Newspaper Page Text
if THE CAIRO DAILY h JLLETJN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1871, ) TRAVELER'S13- TAKE NOTICE. tiuiTamic or thic ltimow cks i iia . n. n. nnm.Ue will govern then.rli.l ainMrpMt- ure of pastinRtr irsm prf-Mall train, daily J. ,. ?' KxproM, daily 2)iJp.ti JrriK-Mall.dslly " ' Expreaa. In.ity except Sunday 3;.j,' '. to change of "ft" frm Cairo lo 81. LoiJ- change o'.;s from Cairo lo O'riCBBO. w"' rawltg Koo-n tlcepinK car on nir1' ",,,n cheeked to H Important r""t". ;CAIHO AND MOID t'lTY HTFA.V r,';' WjKinski' three. lrip lUily, , ., ,t C:VI n.m- At! iiC p.m. . Mil p.'!'- Fare each av, :i cent.! ! tlrkets for Vf Will Uni ,wh' hilled, l nt i!''d intermediate "nJmglorpnpnK-r.r freight. not2ttf. IIKK M INIATJs, CAIRO AND LOUISVILLE Weekly Packet fr.r I'rtduenh, i:iri ittc and 1 -n -Irvine, the favorite (c.miet. 1 1 E3X)3D"2" YILLB, T. . KYMAN, Jlnnlcr. taves Cairo every HATtlOKAY Ht ." o'clock p.m For freight or pi.igc apply on boirdor lo JAN. JIHifi, Ak'I. CAIUO AND PADUCAH MAIL HO AT. Tho splendid strainer CT.AS. FISK, Joe Vow rr, MitHtcr. aes Oilri 'tVl'.Y. Hmlivi exeentedl U Id. lrU!ilnr p'U3 pns on hnardor JAN. JIlUMN, Ak'I. IMMKtflANT TIt'Kr.TN. IMMIGRANT TICKETS KOlt SALE, ) KorSalo t FOU SALE, ' I KcrHalv J FOU SALE. J ForHal'el KOH SALE. Faro from Liverpool, Faro from LoyDCNOKitiiv Faro from Glasgow, JFaro from Qceesstown TO OAIKO, :::::::: $1820 Saflord, Morni A Ca Benin. INMAN LINE Liverpool MtwroTlTahd Philadelphia Steamsliip Company, mu coxtuct wirn imted ruTrAND bbithii For Carryins tno Mall, FOR PASSA"GK TICKETS oil ri'BTiirn ixroauiTiox, APPLY TO JOHN O. DALE, Aot.J 15 Broadway, New-Yoik, or to II. Iloupt, Washington Avenue, Cairo. nois. 51 rii nam: The Illinois Central Hi l Uoil Compiny now ?rf?7if?r Val fpllowiriK ilccrilo.l loin la Firs Addlilonto tho C iv of r-r ,r,', , , ,., Lot 97 uui.ii iu. Lot 'U hloelt 8J, ' Iii ' 20, " i!7 " h., ' 6 " Hi, " iiii " HI, '" 0 " 31 " 82, " 3 " H, " 32 " C2. Forterms.plc. apply 'o JAMKS JOHNSON, 8dli Aea'. FOR SALE. ADF.31UAHLK IUVKLLING, conlnlnlnx four rooms, irood out hniuea and other con-' veniencea, uill ho void on reasonable, terms. Ap ply on the premises, corner Klshteenth and Wal nut streets., : I'll YNICI ANN' WILLIAM R. SMITH, M. I). RESIDENCE No. 21 Thirtenlh Mreet, be tweon Waahingibn aveDueand Walnut street. Oitice 1210oiiiiiinrcliiUvenue, up atairn. U. W. DUNNING, M. I). RESIDENCE-sornerNinth and Walnut tU. i.,03l'"vo'!,'T "1IJth "trel Ohio lveo. Oms houra-frum ti a.m. to 1 in., and 9 p.m R.S. HUN! HAM, M. D., HOKEO'PATHIST, OrnCK, 1J C'OMMr.P.CIAI.-AV., Olflce 'hourj, 8 to lo a.m. and! to a urn. 'Itueo No.W Niut. Ptti, Oijo sn ileruir. I.AlVVi:itN. ALLEN, MULKEY & WHEELER ATTOltNKYS AM. COUN.SKLOIW AT LAW, II.I.INOIH. William J.Allen. John ILMuikey, CAIItO, -Sir. OFFlCE-Jver First NMIonal Hank, Ohio Levee. GREEN Si GILRERT, ATTOUNEYS CUUNSELOHS AT LAW, JVilllim II. een, , William 11 Ollbert. 5- lit ... J orncK-oiiio lrvke, rooms 7 aso 8 ovkr wi WATJOKAL HANK. J0B PRINTING. wIVuSlJPnto?0Ml,. Dim and mtntot the itJi.V W Tt"l assort and have now on.,f .?! f,.J'u I'flnlliuj tvues, in (ho South and W,,10,"';i,,l!''npll lobonicei that they poaaeas 1 Si.iii!,'ieJr I""" themselies lirouptly, 111 the bestNi.i . f?r turmnn out entrusted to them, froTA!?,0' ' Art, all work label lo the mammoth iC. mallei card or which leave wlih our bunueitV ,nl t p.-ioea u for aeodlnj their woik toiu rioKoodex. Chicago. JNO. II. "MiUiV I'. Ciln. V A CO 8T. CHARLES HOTEL, F. D. HKXVmtn 1 ropriclor, 0ouTouvKAil,,; Caiko, Ulinoih. The 0(ily First. Cluu Umw thQ fity rDle conveyed to lreaorctiar);s. 'l from IhoDeo m Ai)Y4;ii.Tsi:MENrs: Tniii,rY-ni"i,n report . f Of the Condition ofllio FIRr NATIONAL BANK OK OA! ISO, ILL., ' Al the cloio of business, December 10, PTI. ItUfcOlMtCF.S; l.nni and ills-Counts.... ,'.yi :il o,.i7C II (Her tlrnltf... V, I-. l.tilltl-- lo scenrn I'tr'juiH- tiul I'. H. InuhN nml seeuritl hi linn.) Otli I - i-iks, ljotiil,iijit timrl- istt ' . . 0. '.i H 09 1. 'i,ii.m :: I..14 N l.'.iVi 18 4,.H. li" 3.7UI Tl tlHI III) l.'l ID iii- ii. .in rcdeeinliiK ami ic- n-iie hdciiI..... Imt. iriiiii oilier National banks Hue Hum b.uiks and hiakcrs... 111! Print j '..niiiiiii mill Axiom lin'i Il4ini, inrlrtilliiK rdeiilie tlllll Ptit-t ..tit nllli'llRn. mi I and. in coin 'r'U ... l!l,:ii.fl lil-SAWW l MAIIII.ITIKS i (iip.1,1 t''K tHi.