Newspaper Page Text
lie 1m Ueftn. mm mm H. OBERLY & CO. THBMAILS. 11IITI. DtrAtT I North, Ilirougn :). m. tOOp.m i 2i20 p!m. I:"" a-rn. oui)i, Way P'm " ThroUr)N. 0., Mehi. phlaaud'Columbua 1.30 p.m. Ohio Illver route, (eioepl . ;nOp.m. , 4:00, , 11:00 p. 11. , 7:00 p.m. Monday) i l'.w. Iron Mountain R. K 2; Ml.. Hirer route, Tuesday and ytUlT 0:00 p.m Ihebea, Uooaa latand A Hunt Ft, lilt., Thuraday & Fri day ; T;una.m, Mayfleld, IHahdTille anil I.ovelare, Ky 11:00 a.m. t.oup.m. orricr. not. General I)elirery 7i.'!0a.iii. (Sunday. 8 to'J a.m.) Money Order depaattncnl sou a.m. ltfKltr " " " " - oa-'n C.UJ , iVoup.iii. Money .Oritur and lteliler department iij open on Sunday. - - - - OUlt CHURCHES. HKSMYrEIlIAN KlKltlitrl. Preaching, HabUlh at 1U)$ a. ., and Vt r. M. I'ra)er meeting Wedneaday at 7K r. at. Sunday Hclwol, 3 r. m. J, M. Lamdeu, Super intendent. Iter. C. II. Foot, Puttr. MKTHODJST-Cor. KiKlitli and Walnut Hit. I'r aching, BatUtli 10J4 a.m., and I'rayer meeting, Wedneaday, 7j; r. h. Hunday School ,S e. m. I.. W. Hlllell, rluper fntendenl. Her. F. ..Tinim-adx. i'aator. UIIUHCII OKTI1K ItKDKKMKIt-IKpl.copal) Morning prayer", HabUth W, x. x. livening prayeri.7. Sabbath ix.hool, 'J, n. Her. Ma. 0a, Itecter. Mr. rATitlOK'ri CHURCH .or. Niuth hi. and WanlilriA'Xn Annue. ?ubllcm:rvlce,S.ibbatliJJand 1UJJ 4. M Veipera, 3 r. n. tinday School, 2 r. m. service eery day, r,, Iter. P. J. O'ILlioh.n, PritM. YOUNOMF-N'riCIIRISTlANASSOCIATlUN-lti-K1 ular meeting H;ond Munday eacti month at tbe I'rayer room of Ilie Presbyterian Church Weekly I'rayer meeting, Friday, 7JJ r. ., at .ho I'rayer room of the Presbyterian chunk, (,'. l'Akio, l'renldent, AFRICAN .MKTHODIST Fourteenth, between Walnut and Cedar. Service, Hibbath, II x. m. Hunday rWiool, Vi r. x. Class S r. m. HF.COND KHKK-WlLLllAPTIsT-Hfleeuth HI. Pre. limy, 7,'i r. m. Iter. Win. Jackton, Paitor. between Walnut and Cedar. Service!, IS and 3 r. x. lie?. .V. Idcat, Cantor. PltHE-WILL HAPTIHT HOME Mlanlua MIX DAT SCHOOL Corner walnut and Cedar Sla. Sunday School, x. x. IHhT FIIEn WILL HAI'TIST CHUKCH-Cur- ry'a Ilarrack". Xertlcet.ilabbitlill x. x.,3 r. m. and r. x. Her. Wx., l'n.tor. FlItoTMIHSIONAHY llAI'llsT ClIUItCH-llet. ween loth and 1 1 til atreels, near Cedar. I'reachlnt i-'abbMh 10J x. x , and 7,' r. x. I'pajer Meeting. Wednraday erenlng. Preaching, Friday ereniug. hHbballi bi'hool, 1', r. x. John Van Ilaxler and Mary fctepheni aupenrilendnit. Iter. T J. biioatn. I'a'to STATB OFFICEHS. STATE OFFICKUS. rjorernor, John M. rlmer i LleiiUruanl-Gotrrnor, John Dougberly i .Secretary of Hlate, Edward Hutnmel; Auditor of Hute, C. K. I.ipplncoil , State Trrtiurer, E. N. Ilte ; Mupt. Public Inttruvtion, Newton llateinan. CONGItESSMKK. Jenatora Lyman Trumbull and John A. Logan. I'.epreaentatlfo for the Hlate at Ijirje J. I, hereridge. Ilepreaenlatiie Thirteenth llittrict John M' reb. MEMUEKS OKNKKAL ASSEMBLY. Senatora, lt Pintrlct T. A. K. llolcomb, ot Union, and S. K. Gitcon, of Ciillatin. Itepreaentatire, Ht Dl.trict II. Watiou Webb. COUNTYOFFICEKS. CIIICUIT COUItT. Judge V. J. Ilaker, of Alexander. Prosecuting Atloruey-J. K. MiCartucy, ol Mastic Circuit Clerk Jno. Q. Harman. Hlieritl-A. II. Irrln. Win, Martin, AM""0r ani Tieaiurer. COUNTY COUKT. Judge r. llro.n. Aasociatea J.'.E. McCrite and H. Marchildon. Clerk Jacob 0, Lynch. Coroner John II. Rotsman. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Mayor John M. I.vudcu. Treasurer J. II. Taylor. Comptroller E. A. llurnctt Clerk Michael How ley. Marihal Andrew Cain. Attorney I. H.I'ope. l'ollco Magmtralea K, Hro and U. Bhin neaay, Chletol Police L. II, Myera, SELKCT COUNCIL Mayor John M. Lnnaden, First Vl7rd-l'. 