Newspaper Page Text
TRAVELER'S GUIDE. TAKE NOTIOK. TIME TAIILE or Til ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. On nd after Knnday, May 14lh, 171, the follow ng umcrsMn gown the arrival and depart ure of pssungtr train, at Cairo I Dtpml-Mtil train, dally 4.0) a.m. hipresa, daily. a.lJp.m. 4 rmi )M i.tit it .'"" Kipress. dally, except Hunday aol,K' dinif f' -,.- from Olro to Chicago hlcnt rr 'r.K iloo'n sleeping car. on '"''' ,rAUH n hcked to!l Imports"' wlnta. CAIRO A.VP MOUND CITY HTKA.M TCM. OAOHB, Wilt make three trip ItHVISO CiUO ltirllO MOtXD CITI ., am I Jl l"'imMtiwiiimlliUll At 1 SO........ .......p.m. Fare each ar. " ln tlekot for 2 fo. WlflTa" he nailed. ny food Intermedlaic andinglorpa.senrersor freight, noviltf. mow iio.vtx, EVANSVILLE AND CAIHO, The flnestrnmcr dsn IDLE WILD, Ot'8 FOWLER.. -..Matter Wih leave Cairo for Evansnlle every Sunday and Thnrstfay evenings, at 6 oVloeJ, p.m. ror ff.,,or passage, apply on fflfa, HU CAIRO AND PADUCAII MAIL II OAT. The splendid steamer jas. risK, J of Fowler, Mnntrr. ses Olro iVtt.V, (inly" excepted) at 4 in. Fjr Irauhtjr pie anplj onboardor JAS. llimiN, Ak'I. t'lirnbrrlrtnil Itlvrr racket's NASHVILLE, CLAHKSVILLE AND CAIKO. Tho splendid f (earner TYRONE. TOM HAK5IAN.Ma.lfr ALF.X. HARD Clerk Will leave Cairo everr Thursday at S o'cloe Ic p.m. forCl.ikivllIe, and Nashville. For frmht or passaze, apply on board or to Jan 3tf JAS BI0(3i, Ag'l. NASHVILLE. CLARKSVILLE AND CAIRO. The gallant steamer JOHN LUMSDEN, OWkS DAV13...Maiter I Clerk Will leave Cairo erery Baturdar at & o'clock p.m. for Naahtilie, Clarkirillc and all way polnti. For freight or paxare apply on tmard nr to JauJlf. JAS. DKiGS, Ag't. n as ii vYliTel'o L 'iK S VILLE and CAIRO, Tlie ijood Meamer TALISMAN, Wll.ET SlHM.VU,Ur l- -Cerk Will kate Cairo every M mday .it 6 ltK.k, p.m. for Nashville, and all way oU For freight or jiakKe, aj'pir on uoaru r 10 jan. i a u JAS. BtGG, Agl. IMMIGRANT TIl'KKTN. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, For Salo j FOR SALE, FOR SALE. J f orS raile i For Unit I run BAijr.. Fare from Liverpool, Fare from LoscsuEnr.T Fare from Glasoow, "Fare from Queenstown TO CAIRO, :::::::: f4S'20 SaSord, Morrn A Ca . Kent. INMAN LINK Liverpool .New.Tork and I'lilUdilphia Steamship Company, bi coxrucr with rxino iMrjiu ctiriu eoru.j(Mr For Carrjinx in MU. FOR PASSAGE TICKETS oa rcatuta larotxtviox, APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Act.: 13Uroadway, Xew.Vork, or to II. II o II l I , Wathlngton Avenue, Cairn. noin. 51 'iii nam: Th Illinois Central ILvl Itoil Compmy now ?r.'.or,',?lloI,n2d"crll'"' '' in Addition to the City of Cairo, vii : '-of tock a. It II (dock K. ' S " H, . ?" " e " a, si a. " 3 " r.', -j: . l',',m'l' apply' JAMfS) JOHNSON', I'll VHICIA.NN- WILLIAM R. SMITH, M. D. RESIDENCE-.No. 21 Thirteenth .trftt. be. oh.L T Us,,,D""i avenue and Walnut Mrett Oftee-lii Commercial atenue. up Mair". 0. W. DUNNING, M. J). R J,1 K-VCE co rnerNi nt h and Walnut t K. S. lUUGHAM, M. 1)., " HOKEo-J?A.THlST Orricis, 130 CoMMKiiciAv. ' Office hour;, S to 10 a.m. and 1 to 3 urn. w dence o. It Klnth atreet, Cairo 111. ' VlecStfT I.AMYr.llH. ALLEN, MULKKV & WHEELER ATTORNEYS AKD COUNSELORS AT LAW, William J.Allen, n N John Jl.Mulkey, V Bamuel r.Wheeltr.J CAIHO, ILLINOIS. tPy'brll,mJ.r.rttCOtl0a PS"1 l rl,er uJ,J orpmp nA. k..i ..... . . w.v. riii,nnmMI iiflnic. unio Levet, GREEN & GILBERT. 1 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, William II. een, 1 een, ") Illbert, V rt, J WilMP.f liiirs rt f UAI. "."NOW. cmn- onio levee, rooms 1 and 8 ovek wn national hank. eii.'. UliAULES HOTEL, P.D. REXFOHD pro'pr,ulor COISIB OHIO tMH itti .1(0X1, ir, Oaiko, Illinois. The 0;ity Firtt-CUm lluim in the Ciiu. Htrcluu. ' "i'L ZWa Ihn Df NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ATIIENEUM i.... sVosliir-N.lii.v. 'rliMrl'J.v n,Ml, It), II ami I a. CHARLES M.u'EVOi fc OIlldlNAI. I tho scenery, miile nnd antiquities ol Ir.l ind. A new dramatic cpiido entitled "HUSH HEARTS," beinfl nstoty of lore, life and frolic In the Enter ., and rcplelo with sonj" nnd dances, w III ii ii, If tod hr the llliiernienn Comedy Com- psm-Pan. MorrK .Mwle p. .Mscl.toy. Miss Jo sle Moiri, Ml" Katellslpln, Mr. Dan. Dougher- lr unties jinci.Tuy. Ailm non : cents. Ihior open nl T; com J nl-fl. Ineiiee m o'.'lnek. 