Newspaper Page Text
t?0 r It JOHN II. OBERLY & CO. THEMA1I.S. ARIVE. IirrAkT North, Through HiOoa.m. lOup.m ii Way 8:20 pltn. 4:00 a.m. South, Way .! I'-In' i' P-m. Through N. O., Mem- phla mil Columbua i:, 4:00 p.m, Ohio River rout, (swept Monday) . iOOp.m. Iron Mountain R. K JiMa.m. ll."J p. n. MIm. Itlver route, Tuesday and Friday 6.00 p.m. 7:tp.m. Thebes, Gooae Island A Bsnta Ft, lilt., Thursday A Friday- M I CiOOp.m. 7:OOa.m, Mayfleld, IHandvillo and Lovelace, Kjr 11:00 .m. 4.00 p.m. orricc noii, flcneral Delivery 7i30a.m. (Sundays 810 Money Order dcpaatmcnt ;W a.m. e.oo Register " ' " " ;O0a.m. Money Order ami itejl.tor departments no open on Hundays. OUR CHUKCHKS. It E9IIYTEIM AN Eighth -street. Preaching, Sabbath at loj a, u., and "JJ r. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7J r. u. Sunday Meli.iol, 3 r. m. J, M. I.snidrn, Huper. Intcndent, He v. C. II. Pouts, 1'asUr. METIIODIST-Cor. Eighth and Walnut His. Preaching, Babbath 10J J a. and 7 r. . Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7; r. h. Hunday Bchool l t. . L. W. Milnell, Huper- Intcndent. Iter. K. L.THoaraox, )'tor. chuhch ok the iti:iiKi:MEit-(:picopti) Morning prayers, HabUth lo j a. m. Evening prajers.IXt'- M. Sabbath (School, a. h. Her. Mi,Om, llecter. 9T. PATRICK'.1! CHURCH lor- Ninth bt. and Washington Arcnue. ?ubllcfervlce,HabbathSnd 10); a. Vespers, 3 r. x. unday School, 'I r. u. Service oiery day, sr. . llov. P.J. O'lULLoa., Prltsl. VOU.NOMKN'riOllllIaTIANASSOCUTiO.N-ltfK- ular meeting second Monday each month at the Prayer room of the Presbyterian Church Weekly Prayer meeting, Friday, 7M r. ., at the Prayer room of the Presbyterian church. 0. 1'iiMsi, President. AKttlCIN .METHODIST Fourteenth, between Walnut and Cedar. tJerrlces, Babbath, 11 a. m. Hunday Hohool, r. . Class 3 r. m. BECOND KHEE-WILLRAnilsT-Kifteenlh fit. Preaching, 7 r. . Iter. Win. Jackson, Pastor. between Walnut and Cdar. Services Sabb.lh, 1 and 3 r. m. Iter. N. Rich, Pastor. WEE-WILL IIAPrirfT IIOMB MlsallO tUN DAY SCHOOL Corner walnut and Cedar Sta. Hunday Bchool, 'J a. n. fUlST FREE WILL HAPTIST CHIJIICH-Cur- ry'a Harracka. Hervlces.rlabbathll a. .,3 r. . and Vi r. . Her. Wm. ICiLttr, I'aator. FIRST MISSIONARY IIAITIST CHUHCII Uet en 10th and 11th i-twt, neart'rdar. FreachinHaUiathlUA. M.,and ")l r. u. 7'rayer Meeting. Wedne'day erenlntf. I'reiichliiK, Kri'iay erenlott. FabUth.Vhool, IV; r. m. John Van ltaati-r and Mary fcn-phuni fcMpenntendenti. Iter. T J. bnoau. I'aito STATE OFFICEUS. STATK OFFICEUS. Goyernor, John M. I'lmer ; l,leutnant-Gorernor, John Dougherty ; Becietar of .State, K-I;.l Itumiuel i Auditor of feUte, C. K. I.ipplncoit i HtateTreaiurer, E. N. Ilatea i Hupt. Public Inatrucllon, Newton Ilateman. CONG11ESSMEN. denatora Lyman Trumbull and John A. Logan. Itepreeentatlre for the State at Lare J. L Harerldse. Repreienulire Thirteenth Dlitrict-John M reba. MEMim IIS GENERAL ASSKMIJLY. Senator., lit Dlatrlct T. A. K. Ilolcomb. ot Onion, and 8. K. Oiton,of Gallatin. Repreacntatlrc, lat Ill.trlct II. Watson Webb, COUKTVOFFICEUS. C1IICU1T COUIIT. Judae D. J. llaker, of Aleaander. Proaecutlng Attorney J. V. McCartuey, ol Maaxac Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. Harman. BheriH-Aril. Irrln. Wm. Martin, Aafcasor and Tieaiurer. COUNTY COUIIT. Jud(e F, Ilrouit. AaaocIaUa-;.'U. McCriteand S. Marchlldon ClerU Jacob G. Lynch. Coroner John II. Ooaainan. MUNICIPAL GOVEItNMENT Mayor-John H. Ltnailen. Troaurcr J. B. Taylor. Comptroller K. A. Uurnett Clerk Michael Ilouley. rMarahal Andrew Calu. Attorney P. II. Pope. Police Magistrates K, nroa and II. Hhan neiay, Chief ot Police L. II. Mycra. ELKCT COUNCIL Mayor JolH M. Lnnsden, Firat Word P. G. Hehuli. Sncond Vard C. R. W oouwunl. Third Ward Jno. Wooil. Fourth Ward S. Staata Taylor. City-at-Lnrge W. P. Uallldny and I). Iluid. HOARD OF ALDKHMKN, FIRST WARD Jnmea