(KXi I"' r.mi.r.iw lull if.i ...v. I 411 It 171 77- l.'ii HI 7.' W till ;i7 II J hi.wi 7;i I'niHt mm i ' riHMllrlliMI tilllrlHnillllX.. I nil. ti) NiiIIoiiiiI ituisk.., Iiullvliliinl iliwnl. fiVIOS'.l 1.1 rilntpiirilllnoN.Coiiiilyof .Mpx.iiidi'r, . Until! ol Cuiro. ilu solemnly that tho almvp i it. a 1 1 ii(hp!i. p.i4 nipr ni ino rirn .iiintiiiu tutfmtiH I' true to mo ihji o: my nno cuki- i.r.iir. (!. . I Til Ca i rr. Pnliwr ip.l nm Kuom to inioro nie, iiiij . lay nl llecpibpr.IJI. , ,,, CIlAs. CUNNINGHAM, Notary I'uMlc. Correct AttPHt i Uolit.W. Miller, "i . J. T. Itennle, J-Dlrcctsn. U. llunl. J RKl'OKT 01' TUB CONDITION OK THE CITY NATIONAL JJAKK OK CAIRO, At Cairo, in tho ptnlo of Illinois, at Iho tloioo nusinc!). i;eeiiioer in, i"ii. r.EHOUitcns Koananml discount!.......... rj Oieriirafln , U. y. Uondt to ccure circu lation M U.H. Honda on liriii'l Other btick( lndu and mortKaeH m t)uo from redeeming and receiving agents .111,274 91 Duo from otlier .National Banks 10.0G9 47 Dtielrom other LMiks una loo.oco (l l.i.sim oo 4, nm 76 oankcrs 13,3''J 170,ni:i S3 iiankinc House i Other roal estate 1S.17U l." 41,170 1 uurrent expennen i,im i Taxes paid a,0!2 0,'ii" Checka and other cauli items- Hills of National ll.niks Fractional currency ... Specie, coin . LhKal tender note" 7,Sl I 31 7,')17 Oil :U l'J 7.712 61 ayiw w 61,078 (i V2;t,5j7 'Jl MAUIMTIKS; Capital i-lock paid In 100,0u0 (0 Mirplu l!i,o:o no circulation ouflan'llnK 8'j.ouo ij Kxciianze f (,2si .11 Interoat . 18.VJ7 r.n Profit and Ions...... 10,820 "J- lo.t'.O 7i Individual deposit '212,101 7 Due to Ijinks and tankers 31,850 'I jf5JV,&.-.7 00 state or Illinois, Alex inner county, mj. : I. W. llv.lon. assistant cashlor of tho Citr Na tlnnal Hank ot Cairo, do solemnly Ktvear that the nnova siaiemeni is irun 10 uic mm 01 my 1 noiti euanit uciiet. w. iii.-)I,ui-, Asst. c.Kiucr, hutisMlljcl nn l f Horn to hsfo:o m this " day of December, 1-71. II. II. OANDKE, Notiiry IMWic, Correct n'.tost : W. I'.IIalllilay, ") II. il.Cnimlnsli mi, Directors. tl. D. Williamson, J THE BULLETIN. i'liDltslm! every inoinlnfr, 31outlay re;iieMi MISCELLANEOUS. 1110 street crossings uro in a vory muddy condition. "Wliero is Uio clmin gang ? , 1 110 puuim fciioois will coimncnco nguin on next Tue.dny, after n v:.atinn of 'nearly two weeks Go to tlio lecture, nnd remcinber Hint tho money invested in 11 ticket is f imply contribution to tlio poor. Tho expense of tlio Gilbert dramatic troup, duringtliuir llirco wockj stay in this city Amounted to itbottt J1,C00, Tlio Ohio river is "coming up boom ing." Tlieru wii8u,riuof llftecn inches in the twotity-Iottr hour ending nt live o'clock lust night. Yesterday va cue of tho most dls nt;recablo days we li'ive cxporloneod tills winter. It was uno of tho best di'."" f"r "dark transaction, " on rocord. Murray, th" noted burglar now in tlio Alexander t'uanly Jail, sayn lio is forty-ono .War- old, nml lias a wife and evon chiU dro:i, living in II imilton county, Oliio. .Some thieve nttomplid to burglario the Eleventh struct school house a night or lwo..9nvc. W.itut Ilium it in tlntt insti tution worth 8teaiin, no one kuuws. Tlio ch iin guns; liavo been fit work for 8e,vcral day repairing tho hidowalk on 1'iiplar ftrcet, between Twulfth and ThhUeiith. They have inado' 11 goo.l jub of It. " Tlio gold waL'h lost by .Mrs. (i. 1). Williamson, night before Inst, was found by n Hull) negro fjirl early yextcHay morn ing, and returned to its owner beforu nine o'clock. Tho ltlchviuw Demucrat says Miss SuoVettit, nnd MUsAddio Lelller, loach ers In tho Cairo public bohools are spend ing tho holidays with their frionds In Kichvlow. Tho bull nt the St.Oliarics last night was attended by n largo and eoloct party. Dancing commenced at an early hour in the evening and was kept up until t. Into hour this morning. Kotncmbor tho Lcctnrj by Dr. Mary '.I. SalVoril At tho Atlieneum this Kvunlng. Tho Mississippi river between Cairo and St. Louis is reported open, and it is expected that two boats would arrive from St. Louis last uvenlng, but tho fog is supposed to have fumed them to lay up. The negro, John llopetiood, who died llmrsdiiy evening from tho cfloctn of a Etlf nlllcted by a knife in tho bunds of "'i'111. was liiirliul n.wt John ood ""H" have been n very quiet nnd peaccnblo may,,,,,, , Ilut ,ct L captured. -Considering thV mclinoiicy of tho weather, mid the fact tliuv,il0 Wl (lt thu St. Ohuvlos took away many M our play, going people, thoro was r. good atundanee nt tho Alhcneum lint night, Tim ninv rnnchon, '' was, in on U13 occasion of Its first pro.onlation, well played, nnd jnp prcointcd by the audience. Fifty cents Inveitcd in 11 ticket to Dr. Suflbrd's lecture to-night Is so much on . . . . . 