Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, TI1JR5DAY, JANUARY 11, 1872. RAII.HOAD.N. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM SOUTH ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TO Sr. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi CAOO, NEW YotlK, 1IOS10N, AMI ALL POINTS EAST AN I) WEST. Paasengcr trains arrive at and leave Cairo as fol mail. r.vrarss. Aaaivv A a.m . I IMn, IirriiiT 4 n.m I viil.l it in llotli trains connect at Contralla with train mi the rot Pans. Decatur, IllonmlnKten, Kl Paso( I. a Salle uenuota, rreepori.iiaiena, I'uouque, auu nil txilntn In Illinois, Mlstiiuri, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. Anil with Lines running East and West lor St, Latin, Hpringhcld, Louisville, Cincinnati, iitjniinioliK, Columbus. And at Chicago with Michigan Central, Mlchlg.ui oouuiern, ami i-iiisourg, ron aynt and Chicago Railroads lor Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk. Albany. Iluaton, Philadelphia, Nlsgra Falls, Erie, lluflalo, New Turk, Pittsburg, lljltlmore, Waahlngton. AND ALL POINTS EAST. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN It. It. ija and after Monday, April 21th, 171, trams wll ruu an lollows t NOIirilKKN DIVISION, tiiiji oono soitiisast. Leave Virginia ., H:4' " Hpringfleld 9.2U " " Taylorrllle 10.52 " Arrive at i'ana ll:4 m TSatasooiao sosthwut. Kxtiresa Express 12.34 p.m. . 3.0) ' . 4:M " .. f.:17 " Mall. I, fate I'ana " Taylorvllle 4: Arrive aA iprini;nlil.t,;t5 " , -uisu.m 4:20 " r,.io " l,eavo HnaiiiRflflii C:'' Arrlveat Urglnla e.2.1 " SOUTHERN DIVISION. Tallin HO ISO SSl'TUIAST, Leate Edgewood S:30a.m 10:10 a.m " Flora HM " :4o Arrive at bhawne etowri3:Mp tn 6:1ft p.m ooiaa aoaniwuT. Leave Rhswnee town 6:l a.iri p.m " Mora ...a:M " 7.00" Arrive at Edgewood 4:40 " 8.20 " The 5:39 a.m. train Irom Edgewood, runa only Mondsya, Wadntsrtays and Fridays, ami &:lta.m train Irom Hhawneelown on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. Connects at Ashland with Jacksonville dlvlai'.i, i f Chicago ami Alton Hillroad. for J vkaonville, Petersburg, Maion City, a nil all iiolhts west. At Springfield, with Chicago and Alton, anil Toledo, Wabash ami Western Railroad, lor IllootnlngtoD , Chicago, anil all pointa north, north west anil umi, At I'ana with lnd. anil Ht. I.oul., and Illlnnla Central Railroad lor all points east, aouth and SOUtheaat. At Edgewood with Chicago Division lllinnla Central Railroad. At Flora, with Ohio aid Mississippi Railroad. AtShawneetoan, with steamboats for Cincin nati, I'aducah, Cairo and Ht. Ixini. 0 It I.AM) SMITH, Gen'ISup'L Joitw FooaiTT.Ge n'l Fr'gt and Ticket Ag't. WlIOLKSfALK CIIOCKRH. r7"smyth"& WHOLESALE GROCERS, OHIO LtVII CAIRO, II.tlNOM. Alio, keep conatantly on hand a moil com plet ttock of; coTcn c AND 1KIFII WHISKIES -i I If H,- Port, Madcris, Sherry nnd Cntawbn'Winca R SMYTH A CO. trll cielualTcly for , which faet they Inula th fapocial atten tion of cloie barsam tuycri. Special attention given to Filling Ordert, CKNF.ItAI. AOEHTH, HALLIDAY BROTHERS GENERAL AGENTS AND FORWARDING and COMMISSION H ERCUAH T H AKD DEALERS IN FLOUR ; And A enta of Ohio River ami Knnnwlin SJXjO? OOMPAHIE3 70 Ohio Levee, tf CAIUO, ILLINOIS) FAMILY nOCEIlll.H. LOUIS