OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, December 31, 1871, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1871-12-31/ed-1/seq-4/

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" r
Oi unit slier flimisy, Slay 14th, 1871, Dip lotion
nft uirr-taLlo will govern the Arrival and dcrart
nre of pisinfr tralni nl Cilrot
DrpfirtMiA train, dally ,
Impress, rimly. ...........
jl trie. -Mall, daily .
Impress. ils.ll, except Hnndny 3:30 p.m.
NoiliniRflpf inn rromCairo in Pt. I.ouU. No
change i'o.n from Cnlto to Chlenc,o. Klejt.int
Mf'te Room steeping cars on nlit trains.
WK cheeled to nil Important Mints.
Will irmkn tlirce trlpi dally.
liavixo cvmo I ii.avimi mm sd cirr
At 7 m - i.m. I At S!30 n.m .
At It. ......A.m. At 1:30 pin.
At 4-30 p.n . I At r, p.m.
Kareeacli way, 30 cents) lit tickets for 12 ftA
Will lanc.when hailed, ntnny iod intermediate
andinglor passengers or freight. iiov21ir.
ninra itoATh,
Wtekly I'nckrt for rA.ltionli, KvAnsvillp and Lou
isville, the favorite steamer,
T. CI. UY.VIAN, Ntnler.
cares Cairo eery PATUOUAY aI ft o'clock p.m.
For freight or passage apply on lioardor to
.ias. mnun, ak'i.
Tho splendid steamer
Jop I'om lor, Mnolrr.
,Mr.i mt'.Y, Hinliys excepted) t4
kl'ir IrrfUlitur pi'Wa npplynn hnnrdor
Js, iiiUMst, AK'I,
KUfoii balk.
$4 8- 2 0
1 Kents.
i nr
Br ai
Bfiialty aud
End 8 oyer
Or the Condition of tlio
At Hie cloio of business, December 1C, 1871.
I. 'n.ins nut dlscoutrs I .W.oul .11
Over diall 0,376 41
U. 8. bonds to fCriirii clr-mla-
Hon Sl,2ii0 (io
V. Ik)iii4 Rial srciiritl on
Inn J.. .1,3111 M
Olhpr ikIii, lHiii.i.,H'id innrt-
u,mn m
Due from irdt'viiiing Ami rr
FPMPAgontii 1.1,051 67
tluo from othrr MaiionAl Imnkn 4, .UK i
tlunlrom Imnksnnd liAnkern... I ,'..v 18
Itn I pjtut,- 4S.V.I.-, 67
Knrnltiirr hikI liilnrr. :i,7ul 74
Ciuh Iti'im, liii'liiiliiiK.reti'nilii
tA!ll1 HO (X)
Current PTpnf.,. 421 40
Ouli on hand, In ruin ( 1,011.7!)
Curro c 21,31.0 .! M 308 72
lAW.of'J 61
Cupltul nlocl; J10U.0OO W)
Kxrhnnuc 7i4 70
InKTi'.l 411 41
I'rollt nnd l-1" 471 77 1,1X7 83
UircuUtlnn mit."tA'idmj 72,001 00
Hue to MiitlniinljlMnk .'17 (U
Individual ilriili 8t,Ut 73
liM.089 01
Stole ofllllnoN, County of AlcinndT, is.
I, C. N. Hugheii, PAnfiicr nf tlio Klrnt Kttlonal
Ilonk ol Cmru, do oolemnly swear that the nborc
Klnlrmorl In trim to the tx)t ot my knowledge
nndlKllcr. (i N. lltOIIES, Cn.ihlcr.7
8iilicriliod nnil nwoni to Iwforo m. tills -."h,
ilavol Decfinber, ls7l.
CIIA-i. C'U.SNINnilAM, Nolary Puldie
Correct Allet t "
ltol.t.W. Jllller, 'i
J. T. Itennle, V I)lrector.
I). Kuril, J
At Cairo, in the slnlo of Illinois, nt Ilio close o
lnntliesi. December III, 1871.