1 e ... 1 i triOHieil 10 1110 pour 01 mouiiy. j To havo mngamiioi, periodicals, news paper;, or books rebound, try Tnr. Hui.i.k tin bindery. Wo nro prepared to turn out work in first-class atylo at prices na low as can bo obtained in St. Lotii, Oliica- go or Cincinniiti. Lecture for tho llencfli of the Poor, nt tlio Atlieneum to-nighl. Alderman KiUgernld lias Just received from Ireland, n lot of tho llncst Irish whisky. Tlio sample rooms nro becoming qtilto a popular place of resort, nnd it is a fact well known that at no other pinco in the city is there to bo found better whis kies', wines and cigars. The tug Cache will mnko ono trip between Cairo and Mound City on Satur day evening, thus nllbrding tlioso residents of Mound City who dcslro to hear Miss Sall'ord lecture to do 80 and return homo the .initio night. Half faro for the round trip. 0 DnriiiL' tlm nast week nineteen fami lies in our city havo been made hnppy by tlm introduction into thorn of now babies, and aonrlv nil of them boys Cairo Is 110 where.'- Kcntuchiait. That's notUlna 1 From Mm Sundny lm- foro Christmas to the present time, Micro has been tblrtv-thrco births in Cairo, and it wasn't a good wool; for bnble?, either. Great inducements to any ono wish' lug to buy a llrst-class piano or organ E. & "W. Under otlet their entire stock in tho piano nnd organ lino at tho actual cost of the instruments. They aro desir ous of closing out tlio slock so that they may uso the room for jewelry manufacture ing purposes. Mr. II. T. Gcrould has procured tho services of a bell hanger, , who will nttend lonllcalUforworkiu hisliuo witli prompt' ncss. Hell hangings repaired, ropes nd lusted, etc., in llrHelafs order. Leave or dors nt -Mr. Gcrould's office, "Winter' block, comer Seventh street and Corn mcrcial avenue. Threo of the prostitutes who wito be fore llross yesterday charged with being Inmates of houses of Ill-repute, each car ried in her arms a littlo child the oldest not over one yenr old. These women nro not lit persons to bring up children, and thev idiould bo taken from thorn, and placed in tho hands of such person as will teach them " in tlio way they should go." J. Ilosotle, .Memphis ; Jus. N. liar nnrd, St. Ljuis: Hugh O. Donnell, Now Orleans; It. S. McOollough, Par,?, Tonn A. F. IJird, Mis3 II. S. Ilarrcll, .Miss S Huntor, Miss M. Hunter, Miss A. M Hunter, llirdsvillo ; Dr. S. Edwards and wife, Union City ; John Trug, Cobdon G. Wilgus, Hiehvicw; X. O. Craig, S Wnlilcr, St. Louis, were nt tho St Charles yesterday. For tho accommodation of thoio resi dents of Mound City who desire to attend .Miss S.ttrbrd's lecture, on 'Saturday evening, tho tug Cache, will lcavo tho .. ,..iiuui. hi. .uounu i;tiv lor uairo at o'clock, p.m., of that evening, and will rc turn to Mound City after tho lecttiro Fare, for tho round trip, half price. Ticket can bo purchased in Mound City, of Mrs Dr. X. It. Casey and Mrs. W. I!. Hnmbic ton. An individual, while passing Mr Cundilfs store, at tho corner of tho Sixth street and Commercial avonuo last night took it into his head that ho would treat his friends to a grand Now Year's dinner, and accordingly gobbled a lino fat turkey that was hanging out for a sign. Marshal Cain saw tho transaction, liowovcr, and ie- j quested tho thiol' to "drop Mint turkey,'' which ho did. Ho was escorted to tho calaboose. Thu Uuder Urolliors, comor Eighth street and Washington uvonuo, havo re ceived a brnn-now lot of thu liiu.t-styled breast-pins, our-riiiL", nnger rings, brac lcts, watcb". clocks, etc., nnd, in, ito tho j.biii' to call and Inspect tlio stock. Thoy aro also agenti for 'ho Davis' sewing ma chine, Uurdi'tlorg.".nsn:id St. L.011U pianos, and olfer to tlm publiu tho best bargains to lio obtained nt any place In Southorn Ill inois. Tho P.idiictli Ki-ntit:ii-iu says that "flro extinguiiher.s arj all tlio go now. Every family has one. Th Cairo rditors havo two ajili'ej, and thoy