Newspaper Page Text
r JOHN H. OBERLY & CO. THBMA1LS. ARMVI. Dr.PAkT north, Through Z:iw.m. :W p.m " Way 4;m.m South, Way 12.12 p.m. ;(H)i,tn " Througn w. u,, Mom. phis and Columtu 2;3U p.m. 4:00 p.m Ohio Rlrer route, (except Monday) .. iWip.m, CiO'ip.oi. Iron Mountain II. It Vi.TUa.m. ILoop. n. jam. imer route, luesday nnd Friday c.U) p.m. Thebes, Oooso .'ulund & Hnt Fe, lilt., Thursday A Frl- day - j Citwp.m. Mjf!el(l, Itlnntrillo and Lovelace, Ky 1l:00.m. y orrici iiovii. flenerat Delivery Tiwu.m. (Sundays 8 lot) a.m.) Money Order department :W a.m. J:Up.m 7:C).m, 4.00 p.m. t.W Register " " " " :lW.m. o.Wp.m, Money Order nod Kf liter departments no open on Sunday. OUR CHURCHES. KKHHYmilAN-KlKhth'iitrcel. , Preaching, BaMiath at loJ 1. m., nnd V, r. t, Prayer meeting, Wednesday it 1 r. at. Sunday School, 3 r. M. J. M. I.intden, Super intendent. Her. 0. II. Fooii, Ptr. IKTHOD1ST-Cor. Kighth and Watnul St. Preaching, Sabbath lo,' a. ,, and 7 r. . Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7j; p. . Sunday School ,3 p.m. I.. W. btllaell, 8uier- intcndenU Iter. K. L.Tii'mrsos, Pastor. I IIUIICI1 OK Tltr. HKDEKMKIMMscopal) Morning prayers, Sabtath a, u. Evening praien.'J'r. u. Sabbath School, 'J A. M. Her. Ma. Out, Hector. Sr. PATRICK'S CHURCH-Jor. Ninth Hi. and Washington Avenue. .'ubllc brYlee,il.bsthl',, and 10'; i, Veapcrs, 3 p. m, unday School, 2 p. u. Service every day, 8 r. . It.-v. P.J, O'lIsLLoaAX, Priest. V JUNO M F.N'ri CHRISTIAN ASHOCIATION-Reg- ular meeting second Monday eacli month at th I'rayer room of tho Presbyterian Church Weekly I'rayer meeting, Friday, V r. at he I'rayer room of th"e Presbyterian churck. C. l'Aasoss, President. AFRICAN MKTIIODIST-Fourteeuth, between Walnut uni Cedar. f Services, Sabbath, 11 a. m. Sunday School, 1)4 r. x. CliMlr.ii. SECOND FRKK-WILMlAITIMT-ririrenth St. Preaching, 7J r. . Iter. Win. Jackson, Paslur. between Walnut and C. dir. Service! Sabbath, alid 3 r. x. Iter. N. Hicas, Pastor. FREE-WILL HAPITriTHOMI-: MISSION tVS DAY SCHOOL Corner walnut and Cedar Ms. Sunday School, 9 a, u, IKfT FBKK HILL UAITIST CIIURCH-Cur- ry'a Ilarroeks. Sendees, rtabbilh 11 a. 3 p. . ami '', t. u. Iter. Wm. KtiLtr, l'aitor. KIIIST MISSIONARY UAPIUT CIIUltCII-Hit. ween loth and 11th truet, near Cedar. Preachinf Sabbath V a. m., and 1); r. it. Prayer Meeting, Wedneilay etenlng. Preaching, Friday erenlng. HabbftthSV'hool, 1 p. m. John Van Haiti r aud alary Stepheni Hiieriiiteudenl. Iter, TJ.feiiur. I'jMo STATU OmCKItS. STATE OFF I UK US. Governor, John M. Palmer ; LUutenitnt-Govcrnor, John Dougherty i Secretary of HUte, KIwa;d Itiiiiiimd ; Auditor of SUte, C. K. I.ipplucolt , SUtaTreaiurer, E.N. Hate', Supt. Public Instruction, Newton Ilaleman. congk"kssmkn. Jenatora I.ymanTrumbulland John A. Logan. Kaprenentative for the Slate at Ijae I, I, Bercrldge. Represenutire Thirteenth OUtrict John SI reba. MEMDEKS GENEKAIj ASSEMULY. Benaton, 1st District T. A. K. Uolcomb, ol Union, and S.K. OlUon.of OalUtic. Repreaentatlre, Iat Diitrict II. Wataon Webb. county'ofi'iceks. ciecuit COUUT. Judge P. J. Baker, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney J. F. MiCartoey. ol Massac. Circuit Clerk Juo. q. llarman. Uherifl-A. II. lriln. Win. Martin, Aaeor oni4 Tieaiurer. COUNTT COUKT. Judge F. Ilrosa. AssociaU-a J.;E. McCrite and H. Marchlldon. Clerk Jacob (!. I.vnch, (kroner John II, (lorsman. MUNICIl'AIi GOVEKNMKNT Mayor John M. Mnsden. Treaaurer J. U. Talor. Comptroller K. A. Ilurnetl Clerk Michael Howloy. Marshal Andrew Cain. Attorney P. II. Pope, Police Magistrates F. Dro and II. Hhan. nessy, Chiet ol I'olloe-L. II. Myera, BKI.ECT COUNCIL Mayor John M. Lansden, First Ward-P. O. Sdiuh. Socond Vfard C. R. Woodward. Third Ward Jno, Wood. Fourth Ward-S. Btaata Taylor. W. P. Halliday and I), lluid. 