Rearden, Leo Kleb, laaaa Wnldcn. EOONDWARU-lt. II. Cunningham, K. iluder, Ilt'iuy Winter, James Swaync, I1IIRU WARD Wm. Btrnlton, Pittilck Fltzgt'ifllJ OORTH WARD-Jsmea Carroll,; C.ll.Hi'aso, J.lI.Melcalf, Time of Meettnq. CITV COl'NCIL. The City Conncll meeta In joint aeasion on Friday erening prcctvilng the 11 rut Monday ol moain. annex covjiciL. The Bele'ct Council moeta on the UratWednea day and Thursday, alter the second Monday hi each month. BOARD Or ALDttt Tho Board of Alilermon meeta on Monday and Tueaday In overy month. tho iira COMMITTEES OF TIIK COUNCIL On Sfrrefi-Mesara. Tnjlor, Waller, ood and Metcalf. Winter, Drainaet Mcs(in.CunnliiBlmin,Schuh, Fltrgor Md, Beate and Halliilny, C'aimi Messrs. Wood, Cunningham and Kleb, Mt JWc ami (Messrs. Carroll, Iluder and Jt tilt Woodward OrdinanMi Moenrs,Seso, Walder and Taylor, Firt Departmtnt Messrs. Hearden,Swayne and aiuiuar.i Siarkrtt Messrs. Bchuh. Winter and n irinwlg Measrs.Wodward. Hwayneand lludor Snwc Slessia. Hud, Ktrutton iiudMetcall, tt neaiiy 1110 Jiuyor, ami aiesara. Ho Mi.Murtton ami Cm roll PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. MOB VIOLENCE- ATTEMPT OF A MOII TO LYNCH A N EG 110 KAV181IEKOF A WHITE OIKL IN UOCHESTEIl. THE MILITAUY FIltE CltOWH. INTO THE THREE KILLED AND WOUNDED. SEVERAL ItociiKSTKit, .Inti. 1!. A mob nttomplcd to brenk into the jail wliuru 11 rictrro out- rngor of n llttlo wlilto girl win confined, but wero prevented by tliu police. Tlierc was ;rcat cxcltutnunt. QUI KT OIITAINEI). Tho police liiivo diincricd the crowd ubout the tall and ouiutnesl nrcvuiU. Tho griuid Jury is In teuton nnd thuy will in diet nowurd tomorrow forenoon. lie willjbe brought Into court to plead to tho indictineiil. Etroita were mudu thin nfler noon to lmvu lilm nlcnd guilty, but lie re fui-ei ur.d ny lio is Innocent. Evldcnco agiilnat him ucctnnulntes. It wutih' m crltninnl to tuko Howard froi- jnilHt pres ent, n. tlio mob would "cuo ''lm from tho autlioritlei uim l" ''m. TIIK l'KOI'LK FURIOUS. Rociikstkk, N. Y.t Jan. '2., evening. The excitement of tlio outrngo committed by tlio negro Howard on 11 child ten years of age, is not ubatcd. Thcro is now on Immcnto crowd about tlio Jail, and tbeyaro fruntic over tlio report tint the littlu girl lias died of her injuries. Tho evening papers uro out with evidence ngrinst Howard. It is conclusive, and leave- no doubt tint bo is tlio man who committed tho dreadful outrage, l'olieo urc at the jail, and tbu military nro at tcmbling at the nraonnl. Attacks arc inaue iiy roughs anu others on unolletiding negroes" who appear in tho atrcetf. It is feared tbnl there will be an outbreal' to night. Tho ahcrilf nnd aid stand lirm, and are determined to uphold tho laws. the moii aoai.v defiant. RociiKhTEit, Jan. 2, eveninc Thcro is a mob ubout the jail yelling and shouting, nnd there hnvo been tuvcral fctones thrown at tho military. Tho police, who nail been rciioveu, are again ordered to the jail. bTILL LATER ItLOOD FLOWS. bout nine o'clock whilo the crowd wero yelling nt tho corner of Court nd Exchange streets tho military fired a vol ley, killing two men and wounding one man and ono bo v. The names of the killed arc John Ettcr, a railroad Wurman, and Henry .Mcrlow. John Hilbert was shot through tho calf of 1110 leg. ino name 01 me boy lias not been learned. He was hit in the shoulder. The excitement is irrcat, nnd the neonle are hurrying to tho sccno o:' conflict. Tho crowd said it was not neceaiarv to fire, while the military snv thnt thev wero compelled to flro to protect themselves, ai they wero being pelted with stones. ACCOUNT II V AN EYE-WITNESS. An account of the difficult v i thin civ- en by an rre-wltticaa, rullccman Branch: The tquad of military wero lined acrr the Huai end ot tho bridgo facing Ez chango street. A man stepped up to Po liceman lirancli, and laid that some bovt n fuw feet off wero picking up stones. Tho olllccr drove them awav. At tho amo in- atant tho word forward, was ciren bv tho ollicerin commund of tho squad, and ho pushed tho policeman aside. The shots were fired at this time. The men shot wero standing in hxchango street, and had not participated in the mob. THE VICTIMS. Ettcr was a hichly respcctablo nnd in fluential German citizen. Ho lived but a few minutes after being taken into n sa loon nearby. 