 4 Co., x Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS W II A 11 F-110 AT PRO Pit I ETOUS Arc prnred to nieive, store rti.i otward Irolglits tn all points and hit) i.; n si II on commission. llilsliiCfB attended In iroinpy MILLER k PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION wii FOUWAlil)lN(i M EltCHANTS, AMI DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIUIIANK'S SCALES 58 Ohio Lkvkk, CAIUO, ILLS. Z. I. MATIllTH, K. C. CHI. MATHUSS & UHL, FOEWABDinSTQ- A Nil (U:F.ltAI. COM3! ISSION M MUCH A NTS, HKAI.KIW IN HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. oi oiuo iii'.vi'.i:. Bitwten fhnrth d .SVxM fit., CAIHO, ILL. uugft-iUwif IttlMitt, IIAllllKltH. J.GEO. STEINHOUSE, FASHIONABLE BA11BER, Cor, Stli-sl. nml ('oiiiiiicrclal-nv. 08hnrp Harnra, iBrt-r'iA. 'ru-.ii. im.i UD'Skllirull Workmen i.i.nit'1. mill i-iiiiuri:ii a nnir rui nnu snam pooed, cither nt tho shop or at (heir own homes. nu-f I .l..t . . I . . "wmeniiemen'r w linkers h Ir dyed In a nrtlsllcir inner. Sallslaction gua nnteod. .IIAUAINEN. SCRIHNER'S MOI7THLT, i-lit lUuilriilrd Magazine, KDITF.D 11V J. (1. HOLLAND, .liitW of " llttlri Si-rel," " Kalhnnn," " Timn'hi 'IXttumh't Istltrt," I'.te. ' . Thl inagailne, which hi rinen so rapidly In poputftr tutor, ha now been CHtKATLV E NLA ItO ED, and will Ik still further unproved during (becom ing jcar. A series ol iwipers br Mr. Oladstonc, primo ininlatcrof LmdJiid. will shortly ninnir: alio. nn Aide fiiscuioii ol tlio National llanklng Sys tem of thl country i i neir itnry by Mrs. Oll phantl proinlcd, tic ,ete. ; whil-t every num. her will bo rudi tn shorter tnrle. illi strut. d uril ele of popular science, iweins, eisay, editorial anil let ten s, I'ic. The ni'.icrir.tton iri"e l fl.oo i i r tear, pija Ui in ndvance. To enibto nil nartit. to eoriiinenee with the scries, which wo urn Mini ill Im worthy ofcare fill preer.ition, wo Hill sen I to sny dealer or newaiibarrltier.tlic Ii numbers ol volume I. ami II. for ?l.l, or tho II tiiiinbcis prior to J.iiiini v, lf7. for I lie nlmle n ill contain 31011E THAN 3,000 PAGES, morn than llrbllantly Written Ailklea, nml neatly 10J Completed Stories, 'ta c ot Adventure, Wit and Humor. Poem. Ac eoioblulinr ulili tlieso Ibn ablest edlturiHl nml tlie most lifiii'ttul iiiuairation, .oino or tluin ajld by ton critic to oe uiiiy etiiiu to ine worii oi iiiifiaio I'oie, Wo iplolc, na falilv rrprcfenlliig th ienrral sentiment o: the new spa .crpiesa In regain in the Monthly, Ibn WoiHiig fiom (lie llutlalu Com. merclai Adtertiser: 'SCHIIINKK'. MONTHLY I n spleudhl sin cets. It has takin Ita placo in tho front rank of tho periodical of tho woild. lu tlio hi amy nt its typographical appearance, t!in pcrfecilon if lis Illustration, tho inricty of its reading mutter, nnd tho vigor of Ha editorial, nml, in gi'Ui, good ami moral Intluenee, it Is a pol l cat:ou ot u hlch America should feel proud." Remit in Cheek or P.O. money order. l'or sa'e by nil dealers. SCUI1INE11A.