'A o o o - rn 1 ,S . 3 V. M J. 11 it T3 B 1 o 5 o o o D 05 B H X. p 3 1 THE BULLETIN. I'ulilNlietl every morning, Mondny ex 1JREV1TIE Geo. Fisher, collector of custom! this port, if absent, fnun tlie city. at Sjo U, S. ifnrrell'a new nJvcrtisemcnt umAliet column of to-day's OuLLETin. Leteverytody go to tho lecture to. night. It will be one of the most interest ing of the course. The Cairo and Nashville packets have commenced in nis r5ia. niu. jiih Biggs, agent, Sol. Silver, a,;etit for the Memphis and St. Isuis packet company, at this place, is a success in his line. There was a meeting of the city coun cil last night. The proceedings will be published to-morrow. Tho Padticah ICnttacl.ian lays there were somo country people io that town on last Monday. That's strange! If anything happened yesterday worthy of special mention, wo "failed to liour of U. The Turners are making preiftnitfons for a grand ball and supper, to como off come time in February. Sorport int.. The umount wcMsary to pay the sal nrie? of tho city officials of tho city cf Paducnh is SWUrt. This sum includes tho plico force of thu city, Oolltdny's next monthly drawing will tako place at LouUvlllu, on tho U2l Inst. L(lin, at tho postotllec, is tho ngont for the tale of tickets in this city. Fred. Koehler, tho butoher, yesterday drove through tho strips of the city, to hi slaughter pen, us iJuo a lot of beef cat tlf as ono could wiUb to look at. HusinoM wk the loreo yesterday was brisV. Tho nQtt was lined with freight, and stcarrjjoas loiwling here, had no difll cully is, getting all they could carry. We-hoar it stated that tho rock in thu rivtr noar tho point, known n Ilucon .rock," is to bo removed. Cant. DiiL'an. of tho teurnor Kckort, Is U undortako tho job. Ri'V. Mr. Tliayor, tho now pastor of tho Presbyterian church, will preach in -...uvrow, mornin' and even- at tho usual hour, of holding tur. -TIr,l,MWl 11 wonderful scatter- niteen and tweuw , , within the last tv,,'J: '0ft U' ch Tho St. ClmrliM hotel, Semont of P. I). Rexford, fctho ""n most popular institution, and u1'""0. " stop thero oneo never fall to cobaTk Jf in tho city. BU4-hon Mr. Ctias. 11. Rami. tho New York Herald, , -ws.vsjrwHUUlU (Jl ' York Un.l 1,,.,,.... wr Detroit J'rer I'm,, and Chicago Journal paid us n visit yesterday. Mr, Red ift for down tho rivor on tho now steamer i.uaiuu iirraut, vuyoi Jioienu. Tho St. Louis papers all spoak in flat tering torms of MncEvoy's lllboriilci,.. which Is now on exhibition at tho Temple In lliul Ml.. 'I'l... 1111 t ... ' vj. iiiu iiiuurnicoil Will 01)011 at tno Athoneum in this city, on next Tucs day evening. Thirty cents 11 week will ,ecuro a pol icy for ono thousand dollars in tl)0 Lf0 Association of America. A good Invest mont for u young man. For particulars apply to Carl L. Thomas, special ngont. Jan4tf. -Thorowas but ono caso boforo his honor, 'Squlro simnncsBVi ye,lcrdll- A Ktlcmafromtnccount WM u THE CAIRO DAILY I for fust riding through tho Hnel of tho city. Having no money, u win iiu w tho calaboose for sflvoit dnys. VVhorcafO you going? To tho placo number S3, Ohio lovce, whoto they keep l),o lcst fresh oyetors, fish and game, n!iJ i ho Illicit wine?, liquors nnd cigars to bt found In tho cltv. Oiicn at nil hour?, d' or night. J. E. Pauks Tho next fociablo of tho ladles' benov olcnl focloty, will bo hold at tho rec idenco of Mrs. II. F. Clark, on Commercial nve nuc, over C. W. Hondorson's store, on Motidny evening next. .Tho public ate In vited to attend. Tho Pulnski ',1Wof (ays: "On a Into visit to Cairo wo wero struck with tho Increased business appearance of tho city. Steamers, thick Mid numerous, of tho largest capacity, lay r.t her wharvc. Trado seemed lively, especially on tho lovce." On next Sunday ovcnlng, at tho Atbc neiim, Prof. Denton will deliver a free lecture. Subject: "Tho Method of Self Culture." Let nil who can, bo in nltend ante, and henr an instructive, as well ns bcautlfullv worded lecture. The people of Shawncetown aro using their endeavors to Induce Miss Dr. Saf ford to lecture in that town. They can sccuro tho services of no lecturer