0. Bjhuh. Hecond Vfard C. It. Woonwaril. Third Ward-Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward 3. SlaaU Taylor. Cityat-Lnige W. I'. Ilalliday and V. Uuid, JIOAKD OF ALUKRMEN. FIIHI1 WAIID-Jame Bearden, Leo Kiel), Ukk.0 Walden. ECONI) WAUU It. II. Cunningham, E. Under, Henry Winter, Jninea Bwayne. rillltl) WAItD-Wm.Slratton, Patllck Fitigetald OIIttTII WAItD-Jainea Carroll,; O, II. Sense, J.lI.Metcair. 7me of Mttttnq. HIT coicu, Die Citr Council meets In imnt aeaaion on Friday evening preceding the firnt Monday ol ach moath. rucT roicu. TheBelect Council meets on (he tirxt Wednea day nnd Thursday, alter the aeoond Monday In ench month. toxnn or Aiitu The Hoard of Aldermen meets on the lira Monday and Tucudoy In every month, COMMITTKKS OK THE COUNCIL. On JHrtefi Henri. Taylor, Walder, Winter, ood nnd Melcalf, Drainage Mearn.CunnlnKliam,Bchiih, Fitrger aid, Beaio and Ilalliday, Cnuni Messrs. Wood, CunninghiMi nnd Kleb. JXilct and Jai-McsrB. Carroll, Iludcr and Woodward Ordinance! Meisra. Seaso, Walder and Taylor, frt Department MtstTs. ltentden, Bwayne and ailiuar, ilti.tktti Merara. Hehuh. Winter and o fritting Meaara.Wodwnrd, Bwayneand Under SenaM Hesara, Hud,Ktrutton nndMotcall, f ilealh Tiiejiaynr, ami Mesara. tie Mi.felnrtlon and Cairoll PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. FROM NEW YORK. COL. JIM FISK SHOT AMU KILLED 'Special to ilie Ouro llulletln. Nw York, Jnti Ctli Col. Jnmci Fltk, Jr., win )iot nnd killed to-day fit about oui; o'clock, by n man tinmcd Stoke.. No particular. LOUISIANA LOYALTY. HOW THK THKKATKNKI) WAS SKTTLK1). "VVAIl A OltACIOUS .AIKSSAOK FHOM HIS M A J EST Y, THK I'KKSIDKNT. THK CAK'ri'.ll FACTION 1101,1) lllVAL LK(JISLATIVK AS SKM1JLY. A THK OKNKKAL COMFLIOATION STILL MOUK COMPLICATED. Nkw OiiliSani, Jnnunry S. The exci'' mcnt throughout tlio city lm W" '''teno nil tin) inornliif.'. At mi -' lipurtbonp-nruni'lu-s to tliu Mlinli'c' Ini-tltulo wero ioi 'd hTRONOI.V (IfAKIlKI) ly tnvlropolltnn police, n lino belni; thrown directly ucosi thoetrcot tncli Mdo of thu tiitc hot"io, nt Cutml and nt Coin inon itrceta. No ono but members of tlio tiwft.lniiiri, ttiitn nfllntula nnd rcDortert ! wore allowed to fm. Soon after 10 o'clock u 'omimy oi hmo minim imircncu up Drynds (trei t timl Mucked iirms in front oftlioitnto Imufc. There wero on duty then two hundred und fifty mctroiiolitani!. 1. 1.0 1 5 L A T V k K It K-A fc 8 K M II L E I). At ten o'clock tho lcsMaturo rc-nfsem-bled, when some delay occurred in obtain ing a quorum, but llnolly it quorum wus announced by Speaker O. H. Ilrowstcr. Governor Wirmotli whs in the ball of tho lioufo wben it was called to or- de, but loon withdrew, and font in the following : Executive Depaktment. New Oh I.EANr), Jnnunry 5. To the honorable speaker and member of the house of rep rcsentatlvpa: Gcntlctnen I hnre re ceived the following di'patch from "Vah ington: " .NOTE TO HON. J. It. WEST." "Governor Warmotb' dUpittcli of this dato to you U received. His report of tho proceedings of the United Slates marshal is of such an estraordinary character that I will have tho matter lnvestigntea at once, l'lcaso sbow this dispatch to tlio attorney U.S. GllANT.' Undoubtedly, justico will be speedily meted out to the wrong doers ; tbo cata logue of wrongs has culminated, and re tribution will bo spceuuv. II . 0. AVakmotii, Govc-nor of Louisiana, To .1. K. "West. Prolonged cheering followed llie'rending of thu above. A remlntlun was oflured. aiiiiointini: itt.. In invvltlioto tlio conduct Of ho United Stales inarsbal and bis depu. t!,. In nrrettinf? the covernor nnd rcP' rccntntivc6 oi tlio sovereign people or 'J . " m Louisiana, pronouncing such an action an nntmire. etc. About ll:au too extra ecssioii oi mu house ADJOUIINEII MXEDIE, but the member did not feel disposed to quit tbelr scats as tho regular senion ...... , A ! . l M ...... I. - would commence ui u, anu mu nui:r remained in his chair. THECAItTEIlITES wero expected to appear before tho hour appointed