tots them about with thorn wlierovor they go. That Cairo whisky is linbh to explode nnd thoy noed something to put, thamselviM out witli in casu of accident." Tliooxtiiigulshing pow ers of half a dozen oxtinguithori would not have any eil'uct on an exploded whisky- so'tked I'aducah editor. Nothing short of two steam lire engines would faza him. At tho annual mooting of Alexan der Lodge No 22 I. I. O. O. 1 for tho election ofolllcnrs, hold Thursday evening, Dccumber 2Btli, 1871, tho following gentle men woro cIhhuii to serve tlm ensuing term : John 11. Oborly, -Vo6c Oraml ; F. M. Stocklleth, Vice Grand ; L. H. Johnson, !ecardin Secretary John II. Itobinson, Permanent Secretary; C. Osturloh, Treasurer; F. Ilross.Mohu T. Konnie, A. Elschbaeh, A. II. . Sall'ord and Chas. Lame, Trustees, Do not Tail to attend Miss Saflbrd's lecttiro at the Atlieneum to-night. Hoar In mind Mint tho object of it is to help tho pour and uocdy of tho city. Every ono who goes may feel that whllo enjoying a porsonal pleasure, ho or she is contributing to a most worthy object. Tho lecttiro will moro than repay tho small price of adniis bioii, and wo Impa to record that Mm ng gregato of fifty cunt pieces will exceed tho proceeds of any former lecture In this city Turn out, everybody I An old, gray-headed printer, hailing from St. Louis, who says ho is a near rel ative of ono of thu propilelors of 0110 of tho leading Journals of that olty, eumu to town on Thursday evening and on Friday afternoon found himself In tlio look-up. Ho is a Jolly old coon, and though without a cent in tlio world, was not at a los how to procure whUky enough lo got stiff, ids friends, If ho has any, hd will lenrn how lo Itnndlo tho hatchet and saw lit helping to.ropalr th (Idownlks. Tho following woro tho arrivals at tho Dulmcn'co Iiotnt, Win. Winter, proprietor, for tho twenty-four hours ending at 0 clock p.m., Dec. 20th 1 87 1 : A. Wilson, St. Loula; Daniel Thompson, Carbondale, III.; 0. aV. D'llaun, Ullln, 111. j Patrick Kuroy, Gordon Station! Miss Annlo Fow ler, I'aducah, Ky.j .1. M. McK'uson Gor don Station; Hugh Andrewi", Joncsboro, 111. ; Louis Kottonbock, Caledonia, III. ; John W. Trover, Villa ltidgo ; SninucI Orr.Clly; K. Vogle, Mound City, 111.; Tohn Trav, South Pass, 111.; W. 15. Clark, Lafayette, Iud. ; Geo. A. llabbltt, Clilcngo, III.; 0. W. Madison, St. Louis ; Dr. Mary J.Saflord's Lecture for the Hcncllt of tho Poor at the Atlieneum lo-nlght. COMMENDAHLE. In view of tho many complaints against tho conduct of insuranco companies lately, whethor founded or unfounded, the under signed tako pleasure in bearing witness to tho fair adjustment and prompt payment in cash, of our claims ngalnn tlio ANDi.s and Amazon insuranco companies of Cin cinnati for building nnd inorchandio and dwelling and flirtiit"'" Insured -y Ihoao companies nnd destroyed by flro a few days since. Tlio money comes to us on this day, us it wore, liko a Christmas gift. II. S. IlAUUKi.r.. Mux. John Si'li.ivan. Cairo, December Both, 1871. 0. N. Hughes, Agor.t above named companies, at Cairo THE ROUGH AND HEAD VS. On New Year's night the annual ball of tho Itough nnd Handy tiro company will come oil. The committee of arrangements aro making every possiblo preparation to insure Us success. Tliero is no ono who will say that tho Houghs do not descrvo well ol tho property owners of tho city, and it is bopedt that every man in tlio cltv, who can, will at least buy a ticket, oven If they cannot attqml tho ball. The company aro in need 01 tunus. lhey havo built a new and beautiful englno house and want money to pay lor it. Iluy 11 ticket to tho ball and in this way con tribute lo a worthy purpose. FOU SALE AT $20. A set of mini; furs, worth at rotail $155. We will also tako orders for mink fur?, and havo them made up in tlio latest style at pricc3 at least one-third ten than tho samo quality can bo purchned elsewhere. TIicjo furs can be made at prices ranging from $15 to $o0, tho finest will be made of Northern Nebraska mink. lll'KNHTT it Co. deeSOdlt. LICENSES FOR 11172. Merchant, runners, saloon keepers, droymen and all others interested aro ..... .1 .iv a,, ift-1 will expiroo he let day of January, 1872 A prompt renewal will be required with out further notice. M.J. Howlkv, City C'.erk. dCt FEATHERS ! FEATHERS ! H. Levy & Co., at No. 03 Ohio levco. have 011 