11 is reported tint n woman was Miot, but it is not yet confirmed. '1 ho lecling against tho militnrv is in tense. Police arc bclnc drawn in from tho outer districts of tho city and dispatched to thw vicinity of the jail. It is feared that inoro blood will bo shej before morninc i no coiorcu pcopio aro nccing to incir houses to hide, ns it is not deemed eafo for them to be seen in the streets. QUIET RESTOIIED. Thcro does not seem to bo nnv oreaniz ing for n further attack on tho jail, but thero is talk of holding nmeo'.ini; bv tho citizens to-night or to-morrow. 1 no body of John httcr has just been tn ken to tho homo of deceased. On Its belnc deposited In a wagon, loud expressions of inuignation wero mado by tho specta tors. Henry Mcrlow was coine to his homo on Jinrtlctt street when shot. Ho was an inollensivo man and hnd taken no nctivo tiart in tho disturbances. John ISolan was shot throuch tho r cht lung nnd was conveyed to tit. Mnrv's Hospital. Ho is not expected to live. MORE VICTIMS RErOKTEI). A cartman named Klias Swarton Is also reported killed. IIo was shot In tho arm and received . imyonot wouml In llin buck. Louis Kamp was shot throuch tho tliik'h and left arm. ilvo companies of milltin nro now guarding tho jail and streets leading thereto. It is estimated that tho crowd numbered n thousand persons. WHY THE FIIUNH WAS PONE. "When thellrinii wasbecun an order was given to ehargo bnyoneU and in this movement seovral nuns wero discharced Tho provocation for tho order was, it Is said, tho throwing of stones and bricks by somo 01 mocrowu. fjomo of tho soldiers woro struck In tho shoulder by bricks and disablod. Tho cap. tains ot tlio companies disavow giving or dors to lire. A rumor is current that n nccro was shot in a saloon in English Btreot. but it is believed to bo unfounded. HIDES 1 FURS ! I PELTS ! I ! hBU'I,aE,I"I, & GO'. Have opened 11 Hide Storo in Thornton's llloelc Tenth street, where tho highest cash jiricowll bo paid for Hides, Bhcep Felts, Furs and Tal low, owill pay higher uneoa limn una ever he. fore paid for tho samo articles In this city. Coins and ace us, OOlCI llllHNKTT Si CO. SECRET ORDERS. THE MASONS. Cairo '.CoMMAXbtar, No, 13. Stalod Aaaembly at the AaylumMawnU Hall, firat and.thirdHaU urdara In each month. Caiao Council., No. 21, Regular Conrocatlonat Masonic Hall, the aecond Friday In each month. Cairo CiurrtR, No. 71. Regular Conrocation at Masonic Hall, on the third Tueaday of orery tmnth. Cairo Lome. No. 237 F. A A. M Regular Com. rniinlcationa At Maaenic Hall, the aacond and fourth Monday of each month. DrtTA Ixmor, No.Ml K. 4 A. M. Regular Com munlcadona nt Manonlo Hall flrat and third Thuradaya In each month. TIIK ODD-rEI.LOW. AtriiMiru Ijinnr. 2-21. Mo.ln In UddFvllnv'a. Hall, In Art.r'a Ilulldlng, crcry Thuraday tren ng, at 7 o'clock. Principal Oo 10- Fifth St., Cin. O. rilE ONLY RELIAni.E OIFT'ENTEIU'RISE IN THE COUNTRY 1 $60,000.00 I N V A L U A Ii L E 0 I F T S 1 To be distributed In Xj. 3D . S IISTB'S lMrd Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE To be drawn Monday. February 13th, 1T72. ' Two Grand Capitals of $5,000 EACH IN Gkkenhacks ! To I'riwa of tl.l I.WMi Fire I'nies of VA, Tea I'ritcs of )IW, each In Greenbacks ! 