1IOAUIJ OF ALDKHMKN. FJIWl' WAUD-James Bearden, Leo Kleb, Isoao Walden. KCONO WARH-11. Il.Cunninghiin, K. Ruder, Henry Winter, Jamas Swayne. riHRD WARD Wm. Strattoo, PntilcU Fitrgetald ODRTH WAR1-Jamea Carroll.l fi.ll.Seaae, J.II.Metcair. Tiwie of Alteimq, eitr coi'ncii. The City Council meet In Joint tension on Friday evening preceding tho tlrst Mundny ol ekcn inoaiu. IELKCT C0UXCIL. The Select Council meets on the tlrst Wedne. day' und Thursday, alter tho second Monday in mcIi month. BOARD Or ALDER The Board of Aldermen meets en the firs Monday and Tueaduy In every month. . COMMITTEES OF TUK COUNCIL. On Slrut4-Kur. Taylor, Waider, Winter, ood and Hetcalf. Dralnng e-Mesni. Cunningham, Scliuh, Fitrger Id, Seaie and Halliday. Coimt Messrs. Wood, Cunningham and Kiel's IUe ami Jai Mossrs, Carroll, Ruder nti Woodward Ordinandi Messrs, Beaso, Walderand Taylor Firt Department?-Messrs. Reardcn, Bwayne and jart? Messra. Rchuh, Winter and n.,' hinting Mcssrs.Wodwnrd, Swayneand Ilul er Htnattt Messrs. Hud, Htraiton and MottalJ. cj itcain ineMRyor, ana Messrs. n; M. HtBrltnn anil (!mrAll fie PBOPMETORS. mtTTjl T1TTT r -nrnr at SECRET ORDERS. THE MASONS. Cai rMMAiiDrir. No. IX Staled Assembly at tho Asylum i Hall, first and third.Sa;. (Hilars Ineaeh month. CauoCoi kcii, No, 21, Regular Convocation at Masonic Hall, tho second Friday In each month. CAiao CiiAPtau, No. 71.-Regular Convocation l Masonic Hall, on tho third Tuesday of every lii'tntri. ' (Jllnn Kit 91? V A I . tt rniinleatioiia at Masanle Hall, the iVcoiid mid foiinh Mondays ot each month, lnur, Nn.Mg p. A. M.-ltegular Com- - " " .inn .nr.. huh inirii Thursdays in each month. THK OUD-FKLLOWK. t m . . rB,""""r-4.-Meets in OddFellow's. in nn-r nun nog, every miirsiliiy tven IIOOTN AMU MIIOIM. WILLIAM KHLEltH, , HOOT AND SHOK'IAKKK, TWHNTIKTII hTP.r.ET, lielween Washington arenuu aJ Po plar Street CM 110, ILL. Hoolii kii.I Hlmea Miulr lo Order. Fine WrrLineu Kinpli)e.l. Satisfiu'tluu Wiirranud. Patronage UullriteJ. CITY SHOE STOHE HQOP SKIRT FACTORY "BEOLASKI'S" CUHTOM-MAHE HOOTS AND S II O K S 'miurrrliil Avenue, Corner or Kltjlilli Htrft. Caiko, Illinois. hARTICL'LAK ATTENTION PAID TO ALL Oft- DEKH 'Olt IIOOI'SKIKTS AND kllOES. DEXTEH KXCIIANOK, 130 ililu l.rtee, near Ktoiir I)ot, J.D ZANONE, l'KOI'KIKTOH, Kreult Hlicll Oysters ltcceivetl Daily. Keen alwavs on hand lUltiinore anl Mob.le Uysters, which h will U' glsd lo serve to hh cus lomers in the bestelly. dec'.'tt STOCKIIOLDKHS' MEETING. Fusr NAiinktL Rank or Cairo, 1 December SU, IK7I. f The annual meetinuol the stockholders of this hank for the election of Directors lor the en vear. will be held at its Iciiiklnu houve In Cairo, on the second Tuesday tt January, between me nours 01 uni click n.m. nnn h ciock p.m. C. N. HUiilll-i-, cnliler. ileexild. IXNUHAXCJU "TRIUMPH." THE TRIUMPH INSURANCE CO. Oi C'.acluisati. inset jao.tsiofin Solieils all kinds ol rlak. BHONN, ocl27tf Agent, Cairo, OAL. COAL! COAL! COAL! JAMES ROSS, DU QUOIN AND MOUNT OAKBON OO-A-L! Cominorcinl-av., Foot of Elcvcntli-st. All Coal carefully weighed at tho yard on Fair tiaukH' scalcH, FULL WEIOIIT WAItltANTED. Coal delivered