who will give moro general satisfaction, or deliver n more Interesting lecture. Tho St. Louis Ti'mM says, "(he citi zens of Paducah are moving actively in favor of the proposed air lino extension of tho Mississippi Central railroad from Jack son to that place." Call It tno "wttui line," for "wiml 'ls about ull Vuducah over gavo any railroad enterprise. Great inducements to any ono wish ing to buy n first-class piano or organ. E. & W. liuder offer their entire stock in tho piano and organ lino at tho actual cost of the instruments. They are desir ous of closing out tho stock so that they may use the room for jewelry manufactur ing purposes. Those per.-ons doing business in tho city who have not renewed their license for the year 18:!, had better look sharp. They have only to-day left, for on .Monday, those who have neglected to at tend to this important duty will be reques ted to walk up to tho captain' office and settle for their dereliction. Ho I for Hally I New Store! New Goods! Rest assortment of Cooking nnd Heating Stovc3 ever brought to Cairo, on Washington nvenue, three doors above Tenth street. docCtf Mr. H. T. Gcrould has procured tho services of a boll hanger, who will attend to all calls for work in his lino with prompt ness. Hell hangings repaired, ropes ad justed, etc., in tlrst class order. Leave or ders at Mr. Gorould's office, Winter's block, corner Seventh street and Com mercial avenue. dec.'Jl-d-tf. Morgan of tho Shtwnoetown Gazetlt, is just new engaged In a lively tilt with somo of the drunken printers of that town. He wont allow a drunken printer to work in nisomcc. Ana no in right. 11 all pro- prictots 'wero to adopt u similar rule, thero would ba fower of '.hese drunken wretchc, and n good many better printers. The new bridge over Caeho river, at Unity, will lo finished by Monday next. It was tho pinion of many persons that Mr. 1 tollman, tho contractor, could not build such a bridge ns the contract called for at his bid, SI, 750. Hut tho bridge will be completed within tho time specified, and is pronounced by those who have ex amined the work to bo a good and sub stantial structure. Prof. Denton, Mr. U. R. Woodward and Dr. llrigham visited .Mound City yes terday. From .Mound City they walked to the mouth of Cacho river, giving tho professor an opportunity to examino the soil, stone, forrests, etc., nlong tho route. Mr. Denton has alio been around tho leveus surrounding Cairo. Ho is of tho opinion that tho ground on which Cairo In b,uilt is made ground, but that it has been made it goixl many hundred yuan. Tho Ruder llrothor;, cornor Eighth streiit nnd Washington avotiuo, havo re ceived 11 brim-now lot of tho latest-styled breait-pins, car-rings, finger rings, brae lets watches, clocks, etc., mid, ln ito thu public to call and inspect tho Btock. They aro also agents for Mmi Davis' sowing 11111 obinv, Ilurdettorga-isnnd St. Louis pianos, and otl'ur to thu public tho best bargains to bo obtained ut any placo in Southern Ill inois. Tho second parochial reeeptiou by tho Rov. and Mrs. Coan, was held on tho ovo nlng of tho Uh Inst., and was a very joy ous occasion. Tho parishioners nnd friends of Rector Coan and his estimable lady wore present In largo numbers. Tho mu Hlc, both Instrumental and vocal, wv beu. tiful, nnd thu refreshments wure pnrtnkcn of with a rcliidi that spoku louder than words in tholr praiso. Tho lti-otor and his lady woro tendered tho best wishes of all, ntthls-, tho opening of tho year. Wo havo no hesitation in rtu,nimcnd ing William Ehlers, boot and shoo maker as worthy of most libernl patronano. Wo know whereof wo speak when wo say nu -AWork Is 1I01111 In 1 . " tlllUI uv mu 1 lu,!St nrl rns lfn Il4fia , 1. .flii. ii. 1.... est nriena. Ilo 11. n n..ilii,i,. 