Loaan and dicounl - I137.4SC 41
Overdraft to
iU. . Honda to HCCUroclrcu-
ii1?,"?,"'"; : 1 ln.00 00
II. n. llond.i on band 10.300 00
Other KtocltK, bonds anil
morlKaum 4 sg jj
1)110 from redeeming nnd
receiving ngents .SHI, 27 1 81
Duo from other National
. Banks 10,000 47
Duo Irom other banks mm
bankers 1.1,309 2i 170,313 63
Hanking house '2 5,000 on
Other ral estatf 15,170 15 40,170 13
Current expenses 4,184 Rl
Tnxos pald t un Si n,2y7 15
Checks Ami other CAh '
Items. 7,814 31
Itillsnf National Haul 7,'J17 00
Fractional currri i...... "31 lu
Sneclo. coin 7,71a fit
l.ngnl tender notes 30,000 oo fn,078 01
$ j'."J,M7 01
Capital slock paid In .. I10O.O00 )
yjirpl"". M.OCOOO
Circulation outstAndlng 80,600 00
Kxrhangc ( C.28I 31
Interest , m,oo7 go
I'rollt nnd loss 10,820 73 40,009 76
Individual deposits '212,101 74
Duo to banks nnd bankers.. 33,850 41
Htalo of Illinois, Alexander county, s. :
byaUllviiop, asltnnt cashier of tlio City Na-
no solemnly nwear that tlio
ipiM!i ot my vnowl-
i Wd
n xv ew
o Invites
r Illinois, which bus Un
ys nt Mound Citv for tl.n imot'
wuok or more, camo ol vostenlnv .....i i...
v IMS'
mediately rosumed her place in tho Cairo
nnd Columbus trade.
Tho Gilbert dramatic troupe left yes
torday, bag and baggage, fur Nashvlllo,
Tcnriosjce, where tlioy Imvo an engage
ment to moet .loo Joll'orson nnd sup
port him In his tiluy of " Itin Van
"Winkle." . .
Thero ws but ono caso boforo his
lionor, Squiro Shannossy ycslerdny, nnd
thero was no money in that. Patsy Mc
Giam was up for n ' philn drunk." Patsy
had no money, nnd as ho was it hard .work
ing man, tho old Squiro " lot him slip."
All friends of tho Hov. .Mr. Coon nnd
his family, uro invited to attend tho sec
ond nnntint parochial reception, at tlio
rectory, Wellington nvenue, corner
iwoniy-sixtii street, on Thursday
iiitr. Jan. 4tn. nt 7 oVlnni-
- tng, Jan. nt 7 o'clnrMflH
w- rr invitation. iiMiLLLLLLLLLLLI
forvlcci of n boll lintigcr, who will ntlcnd
lo all culls for work hi Ills lino with prompt
ness. Dell lmnglngs repaired, rope ad
justed, etc., In first class order. Leave or
ders nt Mr. Ocrould's ofllce, "Winter's
Mock, corner Sovonth street nnd Com
mercial avenue. dec.2l;d-tf.
Let It bo romoiitbered that to-morrow
Monday ovening tlio annual ball of tlio
Houf.ii and Heady firo company, will Inko
place at Selicul's lmll. Tlio ball will bo
clnborntcly decorated with ovcrgrcon,
lings, otc. Tlio commlltco of arrange
mvnts linvo lnborcd faithfully to mnko it
a success. Oo, ovorybody and p.alronl.o
tlio Houghs. Iionbcrg's excellent string
band will furnish tho music. Tickets, $1.
Thalia will clvo another of their In
teresting performance! nt Philharmonic
linll this evening. Tho mcmbors of tho
society linvo given much attention to tlio
play for this occasion, nnd thoso who nt-
tend tuny oxpect nn onjoynblo ovonlng's
cnlortiilnment. Tho ploy, "Tho Disper
sal," in two nets, by tlio author, A. V.
Kot.obuo, Is said by thoso who ought to
know, to bo good, nnd ono thnt will bo
npprcelntcd by thoso who attend.
Mr. 11.11. Hill, of Sullivan, Indiana,
had his carpetbag, containing somo vnltia
bio papers, nnd a quantity of good clothim.',
stolon from him on tho 'J; 15 train In tljfsl
city yesterday. Mr. II, went lntc th;
car nnd placed Tils satchel In a seat nntt
went out to seo that his baggago wisot
onto tho train nil right. AVhon'.ho, returned
his satchel was gone, nnd no trnco of It
could bo found.