-CO., (151 ISrotulwny, New-York 1872. E C L E CT I CMA G A Z I N E or Foreign Literature, Science uml Art. IMnbllshed lu ISlt, tho I'.CLr.CTICenter ttilli tho January number upon Iho tw cut) -eighth tear of its existence. This fact ulono speaks much for the character ol tho publication, tor no magazhiM could have, llte.1 so longninld tho tierce utnlry and competition In which it ha been subjected without possessing 1 1 .gli ill ico uf inei it and meeting u well-det'.ni u v mt but it is .lot tuo much to ay that, during all iheso ) ear, the '.. LLCTIO h been rectjiu.sed lift expi nent m America of that vast activity which funis expression in iliojieriodual lucrnluic of Kurope. 'I lie plan I ho IXT.KC I IC io e. lect from tho Held thu nulliued, nil those ai ti des, F.ssats, Reviews, Tale, Stories, nml Hio J'ranlilcal tKetrbes, whieli re likely to prove en teilainiDg, instrucire ami vi,nvl mid it commenrja itse.l cpeelally to that great body of Intelligent, readers who seek profit its well bs amusement in solid and healthliii literature. Resides the longer articles, w hlch tlicnielve represent every variety of subjects, the Ilclcctlc ha five editorial departments I.tterary Notices, Foreign Literary Notes, Science, Art, and Varie ties. The volumis for 17J will not be lea ntttactiio than tlioo which preceded them. With incien. ing fnisilitle ind incteasing patronage, t lit com ing volumes w ill bo tiinro thoroughly reproenta lite thau evr before ol the iet Intellectual progrrsa of tho limes. Tl.'ltJIS single copies, V cents i one copy, ono )enr,t6, two copinf, one year, pi tiro eojiie, one) cur, S jo. Agents wauled t. get up clubs. Address It. E. P ELTON, I'liblMior, 10S Fulton Street, Now-York COOKINi, siovi:.s. THE TWO Jfont Siiccessliil, l'oitilar ami lN-rfcol COOICIISTG MACHINES OI tho tieriodnro our lW ,vi-. EPICURE BROILERS, Hotliaroof the a mpienl l onitructinn, nnd to eiily managed that wo giiniiiuteo Itiim loe-ive KNTI UK SATISFACTION. As no article in tit's household Inn ngie.tter In (lueucti In proinolluiitlic ho.illh, comfort and hap piness of tho family euclo than (ho cooking stove, it is economy a well u pulley to get the very best s and In Inlying tho CHAUTEIt OAK You can rely on getting tho most successlid, pop. nlnr ami perfect conning sioto over lumlu lor using tho Kl'MJUIti: lIltOII.ER, foil aro iilwajs biiroof having Juicy, Tender and Hi liuiuua Hccfstakcs, Chicktu, Ham, Chops, elo. Excolsior Maiiufactttriii,' Company, (112 and CI IN.,St. Louis, Mo. AND ALL LIVt; BTOVK D ALKHS, C. W. HENDERSON, Agent, t'lilrn, IIIIiioIh, ilrcTiU wllu, CASSIDY, WOLFE iV CO., rilODUt-'K AND' GltOCEUIKS WASHINnTON AVHSltP, lIKTWKTiN KlflHTII AND NINTH Hii., CAIUO, ILLINOIS IWGIyo tliom n Call I -ft ileolViCiiii, BULLETIN BUILDING, WASIirNGTON-AV. nir K.atTritPitiNi:, Principal Olllco 101 AV. Fifth St., Ciii. O TUB ONLY HKI.IAHI.E OUT KNTKRI'P.ISE IN TDK COUNTRY! L. 3D. SUSTE'S Eighteenth Grand ANNUAL DISTRIJiUTION To bo drawn Monday, January 1st, 117J. S200,000 OO IN V ALU A RLE 0 1 FTS Tiro Orand Capital Prlte r53-QQQQ ly AMERICAN JOI,ll VlOjOOO