on the hliorlesl notice in nn) part ol the cl.y, either by tho half ton, tou or car load. , . I.eavo order at the office on Commcrclal-av. a he foot of Kleveath street. LEGAL NOTICE. T EOAL NOTICE is hrrehy given that E. W. Jj Klttridgc, plulm'.tl, has commriiced an ao. tion to perfect a distress tot rent against Joseph Uayllss, delendant, in tho circuit court ol Alox. ander county, In the state of Illinois, and that the tune and place of the return of summons In the case Is the third Monday in January, IHTi, at the court house in Cairo, Illinois. JOHN Ci. 1IARMAN, Clerk, nnvlM20t. UAH riTTKUN. II. T. GEROULD; STEAM AND GAS FITTER ANDriAlEU IN OAK nXTVUVM, (J as Fitter's nnd Plumber's material, Wood pumps, gioue nmi angle valves, stop cocks, oucck vuiven,eiu ALSO AUENT TOR ThIU Ilrotlierai Patent Dry Oaut Mvtens And Morehouse, Wells it Co's Automatic Wutei indicator itnuBiippiy vaive lor steam Doners. WINTER'S 11LOCK, COHMEIICIAI.-AVKNUE minci:m,am:mm. (JUAN I) NKW YKAKS HALL ROUGH AND READY htidre co. Montlny i:f'iiltir, Jiuiiinry 1. IH7I, WASHINGTON HALL. As iliis eompany has been ever realy when danger called to save, life and property Irom the devouring element, It Is hoped that every man who Is able to buy n ticket w II do so, and assist the (cinpnnv. The rnmm.tieo nf arrancetnents have snared neither tlmotiCr exn.e tu tnakn this ball the star of the eo'On. Patrntilr.ii the Itourlif. CO M M 1 1 TE K 0 F A R R ANO KM KNTS. II. LEVY k CO., r in HIDES AND FURS, WOOL, I'KATIIKItK, i;T4' 93 OHIO LEVEE. Cairo, Illinois. novl.'.tl l'.L. HUYETT, & SON, 'initfirters, Msnufaoturers and Jobbers ol MUSICAL MERCHANDISE II rams nmi Urrmnii Hllter BAND INSTI UMENTS, No. 1!5 S. Tiniii) Street, it:M3ln. ST. I.Ot'IS, MO. KINDLING. SAVE TKOUHLE AND EXPENSE. To lIoiiKeUiTjH'm: Michael Dowd will lurnljh bine Kuclorv Kind ling nice, dry, already-cut wood, in uny part of tile city, lor ii.ou a wagon loan. Here Is a way to sava incalculable trouble In your hou.elioli. Leave orders at Mcfiaulev's dull! store, or ad dress them to Mkluel Dod, thiough (lie pos,. otlice. Nov lil if ' tiii: ai.dixi:. PROSPECTUS FOR 1872' FIKTH YEAH. I Jtcprrsenttttire and Champion of Ameri can Art. THE AXiDTTH: An Illustrated Monthly Journal claimed t be the handsomest Paper in the World. 'Hliremy love lotho artist workmen of THE Al.DINK who are striving to make their profes Ion worthy of udmiratioo tor beautr, an it has Iways been for usefulness," rnry Irnrd Ileethtr THE ALDISR, while Issued with nil the teg. ularity, has none of the temporary or timely inter est characterise of ordinary ieriodica!s, U Is annlegant miscellaney of pure, light, and grace lul literstuie, and u collection or pictures, the rarest specimens ot artistic sk'll, in block and white. Although each succeeding number adonis a fresh pleasure tc its friends, the real value aud beauty of THE ALDINE will betuott appreciated alter it has been beund at theclo.e ot the year While other publications may claim superior cheapness ns compared ith rivals of of a similar class, THE ALDlN'Eis r unique oJil criglnal con coption uloiio and unapproached absolutely without comtltlon In price or character. The possessor ol the volume Juit completed cannot duplicate thequantity ol lino paper and engrav. Ings in any other shupo or number of volumes for ten times Its cost. The laliorof getting THE ALDINE ready on the press is sogreutthat reprinting is out of the ques tion, With the excel lion ot a