1 Horse and Ruggy, with ilrer-mounted harnear, north (W) One fliio-tone t ltoewood 1'lano, worth.... tM Ten FamilyfceifinK Machines, worllueach IW) Iie Heart Cased (iold Hunllng Watches and llearydold Chains, worth, fich .100 Fire Oold America 1 Hunting Watchea, nuilll, I-KI. ua Ten lAdles' Oold HuniiDg Watchea, worth earn jhj fW Oold and. "ilrer Irer Hunting Watch- is tin ail), worm, c-ncii, Irom fJ(Jto3". I-idiea' Gold Leoniine Chains. Gent's Vul Chains, Solid and Kouble-I'laled feilrer Table and Ttajioons, Photograph Alouma, Jewelry,ete. Whole number gifls, C,0. Tickets limited to 0),Ml. Agents wanted to aell Ticket! to whoit t'beral premiums will I paid, turtle ticketa 11 1 six tickets J'.; iwelre tickets. SIl); tventr-liTe lat. Circulars contaimns a full list of mlies. a de scription of the manner of ilrawing. and other In formation In reference to the diitrihutlon, wlllbs sent to any one ordering them. Alll letters inun bo addrea. ed to L. I). MINK, Ilox to. omr, Cincinnati. O 101 West tlh st. no JJilawly TIIIllTV-FII'TII KKI'ORT (if the nilmon of 1 1 FIRST NATIONAL RANK 01' CAIKU, ILiIi., At (he dote of bualncss, December IC.lsTI. KKsOimCEH. Loans and ducounls (iter dralla t M,(OI 01 M0 41 I . h. bonds to secure circula tion 61,COi) Cl 3,310 a 9J33 CJ 1'. b. tiomis and seeiiritln on hand Other alocks, bonds, aid mort gages H I)ue from redeeming and re serve agents Due from other National bunks Duo Irom banks and btnker... 15,051 J7 4.K S3 l,.Vi la 4s,'."J5 67 3,711 74 Itoal estate Hirn lure and fixtures Cash items, including retenuu slumps Current expenses ('ii4i nn liuntl. in roin S l.Ml'7'J 1(0 00 4:1 40 Currency 'U.M v3-6.308 7." 1- LIA111LITIK.1 : Cijillil stock 100,000 00 r.xcnange Interest I'rotit and loss 761 70 411 41 471 77 1.C07 S8 Circulation outstanding.. "i',lJi) (SJ 37 03 fcl, 3U 7J Due to .NaUanallwir.ks.. Individual depotlts JiJUO-u Ct Rtntn or Illinois. Countv , of Alexander, ss i:er of the First 1, C.N HuiliCH, cashier of the lirst Mtionai llanb fit (Mir,,, d. solemnly suear that the above stateinert is true to the bi't ol my knowledge ami belief. C. N. IILMHI'S, Cashier. btibscnbed and sworn tu btloie me, this 2Ja dayol December. WJ. Correct Attest : Itobt.W. Miller, "i J. T. Itennie, V Directors. I). Kurd, j REPORT OF TUB CONDITION OF THE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF CAIUO, At Cairo, in tho stnto of Illinois, nt tho close o nusiuess. ucceinuer ian. KESOUHCKS t Loans nnd discount tl37,4SU 4'i OM rilrafla 1,5'tJ (0 U. H. llnnds to secure clrcu- lat on 100.000 00 U. K. llonds on hand 13,300 no Oilier slocks, bonds. nnd mortnaiiesi l.Jl'J 75 Duo from redeeming and recciv nu aueiits -blll,S71 81 Due from oilier Js'iitional 1 ankH W.WJ 17 lino irom oincrtaniia una bankers 15,3'J'J i-i 170,313 S3 iJ.OJO isl 15,170 1.1 4t,l70 13 4,'JSI M i,Uli 3J- e,'.".l7 15 Hanking house . Oilier rul estute Current oupenses Taxes aid Checks and other cash ems 7.81 1 31-. Hills of Nntiunal ll inks 7,'.U7 Ol Fractional currency un ri Hiiccin, coin 7.71a ni Lhgal tender nctti ',"' w 01,0711 V.W,o37 Ul LIAUILlTIKtJi Capital stock paid In flOo.OOO no urpuia .,,uwu 1.1 Circulation outstanding s'j.eisi ihi j-jxciiange f ij,;i .11 Interest 1U.W7 d'l l'rollt ami loss W,M 7.1 !,( 7il iniiiviiiiiui uejioxiis vi.iui 71 Duo to banks and bankers.. ai.bjii I! 6'."J,6J7 ll Hiaiooi Illinois, Aiexanuer couuiy, ts. 1 I, W. II) slop, assistant casliior ol the City N tional llankot Cairo, 1I0 solemnly swear that tin above statement Is lino tn thai bcsi of my knowl edue nnd belli f. W. HVhl.Ul'. Assl. C.ishlcr. bubscrlbed nnd swum to befo:o inn ill's day or December, 1S71. II. II. CANUHi;, Notary IMhliu, Cornet attest : W, 1. llalllday, ') II. II. Ciiiiiilnglumi, J-DIn rtnis. 0. D. Williamson, J CAIRO, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JANUARY VOMMINNION AND FOUWAUallNn. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.. (Successors to K, I). Hendricks A Co., ) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS WHAIIF-HOAT PIlOPIlIETOItH Liberal Advances rre , upon ooosignineiiis. Are prepared to receire, aloro ant orward' freights to all joints and bur acU r;r sell on commission. L. -llnsmesa n.ii to promptly MILLER k PARKER, GENERAL COlNOriSSIOK .D FOinVAltDINO .MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR. CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS fok FAIHUANKS SCALES 68 Ohio Levee, OAIP.O, ILLS. ClaO.SK & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AM) DEALERS I IT LIME Cement, Plaster Paris, AND PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner i:iglith Mrrrt mid Ohio I.cwt CAIUO, ILL. G. D. WILLIAMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PItODUCK AND COM MISS I ON M ERC II AN T, u.?0Olil I.ovro, CAIUO, I I, I. ISC1 S. rSp(cial.;atUn!ion givitr to eonsignmcnts and orders. WOOD RITTKNHOUSE, FLOTTU AXti General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois z. d. mathush. e. c. UUL MATIIUSS & UIIL, FOEWAEDI1TQ ami ji:xkhal COMM I SS I ON M VAX C II A NTS, DEALERS IS fxjOtj-r,, a-iR-A-iisr. HAY AND "WESTERN PRODUCE o. 01 01110 i,i:vi:i:, Bttteten Fourth .t Sisih Mt., CAIUO, ILL. augi2 dAwtf CHARLES M. HOWE it CO., GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING M ERCIIANTS. No. G4 Ohio Levee, CAIIU), ILLINOIS nov2.'dtf j'oiiS" u. 1'iiiLLia (Suecessor to l'arker ft Phi'.lls,, GENERAL COIMISSION AND FOHWAHDING MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Cor. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE CAIRO. ILL. STRATTON & BIRD (Successors toBtratton, Hudson A Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION M MIGRANTS, 57 Ohio IjOvco, Cairo, Illinois'. ISrAgeiils or American Towder Co., il man. faclurers aeuls for cotton yarn1 5. 1872. hWK I.!Sf Lira ASSOCIATION OF AjVIEIUqa. The Most Successful Lifk iNsuiiAycK Corporation of the Same Ao ,v the World. ' XT 12, E Xj "iT M1TT1TAL; NO STOCKHOLDERS TO ABSORH PROFITS. Amount of Policies in Forck Dec. 31, Total Income to Same Uate, Net Increase of Kisks in Force, 1870, The IirK"( Set Hicrcntnliirlnu; (he year 1H70 of nny Coniinny In the VorIil. GUOH tnCUEASfi OF IllSKS IN Force, 1870, S30, 327,730 00 Only two companies in tho world exceed thla gross Increase during 180. Tho only company which guarantees, as n chartered right, tho trlncinlo of LOCAL INVEST MENTS IN KACH BTATi:, in proportion to its Premiums or llo-Insurancn Fund. Tho only company which, by its charter, givei KACH STATK A ItKl'lt&jENTATlVi: IN THE HOMK HUAIII) OK DIUECTOlt!?. C3-"Ej3STE1UA.Ij OPFICB, ST. LOUIS, 3vTO. JAMES II. URITTON, rrcsident. IIknrv W. Houoii, Vico President. Felix Coste, Supt. Missouri Dept. AVm. Hani.ev, Secretary. John N. Pritchard, Trensurcr. C. F. II urn e.", Attorney. K. L. Lemoine, M. I). JIccl. Olllccr. lion. Wm. JJarnes, Conjultlng Couiuol nnd Actuary. BOUT1IKJ5N ILLINOIS DKPARTMENT. K. P. Htiuti.voiiAM, Manager. CAIRO BEAKCH SOAKX). The folloning named gentlemen hold or control insurance each, In the Lite Asaoclatlon of Amcrca: P. W. Barclay, 11. W. Weihi. II. II. Candee, John Antrim, Chas. (Ui.ioher, J. M. Piin.Lir.s C.Hanny, P.. S. llRICIHAM, Paul O. Sciivk. I. rani our Itntos and l'lnim licforo LOCAL AGENTS. dee.Mdam. Carl L. Thomas, MAN A 7.1. EN. SCRIRNER'S MONTHLY, An Jllttstrukd Magazine, EDITED 11V J. O. HOLLAND, ufAoro"Jirfer Stct." " AntAriau," " Timothy Tlrcomfa Uttert," Ktt. This maeaiino. which has risen so rapidly In popular lavor, has now been GREATLY ENLARGED, and will be still further improved during tho com- In; year.- , . A series oi papers n ir. m,mui-, jnnnc mlnisifr of Knrland. will shortly anejr ; also, an Able Discussion ol the National itanklug Sys tem of thin couutry ; a no story by Mrs. 011 iihant Is promised, etc., etc. i whilst every num ber will bo rich In shorter stories, illustrated arti cles of popular science, poems, cays, editorials ami review s, cic. The subscription .price la f 1.00 per year, paya ble in advance. To enable all parties to rommenee with the which w nn snrn will be worthv of earo- Till preservation, wu will send to iiy dealnr or new subscriber, the la numbers ot volutins II. for ll.ou, or tho 11 numbers prior to .lanuaiv, tsTi, for I1.