Newspaper Page Text
r 4 H bke )dl Ai ICAII.RO' QUICKEST ROUTE F), LLINOIS OENTKa Sr. Louis, LouisviLt-r caoo, 2u a II. OBERLY & CO. l'OJ THE MAILS.' I'ad AaaiVE. ... 2:00 a. m, . 2:20 p.'m. ..12.11 p.m. Dm ii :00 p.m 4:00 .m, ;oo p.m. Aam, Through JJ Way Dtth, Way Through N. 0., Mem. phli and Columbus- , 2:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m, bio JUrer rout, (except Monday) - ;00p.m. C.oup.m, Iron Mountain R. K 2:30 a.m. 11:00 p.n Mill. Hirer route, Tuesday and Friday..- 6:00, 7:00 p.m, Thebes, fJooso Island A Banta Fe, Illi., Thursday Fri day... 6:00 p.m. 7:00a. m, Mayfleld, Illandville and Lovslaca, Kjr 11:00a.m. 4:00p.m. ornci novas. ' General Delivery 7:30 a.m. (HundayaMoVa.m.) Money Onlr depattment...... :00 a.m. 6:00 Iteglstcr " ' " " ...... e:00a.m. 5.00 p.m. Money Prder and iteilatar Uepartinenta no open on Hundaya. OUlt CllUUCHES. KK3UYrKltlAN-KlKlilli.ilr.ft. J'reachlng, fiabbalh at 10 a. m and 1 r. a. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at V r. a. Sunday fklHol.'J p. a. J. it. Lsn.dao, Huprr. Intrndent. Iter. C II. Vom, Faster. HKTiroPlHT-Cor. Kighth and Walnut file. l'ftacnlng, Sabbath lft a. and 7 r. . Prayer meeting, Wedneaday, TJ r. a, iondaytichool r. . L. W. BtlUell, rioper intendent. Iter. K. L.TaoarsoK, Pastor. LI I UIIC II Of Til T. ItKDKKMKH-fKpl.cop!) Morning prayer, Sabbath 10 i. a. Evening praye ri.7lr. a. tjabUlli School. 0 a. a. Her. JIa. Com, Renter. BT. PATRICK'S CllUllClI-Jor. Ninth Hi. and Washington Airnue. .'utile Service, HabbatlitJJand Vi'i t. a Vespers, 3 r. a. undsy School, '2 r. a. Service every day, r. a. Iter. IJ. O'HiLLoais, Prisst. yjUSaME.VdCHHlSTIANAfrHOCIATION-Krg. ular meetlog second Monday each month at tl.e Prayer room of tho Presbyterian Church Weekly Prayer meeting, Friday, Vt r. a., at Jia Prayer room of the Preabyterian church. C. Psaaoss, President. AFIUCAN METHODIST-Pourteenth, between Walnut and Cedar. Bervices, Sabbath, 11 a. a. Sunday ftihool, 1 r. a. Class 3 r. a. BECOMD KKEE-WILL HAITTBT 1'lflrenth SI. Pra-hing,7 r.a. Itev. Win. Jackson, Pastor. tetwaen Walnut and Cedar- Eervieas BabUth, 1 and Sr.. Iter. U. llicai,Pator. FREE-WII.l. BAPTIitTIIOME HUM KM fcUN DAT SCHOOL Corner walnut and Cedar Hit. SundayBcbool,9a. a. 1BST FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH-Cur- ry'a Barracks. .Hervlces,abbalhll a. a., 3 r. a.aad 7K r. a. Ker. Wa., Pastor. FliUT MIH310NAUY IIAITIST CHURCH-Bet-ween loth and Htii streets, near Cedar. Prtaeblnf Habbath 10 a. a., and 7.',' r. a. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evening. Presihlng, Friday evening. Habbath -hool, 1 r. a. John Van Ilaxler and Mary Mtphens buperinlendrnta. Iter. TJ.biiuats. Pato STATE OFFICERS. STATE OKKIOKIW. Governor; John M. Palmer ; LleuUnCci-Oortrnor. John Houxhrrlv . tkcretary of State, Edward Hummel i Auditor of State, C, K. I.ipplncott i BUU Treaiurer, E. N. Hate ; ljupt. Public lnatruution, Newton Ilaleman. CONGliESSMEN. J'natora-I.yman Trumbull and John A. Logan. KeMreaentallre fr the Blate at Irje I. L 'lPdre. reba.e,enUTe Thirteenth I)iftnct-John M MI COUNTY OFFICERS. CIRCUIT COURT. Judge D. J. Baker, of Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney J. F. MiCartney, o( Massac. Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. Harman. Bherifl-A. It. Irrin. Wm. Martin, Assessor anC Treaaurer. COUNTV COURT. Judge F. Hroas. , Associates J..K. McCrlte and 8. March'ldon. Clerk Jacob 0. l.vocli. kroner John II. Ooasmaa. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Major John M. Lnaden. rreasiiror J. U. Taylor. Comptroller K. A. Uurnetl Clerk Michael Howley. Marshal Andrew Cain. Attorney P. H.Pope. Police Magistrates F. Dross and II. Shan neasy, Chtel ot J'oflce-L. II. Myers, i US'BKLKCT COUNCIL Mayor Jolin M. Laosden, First Ward-P. O.Behuh. Becond Vard C. It. WooawarU. Third Ward-Jno, Wood. Fourth Ward-S. Btaats Taylor. 1 Cliy-at-Large W. P. Ualliday ana O. Uuid. BOARS OF ALDEBMKN. PIU9r WAUU-James Bearden, Leo Kleb, Isaac Walden. KUUND WAItU-H. U, Cunningham, E. lluder, Henry Winter, Jamas Bwayne. IHlitD WARD-jWm. Btratton, Patrick Fitxge:ald OURT1I WAUU-Jamea Carroll. fl. H.Bease, . J.H.Metcalf. " Time of Mcehng. cirr coi'ncil. r' rhn Citv Council meets In loint session on Iday areninx preceuinfr the first Monday ol n rnoaiu. Th. SILECT COI'NCIL, day ndMrrsjL Council meets on the first Wednta each monf rsday, alter the aecond Monday in s Tho Board oi or ateis Monday and Tu.'Aldermon meets on the fin MIT Vujf In -Mo. -V-S 0 COMMIT very month, On Strcelt Oy THE COUNCIL. ood and MetcoU ro(n(ve-Moati.rvT aid. Seaio and Halll-'i Taylor, Walder, Winter, .Innk.m tin V. 1 1 Yi L i 1 r. a . taimi siossra. Y i JVlM and Jat-tlei , Cunningham and Kteh. Woodward l-varrou, uuuer anu 'fOrdmantM Messrs. Fin Dmartmtnlili ML and TavIa. suimsj.. - n..rf. a .n. ...I AfarHcrz-Messrs, BchlneioH,""""i JmH(ii)j-nessrs.woii,ju "-,., anrl - nf .inline Mr.Rtarllon and' OmrnT naiiwano "ewaii ' die for tiessra. Ka j the An ie smallest oster, and a no go. x to St. Louis, Oh MIIKIW OKKEHAL ASSEMULY. yplon, lit Dlatrlet T. A. E. Holcomb, ol o jandB. K. Gllwon.of Gallatin. N tentatlre, lat Dlatrict-U. Wation Webb; 3 i..J. gfte faff 0 jjpfc ' lillela PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. MRS RUTH. HTRANUK 8T0KIEH AJiOUT Lire. (From the Lawrence (Kan.) Tribune, Deo. 30.1 ror llio patt inuntli or mora tlicro lirive boon ruif or flying on our ntroeta to tho of foot Hint Mrr. Kutli lias been conducting honclf In moat jlmmoful innnnor with one of tho prisoner. Usunlly rumor will not do to depend upon. Hut wo hnvo in vcatlgntcd tlicao citrcfully, and nro forced to bcllovo that they hnvo conaldcrnblo foundnllon. Certain incidents and clr cumatnnces in Mr. ltuth'a prlion lifo point but too brondly to tho auiplclon Hint her relation with u young Frenchrimn in tho Jail hnvo not been what they ought to bo. It would nlio nppwir that Mm. lluth ha likewijo been too Intlmato with Johnion, tho well-known wltnen In tho Medllcott cate. For tomo timo past the linn pretend ed to bo very kind to him. About n I week or o ngo ho becutno slightly Indiiposed. nnd Mm. Kutli nmiarii! ii cup of tea nnd n dono of vinegar for him, whicli Iio took. Almont mmediatolv ft;r taking thcjn prepumtiona lit beennm vitv Ick, nnd nppcured nt if ho had tnkcii BMciiic. AVc undcratnnd that tlm nd (. cinns who nttonded hint wero of tho opin ion that luatickncM wnscuiiifd I,,. nic and trented him for iucb. vo law Jnhn lon lnt Mfinilv Jli fnco vraa ttill bwoIIci, wl ''"fk linei under hi cye, and piefentcd n fearful irectuc)o. Wo nak ed lutn what wu the mutter. Ho nniwor- ed Hint he had been very sick, aud had romo near dyinc. Hince his alcknesa he has bern allowed to ilecp in the office of tho jail. Last Saturday, ns Mrs. Kutli was pausing or standing in tho office, she went ur to Johnion. who was si Hint? on a chair, and commenced to stroke his hnlr, snylnK, " I'oor fellow." Johnson puMicd her nway with his hand, and laid: " Go away from me: I don t want to havo-any-thing more to do with you f Vi'u miuht relate many other incidents which huvc coma to our knowledge, and will, hereafter. Our readers will draw their own conclusions from what we have related. FEATHERS! FEATHERS! II. Levy & Co., nt