lor re nssemonng, out uicy re II1UII1UU II a i vt w pellcti from the houso ilurinc tho extra SCBJiOn, anil UIS SOIll ns u inuuiuur uvcmrcu vnpfint. Ho could not hnvo obtained ac cess to the capital, instructions having been given to the sergeant-ni-arms to au mil none but members, nnd special in structions it is understood, were given not to ndinit Carter. HEOULAl; SESSIOSg. At 12 Speaker Browatcr called tbo houso to order. Thero was somo delay, but n nuoruin was ilnnlly obtained. Governor AVarmoth camo in a few minute earlier. nnil wiit ronversinL' witli ono ol tlio mem Iick. when n nreceiitible stir was created in tho lobby. All eves wnro turned in that direction, many looking as though they oinectcd the ku-kldx to nppear. Theii fear wero soon rcnoveu mo visuur wus u - , ..!.t. ..... . stall' officer from Gcnornl Lmcry, In full uniform, with a messago to the governor, stating that tho UNITEI bTATES TKOOI'S would co-oncrnto with tbo stato troops an lnetronolitnns in prefcrvinu order. Half nn liour later General Sully nnd stall' called on the governor, tlio general stnt ng that lio bnd been sent by General Knicrv to co-otierato with tho troops under hi command in preserving tho peace, nnd informing tho governor that hi men wero under nrm on Knmpart street ready for any emergency, Tho governor thanked thu Konornl, atiitlns ""it ho liopod to no tify him that hi troop, would not bo re quired ns ho had Jiut received a COMMUNICATION FHOM wldeh cloarlv indicated that there would bo no disturbance. Tho following Is tho document: Speakek'h Boom, New Ouleanh, Jnnu ary Cth, 1872 Hon. 11. 0. AVarmoth, Gov ernor of Louisinnn : Silt In view of tho extraordinary, illeiral. violent and revolu tionary proceedings on thopnrtof your excellency, In conjunction with M. Corre, E. AV. Dowcc, Cnptnln lladgor, chief of police. Sergeant Josoph, nnd certain luruuicni men in tuo coiiiuiuiiuy, to mu possession of tho speakor's chnir, January 3d. without nuthoritvof law, nnd in viola tion of tho rules ot tho house, in that you, In conjunction with snld parties nnd cor tain member of tho legislature, and pre tended members thercol, tliu, without au thority of lit w, and in violation of tho con stitution ol tins stato ot i,ouisinnn, hUllltEl'Tt'IIOUSLV ISbUK your proclamation, and convened tho gcnornl assembly in extra session in tho afternoon of January Cth, notwithstanding said gcnornl assembly was already In ses sion nnd had ndjournod to moot nt 12 in., this date, and could not bo legally as sembled at any othor hour, oven by tho unanimous consont of tho hotly; nnd lu further consideration that your excellency, in conjunction with tho parties before mentioned, and other had men have taken roncmLE rosutssioN f the polico and othor persons of tho hall of tho houso of representative and Ui'6 oppronchc thereto, with tho vlow cfln tfmldatlng tho roprcsontnllvcs of tho poo plo and provontlng n frco and tintram mclcd, oppression of tho tamo and from leciilatlvo action, nnd nil this In violation of tho laws of tho late of Louisiana nnd of tho United States, and nil this nt tho TEIII!, or THE LIVES of tho member ol tho houso of represent atives against tho pcaco nnd dignity of tho stato j I, tho legal speaker of tho legal houso of representative In my own be half and that of a majority of thoso who ndjurncdluntll 12 m., this date, officially notify you that wo shall proceed to somo hall and proceed with tho business of tho lecislnturo ns provided for bv tho law nnd uio oi mo nouso, and shall notiry your xcollcncy of our action in tho premise. Kencclfullr. (1. AV. OAnTEii. Speaker of tho House of Keprrscntatlvc of J.ouitiann. ASKED TO 1IESI0S'. A joint resolution will bo introduced to morrow requesting Senator Kolloggto ro Ign. Tho Wnrmothltlej claim that they have llfty-cicht members, thouirh thero woro only