1,,,, .1.. I . I " - -- 5 wiv bliu tho dTd10''1' ''0 cftMm)l k oxcollcfl In fiw 'ftask of making an exact Ut. rtrwe1 "hop . Vurontlolb Poplar struct, no uk""10" "T"0 ind Jho colored peoj.lo of thu m( just now enjoying something r ' J' "r tlon, in the ay of a law suit for bronchTr promlii.tuin.irry. Lucy Speed, a colored damsel, has brought suit against o,10 ftamuel Humphreys, for breach of prom Iso. Lucy claiines that hor aHectionj have been damaged to tho amount of ono thou sand dollars, and usks thu Aloxamlor county circuit court, to compel Samuel to pay her that nmount. Tho trial will bo an interesting one, and of which our read ors shall havo a full report. -W. G, Robinson nnd wife, Now York i BULLETIN, SATURDAY, Chas. W. Espy, Cnpt. Jos. Good, O. L Stevenson, E. 0. Prince, SL Louis j Albcol E. Well, -Mound City! V ' Scbuce, Paducah; Wm. S. Holloway, Henderson; 0. E. Conner, Cincinnati. C. Huston, St. Calhnmev, K.J. Reynolds. Chicago! Sain'l. T. Atwalor and wife, Memphis ; Mr. Curtis, Now 'Orleans, John ICcnyon, HulValo; .Mrs. C. Hamilton, .Mobllo; j. P. C'timm!n, Manhattan Island; W. W. Chirk, Cincinnati! woro nmong the arrivals at tho St. Charles yes terday. --Mr. It. S. Hnrrcll.l having secured rooms in Thornton's brick block, on Tenth street, botweon Washington nnd Commer cial nvonuc", has re-opencd and Is now offering for sale ono of tho most complcto assortment" of furniture, consisting of par lor, library, saloon, chambor, dining room sets, mattresses, bedding, nnd a general lino of house-furnlshlng goods, ever brought to this city. Mr. Harrcll oilers to soli his goods cheaper tha.i any other houso in town, or within fllty miles of it. Ho is well known to tho peoplo of this community, and if ho says ho will sell his goods at tho lowest living lates, tho peo plo know ho will do so. Seo his card In another column. It is true that Ulnnkonburg's Excel sior saloon is now one ot tho Institutions of the city. All drinkers who UUu runlly excellent liquors whiskies, wines, beer, etc. go to tho Excolslor s1oon,'whlcli Is fitted up In splendid style. Elankcnburg who knows how to keep a saloon, s prends n fine frco lunch overy morning and eve ning, and, ns ho forcibly expresses it, 'Sweetens tho lunch with music." Ho has employed tho services of n first-rato pianist, who makes tho grand piano which stands in ono end of tho saloon speak out in musical tones. Everybody is invited. The best order is maintained and all Improper characters suppressed with neatness, cheapness and dispatch. Ev erybody knows that the .Excelsior saloon is at the corner of Washington avenue and Fourteenth street. THAT ROBBERY. Several days ago wo published an Item to tho effect that a lady, while sitting in the ladies' room nt tho I. C. R. R. passen ger station in this city, was robbed of her pocket book nnd all tho money she pos sesscd. Wo got our information concern ing tho matter from Detective Joe Arnold, and at the time considered It reliable. Wo aro now convinced that It isnmistako, nnd that no robbery occurred at the station that night, as will bo seen from tho follow ing note Agent'K Ofhce I. C. 11. B. Co. Cairo, January J, 1973. J. H.O.tiiT. Esc. : Deak Sin : In vour piper of yesterday rou eay that a lady, while sitting in tho ladies' room of tho passenger depot on tho night of tho 3d in't., lost nor pocket-book and all her money. This is the first that anv one connected with the road knew of it. A ou havo been, I am satisfied, wrong fullv informed. That thero nro thieves and all sort" of scoundrels nbout tho de- ot, moro or less, all tho time, no ono de nies ; but the robbing is new to us. Yours Truly, Jame !Ioii.non, Agt. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS- ir. levy a co.'s l-Rirni.isT the iiiohet M VKK ET 1-ntCE". llio lirm of II. J.ivy ic jj , orno levee, dealers in furs, ot all decriptIon hide, tallow,feathers, wool, etc., ore build ing up n trado and earning for themsol ves n bu-iness reputation second to no houso in the city. In their dealings with their customers, thoy nro honorable and upright, representing only facts. For articles in their lino thoy pay the highest cash prices. Holow will bo found a list of the articles in which they deal, together with tho ruling prices In this market : re ns. Mink r,0 to ?'J Of) P.accoon 10 to GO Jlusk rats f, to 12 AS'lldcat 10 to -10 Ottr 1 00 to C U Reavor Co to 05 Rear skins Ii 00 to COO HIDES I'Elt I'OL'NII. Deer skins 20 to :i0 Hoof hides, dry Hint 17 to 181 " " green salt ! to 11 j Cair hides PJ to 11 OTHER AHTICI.ES l'EK I'OUND. Tallow r, to 73 Feather no to (i.r, Wool 25 to or, lions wax J5 to 'J8 Tho above quotations nru subject to cor. rection. SECOND QUARTERLY MEETING- Tho Rev. W. .1. Grant, presiding elder of Cairo district, find it necessary to hold tho second quarterly meeting of this charge noxt Saturday and Sunday, Janu ary Oth and Uh, 1871. Tho sorvi'co will begin on Saturday uvonlng at 7 o'clock, in thu Methodist church. Tho Rev. Strnngo iirooks, of Metropolis, will bo presont and preach Saturday ovenine.