JOROENSKN, VetpT In all kimli of STAPLE AND FANCY QBOOBBIBS. Farmer's Turd "1 Htabiiua; WITHOUT ciiahqk. Cor, WaBhiDgton-avand Twentioth-st CAIBO, ILLS. JygTsttf. ON MARRIAGE. Ilappy relief lor younc men Irom "the effects a ...... on, i huana In cnrlv hlo. Manhood re. stored, nervous reuiiiiy.iiircu. (iiiiivuuiiruin to marrlaRe removed. New method of ireat. went. New and remnrkablo remedlea. Books and olrrvlnrs sent free. In sealed envelopes. d Ninth Bt Phlladalpkla., PV dc2ldtw3m THE BULLETIN. Publication Onice, Bulletin Blllhlltiff, Washlnicfon Avenue. A HA NANA WHICH COST $52,000. (From Hid New York Hun, Jmi. ii.) About tliro weeks u(,'o n KOfitlomnn walked Ihrougli AViill atrcot with n bulky pnekntro uhdor lii loft nrin. At William mm mill Kirt'Uts Ills nut'tltluil WHS llttrncl nit I.. ........ I.....I r..t. . . . .' vv ruillH lUFL-IUUS irUIL UL (Jllf! fll I liA jtiinds. Hu jmuicd n ho observed tlio flnu linnnnos dnngllng in n tempting way, nml luid tho parcel on tlio stand to yet at his I'uinc. ooiiio one tapped Mm lightly on tho nhoulder. A bo turned to co who hml touched him, tho parcel, containing $5'-!,X)0 In United .States bond", was whip- ii u. 10 ci7.oihoroNior oi nispropurtv was his first thought, but ho failed. Noth". Ing was djcovcred which shed any light on tho theft until n day or two ago In AVnthlimton. when Detectivo .McDovitt arruttedn putriarchal tniiu with ono of tin. stolen bonds in his possession. This vener able Individual Insisted that ho had legi tlmiitely pained possession or tho bonds fflvo ot which were found with him), but Detective McDcvitt provuilcdon the elder 1) man, whoso nurno is Horace Cooke, to aeconiimnv him to New York rilv. nml horn he was handed over to Chief Detectivo Irving. Yoilcrdnv ,'iftoriHion ( AHtt Vfi tnlftl beforo Justice Hogan. Tliejovlitl Hon Wll lmtn V. Howo appeared for -Mr. Horace Cooke, and claimed that his client wan not acting with a knowledge that the bonds were stolen when he got them Into his po- scssion. The counsel for this loer of the Si2.o00 worth of bonds were Judge Ulnlchford, of tho United States court. Clarcr.cM A. Sl. ward, son of the sago of Auburn, nnd Mr. Da Coala. These gentlemen at onco caused tho shcrlirto servo tilion .Mr. Hornen (.'.mLi. replevin papers, churning the bonds. Mr. Cooku acted very cooly throughout th procecdiriL's. nml Imnrifil tlm ,1r.-.iiients given him bv the hen' " counsel Mr. Howe, uller -1 I c 1 1 tlieru was some de sultory conversation about tho absence of a witness at Washington, Justice Hogan ordered tho examination to stand over until 10 clock this morning. Mr. Da Costa said to Juitcio Hogan, re ferring to tho Ios of his client, "That was cosily oanana, 'Yes." reillled -Mr. Ilnwe. fnrlililHnn fruit, unfortunately, in this Instance." l.Sl'ltAM'S:, W. II. MOIlltlS, II. It. CA.NUKK No. I'uti. and V.ti. Ctn notary I'ublio, FIRE, HULL, CARGO, LIVE STOCK CGI DENT, LIFE, jrrifA, UAiiTroRi), tl.M'j.MI 97 Aaarta .... JfORTII AMERICA. TA Asaf tl. .V83,UK3 01 iiahtkoki). conv. AlMti.... 