small number specially reserved lor binding, the editlonn ol joTl, Is already exhausted, aud it Is now n scane as well at valuable book, NEW FEATUKKS FOIl 1872. Art Uennrluicut. The enthusiastic sunnort so readi!v accorded to tt.elr enterprise, wherever it has been intro duced, has convinced the publishers of THE ALDINE of tho soundness of their ther.ry that the American public would recognlre and heartily support any sincere etlurt lo eleiuto tho tone and standard of illustrated publications. That ho many weakly wicked sheets exist and thrive is not evidence that there is no murkct tor anything better indeed the success of THE ALDINEfrom the start ts direct proof of the contrary. With a popuiatiou so vast, nnd oi biicii varied tasie, a publisher can choose ins pauons, and ins pnprr is rather indicative of his own than of ihe taste of the country. Asa guarantee of tho excellence ol this department, the publishers would beg to an. nounco during ihe coining year, specimens from the following eminent Ameiiran aitists t W, T. KK'IIAUKS, UaAVlll.G 1'l.aS.INS, Wit. Haiit, F. O. C. Dauicy, Wm.IIcauh, Victuu NniLia, (ii.ocor. Umiilv, Wh. 11. Wilcox, At II. Will., J A MIS II. llCAKk, JAMIS SMILI.V It. E. l'KH'lT, I-'uask HtAuo, Pavl Dixon, J. How. These nlcturrs are bclni! renioduced without regard to expemo by tho ery best engraveiu in ihucoiinlrv. and will bear the severest critical comparison with the best foreign work, It being the deterininollon of tho piibli.hers that THK ALDINE shall lie n successful vindication ol American tasle In competition with any existing publication in the world. Literary Iciiirtiiicut. Where so much attention Is paid to illustration and get upof the work, loomuch dependence on appearand may very natiirallv bo feared. To an ticipate snch misgivings, it is only necerrury to state, that tho editorial management cl THK lias neon cnirnsieii to Jiu. uill.uui 1IKNKV HTODDAltl). who has rieited assur. ancos of assistance Irom a host of the most popu- I lie yuiiiiiio iori7U will contain nearly 6(H) pages, and uli mt i!S0 line engravings, uommencing with tho number for January, avcry third number will contain a lau tiful tinted pkturo on pUto baper, inserteil us u frontlsDlece. The unristmas nnmoer tor mi, win no a splen did voiumo in usen, coniuiniiig nuy engravings, (four in tint) aud, although rciuiloii u tt wlllbc sent without extm charge to nil jenrly sub acribers. A Cliroino lo Kvery NubHcrlbcr was a very popular lenluro last jear, and will be repeated with the present volume, The pub lishers have purchasod anl reproduced, at great expense, the bceuting by Seis, entitled 'D.ime Nature's School." Tnocnrr.iro Is llxlU Inches, and lean exact fao-simlle, inslio ami appearanco, of theonginsl Picture, No Ameilcau cliroino, which will at all compare with It, hus yet been ottered at retail for less than the uricit asked for THE ALDlNEand It together. It will bo deliv ered tree, mm mo January number, to ev aubscriber who pays for onu year In advance. Terms) fur 1HT. One Oiov, ane year, leilh Oil t?iroio f S 00 tie tbpia, " ' to 00 Any person sending tu names and flu will re ceive an extra copy of gratis, making II copies 'or the monvr. Any person wishing to work for niirnlui, can havnour premium circular on application. We give many beautilul unddeslruble articles ottered liy nooiuer paper. Any person wishing to act, permanently, as ou agent, will apply, wi'i rtercnee, unclosing (1 fc Ollllll, JAMI'.S NU'ITUN V Co., VUUUHIIISIIS, US blbtrly Nirc(, New York. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1871. t'OmMlajsiON ASDFOaWARDINa. CHARLES M. HOWE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AM FORWARDING MERCHANTS. No. G4 Ohio Levco, CAIHO, ILLINOIS nov22dtf STRATTON & BIRD (Successor, toSlratton, Kudsoa i Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MEKUHANTS, C7 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. OTAgents of American Powder Co., and man iifiwluicr. AjfHits forrctton varn JOHN U. I'HILLIS (Succcor to Purler & Phi'.lls,, GENERAL COMMISSION ANO FOUWAKD1NO .MEHCIIANT, ANV DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIRO. ILL. WOOD RITTEN HOUSE, FLOUR AND General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois G. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PKODUOE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, So. TO till hi I.r t il-, C.A I R O, I I, L I N C 1 H, -Vncm atteniinn and orders. enen lo consignments CLOSE & VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AM DEALEBS XJST LIME Cement, Plaster Paris, AND PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner KIkIiIIi Nlreel nmllOlilo I.cvre CAIRO, ILL. J. M. PHILLIPS k CO.. (Successor to K, 11, Hendricks A Co., J Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS AND WIIAIIF-HOAT PllOPIUETOKSI sjflrSSLioeral Advances u k? Conslanment... i " or Arc prepnred to receive, sure am orward freights to all points and l.tiy n. il sell on couuiilsslon. Rusinesa attemleil In iirnmptlr MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION EOllWAllDINO M EKCIIANTS, ANU DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats,'Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIllHANK'S SCALES 58 On i Levee, CAIKO, ILLS, Z. D. UATIIUSS. E. C. UIII. MATHUSS & TJHL, S1OI2."W.iaX)I3SrQ-al ANU (1KNKUAI. Commission Mkhciiants, DEALERS IN fXjOtjte, o-n-A-iasr. HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. 04 uiiio i.:vi:i:. Bttmtn fourth i Hirlh Uli., aug'-itwtr CAIRO, 1 1. 1.. mm: LltfE ASSOCIATION OK AMERICA. The Most Successful Like Insurance Corporation ok the Same Aoe the Would. PXTKELY MUTUAL; NO STOCKHOLDERS TO A 1)8011 II PROFITS. Amount of.Poi.icif.s in Force Dec. 31, Total Income to Same Date, Net Increase or ISiskr in Foiice, 1870, The IiiriroM Svt Increase iliirlnir I lie year 1STO oruny Cotiirtuy In the World. Guos Increase ok Uisks in Imjuce, 1870, $30,327,730 00 Onlr two companies 111 tho world exceed this (,'rass increi.o durinjt 1S70, ....Ji1.". PS'Lr'.'J'.'IWf.1'101' K"ar.intec, ns n chartered rUht, the onnciplo of LOCAL INVEST MENTS IN I.ACH STATE, in proportion to its Premiums or Re-Insurance Knnd. iiMtTkVtt.A'll'V IH charter, gives EACH STATE A REPRESENTATIVE IN THE IIOMK IlUAICi) Or IH Ill's t- rOjw?( O-BlirBSAIi OPPICE, SO?. XiOTTIS, IvEO. JAMES H. IlIHTTON, President. IIkkry W. Houoii, Vice I'rwldont. Felix Costte, Supt. Mljsourl Dept. Wm. Hani.ey, Sccrctury. John N. 1'iiitciiarii, Trensuror. C. F. IIl'P.nem, Attorney. E. L. Lemoine, M. D. Med. Olllcer. Hon. Wm. IIaiines, Conultiiig Cottnsol nnd Actuary. SOU THE UN ILLINOIS D E 1 A II T M E N T. E. P. lluitLiNOHAM, Mnnncr. CAIBO BEAITCH BOARD. The following named uentlemen hold or control !IO,n) insurance each, in the I.I In Association of Atnerca: P. W. Harclay, 11. W. Weiiii. II. II. Caniiee, John Antrim, ClIAS. (lALKIHKIt, J. M. Piiillu c, (MI ANN Y, li. S. lIltKHIA.M, l'AL L