-, Sunday morning nt 10J o'clock, and Sun day owning nt 7 o'clock. Tho sacrumont of tho Lord's supper will bo administered ntthocloso of tho Sabbath morning sorvico. Everybody is Invited to attend this so ries of muutiiiga. FitEi). L. Thomson, Pastor. NOTICE- For tho accommodation of porsons wishing to tako outlloonso for 1872, 1 will ho at tho ofllco of I. Waldor, cornor Sixth street and Ohio Lovce, ovcry evening during tht week, commencing Monday, January Ut and ending Satur.lav, Janu (try Oth, to rccolvo monoy for tho'intno. 'J-Ta VLon, city Treasurer. Notice. Tho best entertainment n tho city is at tho St. Nicholas hotel, saloon nnd restaurant. Tho best music that can hi had violin and piano. Good lunch overy -morning nnd night. All of tho cst brnmH of cigars, and tho best St imls lagur beer, always fresh and nlco. ulvo us a call. Hauuy Walkeii. Proprietor. MAimuoE OU),j.Inl0r01tillg Work numerou., cngravl,,,.,, 2-, pn,e8, Vdcc CO cents Address Lr'. Butts' Dispensary mo s K,iihth Klrcet- st- I JIo. Seo Advertisement. tf JANUARY 0, 1872, A HANDSOME .STEAMBOAT. THE NEW HTEAMKH (j'tTV or HELENA. Tho .Memphis and H't. Louis packet company's now and boaullful slcnmer, City of Helena, arrived at tins port yes tcrday about noon. Shortly nfior landing, her cabin was visited by n multitude of peoplo who wero desirous of gotilnc: u gllmpo nl' her cabin nnd Its beautiful furniture. Her cabin is elaborately carved nnd painted, while furniture, car pet, etc., aro of tho most costly man ufacture. Her staterooms havo boon furnished with oxqulslto taste, and with nn oyo singlo to tho comfort of those who may tako passago on her. In tho ladles cabin Is a bountiful now piano, tho gift of tho citizens of Helena, after which city sliu has been nnmcd. Tho City of Helena was built nt Mndl son, Indiana, ntacost of $120,001). Her modol nnd build Is slmiliar to that of tho (tenners Grand Tower nnd City of Vlcks burg, nnd of about tbo samo dimensions. This is her maiden trip, and wo predict for her a brilliant future. She is commanded by Capt. J. II. McKce, with Will. T. Povor4ln tho office, nnd James Parker and Josoph Carroll, pilots. PROF. DENTON. The ntu,Unco , ,i.0 Alhenenm last night to hcarv-of. Danton's Iccturo was larger man on lorme. -rcasIons Tho Professor's lectures arc becon.,,- ,nnrn and moro popular every day; and wo hi... noticed ono fact in partlcuhr that those who heard him tho first night havo been regular attendants every night slnco. There is no doubt that tho houso will bo much lariror to-niuht than has boon nny night yet. This evening nnd .Monday evening will finish the course of lectures in this citv. NOTICE. On nil grain received in store on and nf- tcr tho 10th instant, our charge for stor age will bo one cent por bushel for tho first five days or part of same, and one-half cent per bushel for each succeeding ten days or part of same. And for bagging, ono cent per bushel for oats, nnd ono nnd one-half cents per bushel for other grain. J.&E. Buckingham. Cairo, Jan. I, 1872. jauOlw VINCENT'S LOTTERY- V CUT II Eli I'OsTl'O.N'EMENT. Owing to other pressing business cn gagements Mr. F. inccnt has found it impossible to dovoto tho timo nnd ntten tion requisito to have tho drawing In his lottery take placo on the 20th day of Dec ember, 1871, ns advertised ; but having sc cured tho co-operation of the gentlomen named below and made arrangements by which every cent of tho monov realized from tho salo of tickets will bo dispositcd with W. Hyslop, Esq., of tho City Nation al and Enterprise savings banks of this city who will act as u treasurer, he now posi tivcly assures tho tickot-holders that the drawing will tako placo on tho 10th duy ol April, A. D., 1871. .Tho treasurer assures tho ticket holder wj nhanco tno muwlng should not tako pluf-o n .i day now deslgnatcj ho will pay back to tho