hand and for salo in quantities to suit putchascrs, one thousand pounds of good feathers. They will bo sold at prices within tho reach of tho poorot. Families suppled at rensonablu rates. dec 12-tf To Tit.m'Kiis and Dkalkus. Wo will pay St. Louis price fur all kinds of furs brought to this market. There U no need of sending furs oil", when you can get Just . I . -1... ..!...... as Kood priooa ni lioinu. Wu also pay tlio liigtiost jiriccs for hides, tallow, etc. He member tlio place, Thornton's block, Tenth street, nt tho sign of tho black bear. Burnett & Co. dccoO dlw. Notice. Tho best entertainment in Mm city is at tlio St. Nicholas hotel, saloon and restaurant. Tho best music that can bo had violin and piano. Good lunch every morning and night. All of the finest brands of cigars, and tlio best St. Louis lager beer, always fresh and nice. Give in a call. ll.viiitv Walker, Proprietor. Piano Tlnino. Parties wishing thoir pianos tuned will jiloaso address C. Hobbins at postolllce, or lea'vo word witli his brother. Price 3,00 or 3,00 a year, in cluding nt least two'unings and ordinary repairing, strings, &c. Maiiriaoe Guide. Intoroiting work' numerous engravings, 221 pages. Price 60 cents. Address Dr. Hutts' Dispensary No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis Ho. Seo Advertisement. tf Sleepino for Hunt. Ton well ventilated sleeping rooms in City Na tional Hank building. Apply to EDWAHD DEZONIA, At City National Hank. Ayertthu Evil. If mothers would give Mrs. Whitcoinb's Syrup to thoir children when sick, mortality would bo less among tliom. It costs only 25 cents. dec.U7d&wlw. For good pliotogrnplis, porcolaln plo lures, or old pictures lo bo copied, call or Thomas, No. 124 Commercial avenuo. Hr as good workman. Glvo him a trial, 8optl5tf. Hums Srovr roil Hent. The brick store, No. 78 )hio Lovce, now occupied by F. M. Steckdoth, Esq,, is ollored foi rent, and will bo vacant on tlio 18th Inst Apply to 11. Piiillis. octatf For Sale A cottage on I2th etroot containing 7 rooms, cistorn and out houses complete. Apply to W. W. Thornton. For now citron, orango and lemon peel, go to Jorgonson's comor of Twen tieth htreet and Washington avenue, tf POUCH :0UJtT Thoro was no business of Importance In tho polico courts yestbrdny. Robert Stafford, for Indulging In a plain drunk, was flnod $2 nnd costs, and sent to tho calabooso for town diijj. Win. Hoed and ..u. .... ,,. .4 . . .. ..... I.M 'Plirift .lit ..-..It. I i , wi.r.i arrested, but as tho i.v:.i.":i;d -gainst them was cotisldorod loo " i!."n," thiy were dis- cbargid. ' Willi mi. I i...i i, r..tin. i i iiiiii mil i ia ti iivj iiuut t. iuiiuii I got IntJ a qunrrol with a Fourth street .nUm t'limmr. Ti. itp. .....n , l 1 " i""" ' rested, and after giving their ovldonco tho Fivo women of easy .virtues, viz : Jiiiza nam, ivato nanessy, Mincy l uilor, ( . .a I -miinu nnihur, nnu ..irs. .hiick, wero ue- 1 At . .1. 1 I foro ills Honor, Judgo llross yostorday on chargts of being Inmates of and connected with houses of ill-fame. Eliza Until, Knto Hanncssy, Xnncy Fuller, and Molllo Walker promised to lcavo town beforo Monday night, and a stay of execution was granted accordingly. Mrs Mack, however, concluded sho would ra thergototho calaboose than leave Cairo, Sim was rommlttiMl for sixteen dnv. She was committed for sixteen dnvs. BUSINESS LOCALS. Where aro yon going? To tho placo number 03, Ohio lovce, whero they keep tho best fresh oystors, fish and game, nriJ tho finest wines, liquors and cigars to b& found in tho city. Open tit nil hours, dsy or night. J. h. Parks Ho I for Rally 1 Now Store I New Goods! Best assortment of Cooking nnd Heating Stovos ever brought to Cairo, on Washington avenue, throodoort ubovo Tenth street. decOtf Wo havo no Hesitation in recommend ing William Ehlers, boot nnd shoo maker, n3 worthy of most liberal patronage. Wo know whereof wo speak when we say his work is done in u maitcrly manner at tho lowest prices. He uses nothing but tho best of slock, nnd ho cannot be excelled in tho delicate tajkr of making an exact lit Give him n call at his shop on Twentieth street, between Washington avenue nnd Poplar stroet, nearly opposito tho court hniilo nnd U'n will I'tlaruntpn anlltfitpt inn J. C.Catsonp Has a Fine Stock of Holiday Goods, Fancy Good, Toys, ; Notions, Commercial Avenue, Between Ninth nnd Tenth