2.M4.210 7 lMIOTNIX. HARTFOItl). - 1,761.118 8C INTERNATIONAL. Jf. Y 1,33.1,338 17 I'U'I.NAM, HARTFORD, aacta 705,937 0 CLEVKLANI), CLKVKLANP, atla ..',11,073 Ss HOME, COLUMI1UH, Aaats . AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO - vv.eoo: CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE, AaaHa JfMaai.cmu U. TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE AND ACCIDENT, Aarta.. I,i,000 V RAILWAY I'ASSENOER.S ASSURANCE C0 HARTFORD, Aiits WOfiUi INDEPENDENT, H0STON, Ai'tl! fOO.Hi SAFFORD, MORRIS & CAN DEE, 71 Oblo Lrrrr, City National Hank, CAIRO, 1 1,1,. FIRE AND AIARINE 1 1ST S TJ J. 1T O IS 'OMIAMIJHt NIAOARA, N. T., Aaseta II.4.16.21C V fJERMANIA, N. Y Assets 1,008,721 78 HANOVER, N. T. Asaets 720, C2 OU REl'UIlLIt. N. Y., Asseta 714,023 Oi CotnpriainK the Umlerwritera' Agency, YONKF.KS, N. Y., Assets 87S,t V AI.1IANV CITY, Aseu ta,n 2 FIREMEN'S FUND, h. F., Asaeta 678,''0 U SECURITY, N. Y. MARINE, Assets !,432,M'. U STORK, Hf llin, Furniture, Hulla and Cm goes, Inaurod at ratea as fatorable as lound permanent seourily wl'l warrant. I reapf'L'iiuiiy aaK oi tne iiuienn oi WAiro, share ol their patronage, c. n. inraiiK FOUNnillKN. I. & E. GREENWALD. manvi'aci fit) aa or Steam F.Rginri Boilers, Flour ond;onst Mills, Haw Mill", The "Tupper' I'nlenl firnlebar MAOIIINERY FOR OF.NKIIAL I'UIU'ORKS, CINCINNATI OHIO ode27 DISSOLUTION. The Copijrtneri-lilp liendororo exi.tlnir between Charles Sohoenmcser Jk August ln,ir Vv. " day been dissolved by mutual eon.,,,,: charlea account, and also pay tho Indebtedneaa of said firm. Avavst liauicK, Cha(.s kJciioiXMiya. Cairo, III., Jan.,18T2 lUltMTUIli:. d S h c 1 Q I i 5 2 L S " ' O v; 3 rr n a "O n -i SB 3 U D O i i v O'y, is c C2 tr s o o o H K i.? H a tr o c 3 r" n n "3 H S3 '! KC V. tr. K h3 a a a" o o 1 C ts S m H. -3 n rs t e COAIm CAIRO CITY COAL Is prfpard to ailppty cuitotner with thi- tM quality o, PITTSBURG AND .ILLINOIS OltDF.RS If ft at llalllday Ilroa. offli-, 70 OHIO I.EVEK. or at the Coal Tard llow the ht. Charli-a Itntf I, will r!ci prompt ntte nllon. I II K TUO " JIONTAUK " will cing coal alon idf stramvra at any hour. oc2Slf F. M. WARD, WOOD AND COAL MERCHANT. FJI. WARD la prepared to deliTfr th bsl , Fire Wood and utone Coal IN ANT PART OF THF. CITY, And in any (juantity df aired, on short notice. COAL DELIVERED at Sl.50 ter ton OFKICn 0r Ilerwart, Orth A Co.'a atore, two doora aboro the corner of Eighth atreet and Cummerr atenue. deceit IIL'TCIIcJin. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. K0EI1LER & BROTHER Hare reopened the POI'LI.AIl MF.AT MAltKKT, CoMilERCIAE-AV Urlarrn Mntli nncl TenlU Nlroeta, ar.d will keep constantly on hnnd the heat meala alauphtercd in the Cairo mnrktt. They defy com. pttition. Ciive them a trial. arptlltr. JAKE WALTER, BTJTC 131 IE3 IR AND DFALEK l"' FRESH MEAT, EiaiiTii Street, Uf.twef.n Wasiunoton and Commercial avenues, Adjoining KUIcnlioiiae at- Ifunny'd. Keep the heat of lieef, Pork, Mutton, Veal l.amh, Hauaage.etc, and nre prepared to aerr, citizens in the moat acceptable manner. ngSUe JAMES KYNASTON, Slnlrliar aril Itrnlcr In all Illnda Fresh Meal, Ciikxek .S'iM.TrrvTii ami I'ofHK SrxrT. i) Aim, ILLINOIS. BlIYU and ahiiRhtera only the very best cattle, hogi ami aheep, and ia prepared to fill any demand for freali mcila from one pound to ten thousand pminda, le'20tf WATUIIMAKEK. I'HAOTIOAL WATCHMAKER. H. IIOUPT, NO. 150 AVASHINGTON AVENUE CAIRO, ILLINOIS, llaa on hand A FINE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Particular attention given to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. The lamest mock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES x Vila civv. CASS1DY, WOLFE it CO., nmrua ih ritoDucE and Groceries WASHINGTON AVENUE, 11KTWKEN KIOHTH AND NINTH STS CAIRO, ILLINOIS , MT Givo thorn a Call I - decHaMm, NALOOMN. KL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND JJAR ROOM. JOII. OATIX, Proprietor. 