Tho Iludor llrotliors, corner Kighth
street and Washington nvonuo, havo re
ceived n brnn-now lot of tho Intcst-stylcd
breast-pins, car-rings, llngor rlng?,',fbrnc-
lcts, watches, clocks, etc., vnd, Iniito tho
public to call nnd inspect tho stock. They
aro also agents for tho Davis' sowing jn,a
chinc, Ilurdclt organs and St. Louis pianos,
and oflcr to tho public tlio best bargains lo
bo obtained at any plara in .Southern Ill
A member of tho legal fratornity
hailing from ono of tho flourishing littlo
towns not many miles from Cairo, camo
to town early Friday morning, and took
rooms at ono of our first-class hotels. La
tar in tho day ho started out to seq tho
sight?, and in going tho rounds of thv city,
becamo oxcccdlngly drunk. At night ho
found himself in Dili Scott's saloon, tin
ablo ,to toll which way to go to find tho
hotel ut which ho was stopping. Two
negroes volunteered to escort him tj that
institution, but beforo reaching it, they re
lioved him ofhis watch nnd chainj pocket-book
nnd S20 in money, n lino pTltg hat,
nnd toro n flno coat off his back, fester
day morning ho was In search ofYrRnds
of whom to borrow money to buy hlmscff
a now rig nnd get out cf town on.
That portion or our citizens who at
tended tho lecturo of Dr. Mary J. Saflbrdi
nt tho Athcncum lust nlirht, oniuved an
Jiour of uninterrupted pleasure Dr. Suf-
n lilecsnt: spcukor sho Ktieuks
Knglisli, untnutllalcd by nirn
lllll ,'blL llliini'l nf bnr
nvo or
day or two
of a double
his carcas. As
ng occurred about
ms was sitting In Ills caoiu
violin, when another negro,
, camo nlong carrying on his
or a shotgun. Adams and Pruott
not on good tortus, and this. Pruott
;ht, was a good opportunity to cot
Adams out of tho way. Tlio door of tlio
cabin wits open, giving him n clear aim
nt Adams' mug. lie fired two shots ut
Adnnis, thejlt grazing his face, tho seeand
shot took effect in his shouldor, producing
n vory painful, if not it fatal wound.
Adam, though badly wonnded, was bent
on getting "even with thnt niggor;" ho
dropped hi fiddle, nnd wont lor Mr. Pru
ott. Ho took tho gun from Pruott, nnd
with it g'nvo lilm a most murderous beat
ing. Thoso who havo soon Pruott say ho
is tho worst tisod up man thoy havo feeii
in many n day. Pruott was arrested and
)dgod ln t1io county Jul!, whom ho now
uio uccommouaiion of nnrenna
wishing to tako outlleenso for 187'J, will
bo at tho olllco of I. Waldcr, corno'r Sixth
street aim unio J.oveo, ovory iivonl
during tlio week, com
t... ...... i.t nuiKiu
Saturday, .lunu
Jiionoy for tho sumo.
r.ttxoit, City Treasuror.
rrow) morning nt
Year's froo lunclt
n fact all
bo spread
P, i
, llELIftlOUS StiltVICES.
Thero will bo no scrvlct nt tho l'ros
bytcrian nnd Christian churches.
Services nt tho Catholic church as
ustinl. Father O'Holornn in tho pulpit.
At tho church of theHodecmor, Hec
tor Conn will conduct services nt lOjn.m,,
nnd 7 o'lloek, p.m.
Hov. Hobt. Ilulblj; will preach In tho
Gorman Lutheran church nt tho uuol
hours morning and ovonlng.
Thero will bo sorvlecs at tho 'Metho
dist church to-day at 10 a.m.,' and 7
o'clock, p.m. Hev, Fred. L. Thompson In
tho pulpit.
F. K. Albright nnd lady 'mvo been in
thu city several days.
Shorifl' Irvln hnblo to bo about by
using crutches.
Aldcrmnn Jack Winter Is nbsent
from tho city on u business tour.
Phil S. HIoy, nirdsvlllo; J C. "White,
C. "W, Dunning, City ; Alex Grnnduor,
K-M.Dudley, Chicago j O. "W. Cochran,
Haton Hnugo Geo. II. Hoa,St. Louis j 0.
A. Pitkin, Ccrro Gorda : Terry and Codh-
ran, Moyllold ; H. Tnlmon, St. Louis i AV.
H. n lim. Sullivan; Mrs. U. Manuel,
vicitsDurg, were at tho St. Charles yes
terday, Tho following wcro thoarrivnlK nt tho
Dolmcnico hotel, Win, Winter, proprietor,
for tlio twonty-four hours ending nt 0
o'clock p.m., Dec. 30th 1871: J. L. Smith,
Hush Hidge, 111. j Moso Gray, Hlvor; W.