streets. Mrs. McGeo having njargo stock of millinery goods of fall and winter stylo?, has determined to sell thorn off at the low est prices. Hats from scvonty-llvo cents nnu upward", nmon;.' wliicli may be found flno French fel vori.n two dollars npioco wuicu win ue som iur ono uonar nnu twenty-livo cents. All sorts of ribbon trimmings, good velvets, flowers, etc., all of which aro offerod nt extremely low nrlres. dcclOtf Jus. ICynaston tlio popular Fourth ward butcher, nt Mia corner of Nine teentli and Poplar streol-, is acltnowl- edged to keep the best meats t.j be found in tlio city. On his recent trip to St Lout', ho purchased as flnon Kt of young, fat beef cattle as was cvjr brought to this market. Ho soils tho very bot of beef at from II vo to twolvo and a half cents per pound. Ho has mutton, veal, and pork equal to nny found in tho citv, and it will bo sold as low as tho lowest. Kemcmbcr tho place, comer Nineteenth and Poplar streets. d!5dtf On Salurdiiy, the day of Decem ber, 1 will sell at public mi ''.I in tho fol- I lowing property, luft 011 inyij wliarfnoat I ,inA..1l,.l r..- . uncalled for : 12 baskets, 3 boxes Jglass, 1 gas machine, 1 box tinware, 0 boxes meichaiidi.'i', 1 box gltlsswnre, 7 bundles snddle-trccs, 1 lot beer kegs, 1 lot felloes. J. M. Phillips. Jit. II is true that Blankenburg's Excol sior saloon is now one of tlio institutions of the city. All dritikors who liko really excellent liquors whiskies, wines, beer, otc. go to tho Excelsior Riloon, which is fitted up in splendid stylo. Hlankonburg who knows how to keep a saloon, spreads a lino froo lunch every morning and eve ning, and, um lio forcibly expresses it, '.Sweetens tlio lunch wit'i music." Ho lias employed tho services of a flrst-rnto pianist, wlio make tho grand piano which stands in ono ond of tlio saloon speak out in musical tones. Everybody is invited. The bast ordor is maintained, and all improper characters suppressed with neatness, clionpness and dispatch. Ev erybody knows that tho Excolsior saloon is at M'o cornurof Wnshlugton avenue and Fourteenth street. imi'orthii -Malaga grapes at Jorgon sou's, corner of Twentieth street and Washington avenue.' tf WnifiiiT's nu pun ultra minced men prepared expressly for family use, at Jor gensen's. Peck, Frban, is Co' London biscuit always on hand, corner Twcntiolh nnd Washington avenue. tf CitYftTAi. vinegar from Loudon at Jor genson's, corner of Twentieth street and Washington avenuo. tf Go to Dr. McGauloy for Hnttingor's Fe ver Drops, Warranted to curs tho chills. JoiitiENsoN has tho best preserves for ealo cheap. East India tf Tub Lest French anchovies n tlio city at Jorgonson's. tf Russian sardolles at Jorgonson's ; try them. tf COMMERCIAL. Thuraday l!venln. Dci). 'is .Ull. I 1. t , , I J ha gonoril markot shows 110 very nni- 0 mated features at proiont. 'I.'lio order trade has been rather brisk considnrln.. that wo nro now in tho midst of tlm hull in Um ml,!.. ,,r .t. t...,r uai., uyiv vtuiuruiiu vnu cuiiEC'lllcm nlc u .1... . 1 ...S it . . . rates of freight, oneratu to kcol) tho trndo in all kinds of Grain nnd Hiv vorv ouiet. Tho Illinois Central "t crowded with frcluht. It has boon Imtiosslhtn toifel tlm j i - a- cur unloaded as rapidly as desirable Ornlii and Hay linvoboor. U'lmr on tho - . . . lrRCK ,or ,1BI,r,y wcoi wailing lo Do OroilL'lit n for tin oai nrr. Tim wnniimp 1. ,.,nir.,t..i. t.i .,.,.,,,. " IHUIWIUUIU VI 1U11I. I FLOUR.-Tho domniid Is .-ood for low flnJ ,Cfl , trrade. Pr oes firm. Union were 1,500 libls. various grades, ,..$3 f5n0 00 100 " Super, on trad:,... $5 7f 150 " Choico XXX, on orders, $8 00a$8 'J.. biilh?, .. ...... -- Ul) l COltN.-The demand Is good, and tho I1UAN. 50 sack S2 60 ... t t .!.. . ...i, ,. ., scarcity of facilities for shipping. were IIIHIKI.'V OII3 ML'Ull iieiivu cuiiiiucriiig I II u were 3 cars Mixed, in bulk, on trnol', Igul'Jc. 200 sacks Mixed, del f.'.ic 150 11 NMiito, iJol., liOAGIc 50 " Yellow, del., 6Je 150 .Mixed, from More 02c 2,000 bushels White, in sack)), COe OALS. Tho market Is unchanged sinco List report. Sales wero 1 cars, in bulk, on track 33c 1 "White" " -10c 7 " in smks. del. .: lucnIOc 230 sacks, on orders del ICo J'J "(seed oats) Hlaek, from storo GOc HAY.-Sales aro. few, owing lo t10 lack of tonnntro to ii.rkels below. Sales were r. pops Tlrnniliv ilnl ' fiiinO t on " Choice Mixed-del 21 00n22 f0 T ' . 