100 Commercial Avenue, CAIRO, ILL1N0IHJ Heat brand of California Cigars Just received, BILLIARD saloon furnlahr-d "till lli h st ol tables! and bar supplied with wines, liquors and cigars of the flneit brands. A. SUSANKA, Proprietor MAGNOLIA SALOON And Dealer In Foreign and Domestic WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 1)7 Ohio Lcrcc, Ilelwe en Ninth and Tenth fitreets, Cairo, III. Ueoirtr DEXTKIt EXCHANGE, 1:10 Ohio l.evrr, iifnr Slonr Depot J. I). .ANON E, PROPRIETOR, 'resh Shell Oysters Received Daily Keni alwaa on nnnd flaltlmrire an I 3Ioti. e Oyaiera, which h wilt he glad to serve to hla rus toinera In the best oily. dec2tl WIMlM AM) 1.KICOII.. F"M""STOc7F"L7fT"ir," rcrrna i-oitl.r a h.k M i.itn Hrrtlf.ver mill AVliolCMfilc Driller In l orclcn mill Dntiipotlr W 1 N E S ;A N J) LIQUORS. No. C2 Ohio Levee, OMRO, ILLINOIS. HEkeepaon hand contantly a full atock o Old Kentuckv llourbon, lt)e and Mononea. hela Whiaklea, French Urandie, Holland Gin, Rhine and California VYlnea. mnotf WM. II. SCIIUTTER, Importer ami WIioIphqIo Dralrr In WINES, LIQUORS, AMI TOBACCO c CIGAHS. Agent for the lieat branda of CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AM) Imported Alra or IMITcreiit Kinda. 75 Ohio Levee, tl CAIRO. ILLINOIS. UROCISHItX AMD DRV tiOOD.H. WILLIAM KLUGE, rsAtan in FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CArs, ETC., Haa jual received a heavy stoci of Hoot" and Mioca, Hosiery and Notions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP He bIio has a hue slock of Family Groceries ol every kind. CORNER SlXTH-ST. AND COMMER CI A L- A V., r'AIRO. ILLINOIS NTOVI.S. TI.MVAIli:, KT A. II A L L E Y, DEALER IN STOVES Tin and Hollow Ware, Clolhea Wi'innf T lie Ware, Coal Hods, Fire Shin !, Air Hnie m iNi'vACTrKiu or TIN, ZINC, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE. No. 1GG AVasliincton-nvonuo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. 9-toorlnK. OutterniK, and all klnda ofjnb vork done at shniteat iiiiiii i lehldif II. M. IIULEN, GROCER and C0NFECT101 No. 134 Commorcial-avo., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. ( 1IIY M)Dfl. 71. FALL WINTllil. 72 C. 1L A N NY. LARGE STOCK, JIMtOWN SHEETINGS, j PRINTS, TICKlIlTa-S. CHECKS, AMI S T R I P E S, KENTUCKY JEANS, EXTRA, CASSIMERS, BLACK ALPACAS AM LUSTERS, GROS 07JA1N SILKS, I'Ol'MNM. LARGE STOCK OF CARPET1N0' OIL CLOTHS, MATTINO, Wlnilosv Nhadeai, 01I.T HANDS, NOTTINGHAM LACE DAMASKS. Ilia r.ntlrcNIortt Xovr Cloalna; Ont AT VERY LOW FIGURES. CORNER 8TH ST., AND COMMKRCIAL-AV., Cairo, Illinois. septltf BURGER'S NEW STOCK. I5S MUSLINS, PRINTS, SHAN LS, ETC., One ol (he moat attract !c dlapl.iy of DRY GOODS, In the city. J". ZBTTIEGKEIR,, Commercial Avenue, hf.twekn Eighth and Ninth Streets, CAIRO