Falls, Ilird's Points, Mo.; Geo. LT. Wlloy,
Marion, 111. Aaron .Schmuck, Madison,
Ark.; W. K. Tilloy, Mcniplils, Tcnn. ; Cr"
W. JJorhydt, St. Loui?, Mo. ; Win. Corlin,
Mctropllj(i 111. ; Capt. Conrod, St. Louis,
Mo. ; Capt. Goll, James Conloy, Str. JJeo ;
Henry Sherwood, AVm. Sherwood, Now
Albany; John Jlarncs,. Columbus, Ky.;
Hubert biiupsonj Hiverf-G. A. D'llaun,
Ullin, III.; II. II. Spencer. Pulaski ; T. H.
Cumpton nnd Indy, Chicago, III.
Tlio govorr.or to-day appointed nnd
commissioned John II. Oborly'ns director
of tho Cairo and St. Louis railroad compa
ny, unilor net of tho general asombly of
this state, in forco April lCth, 1809, in
placo of W. P. Ilalliday, Kq., resigned.
Dally Stale Juta-nal.
Fromnlatoof number of tho Sparta
PlaindcaUrvio tako tho followine item:
Tho surveyors of tho Cairo and St. Louis
Hailroad, nro expected hero to-niht.
r,'ey would probably havo been hero
sooner had It not been for tho duagrceablo
weather or tlio past low days. Every
thing works well, however, and our
citjzens may confidently expect nn early
compklIon' of tho road.
J-rom tus Joncsboro Gazette of
tiio .".Oth Inst., wo clip tho rollowintr:
Mr. C. II, Sliarinan now has charged of
tlio engineering party or the Cairo ami St.
Louis Hailroad, who aro now camped near
J i'., Icrclor, nr
owa, und joined
Thcjo gentlemen
inn .Pacific Hall-
iguson, Chief Kn
it ro cn)ablo and cx-
of thu many complaints against
iductof insuranco companies Intel v.
lior founded or unfounded, the under
take pleasuro in bearing witness to
m fair adjustment nnd nromnt navment.
in cash, of our clnims ngainst tho Andks
and Amazon Insurance companies of Cin
cinnati for building and merchandise and
dwolling nnd furnituro insured by thoso
companies und do:lroycd by firo n fow
unys since, ino monoy comes to us on
this day, us It wore, liko a Chriitmns gift
ii. b. llAUHKI.lt.
Mns. John Sullivan
Cairo, Doccmbor L'Sth, 1871.
vj. iM. Hughes, Agent nbovo nnmed
companies at Cairo.
On Now Year's night tho annual ball of
tlio Lough and Heady Uro company will
como oil. Tho committee of arrangoinents
nro making ovory poiiiblo preparation to
insure; Us success. Thero is no ono who
will say that tllu Houghs do not deserve
well nf tlio proporty owners of the city,
and it is hoped that ovory man in tlio
who can, will nt least buy a ticket,
u en it tnoy ennnot attend tho hall. Tlio
c Py nro in nood or Tumls. Thoy
mu mini u new nnil beautiful cngino
iiouso and want money lo ray for it. Ilu v
.. i.v.u lu uiu unu.iinu in tins viixy con
tribttto lo u worthy puruo. - - -
njJnk furs, worth ntrotml S1I5.
AVo vllUalo,fltTl-)cder)i for mink fnra
and liavo them ntrfiLipllio latest stylo
at prices nt kuU.fiarf,'ii has thnn tlio
can bo purchased clsawhoro.
Thoso furs can bo liiado tit prices ranging
from $15 to $50, the finest will bo madu of
Northern Nebraska mink.
, IllUN I'.TT & Co.
dcc30 d2t.
Morchants, runnors, saloon kcopors,
draymd nnd nil others interested nro
horoby notlltod that city licenses for 1871
will oxpiroo Alio 1st day of January, 1872.
A prompt ronownl will bo required with
out further notlco. '
31. J. Howlkv, City Clork.
w vu., v i,o, u,j vino loveo,
d and for solo In quantities lo
ono thousand pounds of
jvill bo sold nt prices
rest. Families
doc 12-tf
Till'. (ItlANDKST Al'l'Allt OF Till' 8KA80N
Notwithstanding tho ineiomoncv of
tho weather, tho bnll nt tho St. Charles
hotel on Friday evening Inst, was n grand
success, and an occasion long to bo remem
bered by thoso who wcro fortunate enough
lopariicipatoln it.