&0. Tliewholo will contain JIOHKTIIAN 3,000 1'AOIS), more than SW Crilliantly Written Aitlcles, and nearly 100 Completed btorics, Tales ol Adicutiire, Wit and Humor, Forms, it, combining with the-e the ablest editorials od the most beautiful Illustration-, somu of them said by tho critics to i... fniiv , nml to the work of Gustavo Dote. We quote, as falrlv representing tlio general sentiment o: the newspaper press In regard to the ma--....... .... r..t 1.:,. r.. . n 1l.iOln fnn. Diomiuy, mo iuiiunuij .iuiii ,,iv wuufliu tnercial Advertiser: .... ihrlitliNKR'M MONTHLY Is n srleiid d sit! cess. It has taken Us plaeo In tho front ranlt of the periodicals ol :ue worm, in uio oeauiy ui us typographical appearance, tho perfection of its Illustrations, the variety of Its reading matter, and the vigor of its editorials, and, in general, cood ana moral influence, it is a publication "t r?.i..... .......... .i,,.,,!,! r,.i ii ii iiiwi, ninnii..'vuiu .vv. ,,tw.. Iteuilt in Checks or I'. O. money orders. For sale by all dealers. SCKIllNElt & CO., 054 Urondwuy, Now-York 1872. ECLECTICMAG AZINE or Furcitjn Literature, Science and Art. IMablishcd In Isll, the ECLECTIC enters with ho January nuriber upon tho twenty-eighth year of Its existence This f.ict ulono speaks much for the character ul tho publication, lor no magaiine could have lived so long amid tho tierco nvalry and competition to which It has been subjected without possessing high degree of merit and meeting u well-dttined want; but It Is not too much to say that, during nil these j ears, tho EC LECTIC has been recogniicd ns tho ablest expo nent in America of that vast Intellectual activity which tinds expression In the periodical literntuie of Europe. Tlio plan of the ECLECTIC is lo se lect from tho tlelil thus outlined, all Ihoso arti cles, Essavs, Reviews, Tales, Stories, and Ilio. graphical sketches, which are likely lo prove en teitalning, Instructive and permanently valuable! and it commends itsell especially to that great body of intelligent Ireaders w ho seek prolit as well as amtii-einent In solid and heslthlui literature. Resides tho longer articles, which theiiiselvi's represent every variety of subjects, tho hclectlu has tivo editorial departments Literary Notices, Foreign Literary Notes, Science, Art, and Varie ties. Tho volumes for Uiiwill not bo less attractive than those which jirecedcd thun. With increas ing faeilitlea and iiicreasliig pntronnge, tho com ing volumes will be more thoroughly representa tive thati ever In-fore ol the test Intellectual progress of tho limes. '1 EltMS single copies, 4 J cents tone copy, ono ear, (fS , two copio,, one jear, I'J; Ilvo eoiiles, one year, t.o. Agents wanted t get up clubs. Address , . Jt. E. PKLTON, Publisher, 108 Fulton Htroot, Jfow-Vorlc WAUONR. WA(1 ON M ANU FACTOR Y. For Sale ttl Wholesale or Retail COUNEIl 32D-KTREKT AND OHIO I EVEN, Cairo, Illinois. novlllf J. V. flAMIIM'. IIAIIHKIIS. J.OKO. ST1HN110USE, FASIHONA13LE BARBER, for. Htli-sl, ami 4'oiiiiiirrcinl-uv. ffiliarp llaiors. aid' Clean Towels and aursklllfull Woikmen CB-Ladles and children's hair cut and sham pooed, either at the shop or at their owu homes, ttavfientlemen'rt whiskers ajnd h Ir dyed In a ortLUcirrimcr. Batistoclioh guaranteed. f$ BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON-AV. HAXCI 180, - - - SlG,Go5,740 00 3,971,788 80 20,000,010 00 John II. Orerly, Wm. Morris, T. J. Kkrth, W. S. Kdson, you Insure In any oilier Cnmpniiy. W. I). Kern by. OF.NF.ItAI. AOF.NTN. ILVLLIDAY BROTHERS GENERAL AGENTS FORWARDING and COMMISSION M K It (III A N T H