ILLINOIS, haa every available si.ace In !il aloro room tilled with New flood. Ilia atock l com plete, compriMng a beautiful selection of ritlNTH, 11LKAC1IEI) AND UNIILEACIIKli JIUSLINS, COTTON FLANNELS ETC, A eplcndid array of DIRESS G-OOIDS Among which arc, the .Vnveal nml .VIo I'aalilonable Colors and Material. He hs a large stock of EUKS on hand, hieh hewlllcloe out at a low figure beforo the holidnja areoier. The Indies will find a large nsrnrtment of CLOAKS ASD WOOLEN SHAWL. . wl le'i III be aold cheaper than anythlOR of the kind ever aold in Cairo. Mr. Utirgcr li.ts laid in nn Immense atock of ROOTS, SHOES, R1RIIONS, NOTIONS, NECK TIES, ETC., which he wilt sell cheaper than the cheapest. Udeelm. IlOOItS, S.AN1I, ETC I -GO TO W. V. THORNTON'S. RUILDERS' SUPPLY DEPOT 1.SJ TENTH STREET, CAIRO ILLINOIS FOR Dnom, Nash, IlllniU. MnuldliiK, l'M v tin tiers, ! ood) Wliidotvand iiooa Fraiiicsi, I'loorlinr, I.atli, NliliiRleN, tllazed Nash, (Hazed Nlde I.lchlsi, Cllnzed Trnusoiua, Nnsh Welichtti, Nah Piilllen and CortU, Illind I'lmtcnliiKH, ItooHiiK Felt, ItoolliiR t'eiucnt, l'lNterlK 1'iiprr, Carpet 1'elt, While Lead, Mused oil, Anierlrait Window 1hhh, KiirINIi iiiull'reiich Male tllnsM, I'ntty, tanzlcr'H I'olnta Hewer I'lpes 1'iileiit t'hlmiiejra, i:re kic. AOVNTH lor Hock Rivet Paper Company' SheHtliinir Kelt and Quartz Cement. II. W, John's Improved llnntlm; always on and NOTICE. mllE Copartnership existing between the un 1 dersipned will expire on or liefore the 1st day of April next. Per- indented in ua are rcqueei after that day will bo placed In other hands tori colleoMon. OREELEV PATIER. I Cairo, Jan. , 187J, imroaj. BARCLAY BROS., 74: onto i,r,vi:r 0 I no, Il ls 3D q-G-IS H? S SARATOGA SPNGg ix rrit. SLAST AT IIARCLAYS' DRUO STORE, Fimii .Hirrtr, Dailt. MOCKING BIRD FOOD kit irabi roa rtr. witmovt tbovsis At Barclats'. JJELitnOLD'g GRAPE f CATAWIIA ' tAPE f CATAWIIA )f ORAPE ) PILLS CATAWIIA I J ORAPE tAPE (.CATAWIIA ) h ORATE ) PILLS gr; ASO Alt or ii v. i. h n o i, n n jtnni vtx KH FRESH FROM FIRST HANDS, Alway In stock In large supply, and for sale by Barclay II roa. PEE8H 3LTTE JUST RECEIVED ASP orNaleibjr the O'laaai Itotlle or Cnllfiii AT BARCLAY'S'. tSTExtra Fink Coloonkj WSTQzXVlVTt IMPORTED EXTRACTS J WSTHair, Tooth and Nail Brushes rlNDiA itunnER Nursery Goa AT BAECjjAY bhqs. PURE WHITE LEAD PURE FRENCH ZINC. Heat grades In large stock and va riety, very cheap; Full Link of Colors, DBT AM) ii oil; Paint Brushes, Linseed Oil, Whitewash P Jihin Turpentine, Varnishes Etc, etc., ALL KINDS AKD STAMIAKD Ql'AUTlrS At Barclays'. BOOKS. 5 'A O - Ji G u. Ji n 'A S 2 5 a a o o u V. c 1 " & a 'A o 3 MILlilNERM. MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY AMI LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, Cominerelal Avenue, opposiHe i:iIlo and llaythorii'N Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WF.Art Made to order, or Heady-Made. Una received a full and complete toek of 1:00 U, the neet and completes! Ill the elly. An Im mense, varity ol RIRRONS, LACES AND FRINGES aiie orrnra great Indiicemala to her patrona and all others toeall on her.exaluint the iricea, aea and quality o( her kooUs. Mra. Swander, having soil ,ev piopir.v, Hill sell Ihe whole of