O. StHLII. l.rurii our HiiIcn uitil I'lmis lielorc LOCAL AGENTS. Uce.1td3m. Caiii. L. Thomas IIAKIIi:itS. J.GEO.STEINHOUSE, FASHIONABLE IJAR13ER, 1'or. Stli-l. nnl t'oiniiierclal-av. ATKharp Ilaiors. o)-Clean Towels and Brt-jiUillfiill Wcikmeu sTAj-ddies' and chlldren'ii hair cut and sham pooed, either at the shop or at thoir own humi s. aVGentlemen'r whiskers and h ir d)ed in s nrtlslicirrnncr. Uatislaetion una anteml. .MAUA.IXE.S. SCRIILNER'S MONTHLY, lii lUuitriitnl Mdijtr.inr, F.HITF.I) 11V J. !. HOI.I.ANII, Author f ' llitttr .SVrr," " Katlirinn," " TtuiMti TVeumVt Mteri," I'Jt. This maKasino,-jtiyU li'i rin'ii so rapidly In GUEATr-r UNLAliUKD, p amjtill lostill fiirtlieriini)roveildiirinrlhecom ini-" A series ol papers by Mr. filadstone, prime minister of Knulund, ill shortly a"'sr i also, an Aide Discussion ot the National ilankliiK sys tem of this couutry; a new story hy Jlrs.Oll- phant Is promiseii, etc., etc. t wiiiii every niiui Lerwlll ho rich In shotler stories, illustrated artl eles of popular science, poems,e.a)s, editorials and reviews, etc. Tho subscription hrice is j?l.oo per) car, piya hie in advance. , , To enahlu nil parties to commence with tho series, which wo nro sure will heworlhv of care ful preservation, wo will send to sny dealer or new subscriber, tho VI numbers nl volumes 1. and II. for $1.0", or tho II numbers prior to January, UTi, for $l.W. 'I lie whole will contain MOKE THAN 3,000 PAGES, more than 6C0 Brilliantly Written Aitlcles, and nearly loo Completed .Stories, Tales ol Ailieuture, Wit and Humor, Poems, Ac, combining with these the ablest editorials and tho most beautilul illustrations, tome of them said by the critics to be fully equal totho work of (iiistave loio. We quote, as faiilv representing III" sentiment o: the new spaper press in regard lo tho Monthly, tho .following from tho llultalu Com mercial Advertiser: "fcCRIHNEIlM .MONTIILj is u splendid sill cess. It has taktn Its place In tho front rank of the tierlodlcals of tho world. In the. beauty of its tjponraphteal appearand, l!i porfeclion of lis Illustrations, the variety of its reading matter, nnd tho vigor of Its editorials, ami, in Renernl, xooil aim moral liiiliieni o, it Is a publication nl which America should feel proud." Remit In Cheeks or 1'. O. money orders. l'or sa'o by all dealers. SCK1IINEK & CO., 054 Hroudwiiy, Now-York 1872. E C LE CT I C"M A G A ZINE or Foreign J.ihrtilurr, Science ttml Art. K.tiiblishcd in Isll.lho RCLEOTICeiilers Willi ho January nuinber upon tho twentyol;;lith ) ear of its existence. This fact alone speaks iiiui'h for the character ol tho publication, lor no mair.ulne eoulillimo lived to long nmld tho llcrco i ivnlry and competition In which it has been sillijectcd wlllmut iisessiiii? IiIkIi deitreo of merit and lueel'nu a well-ilellned wanti but It Is not too iiiui h in shv that, diirmK all ihcse years, the Hu LKO'I'IC has been leenunlrcd ns the ablest e.w nent in America ol vnt iiilcllectual activity whl. h lliida expression In jliepeilnilltiil iteratuio of Kiirone. The plan l Hm I'.CI.l.O 10 is lo te. led 1 1 ..til the Held Ihus outlined, nil those, aril lies. Kssajs, Reviews, Tides, btnrles, and Rio uraphical fekettlies, which sro likely to prove en teitaiiiinK, lnlrnelluund permanently valuable i and il ciimiiiciniHitse.l especially to lliiit jreat body of IntelllKent.readers w ho seel; profit as well as ainiisemeiu in solid and healthful il cloture. Resides tho longer articles, which