DEALERS IH "FLOUR ; And A cuts of Ulilo lilver nml Kiimiit fin 70 Ohio Levee, If CAIUO, ILLINOIS II. M. IIULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION No. 134 Commorcial-avc., CAIRO, ILL1NOI!. NKWNl'Al'i:!!. THE NEW YORK EVENING TOST I'OIt l7t!. iMtn i:s itKii; i:i: We will aupply the Evening Tost as follows! DAILY. Ono year J12 00 For shorter periods H per month WEEKLY. Single Copy one year St So Klvo Copies " " 7 OH Ten Twenty " IS to ..110 00 HEMI-WEEKLY. Single Copy one year... l'no Copies " " .. Ten Copies " " .. J1 00 Ii! 6 i!0 l II ' HO Will Ht-IKI III" I,iII,iiIii twrlinfieals 10 Milisrriti.'rs, III eonuectlou with ihu L'itaiiij '"i at ths prices named i Willi Weekly Evening I'ost. Harper's Weekly- W llarnrr'a ll.nir 4 M With Semi-Weekly Eienlng I'ost. 0OU ' it it h Ii 00 ' 0 60 . t M 4 SO 0 H) r, w Ilaiper's Magixiiie 1 !" r.very Biuurunv " Atlantlo Mnntlily I 1111 Our Young Folk 3 ou tsTiblier's Monthly The lialaxy U Tlio Agneiiltiinst -....i J" Hearth and Home I j.i f'hri.tlnn ITnlnn r. il (SI ri Ul & 'ill t, HI To each subsor berlotho f.'renliio lbsand Can's, inn Union tor one year will bo sent two exiiiisito French Oil Chro-nos, entitled " Wido Awake" and "Fast Asleep," which are worth at retail liofor the oair. TRY IT I TRY IT 1 1 l"or !!.' cents wn will send the Weekly Evenln i'ost fiom tii'W until January 1, or fur Wcenls wo will M'lid the seiiib Weekly I'ost during the samo time. Specimen nl'iubers of the Evening I'ost sent free. Addrtss WM.O.UHYANT, 4 CO. .Now VurU. COAI. AMU H'OOB. WOOD I WOOD I! WOOD!! The undersigned will furnish HARD AND DRY WOOD Aa t'lionp, II not Clirnper Than any wood dealer in Cairo. Leave orders on the sl.ues at the I'oatotllce ami at Ross' coal in Cairo. Leave orders vard , on Commercial avenue, ueiwcyu lltli sireets. Cairo, Illlliola. I give good sure and will cord tho wood up f desired. Twelltll measure auvio-tf DENNIS 1IALCV. MISCEM.ANEOCH. BURGER'S NEJV STOCK. MUSLINS, PRINTS, SH.VK LS, KTC, . Onool Ihamoit atlractlte illsplay of" DRY GOODS, In the city, J". BUBG-ER, Commercial Avenue, iietween Ekiiith and Ninth Streeth, CAIUO, ILLINOIS, has every available space In his atoro room filled nt .Sew Goods. Ills stock la com plete, comprising a beautiful selection of TRINTj", RLEACHED AND UNnLEAOIIKIi MCSLLVS, COTTON FLANNELS, ETC, A splendid array of DRESS GOODS Among which arc the Xrwcit nnil .Most rnlilnnnlilo Colors and Materials, He has a large stock of EUESi on hand, nhwh he will close out at a low figure lieforo the holism nre over. Tlio ladles will find a large assortment of CLOAKS AND WOOLEN SHAWLS, wl.lo'i be sold cheaper than anything of the kind ever sold In Cairo. Mr. Hurger has laid In an immense stock of 1100TP, EHOEH, RinilONS, NOTIONS, NECK TIES, ETC., which ho will sell cheaper than the cheapest, lbleelm. Tin: a mum:. J'ROSl'ECTUS FOR lS7'- a virTU YEAR. A Jitpresen' tim and Champion of Amen can Art. THE JHiJDTHT'ESz An Illustrated Monthly Journal claimed t lie tAe Aanuiomeat rancr n the World. "Giro my lovo totha attist workmen of THE ALDINE who arn stiiving to make their profus ion worthy of admiration tor beauty, as it nag Iways been for uiefulness," ieiiry ll'ord Uctcher TUB ALD1XE, while Issued with all the reg ularity, has mini of the temporary or Umdy inter est characteristic of ordinary periodicals, Ills an elegant mlscellaney of pure, llgnt, and grace till literature, and a collection or picture., the rarest specimens ol artistic sk'll, in black and white. Although each succeeding number atlorda a fresh pleasure to Its friends, the real value and beauty of THE ALDINE will bo most appreciated alter it has been bound at thecloao of the year While other publications may claim superior cheapness ns compared with rlvalsofof asimilar class, Tin: .U.D1.VK is n unliiuo nJd original con coption alouo and uuuupruached absolutely