holders the amount of their tickets with 0 per cent, interest from tho duto of the purchase, tho snmo being conldcn-l a spe cial deposit from each ticket holder cotitin gont upon tho drawing on said day. Tho undersigned havo no hesitation in expressing tholr beliof that under tho nr rungements madu by .Mr. Vincent, the drawing will tako placo on tho day deslg nated, say 10th day of April, 1S7J. Hut should any cause contrary to thoirc.poct ntlons intervene preventing tha n-uno, tho ticket holders nro amply sccuro in being ablu to draw thu monuv bv them invested with interest. Thoso persons who havo subscribed for tickets and have not paid for and drawn them, are reqiustod without delay to call on Mr. Hyslop at tho City National bank for thoir tickets. A. H, S.U'KoitD, C. N. HL'uiiEf, II. L. 1 1. M.I.I DA v, R. H. CCNNI.NCIHAM J.T. Renme, John- 11. Oiiekly, C Winston, F. M.Stockfi.etii, II. .M YE If, (J. D. Williamson, R. II mm, John Antiiim. W. Hvsi.oi', Treasururand Gon l Agent FEATHERS! FEATHERS! II. Levy i: Co., at No. 9.1 Ohio lovce havo on hand nnd for salo In quantities to suit jiuichnsurs, ono thousand pounds of good leathers. Thoy will bo sold at prices within tho reach of tho poorest. Familios suppled at reasonable rates. doc l'J-tf Piano Tcnino. Parties wishing their pianos tuned will plcaso address C Robbius at postoftleo, or leavo word with his brother. PricoS'J,00orS3,00aycar, in eluding at least two 'unings and ordinary repairing, strings, A'e. GitANii Lunch a.nh Raffle. Thero will bo a grand lunch nnd rallllo to-night at Harry nlkcr . A largo cake con taiuing a solid gold ring will bo rafllod oil'. Let all tho boys bo sure to bo thero and win tho caku for their sweetheart. 1 wenty-F vi e Cents. This amount Will buy u bottlo of .Mrs. Whltcomb' Syrup, tho grcnt soothing remedy for all diseases iucidunt to infants and children Jun 3-d & w-lw. lMi'OiiTED .Malaga grapos at Jorgo sons, cornor of Twuntiotli street and Washington avenue. tf ituiHTs no pius intra minced moa prepared expressly for family use, nt .lor. goiison s. Oysters. Louis Horbart has nlwas on hand a fresh supply or Saddle Rock oys . tf Go to Dr. MoGauloy for Ruttingor's Fe ver Drops. "Warranted to euro thu chills- Joiiqe.nson has tho best jirwrvoi for enlu cheap. India tf RIVER NEWS. PORT LIST. AnitlVEl) ANII DKl'AIiTKI), Hleomer. Where from. Where to. Jim J ijk, ,Ir....P,iducnl Paducah m. Covcn....SI. Loul" St.Louli. I'llewlld i:vaiisvllle....Kvnnsvillo .Ino. Lumsdon...Cairo Gooso Island Mallio Riigoii...l;vninvlllu,. Memphis. 1. ? l'""y-..EMtnvillo...F. Orleans C. H. tJl.urcl N. Orlcatis...Cincinnati ;. '' ''i'"11 Memphis Ohio rivor ' li,,0,'1 St. Louis Camden .M nncola... Clnc!tinnti....Momphl City of Helena. .Hi. I.nnt. iim....'.. llZW"'--" i.ntoitobiiison...St. Louis.. ..Cincinnati V""" uouuiibus.. ..Columbus Annn Cinclniiall.Hcd river Quickstep Kvnnsvillc.Evniisvlllo V. Hrown Cairo Columbus a. in. Jvoiiogg..., Urlcans. CONDITON OF THE KIVEn. Tho river at this point continues rls- Ing very rapidly and slnco our last report has risen about 27 Inches. At Cincinnati tho rivor continues rlsini;. At Louisville tho river is ngain rising, nnd thero Is 0 feet in the canal nnd 7 feet In tho chuto. At Evansvlllo tho rise goss .on and thero is now n good stngo of water In both di rections. J ho Arkansas river is rising ngnm at Llttlo Rock. Tho Mississippi Insists on falling, nnd has got tho channel down to about o feul 10 inches, nnd tho prospoMs for unother rlso nro very gloomy ltideoJ, as all tho streams ubovo St. Louis nro falling nnd nro not likely to rise soon. From hero to Momphis thoro Is eight and one-half feet. JU Reeves' bar 0 feet, and at Island CO thero Is s. Tim ,.i,n,.i i Reeves' bar has changed n,,d U now 100 yards nearer tho Arkansas shore, nnd pi lots will do woll to keep their eyes wido open when passing thoro. WEATHER ASH llL'slN'ESS. 1110 woatiier remains fino and very pleasant during thoday tlmoand at night it becomes quite cool. Night buforo last ico mado and a heavy white froit was vislblo yostcrdav morning, tho first for sovornl davs. Husluosj was splendid and all boats cleared with n good trip. Thoro wero evcntocii arrivals during thoday. M ISCELLA N EOUS ,N