these iiooilint anil I low em'. o a the 1 1 mo lo purenaae. i;nrisiuiaa k"i at tho ery lowest ptleea. NHJX WltlTllll. CAUL L. THOMAS, unw prept ed It leippl. pnini) In 1 1 . . -maud for hia servlos. SHOP-Uon. iH-sr. and Cummkiicu-iv III the 1'err.v House. CAIRO, ILLINOIS nov22iltl HIDES! FURS If PELTS I !! BtTR 3ST BTT & OO. Have opened Hide ijlore In Thornton's Illock Tenth street, whore the highest leash pricewii be paid for Hides, Sheep Telts, Furs and TaJ- lew, e will py hlher prices thau was evsr b- O j - fJ sj J K ) c & i mi fore paid for tht sana. articles In, this citri Come and sea) ,m, ..M ooWt BUWETT WJ, MKOICAI- A BOOK FOR THE MILLION. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A Private Counselor to tho Married or those aboulto tntrry on the physiological ,m.?2 .J1'? Pn(1 f ewlatlon of tho sexual system with tho lateatdicoverlca In producing and pre vo",l,n, nllapring, preaarvlng lhecomplexion,c. Ihls isnnlnlcrestlnffworkoftwohundredand iweniy icur pagea, with numcroua engravlnn. jd contains valuiiblo information for lhoewho . ..,irrlcd or Contemnlate marrlaire l attll It la a not vtl.,, Hl uisp. ariienaary. No. 12, Louis oilcototlioAmicteo.,uufortisnate. noto.,ou Quacks who fi'lcr 'aJ'l?. ru fjr'.'.'oriialng any Qoacle LilSrr: ,P,eru,"!lI)r- ''"'"V forkf no matter w hat your ulsenjo Is or how deplorable your con dlttoii, ' Dr. Htitta can be conatillod, personsrij 0r at nmiil" thediaaeaes mentioned in hla woiVa. CheV.'f X'.Ktehtli street, bet. Market ami "wnanjm, Mo. mv9dwl SIM1LIA SilMIIAUUS CURANTUR 1IIMP1IH1A,S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAVE proved, from the moat ampU ,,. enllro aiiceeaat aimpie-PrJmVt. l.lliclent and Reliable. Thev are iho only Kl. e no perfectly adapted to popular ue-,o im. pie Hint inltakes cannot be tnailo In ualnn thfm1 so i harmtcaa 111 to bn fren from danger, and to i lUelei.taa to bo nlwaja reliable. They have rala. od tlio liiitheaicommemlationa from all, and will nlw.u a render satisructton. V. .. . c"" res I osers, congestion, Inrlammatlona. 2, " M lirillt. worm rcer. untm rohe M J E1 r Iiib-coIic orteolhlnKOt inranta...2 Dirrliiien, of children and adults...2A Iyoiif ry, Ktlpinn, b-llous collc...2A 4'hotern.morbUif, vomiting...- .2A liiilira. colda, broneliltus .eur,.lKlii, toothiche, faceacho...2S llt'iiilai'lies, sick hoAdoche. vertlgoM D. .pepsin1 b.lious stomaenc. .23 Sn pprcssrd, or painful pcnods-....2! II, 10, 11, 1. 1.1, 1. 13, ID, 17. la. 19. 20, 21. i, 23, 21, 23, 2C, v niirs, too proniae frflllll. liollifh. dinlcillt lireatlllncr...'A t'riiiip, eoimh, dinicult breatlunK...23 .Suit Itlii'iiin, Erysipelas, Eruptlon23 lllieiiiiiiilisin. rluMiuntle uains 23 iiiii'iiiiiiiiimii. riieiimiiic pains I'eser.-inil AKiie, chill ever, acuea.W riles, hlfml or bleeiiiL ....?. SO Slplitltlrmy, and aore nr weak eyes&0 t'u'nri'li, ai'ino or chronic, InHuentnCA WlKKipliiK-t'oiiKh, vlolentcouhs50 Aslliinu, oppioed breathing . 60 i:nr lls-hiiri;ra,lm-iilrcd hearinuM Nerol'ulii enlaiiredRlanda, awellin'60 Oeiieral Delilllly, phyalcal weak- nesa ,H. M 0 Dropsy anil scanty Secretions JO Sen .Sickness -IcKneaa from ridlnsSo It Ittney. Disease, fir.ivel M Persons Dolilllly, seminal emls- en. Involuntary ulscl.nrKes.. .1 no I'lselloxes, wlta cne 2 vial of powder very nece:iry m serious cnse...3 () More Mouth, canker C) I'rlniiry Uenhncss, wetting lied.) 1'iilnliil I erlods, with spasms So M change of life...