No. 03 Ohio levee, arc on hand nnd for solo In quantities to suit pitichaieri, one thousand pounds of good feathers. They will be sold at prices within the reach of tho poorct. Families suppled nt rotaooable rates. dec 12-tf Foh new citron, orango and lemon peel, go to Jorgenson'a corner of Twen tieth atroet and Washington avenue, tf PHIL HOWARD, Wkioht'h no piu Ultra minced mca prepared expressly for family use, at Jnr- genscn s. JoKOK.NhO.v has tho best East India tf presorvc for salo cheap. The best French iitichovleii n the city tf " at Jorgcnson's. TIIIllTV-l-irTII KKI'OIIT Of theCondillcnoftlie 'IRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAIRO, ILL., At the close of btlsinefs, December 1C, UTI. HKiOimCKS. Loans and dici)Unla........... Urer uralts 6,:i70 41 U. a. lonits to secure circiila tion - - .(....-. . B. bonds and securitl son hand ....... M,iio oo 3,310 03 Other stocks, bonds, and mort gages Due from redeeming and re serve agents Due from olber Nations! banks Duelrom banks and (linkers... ltcsl estate j, mi w 15.M1 57 1.9.VI U te.VJS i Kurnllure and futures 3,;ui 7t Cash Items, Including retenue stamps Current expenses f!iwh on hand, in foin S l.Ott ?! no ci Currency - .'t,3l M-26 308 r LIAHILITIEH! a I i t k I slock - iioo.(..i i.i Kxchange I 7M TO miereti tii si llrotlt nnd loss 471 77- - en Circulatlon outstanding T'.'.oun OH :i7 o) M.S'.'t 73 Hue to rtauonaipiacK Individual deposits I iVJ la" U fifatp nf Illinois. Countvof Aleiandr. ss. 1, j. ii. Jiugnes, cjisiiier i inorirsi .luonui Hank ot Cairo, do so emnlv swear lliat the above stutemert is. true to the best ol my knoHledgc nnd belief. 0. N. IIIIOllKrf, Caliler. Bubscrltiod and sworn to Ufore me, tills 'i'M dayol Dxcember, 1871. uiini. .v4itHtn'll.l.'l liui.i; , iii'iiv. Correct Attest i Itobt.W. Miller, "i J. T. ltennle, VDirrctora. D. Hurd, J REPORT OF THE CONDITION of tih; CITY NATIONAL 13AKK nv OAllir, At Cioro, in the stnte of Illinois, at the clou- riusinens. iH-ceiiluer iv, idu, ; ' HEHOUUCEH t Loans anil discount 1137. tin 41 Overdraft i l,v eu 11 M. llnnil. In gprMlrn niri-ll- latlon . iuo,wn ' U. H. Honda on hand 13,3iJ 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgagcv 4,319 7J Due irom reueeming anu receiving agents 1111,274 SI Due from other National Hanks 10.CC0 47 Duo trom other tanks and bankers 19,390 22 170,313 (3 Hanking House K,iru Other raal estate ,170 15 41,170 15 Current expenses 4.V8I HJ Taxes paiu . Checks and other caih Items...,. Bills of National Until- Fractional currencv........... Specie, coiu , Lngal tender notes tt.m 32- 6,J7 15 7,814 81- 7,917 OH C3t l'J 7.712 at 3O.0U0 do 64,078 C4 tm,w 91 LIAIIII.1TIE3 Capital stock paid in .. $100,000 no w.oco ui 8,t(IO W) Circulation outstanding urDius Kxcnance $ 0,2sl 31 interest Profit and loss,.. Individual denoslts ic,w7 a 10, 7a 4II.CM 7R 1112,101 74 Due to buaks and hauliers.. $429,657 I") of Illinois, Alexander county, ss. : I, W. lly.lon. assiBtnntcaslilor of the Citv Na- hJ? ii Jalro do solemnly awear that tha , ,o ,,,11, lo mo oefci ot my knowl edge and belief, . w, HYHLOP. Asst. Cashier. bUDsciibed and sworn to befo:eme this 22d uay oi Keccmuer, ion. j, h, CAN DEE, Correct attest; Notary Public. W. I. Halllday, ) II, H.Cuiinlnghnro, V Directors, Q. V, Williamson, J SECRET ORDERS, THE MASONS. Caibo .CoaaaNDCRr, No. 13. Slat Assembly at the Aiylum Maaonl j Hall, first and thtrdlBal. urdara In each month. Caiao Cocxm, No. 21, tiegular Conrocatinn at Masonic Hall, the second Friday In each month. Cajao Ciurrra, No. 71.