flfty-threo prctent nt thooxtru session lo-day. THE IllVAI. IIUUHB. The Cnrlcrlte mot nt - Uo'nl 'trccl butonlv r,,.ht -.ember wero pres ent, nnJ tho ,err;;'''t-,''n was sent in search of o'"'r' Kcsolutions were adopted dct)oi",c,n'? uove-nor nrinoin nrbiint- ... proceedings, unu me lonowing was oi fcrod showing tliu future object of the egifaluro : I'esolvcd, bv the houso of representa tive of tho stale of Loui'tann, In session duly convened, That, whereas false state ments have been circulated ns to tho ob- ect und purpose of tho present united action of tlio democratic members nnd of tho members of tho republican party op-po-od to tho ruinous and tyrannicul rule of Governor AVnrinoth, It Is the duty of this house to express fully nnd fu'rly tho object of tho said union : Kesolvpd, That tho only nnd solo object of tho snl J united nction is to defeat the schemes of Governor AVarmoth, and se cure tho repeal or amendment already agreed upon by the domosrats, of first. tlio election nnd registration laws; second, tho consttbularv bill ; third, tho mctro- oMtan bill; fourth, tho revenue law. iho petition was unanimously adopted. SENATE. No quorum. Thoso present pissed reso lutions condemning tho federal authori ties In arresting stnto officers, etc., yestor duy, denouncing such action ns revolution ary, and subverivo to republican institu tions. A resolution wns nho adopted re questing tho secretary of tho treasury to order tne revenue cutler v iiderncss to 1 and at tlo city of New Orleans, t int the viiiu or unrgLi to i"j nus;iib on iiiu ruiu . vessel mnv be broutrht to tho senate. Ad- ourneu. VIOLENCE EXPECTED. His reported lo-nicht that tlic Cnrter- ites will attempt to take forcible posses sion of tho state-house, though their nction to-day indicate a desire to avoid further violence. W YORK. Cl.'STOM HOUSE DISHONESTY. HOKACE GKKKJ.TSV iiiw'oijk THE ) I N V KST I O AT I N U il MITT K E. MUHPHY'S MANAGEMENT. New York, Jan. 4. Tho senato com- i niittee, here ostensibly to investigate our custom-houie frauds, but sitting In the i custom-houso and surrounded by custom- ! houso influences, and really preparing to j whitewash tho custom-house, exnmincu Horace Greelev. The philosopher, when asked whether ho would affirm or bo sworn, answered, "either way." Ho was then wor;i, nnd In answer to tho president said tho onlv nbuscs ho know of related to tho control "of officer of customs by tho dom inant pn-ty. Thrco or four customs of flcals nio sent back to tho counties from which thev enmo to Influenco and coerco tho election of delegates. Among tho of ficers so tiding, and, ns ho believed from information, assigned to particular coun ties, were Jeremiah Grow, Louis Lans bcrrv, A. II. Cornel), nnd Addison H. Laf lin. "Fiftvor sixty of thoso officers, includ ing tho surveyor nnd naval officer, all paid out of thn treasury of tho United States, wero in Albany to control tho organization of tho stato legislature by promise nnd threat. A itnes is well assured that Gen. Ketchum told tho nsscmblymcn from his county that thev must vote in the interest of tho custom-bouso nppointees or thoy would lose their places. Friends noting with witness told him this. Their names aro Eastman nnd Gnring. The republican stnto conventions of 1870 und 1871 wero cont'ollcd by eustom-houo official. O. AVhat do vou know of the working of tho custom-home. A. AVhat I know is very second-handed on Oils point, but Mr. Shanks, of our office, takes cliargu of theso matters. Q. Do you say tho custom officers woro paid fur going to Albany? A. I say they nro drawing their pay from hero whllo controlling tho logis Inluro. Q. AVhnt tlo thoy w)h to control ? A. Tho nomination or n spenker in thnlr interest. Mr. Smith is a Conkling man ; tho gentleman who would hnvo been elected wn Mr. Alvord, n Fcnton man. Senntor Howe You