without competition in price or character. Tho possessor ol tho volume just completed cannot duplicate (he quantity of lino paper and engrav ings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten times Its cost. Tho labor of getting THE ALDI NE ready on th press Is so great that reprinting is eut of tho ques tion, With tho cicci tinn or n small number specially reserved lor binding, the editionnof S71, Is nlready exhausted, and it is now a scares us well at valuable, book, NEW FEATURES FOR 1872. Aa't Ie)iirtturu. Tho enthusiastic support so readily accorded tn tr.olr enterprise, wherever it has been intro duced, has innvlnced the publishers sf TUB AI.DINEof tho soundness of their theory that the American public would recognize and heartily support any sincere etlort to elevato the tono and standard of illustrated publications. That bo many weakly wicked sheets exist and thrive is not evidencu that thero is no market tor anything; better indeed the success of THE ALDINE from the start ta direct proof of the contrary, Wltn a population so vast, and of such varied taste, a publisher can choose his patrons, and his psper la rather Indicative ol his own than of iho taste of the country. As n guarantee of the excellence of this department, tho publishers would beg ts an nounce during tho coining year, specimens from cue ouowiog eminent Aiiieuran uhbis s W. T. Ull'llAUDS, OttANVIllE l'lRKIXS, wii. luiiT, Wm. IUauii, (iriitmr. HiuutT, Ato. Will, Jamis Smilet KUA.NK llKAUII, f . U. U. 1IABLIT, Vicroa NtiiLia, Ws, U. Wilcox, Jam ks It. lisaso. It. E. I'lOl'IT, Tan Dixo.v, Theso Pictures aro being rejiroduced without regard to expense by lb" ery best engraver In Ihe co iniry, and IH bear thp severest critical comi" r .mi lth the best tore go worlc. It belnjr "".leteriiiiuotlon of me publishers that TUB AI.DINI'. shall b a successful vindication ot American tat" In competition with any existing publication In tho world. i.uernry iieimriineitt. Whero so much attention Is raid to illustration and get up of the worlc. too much dependence n appearances may very naiuranv no leareu. to an ticipate such misgivings, it Is only necerrary to state, that tho editorial management tt THE ALDINE tuts been entrusted to Ma. HICIIAUD IIE.NHY STODDAHD, who has received assur ances of assistance Irom a host of tho moat popu ar writers and poets of the country. Tlio Volume for IS7ii will contain nearly MJ pages, nnd about 2S0 fine enzravings. Commencing with tho number for January, itvcry third number will contain a beau tilul tinted picture on plate baper, Inserted aa a frontispiece. The Christmas nhmber for 1872, will bo a splen did volume In Itself, containing liny engravings, (four In tint) and, although retailed at HI will bo sent wltliuut extra ehargo to all yearly sub scribsrs, A fliroino Kvcry Nitliscrlber was it very popular leattiro tast year, and will bo repeated with the present volume, The pub lishers ham purchased an I reproduced, at great expense. Iho beeuting by dm, enlitled ''Dame Nature's School." Tnocnrupo Is 11x13 Inches, and Is an exact, In slio licit appearance, of the original picture. .No American chrome, Inch will at all compare with it, has yel beeu ollered at reiall forleaa than the price asked 1 for THE ALDINE ami It togetUer. it will b dellv er"d irel', wiih tho January number, lo every aubsctlbcr who pa) for ono year in aJrance. Tonus fur 1STJ. 0,i Upy, ant yutr, Kith Oi ln,u 93 00 ii.,. (Juiiiti ' v Anv i.orson sendinii 10 uaroes and $to will re. celveya!; ex?racopy 1!. gratis, making 11 copies '"AnyVon'wishlog l worlc for apramiwsi.caa i ...I ,,.iV nramluni cirtulsr on application. We LTv?mll.yPbeauliml C.naaealrabl.F.rtlcle. by no other paper. Anv person wishing to act, permanen ly, as ou ageSt.i.illTP'y.'""' rrcne, unclosing II fe outtlt. JAMEM HUTTOSf sfe rVBUSHSRS, j:t Liberty HCrl, Jfr YtU.