At 0.-30 o'clock, Prof. Iscnbery's excel
lent string bank struck up tho "Ornnd
March, by Norma. Tho main doors wcro
thrown open, and cotiplo nftor cotiplo en
tered nnd marched round tho circuit, allow
ing our reporter n flno opportunity to note
the oxquisito neatness, nnd tasto with
which tho ladies present wcro nttlrcd.
"Miss S h 0 t, of Alton, woro a beau
tiful grosgrnln pink silk; tindorsklrt
flounced ; ovcrsklrt very full at thobnek:
Ido gores ovcrlaplng tho front. Very
Miss A. T., of Springflold.J JKIcgant
maroon colored silk, with whlto Swiss
ovcrsklrt. Very pretty.
Miss C-a W n. Sky bluo silk with
overskirt of whlto .Swiss, olnboralcly pull
ed, nnd headed with narrow bluo ribbon.
Praised by all.
Miss Gn, of Terra Haute, Ind. Klo-
gnnt brown plmh velvet, tunic ovcrsklrt
vorj- mil trimmed with ii6m Wawi vol
vet. .Sleeves cut flowing, also trimmed
with narrow bands of velvet. Ono of tho
richest costumes in tho room and much nil
mired. Tho two Misses W d, woro blue and
whlto scotch plaid pannlor ; ovcrskirts of
samo trimmed with wido bluo velvet rib
lion. Handsome.
Tho two Misses KyH. Whlto bishop
lawn; underskirts trimmed with black
velvot four Inches wido ; ovcrskirts nnd
postilion Jackets of samo trimmed with
nrrow velvet. Very Klcgant.
.Miss A. II d. Whlto Swiss; skirt
pulled, with ovorskirt of elegant black
loco. Vory tastv.
-uiss v. iiu. wnito Swiss; many
l'.. la...
rows of narrow pull, tho entire dress
spangled with silvor bead. Admired by
every one.
'Iho Misses W ms. Dlnck grosgraiu
silk-i court train, mudo plain ; basquo in
front, nnd back cut so as to clvo effect
of ovorskirt.
Mrs.S. K. W d. Light drab poplin
underskirt plujii, ovorikirt cut full and
elaborately trimmed with fringo, slooves
cut flowing. Very stylish.
Mrs. M. F. G t. Garnet colored silk;
overskirt of samo trimmed with fringo.
Mrs. W. II. G t. Green silk, flouncci;
flounces headed with black lace.
Miss K. L ii. Maroon colored rnorino;
whlto tulle overskirts, court train. Hand
some. Miss D. II s. Pink Swiss; overskirt
of whlto Swiss, pulled. Very becoming.
Mrs. W. H. W t. Very cletjunt green
grosgrain silk; long .train; ovorskirt of
whlto tullo which produccd.strlking effect.
Dainty bows of narrow pink ribbon pro
fusely dotted overskirt.
M".'l W ri0 . 1)rk litiin lllcwltll
underskirt trimmed with. wide plush, vel
vet ; pannier overskirt cut very fulr nnd
glaboratol)--trimmed with, light bluor vel
vet ; flowing sleeves.
.Mrs. H. F. p. Dark green rnorino,
plain underskirt trimmed with green Vol-
vet; ovcrikIrt,cut full nnd trimmed simi
lnrly. Mi-s K. L n. HIuo Kmpress cloth, ol
nboralcly trimmed with wido bands of vel
vet ; whlto tullo overskirt; court train.
Very tnsty.
MissJ. II II. Green silk witli fringe
trimming. 1
Miss P t, of Paducah. Gray poplin
with fringo trimming.
Mrs. C. P k. Lavender silk, with ovi-r.
skirt of samo.
Mrs. J. 1 n, of St. Louis. Klcgaiit grrcn
siik, vory iianusomoly trimmed.
iMrs.u ft l)y. HIuo silk underskirt,
with gray silk tunic ovorskirt. Uecomini?
Miss J o S o. Wino colored silk ; long
train; whlto swIss underskirt headed witli
pufliings or tullo. .Much observed.
111., i.. . . .
-uiss izzioft o. Ulicck filk with nn ele
gant white laeo ovorskirt.
juis r. a a e. lYiuvn colored nil;
witli bluo trimmings. Vury handsome,
AIlc I. -xrt.- .. . . ...