nro ono ol tho edi tor of tlio Tribune, Iboliovo? A. I nm. O Do vou know which of tho reprc- scntatives'in congress nro Fenton men 7 A. I shouldn't like to proclaim it bore. Q I it because thev conceal it? A. If thev wish to conceal it I should n't liko to proclaim It. If thoy proclaim it I needn't toll. Q. Tho argument isn't quite conclu sive? ... A. Thoy might proclaim it and I not know It. (J. Can you name any representative who is n Fcnton man ? A, Yes i 1 might. Mllo Goodrich. Q,AVhleli wero Fenton men in tho lido oom.rpss ? A. Mr. Sheldon and Mr. MeCaithy. Tho witness then gavo tho name of postmasters in tho district of Mr. Sheldon nnd Mr.McCnrthy, who wero succeeded by Conkling men tinco tho 4th of March. Ho believed about 100 men wero turned out of tho custom-house because they were Fenton men, sinco Mr. .Murphy became collector. Mr. Grlnncll was removed to mnko u phico for Mr. Mi'tphy. Mr. Mur phy nfter that wnsa blttoroptionent of Mr. Fenton, and n deeldod Conkling man. Ho wont right to woik removing Fenton mon. Mr. Pnlroor was replaced by Mr. Darling; Gen, Morntt, tbo naval otllcor, wn re moved. Mr. Grlnncll was nolthor a do- CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SUNDAY, JANUARY cldod Conkling nor Fcnton man. Tho head of bureaus, collector, nppraisor, nnd naval officer set to work to mnko rcmovnli of lubordinatc. , Q. You nro a resident of Now-York n long titne, I bollevo? A. Ye; ovor JO year. Q. 1 it n now thing In Now-York pol Klc for office-holder to uso their patron go to niiiit'thelr party? A. No; not to net against tho opposllo party: but it la different n concerning tho opposition of ono faction ngninst nnothcr within tho eamo party. I do not know of tho custom-bouso Interest being exerted to nny uch extent ns unco Mr. Murphy be came collector. At tho convention in 18C8, witness believed ho.Ay.a nominated M n candidate for governor, but was de feated by tho Conkling mon. Tho custom house Inlluonco wn lirst felt at tho con vention of 1870. Mr. Murphy, tho col lector, then prneticnlly decided tho que lion of tho cnmUdnlo of governor Jn favor of Mr. Woodford, but thu trinl of strength between tho Conkling nnd Kenton parties was, on tho uppolntinent of temporary chairman. Senator Howe J t is your experienco 4hut every officeholder under every party i'olt himself as frco to tnko part In con vontlo nsn If thoy were not office holders ? A. No; I nm pretty suro Mr. Grlnnoll did not mnko himself prominent whllo collector, though when u private individ ual lie was very ncllvo nnd prominent in our conventions. Q. AVcro Mr. Mcrrltt and Mr. Conk ling less active in politics when In tho custom-house than before? A. Decidedly, ns regards our dif ferences between ourselves ; thn in lluenco of tho cusloin-houso was used to control the two l&st conventions, and about CO cu'tom-houso officials, including tho collector and nnvai officer, wero assembled at Albany. I do not know who docs the business of lheo officers in their absence. I hnvo Informa tion that Mr. Murphy used regularly to assess hi employes 2 "per cent, for politi cal purposes, nnd 1 believe it. I under stand an assessment of 2 per cent, wns made the other day to get up n serenade to Mr. Murphy. Laughter. A party within a party controls the pntronago for their own bvnetlt. Before Mr. Murphy become collector, tho ofliccs wero about fairly divided between tho two factions, but after his appointment tho officer wero coerced and alarmed into conceding to the views of the dominant faction. I know one federal officer, Mr. Samuel Mnddox, deputy collector, who, I beliovo does not rcsido here. I think it is n very great public misfortuno when an-officer must go out because oneparty comes in nnd another goes out; still more when an officer must ttn nti. rr n (...tin, ll,rnn..n f l...n wthIn n party. X nm