EW.. Tho .Mallio Raou arrived from Evans illo with a fair trip for Momphis. Wo aro sorry to learn that Capt. Josh Throop Is suffering with a soro hand. Tho John Lumsdcn went up to Gooso Island after somo corn night beforo last Something wonderful to rolato trans pirod on tho river yesterday nbout I p.m. A good-slzod steamboat was discovered to bo coming down the gentle Ohio, dash ins tho sprav hitrh above her bow and everv ono on board! nppared t be In tho best of spirit", whou nil ot a sudden, a hu'h volumu of steam was soon to ascend high in tho air, and aloud and deep-toned noise was hoard, and then it was dis covered that the lino Evnnsvillo packet Quickstep ha I blown hor whistle for Cairo and had arrived on time with nbout oO tons freight nnd a lariro number of passengers. Tho John II. Oroosbock passed down on tho 20th ef last month forNw Orleans nnd arrlvod liernon Lor riitiirn yestardny, inll:ini' llm Irlll In UO (lays. nolOSt COI1- siderabio timo running under slow bells that being the only kind on board. Tho receipts of tho Indiana on her last trip from this port to New Orleans wero over ten thousand dollars. Tho Arkansas Hello is said t havo clear cd ono thousand dollars cn a recent trip froiii .Memphis to this port. CHIT CHAT. Tho J. N Kellogg return" to New Orleans to-day. Tho Cowen left for St. Louis with n low of coal. The W. II. Hrown went to Columbus after a lot of empty Fait bargc(. Tho Anna left for Rod river with her guanh to tho water. Tho Richmond is loading for Now Orleans. Tho Kato Robinson had it fair trip for Cincinnati. Tho Minnoola was well laden for Mem phis. Tho Hyatt passed up tho Ohio witli n low of empty coal bargei. Tho Yeagcr went up to tho upper warehouse fur 11 lot of freight. Mrs. . r. Walker was 11 passen gcr 011 tho Minnoola. That now stago was placed in position yestorday by Charles Lawrence it Co. Charllo Woodbury Is clerk on tho Str. Annn. Tho now Thomson Donu will bo horo next week bound for Now Orleans. Tho Hullo St. Louis has resumed her place in thu St. Louis and Yicksburg trado. Tho Quickstep was on timo ye-torday. General Rtnnuy was 11 passenger down ou tho City of Hulonn. I'll Hi HOWARD, STEAMBOAT BUTCHER, 4'iiy Xnti 11 mink iinllillim'. ai.Spcclal attention paid toorders Irom sicnm oats niiiht or d:y.4U Slebpinu Rooms for Rent. Ton woll vontllatod sleeping rooms in City Na tional Hank building. Apply to EDWARD DE.ONIA, At City National Hunk. For good photographs, porcolain plo lures, or old pictures to bo copied, call or Thomas, No. 11M Commercial nvonue. lie as good workman. Givo him it trial. soptlOtf. Fon Sale. A cottago on 12th 6troot containing 7 rooms, cistern nnd out houses complete. Apply to W. W. Thornton. For now citron, orungo and lemon pool, go to Jorgonson's corner of Twen tieth street and AVashington avenue tf Peck, Frean, ie Go's London biscuit always on hand, cornor Twontloth and Washington nvonue. tf Crystal vinegar from London at Jor genson's, corner of Twentieth street nnd Washington nvcmio. If Yaiimouiu blontoris nt Jorgcnson's RmiAN sardolles nt Jorccnson'st try them. if Paul G, Schuh (oils RattltiKor's modi- clncs. if Tin: host French anchovies n the city nt Jorgonon's. tr ) olid K.vso.v has tho finest supplv ol Spanish olives In thu city. Try thorn tf Founu. That tho choicest buttor Is nt Jorgenscn'fl Staplo and Fancy Grocery store. New French prunes, currant nnd rnlslns always on hand at Jorgonson's I grocery store. tf TIIIUTY-KIKTII REPORT or the Condition of tho FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CAIRO, ILL., At the close of biilnes, Ilecember 10, 171. UKfiOUIlCEH: Loan" nnd discounts I 69,( 'i I .14 1,378 It l.JOO CO 3.S10 a 0, 'JJtl CrJ 15,051 67 S.KS 83 1. M'l IS 4s,W M 3.7D1 7 If.) f) 4il tS (hor ilrulls U. H. bonds to secure clrciila- lion I', ri. bonds and securities on bniid Other stocks, Imnds, n'nl mort- K'nf Dim from redeeming and re- sen o ngenis Due from other National tanks Due Irom bunks nnd tiinker,.. It'l I'tftle Mirn lure, ami llxtures Cash Items, Including rescnun stamps Current expenses Cush 011 hand, in coin I 1, 911170 currency ... .OW CI I.IAIllI.lTIH-Sl Cuplut stock ItOO.OiO on 71 70 411 41 471 77 I.MT 7000 tl 37 09 H.tA IS r.icnanKC ... Interest l'rodt nnd loss Circulation outstanding. nun to national p.aclis Individual deKjslt tiut csh ei Sit.itf. fif Illlnnt. Cnuntv ef Aleiandr. ss. I,C. N. HiiKlies.casiiler (H wie i-irst .