theinselves rei resent every varirly of subjec s, the h'leclle has five editorial departiiieiits-Llteriiry Notices, KorelKii Lltrrsry Notes, Hclcnce, Art, anil arle- "'file volumes fur Ml will not bo le.s nltiactlve than those which preceded them. ith increas Inc facilities ainl increasing patromie, tlnicoin li)3 volumes will bo more thoroughly representa tive, than evr before of Iho test Inlellectiial prouress of the times, TEHMsj-bhifiUi copies, U cents i nni. copy, one year.fft. Inn copies one )"ir, '.l; tl eoides, one )ear, S. AkciiIs wauled ts net up cltrbs. A'1''Tl E. PELTON, Ptil.lWlicr, 108 Kulton Street, Nuw-Vork WATCIIHAKKK. PR ACT IC A L WATC 1 1 M A K ER. H. HOUPT, NO. 150 WASHINGTON AVENUE UAIRO, ILLINOIS, Has mi hand A FINE STOCK OK WATCHES, JULOC'wS, JKWELUV, ETC. I' ntlrnllnn given In KK PA IKING FINK WATCHES. The I lrgesl stock of OLI AND.SI LVEU WATCHES in tiir cirv nlklm BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV. i.srnA.:i:, IN 1870, - 540,055,740 00 3,074,788 80 20,000,010 00 John II. Oiieri.y, Wm. Mounts, T. J. Keiitii, W. S. En-o.v, you iusiiri- In nny other Cuinniiiy. W. II. Kernet. THE NEW YORK EVENING POST roil. ist2. ritiKs i(i:ii'cr.i! We will supply the Evening Post a lollnwsi DAILY. Onn )ear M For "Imrli r periods fl per month WEEKLY. Single Copy one )enr $1 50 Kiwi Copies " " 7 1st Ten -li! til Twent) ' - V) (SI SEMI-WEEKLY. Siunl" Copy oiv year $1 00 Five Cupii H " " la U Ten Copies " " oil Or wo will send the lullnwinK periodicals to subscribers, in connection with trio livening bif. ui uie prices iiami'ii i WHJ. 4bVcCIv Seml'-Vv'tekly Evenmi: Post. Krcnlnir Post Harper's Weekly. ..$! fsi $fi ri narptr a narar .1 m i, ui Harper's Magarine HI i Is) i:ery Saturdav a li M Atlantic Montlily I ini t.M Our Yoiing Folks 3 CO 4 60 Henbiier's Monthly 4 .Vi ii 10 Thu lialaxy 4 II U B So Tho Agriculturist .- Hi A on Hearth and Home .-'I fi 'i" Christian Union :i M S 10 To each sllbscr ber to llio Krtnimj bjutl.l CYirii. linn Union tor one year will bo sent two exquisite French Oil Chro'nos, entitled "Wide Awake" and "Fast Asleep," which nreworthnt retail 510 for Iho oair. TRY IT! TRY IT 1 1 For 'X' cents we will send tho Weekly Evening Post from new until January 1, or for So cents wo will rend the semi' Weekly Post during the same time. Specimen ncmbers of the Kening Post sent free. Address WM.C.HRYA.Vr, A CO. !cw York. WINKS ANO 1.IUCOIU. M. STOCKFLETII, SITCISSOU I'UIILK a Itcetlli'r nmi WIiiiIpniiIo Heiiler In t'orolKii nmi IXiiurHlIc! WINES I AND LIQUORS. No. C2 Ohio Lkvkk, 1 1 tnia i, ii.i ) m. HEI.iepsnn hand constantly a fall slock o Old Kentucky lloiirbou, II) o und Mononga hi la Whiskies, rrench llriiulies, Holland tlin, Rhine aud Ciiliioiuia WiucH. in3utf WM. II. SCH UTTER, lliiMirler mill WIiiiIchhIi- lleuler In WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO Ac OIGARa. Agent for ihe best brands ol CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AMI liiiMirliil Als t lllllereiil Kluils, 75 Ohio Lkvkk, tf CAIRO, ILLINOIS. JAMES KYNASTON, lliilclirr mill Ileiiler in nil Hindu t'ronli Meiit, Cimstii NtkrirrNTii ami Pnrua SmttT, CAIIU, ILLINOIS, I II Yri and sliiughtera only the very best cattle, 1 lior.s and sheep, and is prepared to till any demand fur fresh niesU'fioui one pound to teu thousand pnuuds. X de20ir KAItBOADN. QUICKEST KOUTE PROM SOUTH vu ILLINOIS CENTRAL & R. Sr. Louis, Louisville, Ci.vci.vxati, Cm caqo, New York, Uostojt, AND