nforlnct)i ns stnlC(1 j u Ji'HUing nrticlo in inv paper, that iiiimy gentlemen would Ireeiygivu nvi dencu to tho commilteo If its sessions wero in another place who would bo deter red by fear of personal retaliation from coming hero. To Senator Ciicrly I bolicvo Mr. Alvand would havo beiiti.n Mr. Smith by 11 votes for the t peakorsh'.p but for federal officeholders controlling tho legislative organization. I havo bl ind tho general order business complained of. Ono officer Of tho CUStnm-ll01in rnlnplttliej to iio that ho had to pav un assessment of S10 to tho sorenado of ex-Collectoi Mtrphy. Tho witness added t lint ho believed tho question of the re-election of Gen. Grant hnd something to do with the roniovnl il.f utietf llf!ll.U?C. In reply to Mr. Howe, the witness gave an instance of how tbo public service i sacrificed to the interest of a faction by stowing that men had been let ofl'dutv to mingle in party politics, and that men nro appointed who nro vory uselul ns bar room politicians, out good for nothing ns Government officials. To Senntor Howe I beliovo General Porter and Mr. Itnbcock were sharing the proceeds of tho general-order business. Mv Informant Is Mr. Chns. A. Lnmont, 124 AVcst Thirty-fourth street, nnd ho mentioned to mo tlio nnmo of M. Lindsay, who know something about it. To tho Chairman I believe thero nro men employed in tho custom-honso who nro not valuable public servants. I wouldn't liko to mention their ncmcs, ns It would bo only my judgment. 1 beliovo there nro employes here latterly than there used to be. Mr. Greeley, when naked whether it mndo nny ditlereiico to a man where ho gavo his'testimony, if it was all to bo pub lished in tho newspapers, said he beliovcd It would. Gentlemen would volunteer to testify if tho session wns held el -ow hero. SECRET ORDERS. THE MASONS. Oaibu CiMMANPEnv, No. 1.1. Slalerl Assembly at tlio Asjlnm Maonn Hull, firtnnd third Bni urdava inencli month. Caiko Coi.vcil, No, 21, l egiiUr Convocationat Masonic Hall, tlio Keconrl Filduy Incaeh month. Caiuu Ciupti.h, No, 71. Secular Couvocatlon nt Masonlo Hnll, on the third Tuedy of every tninth. CaIiui I.opiiCi N.S:i7 1'. A A. M IteKillar Cum. tmiuk'Utioiis nt MnitnniK Hull, tlio mvoml ami rounli Mnnrlnv n o enoli montli. Delta I,niir, No.6C I". A. M. HeKiilnr Cnm miiniciitiona at Miihonio Hall iimt itinl tliinl Thursdnya in eneh mouth THE OPP-FELI.OWri. AlEXAMrru I.ol hi r . '.v.'l. MeelH In 0J1 I'i llcv. V. Hull, In Arter'a lluilJIni;, every Thursday nen nn, nt "o'elOt'U. M IIOI.I'.NAI'i: hm i:iis. AV HOLES ALE GKOCKKS, OHIO LEVEE t! A I It O . ILLINOIS. A'o. keep constantly on hand n moil com 1 pleto alncl; nf LIQ,tTOES HCOTCII AND IltlHIl WHISKIES -ti 1 N H,- l'ort, Jlnderla, Sherry and Cntawha AVInc 11 SSIATll A C. tell excltialxly for raaji.lo , which fact they Inviln tho eipecld atl-n-tibn of elon bargain buyer. Special attention yiven to Filling Orders, T. .1872. I.IPK INNURAXCK. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AURIGA. Most Successful Life Insurance Conron.vrio.v or the hjTAnp the AVohld. The NO STOCKHOLDERS Amount or Policies in Force Dec. 31, Total Income to Same Date, - - - Net Increase or Kmks in Foncie, 1870, The I.irRrol AX lurrcnnr ilurliia; the year Giio'.s Increase ok Kisks in Foncx, 1870, (Inly tw cnmtianlcs lit tho worM exceed thu groaa Incrnasft during 170. Tim only rninhnny ulilrh triiaranteea, an a chartered rliht, the urlncinle of I.OCAI, INVEST IENT IN KAC1I HTATK, In proportion to Ita Premium" or lto-Inaurancn iwuA. The only .compnnvwlnrl,', ,y t charter, citca EACH 8 1'ATK A ItEl'ItESENTATlVE IN TUB IOM E liOA It!) OF I . ,:e. Toils. O-EIsrEDR All FPICB, ST. XiOTJIS'IvIO. JAMES II. I1KITTON, President. Henry AV. Houoh, VIco President. Felix Costb, Supt. Missouri Dept. AVm. Hanley, Secretary. John N. PitiTCHAnn, Treasurer. C. F. 11 