,4 u...v:r. ll. OCOlCIl plllid, Jiail-
hilt sKiri oi samo trimmed wltii black
Miss H d. Dark brown Marino, vory
nuim.uuiujj nimiueu.
-Mrs. C. L. H d. niuek moro nntiquo
mil, long train, mil overskirt. Very
-Mrs. A. M. A n. HIuo changeable
siik, trimmed vory stylish.
ilioso nbovo rorerrcd to woro not the
only ones hnndsomolv nnd rich
ly nttlrcd, but as our reporter Is not well
posted In tho namos of tho vurious kind's
ofgoods orwhlch t'heso costumei woro mado
up, ho t, or necessity, compelled to allow
them to pass r.ith no other remnrk thau to
say that every lady present was richly,
handsomely and tastily dressed.
At 12 o'clock n sumptuous suppor was
served by initio host," Hcxrord, lo
which it is noedloss to say nmplo justice
was done. Aftor suppor dnncing was re
sumed, und continued without intormlieldn
until thrco o'clock, when tho band struck
up " Homo, Sweet Home," a good night
lo was all, nnd tho throng Jdisporsod to
their homes fooling satisfied that thoy had
participated in tho gnyost danco of tho
Wihoiit'h no pun uura mineod moa
prepared expressly for family use. nt Jor.
Peck, Fhean, is Go's London biscuit
always on hand, corner Twentieth nnd
vrosningion uvenue. tf
Crystal viuogar from London at Jor-
gonson's, corner or Twentieth street and
Wnshingtoti nvenuo. tf
Go to Dr. McGatiloy for Kattingor's Pc
vor Drops. Warranted to cure tho chills
Joiioenson hns tho best
preserves for snlo cheap.
The best French iiuchoviei n thocitv
Whcro nro you going? To tho ulnco
number C3, OhloMovoe, whoro thoy keep
tho host fresh oystors, fish nnd gnmo, nnJ
tho lltioit wines, liquors nnd cigars to U
found in tho city. Opoti nt all hours, tUy
or nlBnt- J. E. PAiiks
Ho 1 for Hally I
Now Storol Now Goods I
Jte'st nssortment of
Cooking nnd Hooting Stoves
ovor brought to Cairo,
on Washington nvcnuo, thrco doors nbovo
Tenth strcot.
Wo linvo no hesitation in recommend
ing Willintn Ehlers, boot nnd shoo mnkcr,
ns worthy of most liberal patronage. Wo
know whoroof wo speak when we say his
work is done in a maitorly manner at tho
lowest prices. Ho uics nothing but tho
best of slock, nnd ho cannot bo oxcollnd in
tho delicate task of making nn exact Ut.
GIvo him a call at his shop on Twentieth
street, botweon Washington nvenue nnd
Poplnr stroot, nearly opposito tho court
house, nnd wo will guaranteo satisfaction
J. O.'Catson,
Has a Fino Slock or Holiday Goods,
Fancy Goods,
Commercial Avenue,
Hctwocn Ninth nnd Tenth streets.
Mrs. "McGce hnvlng n lnrgb stock of
miiunory goods of fall nnd winter styles,
has determined to soil thorn off at tho low
est prices. Hats from loventy.flvo cents
nnu upward?, among which mny bo found
fino French fol worth two dollars apleco
which will be sold for ono dollar and
twenty-llvo cents. All sorts of ribbon
trimmings, good velvets, flowers, etc., nil
or which uro offered at oxtrcnioly low
prices. declOtf
Jo. Kynniton tho popular Fourth
ward butcher, nt tho corner of Nlno-
teontlt and Poplar streets, is ncknowl
edged to keep tho best meats to bo found
in tho city. On his recent trip to St
Louis, ho purchased as flno a lot of young,
lot boef cattlo as was over brought to this
market. Ho sells tho very best of beef
at from five to twolvo aud n half cents po
pound. Ho has mutton, veal, nnd pork
equal to nny found in tho city, nnd it will
bo sold as low ns tho lowest. Hcmcmbcr
the place, corner Nineteenth and Poplar
streets. dlOdtf
It is true that Ulankenburg's Kxccl
slor saloon is now one of tho institutions
of tho city. All drinkers who llko really
excellent liquors whiskies, wines, beer,
oto go to tho Excelsior saloonwhich is
fitted up in splendid stylo. Ulankcnburg
who knows how lo keep a saloon, spreads
n line lrco lunch every morning nnd eve
ning, nnd, ns ho forcibly expresses It,
'Sweetens t!