-Regiilar Conrocatloh at MMonlcHall, on the third Tuesday of erery mtntn. Caiao Loaai , No. 237 F, A A. M Regular Com. rnunlcations at Maaanio Hall, tho aecond and fourth Mondays o each month. KtiTA Lodo, No.6C V. t A. M.-Regular Com munications nt Jtasonlc Hall flrst and third Thursdays In each month. TUB ODD-Fr.I.LOWS. AirxAMr.a Lorxir. 224. Meets In OddFi-llcv's. Hell, In Art-r'a IluMJing, erery Thursday even n, at 7 o'clock Ir; Office 104 W. Fifth St., Cln. O. THE O.VI.V RRLIATILR GIFT KNTCRrUtsr. IX Til K COUNTRY I $60,000.00 IN V A L U A I) L E GIFTS! To redistributed In Ii. 33 . S 1 3ST 323 ' S lMid Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE To l! drawn Mondsy. February ltth, IST2. Two Grand CAi'iTii.for $5,000 EACH IN GltEENIiACKS ! Two Prlis of Jl.Onn; Fire Prises otVM, Ten Prises of yloo, eaijh in Greenbacks I 1 IIore and Biugy, with silrermountet nirDrMi.wonn jeno one hnc'tone-i Ko.fwi.o.l Hl.nn. nnh . uti Ten FsmllySewIng llachlnei, worlh, each 100 rue iieary lessen iiunilng Walclie and Henry (ioM Chain, wnrtli, Fire Hold Atmricai Jlnnllnx Watches, worth. ech 300 123 110 Ten IjkIIc-' (iold llunuug W.tctes, worth each . eUMiolJ smlfjiUer Lerer Huntlnic Wntch- es (In all), worth, each, from J.-0lo3i ladies' Oold Leominn Chains, fivnt's nnlrf Vi Chain, Solid .nl Double-Plated Milrer Table and Teaspoons, I'hotoiraph Alnums, Jewelry, etc wnoie number gifi, e.o"). Tickets limited l Azents wanted to sell Tit km In wbuii. l'bursl premiums will be paid, biDfle tickets tl : six ticket- tS; twelre ueke. 110; twentr-tire (20. rlri.tll.PM .nnl.lnln- m Full .f m A ecrlption of the mannn of drawine. and other in. formation in reference to tho distribution, wlllU sent to any one arderlng them. All! Inter nuin ue Knores.ea io i. i. nir., uox so, orrics. Cincinnati. O 101 Wett Mh st. noT2Cdwlv atOt'KniI AND DRY (ItlODN. WILLIAM KLUGK, nraitn ii FAMILY GROCERIES, unv-aooDS, NOTIONS, ROOTS AND SHOF.S, HATS AND CA1K, ETC., Has just received a heary stocx of Boots and slices, Hosiery ana uiions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP lie alio has a hne stock of Family Crcceriesot eiery Kina. CORNER SXTH-ST. AND COMMER CIAL-AV., I'AIItO, ILLINOIS II. M. HULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION MEECHANT. No. 134 Commercinl-ave., RAIKO, ILLINOIS. STKTTArKltS & AVINEMAN, IMinnirr.H .mi jucucas Or X) "Z" GOODS N OTIONS, 1211 MlelilRiiti Avenue, ncttvps-ii Miul Inoii nnil Monroe, CHICAGO. decftdeowlm. I'OUNDHIKN. I. & E. GREENWALD. UAM-racvt'asas or Steam Engines Hollers, KlonroniUOnst Mills, Haw Mills, Tho "Topper' Patent Ora letai MAOIIINKHY VOIl OKSKItM. PURPOSES, CINCINNATI OHIO nw,)27 l'AINTEllN. MOORE & MATHEWS, House, Sign and Ornamental PAI1TTEBS, Dcrorntlvo I'nnrrliaucliiff, HiiIkoiiiiii. inir, Hfs Done In tho xpghest ttsle ol the atl, and a rules that defy competition. auor IN PKURY HOUSE, CORNKII 01' 8th STRICT AND CMMKRCIAL AVENVS. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4. 1872. connMNion ajtd roawAumxa J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.. (Successors (o K, n. Hendricks A Co., ) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS "WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS Llleral Advances n:i upon. consignments. Are prepared to receive, stole am orard freights to alt points and buy r.U 1 aril on commission, ." "iiislne "Hended to promptly MILLER ct PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION KOHWAltmWOMERCHANTS," " AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIRIJANK'S SCALES 68 Ohio Lkvkk, CAIRO, ILLS. CLOSE k VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS sr DEALEES LIME Cement, Plaster Paris, AND PLASTERER'S II A I R, Corner Klithth Ntrrct nnd Ohio I.evoe CAIRO, ILL. 0. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION M KUCHA NT, No. 70 Ohio I.rvop. 0 A I It (), I 1. 1, I N O I H. irSpecIal.tsitcnMon and orders. i;nn to conslguments WOOD RITTENHOUSE, FTiOUll General Commission Merchant ia.1 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois 7., D. MATHUSS. E. C. UHL MATHUSS & UHL, POEWAEDI 1ST Q- ANI) UE.NF.ItAL Commission Merchants, dealers in ELOTJE, GEAI1T. HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE .So. Ut JUIIIO I.KVKK, Btfo-reii urfA Sixth St., CAIHO, ILU aug diwtl' CHARLES M. HOWE k CO., GENERAL COMMISSION FORWAR DI N(i M ENCHANTS . No. G4 Ohio Leveo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS H."'P'HrLLIH nov22dtf JOHN (Successor to Paiker A Plu'.lis,, GENERAL COMIISSION AMI FORWARDING MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Cor. TENTII-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIRO. ILL. ' STRATTON & BIRD (Successors to Btratton, Hudson It Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION M KRCHANTS, 57 Ohio Loveo, Cairo, Illinois. -Aoenls of American Powder Co., and man- fttcturers agents for eottou varn LIFE I.VICRA(CK. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Tin: Most Succkshful Life Insuhanck Corporation or tiik World. PXTEELY NO STOCKHOLDERS Amount ok Policies in Forck Dec 31, Total Income to St.wB date, Net Ivchkahk or Rihks in Force, 1870, The I.i rarest Ns Iitcrcnao tltirlnir the year 1H70 of nay Conipnuy In the World. Qiiocs Increase of isks in Force, 1870, -530,327,7110 00 Only two companies In tho world exceed this gross Increase during 1870. Tho .nly company which guarantees, as n chartered rUht, tho orinoiplo of LOCAL INVKST MENTH IN KACII 8TATK, in proportion to Its Premiums or Ke-Insuranee Kund. Th only compsnv winch, by Its charter, aires EACH 81ATK A ItKl'HEHENTATlVK IN TIIK HOME HOAItl) OF DIUECTOlri. C3-E3STEE-A.Xj OFFICE, ST. XjOTTIS, XEO. JAMES H. IJRITTON, President. Henry AV. Hocoii, Vico President. Wm. Hanley, Secretary. (J. F. RURNES, Attorney. K. L. Lkuoink, M.D. Mcl. Ofllcor, ' Hon. "Wm. Rarnes, Consulting Counol nnd Actuary. SOVTUERN ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT. E. P. JlUM-ivoHAM, Manager. CAIBO BKA1TCH BOAieU. The follcivlng named gentlemen hold or control 110,000 insurance each, In the Association of Amcrca: P. W. Barclay, II. Weihi. H. II. Canhue, John Antrim, Chas. Gauoiier, J. M. Phillim, C.Ha.vny, R. S. Brioham, Paul O. Scnun. I.rnrn our llnlrsj niirt I'lnna lirforc LOCAL Carl L. Thomas-, ler)tim. 1TIAAZI.EN. SCIURNElt'S MOUTHLY, -li llluttrattd Magazine, EDITED HY J. 0. HOLLAND, .luMoro"Bittfr Suttt," " Kalhrina," " 1hnotlu TVmnl't Lttttri," Etc. This magatlne, which his risen so rapidly In populsr lavor, has now been GREATLY ENLAKGED, and wilt beatlll further improved during the com ini? year," A scries of papers by Mr. Gladstone, prime minister of England, will shortly a"petr; also, tn Able Discussion ol the National lianklnji Sys tem of this country ; a new story by Mrs. Oil phantls promised, etu., etc. j whilst every num ber will be rich In ahoiter stories, illustrntf ct arti cles of popular science, poems, essays, editorials and reviews, eic. The subscription price Is LOO p.T j ear, plia ble in advance. , , To enablo all parties to commence villi the series, which wo am sure will be worihv icre ful preservation, will ena to soy ''' new subscriber, ihn ti numbers ot voltmus 1. ami II.lorll.Ui.or tho 11 numbers prior to J.itiuit, U72.for M. tl. mIii.ih will contain MORE THAN 3,000 PAULS, moro than KO Brilliantly Written Aitielea, and nearly 