-i.nonai Hank olCiiiru. do solcinnlr awear that the abovu sUlouiirt Is true to the best ol my knoviledgii and lielief. 0. N. Ilt'OIlM, Cashier. Kulisonbvd nnd snoru to before me, tins ty dayot Deei mU-r, ls7l. CH.VS.CIJ.N'.NINOHAM, Notary Public. (Correct Attest 1 ltnbl. W. Miller, 'i J. T. Itennie, V Directors ' l. Hurd, REPORT OP THE CONDITION or THE CLTY NATIONAL BANK OF CAIRO, AtCniro, in the stnte of Illinois, at the cloteo IHlsmrss. irvi-iiiinT i", .cn. KkHOUKCF-H t Iw and'discounti. 137,li 4) tfir! so Oier Oralis L.S. Hnnds to-nciirelicu- lation 1(),0 l 15,: lJ 4,319 7S V. K Hondsun hand O her sI'mA, Ixinds and inoriKaxes ru friiiii ide,uinif and reei-ivinit Brents .SMl.iTi SI Due from other National Hanks lo.osw 4. Duelrom othir Lanka ana lunkers ll.-V'-J 85- 170,313 13 ll.uikiui; house - 3B,v ( Oilier rMt estut 15.I7U IV- 4t',170 Current . rpensi Tsxex 1 '.1 nl l,2il ki 2.U12 3S f.I-JT 15 7,'H 31 7,'JI7 tl USI lis 7,7 1 J M ) i,t. H.tCS 01 lflii'Kfl aii-i uuivr uiui. llcins. 11.11. ..r jiioiikI Hunks I rxi tionnl eurrenu) ......... Sh'-rle. Coin I.hiral tender notes'"' 52V,U7 1 ltSI.(l ut I'l. 10 I.I LIAHILiTIia: Capital stock paid in urpius Circiiliitlon oulstandins; l-.xctiuntii- I o,-i 3i Interest 1C.W7 m I'r.iflt and loss...... H,i.V 73- Individiial deposits Duo to banks nnd bankers. . 40,tM 7fi 2U.IU1 74 3t,H6 41 State of Illinois, Alexander county, ss. : I, W. lit slop, ussistant cashier of the City Na tional Ilurik 01 Cairo, do solemnly swear thai tha above statement is true to the lest of my knowl edge uud belief. W. HYnl.OI', Asst. Cashier. hubs-nbed and sworn to btfo:e me this "til day of December, 1671. II. II. CANDF.K, Notary Public. Correct attest : W. 1. Halllday, ) 11. II. CunnlnKtiuin, Directors. O. D. Williamson, J MAUA7.I.VKM. SURIUNER'S MONTHLY, ..-In JUuslruted Mugusint, F.DITF.I) IIV J. (I. HOLLAND, Aulhoi of mttr Hit at," " KathHna," " Timothy VlfcWi lAtltrt," Jite. This rnt(;rwino, which has risen ao rapidly In popuhr lauir, hns nou been GREATLY ENLAROED, nmt will bo still further improved during the com. nig year," A series ol papers by Mr. Gladstone, prlmo ministerof Knglund, will shortly aopear ; alio, nil Aide. Discussion ol the National ilankiogHys teiii of this couutry; a new story by Mrs. Oil idutnt is promised, etc., etc.j whilst every niftjn her will bo rich in shoiter stories, Illustrated assll-ci-s of popular science, poems, essays, editorials and reviowN, etc. Tho subscription prlco Is I.00 per year, paya ble in advance. To enublu nil parties to commence with tho series, which wo r sure will he worthy of care lilt preservation, wo will send to any dealer or new subscriber, tho li numbers of volume. I. and II. fur tl.uo, or thu II number. prior to Jauiinrr, W.', for ll.W. TI10 whole will contain MORE THAN 3,000 PAGES, morn llinn MO Ilrlllliintly Written Articles, and nearly luu Completed htorles, Tales ol Advcuture, Wit und Humor, I'oems, Ac, combining with these the ablest editorials and the most beautiful illustrations, somo of them said by tho critics tu bo fully equal to tho work of (lustave Dore, Wo iiioie, ns f.ililv representing tho general sentiment o: the newspaper presa in recant to the Monthly, tho .following from tho Hutlalo Com meiulnl Advertiser: "bCKIIl.NEK'.i MONTHLY is a splendid sill cess. It has tnktn its placo in tho front rank of tho -icrlodicnls of ihoworld. In tho beauty of its typographical appenrancc, tho perfection of Us illustrntions, tho variety of Its reading matter, nnd tho vigor of Its editorials, and, In genera., good nnu uiorul Influence, It Is a publication ol which America should feel proud.1' ili-iii it la Check, or I'. O, money orders. l''or sale by ull dealers, SOHIUNER & CO- 05-1 Hroadway, Now-York I.VMllKIti B. WALTERS, ncAttaiN HARD and SOFT LUMBER til every description, LATH, SHINOEES, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. ORDERS SOLICITED. S T K A M 11 0 A T LUMBE It, Furnished un shortest notice. Comuierciiil-uv, lot. 10th and lltiVsts,, CAIRO, ILUNOIS. y7d