tho lunch wit music." Ho
litis employ
veil tho services of a first-rate
pianist, who makes tho grand
which stands In jono end of tho
speak out in musicnl tones. Everybody
U Invltod The best order is maintained,
and nil Improper characters supprossed
with neatness, choapntaM nnd dispatch. Ev
crylwdy knows that the Excolslor saloon
Is ut tho cornor ol Wmliiogton avenuo nnd
Fourteenth street.
Notice. Tho best entertainment In
tho city is ut tho St. Nicholas hotel, saloon
and rostaurnnt. Tho best music that can
oo una violin nnd piano. Good lunch
every morning and night. All or the
finest brands iff cigars, nnd tho best St.
ljouis lager beor, nlwnys fresh nnd nlco.
Givo us ncnll.
HAititY Walk'jch. Proprietor.
Piano Tunino. Parties wishing their
pianos tuned will ploaso address C.
Hobbiris nt postofllce, of leavo word with
his brother. PricoS'l.OOorS.i.OOaycar, In
cluding nt least two 'linings nnd ordlnnry
repairing, strings, ifcc.
Makkiaoe Guide. Interesting work
numerous engravings, 221 pages. Price
00 conts. Address Dr. IlutU' Dispensary
No. 12 North Eighth Street, St. Louis
Mo. Seo Advertisement. tf
Sleeping: Hooms you Kent. Ton
woll vontilated sleoping rooms In CityNa.
tlonal Bank building. Apply to
At City National Hank.
jwr.iw hie r,viL. it mothers would
givo Mrs. Whitcomb's Syrup to their
children whon sick, mortality would bo
less among them. 'It costs only 25 cents.
Foit good photographs, porcolain nio
lures, or old pictures to bo copiod, call or
Thomas, No. 124 Commercial avenuo. Hr
as good workman. Givo him a trial.
. optlCtf.
HnicK' Stow foii Kent. The brick
storo, No. 78 )hio Lovce. now occunlod
by F, M. Stocklloth, Esq., is offored foi
rent, and will bo vacant on tho 18th Inst
Apply to Jno. H. Phillib.
For Sale. A cottago on 12th atrcot
ennf ufntncf 7 rnnms nlein i
" ,,.,u out
housos complete Apply to
W. Thornton.
OYSTERS. Louis Hei-Wl l,nU
hand a fresh supply of Saddle Hoot nva.
-- w . w HV H i na un
" -
JoitQENsoN has tho finest
supply, of
Try thorn
Spanish olives in tho city.
rouNU. xiiat tho choicest butter is
at Jorgonscn's SUplo nnd Fancy Grocery
New Pronch prunes, currants mid
ralsliiB nlwnys on hand nt Jorgonson's
grocery storo. if
Paul O. Schuh soils Kattingor's modi
cinog. tf
Kussian sardclles nt Jorgonson's: try
tiicm. tf
Htoanicr. Wlicro from. WlmroVi
Occnnus N. Orle-
Molllo Kbarl CincinnaJ
Jns. Iisk, Jr Paducah Pailucal I
Armadillo -ClirjinniJ
lorn Jasper St. Louis..
Jity orQulncv.... do ...
Kxchango do N. Orleai
Julia VIcksbi
Alico St. Louis..
Kspcrauza do
W, J. Lewis d
M. J. Wicks do ...
T. F. Eckcrt Columbus,.
Mountaineer St. Louis...
lllinol ..M'd Clty....Columl
r t .1. t I
ii.uuiigvroriii... n. vsn
S. S. Morrill St. Louis.,
condition or the kiverh.
Tho river nt this point is rising ',
a full head of steam. Ilacon rock I
longor in sight, and has just enough
on it to mako it vory dangerous. A
ctnnnti tho riso still continues, wll
causod by tho ico gorgo atthemou'
tho Littlo Miami rivor.
Tho rlvor Is itntionary nt Loul
At Evnnsvlllo tho river Is rising.
Monongnholn Is 0 fcot 8 inches nd .
Ing. Tho Cumberland river Ii on a sU
with 20 feet on Harpcth Shoals.
Tho Arkansas rivor Is stll rlilng w!
a good stage to Littlo Hock.