1W Compleleil Mories, 'laies ol Ailveiiture, Wit'an'l Ilumir. I'oems, sr., combtntnn wilh these the shiest eaitnrials and the most tx-sutiful illustrations, somu uf dieui slu ij tho critics to be fully cuuil to the work of (iustave Dore. We ciuote, ns fairlv representlnR the Reneral sentiment o: the newspaper press in regard to the Monthly, tho following from tne llutlulo Com mercial Adverti't-r: .... "tfCHIHNEH'iS MONTHLY Is a splendid ant cess. It has taki n Its lacc in the front rank of the periodicals of the world, lu the beauty of its ttpogrnpliivnl appenran:e, the perfection of its Illustrations, the variety of Its reading mutter, nnd the vigor of its editorials, and, in general, good ant moral influence, it is a publication ol which America should feel proud." Remit In Checks or r. u. money oraers. Knr sale by all dealers. SORIIJNER & CO., 054 Urondwny, Now-Yerk 1872. ECLECTICTIAGAZINE or Foreign Literature, Science and Art, Established In 1811. iheECLECTlC enters wilh he January number upon the twenty-eighth year of its existence. This lact aiono speaks much for tho character of the publication, tor no mngaiine could have lived so long amid tho tierce rivalry and competition to which it has been subjocted without possessing high degree of merit and ,0..iin V ucll.ilptlned want', but it s not too muoli to nay that, during nil Ihese years, the Eu- LKUTIU "as well rrcojjuiivu a nent in America of that vast intellectual activity which findsexpresHionlnthepeiiodicnl literature of Europe. Tho plan ut the ECLEU I'll! is to sc. led from tho held thus outlined, all those, arti cles, i:sas, Itovlews, Tales, fcturles, and Ulo graphical bketches, which re likely to prove en teitttiuing, Inslructiroand permanently v.liiftblei and it cummeiiCs itse.t especially to that great body of intelligent .readers w ho seek profit as well as amusement In solid and lit altliliii literature. llesideD the longer articles, which themselves represent every variety of subjects, the E-dectlc has five editorial depaitments-Litcrary Notices, Foreign Literary Notes, Science, Art, and arie- "The volumes for H72 will not be less attractive than those which preceded them. Withineieas Ing facilities and increasing patronage, the com ing volumes will bo more thoroughly representa tive than evr before ol tho test Intellectual progress of tho limes. TEltMi single copies, t't cents ; one copy, one ear, 1, twocopie., one year, 9t tlve conies, one) ear, U. Agents wanted t get up clubs. A,,'lrj" K, PELTON, Pillillslior, 108 Kultim Street, New-lork IIOAT NTOHER. S A M W I L S 0 N , BOAT STOESS 33S O HOC KR1XH, PROVISION K, K T C. llvf No. fu. Oitin Lkvee Cairo, oautns rnoMrri. ulusu. HIDES! J'OHS I1VELTSM1 BUBITBTT &: CO". Have opened it liidii Hloie in Thornton's HlocU Tenth htrcel, whcio the highest cash pricewil bo paid for Hides, Kheep Pells, Furs an I Tnl . low. e will pay higher prices than was over be fore paid for the same articles in this citv. I'ntne and see us, I ocHtt UllRiiETT CO. WiWm BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV. thk Samf. Anv. MTTTUAL; TO ARSORR PROFITS. 18i0, - - 845,655,740 00 3,974,788 80 20,000,940 00 Felix Coste, Supt. Missouri Dept. John N. Pritciiard, Treasurer. John II. Oiieri.y, Wm. Morris, T. J. Kertii, W. S. Epson, yon Insure In any other I'otnpniiy. AGENTS. W. R. Kerney. GKVEUAl. AOKXTH. HALLIDAY BROTHERS GENERAL AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION a F. II (HI A NT H DEALERS IK PLOUR; And A cuts of OIilu Ulver nnil Uiaiinnlifs SALT COMPAH"IESi 70 Ohio Levee, CAIKO, ILLINOIS U'.HDKR. S. WALTERS, DIAtlUIS HARD and SOFT LUMBER ot every description, LATH, SHINGLES, CEDAK POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. orders solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Furnished on shortest notice. Commercial-av, bet. 10th and llth-sfs., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. 