1 " " Timotiiv "... . . 21 00 1 " " " "on orders 21 00 BUTTKH.-Hulos dull and Inactive; tho supply of all kinds exceeds tho de mand. Sales wero 35 pkgs. Choice HOll 20ca23o 15 " " ,2lca2oC 18 tubs. "Roll 25c 10 pkgs. common 10oal2Jc EGGS. In good demand nt quotations. Sales were 20 nkus. thinners count 33c POL LTK V. Cliickcns are Hat. 1 Hero is a largo supply in tho markut and no de mand. Turkeys nro fair. Sales were 3 coojij, Chickens .$2 00a2 50 4 " Geese C OOali 00 5 " Turkey.' 12 00 nlu 00 10 doz live Chickens 1 50.".t 75 11 " dressed Gecso .'J 00 MPLVL. Is scarce and ingod dumnsid. Prices are firm at an advaricj. Silc- wore- 30q bbls Kiln Dried, dul. 3 OOaii 1 200 " Citv Steam Drlwl. 3 15 oq0 "dol '! 15 jqq " on ordars 3 25 150 " in lots from store 3 25 POTATOES.-Uncbaniied. Sulci were 100 hlil. on ordorj, dol 3 10 PHOVISIONS.-Snlet wor. - 500 lbs Clear Sides l!:icon Sic POHK. Is moderately active. Sales wero 12Sbbli. McJ $11 00 10 " ' on orders 11 '-'"' 10 dressel Hot;', nor lb 5c GAME. Is in cood demand. Sales worn 50 doz. Habbits ... SI I)01 50 " Quail .... 1 oOtiyl 25 FRl'IT. Not much doing. SjIos were 1 20 bbls Choice Ornnges, .$1.1 50lb' 00 20 " Appliles 2 753 25 SUNDH1ES. 2 bbls. ICrottt, $11,00; 100 bbls. Lime, $1,25; 23 boxes N. Y. Fac lory Cheese, 15c ; 3 hhds. N. O. Sugar, 10c ; 150 bbls. Ccmont, $2,50 lUVERjNWS. PORT LIST. ARR1VKI) AND DEPARTED. Hte.iincr. Whero from. Where to. Idlowild Columbus.. Columbus. .Ills, Kink .Paducnh....Paduculi. Canitol Citv.... .I.E. Hankiu . . .Momi)hl8...EvanaiisvIllo. Mary E. Poo St. Louis Shroxeport. CONDITION OF THE RIVERS. Here tho river is rising very lat nnd since our lint report has risen about tl 1 inches. Tho lata rise in tlio Ohio has reached hero and a fair stage of water will bo in tlio rivor ludow hero, but how long It will remain no ono can surmise. Tho .Mius'.sslppi U still falling nnd full of Hunting ico. Tho gorgo at Sheep Island has let looso and soma of tho Ice bound boats will now ho ablo to coino out, if thoy nro not drawing too much ivater. Tho Monongahola has 7 feet 3 Inches and filled with Moating ico which lias suspend ed navigation. At Cincinnati tho rivor is rising, caused by tho ico being gorged bolo.v. At Louis ville tlio rivor is falling again with ! foot In tho canal. At Lvansvillo tho rlso continues, nnd their will bo a better channel for that place. Tho Cuiiiborland rivar is rising with 20 inches 011 Ilnrpcth Shoals. Tlio Arkansas is rising again. From hero to Memphis Micro is (1 foot and bulow Micro at Hceves bar thoro is 6J feet. Tlio following communication explains itself: Steamer Mary McDonald, Doc. 2d. Capt, J. P. Kkiser; "Wo arrived at Cairo yostorday at 110011 after a very tedi ous trip. Found tho rivor in a worse eondilon than 1 over saw it beforo tho channel being full of breaks and n mutter of Impossibility to avoid them all. 1 find that wo all havo been running over breaks, at least ono hundred of thorn, that wo know nothing of. Tlio llrst placo that wo could tako tho lead was at Crawford's. 4 feet there. At Vancll'a wo found 81 inches with stick down tho slioro ; boing the best water, wo. of course, went that way. At Hamburg s wo sounded down on lowci faeo of tho bar to avoid breaks, nnd found 3 fiel and 4 Inches. Thoro is -U foot in Dovil's Island fi feci. At Jacket's raltern 3 foot, chnnnul narrow. Dog Tooth .'lj rutif. ItrnnL'a frrttil lifip.i i f f'n t I mi ..,ll)l .!..!!, ,.1 1 k p...., ....... rri "1. ' luiiui. mill I, luufc ,,ll,i;i IIILIU foot fennt from Cniro to Mimnhls. and M to Vicksburg. It Is npt tafu for stenrn boats from Hi. Louis to Cairo. 01,r respectfully. JiKMVKI. , WKAV. v haiiikh and ittHiNhss. I'ho weather yecterdny wns very gloomy n,,J dismal. A denso fog overahtoudod , nn(l rver, nnu steamers nnu 10 my ".nnu "wait its departure. Itll. nr.. I .1 as ..I Ml.!.. J f b-ku, " ' ,,v:,u prcnaruiK n ivv Loulsvillo nnd Cliielniiiiti. Southern bound freights go forward ranldly nnd rnlM rc"ml '"lr- ... MISOEI.l.ANKOUS NKWH. Tho goriro at Sheep lslnnd broko loeso Iliurfdny. The .Mary E. Poo was laying nbovo tho gorge, and when It broko slid camo through. Tho Ico shoved tho Will. S. 1 1 , ltty "! 