At St. Louis tho rlvor Is riling and
harbor full of Ice.
Tho Illinois rivor is rlilng vory faj
tho channel below St. Louts ! inipr.
There is now nearly 0 foot In tho ii
nol at Dogtooth.
llclow horo tho river Is being impr
nnd stenmors will loon bo enabled to
full loaded.
Tho lato rho out of tho Ohio, has re (
Memphis, nnd the channel below theij
Improved some.
Heavy ico passed down the Mini
yestordny. Iloats could come
through It, but it would be useleii tl
to go upstream.
Uuslncss was splendid all dy, and
wharfboats done a good deal oTIJL
Hates were cut down some, cauica dji
largo numbor of itcamors loading.
Weather clear nnd pleasant.
miscellaneous items.
Tho Kxcliftngn loft for New O-
rather light. Sho will stop at the 1
piles along the river bank and fill out
Thero wcro thirteen steamboats II
at tho two wharfboats yesterday evt
and all were doing business.
An exchange says : "Tho Katie
24.000 bales of cotton at Vicksbur
New Orleans, on her last trip
Goll v I We don't believe that.
much cotton on ono boat.
Tho Mountaineer camo in with a
in tow heavily loaded with flour.
Tho James Fisk was detained I
fog Friday. Sho mado soveral offo
run but found It to thick. She can
early yottorday morning.
Tho Idlowild wat unable to go to 0
bus Friday evening on account of th
Thero wore several boats detained bj '
Tho Hollo St. Louis began loading
New Orleans yesterday. Sho will lcavl
an early day.
Tho Mollie Ebert and Armadillo clr
for Cincinnati yesterday a
get through all right.
tid will no dej
Tho breaking up of tho gorgo at
Eddy enablod tho following steamerl
reach this port. Tho first to mako
appearance was the Tom Jasper at 11 1
yesterday. Next camo tho City of (J
cy, towing tlio barge Duchosi, nf
was tho Exchange, at 11 n.m. Tho:j
arrived at 1 p.m. ; M. J. Wicks,
Morrill and Monntnlnnor, came in i
Tho Kata Kobinson was trying lo .
stream but could not mako any head
on account of tho heavy ice and the ti
The Jasper was caught in tho mM.j
tho gorgo and had to fight her way
She, with tho assistance of severe' ,
boats, managed to start tho ico so
broko up and started down tho rive
Thero oto several moro boats i
woro looked for last evoning. Thoy
W. S. Hays, Goo. Weeks, Fannio
Commonwealth and S. S. Morrill.
t'Ujr Notional Bsmk Bttlldli
,8peclal attention paid to orders (roil
oats night or dar ."M
pUHLIO NOTICE Is hereby given th
r- . ... i.s lurino year A. ll, I
,f,n l,lc' lnrov hand for collectiou'ai
will attend at the diHerent precincts In A
rounty, for the purpose of collectlDi
ami county taxes lor said year, at the t'f l
yini-us luuowing, IO-WII I
In Hailewood, at Miles Hartllnej' hon' "
uarr 25th. 1872.
'n Unity, at John Knuth'i store, Janu-.
In Clear Creek, at Cusleid A Provi
January ifJIh, 187S.
In Thebes, at J. G. Itollwing'a atoro
3iif. ?rn2taFe'nt 'S'1 Del.noy'. Bto.
I in flnnsiA Tufn(l n nnAnt..f. '1
In Dog Tooth, at Thomas Martin's
TOSViVSi .t tho c.rt u...
I P.orsonallr or by deputy, durinc the
f WVV r?'W purpose; Undo.
i wiii iim rnmiiai iiii in An rnw. lim a nil
l'or?onal taxes during the month of i
""'i merelore tai-payers will be-r t'
"i1"11. nd save costs, which will eer
added after thnt time.
V' ."x-payers will avoid trobie 1
"'"?"' un'ng wiin tnem llolr last 71 J
r. 1 ,,, , wierii. ana tx-omo o r
Calio, Ills., Uet, -20, 1871.
Have opened a Hide Bt'oro In Thora(on'
Tenth street, tvliero the highest cull p
be paid for Hides, Sheep Pelts, Furs m
low. e will pay higher prices thaw wasrl
fore paid for tte same article In this I
tl Jorgcn son's. ir
Coins and see ,
Ya 'uxu blontcre n Jorgenson's
ocietl BURNETT

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