17.1 THE NEW YORK EVENING POST rou iN7s. I'UICKH HEII r.lf V will upply.lh V'.mug Post as tollowst DAILY. Ono vcar . For snorter periods WEEKLY. Single Copyopo jiar Five Cupies " " - Tea " " " Twenly KKUl-WKKKLV. 12 II rer monin il 60 .7 l ...,U 10 211 00 Hlngle Copy onyear Five Copies " J i3 tH) 12 W Ten copies ,..20 00 Or we will "end tho lolluwiuu periodicals to subscribers, lu connection wilh the Lifting liut, at tha prices named i With Weekly Evening Post. Harper's Weekly l W Harpi r'a 4 l Ilnrper'a Magaainn oO Every 8aturuay t Ui Atlantic Munihly 4 Our Young Folks 3 W Sorilmer's Monthly 1 U The Ualaxy 4 00- The Agriculturist .2 tt lliisrthand Home 3 7. With HemUWeokly Kvcnius Post, to 00 i; oo a no o eo 4 W u to n M 5 'it Christian Union a fs A 110 llll.linu wu.wm. . , rf , To each aubscr ber to the Krtmlng A.nnd c Ai u- fian Union for one year will b nent two exquisite French Oil ChroTios. entitled "Wide Awake" and "Fast Asleep," which are worth at retail liofor the oair. TRY ITl THY IT 1 1 For 25 cents wo will send the. Weekly Kvenlng Post from ni w until Jitnuary I, or for Wcents we wdl send tha aeml-Weekly Post, during the name im . . Bpecimen number of this Kvenlng Post acnt Address WM. 0. BMA'NT. CO. "viHOER'S NEW STOCK. MUSLINS, PRINTS, SHMV LS, ETC., One ol the mnsl allractlve display, DRY GOODS, in the city. J". BTJO-EK, Commercial Avenue, iietwken Eiuutii as-i Ninth Streets, CAIRO, -ILLINOIS, ha ccry available space In his store room lllid with New (foods, ills stock Is com. ptete, comprising n beautiful selection of print, iileaciied and undi.eacoio muslins, cotton FLANNELH, ktc, A splendid array of DRESS Q-003DS Among which are the Hcst null Most rnsjliloiiahln Colors and MaterlsK He hta a largo stock of JFUES- on hand, vutnM, he will closo out at a low DgUra liefore the liollorj. nri. over. I'lie ladle, will find a large assortment of CLOAKS WOOLEN SHAWLS, be sold cheaper than anything of th kind ever sold In Cairo. wl lo i Mr. Uurger has laid In an Immcoso stock ot HOOT, SHOES, R1UD0NS, NOTIONS, NECK TIES, F.TC, which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest, ltileelm. TIIK AI.DIXE. PROSPECTUS FOR 1872 riFTII YEAR. A litpreientatice and Champion of Amcrt can Art. THE LIDIINVEls An Illustrated Monthly Journal claimed t oe ifie Aantfsomest raper xn the World. .."r'JI,0.rn5r.luT0 ,0,h workmen of THK ALI'INK who are striving to make their profes lon worthy of admlratiou tor beauty, as it naa Iways been for usefulness," lltnry Want BtttSer T1IR AIDIXE, while Issued with allthareg ulanty, has none of the temporary or tuntly inter est characteristic of ordinary periodicals, Ik la anolegant mlscellaney of pure, lignt, and graca tul literature, and a cellectlon of pictures, th rarest specimens ot ariistlo sk'll, in black and white. Although each succeeding number aflorda a fresh pleasure tc its friends, tho real valua and beauty of Till: Al. DIM: will be most appreciated alter it has been bound nt the clo.e of the year While other publications may claim superior cheapness ns cominred wilh rlvalsofof a similar class, TIIK ALDl.Vis niiolquonJd original con coptlon alono and uuapproached absouitelr vmhout competition In price or character. Tha possessor ol tho volume just completed cannot duplicate tlio quantity ol Hue paper and engrav ings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten tunes Its cost. The labor nf getting THE ALDINE ready on tha presa is so great that reprinting Is eut ot the ques tion, With the excel lion of a small numoar specially reserved lor binding, the edllionn of 17 1, is already exnauated, and it la now a scare a well al valuable book, NEW FEATURES FOR 1878. Art Department. Tho enthusiastic, support so readily accorded 10 their enterprise, wherever it has been intro duced, has convinced the publishers of TUB AI.UINKof tho soundness of their theory that the Aiiiviluan publlo would recognise and heartily support any sincere e Hurt to e.evato tha ton and stundnrd of illustrated publications. That to many weakly wtcsed sheets exist and thrive la not evidence that there is no market tor anylnlar better indeed Hit success of THE ALDINE from the start ts direct proof of the contrary. Wltn a pnpulatiou so vast, nnd of such varied taste, a publisher can choose his patrons, and his pspi r l rather indicative ol bis own than of ihe tsale of the country. Asa guarantee of the excellence ot this department, tho publishers would beg Wan noiinco during iho coining year, specimens front tho following eminent Ameiti'an ai lists I W. T. Iticiuans, UaaxviLLa Planus, Wm. Hirt, F. O. C. Dailiv, Wm. lliiun, Vicioa Niuiiu,, Wm. tl. Wilcox, Auu, Will, James H. Ilsaao, Jamxs SuiLcr K. E. Placer, Fuank lltiUII, Pact Duos, J. How. These pictures are being reproduced without regard to expense by Ihe very beat ensnvera In thecoumry, and will bear the severest critical comparison with the best tore go worlc, it being the determination ot tho publishers that THfi ALUlNli shall bo a successful vindication ol American wite In compel. tion with any existing publieattun In tho world. I.Mcrary Department. Where as much attention Is nnnl m iii...t..n. and get tipof the work, loo much dependenco en njTJcuiurKt iuj lvtj uniurauv ue reared. TO an ticipuin such imsgtvMgs, Ita is only necerrary to nunc, .tini .110 vruuutiui iiiuaagemeni ci THjS ALIllNKhas been entrusted to lis. HICHAatU IIK.MtYbTOUDAHU, who has received assur ances of asslstuncu trom a host of tho most poyu- Tho Volume for 1973 will contain ne.irly 800 pages, and abiutttOfln engravings. Commencing with the number for January, mery third number will contain abaeu- tllill iinieu piiiuru uu pisio uspvr, insenaa aa a frontisulece. The Christmas nhmber for 1871, will be a splen did volume in itself, containing flfiy engravings, (four in tint) and, although rtuile l a l olllbo sent without extra charge to all yearly sub scribers. A Cbroino to Every Bubacrlfetr was n very leature tait year, and will ba repeated with the present volume, The pub lishers have purchased an I reproduced, at I expense, Ihe beeutiug by tims, entitled Dime Nature' School." Tneonrtiro Is 11x13 Inches, nnd Is nil exact fao-slmllc, In silo and appearsnca, of the origins! picture. to Amoilcan curomo, which wlir at all compare wilh It, has yet been ottered at retail forless than the pr.o a.lied for THE ALDINE snd It tjgeti:er. ii will be dally ered tree, wuh the January number, M subscriber who pays lor one year la advanoe. Terms) for IH71- (hit trpy, ant war, xnth OU fhrarj) S 00 fve LvCits w Any persln sending 10 asmea and W wnl re ceive an extra copy of gratis, maklug 11 ooplee ''"Any'pSJc'n'wIshlag to work for aprmiun, saa iiswM our oremluin circular oa applicalloa. We L?semaSy tw"'''',u' ana dealrabl. arlldaa oSarad By no other i-slr. Anv person wishing to. act, permanently, aa eu agent, will apply, unrt rttrmtt, unclosing II f ouiflt. JAUIM NVTT0X CSV, fCBLViJUaS, a LlfcariwHtrwi, Wsrw Twk. 0. U. OUEHLY