Alt. POINTS EAST AND WEST. Paiengcr trains arrive at and leave Cairo ai fol lows) Wt 3i.Hi n.m 3130 n.m. .ip.m :.:2i4o?.S: Holh trains connect at Centra!! with train on ln, roa """""InKtcn, El Paso, L Salle," Mendota, Freenort, tialena, Dubuque, and , all tsiints In Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. And with Lines running Kn.t and West lor 31. IXI1IU, Cincinnati, Hpnntil,i. Imcanapolis, l.ouiasille, ommoua. And at Chlcairo with Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, and Pittsburg, Fort Wayne i i,iucno luniroajs lor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. 'y.. ,, Hoston, PhiladoiphU, .Vaxra Falls, F:rie, Rutlalo, New York, I'illsburK, Halllmore, vVashlnKton. ANU ALL POINTS EAST. SPKINOFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN K. R. On and after Monday, April 21th, 1871, trams wl I ruu as follows i NORTHERN DIV13I0N. tsaiss aoisa soithcast. Leave Virginia 1:40 a.m 12:3i p.m. Bprinxneiu v;m 3.00 " Tavlorvillo in:j'i " a.m Arrivoat Pana Uilil in 6it7 " raAiti aoina nonrnwisT. F-xpress Leave Pans. -Vuon.m Mall. .3:3& n.m 4:20 " C.IM " 0:10 ' .....8:15 " " Tattorv 1 e I;4 . Arrlvo atyprin(leld...CilS " Leave Spsuujtlcid ll:2.5 " Arrive nt Virginia .H:2.v houthf:rn division, TBAISS 00 1 Nil Snl'THCAST, Leave FMcowood 6:30 n,m 10:10 a,m " F'lora 8:2A " U;40 Arrive at Shawneotown.'fc.'j.lp.m 6:15 p.nj tuaima uoma hearuwEST. Leave fhawncetown S:l.1 n.m 8:20p.m " Flora.. 2.5.5 " 7:00" Arrive nt Kdgcwood 4:40 " .......8.20 " Tho 5:30 a.m. train from Kdacwood, run only Mondays, Wsdnesilayannd Fridays, and 5:45 a.m. train from Shawnectown on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. Connects at Ashland with Jacksonville division or Chicago and Alton Rtllroad, for Jacksonville, Petersburg, Mason City, a nd all points west. At Hprinctield, with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad, lor Hloomlneton, Chicago, and all points north, north west and west. At Puna with Ind. nnd St. Louis, and Illinois Central Railroad for all points east, south ami aoulheast. At FMgewood with Chicago Division Illinois Central Railroad. At Flora, with Ohio avl Mississippi Railroad. AtHhawncetnwn, with steamboats for Cincin nati, l'.i.luculi, Cairo nndSt. Louis. ORLANO SMITH, Gen'ISup'L Jon FoojitT.Oen'l F'r'gtand Ticket Ag't. HUTCHKItfl. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. KOEHLER & BROTHER Have reo pencil the rorin.Ait .mimt maiiuet, COMMERCIAE-AT Urlvippii Ninth mulTculli Ntreelsi, nnd will keep constantly on hand tho best meats iitiiginercu in ino uairo mnrKei. They uerycom- petition, (llvo them a trial. sepKltr. JAKE WALTER, BUTCH B ANU IM FRESH MEAT, KioiiTii Street, Hetween Wasiiinqton AND COMMEIICIAL AVENUES, AilJoiiilnif lilt teulioiiNo dc Ilauny'a. Keep the best of Reef, Pork, Mutton, Veal Lamb, Suiisage.etc., and are prepared to serr, citlrens in thu most vcceptablo manner. agSOo NA1.UO.M4. EL DORADO 1ULLIAU1) SALOON AND BAR KOO.T. JOHN 4JATK.N, lroirielor. luO (iimmercial Avenue, CAIKO, ILLINOIS' Rest brand of California Cigars Just received. BILLIARD saloon furnished with the lt ol tables! and bar supplied with wines, llouora and cigars of the finest brands. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA AtWI II 1 X I' i Ieel7lf HEAL 11 xiriv? J, VI lil l URAL ESTATE AGENT AUCTIONEKS, 71 (second floor) OUIO LXVIkt, 4 .CAIRO, ILLS., Rur and Sell Real Estatb, , PAY TAXES, KUKN1SH AIISTRACTS OP TITLE i' I prepare Counvajices of