i.vA.Mi:itn:A. f, --i ... .... .in- rrue oi u,ii; jrn rrite f,w; ea in Orennhark. Oneapan of Matched Horses, with Family Cvtnsge and SilvcMiinuutcd ilnrne wortn j , 1'ivn lloraea.v lluggic. with Sllver"tiioun't" ed names, wortli () Fivo Une-toned Rosawood Piano, worth, eaeh ' 2.; lam ly Sewing .Machines, v.iuth, eaeh..,, nuo HXHiold nmlSllver Lever Hunting Wateh e (in nil), worth, each, fiom J.DtoSiA ......i "ui'i i.i-uiiiiini i.ii.iin. ueiii'a lioiil vest Chain, Solid mid Donldo-Plated Silver Table nnd Teapoons, I'holojinph Aloum, Jowrhy,etc. U' r. I.. ,.ir, n'.tun ....... . . u.iiiiuvi Hill", -i,wu, IIUKCIS IIOlllCU 10 Airents it .inlft.l tn ..l 'IM.iiia ..I..... .1..... ,'iriuiuiii. -Ill llV ,'illU, SlPslotickita ii; six tlcketajlli; twelve ticket Siii;lHontvtivelu. Circulars conlalning a full lit of, a le sorlplion of tho inaniut of drawlog, and other in. ..-.i in 1 1.-1V11-111-U ,u ,uu umir inn nun, itiuiia sent to any one ordetlng them. AUl totter must be ndilrea.til to 1,. I). HIM:, Jinx .v!, lll'.lrp 1' Jl iui west till st. notWiAii.'iw COAL. COAL! COAL! COAL! .JAMES ROSS, nr.Atr.a is DU (JUOIN AND 310UNT CA11UON COAL! Coiiiiiit)vcial-av., Foot of Elcvciitli-st. All C.inl curcfully weighed at tho yard on l'ulr ri.iuka' aeali . PULL WKIOIIT WAURANTHlt. Cntl ililiMud on the shorleat notice m an) . ii t ot tho i.y, either by tlio half ton, too or car I'laJ. Leave order at tlio olllcc on Commercinl-av, a h f.i t of HlcviMitli street. novlCdd.m. INKilUANCi:. "TK1 UM I'll." THE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO. Ol Cincinnati. vsselj SyW.O'O 0() Sohcita all Kill. Not risks. V. HltOSS, Agent, Cairo, U, ocl27tl itEAif KST.irr. aji:nt. C. WINSTON &, CO., REAL ESTATE AGENT AUCTION El IS, "1 (SKCO.STJ PI.0OU.) OHIO I.KYKK, CAIRO, ILLS., IlUV AND SlILL Rl-AL JisTATIJ, PAY TAXES, FUltNlSH AUSTllACTS OF TITLE A 1 I prorura Convetuiieea of Klmls. PIANOS. SIXTY-F1VE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED T1IK (WHAT &HALT1M0R E .HANlir.HTOKY WM. OA HE k CO., Manufacturers of ORAM), blJUAIli: AND Ul'P.UIIIT PIA1TO FOBTBS llALTLMOIIi:, MARYLAND. Th"o liislritiuent hntn been befnro the imhliu forueail Ihii ly )eur, uud U ou tiieir i xi elli'licn nlotiii altalued nil iijiiid7ia.i.l )nceiniiiti,rr, iihleh pionoiiiicea thrill uiitipialcl in TON E, TOUCH, AVOltli.MAN.SHIP Anil DUltAIULlTY K-lj All our .S'iiire iiusoi have our new New !m proved Ovoislrung Scnloaitl tho .binfn Tutlc Mi' Wo would lull special attention' to our lain I'Ateuled linpiiivements lu (inisn I'iimh iuhI fc'yt'AUBOiiAMti, I'jund lu no olhep Pinuo, which brings tho Piano neater pet fcctluii thau ha been itltalnod, KVKRY I'IaSII VUI.I.Y WAHRANTH VlVl! YHARS, Illustrutcd Calnloguesand Price lists Iromptly fiirmshed on appllcallon tn WH.KXfllK fO U.M1IHUUIC, Mu. Or tuiy ofonrreiiiUr hIMMiI iiuencies, QeVJodtvOra NEWSPAPER. THE NEW YORK EVENING POST ron 172. PKICES REDt'CED- Wo will supply tho Kienmgl'ost as follows! DAILY. Ono year For shorter periods WEEKLY Single Copy one jear .. Hve Conic " " Ten " ii