- 1 l',, ,-i.Vitus'dnnco.l iMptlirriiiiii,., iriileil eore throat w r AAin.v ('AMES. Or 3,1 to III) InrKc v lnis.iirocco orroirnniiil rasf, eontiiliitnic n npeclllc lor every oiiillmiry ilia ease a liimlly laNiiliJeet to, and IiooUn orillreellons -...Irom tlOtottft Hmalli-r I niiilly unil'l ruvclliiK ea ea, 20 to f k vims uoin ! to 8n Hpeoitl lor all I'rlsate Diseases, both tor iiilnir and tor Preven tion Ireatlueut, in vialannd pocaet cnaca 82 to S FUND'S EXTRACT Cures Uurns, llruises, J.amenes., Soreness, Sore Throat, yprnlns, Twoehache, Earache, Neuralgia. Rhcumatisiii, I.umbiiKO. Piles, l)oil, 8tinj;s, Horo Eyes, lllccdtiiKiif tlio Lunira, N se, btom a:h, or of Piles; Coins, fleers, Ol t Sores. Puce, Oor.., W cts.j Pints. JI..W; Qiirtr,l'7S. WTheso remediea, except Pond'a Extract, by tho ease or alnx.o box, aro si nt to any part ot tho country, liv HKill or express, uco ol charge, on receipt ol the price. Address HU.MPHltMh'el'i:CIK10 HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO. Office and Depot, No. S'U llroudwu)', New.yorS. FOR HLK I IV P. f-Cllfll, C.MltO, Ills, nligl3iieounn Iv DR. lllOVtA!'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Use these only, and aavo time, health and money. reward lor any case of disease, in any state which they tail to euro. DR. RICHAU'S DOLDEN BALSAM, Nos. 1 ntiil 2, are .ho createst alteratives known tin. kicii Air:? ituLir.,:v D'A.MOUIl ia the greatest tonlo and nstringent Ic Ihemed csl list. PR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE Is the only reliable diurauc. These remedies are noi advertised to cure al comphilnts, and benetlt none ; but are Knaiauteed toellectn radical and speedd cuie In ail eases for which they are recommended, when all other treatment has failed, Tens of thousands yearly recoicr by their use, who havo lost all hope, and been pronounced us incutableby the best of our medical faculty. DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 1, cures ulcers, ulcerated sore thr"ai and mouth, aore eyes, cutaneous eruptions, copper colorxl blotches, soreness of tho scalp, surolula. etc. It Is tlio greatest renevator. alterative and blood purifier known, removes all mercury from Ihe svsletn, and leaves tho blood pure and hen I thy. DIt. RICHAU'S GOLDEN RALSA3I. No. 2, uurua muicuitai aUecttona, rhoumatism In all Its forms, and gives Immediate relief in a CASCH. DIt. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, A radical euro for all urinary derangements Price, t l per bottle, DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ELIXIR D' AMOUR, A ridicrd cure (ornervous oracneral debility, in oldoryottne, Imparting energy with wonderfu cllect, Pneo J3 per bottle, or two for ?0. On receipt of price, these remedies will be ship ped to any place. Prompt attention paid to all corrospoiiM nts. None genuine without the name or ' Hit. RICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES, I). II. IticiiAuus, solo proprietor," blonn In glasa of bottles. Circulars sent. 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