011 1,10 ,wr ""V,1 l'C,r ,,,8h Bml "'J' iicfu Hum cuvurm uiuur uonis RD0VO ''nd nml they nro lookid for hourly. Tlio Molllo Kbcrt dropped down to tho x nu .uoino i.ucri uropp l'dlt; 'd tool: on board a large lot of Cincinnati freight The Hobort Mitchell was engaged yes terdiiy taking on board tinrt of the freight brought up by the .ongworlh. Sho will get away to-day for Cincinnati Tho Hatikln camo in from McinphU with seven hundred bales cotton, 200 bales l" bo uichargud at hhawtieelown. 1 no Capitol City cleared for Now Or- ,cn,ls wu" " S ip At tho sale of tho Virginia's machlnory J "uny, tno jiiis v. 'i. Co. pur- h - 'haicd tho engine complete for IGOo. Iho " "mi'uer, cro oougui uy Cuories Uaiiigiicr nnu u. 1-. .ellli, of tmi city, for $U0 fortho four. Tho balance of . , , , , 1,10 wrcCK wnssom to various patties v,apiain iugnn sajs 110 warns 11 ciucr , 1.. . . , . ,, mill, and is in n hurry for it, too, as Jim Mallory has promised to moke him 101110I cider. Seo Dugan's notice in another col umn. The Missouri JlenuUiean says : "Tho I river at this point is falling and full of I floating i;e. Tlio Ice gorge nbovo hnvltig grounded on tho bar a littlo nbovo tho elevator so dlvcrscd tho current that thu channel has changed to the Illliiolf shore tho water has became very deep around tho head of Blood v Island and in front of I Brooklyn. The harbor of St. Louis is very seriously endangered by this chnngo in , the current. A bar is rapidly forming directlv in front of tlio elevator extending. down nearly to the bridge piers nnd up to I tho front of north market "street. Shouldl a remedy not soon bo provided against thai present change of current a long inmtl beach will cut oil' all access to tho elevator I and all the northern portion of Mie wharf." I Tho City of Cairo has reached Memphis I and will lay up Micro n few duyt. i'HIL HOWARD, ST HAMBOAT BUTCHER, lly .Vntlounl Umik llnllilln?. nOpi-clil attention fald to ordeia Dorn rami nidit or dav.'&o Oysters. Louis Herbert has nlwas 011 hand a fresh supply of Saddlo Hock oys or. M I JonuKNrio.v hat Spanish olives in tho llncst tho city. tupply of Try them tf Found. That tho choicest butter is at Jorgensen's Staple nnd Fancy Grocery store. New French prunes, currants and raijMJ always on hand at Jorgonson's grocery store. If TAXES. MUHLIC NOTICE la hereby Riven thai the as. I aessment Hats for the rear A. 1). 1871. havo been placed in my hand for collectinn'and that I will nttend at the dltlcrent nrecmcll In Alexander I'oimtv, for the purpose of collecting the statu anu county taxes loraaui year, ill 1110 limes anu (dares following, to-w it : In Harlewooii, at Miles Uartllnea' house, Jan. nary iSMIi, 1872. lu Unity, at John Knuth's store, January 27lli, In Clear Creek, at Cualead 4c I'rovo'a store, January Slh, 1872. In Tncbes, nt J. G. IlolWInc's store, January 30. 1872. in Hantnl'e, nt Virgil Delaney'a store, January 31st, lb72. In Coosn Island, at O, Greenley's store, Feb. ruary 1st, 1872. In Dog Tooth, nt Thomas Martin's House, February '2nd, 1872. I will also atleml at tho Cosrt House in Cairn, personally or by deputy, d' l'lnc; the month of February next, for said purpose. Under tlio law I will b compelled to enforce the collection of personal lavs during Iho month of February next, therelom tax-payers will bear tho fact in muni and s.ivo cos's, which will ccrulcly bu luldud niter that time, N. II. Tax.piyera will avoid troblo and mis. lakes by brliiin uith them tl.elr last year's tax lecelpts. AI.F.X. H. lltVIN. Hlierilf. and cx-ollicio Collector. Caho, Ills., Dee, '2iS, I87K STOU KHOLI) ERS' 31 FET I NO . First NiTiovat. Hink orCstao, 1 December '2(1, 1871. Tho annual meeting ol the stockholders ofthiii bank for tho election of Directors lor the ca sniiit; year, will bo held at Its banking house in Cairo, on Iho second Tuesday of January, M'i, between tho hours of 10 o'clock a.m. und4 o'clock p.m, O. H, HUUIIEH, Cashier. dcc'27td. DEXTER EXCHANGE, i:to Ohio f.ovoc, noiir Slouo Iiriiot, J. D. 7. AN ON E, PHOPRI ETOH, Frosli Shell Oysters Received Daily. Keeps always on hand llaltlmoro and Mobllo Oysiurs, which h will bo glad to bene to ills cus. tomcrs In tho best clly. decitl HIDES I FURS 1 1 FELTS I 1 1 B TJ B IfcT TT So CO. Have openod a Hldo Eto;o In Thornton's lilojk Tenth street, uhero tho highest cash price Wil bo paid for Hides, Sheep Pells, Furs and Tal. low. eiilll pay higher prices limit was ever l foro paid for the isamo articles In this eitvi Como and see us. I