Twenty " ' " J," " $11 DO per month i to ..7 CO 12 10 20 10 KKMI-WEKKLT. Single Copy one ear a .13 Otf r iv Copies " 12 to Ten Copies " , w Or wo will send tho lollowlng periodicals to subscribers, In connection with the itm-iu lUt, rt the prices named i With Week 1 1 With Seml-WeeklT Evening Post. ;s oo It oo o oo c so A Ml 4 to 00 Ii Ml 5 00 S Evening Post Harper's Weekly...., ... SI M narpt r s i Harper's Magazine Ilvcry Saturuay Atlantic Monthly Our Young Folks Scribncr's Monthly... Tho Oalaxy Tho Agriculturist , Hearth -mil Home .4 00 4 U) 6 UJ ...,4 no , 3 (O , 4 M ...I 00 to 1 7 cnrttlan Union.. :t so S 00 To each subscr ber to tho turning biand C7irif. Hmi Ir,ion for ono year will bo sent two exqulsltn French Oil Chro-ros, entitled "Wide Awake" and "Fast Aa'eep," which aro worth nt retail llOfor the oai r. TRY IT I TUT IT 11 For Scents we will send tho Weekly Ereninir Pot from tn w until January 1, or for SOcents wo will fend tho semi Weekly Post during the iimo lime. -t ficJtC'l",r" Bi'",l,'r'' ut "l0 Evening I'ost pent Aildrc WM.C.UKYANT, 4 CO. -ew York: HOOTSA.MI SIIOIM. WILLIAM EIILERS, Pahionablo HOOT AND SHOE MAKE It, TWKNTIKTH STRKET, Helwecn Washington avenito nod Pophr Street CAIRO,' ILL. Ilouls and shoe Made to Order. J'lne Wcikinen Employed. Satisfaction Warranted, Patronage Solicited. CITY SHOE STOUE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY soi.i: auency roa "BEOIiAaKI'S" CUSTOM-MADE HOOTS AND SHOES Commercial A von lie, Corner of Eighth Ktrcct, Cairo, Illinois. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ALL OR DERS FOR IIOOPSKIHTH AND SII0K8. NAl.OOMN. HL dorado IlILLIAItD SALOON AND BAR ROOM. JOHN GATEN, Proprietor. lUOCunmereial Avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS Rest brand of California Cigars Just received, BILLIARD saloon furnished with the beat ol tables t nnd bar sutuilled with wines, liquors. and cigars of tlio tlnest brands. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor iLiVUri U JUliV. HALUUW s And Denier in Foreign and Domestic WINES, LIQUOItS AND CIGARS, U7 Ohio Lovcc, llelweeu Ninth and Tenth Streets, Cairo, III. ilci!7lf CO All ANU WOOD. WOOD! WOOD !! WOOD !! 'Ihc undersigned will furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD Ah Cheap, II not Cheaper Than uny wood dealer In Cairo. I.eave'order. on ine aiaies in luo I'ostomco on I at uosa' mai turd, on Commercial avenue, between Tenth and I'm U'th sitceta, Cairo, Il'.iuoU. I give good mensUio uud will euld tlio tvjod up If desired. uugliMI DENNIS HALEY. PETE SMITH, May bo found nt Heed Jt Mtiuu's fiom ward. Any work lu u IlLAOEP-iflTHlNO LINE will receive p"1'1!'1 ntletitlcn. Jlortte'SfiGtiiiy, and ai:er.rrnl blacksmllhlng business carried on. CI,- him a trial- oovlsif. JAMES KYNASTON, llulclivr uud Dealer in all Klad FrfMh Meat, 0.1BMU NlNETCCNTU ASU PoPLAtt StIXXT. OAIR ), ILLINOIS. BUYS and slaughter only Ihe very teat callte, liom and sheep, and la prepared to DU eat di uiai'd for fresh meals ffom one wjond ta tea Itiotisand pounds. ateMf i t