u it n eh, Attorney. K. L. Lemoine, M. D. Mtd. Officer. Hon. AVm. Kaiinf.h, Consulting Counsel nnd Actuary. SOU1' H K It N ILLINOIS I) K P A P. T M K N T. K. P. Uuulinoiiam, Manager. caieo beaitch: boaed. The follow ing nameil (jentlomcn hold or control I10,0") maurancf tnch, in the t.llo Atnoclatlon of A trier ca : P. AV. IlARCLAY, 11. AV. AVeiiii. II. II. Candke, John Antrim, ClIAS. GALHIIIEIt, J. M. Phillips, C. 1 1 AX NY, It. S. lilUOlUM, Taul G. Schuh. I.t'iirn our Itntrn mill I'Inun liofore LOCAL Caul L. Thomas, rlf0.11. CO A I, AND WOOD. WOOD I WOOD ! ! WOOD i ! The undersigned will fitrnl-h UAHD AKD DRY WOOD Am t'hcnp, II not I'limper Than nnv wood dealer in Cairo. Leave urdr on the idnte nt the I'oatolflce anrl at llo' coal ard, on Commercial avenue, tietween Tenth anrl twelfth Mreelrs Cuiro, Illinoli. I Kilo good tncaoiire nnl willcnrrl the wood up If demred. auullMf DE.NS'lS 1IAI.EV. AGENTS WANTED FOK JE LDEX , THE WHITE CHIEF; OB, Twelve Tears ninoncrtlie Willi ImllnnN or flic I'lnlnxl Thol.ifoot fieorK" 1'- Helden, who joined the Imliiia and lieeamHiircltliralpd warr.or, nlHinrnli in thrillinu adtenture niirl curlon-i inforiniticn, and ,M profiutlv illuatrnlod illi new iinrl uplr- iiud encravinntol iiilrentiiren ntl'I tnu in inneri. anrl cui(om of tlm Indian. Tliu most popti it and mcctssful bool; ot thn year, fell at 'Igl't; rinrt Biwtit iut rlMilt t',ft prvrtt 111 oni we.-V io"?.iS ? Eiruuiar; T' rm Spi'cnnen priKe. a larne notcrwltli aolllusitntlon. anrl term toanent Sent free, by F A. Ill'TCIIINsON V CO., Coi K Hixth street, St. l.oulu, Mo. janldiwly WIUF. AWAKE AfiENTS WANTED EV KlirWIIEKE Iloja and (Jlrlj, Men and Women. A Dollar MaRanne anrl a splendid pre mium Chromo to overv aulwcnber. All Hie mar gin given to omenta. U) per ct. profit. Don't delay 1 Addtess V. O. HICII A CO., I'orlland, Me. KINDLING. SAVE TKOUULE AND EXPENSE, To IIoiiNekeeterit Michael Dowdwlll lurnWi hiave Factory Kind ling nice, dry, already-cut wood, In any part of the city, for 1.C0 a wagon load. Here I a way to save incalculable trouble In your houteliol J. I.eaTe order nt McRautey'a drug More, or ad drcM them to Michael Dowd, thruuph Ilie po oillco. Nov lft ;f IXIUHS, NASII. KTCl no to W. W. THORNTON'S, KU1LDERS' SUPPLY DEPOT 13J TENTH STREET, CAIRO,.. .ILLINOIS -FOR- Dooi h, Nnsll, UllllllH, MoultllliKN, En'4Jiiltrri,(Hol) IVIiidowniKl Ilooj Ernnies, I'lnnrliiff, I.Bth, MiliiKli'H, tllnzed Nah, llnr.etl Nltlo Light), iliiel TratiNoniH, Nusli WelKhlN, Nnili I' till left nnd Cnnli, Itllml I'liHtenliiKN, IloofliiK I'elt, ItoolliiR Cement, IMaNtcrlni; I'liper, t'nriiet I'elt, Wlilto Lend, I.lnsed Oil, Aiiicrlenu Window (iliiHN, EiiKlish nntlFreiich I'lnlo tllnKi, I'nlty, (ilnxler'n I'oInN tevter 11 jicn I'll tent Cliliimeyii, I'.lc, Etc., Kte AOH.NTS lor ltocit Hlvfl I'aper Company' SheHlhiiiir Kelt and IJuiirla Cement. II. W. John' Improved llootinj; tdwny on iiml II I I'KSI KUHS I! PELTS! ! I BUBNBTT fie GO'. Have opened n Hide Store luTltornlon's Illoclt 'l't nti Kti t, wliijte ilio h)4l est caah price wn bn paid for Hull', fhecp pcl'd, l'ura mil Tab Inw, will pny higher jrrtcea thuu waa ever be fore paid for the "nine nrticlea In (hi city. Come and ace ua, oclct UURNETTkt'O. BULLETIN BUILLING, WASHLNGTON-AV. IN 2A1 XT T IT A L ; TO ABS011H PROFITS. 1870, - - - $45,055,740 00 3,974,788 80 20,000,940 00 1870 of nny Compnny In the World. $.10,327,730 00 John II. Oiierly, AVm. Morris, T. J. Kertii, AV. S. KnnON, you Inaure In hj- ollior C'oniiniiy. AG K NTS. AV. 11. Kerney. 13m. MIHCEI.LAN IKH'fl. BUllOElt'S NEW STOCK. MUSLINS, PKINTS, SIIAAVLS, ETC., One ot Iho mot attractive dlaplayw ol DRY GOODS, lu tho city. J". IBTTIEGKEIR,, Commercial Av ksuk, iit.twy.en Eiuhth an p Ninth Streets, CA1UO,. ..ILLINOIS, ha every nvaunbla space in hi store room tilled with New f?ooiw. JJIm xtock I rum plele, comprising a bcauliful aeleutlon of l'HINIS, 11LEACIIEI) AND TJNULEACHEli MUSLINB, COTTON FLANNELS, ETC, A splendid array of DRESS GOODS AmonK which ate Iho Xevvcxt nnd Mont f'nahloimblo Colors anrl Material. He ha a large stock of PURS ou hand, which he will close out at a low figure before the holidays r over. Tho ladles will find a largo aainrlmont nf OLOAKS AND AVOOLEN SIIAAVLS, vtl.leh will be aold cheaper than anything of tho kind ever aold lu Cairo. Mr. llurger ha laid In an Immenso alock of HOOTS, bllOKS, RIIIIIONS, NOTIONS, NECK TIES, ETC., which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest, ltrlfvlm. Principal Oflko 101 AV. Fifth St., Cin. 0. Till: ONLY REI.IA1ILE CIIFT ENTERPRISE IN THK COUNTRY I S60 OOO.OO 1 N V A L U A It L E 0 I F T b 1 To bedlvlrilMilerl lu l.Mnt ItegiiLir Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE To bedraxn Monday. February lath, 1""J. Two Ghand Capitals ok 5,000 EACH IN Gheenhacks! Two I'ruea of jil.OuO; 1'ive I'nre ofS.Mii), Tia l'riiea of )1UU, eucli in tlreeiibacliH I 1 Homo und llnxy. with ailvor-mounterl liarneaH, wonh One lliie-loued Itosewoorl I'inno, worth.... $ID0 ,VI 1IKI Ten KumllySewliiK Maehlue, tvorlh, eacdi rue iieuvy uaaeu tioin nuiiiiiiK niiicue and Heavy Hold Chain, worth, etch 00 Five Hold America i Hunting Watchen, worth, each 123 Ton I.adio' Cold HuulinK Watchea, worth eacl HO 800 (iold andHilver Lever IluntliiK Wntch e (iu ull), worth, each, from .MloSrx Ladles' Gold Leontlne Cliaina, Oenfa Hold Veal Cluiini, Solid and Double. I'laled .Silver Table and Ttiupoon, Photograph Almim,Jeehy,ctc. Whole nuinbor kII'ik, O.wo. Ticketa Hmiled lo W.tou. Aenla wunlerl lo tell Ticketilo wlion. pberxl premluma will bo paid, SiDitle ticketa tl i aix ticketa fit twelve ticket, 8lu: twenlv-llve fjo. Circular roulaining h full Hat of piltea. a de acrlpllonof the iiiannn of drawiiiK, and oilier In formation in reference to tho UUIributlou, Willi aenttoany one ordering them, AIU lettera muil b addreaTed to L. U. HIKE. Hox M, arrtct, Cincinnati, 0 lot Wit Mb it. novaMawlv Hlor. VJ!S3MSSxJ COMMIWHIQ.N Awn FORWARDING. J. M. PHILLIPS Si CO., (Successor to E n. yt ndtlck A Co., ) Fonvarding and Commission MEKOITAHTS . A.10 AVHAUK-WOAt" PROPRIKTOKS nikllheral Adrance n - Consisnm'nti. llpOD, Are prepared to receive, autre an, nrward rrcl((lita to all polnta ami buy nu sell on t omuilMlon. 1 - wnaslnes attenderi lo promptlr MILL EH !c PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION FOKAVAKDINO MEKCIIANTS, DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. AGENTS for FAIUIIANK'S SCALES 68 Ohio Levee, CAIKO, ILLS. G. D. AVILLIAiMSON. WHOLESALE GROCER, PKODUCE AND C03LAIISSION MYAICIIANT, Jio. 70 Ohio I.evee, C.A I H 0, ILLINOIS. rHifelai;ltention niven to consignment ami orders. AVOOD 1UTTEN HOUSE, FLOUR AMD General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO I.11VEE, Cairo, Illinois OLOSU Jb VINCENT. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS IDEJLIiERS LIME! Cement, Plaster Paris, AMD PLASTERER'S HAIR, Corner Eighth Street nnd Ohio Jarec CAIRO, ILL. z. x. math uas, c. c. unt. MATHUSS & UHL, FOBWABDHSTQ- AND UK.VF.KALr Commission Merchants, DEALERS IN EXiOTTie, C3-E,.I0Sr. HAY AND WESTERN PRODUCE No. 04 OHIO I.EVEE, Beticeen tourth Jt Svth Sti., CAIBO.ILL augj'2 dAwtf STRATTON & BIRD (Succesaora toBtratton, Hudson k Clark.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Leovce, Cairo, Illinois. CB-Asenta of American Powder Co., and man. nxent for cotton varn- JOHN R. PHILLIS (SucceMor to Parker ot Phi'.lla,, GENERAL COMMISSION FORAV A RUING M ERCH ANT, DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Elour, Meal, Bran, tjo it. TENTH-ST. and OHIO LEVEE c.Ulto. ILL. CHARLES M. HOWEA-rO., GENERAL C0-V-MISS10N FOR AVAKDINO MERCHANTS. No. 64 Ohio Lovoo, CAIRO, ILLINOW covadtf